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Randy Smith
Technology Information Literacy
12 September 2014
The West's debt to China?
As scholars and citizens of the world understand more of the inter-relationships of
cultures, we gain an appreciation of the evolution of civilization as a cross-fertilization of
many cultures over the few thousand years of recorded history. As we discover the
remarkable advances in science and technology in ancient China, we immediately attempt
to make connections in information transfer to other parts of the world. How much
discovery was shared with the West, or were similar discoveries independent? Perhaps the
circumstances of early discovery and invention in China do not constitute a debt, since so
many inventions were not widely used, transferred, or used for a basis of additional
discovery. However, it is instructive to note the early Chinese advancement in so many
fields. Other directions that should be explored include questions about why the early
Chinese technology so often died out. Why indeed did progress stall at about the time when
Western civilization was awakening from their Dark Ages?
Historical Perspective
Information in the form of invention and discovery is often shared (or incorporated)
due to the nature of the perceived value to others. Technology exchange can begin any time
new ideas are demonstrated, and of course no records exist for the vast number of
interactions of civilizations over the centuries. Marco Polo's travels to China in the 13th
century offered Western society a look at undiscovered (to them) goods and ideas. Ideas
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and inventions often were added to the "native" culture with little notice of the origination.
One of the greatest secrets of history is the immense contribution of Chinese society to the
Western world. Equally interesting, is the failure of some discovery in China to cross over
to Western civilization, or even to survive into modern times. For example, a smallpox
vaccination was used in China in the 10th century, and then similar techniques 800 years
later in the West. However, the practice of modern diagnostic medicine was not
widespread in China in more modern times. The mechanical clock was invented in China in
the 8th century, and then independently in Europe in 1310. When the Chinese imperial
court was shown a mechanical clock by Jesuit missionaries in the 17th century, the scholars
were awestruck.
It seems that much of Western and Eastern knowledge of Chinese contributions
have either been forgotten or overlooked. The Encyclopedia Britannica, describes in the
history of the magnetic compass, that the Chinese were using the magnetic compass around
AD 1100, western Europeans by 1187, Arabs by 1220, and Scandinavians by 1300. But we
know that Chinese ships reached the east coast of India prior to 1000 with help of the
navigational compass.
Early in 2003, a fascinating speculative chronicle on Chinese discovery ( 1421: The
Year China Discovered America) was released by the British author/historian/mariner
Gavin Menzies, detailing evidence for Chinese exploration of the globe. The voyages of the
massive fleet of the explorer Zheng He, sailing west from China in the fifteenth century is a
mesmerizing story. The author speculates and makes a strong case for Chinese exploration
succeeding well beyond what is commonly taught World History (and unfortunately this
important Asian history is often completely overlooked). Circumstances and artifacts in
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several locales serve to support Menzies' case, but much more scrutiny of facts in evidence
will be required to validate some of his assertions. However the value in critically
examining new ideas expands our understanding, and should not be interpreted as
glorification of a specific culture, degrading another, or as gratuitous inclusion of some
minority position.
As so much of Chinese history and culture have been buried by the centuries and
purged by tyrants, arguments for history are developed by research and conjecture almost
totally dependent on circumstantial evidence. My own interpretations of some of this
history is presented with a desire to stimulate interest in not only the events and
accomplishments, but also the process of using knowledge gained to better the current and
future world. Knowledge can be a laudable achievement in its own right, and the
application for technology to enhance life quality is often the next step to benefit
civilization. I am interested here in what was achieved, how it was used, what was
transferred to other cultures, and why sometimes the early discoveries did not lead to even
more achievement.
It really is more accurate to think of accumulation of knowledge of history and
culture to be a synthesis of East and West. Combined in an all-pervading fusion of beliefs
and understanding, often masked by ignorance and language, we try to explain ideas and
culture in terms of the familiar. For example, when examining novel inventions, it is not
prudent to assume that this demonstrated technology is a byproduct of applied science. In
fact science may be missing in the "discovery" process. Design and production trumped
controlled experimentation, theoretical study, and scientific processes. Such often was the
case with some of the early Chinese inventions. It seems that they often "knew" a lot more
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than they understood. The scientific method, and necessary steps for validation of theories
with observations was seldom employed. Historically, China's approach to applied science
followed the utilitarian view of technology development.
Throughout history, dynasties in China have arisen to set contemporary standards
in terms of military might, population unification, and accomplishments in technology, arts
and literature. However, the world-wide influence has often been minimized due to policies
of self-imposed isolation. Inventions and discovery should contribute to the well-being of
humanity, but historically in China they have been guarded, inaccessible, and purged at the
whim of leaders. A Chinese historian, Jia Hepeng writing in the online publication Science
and Development Network makes a case that China's innovation system is not fully
developed and inadequately integrated. He describes the system as an "archipelago", a
large number of "innovative islands" with insufficient links between them. Unfortunately,
the collective behavior of modern China too closely matches their history. Optimistically,
we look forward to successful innovation in modern China that is used to improve
conditions globally.

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