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ruly one of the coolest and most down

to earth video models you’ll ever
meet, the shockingly 20 year old An-
astasia Garcia has more going on for
her than just a bangin’ body and beau-
tiful face. This young video vixen has
glazed across your eyes on numerous
occasions with leading features in music videos such
as B.O.B. “Haters Everywhere”, Shawty Lo “Foolish
Remix” and Gorilla Zoe “Walk With A Waddle,” just to
name a few. She definitely has a bigger outlook for the
future and plans to combine her hard work ethic, intelli-
gence and beauty to dominate this hardcore, sometimes
one-sided, industry. So before you eye her up and down
in the various magazines and videos in which she ap-
pears, let’s go behind the scenes and see what this spicy
half Dominican and half African-American “bonita”
has going on.

Born a Cleveland, Ohio native, Garcia has been a free

spirit since she was younger. Following her instincts
and the unpredictable directions her heart leads has al-
lowed her to live a starlet’s life in Vegas to a southern
Georgia Peach which she’s now been on and off for
three years. Being in the “Black Hollywood” environ-
ment of Atlanta and seeing how respected the beautiful
girls were in the industry convinced her to take model-
ing into another direction…one more exotic and entic-

She wanted to experience the glitz and glamour of a

video vixen but quickly found out that it wasn’t every-
thing it was cracked up to be. “When Melissa Ford was
around women were still put on a pedestal but now it’s
like they treat us like whores,” explains Garcia about
her experiences with video modeling in the industry to-
day. “I’m not going to lie, I have nasty attitude at times, ing her feelings about the double standards that plague
but I’m sweet. Like with the Carmelo Anthony/ Diego video models today.
Cash “Nuvo” video, I got a bad rep for that because I It definitely seems that the “whore” stereotype wasn’t
was so mean but you have to understand the guys there developed out of thin air, and Garcia goes on to tell
were so rude, saying things like ‘Who the f*** are you’ how models attempt to advance their career by sleeping
and all I continued to say was ‘Leave me alone. I don’t with directors in exchange for leading roles. “They’ll
feel like being bothered right go to the casting and ask whose directing then claim
now.’ I’m sorry but I’m just not to know them. I’ve experienced this myself with the
a groupie,” she says express- V.I.C. “Wobble” video. I got cast for the lead but 67
“...they treat us like

moved back to Cleveland the next day because I was Garcia later details the cattiness and competition expe-
just so fed up with it,” she says annoyingly. She goes rienced on a daily basis with other models and how hard
on to state that regardless of the fact that she would be it is being a natural talent and rivaling against a world
getting paid for the role, she refused to actually do the of butt shots and breast implants, but her persistence
video because of what the other models were willing to and dominating demeanor overcame the competition
do to get cast for it. “You’re a model, supposedly pro- making 2008 her break out year. Fianlly able to steal
fessional. Why are you acting like that?” says Garcia the spotlight, Garcia was cast
concluding her thought. for a lead role in July of 2008
7 for the Yung Ralph ft. Wango
“Like This” video within only a year of beginning her was undeniable and she definitely thinks that in a cou-
career. She eagerly expresses how that has been one of ple of years she could make him the “marrying type.”
her favorite sets to work on because not only did it turn In keeping up with Garcia’s future love affairs, we can
out great and in such high quality but she’s the center ofalso look forward to seeing her ambitious talents in
attention, and nothings better than not having to share upcoming feature films, magazine spreads, and possi-
the spotlight. bly a few more videos. She concludes by saying, “Me
not making it in modeling used to be my biggest fear
With a promising career ahead for this domineering because I know that’s my calling, but now my priori-
young lady, the spotlight isn’t looking to shine upon ties have changed and it doesn’t bother me if I make
just the leading lady with no male co-star. Although it or not.” She finishes her statement leaving food for
Garcia is now single, that doesn’t mean she isn’t look- thought, “I just know I’m a good model and if they miss
ing and she openly admits to seeking a future “boo” out on me … they’re definitely going to miss out.”
to settle down with. Smiles and chuckles erupt as she
names her various celebrity crushes, whom range from
Eddie House of the Boston Celtics to explicit rapper Keep an eye out for Anastasia Garcia as you never
Plies to movie mogul Will Smith. There is one guy; al- know where you may see her next, and make sure to
though, whom she mentions that she would love to get stay updated by checking out her website www.anasta-
to know on a more personal and serious level. Even, Twitter
though they’ve never spoken to each other, she pours cia, and Myspace
out how he gave her the “eye” which made her instantly astasiagarcia.
fall head over heels. She admits that she’s always found
him attractive and could sense that he had a good spirit.
Garcia giggles as she spills the beans on the name of
her celebrity love interest … Ludacris! The eye gaze

“Junk” (Real Chance of Love Season
The Exclusive Interview

With the popularity of reality TV love shows on the action are gone, the masses will still speak of you and
rise, most of the contestants use their roles as a stepping yearn to see more. I had the absolute pleasure of finally
stone on the path to celebrity stardom. While compet- catching up to one of the lucky ladies that has definitely
ing to stand out from the many different personalities accomplished such a feat. The Shoot Magazine proudly
amongst the slew of beautiful ladies fighting (and in introduces to you, a glimpse into the personal world
some cases "literally" fighting) for their love interest's of the unbelievably curvaceous and sexy troublemaker
attention, it can sometimes become a task in itself to be- on the 2nd season of VH1's Real Chance of Love …
come so memorable that when the lights, cameras, and “Junk”.

For starters, please let our audience know what your I am originally from Salisbury, NC.
real name is.
What made you decide to move to ATL?
My friends and family know and call me by my middle
name which is Candy. I moved to Atlanta because of a situation that I was go-
ing through. Moving to Atlanta was a fresh start for me.
How did you get the nickname Junk? It is also a city that is not too far from preventing me
from visiting my mom who is still in North Carolina.
Chance is the one who gave me the nickname. All of the
other woman on the show got to tell Real and Chance I see that you have your degree in Mass Commu-
what their real names are, but I didn’t. Once Chance saw nications from Winston Salem State University and
me, he automatically gave me the nickname “Junk”. worked as a radio personality for 102 JAMZ based
out of Greensboro North Carolina. Can you please
When people see you out, do they call you Junk? elaborate on these a bit?
And how do you feel about the nickname?
I started as an intern for the radio station. I then started
When people see me out, they do call me “Junk”. At helping one of the stations DJs, Kyle Santillian, with
first, the nickname bothered me ... I absolutely hated it his Tuesday night show, “Ladies Night”. One of the
... but now I’m okay with it. other DJs, Waleed Coyote (Street Hitz), was impressed
with me after I rapped for him one night and I became
I see that you currently reside in Atlanta, where are a regular personality for the program “The 10 o’clock
you originally from? Banger”.

