Lamont El Judicial Notice and Proclamation

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Moorish Americans - Northwest Amexem

Judicial Notice and Proclamation
To All Elected United States Republic Officials and Public Servants of Federal, State,
City, and Municipal Governments, Personnel and Corporate Entities Concernin! t"e
Constitution and all Statutory and Civil #a$ Codes of t"e #and, etc%, &no$ All Men by '"ese
Upon my inherited Nobility, and upon my Private Aboriginal / Indigenous, Proper Person Status
and Commercial Liability, I, Lamont M. Butler-El, being duly Affirmed under Consanguine
Unity pledge my National, Political, and Spiritual Allegiance to my !oabite / !oorish Nation "
being the archaic Aboriginals / Indigenes of Ame#em $the Americas% standing s&uarely affirmed
upon my 'ath to the ()ive Points of Light* " Love, +ruth, Peace, )reedom, and ,ustice do s&uarely
Affirm to tell the truth, the -hole truth, and nothing but the truth and having .no-ledge and firmly "
established belief upon the historical, la-ful, and ad/udicated )acts contained herein0 1eing
competent $In !y '-n Proper Person% to Attest to this Affidavit upon -hich I place my Signature
2hereas, I State, Proclaim, and 3eclare the follo-ing to be true, correct, certain, complete, not
misleading, supreme, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, (colored* or improper
use or purpose, to -it4
T"at I, Lamont M. Butler-El, Am a Noble of the Al !oroccan 5mpire $North America% In
Propria Persona $my o-n proper self% being !oorish American " a 3escendant of the Ancient
!oabites / !oors, by 1irthright, )reehold, Primogeniture and Inheritance being Aboriginal and
Indigenous to the Land /s $Ame#em / Americas% +erritorium of my Ancient !oabite / !oorish )ore"
!others and )ore")athers " to -it4
T"e Al !oroccan $American% Continents " are the Land of the !oors being North America,
South America Central America including the ad/oining Islands $Americana / Ameru / Al !oroc%0 I
have,, claim and possess, by said Inheritance and Primogeniture, the )reehold Status
thereto all Unalienable and Substantive 6ights, to 1e, to 5n/oy, and to Act, distinct in my Aboriginal
Customs and Culture and determining my o-n political, social, and economic status of the State0
+urning my heart and mind bac. to my Ancient !others and )athers " !oors / !uurs, by 3ivine and
Natural 6ight0 1eing !oorish American, -e have and possess the internationally recogni7ed 6ights
to determine our o-n (Status of the State* absent of threat, coercion, or ac&uiescence to a Color"of"
La-, a Color"of"'ffice, nor to be sub/ected to an imposed Color"of"Authority0
Moors ( Mooris" Americans ( Muurs 8ave, Proclaim and Possess the Unalienable, Substantive
6ights and 1irthright " Inheritance to our Al !oroccan Names and Nationality by Nature*s La-s,
3ivine La-, Primogeniture, and by the recogni7ed La-s of the Nations of the 5arth $International%0
1eing the true, Ancient, Aboriginal / Indigenes of the Land $America% " North, being the heart"land
of the !oroccan 5mpire0 !oors / !uurs are the (3e /ure* )reeholders by 1irthright, Inheritance and
Primogeniture Status and have, Claim and Possess the Secured 6ights to +ravel upon the Public
6oad-ays, 1y-ays and 8igh-ays of our Continental United States $the 'rganic Land% absent of
foreign (colored* or imposed e#cise ta#ation constructs invented, by the rac.eteering States*
Legislators, to abridge and steal 6ights belonging to the Natural Peoples0 +hese Substantive 6ights
are supported by, and asserted by, 6oyal La- !oorish La- !oslem / !uslim La- +he La- of the
9reat Peace +he La-s of Nature 3ivine La- Nature*s 9od +he La-s of Nations +he )ree
!oorish 9reat Seal :odiac Constitution and Affirmed by Articles I; and ;I of the Constitution
Covenant of <==> " <=?< A030 @ <AB< !0 C0, as la-fully adopted for +he United States 6epublic,
establishing its 6epublican )orm of 9overnment0 Said Constitution established the Peoples*
