Hydro Plant Risk Assessment Guide: Appendix E1: Generator Condition Assessment

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September 2006

Hydro Plant Risk Assessment Guide

Appendix E1: Generator ondition Assessment

E1!1 GE"ERA#

Hydroele$tri$ %enerators are key $omponents in t&e po'er train at &ydroele$tri$
po'erplants and
are appropriate (or analysis under a $ondition assessment pro%ram! )nexpe$ted
%enerator (ailure
$an &a*e a si%ni(i$ant e$onomi$ impa$t due to t&e &i%& $ost o( emer%en$y repairs
and lost
re*enues durin% an extended (or$ed outa%e!

+eterminin% t&e present $ondition o( a %enerator is an essential step in
analy,in% t&e risk o(
(ailure! -&is appendix pro*ides a pro$ess (or arri*in% at a Generator ondition
.ndex '&i$& may
be used to de*elop a business $ase addressin% risk o( (ailure/ e$onomi$
$onse0uen$es/ and ot&er

E1!2 S1PE 2 APP#.A-.1"

-&e $ondition assessment met&odolo%y outlined in t&is appendix applies to
%enerators/ motor2%enerators/ and motors rated 2 34 5me%a'atts6 or &i%&er! -&e
assessment primarily (o$uses on t&e %enerator stator 'indin% and $ore/ rotor/ and
(ield and
amortisseur 'indin%s! Auxiliary $omponents su$& as (ans/ $oolers/ (ire
suppression systems/
%enerator prote$tion relays/ et$! are not $onsidered durin% t&is

-&is appendix is not intended to de(ine %enerator maintenan$e pra$ti$es or
des$ribe in detail
%enerator inspe$tions/ tests/ or measurements! )tility-spe$i(i$ maintenan$e
poli$ies and
pro$edures must be $onsulted (or su$& in(ormation!

E1!7 1"+.-.1" A"+ +A-A 8)A#.-9 ."+.A-1RS/ A"+ GE"ERA-1R 1"+.-.1" ."+E:
-&is appendix des$ribes t&e $ondition indi$ators %enerally re%arded by &ydro
plant en%ineers as
pro*idin% t&e initial basis (or assessin% %enerator $ondition! -&e (ollo'in%
indi$ators are used to
separately e*aluate t&e $ondition o( t&e stator and
rotor: ; P&ysi$al .nspe$tion ; .nsulation Resistan$e and Polari,ation .ndex 5stator and (ield 'indin%s6 ; 1peration < 3aintenan$e History ; A%e
-&ese $ondition indi$ators are initially e*aluated usin% -ier 1 inspe$tions/
tests/ and
measurements/ '&i$& are $ondu$ted by utility sta(( or $ontra$tors o*er t&e $ourse
o( time and as
a part o( routine maintenan$e a$ti*ities! "umeri$al s$ores are assi%ned to ea$&
stator and rotor
$ondition indi$ator/ '&i$& are t&en 'ei%&ted and summed to determine t&e Stator
and Rotor
ondition .ndi$es! -&e lo'er o( t&e t'o indi$es is sele$ted to represent t&e
o*erall Generator
ondition .ndex!

An additional stand-alone indi$ator is used to re(le$t t&e 0uality o( t&e
in(ormation a*ailable (or
s$orin% t&e %enerator $ondition indi$ators! .n some $ases/ data may be missin%/
out-o(-date/ or
o( 0uestionable inte%rity! Any o( t&ese situations $ould a((e$t t&e a$$ura$y o(
t&e asso$iated
$ondition indi$ator s$ores as 'ell as t&e *alidity o( t&e o*erall ondition
.ndex! Gi*en t&e
potential impa$t o( poor or missin% data/ t&e +ata 8uality .ndi$ator is used as a
means o(
e*aluatin% and re$ordin% $on(iden$e in t&e (inal Generator ondition
Additional in(ormation re%ardin% %enerator $ondition may be ne$essary to impro*e
t&e a$$ura$y
and reliability o( t&e Generator ondition .ndex! -&ere(ore/ in addition to t&e
-ier 1 $ondition
indi$ators/ t&is appendix des$ribes a =toolbox> o( -ier 2 inspe$tions/ tests/
and measurements
t&at may be applied to t&e Stator and Rotor ondition .ndi$es/ dependin% on t&e
spe$i(i$ issue or
problem bein% addressed! -ier 2 tests are $onsidered non-routine! Ho'e*er/ i(
-ier 2 data is
readily a*ailable/ it may be used to supplement t&e -ier 1 assessment!
Alternati*ely/ -ier 2 tests
may be deliberately per(ormed to address -ier 1 (indin%s! Results o( t&e -ier 2
analysis may
eit&er in$rease or de$rease t&e s$ore o( t&e Generator ondition .ndex! -&e
+ata 8uality
.ndi$ator s$ore may also be re*ised durin% t&e -ier 2 assessment to re(le$t t&e
a*ailability o(
additional in(ormation or test data!

-&e Generator ondition .ndex may indi$ate t&e need (or immediate $orre$ti*e
a$tions and2or
(ollo'-up -ier 2 testin%! -&e Generator ondition .ndex may also be used as an
input to a
$omputer model t&at assesses risk and per(orms e$onomi$ analyses!

"ote: A se*erely ne%ati*e result o( A"9 inspe$tion/ test/ or measurement may be
ade0uate in
itsel( to re0uire immediate de-ener%i,ation or pre*ent re-ener%i,ation o( t&e
re%ardless o( t&e Generator ondition .ndex s$ore!

E1!? ."SPE-.1"S/ -ES-S/ A"+ 3EAS)RE3E"-S
.nspe$tions/ tests/ and measurements s&ould be $ondu$ted and analy,ed by sta((
suitably trained
and experien$ed in %enerator dia%nosti$s! 8uali(ied sta(( t&at is $ompetent in
t&ese routine
pro$edures may $ondu$t t&e basi$ tests and inspe$tions! 3ore $omplex inspe$tions
and measurements may re0uire a %enerator dia%nosti$s expert!
.nspe$tions/ tests/ and measurements s&ould be per(ormed on a (re0uen$y t&at
pro*ides t&e a$$urate and $urrent in(ormation needed by t&e assessment!
Generator $ondition assessment may $ause $on$erns t&at @usti(y more (re0uent
)tilities s&ould $onsider t&e possibility o( takin% more (re0uent measurements or
installin% on-
line monitorin% systems t&at 'ill $ontinuously tra$k $riti$al parameters! -&is
'ill pro*ide
additional data (or $ondition assessment and establis& a $ertain amount o(
reassuran$e as
%enerator alternati*es are bein% explored!
+etails o( t&e inspe$tion/ testin%/ and measurement met&ods and inter*als are
des$ribed in
te$&ni$al re(eren$es spe$i(i$ to t&e ele$tri$

E1!A S1R."G

ondition indi$ator s$orin% is some'&at sub@e$ti*e/ relyin% on t&e experien$e and
opinions o(
plant sta(( and %enerator experts! Relati*e terms su$& as =Results "ormal> and
re(er to results t&at are $ompared to industry a$$epted le*elsB or to baseline or
a$$eptable le*els on t&is e0uipmentB or to e0uipment o( similar desi%n/
$onstru$tion/ or a%e
operatin% in a similar en*ironment!

E1!6 4E.GH-."G CA-1RS

4ei%&tin% (a$tors used in t&e $ondition assessment met&odolo%y re$o%ni,e t&at
some ondition
.ndi$ators a((e$t t&e Generator ondition .ndex to a %reater or lesser de%ree
t&an ot&er
indi$ators! -&ese 'ei%&tin% (a$tors 'ere arri*ed at by $onsensus amon% %enerator
desi%n and
maintenan$e personnel 'it& extensi*e experien$e!

E1!D 3.-.GA-."G CA-1RS

E*ery %enerator is uni0ue and/ t&ere(ore/ t&e met&odolo%y des$ribed in t&is %uide
0uanti(y all (a$tors t&at a((e$t indi*idual %enerator $ondition! .( t&e
Generator ondition .ndex
tri%%ers si%ni(i$ant (ollo'-up a$tions 5e!%!/ ma@or repairs or a -ier 2
assessment6/ it may be
prudent to (irst &a*e t&e index re*ie'ed by %enerator experts! 3iti%atin%
(a$tors spe$i(i$ to t&e
utility may a((e$t t&e (inal Generator ondition .ndex and t&e (inal de$ision on
repla$ement or re&abilitation!

E1!E +1)3E"-A-.1"

Substantiatin% do$umentation is essential to support (indin%s o( t&e assessment/
'&ere a -ier 1 $ondition indi$ator s$ore is less t&an 7 5i!e!/ less t&an normal6
or '&ere a -ier 2
test results in subtra$tions to t&e Generator ondition .ndex! -est reports/
p&oto%rap&s/ 1 < 3
re$ords/ and ot&er do$umentation s&ould a$$ompany t&e Generator ondition
Assessment Summary Corm! E1!F 1"+.-.1" ASSESS3E"- 3E-H1+1#1G9
-&e $ondition assessment met&odolo%y $onsists o( analy,in% ea$& $ondition
indi*idually to arri*e at a $ondition indi$ator s$ore! -&e s$ores are 'ei%&ted
and summed to
determine t&e ondition .ndex! ondition .ndi$es are de*eloped separately (or
t&e stator and
rotor! -&e lo'er o( t&e Stator and Rotor ondition .ndi$es is used to arri*e at
an o*erall
Generator ondition .ndex! -&e Generator ondition .ndex is applied to t&e
ondition-Gased Alternati*es/ -able 2?/ to determine t&e re$ommended $ourse o(
-&e stator $ondition assessment (o$uses on t&e stator 'indin% and $ore! Stator
$ondition is e*aluated usin% -ier 1 and -ier 2 tests! Assessment o( t&e stator
$ore is $onsidered
to be non-routine/ and t&ere(ore/ a -ier 2 e*aluation! Rotor $ondition
assessment $omprises t&e
rotor/ and (ield and amortisseur 'indin%s! Rotor $omponents are e*aluated usin%
bot& -ier 1 and
-ier 2 tests!

