Mac Alister

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The Highlands, Scotland, 110
Donald !ac"lister didn#t die eas$% The old &an 'ought to sta$ ali(e )ith
e(er$ ounce o' strength and e(er$ *ound o' stu++ornness he *ossessed%
Though he should ha(e )elco&ed death as an end to the terri+le *ain and
anguish he )as enduring, he )ouldn#t gi(e in to his su,ering $et, 'or there
)as still the &ost i&*ortant legac$ o' all to *ass do)n +e'ore he could
close his e$es and rest%
His legac$ )as hate% The laird )as consu&ed +$ hatred 'or his ene&$% He
needed to see his son +urn )ith the 'e(er 'or re(enge, and until he )as
certain the +o$ understood the i&*ortance o' righting the terri+le )rong
done this dar- da$, he )ould continue to .ght death% "nd so he clung to
li'e and to his son#s hand, so s&all and 'ragile in his +ig, leather$ one, his
+lac- e$es +oring into those o' his onl$ li(ing heir, )hile the old &an
instructed hi& in his sacred dut$%
/"(enge &e, Connor !ac"lister% Ta-e &$ hatred into $our heart, *rotect it,
nurture it, and )hen $ou#(e gro)n older and stronger, use &$ s)ord to
sla$ &$ ene&ies% I cannot die in *eace until $ou#(e gi(en &e $our )ord
$ou#ll a(enge this e(il deed done to &e and &ine% Pro&ise &e, +o$%/
/0es, 1ather,/ Connor 'er(entl$ (o)ed% /I )ill a(enge $ou%/
/Do $ou +urn )ith the 'e(er 'or re(enge2/
/I do%/
Donald nodded )ith content&ent% He )as .nall$ at *eace, and i' he li(ed
long enough to gi(e his son directions 'or his 'uture, that )as all )ell and
good3 +ut i' the next +reath he dre) )ere to +e his last, that )ould +e
acce*ta+le to hi& too, +ecause he -ne) his son )ould .nd a )a$ to do
)hat he &ust% Connor had alread$ *ro(en to +e highl$ intelligent, and his
'ather had co&*lete 'aith in hi&%
#T)as a *it$ Donald !ac"lister )ouldn#t +e around to see his son gro) into
&anhood, +ut )ith a +ro-en leg and a 'air-si4ed hole near his +ell$, he
-ne) ho) 'oolish it )as to )ish 'or i&*ossi+le things% God )as *ro(ing
&erci'ul, ho)e(er% The *ain had eased considera+l$ in the *ast 'e)
&inutes, and a +lessed nu&+ness )as stealing u* 'ro& his 'eet to his
/1ather, gi(e &e the na&es o' the &en )ho did this to $ou%/
/#T)as the 5aerns )ho attac-ed% The$ ca&e do)n 'ro& the north and 'ro&
too 'ar a)a$ to )ant our land% The$#re +lood related to the !acNares,
though, and I#(e a sus*icion their laird had a hand in this e(il% !acNare#s
al)a$s +een a greed$ one% He#ll ne(er +e content% 0ou#d +est -ill hi&
+e'ore he causes $ou trou+le, or his lust 'or &ore land )ill +ring hi& to
$our doorste*% Don#t act in haste,/ he cautioned% /Neither the 5aerns nor
the !acNares are cunning enough to ha(e *lanned this +oldness% The$
&ust ha(e acted under directions 'ro& another% I don#t -no) )ho the
traitor is, +ut $ou#ll .nd out% #Tis &$ 'eeling the ene&$ hails 'ro& )ithin%/
/6ne o' our o)n +etra$ed $ou2/ Connor )as stunned +$ the *ossi+ilit$%
/Since $esterda$ e(e )hen the$ attac-ed, I#(e +een considering that
*ossi+ilit$% The 5aerns ca&e in through *assages onl$ &$ 'ollo)ers -ne)
a+out% The$ ne(er )ould ha(e 'ound the entrances )ithout direction%
There#s a traitor all right, and it )ill +e $our dut$ to 'erret hi& out% He#s
one o' us, Connor, o' that I#& certain% God )illing, he#s singing the death
rattle e(en no) on &$ o)n +attle.eld% 0ou#ll +ide $our ti&e until $ou ha(e
all the na&es% Then )rea- (engeance u*on all o' those still li(ing%
Consider -illing their sons as )ell, +o$%/
/I )ill, 1ather% I#ll destro$ all o' the&%/
Donald#s gri* on his son#s hand tightened% /This +e &$ .nal lesson to $ou%
Watch &e die and learn ho) to li(e as a )arrior% When $ou lea(e &e, go to
the *ath in the 'orest% "ngus )aits there to gi(e $ou instructions 'or $our
i&&ediate 'uture%/
The laird )aited until his son nodded his agree&ent +e'ore s*ea-ing
again% /7oo- around $ou and tell &e )hat $ou see% Is it all gone2/
Connor stared at the destruction surrounding hi&, silentl$ )ee*ing )ith
anguish% The stench o' +urning )ood and 'resh +lood &ade his sto&ach
/The -ee* is in ruins, +ut I#ll re+uild%/
/"$e, $ou )ill% 0ou &ust &a-e $our 'ortress in(inci+le% 7earn 'ro& &$
&ista-es, Connor%/
/I )ill &a-e &$ -ee* stronger%/
/What o' &$ lo$al &en2/
/!ost are dead%/
The des*air in the +o$#s (oice )ashed o(er the laird, and he i&&ediatel$
tried to reassure hi&% /Their sons )ill co&e +ac-% The$#ll )ear $our colors
and clai& $our na&e% The$#ll 'ollo) $ou as their 'athers 'ollo)ed &e% The
ti&e dra)s near 'or $ou to lea(e% Wra* a cloth tight around and around
$our in8ur$ to ste& the +lood +e'ore $ou stand, or &ore )ill +e lost )ith
each ste* $ou ta-e% Do it no) )hile I rest +eside $ou%/
Connor hurried to o+e$ his 'ather#s co&&and, though he didn#t +elie(e his
in8ur$ )as signi.cant enough to &erit *rotection% !ost o' the +lood
co(ering his +od$ )as 'ro& his 'ather#s )ounds, not his o)n%
/0ou#ll ha(e a scar to re&ind $ou o' this +lac- da$,/ Donald *redicted%
/I need no re&inder% I )on#t 'orget%/
/No, $ou )on#t 'orget% Does it *ain $ou2/
Donald grunted )ith a**ro(al% The +o$ had ne(er +een a co&*lainer, a
'act his 'ather 'ound &ost *leasing% He had all the &a-ings o' a &ight$
/Ho) old are $ou, +o$2/
/Nine or ten $ears no),/ he ans)ered%
/I#& thin-ing $ou &ight +e older or $ounger% 0our si4e tells &e $ou#re still a
+o$, +ut $our e$es ha(e turned into those o' a &an% I see the +right .re o'
'ur$ there, and I a& *leased +$ $ou%/
/I could ta-e $ou )ith &e%/
/0ou )ill not drag a dead &an +ehind $ou%/
/Do $our in8uries *ain $ou, 1ather2/
/#Tis the truth I don#t 'eel an$thing no)% I see& to ha(e gone nu&+% "
+lessed )a$ to die, I#& thin-ing% So&e &en )ould not +e as 'ortunate%/
/I )ould sta$ )ith $ou i' $ou9/
/0ou#ll lea(e )hen I co&&and $ou to lea(e,/ his 'ather ordered% /0ou#ll
sa(e $oursel' so $ou#ll +e a+le to -ee* $our *ro&ises to &e% The ene&$
has le't, +ut &a-e no &ista-e, the$#ll co&e +ac- to .nish it%/
/We ha(e ti&e, 1ather% The sun is still high, and the ene&$ dragged $our
+arrels o' )ine )ith the&% The$#ll +e too thic-headed to co&e +ac- +e'ore
/Then $ou &a$ linger a &o&ent &ore,/ his 'ather conceded%
/Will "ngus send &e to Eu*he&ia to tell her )hat ha**ened2/
/He )ill not% 0ou )ill not tell that )o&an an$thing%/
/:ut she#s $our )i'e%/
/!$ second )i'e,/ he corrected% /Ne(er trust a )o&an, Connor% #Tis
'oolhard$ to do so% Eu*he&ia )ill .nd out )hat ha**ened )hen she
returns )ith her son, ;aen% I )ant $ou to +e )ell a)a$ 'ro& here +$ then% I
)on#t ha(e $ou trained +$ her relati(es% The$#re all leeches%/
Connor nodded so his 'ather )ould -no) he understood, and then as-ed,
/Did $ou trust &$ &other2/
Donald heard the )orr$ in his son#s (oice and thought it )as *ro+a+l$ his
dut$ to gi(e hi& a -ind re&e&+rance o' his &other% Still, the +o$ needed
to hear the truth, and 'or that reason, he didn#t so'ten his ans)er, +ut
s*o-e 'ro& his heart%
/I did trust her, and anguish )as the result% I lo(ed $our &other% She )as
&$ o)n s)eet, +onn$ Isa+elle, and ho) )as I re*aid 'or &$ generosit$2
She u* and died on &e, that#s ho), +rea-ing &$ heart and lea(ing &e
desolate% 7earn 'ro& &$ 'oll$ and sa(e $oursel' the heartache% I ne(er
should ha(e &arried again<I reali4e that no)<+ut I a& a *ractical &an
a+o(e all else, and I -ne) I needed heirs to 'ollo) a'ter &e in the e(ent
so&ething 'oul ha**ened to $ou% Still, it )as a &ista-e% Eu*he&ia alread$
had one son 'ro& her *ast &arriage, and one child )as all she )as
ca*a+le o' carr$ing% She did tr$ though%/
Donald *aused to gather his thoughts +e'ore continuing% /I couldn#t lo(e
Eu*he&ia, or an$ other )o&an% Ho) could I, a'ter )hat &$ o)n s)eet
Isa+elle had done to &e2 Still, I shouldn#t ha(e ignored $our ste*&other% It
)asn#t her 'ault I couldn#t care a+out her% 0ou &ust tr$ to &a-e u* 'or &$
)rong% Tr$ to honor her and *ut u* )ith her *a&*ered son% ;e&e&+er,
$our .rst lo$alt$ &ust +e to $our o)n%/
/I#ll re&e&+er% Where )ill "ngus send &e2 There is ti&e 'or $ou to tell
&e,/ he *ersisted% He )as deli+eratel$ stalling so that he )ould ha(e a
'e) &ore &inutes )ith his 'ather% /"ngus could ha(e +een -illed +e'ore he
reached the 'orest%/
/It )ould not &atter% Do $ou thin- I )ould entrust such i&*ortant orders to
onl$ one &an2 I#& not 'oolish% I told others )hat )as to +e done%/
/7et &e hear the co&&and 'ro& &$ laird%/
Donald relented% /There#s onl$ one &an I trust, and $ou &ust go to hi&%
Tell hi& )hat too- *lace here toda$%/
/Do I tell hi& e(er$thing $ou ha(e told &e2/
/Do I trust hi&2/
/0ou do,/ he re*lied% /He#ll -no) )hat#s to +e done% 0ou &ust see- his
*rotection .rst, then order hi& to train $ou in his i&age% De&and $our
right, +o$% Pledge that $ou#ll +e his +rother until the da$ $ou die% He )on#t
'ail $ou% Go no)% Go to "lec 5incaid%/
Connor )as stunned +$ the order% /He#s $our hated ene&$, 1ather% 0ou
cannot &ean to send &e to hi&%/
/I do &ean to,/ his 'ather re*lied in a hard, un$ielding (oice% /"lec 5incaid
has +eco&e the &ost *o)er'ul 'orce in all the Highlands% He#s also a good
and honora+le &an, and $ou need his strength%/
Connor )as still ha(ing di=cult$ acce*ting the dut$ his 'ather had 8ust
thrust u*on hi&% He couldn#t sto* hi&sel' 'ro& &a-ing another *rotest%
/:ut $ou )arred against hi&%/
Donald sur*rised his son +$ s&iling% / #Tis the truth I did% !$ heart )asn#t
in the .ght, though% 5incaid -ne) that% I tested hi& sorel$ and a& *roud
to sa$ I )as the nagging thorn in his side% 6ur lands connect to the east,
and so it )as a natural inclination o' &ine to ta-e so&e o' his% He )ouldn#t
let &e ha(e it, o' course% Still, he understood% Had he not, all o' us )ould
+e dead +$ no)%/
/He is that *o)er'ul2/
/He is% :e sure to sho) hi& &$ s)ord% 7ea(e the +lood u*on the +lade so
5incaid )ill see it%/
/1ather, none o' the !ac"listers )ill 'ollo) &e i' I go to their ene&$%/
/0ou )ill do as I co&&and,/ his 'ather said% /0ou#re too $oung to
understand, and so $ou &ust trust &$ 8udg&ent% I )ant $our *ro&ise that
$ou )ill go to 5incaid no)%/
/0es, 1ather%/
Donald nodded% /The ti&e has co&e 'or $ou to +id &e good+$e% We#(e
dallied long enough, and I#(e *ut o, d$ing 'or as long as I dare% E(en no) I
can 'eel &$sel' sli**ing into slee*%/
Connor tried, +ut he couldn#t see& to &a-e hi&sel' let go o' his 'ather#s
/I )ill &iss $ou,/ he )his*ered%
/"nd I, $ou%/
/I lo(e $ou, 1ather%/
/Warriors do not s*ea- o' such 'eelings% I lo(e $ou too, son, +ut I )on#t +e
telling $ou so%/
He s>uee4ed Connor#s hand as a )a$ o' so'tening his re+u-e, and .nall$
closed his e$es% He )as read$ to let death ha(e hi&, 'or he had seen the
.re +urning +right in Connor#s e$es, and he -ne) he )ould +e a(enged%
What &ore could a 'ather as-2
Donald !ac"lister died a 'e) &inutes later, still clinging to his son#s hand%
He died as he had li(ed, )ith honor, dignit$, and on his o)n stu++orn
Connor lingered +$ his 'ather#s side 'or as long as he could, until he heard
so&eone )his*ering to hi& 'ro& +ehind% He turned to see a $oung soldier
struggling to sit u*% Connor couldn#t re&e&+er his na&e, and 'ro& the
distance se*arating the&, he couldn#t tell ho) serious his in8uries )ere% He
&otioned to the soldier to sta$ )here he )as, then turned +ac- to his
'ather% He *ic-ed u* the s)ord resting on his chest, +o)ed his head in
*ra$er 'or his 'ather#s soul, and then cra)led a)a$, clutching the
treasured s)ord to his heart% He eased o(er hot, glo)ing e&+ers that
+listered his ar&s and the +lood$ re&ains o' 'riends, )hich &ade his e$es
.ll )ith tears%
He .nall$ reached the &an )ho had called out to hi& and disco(ered the
soldier )asn#t 'ull$ gro)n u*, a'ter all% Wh$, he couldn#t +e &ore than t)o
or three $ears older than Connor%
Than-'ull$, he re&e&+ered the soldier#s na&e +e'ore reaching hi&%
/Cris*in, I thought $ou dead% ;oll onto $our +ac- so I &a$ tend $our
in8uries, or $ou )ill surel$ die%/
/There isn#t ti&e% The$ ca&e here to -ill +oth $our 'ather and $ou, Connor%
"$e, that )as their *ur*ose% I heard one o' the +astards +oast o' it to
another% 7ea(e +e'ore the$ co&e +ac- and reali4e the$#(e 'ailed%/
/The ene&$ rests no)% The$ )on#t co&e +ac- until the )ine the$ drin-
)ears o,% Do as I co&&and $ou to do%/
Cris*in slo)l$ rolled o(er, (isi+l$ gri&acing o(er the *ain the &o(e&ent
/Is $our 'ather dead2/
/0es,/ Connor ans)ered% /He li(ed long enough to tell &e )hat I &ust do%
He died in *eace%/
Cris*in +egan to )ee*% /!$ laird is dead%/
/Na$, Cris*in% 0our laird -neels +e'ore $ou%/
Connor )ouldn#t allo) hi& to argue )ith hi&, or laugh o(er his +oast, +ut
ga(e hi& dut$ u*on dut$ )hile he +andaged hi&% He told the soldier ho)
he could hel* to re*a$ their ene&$ 'or this atrocit$, and )hen Connor )as
.nished +inding his )ound, he had gi(en the soldier so&ething &ore
*o)er'ul than anguish to .ll his &ind and his heart% He had gi(en hi&
"lthough it )as di=cult +ecause o' his si4e, Connor e(entuall$ dragged
Cris*in to sa'et$% He hid hi& a)a$ in the 'orest, )ell-*rotected +$ thic-
+ranches, and )ent +ac- to the destruction t)ice &ore to drag out t)o
others% 6ne )as "ngus, the lo$al soldier to )ho& his 'ather had entrusted
the dut$ o' instructing his son% The other )as a +o$ Connor#s age called
?uinlan, )ho had onl$ 8ust arri(ed to +egin his training the )ee- +e'ore%
His in8uries )ere se(ere, and he )as in such *ain, he +egged to +e le't
alone% Connor )as dea' to his *leas%
/I decide )hen $ou die, ?uinlan, not $ou%/
The +o$ sto**ed struggling and e(en tried to hel*%
Connor des*eratel$ )anted to go +ac- again and again to search 'or &ore,
+ut the ene&$ had decided to return +e'ore night'all, and e(en no) he
could see the shado)s their horses &ade on the rise +elo)% He -ne) he
couldn#t chance +eing disco(ered% He still needed enough ti&e to re&o(e
the trail he#d &ade% He i&&ediatel$ set a+out doing 8ust that, and once he
)as satis.ed the three he#d hidden a)a$ )ould not +e 'ound, he *ro&ised
to +ring hel* and ordered the& to sta$ ali(e%
He )as .nall$ read$ to do his 'ather#s +idding% He rode his 'aith'ul &ount
hal' the distance to 5incaid land, +ut )hen he reached the stee* ledges,
he le't the horse +ehind and cli&+ed o(er the roc- so that he could
shorten the )a$%
6nce he reached the @ats again, he +egan to run% He &o(ed o(er the land
)ith the s*eed o' a $oung +uc- 'or short s*urts, and )hen exhaustion
&ade his legs too )ea- to continue the grueling *ace, he used his 'ather#s
s)ord and sca++ard as his cane and slo)ed to a )al- until he )as a+le to
regain his strength again% He )asn#t (er$ strong $et, +ut his
deter&ination )as that o' ten gro)n &en% He )ould not 'ail his 'ather%
Connor 'elt nothing no), not the cold or the *ain or the terri+le loss% His
&ind )as 'ocused on one thought% He had to get to "lec 5incaid% Pledging
his lo$alt$ to the laird )as the .rst ste* he &ust ta-e to 'ul.ll his 'ather#s
)ishes, and Connor )ouldn#t let an$one or an$thing sto* hi&%
He lost trac- o' ti&e, and dar-ness )as 'ast a**roaching% The s-$ )as
+right no) )ith hundreds o' orange strea-s 'ro& the sun#s too->uic-
descent +ehind the t)in *ea-s directl$ ahead o' hi&, +ut in a 'e) &inutes,
those +rilliant +anners )ould also +e gone% His des*eration &ounted )ith
each ste* he too-% He had to reach 5incaid +e'ore night closed in on hi&
+ecause he -ne) he )ould ne(er +e a+le to .nd his )a$ in the dar-% I' he
continued in dar-ness, he ran the ris- o' going in circles, or )orse,
+ac-trac-ing the distance he#d alread$ co(ered%
He could not 'ail% He started running again% He thought he )as close to the
+order +et)een his 'ather#s land and 5incaid#s, $et he couldn#t +e
a+solutel$ certain% "nd then he heard shouts to halt 'ro& soldiers running
to)ard hi&, +ut in his con'usion he thought the ene&$ had chased hi&
do)n and &eant to -ill hi& +e'ore he could -ee* his *ro&ises to his
'ather% He staggered on until he couldn#t ta-e another ste*%
