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Human Resource Management

Human resource management (HRM) is that part of management process which

makes, enhances, manages and develops the human element of the enterprise measuring
their resourcefulness in terms of talents, abilities, total skills, creative, knowledge, and
potentialities for effectively contributing to the organizational objectives Human
resources are precious and a source of competitive advantage Human resources may be
tapped most effective by mutually standard policies which promote promise and foster an
inclination in employees to act fle!ibly in the interests of the adaptive organization"s
pursuit of e!cellence
Human resource policies can be joined with planned business and used to
reinforce appropriate culture Human resources play a critical role in enabling the
organization to effectively deal with the e!ternal environment challenges #he human
resource management has been accepted as a strategic partner in the formulation of
organization"s strategies and in the implementation of such strategies through human
resource planning, employment, training, appraisal and rewarding the personnel
$trategic management of human resources facilitates creation of competitive
advantage for the organization over its rival by building uni%ue human resource based
competence &n organization"s recruitment, selection, training, performance management
process and compensation practices can have a strong influence on employee
competence 'ompany output increase if the management can hire more e!perience well
%ualified candidate (erformance appraisal takes in account the past performance of the
employees and focuses on their improvement for the future performance of the
employees through counselling, coaching or training
#he human resource strategy of a business should reflect and support the
corporate strategy &n effective human resource strategy includes the way in which the
organization plans to develop its employees and provide them with suitable opportunities
and better working conditions so that their optional contribution is ensured #his implies
selecting the best available personnel, ensuring a *fit" between the employee and the job
and retaining, empowering and motivating employees to perform well in the direction of
corporate objectives
Meaning and Definition of HRM
HRM is concerned with managing people to improve individual, group and
organizational effectiveness Human resources need to be managed as organisations can
prosper and progress only through the committed and creative efforts and competencies
of their human resources
Edwin Flippo defines the term Personnel/HR Management, +Planning,
Organising, Directing and Controlling of the Procurement, Development,
Compensation, ntegration, Maintenance and !eparation of human resources to the
end that individual, organisational and social o"#ectives are accomplished$%

ntroduction to Recruitment and !election
-inding and keeping the right people is one of the biggest and most important
business challenges this decade .ut it"s a challenge organizations really need to get to
grips with &n organization"s real advantages over its competitors lie not so much in its
products, services or technology, but in its people
$o, to achieve goals, an organization needs to pinpoint what people, skills and
abilities it needs now and in the future /t wants the right person for the right job every
time it recruits 0n the human resources front, productivity can be improved by ensuring
that the organization attracts the best talent at the lowest possible cost #his objective
translates into the adoption of the best recruitment and selection methods and instituting
measures to retain and develop them
Recruitment is defined as, +a process to discover the sources of manpower to meet the
re%uirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that
manpower in ade%uate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient workforce2
O"#ectives of Recruitment
#o attract people with multi3dimensional skills and e!periences that suits the present
and future organizational strategies
#o induct outsiders with a new perspective to lead the company
#o infuse fresh blood at all levels of the organization
#o develop an organizational culture that attracts competent people to the company
#o search for talent globally and not just within the company
#o design entry pay that competes on %uality but not on %uantum
#o anticipate and find people for positions that does not e!ist yet

!u")!*stem of Recruitment
#he recruitment consist of following sub functions53
-inding out and developing the sources where the re%uired number and kind of
employees will be available
6eveloping suitable techni%ues to attract the desirable candidates
7mploying the techni%ues to attract candidates
$timulating as many candidates as possible and asking them to apply for jobs
irrespective of number of candidates re%uired
Factors +ffecting Recruitment
#he first activity of recruitment ie searching for prospective employees is affected
by many factors like53
0rganizational policy regarding filling up of certain percentage of vacancies by
internal candidates
8ocal candidates (sons of soil)
/nfluence of trade unions
9overnment regulations regarding reservations of certain numbers of vacancies
to candidates based on community:region:caste:se!