Reasonable e((orts s&ould be made to per(orm -ier 1 inspe$tions/ tests/ and
Ho'e*er/ '&en data is una*ailable to properly s$ore a $ondition indi$ator/ it may
be assumed
t&at t&e s$ore is =Good> or numeri$ally e0ual to some mid-ran%e number su$& as
2! -&is
strate%y must be used @udi$iously to pre*ent erroneous results and $on$lusions!
.n re$o%nition o(
t&e potential impa$t o( poor or missin% data/ a separate +ata 8uality .ndi$ator
is rated as a means
o( e*aluatin% and re$ordin% $on(iden$e in t&e (inal Generator ondition

E1!10 -.ER 1 H ."SPE-.1"S/ -ES-S/ A"+ 3EAS)RE3E"-S

-ier 1 tests in$lude t&ose inspe$tions/ tests/ and measurements t&at are
routinely a$$omplis&ed as
part o( normal operation and maintenan$e/ or are readily dis$ernible by
examination o( existin%
data! -ier 1 test results are 0uanti(ied belo' as $ondition indi$ators t&at are
'ei%&ted and
summed to arri*e at a ondition .ndex! -ier 1 tests may indi$ate abnormal
$onditions t&at $an
be resol*ed 'it& standard $orre$ti*e maintenan$e solutions! -o t&e extent t&at
-ier 1 tests result
in immediate $orre$ti*e maintenan$e a$tions bein% taken by plant sta((/ t&en
ad@ustments to t&e
$ondition indi$ators s&ould be re(le$ted and t&e ne' results used '&en $omputin%
t&e o*erall
-ier 1 ondition .ndex! -ier 1 test results may also indi$ate t&e need (or
in*esti%ation/ $ate%ori,ed as -ier 2
E1!11 S-A-1R 1"+.-.1" ."+.A-1RS

Stator ondition .ndi$ator 1 H 1peration < 3aintenan$e History

+urin% operation/ lar%e syn$&ronous %enerators are $ontinuously sub@e$ted to
me$&ani$al/ t&ermal/ and en*ironmental stresses! -&ese stresses a$t and intera$t
in $omplex
'ays to de%rade t&e ma$&ineIs $omponents and redu$e its use(ul li(e!
+eterioration o( t&e stator
'indin% insulation is a leadin% (a$tor (or determinin% t&e ser*i$eability o(
%enerators! )nexpe$ted stator 'indin% (ailure $an result in (or$ed outa%es and
$ostly emer%en$y repairs!
1peration and maintenan$e &istory may pro*ide a use(ul indi$ation o( stator
$ondition! -&e
operation and maintenan$e &istory o( t&e %enerator s&ould be re*ie'ed by
0uali(ied personnel to
make a sub@e$ti*e determination o( s$orin% t&at en$ompasses as many operation
maintenan$e (a$tors as possible under t&is indi$ator! Ca$tors to $onsider
in$lude: ; 3aintenan$e needs are in$reasin% 'it& time or problems are re-o$$urrin%B ; Spare parts are be$omin% una*ailableB ; Cre0uent starts and stopsB ; Rapid loadin% ramp rates are usedB
; 1peratin% outside o( *olta%e ratin% 5eit&er &i%&er or lo'er6B
; Sustained o*erloadin%B
; Cre0uent rou%&-,one $rossin%sB
; lose-in li%&tnin% strikesB
; 1ut-o(-p&ase breaker $losin%sB
; )nbalan$ed p&ase operationB
; Pre*ious (ailures on t&is e0uipment related to t&e stator 'indin% or $oreB
; Cailures or problems on e0uipment o( similar desi%n/ $onstru$tion/ or a%e operatin% in
a similar en*ironment!

Results o( stator 'indin% 1 < 3 &istory are analy,ed and applied to -able 1 to
arri*e at an
appropriate Stator ondition .ndi$ator S$ore!

-able 1 H Stator 4indin% 1peration < 3aintenan$e History S$orin%

Stator ondition .ndi$ator S$ore
1peration and maintenan$e normal! 7
Some abnormal operatin% $onditions experien$ed and2or
additional maintenan$e abo*e normal o$$urrin%! 2
Si%ni(i$ant operation outside normal and2or
additional maintenan$e is re0uiredB (or$ed outa%e
o$$ursB outa%es are re%ularly extended due to
maintenan$e problemsB similar units are problemati$!
Repeated (or$ed outa%esB maintenan$e not $ost e((e$ti*eB
ma@or ele$tri$al or me$&ani$al (ailuresB similar
&a*e rea$&ed end-o(-li(e!

Stator ondition .ndi$ator 2 H P&ysi$al .nspe$tion

Se*eral types o( stator 'indin% problems $an be dete$ted durin% t&e $ourse o(
inspe$tions/ su$& as insulation $ra$ks/ bul%in% or pu((y $oils/ sur(a$e $orona/
$arbon tra$ks/ 'indin% mo*ement/ loose bra$in% and blo$kin%/ and loose 'ed%es or
slot (illers!
8uali(ied personnel s&ould make a sub@e$ti*e determination o( s$orin% t&at
en$ompasses as
many inspe$tion (a$tors as possible under t&is indi$ator! "e%li%ible e*iden$e o(
a%in%/ dama%e/
and2or deterioration 'ould lead to a =normal> ratin%/ '&ereas a minor amount o(
'ear and tear
'ould be rated as =some deterioration!> .( t&e deterioration obser*ed is *ery
ob*ious and
'idespread/ a ratin% o( =si%ni(i$ant deterioration> is appropriate! At a
minimum/ t&e (ollo'in%
areas s&ould be inspe$ted and t&e $ondition
e*aluated: ; Stator 'indin%B ; Stator 'indin% 'ed%es/ pa$kin%/ blo$kin%/ and bra$in%B ; ir$uit rin% busB ; 3ain and neutral leads!
Results o( t&e stator 'indin% p&ysi$al inspe$tion are analy,ed and applied to
-able 2 to arri*e at a Stator ondition .ndi$ator S$ore!

-able 2 H Stator 4indin% P&ysi$al .nspe$tion S$orin%

Stator ondition .ndi$ator S$ore
.nspe$tion results are normal! 7
.nspe$tion s&o's some deterioration! 2
.nspe$tion s&o's si%ni(i$ant deterioration! 1
.nspe$tion s&o's $omplete or imminent (ailure o(
stator 'indin% $omponents! 0

Stator ondition .ndi$ator 7 H .nsulation Resistan$e and Polari,ation .ndex

.nsulation resistan$e is de(ined as t&e 0uotient o( t&e applied dire$t *olta%e
o*er t&e measured
$urrent 5 R J K2. 6! Cor a &i%& $apa$itan$e spe$imen su$& as a %enerator stator
'indin%/ an
applied *olta%e step 'ill result in a measured $urrent t&at de$ays exponentially
'it& time!
Ge$ause o( t&is time-dependen$y/ insulation resistan$e is normally $al$ulated and
re$orded one
minute a(ter t&e test *olta%e is applied! .nsulation resistan$e measurements
$ombine bot&
sur(a$e and *olume resistan$es/ and are mainly used to dete$t moisture
absorption/ $ondu$ti*e
$ontamination/ de%ree o( $ure/ and $ra$ks or (issures! .nsulation resistan$e
tests are sensiti*e to
spe$imen temperature and are o(ten normali,ed to a standard temperature
5typi$ally ?0L6 (or
analysis! Humidity and sur(a$e $ontamination $an also a((e$t t&e measurement!
-&e insulation
resistan$e o( %ood insulation may ran%e (rom &undreds to t&ousands o( me%ao&ms!
o( indi*idual p&ases and trendin% o*er time are t&e best means o( e*aluatin%
insulation $ondition!
A polari,ation index test is similar to t&e insulation resistan$e test ex$ept
t&at $urrent readin%s
are taken at t'o time inter*als/ normally one and ten minutes a(ter appli$ation
o( t&e *olta%e
step! -&e 0uotient o( t&ese t'o $urrent readin%s
.12.10 6 is termed t&e polari,ation index and
%i*es an indi$ation o( insulation dryness/ $ontamination/ $ure/ and me$&ani$al
inte%rity! Sin$e
t&e polari,ation index is t&e ratio o( t'o measurements made under identi$al
$onditions/ it is less
sensiti*e to temperature *ariations t&an is insulation resistan$e! Ho'e*er/
normal polari,ation
indi$es *ary si%ni(i$antly (or di((erent types o( insulation systems dependin% on
t&e ele$tri$al
properties o( t&e $onstituent diele$tri$ materials/ makin% it di((i$ult to de(ine
polari,ation index $riteria! -&ere(ore/ trendin% o( measurements o*er time and
bet'een p&ases are typi$ally ne$essary to assess insulation
Stator 'indin% insulation resistan$e and polari,ation index test results s&ould
be analy,ed and
applied to -able 7 to arri*e at a Stator ondition .ndi$ator
-able 7 H Stator 4indin% .nsulation Resistan$e and Polari,ation .ndex S$orin%

Results Stator
ondition .ndi$ator S$ore
Results are normal and similar to pre*ious
tests! 7
Results indi$ate minor de$rease in insulation
resistan$e or polari,ation index 5e!%!/ (a$tor
2 de$rease6!
Results indi$ate si%ni(i$ant de$rease in
insulation resistan$e or polari,ation
5e!%!/ (a$tor o( 10 de$rease6!
.nsulation resistan$e or polari,ation index
belo' minimum a$$eptable *alues! 0

Stator ondition .ndi$ator ? H 4indin% A%e

-&e a%e o( t&e %enerator stator 'indin% is an important (a$tor to $onsider '&en
$andidates (or repla$ement! A%e is one indi$ator o( remainin% li(e and up%rade
potential to
state-o(-t&e-art materials and desi%ns! -&e desi%n li(e o( a stator 'indin%
rated 6!F kK or &i%&er
is typi$ally 2A to 7A years! Cor lo'er *olta%e 'indin%s/ t&e desi%n li(e is
typi$ally 7A years or
more! .t is important to re$o%ni,e/ &o'e*er/ t&at alt&ou%& a%e may be a use(ul
indi$ator/ t&e
a$tual ser*i$e li(e t&at $an be reali,ed *aries 'idely dependin% on t&e spe$i(i$
manu(a$turer and date o( manu(a$tureB t&e insulation system desi%n/ materials/
and produ$tion
met&odsB t&e 0uality o( installationB and t&e %eneratorIs operation and
maintenan$e &istory!
-&e stator 'indin% a%e s&ould be determined and applied to -able ? to arri*e at
an appropriate
Stator ondition .ndi$ator S$ore!