When did you first start taking modeling seriously? Are you single?

About two years ago. My modeling career got off to a Maybe and maybe not
slow start because in North Carolina there aren’t too
many outlets for models that are serious about their What do you look for in a man?
modeling careers. My first big break was my appear-
ance in a Lil Scrappy video in 06. Personality. If a man is dead behind the eyes, I can’t talk
to him. He must have nice shoes. I’m so big on shoes!
I see that you have done a lot of major print maga- Good hygiene. He can’t be dead broke. He doesn’t have
zines and music videos. What are some of the maga- to be the richest person in world. He can’t be disrespect-
zines and videos that you’ve done? ful towards me. He MUST know how to treat women.

I’ve been featured in OmiGawd magazine based out Do you see marriage and/or children in your future?
of ATL, 2 issues of Straight Stuntin Magazine, and
Sweets. I have an upcoming spread in Assets magazine. I don’t see marriage in my future as of right now be-
I’ve done a lot of music videos. Some of those videos cause it’s so hard to find a good man now days. I’m up
include: “A lot of That”- Jeezy, “Dey Know”- Shawty in the air about having children.
Lo, “5000 Ones”- DJ Drama, “Waddle”- Gorilla Zoe,
and “Who the F is That”- the late Dolla R.I.P. Describe a typical day for “Junk”

Do you model full time? A typical day for me isn’t what people probably expect
it to be. I have a very "regular" day. Most days I just
As of right now, I do not model full time. I have actu- hang out at home and use MySpace, Face Book or Twit-
ally stopped modeling. I don’t model; I just take really ter. I cook, go workout with my trainer and I faithfully
nice photos. I still take pictures, but as of right now it’s watch Cheaters everyday! That’s my favorite show!
more for my personal portfolio.
Which one is your love interest on the show, Real or
Now a days, almost every other female claims that Chance?
they are a “model". How do you feel about that? In
your opinion, what classifies someone as a “model”? Chance. He reminds me of someone that I used to date.
He has a “bad” attitude and I like “bad” attitudes.
Everybody says they’re a model. Models get paid to do
what they do whether its full time or part time. You also How did you adjust to being on reality TV and hav-
have to have a resume of what you have done, whether ing cameras and a camera crew follow your every
it was paid or unpaid. At least have something to show move?
for it. If not, you’re just a good picture-taker.
At first, it was hard to adjust to the cameras follow-
With so many women getting "butt shots" and butt ing me everywhere. It used to upset me that cameras
implants, how do you handle rumors that yours were always in face. Sometimes I went and hid in the
isn’t natural? closet! When I got back home, I had nightmares about
People that say my butt is fake need to pay attention to
my "thigh to butt" ratio. That is one of the main ways Have you done any other reality TV shows, movies,
to tell whether someone’s (butt) is natural or not. My etc?
"thigh to butt" ratio is naturally proportionate. My
friends and family know that mine is natural and that’s RCOL2 is the first reality show that I’ve done. I’ve
all that matters. been on the Maury Show in the past
Since participating in the show, have you thought Do you now have any ongoing beefs with any of the
about doing any acting? other contestants?
I’ve always wanted to act used to act. I used to act in Blonde Baller is the only person I can’t stand right now.
high school. Unfortunately, being on reality shows gets
you “type cast” but I do plan on venturing into acting. How can one get info on booking you for future ven-
Has being on RCOL2 given you more exposure?
What ventures and offers have you received since Booking info is
the show has aired?
Who would you like to thank and why? Who are
Yes. Magazines want to work with me that didn’t notice some of the people that have played a major part in
me before the show. helping you with your career goals?
How did you get onto the show? I would like to thank my family at 102 Jamz! They are
the reason why I started doing what I do. They put me
A friend of mine got the email about the casting. She under their wings and showed me the ropes. I would
wanted me to go with her and I agreed to go with go also like to thank my family for their support.
with her. The casting staff asked me if I wanted to audi-
tion and at first I didn’t want to do it. After they kept Before we go, let our readers where they can see
pressuring me to do it, I agreed. Luckily I got picked. more of you?
My friend didn’t.
My MySpace URL is
I see that you were friends with some of the other main_attraction and my Twitter URL is http://www.
girls from the show, which ones are you still friends

I’m still friends with “Classy”. I’m very close to

her. I’m cool with “Hot Wings”, “PS”, “Baker” and
A Sweet Dream Come True:
A Kimah Nicole Story
by Diana Lorenzo
imah Nicole is a diamond in the goals outside of modeling that, either way, she is a
rough. Point, Blank, Period. This force to be reckoned with. Her pictures ooze absolute
beauty is not only drop dead gor- physical perfection, but even more importantly, once
geous, but she has nothing but pos- speaking with her, her intelligence and her complete
itive attributes that suck you in and determination to be nothing less than successful will
almost make you forget that this have you daydreaming of bringing her home to meet
woman will stop traffic before even setting foot on the the parents. The Shoot Magazine is honored to be able
curb. Kimah Nicole is on the fast track to super model to get a moment with Kimah Nicole, and even better,
stardom, but she has worked so hard at achieving her we are proud to be able to share this moment with all
of you.

that have not hit the presses just yet so stay tuned!
So Kimah, please tell us where are you from?
How do you feel about people that look at models in
I am from San Antonio, TX.
a negative way when they do music videos or pro-
vocative shoots?
Where do you live now?
I feel like everyone has a right to their own opinion.
I currently reside in Houston, TX but I'm always
However, all models should not be stereotyped. Every-
one is an individual and responsible for their own ac-
tions. It is about maintaining your own integrity and
How long have you been modeling?
never compromising your morals as a woman. As long
as the video/photo is done tastefully, I don't see what
I have been modeling on and off for almost 2 years now.
the problem is.
Is modeling your only job right now?
What would you say is your biggest accomplishment
so far?
No, I actually do marketing for a fortune 500 company.
In addition, I am the President of Public Relations for
Mics and Models, a reality star/model management I would definitely have to say graduating college and
company, and I am currently in the process of starting securing a good job to be able to provide for myself and
my family.
my own PR and Sports Entertainment firm.
What advice would you like to give women that want
What music videos have you been featured in so far?
to pursue a career in modeling?
Paul Wall feat. Webbie – “Bizzy Body”
Build up an amazing portfolio and network your butt
Slim Thug feat. Ray J – “Keep It Playa”
Scarface – “High Powered”
Scarface feat. Trey Songz – “Girl You Know”
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
What magazines and/or calendars have you been
In five years ... that seems so far from now. Well, I
featured in?
hope to have accomplished all of my modeling goals,
Most recently I was featured in The Source's collector's completed the remaining coursework on my M.B.A.,
and have a very prominent Public Relations and Sports
edition with Michael Jackson on the cover.
Marketing firm.
What was your favorite music video that you were a
Are you single?
part of and why?

