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| 1|ng Chen

720S nAk1 LN A1 3009 AUS1IN, 1k 78731, S12-S84-1973, y|t|ng.chen21Qgma||.com

1he unlverslLy of 1exas aL AusLln (u1-AusLln) LxpecLed May 2013
ueparLmenL of LducaLlonal sychology, Counselor LducaLlon rogram CA: 3.91

naLlonal Changhua unlverslLy of LducaLlon (nCuL), 1awlan !une 2013
8.A. ln Culdance and Counsellng CA: 3.8

MasLer 1hesls, u1-AusLln resenL
1oplc: 1he relaLlonshlp beLween emoLlon regulaLlon sLraLegles, dlsLress and 8lg lcLure Appralsal (8A)"
(Advlsor: ur. SLephanle 8ude)

resenLer, AS Annual ConvenLlon, AssoclaLlon for sychologlcal Sclence May 2014
1oplc: LxperlmenLal ModlflcaLlon of Appralsal SLyle" (Advlsor: ur. SLephanle 8ude)

8eporL, u1-AusLln
1oplc: CognlLlve 8ehavlor 1herapy for depresslve adolescenL under school conLexL" uecember 2013
(Advlsor: ur. Leslle Moore)

Summer 8esearch, 8lopsychology laboraLory, naLlonal Chengchl unlverslLy !un2012-Aug2012
1oplc: LffecLs of u1 and u2 recepLor agonlsLs on operanL behavlor malnLalned on dlfferenLlal relnforcemenL of low-raLe
response schedule" (l: ur. 8uey-Mlng Llao)

lndependenL 8esearch, nCuL !un 2010
1oplc: uevelopmenL of Plgh Self-efflcacy ln a Cay Man" (l: ur. Shu-Chu Chao)

8esearch AsslsLanL, nCuL (CranLed by 1eachlng Lxcellence ro[ecL", Lhe MlnlsLry of LducaLlon, 1alwan) !un 2010
1oplc: CuesLlonnalre ueslgn for romoLlng LducaLlon rograms and Career lorums ln nCuL" (l: ur. Shu-Pul Llu)

Awards & nonors
Academlc CompeLlLlve Scholarshlp, u1-AusLln uec 2013 , leb 2014 , Aug 2014
8oyal 8. Lmbree, !r. Lndowed resldenLlal Scholarshlp, u1-AusLln May 2014
rofesslonal uevelopmenL (1ravel) Awards Aprll 2014
1exas new Scholars Award, u1-AusLln 2013
CuLsLandlng Academlc erformance & ConducL Scholarshlp, nCuL Sep 2011-!une 2013
!udges' Award, WrlLlng ConLesL, lnLerdlsclpllnary rogram, nCuL 2012
Cold Medal, Lngllsh Spelllng ConLesL, nCuL 2011

Language cert|f|cat|on
1CLlL: 104 2014 AugusL
C8L: verbal: 330 CuanLlLy: 740 AWA: 3.0 2011
1he Ceneral Lngllsh roflclency 1esL (Advanced Level), 1alwan 2008

Gu|dance & Counse||ng
Career Counselor lnLern, 1exas SLaLe unlverslLy Career Servlces resenL
rovlde counsellng, conducL lnLervlews and admlnlsLer LesLs wlLh sLudenLs and alumnl Lo gaLher lnformaLlon and explore
Lhelr lnLeresLs and ablllLles ln order Lo asslsL Lhem make lnformed declslons concernlng career goals and ma[or.
lnform lnformaLlon regardlng Lo cholce of a ma[or, career opLlons, and opporLunlLles relaLed Lo cllenL's personal and
professlonal ob[ecLlves.
rovlde guldance of resumes, cover leLLer, porLfollos, and oLher documenLs needed and conducL monk lnLervlew Lo asslsL
cllenLs secure and malnLaln employmenL.

8ullylng revenLlon SpeclallsL cerLlflcaLe, Amerlcan School Counselor AssoclaLlon (ASCA) May 2013
CompleLed cerLlflcaLe requlremenLs by ASCA lncludlng readlng 3 books, speclfylng 8 arLlcles, waLchlng 2 weblnars, Laklng
ASCA qulzzes, and developlng a currlculum acLlon plan.

Croup Counsellng Leader, naLlonal Senlor Plgh school Culdance & Counsellng Camp, Changhua ClLy Aug 2012
Lead a counsellng group conLalnlng 11 members from varlous hlgh schools ln 1alwan for 14 hours

School Counselor, Chang-1al !unlor Plgh School, Changhua ClLy CcL 2012 -!an 2013
rovlded lndlvldual counsellng Lo Lwo [unlor hlgh school sLudenLs

Croup Counsellng Leader, Workshop for romoLlng Wlsdom & lnslghL of Love", Changhua ClLy CcL 2012
Lead 4 counsellng groups ln Lhe workshop conLalnlng adulL and college sLudenL members