-able ? H Stator 4indin% A%e S$orin%

Stator ondition .ndi$ator S$ore
M 20 years 7
N 20 and M 70 years 2 N 70 and M ?0 years 1 N ?0 years 0 E1!12 -.ER 1 H S-A-1R 1"+.-.1" ."+E: A#)#A-.1"S
Enter t&e stator $ondition indi$ator s$ores (rom t&e tables abo*e into t&e Stator
Assessment Summary (orm at t&e end o( t&is do$ument! 3ultiply ea$& stator
indi$ator s$ore by
its respe$ti*e 4ei%&tin% Ca$tor/ and sum t&e -otal S$ores to arri*e at t&e -ier 1
Stator ondition
.ndex! Atta$& supportin% do$umentation! -&e Stator ondition .ndex may be
ad@usted by t&e
-ier 2 stator inspe$tions/ tests/ and measurements des$ribed later in t&is

E1!17 -.ER 1 H S-A-1R +A-A 8)A#.-9 ."+.A-1R

Stator +ata 8uality .ndi$ator H 8uality o( .nspe$tions/ -ests/ and 3easurements

-&e Stator +ata 8uality .ndi$ator re(le$ts t&e 0uality o( t&e inspe$tion/ test
and measurement
results used to e*aluate t&e stator $ondition under -ier 1! -&e more $urrent and
$omplete t&e
results are/ t&e &i%&er t&e ratin% (or t&is indi$ator! -&e normal testin%
(re0uen$y is de(ined as t&e
or%ani,ationIs re$ommended (re0uen$y (or per(ormin% t&e spe$i(i$ test or
8uali(ied personnel s&ould make a sub@e$ti*e determination o( s$orin% t&at
en$ompasses as
many (a$tors as possible under t&is indi$ator! Results are analy,ed and applied
to -able A to
arri*e at an appropriate Stator +ata 8uality .ndi$ator
-able A H Stator +ata 8uality S$orin%

Stator +ata 8uality .ndi$ator S$ore
All -ier 1 inspe$tions/ tests and measurements
'ere $ompleted 'it&in t&e normal testin%
(re0uen$y and t&e results are reliable!
1ne or more o( t&e -ier 1 inspe$tions/ tests
and measurements 'ere $ompleted N 6 and M
2? mont&s past t&e normal testin% (re0uen$y
and results are reliable!
1ne or more o( t&e -ier 1 inspe$tions/ tests
and measurements 'ere $ompleted N 2? and M
76 mont&s past t&e normal testin% (re0uen$y/
or some o( t&e results are not a*ailable or
o( 0uestionable inte%rity!
1ne or more o( t&e -ier 1 inspe$tions/ tests
and measurements 'ere $ompleted N 76 mont&s past t&e normal (re0uen$y/ or no results are a*ailable or many are o( 0uestionable inte%rity! 0
Enter t&e Stator +ata 8uality .ndi$ator S$ore (rom -able A into t&e Stator
ondition Assessment Summary (orm at t&e end o( t&is do$ument!
E1!1? R1-1R 1"+.-.1" ."+.A-1RS

Rotor ondition .ndi$ator 1 H 1peration < 3aintenan$e History

1peration and maintenan$e &istory may pro*ide a use(ul indi$ation o( %enerator
rotor $ondition!
-&e operation and maintenan$e &istory o( t&e rotor s&ould be re*ie'ed by
0uali(ied personnel to
make a sub@e$ti*e determination o( s$orin% t&at en$ompasses as many operation
maintenan$e (a$tors as possible under t&is indi$ator! Ca$tors to $onsider
; 3aintenan$e needs in$reasin% 'it& time or problems are re-o$$urrin%B
; Spare parts are be$omin% una*ailableB
; 1peratin% outside o( *olta%e ratin% 5eit&er &i%&er or lo'er6B
; Sustained o*erloadin%B
; Cre0uent rou%&-,one $rossin%sB
; 1ut-o(-p&ase breaker $losin%sB
; "umber o( times unit &as been sub@e$ted to o*er speed or runa'ay 5usually
asso$iated 'it& load re@e$tion6B
; Pre*ious (ailures on t&is e0uipment related to t&e rotor or (ield 'indin%B
; Cailures or problems on e0uipment o( similar desi%n/ $onstru$tion/ or a%e operatin% in
a similar en*ironment!

Results o( rotor 1 < 3 &istory are analy,ed and applied to -able 6 to arri*e at
an appropriate
Rotor ondition .ndi$ator S$ore!

-able 6 H Rotor 1peration < 3aintenan$e History S$orin%

Rotor ondition .ndi$ator S$ore
1peration and maintenan$e normal! 7
Some abnormal operatin% $onditions experien$ed
and2or additional maintenan$e abo*e normal is
Si%ni(i$ant operation outside normal and2or
additional maintenan$e is re0uiredB (or$ed outa%e
o$$ursB outa%es are re%ularly extended due to maintenan$e problemsB similar units are problemati$! 1 Repeated (or$ed outa%esB maintenan$e not $ost
e((e$ti*eB ma@or ele$tri$al or me$&ani$al
(ailuresB similar units &a*e rea$&ed end-o(-li(e! 0 Rotor ondition .ndi$ator 2 H P&ysi$al .nspe$tion
Se*eral types o( rotor problems $an be dete$ted durin% t&e $ourse o( p&ysi$al
inspe$tions/ su$&
as o*er&eatin%/ loose and *ibratin% $omponents/ impa$t dama%e/ and $ontamination!
personnel s&ould make a sub@e$ti*e determination o( s$orin% t&at en$ompasses as
inspe$tion (a$tors as possible under t&is indi$ator! -&e (ollo'in% areas s&ould
be inspe$ted and t&e deterioration s&ould be e*aluated:
; Rotor &ub/ radial arms/ and rimB
; Cield poles/ keys/ $ollars/ and pole (a$esB
; Cield 'indin%s and interpole $onne$tionsB
; Cield 'indin% leadsB
; Amortisseur 'indin% bars/ s&ortin% straps/ and inter-$onne$tionsB
; Rim-mounted (an blades!

Results o( t&e rotor p&ysi$al inspe$tion are analy,ed and applied to -able D to
arri*e at a Rotor
ondition .ndi$ator S$ore!

-able D H Rotor P&ysi$al .nspe$tion S$orin%

Rotor ondition .ndi$ator S$ore
.nspe$tion results are normal! 7
.nspe$tion s&o's some deterioration! 2
.nspe$tion s&o's si%ni(i$ant deterioration! 1
.nspe$tion s&o's $omplete or imminent (ailure o( (ield
'indin% $omponents! 0

Rotor ondition .ndi$ator 7 H .nsulation Resistan$e and Polari,ation .ndex

Re(er to =Stator ondition .ndi$ator 7 H .nsulation Resistan$e and Polari,ation
.ndex> in se$tion
E1!11 abo*e (or a detailed des$ription o( insulation resistan$e and
polari,ation index

Results o( t&e insulation resistan$e and polari,ation index tests are analy,ed
and applied to
-able E to arri*e at a Rotor ondition .ndi$ator
-able E H Cield 4indin% .nsulation Resistan$e and Polari,ation .ndex S$orin%

Rotor ondition .ndi$ator S$ore Results are normal and similar to pre*ious tests! 7 Results indi$ate minor de$rease in insulation
resistan$e or polari,ation index 5e!%!/ (a$tor
o( 2 de$rease6! 2 Results indi$ate si%ni(i$ant de$rease in
insulation resistan$e or polari,ation
index 5e!%!/ (a$tor o( 10 de$rease6! 1
.nsulation resistan$e or polari,ation index
is belo' minimum a$$eptable *alues! 0
Rotor ondition .ndi$ator ? H Cield 4indin% A%e

-&e a%e o( t&e %enerator (ield 'indin% is an important (a$tor to $onsider '&en
$andidates (or repla$ement! A%e is one indi$ator o( remainin% li(e and up%rade
potential to
state-o(-t&e-art materials and desi%ns! -&e desi%n li(e 5or li(e expe$tan$y6 o(
t&e insulation o(
(ield 'indin%s is A0 to 60 years! Alt&ou%& a%e is a use(ul indi$ator o(
remainin% li(e and
up%rade potential/ it is also important to re$o%ni,e t&at t&e a$tual ser*i$e li(e
t&at $an be reali,ed
*aries 'idely dependin% on t&e spe$i(i$ e0uipment manu(a$turer and date o(
manu(a$tureB t&e
insulation system desi%n/ materials/ and produ$tion met&odsB t&e 0uality o(
installationB and t&e
%eneratorIs operation and maintenan$e &istory!

-&e a%e o( t&e (ield 'indin% s&ould be determined and applied to -able F to
arri*e at an
appropriate Rotor ondition .ndi$ator S$ore!