(Supreme La- of the Land* to secure the 6ights of the People, and to .eep 9overnment bound and
in chec. by 'fficial 'ath, and by 'fficial 1ond0 3o-n from the Ancients 'nes, our Primogenitors,
comes the Supreme La- of the LandC
E!ypt, +he Capital 5mpire of the 3ominion of Africa0 +he Inhabitants of Africa are the
3escendants of the Ancient Canaanites from the Land of Canaan0 +he !oabites from the Land of
!oab -ho received permission from the Pharaohs of 5gypt to settle and inhabit North"2est Africa
they -ere the founders and are the true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire0 2ith their
Canaanite, 8ittite and Amorite brethren -ho so/ourned from the Land of Canaan ne-
homes0 +heir 3ominion and Inhabitation e#tended from North"5ast and South"2est Africa, across
the great Atlantis even unto the present )ort", Sout" and Central America and also Me*ico and
the Atlantis +slands before the great earth&ua.e, -hich caused the great Atlantic 'cean0
T"e (Great Seal Pyramid* is the (National 5mblem and Insignia* of +he !oorish Nation /
5mpire of North America $geographical location%0 +he 9reat Pyramid is also the archaic symbol for
Civili7ation on the planet 5arth0 +he honorable !oors* of our (9reat Seal*
indicates those 8eirs -ho o-n up to, -ho support, and -ho proclaim, our ()ree National
9overnment*0 !oors -ho are (Active* and N'+ (Passive* in the Social, Civili7ation, Culture and
Custom matters, involving La-, 'rder and 9overnmental Principles, are hereby entreated to support
this Affirmation0 !oors / !uurs -ho strive to-ard this end, -ith honor, are entrusted by Noble
3re- Ali, to help in the great humanitarian -or. of uplifting ourselves, our fello-"man, and
humanity at large0 2e see., at all times, to be conscious of the -or.s, instructions, and acts
necessary to teach, preserve and defend the 1irthrights of All !oorish Americans $Al !oroccans%,
T"e Noble !oors / !uurs $8eirs Apparent% are the Natural !embers / Citi7ens of the Ancient Al
!oroccan 5mpire $North America% and are duty"bound to recogni7e and to support our (9reat Seal*
Sovereign !oorish 9overnment and Nation of the Natural People, and command the enforcement of
our Constitution0 +hus, such organi7ed communication 'rders are referred to as D+he 9reat Seal
National Association of !oorish AffairsE0 +he )ree !oorish Nation " inclusive of all the
Aboriginal / Indigene +ribes and Provinces of the Natural People, etc0, are the rightful bearers of the
Names and +itles, Ali, El, ,ey, -ey, and Al% +he )ree !oors / !uurs, by )reehold Inheritance,
retain all Substantive 6ights and Immunities en/oy the e#ercising of Substantive 6ights, and operate
upon consummated, 6ight"La-, Isonomi " Principles having vested Constitution " secured 6ights
and Immunities from +AFA+I'N, and from Criminal and Civil ,urisdiction by, and of, the Union
States 6ights 6epublic $U0S0A0%, pursuant to, but not limited to, the United States 6epublic Supreme
Court, and the (Acts of State* to -it4
Every Sovereign State (People) is bound to respect the independence of every other Sovereign
State (People) and the courts of one country (People) will not sit in judgment on the acts of the
government of another, done within (the same or) its own territory
T"e present Union States !unicipal and Civil La-s and Codes of the Land are an (incorporated
unit of self"government* established by the political po-ers of the (9eneral Assembly* of each State
of the Union, and initiated at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, North America, in the year 5ighteen fifty"
four $<?G>%0 It governs ('NLH* the rights and conduct of D28I+5 P5'PL5E, Christians and ,e-s,
of the 5ighteen si#ty"three $<?IJ% Union States 6ights 6epublic, under the !agna Charta $Charter%,
the Knights of Columbus Code, and the Ku Klu# Klan 'ath0 )orever said Union States 6ights
6epublic denies citi7enship in the United States 6epublic $U0S0A0% to the descendants of the !oorish
