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EssaySnark's Strategies for the

2013-'14 MBA Application for

CHCA!" B""#H
EssaySnark's Strategies for the
2013-'14 MBA Application for
CHCA!" B""#H
$y EssaySnark
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the p&$lisher1 Essay :&estions repro)&ce) 5ithin are copyright Chicago Booth1
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reference) or linke) to this p&$lication1 =hile 5e certainly hope that yo& 5ill $e s&ccessf&l in yo&r :&est for
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("@@"= ESSADS*AEF "* #=##EEG
;Do&'+e got to $e +ery caref&l if yo& )on't kno5 5here
yo&'re going- $eca&se yo& ,ight not get there1<
Yogi Berra
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth i
=e originally starte) this SnarkStrategies Guide off 5ith a :&ote on the insi)e co+er fro,
/a,es "1 McFinsey H yes- that McFinsey1 He 5as a Chicago al&, an) an acco&nting
professor at the $&siness school $efore he fo&n)e) the fir, that $ears his na,e to)ay1 #he
:&ote 5as +ery stai) an) serio&s- a$o&t the i,portance of learning acco&nting for anyone
seeking greater responsi$ility in the 5orl) Ait's his fa&lt yo&'re going to ha+e to str&ggle
thro&gh that acco&nting class in $schoolGB1
B&t then as 5e spent ,ore ti,e reflecting on the changes to the Booth application this year-
5e re,e,$ere) that Dogi Berra :&ote a$o&t not kno5ing 5here yo&'re going- an) )eci)e)
that it 5as the ,ost appropriate place to $egin1
Chicago Booth is not asking yo& to 5rite a$o&t career goals in yo&r essays this year1 (or
Booth- that is re+ol&tionary1 #his SnarkStrategies Guide 5ill 5alk yo& thro&gh so,e
strategies- tactics- an) reco,,en)ations for presenting yo&rself to the a)co, thro&gh the
li,ite) a+en&es that they ha+e affor)e) yo&1
Before 5e )o that- let's spen) a little ti,e talking a$o&t this school1
What Is Booth About
Finance H $&t ,ore than finance1 Entreprene&rship is the secon)-,ost pop&lar
track at Booth- an) their e2pertise in ,arketing an) )ata-)ri+en )ecision-,aking has
)eep roots1
Flexibility H in ter,s of the c&rric&l&, an) the entire st&)ent e2perience1
Putting its money where its mouth is H $y &n)erscoring its co,,it,ent to
)i+ersity thro&gh offers of significant financial ai) to BSers 5ho 5ill $ring so,ething
special to the Booth co,,&nity1
=e see it again an) again H if they like yo& at Booth- there's a goo) chance they'll try to
entice yo& to co,e $y s5eetening yo&r a),it 5ith a genero&s scholarship a5ar)1 #his is
one reason- 5e s&spect- 5hy Booth sports an a+erage !MA# of 613 H ,&ch closer to
=harton's typical 617 than Fellogg's 6071 #his is )espite the fact that acceptance rates an)
yiel) are :&ite si,ilar at Booth an) Fellogg H yo&') e2pect the, to ha+e ,ore co,para$le
!MA# stats too1
#his see,s to in)icate that Booth is ,ore closely in the HCSC= gro&ping of schools than it is
in the ne2t tier of still-a5eso,e $&t not-the-top progra,s like #&ck an) Col&,$ia an)
Fellogg1 =hen it co,es )o5n to it tho&gh- Booth is ,ore like the ne2t-le+el schools in ter,s
of ho5 can)i)ates response to the,1
ii EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
Booth is so,eti,es +ery genero&s 5ith its fello5ships 5hen it feels that the BSer 5ill a)) to
their )i+ersity profile in so,e 5ay- either $ase) on c&lt&ral profile or )&e to $ackgro&n) an)
career e2periences1 =e ha+e on occasion seen a BSer choose Booth o+er =harton- )&e to
this generosity1 =e ha+e ne+er kno5n so,eone to choose Booth o+er Har+ar) or Stanfor)
tho&gh1 'erhaps it's happene)- $&t it's &nco,,on1 #his is 5hy 5e clai, that Booth isn't
:&ite in the sa,e $allpark as those other three1 t's a$le to $&y the lo+e so,eti,es- $&t ,ost
5o&l) not nat&rally choose Chicago o+er a 5in at HCSC=1
=hat this ,eans for ,ost people is that- all things $eing e:&al- a strong can)i)ate has a
,&ch ,ore realistic chance of getting into Booth than they )o to one of the Big #hree1
Booth is $y no ,eans a ;safety school< - 5e're not trying to i,ply that that's ho5 they sho&l)
$e &se)1 B&t they are a ;fair school< an) an ;in-reach school< - as oppose) to those other
three 5hich are straight-&p ;reach< for ,any1
#he Booth application has gro5n co,plicate) this year- ho5e+er H 5hile there are fe5
essays to )eal 5ith- the intentions of the a)co, are no5 o$f&scate)1 =e 5ill spen) the $&lk
of this SnarkStrategies Guide in helping yo& &npack the $est approach to &se for these
,inisc&le essays an) the one presentation- in an atte,pt to g&i)e yo& to5ar)s a clear pitch
that 5ill resonate 5ith the a)co,1
Another 5ay that Chicago p&ts its ,oney 5here its ,o&th isJ #hey are one of the fe5 top
$&siness schools that aB has a )ecent 5e$site- an) $B is acti+e on social ,e)ia1 #hey e+en )o
#5itter chatsG f yo&'re intereste) in a school that's a$le to change an) a)apt to keep &p 5ith
the ti,es- then Chicago is one that is )efinitely ahea) of its peers1 t al5ays strikes &s as a
little )epressing 5hen an instit&tion that ostensi$ly is teaching f&t&re $&siness lea)ers a$o&t
inno+ation an) ,arketing has a 5e$site that see,s like it 5as $&ilt in the last cent&ry1 Booth
is clearly not in that category1
=hat yo& e2perience in the a),issions process an) the $ea&ty of a school's 5e$site sho&l)
not $e )eci)ing factors in choosing an MBA progra, H $&t it certainly ,akes it easier to
choose Booth- kno5ing that they are li+ing in the ,o)ern era along 5ith the rest of &s1
What you won't get here
As 5ith the other SnarkStrategies Guides- 5e're not going to tell yo& 5hat yo& sho&l) 5rite
in yo&r Booth essays1 =e 5on't e+en gi+e ,&ch in the 5ay of e2a,ples for the presentation1
Call &s p&rists- or pr&)ists- or >&st plain persnickety- $&t 5e happen to think it's i,portant
that yo& craft yo&r o5n strategy an) content for yo&r $school essays1
=e 5ill tell yo& 5hat's $een )one $efore H like- in ter,s of that presentation- a lot $efore H
so that yo& can possi$ly rethink an approach that ,ay other5ise co,e off as too clich9)1 #he
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth iii
)isa)+antage that yo& ha+e as an applicant is yo&'re going thro&gh this process for the +ery
first ti,e? ho5 can yo& kno5 5hat others typically )o 5ith their essaysJ #hat's one 5ay
EssaySnark can a)) +al&e- an) hopef&lly inspire yo& to )ig )eeper an) co,e &p 5ith
so,ething stronger than perhaps yo& 5o&l) ha+e )one on yo&r o5n1
B&t if yo&'re looking for a ;)o this- )on't )o that- say this- )on't say that< type of cheat-sheet
approach to yo&r essays- EssaySnark is $o&n) to )isappoint1 =e )on't nee) to 5rite $school
essays1 =e alrea)y 5ent thro&gh this process- an) got in- an) gra)&ate)1 *o5 it's yo&r t&rn
to co,e &p 5ith the goo)s1 Do&'re the one 5ho the Booth a)co, 5ants to kno5 a$o&t? it's
yo&r stories that nee) to ans5er the :&estions they're asking1
=e 5ill- of co&rse- g&i)e yo& on ho5 to approach things- 5ith an eye to5ar)s presenting the
$est of yo&rself in a 5ay that 5ill resonate 5ith the a)co,s1 =e s&ggest yo& rea) thro&gh
this Guide in its entirety $efore yo& $egin 5riting any of the Booth essays? yo&r strategy 5ill
nee) to $e ,appe) o&t holistically1 Do& can't 5ork on these piece,eal 5itho&t ha+ing the
en)ga,e in ,in)1 !oo) essays take ti,e to )e+elop- so gi+e yo&rself that kin)ness an) start
)e+eloping yo&r i)eas in a)+ance of any loo,ing )ea)line1
=e 5ish yo& the $est in this process- Bra+e S&pplicantG
iv EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth v
Table of Contents
#he (le2i$le C&rric&l&, 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
=hat Booth is looking for1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
=hy Ki) Booth !et Ei) of the Career !oals L&estionJ Ko #hey *ot Care A$o&t !oals *o5J 2
#he Booth 'art-#i,e MBA111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113
(&ll-#i,e MBA A),issions at Chicago Booth111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110
Do&r 'rofile an) Booth111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116
Booth an) the !MA# 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111116
Eetesting After App S&$,ission1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114
Booth an) the !'A11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110
Do&r Booth Strategy111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Ko yo& ha+e to +isit Booth $efore applyingJ1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112
Efficient ,&lti-school strategies111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112
#he Chicago Booth Essay L&estions1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114
Do&r "+erall Co,,&nications "$>ecti+e1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113
#he Short-Ans5er L&estions11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110
Short-Ans5er A. ;My fa+orite part of ,y 5ork is111<11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117
Short-Ans5er B. ; starte) to think )ifferently 5hen111<1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114
!&i)ance on Booth Essay B111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111121
#he 'resentation. ;=hat else 5o&l) yo& like &s to kno5J< 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111122
f yo&'re )oing a 'o5er'oint11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111124
f yo&'re )oing an essay1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111120
So 5hat sho&l) yo& K" 5ith the Booth presentationJGJ111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111120
#esting yo&r i)eas1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111127
=hat to Ko *e2t111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111130
vi EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
The Flexible Curriculum
#he hall,ark of the Chicago Booth e2perience is its flexible curriculum1 Chicago Booth
affor)s st&)ents a 5i)e )egree of choice1 #here is $&t one re:&ire) co&rse a,ong the entire
progra,- an) that class is calle) @EAK- for @ea)ership Effecti+eness An) Ke+elop,ent1
Chicago Booth trains gra)&ates in the ;lang&age of $&siness< H finance- statistics- an)
acco&nting are the tools of the tra)e H ho5e+er st&)ents ha+e significant control o+er the
le+el of )iffic&lty of each core re:&ire,ent that they tackle- an) e+en the slant or orientation
of approach fro, 5hich they st&)y these topics1 St&)ents select fro, a ,en& of co&rses that
are )esigne) to let the, choose ho5 to prepare for their f&t&re careers1
Many other schools ha+e since a)opte) this philosophy of fle2i$ility in the c&rric&l&,-
nota$ly #he =harton School 5hich rolle) o&t a fle2i$le c&rric&l&, in 20121
Hearing this- e+ery$o)y talks a$o&t ;the fle2i$le c&rric&l&,< 5hen they say they 5ant to go
to Booth1 f yo& $ring this &p in yo&r essays or in yo&r inter+ie5- then ,ake s&re yo& )o
,ore than >&st say those t5o 5or)s in the sa,e sentence 5ith the Booth na,e1 Do& nee) to
e2press an &n)erstan)ing for- an) appreciation of- this ;fle2i$le c&rric&l&,< thing H yo&
nee) to sho5 5hy it ,atters to yo&1
;(le2i$le c&rric&l&,< is a $&MM5or)1 t's ,eaningless &nless yo& personaliMe it an) a)) +al&e
to it thro&gh yo&r o5n lang&age1 f yo& plan on rattling off ;the fle2i$le c&rric&l&,< as a
reason for yo&r interest in atten)ing- then yo& sho&l) stop an) think no5 a$o&t 5hat that
,eans an) ho5 yo&'ll &se it1
What Booth is looking for
Besi)es an a$ility to artic&late yo&r reasons for 5anting to atten) this school- a fe5 traits 5ill
help yo& stan) o&t in yo&r application to Chicago Booth1
Understanding of the unique curriculum and its advantages. #his can $e i)eal for
career changers1 Sho5 ho5 yo& 5ant to &se this to yo&r $enefit H an) ,ake s&re yo&
)on't )o anything in yo&r app that 5ill ca&se the rea)er to :&estion yo&r ,at&rity or
rea)iness1 #o s&ccee) in the Booth MBA- yo& ,&st $e a responsi$le a)&lt 5ho's a$le
to ,ake choices for herself H an) yo& nee) to ha+e a plan for yo&r personal s&ccess
,appe) o&t1 Sho5ing e+i)ence of this in the application to Chicago Booth 5ill take
yo& far in con+incing the a)co, that their school is right for yo&1
2 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
Quant/analytical abilities. Booth is seen as a ,ore rigoro&s progra, than so,e
others an) they )efinitely foc&s on )ata an) :&antitati+e a$ilities1 #hey'll nee) to see
this in an applicant to $e confi)ent of yo&r a$ility to $e s&ccessf&l in their progra,1
#his is one reason their a+erage !MA# is so high H it's not a re:&ire,ent of
a),ission $&t it ,akes it easier1 #hey 5ill still consi)er yo&r application if yo&r
!MA# is lo5er- tho&gh yo& sho&l) stri+e to offer other e+i)ence for yo&r skills an)
a$ilities to help co&nter that negati+e- )epen)ing on e2actly ho5 lo5 it is1
Enthusiasm matters too. #he Booth a)co, 5ill easily screen o&t an applicant 5ho
see,s only to $e applying to Chicago $eca&se it hits the top of the rankings1 Be s&re
to e2press an &n)erstan)ing of 5hat ,akes the, )ifferent1 #his can $est co,e
thro&gh in yo&r e2ec&tion of the Booth presentation1
n a))ition- 5hile it certainly is appropriate to apply to Booth if yo&'re intereste) in finance-
yo& sho&l)n't think that's the only ga,e in to5n1 #hey are looking for st&)ents intereste) in
a $roa) range of careers an) ha+e significant strength on the ,arketing si)e as 5ell as plenty
of other areas1 Kon't hesitate to tell the, 5hy yo&'re intereste) in the Booth MBA $ase) on
yo&r specific goals an) f&t&re intentions1 #his can go in the presentation essay if yo&') like
to share ,ore of yo&r plans 5ith the a)co, $efore the inter+ie51
Speaking of the inter+ie5.
