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This chapter lists the standards that are referenced in various sections of this document. The standards are
listed herein by the promulgating agency of the standard, the standard identification, the effective date and
title, and the section or sections of this document that reference the standard. The application of the
referenced standards shall be as specified in Section 102.8.
American National Standards Institute
25 West 43rd Street, Fourth Floor
New York, NY 1003
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
Z43!"# $inimum Re%uirements for Nonse&ered 'aste(Dis)osal S*stems 3111
Z+1++!"" Relief ,al-es for Hot 'ater Su))l* S*stems #.4+/ #.4#
Z1+41!"# Plastic 0at1tub 2nits 4.31
Z1+4+!"# Plastic S1o&er Rece)tors and S1o&er Stalls 4131
Z1+43!"# Plastic 4a-atories 4151/ 415+
Z1+44!"5 Plastic 'ater Closet 0o&ls and Tan6s 4+.1
Z1+45!"3 Plastic Sin6s 41#1/ 4171
Air!"onditionin# $ %e&ri#eration Institute
4100 North Fair&a' (ri)e, Suite 200
Arlin#ton, *A 22203
Standard Referenced
reference in code
number Title section number
1.1.!"4 Self(Contained/ $ec1anicall*(Refri8erated Drin6in8('ater Coolers 41.1
American Societ+ o& ,echanical -n#ineers
.hree /ark A)enue
New York, NY 1001!5000
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
A11+1+!1""19R1""7: Air ;a)s in Plumbin8 S*stems Table 5.71
A11+13!+... Air ;a) Fittin8s for 2se &it1 Plumbin8 Fi<tures/ A))liances and A))urtenances
5.7131/ Table 5.71
A11+31!1""3 Performance Standard and =nstallation Procedures for Stainless Steel Draina8e S*stems
or Sanitar*/ Storm and
C1emical A))lications/ Abo-e and 0elo& ;round 41+1/ Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table
Table 3.+4/ 3.7+/ Table 11.+4/ Table 11.+#/ 11.+5/ Table 11.+3
A11+34!+... $aceratin8 Toilet S*stems and Related Com)onents 31+41
A11+41!1""39R1""7: 'ater Heater Relief ,al-e Drain Tubes #.45+
A11+43!1""" Plastic Fittin8s for Connectin8 'ater Closets to t1e Sanitar* Draina8e S*stem 4.#4
A11+51$!1""3 Floor(Affi<ed Su))orts for >ff(t1e(Floor Plumbin8 Fi<tures for Public 2se
A11+5+!+... Framin8(Affi<ed Su))orts for >ff(t1e(Floor 'ater Closets &it1 Concealed Tan6s
A11+53!+..1 Floor and Trenc1 Drains 41+1
A11+53!+..1 Enameled and E)o<*(coated Cast(iron and P,C )lastic Sanitar* Floor Sin6s 4+31
A11+141!1"3#9R1""7:0ac6&ater ,al-es31#+
A11+143!+... ;rease =nterce)tors 1..334
A11+144!+..1 ;rease Remo-al De-ices 1..334
A11+171!+... Plumbin8 Fi<ture Fittin8s 4+41
A11+173$!1""5 Performance Re%uirements for 0ac6flo& Protection De-ices and S*stems in
Plumbin8 Fi<ture Fittin8s 4+4#
A11+175!1""" Fle<ible 'ater Connectors 5.#5
A11+173!1""" Dec6 mounted 0at1?S1o&er Transfer ,al-es &it1 =nte8ral 0ac6flo& Protection
A11+1"1$!1""49R1""": Enameled Cast =ron Plumbin8 Fi<tures 4.31/ 41.1/ 41#1/ 4151/
A11+1"+$!1""7 ,itreous C1ina Plumbin8 Fi<tures 4.1+/ 4.#"/ 4.71/ 41.1/ 4151/ 4171/
41"1/ 4+.1

A11+1"3$!1"739R1""5: Stainless Steel Plumbin8 Fi<tures 9Desi8ned for Residential 2se:
4.#"/ 41#1/ 4151/ 4171
A11+1"4$!1""49R1""": Porcelain Enameled Formed Steel Plumbin8 Fi<tures 4.31/ 4151/
A11+1"#!1""" Trim for 'ater(Closet 0o&ls/ Tan6s/ and 2rinals 4+#4
A11+1"5!1""# H*draulic Performance Re%uirements for 'ater Closets and 2rinals 41"1/
A11+1"3$!1""# '1irl)ool 0at1tub A))liances 4+11
A11+1"7$!1"739R1""5: Suction Fittin8s for 2se in S&immin8 Pools/ 'adin8 Pools/ S)as/ Hot
Tubs/ and '1irl)ool 0at1tub A))liances 4+14
A11+1""$!1""7 Non(,itreous Ceramic Plumbin8 Fi<tures 4.31/ 4.71/ 41.1/ 41#1/ 4151/
4131/ 4171/ 4+.1
A11+1"1+!+... 'all $ounted and Pedestal $ounted/ Ad@ustable and Pi-otin8 4a-ator* and
Sin6 Carrier S*stems 4154/ 4173
A11+1"13!+..1 Electro1*draulic 'ater Closets 4+.1
A11+1"1#!+..1 0at1tub?'1irl)ool 0at1tubs &it1 Pressure Sealed Doors 4.34/ 4+1#