Nation in the 2estern 8emisphere, erroneously referred to, and (branded* and mislabeled as,
Negroes, 1lac.s, Coloreds, and African Americans, etc0, etc0 In addition, the Supreme Court of the
United States $in the landmar. case% of D3red Scott v0 SandfordE IB US $<L 8o-ard% JLJ $<?G=%
held that NegroesM-hether held to slavery or freeN -ere not included and -ere not intended to be
included in the (category* of (citi7en* $sub/ects% of the Union States 6ights 6epublic0 6esultantly,
the +rue Indigene Nobles of the Al !oroccan 5mpire $)ree !oors%, bearers of the Names / +itles,
Ali, 5l, 1ey, 3ey and Al, are e#cluded from the Union States 6ights 6epublic $U0S0A0% /urisdiction0
+he +rue Nobles of the Al !oroccan 5mpire are Sovereign, Private, and Self"9overned, by (6ight"
La-* Principles and customs and 'NLH 'bligated to the ()ree !oorish :odiac Constitution* "
Circle = " archaically established by our Ancient )ore"!others and )ore")athers0 Such e#tended
allegiance and ('bligation* includes (+he 9reat Seal* and the 8igh Principles and !oor"al
Standards, embodied in the !oorish National )lag $Standard% " #ove, 'rut", Peace, Freedom, and
.ustice0 +he +rue Al !oroccan Noble Indigenes of the Land maintain a Constitutional and la-ful,
N'N"'1LI9A+'6H ta# (Status* and position, relative to ()'65I9N 5N+I+H +AFA+I'N*
$Indigenes Not +a#ed% and maintain a N'NN '1LI9A+'6H respect for the Union States 6ights
6epublic $U0S0A0%, its members, its la-s its ordinances its codes it customs and its traditions,
pursuant to4 +he )ree !oorish American :odiac Constitution " Articles I; and ;I +he +reaty of
Peace and )riendship 1et-een the United States and !orocco "Seventeen 5ighty"Seven $<=?=% "
superseded by the +reaty of 5ighteen +hirty"Si# $<?JI% 6esolution =G4 ,ournals of +he 8ouse of
6epresentatives United States " April <=, <LJJ A0 30 " !oorish American Society of Philadelphia
and the Use of +heir Names +he United Nations D-eclaration of t"e Ri!"ts of t"e C"ildE 9eneral
Assembly 6esolution <J?I $FI;%, <> U0N0 9A'6 Supp0 $No, <I% at <L, U0N0 3oc0 A/>JG> $<LGL%
+he United Nations DUniversal -eclarations on /uman Ri!"tsE Article F;, 9eneral Assembly
6esolution A<= A $III% of <B, 3ecember <L>? A030 DE*ecutive Order 01023EMUnited States
6epublic, North America "+he Implementation of 8uman 6ights +reaties +he National Constitution
for the Continental United States, Article III, Section A Amendment ; " Liberty Clause Amendment
IFM6eservation of the 6ights of the People +he United States 3epartment of ,ustice !oorish
Credentials )ree !oorish :odiac Constitution, +ruth A"< Classified +he United States Copyright
Certificate Number AAAAA<>< Cloc. of 3estiny +he !oorish Nationality and Identification Card
!oorish 8oly +emple of Science / !oorish Science +emple Identification Card, etc0
Furt"ermore, I Assert !y full 1irthrights " Sovereignty and Substantive 6ights and claim to
8ereditaments " 1eing a Sundry )ree !oor / !uur and a $Natural 1eing% pursuant to4 !oabite /
!oorish Pedigree +he )ree !oorish :odiac Constitution +he 9reat Seal of the !oorish Nation
$Ab Anti&uo% +he +reaty of Peace and )riendship " <=?= / <?JI +he Sundry )ree !oors Act of
<=LB +he <=?< 'rganic United States Constitution +he !oorish )ederal )inanciers Act $Union
States Army4 <?I< "<?IJ% +he <?G> 6oman Catholic !agna Charta the Knights of Columbus
Code +he Ku Klu# Klan 'ath +he United Nations Charter, Article GG$c% +he 6ights of Indigenous
People4 Part I, Articles <, A, J, >, G Part II, Article I +he United States Supreme Court " (Acts of
State* +he foreign Sovereign Immunities Act A? USC <IB< et Se&ua0, +he Convention on
International 6oad +raffic "3ay <L, September <L>L, +he 2orld Court 3ecision, +he 8ague,
Netherlands " 3ay A<, ,anuary <LG? A03 @ <J=? !0C0 In reference to the 6ights of the Natural
People and Substantive 6ights, etc0, the follo-ing are pertinent Supreme Court 3ecisions, $Stare