“Bizzy Body” –Paul Wall was probably my favorite Let's just say I'm off the market
video to date. It was fun to shoot and it was the first
Describe the “perfect date”.
video my mom saw! She thought it was awesome!
The perfect date for me starts with a romantic candle
Are there any particular magazines or artists that
lit dinner, followed by a play or concert, followed by
you haven’t worked with yet that you would like to?
drinks at a nice intimate jazz club or lounge.
As far as videos are concerned, I would love to be fea-
tured in a Wayne video because I have been a huge fan How do you feel about our country’s economy right
of his for some time now. As far as magazines, of course now?
I would like to be featured in all the big name national
I can see a change. I am very
15publications. There are some things that I have done hopeful, and I have full confi-
dence in Obama that he will rectify the situation. Which models/women inspire you and why?
What do you like to do in your spare time?
In the model category, Tyra and Kimora definitely in-
With the help of DVR, I have become a TV junkie. I spire me. They have used their modeling platform to
am addicted to The First 48, CSI, Law and Order, and transition into other facets of the industry. They are
48 Hours. driven women who have accomplished their goals and
made the world see them as more than a pretty face.
What kind of upbringing did you have? Overall, Oprah is someone who inspires me on totally
different level. Her entertainment and humanitarian ac-
I am from a very close knit family. I still talk to my complishments are tremendous.
mom and grandmother every day. I grew up in the hood
but fortunately I made it out. I had the opportunity to Who has played an important role throughout your
see a lot of my peers succumb to various misfortunes life and career?
and I learned from their mistakes. I am very grateful for
my family for instilling in me my core values. It helped My mother and my grandmother have been my rock
mold me into the person I am today. throughout my life. They continue to support me in all
my endeavors.
What would you say are your best physical qualities
and characteristics? What can we expect to see from Kimah Nicole?

I think my curves are my best physical qualities. I think I am working on my calendar and my website which
my best characteristics are my down to earth nature and will be released before the end of the year.
my sense of humor.
Describe yourself in one word:
You have an amazing body! Do you work out? Captivating

Yes but not nearly as much as I should.


THE NEW FACE OF HIP HOP by Wesley W. Jenkins

Chi City, the young independent artist from the Chi City has the witty storytelling techniques of the
South side of Chicago, is ready to be a new leader of late, great Biggie Smalls, sick lyrical word play of Lil
rap; bringing originality back to the rap game. With a Wayne, and an uncanny ability to switch up his flow in
fresh, raw flow, and Mid-west flavor, Chi City is bound ways that sound like none other. Track to track, verse
to be a household name in the near future. He is on a to verse, he has the skills and
path to bring real, heartfelt Hip Hop music back into talent to compete with any-
19the industry; getting back to the essence of rapping. one in the game right now. A
true student of the game, Chi City
lives in the studio. He recorded
more than 100 songs for his latest
mix tape “A long way from home”
which hit the streets in late August
2009. The twenty-one track mix tape
includes the blazing singles “Get It
Girl” and “Say Yeah” which are sure
to be instant club bangers. Always
working on brand new material, Chi
City has put out more than five mix
tapes which have flooded the streets
including “Street Talk” vol. 1 & 2,
“Almost Signed,” and the classic
mix tape “Rap vs. Hip Hop”, just to
name a few.

In a time where the rap game is wa-

tered downed with gimmick rappers
and bland, predictable lyrics and un-
original concepts, Chi City is a new
fresh face of Hip Hop whose rhymes
will leave you thirsty for more after
the first listen. Having collaborated
with DJs such as DJ Farris, Trend
Settaz DJs, DJ Kid Scratch, DJ
Smoove, DJ Shawn Mack, a DJ for
Chicago’s own Twista as well nu-
merous local DJs, Chi City has built
a massive following in Chicago and
all over the Mid-west reaching all
the way to St. Louis. With prominent
regional success, Chi City has also
gained fans in New York, New Jersey, Florida, Texas, bona fide hustler in the game using the Internet as well
California, and Maryland, and even abroad. A well- as other avenues to increase his status. Chi City has
respected player in the underground ranks, he has also over 700k combined plays and 300k combined hits on
linked up with some of the hottest artists on the inde- Myspace, over 20k downloads of the street classic mix
pendent circuit, teaming up with Cory Gunz, the son tape entitled “Rap vs. Hip Hop”, and is reaching over
of New York rapper, Peter Gunz, and Grand Finale, an 10k listens of his mix tapes on Staying on
independent artist based out of New Jersey, to produce his grind and working tirelessly to progress and become
blazing hot tracks. a hot-item in the underground, the young lyrical genius
is content with his accomplishments as an independent
Growing up in Chicago’s infamous gang culture, Chi artist yet is always hungry for more.
City has the street credibility to appeal to anyone in any
hood in any city and the lyrical substance to appeal to Initial inspiration came when he saw a performance by
the hardest of “Hip Hop Heads”. The ultra talented en- Lil Bow Wow as a young child. At twenty-two years
tertainer poses the capability to appeal to some of the of age, Chi City has nearly six
pop culture, as well, being compared to Jay-Z by some years in the game. In the early
21of his overseas fans. Staying true to his roots, he is a stages of his career, he made
a name for himself by ghost writing for some of Chica- to Atlantic records; however, due to creative conflicts,
go’s hottest local talents from Killer Ward, Goon Squad he decided not to go forward with the opportunity. After
to artists affiliated with Kanye West’s label G.O.O.D. making his imprint as an independent artist ,Chi City
MUSIC. At a young age, Chi City sparked the interest decided to build his own music empire by creating a
of Columbia Records when he submitted his material record label called On My Own Records (O.M.O.) for
on a whim via Internet but decided not to pursue the which he is the CEO.
deal do to disputes with his mother. Chi City also had a
deal in the works with publishing companies connected In a weakened state of Hip Hop, Chi City feels like he’s
on top of his game and can out-
shine the majority of the hottest
artists in the mainstream. Armed
with immense lyrical ammo and
a legitimate authentic style that
harks on the glory days of Hip
Hop, he is more than ready to
take on the masses. When asked
“What impression do you plan
on leaving on the game?”, Chi
City responded by saying, “I
want to bring hope to the young
aspiring artist. I want to be the
inspiration and the one who
folks look up to when they want
to hear good music.” The song,
“ I gotta make it” - track #20 on
the “A long way from home”
mix tape, illustrates how he
persevered through unfortunate
events in his past and uses the
knowledge he gained as a child
to stay motivated and continue
perfecting his craft. Chi City is
always driven to make music
that you can vibe to. He’s ever
present in the lab continuing
to work steadfast on creating
a new formula for success. He
has all but mastered the under-
ground level and is prepared
to break through to the masses
and reach commercial success
without “selling out”. Without
any doubt, Chi City will be on
your local radio stations and all
over your tube by the end of this