A11++1+$!1"73 Roof Drains 11.+5
A11+35+$!1""19R1""7: Cleanouts 3.7+
01+.1!1"739R1""": Pi)e T1reads/ ;eneral Pur)ose 9inc1: 5.#1.3/ 5.#1+3/ 5.#144/
5.#153/ 5.#171/
3.#/ 3.#+3/ 3.#43
0153!1""" $alleable =ron T1readed Fittin8s Classes 1#. and 3.. Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/
Table 11.+3
0154!1""7 ;ra* =ron T1readed Fittin8s Classes 1+# and +#. Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/ Table
015"!1""3 Factor*($ade 'rou81t Steel 0utt&eldin8 Fittin8s Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/ Table
01511!1""5 For8ed Fittin8s/ Soc6et('eldin8 and T1readed Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/ Table
0151+!1""7 Cast(=ron T1readed Draina8e Fittin8s Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+3
0151#!1"7#9R1""4: Cast 0ronAe T1readed Fittin8s Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+3
01517!1"749R1""4: Cast Co))er Allo* Solder Boint Pressure Fittin8s Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/
Table 11.+3
015++!1""# 'rou81t Co))er and Co))er Allo* Solder Boint Pressure Fittin8s Table 5.##/
Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+3
015+3!1""+ Cast Co))er Allo* Solder Boint Draina8e Fittin8s D', Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/
Table 11.+3
015+5!1"77 Cast Co))er Allo* Fittin8s for Flared Co))er Tubes Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/ Table
015+7!1""4 'rou81t Steel 0utt&eldin8 S1ort Radius Elbo&s and Returns Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/
Table 11.+3
015+"!1""4 'rou81t Co))er and 'rou81t Co))er Allo* Solder Boint Draina8e Fittin8s!D',
Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+3

American Societ+ o& Sanitar+ -n#ineerin#
001 "anter1ur+ %oad, Suite A
Westlake, 23 44145
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
1..1!". Performance Re%uirements for Pi)e A))lied Atmos)1eric T*)e ,acuum 0rea6ers
4+#+/ Table 5.71/ 5.7135
1..+!"" Performance Re%uirements for 'ater Closet Flus1 Tan6 0all Coc6s 4+#31/ Table
1..3!"# Performance Re%uirements for 'ater Pressure Reducin8 ,al-es 5.47
1..4!". Performance Re%uirements for Commercial Dis1&as1in8 $ac1ines 4."1
1..#!"" Performance Re%uirements for 'ater Heater Drain ,al-es #.13
1..5!7" Performance Re%uirements for Residential 2se 9House1old: Dis1&as1ers 4."1
1..3!"+ Performance Re%uirements for Home 4aundr* E%ui)ment 4.51/ 4.5+
1..7!7" Performance Re%uirements for House1old Food 'aste Dis)oser 2nits 4131
1.."!". Performance Re%uirements for Commercial Food 'aste ;rinder 2nits 4131
1.1.!"7 Performance Re%uirements for 'ater Hammer Arresters 5.4"
1.11!"# Performance Re%uirements for Hose Connection ,acuum 0rea6ers Table 5.71/
1.1+!"# Performance Re%uirements for 0ac6flo& Pre-enters &it1
=ntermediate Atmos)1eric ,ent Table 5.71/ 5.7133/ 5.715+
1.13!"" Performance Re%uirements for Reduced Pressure Princi)le 0ac6flo& Pre-enters
and Reduced Pressure Fire Protection Princi)le 0ac6flo& Pre-enters Table 5.71/ 5.713+/ 5.715+
1.14!". Performance Re%uirements for Hand1eld S1o&ers4+4+
1.1#!"" Performance Re%uirements for Double C1ec6 0ac6flo& Pre-ention Assemblies
And Double C1ec6 Fire Protection 0ac6flo& Pre-ention AssembliesTable 5.71/ 5.7133
1.15!"5 Performance Re%uirements for =ndi-idual T1ermostatic/ Pressure 0alancin8 and
Combination Control ,al-es for 0at1in8 Facilities 4+43


1.13!"" Performance Re%uirements for Tem)erature Actuated $i<in8 ,al-es for Hot 'ater
Distribution S*stems 4+43/ 4+4#/ 5131
1.17!75 Performance Re%uirements for Tra) Seal Primer ,al-esC 'ater Su))l* Fed 1..+4
1.1"!"3 Performance Re%uirements for 'all H*drants/ FreeAeless/ Automatic Drainin8/
Anti(0ac6flo& T*)es Table 5.71/ 5.7135