Why Did Booth Get Rid of the Career Goals Question? Do
They ot Care About Goals o!?
=e )o&$t it1 !i+en the i,portance that career goals ha+e hel) in the a),issions process for
so ,any years at Chicago Booth- 5e ha+e a real har) ti,e $elie+ing that they'+e si,ply
)iscar)e) the, this year1 *o- 5e $elie+e that career goals are still i,portant to yo&r chances
for a),ission1 Nital- in fact1
t is EssaySnark's strong $elief that Chicago Booth has ,erely reorganiMe) their e+al&ation of
yo&r goals this year- no5 placing the, into a later stage of the a),issions process1
=hat )o 5e ,eanJ nstea) of ha+ing yo& 5rite an essay a$o&t yo&r goals- 5e think that their
plans no5 are to learn ,ore a$o&t goals thro&gh the inter+ie51
#his is partly 5hat Har+ar) has )one. #hey ha+e offloa)e) their e+al&ation of yo& &ntil a
ti,e 5hen they can interact 5ith yo&- to learn ,ore a$o&t yo& )irectly1
All the schools kno5 that people ,ake st&ff &p in their goals essays1 #he schools realiMe that
a lot of 5hat they rea) is ,an&fact&re) 5ith the intent to i,press1 n this era of the e+er-
shrinking MBA application- an) especially after Har+ar) slashe) its app )o5n to >&st a single
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 3
essay- all the schools are facing press&re to re)&ce their re:&ire,ents H or risk seeing their
app +ol&,es fall1 #he fear is that- if yo& ha+e too ,any essays- that BSers 5ill sh&n yo& in
fa+or of the ne2t school 5ith fe5er1
=e're $etting that the )e$ate in A),issions 5as heate) 5hen the proposal 5as ,a)e to )rop
career goals fro, the application1 #he goals ha+e long $een an i,portant )eter,inant of
so,eone's s&ccess or fail&re at Booth H not >&st in the application process $&t in the p&rs&it
of the MBA itself1 #hat's $een tr&e at ,ost all the schools e2cept for Har+ar)1 #he Booth
a)co, ,&st ha+e $een especially incense) $y the fact that Har+ar) appears to ha+e C"'EK
the pro,pt in their single-essay application fro, Booth1 s this re,o+al of the career goals
fro, the essay an atte,pt to ,o)el their application )irectly on HBSJ
*o1 =e )on't think so1
#he reality of the fle2i$le c&rric&l&, ,eans that yo& are in control of yo&r o5n )estiny at
Chicago1 Do& 5ill ha+e a lot of s&pport an) inp&t fro, career ser+ices an) secon)-year
st&)ents to help yo& chart o&t yo&r path an) select the co&rses that are right for yo&1
Ho5e+er- if yo& )on't kno5 5hat yo& 5ant to )o 5ith the MBA- then it's potentially
o+er5hel,ing- an) the process can $e f&ll of ,isse) opport&nities? yo& co&l) en) &p
$o&ncing aro&n) an) )a$$ling in ,any )ifferent things 5itho&t ha+ing a clear foc&s or
en)point g&i)ing yo& thro&gh1 =hile e2ploring is enco&rage) in $school- yo& nee) to kno5
5here yo&'re hea)e) in or)er to get there s&ccessf&lly1
#h&s- that opening line fro, Dogi Berra1
Al,ost 70O of f&ll-ti,e Booth st&)ents are career-s5itchers1 f yo&'re ,o+ing to a ne5 fiel)
or f&nction- it ,atters e+en ,ore that yo& ha+e a plan of attack for ho5 to )o so1 E+en if
yo&'re staying in the sa,e in)&stry- yo&'re going to $e in a stronger position to take
a)+antage of the &ni:&e e2perience of the Booth MBA if yo& ha+e a plan hea)ing into it1
=hen yo& share that plan 5ith the a)co, is all that's change)1
#hese a)co,s can easily get eno&gh fro, the application )ataset- yo&r res&,e- yo&r
reco,,en)ations- an) yo&r essays to )eci)e 5hether they 5ant to ,eet yo&1 Har+ar) has
specifically sai) that the p&rpose of the essay is to 5in yo& an inter+ie5? it is not 5hat they
,ake their )ecision $ase) off of1 n Booth's case- the application co,ponents ser+e the sa,e
p&rpose. #hey help the a)co, )eci)e 5hether to ,eet yo& or not1
#hen- )&ring yo&r in-person inter+ie5- they'll ask yo& to )isc&ss 5hy yo& 5ant an MBA an)
5hat yo&r plans for the f&t&re are1 Booth has tra)itionally inter+ie5e) a larger proportion of
their applicant $ase H aro&n) 40O of their 4-000 can)i)ates are inter+ie5e) each year1 #hat
ratio ,ay see, high- $&t in ter,s of a$sol&te n&,$ers- it's co,para$le to ho5 ,any
Har+ar) inter+ie5s each year1 #hey nee) to accept a high n&,$er of st&)ents to fill their
large 000-person class an) to acco,,o)ate an a+erage 00O yiel)1 Booth casts a 5i)e net to
,ake s&re they're a$le to scoop &p eno&gh of the $est :&ality fish1
4 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
#he Booth a)co, kno5s that they 5ill $e inter+ie5ing a lot of BSers1 f they're going to
inter+ie5 yo& any5ay- 5hy $other ,aking yo& 5rite so ,any essaysJ
Koes this ,ean yo& sho&l)n't ,ention the career goals at allJ
#his is 5here yo& nee) to co,e &p 5ith yo&r o5n strategy1
#he o$+io&s fact is- the a)co, has e2plicitly not aske) yo& a$o&t the goals1 #he essay
:&estions are not an atte,pt to trick yo&? they're not not asking >&st to test yo&- to see if
yo&'re s,art eno&gh to talk a$o&t yo&r goals any5ay1 #hey ha+en't aske) a$o&t goals
$eca&se they are not going to &se goals in the e+al&ation of yo&r application1 Do&r career
goals 5ill not $e a )eci)ing factor in 5hether they in+ite yo& to inter+ie5 at Booth or not1
BP#1 #he goals are not irrele+ant1 Do& 5o&l) not $e applying to $school if yo& 5eren't
looking to )o so,ething )ifferent 5ith yo&r goals1 #he goals )o ,atter in the o+erall conte2t
of yo&r )esire for an MBA an) yo&r chances of a),ission1
Here's ho5 5e s&ggest yo& han)le it.
If you already ha"e a set of career #oals you$re
committed to and %assionate about& feel free to tal'
about them in the Booth %resentation(
If you don$t& s'i% it(
ncorporating goals as part of yo&r pitch for Booth is rele+ant- if it's i,portant to yo&- an) if
those goals are ,eaningf&l to yo&1 #hey ,&st $e f&lly )e+elope) an) yo& ,&st $e a$le to
artic&late the, clearly1 #his nee) not happen thro&gh a te2t-$ase) essay? there's 5ays yo&
co&l) )o this if )oing a presentation instea) of 5ritten ;presentation<1
f yo& 5ant to go to Booth $&t yo&'re still a little cl&eless as to yo&r act&al goals- then 5e )o
reco,,en) fig&ring that part o&t at so,e point H $&t it )oesn't necessarily nee) to co,e
thro&gh in the essays1
=e 5ill co,e $ack to the essays an) )issect the, f&lly1 (irst 5e nee) to co+er so,e of the
other angles of Booth- starting 5ith their other +ia$le progra,- the part-ti,e MBA1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 5
The Booth )art*Time +BA
#he $&lk of this SnarkStrategies Guide is foc&se) on the f&ll-ti,e can)i)ate applying for the
stan)ar) t5o-year MBA1 Ho5e+er- Booth has a part-ti,e option that's +ia$le for ,any1 #he
Booth part-ti,e MBA is a great i)ea for anyone 5ho's got a goo) >o$ that they )on't 5ant to
5alk a5ay fro, for t5o years H an) starting this (all- they're ,aking it ,ore fle2i$le s&ch
that so,eone fro, f&rther a5ay co&l) co,,&te in for classes on the 5eeken)s1 t is no
longer necessary to li+e local in or)er to get yo&r MBA fro, Booth1
t's slightly less great for so,eone 5ho 5ants to )o a ra)ical career change- tho&gh that's
certainly also possi$le thro&gh the part-ti,e progra,1
Here are so,e $asics a$o&t the Chicago part-ti,e progra, for e,ploye) in)i+i)&als.