/nfluence of recommendations, nepotism etc &s such, the management is not
free to find out or develop the source of desirable candidates and alternatively
it has to diver its energies for developing the sources within the limits of those
factors through it cannot find suitable candidates for the jobs

!ources of Recruitment
) $ nternal !ources of Recruitment
a, Present Permanent Emplo*ees-
0rganizations consider the candidates from this source for higher level jobs due to5
) &vailability of most suitable candidates for jobs relatively or e%ually to the e!ternal
, #o meet the trade union demands
1 #o the policy of the organization to motivate the present employees
b) Present 'emporar* or Casual Emplo*ees
0rganizations find this source to fill the vacancies relatively at the lower level in
order to motivate them on the present job
c) Retrenched or Retired Emplo*ees5
#he organization takes the candidates for employment from the retrenched employees
due to obligation, trade union pressure and the like $ometimes the organizations prefers
to re3employ their retired employees as a token of their loyalty to the organization
d) Dependents of Deceased, Disa"led, Retired and Present Emplo*ees5
$ome organizations have a view to develop the commitment and loyalty of not
only the employee but also his family members and to the dependent of deceased,
disabled and present employees
.$ nternal Methods of Recruitment
a) /o" Posting-
=hen a human resource re%uisition form is received, a memo should be
written to appropriate supervisor stating that a job vacancy e!ist & copy of the memo
should be posted on all notice boards by the supervisors so as to ensure that the
employee who might %ualify is made aware of the job
b) Emplo*ee Referral !chemes5
7mployee referral schemes or personal networking for some firms are the
preferred means of recruitment, as they can select employees after judging their
ability to fit into their work culture
c, Promotions and 'ransfers-
(romotion is a move from employee"s current position into a different
(osition into a higher salary grade and a transfer is a move to any other job in
another department & transfer can be to a higher level or the same level
0$ E1ternal !ources of Recruitment
a) Campus Recruitment-
6ifferent types of organizations can get ine!perienced candidates of
different types from various educational institutions like 'olleges and >niversities
imparting education in $cience, 'ommerce, &rts, and 7ngineering etc
(b) Private Emplo*ment +gencies/ Consultants-
(rivate employment agencies perform the recruitment functions on behalf
of a client company by charging fee Most of the organizations depend on this
source for highly specialized positions and e!ecutive positions
(c) Pu"lic Emplo*ment E1change-
#he 9overnment has set3up (ublic 7mployment 7!change in the country to
provide information about vacancies to the candidates and to help the
organizations in finding out suitable candidates

4 Casual +pplicants-
6epending upon the image of the organization, its prompt response,
participants of the organization in the local activities, level of unemployment,
candidates apply casually for jobs through mail or hand over the applications in
(ersonnel 6epartment
2$ !imilar Organi3ations-
9enerally, e!perienced candidates are available in organizations producing
similar products or engaged in similar business #he management can get most
suitable candidates from this source
4$ 'rade &nions-
9enerally, unemployed or underemployed persons or employees seeking
change in employment put a word to the trade union leaders" with a view to
getting suitable employment /n view of this fact and in order to satisfy the trade
union leaders, managers, management en%uires with the trade unions for suitable
5$ Emplo*ment +dvertisement-
&dvertisements are taken out in newspapers, magazines, specialized
journals, etc by a large number of companies to enable the employee to reach out
to a large target audience
6$ Online Recruitment-
Recruitment websites and software make possible for managers to access
information that is crucial to managing their staff $uch websites have facilities
where prospective candidate can upload their 'As and apply for jobs suited to
them $uch sites also make it possible for recruiters and companies to post their
staffing re%uirements and view profiles of interested candidates
&fter identifying the sources of human resources, searching for prospective employees
and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organization, the ne!t action to be taken by
