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semester of 2013
1) What kind of movie do !o" #ike $at%hin&'
() W)ite a #it of !o") * favo)ite movie+
M! ,ve favo)ite movie
-) Wa#k a)o"nd the %#a)oom and ,nd o"t one t"dent $ho ha/ at #eat/
one ,#m in %ommon $ith !o"+ What0 the name of the movie1)'
.) What kind of movie i it' The ,#m 2e#o$ $e)e nominated fo) 3et
Pi%t")e in (41-+ Che%k the ta2#e and %om5#ete+
Adventure Thriller Horror Drama Historical
1) () -) .)

*) 7i#m S!no5i Game 8 Mat%h the 7i#m0 S!no5i $ith the name of the
( ) Young _________, the son of zookeepers in Pondicherry, India, fnds the world he
knows swept away when his family sells the zoo and sets sail for Canada with a few
of its remaining animals ! storm capsizes the ship and only __________ escapes, set
adrift in a life"oat that is also the refuge of an enormous #engal tiger
1+ 3eat of the
So"the)n Wi#d
( ) In the fnal months of her life, a retired music teacher and her hus"and of si$ty
years struggle with the de"ilitating e%ects of two strokes on "oth her health and her
&uality of life !s 'eorges cares for the increasingly unhappy !nne, the pair fnds
the nature of their life together irre(oca"ly changed
(+ A)&o
( ) )hen si$ !mericans take refuge in the Canadian em"assy in *ehran during the
+,-, hostage crisis, ./ go(ernment agent *ony 0endez turns to 1ollywood for
help )orking with a producer and a makeup artist, he de(ises a rescue mission that
centers on the creation of a fake flm production company scouting locations in Iran
-+ Si#ve) Linin&
semester of 2013
( ) In an isolated 2ouisiana swampland known as the #athtu", young 1ushpuppy
and her father are part of a community that li(es outside of the structure of modern
society )hen rising 3ood waters threaten the area, the young girl4s resourcefulness
and li(ely imagination are called into play as the region4s residents face the
approaching disaster
.+ Lin%o#n
( ) 'erman "ounty hunter 5r 6ing /chultz "uys a sla(e named 57ango and
promises him his freedom once he has helped /chultz track down the criminals he is
seeking #ut 57ango has a wife who was sold o% years ago, and his partnership with
/chultz may o%er him a chance to fnd her
*+ The Life of Pi
( ) In early +,th century 8rance, 9ean :al7ean, a man imprisoned years earlier for
stealing a loaf of "read, decides to "reak his parole following his release and assume
a new identity !lthough he succeeds in "uilding a new life for himself, the relentless
pursuit of Inspector 9a(ert threatens the security of :al7ean and his adopted
daughter, Cosette
9+ :e)o Da)k Thi)t!
( ) )ith the Ci(il )ar coming to a close and the freedom granted to the sla(es "y
the ;mancipation Proclamation called into &uestion, !"raham 2incoln seeks to pass a
thirteenth amendment to the Constitution that will outlaw sla(ery e(erywhere in the
.nited /tates 8acing opposition from many &uarters in Congress, 2incoln uses his
(ast political powers to gain allies in his fght
;+ D<an&o
( ) Pat /olatano is released into his parents4 care after eight months of treatment
for a "ipolar disorder 1is reco(ery seems far from certain, howe(er, when he stops
taking his medication and "ecomes increasingly o"sessed with winning "ack his
estranged wife, a plan that leads him to em"ark on a complicated relationship with a
trou"led young woman whose hus"and has died
=+ Le Mi>)a2#e
( ) In the aftermath of ,<++, as the trail in the hunt for =sama "in 2aden seems to
grow cold, a determined CI! agent "egins a painstaking, decade>long search for the
!l ?aeda leader 8or 0aya, direct e$perience of terrorism steels her resol(e to fnd
"in 2aden and leads her to trust her own instincts regarding the "est course of
in(estigation to pursue
?+ Amo")
9) Wat%h the T)ai#e) of the Movie nominated fo) 3et Pi%t")e and an$e)
the @"etion 2e#o$+
a) )hat mo(ies are a"out real stories@
") )hat mo(ie is an ad(enture@
c) )hat mo(ie is a )estern@
;) Go to Ao"e of En&#ih and do a )eea)%h on the othe) nomination+
Name the nominated A%to) fo) a Leadin& Ro#eB
a) ______________________________________________________
") ______________________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________________
d) ______________________________________________________
e) ______________________________________________________
Name the nominated A%t)ee fo) a Leadin& Ro#eB
a) ______________________________________________________
") ______________________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________________
d) ______________________________________________________
e) ______________________________________________________
=) Make !o") Pi%kC
semester of 2013
Go to the )e%e5tion of !o") %hoo# and 5a)ti%i5ate of the 5)omotion DMake
!o") Pi%kE and &et a Movie P)iFeC

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