Dear God, he#d 'ailed% He hadn#t e(en +egun $et and no) he had 'ailed%
5incaid )as the +eginning o' his 'uture, +ut Connor )asn#t e(en strong
enough to get to hi&%
/Can $ou s*ea-, lad2 Can $ou tell us )hat ha**ened to $ou2 0ou#re
co(ered in +lood%/
The soldiers surrounding hi& )ere all )earing 5incaid#s colors% "s that 'act
registered in Connor#s &ind, his legs ga(e out, and he )ent do)n hard on
his -nees% He )anted to close his e$es 'or 8ust a &o&ent, +ut he didn#t
dare% Not $et% He couldn#t slee* until he had s*o-en to 5incaid% He needed
to tell hi& )hat ha**ened% He could trust hi&9 He &ust9
He shoo- his head, tr$ing to clear his thoughts, and then too- a dee*
+reath, thre) +ac- his head, and shouted, /Ta-e &e to &$ +rother%/
/Who is $our +rother, lad2/ one o' the sentries as-ed%
/:$ &$ 'ather#s co&&and, 'ro& this da$ 'or)ard "lec 5incaid is &$
+rother% He )ill not den$ &e%/
It )as all right to close his e$es no)% He had 'ul.lled the .rst o' his 'ather#s
de&ands% The rest )ould co&e as soon as he had s*o-en to 5incaid% He
)ould tell hi& )here he#d hidden the in8ured soldiers, co&&and that he go
and get the&9 and he )ould tell his +rother so &uch &ore9
Connor#s last thought +e'ore he lost consciousness ga(e hi& *eace% His
'ather )ould +e a(enged%
"nd so it +egan%
Cha*ter 1
Contents - Pre( A Next
England, 110B
It )asn#t lo(e at .rst sight%
7ad$ :renna didn#t )ant to +e *resented to co&*an$% She had 'ar &ore
i&*ortant things to do )ith her da$% Her nurse&aid, a dour-'aced )o&an
)ith God'earing )a$s and )ith clu&*ed together, *rotruding 'ront teeth,
)ouldn#t listen to her argu&ents, ho)e(er% She cornered :renna in the
+ac- o' the sta+les and lunged 'or)ard% Ne(er one to let an o**ortunit$ or
a little girl sli* *ast her, the nurse&aid lectured her charge all the )a$ u*
the hill and across the &udd$ court$ard%
/?uit $our s>uir&ing, :renna% I#& stronger than $ou are, and I#& not a+out
to let go% 0ou#(e lost $our shoes again, ha(en#t $ou2 "nd don#t dare lie to
&e% I
can see $our stoc-ings *ee-ing out% Wh$ are $ou dragging that +ridle
+ehind $ou2/
:renna li'ted her shoulders in a shrug% /I 'orgot to *ut it +ac-%/
/Dro* it this &inute% 0ou#re al)a$s 'orgetting, and do $ou -no) )h$2/
/I don#t *a$ attention to )hat I#& doing, li-e $ou tell &e to, Els*eth%/
/0ou don#t *a$ attention to an$thing I tell $ou, and that#s a 'act% 0ou#re
&ore trou+le than all the others *ut together% 0our older +rothers and
sisters ha(e ne(er gi(en &e a &o&ent#s )orr$% E(en $our +a+$ sister
-no)s ho) to +eha(e hersel', and she#s still suc-ing on her .ngers and
)etting hersel'% I#& )arning $ou, :renna, i' $ou don#t change $our )a$s
and gi(e $our *arents a little *eace, God hi&sel' )ill ha(e to sto* His
i&*ortant )or- and co&e do)n here to tal- to $ou% Cust ho) are $ou going
to 'eel a+out that2 0ou don#t li-e it &uch )hen $our *a*a has to sit $ou
do)n on his -nee and tal- to $ou a+out $our sha&e'ul +eha(ior, no) do
/No, Els*eth% I surel$ don#t li-e it% I tr$ to +eha(e% I reall$ do%/
She *ee-ed u* to see i' the nurse&aid +elie(ed she )as contrite% She
)asn#t, o' course, +ecause she reall$ didn#t +elie(e she#d done an$thing
)rong, +ut Els*eth )ouldn#t understand%
/Don#t $ou +at those +ig +lue e$es at &e, $oung lad$% I don#t +elie(e
$ou#re the least +it sincere% 7ord, +ut $ou s&ell% What ha(e $ou gotten
:renna lo)ered her head and -e*t >uiet% She#d +een chasing a'ter the
*iglets 8ust an hour +e'ore, until the tanner *ut their &a&a +ac- in the
*en, and her *eculiar stench )as 8ust a s&all *rice to *a$ 'or all the 'un
she#d had%
Her torture had onl$ 8ust +egun% E(en though she had had a +ath t)o da$s
+e'ore, she )as +athed again, and in the &iddle o' the da$, o' all ti&es%
She )as scru++ed 'ro& head to toe, and so thoroughl$, she had to cr$
a+out it% Els*eth )asn#t at all s$&*athetic to her )ails, and :renna
e(entuall$ got tired o' cr$ing% She +arel$ struggled at all )hile Els*eth
dressed her in a +lue go)n and too-tight &atching sli**ers% Her chee-s
)ere *inched hard 'or color3 her )hite +lond tangles )ere +rushed into
curls, and she )as then dragged +ac- do)n to the hall% She )ould ha(e to
*ass her &other#s ins*ection +e'ore she could +e le't alone%
Her oldest sister, !atilda, )as alread$ seated at the ta+le )ith her &other%
Coo- )as there, too, going o(er su**er arrange&ents )ith her &istress%
/I don#t )ant to &eet no co&*an$ toda$, !a&a% It#s sorel$ )eariso&e 'or
Els*eth ca&e u* +ehind her and *o-ed her in the shoulder% /Hush no)% 0ou
&ustn#t co&*lain% God doesn#t li-e )o&en )ho co&*lain%/
/Pa*a co&*lains all the ti&e and God li-es hi& 8ust .ne,/ :renna
announced% /That#s )h$ Pa*a#s so +ig% 6nl$ God is +igger than he is%/
/Where did $ou hear such nonsense2/
/Pa*a told &e so% I )ant to go outside no)% I )on#t run a'ter the *iglets
again% I *ro&ise%/
/0ou#re sta$ing right )here I can -ee* &$ e$e on $ou% 0ou#re going to
+eha(e $oursel' toda$% I' $ou don#t, $ou -no) )hat )ill ha**en to $ou,
don#t $ou2/
:renna *ointed to the ground% /I#ll ha(e to go do)n there%/ She duti'ull$
re*eated the threat she#d heard o(er and o(er again%
The little girl didn#t ha(e an$ idea )hat )as#do)n there,# she onl$ -ne) it
)as a)'ul and she didn#t )ant to go there% "ccording to Els*eth, i' :renna
didn#t change her sorr$ )a$s, she )as ne(er going to get into hea(en, and
8ust a+out e(er$one, including her 'a&il$, )anted to go there%
She -ne) exactl$ )here hea(en )as, +ecause her *a*a had gi(en her
exact directions% It )as right on the other side o' the s-$%
She thought she &ight li-e it, +ut reall$ didn#t care% 6nl$ one thing )as
i&*ortant to her no)% She )asn#t a+out to +e le't +ehind again% She still
had night&ares at least once a )ee- o(er )hat her &a&a re'erred to as
/the un'ortunate incidents,/ +ecause the terri'$ing &e&ories )ere still
lur-ing in the +ac- o' her &ind, )here e(er$one -ne) all little girls tuc-ed
a)a$ their )orries, 8ust )aiting 'or the right o**ortunit$ to 8u&* out in the
dar- and scare her% Her screa&s )ould )a-e her sister, o' course% While
Els*eth )as +us$ soothing +a+$ 1aith, :renna )ould drag her +lan-et to
her *arents# cha&+er% When her *a*a )as a)a$ 'ro& ho&e doing
i&*ortant )or- the -ing could gi(e onl$ to so&eone as trust)orth$ and
lo$al as he )as, she#d snea- into the +ig +ed and cuddle u* next to her
&a&a, and )hen her *a*a )as ho&e, she#d slee* on the cold @oor right
next to Courage, his +eauti'ul sil(er-handled s)ord, )hich !a&a s)ore he
lo(ed al&ost as &uch as his children% She 'elt sa'est )hen her *a*a )as
there, +ecause his loud snores al)a$s lulled her +ac- to slee*% De&ons
didn#t tr$ to cra)l in through the )indo), and night&ares a+out +eing le't
+ehind didn#t (isit her )hen she )as )ith her *arents% The$ )ouldn#t dare%
/Please tell :renna to -ee* her &outh shut )hen co&*an$ arri(es,
!other%/ !atilda re>uested% /She shouts e(er$ )ord% She does it on
*ur*ose% When )ill she sto*2/
/Soon, dear, soon,/ her &other re*lied al&ost a+sent&indedl$%
:renna &o(ed a)a$ 'ro& her sister% !atilda )as +oss$ +$ nature, +ut no)
that their +rothers )ere a)a$ learning ho) to +e as i&*ortant as their
*a*a 'or their -ing, her condition had )orsened% She )as +eco&ing as
+otherso&e as Els*eth%
:renna#s shoulders slu&*ed% /!a&a, I#& )ear$ o' e(er$+od$ telling &e
)hat to do all the ti&e% Doesn#t an$+od$ li-e &e 2
Her &other )asn#t in the &ood to *lacate her daughter%
/:renna, do not sa$ another )ord until $ou are gi(en *er&ission to
Els*eth &o(ed 'or)ard to o,er her o*inion% / #Tis &$ 'ear $ou#ll ne(er
catch a hus+and 'or that one, &ilad$%/
:renna *ut her hands o(er her ears and ran across the roo&% She hated it
)hen the nurse&aid re'erred to her as /that one%/ She )asn#t one o' the
*iglets, a'ter all%
/I#ll catch a hus+and +$ &$sel'D/ :renna shouted%
Coan )al-ed into the hall in ti&e to hear her sister#s +oast%
/What ha(e $ou done this ti&e, :renna2/
/Tell &e )hat $ou#(e done% I *ro&ise I )on#t lecture $ou%/
/I sassed !a&a% Did Pa*a catch $our hus+and 'or $ou, Coan2/
/Catch a hus+and2/ she as-ed% She didn#t laugh, +ecause she -ne) she#d
in8ure :renna#s tender 'eelings, +ut she couldn#t sto* hersel' 'ro& s&iling%
/I su**ose he did,/ Coan ad&itted%
/Did $ou hel*2
/No% I#ll &eet &$ hus+and on the da$ I &arr$ hi&%/
/"ren#t $ou scared he#s ugl$2/
/What he loo-s li-e )on#t &atter% Pa*a assures &e it#s a strong alliance%/
/Is that good2/
/6h, $es% 6ur 5ing has gi(en his a**ro(al
/;achel sa$s $ou ha(e to lo(e $our hus+and )ith $our )hole heart%/
/That#s onl$ a 'oolish )ish%/
/Els*eth sa$s Pa*a )on#t e(er .nd an$one 'or &e% She sa$s Pa*a#s too
+us$ 'or the li-es o' &e% I ha(e to catch one +$ &$sel'% Will $ou hel* &e2/
Coan s&iled% /I can see this is )orr$ing $ou% I#ll +e ha**$ to hel*%/
/Ho) do I get one2/ :renna )his*ered%
Coan *retended to consider the &atter 'or a long &inute +e'ore she
/I i&agine $ou select the &an $ou )ant and then $ou as- hi& to &arr$
$ou% I' he li(es 'ar a)a$, $ou &ust send a &essenger to hi&% 0es, that
)ould +e ho) $ou )ould do it% Wh$ are )e )his*ering2/
/!a&a told &e not to tal-%/
Coan +urst into laughter% The noise alerted Els*eth, )ho i&&ediatel$
rushed o(er%
/Please don#t encourage her, 7ad$ Coan% :renna, $ou )ere told to -ee*
>uiet% Doesn#t that &outh o' $ours e(er rest2/
/I#& sorr$, Els*eth%/
The nurse&aid snorted in dis+elie'% /No, $ou#re not sorr$%/ She &o(ed
closer, )agged her .nger in 'ront o' :renna#s 'ace, and said, /6ne o' these
da$s God#s going to &arch in here and lecture $ou sound, $oung lad$%
!ar- &$ )ords% 0ou#ll +e sorr$ then% He doesn#t li-e little girls )ho sass%/
Els*eth .nall$ le't her alone% :renna 'ell aslee* )aiting 'or co&*an$ to
arri(e% Her sister ;achel shoo- her a)a-e and *ulled her along to stand
)ith her older sisters%
:renna hid +ehind ;achel until her na&e )as called and she )as dragged
out 'or dis*la$% She )as suddenl$ 'eeling too sh$ to loo- u* at the
co&*an$, and as soon as her *a*a .nished +ragging a+out her, she
&o(ed +ehind her sister again%
None o' the strangers *aid an$ attention to her, so she decided to snea-
out o' the hall )hile she could% She turned around, too- one ste* to)ards
the entrance, and then ca&e to a >uic- sto*%
Three giants strode into the hall% She )as too stunned to &o(e and
couldn#t sto* staring at the&% The one in the &iddle )as taller than the
other t)o, and held her interest the longest% She )atched hi& closel$, and
)hen her *arents crossed the hall to greet the ne)co&ers, she reali4ed he
)as +igger e(en than her o)n *a*a%
She gra++ed hold o' ;achel#s hand and started tugging% Her sister too- a
long ti&e to loo- do)n%
/What is it2/ she )his*ered%
/He isn#t God, is he2/ she as-ed, *ointing to the dar--haired guest%
;achel rolled her e$es hea(en)ard% /No, he &ost certainl$ isn#t God%/
/Did Pa*a lie to &e2 He told &e onl$ God is +igger than he is, ;achel%/
/No, Pa*a didn#t lie% He )as 8ust teasing $ou That#s all% 0ou don#t need to
+e a'raid%/
:renna )as thoroughl$ relie(ed% Pa*a hadn#t decei(ed her a'ter all, and
God hadn#t +othered to con do)n 'ro& hea(en to lecture her% There )as
still ti&e 'or her to change )hat Els*eth told her )as her sin'ul li'e%
Her *a*a#s shout o' laughter dre) her attention She s&iled, +ecause he
)as ha(ing such a .ne ti&e and then turned to loo- at the &iddle one
again She#d +een told ti&e and again that it )as rude stare, +ut she didn#t
o+e$ her &other#s rule no)% The giant &es&eri4ed her and she )anted to
re&e&+er e(er$thing she could a+out hi&%
He &ust ha(e 'elt her staring at hi&, though +ecause he suddenl$ turned
and loo-ed directl$ her%
:renna decided to &a-e her *a*a *roud o' her and +eha(e li-e a *ro*er
$oung lad$% She gra++ed a .st'ul o' her s-irt, hi-ed it u* to her -nees, and
+ent do)n to curts$% She *ro&*tl$ lost her +alance and al&ost hit her
head against the @oor, +ut she )as >uic- enough to lean +ac- so she
could land on her +otto&%
She stood +ac- u*, re&e&+ered to let go o' her s-irts, and *ee-ed u* at
the stranger to see )hat he thought a+out her ne)l$ ac>uired s-ill%
The giant s&iled at her%
"s soon as he loo-ed a)a$, she s>uee4ed hersel' u* against ;achel#s
+ac-side again%
/I#& going to &arr$ hi&,/ she )his*ered%
;achel s&iled% /That#s nice%/
:renna sole&nl$ nodded% 0es, it )as nice%
No) all she had to do )as as-%
Pa*a let his daughters lea(e the hall a 'e) &inutes later% :renna )aited
until e(er$one else had gone u*stairs, then ran +ac- outside% She )as
deter&ined to catch one o' the *iglets toda$ so she )ould .nall$ ha(e a
*et o' her (er$ o)n% She )ould ha(e *re'erred a *u*, +ut *a*a had let her
older +rothers and sisters all ha(e the&, lea(ing none 'or her, and she
&eant to right his terri+le )rong +$ ta-ing one o' the *iglets%
7uc- )as on her side% The *iglets# &a&a had once again le't the *en and
)as no) slee*ing in a &ud *ool on the 'ar side o' the sta+les hal')a$
do)n the hill% :renna tried not to &a-e an$ noise, +ut she sli**ed in the
&ud and &ade a loud s*latter an$)a$% The +a+ies &ust ha(e )orn their
&a&a out% She didn#t e(en li't her head or o*en her e$es% :renna heard
the loud s>uea- o' the 'ront doors +eing o*ened next% :ecause no one
shouted at her, she )as certain she hadn#t +een seen%
The *iglets &ade her tas- eas$, 'or the$ had rolled the&sel(es into little
+alls and )ere slee*ing on to* o' each other% :renna scoo*ed one u* in
the he& o' her s-irts, )ra**ed it u* tight, and clutched it against her
chest% She thought to run to the -itchens and hide her *ri4e there, and she
)as sure she )ould ha(e succeeded )ith her *lan, i' her ne) *et hadn#t
&ade such a 'uss a+out it alt%
:renna didn#t reali4e her 8eo*ard$ until she )as outside the *en and heard
the horri+le noise co&ing to)ards her% Pigs )eren#t su**osed to @$, +ut
the enraged &a&a see&ed to +e doing 8ust that% Her head )ent do)n
)hen she reached the $ard, and she charged 'or)ard%
:renna started screa&ing% Suddenl$ too terri.ed to thin-, she ran in
circles, around and around the *en, clutching her *iglet in her ar&s as she
+ello)ed 'or her *a*a to co&e and sa(e her%
Pa*a didn#t rescue her3 the giant )ho#d s&iled at her did% "nd 8ust in the
nic- o' ti&e% The &a&a#s snout tri**ed her, and as she )as +eing *itched
to the ground, she 'elt hersel' +eing li'ted high into the air% She s>uee4ed
her e$es shut, sto**ed screa&ing, and loo-ed around again% She )as still
in his ar&s, $et on the o**osite side o' the 'ence a 'air distance a)a$ 'ro&
the *en% Ho) had he e(er gotten o(er the 'ence2
Chaos surrounded her% E(er$one )as running to)ard her and the giant%
Her *a*a )as the last one to reach the 'ence%
She didn#t e(en )ant to thin- a+out her *unish&ent i' he disco(ered )hat
she had hidden in her s-irts% She 'er(entl$ ho*ed he ne(er 'ound out%
She -ne) her sa(ior could 'eel her *et )iggling +et)een the&% She .nall$
gathered enough courage to loo- u* at hi& to see )hat he )as going to
do a+out it%
He loo-ed sur*rised, and )hen the *iglet let out another s>ueal, he
She )as so ha**$ he )asn#t angr$, she s&iled +ac- +e'ore she could
re&e&+er to +e sh$%
6ne o' his 'riends ste**ed closer to the 'ence% /Connor, is e(er$thing all
He turned to ans)er% :renna sto**ed hi& +$ *utting her hand on the side
o' his 'ace and nudging hi& +ac- to her again%
She )his*ered her *lea then% He &ust not ha(e heard her, +ecause he
leaned do)n closer until their 'oreheads )ere al&ost touching%
/Don#t tell%/
The giant suddenl$ thre) his head +ac- and let out a +ello) o' laughter%
She told hi& to hush, +ut that onl$ &ade hi& laugh all the &ore%
He didn#t tell on her, though, and once he#d *ut her +ac- do)n, she )as
a+le to run *ast her *a*a +e'ore he could gra+ hold o' her%
/Co&e +ac- here, :renna%/
She *retended she didn#t hear hi& and continued on%
It )asn#t until she )as sa'el$ hidden under the -itchen ta+le )ith her ne)
+a+$ slee*ing in her la* that she reali4ed she#d 'orgotten to as- the &an