1.+.!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Pressure ,acuum 0rea6er Assembl* Table 5.71/
1.++!"7 Performance Re%uirements for 0ac6flo& Pre-enter for Carbonated 0e-era8e $ac1ines
Table 5.71/ 5.7151
1.+4!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Dual C1ec6 ,al-e T*)e 0ac6flo& Pre-enters
9for Residential Su))l* Ser-ice or =ndi-idual >utlets: 5.#31/ Table 5.71
1.3#!"# Performance Re%uirements for 4aborator* Faucet 0ac6flo& Pre-enters Table 5.71/
1.33!". Performance Re%uirements for PressuriAed Flus1in8 De-ices for Plumbin8 Fi<tures
1.44!75 Performance Re%uirements for Tra) Seal Primer ,al-esC Draina8e T*)e 1..+4
1.43!"" Performance Re%uirements for Reduced Pressure Detector Fire Protection 0ac6flo&
Pre-ention Assemblies Table 5.71/ 5.713+
1.47!"" Performance Re%uirements for Double C1ec6 Detector Fire Protection 0ac6flo&
Pre-ention Assemblies Table 5.71/ 5.7133
1.#1!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Air Admittance ,al-es for Plumbin8 Draina8e S*stems(
Fi<ture and 0ranc1 De-ices "131
1.#+!"4 Performance Re%uirements for Hose Connection 0ac6flo& Pre-enters Table 5.71/
1.##!"7 Performance Re%uirements for 0ac6flo& De-ices for C1emical Dis)ensin8 S*stems
1.#5!"# Performance Re%uirements for 0ac6 Si)1ona8e ,acuum 0rea6er Table 5.71/
5.713#/ 5.7137
1.5.!"5 Performance Re%uirements for >utdoor Enclosures for 0ac6flo& Pre-ention Assemblies
1.5+!"3 Performance Re%uirements for Tem)erature Actuated/ Flo& Reduction ,al-es to
=ndi-idual Fi<ture Fittin8s 4+4#
1.55!"3 Performance Re%uirements for =ndi-idual Pressure 0alancin8 ,al-es for =ndi-idual
Fi<ture Fittin8s 5.411
#.13!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Testin8 Reduced Pressure Princi)le 0ac6flo& Pre-enters
9RP: and Reduced Pressure Fire Protection Princi)le 0ac6flo& Pre-enters 9RFP:31+"+
#.1#!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Testin8 Double C1ec6 0ac6flo& Pre-ention Assemblies
9DC: and
Double C1ec6 Fire Protection 0ac6flo& Pre-ention Assemblies 9DCF: 31+"+
#.+.!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Testin8 Pressure ,acuum 0rea6er Assembl* 9P,0A:
#.43!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Testin8 Reduced Pressure Detector Fire Protection
0ac6flo& Pre-ention Assemblies 9RPDF: 31+"+
#.47!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Testin8 Double C1ec6 Detector Fire Protection
0ac6flo& Pre-ention Assemblies 9DCDF: 31+"+
#.#+!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Testin8 Hose Connection 0ac6flo& Pre-enters 31+"+
#.#5!"7 Performance Re%uirements for Testin8 S)ill Resistant ,acuum 0rea6er 31+"+

AS., International
100 4arr 3ar1or (ri)e
West "onshohocken, /A 10425!2050
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
A #3?A #3$!.+.1 S)ecification for Pi)e/ Steel/ 0lac6 and Hot(Di))ed/ Zinc(Coated 'elded and
Seamless Table 5.#3/
Table 5.#4/ Table 3.+1
A 34!"7 S)ecification for Cast =ron Soil Pi)e and Fittin8s Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table
3.+3/ Table 3.+4/ 3.7+/ Table 11.+4/ Table 11.+#/ Table 11.+3
A 31+?A 31+$!.1 S)ecification for Seamless and 'elded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pi)es Table
5.#4/ Table 5.##/ Table 5.#5/ 5.#+3+
A 333!.1 S)ecification for 'elded and Seamless Carbon Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Pi)e
Ni))les Table 5.#7
A 337!.1 S)ecification for 'elded 2nannealed Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubular Products
Table 5.#4/ Table 5.##/ Table 5.#5
A 777!"7e1 S)ecification for Hubless Cast =ron Soil Pi)e and Fittin8s for Sanitar* and Storm Drain/
'aste/ and ,ent Pi)in8 A))lication Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3/ Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+4/
Table 11.+#/ Table 11.+3
0 3+!..