As ,any as 70O of the =eeken)s st&)ents fly in fro, else5here in the co&ntry to
atten) class1 Do& )on't ha+e to $e local to get yo&r MBA at Chicago1 Do& co&l) also
start in the =eeken)s track an) then- if yo& later relocate to the area- s5itch to
E+enings classes1
A),ission is ,&ch less co,petiti+e for Booth's part-ti,e options1 f yo& ha+e
glitches or fla5s in yo&r profile that co&l) pre+ent yo& fro, gaining entry to a f&ll-
ti,e progra,- yo& co&l) still ,ake it into Booth 'C#1 n fact- 5e'+e seen lots of
people )o fine 5ith Booth 'C# e+en after $eing re>ecte) fro, Booth (C#1
t is not possi$le to s5itch fro, the part-ti,e to the f&ll-ti,e progra,- tho&gh yo& can
accelerate yo&r progress in the part-ti,e progra, if yo& 5ish- $y taking ,ore co&rses
at a ti,e1
f yo&'re alrea)y in the Chicago area an) yo&'re co,,itte) to going to Booth H an)
partic&larly if yo&r profile is a little 5eak in either the !'A or !MA# H an)- yo&'re &p for the
intensity that getting yo&r MBA 5hile ,aintaining a f&ll-ti,e >o$ in+ol+es- then yo& ,ight
consi)er this option1 #here is less co,petition for this progra, an) a )ecent can)i)ate
sho&l) ha+e a relati+ely ;easy< ti,e getting an offer A;easy< is in :&otes $eca&se it's ne+er
easy to get into any top MBA progra,B1 #he school is so,e5hat looser in its a),issions
criteria si,ply $eca&se they ha+e a lot of seats to fill each year an) not as ,any can)i)ates
(ro, here on o&t- this SnarkStrategies Guide foc&ses on a),issions to the f&ll-ti,e MBA-
tho&gh a part-ti,e can)i)ate 5ill also fin) ,&ch of +al&e here1 /&st $e s&re to check the
)ea)lines an) essay :&estions caref&lly since they are :&ite )ifferent fro, the f&ll-ti,e
progra,'s )ates an) re:&ire,ents1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
Full*Time +BA Admissions at Chica#o Booth
Here are a fe5 )etails a$o&t the processes an) policies 5ith the f&ll-ti,e MBA at Chicago
Booth that are )ifferent fro, 5hat yo& 5ill enco&nter 5ith other schools.
#hey ha+e an informal grace period of one 5eek past the )ea)line 5ithin 5hich
yo&r reco,,en)ations ,&st $e recei+e)1 Do& nee) to get yo&r reco,,en)ers to
follo5 thro&gh $&t yo& 5on't get $&,pe) to the ne2t ro&n) a&to,atically if they're
not s&$,itte) at the e2act ti,e of the )ea)line1
Al,ost 30O of the international students in the f&ll-ti,e progra, accept >o$s in
the P1S1 after gra)&ating1 f yo&'re co,ing to Booth fro, o+erseas- there's a goo)
chance yo& can fin) a >o$ here 5hen yo&'re )one if that's yo&r goal1
Booth 5ill consi)er yo& e+en if yo& already have an !"1 Many A,erican $&siness
schools 5ill not1 Still- if yo& are trying to pitch the, for the nee) for a secon) MBA-
then yo&'ll nee) to $e pretty con+incing an) clear as to 5hy1
Do&'re consi)ere) a reapplicant if yo& applie) in the last t5o years H not >&st one1
=e ha) a BSer clai, that A),issions ga+e hi, )ifferent infor,ation on this 5hen he
calle) the, &p- $&t 5e'+e hear) the, say in chats a n&,$er of ti,es that the
re+ie5ers ha+e access to yo&r pre+io&s application 5hen they're looking at the
c&rrent one1 =e strongly s&ggest &sing the EssaySnark Eeapplicant !&i)e if yo&'re in
this $oat1 #he goo) ne5s is that Booth is +ery reapplicant-frien)ly? if yo& )o a goo)
>o$ on yo&r app this year an) yo& ha+e i,pro+e) yo&r profile in so,e significant
5ay- yo& ha+e a real chance at it 5hen yo& go again1
f yo& kno5 a Booth al&,- yo& can ask the, to submit a reference for yo& o&tsi)e
the for,al application process1 Booth has a special 5e$site set &p >&st for this at
5551shapetheclass1co, H they in+ite their al&,ni co,,&nity to participate in the
a),issions process $y pro+i)ing inp&t a$o&t can)i)ates that they kno51 *o other
school that 5e kno5 of offers this opport&nity1 #he a)co, insists that any referrals
s&$,itte) )o not official co&nt in the )ecision process $&t they certainly a)) +al&e
to the a)co,'s e+al&ation1 f yo& are connecte) 5ith so,eone 5ho 5ent to Booth-
ask if they 5ill )o this for yo&1
Starting in 2011- 5aitliste) can)i)ates 5ere gi+en the opport&nity to upload a
video in s&pport of their can)i)acy1 =e ass&,e that they 5ill $e ,aintaining this
option going for5ar)1 f yo& en) &p on the 5aitlist- then this is another opport&nity
that yo& )efinitely sho&l) take a)+antage of1 EssaySnark is )e+eloping a special
g&i)e for +i)eo essays that sho&l) $e co,ing o&t in s&,,er 20131
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth !
Do& can sen) in &p)ates after yo&r application has $een s&$,itte)1 =e )on't
reco,,en) )oing this &nless co,pletely necessary- $&t it's an option1 Nery fe5
other schools 5ill acco,,o)ate like this? it's rare1
Booth has a mid#cycle release date that co,es &p :&ickly after the )ea)line? that's
the )ay 5hen can)i)ates are either in+ite) to inter+ie5- or they're release) fro,
consi)eration1 #his is an a)+antage in $oth cases H if they release yo&- yo& kno5
that yo& scre5e) so,ething &p an) yo& nee) to )o a $etter >o$ on the pitch to yo&r
ne2t school1 t's co,,en)a$le that Booth is a$le to ,o+e so fast thro&gh their first-
c&t assess,ent1
#hese are so,e of the 5ays that Booth is so frien)ly to applicants- an) they are the key
reasons 5hy 5e're so fon) of this place1
,our )rofile and Booth
Before 5e start in on the essays- let's $reak )o5n so,e of the ele,ents of the application so
yo& can see ho5 yo& stack &p against 5hat Booth is looking for1
Emphasis on Significant Work Experience
=ith an a+erage age of 27 in the f&ll-ti,e progra,- Booth is one of the ;ol)er< MBA progra,s1
"n a+erage- st&)ents ha+e a$o&t fi+e years of e2perience at ,atric&lation1 Booth 5ill consi)er
an application fro, so,eone ,&ch yo&nger an) they ,ight e+en a),it yo& straight fro,
college1 #hey )on't ha+e a for,aliMe) option like HBS 2Q2 Ae2cept for c&rrent Chicago
&n)ergra)sB ho5e+er they ,ight grant yo& a )eferral if yo& )eci)e that going o&t into the
5orkforce 5o&l) $e +al&a$le $efore yo& $egin yo&r MBA1
Beca&se of that fle2i$le c&rric&l&, 5e keep ,entioning- it's i,portant to sho5 ,at&rity in
yo&r 5ork e2perience an) rea)iness for the Booth MBA1 As 5ith all schools- they say to apply
5hen yo&'re rea)y H an) $eca&se of this- they can $e +ery 5elco,ing for ;ol)er< can)i)ates1
At least three years of significant 5ork e2perience is reco,,en)e) $efore serio&sly
consi)ering Chicago for yo&r MBA1
Booth and the GMAT
Booth cares a$o&t yo&r !MA#1 Most schools )o- $&t Booth )efinitely )oes H not e2cl&si+ely-
$&t they 5ant to see a goo) one1 'art of this ,ay $e )&e to their concentration of finance
folks H 30O of st&)ents are in that track H $&t also it's $eca&se if Booth keeps their a+erage
!MA# score &p- then it helps the, in the rankings an) it a))s to the perception that they're
peers 5ith the likes of Har+ar) an) Stanfor) H an) not Col&,$ia1
" EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
EssaySnark is talking a$o&t the !MA# here- e+en tho&gh Booth )oes accept the !EE1 Most
can)i)ates take the !MA#- an) it's 5hat the schools p&$lish their st&)ent a+erages on1 Do&
can s&$stit&te ;!EE< any5here 5e say ;!MA#< in this Guide tho&gh yo& sho&l) also rea)
the posts on the EssaySnark $lahg a$o&t the )ifferences $et5een the tests- an) so,e
a)+antages to the !MA#1
Belie+e it or not- yo&r !MA# score 5ill $e a factor of consi)eration in the recr&iting process
for ,any co,panies- partic&larly if yo&'re going into cons&lting or finance1 Booth 5ants its
st&)ents to $e s&ccessf&l in the >o$ ,arket- an) they 5ant their recr&iters to $e i,presse)
5ith the :&ality of gra)&ates co,ing o&t1 "ne 5ay to ens&re this is to &se the !MA# as a
5eighty part of the e+al&ation process in a),issions1
=hat the !MA# score can tell a school is.
aB Can this person han)le n&,$ers A:&antB
$B Can this person )eal 5ith EnglishJ A+er$alB
cB Can this person string together coherent sentences into a reasona$ly logical
arg&,entJ AA=AB
)B Can this person ,ake inferences an) co,$ine )isparate pieces of )ata into
concl&sions that ,ake senseJ AEB
An) e+en ,ore i,portantly.
eB s this person )e)icate) to the processJ
#here's e+en a si2th thing.
f B Koes this person ha+e the self-a5areness to e+al&ate their o5n potentialJ
Do& see- a !MA# score )oes 5ay ,ore than si,ply tell the, if yo& can factor an e:&ation1
#he history of !MA# scores H yes- the schools see yo&r f&ll history H can tell the, if yo&'re
serio&s a$o&t this 5hole MBA $&siness1 f yo& took the !MA# once an) )i) great- great1 f
yo& took the !MA# once an) )i) >&st "F111 5ere yo& satisfie) 5ith thatJ "r )i) yo& try againJ
f yo& took the !MA# an) yo& really f&,$le) it- 5hat )i) yo& )o fro, thereJ
#he fre:&ency of test atte,pts an) e+en the ti,ing of the, can act&ally re+eal :&ite a $it to
the a)co,1 #hey learn infor,ation fro, yo& a$o&t all these )ifferent ele,ents1 #his is
another reason 5hy the schools can )rop essays H the essays aren't- an) ha+e ne+er $een- the
,ost i,portant part1 Do&r character an) intelligence is re+eale) thro&gh so ,any other
aspects of the application that yo&'re s&$,itting1
=e're not trying to scare yo&1 @et's talk so,e real n&,$ers so yo& can see ho5 yo& stack &p1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth #
So, what's a good G!T score for "ooth#
#he a+erage !MA# score at Booth is 613 for the Class of 2014 AClass of 2013 n&,$ers ha+e
not $een reporte) as of this 5ritingB1 #he ,e)ian has st&ck at 620 for se+eral years1 #hese
are i,pressi+e n&,$ers1 "ne reason the !MA# score is high is $eca&se of the relati+ely high
proportion of st&)ents intereste) in finance at Booth1 f yo&'re targeting a career in financial
ser+ices- then yo&') $etter $e goo) 5ith n&,$ers H an) ,ost people 5ho are accepte) for
s&ch a career path 5o&l) not ha+e $een if the !MA# 5as too lo51
E+en 5ith the high a+erage- there's a 5i)er range of scores in e+i)ence at Booth- 5hich
reinforces o&r assertion that the !MA# is not e+erything here1 By co,parison- *DP Stern
5ith a si,ilarly strong foc&s on finance has an a+erage !MA# of 614- ,e)ian of 620- an) an
70O range of 070 to 6001 #he 70O range at Booth is a ,ore reasona$le 000 to 6001
f yo& only ,anage) a 000 on yo&r test- yo& co&l) still ,ake it into this school1
Retesting After App Submission
=e alrea)y ,entione) this $&t 5e nee) to call it o&t here.