to &arr$ her% She )asn#t discouraged% She )ould as- hi& to&orro), and i'
he told her no, she )ould co&e u* )ith another *lan% 6ne )a$ or another,
she &eant to catch hi& and sa(e her *a*a the trou+le%
Cha*ter E
Contents - Pre( A Next
Scotland, 111F
He )ore )ar *aint to his )edding%
Connor !ac"lister#s &ood )as 8ust as gri& as the dar- +lue *aint s&eared
across his 'ace and ar&s% The laird )asn#t ha**$ a+out the dut$ he#d
ta-en on, +ut he )as an honora+le &an, and he )ould do )hate(er )as
re>uired to gain 8ustice%
Connor had (engeance on his &ind and in his heart3 though, in truth, he
didn#t thin- he )as unusual% E(er$ Highlander )orth his s)ord )as
(enge'ul% It )as si&*l$ the )a$ things )ere%
1i(e soldiers rode )ith their laird% The &en )ere also .nel$ turned out 'or
+attle, +ut their collecti(e &ood )as &uch lighter, +ecause none o' the&
)as going to +e saddled )ith an English +ride 'or the rest o' his da$s%
?uinlan, the .rst-in-co&&and, rode +eside his laird% The )arrior )as
al&ost Connor#s e>ual in height, +ut he )asn#t >uite as &uscular through
his shoulders, u**er ar&s, and thighs and, there'ore, didn#t &easure u* to
Connor#s strength% That )asn#t the reason ?uinlan had sta$ed on )ith the
!ac"lister clan, ho)e(er% It )as Connor#s intelligence, his relentless thirst
'or 8ustice, and his un)a(ering leadershi* a+ilities that -e*t the )arrior +$
his side% "s his lo$al 'ollo)er, ?uinlan )ould gi(e his li'e to -ee* his laird
sa'e% Connor had alread$ sa(ed hi& once, and ?uinlan -ne) his laird
)ould )illingl$ do so again and again, regardless o' the ris-% The other
&en 'elt the sa&e )a$ ?uinlan did, 'or Connor treated all o' his 'ollo)ers
as (alua+le &e&+ers o' his 'a&il$%
?uinlan )asn#t 8ust a lo$al 'ollo)er3 he )as also a close 'riend, and li-e all
the other !ac"listers, he too e&+raced his grudges, stro-ing the& li-e
lo(ers 'or $ears and $ears i' need +e, until he could .nd a )a$ to right a
)rong done to hi& or his 'a&il$%
/It isn#t too late to change $our &ind,/ ?uinlan re&ar-ed% /There are other
)a$s to retaliate against !acNare on &$ 'ather#s +ehal'%/
/No% I#(e alread$ sent )ord to &$ ste*&other that I a& ta-ing a +ride, and
nothing $ou can sa$ to &e )ill &a-e &e change &$ &ind%/
/Do $ou thin- Eu*he&ia )ill .nall$ co&e +ac- then2/
/Pro+a+l$ not,/ Connor ans)ered% /She .nds it too di=cult to return to our
land since &$ 'ather )as ta-en 'ro& her% She &ourns his *assing e(en to
this da$%/
/What a+out "lec2 0our +rother ordered $ou to end this 'eud, and $ou
ga(e hi& $our )ord to do 8ust that%/
/0es, and this )ill +e &$ last insult% It )ill surel$ *ain !acNare 'or a long,
long ti&e% I#ll ha(e to +e content )ith that% 0ou -no) ho) hungr$ the *ig is
'or an alliance )ith the English% We#ll use his greed to our ad(antage%
;e&e&+er, 'riend, he sha&ed and hu&iliated $our 'a&il$%/
/"nd )e )arred against hi& 'or his treacher$%/
/It )asn#t enough,/ Connor decreed% /When I#& .nished, $our 'ather )ill +e
a+le to hold his head u* again% He#ll +e (indicated%/
?uinlan suddenl$ laughed% /I#& thin-ing God had a hand in this, Connor%
We didn#t -no) until this &orning the na&e o' the daughter $ou &eant to
ta-e% Do $ou re&e&+er her $et2/
/She )asn#t eas$ to 'orget% :esides, I no) ha(e a +etter reason to gi(e to
"lec% That is &ore i&*ortant to &e%/
/0our +rother#s going to +e 'urious all the sa&e%/
/No, he#ll +e *leased once I &a-e hi& reali4e the English)o&an +etrothed
hersel' to &e long ago%/
/"nd )hat )ill $ou tell hi&2/
/The truth% She did as- &e to &arr$ her% 0ou ha(en#t 'orgotten that 'act%
0ou laughed 'or a )ee-%/
?uinlan nodded% /She as-ed $ou three ti&es, +ut I )ould re&ind $ou that
)as $ears ago% She )ill surel$ ha(e 'orgotten%/
Connor s&iled% /Will that &atter2/
7ad$ :renna )as suddenl$ o(erco&e )ith the eerie sensation that
so&eone or so&ething )as )atching her% She )as -neeling +$ the side o'
a shallo) strea&, dr$ing her 'ace and her hands )ith her e&+roidered
cloth, )hen she 'elt a *resence +ehind her%
She didn#t &a-e an$ >uic- &o(e&ents% She -ne) +etter than to 8u&* u*
and run +ac- to ca&*% I' a )ild +oar or )orse )ere close +$, an$ sudden
actions )ould onl$ dra) &ore attention to hersel'%
She *ulled her dagger 'ree and slo)l$ turned as she stood u*, +racing
hersel' 'or )hat &ight +e lur-ing in the dar- under+rush%
There )asn#t an$thing there% She )aited se(eral &inutes 'or the threat to
*resent itsel', and still nothing &o(ed% The onl$ sound she heard )as the
loud thundering o' her o)n heart+eat%
It had +een 'oolish 'or her to )al- so 'ar a)a$ 'ro& )here her 'ather#s &en
had &ade the nooning ca&*% I' an$thing ha**ened, she had no one to
+la&e +ut hersel', and i' she hadn#t +een so des*erate 'or a &o&ent
alone, she )ould ha(e thought &ore a+out the *ossi+le conse>uences%
She still )ould ha(e gone in search o' *ri(ac$, o' course, +ut she )ould
ha(e ta-en the necessar$ *recautions and carried her +o) and arro)s%
Had she le't her instincts at ho&e2 She thought she &ust ha(e +ecause
she still 'elt she )as +eing )atched, and that didn#t &a-e a +it o' sense to
:renna decided she )as 8ust +eing 'oolish% I' so&eone or so&ething )as
there, she )ould ha(e heard hi& or it a**roaching long +e'ore no)% Pa*a
had o'ten told her ho) exce*tional her hearing )as, and )asn#t it a 'act
that he o'ten +oasted to his 'riends that she could hear the .rst lea' o'
autu&n 'alling on a .eld o' +attle2 6' course, this )as an exaggeration%
Still, there )as so&e truth in )hat he said% She usuall$ did hear e(er$ little
:ut she didn#t hear an$thing no)% :renna decided she )as si&*l$
o(er)rought% The 8ourne$ had +een di=cult 'or her, and she )as tuc-ered
out% 0es, that )as it% 1atigue had to +e the reason she )as i&agining
threats that )eren#t there%
7aird !acNare% Hea(en sa(e her, e(er$ &inute she had to s*are, her &ind
turned to thoughts o' her 'uture hus+and% Then she usuall$ thre) u*% She
)as than-'ul she hadn#t eaten toda$, -no)ing she#d +e dou+led o(er no)
i' she had% Granted, she had ne(er &et the &an and could +e 8u&*ing to
all the )rong conclusions% He &ight +e >uite *leasant% "ll those horri+le
stories a+out hi& could +e exaggerations% 7ord, she 'er(entl$ ho*ed so%
She didn#t )ant to +e &arried to a cruel &an, couldn#t e(en +egin to
i&agine )hat it )ould +e li-e, and, oh, ho) she#d tried to dissuade her
'ather 'ro& &a-ing such a choice 'or her% He )ouldn#t listen to an$ o' her
argu&ents, +ut then he rarel$ did%
He#d +een terri+l$ cold in the )a$ he#d told her, too% He shoo- her a)a-e
in the &iddle o' the night, in'or&ed her o' his decision, and then ordered
her to hel* her &other and the &aids *re*are her +aggage% She )ould
lea(e 'or the 7o)lands o' Scotland at .rst light% The ex*lanation he ga(e
her on his )a$ out the door)a$ )asn#t co&'orting% The &arriage )ould
hel* her 'ather extend his .ngers into Scotland, and since the -ing had
decided ;achel should &arr$ one o' his 'a(ored +arons, Ha$nes)orth
)ould gi(e :renna to !acNare% What )as i&*lied +ut not said )as &ore
*ain'ul 'or her to +earG her 'ather lo(ed her, a$e, +ut he lo(ed *o)er and
in@uence &ore%
"nd gi'ts as )ell, she thought% !acNare had s)eetened the -ettle +$
adding &ore treasures% Granted, the -ing didn#t -no) a+out the +etrothal
and )as sure to +e angr$, +ut her 'ather didn#t see& o(erl$ concerned%
Greed .lled his heart, lea(ing little roo& 'or caution or 'ear%
6nce she#d sto**ed cr$ing, her &other had tried to gi(e her ad(ice% She
suggested :renna >uit )orr$ing% E(er$thing )as +ound to turn out all
right, *ro(iding her daughter learned to get along, and let go o' her
childish drea&s%
Thin-ing a+out her *arents )as &a-ing her ho&esic-% She couldn#t
understand )h$, gi(en the 'act that the$ had 'orced her into this
un)elco&e &arriage% 0et, she )anted to go +ac- ho&e% She &issed
e(er$one, e(en her old, cran-$ nurse&aid, )ho )as still +ossing e(er$one
Enough o' this sel'-*it$% She -ne) she#d +e )ee*ing li-e a +a+$ i' she
didn#t sto*% Her 'uture )as deter&ined, and onl$ God )ould +e a+le to
change her 'ate%
Her 'ather#s soldiers )ere *ro+a+l$ anxious to +e on their )a$% She
thought the$ &ight alread$ +e on !acNare land, +ut she -ne) the$ still
had a good 'ull da$#s ride ahead o' the& +e'ore the$ reached his 'ortress%
:renna hastil$ tried to re*air her +raid% The thing had 'allen a*art )hile
she )as +ending o(er the )ater )ashing her 'ace% She started to re'ashion
the +raid, then changed her &ind% What did she care )hat she loo-ed li-e
)hen she &et the laird2 She *ulled the ri++on 'ree, threaded her .ngers
through her hair, and, in the *rocess, dro**ed +oth her dagger and her
She had 8ust *ic-ed u* her dagger )hen she heard an a+ru*t shout 'ro&
Harold, the soldier in charge o' her escort%
She *ic-ed u* her s-irts and )ent running +ac- to)ard the ca&* to .nd
out )hat )as )rong% Her lad$#s &aid, :eatrice, interce*ted her% The
hea($set )o&an ca&e +arreling do)n the narro) *ath, gra++ed hold o'
:renna#s ar&, and tried to -ee* on going% The loo- o' terror in :eatrice#s
e$es sent chills o' dread do)n :renna#s s*ine%
/;un, &i#lad$,/ she screa&ed% /We#(e +een attac-ed +$ de&ons% Hide
$oursel' +e'ore it#s too late% The sa(ages are going to -ill the soldiers, +ut
it#s $ou the$#re )anting &ost o' all% 0ou &ustn#t let the& .nd $ou% Hurr$
/Who are the$2/ :renna de&anded in a 'rightened )his*er%
/6utcasts I#& thin-ing, so &an$ I couldn#t -ee* count, and all )ith +lue
'aces and de&on e$es% The$#re as +ig as Satan hi&sel'% 6ne has alread$
+oasted to -ill Harold .rst i' he doesn#t tell hi& )here $ou hide%/
/Harold )on#t tell%/
/He did tell, he did,/ she cried out, +o++ing her head u* and do)n 'or
e&*hasis% /He thre) his s)ord do)n and )as gi(ing the& $our
)herea+outs )hen I sa) &$ chance to run% 0our 'ather#s &en )ill still die%
The heathens onl$ )ait no) 'or their leader to 8oin the&, and then the
+utchering is sure to +egin% The$#ll drin- their +lood and eat their @esh%/
:eatrice *anted )ith her h$steria% In an atte&*t to get her &istress to
&o(e, she tightened her hold on :renna#s ar&, dra)ing +lood as her nails
dug dee* into s-in%
:renna struggled to get a)a$ 'ro& the )o&an% /The soldiers )ere still
ali(e )hen $ou le't2/ she as-ed%
/"$e, +ut it#s onl$ a &atter o' ti&e +e'ore the$#re -illed% 1or the lo(e o'
God, run%/
/I can#t lea(e the soldiers% Go, sa(e $oursel'%/
/"re $ou da't2/
/I' the$ )ant &e, *erha*s the$#ll listen to &$ *leas and let 1ather#s
soldiers lea(e% It#s a *oor su+stitution, one li'e 'or t)el(e% I -no) it#s
'oolhard$, +ut I &ust tr$%/
/0ou#ll die 'or $our stu*idit$,/ she &uttered as she sho(ed :renna out o'
her )a$ and ran on into the 'orest%
Panic-stric-en, :renna )anted to 'ollo) her &aid, +ut couldn#t% It too- all
o' her courage not to gi(e in to the lure, +ecause i' the &aid )as telling
the truth, :renna -ne) she could )ell die in 8ust a 'e) &inutes% Dear God,
she )as scared% D$ing re>uired +ra(er$, a no+le >ualit$ she suddenl$
'eared she#d le't at ho&e, +ut she couldn#t let Harold and the others die
+ecause o' her o)n co)ardice% E(en though it )as a re&ote *ossi+ilit$
that she )ould +e a+le to *ersuade the de&ons to let the soldiers lea(e,
she had to tr$ to sa(e the&, no &atter ho) 'rightened she )as%
She hurried to)ard the clearing and +egan her .nal *ra$er to God% She
didn#t )aste *recious ti&e as-ing 'orgi(eness 'or each transgression% It
)ould ha(e ta-en her a &onth to get the& all re&e&+ered, categori4ed,
and con'essed, and so she lu&*ed the& all together and si&*l$ +egged
'or a+solution 'or the lot% She .nished her su**lication )ith the re>uest
that He *lease gi(e her enough cunning to .nd a )a$ to -ee* on li(ing%
Then she started chanting% /6h 7ord, 6h 7ord, 6h 7ord%/
:$ the ti&e she reached the cur(e in the +ro-en *ath 8ust outside the
ca&*site, she )as tre&+ling so .ercel$, she could +arel$ stand u*
straight% She re&e&+ered the dagger she still held in her right hand, hid it
+ehind her +ac- +eneath a 'old in her go)n, and 'orced hersel' to ta-e a
dee* +reath%
It )as going to +e extre&el$ di=cult to get the sa(ages to listen to a
)o&an% I' she sta&&ered or loo-ed a'raid, an$ chance she &ight ha(e
)ould +e lost% She had to +e +old, she told hersel'% 1earless%
She )as .nall$ read$% She -e*t u* her chant to God to *lease hel* her get
out o' this, and i' He )asn#t in the &ood to let her li(e an$ longer, then
couldn#t He *lease &a-e her death >uic-2 She tuc-ed in the )ord *ainless
e(er$ other second, and all o' her *leas )ere s>uee4ed into /6h 7ord, 6h
7ord, 6h 7ord%/ In her heart she )as certain God understood )hat she )as
The$ )ere )aiting 'or her% She )anted to 'aint )hen she sa) the&% She
heard se(eral long, indra)n +reaths, -ne) the heathens had &ade the
sounds, and )hile the sight o' her a**arentl$ stunned the&<the loo-s on
their 'aces indicated as &uch<such a reaction didn#t &a-e sense% The$#d
o+(iousl$ +een )aiting 'or her to a**ear, +ecause the$ )ere all 'acing her
)hen she )al-ed into their lair%
The$ )eren#t too &an$ to count% :eatrice had exaggerated a+out their
nu&+er% There )ere onl$ .(e sa(ages, standing in a hal'-circle +ehind her
'ather#s soldiers% Still, the .(e )ere enough to &a-e her -nees start
>ua-ing and her sto&ach lurch%
She +arel$ s*ared the outcasts &ore than a glance, as her .rst concern
)as 'or her soldiers% Harold and the others )ere do)n on their -nees in
the center o' the clearing% Their heads )ere +o)ed, and their hands )ere
clas*ed +ehind their +ac-s, $et )hen she &o(ed closer, she could see
none o' the& had +een tied% She loo-ed the& o(er to ascertain the extent
o' their in8uries and )as sur*rised, and relie(ed, to see the$ loo-ed as .t
as e(er%
She had to 'orce hersel' to loo- u* at the outcasts again% 7ord, the$ )ere a
sight 'or 'uture night&ares% The$ )eren#t de&ons, though% No, no, the$
)ere 8ust &en, she thought a little 'ranticall$% Her$ large &en% :eatrice had
also called the& sa(ages, and :renna )as in 'ull agree&ent )ith that
assess&ent% #T)as the truth it see&ed to +e the onl$ thing the cra4ed
)o&an had gotten right% 0es, sa(ages% The descri*tion .t, gi(en that the$
had +lue *aint s&eared on their 'aces% "dorning the&sel(es in such a
strange 'ashion &ust ha(e +een *art o' so&e ancient ritual% She )ondered
i' hu&an sacri.ce )as another ritual the$ 'ollo)ed, and i&&ediatel$ she
+loc-ed the horri+le thought%
Their gar&ents )ere also *ri&iti(e, $et 'a&iliar to her% The$ )ore &uted
+ro)n and $ello) and green )ool *laids% Their -nees )ere +are, and their
'eet )ere co(ered in el- +oots, laced together )ith leather stri*s a+o(e
their cal(es%
The$ )ere Scots% Could the$ +e ene&ies o' 7aird !acNare2 The$ )ere
tres*assing on his land no)% Were the$ going to -ill her as so&e sort o'
re*a$&ent 'or the sins o' her 'uture hus+and2
She didn#t li-e the idea o' d$ing 'or a &an she#d ne(er &et, +ut then she
reall$ didn#t li-e the notion o' d$ing in an$ case, she re&inded hersel'% Did
the reason reall$ &atter2
Wh$ didn#t the$ s*ea- to her2 She 'elt as though the$#d +een staring at
her 'or at least an hour, $et -ne) *ro+a+l$ 8ust a &inute or t)o had
actuall$ *assed%
1earless, she ordered hersel'% I &ust +e 'earless%
6h 7ord, 6h 7ord, 6h 7ord9
/I a& 7ad$ :renna%/
She )aited 'or so&eone to attac- her% No one &o(ed% "nd then, 8ust as
she )as a+out to de&and that the$ tell her their intentions and +e >uic-
a+out it, the Scots sur*rised the +reath right out o' her% "s one, the$
dro**ed to their -nees, *ut their hands o(er their hearts, and +o)ed their
heads to her% Their united sho) o' res*ect stunned her% No, no, not
res*ect, she thought% Weren#t the$ &oc-ing her2 God#s truth, she couldn#t
She )aited until all o' the& had regained their 'eet +e'ore tr$ing to locate
the leader so she could address hi&% None o' the& )as gi(ing her hints%