VH1’s RCOL2 Winner!
Her name is DOLL and this is her HOUSE
A look inside the life of VH1 reality star,
Jacqueline DaFonseca
By Megan Bolton

With VH1’s Real and Chance publicly seeking love longest,” suggests Doll. Although VH1 stepped it up a
for a second round, they have brought on board an en- notch as far as this season’s cast in the classiness and
tirely new cast of girls who bring the sexual insanity to appearance department, they made sure to not neglect
prime-time television, but all aren’t as wild and out of the action that the ladies bring to the show … even Real
control as some of the women make it appear. Some of and Chance seem to have made better decisions in as-
the young ladies bring standards, culture, and sex ap- sisting the producers in picking women who appear to
peal to the house while still remaining a Doll! be more compatible with them.

Jacqueline DaFonseca, the beautiful Cape Verdean or Doll confesses that once she entered the house, Chance
African and Portuguese mix nicknamed Doll, became a was feeling her intensely right off the bat, and although
contestant on season 2 of VH1’s Real Chance of Love Real was too, he wasn’t as assertive as his brother. She
to win one of the two sibling bachelors’ hearts only a says many people don’t even notice that Chance was
week after graduating from Fitchburg State as a Crimi- actually the one who nicknamed her or the aggressive
nal Justice major. Not only educated, she also models ways he showed his interest in the multicultural beauty.
allowing her to have experience in the spotlight and in “There were times he would have one-on-one conver-
front of cameras which ultimately encouraged a friend sations with me and would excuse the other girls say-
to push her into trying out for the show. From what Doll ing, ‘Let me talk to Doll a little more,’ but they don’t
admits, she was immediately liked by the producers show everything on camera.” She says that 80% to 85%
due to her beautiful and exotic appearance. After two of footage goes unaired and will never grace the eyes
weeks and two auditions, she had made it to L.A. em- of the public; and that people will just have to read be-
barking on her future as a newly found reality star and tween the lines until the finale when the girls can in-
hopefully finding love in the process. form the public of all the secrets that the Real Chance
of Love house holds. “Chance is just too crazy for me,”
Seeing herself on television every Monday night, she Doll says laughing. “Although they cut it out, I told
says “wows” her. “I’m just so happy that it is really Real when they were naming me, ‘I’m here for you.’
me on TV ... everyone that knows me is like, ‘That’s Yea, Chance was showing me way more attention but
exactly how you are.’” Growing up with four brothers, Real is more reserved like I am and came at me in a
Doll definitely knows how to hold her own. She says more respectful way which made for better chemistry.”
that although she felt the need to be closed off at first
because of the new and crazy environment, she never Doll entered the house playing the game in a more clev-
lost control of herself throughout all of the drama. “It er and strategic way. She admits to secretly and quietly
took me at least a week to get used to the whole situa- weeding the girls out one by one, especially after she
tion. I was thinking, I’m in this house; these girls are all began to become more and more attached to Real and
nuts … I’m going to have to do something crazy to be claiming him as her own. She began to feel uncomfort-
noticed and I didn’t really want to do that, but luckily able with the other girls in the house getting intimate
I didn’t have to do anything crazy. The girls actually with him and concocted ways to expose them as women
eliminate themselves because who weren’t meant to be with him while still remain-
they were. The girls that are re- ing ladylike and proper. She does feel that the brothers
ally themselves always last the most likely found love this season ... especially one 24 25
lucky brother in particular. she’s gained full notoriety for her unique sex appeal.
Since the airing of the show, Doll has had many oppor- She plans to take full advantage of the modeling world
tunities presented to her with the season just beginning and keep her options diverse from high fashion to cata-
its run. Interest has been expressed in her for magazine log, even Playboy. She’s a vibrant young celeb on the
features, poster deals, commercials, and more. While rise, so the Girls Next Door better watch out! And al-
her look is popular now, she plans to pursue her mod- though strong intuitions say that Doll makes it pretty
eling career and pick back up on her education after far on the show, the truth will be told in the end. Does
she ultimately capture the heart of
Real who she absolutely adores, or
is she sent home to tend to her bro-
ken heart? If it’s the latter, never fear!
Doll will bounce back quick as she
still wouldn’t mind getting to know
other celebs, such as the new album
releasing rap artist, Fabolous a.k.a
Loso. “I mean obviously I love Real
because he’s just a sweet, sweet guy
but for some reason I am also in love
with Fabulous,” she says laughing.
“His swag is just really sexy!” So it
seems as if Loso has his own private
invitation into the “Doll House”.