3ecisis% to -it4
0% T"e 6ight to +ravel +he 6ight to !ode of Conveyance +he 6ight to Locomotion are all
Absolute 6ights, and the Police can not ma.e void the e#ercise of 6ights0 State v% Armstead, 42 s%
335, 336, and 3504
7% T"e use of the high-ays for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege,
but a common and )undamental 6ight of -hich the public and Natural 1eings cannot be deprived0
C"ica!o Motor Coac" v% C"ica!o 113 +llinois 722, 046 )E 77, A#R, #i!are v% C"ica!o 016 +##%
84, 75 /E 618, ,oone v% Clar9 708 S: 423, 7; AM <ur =0st>, /i!"$ays, sec% 041
1% T"e 6ight to Par. or +ravel is part of the Liberty of -hich the Natural Person, citi7en cannot
be deprived -ithout Ddue process of la-E under the Gth Amendment of the United States
Constitution0 &ent v% -ulles 1;3 US 004, 07;
8% T"e 6ight of a citi7en to +ravel upon the public high-ays and to transport one*s property
thereon, either by carriage or automobile, is not a mere privilege, -hich a City may prohibit or
permit at -ill, but a common 6ight, -hich he / she has under the 6ight to Life, Liberty, and the
Pursuit of 8appiness0 '"ompson v% Smit" 0;8 SE ;36
;% State Police Po-er e#tends only to immediate threats to public safety, health, -elfare, etc0,
Mic"i!an v% -u9e 744 US, 834 #ed% At 886 -hich driving and speeding are not0 California v%
Farley Ced% Rpt% 56, 72 CA1rd 0217 =0630>
4% T"e state is prohibited from violating Substantive 6ights0 '-ens v0 City, >>G US IIA $<L?B%
and it can not do by one po-er $eg0 Police Po-er% that -hich is, for e#ample, prohibited e#pressly to
any other such po-er $eg0 +a#ation / 5minent 3omain% as a matter of La-0 US and U' v% -aniels,
77 p 0;6, nor indirectly that -hich is prohibited to it directly0 Fairban9s v% US 050, US 751, 768,
3% Travelin! in an automobile on the public roads -as not a threat to the public safety or health
and constituted no ha7ard to the public, and such a traveler o-ed no other duty to the public $eg0 the
State% he / she and his / her auto, having e&ual right to and on the road-ays / high-ays as horses
and -agons, etc0 this same right is still Substantive 6ule, in that speeding, running stop signs,
traveling -ithout license plates, or registration, are not threats to the public safety, and thus, are not
arrestable offenses0 C"risty v% Elliot, 704 + 010, 38 /E 021;, #RA )S 062;?0602 California v,
Farley 65 CE- Rpt% 56, 72 CA 1d 0217 =0630>%
5% Under the United States 6epublic*s Constitutional system of 9overnment and upon the
individuality and intelligence of the citi7en, the State does not claim to control one*s conduct to
others, leaving one the sole /udge as to all that affects oneself0 Mu!ler v% &ansas 0701 US 471, 4;6
6% W"ere 6ights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule " or
legislation, -hich -ould abrogate them0 Miranda v% Ari@ona 158 US 814, 07;
02% T"e claim and e#ercise of Constitutional 6ights cannot be converted into a crime0 Miller v%
&ansas 712 F 7nd 854, 856
00% For a crime to e#ist, there must be an in/ured party $Corpus 3elicti%0 +here can be no
sanction or penalty imposed on one because of this Constitutional 6ight0 S"erer v% Cullen 850 F%
07% If any +ribunal $court% finds absence of proof of /urisdiction over a person and sub/ect
matter, the case must be dismissed0 #ouisville v% Motley 7000 US 086, 76S% C' 87% D+he Accuser
1ears the 1urden of Proof 1eyond a 6easonable 3oubtE0
01% DLac9 of )ederal ,urisdiction can not be -aived or overcome by agreement of partiesE0
Griffin v% Matt"e$s, 102 F Supra 180, 187 =0646> and D2ant of ,urisdiction may not be cured by
consent of partiesE0 +ndustrial Addition Association v% C%+,R%, 171 US 102, 101%
W"ereas, In light of the foregoing ,urisprudence (Stare 3ecisis* Supreme Court 3ecisions,
)acts, and La- and counter to the negative and (colorable* social conditions instituted by State
Persons of the Union States Society, there e#ists a blatant (2AN+ ') ,U6IS3IC+I'N* on the part