Chicago Booth 5ill accept &p)ates to yo&r application after it's s&$,itte)1
f yo& retake the !MA#- or the #"E(@- after yo&r application is in H and you notify them
early enough H then they 5ill try to ,arry &p yo&r ne5 )ata into yo&r application 5hile it's
going thro&gh re+ie51 #he t5ist is that they process apps NEED :&ickly H yo& nee) to act fast-
an) there's no g&arantee that the ne5 )ata 5ill ,ake its 5ay to yo&r file $efore the re+ie5
has happene)1
f the ne2t-ro&n) )ea)line is staring yo& in the face an) yo& ha+e )eci)e) to retake the test
in con>&nction 5ith yo&r app- then get that app s&$,itte)- an) t&rn all yo&r attention to
st&)ying1 Ace the thing- then notify the a),issions tea, +ia e,ail 5hen yo& get yo&r shiny
ne5 score1 Sen) in the &nofficial report as soon as yo& ha+e it1 #hey 5o&l) ,&ch rather see
a stronger application fro, yo& so they 5ill try to acco,,o)ate s&ch a))itions to the app1
/&st )on't sen) the, ,ore than one &p)ate? there 5o&l) $e only a fe5 rare occasions 5here
5e can i,agine that that ,ight $e necessary1
=hat this policy tells &s is that Booth 5ants to a),it yo& H yo& >&st nee) to gi+e the, a
reason to )o so1 #hey're spen)ing the effort in re+ie5ing yo&r app looking for the positi+e-
an) they're 5illing to 5ork 5ith yo& if yo&'re a$le to sho5 i,pro+e,ent in yo&r profile in
the ,i)st of the a),issions cycle itself1 Many schools 5on't )o this- it's the e2ception to the
r&le- $&t it's another reason 5hy 5e like Booth so ,&ch1 #hey are trying to ,ake things fair
to yo&- 5hich is certainly appreciate)1
10 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
The $% is taking on increasing importance
Schools are >&st no5 collecting their first sets of )ata on E an) st&)ent perfor,ance- an)
they're alrea)y seeing that the integrate) reasoning section of the !MA# has a strong
correlation to first-year gra)es H ,ore so than the other sections of the test )o1 =hile the E
is still not a re:&ire,ent for applying to Chicago or other schools- yo& sho&l) recogniMe
5hat it sho5s a$o&t yo& an) stri+e to )o 5ell on that portion of the test- too1 f yo&
originally teste) a5hile $ack an) yo& )i)n't ha+e to )o ntegrate) Eeasoning at the ti,e- yo&
)o not nee) to retake the test >&st to ha+e an E score to report1
Ho5e+er- if yo&r score is too far o&t of )ate Ao+er three years ol)B- then it's $eco,ing less
&sef&l for the schools as a ,eas&re of yo&r c&rrent skills- so yo& ,ay 5ant to consi)er
retesting e+en if yo&r !MA# is technically still +ali)1
Booth and the GPA
*ot s&rprisingly- gi+en the strength of its st&)ents' !MA# scores- Chicago also reports a high
a+erage !'A for its st&)ents1 Eecent years ha+e seen a 313 a+erage hol)ing stea)y o+er ti,e1
#his is as goo) as it gets 5ithin the $est of the progra,s1 So,e schools consi)ere) peers of
Booth ha+e an a+erage &n)ergra) !'A of only aro&n) 314 H Fellogg )oesn't p&$lish its
a+erage !'A $&t 5e s&spect that it's in that range1 A 011 point )ifference ,ay not see, like
,&ch- $&t it act&ally is- in this conte2t1
=hile that a+erage !'A ,ight $e a little inti,i)ating if yo& )i)n't )o that great in college-
)on't feel like it's going to $e a ins&r,o&nta$le o$stacle for yo&1 Beca&se the class siMe is
larger at Booth- that ,eans they can a$sor$ a range of profiles1 As long as yo& co&nter any
aca)e,ic 5eakness 5ith recent e+i)ence of yo&r a$ilities H high !MA# score 5ith $oth si)es
$alance)- a partic&larly strong E score- an) if the !'A is partic&larly tro&$ling- a class that
sho5s yo&r effort an) achie+e,ent H then yo& co&l) co,e o&t of this fine1 B&t )on't neglect
the !'A an) hope it 5on't h&rt yo&1 =e ha+e lots of reso&rces a+aila$le on the EssaySnark
$lahg for helping yo& )o a self-assess,ent of the !'A an) )eter,ine a co&rse of action to
re,e)y if nee)e)1
Here's a post to start 5ith.
So,e other schools are a little ,ore h&ng &p on !'A than Booth1 Booth certainly )oes care
a$o&t it H they're not going to look the other 5ay if yo&r gra)es 5ere a$ys,al in college an)
yo& )o nothing to offset that1 B&t in the conte2t of an o+erall strong application- a lo5er
college recor) ,ight not $e a sho5stopper iss&e for yo& here A)efinitely not like it co&l) $e
at Stanfor) or =hartonB1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 11
If you !ant to #o to Booth& don$t 'id yourself about
your G)A( If you did %oorly in colle#e& then ta'e
action on it no! - before you a%%ly(
,our Booth .trate#y
=ith yo&r Chicago application- yo& nee) to )o the sa,e as yo& nee) to )o 5ith ,any
$school apps. Do& nee) to answer the questions. Do& 5o&l) $e s&rprise) ho5 ,any
people fail to )o this1
t's o$+io&sly ,ore challenging- 5ith the open-en)e) presentation assign,ent H $&t not
i,possi$le1 #here is a :&estion there- e,$e))e) in the instr&ction set1 An) there's +ery clear
:&estions $eing aske) in the t5o short-ans5er assign,ents1
#he tricky part is co,,&nicating to the, 5hy yo& 5ant an MBA an) 5hy yo& 5ant to go to
nstea) of foc&sing on the career goals H 5hich yo& can )o- per o&r earlier a)+ice H yo&
5ant to )e,onstrate the 5ays that yo& are a person 5ho $elongs at Booth1 #he stories yo&
choose to tell an) the 5ay yo& ans5er the :&estions 5ill )o that )e,onstrating1 Do& can't
&se e,pty 5or)s for this H clai,ing- ;'+e 5ante) to go to Booth e+er since college< si,ply
)oes nothing for yo&- that state,ent carries no 5eight1 Any$o)y co&l) say it- an) it gi+es the
rea)er no ne5 infor,ation a$o&t yo& or yo&r :&alifications1
nstea)- yo& nee) to e,$e) e2a,ples an) reasons in e+ery5here yo& can1 By &sing specifics
to ill&strate 5ho yo& are H in ans5er to the :&estions that they'+e aske) Ane+er forget the
:&estionsGB - yo& 5ill go far in con+eying the ;real yo&< $ehin) the 5or)s1 #hat's ho5 yo&
paint a pict&re for yo&r rea)er- an) gi+e the, a sense of yo& as an in)i+i)&al1
#his can happen thro&gh te2t- in the 000-5or) option- or thro&gh graphics- as a ''#
#he 5ay yo& kno5 5hat the reasons are for 5hy yo&'re choosing Booth sho&l) alrea)y $e at
least se,i-apparent to yo&1 #here's pro$a$ly ,ore to $e &nco+ere) as 5ell1 f yo& 5ant to go
to Booth for yo&r MBA- yo&'ll nee) to ,ake it a priority to )o significant research an) learn
a$o&t 5ho they are an) 5hat they offer1 Do&'ll pro$a$ly en) &p )e+oting significantly ,ore
ti,e to the essays than yo& e2pect1 Do&r application ,&st )e,onstrate ho5 yo&'ll )i+e in
12 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
an) ,ake a contri$&tion H an) one 5ay to )o that is to engage 5ith the school no$- $efore
yo& e+en apply1
#hat lea)s &s to the :&estion that 5e're aske) ,ost often 5hen so,eone is kicking the tires
on 5hether to apply to this school or not1
Do you have to visit Booth before applying
*o H $&t they strongly s&ggest that yo& +isit ca,p&s if in+ite) for the inter+ie51
=e're g&essing the reasons for this are t5ofol).