Keep your eyes peeled for Jacqueline

DaFonseca AKA Doll because she is
definitely planning to capture the at-
tention of the masses in the very near
future. Not only did her exotic looks,
winning personality, and intelligent
strategy play a major part of her game
in the reality world, she also plans
to use these same tactics in the real
world as well. If you want to keep up
with Doll and all her new and excit-
ing ventures, follow her on Twitter
at, her
Myspace at
liedollworld, and also videos she’s
posted on YouTube at

Hey HEATHERette! By Megan Bolton

So…is it safe to say that every woman out there created in collaboration with Dolly “Lady” Gray from
making money isn’t getting it by “shakin’ that thing “Real Chance of Love 2,” so we can be expecting to see
for a lil’ piece of change”?! Well Ms. Heather, buyer some hot footwork in the name of Lady being released
and marketing assistant of the woman’s department for really soon!
Shiekh Shoes, has proven that this world isn’t all about Shoes seem to be a part of Heather’s heart and sole!
T&A (Tits & Ass), but instead B&B (brains & busi- With Shiekh Shoes’ headquarters originally being lo-
ness). cated in on the outskirts of L.A in California, she lucked
As a buyer for a small company, Heather attends up, at the age of 18, with a job as their receptionist when
trade shows such as the Magic and WSA show in Ve- they started to move towards the L.A area after working
gas, but hopes to venture off to experience other trade at store level for two years prior. She definitely proved
shows in other cities. Until then, she and the other staff her potential at this point in her career when she would
members of the company select the shoes that they wear Shiekh’s shoes while she danced on Soul Train!
admire most from the shows and they even go to the After every show she would
creative extents of designing their own shoes too! come back to the office mak-
27Currently in the works are shoes being designed and ing suggestions for the shoes
and how they could be improved upon which really ex- Don Cornelius, and her mother danced for the show
hibited her passion for the company and its products to up until she got pregnant with Heather then lying those
the owner of the company, but with Heather still being platform pumps down to rest. So after learning about
new to this aspect of the business, she still had to work the opportunity as a dancer from a friend, Heather
her way up. She began as Mr. Shiekh’s assistant to learn quickly jumped into the Soul Train line to live up to her
the ins and outs of marketing and from that eventually parent’s legacy.
progressed and gained an additional title as his assistant
buyer. “It was cool because a lot of the guys that my dad
worked with back in the day were still there, and I re-
Although the job proves to be fun for her … and member when this guy walked up to me and he was
why wouldn’t it be because who doesn’t love shopping like your Chuck’s daughter and your mom is Natasha!
right ... but Heather ad- So it was really cool,” says
mits that starting off, it Heather explaining, how
wasn’t as easy of some many of the old equipment
may think. She had to workers who were still
grow accustomed to there her nicknamed her
not just choosing items “Lil’ Chucky” after her fa-
that she personally ther whose name is Chuck.
wanted for herself but She laughs saying, “That
instead cater to all the wasn’t really the cutest
many different tastes nickname I could’ve had
that various women but I had to program it in
have in clothing. “Be- my head like ‘it’s because
ing here has been a to- of my dad…it’s because of
tal learning experience my dad.’” So Heather defi-
and a blessing because nitely kept the family pride
I have learned so much going strong with her expe-
about not just myself rience as a sexy dancer for
but about Black in- the train of soul while still
dividuals, Hispanic adding her kooky, crazy
individuals, White in- personality.
dividuals and just try-
ing to pick out a shoe She makes sure to let
that everybody likes… people know that…she
which is crazy,” ex- doesn’t care! She does
plains Heather of her what she wants and what
transition. she feels, and she’ll admit
it…she’s crazy! And why
Her time as a Soul not she claims, because ev-
Train dancer also eryone already knows how
proved to be a very wild her personality is from
insightful and entertaining period in her life, not ne- walking into her bright green office at Shiekh Shoes.
glecting to mention that this job came along with some
family history! Her mother was also a dancer on Soul Shiekh Shoes is definitely making a name for them-
Train back in the day and her father was their stage co- selves rapidly with Heather’s unique and trendy mar-
ordinator at the time, which led to the beginning of their keting ideas. She’s made it possible for the company to
love affair after meeting on the show. Her father was be featured in top magazines such as Seventeen, Cosmo
the stage coordinator for about Girl and Teen Vogue just to name a few, and she really
20 plus years and had even be- feels that this is just the beginning of their empire.
come the best of friends with “Shiekh is the one place that you can go and you 28 29
just know that you’ll find something, and it’s at a good works so that kids can come out and showcase their
price so you don’t feel like you have to break out $100 vocal talents. There will also be radio personalities in
on a nice pair of shoes,” explains Heather. She really attendance from major stations and even celebrity guest
emphasizes on how you’re really paying for something judges. The event is looking to grace some of the major
that worth your money while still being stylish at an af-cities ranging from L.A. to Houston to Vegas, and the
fordable price. So with all this working we know you’re winner will ultimately receive some type of recording
wondering, besides painting her office green or getting contract or deal. It’s definitely a hit project in the mak-
a little wild on One Night Stand… what does Heather ing and to receive more information about it as it pro-
do once she gets time to just relax. cesses Heather advices all who are interested to visit, which is Shiekh’s newly
“I like to go out to dinner…I love food! I like to launched networking site.
eat and try different res-
taurants, I like going to Shiekh has be-
the malls and just look- come a family to
ing and seeing what’s Heather and she at-
crackin’ out there, and the tributes a lot of her
pool and the beach are successes to the
my things also because I company that took
can soak up the sun,” says her under their wing
Heather telling us about and allowed her to
her hobbies once she fi- experience oppor-
nally gets a free day. “I’m tunities of a life-
really laid back…I also time. “I can’t pick
like going to the movies one thing that’s just
and I love nail salons! I’ll great about working
try to go to every nail sa- here because there’s
lon out there if I could!” so many little things
that just build up
Heather obviously into one, and work-
stays really busy and ing for Shiekh alone
doesn’t leave that out is great. He’s the
when telling young wom- most beautiful per-
en who are looking to be son I’ve ever en-
in her position one day. countered, and he’s
She wants young women just so sweet and
to intern, hustle, and just it’s almost like you
really network because just want to throw
she feels that this world is up because you’re
truly at our fingertips and like, ‘Where did
you just need to work hard and prove yourself. Go hard you come from?’” He’s awesome…the best boss you
and hustle! She mentions how it’s hard for her to even could ever have,” concludes Heather on her fabulous
stomach people who constantly have excuses because job! J “As far me as a person…there are no hidden
nothing can ever hold you back from what you truly facts, no artificial flavors, I’m 100% real!”

