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Improves exam appropriateness by following the guidelines of the ACR (American College of
2. Reduces unnecessary readiation exposure to patients. According to a New England Journal of
Medicine study by Brenner and Hall, Radiation exposure associated with increased imaging has
become an additional area of concern. In recent review, extrapolated previously published
cancer rates due to CT imaging to account for current imaging trends to suggest that 1.5% to 2%
of all cancers in the United States may be attributed to CT ionizing radiation.
3. The ordering physician places and imaging order by identifying the diagnosis being investigated.
After a few refining questions, the system delivers:
a. A recommendation for the most appropriate study for the specific patient.
b. Appropriateness of scores for the requested and recommended studies, with explanations
provided by the ACR.
c. Priority scores and radiation dose scoring.
d. Links to additional reference documentation.
OrderRight offers significant Quality of Care improvements for ACOs over third party Radiology
Benefit Management companies in that it allows the ACO to maximize gain-sharing savings and
improving quality and patient safety for payers and providers by:

1. Reducing the number of inappropriate imaging procedures

2. Reducing the amount of unnecessary patient radiation exposure

3. Prioritizing radiology procedures according to their clinical urgency

4. Improving the quality and outcomes of advanced imaging procedures, and

5. Increasing the knowledge base of ordering physicians

Operationally, OrderRight:
1. Introduces a friendly, easy to use decision support workflow sequence into the ordering process,
2. Improves physicians and technical staff efficiencies
Financially, OrderRight improves the bottom line savings of an ACO by:

1. Decreasing unnecessary costs associated with inappropriate procedures

2. Reducing costs associated with expensive claims denials and appeals

3. Improves service to referring physician community, and

4. Supports compliance for shared savings and evidence-based medicine

OrderRights new clinical decision support system is extremely well suited to produce significant
savings for ACOs, capitated IPAs, hospitals with large Medicare and Medicaid populations
operating under DRG payments and other physician and physician-hospital organizations accepting
capitated payments or at risk for unnecessary, inappropriate ordering of diagnostic tests.
OrderRight offers these savings through an educational, rather than adversarial approach, instructing
physicians on the most appropriate test for each patient which is most likely to be reimbursed by a
payer or ACO partner. It is provider friendly, rather than contentious and decreases provider accounts
receivables while decreasing payer costs of
unnecessary tests, denials and expensive appeals. It is designed to produce more efficient, better
quality, lower cost medicine as fostered by the ACO legislation.

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