11 #hey 5ant the chance to i,press yo& H no$o)y co,es a5ay fro, a Booth +isit
5itho&t $eing $lo5n a5ay
21 #hey 5ant the chance to ,eet yo& H they'll $e a$le to )o so if yo& inter+ie5 at a h&$
location ABei>ing- @on)onB- $&t there's greater risk that yo& en) &p inter+ie5ing
5ith an al&,ni local to yo&1 #hat's "F too- $&t the a)co, 5o&l) prefer to ha+e
these things closer to ho,e1
#his is one of the fe5 schools that repeate)ly e,phasiMes the s&ggestion that can)i)ates
in+ite) to inter+ie5 sho&l) co,e to Chicago for the e2perience1
f yo& cannot )o this- it's not the en) of the 5orl)- $&t sitting here no5- $efore yo& s&$,it
yo&r application- yo& ,ay 5ant to gi+e so,e tho&ght to ho5 yo&'ll get yo&rself to Chicago
for that opport&nity1 nter+ie5s are all 5eighe) e:&ally- regar)less of 5here they're hel)- $&t
there are a)+antages to yo& nonetheless for inter+ie5ing in Chicago1
Do& )on't ha+e to +isit ca,p&s $efore applying- tho&gh1 Do& can if yo& 5ant- an) it 5o&l)
s&rely pro+i)e +al&e H >&st go 5hen class is in session an) yo& can ,eet 5ith so,e st&)ents1
t's not necessary to knock yo&rself o&t to +isit1 /&st try to co,,it to the i)ea of +isiting for
the inter+ie51
!ffi"ient multi#s"hool strategies
f yo&'re also applying to *DP- then )o that application first1 #heir essay :&estions are ,ore
straightfor5ar) an) easier to $&il) yo&r essay-5riting chops 5ith1 'l&s- if yo& )o the *DP
'ersonal E2pression option A5hich 5e think e+eryone sho&l)B then at ,ini,&,- yo& can
re&se so,e of yo&r str&ct&re an) organiMation for a Booth presentation1 f yo&'re also
targeting Fellogg- then yo& ,ay fin) that their essays are a $it easier to tackle as yo&r first
pro>ect- $&t this is splitting hairs so,e5hat1 t's &p to yo& in ter,s of 5hich yo& fin) ,ore
accessi$le an) in+iting to )o first1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 13
f yo&'re trying for Har+ar)- yo& ,ay ha+e notice) a si,ilarity in the one :&estion they're
asking- an) the Booth presentation :&estion1 As yo& 5ill learn thro&gho&t this Guide% there's
a specific angle an) approach re:&ire) for Booth1 So,e of that ,ay $e translata$le to a
Har+ar) +ersion of the 5ritten essay- $&t 5e honestly )on't reco,,en) that yo& try to re&se
these t5o assets1 Har+ar) an) Chicago are +ery )ifferent schools1 Do&'re the sa,e person
applying to $oth- so on one han) it is appropriate to $e presenting the ,ost i,portant parts
of yo&r profiles in each +ersion of these school's :&estions111 $&t it's also a +ery )ifferent
pitch that ten)s to $e s&ccessf&l at one +ers&s the other1 =e are reco,,en)ing that yo& )o
the 'o5er'oint +ersion for the Booth essay- 5hich o$+io&sly ,eans there's little re&se
opport&nity a+aila$le for Har+ar)1 =e )on't ha+e any specific s&ggestions for 5hich to
co,plete first fro, the perspecti+e of efficiency1 Both apps are har)1 #ackle the, in the
or)er yo&'re inspire) to1
Beyon) that- there's no real )isa)+antage to )oing Booth as yo&r first app o+er another
school's1 All the schools' essays this year are challenging- so,e ,ore than others1 #he short-
ans5er :&estions for Booth aren't that )iffic&lt so it 5o&l) $e fine if yo& $egan yo&r
application efforts 5ith Booth as yo&r first pro>ect1
When should you apply to "ooth#
=ith all schools- applying in an earlier ro&n) is highly reco,,en)e)1 #hat ,eans Eo&n) 1
for a three-ro&n) school like Booth or Har+ar)1 Eo&n) 2 is ,ore co,petiti+e than Eo&n) 1
H they get a$o&t 00O of their apps in Eo&n) 2- $&t it's still a +ia$le ro&n) for a strong
Eo&n) 3 sho&l) $e a+oi)e) altogether as too ,&ch of a risk1 #here's also lots of
)isa)+antages 5ith Eo&n) 3- in ter,s of scholarship ,onies $eing ,ostly )rie) &p- no
=elco,e =eeken) a+aila$le- an) the +isa process $eing so,eti,es challenging for
international st&)ents1
f Booth is a top choice for yo& then $y all ,eans- apply there in the first ro&n) H pro+i)e)
that yo&r profile is strong eno&gh an) yo&'re rea)y to go1 f yo& fin) yo&rself r&shing- then
it's fine to p&sh Booth o&t to Eo&n) 21 #hey get ,ore applications in Eo&n) 2- so yo&'ll $e
facing greater co,petition- ho5e+er the a),it an) yiel) rates at Booth are in yo&r fa+or1 A
goo) can)i)ate 5ill )o >&st fine in either of the first t5o ro&n)s1
14 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
The Chica#o Booth /ssay Questions
=e 5ere +ery please) to see that Booth kept its presentation essay again this year1 So ,any
schools ha) $een )itching their ol)-faithf&l essays- an) in so,e cases- EssaySnark 5as in
,o&rning1 Booth &pen)e) things plenty eno&gh $y )eleting career goals1 =e're gla) that
they'+e preser+e) the presentation since it gi+es Bra+e S&pplicants a real opport&nity to
share 5ho they are1
A %resentation*%resentation - rather than an essay*
%resentation - can be a #reat !ay for you to more
directly share more of !ho you are !ith Booth(
=e'll co,e $ack to the presentation later- 5ith so,e tips an) tricks for ho5 to go a$o&t
crafting a goo) one1 (or no5- 5e're >&st planting the see) in ter,s of 5hat yo& sho&l) $e
thinking a$o&t 5ith yo&r Booth choices. A 5ritten essay is fine if that's all ya got- $&t a
'o5er'oint or sli)e-$ase) presentation ,ight gi+e yo& ,ore roo, to gi+e the goo)s1
Before 5e go into the essays the,sel+es- 5e 5ant to steer yo& in the right )irection for
s&ccess 5ith Booth.
Do your o!n research( Don$t rely only on this Guide(
In %articular0 1isten to !hat the adcom says(
Booth is a school that gi+es yo& e+erything yo& nee) to kno5 a$o&t ho5 to present yo&rself1
#hey gi+e yo& the keys to the king)o, H reallyGG H right there on their 5e$site1 =hat
EssaySnark is going to )o to)ay is to first point yo& $ack in that )irection- since the a)co,
the,sel+es are the $est so&rce for any a)+ice an) insight a$o&t a school Ait's 5here 5e get all
o&r school-specific 411- after allB1 #hen 5e'll ela$orate a little an) )isc&ss the things that
Booth has offere) &p- to help yo& ,ash thro&gh it- an) )istill it- an) co,e &p 5ith yo&r o5n
concoction of hea)y )elights in the essays that yo&'ll $e sen)ing on o+er to the Chicago
peeps to cons&,e1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 15
#o la&nch &s off into the )isc&ssion of these Booth essays- let's start off 5ith a si,ple
Chica#o is loo'in# for #ood %eo%le(
=hat )o 5e ,ean $y thatJ
#hey 5ant non->erks1 #hey 5ant people 5ho care eno&gh to take action1 #hey 5ant
interesting- an) intereste)- can)i)ates H intereste) in the 5orl) aro&n) the,- an)
interesting in ter,s of 5hat they can share 5ith their class,ates1
Chicago ,ay not $e openly p&shing any ,a>or the,es like ;tea,5ork< an) ;colla$oration<
in 5hat they are seeking H $&t that st&ff certainly )oesn't h&rt either1
nstea) of a near-cliche like ;tea,5ork< $eing the pre-e,inent +al&e- yo& ,ight say that
Chicago 5ants yo& to $e A* AKP@#1 =ell-ro&n)e)1 Mat&re1 #hey nee) to see that yo&'+e p&t
so,e tho&ght into yo&r pitch- yo&'+e p&t so,e tho&ght into yo&r life- that yo& ha+e a plan
an) ha+e $een 5orking to5ar)s it1 #hat yo&'re realistic- an) that yo&'re $alance) A$oth
,entally H ahe, H an) also across the areas of yo&r lifeB1
An) of co&rse they're looking for e+i)ence of lea)ership1 #hat goes 5itho&t saying1 Ho5 yo&
e2press that to Booth nee) not $e all that )ifferent fro, ho5 yo& ,ight talk a$o&t it for- say-
Fellogg1 B&t hopef&lly yo&'ll $e choosing stories to present in yo&r Booth essays that sho5 a
little a$o&t 5hat yo&'re ,a)e of- 5hat ,akes yo& tick- ho5 yo& got to $e the type of person
yo& are to)ay1
Ho5 )o yo& )o thatJ
@et's sho5 yo&1
&our '(erall Communications 'b)ecti(e
=e alrea)y tol) yo& that all 5e're going to tell yo& is 5hat Booth has alrea)y tol) yo&1
Kon't $elie+e &sJ
=ell- 5e're going to start 5ith so,ething p&lle) straight fro, the Booth 5e$site H their $log-
,ore precisely1
1 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
#his is so,e a)+ice that F&rt Ahl, ga+e on ho5 to prepare for yo&r Booth inter+ie51 Des- it's
an &nlikely place- perhaps- to $e p&lling essay&$riting a)+ice- $&t $elie+e the 'Snark- this is
ERAC#@D 5hat yo& sho&l) $e foc&sing on as yo&r goals in 5hat to co,,&nicate across the
Booth essays H e+en if yo& aren't going to $e e2plicitly 5riting a goals essay.
What do I really !ant from my +BA ex%erience?
What can I brin# to the Chica#o Booth community?
Why is Booth the ri#ht %lace for me?
2o! do I %lan to use my +BA in my career?
*o5 yo& see 5hy 5e say that the goals are still i,portant at BoothJ #hose are 5or)s straight
fro, the a)co,'s ,o&th1 #he goals are i,portant1
n fact- 5hy not take a ,o,ent no5 an) 5rite )o5n ans5ers to these :&estionsJ f yo&
ha+en't gone thro&gh s&ch an e2ercise alrea)y- then it's long o+er)&e1 f yo&'re thinking
a$o&t 5riting essays- then 5e 5o&l) H"'E yo& ha+e alrea)y $oar)e) the Cl&e #rain an)
ha+e ans5ers at han) for these +ery $asic :&estions1 Do& )efinitely nee) to kno5 the ans5ers
to each of those fo&r :&estions $efore yo& 5rite yo&r essays1 #hose ans5ers nee) to $e in
e+i)ence- either )irectly or in)irectly Ain ,ost cases )irectlyB- thro&gho&t yo&r application1
Most people 5ill not ha+e ,&ch space in the t5o short-ans5er essays to go into )epth on
5hy they 5ant to go to Chicago Booth for their gra)&ate $&siness e)&cation1 /&st $eca&se
5e're starting yo& off 5ith a consi)eration of those :&estions- )on't think that 5e're saying
that yo& nee) to cra, the ans5ers into these t5o 230-5or) $a$ies1
nstea)- yo& nee) to ha+e an a5areness of 5hy yo&'re applying to $school H and $hy they
should let you in H $y starting to look at 5ho yo& are- in the conte2t of 5ho Booth is1 Do&
nee) to kno5 5hy yo& 5ant to go there- an) yo& nee) to kno5 5hat's special a$o&t the,-
so that yo& can $etter select 5hich are the right stories a$o&t yo&rself to present in yo&r
appeal to the a)co,1
The Short#Ans$er %uestions
Here's 5here it gets interesting1
#he 230 5or) li,it is not +ery long1 At least they 5ere kin) eno&gh to e2pan) it fro, the
200 5or) ,a2i,&, that they allotte) last year1 Do& at least ha+e half a chance this ti,e to
get yo&r f&ll story across1 t 5on't $e easy $&t yo&'ll $e a$le to p&ll it off1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 1!