Even though she continues to hustle and grind as she

assists in working on one of their upcoming projects
entitled Shiekh Music, which is an event something
like American Idol with Reebok as one of their spon-
29sors, and they are planning to advertise it on all net-
The Collins Twins: Brazilian Barbies
By Megan Bolton
We’ve always known that Miami was a melting pot for
different cultures and ethnicities, but the modeling in- Their break out career move was when they received
dustry was blessed when the Miami shores produced the “Beauty of the Week” title from JET Magazine in
the Brazilian Barbie Dolls, The Collins Twins. the November 2007. That accomplishment, along with
their consistent networking skills, pushed their name
With their career just beginning a couple of years throughout the industry so quickly and allowed them to
ago, they have truly established themselves and made gain so much recognition that the following year in 2008
a mark in an industry in which it is so hard to gain they were blessed to have booked eleven music videos.
recognition and respect. Now living in Atlanta, GA, Their success continued into 2009 with their nomina-
the ladies constantly have opportunities presented to tion and acceptance of a Southern Entertainment Award
them left and right. They defi- as Impact Models of the
nitely have made a reputation Year and the featured
for themselves and continue roles in three upcoming
to gain notoriety by maintain- music videos of popular
ing appearances in major mu- recording artists ranging
sic productions to magazines from Atlanta’s Rocko to
and even winning awards for Carmelo Anthony’s new
their sex appeal, but surpris- artist, Diego Cash. We
ingly modeling wasn’t what the know that they can wreck
beautiful sisters had planned the industry together, but
for their future at all. how about alone, you
Tracee, being the youngest
by minutes but most definitely The twins typically
seeming to be the most domi- work together but on oc-
nate out of the two, explains casion are booked sepa-
how modeling never really was rately. Stacee was re-
the first thought that came to cently chosen to shoot
mind envisioned their future. for the cover of the book,
They began modeling dur- Diary of a Sex Addict, by
ing their junior year at Florida Shalona L. Amos, and if
A&M. Stacee became inter- you ask them how the au-
ested in the modeling industry; thor went about choosing
and being an outsider looking which twin to use, they
in, she wanted to be a part of wouldn’t be able to tell
the glamour world more than you. They have also been
just being a reader of maga- featured in music videos
zines. After being spotted by a local photographer, Is- separately such as India Arie and new recording artists,
sac Williams, she began to book shoots with him to Rock City, but Tracee doesn’t neglect to mention that
be in his upcoming calendar entitled “Fantasy World” these brief separation periods are just for work. “We’re
which he was about to release that year. After seeing the never apart and we won’t be apart until one of us gets
potential in the twins together, he encouraged Tracee to married,” Tracee says laughing. You would think that
also jump on board so that they could begin modeling all this sisterly love would get old eventually and that
as a duo. After their first shoot together with Williams, the claws would come out at
their career soared off to new heights, not with just one times but the sisters jokingly
31Brazilian bombshell, but now with two! disagreed, “During photo
shoots photographers do sometimes boost up the com- ranging from recording artists, athletes, movie stars
petition. We’ll look at the pictures and if one has done and producers, the twins have shockingly managed to
better than the other we’ll say, “B*tch, I served you,” stay single which is what most guys love to hear. The
says Tracee giggling. “But we never seriously get mad twins touched on how rumors have been circulating
at each other except for maybe entertainment! People about them dating Souljah Boy and other major art-
seem to find Stacee and I entertaining when we get to ists, although Stacee would love to dibble with Diddy
arguing…so we may do it for entertainment; and we’ll and Tracee would love to dabble with Lil Boosie, all
get into some occasional cat fights but nothing too cra- the other stories out there are simply rumors. With the
zy.” rumors coming and going, the twins are open to any-
thing that may happen as far as relationships in the fu-
The friendly competition does not seem to only ture that can remain solid throughout life. What if they
brew between the sisters but they also have to acknowl- like the same guy? You would think that they would
edge it within the industry, especially when there are be interested in the same types of guys because they
about eight other sets of popular twin models within the are twins, but on the contrary they actually are not too
business, but does that hold the Collins’ back? No! In much attracted to the same guys. Tracee admits that it
fact, they are planning to build from it. “What we really does happen on occasion that they are both attracted to
would like to do is an all twin issue for some magazine someone but they have a system to figure out who gets
company with all of the other popular sexy twin mod- the guy so that there are not any cat fights. “If the guy is
els out there. No one has ever done it and we think that looking, we will both wave and Stacee may say, “You
once they do it will definitely be hot,” said the twins can have him” or I’ll say, “Stacee you can have him.”
agreeing on how successful the possible project could So we both decide who ultimately wants him, but if he
be. comes up and tries to choose and he chooses wrong, he
cannot have either one of us,” explains Tracee. “Even
As far as the stereotypes that come with the type if the guy chooses correctly, the sister that ultimately
of urban modeling that they do, they strongly empha- wanted him will get him but even after we still cannot
size on how their sex appeal is strictly used for model- help but wonder why he picked me over my sister? And
ing and business purposes only, they have not and do they’re usually just like, ‘I don’t know,’” she concludes
not plan on doing anything further than simply model- laughing.
ing to gain anything from anyone. Professionalism is
definitely something that needs to be maintained in a Pitches aren’t only being made from guys to the
business such as entertainment, especially dealing with twins but they are also making some pitches of their
modeling and displaying your body in a sexual way. own in hopes of receiving their own reality show! They
The Collins’ refer to themselves as video actresses in- are currently in the works now of meeting with different
stead of video vixens because they believe that most networks and coming up with ideas for their own show,
models that are about business don’t usually claim that along with also pitching ideas to different companies to
title, but as far as the stereotypes, the twins don’t stress hopefully land an ad campaign for clothing companies
about how people perceive them because that is their like Baby Phat or Sean Jean, there is definitely more to
personal opinion. It can be hard to work in an industry come which will be twice as nice with twice the spice!
in which there are some women that act out of charac-
ter and throw themselves at the celebrities, but that is Check out their past projects and keep up with them
not every model. The twins constantly make an effort and their future ones by following them on www.Twit-
to prove that some women can model, show off their and www.Myspace.
beautiful bodies and still remain ladies while they do so com/COLLINSTWINS!!!
because what most people would not believe is that the
twins are actually single!