The +lue *aint &ade 'or &ore con'usion% Their 'aces )ere li-e &as-s )ith
their gri& ex*ressions%
She settled on the +iggest o' the lot, a dar--haired )arrior )ith gra$ e$es%
She stared directl$ at hi&, )illing hi& to s*ea- to her, +ut he didn#t sa$ a
6h, 7ord, 6h, 7ord9
/Wh$ )on#t $ou s*ea- to &e2/
The one she#d +een staring at suddenl$ s&iled at her% /We )ere )aiting,
&i#lad$,/ he ex*lained in a dee*, 'orce'ul (oice%
She 'ro)ned o(er his hal'-gi(en ans)er% Since he#d s*o-en in Gaelic, she
decided to acco&&odate hi&% She and her sisters had con>uered the
language at her 'ather#s nagging insistence, and she )as than-'ul he#d
gotten his )a$% This outcast#s dialect )as certainl$ di,erent 'ro& )hat
she#d learned, +ut she )as still a+le to catch enough to understand )hat
he )as sa$ing to her%
/Waiting 'or )hat2/ she as-ed in Gaelic%
The Scot loo-ed sur*rised% He )as >uic- to hide his reaction +$ staring
into the distance%
/We )ere )aiting 'or $ou to .nish $our *ra$er%/
/!$ *ra$er2/ she as-ed, thoroughl$ con'used
/0ou see& to ha(e gotten stuc- on the +eginning, lass% Couldn#t $ou
re&e&+er the rest o' it2/ another Scot as-ed her%
/6h, 7ord, 6h, 7ord9/
/There she goes again,/ $et another )arrior )his*ered%
Good God "l&ight$, she#d +een *ra$ing out loud%
/I )as *ra$ing 'or *atience,/ she announced )ith as &uch dignit$ as she
could su&&on% /Who are $ou2/
/!ac"lister#s &en%/
/The na&e &eans nothing to &e% Should I -no) hi&2/
" )arrior )ith a rather nast$-loo-ing scar across his +ro) and do)n one
side o' his nose ste**ed 'or)ard%
/0ou -no) our laird (er$ )ell, &i#lad$%/
/0ou are &ista-en, sir%/
/Please call &e +$ &$ na&e, &i#lad$% It#s 6)en, and I )ould +e honored i'
$ou )ould%/
She )as ha(ing extre&e di=cult$ understanding )h$ the heathen )as
+eing so outrageousl$ *olite to her, gi(en her horri.c situation% Were the$
going to -ill her or not2
/Her$ )ell, I shall call $ou 6)en%/
The )arrior loo-ed thrilled +$ her ac>uiescence, +ut she 'elt li-e thro)ing
her hands u* in des*air% /6)en, are $ou going to -ill &e and &$ 'ather#s
lo$al soldiers2/
The$ all see&ed ta-en a+ac- +$ her >uestion% The one )ith the gra$ e$es
ans)ered her% /Na$, 7ad$ :renna% We )ould ne(er har& $ou% Each o' us
has 8ust (o)ed to *rotect $ou until the da$ )e die%/
The other )arriors >uic-l$ nodded agree&ent%
The$ )ere out o' their &inds, she decided then and there% /Wh$ in
hea(en#s na&e )ould $ou )ant to *rotect &e2/
/:ecause o' our laird,/ 6)en ans)ered%
The$ )ere deter&ined to tal- a+out their leader, )hich )as all )ell and
good +ecause she reall$ )asn#t a+le to *a$ attention to a )ord the$ said
no)% She )as o(erco&e +$ +liss'ul relie'% I' Gra$ E$es had told her the
truth, no one )as going to die, and all o' her 'ears had +een 'or naught%
Than- $ou, God%
She )asn#t a+out to cele+rate 8ust $et, ho)e(er, +ecause the intruders still
hadn#t ex*lained )h$ the$ had co&e here% The$ didn#t loo- the sort to +e
*a$ing a social call, and she -ne) she )ould ha(e to .nd out their real
&oti(e +e'ore she could e(er ho*e to .gure out a )a$ to get the& to
She#d +est sta$ on her guard, )hile she tried to get so&e ans)ers%
/I -no) $ou#re Scots,/ she +egan, sur*rised her o)n (oice sounded so
)ea-% /:ut exactl$ )here in Scotland do $ou call ho&e2/
Gra$ E$es loo-ed a**alled% /!$ na&e is ?uinlan, &i#lad$, and )e don#t
consider oursel(es Scots% We#re Highlanders%/
The other &en nodded their agree&ent%
She had 8ust learned an interesting 'act% Highlanders didn#t )ant to let go
o' the old, dust$ ha+its o' their ancestors% The )a$ these &en )ere
dressed, in such *ri&iti(e attire, )as an indication, and i' she hadn#t +een
so rattled, she )ould ha(e reali4ed ho) the$ 'elt +e'ore she#d tried to
address the&%
She couldn#t i&agine an$one ha(ing such a +ac-)ard attitude, +ut she
)asn#t going to &a-e the& angr$ +$ telling the& so% I' the$ )anted to +e
sa(ages, she certainl$ didn#t care%
/0ou are Highlanders% Than- $ou, ?uinlan, 'or ta-ing the ti&e to instruct
He inclined his head to her% /I )ould than- $ou, &i#lad$, 'or see-ing
instruction 'ro& $our hu&+le 'ollo)er%/
She let out a loud sigh o' 'rustration% /Please don#t ta-e o,ense, +ut I
reall$ don#t )ant $ou to 'ollo) &e an$)here%/
He s&iled at her%
/0ou aren#t *lanning to lea(e an$ti&e soon, are $ou2/ She sounded *iti'ul%
His e$es s*ar-led de(ilishl$% /Na$, &i#lad$, )e aren#t%/
/0ou reall$ don#t re&e&+er our laird2/ 6)en as-ed%
/Wh$ )ould I re&e&+er hi&2 I#(e ne(er e(en &et the &an%/
/0ou as-ed hi& to &arr$ $ou%/
/0ou are &ista-en, 6)en% I did no such thing%/
/:ut, &i#lad$, I )as told $ou as-ed hi& three ti&es%/
/Three ti&es2 I as-ed hi&9/
She suddenl$ sto**ed% Three ti&es% Good God, he couldn#t +e tal-ing
a+out9 She shoo- her head in dis+elie'% No, no, that )as $ears ago, and
he couldn#t *ossi+l$ -no) )hat she#d 'oolishl$ done%
6nl$ Coan -ne) a+out her *lan to .nd a hus+and, and she )ould ne(er
ha(e told an$one outside o' the 'a&il$% :renna didn#t ha(e an actual
recollection o' *ro*osing<she#d +een too $oung at the ti&e to re&e&+er
it no)<+ut her sister had told her the stor$ so &an$ ti&es, she 'elt as
though it had ha**ened onl$ $esterda$% 7i-e an$ sister, Coan had delighted
in tor&enting :renna a+out her outrageous +eha(ior% She es*eciall$ lo(ed
to linger o(er the *art a+out the *iglet%
Wh$ :renna had )anted to catch her o)n hus+and or steal a *ig to raise
as her o)n *et she couldn#t guess no), and the onl$ excuse she could
co&e u* )ith )as that she had +een (er$, (er$ $oung%
/It ha**ened a long ti&e ago, &i#lad$,/ 6)en said%
The$ -ne)% Ho) the$#d 'ound out )as +e$ond her co&*rehension, +ut
then she )as so rattled, she could +arel$ thin- straight at all%
/This &an denied &$ re>uest9 didn#t he2/
?uinlan shoo- his head% /T)ice he sent +ac- his re'usal, +ut it#s our
understanding $ou#re still )aiting to hear his ans)er to $our last *ro*osal%/
/I a& not )aiting to hear his ans)er%/ Her (oice )as e&*hatic%
/It )ould see& to us that $ou are,/ 6)en insisted%
Neither &an a**eared to +e teasing her% Honest to God, the$ loo-ed
What in thunder )as she going to do2
/I -ee* )aiting 'or $ou to laugh, +ut $ou aren#t going to, are $ou, ?uinlan2/
He didn#t +other to ans)er her% In 'act, all o' the& )ere >uite content to
stand there tal-ing to her% Their +eha(ior )as &ost Peculiar% These
)arriors didn#t see& the sort to )ant to linger an$)here, +ut the$ )ere
lingering no)% Were the$ )aiting 'or so&ething to ha**en, and i' so, )hat2
:renna didn#t li-e ha(ing to +e *atient% She had the sin-ing 'eeling she
)asn#t going to .nd out their *lans until the$ 'elt li-e ex*laining, though%
She re'used to +elie(e the$ had co&e all this )a$ 8ust to re&ind her o' a
*ro*osal she#d &ade $ears ago, and the$ couldn#t *ossi+l$ ex*ect her to
honor it no)% She didn#t +elie(e their nonsense a+out +eing her hu&+le
'ollo)ers either%
Though it )as *ro+a+l$ 'oolhard$, she decided to catch the& in their lie%
/0ou ha(e said $ou are &$ hu&+le 'ollo)ers% Were $ou telling the truth,
The )arrior loo-ed o(er her head, into the 'orest, +e'ore he ans)ered% He
s&iled too%
/I a& here to *rotect $ou and ser(e $ou, &i#lad$% We all are%/
She s&iled +ac-% /Then $ou )ill do as I +id $ou to do2/
/6' course%/
/"ll right, then% I +id $ou to lea(e%/
He didn#t &o(e% She )asn#t the least +it sur*rised%
/I cannot hel* +ut notice $ou#re still here, ?uinlan% Did $ou *erchance
&isunderstand &e2/
The giant loo-ed as though he )as a+out to laugh% He shoo- his head and
said, /I cannot ser(e $ou i' I lea(e $ou% Surel$ $ou understand%/
She surel$ didn#t understand% She )as a+out to as- hi& i' she could lea(e
)ithout )orr$ he#d 'ollo) her, +ut 6)en interru*ted her )ith $et another
/!i#lad$, a+out $our *ro*osal9/
/"re )e +ac- to that2/
6)en nodded% /0ou did as-,/ he stu++ornl$ insisted%
/0es, I did as-% I ha(e since changed &$ &ind% Is this &an still ali(e2 He
&ust +e terri+l$ old +$ no)% Did he send $ou to &e2/
?uinlan ans)ered% /He did%/
/Where is he2/
?uinlan s&iled at her again% The others )ere grinning too%
/He#s standing right +ehind &e, isn#t he2/ She thought her ner(ousness
had -e*t her 'ro& hearing hi&%
E(er$ one o' the heathens nodded% /"ll the )hile2/ she )his*ered%
/6nl$ 8ust no),/ ?uinlan ans)ered%
"nd that )as )h$ the$#d all +een )aiting% She should ha(e reali4ed% I' she
hadn#t +een so +us$ tr$ing to .gure out a )a$ to get the& to lea(e, she
)ould ha(e considered the *ossi+ilit$ that their leader &ight co&e along%
She didn#t )ant to turn around, o' course, +ut *ride *re(ented her 'ro&
tr$ing to run% Tightening her hold on her dagger, she +raced hersel' 'or
)hat she )as going to see, and .nall$ turned%
6h, $es, he#d +een right +ehind her, all right% Ho) could she not ha(e
-no)n2 The )arrior )as as tall as a *ine tree% I' she reached out, she
could *inch hi&% She stared at his &assi(e chest, suddenl$ too )orried to
loo- u*% His si4e )as staggering% Wh$, the to* o' her head didn#t e(en
reach his chin% He stood 8ust a 'oot or t)o a)a$ 'ro& her, and )hen she
too- an instincti(e ste* +ac-, he too- a ste* 'or)ard%
She reall$ )as going to ha(e to loo- at his 'ace, she told hersel'% He#d see
it as a sign o' co)ardice i' she didn#t% Tr$ing to run a)a$ )ould *ro+a+l$
gi(e hi& a hint o' ho) inti&idating his si4e )as to her, and )h$, oh, )h$,
couldn#t she .nd an$ gu&*tion2 She had so&e 8ust a 'e) &inutes ago%
Connor )as 8ust running out o' *atience )hen she loo-ed directl$ into his
e$es% His o)n reaction sur*rised hi&% The 'orce o' her +eaut$ &ade his
+reath catch in the +ac- o' his throat% He#d thought her *rett$ )hen he
)as )atching her +$ the strea&, &uttering to hersel' )hile she tugged on
her +raid to get her ri++on undone, +ut he hadn#t ta-en the ti&e to
o+ser(e ho) trul$ +eauti'ul she )as% He hadn#t +een close enough, or
curious enough%
The )o&an reall$ )as ex>uisite% He couldn#t see& to sto* staring at her
no)% The *o)er o' her +eaut$ ca*ti(ated hi&, and he suddenl$ reali4ed he
)asn#t an$ +etter than his &en% He#d +een 'urious )hen he#d seen ho)
+esotted the$ )ere, and no), he ad&itted, he )as in &uch the sa&e
Ho) could he not ha(e noticed such *er'ection2 Her s-in )as @a)less3 her
e$es )ere a clear, s*ar-ling color o' +lue, and her ros$, 'ull &outh &ade
hi& )ant to thin- a+out all the erotic doing, he turned his ga4e to her
'orehead so that he could regain his concentration%
It too- hi& a little longer to re&e&+er ho) to +reathe again% His disci*line
.nall$ ca&e to his aid, and e(en though he -ne) she )ould +e a
tantali4ing danger to his *eace o' &ind, he )as still extre&el$ *leased
)ith her% Her +onn$ loo-s )ould &a-e the sting in his insult all the &ore
*ain'ul 'or such a shallo) *ig as !acNare to endure% :eauti'ul )o&en
)ere hard to co&e +$ in England, or so he#d heard, and this rare treasure
had all +ut 'allen into his la*%
It reall$ had +een disgustingl$ eas$% None o' her soldiers o,ered the least
resistance% He didn#t e(en ha(e to &a-e a .st% He si&*l$ )al-ed into their
ca&*, co&&anded the& to -neel, and, +$ all that )as hol$, the$ -nelt%
!ee- as la&+s the$ )ere, and 8ust as co)ardl$% Se(eral o' the )ea-lings
e(en tossed their )ea*ons a)a$%
6nl$ one soldier had &ade an atte&*t, hal'hearted as it )as, to shout a
)arning to his &istress% Connor heard the sound )hile he )as -ee*ing
)atch o(er 7ad$ :renna to &a-e certain no har& ca&e to her )hile she
lingered +$ the strea&, +ut one o' his o)n &en<?uinlan, no dou+t<
silenced the soldier% 7ad$ :renna also heard the noise, and that )as
*recisel$ )hen she dro**ed her ri++on and her cloth and started +ac- to
ca&*% Curiosit$ &ade her hurr$, +ut a'ter the other English)o&an
gra++ed hold o' her and .lled her head )ith outrageous tales a+out
de&ons, it too- true courage 'or her to continue on%
He -ne) she +elie(ed she )as running to)ard her o)n death% The loo- o'
'ear on her 'ace indicated as &uch% 6ne li'e 'or t)el(e% Weren#t those her
exact )ords2 Connor had +een thoroughl$ con'used +$ her +eha(ior% She
)as Ha$nes)orth#s daughter, )asn#t she2 0et, she )asn#t li-e an$ o' the
English he#d e(er -no)n% In all his $ears o' +attles, he#d ne(er )itnessed a
single act o' true courage +$ an$ o' the English9 until toda$% He thought
a+out &entioning that re&ar-a+le 'act to her, then changed his &ind% He
didn#t +elie(e it )ould +e a good idea to tal- to her 8ust $et% The )o&an
)as going to ha(e to get *ast her 'ear o' hi& silence )as *rudent no)%
He clas*ed his hands +ehind his +ac- and *atientl$ )aited 'or her to get
hold o' hersel'% He )ondered i' she still +elie(ed he )as a de&on% The loo-
in her e$es suggested she &ight, and it too- a good deal o' restraint not to
s&ile, so ludicrous )as the notion%
She reall$ )as going to ha(e to +eco&e accusto&ed to +eing around hi&%
Hell, he *lanned to +ed her that e(ening, +ut he )asn#t going to tell her
his *lan no)% She )as going to +e his )i'e, no &atter ho) long it too- hi&
to get her to agree in 'ront o' the *riest% I' necessar$, he )ould )aste the
rest o' the da$ )aiting 'or her to cal& do)n enough to listen to hi&%
:renna )as deter&ined to hide her 'ear and thought she#d +een
success'ul thus 'ar% She couldn#t tell i' he )as a handso&e de(il or an ugl$-
as-sin one% She couldn#t >uite get *ast the +lue *aint to notice% She
certainl$ noticed his e$es, though, +ut onl$ +ecause the$ )ere the color o'
dar-ness and as )ar& and soothing as a .st co&ing her )a$% His +one
structure a**eared to +e intact% He had a straight nose, high chee-+ones,
and a hard-loo-ing &outh% His hair )as o(erl$ long, al&ost shoulder
length, and the color o' night% 6dd, +ut it a**eared to +e clean%
She didn#t ha(e an$ idea ho) long she#d +een staring u* at hi&, and she
certainl$ didn#t notice an$ &o(e&ent on his *art, $et suddenl$ his hand
)as on to* o' hers% She stu*idl$ loo-ed do)n as he *ulled her hand out
'ro& +ehind her +ac-, and )atched hi& gentl$ *r$ her dagger a)a$ 'ro&
her .ngers%
She assu&ed he#d either -ee* the )ea*on or toss it a)a$ to sho) her his
o+(ious *h$sical su*eriorit$, and she )as, there'ore, astonished )hen he
re*laced the dagger in the leather sheath she )ore hoo-ed to the ornate
+elt dra*ed around the tilt o' her hi*s%
/Than- $ou,/ she )his*ered +e'ore she could sto* hersel'%
What in thunder )as the &atter )ith her2 Wh$ )as she than-ing hi&2
He#d 8ust scared the curl out o' her hair% Shouldn#t she +e gi(ing hi& a
+listering 'or the terror he#d caused her2
7ord, she )as out o' her &ind i' she thought she could gi(e hi& a *iece o'
her &ind% Ho) could she shout at hi& )hen she couldn#t e(en .nd her
(oice2 :esides, her little dagger )ouldn#t ha(e done hi& an$ real har&%
That )as *ro+a+l$ the reason he let her -ee* it% The strength radiating
'ro& the giant suggested he )ouldn#t e(en @inch i' she tried to in8ure hi&%
:ut, the giant )asn#t a god or a de&on% He )as 8ust a &an, (er$ *ri&iti(e
and 'rightening, $et still 8ust a &an% :esides, an$one )ith a *inch o' sense
-ne) )o&en )ere s&arter than &en% Her &other had shared that +it o'
)isdo& )ith her daughters on &an$ occasions, although ne(er in the
*resence o' their 'ather% !other )as al)a$s honest, so&eti&es to a 'ault%
She )as also (er$ -ind and )ould, there'ore, ne(er sa$ an$thing that
)ould hurt an$ &an#s 'eelings%
:renna )asn#t going to 'ollo) her &other#s exa&*le% She )ould tr$ to +e a
little -ind, +ut she )ouldn#t +e co&*letel$ honest% She#d ne(er get out o'
this &ess i' she told the truth%
/I don#t re&e&+er $ou%/
He shrugged% He o+(iousl$ didn#t care i' she re&e&+ered hi& or not%
/There see&s to +e a &isunderstanding,/ she +egan again% /I )asn#t
)aiting 'or $ou to ans)er &$ *ro*osal%/ Her (oice sounded stronger no)%
/I )as 8ust a child +ac- then% Surel$ $ou ha(en#t +een considering &$
re>uest all these &an$ $ears%/ Didn#t the &an ha(e an$thing +etter to
thin- a+out2 /0our &en )ere 8esting )ith &e, )eren#t the$2/