Culdance and Counsellng 1eacher, Chang-1al !unlor Plgh School, Changhua ClLy Sep 2009
rovlded guldance class and LaughL Lhe sLudenL abouL Lhe Loplc of SLress"
Managed Lhe class conLalnlng 43 sLudenLs

Lducat|ona| ] 1each|ng
Academlc MenLor: lnLercolleglaLe ALhleLlcs, u1-AusLln leb 2014-AugusL 2014
Culded sLudenLs by focuslng on lmprovlng Llme managemenL skllls, organlzaLlon, sLudy hablLs and LesL Laklng ablllLles
lmplemenLed lndlvlduallzed sLudy plans and recorded sLudenLs' learnlng process by Lurnlng ln menLor reporL weekly
CulLlvaLed an efflclenL sLudy envlronmenL lncludlng a sLrong supporL sysLem

MaLh 1uLor: Llberal ArLs and Sclence Academy, AusLln, 1exas CcL 2013 - !an 2014
LducaLed and explalned algebra for a hlgh school sLudenL Lhereby lmprove her maLh grade and sklll

1eachlng AsslsLanL, nCuL Sep 2010 - !un 2012
Soclal 8esearch MeLhods, Cender & LducaLlon, 1esLlng racLlce ln Counsellng, 8aslc SLaLlsLlcs ln sychology & LducaLlon

Lngllsh 1eacher: ManhaLLan Chlldren's Lngllsh CenLer, Changhua ClLy !un 2013 - Mar 2014
ueslgned course maLerlals and acLlvlLles Lo enhance elemenLary school sLudenLs' Lngllsh skllls for Lhree hours a week

lnsLrucLor, Cuo-Sheng LlemenLary School, 8eadlng Papplly" ro[ecL, Changhua ClLy Mar 2010
ulrecLed a play and creaLed an acL for elemenLary school sLudenLs Lo promoLed Lhelr lnLeresL ln readlng

volunLeer, Posplce Care lor ersons WlLh Cancer, Show-Chwan PosplLal, Changhua ClLy May 2013- !un 2013
lnLeracLed wlLh paLlenLs and engage ln conversaLlon Lo cheer Lhem up
AsslsLed nurses where necessary ln Lhe care and soclal worker wlLh paper work

1eam Leader and Counselor, uou-nan Senlor Plgh School, Changhua ClLy SLarflsh ?ouLh" AssoclaLlon, 1alwan leb 2010
uLlllzed advenLurous acLlvlLles, such as rock cllmblng, Lo culLlvaLe hlgh-rlsk youLhs, Lhereby encouraglng Lhem Lo develop
poslLlve perspecLlve Loward Lhemselves
Advlsed sLudenLs ln order Lo enhance Lhelr quallLy of menLal wellness

Peung-?uen CenLer for MenLal 8eLardaLlon, Pslnchu ClLy Sep 2006- !une 2008
Arranged acLlvlLles Lo brlghLen up menLally dlsabled Leenagers
lnLeracLed wlLh Lhe Leenagers and engaged Lhem ln conversaLlon Lo lmprove Lhelr soclal skllls

Soclal Servlces Club, naLlonal Pslnchu Clrl Senlor Plgh School Sep 2006- !une 2008
AdvocaLed for organ donaLlon, held charlLy bazaars and organlzed acLlvlLles connecLlng sLudenLs Lo Lhe communlLy

Amerlcan lnLernaLlonal LducaLlon loundaLlon (AlLl), Campus Ambassador Sep 2011-Sep 2012
Crganlzed evenLs promoLlng Lhe awareness of AlLl, whlch ls a non-proflL organlzaLlon LhaL brlngs LogeLher Lhe world's flnesL
sLudenLs wlLh Lhe u.S. educaLlonal sysLem

Speaker, uell Lngllsh cenLer & romeLheus Lngllsh Club, SLraLegles Lo score over 100 ln 1CLlL LesL." 2013
Speaker, nCuL & Pslnchu Clrl Senlor Plgh School, Ways Lo be admlLLed by ouLsLandlng programs ln Lhe uS. 2013
AcLlvlLy CoordlnaLor, Culdance and Counsellng SLudenL CrganlzaLlon, nCuL Sep 2010-!un 2011
Pead of AdverLlslng & ArL Croup, 103rd orlenLaLlon camp, ueparLmenL of Culdance & Counsellng, nCuL !un 2010
1eam Leader, naLlonal SporLs Champlonshlp for Lhe sychology ueparLmenLs May 2010
1eam member, naLlonal 8askeLball Champlonshlp for Lhe sychology ueparLmenLs uec 2010
vocallsL, Cxygen" 8ock band, PoL muslc Club, nCuL Sep 2009-CcL 2010
Woman 8askeLball 1eam, ueparLmenL of Culdance and ConsulLlng, nCuL Sep 2009-!un 2010

Computer Sk|||s
MlcrosofL Cfflce (Word, owerolnL, Lxcel)
"l8M SSS SLaLlsLlcs" SofLware package
CualLrlcs 8esearch SulLe
Soclal Medla ( lacebook, lnsLagram, and oLher)

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