In a world of A-list celebrities 33

The State of Hip Hop Wesley Jenkins

Hello my fellow hip hop heads, rap enthusiast, or new white rapper Asher Roth. I know I am not the only
whatever you want to call yourselves. Where is the one who thinks the guy sounds just like Eminem. I’m
state of hip hop right now? Who’s really hot? Who’s re- not knocking these respected artists but in my opinion,
ally not? Hopefully my insight will help answer these they don’t sound original. The rap game has a lot of
questions. Besides the usual suspects like T.I., Jay Z, followers and very few leaders. R& B big shot T-Pain
and Lil Wayne who are all at the forefront of being cranks out hit after hit with the use of auto-tune, so
the next “superstar” rapper, is there anyone out there what does your favorite rapper do? He puts out a whole
ready to carry the torch? Is there anyone out there wor- mix tape using auto-tune. That’s not original. Eons
thy of being called rap’s next superstar? Is it Drake, ago artists put out songs you knew they wanted to hear
Lil Wayne’s “mini me?” I’m sure you all heard of the and there was no doubt that they listened to their own
tracks but does Plies really relax on a Sunday by kick-
ing back and putting on “Becky” or does Souljah Boy
find his creative juices by bumping “She gotta donk.”
In my opinion, I can honestly say that the majority of
the mainstream rappers are completely mediocre! Why,
you ask? Where do I start? The weak lyrics, unoriginal
concepts, and stolen hooks, you name it. A lot of the
songs I’m hearing sound exactly the same. Everyone is
talking about the same things. Not only are they saying
the same thing they are saying them in the same way.
In more than half of the songs I hear on radio or videos
I see on TV, the artist never fails to say a line about
their “swag,” brightly colored diamonds, and how their
shoes match their belt. Some artists go to the length of
taking a line from a song and making their own song
out of that line without giving any credit to the artist
who used it first.

A positive aspect of this new era of rap I notice is that

the production of the tracks has gone up tremendously.
Polo the Don, Shawty Red, and Just Blaze are a few
producers who I think stepped the game up when it
comes to making beats. I also have to mention Kanye
West in those regards. I believe the new formula to
creating a hit single is as follows, purchase an out of
this world track from someone like Cool & Dre, come
up with this catchy hook that is easy to remember, and
recite three verses that consist of 16 bars of words that
rhyme and people will love it. They’ll buy the ring tone,
download it, and put the song on their Myspace page.
You don’t realize that you’re
being hypnotized by the beat.
33 You hear the beat, remember
The State of Hip Hop cont’d...

the hook but forget to listen to the lyrics. Chicago and Cory Gunz are climbing their way into
the mainstream. Perhaps the most slept on MC out of
What happened to the lyricists like Common and Black the south Killer Mike’s newly released album Under-
Thought of the Roots? Why is it that no one is follow- ground Atlanta debuted as the number 10 rap album on
ing in their shoes? It’s not all bad. You still have Andre Let us not forget about Kid Cudi, the
3000 who was voted top MC by a panel put together eclectic Ohio born rapper. He introduced us to a new al-
by MTV. Will there ever be anymore super groups like ternative, psych-genre of hip-hop with his automatic hit
Wu-Tang and Outkast? Will there be anyone who im- single “Day & Night.” The track is amazing, his flow is
pacts the game like the great Tupac and Biggie? unlike the vast majority of hip hop, and the originality
factor is off the charts. We’ll see if he can follow his
It’s evident that the game is at a weakened state right initial success with the September release of his debut
now. Seasoned veterans who you think should be on an album Man on the Moon: The end of day.
island somewhere are coming back and in my assump-
tion coming back with a vengeance. Take Jay Z’s single It will get better but only time will tell. Stay tuned, keep
from his new album “The Blueprint 3,” DOA (Death of a sharp ear, and be careful not to fall into the “trap” or
Auto-tune). It’s clear he’s against the auto-tune move- gimmick that these rappers present. It’s your right as
ment. Q-Tip, N.O.R.E., and Capone have albums drop- a fan to analyze and question the motives behind the
ping. What milk carton did they find these guys on? work being produced. It’s your duty to point out dregs
of the rap game and eliminate the slackers.
So who’s next? You may have to dig deep into the
wells of the underground find an artist who strays away
from the status quo. Lyrical
artist such as Chi City out of
Article written late September

“DANGERously in Love”
By Megan Bolton
Are you dangerously in love? Well, all of America is, The alter ego of Leon, Danger, has had so much
when we’re speaking of 22 year-old Monica Leon a.k.a going on in her life since the airing of the show, includ-
Danger from VH1’s hit reality show, “For the Love of ing her indulgence into the art world, numerous shoots
Ray J.” She captured the attention of millions of view- for multiple magazines, the premiere of a new radio
ers as she competed with other gorgeous contestants to show, and currently being pregnant! Yes, she is preg-
win the heart of the infamous Ray J, a talented record nant after all…and the baby is due this month, October
producer, singer, actor and sibling to R&B vocalist, 2009! The first pregnancy shocker broke into the me-
Brandy. Out of all of the sexy young ladies who graced dia in fall of 2008, but she quickly corrected the rumor
the show with their presence, Danger brought about a on Ray J’s reunion show by admitting that there had
vibe which made her unforgettable. The tiger prowling been a false pregnancy confirmation. Even before she
across her face was our first indication that this mod- cleared up the confusion, a lot of viewers didn’t doubt
elesque beauty was one to look out for. Come along as the pregnancy because everyone clearly witnessed her
we journey into the Danger-ous world of Monica Leon. and Ray J’s steamy love affair and their “off the charts”

Danger expresses how she initially went onto

the show because she was extremely attracted to him,
and once entering the house they just automatically
clicked with her being able to convey to him stories of
her rough childhood which most could say was defi-
nitely full of “danger.” He understood and sympathized
with everything that she had been through and expe-
rienced as a young adult allowing their connection to
become that much more intense, although it was being
broadcast on a national television show.

The unique love that Ray J and Danger shared

began to sizzle out once he began to ask other girls in
the house his infamous question, “Sexy Can I,” and
becoming more intimate with them, but Danger and
his undeniable chemistry lead many to believe that the
false pregnancy at the time could have been by no one
other than Ray J. That is, until another potential candi-
date surfaced…Gabrielle Cannon, the younger brother
of Nick Cannon.