S)ecification for Solder $etal 5.#143/ 5.#1#4/ 3.#"3/ 3.#1.3
0 4+!"7 S)ecification for Seamless Co))er Pi)e/ Standard SiAes Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/
Table 3.+1

0 43!"7 S)ecification for Seamless Red 0rass Pi)e/ Standard SiAes Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/
Table 3.+1
0 3#!.+ "" S)ecification for Seamless Co))er Tube Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/ Table 3.+1/ Table
3.++/ Table 3.+3/ Table 11.+4
0 77!.+ ""el S)ecification for Seamless Co))er 'ater Tube Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/ Table
3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3/ Table 11.+4
0 1#+?0 1#+$!.. S)ecification for Co))er S1eet/ Stri) Plate and Rolled 0ar 4.+3/ 4+#33/
413#+4/ ".++
0 +#1!.+ "3 S)ecification for ;eneral Re%uirements for 'rou81t Seamless Co))er and Co))er(Allo*
Tube Table 5.#3/Table 5.#4/
Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3/ Table 11.+4
0 3.+!.+ .. S)ecification for T1readless Co))er Pi)e/ Standard SiAes Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/
Table 3.+1
0 3.5!"" S)ecification for Co))er Draina8e Tube 9D',: Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table
0 443!.. S)ecification for 'elded Co))er Tube Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4
0 573!"" S)ecification for 0rass/ Co))er/ and C1romium(Plated Pi)e Ni))les Table 5.#7
0 713!..e.1 S)ecification for 4i%uid and Paste Flu<es for Solderin8 of Co))er and
Co))er Allo* Tube 5.#143/ 5.#1#4/ 3.#"3/ 3.#1.3
0 7+7!.. Practice for $a6in8 Ca)illar* Boints b* Solderin8 of Co))er and Co))er Allo* Tube and
Fittin8s 5.#143/
5.#1#4/ 3.#"3/ 3.#1.3
C 4!.. S)ecification for Cla* Drain Tile and Perforated Cla* Drain Tile Table 3.+3/
Table 11.+4/ Table 11.+#
C 14!"" S)ecification for Concrete Se&er/ Storm Drain/ and Cul-ert Pi)e Table 3.+3/
Table 11.+4
C 35!.. S)ecification for Reinforced Concrete Cul-ert/ Storm Drain/ and Se&er Pi)e Table
3.+3/ Table 11.+4
C +"5!.. S)ecification for Asbestos(Cement Pressure Pi)e Table 5.#4
C 4+#!.1 S)ecification for Com)ression Boints for ,itrified Cla* Pi)e and Fittin8s 3.#1#/
C 4+7!"3 S)ecification for Asbestos(Cement Non)ressure Se&er Pi)e Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3/
Table 11.+4
C 443!.1 S)ecification for Boints for Concrete Pi)e and $an1oles/ 2sin8 Rubber ;as6ets 3.#5/
C #.7!.. S)ecification for Asbestos(Cement 2nderdrain Pi)e Table 11.+#
C #54!"3 S)ecification for Rubber ;as6ets for Cast =ron Soil Pi)e and Fittin8s 3.##+/ 3.##3/
C 3..!.. S)ecification for ,itrified Cla* Pi)e/ E<tra Stren8t1/ Standard Stren8t1/ and Perforated
Table 3.+3/ Table 11.+4/ Table 11.+#
C 1.#3!.. S)ecification for 0orosilicate ;lass Pi)e and Fittin8s for Drain/ 'aste/ and
,ent 9D',: A))lications Table 3.+1/ Table 3.+4
C 1133!"3 S)ecification for Fle<ible Transition Cou)lin8s for 2nder8round Pi)in8 S*stem 3.#31/
3.#141/ 3.#15
C 1+33!"3 S)ecification for S1ielded Cou)lin8 Boinin8 Hubless Cast =ron Soil Pi)e and Fittin8s
C 144.!"" S)ecification for T1ermo)lastic Elastomeric 9TPE: ;as6et $aterials for Drain/ 'aste/
and ,ent 9D',:/ Se&er/ Sanitar* and Storm Plumbin8 S*stems 3.#15
C 145.!.. S)ecification for S1ielded Transition Cou)lin8s for 2se &it1 Dissimilar D', Pi)e and
Fittin8s Abo-e ;round 3.#15
C 1451!.. S)ecification for $ec1anical Cou)lin8s 2sin8 T1ermo)lastic Elastomeric 9TPE: ;as6ets
for Boinin8 Drain/ 'aste/ and ,ent 9D',: Se&er/ Sanitar* and Storm Plumbin8 S*stems for Abo-e and
0elo& ;round 2se 3.#15
D 1#+3!"" S)ecification for Acr*lonitrile(0utadiene(St*rene 9A0S: Plastic Pi)e/ Sc1edules 4. and
7. Table 5.#3
D 137#!"" S)ecification for Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Plastic Pi)e/ Sc1edules 4./ 7. and 1+.