-able F H Cield 4indin% A%e S$orin%

Rotor ondition .ndi$ator S$ore
M 20 years 7
N 20 and M 70 years 2
N 70 and M ?0 years 1
N ?0 years 0

E1!1A -.ER 1 H R1-1R 1"+.-.1" ."+E: A#)#A-.1"S

Enter t&e rotor $ondition indi$ator s$ores (rom t&e tables abo*e into t&e Rotor
Assessment Summary (orm at t&e end o( t&is do$ument! 3ultiply ea$& indi$ator
s$ore by its
respe$ti*e 4ei%&tin% Ca$tor/ and sum t&e -otal S$ores to arri*e at t&e -ier 1
Rotor ondition
.ndex! Atta$& supportin% do$umentation! -&e Rotor ondition .ndex may be
ad@usted by t&e
-ier 2 rotor inspe$tions/ tests/ and measurements des$ribed later in t&is
E1!16 -.ER 1 H R1-1R +A-A 8)A#.-9 ."+.A-1R Rotor +ata 8uality .ndi$ator H 8uality o( .nspe$tions/ -ests/ and 3easurements
-&e Rotor +ata 8uality .ndi$ator re(le$ts t&e 0uality o( t&e inspe$tion/ test and
results used to e*aluate t&e rotor $ondition under -ier 1! -&e more $urrent and
$omplete t&e
inspe$tions/ tests and measurements/ t&e &i%&er t&e ratin% (or t&is indi$ator!
-&e normal testin%
(re0uen$y is de(ined as t&e or%ani,ationIs re$ommended (re0uen$y (or per(ormin%
t&e spe$i(i$ test or inspe$tion!
8uali(ied personnel s&ould make a sub@e$ti*e determination o( s$orin% t&at
en$ompasses as
many (a$tors as possible under t&is indi$ator! Results are analy,ed and applied
to -able 10 to
arri*e at an appropriate Rotor +ata 8uality .ndi$ator
-able 10 H Rotor +ata 8uality S$orin%

Rotor +ata 8uality .ndi$ator S$ore
All -ier 1 inspe$tions/ tests and measurements
'ere $ompleted 'it&in t&e normal testin%
(re0uen$y and t&e results are reliable!
1ne or more o( t&e -ier 1 inspe$tions/ tests
and measurements 'ere $ompleted N 6 and M
2? mont&s past t&e normal testin% (re0uen$y!
1ne or more o( t&e -ier 1 inspe$tions/ tests
and measurements 'ere $ompleted N 2? and M
76 mont&s past t&e normal testin% (re0uen$y/
or some o( t&e results are not a*ailable!
1ne or more o( t&e -ier 1 inspe$tions/ tests
and measurements 'ere $ompleted N 76
mont&s past t&e normal (re0uen$y/ or no
results are a*ailable!

Enter t&e Rotor +ata 8uality .ndi$ator S$ore (rom -able 10 into t&e Rotor
Assessment Summary (orm at t&e end o( t&is do$ument!

E1!1D -.ER 2 H S-A-1R ."SPE-.1"S/ -ES-S/ A"+ 3EAS)RE3E"-S

-ier 2 inspe$tions/ tests/ and measurements %enerally re0uire spe$iali,ed
e0uipment or expertise/
may be intrusi*e/ or may re0uire an outa%e to per(orm! A -ier 2 assessment is
not $onsidered
routine! -ier 2 inspe$tions are intended to a((e$t t&e Generator Stator
ondition .ndex
establis&ed usin% -ier 1 tests as 'ell as $on(irm or dispro*e t&e need (or more
maintenan$e/ re&abilitation/ or %enerator repla$ement!

"ote t&at t&ere are many tests t&at $an pro*ide in(ormation about t&e *arious
aspe$ts o( stator
$ondition! -&e $&oi$e o( '&i$& tests to apply s&ould be made based on kno'n
obtained *ia re*ie' o( 1 < 3 &istory/ p&ysi$al inspe$tion/ ot&er test results/
and $ompany
standards as 'ell as t&e -ier 1 assessment! 3any o( t&e (ollo'in% -ier 2 tests
are used to dete$t
or $on(irm a similar de(e$t or state o( deterioration! .n t&e e*ent t&at more
t&an one -ier 2 tests
are per(ormed to assess t&e same problem or $on$ern/ t&en t&e test 'it& t&e
lar%est ad@ustment
s&all be used to re$al$ulate t&e Stator ondition .ndex! .t is important to
a*oid ad@ustin% t&e
ondition .ndex do'n'ard t'i$e or more simply be$ause multiple tests are
$ompleted (or t&e
same suspe$ted problem! Sin$e t&e -ier 2 tests are bein% per(ormed by and2or
$oordinated 'it&
kno'led%eable te$&ni$al sta((/ t&e de$ision as to '&i$& test is more si%ni(i$ant
and &o' di((erent tests o*erlap is le(t to t&e experts!
Cor -ier 2 assessments per(ormed/ apply only t&e appropriate ad@ustment (a$tors
per t&e
instru$tions abo*e and re$al$ulate t&e Stator Generator ondition .ndex usin% t&e
ondition Assessment Summary (orm at t&e end o( t&is do$ument! An ad@ustment to
t&e +ata
8uality .ndi$ator s$ore may be appropriate i( additional in(ormation or test
results 'ere obtained
durin% t&e -ier 2 assessment!

-est -2!S1: Ramped Kolta%e -est

-o $ondu$t t&is test/ an automati$ &i%&-*olta%e po'er supply 5i!e!/ ramped
*olta%e test set6 is
used to linearly in$rease t&e applied dire$t *olta%e (rom ,ero up to some maximum
*alue at a
$onstant ramp rate/ typi$ally 1 to 2 kK per minute! -&e $urrent response *ersus
applied *olta%e
is measured and plotted/ and t&e results are used to e*aluate t&e $ondition o(
t&e insulation by
notin% de*iations (rom t&e normal s&ape o( t&e test $ur*e! Any departure (rom a
smoot& $ur*e
$ould be an indi$ation o( insulation problems! Ge$ause t&e maximum test *olta%e
is abo*e t&e
normal operatin% stress/ t&e ramped *olta%e test also ser*es as a &i%&-potential
'it&stand test!
Ramped *olta%e test results are analy,ed and applied to -able 11 to arri*e at a
Stator ondition
.ndex s$ore ad@ustment!

-able 11 H Ramped Kolta%e -est S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex
Smoot&/ linear $ur*e! Add 0!A
ur*e sli%&tly nonlinear/ similar to pre*ious test results!O "o &an%e
ur*e less linear t&an pre*ious test results!O Subtra$t 0!A
ur*e si%ni(i$antly less linear t&an pre*ious test results!O Subtra$t 1!0
-est stopped early to a*oid breakdo'n! Subtra$t 2!0
Cailure durin% test! Subtra$t A!0

O.( no pre*ious test results are a*ailable/ $ompare to results o( similar
ma$&ines or to typi$al results! -est -2!S2: Partial +is$&ar%e 3easurements
Partial dis$&ar%es are lo$ali,ed ioni,ations o( t&e %aseous spa$e surroundin% or
'it&in a solid
insulation! 4&en t&e ele$tri$ stress in t&e %as ex$eeds a $riti$al *alue/ a
transient ioni,ation/ or
partial dis$&ar%e/ o$$urs! -&e ioni,ed %as $ontains ele$trons/ ions/ ex$ited
mole$ules/ and (ree
radi$als! -&ese $&emi$ally rea$ti*e spe$ies $an a((e$t and de%rade t&e ad@a$ent
solid insulation!
Alt&ou%& t&e dama%e $aused by a sin%le partial dis$&ar%e 5P+6 e*ent is minute/
t&e $umulati*e
e((e$t o( many dis$&ar%es $an e*entually lead to insulation
-&ere are se*eral potential sites o( partial dis$&ar%es in &i%&-*olta%e %enerator
stator 'indin%s/
su$& as bet'een t&e sur(a$e o( t&e slot portion o( t&e 'indin% and t&e %rounded
stator $ore/ at
eit&er boundary o( t&e *olta%e stress %radin% $oatin% in t&e end turn area/ in
t&e 'indin%
o*er&an% re%ion '&ere potential di((eren$es exist bet'een ad@a$ent $oils
separated by small air
spa$es/ and internal to t&e insulation 'it&in *oids/ delaminations/ or ot&er
P+ measurin% e0uipment and data analysis met&ods &a*e been de*eloped to 0uanti(y
t&e le*el o(
dis$&ar%e a$ti*ity and determine t&e sour$e! 3easurements may be made eit&er on-
line or o((-
line/ and a *ariety o( dete$tion te$&ni0ues are possible 5e!%!/ $orona probe/
P+A/ E3.6! Sin$e
dis$&ar%e measurements are %reatly in(luen$ed by t&e spe$i(i$ measurin%
te$&ni0ue/ t&e P+
instrument manu(a$turer s&ould be $onsulted to determine appropriate e*aluation
Partial dis$&ar%e test results are analy,ed and applied to -able 12 to arri*e at
a Stator ondition
.ndex s$ore ad@ustment!

