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House Notes

1. Let him out first thing in the morning. You can let him out front if you like,
but please stay out with them the entire time as he may take off.
There is a whistle hanging on the front door he will respond to. You can
let him out the side yard also, its up to you.
2. He gets half cup of food in the morning and a fresh bowl of water. The
water may need replenishing during the day, but there is also a water
source for him in the side yard at all times. t night he gets a cup of food
again. There are treats in the cabinet abo!e the dryer and he is more than
happy to clean up your lefto!ers so feel free to gi!e him any, he would
appreciate it.
". His collar and leash are hanging in the laundry room if you feel like taking
a walk# he would en$oy it !ery much.
%. You can lea!e the back door open during the day for him to go in and out,
but listen for barking and tell him to &T'( )T*
+. )f you will be out for any length of time during the night DO NOT LEAVE
THE BACK DOOR OPEN or Oreo outsie. 'reo is !ery protecti!e
and will bark at anything that mo!es, annoying the neighbors. Hes most
sensiti!e when it is dark, so unless you are home keep him inside.
,. Let him out a final time before you retire for the e!ening and then let him
into our room for the night.
1. (lease make sure that the front door is securely closed at all times.
&ometimes if it is !ery windy the door will blow open if not shut properly
and locked.
2. -hen you lea!e, lock the front door from the inside and lea!e by the
laundry room door.
". The deck plants will need watering once a week. The large fern by the
fireplace will need to be watered once a week# the other plants will only
need it e!ery two weeks. ) will ha!e watered before lea!ing.
%. The !eggie garden needs watering twice a week and if you could water the
new cutting garden at the same time that would be great.
+. The side yard needs watering once a week for about 2. mins from the
sprinkler system at the foot of the stairs. The front island and by the
parking area would also appreciate a once a week watering.
,. Trash is collected on /ondays# you will need to lea!e it out on &unday
night. 'ur can has the house number on it. (lease try and ha!e the can
back sometime /onday afternoon, Tuesday at the latest. -e dont like
lea!ing it out for !ery long, its unfair to the neighbors.
0. )f you use the shower in the master bedroom please s1ueegee on the black
tub tile, the marble wall and the glass block. -e ha!e really hard water and
if you dont wipe it down well it lea!es awful water marks. There is also a
towel there to wipe down the faucet.
Emer!en"y Num#ers
/y cell phone will be on 2 3"14+214.+55
/y parents number is .11 3,2 1 ,%"52,0", dial 1.1453453 and then the
phone number. The operator should come on and say ..+ cents6minute.
'r my dads cell number is .11 3, 1"51,,,1,2..
/y sister 7athy is in 8en!er, her home number 9".": "254%,.+
'reos !et is ;orthridge <et. in &alinas, on ;orth /ain across from
;orthridge /all 2 %%542%%,
)n case of any emergency call =en and (eggy Holt 2 0+04+30,
>eturn ?light )nformation@
siana ?lt. A .",2 8epart &hanghai 12 (/ 2 Tue. Bul. 3
rr. &eoul 2@+. (/
siana ?lt. .21% 8epart &eoul %@". (/ 2 Tue. Bul. 3

rr. &?' 11@1+ /, Tue. Buly 3th

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