He shoo- his head% Her throat +egan to ache )ith her need to shout at
hi&% "**arentl$ he )as as de&ented as his 'ollo)ers, though 'ar less
con(i(ial% Ho) )as she e(er going to get through to hi&2
Her 'ather )ould -ill her i' he e(er 'ound out a+out her &arriage
*ro*osals% The thought actuall$ )orried her 'or a second or t)o +e'ore she
reali4ed ho) ridiculous it )as% Pa*a )ould ha(e to get in line to do her in,
+ehind the stone-silent )arrior, his 'ollo)ers9 and !acNare% Good God,
she#d 'orgotten a+out hi&% !acNare )as +ound to +e 'urious )hen he
'ound out a+out his intended +ride#s audacit$%
:renna could see onl$ one )a$ out o' her *redica&ent% She had to .nd a
)a$ to &a-e the +ar+arian understand%
/I ha(e to lea(e no)% 7aird !acNare &ight not +e understanding i' I#& late%
He#s su**osed to +e sending an escort to &eet &e% I )ouldn#t )ant to see
an$ o' $ou har&ed +ecause o' a little &isunderstanding%##
The outcast suddenl$ reached out and too- hold o' her% His +ig hands
settled on her shoulders in a .r& gri*, a silent &essage, she su**osed,
that she )asn#t going an$)here until he )as read$ to let her% He )asn#t
hurting her though, and in 'act, he )as +eing extre&el$ gentle%
She 'ro)ned u* at hi& )hile she tried to &a-e sense out o' the &adness
surrounding her%
/0our arri(al here has a+solutel$ nothing to do )ith the *ro*osals I sent,
isn#t that right2 0ou ha(e another &oti(e in &ind%/
Nothing% Not a )ord, not a nod, not e(en a +lin-% Was she tal-ing to a
She could 'eel the heat +uilding in her 'ace, -ne) 'rustration )as the
reason 'or her +lush, and let out a thoroughl$ loud, unlad$li-e sigh that
sounded (er$ li-e a groan%
/"ll right, )e )ill assu&e $ou#re here +ecause o' &$ *ro*osals% "s I
ex*lained to $ou 8ust a &inute ago, I don#t re&e&+er &eeting $ou% 6ne o'
&$ sisters -ne) all a+out &$ 'oolishness% She told &e I#d +een )orr$ing
a+out ne(er .nding a hus+and, though I dou+t I e(en understood )hat
hus+ands )ere 'or, and so to ease &$ )orr$, Coan told &e )hat to do% She
ne(er su**osed I#d go through )ith the *lan3 +ut no) that I thin- a+out it,
this is &$ 'ather#s 'ault +ecause he told &e he#d ne(er +e a+le to .nd an$
&an )ho )ould *ut u* )ith &e, and it#s $our 'ault too, sir, +ecause $ou
s&iled at &e% I trul$ don#t re&e&+er an$thing else a+out our &eeting, 8ust
$our s&ile% I#ll al)a$s re&e&+er that% In England, $ou &ust understand,
*ro*er ladies do not as- gentle&en to &arr$ the&% It 8ust isn#t done,/ she
added in a near shout% /"s God is &$ )itness, I reall$ don#t ha(e enough
strength le't in &e to go through this ex*lanation again%/
/What did $ou sa$ to the &essenger, &i#lad$2 Do $ou re&e&+er the exact
)ords o' $our last *ro*osal2/ She recogni4ed ?uinlan#s (oice +ehind her%
Ho) in thunder could she *ossi+l$ re&e&+er2 Hadn#t an$ o' the& +een
She couldn#t turn to 'ace ?uinlan +ecause their leader still had hold o' her,
and he didn#t see& to +e the least +it inclined to let go%
/I *ro+a+l$ said, #Will $ou &arr$ &e2#/
Connor s&iled% He *ulled her to)ard hi&, lo)ered his head, and -issed her
8ust long enough to stun her%
He li'ted his head then, loo-ed into her e$es, and .nall$ s*o-e to her%
/0es, :renna% I )ill &arr$ $ou%/
Contents - Pre( A Next
The &an )as clearl$ de&ented% He )as deter&ined to &arr$ her% Her
thoughts a+out &arr$ing hi& see&ed inconse>uential to hi&% God onl$
-ne), she tried e(er$thing +ut *h$sical 'orce to get hi& to +e reasona+le%
She argued, she *leaded, she *ra$ed%
"nd all 'or naught% She had to resort to unlad$li-e &easures next% She
sto&*ed her 'oot do)n hard on to* o' his to get her *oint across% He didn#t
e(en @inch% She dou+led o(er 'ro& the searing *ain shooting u* 'ro& her
inste* and had to ta-e hold o' his ar& so she )ouldn#t co&*letel$ disgrace
hersel' and 'all to the ground% Than-'ull$, it didn#t ta-e her &ore than a
&inute or t)o to regain )hat *iti'ul threads o' dignit$ she had le't and let
go o' hi&% Then she started all o(er again% She )as >uite *roud o' hersel',
reall$% She ne(er once raised her (oice as she cal&l$ listed at least a
hundred (alid reasons )h$ the$ couldn#t *ossi+l$ &arr$% She &ight as )ell
ha(e +een tal-ing to the )ind% The +ar+arian didn#t a**ear to +e the least
+it s)a$ed% She )asn#t e(en certain i' he )as still +reathing% He si&*l$
listened to her )ith his ar&s 'olded across his chest and a $ou#re-+oring-
&e-into-a-trance loo- on his 'ace, and )hen she ran out o' dire
conse>uences he )ould su,er as a result o' his insanit$, he cal&l$ too-
hold o' her hand and started dragging her +ehind hi& to)ard the horses%
Saints +e enraged, she had to get out o' this &ess% She tried to thin- o' a
*lan, *leading 'or God#s hel* all the )hile, o' course% Her thoughts and
*ra$ers )ere interru*ted )hen ?uinlan called out to hi&%
/What is it2/
?uinlan &otioned to the English soldiers%
The Highlander didn#t need ti&e to &ull the &atter o(er% He didn#t e(en
+other to sto*, +ut called the o+scene order o(er his shoulder%
/5ill the&%/
/No%/ She screa&ed the denial in a (oice that shoo- )ith terror%
He )as astonished +$ her reaction% /No2/
/No,/ she cried out again%
/Wh$ not2/
Dear God, )hat -ind o' &an )ould as- such a >uestion2
He )as .nall$ gi(ing her his 'ull attention, ho)e(er% He turned to her and
*atientl$ )aited 'or her to ans)er hi&%
She noticed he didn#t let go o' her hand% /The$#re de'enseless,/ she +egan%
/0ou too- their )ea*ons a)a$%/
/No, I didn#t ta-e their )ea*ons a)a$% The$ thre) the& do)n )hen )e
)al-ed into ca&*% Tell &e )h$ the$ should li(e,/ he said in a (oice that
sounded >uite *leasant gi(en the circu&stances% /What is their *ri&ar$
dut$2 Their onl$ dut$2 Their sacred dut$2/
She could tell he )as +eginning to get angr$% His (oice had hardened )ith
each >uestion he as-ed% He )as also s>uee4ing her .ngers so hard the$
hurt% /Their *ri&ar$ dut$ is to de'end%/
He relaxed his hold% /"nd )ho do the$ de'end2/ he de&anded%
/The -ing .rst and al)a$s, then the +aron to )ho& the$#(e gi(en their
*ledge o' 'ealt$%/
/"nd2/ he *rodded%
Too late, she reali4ed )here he )as headed% God hel* her, she couldn#t
co&e u* )ith a >uic- )a$ to change direction%
/"nd did the$2/
/What the$ did or didn#t do isn#t $our concern%/
/It is &$ concern,/ he corrected% /Those &en ha(e no honor% The$ deser(e
to die%/
/Such a decision isn#t $ours to &a-e%/
/6' course it is,/ he re*lied% /0ou#re going to +e &$ )i'e%/
/So $ou sa$%/
/So I -no),/ he sna**ed, his (oice as hard as sleet no)% /I cannot allo)
such co)ards to li(e%/
/There is another reason $ou cannot -ill the&,/ she sta&&ered% Please,
God, hel* &e thin- o' one, she thought% She +o)ed her head and stared
do)n at the ground )hile she 'ranticall$ tried to thin- o' so&ething cle(er
to *ersuade hi&% /I#& )aiting%/
So )as she, +ut God a**arentl$ )asn#t in the &ood to +e hel*'ul% /0ou
)on#t understand,/ she )his*ered% /What )on#t I understand2/
/I' $ou -ill &$ 'ather#s soldiers, I couldn#t *ossi+l$ &arr$ $ou%/
/Is that so2/
He sounded to her as i' he )anted to laugh% She loo-ed u* to see )hether
he )as s&iling and )as than-'ul she#d +een )rong% He loo-ed 8ust as
so&+er and &ean as +e'ore%
/0es, that is so% I told $ou $ou )ouldn#t understand% I' $ou )eren#t a
/I#& not a heathen%/
She didn#t +elie(e hi&% The &an )as s&eared )ith *aint, a'ter all% 6nl$
*agans )ould 'ollo) such ungodl$ rituals%
Connor had )asted enough o' his ti&e discussing the &atter% He loo-ed at
?uinlan, 'ull$ intending to tell hi& to let the soldiers lea(e, though
certainl$ not +ecause o' her )ea- *rotests% No, it )as the 'ear he#d caused
her that &ade hi& change his &ind% 1ear had its *lace, es*eciall$ in the
hearts o' his ene&ies, +ut it )ould +e )rong 'or a )i'e to 'ear her
She )ouldn#t gi(e hi& ti&e to +e &agnani&ous% /Wait,/ she cried out% /Is
it i&*ortant 'or $ou to &arr$ &e2/
He shrugged% She translated the rude action to &ean, $es, it )as
i&*ortant% /"nd $ou are un)illing to ex*lain $our reasons2/ #I need not
ex*lain &$sel' to $ou%/
/I thin- *erha*s I#d +est ex*lain &$ intentions to $ou, though%/ she re*lied%
/"nd then I +elie(e $ou#ll understand% I' $ou aren#t a heathen, ho) are $ou
going to get &e to &arr$ $ou2 Will $ou si&*l$ announce to $our 'a&il$
and 'riends that $ou ha(e ta-en a )i'e2 6r )ill there +e a cere&on$ )ith a
*riest to hear our (o)s and +less our union2/
/There )ill +e a *riest%/
She 'ro)ned% /" *riest in good standing )ith the church2/
He s&iled then% He si&*l$ couldn#t sto* hi&sel'% 7ord, she )as sus*icious%
/" *riest in good standing,/ he *ro&ised%
Hictor$ )as suddenl$ )ithin her gras*% She said a >uic- *ra$er in
than-sgi(ing to God 'or hel*ing her, *ro&ised to get do)n on her -nees
later to +eg His 'orgi(eness +ecause she#d +elie(ed He hadn#t listened to
her *lea 'or assistance, and then said, /Exactl$ ho) do $ou *lan to get &e
to re*eat &$ (o)s in 'ront o' this &an o' God2/
/0ou )ill%/
/Will I2/
She had hi& there% She couldn#t *ossi+l$ -no) ho) i&*ortant it )as 'or
her to agree to &arr$ hi&% He )asn#t )orried a+out the +eha(ior o' the
*riest or :renna during the actual cere&on$% He could +e inti&idating
)hen he needed to +e% It )as "lec 5incaid )ho ga(e hi& *ause% Connor
)as alread$ standing on tre&+ling ground )ith his +rother, and i' :renna
let "lec -no) she hadn#t agreed, there )ould +e hell to *a$% He could deal
)ith that, +ut i' "lec )anted the *ig !acNare to ha(e her, Connor )ould
ha(e to go against hi&%
She )as *leased to see his s&ile disa**ear% /No) I thin- $ou understand,/
she said%
/I )ould li-e $ou to let the soldiers lea(e unhar&ed% 7et the& go to 7aird
!acNare or +ac- to &$ 'ather%/
The innocent )o&an actuall$ thought she )as sa(ing their li(es% Connor
-ne) +etter% !acNare )ould surel$ torture the &en +e'ore he dis*osed o'
the&, and although her 'ather *ro+a+l$ )ouldn#t +e as t)isted )ith his
*unish&ent, Connor assu&ed he )ould still -ill the& +ecause the$ had
dishonored hi&%
/"nd i' I agree to this di=cult +argain2/ he as-ed, tr$ing to -ee* his
a&use&ent out o' his (oice% /0ou#ll acce*t this &arriage2 I )ant $our
agree&ent and $our acce*tance%/
/There#s a di,erence2/
/There is,/ he re*lied% /In ti&e, $ou#ll understand%/
/Do $ou ex*ect &e to gi(e $ou &$ *ro&ise )ithout -no)ing exactl$ )hat
it is I#& *ro&ising2/
/Do $ou ex*ect &e to let t)el(e co)ards li(e )hen the$ *oison the air I
He )as 'ro)ning at her no), and she couldn#t hel* +ut )orr$ he &ight +e
changing his &ind% She decided not to *ress her good 'ortune% She had
8ust )on an i&*ortant (ictor$, hadn#t she2
Still, she didn#t 'eel li-e cele+rating% /I#ll agree and I#ll acce*t%/
/0ou ha(e a -ind heart%/
She )as astonished +$ his co&*li&ent% /Than- $ou%/
/It )asn#t *raise,/ he sna**ed% /I )ant $ou to rid $oursel' o' such a
He#d rendered her s*eechless% Ho) could she *ossi+l$ argue )ith such
His 'ollo)ers )ere 8ust as odd as their leader% When the$ )ere ordered to
let the soldiers lea(e unhar&ed, the$ didn#t e(en tr$ to hide their
disa**oint&ent% The$ *outed li-e +a+ies% She glared at the Highlanders
)hile she )as +eing *ulled along +$ their leader% ?uinlan had the gall to
s&ile +ac- at her%
The &an she had 8ust *ro&ised to acce*t didn#t s*ea- to her again until
the$ )ere )ell a)a$ 'ro& the others%
/I#& not al)a$s going to +e this *leasant%/
She could tell he )as serious, +ut still she )anted to laugh until she cried%
She )as 'ast losing her control and 'orced hersel' to cal& do)n% She
needed to sta$ clearheaded so she could .gure a )a$ to get out o' this
6h, 7ord, )hat had she gotten hersel' into2
Da&n it all, none o' this )as her 'ault% She -ne) the truth, though she
dou+ted an$one in her 'a&il$ )ould understand, es*eciall$ her 'ather% 6n
her )a$ out the door to go to !acNare, hadn#t she threatened to do
so&ething rash2 Pa*a )as surel$ going to thin- she#d done 8ust that%
/I' &$ 'ather +la&es &e 'or this &arriage, $ou#re going to ha(e to set hi&
straight% I didn#t *lan this, and $ou#re going to tell hi& so% Pro&ise &e $ou
He didn#t ans)er her% She -ne) he#d heard e(er$ )ord, though, +ecause
she#d sha&elessl$ raised her (oice% /Pro&ise &e,/ she de&anded again%
He li'ted her onto her horse, and )hile that )as (er$ thought'ul o' hi&
indeed, she didn#t than- hi&%
She gra++ed his hand as he let go o' her )aist% /Pro&ise &e2/ she as-ed
$et again%
/#Tis dou+t'ul $ou#ll e(er see $our 'a&il$ again% 0our concern is 'oolish%/
He thought he )as (er$ reasona+le%
She thought he )as deli+eratel$ cruel% Tears .lled her e$es o(er the (er$
idea that she &ight not see her 'a&il$ again%
She *ushed his hand a)a$% /I )ill see the& again% 0ou cannot ex*ect &e
to9 Didn#t $our &other e(er tell $ou it#s rude to )al- a)a$ 'ro& so&eone
)hen she#s tal-ing to $ou2/
Connor couldn#t +elie(e )hat he#d 8ust heard% She had actuall$ critici4ed
hi&% No one had e(er s*o-en to hi& )ith such o*en disa**ro(al +e'ore,
and a )o&an addressing hi& in such a 'ashion )as si&*l$ +e$ond his
Honest to God, he didn#t -no) ho) to react% I' she )ere a &an, he -ne)
exactl$ )hat he )ould do, o' course, +ut she )asn#t a &an, and that &ade
his dile&&a con'using% :renna certainl$ )asn#t li-e an$ o' the )o&en he#d
-no)n% !ost a(oided hi&, and those )ho had &ore courage -e*t their
heads lo)ered and their +earing hu&+le in his *resence%
His reaction to :renna )as +e)ildering% She &ade hi& 'eel li-e s&iling,
e(en )hen she )as 'ro)ning at hi&% In truth, she )as such a re'reshing
change 'ro& all o' the others, he couldn#t e(en +egin to i&agine her
co)ering +e'ore hi&, and though her +i4arre +eha(ior *leased hi&, he
-ne) it )ould +e a &ista-e to let her thin- she could al)a$s get a)a$ )ith
such de.ance% It )ould +e a *oor +eginning at +est% He )as going to +e
her laird, and she needed to understand exactl$ )hat that &eant%
"**reciation )ould co&e later% He decided to +e understanding no), so he
*ut his hand on her thigh, gentl$ s>uee4ed, and stared into her e$es%
/0ou don#t understand $et, and 'or that reason, I )ill +e *atient )ith $ou%/
/Exactl$ )hat don#t I understand2/
/0our *osition in &$ household% Soon $ou#ll learn to (alue the great honor
I#(e +esto)ed on $ou +$ &arr$ing $ou%/
Her e$es turned a dee* (iolet +lue% 7ord, she )as *rett$ )hen she )as
/I )ill2/ she as-ed%
/0ou )ill%/
She *ut her hand on to* o' his and +egan to s>uee4e% She )asn#t at all
/Perha*s $ou should +esto) this great honor on so&eone )ho does
understand,/ she suggested%
He ignored her re&ar- and continued on )ith his ex*lanation% /Intil $ou
learn to a**reciate the gi't I#(e gi(en $ou, I ex*ect $ou to (oice $our
o*inions onl$ )hen $ou are as-ed to do so% I cannot tolerate insolence%
No) gi(e &e $our *ro&ise%/
She )as neither i&*ressed nor inti&idated +$ his gru, co&&ands% "
)o&an could onl$ ta-e so &uch, a'ter all, and she#d 8ust a+out reached
her li&it% Surel$ she )ould )a-e u* 'ro& this night&are an$ &o&ent no)%
/I &a$ ne(er (oice &$ o*inions2/ she as-ed%
/When others )ho 'ollo) &e are *resent, $ou &a$ not,/ he >uali.ed%
/When )e are alone, $ou &a$ do )hate(er $ou )ish%/
/I )ish to go ho&e%/
/That isn#t *ossi+le%/
She let out a sigh% Ho&e &eant 'acing her 'ather, and until so&eone
ex*lained the truth to hi&, she honestl$ didn#t thin- she )anted to see
hi& again%
/I#ll gi(e $ou &$ *ro&ise 8ust as soon as $ou *ro&ise $ou#ll ex*lain to &$
/I )on#t e(er +end to $ou%/
/Nor I, to $ou%/
He ignored her outrageous +oast% /Ho)e(er, +ecause $ou#re so o+(iousl$
a'raid o' &e and 'ear $our 'uture, I#(e decided to &a-e this one exce*tion%
I' I e(er see $our 'ather, I#ll ex*lain )hat ha**ened%/
She )anted clari.cation% /:ut $ou )on#t go into detail a+out the *ro*osals%
E(en though I )as 8ust a child, 1ather still &ight not understand%/
/I )on#t &ention $our *ro*osals%/
Her s&ile )as radiant% /Than- $ou%/
He *ointedl$ loo-ed do)n at her hand resting on to* o' his% In her
gratitude, she )as no) *atting hi&%
