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The laundries and dry-cleaners industry comprises establishments that provide dry-cleaning
laundering carpet cleaning and laundrette services! IBISWorld estimates that laundering accounts
for 63% of total industry revenue, with dry-cleaning constituting 24% !m"loyment trends in client
industries are im"ortant in influencing service demand #he industry$s clients include government,
commercial industries and households%ver the five years through 2&''-'2, industry revenue is
estimated to grow an annualised &6%, including forecast growth of 26% in 2&''-'2 to reach ('''
)illion Strong growth in 2&'&-'' and 2&''-'2 will result mainly from a stronger economy and greater
demand for services, "articularly for uniform hire and cleaning services *rice-)ased com"etition on
su""ly contracts will remain fierce due to the nature and structure of this industry, which includes many
small and medium-si+e o"erators !nvironmental factors will )ecome increasingly im"ortant to this
industry$s future "erformance, "articularly in the areas of chemical, water and energy use, and in
relation to climate change factors and car)on emissions controls In the five years through 2&'6-',,
industry revenue is forecast to increase an annuali+ed '-% to ('2' )illion
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When we receive a garment here at 4adue5s 6ry 0leaning and assess its needs, we choose one of four
cleaning trac7s8dry cleaning, wet cleaning, laundering, or s"ot cleaning8or a com)ination of them
/t the most )asic level, dry cleaning, wet cleaning, and laundering share a certain general a""roach9 a
solvent and a detergent :dry cleaning; or water and a "articular 7ind of detergent :wet cleaning and
laundering; S"ot cleaning mar7s a real meeting of science and artistry, and demands that many more
decisions )e made to achieve the desired result
Sometimes a "iece of clothing re<uires more than one a""roach .or e=am"le, we might dry clean a
shirt to remove grease stains )efore we launder it #he 4adue5s a""roach ta7es into account the ty"e of
fa)ric, its condition, and a host of other factors to determine a cleaning strategy %ur dry cleaning items
cycle through dry cleaning machines with Solvon>4 and >reussler5s s"ecial detergent, 0li">4 We5ll
direct other clothes through wet cleaning machines to )e cleaned with water and the a""ro"riate
mi=ture of >reussler5s wet cleaning "roducts, which include /vant, /7tiv, and /"ret 2aundered items,
meanwhile, get cleaned in industrial washing machines using water and >reussler5s s"eciali+ed laundry
detergent, #re)on S"ot cleaning actually refers to two different "rocesses ?S"ot clean only@ is a fine-
tuned "rotocol we most commonly a""ly to garments too delicate to withstand an immersion "rocess
such as dry or wet cleaning It ta7es a magical com)ination of chemistry and artistry to "ull this off9 the
re<uisite chemicals must )e a""lied, the stains eliminated, and those cleaning ingredients removed8all
without a rinse in either dry cleaning solvent or water ?S"ot cleaning@ is really stain removal9 an ever-
ongoing "art of the "roduction "rocess wherein we address those stains too stu))orn for dry or wet
cleaning alone #his means rolling u" our sleeves and doing the wor7 )y hand %ur e=tensive stain
removal chemicals come into greatest "lay in the two s"ot cleaning strategies 4adue5s ta7es fa)ric, dye
colors, and stain com"osition into account in order to craft an acute cleaning roadma" / red sil7 )louse
with a wine stain re<uires different ste"s to remove that )lemish8and "rotect the garment8than tan
cotton "ants with the same sort of
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Bou )ring your clothes to your "rofessional cleaner or get them "ic7ed u", then they$re returned one to
three days later, loo7ing as good as new So what ha""ens to get them loo7ing so goodC *rofessional
cleaners em"loy a num)er of techni<ues and a num)er of "rocesses to ensure your clothes are as clean
as they can )e We can )rea7 them down into three general categories9 dry cleaning, wet cleaning, and
"ry Cleaning
#he dry cleaning "rocess involves utili+ing fluids to remove soil and stains from fa)ric 2ittle or no
water is used during this "rocess and the cleaning fluids do not "enetrate the fi)res in the same way as
other methods, which is why it is called dry cleaning.