#he other pro$le, that 5e see people grappling 5ith is- 5hat's the right allocation of
contentJ Ko they 5ant these stories to $oth $e professionalJ s it "F if $oth are personalJ
Ega)s 5hat's a BSer to )oJG
Here's so,e g&i)elines to go $y.
aB #he entirety of yo&r Booth essays sho&l) contain at least one har)core story of
professional achie+e,ent1 Do& potentially co&l) go into professional st&ff in the
presentation tho&gh that ,ight not $e the +ery $est approach A5e'll e2plain 5hat 5e
,ean in a ,o,entB1 So 5hat that says is- at least one of these short-ans5er essays
sho&l) $e on a straight&p professional topic- so,ething that lets yo& sho5 ho5
yo&'re a lea)er- so,eho5- so,e5here- so,e5ay1
$B t's technically fine- in ter,s of allocation across the essays an) the $alance of yo&r
pitch- if $oth these short-ans5er essays talk a$o&t professional st&ff1 #he first one
see,s like an o$+io&s choice $&t 5e can also i,agine ho5 a BSer ,ight )o a fine
>o$ in &sing that pro,pt as a 5ay to present so,e other )i,ension of the,sel+es
that 5asn't a straight-&p professional achie+e,ent1 Do& see the fle2i$ility yo&'re
affor)e)J #he ,ost i,portant thing is to gi+e the a)co, ,&ltiple aspects to yo&r
$ackgro&n) an) e2perience thro&gh these essays- an) at least one har)core
professional story H tho&gh ,ore 5o&l) $e great- too1
cB #he t5o short-ans5er :&estions are #=" ESSADS1 Do& sho&l) choose )ifferent
topics for each- an) they nee) to $e 5ritten o&t separately1 Each sho&l) ha+e its
o5n intro- $o)y an) concl&sion1 #hey nee) to present )ifferent things a$o&t yo&-
an) e+en tho&gh the ter, ;short ans5er< see,s so easy an) cas&al- they nee) to $e
for,ally 5ritten- thoro&ghly re+ise) an) refine)- an) caref&lly proofrea)1
)B Both essays sho&l) pro$a$ly $e foc&sing on e+ents fro, the last three years1 #his is
not a strict r&le $&t it is a strong reco,,en)ation1 n fact- yo&r topic 5ith essay 1
sho&l) pro$a$ly $e ,ore conte,porary than that1 Feeping it 5ithin the last year or
year an) a half 5o&l) $e i)eal1
t's &p to yo& to fig&re o&t 5hat to say in each of these channels1 =e are not )ictating any
one strategy1 =e're >&st offering 5hat often 5orks o&t to $e a nice $alance) approach to
choosing so,e topics for these not-so-easy :&estions1
1" EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
.hort*Ans!er A0 3+y fa"orite %art of my !or' is(((4
f so,ething )i)n't i,,e)iately pop into yo&r $rain 5hen yo& rea) the pro,pt- yo& ,ay
fin) yo&rself st&,pe) an) &ns&re of 5hat to co,e &p 5ith1 t's )efinitely an &n&s&al
:&estion H $&t a f&n oneG #his is a 5ay to re+eal yo&rself to the a)co, an) to share so,e of
yo&r professional e2periences an) strengths1
"ften- people are ,oti+ate) to go to $&siness school $eca&se they are ,isera$le in their
c&rrent >o$s1 #hey're looking for an escape- an) they latch onto the MBA to sa+e the,1
"r- e+en if they're not acti+ely &nhappy 5ith 5hat they're )oing- they're $ore)1 #hey're in a
r&t1 "r they'+e hit a )ea) en)1 So,eti,es- people ,ention that sort of thing in the essays H
they say so,ething like ; 5ant to get an MBA $eca&se ha+e ,a2e) o&t on 5hat can learn
in ,y c&rrent career1<
#his is not goo)1 Do& sho&l) ne+er say anything like this to the a)co,1 #his is a negati+e- an)
it in)icates that yo&'re co,placent- that yo&'re not acti+ely 5orking to $&il) yo&rself an)
gro51 n any en+iron,ent- yo& co&l) )o ,ore to contri$&te- to $ranch o&t an) e2pan)1 f
so,eone a),its to $eing $ore) or not ha+ing ,ore options in their >o$- that >&st ,eans that
they're not trying +ery har)1
f yo&'re co,ing fro, a ,entality like that- this partic&lar essay :&estion ,ight at first see,
)a&nting1 ; )on't like anything a$o&t ,y >o$-< so,e people say1 ;t's >&st 5ork1< f yo&'re
ha+ing tho&ghts like that- yo& nee) to p&sh yo&rself to )ig )eeper1 =hat are yo& goo) atJ f
yo&r c&rrent 5ork has gro5n stale- then 5hat )i) yo& used to like to )o on this >o$J
#he key to this essay is you need to tell a story'
A great topic ,ight $e to share a ,a>or professional achie+e,ent or a critical e2a,ple of
yo&r lea)ership- especially 5hen the 5ork yo& )i) ha+e a positi+e effect on others1 @ea) into
the story 5ith a )irect ans5er to the :&estion - ; really lo+e RDS a$o&t ,y >o$< - an) then
seg&e into the story that ill&strates 5hat yo& ,ean1
#he $iggest ,istake that people ,ake in an essay like this is that they operate at a too-high
le+el- they ,ake generic state,ents an) +ag&e clai,s1 #he 5hole thing co,es across as
han)-5a+y1 Do&r task 5ith these t5o essays H this one in partic&lar H is to $e s(ecific'
@ay o&t a concise ans5er to the :&estion1 #he rea)er sho&l)n't ha+e to go searching for the
thing that yo& like a$o&t yo&r 5ork1 #hen- gi+e at least one f&lly-)e+elope) story to $ack that
A soli) ans5er to this :&estion 5ill also gi+e insights into $hy yo& are ans5ering the 5ay
that yo& are1
An)- the ,ost sophisticate) of all 5ill tie yo&r $ackgro&n) story of lea)ership an)
achie+e,ent into a reference to Booth- or e+en a state,ent of yo&r career goals1 /&st $e +ery
caref&l if yo& )o that H it co&l) co,e across as totally contri+e)1 Do& cannot >&st plop on a
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 1#
,ention of career goals at the en) an) think it 5o&l) 5ork1 Do&'ll 5ant to 5ea+e it in if
yo&Tre going to )o this H an) re,e,$er- the a)co, has not aske) a$o&t goals1 f yo& )on't
integrate the goals in s,oothly- it's going to so&n) +ery a5k5ar)1 So $e caref&l 5ith this an)
$e sensiti+e to the essay constr&ction an) flo51 #here's )ifferent 5ays to p&ll it off- an) >&st
as ,any 5ays for it to $o,$1
.hort*Ans!er B0 3I started to thin' differently !hen(((4
#his is so si,ilar to last year's :&estion- an) it )efinitely fits right in 5ith the Booth the,e
an) +al&e syste,1 #his is yo&r chance to )e,onstrate yo&r appreciation for the 5ay that
Booth operates an) to sho5 ho5 yo& 5ill fit in there as a +al&a$le ,e,$er of their
co,,&nity H $y gi+ing the, an e2a,ple of so,ething significant in yo&r $ackgro&n) that
sho5s yo&'re s,art- a)apta$le- ,at&re- resilient- or any n&,$er of other positi+e :&alities
that yo& feel are i,portant to )e,onstrate1
=e're not s&ggesting that that list is incl&si+e- nor e2ha&sti+e H nor that any or all of the,
,ight $e the $est traits to $e presenting1 t's >&st a list1 Do& nee) to reflect on yo&r o5n
:&alities an) strengths an) )eter,ine 5hich are the ones yo& 5ant to sho5case for the
a)co, H an) 5hich can $e )e,onstrate) thro&gh a specific story that ans5ers this :&estion1
As 5ith essay 1- there's a +ariety of 5ays to approach this essay an) ,any possi$le ,etho)s
to con+ey yo&rself to the a)co,1 Here's one possi$ility for ho5 to think a$o&t it.
=hat inci)ent or e2perience in yo&r life )o yo& feel has ,ost change) yo&J
"ne hint. So,ething a$o&t ho5 yo& gre5 in yo&r >o$ as a lea)er co&l) $e an e)cellent
choice for this essay1 B&t >&st like 5ith the prior essay- yo& sho&l) not shoehorn in a story
a$o&t lea)ership if it )oesn't other5ise fit the :&estion1 #he story yo& choose ,&st $e a
nat&ral for 5hat they'+e aske)1 t rarely 5orks to ,anip&late an e2isting story Alike one
yo&'+e )e+elope) for another school's applicationB into this :&estion1
t also nee)s to $e a fairly significant occ&rrence to ha+e ha) s&ch an i,pact1 "ne ,istake 5e
see so,eti,es is people talk a$o&t ho5 they change)- $&t they )on't present an e+ent or
happening that )i) it1 t's har)er to $&y into the transfor,ation if it >&st sort of e+ol+e)1 =e
so,eti,es str&ggle to see 5hat the e+ent 5as1 #his is partic&larly tr&e 5hen ;thinking< is
internal? there's nothing yo& can 5rite a$o&t that pro+es that yo&r thinking 5as change)1
Do& nee) to sho5 this thro&gh actions1
20 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
So the foc&s in this story nee)s to $e on the ;transfor,e) yo&< part H yo& nee) to either
sho5 ho5 yo& 5ere change) thro&gh the actions that yo& personally took Athe easiest 5ay to
5rite itB? or- yo& nee) to sho5 ho5 yo& 5ere e2pose) to so,ething H a person- their i)eas- a
sit&ation- an e+ent that happene) H an) that e2perience shifte) yo& such that you then
thought differently' A$o&t so,ething1 "r e+erything1
#his co&l) $e an essay a$o&t ho5 yo&r ,in) 5as change) to a ne5 opinion or $elief syste,
H yo& 5ent fro, $eing a Eep&$lican to $eing a Ke,ocrat1 "r- a pro$a$ly ,ore po5erf&l
approach is to sho5 ho5 yo& learne) a ne$ $ay of thinking'
n either case- the key to ,aking this essay 5ork is $y )e,onstrating a clear $efore-an)-after1
f yo&'re saying that yo& 5ere transfor,e) $y this 5hate+er-it-5as- yo& nee) to gi+e the
rea)er a sense of 5ho yo& 5ere $efore H ho5 )i) yo& think thenJ An) then yo& nee) to
)escri$e 5hat happene) that )i) the ;transfor,ing1< An) then yo& nee) to relate ho5 yo&
5ere after5ar)s Aor- pres&,a$ly- ho5 yo& are no5B H an) this is $est con+eye) thro&gh
Do& can't >&st say ; &se) to $e careless an) then sa5 this ho,eless g&y an) no5 realiMe
ho5 ,&ch s&ffering is in the 5orl)1< Do& nee) to gi+e &s proof that yo& ha+e change)1
5hat )i) the e2perience of seeing the ho,eless g&y )o to yo&J
=hat literally ha+e yo& )one )ifferently in yo&r life since thenJ =hat AC#"*S can
yo& point to no5 as e+i)ence of this )ifferenceJ
#he thing is- as anyone in a long-ter, relationship kno5s- it's easy to C@AM that yo&'+e
change)- that yo&'re no5 refor,e)- that yo& see things )ifferently no5 an) yo&'ll ne+er )o it
again pro,ise honey ', sorry1 B&t to ,ake &s confi)ent that this transfor,ation is real
an) per,anent- 5ell- 5e nee) to see so,ething of a track recor)1
=or)s are e,pty- an) easy1 =e nee) to see e+i)ence1 An) for so,ething to ha+e transfor,e)
yo&r thinking then it 5o&l) nee) to $e kin) of significant1 n ,any )rafts 5e see- the e+ent
has see,e) al,ost inconse:&ential1 f yo& ha+e a )ra,atic-eno&gh )ifference in the UafterU
pict&re then it can re)ee, e+erything H $&t then- if it's a )ra,atic effect- 5e') e2pect the
ca&se to $e co,,ens&rately $ig1 #his is partic&larly i,portant in con+eying 5here or ho5
yo& 5ere ;transfor,e)1<
t's also i,portant $eca&se yo&r task 5ith this assign,ent is to sho5 ho5 yo&r thinking
change) H an) ho5 in heck are yo& gonna )o that if not thro&gh yo&r actionsJ
So yo& see the i,perati+e1 Do& can't >&st toss o&t so,e clai,s that yo&'+e change)1 Do& nee)
so,ething ,ore tangi$le to point to1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 21
Guidance on "ooth Essay "
Do& can co+er anything 5ith this- $&t 5e strongly s&ggest trying for a professional
story if possi$le1 f yo& ha+e a stronger story fro, yo&r personal life- &se that? )o
not sacrifice the right story >&st to &se a professional one here1 !o 5ith yo&r $est
choices o+erall1
Sa,e story 5ith 5or) co&nt. Do& nee) to co,e in at the li,it- or ,ay$e a s,i)gen
a$o+e- $&t nothing e2tre,e1 E+en 270 5or)s 5ill see, like a lot1
=e nee) to see ho5 yo&'re )ifferent1 So,e type of $efore-an)-after +ie5 5ill $e
As 5ith the other :&estion- tying this in to yo&r Booth e2perience an)Cor f&t&re can
$e +ery effecti+e H if it's not )one in a s,ar,y 5ay1 Kon't force it1
As alrea)y ,entione)- these are in fact t5o separate essays1 Ass&,ing that the application
itself is str&ct&re) the sa,e this year- then yo& 5ill 5rite the, o&t together in one )oc&,ent
Aas of this 5riting- the :&estions ha) $een release) $y the act&al application is not open yetB1
#hey sho&l) each ha+e the essay :&estion liste) a$o+e 5ith yo&r paragraph or so ans5er
Do& sho&l) stri+e to incl&)e an intro-y sentence at the $eginning an) a concl&sion-y sentence
at the en)- $&t in so,ething so s&per short- )on't 5orry a$o&t a for,al opening or separate
concl&)ing paragraph or 5hate+er1 Base) on ho5 the a)co, lai) o&t the :&estions on their
5e$site- this sho&l) not $e one single essay 5ritten in t5o parts1 Also )on't get conf&se) an)
think that these t5o ans5ers nee) to $e a$o&t the sa,e thing- >&st $eca&se they're going to
$e presente) in one )oc&,ent1 Do&r short essays sho&l) each $e co+ering +ery )ifferent
,aterial1 #hese are t5o separate topics1
22 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
The )resentation0 3What else !ould you li'e us to 'no!?4
@et's start off 5ith so,ething Booth a),issions sai) )&ring a chat last year.