-able 12 H Partial +is$&ar%e -est S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex
#o' P+ readin%s t&rou%&out t&e %enerator! Add 0!A
Ce' in number and lo' in ma%nitude! "o &an%e
"umerous &i%& P+ readin%s! Subtra$t 0!A
4idespread and abnormally &i%& P+ readin%s! Subtra$t 1!0

-est -2!S7: +issipation 5or Po'er6 Ca$tor 3easurements

-&e dissipation (a$tor/ or tan P/ represents t&e losses in an insulation tested
under sinusoidal
*olta%e $onditions! 5Alternately/ t&e po'er (a$tor J $os Q is used to measure
insulation losses!
-ypi$ally/ t&e numeri$al di((eren$e bet'een tan P and $os Q is ne%li%ible so
t&at t&e terms
dissipation (a$tor and po'er (a$tor are o(ten used inter$&an%eably!6 Absolute
*alues o( tan P as
'ell as $&an%es 'it& respe$t to *olta%e are used to assess insulation 0uality and
$ondition! 4&en
per(ormin% t&e test/ se*eral tan P measurements are made o*er a ran%e o( applied
*olta%es! Cor
example/ a typi$al test s$&edule 'ould in*ol*e makin% measurements (rom 0!2A )n
5'&ere )n
e0uals t&e rated p&ase-to-neutral *olta%e o( t&e 'indin%6 t&rou%& 1!2A )n/
in$reasin% t&e test
*olta%e in in$rements o( 0!2A )n! -&e tip-up/ or R tan P/ is $al$ulated by
subtra$tin% tan P
measured at 0!2A )n (rom tan P at 1!0 )n! Relati*ely &i%& *alues o( tan P and
tip-up %enerally
indi$ate t&e presen$e o( *oids/ delaminations/ or &i%&
"ormal tan P measurements may *ary dependin% on se*eral (a$tors/ su$& as t&e
type o( diele$tri$
materials $omprisin% t&e insulation/ t&e e((e$t o( t&e end 'indin% *olta%e stress
treatment/ and spe$imen temperature and &umidity! Gi*en t&e di((i$ulty in
establis&in% absolute
limits (or tan P measurements/ trendin% o*er time and2or $omparisons amon%
identi$al ma$&ines
are %enerally needed to analy,e and interpret dissipation (a$tor
+issipation (a$tor results are analy,ed and applied to -able 17 to arri*e at a
Stator ondition .ndex s$ore ad@ustment!
-able 17 H +issipation Ca$tor S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex
-an P and tip-up are belo' expe$ted *alues! Add 0!A
-an P and tip-up are e0ual to expe$ted *alues! "o &an%e
-an P or tip-up sli%&tly ex$eed expe$ted
*alues! Subtra$t 0!A
-an P or tip-up some'&at ex$eed expe$ted
*alues or &a*e in$reased sin$e pre*ious test! Subtra$t 1!0
-an P or tip-up si%ni(i$antly ex$eed
*alues or &a*e in$reased s&arply sin$e
pre*ious test!
Subtra$t 2!0

-est -2!S?: 1,one 3onitorin%

-&e presen$e o( o,one in an air-$ooled &ydro%enerator stator &ousin% is usually
an indi$ation
t&at &i%& intensity ele$tri$al dis$&ar%es are o$$urrin% in t&e ma$&ine!
+is$&ar%es bet'een t&e
sur(a$es o( t&e slot portion o( t&e %enerator stator 'indin% and t&e %rounded
stator $ore are
re(erred to as slot dis$&ar%es and result (rom de(e$ti*e or deteriorated semi-
$ondu$ti*e slot
treatment or be$ause t&e stator $oils are loose in t&eir slots! +is$&ar%es '&i$&
o$$ur at eit&er
boundary o( t&e *olta%e stress %radin% $oatin% in t&e end turn area o( t&e stator
'indin% are o(ten
$alled %radin% $oatin% dis$&ar%es! Gradin% $oatin% dis$&ar%es normally result
(rom de(i$ien$ies
in t&e *olta%e stress %radin% system! .( t&e resisti*ity o( t&e *olta%e %radin%
treatment is too
&i%&/ dis$&ar%es o$$ur at t&e inter(a$e bet'een t&e %radin% treatment and t&e
slot paint! .( t&e resisti*ity is too lo'/ dis$&ar%es o$$ur at t&e upper boundary
o( t&e stress
%radin% treatment/ i!e!/ a'ay (rom t&e stator $ore! Ele$tri$al a$ti*ity $an also
o$$ur in t&e end
'indin% re%ion '&ere &i%& potential di((eren$es exist/ su$& as bet'een ad@a$ent
line- and
neutral-end $oils or bet'een line-end $oils o( di((erent p&ases! -&ese
dis$&ar%es are kno'n as
end 'indin% dis$&ar%es! End 'indin% dis$&ar%es *ary a$$ordin% to 'indin% desi%n/
and spa$in% bet'een $oils/ t&e type o( sur(a$e treatment/ and end 'indin%
$leanliness! Stator
'indin%s $an also experien$e internal dis$&ar%es due to *oids in t&e %round'all
-&ese dis$&ar%es are not likely to $ause ele*ated o,one
All types o( external dis$&ar%es $an $ause air to ioni,e/ produ$in% o,one and
ot&er dama%in% by-
produ$ts! .n addition to t&e risk o( a stator 'indin% insulation (ailure
resultin% (rom intense
ele$tri$al dis$&ar%es/ dama%e to t&e (errous and rubber materials '&i$& are
exposed to o,one $an
also be extremely serious! -&e (ollo'in% $omponents are parti$ularly sus$eptible
to o,one: t&e
iron stator $ore/ brake rin%/ rotor s&a(t/ &ub/ and rim laminationsB air $ooler
(ins and %asketsB
unpainted 'ater pipin%/ and ot&er exposed sur(a$es! Curt&ermore/ normal leaka%e
o( stator
&ousin% air into t&e po'erplant $an result in in$reased ba$k%round o,one le*els
in t&e plant 'ork areas/ promptin% $on$ern (or 'orker &ealt& and sa(ety!
1,one le*els may *ary dependin% on t&e parti$ular lo$ation at '&i$& t&e
measurement is taken
'it&in t&e ma$&ine/ as 'ell as %enerator terminal *olta%e/ loadin%/ temperature
and relati*e
&umidity! -&ere(ore/ to t&e extent possible/ repeat o,one measurements s&ould be
made under
t&e same %eneral $onditions!

1,one results are analy,ed and applied to -able 1? to arri*e at a Stator
ondition .ndex s$ore

-able 1? H 1,one S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex
1,one le*els M 0!0A ppm! Add 0!A
1,one le*els N 0!0A and M 0!1 ppm! "o &an%e
1,one le*els N 0!1 and M 1!0 ppm! Subtra$t 1!0
1,one le*els N 1!0 ppm! Subtra$t 2!0

-est -2!SA: Gla$k 1ut -est

-&is test is %enerally per(ormed on %enerators 'it& stator 'indin%s rated 6F00
*olts and abo*e
sin$e ma$&ines 'it& lo'er ratin%s are not likely to experien$e sur(a$e dis$&ar%es
durin% normal
operation! -&e bla$k out test may be per(ormed 'it& eit&er t&e rotor in pla$e or
Ho'e*er/ remo*in% t&e rotor impro*es *isibility o( sur(a$e dis$&ar%es in t&e slot
re%ion! -&e
test is typi$ally $ondu$ted in t&e e*enin% 'it& t&e po'er&ouse li%&ts o((! A
bla$k plasti$
$o*erin% may be pla$ed o*er t&e air &ousin% to &elp eliminate outside li%&t! An
indi*idual $oil/
%roup o( $oils/ $omplete p&ase/ or t&e entire stator 'indin% is ener%i,ed at
rated *olta%e or
sli%&tly abo*e '&ile obser*ers positioned inside t&e unit look (or *isual
e*iden$e o( ele$tri$al
dis$&ar%es! A$ti*e areas o( $orona are noted 'it& respe$t to slot number and
Gla$k out test results are analy,ed and applied to -able 1A to arri*e at a Stator
ondition .ndex
s$ore ad@ustment!

-able 1A H Gla$k 1ut -est S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex "e%li%ible $orona! Add 0!A Ce' lo$ations and minor intensity! "o &an%e Se*eral lo$ations and moderate intensity! Subtra$t 1!0 4idespread/ intense $orona! Subtra$t 2!0
-est -2!S6: Hi%&-Potential 4it&stand -est

Hi%&-potential 'it&stand tests are typi$ally per(ormed to pro*ide some assuran$e
t&at t&e
'indin% insulation &as a minimum le*el o( ele$tri$al stren%t&! Ge$ause t&e
in&erent 'it&stand
$apability o( sound insulation is 'ell abo*e t&e usual proo( test *alue/ (ailure
durin% a test at an
appropriate *olta%e indi$ates t&e insulation is unsuitable (or ser*i$e!
4it&stand tests are
intended to sear$& (or (la's in t&e material and (or manu(a$turin% de(e$ts/ and
to demonstrate in
a pra$ti$al manner t&at t&e insulation &as a minimum le*el o( ele$tri$al
inte%rity! A primary
re0uirement o( su$& a test is t&at it s&ould be dis$ernin% and e((e$ti*e in
dete$tin% serious (la's
at or belo' t&e minimum spe$i(ied stren%t& 'it&out dama%in% sound insulation!
-&e applied test
*olta%e may be po'er (re0uen$y/ *ery lo' (re0uen$y 5K#C6/ or dire$t
Stator 'indin% &i%&-potential 'it&stand test results are analy,ed and applied to
-able 16 to arri*e
at a Stator ondition .ndex s$ore ad@ustment!

-able 16 H Stator 4indin% Hi%&-Potential 4it&stand -est S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex
Passed 'it&stand test! Add 0!A
Cailed 'it&stand test! Subtra$t A!0

-est -2!SD: Stator ore .nspe$tion

A stator $ore p&ysi$al inspe$tion may be done 'it& t&e rotor in pla$e alt&ou%& it
is more
$on*enient to examine t&e $ore 'it& t&e rotor remo*ed! -&e stator $ore s&ould be
examined (or
looseness and s&i(tin%! ore looseness s&ould be $&e$ked 'it& t&e kni(e test!
Stator t&rou%& bolt
tor0ue may also be $&e$ked! Any broken $ore laminations/ laminations '&i$&
protrude into t&e
air %ap/ si%ns o( (rettin% $orrosion/ bent $ore du$t separators/ or ot&er
e*iden$e o( $ore dama%e
s&ould be noted! .nterlaminar insulation (aults may result in se*ere o*er&eatin%
'&i$& $ould
dama%e t&e stator 'indin% at t&at lo$ation! Generally/ de(e$ts at t&e $ore
sur(a$e are easily
obser*ed '&ile de(e$ts in t&e slot area or in t&e ba$k iron are not dete$tible
*isually! .(
inspe$tion panels are present on t&e stator (rame 'rapper/ t&ey s&ould be remo*ed
to allo' inspe$tion o( t&e ba$k iron and stator (rame!
Stator $ore inspe$tion results are analy,ed and applied to -able 1D to arri*e at
a Stator ondition .ndex s$ore ad@ustment!
-able 1D H Stator ore .nspe$tion S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex
ore $ondition appears *ery %ood! Add 0!A
"o indi$ation o( $ore dama%e or deterioration! "o &an%e
3inor $ore dama%e or deterioration! Subtra$t 0!A
3oderate $ore dama%e or deterioration! Subtra$t 1!0
Si%ni(i$ant $ore dama%e or deterioration! Subtra$t 2!0