of the Union States 6ights 6epublic $U0S0A0%, its agents, personnel, contractors, and assigns0 A#ioms
are legally in force under National and International La- attending these issues0 And this Affiant
$Natural Person " In Propria Persona% does not -aive any rights does not transfer po-er of attorney
and does not -illingly consent to any public trial or hearing in any (colorable* tribunal venue or
non"Article III, unconstitutional /urisdiction0 +he 'fficial 'aths, the 'bligations, and the )iduciary
duties of all accusers and bound (claimants* to National La- and 'rder Civili7ation Principles fi#ed
in Constitution La-, still standsC 3efinition and +ruth still 6ules0 N'N"C'!PLIANC5 is a )ederal
and International La- offence0
W"ereas, there is no &uestion that a (1ench Appearance Summons*, 3etention, Arrest and or Citation issued by a Police 'fficer or others for traveling -ith no driver*s license, foreign
driver*s license, not having current registration, or mandatory insurance, etc0, -hich carries a fine or
/ail time, is a penalty or sanction and is indeed Dconverting a right into a crimeE thus violating
Substantive 6ights0 It is reasonable to assume that these Supreme Court /udicial decisions are
straight and to the point, that there is no la-ful method for government to put restrictions or
limitations on 6ights belonging to the People0
T"at the 'rganic United States 6epublic Constitution $derived from Ancient !oabite / !oorish
La-% remains (+he Supreme La- of the Land*0 And all +reaties made, or -hich shall be made, under
the Authority of +he United States )lag of Peace, pursuant to United States Code, +itle >, Chapter <0
Any la- that is 6epugnant to the Constitution, shall remain forever *colorable* and is Null and ;oid0
!arbury v0 !adison G U0S0 <J=, <=>, <=I $<?BJ%0 Any !unicipal 'fficer, Person, Personnel,
5mployee or Contractor -ho violate the 6ights of the People or Citi7ens are sub/ect to suit in their
personal and / or official capacity to -it4
Title 05, Part 0, C"apter 01 A780 of United States Codes of #a$
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any
State, Territory, commonwealth, Possession, or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right
or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or aws of the !nited States, or because of his
having so exercised the same" or#
If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with the
intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured $
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both" and if death
results from the acts commited in violation of this section, or if such acts include %idnapping or an
attempt to %idnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an
attempt to %ill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or
both, or may be sentenced to death&
Title 05, Part 0, C"apter 01 A787 of United States Codes of #a$
Whoever, under 'color( of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects
any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or )istrict to the deprivation of any
rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or aws of the !nited
States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or
by reason of his color, or race, that are prescribed for the citi*ens, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than one year, or both" and if bodily injury results from the acts commited in
violation of this section, or if such acts include the use, attempted use, or threatened use of a
dangerous weapon, explosives, or fire, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten
years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death&
T"erefore, in preservation of (+he 6ights of Indigenous Peoples* and the Preservation of the
6ights of the People, in accord and defence of the Constitution for the United States 6epublic of
North America and its 6epublican )orm of 9overnment " being the (Supreme La- of the Land* and