the management is to perform the function of selecting the right employees at the right
time #he selection procedure is the system of functions and devices adopted in a given
company to ascertain whether the candidates" specifications are matched with the job
specifications and re%uirements #he selection procedure cannot be effective until and
) Re%uirement of the job to be filled, have been clearly specified
, 7mployee specifications (physical, mental, social, etc) have been clearly
1 'andidate for screening have been attracted
!ignificance of !election Process
$election of personnel for an organization is a crucial, comple! and continuing function
#he ability of an organization to attain its goals effectively and to develop in a dynamic
environment largely depends upon the effectiveness of its selection programs /n a
situation where the right person is not selected, the remaining functions of personnel
management, employee3employer relations will not be effective /f the right person is
selected he:she is a valuable asset to the organization and if faulty selection is made, the
employee will become a liability to the organization #he process of personnel selection
involves collecting information about individuals for the purpose of determining
suitability for employment in a particular job
Methods &sed n !election Process
8a, nterviews-
& selection procedure designed to predict future job performance on the basis of
applicants" oral in%uiries /t is useful in determining if the applicant has re%uisite
communicative or social skills which may be necessary for the job
8", Personalit* 'est-
(ersonality tests typically measure one or more of five personality dimensions5
e!troversion, emotional stability, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to
8c, Cognitive +"ilit* 'ests-
#hese are paper and pencil or individualized assessment measures of an
individual"s general mental ability or intelligence #hese tests may be characterized as
9eneral /ntelligence #ests and &ptitude #ests
8d, 9or: !ample 'ests-
#hey are designed to have high content validity through a close relationship with
the job 0bserved under similar situations #hese tests re%uire the e!aminee to perform
tasks that are performed on the job
8e, +ssessment Centre-
&n &ssessment 'entre can be defined as,2 a variety of testing techni%ues designed
to allow candidates to demonstrate, under standardized condition , the skills and abilities
that are most essential for success in a given job2 #hey usually have some sort of in3
basket e!ercise which contains contents similar to those which are found in the in3basket
for the job which is being tested
;$ /o" Description5
Dob descriptions are lists of the general tasks, or functions, and responsibilities of
a position #ypically, they also include to whom the position reports, specifications such
as the %ualifications needed by the person in the job, salary range for the position, etc
.$ Emplo*ee !pecification-
Dob description can be the basis for employee specification #his describes the
attributes needed by a person best suited to perform the duties of the job or to fill the role
/t is an indication of attainment, achievement, abilities and aptitudes needed to enable an
individual perform a task to the re%uired standard and to achieve the desired objectives
0$ +ttracting Candidates-
Recruitment is about attracting candidates who are %ualified and capable of
carrying out the job, in the conte!t of the employing organization #his is when the
potential candidates are told about the vacancy and encouraged to e!press their interest in
the job
<$ Ma:ing Decisions-
#he presentation as well as the content of the application influences the recruiter
when making short listing decisions /f good %uality information is given to the
candidates before the start of appointment, chances of the appointment being successful
are increased Hence this helps the recruiter in making judgments about the applicants
2$ nitial !creening-
/f the recruiting effort has been successful, recruiters will be confronted with a
number of potentials applicants .ased on the job description and job specification, some
of the respondents can be eliminated by sharing the job description information with the
4$ Completion of +pplications Form-
0nce the initial screening has been completed, applicants are asked to complete
the organization"s application form /n general terms, the application form gives a
synopsis of what applicants have been doing, their skills and their accomplishments
5$ Emplo*ment 'ests-
&n employment test is a means of assessing a job applicant"s characteristics