Table 5.#3
D 175"!"#9+...: S)ecification for Rubber Rin8s for Asbestos(Cement Pi)e 5.#11/ 5.#++/
3.#3/ 3.#15

D ++3#!.1 S)ecification for Sol-ent Cement for Acr*lonitrile(0utadiene(St*rene 9A0S: Plastic Pi)e
and Fittin8s 5.#1.+/ 3.#++/ 3.#3+
D ++3"!.1 S)ecification for Pol*et1*lene 9PE: Plastic Pi)e 9S=DR(PR: 0ased on Controlled =nside
Diameter Table 5.#3
D ++41!.. S)ecification for Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Pressure(Rated Pi)e 9SDR(Series:
Table 5.#3
D ++7+!"" S)ecification for Acr*lonitrile(0utadiene(St*rene 9A0S: Plastic Pi)e 9SDR(PR: Table
D +454!"" S)ecification for T1readed Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Plastic Pi)e Fittin8s/ Sc1edule
7. Table 5.##/ Table 11.+3
D +455!.+ .1 S)ecification for Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Plastic Pi)e Fittin8s/ Sc1edule 4. Table
5.##/ Table 11.+3
D +453!.1 "" S)ecification for Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Plastic Pi)e Fittin8s/ Sc1edule 7. Table
5.##/ Table 11.+3
D +457!"5a S)ecification for Acr*lonitrile(0utadiene(St*rene 9A0S: Plastic Pi)e Fittin8s/ Sc1edule
4. Table 5.##/ Table 11.+3
D +#54!.+ "5a S)ecification for Sol-ent Cements for Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Plastic Pi)in8
S*stems 5.#+1+/ 3.#7+/ 3.#14+
D +5."!.. S)ecification for Plastic =nsert Fittin8s for Pol*et1*lene 9PE: Plastic Pi)e Table
5.##/ Table 11.+3
D +5#3!"3 Standard Practice for Heat Fusion(Boinin8 of Pol*olefin Pi)e and Fittin8
5.#1"+/ 5.#+.+
D +551!.1 S)ecification for Acr*lonitrile(0utadiene(St*rene 9A0S: Sc1edule
4. Plastic Drain/ 'aste/ and ,ent Pi)e and Fittin8s Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3/ Table
3.+4/ 3.#++/ 3.#3+/ Table 11.+4/ Table 11.+3

D +55+!"5a S)ecification for Pol*but*lene 9P0: Plastic Pi)e 9SDR(PR: 0ased on Controlled =nside
Diameter Table 5.#3
D +55#!.1 S)ecification for Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Plastic Drain/ 'aste/ and ,ent Pi)e and
Fittin8s Table 3.+1/
Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3/ Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+4/ Table 11.+3
D +555!"5a S)ecification for Pol*but*lene 9P0: Plastic Tubin8 Table 5.#3
D +53+!"5a S)ecification for Boints for =PS P,C Pi)e 2sin8 Sol-ent Cement Table 5.#3
D +3+"!"5a S)ecification for Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Se&er Pi)e and Fittin8s Table 11.+#
D +333!.1 S)ecification for Pol*et1*lene 9PE: Plastic Tubin8 Table 5.#3
D +3#1!"5a S)ecification for Acr*lonitrile(0utadiene(St*rene 9A0S: Se&er Pi)e and Fittin8s
Table 3.+3/ Table 11.+4
D +745?D +745$!"" S)ecification for C1lorinated Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9CP,C: Plastic Hot and
Cold 'ater Distribution S*stems Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/ 5.#15+
D +7##!"5 Standard Practice for $a6in8 Sol-ent(Cemented Boints &it1 Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C:
Pi)e and Fittin8s 5.#+1+/ 3.#7+/ 3.#14+
D +"4"!..a S)ecification for 3+#(=n >utside Diameter Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C:
Plastic Drain/ 'aste/ and ,ent Pi)e and Fittin8s Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3
D 3.34!.. S)ecification for T*)e PS$ Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Se&er Pi)e and Fittin8s
Table 3.+3/
Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+4
D 313"!"7 S)ecification for Boints for Plastic Pressure Pi)es 2sin8 Fle<ible Elastomeric Seals
5.#1.1/ 5.#+11
D 3+1+!"5a S)ecification for Boints for Drain and Se&er Plastic Pi)es 2sin8 Fle<ible Elastomeric
Seals 3.#+1/
3.#31/ 3.#71/ 3.#141
D 33."!"5a 9+..+: S)ecification for Pol*but*lene 9P0: Plastic Hot and Cold 'ater Distribution
S*stems Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/
5.#1"+/ 5.#1"3
D 3311!"4 S)ecification for Drain/ 'aste and ,ent 9D',: Plastic Fittin8s Patterns Table
D 4.57!.1 S)ecification for C1lorinated Pol*et1lene 9CPE: S1eetin8 for Concealed 'ater(
Containment $embrane 413#++
D 4##1!"59+..1: S)ecification for Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Plastic Fle<ible Concealed 'ater(