She met and fell in love

35 with Cannon shortly after her
dismissal from the show, and although now they
also are not together, she wishes him the best just
as she does for Ray J with his second season air-
ing soon…but these break ups still doesn’t mean
our girl isn’t pregnant. You can catch TwitPics of
the mother to be sporting an adorable green bath-
ing suit and lovely “baby bump”. It has definitely
been confirmed that she’s expecting. “I’m due in
Mid-October and I’m having a girl,” says Dan-
ger as she ecstatically expresses her excitement
about the pregnancy and the upcoming birth of
her baby girl, but even with the time consuming
job of motherhood approaching, it hasn’t seemed
to slow down this fierce entrepreneur at all.

Since the show, Danger has been busy

making sure that her mark remains prominent in
the industry. She’s currently working on a “tell-
all” book. She’ll be hosting an art tour soon in
which her very own paintings will be shown and
sold, the possibility of her own show on televi-
sion is being discussed, and the recent debut of
her new Internet radio broadcasting, One Night
Stand, has begun. The radio show, which airs
every Thursday and can be found on , is currently
her newest venture and has shown the great po-
tential that Danger has within the business aspect
of the media world. “Ray J and Chardonnay were
my first guests on the radio show and it has been
really great, going strong for a few months now
and actually being rated #1 in our segment on
Blog Talk Radio,” says Danger, confidently ex-
plaining the success her show has received. The
show details various topics including, of course, one show, new UStream show. So, fellas, if you’re fine and
night stands in which she and viewers share their in- know how to shine, take out the time and start applying.
timate stories, celebrity gossip, and special celebrity
guests, and also allows listeners and viewers to partici- Other than that to keep an eye on Danger and
pate in contests and win prizes. any of her unpredictable moves, follow her on Twitter
at, her Myspace at
She also has another show in production, in, and also her brand
which she is hosting a contest in search of a male co- new website which should be launched within a couple
host, who she would like to be charismatic, likable, and weeks. Never fear, you will definitely see more of Dan-
can handle the dirt that will most likely be dished out to ger in this lifetime ... as stated in the words of Ralph
them on the show. The search is still currently in prog- Waldo Emerson - “AS SOON AS THERE IS LIFE,
ress and any guys interested can email their information THERE IS DANGER.”
to and auditions will be taking
place on The Wifeys, which is
Danger and Stilts’, also from
the “For the Love of Ray J” 37
vh1 Lady’s Interview
1. How was your experience doing the show? I always liked to be front and center and I love to be
I enjoyed it, it was a great experience. There were times around people and that kind of fits with singing, model-
where things got kind of old but all in all I loved being ing and acting.
able to do the show.
12. Which of the brothers were u on the show to
2. Can you tell us anything juicy about the show? find love with and why?
I think the juiciest thing I did on the show was play I wanted to find love with Real, because he seemed like
pranks on a lot of people. I’m something like a co- a very sweet guy. I knew Chance and I wouldn’t work
median, well I don’t try to be funny on purpose, it just out because him and I are way too much alike.
kind of happens. I enjoyed playing pranks on the other
contestants. 13. There is a lot of speculation that Real and
Chance are homosexual, what are your thoughts on
3. Are you bisexual? that?
I no longer consider myself bisexual. There was a point No, most people say that but I don’t believe so. They
in time where I only liked females but I am over that never did anything to make me think that. They are re-
now. Now I just like men. ally freaky though. I heard Real say that he wanted to
have sex with some of the animals on the farm.
4. Where are you from?
I am from Houston, Texas 14. Do you have beef with any of the girls from the
5. Tell us more about your music career. No, if anything I flirted with them. There was a time
I have a few songs and music videos on my myspace when I was a little upset with Blonde Baller because
page. My favorite song play with that monkey she put me in a bad situation when she told the story
about her boyfriend.
6. On the show you had a monkey, was that really
your monkey? 15. Do you hang out with any of the girls from the
Yes, I have had him for 6 years show?
Yes, mainly Doll, Junk, and HotWings but I’m pretty
7. What type of a category would u put yourself in much cool with everyone.
as a rapper?
I’m not a rapper, I don’t put myself in a category, I am 16. Do a lot of people recognize you?
an entertainer, more like a female soulja boy When I go out people do recognize me. It is so weird
to me.
8. Do you model
I model, rap, and act 17. How did you get involved with the show?
I went to an audition in Houston and was chosen out of
9. Have u been on any other reality shows aside a pool of 42 thousand other women.
from this one
No I have not 18. How did you get adjusted to the cameras?
After day one it pretty much got real and I totally for-
10. Tell me some things about yourself. got about the cameras. Day 1 people were acting really
I have a 6 year old son, 7 sisters, and 3 brothers. extra.

3711. What made u want to get into the entertainment 19. How old are you?
I am 22

20. After I left the show I had to see a psych doc

b/c I was so use 2 being around people and cameras.
I just saw him once he tried to prescribe medicine but
I wouldn’t take it.

21. Are Real and Chance the same on and off

Yes, for sure. Chance acts the way he acts all of the
time as well as Real.

22. After the first season you wanted to audition?

Yes, the girls from the first season were not cute at
all so I wanted to try out because I know I am much

23. Did u make connections with both of them?

Yes I did, hot wings and I made out with chance on
the first day.

24. How did you feel about the guys being in-
volved with the other girls?
I felt like I was being pimped actually. It was not re-
ally a good feeling especially after I began to catch
feelings for Real.
corded, its like prison. Before we get in the house they
25. What were u expecting before you went on the take our id, etc.
I thought it was fake. I was ready to take on a role and 30. What made you want to be with women?
be an actress. I found out when I got there that every- I was born that way, I have been with a female sexually
thing is real. but I no longer consider myself as bi-sexual

26. How many people were there strictly to be on 31. What made u write 21?
tv? I wanted to be 21 so badly so I wrote a song about it
Everybody! Some people may have really liked them
but they were there for tv as well. 32. Do u take your monkey to the club?
I take him everywhere!
27. How much did you like Real and Chance before
you got there? 33. Tell us some more about Lady that we do not
I wasn’t really interested, nothing serious until I got already know.
there and really started catching feelings. I went to Africa, Dubai and London as a backup dancer.
I love to dance. My main goals are to be in a Tyler
28. How long was the show? Perry film and to host 106 and park. I’m joining a rock
We were there for 3 weeks, eliminations are every other band, and before being on the show I hosted a P. Diddy
night and everyday there is a different challenge. party and a Steve Francis party.

29. Did u get a tv, radio,

Just a phone and its being re- 39

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