through paper3and3pencil responses or e!ercise #hree major types of tests used in the
selection process are ability, personality and performance tests &bility tests measures
mainly mental, mechanical and clerical abilities or sensory capacities, personality tests
are means of measuring characteristics, such as patterns of thoughts, feelings and
behaviors (erformance tests are means of measuring practical ability on a specific job
6$ Comprehensive nterview-
#he applicant may then be interviewed by the personnel department interviewers,
e!ecutives within the organization, potential supervisors, or colleagues #he
comprehensive interview is designed to probe into areas that cannot be addressed by the
application form or tests
#hese areas consist of assessing one"s motivation, ability to work under pressure
and ability to fit in with the organization
=$ >ac:ground nvestigation-
#his steps includes contacting former employers into confirm the candidates work
record and to obtain their appraisal of the performance in the previous job /t also
includes verifying the educational accomplishments shown on the application and
contacting personal references
;?$ Ph*sical E1amination-
#he applicants may have to take a physical e!amination which is intended to
screen out those individuals who are unable to comply physically with the re%uirements
of the job and the organization
;;$ Final Emplo*ment !election-
#hose who perform in the entire above steps are considered or eligible for
employment #he actual hiring decision is made by the Manager in the department that
has the position open
FMC@ !ector
9hat are Fast Moving Consumer @oods 8FMC@,A
(roducts which have a %uick turnover, and relatively low cost are known as -ast
Moving 'onsumer 9oods (-M'9) -M'9 products are those that get replaced within a
year 7!amples of -M'9 generally include a wide range of fre%uently purchased
consumer products such as toiletries, soap, cosmetics, tooth cleaning products, shaving
products and detergents, as well as other non3durables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries,
paper products, and plastic goods -M'9 may also include pharmaceuticals, consumer
electronics, packaged food products, soft drinks, tissue paper, and chocolate bars
& subset of -M'9s is -ast Moving 'onsumer 7lectronics which include
innovative electronic products such as mobile phones, M(1 players, digital cameras, 9($
$ystems and 8aptops #hese are replaced more fre%uently than other electronic products
=hite goods in -M'9 refer to household electronic items such as Refrigerators,
#As, Music $ystems, etc
/n ,CC;, the Rs 4@,CCC3crore -M'9 segment was one of the fast growing
industries in /ndia &ccording to the &' Eielsen /ndia study, the industry grew ;1F in
value between ,CC4 and ,CC;
ndian FMC@ !ector
#he /ndian -M'9 sector is the fourth largest in the economy and has a market
size of >$G)1) billion =ell3established distribution networks, as well as intense
competition between the organised and unorganised segments are the characteristics of
this sector -M'9 in /ndia has a strong and competitive ME' presence across the entire
value chain /t has been predicted that the -M'9 market will reach to >$G 114 billion in
,C); from >$ G billion ))< in ,CC1 #he middle class and the rural segments of the
/ndian population are the most promising market for -M'9, and give brand makers the
opportunity to convert them to branded products Most of the product categories like
jams, toothpaste, skin care, shampoos, etc, in /ndia, have low per capita consumption as
well as low penetration level, but the potential for growth is huge
#he /ndian 7conomy is surging ahead by leaps and bounds, keeping pace with
rapid urbanization, increased literacy levels, and rising per capita income
#he big firms are growing bigger and small3time companies are catching up as
well &ccording to the study conducted by &' Eielsen, <, of the top )CC brands are
owned by ME's, and the balance by /ndian companies -ifteen companies own these <,
brands, and ,? of these are owned by Hindustan 8ever (epsi is at number three followed
by #hums >p .ritannia takes the fifth place, followed by 'olgate (<), Eirma (?), 'oca3
'ola (@) and (arle (B) #hese are figures the soft drink and cigarette companies have
always shied away from revealing (ersonal care, cigarettes, and soft drinks are the three
biggest categories in -M'9 .etween them, they account for 1; of the top )CC brand
HR Challenges n FMC@ n ndia
0ver the past three to four years, the global economy has gone through a
tremendous change and the looming the rest of a +double dip2 and +triple dip2 recession
