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STEP 1: Start Terminal window

Applications Accessories Terminal
STEP 2: Type Commands for Environment Setup and Tool Invoking on Terminal
STEP 3: Creating New Project and Invoking Schematic Window for Schematic Capture in esign
Goto File New Project and press Enter
# new Project window $pens % Give Project Name and Location Folder
STEP 4: Now In &i'rary Ta' option give path as % /mgc_ins/new_pdk/PDK/generic!
#ll the configuration files will 'e invoked
Click $(
# new Window called "anage #$ternal Li%raries window will 'e invoked
Click on #dd Standard &i'raries
#ll Standard &i'raries will 'e added
Now come to the esign !anager Window
)ight Click on the newly created Project % Select &i'rary % *ive &i'rary Name
Click $(
# &i'rary is Created in the Project +ierarchy
&ig't (lick on (reated Li%rar) and *elect New (ell
*ive Cell Name
)ight Click on Cell
Select New *c'ematic
*ive Schematic Name % Click $(
# Schematic window will invoke
Creating a new Deign:
*oto the icon shown with #rrow a'ove and start instantiating the sym'ols
Pick and place sym'ols from Generic! *)m%ols nmos/pmos *)m%ols
Select the sym'ol and place it in workspace"
Similarly Place all Components
Now goto Generic Li%rar) Add +dd/ Gro,nd *)m%ol
#dd Ports for Input and $utput from the Ta' at &eft +and Side ,shown 'elow with an arrow-
Check and Save option
Now Click on ('eck and *ave Ta% in Tool'ar"
.our design will 'e checked and saved" It will look like as shown 'elow till this time/
Generating a S!"#$% &$r t'e S('e"ati(
Ne0t we *enerate a sym'ol for the design"
*oto Add Generate *)m%ol ,Shown #'ove with an arrow-
# new *enerate Sym'ol Window will open up"
*im,lation "ode -,tton
Select Edit Sym'ol"
Press $("
# sym'ol will 'e generated in a new Sym'ol Window"
#dd Input and $utput Ports to the sym'ol"
Check and Save Sym'ol"
Generating ) Tet*en(' )n+ R,nning Si",%ati$n
Creating a Test'ench for Providing Stimulus to the esign just made"
*oto esign !anager
!ake a new cell in the &i'rary .ou are working in"
Create a new Schematic Page in the Cell"
In the schematic Instantiate the Sym'ol of the design just made ,1y Clicking on I2 Sym'ol-
#dd Input and output Ports to the Test'ench"
Provide 3oltage sources to the Test'ench for Stimulus"
Instantiate the 3oltage Sources"
*oto Sources &i'rary in the design manager window % dc4v4source5Pulse4v4source
#dd 'oth to the test'ench"
Edit properties of the 3oltage sources"
Then Click on Check and Save
)un Simulation !ode from the green 'utton shown on &eft Side Palette ,shown a'ove with arrow-
# new Entering Simulation !ode Window will $pen 6p"
7ust Click $( ,No Changes are to 'e made-
The following Simulation Window will get Invoked"
*et,p *im,lation Ta%
Now click on Setup Simulation Ta' on &eft +and Palette"
The Setup Simulation Window will 'e invoked"
&,n *im,lation -,tton
*elect Anal)sis Tran
*ive Start Time 8888 9n
Stop Time 8888:999n
!a0 Time Step 8888 :9n
Click #pply
(lick Li%raries #dit *cenario
#n Edit !odel Scenario window will open up"
*ive a name to the *cenario *elect onl) TT ,nder ".*/
Click $("
Now select the Scenario just created"
Se%e(t In(%,+e"
Delete t'e window present t'ere"
Click $("
Now goto Schematic and slect the Total esign i"e" from input to output; gra<e through the design"
#gain goto *et,p *im,lation window .,tp,ts
Select the Input Net name5 $utput Net Name
Anal)sis 0000 All
Task 0000*ave .nl)
T)pe 0000 De1a,lt
Click #dd
Click #pply
*oto *et,p *im,lation window "eas,res
#s Previous; gra<e through the design from Input to $utput"
Select everything that comes in the window"
Click #dd
Click #pply
Close Setup Simulation Window"
Now Press )un Simulation 1utton $nce again"
# simulation will Start"
.ou can see the result in the !essage 1o0 at 1ottom
When Simulation Complete &ine is displayed in the window; it means simulation is $ver"
Now 3iew Waveforms 'y clicking on +iew 2ave Latest 2D-s from )ight Palette
E<wave window will 'e invoked; where you can see your waveforms"
L)YO-T Deigning
=or esigning the layout of this schematic; close it and go 'ack to design manager"
Select the cell in which the schematic is present"
)ight Click on the cell; *elect New La)o,t
# New &ayout window will pop up; asking for the name of the &ayout"
*ive the name of the layout and click $("
The New &ayout Window will get invoked"
Click $( after checking the particular parameters in different fields i"e" Component Name; Cell Name;
Process etc"
The window for &ayout will open with one ta' of a schematic as 'elow/
A,to Pick and Place icon
Now Click on the #uto Pick and Place Icon on the tool'ar" ,Shown a'ove with an arrow-
The components will get placed on the &ayout workspace as shown 'elow"
Now 6se &eft !ouse 1utton 2 CT)& 1utton of (ey 'oard for 'ringing the components closer"
Pick 3 place Ports
Click on Pick and place Ports" ,Shown a'ove with an #rrow-
# window showing ports will open"
Select Each port and the associated metal layer for it"
Click #pply and $( for Placing Ports on &ayout"
Add 4ro,te 4con
Add Device icon
Now goto Add Device or click on the #dd evice icon on &eft Palette",Shown with arrows-
In the $'ject editor #TT)I16TE window; select Device Name g%_p
In the P)$PE)T. Window; Select T)pe nwell
Place nwell near Pmos; gra<ing through the surface of Pmos"
Similarly select T)pe ps,%
Place it near Nmos"
Click on Iroute Icon in the Tool'ar" ,Shown with an arrow a'ove-
Place Te$t 4con
Click $n T. Icon ,shown a'ove with an arrow-
In The The #ttri'ute window of the $'ject Editor select &ayer Name % !ET:TE>T
*ive 3alues as +DD/gro,nd/4n_a/.,t and Place it on the Ports"
C'e(/ing DRC
*oto Tools (ali%re &,n D&(
# window will open for Cali're"
Click on )un )C and )C will 'e done"
C'e(/ing L0S
=or &3S *oto Tools &,n L+*
# window for Cali're &3S will open"
Click on )un &3S and &3S is performed"
R,nning PEX
=or PE> *oto Tools &,n P#5
# Cali're window will 'e invoked"
In the Inputs Ta' Change/
Select La)o,t Ta% Format 6 GD*44 select #$port 1rom La)o,t +iewer
In the $utputs Ta' Change the following/
E0traction !ode/ 0)C
In Netlist % =ormat/ SP= 6se Names =rom/ &ayout
Click on )un PE> and PE> will 'e performed"
# report =ile will open
Click on =ile % Save as
#nd save the file in 5root
*a(/ )nn$tati$n an+ 0eri1i(ati$n
=or 1ack #nnotation
Close the &ayout Window
$poen Schematic Window"
Click on *reen Simulation 1utton
*oto Tools in !enu 1ar
Tools Parasitics Add /#dit D*PF
# window will 'e invoked"
Click and 'rowse for the path of SP= file saved 'y you"
Select SP= in Simulate using devices from"
Now Simulate as earlier and 3iew waves in E<wave 3iewer"
1ack #nnotation is done and you have got the )esults in wave format"

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