primal to the contractual liabilities, 'ath " bound 'bligations, and )iduciary 3uties of the 'fficers of
the Courts " )ederal, State, City, and !unicipal, etc0, I hereby, 3emand the enforcement of the 3e
/ure La-s of the United States, and all +reaties made under the Authority of +he United States, in
accord -ith Article ;I of the Constitution +he 1ill of 6ights +he 3eclaration of the 6ights of the
Child +he 6ights of Indigenous Peoples +he Universal 3eclaration of 8uman 6ights +he United
Nations Charter, Article GG$c% +he United States Supreme Court " (Acts of State* +he )oreign
Sovereign Immunities Act A? USC <IB< et Se&ua0, +he Convention on (International 6oad
+raffic*M3ay <L, September <L>L, +he 2orld Court 3ecisions, +he 8ague, Netherlands, 3ay A<,
,anuary <LG? A03 @ <J=? !0C0 and DE*ecutive Order 01023E " United States 6epublic, North
America4 +he Implementation of 8uman 6ights +reaties +he National Constitution for the
Continental United States, Article III, Section A Amendment ; " Liberty Clause Amendment IF,
etc0, etc0 I hereby, 3emand a 3ismissal of any and all unconstitutional sanctions, claims, or other
-arrants or charges made or issued, -hich are devoid of true identity personages a denial of (3ue
Process* of a (+rial* by a ,ury of my o-n National Peers or absent of a verified and la-ful
Indictment, sanctioned by an assembled 9rand ,ury and that I be availed all la-ful Constitutional "
secured safeguards, established by the Supreme La- -ith documented proper ,urisdiction and
;enue confirmed and in place0
W"erefore all parties of interest are Authori7ed by this 2rit, pursuant to National and
International La-, to honor all Substantive 6ights and Constitutional Immunities reserved for, and
to, this Aboriginal / Indigenous )ree and Sovereign !oor / !uurO0 All 'fficials are to enlist all
available and appropriate measures to ensure, and assure, that all !y Substantive 6ights and
Constitutionally " secured 6ights and Immunities are not violated, not breached, nor abridged0 +he
Sovereign, Natural 1eing, named herein, is not to be Arrested nor held for 3etention under any
(colorable* circumstancesC Hou are to notify the active !inisters of the Aboriginal / Indigenous
!oorish Nationals of the +erritory $'rganic Land%0 +he Natural Person named herein is N'N"
'1LI9A+'6H and thus 5#empt from Customs, +ariffs, +a#ation, ('-ner in )ee* permit"deception
Constructs, and from any other hindrance or restriction of 8is or 8er )reedoms, Allodial Properties,
Compensations, 6ights of +ravel, or )reedom of !ovement on, in, or -ithin, any member or non"
member States of the United States Union, etc0 +he !oor / !uur $bearer of this Indigenous Peoples*
3ocument% is to be treated -ith all due 6espect and (3ue Process* 6ights under the La-0 All
available and appropriate measures are to be ta.en to prevent in/ustice, harm, false arrest, trumped N
up charges, or attac. on the Natural 1eing*s Person, Property, Personalty, Conveyances, )reedoms,
and / or 3ignity0
E*plicit 6eservation and use of (All 6ights 6eserved 2ithout Pre/udice* U0C0C0 <N AB= / JB?,
U0C0C0 <"<BJ, is Noted +o All )ederal, State, City, and !unicipal Peace 'fficers in harmony -ith
State*s Statutes, and indicates the 6eservation of !y 6ights0 2hereby I may 6eserve !y
Substantive 6ights and Constitutional " secured 6ights and Immunities to (N'+* be Compelled to
perform under any Contracts or Agreements that I have not entered into .no-ingly, voluntarily,
-illingly, or unintentionally0 I do not accept any actual or implied (Liabilities* associated -ith any
(C'!P5LL53 " 15N5)I+S* of any (unrevealed* or deceptively"imposed commercial contracts0 I,
furthermore, do not sanction any (unconstitutional* rules or policies, nor acts of !isprision
committed by any U0S0 9overnment or State 'fficials, at any level, claimed by any of them, in the
name of the United States 6epublic, nor do I assent to any implied colorable policies made by