#he environment that organisations are operating in today is on characterized by
volatility, uncertainty, comple!ity and ambiguity #he /ndian economy has also not
remained isolated from the economic turmoil that the world is going many industries
have seen slowdown and organizational decision making is today market by cautiousness
changes in demographic composition of the population and thus the market would also
continue to impact the -M'9 /ndustry
Ma#or HR challenges in FMC@ sector in ndia are as follows-
;$ Managing Bnowledge 9or:ers-
7ssentially, here we are looking at different kind of people who does not obey the
principles of management for the traditional group #his boils down to higher
educational %ualifications, taking up responsibilities at a lesser age and e!perience,
high bargaining power due to the knowledge and skills in hand, high demand for the
knowledge workers and techno suaveness
.$ Managing 'echnological Challenges-
/n every arena organizations are getting more and more technologically oriented
#hough it is not in the main run after the initial debates preparing the work force to
accept technological changes is a major challenge
0$ Competence Of HR Mangers-
&s it is more and more accepted that lot of success of organizations depend on the
human capital, this boils to recruiting the best, managing the best 'learly HR
managers have a role in this process
<$ Developing 7eadership-
/t is %uite interesting to note that there is less importance given to developing
leadership at the organizational level #hough leadership is discussed on basis of traits
and certain %ualities, at an organizational level it is more based on knowledge
2$ Managing Change-
.usiness environment in /ndia is volatile #here is boom in terms of opportunities
brought forward by globalization However this is also leading to many interventions
in terms of restricting, turnaround, mergers, downsizing, etc HR has a pivotal role to
play here
'HE 'OP ;? COMP+(E! ( FMC@ !EC'OR
$E0 'ompanies
Hindustan >nilever 8td
/#' (/ndian #obacco 'ompany)
EestlH /ndia
9'MM- (&M>8)
6abur /ndia
&sian (aints (/ndia)
'adbury /ndia
.ritannia /ndustries
(rocter I 9amble Hygiene and Health 'are
Marico /ndustries
#he companies, listed above are the leaders in their respective sectors #he
personal care category has the largest number of brands, ie, ,), inclusive of 8u!,
8ifebuoy, -air and 8ovely, Aicks, and (onds #here are )) H88 brands in the ,),
aggregating Rs 1,?BB crore or ;4F of the personal care category 'igarettes account for
)?F of the top )CC -M'9 sales, and just below the personal care category /#' alone
accounts for <CF volume market share and ?CF by value of all filter cigarettes in /ndia
#he foods category in -M'9 is gaining popularity with a swing of launches by H88,
/#', 9odrej, and others #his category has )@ major brands, aggregating Rs 4,<1? crore
Eestle and &mul slug it out in the powders segment #he food category has also seen
innovations like softies in ice creams, chapattis by H88, ready to eat rice by H88 and
pizzas by both 9'MM- and 9odrej (illsbury #his category seems to have faster
development than the stagnating personal care category &mul, /ndiaJs largest foods
company, has a good presence in the food category with its ice3creams, curd, milk, butter,
cheese, and so on .ritannia also ranks in the top )CC -M'9 brands, dominates the
biscuits category and has launched a series of products at various prices
/n the household care category (like mos%uito repellents), 9odrej and Reckitt are
two players 9oodnight from 9odrej, is worth above Rs ,)? crore, followed by ReckittJs
Morten at Rs )4B crore /n the shampoo category, H88Js 'linic and $un silk make it to
the top )CC, although (I9Js Head and $houlders and (antene are also trying hard to be
positioned on top 'linic is nearly double the size of $un silk
6abur is among the top five -M'9 companies in /ndia and is a herbal specialist
=ith a turnover of Rs )B billion (appro! >$G 4,C million) in ,CC;3,CC<, 6abur has
brands like 6abur &mla, 6abur 'hyawanprash, Aatika, Hajmola and Real &sian (aints is
enjoying a formidable presence in the /ndian sub3continent, $outheast &sia, -ar 7ast,
Middle 7ast, $outh (acific, 'aribbean, &frica and 7urope &sian (aints is /ndiaJs largest
paint company, with a turnover of Rs,,< billion (around >$6 ;)1 million) -orbes
9lobal magazine, >$&, ranked &sian (aints among the ,CC .est $mall 'ompanies in the
'adbury /ndia is the market leader in the chocolate confectionery market with a
?CF market share and is ranked number two in the total food drinks market /ts popular