.ome ad"ice on the %resentation essay 5uestion0 Be
sure it adds "alue to your o"erall a%%lication( ot
e"erythin# at Booth is laid out in front of you& and
this is your first taste of that culture( Tell us
somethin# more about yourself& somethin# that you$d
really li'e the admissions committee to 'no!(
#hat's 5hat yo& nee) to e2a,ine all yo&r i)eas against1
#his )oes not ha+e to $e an essay H tho&gh it co&l) $e1 t also )oesn't ha+e to $e a
'o5er'oint H tho&gh it co&l) $e that- too1 =e're not going to )ictate any one ;right< 5ay to
)o this :&estion1 #hat 5o&l)n't $e fair to any$o)y- not to yo& an) )efinitely not to the Booth
=e hear the a),issions officers la,ent e+ery year that so,e a),issions cons&ltant p&$lishes
so,e a)+ice a$o&t their school's :&estions so,e5here an) they get all of the essays co,ing
in so&n)ing e2actly the sa,e1 =hose interests is that ser+ingJ #hat's a clear e2a,ple of the
;a)con< at 5ork again1
#his is another essay pro,pt that- sorry- EssaySnark )oes not feel co,forta$le gi+ing too
,&ch g&i)ance on1 =e'll gi+e yo& a fe5 ;)on't )os< $&t yo&'re going to $e largely on yo&r
o5n1 #his is a NEED i,portant part of the Booth application1 #hey'+e ha) so,e +ariation of
this in there for years an) years1 #hey o$+io&sly p&t a lot of +al&e on it1 t's not a thro5a5ay1
=e also )on't 5ant to infl&ence yo&r o5n i)eas too ,&ch H 5e are C"*N*CEK that yo&
5ill )o $etter on yo&r o5n 5ith li,ite) inp&t fro, others than yo& 5ill )o if yo& try to
copycat or cookiec&tter so,eone else's i)eas1 #here are a$sol&tely no r&les on ho5 to
han)le this essay1
#his is sort of like the inter+ie5 e2perience that =harton has no5- 5here they p&t yo&
together 5ith a $&nch of other applicants an) see 5hat yo& )o1 t's really &p to yo& to )o
5ell in that en+iron,ent1 Si,ilar 5ith this1
=hat 5e can offer is if yo& go thro&gh the f&ll Essay Keci,ator process 5ith yo&r Booth
essays- then yo& =@@ get )etaile) an) specific fee)$ack on 5hat yo&'+e co,e &p 5ith for
this essay Aalong 5ith all the others of co&rseB1 "r- if yo& go thro&gh the Essay )eas App
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 23
Accelerator- then 5e can gi+e yo& inp&t an) reactions to the-&h- KEAS yo& ha+e in ,in) for
5hat yo&'ll $e )oing 5ith this opport&nity to present yo&rself1 So yo& )efinitely can get inp&t
an) personal s&pport fro, EssaySnark on this1 =e ,&ch prefer to react to the plans that yo&
co,e &p 5ith- rather than )ictate the one right strategy that e+eryone ,&st follo51 #hat 5ay-
yo& can $e yo&rself- an) the a)co,s get ,ore of 5hat they 5ant o&t of yo& A5hich is D"PGB1
=e'll thro5 yo& a fe5 $ones here- to ans5er a fe5 of the ,ost co,,on :&estions 5e get.
=e are confi)ent that the Booth a)co, is tr&ly agnostic a$o&t 5hich for,at yo&
choose1 =hat's i,portant is ho5 yo& con+ey yo&r i)eas1
#hee option to )o an essay instea) of the 'o5er'oint is relati+ely ne5- ha+ing >&st
$een anno&nce) for the first ti,e last year1 A goo) ch&nk of people are s&ccessf&l
in applying to Booth 5ith a 5ritten essay for this last :&estion- $&t 5e still think that
a presentation can $e ,ore po5erf&l1
n past years- 5e'+e seen lots an) lots of people get in 5ith a 'o5er'oint that 5as
+ery a&to$iographical. fo&r sli)es con+eying )ifferent parts of their li+es- ,ostly
thro&gh photos1 #his is +ery co,,on Aan) so,eti,es a little $oringB- $&t it can
often $e effecti+e1
=e'+e also seen a s,aller n&,$er of people s&$,it 'o5er'oints that 5ere really
:&ite &ni:&e in ter,s of ho5 they present the infor,ation that the can)i)ate
5ante) to con+ey1
So o&r strongest a)+ice on ho5 to tackle this assign,ent.
11 (ig&re o&t the E*#EE#D of yo&r pitch first H 5hat are yo& going to co+er in each of
the ,ain essaysJ Do& sho&l) also ha+e a sense of 5hat yo&r reco,,en)ers 5ill $e
foc&sing on- in ter,s of hea)line stories that they'll $e incl&)ing1
21 (ig&re o&t the ,ain i)eas or topics that yo& 5ant to co+er in the Booth
presentation1 =e're $ig fans of lists1 =rite o&t 5hat yo& 5ant the a)co, to kno5
a$o&t yo&1 Kon't 5orry a$o&t 5hether yo&'re )oing a set of sli)es or a 5ritten essay?
foc&s on 5hat yo& nee) to co,,&nicate thro&gh this essay1 Eeflect on the
instr&ctions that they'+e pro+i)e)1 Do&'ll pro$a$ly 5ant to )o ,ore research into the
school at this point1
31 After yo& feel co,forta$le that yo&'+e got the &ni+erse of 5hat's i,portant )o5n on
paper- then fig&re o&t ho5 yo& ,ight $est con+ey that. an essay- or a set of sli)es1 t
,ight $e goo) to ,ap o&t e2actly the 5hats an) the ho5s of it at this point- to ,ake
s&re that the for,at yo&'+e chosen is going to s&pport the con+eyance of info that
yo& nee) it to1
24 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
41 Before yo& start )e+eloping the presentation- yo& ,ay 5ant to go $ack o+er the
:&estions 5e kicke) e+erything off 5ith- an) see if yo& can i)entify so,e 5ays to
capt&re at least so,e of the ans5ers to these :&estions.
What do I really !ant from my +BA ex%erience?
What can I brin# to the Chica#o Booth community?
Why is Booth the ri#ht %lace for me?
2o! do I %lan to use my +BA in my career?
&f you're doing a Po$erPoint
=e are going to iss&e one EP@E for this assign,ent for those of yo& 5ho are going to )o a
set of 'o5er'oint sli)es A5hich is 5hat the assign,ent has $een for ,any years H yo& )i)n't
&se) to $e a$le to get the option to )o the essay instea)B. f yo& choose the 'o5er'oint- then
yo& cannot also )o the essay1
=hat 5e ,ean $y that is- if yo&'re ,aking a presentation- it can't ha+e the sa,e a,o&nt Aor
,oreGB c&,&lati+e te2t on the sli)es than if yo&') 5ritten a 000-5or) essay1 f yo& 5ant to
5rite an essay- 5rite an essay1
=e 5ill a)) to that a $it here.