Containment $embrane 413#+1
F 4.#!"3 S)ecification for Corru8ated Pol*et1*lene 9PE: Tubin8 and Fittin8s Table 11.+#
F 4."!""a S)ecification for T1ermo)lastic Accessible and Re)laceable Plastic Tube and
Tubular Fittin8s4+41+/ Table 11.+3
F 433!"" S)ecification for T1readed C1lorinated Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9CP,C: Plastic Pi)e
Fittin8s/ Sc1edule 7. Table 5.##/ Table 11.+3
F 437!.+ .1 S)ecification for Soc6et(T*)e C1lorinated Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9CP,C: Plastic Pi)e
Fittin8s/ Sc1edule 4. Table 5.##/ Table 11.+3
F 43"!.+ .1 S)ecification for Soc6et(T*)e C1lorinated Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9CP,C: Plastic Pi)e
Fittin8s/ Sc1edule 7. Table 5.##/ Table 11.+3
F 441?F 441$!.+ "" S)ecification for C1lorinated Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9CP,C: Plastic Pi)e/
Sc1edules 4. and 7. Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/ Table 5.##
F 44+?F 44+$!"" S)ecification for C1lorinated Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9CP,C: Plastic Pi)e 9SDR(
PR: Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/ Table 5.##
F 433!"" S)ecification for Elastomeric Seals 9;as6ets: for Boinin8 Plastic Pi)e 5.#++/ 3.#15
F 4"3!"3 S)ecification for Sol-ent Cements for C1lorinated Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9CP,C: Plastic
Pi)e and Fittin8s 5.#15+
F 5+7!.1 S)ecification for Acr*lonitrile(0utadiene(St*rene 9A0S: Sc1edule 4. Plastic Drain/
'aste/ and ,ent Pi)e &it1 a Cellular Core Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3/ Table 3.+4/ 3.#++/
3.#3+/ Table 11.+4
F 5#5!"5a S)ecification for Primers for 2se in Sol-ent Cement Boints of Pol* 9,in*l C1loride:
9P,C: Plastic Pi)e and Fittin8s 5.#+1+/ 3.#7+/ 3.#14+
F 314!.. S)ecification for Pol*et1*lene 9PE: Plastic Pi)e 9SDR(PR: 0ased on >utside Diameter
Table 3.+3
F 735!.+ .. S)ecification for Cross(lin6ed Pol*et1*lene 9PED: Tubin8 Table 5.#3
F 733!.+a .. S)ecification for Cross(lin6ed Pol*et1*lene 9PED: Plastic Hot and Cold 'ater
Distribution S*stems Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4
F 7"1!.. S)ecification for Coe<truded Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Plastic Pi)e &it1 a Cellular
Core Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3/ Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+4/ Table 11.+#
F 1+71!.+
e.1 S)ecification for Cross(4in6ed Pol*et1*lene?Aluminum?Cross(4in6ed Pol*et1*lene
9PED(A4(PED: Pressure Pi)e Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4
F 1+7+!.1a S)ecification for Pol*et1*lene?Aluminum?Pol*et1*lene 9PE(A4(PE: Com)osite Pressure
Pi)e Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4
F 1477!.. S)ecification for Coe<truded Com)osite Pi)e Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table
F 17.3!"" S)ecification for $etal =nsert Fittin8s 2tiliAin8 a Co))er Crim) Rin8 for SDR" Cross(
lin6ed Pol*et1*lene 9PED: Tubin8 Table 5.##/ 5.#13+
F 1755!"7 S)ecification for Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Plastic Sc1edule 4. Draina8e and D',
Fabricated Fittin8s Table 3.+4

F 1"5.!"" S)ecification for Cold E<)ansion Fittin8s &it1 PED Reinforcin8 Rin8s for use &it1
Cross(lin6ed Pol*et1*lene 9PED: Tubin8 Table 5.##
F 1"34!.+ .. S)ecification for $etal =nsert Fittin8s for Pol*et1*lene?Aluminum? Pol*et1*lene and
Cross(lin6ed Pol*et1*lene?Aluminum?Cross(lin6ed Pol*et1*lene Com)osite Pressure Pi)e Table
F +.7.!.1 S)ecifications for Cold(E<)ansion Fittin8s &it1 $etal Com)ression(Slee-es for Cross(
lin6ed Pol*et1*lene 9PED: Pi)e Table 5.##

American Weldin# Societ+
550 N6W6 7e8eune %oad
,iami, F7 3312
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
A#7!"+ S)ecifications for Filler $etals for 0raAin8 and 0raAe 'eldin85.#1+1/ 5.#141/
5.#1#1/ 3.#41/ 3.#"1/ 3.#1.1
American Water Works Association
West 9uinc+ A)enue
(en)er, "2 50235
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