alleged representatives, as being sanctioned by the People and Citi7ens0 Consider any formerly"
assumed constructs alleged to be related to me as being misrepresentations and thusly (Cured*
forth-ith0 Let it be .no-nP4
Represent means to (3epict* to (Portray*, to (Symboli7e* and to (Stand for*0 Let it be .no-n that
the Union States Society (1ar Association* La-yers, 5s&uires, and Attorneys of 5uropean Colonial
descent, and foreign corporation, cannot depict, portray or symboli7e a )ree !oor as they are not of
the same Nation ,urisdiction, Customs, or National Peers and cannot sit in /udgment of any )ree
!oor $Acts of State%0 5uropeans are not Indigenes to the Land $Americas% " !oors are AboriginalC
Union States La-yers and Attorneys operate in 3emo " political format, -hich is contrary to Article
I;, Section > of the Constitution for the United States0 !oors operate in a 6epublican )orm of
9overnment, con/oined -ith Isonomi Principles " being in harmony -ith the Constitution0 !oors
respect Constitution Principles0 +he unconstitutional +ribunals operating under the Union States
Society conflicts -ith, and is repugnant to, D3ue ProcessE under Constitution Principles, and
functions primarily in (colorable* procedures0 +herefore, no ()air*, (,ust* trial, or remedy is availed
to the Natural Peoples of the Land, through such (colorable* processesC +hese violating acts
constitute a (Conflict of Interest*, a (Conflict of La-* and clearly establishes the ()ederal Questions*
of (3iversity of Citi7enship* a Conflict of Identity and of Nationality etc0 +hus, a clear (Averment
of ,urisdiction* is also hereby proclaimed and advanced0 'nly !oors can (Present* and (3epict*
themselves as being !oors / Al !oroccans, and Aboriginal /Indigenes of the LandC +hus, only
!oors can (Present* (Self*C
I, Lamont M. Butler-El, A real, live flesh and blood, breathing, non"fictional, and Natural
1eing, born of a natural !other, do solemnly, sincerely, and s&uarely Affirm that the foregoing facts
contained in this Constructive and Actual ,udicial Notice and Proclamation, by Affirmed Affidavit,
are true, to the best of my .no-ledge, Culture, Customs and 1eliefs being actual, correct, not
misleading, etc0 and being the +ruth, the -hole +ruth, and nothing but the +ruth0
Hibu $Love%, Ha&& $+ruth%, Salaam $Peace%, Hurryatun $)reedom%, Adl $,ustice%,
All 6ights 6eserved 2ithout Pre/udice U0C0C0 <"AB= / JB?, U0C0C0 <"<BJ0

Natural Person " In Propria Persona " Authori7ed 6epresentative All 6ights 6eserved
Abori!inal / Indigenous, free Sovereign !oor " Natural Person of the Land (In Propria Persona*
$Not Pro Se Nor Colorable%
O!oors / !uurs4 +he Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples and +rue Inheritors of the Lands $+erritories% " North America, Central America, South America, and the
Ad/oining Islands
Al !oroc / Ameru / Americana%
By Special Appearance, before me on 3ay RRRRRRRRR of RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, AB<A CCH
@ <>JA !0C0, in 8onor, the 3ivine 1eing, Lamont M. Butler-El, Affirms that 8e is the
Natural Person / 3ivine 1eing herein named, e#isting in 8is o-n Proper Person meeting the (la- of
evidence* as re&uired and defined in (Identity* affirmed by La-ful, Substantive 6ight by 1irthright
and respectively " being la-fully &ualified and competent to e#ecute this 3ocument0 I
therefore place my hand and seal thereto0
Bi@ir ( Minister Natural Person " In Propria Persona N
Authori7ed 6epresentative All 6ights 6eserved
)ree !oor / !uur
North-est Ame#em / North-est Africa / North America

Natural Person " In Propria Persona " All 6ights 6eserved

Natural Person " In Propria Persona " All 6ights 6eserved
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples* 3ocuments4 North-est Ame#em / North-est Africa / North America / +he !oroccan 5mpire " Continental United States0


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