-est -2!SE: 4ed%e -i%&tness E*aluation

Stator 'indin%s are 'ed%ed into t&e $ore slots and sub@e$ted to positi*e radial
pressure to prote$t
t&e 'indin% (rom *ibration-indu$ed dama%e durin% normal operation and to keep
$oils2bars (rom
bein% (or$ed out o( t&e slots durin% p&ase-to-p&ase s&ort $ir$uit $onditions!
-&is e*aluation is
used to determine t&e $ondition o( t&e stator 'indin% 'ed%e system! -&e 'ed%e
system s&ould
be examined $losely (or loose/ broken/ or burnt 'ed%es! -o per(orm a
assessment 'it& t&e rotor in pla$e/ one or t'o pole pie$es must be remo*ed in
order to a$$ess t&e
entire len%t& o( t&e stator $ore and t&e rotor must be rotated manually in order
to inspe$t all
'ed%es in e*ery slot! A partial e*aluation may be $ondu$ted by inspe$tin% only
t&ose 'ed%es
t&at are 'it&in rea$& bet'een t&e rotor poles! -&e 'ed%e e*aluation pro$edure
re0uires $are(ul
*isual inspe$tion o( t&e 'ed%in% system/ in$ludin% 'ed%es and slot pa$kin%
materials! -&e
'ed%e system may be (urt&er examined by tappin% t&e 'ed%es 'it& a blunt metalli$
'&i$& rin%s or *ibrates '&en &it a%ainst a solidly 'ed%ed slot! #oose 'ed%es
produ$e a dull
sound '&en tapped! ommer$ial 'ed%e ti%&tness measurin% tools are also
a*ailable! 4ed%e
systems utili,in% under-'ed%e ripple sprin%s may be e*aluated usin% a dept& %au%e
to measure
t&e ripple sprin% $ompression! Re%ardless o( t&e spe$i(i$ e*aluation met&od
used/ 'ed%e system
$ondition is assessed based on t&e o*erall per$enta%e o( loose 'ed%es as 'ell as
t&e number and
lo$ation o( loose 'ed%es in any %i*en slot!

Stator $ore inspe$tion results are analy,ed and applied to -able 1E to arri*e at
a Stator ondition .ndex s$ore ad@ustment!
-able 1E H 4ed%e -i%&tness S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex
Re'ed%in% $ompleted 'it&in last M A years
and no indi$ation o( loose 'ed%es! Add 0!A
"o indi$ation o( loose 'ed%es! "o &an%e
Ce' loose 'ed%es! Subtra$t 0!A
"umerous loose 'ed%es! Subtra$t 1!0
4idespread loose 'ed%es! Subtra$t 2!0

-est -2!SF: ore #oop -est

-&e stator $ore loop test/ also kno'n as t&e rin% test or rated (lux test/ is
per(ormed on motor or
%enerator stators to e*aluate t&e inte%rity o( t&e $ore laminations! ore dama%e
may be $aused
by in%ress o( (orei%n bodies into t&e stator bore/ ex$essi*e *ibrations/ or
deterioration o( t&e
lamination insulation due to o*er&eatin% or ot&er a%in% pro$esses! .nad*ertent
$ore dama%e may
also o$$ur durin% re'ed%in% or remo*al o( t&e rotor and2or stator $oils! A
bearin% (ailure may
also $ause t&e rotor to rub and dama%e t&e stator $ore! -&e $ore loop test is
used to dete$t
dama%e/ assess its se*erity/ and indi$ate '&et&er repair is
-&e loop test is made by 'rappin% an ex$itation 'indin% around t&e stator $ore
and (rame! A
60-H, *olta%e is applied to t&e 'indin% su((i$ient to indu$e a (lux approximately
e0ual to t&e
rated operatin% (lux density and produ$e normal axial *olta%e bet'een
laminations! +e(e$ti*e
areas o( t&e $ore or toot& insulation appear as =&ot spotsI t&at $an be
dete$ted *ia in(rared
t&ermal ima%in%! An area o( iron ex&ibitin% a temperature e0ual to or %reater
t&an A L abo*e
t&e a*era%e $ore temperature is %enerally $onsidered to be a &ot
ore loop test results are analy,ed and applied to -able 1F to arri*e at a Stator
ondition .ndex
s$ore ad@ustment!

-able 1F H ore #oop -est S$orin%
-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex "o *isible &ot spots! Add 0!A 1ne 'arm spot M A L! "o &an%e -'o or more 'arm spots M A L/ or one &ot spot N A L and M 10 L! Subtra$t 0!A -'o or more &ot spots N A L and M 10 L! Subtra$t 1!0 1ne or more &ot spots N 10 L! Subtra$t 2!0
-est -2!S10: E# .+ -est

-&e Ele$troma%neti$ ore .mper(e$tion +ete$tor 5E# .+6 test is used to dete$t
and e*aluate
kno'n or suspe$ted dama%e to t&e stator $ore lamination insulation! -&e main
ad*anta%e o( t&e
E# .+ test o*er t&e rated (lux test is t&at it re0uires a mu$& smaller $apa$ity
po'er supply (or
t&e ex$itation 'indin%/ sin$e only 7 to ? per$ent o( rated (lux needs to be
indu$ed in t&e $ore!
-&e E# .+ test operates on t&e basis t&at eddy $urrents 'ill (lo' t&rou%& (ailed
or si%ni(i$antly
a%ed $ore insulation! )sin% a spe$ial =&atto$k $oil/> a *olta%e si%nal is
obtained t&at is
proportional to t&e ma%nitude o( eddy $urrent (lo'in% bet'een laminations! -&e
*olta%e is (ed to a si%nal pro$essor '&at %i*es an output in mA 5milliamperes6
t&at represents t&e
axial $omponent o( t&e measured *olta%e! Relati*ely &i%& readin%s indi$ate
(aulty insulation!
-&e manu(a$turer o( t&e E# .+ test e0uipment states t&at output readin%s abo*e
100 mA
indi$ate si%ni(i$ant $ore s&ortin%!

E# .+ test results are analy,ed and applied to -able 20 to arri*e at a Stator
ondition .ndex
s$ore ad@ustment!

-able 20 H E# .+ -est S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Stator ondition .ndex
"o readin%s S A0 mA! Add 0!A
"o readin%s S 100 mA! "o &an%e
1ne readin% S 100 mA and T 200 mA! Subtra$t 0!A
-'o or more readin%s S 100 mA and T 200 mA! Subtra$t 1!0
1ne or more readin%s S 200 mA! Subtra$t 2!0

-est -2!S11: 1t&er Spe$iali,ed +ia%nosti$ -ests

Additional tests su$& as 'indin% disse$tion/ $apa$itan$e measurements/ $ore bolt
resistan$e/ 'indin% $ondu$tor resistan$e measurements/ and ot&ers may be applied
to e*aluate
spe$i(i$ stator 'indin% or $ore problems! Some o( t&ese dia%nosti$ tests may be
$onsidered to be
o( an in*esti%ati*e resear$& nature! 4&en $on$lusi*e results (rom ot&er
dia%nosti$ tests are
a*ailable/ t&ey may be used to make an appropriate ad@ustment to t&e Stator
ondition .ndex! E1!1E -.ER 2 H S-A-1R 1"+.-.1" ."+E: A#)#A-.1"S
Enter t&e -ier 2 ad@ustments (rom t&e tables abo*e into t&e Generator ondition
Summary (orm at t&e end o( t&is %uide! Subtra$t t&e sum o( t&ese ad@ustments
(rom t&e -ier 1
Stator ondition .ndex to arri*e at t&e "et Stator ondition .ndex! Atta$&
do$umentation! An ad@ustment to t&e +ata 8uality .ndi$ator s$ore may be
appropriate i(
additional in(ormation or test results 'ere obtained durin% t&e -ier 2
E1!1F -.ER 2 H R1-1R ."SPE-.1"S/ -ES-S/ A"+ 3EAS)RE3E"-S

-ier 2 inspe$tions/ tests/ and measurements %enerally re0uire spe$iali,ed
e0uipment or expertise/
may be intrusi*e/ or may re0uire an outa%e to per(orm! A -ier 2 assessment is
not $onsidered
routine! -ier 2 inspe$tions are intended to a((e$t t&e Rotor ondition .ndex
number establis&ed
usin% -ier 1 tests as 'ell as $on(irm or dispro*e t&e need (or more extensi*e
re&abilitation/ or %enerator repla$ement!

"ote t&at t&ere are many tests t&at $an pro*ide in(ormation about t&e *arious
aspe$ts o( rotor
$ondition! -&e $&oi$e o( '&i$& tests to apply s&ould be made based on kno'n
obtained *ia re*ie' o( 1 < 3 &istory/ p&ysi$al inspe$tion/ ot&er test results/
and $ompany
standards as 'ell as t&e -ier 1 assessment! 3any o( t&e (ollo'in% -ier 2 tests
are used to dete$t
or $on(irm a similar de(e$t or state o( deterioration! .n t&e e*ent t&at more
t&an one -ier 2 tests
are per(ormed to assess t&e same problem or $on$ern/ t&en t&e test 'it& t&e
lar%est ad@ustment
s&all be used to re$al$ulate t&e Rotor ondition .ndex! .t is important to a*oid
ad@ustin% t&e
ondition .ndex do'n'ard t'i$e or more simply be$ause multiple tests are
$ompleted (or t&e
same suspe$ted problem! Sin$e t&e -ier 2 tests are bein% per(ormed by and2or
$oordinated 'it&
kno'led%eable te$&ni$al sta((/ t&e de$ision as to '&i$& test is more si%ni(i$ant
and &o' di((erent
tests o*erlap is le(t to t&e experts!