He couldn#t resist teasing her% /It isn#t a**ro*riate 'or $ou to sho) &e $our
a,ection in 'ront o' the English soldiers%/
She snatched her hand a)a$% /I )as not sho)ing $ou a,ection%/
/"$e, $ou )ere%/
He li-ed ha(ing the last )ord% She sa) hi& s&ile as he turned a)a$ 'ro&
her% What a t)isted sense o' hu&or he had% Were all the *eo*le )ho li(ed
in the Highlands as strange as this one2 :renna 'er(entl$ ho*ed not% Ho)
in hea(en#s na&e )as she e(er going to get along )ith such *eculiar
Good 7ord, she )as alread$ thin-ing a+out a 'uture )ith the +ar+arian%
What )as ha**ening to her2 She should +e tr$ing to thin- o' a )a$ to get
a)a$ 'ro& hi& instead o' )ondering )hat it )ould +e li-e to li(e )ith hi&%
Her reaction to hi& )as &ost *u44ling% She#d 'elt relie' and true
a**reciation )hen he#d *ro&ised to s*ea- to her 'ather, and $et she had
a+solutel$ no reason to trust he )ould -ee* his )ord%
There )as onl$ one *ossi+le reason 'or her odd +eha(ior, she decided% Her
&ind had sna**ed% /He#s &ade &e as addled as :eatrice9 Good God,
She#d 'orgotten all a+out her lad$#s &aid% The *oor )o&an )as *ro+a+l$
>ui(ering )ith terror in the +ushes so&e)here%
:renna dis&ounted and )ent running +ac- to her 'ather#s soldiers% The$
)ere standing no), silentl$ re*lacing their )ea*ons% None o' the& )ould
loo- at her )hen she called out to the&, and so she &o(ed closer%
?uinlan interce*ted her +$ +loc-ing her *ath% He didn#t touch her, 8ust
stood in her )a$ so she couldn#t ta-e another ste*% The other Highlanders
had also &o(ed 'or)ard to *ut the&sel(es +et)een her and her 'ather#s
I' she hadn#t -no)n +etter, she )ould ha(e +elie(ed the$ )ere actuall$
tr$ing to *rotect her 'ro& her (er$ o)n escort% The idea )as too ludicrous
to consider, ho)e(er, and she decided that the$ )ere si&*l$ +eing rude%
/I )ould li-e to s*ea- to &$ 'ather#s soldiers%/
?uinlan shoo- his head% /0our laird )ouldn#t li-e it%/
He )asn#t her laird3 she )as English, 'or the lo(e o' God and -ing, +ut she
-ne) she )ouldn#t get )hat she )anted i' she argued )ith hi&% She
needed his coo*eration, not his anger%
/I dou+t $our laird )ill &ind at all,/ she said% /I#ll onl$ ta-e a &inute% I
?uinlan reluctantl$ ga(e in% He &o(ed to her side, clas*ed his hands
+ehind his +ac-, and said, /0ou &a$ s*ea- to the& 'ro& here%/
She didn#t )aste an$ ti&e% /Harold, *lease don#t 'orget :eatrice% She#s
hiding near the strea&% I )ould a**reciate it i' $ou )ould ta-e her +ac-
"lthough Harold )ouldn#t loo- at her, he did nod agree&ent%
/Will $ou tell &$ *arents not to )orr$2/
Harold &u&+led so&ething under his +reath she couldn#t >uite &a-e out%
She tried to &o(e closer so she could hear his )his*er, +ut ?uinlan *ut his
ar& out to sto* her%
She ga(e the Highlander a good 'ro)n to let hi& -no) )hat she thought
o' his high-handed +eha(ior and then turned +ac- to Harold once again%
/What did $ou sa$2/ she as-ed% /I couldn#t >uite hear $ou%/
The soldier .nall$ loo-ed at her% /0our 'ather )ill go to )ar o(er this
atrocit$, &i#lad$% That is )hat I said%/
Her heart 'elt as though it had 8ust dro**ed into her shoes%
/No, no, he &ustn#t go to )ar o(er &e% !a-e hi& understand, Harold%/
She sto**ed )hen she heard the *anic in her (oice, too- a dee* +reath,
and then )his*ered, /I )on#t ha(e an$one .ghting +ecause o' &e% Tell &$
'ather I )anted this &arriage% I as-ed the Highlander to co&e 'or &e%/
/0ou )anted to &arr$ !acNare2/ Harold as-ed, o+(iousl$
/No, no, I ne(er )anted !acNare% I )anted9/
Dear God, she )as so @ustered, she couldn#t re&e&+er the laird#s na&e% /I
She ga(e ?uinlan a 'rantic loo-% /What is the na&e o' $our laird2/ she
/Connor !ac"lister%/
/!ac"lister,/ she called out% /I )anted !ac"lister% Please re&ind &$ 'ather
he &et &$ 'uture hus+and a long ti&e ago%/
/It#s ti&e to lea(e, &i#lad$,/ ?uinlan ad(ised, 'or he#d 8ust s*otted Connor
)atching 'ro& the edge o' the clearing% The laird didn#t loo- at all *leased
)ith )hat he )as seeing%
/6ne last re>uest,/ she *leaded%
She didn#t gi(e ?uinlan ti&e to argue )ith her% /Harold, tell &$ 'ather not
to co&e a'ter &e% I )ant hi& to cele+rate &$9/
/0our )hat, &i#lad$2/
She could +arel$ get the )ords out )ithout cho-ing% /!$ ha**iness%/
She ran +ac- to her horse and )as alread$ settled in the saddle +$ the
ti&e Connor reached her side% He sat ato* a huge +lac- stallion that
loo-ed as &ean as his &aster%
She &ade the &ista-e o' loo-ing u*, and *ro&*tl$ dro**ed her reins in
reaction to the anger she sa) in his e$es% She >uic-l$ lo)ered her head
and *retended to +e terri+l$ +us$ getting co&'orta+le so he )ouldn#t -no)
she )as deli+eratel$ tr$ing to shield hersel' 'ro& his te&*er%
He )asn#t a+out to +e ignored% Did she actuall$ )ant hi& to +elie(e she
)as tr$ing to *rotect hi& 'ro& her 'ather#s )rath2 The thought )as +oth
insulting and laugha+le%
He 'orced his &ount closer until :renna#s leg )as *ressed tight against
his, and then de&anded her 'ull attention +$ ta-ing hold o' her chin and
'orcing her to loo- at hi&%
She -ne) )hat he )as as-ing and didn#t e(en tr$ to *retend she didn#t%
/War &eans death,/ she ans)ered%
He shrugged% /1or so&e &en it does,/ he agreed%
/E(en one &an )ould +e too &an$,/ she ex*lained% /I don#t )ant an$one
to .ght +ecause o' &e% 1ather has a large ar&$, +ut it )ould +e a hardshi*
and a nuisance 'or hi& to co&e a'ter &e% He )ould insist on leading his
soldiers, and I cannot hel* +ut )orr$ $ou &ight9/
/I &ight )hat2/
/5ill hi&%/
He )as a**eased% She )ished she had the strength in her to *ush hi& o,
his horse% He )as a *roud and arrogant &an, and she had used +oth @a)s
to her +ene.t +$ letting hi& assu&e she +elie(ed he )ould +e the
su*erior )arrior on the +attle.eld% While it )as true that he )as *h$sicall$
su*erior<+ecause he )as $ounger, +igger, and o+(iousl$ stronger<her
'ather )ould &a-e u* 'or the di,erences +$ ha(ing staggering nu&+ers on
his side% It )ould +e a slaughter, all right, and Connor !ac"lister )ould
*ro+a+l$ end u* on the +otto& o' the *ile o' )ounded%
Wh$ had she lied to Harold, then2 Honest to hea(en, she didn#t -no)% She
had 8ust sealed her 'ate )ith her 'ather, +ecause she -ne) that as soon as
his (assal ga(e hi& her &essage, he )ould go into a rage% He )ouldn#t +e
at all reasona+le or +other to ta-e the ti&e to thin- it through and reali4e
she couldn#t *ossi+l$ ha(e *lanned this tric-er$% Not onl$ did she not ha(e
the heart 'or it, she hadn#t had the ti&e%
Pa*a )as going to +la&e her, and then he )ould turn his +ac- on her and
ne(er ac-no)ledge her as his daughter again% :ut he )ould sta$ ali(e to
hate her% "nd no one )ould die%
/I )ill not incon(enience &$ 'ather% Ho)e(er, u*on re@ection, I reali4e &$
o)n )ishes )on#t &atter% 7aird !acNare is sending an escort to &eet &e,
and I#& certain his &en )ill -ill the lot o' $ou% I ex*ect the$ should +e here
an$ &o&ent no)%/
/No, the$ )on#t +e co&ing a'ter $ou%/
He sounded terri+l$ certain% It )ould ta-e too &uch e,ort to argue, and
she )as si&*l$ too )orn out to )orr$ an$ longer% Her heartache 'or her
'a&il$ )as so intense, she could +arel$ -ee* hersel' 'ro& +ursting into
In'ortunatel$, she )as gi(en a long ti&e to 'eel sorr$ 'or hersel'% The$ le't
the clearing a &inute later, and no one s*o-e to her again until late that
e(ening% She )as s>uee4ed in +et)een t)o stone-'aced )arriors )ho
didn#t e(en glance her )a$% Gill$, her s)eet-te&*ered &are, didn#t li-e the
closeness an$ &ore than she did%
Connor )as no)here to +e seen% He#d disa**eared ahead o' the rest o'
the& &ore than an hour +e'ore and still hadn#t returned%
Con(ersation )ould ha(e +ro-en the &onoton$, +ut no one )as in the
&ood to acco&&odate her% "'ter o+ser(ing the& 'or a little )hile, she
reali4ed the$ )ere 'ull$ occu*ied seeing to their *rotection, constantl$
searching the 'orest 'or a *ossi+le threat%
"s *eculiar as it )as to ad&it, she )as e(entuall$ co&'orted +$ their
(igilance% Her +ac-side )as ta-ing >uite a *ounding, and she tried to do
as her &other had o'ten instructed and o,er her &iser$ u* to hea(en 'or
all the *oor lost souls +ound 'or hell% She didn#t understand ho) her *ain
)ould hel* the& .nd their )a$, o' course, +ut rules )ere rules, and so she
decided to tr$ to 'ollo) the&%
0es, she could su,er disco&'ort% Penance 'or *ast sins )ould do her soul
good% Gill$ shouldn#t ha(e to su,er, though% Her &are +egan to slo) her
gait the higher the$ cli&+ed u* the stee* hills% The horse had +een neither
+red nor conditioned 'or such a (igorous 8ourne$% The *oor thing )as all
)orn out and )as +eing *ushed +e$ond her li&its%
:renna )asn#t certain )ho& she should as- to sto*% Connor )ould ha(e
+een her .rst choice, o' course, +ut he )asn#t there, and she#d ha(e to
shout her de&and in the ho*e he &ight hear her%
She didn#t thin- it )ould +e a good idea to &a-e a sound no)% The serious
ex*ressions on the soldiers# 'aces and their (isi+le tension indicated the$
)ere tra(eling through hostile territor$%
She 'ound hersel' )ondering i' Connor had an$ 'riends% "'ter thin-ing the
&atter o(er 'or se(eral &inutes, she concluded he didn#t% He had onl$
hi&sel' to +la&e, o' course% The laird had all the )inning )a$s o' a
)ounded +ear on the attac-%
The co&*arison &ade her s&ile% Then she re&e&+ered *oor Gill$% She
decided to s*ea- to ?uinlan a+out her concern and reached o(er to touch
his ar& to gain his attention%
He reacted as though she#d *inched hi&% Cer-ing his ar& a)a$, he turned
to 'ro)n at her 'or +othering hi&% :e'ore she could )his*er her )orr$, he
&otioned 'or her to -ee* silent +$ *utting his hand to his &outh% She
>uic-l$ *ointed to Gill$%
The )arrior )asn#t +lind% Surel$ he could see ho) lathered and la+ored her
horse )as%
?uinlan didn#t ac-no)ledge her concern% He si&*l$ nudged his horse into
a gallo* and rode ahead% She )atched hi& until he disa**eared into the
She )asn#t le't un*rotected, ho)e(er% "s soon as ?uinlan le't his *osition,
another )arrior &o(ed 'or)ard to ta-e his *lace%
"nd on the$ continued% She )as )earing out% She assu&ed ?uinlan had
gone to get Connor, +ut the t)o &en )ere ta-ing 'ore(er to co&e +ac-%
She closed her e$es 'or )hat )as surel$ 8ust a &inute or t)o, and )hen
she next loo-ed around, Connor )as +eside her, li'ting her onto his la*%
Too tired to *ush hi& a)a$, her last thought +e'ore she 'ell aslee* )as
that she )ould &a-e certain she didn#t lean +ac- or *ress against hi&%
She a)a-ened drooling all o(er the &an% In her slee* she had turned
to)ard hi&, )ound her ar&s around his )aist until her .ngers )ere
s*la$ed against his )ar& s-in, and so&eho) )iggled her )a$ u* higher
onto his la*% Her 'ace )as *ressed against the +ase o' his throat% The heat
radiating 'ro& hi& )ar&ed her 'ar &ore thoroughl$ than a do4en thic-
)oolen +lan-ets% It 'elt )onder'ul%
It )as also hu&iliating% Her &outh )as o*en against his s-in, )hich &ade
her +eha(ior all the &ore disgusting% Than-'ull$, she re&e&+ered Gill$
and )as a+le to *ut her o)n e&+arrass&ent aside% Ho) &uch longer
could her horse go on +e'ore colla*sing2 :renna tried to *ull a)a$ 'ro&
Connor and de&and the$ sto* +e'ore her &are in8ured hersel', +ut he *ut
his ar& around her )aist and 'orced her to sta$ )here she )as%
She *inched hi& to get his attention% He retaliated +$ s>uee4ing the
+reath right out o' her, a silent order to +eha(e hersel', no dou+t, and i'
she#d +een a+le to loo- u* at his 'ace, she )as certain she )ould ha(e
seen hi& sco)ling% The &an didn#t do &uch o' an$thing else%
She )as &ista-en% Connor )as s&iling, 'or he )as (astl$ a&used +$ her
+oldness% He -ne) he inti&idated her3 he#d seen the )orr$ in her e$es,
&ore than once he )as sorr$ to ad&it, and $et she#d *inched hi&% What a
contrar$ )o&an she )as% I' she 'eared hi&, )h$ did she tr$ to *ro(o-e
hi&2 He#d ha(e to get around to as-ing her that (er$ >uestion so&eda$,
)hen he didn#t ha(e &ore i&*ortant &atters on his &ind%
She had 8ust &ade u* her &ind to start screa&ing li-e a de&ented
)o&an, +ut )as sa(ed 'ro& disgracing hersel' in the nic- o' ti&e% Connor
.nall$ decided to sto* 'or the night% She )as so than-'ul, she 'orgot to
gi(e hi& a *iece o' her &ind +ecause o' the ordeal he#d *ut Gill$ through%
It )as going to ta-e the gentle &are a good )ee- o' *a&*ering to reco(er%
Connor dis&ounted .rst +e'ore turning to assist her% He caught her as she
)as sliding do)n the stallion#s side%
/0ou don#t use a saddle%/
/None o' us use saddles%/
She s-irted her )a$ around hi& and )ent running to her horse% Her legs
screa&ed )ith each ste* she too-, and she could onl$ i&agine Gill$#s
disco&'ort% She noticed her o)n saddle )as &issing, assu&ed one o' his
&en had re&o(ed it 'or her, and )as than-'ul 'or that &uch consideration%
Connor )ouldn#t let her see to Gill$#s co&'orts% He assigned that dut$ to
6)en, the soldier )ith the scarred 'ace and a s&ile she thought )as
actuall$ >uite enchanting% She *estered hi& )ith instructions 'or her
&are#s care, than-ed hi& 'or his hel*, and then )atched li-e a )orried
&a&a )hile he led Gill$ o(er to a s*ot )here the &oonlight )asn#t +arred
+$ the trees% Her horse )as coo*erating, a sure sign she )as u* to
&ischie', 'or se(eral ti&es in the *ast she#d ta-en ni*s out o' unsus*ecting
groo&ers% :renna called out a )arning and then )ent in search o' her
The glen Connor had chosen 'or their res*ite )as co&*letel$ surrounded
+$ thic- 'orest% The ground co(er and the trees )ere (i+rant )ith hues o'
+ro)n and green, and da++led here and there )ere *ur*le-ti**ed @o)ers
8ust )a-ing 'ro& )inter#s slee*% " cano*$ o' thic- golden green +ranches
arched high a+o(e her% Strea&ers o' 'ading light .ltering do)n through the
trees ga(e su=cient illu&ination 'or the short )al- to the la-e that,
?uinlan had ex*lained, cut through the southern ti*%
:renna )as gi(en su=cient *ri(ac$ to see to her needs% "'ter ten &inutes
had *assed, Connor decided she#d had enough ti&e alone and )ent to get
her% He 'ound her -neeling o(er her satchel, &uttering to hersel' )hile she
searched through her *ossessions% Se(eral articles o' clothing littered the
ground around her%
She )asn#t reall$ *a$ing attention to )hat she )as doing% Her &ind )as
on the *ro+le& o' co&ing u* )ith a *lan to get out o' this &ess%
Than-'ull$, ti&e )as on her side, she thought, and surel$, once she#d
gotten her )its a+out her, she#d .gure so&ething out%
Connor, to)ering o(er her, )aited 'or her to notice hi&% He ga(e u* a'ter a
'e) &inutes and handed her the )ashcloth he#d *ic-ed u* hours +e'ore%
/Were $ou searching 'or this2/
/0es, than- $ou,/ she ans)ered al&ost a+sent&indedl$% /I &ust ha(e
dro**ed it onl$ a &o&ent ago, or I )ould ha(e noticed% I#& (er$
He didn#t correct her% He didn#t gi(e her the +lue ri++on she#d also le't +$
the strea& hours ago, either% He decided to -ee* the thing a little longer,
as a re&inder that he had indeed ta-en a )i'e% He )as +ound to 'orget
such an insigni.cant detail%
/Wash $our 'ace, :renna% 0our &outh is co(ered in *aint%/
She straightened u* so >uic-l$, she al&ost to**led o(er +ac-)ard% /I don#t
*aint &$ 'ace%/ She )as horri.ed +$ the (er$ idea% 6nl$ )o&en on their
)a$ to hell )ould do such a *agan thing% /It#s &$ *aint%/
/Ho) did I get *aint92 I re&e&+er no)% Cust a'ter $ou tric-ed &e into
as-ing $ou to &arr$ &e again, $ou said $ou )ould, and then $ou -issed
&e )ithout as-ing *er&ission%/
/0es,/ he agreed, 8ust to get her &o(ing% In his o*inion, the +rie' touch o'
his &outh against hers didn#t >uali'$ as a -iss, it had +een a s$&+olic
gesture, nothing &ore%
/The *riest is )aiting 'or us% Hurr$ and .nish%/
She couldn#t +elie(e )hat she )as hearing% She +ounded to her 'eet%
/No)2 The *riest is )aiting no)2 Wh$ is he )aiting2/
Connor )as thoroughl$ *u44led +$ her +eha(ior% She acted as though
she#d 8ust had the )ind -noc-ed out o' her% /He#s here to get it done,/ he
She de&anded s*eci.cs% /Get )hat done2/
