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Customer Relationship Management

Professor Moez Limayem

August 2009
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy aimed at acquiring, retaining and building
a long term relationship with the customers. It requires the use of IT to achiee the ob!ectie of profitability
through enhanced customer relations. "eter #een asserts we are on the threshold of a shift from a
transaction$based economy to a relationship$based economy. The challenge oer the ne%t few years will be
for Mar&eters, 'usiness (nit e%ecuties to wor& closely with IT "rofessionals in order to understand the
emerging CRM)eCRM solutions and to see how they can be used to increase the profitability of the business.
To remain competitie in today*s global economy, there is an urgent need to strengthen customer relations
for ways to e%tend mar&et reach, improe quality and customer serice so as to increase profitability. This
doctoral seminar is specially tailored to this need+ it proides &nowledge about CRM and its main concepts,
the technologies and the strategies for implementing customer relationship initiaties. Moreoer, doctoral
students will be e%posed to important research questions in this area as well as the releant
literature, theories and research methodologies.
Aims & !"ecti#es
(pon completion of this course, students should be able to,
(nderstand the main concepts related to CRM and e$CRM.
Recogni-e the important CRM initiaties.
.pply CRM concepts for enhancing mar&eting and customer serice.
Comprehend the best approaches for redesigning business processes for CRM.
'e aware of the main information technologies enabling CRM.
.ssure a successful implementation of CRM.
/ae a good understanding of important research in this area
Identify important research question related to CRM
"lan for an empirical research in this area
0r. Moe- 1imayem is the 2alton professor and Chair of the Information 3ystems 0epartment at the 3am M.
2alton College of 'usiness, (niersity of .r&ansas in the (3.. (ntil recently, he was a professor at /4C
1ausanne. 0r 1imayem was also a professor and the ''. 4lectronic Commerce program coordinator at the
Information 3ystems department of the City (niersity of /ong #ong. 'efore !oining City (niersity of
/#, he was the chair of the Management Information 3ystems department at 1aal (niersity in Canada.
/e holds an M'. and a "h.0. in MI3 from the (niersity of Minnesota. /is current research interests
include IT adoption and usage, CRM, #nowledge Management and electronic commerce. /e has had
seeral articles published in many !ournals such as Management 3cience, Information 3ystems Research,
Communications of the .CM, I444 Transactions, .ccounting, Management 5 Information technologies,
6roup 0ecision and 7egotiation, and 3mall 6roup Research. /e has been inited to present his research in
many countries in 7orth .merica, 4urope, .frica, .sia, and in the Middle 4ast. /e won the best MI3 paper
award at the .3.C conference in 899: and the ICI3 conference in ;<<=. 0r. 1imayem also acts as a
consultant for the (743C> and seeral priate and public companies.
In 899?, "rofessor 1imayem won the prestigious /4RM43 award for e%cellence in teaching. In 899@ and
899:, he won the award for the best MI3 teacher in the Aaculty of 'usiness .dministration at 1aal
p. 8 of @
(niersity, and he recently receied the =M award of the best teacher in Canada. In 7oember ;<<8, he won
the Teaching 4%cellence .ward at City (niersity of /ong #ong and in Banuary ;<<=, he receied the best
teacher award of the Information 3ystems 0epartment at City (niersity of /ong #ong.
0r. 1imayem has more than 8@ years of e%perience in e%ecutie training in the (3., Canada and /ong
#ong. /e is the highest rated 4%ecutie M'. instructor at City(, Concordia (niersity (Montreal Canada),
and at 1aal (niersity (Cuebec, Canada). /e is the president of the .ssociation of Information and
Management (.IM) and the program Co$Chair for the International Conference on Information 3ystems
(ICI3 ;<<9). 0r 1imayem is an .cademic Aounding Member of the Mediterranean 3chool of 'usiness
$etailed utline & Readings%
Session 1 Introduction Session 2 CRM Technologies
1iing in e$2orld
2hat is and what is not CRM
>b!ecties of CRM
The Importance of CRM
CRM Aunctions
'enefits of CRM
CRM Aoundations
>perational CRM
.nalytical CRM
Collaboratie CRM
CRM "roducts >eriew
Riley (;<<:), Ubiquitous Computing: An Interesting New Paradigm,
2ailgum (;<<:), ABC: An Introduction to CRM , http,))<;9@
.nonymous (;<<:), Introduction to CRM,
I73I04CRM (;<<E), CRM Buying Guide, ttp:!!www"insidecrm"com!pd#!osted$crm$buyers$