C1.4!"# Standard for Cement($ortar 4inin8 for Ductile(=ron Pi)e and Fittin8s for 'ater 5.#3/
C11.!"7 Standard for Ductile(=ron and ;ra*(=ron Fittin8s/ 3 =nc1es t1rou81 47 =nc1es/ for 'ater
Table 5.##/ Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+3
C111!.. Standard for Rubber(;as6et Boints for Ductile(=ron
Pressure Pi)e and Fittin8s 5.#13
C11#!"" Standard for Flan8ed Ductile(=ron Pi)e &it1 Ductile(=ron or ;ra*(=ron
T1readed Flan8es Table 5.#3
C1#1!"5 Standard for Ductile(=ron Pi)e/ Centrifu8all* Cast for 'ater Table 5.#3
C1#3!.. Standard for Ductile(=ron Com)act Fittin8s for 'ater Ser-ice Table 5.##
C#1.!.. Double C1ec6 ,al-e 0ac6flo& Pre-ention Assembl* Table 5.71/ 5.7133
C#11!.. Reduced(Pressure Princi)le 0ac6flo& Pre-ention Assembl* Table 5.71/ 5.713+/
C5#1!"" Disinfectin8 'ater $ains 51.1
C5#+!"+ Disinfection of 'ater(Stora8e Facilities 51.1
"ast Iron Soil /i:e Institute
5050 Shallow&ord %oad, Suite 410
"hattanoo#a, .N 3;421
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
3.1!.. S)ecification for Hubless Cast =ron Soil Pi)e and Fittin8s for Sanitar* and Storm Drain/
'aste and ,ent Pi)in8 A))licationsTable 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table 3.+3/ Table 3.+4/ Table 11.+4/ Table
11.+#/ Table 11.+3
31.!"3 S)ecification for Cou)lin8 for 2se in Connection &it1 Hubless Cast =ron Soil Pi)e and
Fittin8s for Sanitar* and Storm Drain/ 'aste and ,ent Pi)in8 A))lications 3.##3
"anadian Standards Association
1;5 %e'dale 4l)d6
%e'dale <.oronto=, 2ntario, "anada ,0W 1%3
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
04#1!"" Ceramic Plumbin8 Fi<tures 4.71/ 4151/ 4171/ 41"1/ 4+.1
04#+!"" Enameled Cast(=ron Plumbin8 Fi<tures 4.31/ 41#1/ 4151/ 4171
04#3!"" Porcelain Enameled Steel Plumbin8 Fi<tures4.31/ 4151/ 4171

04#4!"" Stainless(Steel Plumbin8 Fi<tures 41#1/ 4151/ 4171/ 4+.1
04##!"" Plastic Plumbin8 Fi<tures 4.31/ 415+/ 4131/ 41"1/ 4+.1/ 4+11
04#"!"" $aceratin8 S*stems and Related Com)onents 31+41
04#1.!.1 H*dromassa8e 0at1tubs 4+11
0543!"4 ,acuum 0rea6ers/ 4aborator* Faucet T*)e 94F,0: Table 5.71/ 5.7135
03"!"49+...: Floor/ Area and S1o&er Drains/ and Cleanouts for Residential Construction 41+1
01+#!"7 Plumbin8 Fittin8s4+41/ 4+43/ 4+44/ 4+#31/ 4+#4/ Table 5.71
01331!"" Pol*et1*lene Pi)e/ Tubin8 and Fittin8s for Cold 'ater Pressure Ser-ices Table
0133+!"" P,C =n@ection($oulded ;as6eted Fittin8s for Pressure A))lications Table 5.##/
Table 11.+3
01333!"" Ri8id Pol* 9,in*l C1loride: 9P,C: Pi)e for Pressure A))lications Table 5.#3/
5.#+1+/ 3.#7+/ 3.#14+
0133#!"" Cross(4in6ed Pol*et1*lene 9PED: Tubin8 S*stems for Pressure A))lications!&it1
Re-isions t1rou81 Se)tember 1""+ Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4
01335!"" CP,C Pi)e/ Tubin8 and Fittin8s for Hot and Cold 'ater Distribution S*stems!&it1
Re-isions t1rou81 $a* 1"75 Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4
01711!"" A0S Drain/ 'aste/ and ,ent Pi)e and Pi)e Fittin8s Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ Table
3.+4/ 3.#++/ 3.#3+/ 31#+
0171+!"" P,C Drain/ 'aste/ and ,ent Pi)e and Pi)e Fittin8s!&it1 Re-isions t1rou81
December 1""3 Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++/ 3.#7+/ 3.#14+/ 31#+
017+1!"" Plastic Drain and Se&er Pi)e and Pi)e Fittin8s 3.#7+/ 3.#14+
017++!"" P,C Se&er Pi)e and Fittin8s 9PS$ T*)e: Table 3.+3/ Table 11.+4/ Table 11.+#
CAN3(01337$!"" Pol*but*lene 9P0: Pi)in8 for Pressure A))lications!&it1 Re-isions t1rou81
Bul* 1""+ Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4/ 5.#1"+/ 5.#1"3
CAN?CSA(A+#31$!"+Circular Concrete Cul-ert/ Storm Drain/ Se&er Pi)e and Fittin8s Table
3.+3/ Table 11.+4
CAN?CSA(A+#3+$!"+Reinforced Circular Concrete Cul-ert/ Storm Drain/ Se&er Pi)e and Fittin8s
Table 3.+3/ Table 11.+4
CAN?CSA(A+#33$!"+Boints for Circular Concrete Se&er and Cul-ert Pi)e/ $an1ole Sections/ and
Fittin8s 2sin8 Rubber ;as6ets 3.#5/ 3.#15
CAN?CSA(05411!.1 ,acuum 0rea6ers/ Atmos)1eric T*)e 9A,0: 4+#+/ Table 5.71/ 5.7135
CAN?CSA(054+!.1 ,acuum 0rea6ers/ Hose Connection T*)e 9HC,0: Table 5.71/ 5.7135