/0ou couldn#t ha(e 'orgotten so soon,/ he re*lied in exas*eration% /The
/No)2/ she cried out again% /0ou )ant to &arr$ &e no)2/
She ran her .ngers through her hair, then started )ringing her hands
together, and, dear God, she -ne) she )as shouting at hi&, +ut she
couldn#t see& to &a-e hersel' sto*% Connor )as so chillingl$ cal& a+out it
all% He had to +e out o' his &ind i' he thought she could *ossi+l$ &arr$
hi& right no)%
/What did $ou ex*ect2/
She )as too stunned to co&e u* )ith an ans)er% /What did I ex*ect2 I
ex*ected ti&e%/
/Ti&e 'or )hat2/
Ti&e to co&e u* )ith a )a$ out o' this night&are, she )anted to screa&%
/Ti&e 'or $ou to9 to ta-e &e to $our ho&e% 0es, that#s )hat I ex*ected% I
need ti&e to *lan a *ro*er )edding%/
/Then I#(e sa(ed $ou the trou+le% 0ou &a$ than- &e later%/
/"nd ti&e 'or $ou to co&e to $our senses,/ she +lurted out%
/I -no) )hat I#& doing%/
She suddenl$ 'elt light-headed and reali4ed that, 'or the .rst ti&e in her
li'e, she )as a+out to s)oon% She turned around and )ent to the edge o'
the la-e to sit do)n% Closing her e$es, she tried to thin- o' a *lan )hile the
)orld s*un out o' control around her% 0es, she needed a *lan% "n$ *lan%
She )as in such a *anic, her &ind )ouldn#t coo*erate% She )ould greet
the *riest, $es, o' course she )ould greet hi&, and she )ould tal- to hi&,
ex*laining that she )ould +e ha**$ to share her &eal )ith hi& tonight
and let hi& get a good rest% He could &arr$ her to the +ear .rst thing in
the &orning% She )ould strongl$ suggest, e(en +eg i' she had to, that he
)ait a little longer, a &onth or t)o or ten, +ecause the sacra&ent o'
&arriage )as a serious underta-ing a'ter all, and then i' Connor still didn#t
reali4e his &ista-e, she#d +egin )or- on her )edding go)n%
Connor )as >uic-l$ running out o' *atience% No) )hat )as she doing2
Honest to God, a &an could ta-e onl$ so &uch, and her resistance )as
+eco&ing do)nright +otherso&e% He decided to ta-e &atters, and :renna,
into his o)n hands% He too- hold o' her cloth, di**ed it into the )ater, and
s>uatted do)n in 'ront o' her% :e'ore she could scoot a)a$, he too- hold o'
her chin and scru++ed her 'ace 'or her%
He )asn#t gentle% Her 'ace )as +right red )hen he .nished, and he didn#t
-no) i' he#d +een too rough on her delicate s-in or i' she )as +lushing%
/7et#s get it done,/ he ordered%
He li'ted her to her 'eet and literall$ *ulled her along +ehind hi&%
/I .nall$ understand% I#& dead, aren#t I2 I died o' 'right )hen I .rst sa)
$ou, and no) I#& su,ering 'or &$ sins% God, I )asn#t that +ad, )as I2/
Connor *retended to ignore her rantings, and it too- all he had to hide his
s&ile% 7ord, she )as e&otional% She )asn#t cr$ing, though% The *riest
)ould +elie(e she#d +een coerced into the &arriage i' she )e*t
throughout the cere&on$% Granted, she had +een coerced, +ut he didn#t
)ant 1ather Sinclair to -no) it% There )as also the 'act that Connor didn#t
*articularl$ li-e to +e around )o&en )ho )e*t all the ti&e% The$ &ade
hi& ner(ous, and gi(en his choice, he#d ta-e an angr$ )i'e o(er a )ee*ing
one an$ da$ o' the )ee-%
:renna )asn#t in the &ood to cr$% She 'elt li-e -illing so&eone, and Connor
)as her .rst choice% "nd )hat -ind o' sin'ul attitude )as that 'or her to
ta-e to her )edding2 She )as a+out to enter into hol$ &atri&on$, 'or the
lo(e o' God%
Her )edding% It )asn#t going to +e at all li-e the )edding she#d *lanned in
her da$drea&s during se)ing lessons% She#d ex*ected to +e &arried in her
'ather#s cha*el, surrounded +$ 'a&il$ and 'riends% What she )as getting
)as a grou* o' ill-&annered )arriors and a *riest )ho didn#t loo- old
enough to ha(e .nished his training%
Pride -e*t her 'ro& &a-ing a scene% :ecause e(er$one )as )atching her
a**roach, she &o(ed 'or)ard to )al- +$ Connor#s side, and as soon as she
reached the *riest, she li'ted the he& o' her s-irts and &ade a 'or&al
/Shall )e +egin2/ the *riest said a'ter casting a )orried glance u* at
Connor#s 'ace%
/No)2/ she cried out%
Connor let out a loud sigh% /Will $ou sto* sa$ing that2/
/Is so&ething )rong )ith no)2/ the *riest as-ed, his con'usion o+(ious%
He addressed his >uestion to Connor and dared to 'ro)n u* at hi&% /I &ust
tell $ou, 7aird, it dis*leases &e to see $ou co&e to this sacra&ent dressed
in )ar *aint% I#ll ha(e to gi(e &$ accounting to &$ su*eriors as )ell as
"lec 5incaid% What )ill I sa$ to the&2/
/Sa$ )hate(er $ou )ant to sa$, 1ather% !$ +rother, at least, )ill
The *riest nodded% /Her$ )ell% !i#lad$, do $ou co&e here o' $our o)n 'ree
)ill2 Do $ou agree to &arr$ 7aird Connor !ac"lister2/
E(er$one stared at her )hile she conte&*lated her ans)er% She had gi(en
her )ord, God hel* her, and her 'ather#s soldiers had all +een +reathing
)hen the$#d le't her, )hich &eant Connor had -e*t his *art o' the +argain%
It )as no) her turn%
The *riest )asn#t at all concerned a+out the +ride#s con'usion% He )as
used to ner(ous +rides, o' course, 'or he had alread$ &arried a 'air
nu&+er o' cou*les in his short )hile as an ordained *riest and had learned
to ex*ect 8ust a+out an$thing%
/The *riest is )aiting 'or $our ans)er, :renna,/ Connor re&inded her in a
(oice that held a threatening tone%
/"$e, he#s )aiting, lass,/ ?uinlan +lurted out, though he deli+eratel$ -e*t
his (oice soothing in the ho*e o' cal&ing her do)n%
She .nall$ ga(e in to the ine(ita+le% /0es, 1ather, o' course, +ut9/
/0ou &ust sa$ the )ords, &i#lad$% The church re>uires that I hear $ou
ac-no)ledge that $ou &arr$ Connor !ac"lister o' $our o)n 'ree )ill%/
/:renna, I s)ear to $ou that i' I hear that )ord again9/ Connor +egan%
1rantic, :renna .nall$ re&e&+ered the *iti'ul little *lan she#d co&e u*
/1ather, )e ha(en#t +een *ro*erl$ introduced% I don#t e(en -no) $our
na&e% I should, shouldn#t I2 I thought )e )ould share our e(ening &eal
together, and $ou and I could get to -no) each other, and then $ou could
get a long rest, and to&orro) )e )ould go to $our cha*el, and i' $ou don#t
ha(e a cha*el, then )e could -ee* on going until )e 'ound one, and $ou
)ould instruct &e so that I )ould +e *re*ared 'or this 8o$'ul sacra&ent,
and I9/
She suddenl$ )ent co&*letel$ still% /War *aint, 1ather2 Did $ou sa$ )ar
*aint2 Connor !ac"lister#s )earing )ar *aint to &$ )edding2/
She didn#t &ean to shout at the *riest, +ut honest to God, her endurance
)as gone% She si&*l$ couldn#t ta-e an$thing &ore% She didn#t care )ho
li(ed and )ho died, e(en i' she )ere the one slain% 6nl$ one thing
&attered to her no)% The )ar *aint%
She turned her )rath on Connor% She )as so 'urious )ith hi&, tears .lled
her e$es% /I )on#t ha(e it%/
The *riest#s &outh dro**ed o*en% He#d ne(er heard an$one s*ea- to 7aird
!ac"lister in such a &anner, exce*t "lec 5incaid, o' course<+ut he could
s*ea- to hi& an$ )a$ he chose<and 'or a sli* o' a )o&an to sho) such
o*en hostilit$ )as +oth astonishing and courageous% I' he li(ed through
this ordeal, he &ust re&e&+er e(er$ )ord he had 8ust heard so he could
re*eat the tale to his 'riends%
Connor intended to *ut the 'ear o' God into her to get her to cal& do)n,
+ut the tears s)a$ed hi&% Wh$ the )ar *aint u*set her )as +e$ond his
understanding, +ut u*set she )as, and he -ne) he )ouldn#t get the
cere&on$ o(er and done )ith until he 'ound a )a$ to &a-e her coo*erate%
7ord, she )as a nuisance%
/:renna, $ou )ill not raise $our (oice to &e%/ He deli+eratel$ tried to
sound reasona+le% !ean, +ut reasona+le too%
/0ou )ill not )ear )ar *aint to our )edding%/
Honest to God, she sounded as &ean as he did% He couldn#t hel* +ut +e
i&*ressed% /I )ant to get this done%/
She let go o' his ar& and crossed her ar&s in 'ront o' her% /We#ll )ait%/
/I' $ou thin-9/
/I )on#t e(er as- an$thing &ore o' $ou%/
Da&n it all, she loo-ed as i' she )as a+out to start )ailing% Didn#t she
reali4e she )as a+out to +eco&e his )i'e2 It )as an honor, not a death
His +ride didn#t seen to understand, ho)e(er% 6ne o' the& )as going to
ha(e to +e reasona+le, and he guessed it )ould ha(e to +e his dut$%
/This reall$ &atters to $ou2/
She couldn#t +elie(e he needed to as- such a ridiculous >uestion% The
sacra&ent o' &atri&on$ )as a +lessed e(ent, e(er$one -ne) that, and
co&ing to a *riest dressed 'or )ar insulted God, the church, the *riest and
/It#s (er$ i&*ortant to &e%/
/"ll right then, +ut this is the last ti&e I#ll e(er concede to $our de&ands%/
Connor *aused to glare at his 'ollo)ers )hen he noticed the$ )ere all
nodding agree&ent% Then he turned +ac- to his reluctant +ride% /Ha(e I
&ade &$sel' clear2/
/0ou ha(e, and I a& &ost a**reciati(e%/
She suddenl$ 'elt li-e s&iling, +ut she &aintained her so&+er ex*ression
until Connor )al-ed a)a$ 'ro& her% He let out a sigh that sounded li-e a
dee* gro)l% She did s&ile then3 she couldn#t hel* hersel'% 1or the .rst ti&e
in a long, long )hile, she didn#t 'eel a'raid o' her 'uture, +ut then her &ind
had alread$ sna**ed, she re&inded hersel', and she couldn#t +e
reasona+le a+out an$thing no)% Connor )as coo*erating, )hich &eant he
)asn#t a co&*lete +ar+arian% It )asn#t &uch to +ase a &arriage on, +ut
she )as going to +e stuc- )ith the &an 'or the rest o' her li'e, and she
)as a des*erate )o&an, a'ter all% She )ould ta-e )hat she could get,
e(en i' it )as 8ust a single thread o' ho*e%
She -e*t on s&iling until she re&e&+ered the +lue-'aced *agans )ho rode
)ith the groo&%
She )as 'ro)ning )ith indignation +$ the ti&e she turned to the&% /Were
$ou ex*ecting to attend the )edding2/
She didn#t ha(e to sa$ an$thing &ore% ?uinlan and the others +o)ed to
her +e'ore hurr$ing to catch u* )ith their laird%
The$ didn#t +al- the )a$ Connor had% Se(eral, in 'act, glanced +ac- to
s&ile% The$ see&ed to )ant to acco&&odate her% She didn#t dare trust
an$ o' the&, o' course, and she decided to 'ollo) along, 8ust to &a-e
certain the$ didn#t change their &inds at the last &inute% She +elie(ed
the$#d done 8ust that )hen the$ all lined u* along the edge o' the +an-
and stood there *rocrastinating )hile the$ tal-ed to one another%
:ecause she#d +een so concerned a+out i&*ortant &atters, it hadn#t
occurred to her that the &en )ould ha(e to re&o(e their clothes +e'ore
entering the )ater% "d&ittedl$, she#d +een too occu*ied gloating o(er her
insigni.cant little (ictor$ to thin- a+out an$thing else%
Their +elts 'ell to the ground .rst% She ca&e to a dead sto* and closed her
e$es% She still )asn#t 'ast enough, 'or she sa) e(er$ one o' their na-ed
+ac-sides +e'ore the$ disa**eared into the la-e +elo)%
Their laughter 'ollo)ed% She didn#t &ind, e(en though she )as certain
the$ had -no)n all the )hile that she )as there and )ere no) laughing at
The *riest ca&e u* +ehind her% /We ha(en#t +een introduced, &i#lad$% !$
na&e is 1ather 5e(in Sinclair, son o' "ngus Sinclair o' the Neatherhills%/
/It#s a *leasure to &eet $ou, 1ather% !$ na&e is :renna% !$ 'ather is :aron
Ha$nes)orth, though I dou+t $ou#(e e(er heard o' hi&% I co&e 'ro&
/I had alread$ sur&ised as &uch%/
/!$ clothing and &$ s*eech are +oth sure indications, aren#t the$2/
/0es, the$ are,/ he agreed )ith a s&ile she thought )as as char&ing as his
The *riest radiated )ar&th and -indness, and 'or the .rst ti&e in a long
)hile, she +egan to relax%
/I &ust co&*li&ent $ou, 7ad$ :renna% 0our co&&and o' our language is
>uite re&ar-a+le 'or a +eginner%/
/:ut, 1ather, I#(e +een stud$ing Gaelic 'or $ears%/
Horri.ed, he sta&&ered out a hast$ a*olog$% /Do 'orgi(e &e% I &eant to
*raise $ou, not insult $ou%/
/I )asn#t o,ended, 8ust sur*rised,/ she assured hi&%
His s&ile returned% /Did $ou -no) $ou alternate +et)een +oth languages
)hen $ou#re angr$2/
/No, I didn#t -no)% When did $ou notice this *eculiar +eha(ior2/
/When the )ar *aint irritated $ou% I )as also irritated, +ut not 'or long% The
)a$ $ou stood u* to Connor i&*ressed &e9 and hi&, I )ould )ager% I
don#t +elie(e an$one has e(er s*o-en to hi& +e'ore )ith such *assion and
'ur$% It )as so&ething to see, all right%/
/I shouldn#t ha(e +een di=cult% It )asn#t lad$li-e, and I do -no) +etter% !$
te&*er got the +est o' &e and is a 'ault I &ust tr$ to o(erco&e% I' there
)ere ti&e, I )ould +eg $ou to hear &$ con'ession +e'ore I &arried%/
/I )ould +e ha**$ to &a-e the ti&e, &i#lad$%/
/Then there is a cha*el close-+$2/
/We ha(e 'e) cha*els here, +ut as long as )e don#t 'ace each other )hile
$ou con'ess, the rules o' the church )ill +e guarded%/
The *riest )as alread$ )earing the stole he used to hear con'essions% The
tasseled stri* o' &aterial )as dra*ed around his shoulders% "s soon as
the$ reached the clearing, he *ulled the ends loose 'ro& the ro*e +elt he
)ore around the )aist o' his +ro)n ro+e and turned to .nd a suita+le s*ot%
He .nall$ settled on a tree stu&*, sat do)n, and then instructed :renna to
-neel on the ground +eside hi&%
She +o)ed her head and closed her e$es% He stared across the clearing,
&ade the sign o' the cross )ith a )ide s)ee* o' his hand, and told her to
She >uic-l$ listed her transgressions, and )hen she )as .nished, she
+egan to as- hi& >uestions in an atte&*t to stall the ine(ita+le%
/Is it sin'ul 'or &e to 'ear &$ 'uture2 I don#t -no) Connor (er$ )ell% He
'rightens &e, 1ather% "& I +eing 'oolish2/
The *riest )asn#t a+out to ad&it that Connor terri.ed hi&% He )asn#t
asha&ed o' his reaction, as e(er$one he -ne) 'elt &uch the sa&e )a$%
Still, he )as su**osed to o,er solace, and telling her the truth )ould onl$
&a-e her &ore 'ear'ul%
/I don#t -no) hi& (er$ )ell either, +ut I ha(e heard enough a+out his
+ac-ground to understand )h$ he#s such a hard &an% His 'ather died )hen
he )as (er$ $oung, and he )as then raised +$ "lec 5incaid, )ho .nished
)hat his 'ather had +egun% The t)o &en consider the&sel(es to +e
/I#& certain I shall li-e his +rother,/ she )his*ered, ho*ing to God she )as
The *riest )as 8ust as certain she#d +e terri.ed o' hi&% 7ord -ne), he )as,
though he didn#t thin- it )ould do her an$ good to hear hi& ad&it it% /I
ha(e ne(er 'elt the need to guard &$ )ords in his *resence or )al- t)ent$
*aces +ehind hi&% "ge has taught 5incaid to listen +e'ore he retaliates<at
least, that is )hat I#(e +een told<and 'or that reason he doesn#t inti&idate
&e the )a$9/
/The )a$ Connor does2/
/No), lass, don#t tr$ to guess )hat I#& going to sa$% The )a$ the &en I
)as )ith reacted to Connor &ade &e9 catch their caution% Tr$ to
re&e&+er that God )ill loo- a'ter $ou% His *lans are o'ten too co&*licated
'or us to understand%/
Was she su**osed to +e co&'orted +$ his co&&ents2 I' so, )h$ did she
)ant to )ee*2
/I )ill +e all alone, 1ather,/ she )his*ered%
/Na$, lass, $ou )on#t +e alone% God )ill +e )ith $ou, and I shall +e close-
+$% I#(e +een assigned to ser(e 7aird 5incaid, 'or his con'essor *assed on
three &onths ago, and there is a great need o' &$ ser(ices in the region% I
)ill ne(er +e too +us$ to ser(e $ou, &i#lad$, and i' $ou should e(er need
&e, all $ou ha(e to do is as-%/
His *ro&ise co&'orted her, and she >uic-l$ assured hi& that she )ould
)elco&e his 'riendshi* and his counsel%
Connor and his &en )atched 'ro& a short distance a)a$% ?uinlan *aced
throughout the )ait% Connor leaned against a tree )ith his ar&s 'olded
across his chest and a hard 'ro)n on his 'ace%
/It doesn#t a**ear the$#ll +e .nished an$ti&e soon,/ ?uinlan re&ar-ed% /I
thin- )e should go ahead and eat% It#s +een a long da$%/
/We )ait, no &atter ho) long it ta-es% Honest to God, &$ *atience is
gone% No one can ha(e that &an$ sins% Hell, she hasn#t li(ed long enough%/
/Perha*s she#s con'essing so&e o' $our sins,/ ?uinlan suggested )ith a
grin% /I' that +e true, )e could +e here a 'ull &onth%/ &e )arrior )as so
a&used o(er his o)n 8est, he laughed out loud% The sound dre) a 'ro)n o'
disa**ro(al 'ro& 1ather Sinclair% /7aird, could $our lad$ +e ha(ing second
thoughts2/ 6)en as-ed% /She &ight e(en +e deli+eratel$ ta-ing her ti&e%/
?uinlan rolled his e$es hea(en)ard% /6' course she#s ta-ing her ti&e%/