I73I04CRM (;<<:), CRM Comparison Guide,
Session 3 BPR for CRM
Session 4 -- oing Research in the area of
"roblems with Traditional >rgani-ations
'usiness "rocess Reengineering ('"R)
'"R 5 CRM
"resent 3tate of '"R
Redesign "rinciples and Tactics
'est "ractices
Identification of important research
questions in the area of CRM
3tudents present their research questions
p. ; of @
'ar&er (;<<:), *ow is CRM +e#ined, ttp:!!www"digita,dea,er$maga-ine"com!inde."asp/
.lt, R., and "uschmann, T. (;<<@) 0eeloping Customer "rocess >rientation $ The Case of
"harma Corp., Business Process Management 5ourna,, 88(?), pp. ;9E$=8@,
.nonymous (;<<=) Introducing te 6rans#ormationa, Cange Cyc,e to CRM, 3trategic
Resource 0eelopment 6roup 1td, http,))www.srd$$
7now,edge Management, Institute of Information Management, (niersity of 3t. 6allen,
Session ! "chie#ing Custo$er Satisfaction
Session % -- oing Research in the area of
.chieing Customer 3atisfaction
Measuring Customer 3atisfaction
0ealing 'etter with .ngry and
0issatisfied Customers
The irate Mr. 3nappy
The oerbearing Ms. Alash
The tal&atie Mr. Gappy
The e%asperatingly indecisie Mrs.
4nemies of Customer 3atisfaction
Identify releant theories in the area of
3tudents present their theoretical models
.nonymous (;<<:) +ea,ing 8it Angry Customers: Part 1 $ 6e Anger, 1eadership$,
.nonymous (;<<:) +ea,ing 8it Angry Customers: Part 2 $ 6e Ca,m, 1eadership$,
.nonymous (;<<:) Response to Angry Customers: Part 9 $ 6e :o,,ow Up, 1eadership$, http,))www.leadership$$to$angry$customers.html
#urtus, R. 0ealing with Customer Complaints (reised ;; Bune ;<<E), 3chool$for$, http,))$for$
Session & '-Business and '-CRM
Session ( -- oing Research in the area of
Arom e$'usiness to H$'usiness
Arom e$CRM to H$CRM
The case of 3econd 1ife
0oing 'usiness in 3econd 1ife
The implications of 3econd 1ife for CRM
and e$CRM
Research methodologies in the area of
3tudents present their research
methodologies as well as the e%pected
contributions of their studies
p. = of @
'eal (;<<E), +oes ;econd <i#e mean a new wor,d #or CRM/
1ee (;<<:), 2hen your .atar gets sic&, /ospitals in 3econd 1ife,
3chierhol-, R., 6lissmann, 3., #olbe, 1., 'renner, 2., Mobile 3ystems Aor Customer 3erice
0ifferentation $ The Case >f 1ufthansa, "roceedings of the 8<th "acific .sia Conference on
Information 3ystems, #uala 1umpur, Malaysia, <D.<E.;<<D, ;<<D, pp. ?8$@;.
3chierhol-, R., #olbe, 1., 'renner, 2., Mobili-ing Customer Relationship Management $ .
Bourney from 3trategy to 3ystem 0esign, 3prague Br., R. (4ds.), "roceedings of the =9th
/awaii Conference on 3ystems 3cience, #auai, /awaii, <?.<8.;<<D, I444 Computer
3ociety, 1os .lamitos, ;<<D.
3chierhol-, R., #olbe, 1., and 'renner, 2. (;<<@) 3trategy .lignment of Mobile 3olutions in
Customer$oriented 'usiness "rocesses, 8irtsca#tsin#ormati=, ?E(8), pp. 8E$;?.
Re&uired Readings%
In addition to the readings mentioned under each section, a set of required recent research articles will also
be aailable from the instructor.
Reference 'oo(s
6reenberg, ". (;<<?) CRM at te ;peed o# <igt: >ssentia, Customer ;trategies #or te 21st
Century, Third 4dition. 7ew Gor&, Mc6raw$/ill >sborne Media.
'ergeron, '. (;<<;) >ssentia,s o# CRM: A Guide to Customer Re,ationsip Management. 7ew
Gor&, Bohn 2iley 5 3ons.
"ayne, .. (;<<@) *andboo= o# CRM: Acie?ing >.ce,,ence troug Customer Management.
Additional References
CRM 6uru http,))
CRM 'uyer http,))
CRM .docate http,))
CRM 0aily http,))
CRM .ssist http,))
eCRM 6uide http,))
The ealuation scheme is organi-ed as follows,
1) In-class Partici*ation +3,-.
3tudents are encouraged to actiely participate in class. "articipation includes in$class
discussion with the instructors or among peers, information giing about anything inspired and
releant and responses to others* comments.
p. ? of @
2) Pre*are a Research Pro*osal in the /eneral "rea of CRM +&,-.
In a group of ; students, you will hae to prepare and present a proposal for a research in the
general area of CRM. 3pecifically, the team should,
$ Read the articles included in the required readings pac&age
$ Identify an important and interesting research in the area of CRM
$ Aind the appropriate model that will sere as theoretical basis to inestigate the research
$ "ropose a research methodology to be used to test the theoretical model
$ /ighlight the main theoretical and practical contributions of the study
4ach team should present the different milestones of their wor& during sessions ?, D and :.
They should also submit a research proposal summari-ing their wor&.
p. @ of @

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