CAN?CSA(054++!.1 ,acuum 0rea6ers/ Hose Connection T*)e 9HC,0: &it1 Automatic Drainin8
Feature Table 5.71/ 5.7135
CAN?CSA(0543!.1 0ac6flo& Pre-enters/ Dual C1ec6 ,al-e T*)e &it1 Atmos)1eric Port 9DCAP:
Table 5.71/ 5.7133/ 5.715+
CAN?CSA(0544!.1 0ac6flo& Pre-enters/ Reduced Pressure Princi)le T*)e 9RP: Table 5.71/
5.713+/ 5.715+
CAN?CSA(0541.!.1 $anual for t1e Selection/ =nstallation/ $aintenance and Field Testin8 of
0ac6flo& Pre-ention De-ices 31+"+
CAN?CSA(0133"!"" Pol*et1*lene?Aluminum?Pol*et1*lene Com)osite Pressure Pi)e S*stems
Table 5.#3
CAN?CSA(01331.$!"" Cross(lin6ed Pol*et1*lene?Aluminum?Pol*et1*lene Com)osite
Pressure Pi)e S*stems Table 5.#3/ Table 5.#4
CAN?CSA(01713!"" Pol*olefin 4aborator* Draina8e S*stems Table 3.+1/ Table 3.++
CAN?CSA(017+4!"" Profile P,C Se&er Pi)e and Fittin8s Table 3.+3/ Table 11.+4/ Table
CAN?CSA(05.+!"" $ec1anical Cou)lin8s for Drain/ 'aste/ and ,ent Pi)e and Se&er Pi)e 3.#+1/
3.##3/ 3.#5/ 3.#31/ 3.#141/ 3.#1#/ 3.#15
Federal S:eci&ication
1041 8e&&erson (a)is 3i#hwa+, Suite 104
Arlin#ton, *A 22202
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
TT(P(1#35A91"3#: Federal S)ecification for Plumbin8 Fi<ture Settin8 Com)ound 4.#4
E Standards are a-ailable from t1e Su)t of Documents/ 2S ;o-ernment Printin8 >ffice/ 'as1in8ton/ DC
International "ode "ouncil
5203 7ees1ur# /ike, Suite 00Falls "hurch, *A 22041
Florida "2(-S
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
F0C(0 .4 =0C!.3 Florida =nternational 0uildin8 Code/ 0uildin8F +.13/ 3.#4/ 3.31/ 3.3+/
3.33/ 3.7+/ 3."1/ 31.1/ 31.3/ 4.31/ Table 4.31/ 4.41/ 4.33/ 4135/ #.+5/ 5.5#+/ 11.5#

C1+3/ F0C(0 .4 =CC EC!.3 Florida 0uildin8 Code/ 0uildin8 9National Electrical Code: =CC
Electrical Code+.13/ #.+1/ #.43/ 111313
=E0C!.3 =nternational E<istin8 0uildin8 Code 1.1+
C113 F0C(0 .4 =ECC!.3 C1 13 of t1e Florida 0uildin8 Code/ 0uildin8 9Ener8* Efficienc*:
=nternational Ener8* Conser-ation Code 3131/ 5.3+/ 5.3+1
FFPC(.4 =FC!.3 Florida =nternational Fire Pre-ention CodeF+.13/ 1+.11
F0C(F; .4 =F;C!.3 Florida 0uildin8 Code/ =nternational Fuel ;as CodeF1.1+/ +.13/ #.+1
F0C($ .4 =$C!.3 Florida 0uildin8 Code/ =nternational $ec1anical CodeF +.13/ 3.35/
31.1/ 4++"/ #.+1/ 51+1/ 1+.+1
54E(5 =PSDC!.3 Rule 54E/ Florida Administrati-e Code =nternational Pri-ate Se&a8e Dis)osal
CodeF 3.1+
FRC .4 =RC!.3 Florida =nternational Residential Code 1.1+
Industr+ Sa&et+ -?ui:ment Association
1001 N6 ,oore Street, Suite 505
Arlin#ton, *A 22200
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
Z3#71!"7 Emer8enc* e*e&as1 and s1o&er e%ui)ment 4111

National Fire /rotection Association
4atter+march /ark
9uinc+, ,A 0220
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
#.!.1 0ul6 ><*8en S*stems at Consumer Sites 1+.31
#1!.+ "3 Desi8n and =nstallation of ><*8en(Fuel ;as S*stems for 'eldin8/ Cuttin8/ and Allied
Processes 1+.31
3.!.+ "" National Electrical Code #.+1/ #.43/ 111313
""C!"" ;as and ,acuum S*stems 1+.+1
National Sanitation Foundation
;50 (i'1oro %oad
Ann Ar1or, ,I 45105
Standard ReferencedReference in code
Number Title section number
3!1""5 Commercial S)ra*(T*)e Dis1&as1in8 and ;lass&as1in8 $ac1ines 4."1
14!1""" Plastic Pi)in8 S*stem Com)onents and Related $aterials 3.33/ 5113
17!1""5a $anual Food and 0e-era8e Dis)ensin8 E%ui)ment 4+51
14!1""" Plastic Pi)in8 S*stem Com)onents and Related $aterials 3.33/ 5113
4+!+..1. Drin6in8 'ater Treatment 2nits!Aest1etic Effects 5111/ 5113
44!+... Residential Cation E<c1an8e 'ater Softeners 5111/ 5113
#3!+..1 Drin6in8 'ater Treatment 2nits!Healt1 Effects 5111/ 5113
#7!+..1 Re-erse >smosis Drin6in8 'ater Treatment S*stems 511+
51!+..1 Drin6in8 'ater S*stem Com)onents!Healt1 Effects 4+41/ 5.#3/ 5.#4/ 5.##/ 5113
5+!1""" Drin6in8 'ater Distillation S*stems 5111
/lum1in# and (raina#e Institute
45 4ristol (ri)e, Suite 101
South -aston, ,A 023;5
Standard Referenced
Reference in code
Number Title section number
;1.191""7: Testin8 and Ratin8 Procedure for ;rease =nterce)tors &it1 A))endi< of SiAin8 and
=nstallation Data 1..334

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