brands include 'adburyJs 6airy Milk, ; $tar, 7clairs, and 9ems #he Rs);< billion
(>$6 1@C Million) Marico is a leading /ndian group in consumer products and services
in the 9lobal .eauty and =ellness space
#here is a huge growth potential for all the -M'9 companies as the per capita
consumption of almost all products in the country is amongst the lowest in the world
&gain the demand or prospect could be increased further if these companies can change
the consumerJs mindset and offer new generation products 7arlier, /ndian consumers
were using non3branded apparel, but today, clothes of different brands are available and
the same consumers are willing to pay more for branded %uality clothes /tJs the %uality,
promotion and innovation of products, which can drive many sectors
('ROD&C'O( 'O &(7ECER
>nilever was formed through the )B1C merger of 6utch margarine company
Margarine >nie and .ritish soap maker 8ever .rothers #he combination of the two
companies made good sense33they both used the same raw materials, had similar
distribution channels and participated in large3scale marketing of household products /n
the beginning, >nilever had operations in 4C countries, but soon e!panded its reach #he
)B;Cs saw the company focusing on growth by investing in research and new
technologies, while it began e!panding through ac%uisitions in the )B?Cs and )B@Cs
#hese days, >nilever has diversified its product offerings far beyond margarine
and soap #he company controls a supermarketJs worth of brands5 HellmannJs
mayonnaise, -lora and .ecel spreads and yogurt drinks, .reyers ice cream.oursin
cheese, 6ove soap, shampoo, body wash, deodorant and more, (ondJs face products, salad dressings, Knorr soup mi!es, seasonings and sauces, .ertolli sauces,
olive oil and frozen prepared meals, Ragu sauces, L3tips, 8ipton teas, soups and
seasonings (8iptonJs Mellow 8abel is one of the most popular teas in the world) and33
phewN33Karo syrup

Recruitment and selection polic* of &niliver
&pplications and Recruitment 'ontinuous throughout the year
+'ompetency .ased Recruitment2 to ensure outstanding performance
Eew recruits O < F of management strength
Eo specific >niversity or 6epartment preference
Eo minimum 9(&
0nly fully completed forms go through assessment
+#rack Mour $tatus2 online
Aacancies are not announced
/nterviews among +approved2 forms submitted or modified within the last < months
Ma! , more stages after the +approved2 form
0utstanding, proactive students can gain an insight into how we work and
contribute to projects of real importance to our business through internships
/nternships provide a chance to learn about the challenges in your chosen career
area while getting a taste of what itJs like to be part of our team MouJll also benefit from
training, one3to3one mentoring and appraisals with your line manager
>nilever #urkey (roject /nternship (rogram is designed for undergraduates who
have completed 1rd year or master students in their )st year.
/tJs how many of our directors started out and if youJre a final year student or have
graduated within the last two years, youJre eligible to apply
7arly 6evelopment (rogram develops professional skills and competencies
through structured training and on3the3job learning, gained in real jobs with real
responsibility =e also encourage graduates to complete an international assignment in
their early years
First "ounce individuals
>nilever #urkey"s recruitment consists mostly of fresh graduates and people who
have at most , years of full time work e!perience However we sometimes look for
people who have e!perience more than , years but not yet reached a mid3career manager
Mid)career managers
>nilever #urkey"s recruitment consists mostly of fresh graduates and people who
have at most , years of full time work e!perience However we sometimes look for
people who have e!perience more than ; years for some specific mid3career manager
/n line with this strategy, >nilever prefers:has preferred promotion within its own
employees who were developed and prepared into higher levels, however, there has been
a plenty of mid3career recruitment in the past ; years
=e recruit Mid3career managers into senior positions and have career
management processes that ensure your need for challenge, stimulation and both career
and personal development are met
& variety of learning opportunities support your ongoing development, as well as
regular feedback, development and career plans
ntroduction to Procter D @am"le ndia
(rocter I 9amble 'o ((I9) is an &merican company based in 'incinnati, 0hio