Guidelines for a *ower*oint
=hen yo&'re $&il)ing yo&r presentation sli)es- )on't start $y opening &p
'o5er'oint1 nstea)- start 5ith pen an) paper1 Sketch o&t a story$oar)1 Can yo&
5rite yo&r i)ea on the $ack of a napkinJ #hen it has ,erit1 #his sho&l) ha+e a
se:&ence- so,e type of clear organiMational str&ct&re1
f yo& choose the ''#- then it still is >&st another essay1 B&t it's not an ;essay< - yo&
,&st $e S'AESE 5ith the a,o&nt of te2t yo& incl&)e1 =e ha+e ha) BSers )o fo&r
sli)es for this assign,ent an) the net total of te2t that they ha) lai) o&t on those
fo&r sli)es 5as like 1-300 5or)s1 #his is not accepta$le1 f yo& )o a presentation-
then it ,&st $e a 'EESE*#A#"*1 #his see,s so o$+io&s yet this happens o+er an)
o+er again1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 25
f yo& incl&)e pict&res in yo&r ''#- yo& pro$a$ly nee) to p&t captions on the, H
an) these sho&l) $e +ery $rief1 Do& )on't nee) to ha+e f&ll sentences? a caption is
>&st a no&n or a phrase )escri$ing 5hat's in the pict&re1
f D"P are feat&re) in the pict&re H an) yo&'re not the only person 5ho's in it H yo&
nee) to )efinitely i)entify yo&rself for the +ie5er1 =e )o not kno5 yo&- re,e,$erJ
Kon't lea+e the a)co, g&essing an) 5on)ering? gi+e the photos yo& incl&)e
eno&gh conte2t that the a)co, can fit the p&MMle pieces together1
f yo& )o ha+e any te2t on the sli)es- keep the font siMe relati+ely large
A chronological presentation is typically $est Astart 5ith sli)e 1 on ol)er st&ff an)
,o+e to present )ay on the last oneB H this isn't ,an)atory $&t it can $e &sef&l to
orient yo&r rea)er
#here sho&l) $e a connection $et5een the sli)es? )on't slap together three or fo&r
co,pletely &nrelate) seg,ents 5ithin a single ''#
Stock photographs are la,e Athis is >&st EssaySnark's opinionB1 f yo&'re going to &se
photos- ,ake the, of D"P1
t can look ,essy if yo& co,$ine photos 5ith clipart1 #ry to stick to one the,e1
Be +ery caref&l 5ith colors an) fonts1 #oo ,any of either an) yo& risk looking
"$+io&sly yo& nee) to st&)y the g&i)elines that Booth has offere) in their essay
instr&ctions too1 Kon't o+erlook any of those1
Another point. #his e2ercise is not ,eant to test yo&r creati+ity1 f yo&'+e got ,a)
'o5er'oint skillM then great- &se the,G /&st $e caref&l that so,eti,es people think
they're hotshot 5ith the ''#s an) the st&ff they pro)&ce is sorta not so great1 Do&'re
not going to $e e+al&ate) on yo&r technical pro5ess? they really tr&ly care only a$o&t
the content1 B&t if it's i,possi$le to &n)erstan) the ,essage yo&'re trying to con+ey
$eca&se of the ga5)y colors an) horri$le layo&t- then that ,ight get in the 5ay- a little
$it- of ,aking the i,pression yo&'re stri+ing to ,ake1
2 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
&f you're doing an essay
=e hope yo& feel like yo& ha+e per,ission to >&st )o a 5ritten essay if yo& 5ant1 t's not an
application fa&2 pas to )o that1
"&r $iggest 5arningJ t's &nlikely yo&'ll $e a$le to re&se an essay fro, another school for
this H no- not e+en Har+ar)'s1 n fact- if yo& s&$,it a 5ritten ans5er to this :&estion- an)
yo&r application says that yo&'re applying to Har+ar) Aor yo&r !MA# score report sho5s that
yo& sent the, scoresB then the Booth a)co, 5ill instantly ass&,e that yo& are re&sing the
sa,e essay for $oth1 #his 5o&l) not $e goo)1 t's a $it of a t&rn-off- in fact1 E+en tho&gh
Har+ar) essentially copie) its lang&age fro, the Booth presentation pro,pt- yo& still nee)
to )o Booth the honor of creating an essay e2actly for the,1 An)- since 5e ha+e alrea)y
hinte) that it co&l) $e appropriate to talk a$o&t goals in the Booth presentation H an) it's
really not a core part of 5hat Har+ar) is e+er looking for H then that's an o$+io&s place
5here a Har+ar) essay an) a Booth presentation ,ight )i+erge1
#o )o this Booth :&estion H an) yo&r entire application H >&stice- yo&'ll nee) to fig&re this
one o&t fro, scratch1
After yo& )e+elope) yo&r i)eas for 5hat nee)s to go into the presentation- $ase) on
e+erything else yo&'ll $e presenting in the other parts of yo&r app- 5hat )oes that lea+e yo&
5ithJ #he $iggest pro$le, that people face 5ith 5riting an essay for this one is there is no
pro,pt? it's co,pletely open-en)e)1
Again- there's no r&les on this- $&t in general yo& 5ill 5ant to BE S'EC(C1 #his ,eans that
yo& can't >&st lo$ o&t a $&nch of st&ff a$o&t yo&rself H ; like ponies an) a, 5ell tra+ele)<
H no1 Do& ,&st fin) a 5ay to con+ey the i,portant $its thro&gh specifics1 #hat's the 5ay to
capt&re yo&r rea)er's attention1 f yo& 5ant to talk a$o&t yo&r 5orl) tra+els- please )on't >&st
say that yo&'+e $een to fi+e )ifferent co&ntries1 'lease *AME a fe5 of the, H an) $etter yet-
talk a$o&t the circ&,stances that took yo& there- an) ,ay$e so,ething that yo& $ro&ght
a5ay fro, the e2perience1
A 000-5or) essay is really long1 Do& ha+e plenty of roo, to f&lly e2plore 5hate+er topics yo&
feel are ,ost i,portant Aor- yo&'ll ha+e plenty of rope to hang yo&rself 5ith- if yo& )on't start
o&t 5ith a +ery str&ct&re) approach- an) a specific co,,&nication goal in ,in) $efore yo&
$egin 5riting the )raftB1
.o !hat should you D6 !ith the Booth %resentation?7?
*othing 5e'+e sai) has helpe) yetJ
Ho5 a$o&t this.
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 2!
#he Chicago e2perience 5ill take yo& )eeper into iss&es- force yo& to challenge
ass&,ptions- an) $roa)en yo&r perspecti+e1 n a fo&r-sli)e presentation or an essay of no
,ore than 000 5or)s- $roa)en o&r perspecti+e a$o&t 5ho yo& are1 Pn)erstan)ing 5hat
yo&'+e got in the rest of yo&r application- 5hat else 5o&l) yo& like the, to kno5J
"h right1 #hat's 5hat the school alrea)y tol) yo&1
=hat 5e'll )o is call yo&r attention to the last sentence. ;Pn)erstan)ing 5hat 5e c&rrently
kno5 a$o&t yo&111<
=hat yo& nee) to )o is *ring in ne$+different 5ith this last ele,ent1 Kon't ,ake the ,istake
of thinking only a$o&t yo&r ans5ers to the other essays an) fig&ring that the presentation
sho&l) th&s $e all a$o&t 5ork an) career- since yo& ha+en't ha) a chance to co+er that1
,e-e-*er% you have your ,ES./E and your ,EC0//E1234501S 6and the entire
37785C34501 2343SE49 that $ill *e co--unicating in very *road% and very detailed%
ter-s a*out your (rofessional *ackground' #he a)co, 5ill ha+e yo&r transcripts1 #hey 5ill
kno5 oo)les a$o&t yo& alrea)y1 K" *"# EECEEA#E #HE =HEE@1 #his essay sho&l) not
trea) ol) territory? yo& sho&l) $e $reaking ne5 gro&n) 5ith this1
Here's a list of st&ff that 5e )on't al5ays feel is the strongest ,aterial to incl&)e in the
11 'ro,otions
21 A5ar)s at 5ork
31 College achie+e,ents
41 Anything that pre-)ates college
E2ceptions ,ight $e.
11 College sports- partic&larly if yo& playe) in a +ery co,petiti+e leag&e
21 (raternity or sorority- if yo& 5ere hea+ily in+ol+e) Ahel) officeB an) ,ost partic&larly
if yo&'re engage) 5ith the, to)ay- on an ongoing $asis
31 Anything that pre-)ates college that yo& feel is tr&ly )escripti+e of 5ho yo& are or
representati+e of yo& as a person or highly rele+ant to 5hat yo& 5ill $ring to
Chicago Booth
"&r a)+ice is stick to =H" D"P AEE #"KAD1
Do& co&l) incl&)e st&ff that yo&'+e $een an) )one recently H an)- a tiny s,attering of
chil)hoo) references ,ay$e are 5orth5hile- )epen)ing on their i,port an) ho5 yo&
intro)&ce the,1 By an) large 5e think that foc&sing on the here an) no5 is often the 5ay to
2" EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
=hat ten)s to 5ork $estJ A&thentic st&ff a$o&t 5ho yo& really are- 5hat yo& really like to )o-
yo&r passions an) interests1 #he 5here-'+e-$een an) 5ho--a, ,aterial can potentially play
5ell in this essay Aor ''#B )epen)ing on ho5 yo& present it1 Eeally tr&ly- the a)co, 5ants to
get a sense of that1
#his is 5here any of yo&r hi))en ho$$ies ,ay pro+e &sef&l - ho$$ies- interests- 5hat )o yo&
)o 5ith yo&r spare ti,e1 /&st ,ake s&re it's $school-rele+ant- an) that yo& )on't stray into
#M territory Acheck o&t the EssaySnark $lahg for so,e posts on sharing ;too ,&ch
infor,ation< in yo&r essaysB1 =hat ca&ses are yo& passionate a$o&t1 f yo& are ,arrie)- then
yo& co&l) ,ake ,ention of yo&r significant other here Ain an integrate) fashion H )on't >&st
state it as a fact an) ,o+e onB1
Testing your ideas
#he 5ay yo& select 5hich ite,s are appropriate an) rele+ant is to co,pare the, against the
lang&age in the first part of the pro,pt1 Koes this e2a,ple sho5 ho5 yo& are so,eone 5ho
goes )eeper into e2periences- 5ho challenges ass&,ptions- 5ho seeks to ha+e her
perspecti+e $roa)ene)J f so- yo& ,ay ha+e a 5inner1
An) the +ery ,ost tippy top critical co,ponent o+er all that nee)s to $e in this essayJ Aor
W2, ,68 WAT T6 G6 T6 B66T2(
Do& sho&l) )o all that yo& can to integrate at least so,e5here in the presentation a reason
or t5o for 5hy yo& 5ant to get yo&r MBA at Chicago- so,e in)ication that yo& kno5 5hat
they're a$o&t- so,e sense of ho5 yo&'ll contri$&te1 #his )oesn't nee) to $e the $&lk of the
essay $&t it 5o&l) $e goo) if it 5ere at least one co,ponent1
An) finally.
#he $est approach of all 5ith the presentationJ
Be S'EC(C H )on't gloss o+er st&ff 5ith i)eas- &se act&al e2a,ples- point to an
instance in yo&r life 5here so,ething is tr&e
Be AP#HE*#C H let yo&r 'real yo&' o&t1 #his nee)s to $e gen&ine st&ff1 Kon't try to
tell the, 5hat yo& think they 5ant to hearG Make it tr&e- ,ake it real- let it shine1
EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth 2#
=e'll lea+e yo& 5ith a final $it of non-helpf&l a)+ice fro, the Booth a),issions tea, 5hen
aske) a$o&t this essay in an online chat.
#his is really on the applicant to na+igate the 5hite space of this :&estion an) share
so,ething that they think 5o&l) $e +al&a$le for the a),issions co,,ittee to hear1
Again- it's i,portant ha+e this essay fit 5ell into the strategy of yo&r o+erall
Do& 5ill $e e+al&ate) for EL Ae,otional intelligenceB an) they 5ill 5ant to see ho5 yo&
interpret the :&estion an) analyMe yo&r o5n profile- in or)er to co,e &p 5ith the >&st-right
infor,ation to con+ey thro&gh this for,at1
EssaySnark 5ill ne+er offer i)eas or s&ggestions for the Booth presentation1 f 5e )i)- then
e+eryone 5o&l) $e s&$,itting st&ff to the a)co, that is all the sa,e1 Ho5e+er- 5e are happy
to co,,ent on the i)eas that yo& co,e &p 5ith1 f yo& 5ant to r&n yo&r Booth presentation
past &s- to see 5hat 5e think- 5e can offer a th&,$s-&p or th&,$s-)o5n >&)g,ent on it1
Sen) it along to gethelpno5Vessaysnark1co, an) 5e'll let yo& kno5 o&r reaction1
30 EssaySnark's 2013 Strategies for Chicago Booth
What to Do ext
#his application sho&l) $e (P* to 5rite1 #he :&estions are short- all yo& nee) to )o is tell a
co&ple stories- an) then yo& can $e creati+e 5ith the open-en)e) presentation1 Kon't 5orry
a$o&t this too ,&ch1 !et all of yo&r i)eas sketche) o&t first an) then start to )rill )o5n into
5hat to &se 5here1
EssaySnark re+ie5s essays for the top $&siness schools on o&r $lahg Afor freeGB at
http.CCessaysnark1co,1 =e'+e got lots of ,aterial in articles an) LWA a$o&t Booth there1 f
yo& ha+e :&estions 5e can help 5ith a$o&t Booth or any of yo&r other applications- feel free
to e,ail &s at gethelpno5Vessaysnark1co, or fin) &s on #5itter AVEssaySnarkB1
@ook for other SnarkStrategies !&i)es A)igital an) paper$ackB
at yo&r fa+orite $ookseller
or on the EssaySnark $lahg1

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