Cor -ier 2 assessments per(ormed/ apply only t&e appropriate ad@ustment (a$tors
per t&e
instru$tions abo*e and re$al$ulate t&e Rotor Generator ondition .ndex usin% t&e
ondition Assessment Summary (orm at t&e end o( t&is do$ument!

-est -2!R1: Hi%&-Potential 4it&stand

Hi%&-potential 'it&stand tests are typi$ally per(ormed to pro*ide some assuran$e
t&at t&e
'indin% insulation &as a minimum le*el o( ele$tri$al stren%t&! Ge$ause t&e
in&erent 'it&stand
$apability o( sound insulation is 'ell abo*e t&e usual proo( test *alue/ (ailure
durin% a test at an
appropriate *olta%e indi$ates t&e insulation is unsuitable (or ser*i$e!
4it&stand tests are
intended to sear$& (or (la's in t&e material and (or manu(a$turin% de(e$ts/ and
to demonstrate in
a pra$ti$al manner t&at t&e insulation &as a minimum le*el o( ele$tri$al
inte%rity! A primary
re0uirement o( su$& a test is t&at is s&ould be dis$ernin% and e((e$ti*e in
dete$tin% serious (la's
at or belo' t&e minimum spe$i(ied stren%t& 'it&out dama%in% sound insulation!
-&e applied test
*olta%e may be po'er (re0uen$y/ *ery lo' (re0uen$y 5K#C6/ or dire$t
Cield 'indin% &i%&-potential 'it&stand test results are analy,ed and applied to
-able 21 to arri*e at a Rotor ondition .ndex s$ore ad@ustment! -able 21 H Cield 4indin% Hi%&-Potential 4it&stand -est S$orin%
-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Rotor ondition .ndex Passed 'it&stand test! Add 0!A Cailed 'it&stand test! Subtra$t A!0
-est -2!R2: A Pole +rop -est

-&is test is per(ormed on salient pole rotors to dete$t s&orted turns in t&e
(ield 'indin%! -&e
'indin% is ener%i,ed at 120 K/ 60 H, and t&e *olta%e drop a$ross ea$& pole is
measured! Poles
'it& appre$iably lo'er *olta%e drops may &a*e s&orted turns! -&e *olta%e drop
a$ross t&e
immediately ad@a$ent poles may be lo' as 'ell due to t&e in(luen$e o( t&e
de(e$ti*e pole on t&e
ma%neti$ $ir$uits o( t&e ad@a$ent poles!

A pole drop test results are analy,ed and applied to -able 22 to arri*e at a
Rotor ondition
.ndex s$ore ad@ustment!

-able 22 H A Pole +rop -est S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Rotor ondition .ndex
Poles reinsulated 'it&in last M 10 years! Add 0!A
"o indi$ation o( s&orted turns! "o &an%e
1ne pole 'it& one s&orted turn! Subtra$t 0!A
-'o or more poles 'it& one s&orted turn! Subtra$t 1!0
1ne or more poles 'it& multiple s&orted turns! Subtra$t 2!0

-est -2!R7: Cield 4indin% A .mpedan$e

+ue to t&e appre$iable $entri(u%al (or$es t&at a$t on a rotor 'indin% at rated
speed/ $ertain
s&orted turns may only be apparent '&en t&e rotor is re*ol*in% at or near rated
speed! An
impedan$e test $an be per(ormed '&ile t&e ma$&ine is bein% s&ut do'n or brou%&t
up to speed to
dete$t s&orted turns t&at are only present under $entri(u%al (or$es! -o per(orm
t&e test/ a 120 K/
60 H, po'er supply is applied to t&e 'indin% t&rou%& t&e $olle$tor rin%s! -&e
applied *olta%e
and $urrent are measured and t&e impedan$e is $al$ulated o*er a ran%e o(
rotational speeds!
Cield 'indin% a$ impedan$e test results are analy,ed and applied to -able 27 to
arri*e at a Rotor ondition .ndex s$ore ad@ustment!
-able 27 H Cield 4indin% A .mpedan$e S$orin%

-est Results
Ad@ustment to

Rotor ondition .ndex
+i((eren$e bet'een readin%s taken at rated
speed and standstill is M AU! "o abrupt
Add 0!A
+i((eren$e bet'een readin%s taken at rated
speed and standstill is N AU and M 10U! "o
abrupt $&an%es!
"o &an%e
+i((eren$e bet'een readin%s taken at rated
speed and standstill is N AU and M 10U/ 'it&
abrupt $&an%e N AU!
Subtra$t 1!0
+i((eren$e bet'een readin%s taken at rated
speed and standstill is N 10U and abrupt
$&an%e is N AU!
Subtra$t 2!0

-est -2!R?: 1t&er Spe$iali,ed +ia%nosti$ -ests

Additional tests su$& as + resistan$e measurements/ temperature s$annin%/ et$!
may be applied
to e*aluate spe$i(i$ rotor problems! Some o( t&ese dia%nosti$ tests may be
$onsidered to be o( an
in*esti%ati*e resear$& nature! 4&en $on$lusi*e results (rom ot&er dia%nosti$
tests are a*ailable/
t&ey may be used to make an appropriate ad@ustment to t&e Rotor ondition

E1!20 -.ER 2 H R1-1R 1"+.-.1" ."+E: A#)#A-.1"S

Enter t&e -ier 2 ad@ustments (rom t&e tables abo*e into t&e Generator ondition
Summary (orm at t&e end o( t&is %uide! Subtra$t t&e sum o( t&ese ad@ustments
(rom t&e -ier 1
Rotor ondition .ndex to arri*e at t&e "et Rotor ondition .ndex! Atta$&
do$umentation! An ad@ustment to t&e +ata 8uality .ndi$ator s$ore may be
appropriate i(
additional in(ormation or test results 'ere obtained durin% t&e -ier 2
E1!21 GE"ERA-1R 1"+.-.1" ."+E: A#)#A-.1"S
&oose t&e lo'er o( t&e "et Stator ondition .ndex and "et Rotor ondition .ndex
to represent
t&e o*erall Generator ondition .ndex! Re$ord t&e +ata 8uality .ndi$ator s$ore
asso$iated 'it&
t&e $&osen ondition .ndex! Su%%ested alternati*es (or (ollo'-up a$tion/ based
on t&e Generator
ondition .ndex/ are des$ribed in t&e Generator ondition-Gased Alternati*es
lo$ated in -able 2?! E1!22 GE"ERA-1R 1"+.-.1"-GASE+ A#-ER"A-.KES
-&e Generator ondition .ndex H eit&er modi(ied by -ier 2 tests or not H may be
su((i$ient (or
de$ision-makin% re%ardin% %enerator alternati*es! -&e .ndex is also suitable (or
use in a risk-
and-e$onomi$ analysis model! 4&ere it is desired to $onsider alternati*es based
solely on
%enerator $ondition/ t&e Generator ondition .ndex may be dire$tly applied to t&e
ondition-Gased Alternati*es table 5-able 2?6!

-able 2? H Generator ondition-Gased Alternati*es

Generator ondition .ndex Su%%ested
ourse o( A$tion
N D!0 and T 10 5Good6 ontinue 1 < 3 'it&out
restri$tion! Repeat $ondition assessment as needed!
N 7!0 and M D 5Cair6
ontinue operation but ree*aluate 1 < 3 pra$ti$es!
onsider usin% appropriate -ier 2 tests! Repeat
$ondition assessment pro$ess as needed!
N 0 and M 7!0 5Poor6
.mmediate e*aluation in$ludin% additional -ier 2
testin%! onsultation 'it& experts! Ad@ust 1 < 3 as
prudent! Ge%in repla$ement2re&abilitation pro$ess!

-.ER 1 1"+.-.1" ASSESS3E"- S)33AR9

Gen! .denti(ier: VVVVVVVVVVV Gen! 3anu(a$turer: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 9r! 3(d!:
Stator 4indin% 3anu(a$turer: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 9r! 4indin% .nstalled:
Stator .nsulation -ype: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 3KA: VVVVVVV PC: VVVVVV Kolta%e:
Cield 4indin% 3anu(a$turer: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 9r! 4indin% .nstalled:
Cield .nsulation -ype: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV urrent: VVVVVVVVVVVVV Kolta%e:

Part A: al$ulate t&e -ier 1 Stator ondition
-ier 1 Generator Stator ondition Summary
5Cor instru$tions on indi$ator s$orin%/ please re(er to $ondition
assessment %uide6

"o! ondition .ndi$ator S$ore W 4ei%&tin%
Ca$tor J -otal S$ore
1 1 < 3 History
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 1!1E
2 P&ysi$al .nspe$tion
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 1!1E
.nsulation Resistan$e and
Polari,ation .ndex
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76
? 4indin% A%e
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 0!7F

-ier 1 Stator ondition .ndex
5Sum o( indi*idual -otal S$ores6
5ondition .ndex s&ould be bet'een 0 and 106

-ier 1 Stator +ata 8uality .ndi$ator
5Kalue must be 0/ ?/ D/ or 106

Part G: al$ulate t&e -ier 1 Rotor ondition
-ier 1 Generator Rotor ondition Summary
5Cor instru$tions on indi$ator s$orin%/ please re(er to $ondition
assessment %uide6

"o! ondition .ndi$ator S$ore W 4ei%&tin%
Ca$tor J -otal S$ore
1 1 < 3 History
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 1!1E
2 P&ysi$al .nspe$tion
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 1!1E
.nsulation Resistan$e and
Polari,ation .ndex
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76
? 4indin% A%e
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 0!7F

-ier 1 Rotor ondition .ndex
5Sum o( indi*idual -otal S$ores6
5ondition .ndex s&ould be bet'een 0 and 106

-ier 1 Rotor +ata 8uality .ndi$ator
5Kalue must be 0/ ?/ D/ or 106


Part : +etermine t&e -ier 1 Generator 5Stator and Rotor6 ondition .ndex

-o determine t&e -ier 1 Generator 5Stator and Rotor6 ondition .ndex/ $&oose t&e
lo'er o( t&e
-ier 1 Stator ondition .ndex and t&e -ier 1 Rotor ondition .ndex! Re$ord t&e
+ata 8uality
.ndi$ator asso$iated 'it& t&e $&osen ondition .ndex!