that manufactures a wide range of consumer goods /n /ndia (roctor I 9amble has two
subsidiaries5 (I9 Hygiene and Health 'are 8td and (I9 Home (roducts 8td (I9
Hygiene and Health 'are 8imited is one of /ndiaJs fastest growing -ast Moving
'onsumer 9oods 'ompanies with a turnover of more than Rs ;CC crores /t has in its
portfolio famous brands like Aicks I =hisper (I9 Home (roducts 8imited deals in
-abric 'are segment and Hair 'are segment /t has in its kitty global brands such as &riel
and #ide in the -abric 'are segment, and Head I $houlders, (antene, and Rejoice in the
Hair 'are segment
(rocter I 9ambleJs relationship with /ndia started in )B;) when Aicks (roduct
/nc /ndia, a branch of Aicks (roduct /nc >$& entered /ndian market /n )B<4, a public
limited company, Richardson Hindustan 8imited (RH8) was formed which obtained an
/ndustrial 8icense to undertake manufacture of Menthol and de mentholised peppermint
oil and A/'K$ range of products such as Aicks AapoRub, Aicks 'ough 6rops and Aicks
/nhaler /n May )B<?, RH8 introduced 'learsil, then &mericaJs number one pimple cream
in /ndian market /n )B?B, RH8 launches Aicks &ction ;CC and in )B@4 it set up an
&yurvedic Research 8aboratory to address the common ailments of the people such as
cough and cold
/n 0ctober )B@;, RH8 became an affiliate of #he (rocter I 9amble 'ompany, >$& and
its name was changed to (rocter I 9amble /ndia /n )B@B, (rocter I 9amble /ndia
launched =hisper 3 the breakthrough technology sanitary napkin /n )BB), (I9 /ndia
launched &riel detergent /n )BB,, #he (rocter I 9amble 'ompany, >$ increased its
stake in (rocter I 9amble /ndia to ;)F and then to <;F /n )BB1, (rocter I 9amble
/ndia divested the 6etergents business to (rocter I 9amble Home (roducts and started
marketing 0ld $pice .rand of products /n )BBB (rocter I 9amble /ndia 8imited
changed the name of the 'ompany to (rocter I 9amble Hygiene and Health 'are
(I9 Home (roducts 8imited was incorporated as )CCF subsidiary of #he (rocter I
9amble 'ompany, >$& in )BB1 and it launched launches &riel $uper $oaker /n the same
year (rocter I 9amble /ndia divested the 6etergents business to (rocter I 9amble
Home (roducts /n )BB;, (rocter I 9amble Home (roducts entered the Haircare
'ategory with the launch of (antene (ro3A shampoo /n )BB? (rocter I 9amble Home
(roducts launches Head I $houlders shampoo /n ,CCC, (rocter I 9amble Home
(roducts introduced #ide 6etergent (owder 3 the largest selling detergent in the world /n
,CC1, (rocter I 9amble Home (roducts 8imited launched (ampers 3 worldJs number one
selling diaper brand #oday, (roctor I 9amble is the second largest -M'9 company in
/ndia after Hindustan 8ever 8imited
Recruitment and selection procedure of Procter D @am"le
(I9"s Recruitment (rocess is ? steps, and starts with you applying online to one
of current job postings
Find /o"s and +ppl*
#o start the online application process use the -ind Dobs and &pply bar at the top of the
page to search for open positions
!elect Eour Preferred #o" in the /o" 7ist
Mou can view all jobs or you can narrow in on the type job and location *ou prefer by
using the $earch 7ngine
$elect from the Dob 'ategory list to find the function or career path in which you are
$elect from the Dob 8ocation list to identify where you have eligibility to work
then, review the resulting jobs list and find *our preferred #o" 'lick the actual Dob title
to go to the Dob description and the +&pply 0nline2 button
'arefully read the description of the job or internship or course:seminar that is posted so
you can choose #H7 job that best fits your aspirations and interests$
Review the Personal Data Privac* !tatement
(I9 is legally obliged to obtain your authorization to collect and process your personal
data =e therefore ask you to review our (ersonal 6ata (rivacy $tatement /f you decide
you are not ready to submit your application to (I9 after viewing our job listings,
simply e!it the page before logging in Eo record will be kept on your acceptance of the
(ersonal 6ata (rivacy $tatement in such a case
Complete the Online +pplication
#o best secure and manage your personal record, it is important you set up and maintain
one >ser Eame and 0ne 7mail &ddress uni%ue only to you Mour email address allows us
to communicate with you throughout the recruitment process Mou will also be asked for
your personal and educational data, your resume:'A and any attachments you feel
important to share (lease have your resume:'A available electronically so it is easy for
you to copy I paste into the online application form 6epending on the job, you may also