%ne of the many advantages of this "rocess is how grease and oil can )e dissolved and eliminated more
effectively than with water on many materials, from natural to synthetic Water can also distort, shrin7
and discolour fa)rics made of natural fi)ers such as wools and sil7s, ma7ing dry cleaning the "referred
care method
#he dry cleaning "rocess starts with a "retreatment of any e=isting s"ots and stains, using s"ecial
cleaning agents designed for the Do) #hen, the garments are "laced into a machine resem)ling an
oversi+ed front-loading home washer to )e agitated so that em)edded dirt can )e loosened #he
cleaning fluid is filtered or distilled to ensure its clarity at each ste"
It is )elieved that E&% of all dry cleaners use "erchloroethylene 0ommonly 7nown as "erc, this
solvent was introduced to the industry in the late 'E3&s %riginally, "erc offered more "ractical and
environmental )enefits than other alternatives, such as )eing nonflamma)le and noncom)usti)le,
having relatively low to=icity, and featuring the a)ility to )e reused and recycled Fowever, its
"o"ularity has recently waned due to newer cleaning solvents that are even more effective and less
enviornmentally damaging, such as those certified )y 4reen!arthG
#et Cleaning
Wet cleaning may )e most suita)le for some garments, de"ending on the care la)el and the e="ertise of
your "rofessional cleaner /ccording to the 'E,2 0are 2a)el 1ule, clothing manufacturers need only
list one method of "ro"er care, even if there are other safe methods If a garment$s care la)el says
Washable, it may or may not dry clean satisfactorily
#he wet cleaning "rocess is similar to the dry cleaning "rocess, in that it )egins with the "retreatment
of s"ots and stains using s"ecial cleaning agents #he main difference )etween the two methods is that
water and additives are then used to clean the items *recautions are ta7en to "revent shrin7age, loss of
colour, and fa)ric distortion
Shirts and other items that are stated as Washable can )e laundered #his "rocess uses s"ecial
detergents, additives, and finishes that are different from home laundering methods to achieve cleaner
collars and cuffs #he last ste" of this "rocess also includes "rofessional "ressing to create a cris"er
If you re<uest a method of cleaning that is not listed on the care la)el, your cleaner may as7 you to sign
a consent form showing that you acce"t the "otential ris7s of cleaning the garment
HA/2I#B 0%3#1%2
%& basic steps to per'ection!
Ste" ' II /naly+e
/naly+e laundry items and advice on treatments
Ste" 2 II Jar7ing
Ins"ect individual status and damages
Identify laundry items according to owner
Ste" 3 II Sorting
Sort laundry items according to fi)re contents,
colours and weight
Ste" 4 II *re-stain removing
Identify stain and a""ly treatment
to remove according to the ty"e
of stain and fa)ric
Ste" K II 0leaning
K' 6rycleaning
#his "rocess uses fluids instead of water to dissolve grease
and stains, "ic7ing u" dirt where water can5t reach While
dry cleaning hel"s to restore garment to mint condition,
"recautions according to fa)ric ty"e are closely monitored
to avoid un"leasant damages
K2 Wet cleaning
#his "rocess uses water and additives to remove dirt and soil
from fa)rics 0onstant monitoring needed to "revent damages
and the lost of color
K3 S"ecial care
.or garments with s"ecial fa)rics and mi=ed fa)rics, or stu))orn
stains that needs e=tra attention, s"ecial treatment li7e hand
wash or )leaching is re<uired according to s"ecification
Ste" 6 II 6rying
Jonitoring the correct tem"erature and timing for drying
is crucial in "reventing over drying and mildew on fa)rics
6rying "rocess should )e sorted accordingly to fi)re
contents and fa)ric weight
Ste" , II .inishing
/dvice will )e given to determine whether
the garment should )e treated in either
i; soft finish,
ii; hard finish,
iii; s"ecial finishL
according to fa)ric ty"e
Ste" - II Huality control
/ll cleaned garments must )e closely ins"ected to
ma7e sure all "rocedures are "erformed "erfectly
Jinor sewing re"airs are offered as a com"limentary
value added service
Ste" E II *ac7ing
0leaned garments are "ac7ed and la)eled according
to num)er of items, num)er of "ac7s and owner5s detail
for clear identification
Ste" '& II Inventory
Fanged garments are sorted on the automatic conveyor
system and "ac7ed garments are organi+ed in the storage
0ustomers will )e informed via SJS for collection

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