Generator ondition .ndex VVVVVVVVVVVVV

+ata 8uality .ndi$ator VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV

5Atta$& supportin% do$umentation!6

Generator ondition-Gased Alternati*es

Generator ondition .ndex Su%%ested
ourse o( A$tion
N D!0 and T 10 5Good6 ontinue 1 < 3 'it&out
restri$tion! Repeat $ondition assessment as needed!
N 7!0 and M D 5Cair6
ontinue operation but ree*aluate 1 < 3 pra$ti$es!
onsider usin% appropriate -ier 2 tests! Repeat
$ondition assessment pro$ess as needed!
N 0 and M 7!0 5Poor6
.mmediate e*aluation in$ludin% additional -ier 2
testin%! onsultation 'it& experts! Ad@ust 1 < 3 as
prudent! Ge%in repla$ement2re&abilitation pro$ess!

-.ER 2 1"+.-.1" ASSESS3E"- S)33AR9

Gen! .denti(ier: VVVVVVVVVVV Gen! 3anu(a$turer: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 9r! 3(d!:
Stator 4indin% 3anu(a$turer: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 9r! 4indin% .nstalled:
Stator .nsulation -ype: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 3KA: VVVVVVV PC: VVVVVV Kolta%e:
Cield 4indin% 3anu(a$turer: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 9r! 4indin% .nstalled:
Cield .nsulation -ype: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV urrent: VVVVVVVVVVVVV Kolta%e:
Part A: al$ulate t&e -ier 2 Stator ondition
-ier 2 Stator ondition Summary

Ad@ustment to -ier 1
"o! -ier 2 -est
Stator ondition .ndex
-2!S1 Ramped Kolta%e -est
-2!S2 Partial +is$&ar%e 3easurements
-2!S7 +issipation Ca$tor 3easurements
-2!S? 1,one 3onitorin%
-2!SA Gla$k 1ut -est
-2!S6 Hi%&-Potential 4it&stand -est
-2!SD Stator ore .nspe$tion
-2!SE 4ed%e -i%&tness E*aluation
-2!SF ore #oop -est
-2!S10 E# .+ -est
-2!S11 1t&er Spe$iali,ed +ia%nosti$ -ests

-ier 2 Ad@ustments to Stator ondition .ndex
5Sum o( indi*idual Ad@ustments6 -ier 2 Stator +ata 8uality .ndi$ator 5Kalue must be 0/ ?/ D/ or 106 -o $al$ulate t&e "et Stator ondition .ndex 5Kalue s&ould be bet'een 0 and 106 / subtra$t t&e -ier 2 Ad@ustments (rom t&e -ier 1 Stator ondition .ndex:
-ier 1 Stator ondition .ndex
minus -ier 2 Stator Ad@ustments VVVVVVVVVV J
VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV "et Stator ondition .ndex
Part G: al$ulate t&e -ier 2 Rotor ondition
-ier 2 Rotor ondition Summary

Ad@ustment to -ier 1
"o! -ier 2 -est
Rotor ondition .ndex
-2!R1 Hi%&-Potential 4it&stand -est
-2!R2 A Pole +rop -est
-2!R7 Cield 4indin% A .mpedan$e
-2!R? 1t&er Spe$iali,ed +ia%nosti$ -ests

-ier 2 Ad@ustments to Rotor ondition .ndex
5Sum o( indi*idual Ad@ustments6

-ier 2 Rotor +ata 8uality .ndi$ator
5Kalue must be 0/ ?/ D/ or 106

-o $al$ulate t&e "et Rotor ondition .ndex 5Kalue s&ould be bet'een 0 and 106 / subtra$t t&e -ier 2
Ad@ustments (rom t&e -ier 1 Rotor ondition .ndex:

-ier 1 Rotor ondition .ndex

minus -ier 2 Rotor Ad@ustments VVVVVVVVVV J
"et Rotor ondition .ndex

Part : +etermine t&e -ier 2 Generator 5Stator and Rotor6 ondition .ndex

-o determine t&e "et Generator 5Stator and Rotor6 ondition
5Kalue s&ould be bet'een 0 and
106 / $&oose t&e lo'er o( t&e "et Stator ondition .ndex and t&e "et Rotor ondition
Re$ord t&e +ata 8uality .ndi$ator asso$iated 'it& t&e $&osen ondition

"et Generator ondition .ndex VVVVVVVVVVVVV
+ata 8uality .ndi$ator VVVVVVVVVVVVVV


5Atta$& supportin% do$umentation!6


-.ER 1 1"+.-.1" ASSESS3E"- S)33AR9

+ate: 6-2A-07 #o$ation: 9ello'tail Po'erplant
Gen! .denti(ier: )nit Gen! 3anu(a$turer: 4estin%&ouse 9r! 3(d!: 1F6A
Stator 4indin% 3anu(a$turer: "ational Ele$tri$ oil 9r! 4indin%
.nstalled: 1FE7
Stator .nsulation -ype: Epoxilated Resin 3KA: 6A/DEF kKA Kolta%e:
17!E kK

Part A: al$ulate t&e -ier 1 Stator ondition
-ier 1 Generator Stator ondition Summary
5Cor instru$tions on indi$ator s$orin%/ please re(er to $ondition
assessment %uide6

"o! ondition .ndi$ator S$ore W 4ei%&tin%
Ca$tor J -otal S$ore
1 1 < 3 History
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 2 1!1E 2!76
2 P&ysi$al .nspe$tion
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 7 1!1E 7!A?
.nsulation Resistan$e and
Polari,ation .ndex
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76
2 0!AE 1!16
? 4indin% A%e
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 2 0!7F 0!DE

-ier 1 Stator ondition .ndex
5Sum o( indi*idual -otal S$ores6
5ondition .ndex s&ould be bet'een 0 and 106

-ier 1 Stator +ata 8uality .ndi$ator
5Kalue must be 0/ ?/ D/ or 106 D

Part G: al$ulate t&e -ier 1 Rotor ondition
-ier 1 Generator Rotor ondition Summary
5Cor instru$tions on indi$ator s$orin%/ please re(er to $ondition
assessment %uide6

"o! ondition .ndi$ator S$ore W 4ei%&tin%
Ca$tor J -otal S$ore
1 1 < 3 History
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 7 1!1E 7!A?
2 P&ysi$al .nspe$tion
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 7 1!1E 7!A?
.nsulation Resistan$e and
Polari,ation .ndex
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76
7 0!AE 1!D?
? 4indin% A%e
5S$ore must be 0/ 1/ 2/ or 76 7 0!7F 1!1D

-ier 1 Rotor ondition .ndex
5Sum o( indi*idual -otal S$ores6
5ondition .ndex s&ould be bet'een 0 and 106

-ier 1 Rotor +ata 8uality .ndi$ator
5Kalue must be 0/ ?/ D/ or 106 ?

Part : +etermine t&e -ier 1 Generator 5Stator and Rotor6 ondition
-o determine t&e -ier 1 Generator 5Stator and Rotor6 ondition
5Kalue s&ould be bet'een 0 and
106 / $&oose t&e lo'er o( t&e -ier 1 Stator ondition .ndex and t&e -ier 1 Rotor
ondition .ndex!
Re$ord t&e +ata 8uality .ndi$ator asso$iated 'it& t&e $&osen ondition
Generator ondition .ndex VVVVVD!E?VVVVVVVVVV
+ata 8uality .ndi$ator

E*aluator: Armand Gird/ A$tin% Ele$tri$al CoremanV -e$&ni$al Re*ie': -om

5Atta$& supportin% do$umentation!6

Supportin% +o$umentation

+ate: 6-2A-07 #o$ation: 9ello'tail Po'erplant
Gen! .denti(ier: )nit Gen! 3anu(a$turer: 4estin%&ouse 9r! 3(d!: 1F6A
Stator 4indin% 3anu(a$turer: "ational Ele$tri$ oil 9r! 4indin%
.nstalled: 1FE7
Stator .nsulation -ype: Epoxilated Resin 3KA: 6A/DEF kKA Kolta%e:
17!E kK

)nit 1 Stator 'as %i*en a ratin% o( 2 on 1 < 3 History (or t&e (ollo'in% reasons:
9ello'tail is
a remotely-$ontrolled peakin% plant 'it& (re0uent use o( AG/ t&us resultin% in
(ast ramp rates/
(re0uent rou%& ,one $rossin%s/ and abnormally &i%& numbers o( starts and
Re$ords o( 0uadrennial ramp tests indi$ate =snakin%> '&i$& &as been asso$iated
'it& possible
delamination o( t&e strands in t&e 'indin%! -&e most re$ent ramp tests are
a$$eptable and s&o'
no in$reasin% si%ns o( deterioration!

ouplin% $apa$itors &a*e been installed to monitor partial dis$&ar%e/ but results
&a*e been
0uestioned on t&eir *alue!

.nsulation resistan$e or polari,ation index testin% is not per(ormed at
9ello'tail/ but +! ! Ramp
testin% is per(ormed on a 0uadrennial s$&edule! -&e results o( t&is test &a*e
indi$ated t&at no
substantial in$rease in leaka%e is o$$urrin%! -&e resultin% s$ore o( 2 is
be$ause t&e testin% 'as
not per(ormed/ but no abnormal results 'ould be
4indin% a%e 'as rated at 2 be$ause t&e 'indin% is on t&e border line bet'een 20
and 70 years!
Also/ 'it& t&e rapid ramp rates and abnormal starts and stops t&e 'indin% is
bein% sub@e$ted to
t&ermal stresses undete$table by inspe$tion or

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