be asked to answer %uestions relevant to the posting >pon submission of your
application, you will receive a notification of receipt
Complete the On)7ine +ssessment
&fter completing the online application you may be asked to complete an online
assessment with multiple choice %uestions Mour replies to our online assessment tell us
about your skills and interests and begin to create a better picture of who you are and how
you might contribute within our company
.ased on the information you provide both in your online application and via the online
assessment, we can make an informed decision on whether your skills meet the
re%uirements of the job you chose, and whether (I9 is the best environment to utilize
your talents and achieve your goals /f your skills and interests are a good fit at this stage
of our recruitment process, we will invite you to take our (roblem $olving #est
'a:e the Reasoning 'est
#he Reasoning #est is the ne!t step along the way for those going forward Mou will be
invited to complete the test at a specified location =e would like to offer you a (ractice
#est that will help you get used to the kind of problems on the test and the speed at which
you will need to work
nterview with PD@
#he /nterviews are an opportunity for us to learn more about you and for you to learn
more about us =eJll ask you %uestions that will give us an insight into your capabilities
and personality #he %uestions are focused around seeing if you have the characteristics
we feel are important to succeed at (I9 /f you are invited to an interview, prepare by
thinking about your e!periences 6uring your interview process, you will be invited to a
(I9 site so you can find out more about who we are, what we do and how we do it
MouJll meet with a panel of (I9 people who will conduct the interviews, answer your
specific %uestions about the work, and introduce you to the environment inside (I9 Mou
will also be introduced to the responsibilities you should e!pect in your (I9 job &fter
the interviews, weJll determine whether or not to offer you a job at (I9
/t is very important to have efficient HR department in any organization in order
to achieve its targets rightly =e all know recruitment and selection of employees plays a
very important role in the growth of any organization as they can be an asset to the
organization as well as a liability for an organization $o it is important that an
organization should have a good HR department so that right type of employees are
selected for right job
&s good as is the recruitment and selection process the selection of employees
becomes easier and best out of the total applicants gets selected #his is a very lengthy
process which includes lots of hard work done by the HR people #hey are the one who
gather information regarding how much staff is re%uired in which branch and decides the
criteria on the basis of which people are being selected, who will become strength of the
More and more people these days have started involving themselves in this field
as it creates tremendous job opportunities for them /t is a steady, diverse and a highly
profitable industry where a person can do a lot of work #he jobs in this field range from
sales and supply chain, investment, promotion, HR development and general
management /# also allows you to trade directly with the various traders online
#he entire are learning organization to some e!tent as it focuses on enhancing its
system to continually increate the organizations capacity for performance #hey also have
built a strong foundation for consistent sustainable growth with clear strategies and room
to grow in each strategic focus area, core strengths in the industry, and a uni%ue
organizational structure that leverages strengths
&n organizations ability to meet the recruitment and selection challenges provides
an opportunity to make significant contribution to the company =ith better %uality
people e!ecuting the company"s operations the HR department can create a competitive
advantage for the company
/n light of the research conducts, these organization are e!tremely format,
organized, deducted and %uality conscious organization /t has very formalized structure
for the recruitment and selection of employees
&ll these organization have a uni%ue human resource management system where
if focusses on bringing out it best of its employees through continuous hard work and
) Michael Aaz I Meeta $eta, Human Resource Management
, $unny -ernandez, Human Resource Management
) wwwgooglecom
, wwwwikipediacom
1 wwwunilivercom

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