"'ter a 'e) &ore &inutes, Sinclair .nished% He )as a+out to gi(e :renna
a+solution )hen she sto**ed hi&% /!a$ I as- one last >uestion2/
She )as )ringing her hands together )hile she )aited 'or his re*l$%
Sinclair noticed the action and hurried to cal& her% /0ou &a$ ha(e all the
ti&e $ou re>uire% I#& in no hurr$%/
/"re the$ )atching us2 The$ are, aren#t the$2/
/0es, the$#re )atching%/
/I#(e -e*t &$ e$es closed as $ou instructed, +ut I -no) Connor#s 'ro)ning,
isn#t he2/
/Wh$, he#s +arel$ *a$ing us an$ attention at all,/ the *riest lied% She let
out a sigh% /I )ill &a-e the +est o' it% I#& deter&ined to +e a good )i'e%
Than- $ou, 1ather, 'or $our instruction% I a**reciate the ti&e $ou#(e gi(en
&e% I#& .nished no)%/
1ather Sinclair tuc-ed the ends o' the stole under his +elt once again and
.nall$ stood u*% He turned to assist :renna, +ut he needn#t ha(e +othered%
Connor )as alread$ +$ his +ride#s side, *ulling her u* to)ard hi&%
/Would $ou +e )anting to con'ess $our sins, 7aird2/
His 'ro)n &ade 1ather Sinclair @inch% He hastil$ )al-ed a)a$, using the
*retense o' greeting the &en%
Connor )asn#t a)are o' ho) a+ru*t he#d sounded% He -e*t his attention
directed on :renna )hile he )aited 'or her to loo- u* at hi&% He thought
he#d scare a little consideration into the )o&an% God onl$ -ne), he#d 'eel
+etter once he#d gi(en in to the childish urge, and he )ould ha(e done 8ust
that, i' she hadn#t loo-ed u* at hi& )ith such a sur*rised ex*ression on
her 'ace%
/Connor, $ou#re not ho&el$%/
/Wh$ do I need to hear this2/
0ou don#t, +ut I 'elt li-e telling $ou% It doesn#t &atter% Ho&el$ or not, I still
)ould &arr$ $ou% When I &a-e a *ro&ise, I -ee* it% I#d li-e $ou to *ro&ise
&e so&ething too%/
Her e$es )idened in dis+elie'% /:ut $ou ha(en#t e(en heard &$ re>uest
$et% Ho) can $ou sa$ no2/
/The *riest#s )aiting%/
She 'orced hersel' to +e *atient +ecause there )ere &ore i&*ortant
concerns to address no)% /6nce the *riest has +lessed the &arriage, )ill
$ou *lease ex*lain )h$ $ou are deter&ined to &arr$ &e and no other2/
He didn#t see an$ har& in satis'$ing her curiosit$, though he 'ound it odd
that she )ould +e interested in -no)ing his reasons% /0es,/ he agreed%
/"re $ou al)a$s going to +e this stu++orn and )ill'ul2/
/I didn#t reali4e I )as%/ She hurried to change the su+8ect +e'ore he 'ound
so&ething else a+out her to critici4e% /Than- $ou 'or allo)ing 1ather
Sinclair to hear &$ con'ession% He and I +oth a**reciate $our *atience%/
He loo-ed sur*rised +$ her gratitude% /6ur *riests are the &ost *o)er'ul
&en in all the Highlands, lass% I )ould not dare to interru*t, e(en i' I#d
)anted to%/
She noticed the *riest )as )a(ing to the& and *ut her hand on Connor#s
ar&% /1ather )ould li-e to get started% "re $ou read$2 I con'ess I#& (er$
ner(ous,/ she added in a )his*er%
/There isn#t an$ need to +e ner(ous% 0ou )ill sto* it at once%/
/I )ill2/ she as-ed, )ondering ho) in hea(en#s na&e she could *ossi+l$
&anage that 'eat%
/0es, $ou )ill, +ecause $ou )ill .nall$ reali4e $ou#ll +e &uch +etter ser(ed
)ith &e% No )o&an in her right &ind )ould )ant to +e &arried to the *ig
He sounded as though he -ne) )hat he )as tal-ing a+out% She decided to
+elie(e hi& 'or the si&*le reason that she reall$ didn#t ha(e an$ other
choice% She did )ish she had so&e o' his con.dence, though, and )anted
to lean into his side 8ust to +e close to his strength% She didn#t gi(e in to
her urge, ho)e(er, +ecause she thought it )ould &a-e her a**ear )ea-
to hi&, and she )asn#t )ea- at all% No, no, she )as 8ust ner(ous% That )as
"s soon as she reali4ed e(er$one )as staring at her, she 'orced a s&ile
and straightened her shoulders% /I ho*e I don#t &a-e a &ess o' &$ (o)s% I
ha(en#t had ti&e to thin- a+out )hat I should sa$ to $ou% I )as
/No, )e aren#t going to )ait% 0ou#ll do .ne%/
/:ut I9/
;es*onding to the )orr$ he heard in her (oice, he reassured her again
+e'ore she could get e(en &ore )or-ed u*% /It )ill +e o(er and done )ith
+e'ore $ou -no) it%/
She -ne) he thought she )as tal-ing a+out the cere&on$, and she didn#t
correct hi& no)% She had +een concerned a+out &a-ing a &uc- o' her
(o)s, +ut she -ne) she#d get the& said one )a$ or another% It )as the
'uture that still &ade her a**rehensi(e% It )as all so irre(oca+le% Connor
)as an un-no)n% So )as !acNare, she re&inded hersel'% Wouldn#t she
ha(e +een a**rehensi(e )ith hi& as )ell2
She stared straight ahead and stood )here she )as 'or a 'ull &inute
)ithout sa$ing another )ord )hile she once again considered all the
ra&i.cations o' )hat she )as a+out to do%
In the end, she decided she )ould ha(e to *ut her destin$ in God#s hands%
/There#s no going +ac- no), Connor !ac"lister%/
He nodded, 'or he#d heard the con(iction in her (oice and -ne) her &ind
)as .nall$ &ade u*% /Na$, lass, there isn#t%/
She )al-ed ahead o' hi& no), her head high, her deter&ination strong%
/This had +etter +e si&*le%/
It )ould +e si&*le, 'or he +elie(ed she had .nall$ co&e to her senses and
)as going to +e reasona+le%
He should ha(e -no)n +etter%
Cha*ter J
Contents - Pre( A Next
Nothing )as e(er si&*le )ith the )o&an% The$ )ere e(entuall$ &arried,
+ut honest to God, it too- 'ore(er to get 'ro& the +eginning o' the
cere&on$ to the end% His +ride )as entirel$ res*onsi+le, o' course% She
+eca&e so o+(iousl$ distraught during the *riest#s long-)inded
dissertation on the &erits o' the hol$ sacra&ent o' &atri&on$, she si&*l$
couldn#t stand still% Connor 'orced hi&sel' to +e *atient and didn#t get the
least +it angr$, or e(en disgruntled%
He did get di44$, though% So did all the others% T)o o' his &en had to close
their e$es so the$ could &aintain their +alance% Sinclair )as in &uch the
sa&e condition, and all +ecause he &ade the &ista-e o' tr$ing to -ee* u*
)ith the +ride%
It all started out si&*l$ enough% When the *riest instructed the cou*le to
stand side +$ side and 'ace hi&, :renna hurried to o+e$% She see&ed
eager to coo*erate, and Connor naturall$ assu&ed she )as in as &uch o'
a hurr$ as he )as to get it done%
He reall$ should ha(e -no)n +etter%
/7aird, i' $our 'ollo)ers )ould 'or& a hal'-circle +ehind $ou, the$ &a$ all
+e )itnesses to this 8o$'ul e(ent%/
/There, no),/ he said once the &en )ere )here he thought the$ should
+e% /7ad$ :renna, are $ou read$ to +egin2/
/0es, 1ather%/
The *riest s&iled% /0ou loo- radiant, lass,/ he )his*ered% He si&*l$
couldn#t sto* hi&sel' 'ro& +lurting out a +it o' *raise, +ut he )as >uic- to
catch the &en#s 'ro)ns o' disa**ro(al, re&e&+ering then that
Highlanders )ere -no)n to +e *ric-l$ a+out their )o&en +eing gi(en an$
attention +$ other &en, and he reali4ed too late that the *eculiarit$ &ust
also extend to &en o' the cloth%
He hurried to re*air the da&age he &ight ha(e done% /0our +ride reali4es
her good 'ortune, 7aird, and that is )h$ she loo-s radiant% I &eant onl$ to
re&ar- u*on that 'act%/
Connor couldn#t i&agine )h$ the *riest had suddenl$ +eco&e so agitated%
He nodded 8ust to *lacate hi& so he )ould *roceed )ith his dut$ o'
+lessing the union%
Sinclair cleared his throat, &ade the sign o' the cross, and then +egan his
ser&on on the res*onsi+ilities each )ould acce*t once the$ )ere trul$
hus+and and )i'e%
:renna started out loo-ing serene and so&e)hat relaxed )ith her hands
do)n at her sides% Connor >uic-l$ tired o' listening to the *riest% She hung
on to the &an#s e(er$ )ord% When she started shi'ting 'ro& 'oot to 'oot,
Connor thought she )as as +ored as he )as% Then she started )ringing
her hands together, a telltale indication that trou+le )as co&ing%
/7ad$ :renna, *lease turn to $our laird )hile $ou *roclai& $our (o)s%/
She didn#t hesitate in co&*l$ing )ith the instruction, +ut Connor sa) the
*anic in her e$es the second she loo-ed u* at hi&% The color had le't her
'ace, and he ho*ed to God she )ouldn#t 'aint +e'ore the *riest .nished%
He )aited 'or her to s*ea-, +ut a'ter a long &inute o' silence, he decided
he )ould% He &ade >uic- )or- o' the dut$ )ith a +ris- *ro&ise to *rotect
and honor her%
Se(eral o' his &en grunted their a**ro(al%
It didn#t ta-e hi& an$ ti&e at all% It too- her the rest o' the e(ening%
/It#s $our turn no), lass,/ the *riest coaxed )hen she re&ained silent% /0ou
&ust *roclai& $our (o)s% 0our hesitation &a-es &e thin- $ou &ight +e
changing $our &ind% Could that +e true2/
She 'ranticall$ shoo- her head% /I &ean to &arr$ hi&, 1ather% I a&
searching 'or 8ust the right )ords,/ she ex*lained% /It#s i&*ortant that I get
it right%/
Those )ere the last coherent )ords she s*o-e 'or a long, long )hile% She
started *acing )hile she )orried o(er each and e(er$ )ord she )ould sa$%
She circled the *riest se(eral ti&es, then )idened her circle to include all
o' the&% No one )as le't guessing )hat she )as thin-ing a+out, +ecause
she s*o-e each con'using thought out loud as she *aced% Connor -ne)
she )asn#t a)are o' )hat she )as doing, and as soon as he ga(e u*
)atching her, he sto**ed +eing di44$%
"round and around she )ent, until Sinclair )as (isi+l$ reeling 'ro& turning
so she )ould ha(e his 'ull attention% She ex*lained she, too, &eant to
*rotect and honor Connor, 8ust as he had *ro&ised her, +ut unli-e the &an
she )as &arr$ing, she 'elt the need to ex*ound at length u*on those t)o
(o)s )ith one >uali.cation a'ter another3 $et she ne(er >uite .nished an$
one thought%
It )as a**arent she )asn#t going to sto* until she had it all )or-ed out,
and Connor didn#t e(en tr$ to inter(ene% He relaxed his stance, 'olded his
ar&s across his chest, and closed his e$es%
The *riest thought the laird loo-ed +ored, +ut e(er$ once in a )hile a
>uic- s&ile )ould a**ear on his 'ace, and Sinclair -ne) Connor had 'ound
so&ething a&using in )hat his +ride )as sa$ing%
She .nall$ sto**ed% Connor o*ened his e$es then, and honest to hea(en,
he al&ost laughed out loud% His gentle +ride )as no) standing next to the
*riest loo-ing >uite *leased )ith hersel'%
Sinclair sei4ed the o**ortunit$% He latched on to her ar& to -ee* 'ro&
'alling o(er, +ut e(en a'ter the di44iness le't hi&, he didn#t let go o' her% He
&eant to -ee* her 'ro& ta-ing another e(ening stroll%
/"re $ou .nished, lass2/ he as-ed%
/0es, 1ather%/
Sinclair cast the laird a +e)ildered loo-% /Did she get her (o)s said, then2/
/Would $ou li-e &e to re*eat the&, 1ather2/ she as-ed%
E(er$one +ut Connor shouted no at the sa&e ti&e% She )as so startled +$
their enthusiastic re*l$, her e$es )idened and she too- a >uic- ste* +ac-%
The *riest )as the onl$ one )ho 'elt the need to a*ologi4e% /Do 'orgi(e &e
'or raising &$ (oice to $ou, dear lad$% I can#t i&agine )hat ca&e o(er &e%
I#& certain $our laird )ill ans)er &$ >uestion%/
Connor )ouldn#t gi(e her ti&e to *rotest% He held her ga4e stead$ )hile
he su&&ari4ed her *ro&ises%
/She )ill honor &e, *rotect &e, o+e$ &e onl$ )hen she +elie(es I#& +eing
reasona+le<+ut I shouldn#t hold out ho*e that that da$ )ill e(er co&e<
tr$ to lo(e &e +e'ore she#s an old )o&an, and I#d +etter get it straight in
&$ &ind that she )ill res*ect &e until or unless I do so&ething to *ro(e
I#& not )orth$, and God sa(e &e then% Ha(e I le't an$thing out, :renna2/
/Na$, Connor,/ she ans)ered% /0ou &ade +etter sense out o' &$ (o)s
than I did%/
The *riest *aused to &o* the s)eat 'ro& his +ro), 'or the tas- o' getting
the cou*le &arried had alread$ *ro(en to +e a &ost strenuous
underta-ing% He then tried to .gure out ho) he could +less the& )ith the
+ride standing a 'oot +ehind hi& and the groo& a good distance ahead o'
hi&% He .nall$ ga(e u* on the dile&&a, )a(ed his hand a+out in a )ide
arc, and ended u* +lessing e(er$one%
/0ou are no) &an and )i'e,/ he announced%
He )aited 'or the resounding cheer to end +e'ore suggesting to the laird
that he &ight )ish to -iss his +ride% He then )ondered )hich one )ould go
to the other% It )as the +ride#s res*onsi+ilit$ to go +ac- to her hus+and#s
side, o' course, +ut she )as still loo-ing >uite da4ed +$ it all, and Sinclair
dou+ted she )as ca*a+le o' reali4ing her dut$%
She sur*rised hi&, ho)e(er% She see&ed to co&e to her senses and
hurried +ac- to Connor%
The *riest )as so +liss'ull$ relie(ed the ordeal )as .nall$ o(er and the
laird hadn#t gotten angr$ enough to in8ure the s)eet lass#s 'eelings, he
added a second +lessing 8ust 'or the t)o o' the&%
Connor leaned do)n to gi(e her a *ro*er -iss and *ut his hands on her
)aist to -ee* her 'ro& *ulling a)a$ 'ro& hi&%
She didn#t resist hi&% In 'act, she *ut her ar&s around his nec- and &et
hi& hal')a$% The loo- on her 'ace &ade hi& thin- the angels &ust +e
s&iling, 'or it )as .lled )ith such 8o$% Was she ha**$, then2 Connor stared
into her e$es )hile he tried to .gure out this dra&atic turna+out%
She )as a+out to re&ind hi& o' his dut$ )hen he -issed her% She 'elt the
)ar&th o' his &outh on to* o' hers 'or the +arest o' seconds +e'ore he
li'ted his head and told his &en the$ could eat their su**er%
The -iss )as nice enough 'or her to )ant another, and since Connor )as
still holding on to her, she thought he &ight 'eel the sa&e )a$%
She )as &ista-en, ho)e(er% He ga(e her his 'ull attention 'or an
altogether di,erent reason% /No) it#s going to get si&*le% Isn#t that so,
Though she )asn#t at all certain )hat he )as as-ing her, she agreed 8ust
to &a-e hi& ha**$% /0es, it )ill% I#& going to +e a good )i'e, Connor%/
He didn#t loo- as i' he +elie(ed her, +ut she )asn#t o,ended +$ his
attitude% In ti&e he )ould reali4e ho) 'ortunate he )as to ha(e &arried
/There aren#t going to +e an$ &ore co&*lications, are there2/
/No &ore co&*lications,/ she agreed% /Will $ou tr$ to +e a good hus+and2/
He shrugged an ans)er% She decided he &eant he )ould and deli+eratel$
than-ed hi& so he )ould -no) he had 8ust agreed%
/What ha**ens no)2/ she as-ed%
/"re $ou hungr$2/
/Then )e eat%/
He .nall$ let go o' her% She than-ed the *riest and in(ited hi& to dine )ith
the&% Sinclair declined the o,er, ex*laining that +ecause the &oon )as
+right enough, he 'elt it )as his dut$ to ride to his 'ather#s ho&e and
s*end the night there%
She tried not to 'eel as though she#d 8ust +een a+andoned +$ an old 'riend%
She held her s&ile, than-ed hi& again, and then stood )here she )as
until he#d ta-en his lea(e%
Connor ne(er le't her side% She turned to hi& and, onl$ then, reali4ed
she#d ta-en hold o' his hand% She let go i&&ediatel$ and 'ollo)ed hi&
across the clearing%
His &en hadn#t )aited 'or the&% So &uch 'or a *ro*er )edding 'east, she
thought to hersel'% The Highlanders )eren#t e(en sitting do)n )hile the$
ate% The$ stood in a circle around a 8agged +oulder, laughing and tal-ing
)hile the$ en8o$ed their 'ood% 6ne o' the& had *laced the su**er on a
coarse cloth dra*ed o(er the to* o' the stone%
It )as a dis&al a,air at +est% The second she 8oined the&, a thic- silence
'ell o(er the grou*% None o' the &en )ould loo- directl$ at her either,
)hich onl$ increased her a)-)ardness%
She 'elt li-e a le*er% Ho) she )ished she could go +ac- ho&e 'or su**er%
She *ictured her 'a&il$ seated at the great long ta+le, s&iling and 8esting
)ith one another )hile the$ shared their &eal% There )ould +e *igeon and
.sh and *erha*s so&e le'to(er &utton ste) too, and there )ere al)a$s
'ruit tarts%
:renna -ne) she#d soon +e )allo)ing in sel'-*it$ i' she didn#t sto* thin-ing
a+out *eo*le she lo(ed and cherished and +egin to concentrate on the
*resent% She )as hungr$, she re&inded hersel', and i' she didn#t eat
so&ething no), she *ro+a+l$ )ouldn#t get another chance until to&orro)%
In'ortunatel$, there )asn#t &uch o' a (ariet$ 'or her to choose 'ro&%
There )as $ello)ed cheese, +ro)n +read, and oat ca-es% The Highlanders
hadn#t le't an$ roo& 'or her, so she s>uee4ed in +et)een Connor and
?uinlan% Her hus+and hadn#t +othered to introduce the rest o' the &en to
her $et% :ecause she didn#t -no) i' it )ould +e considered *ro*er 'or her
to as- their na&es, she 'ollo)ed their exa&*le and didn#t s*ea- to an$ o'
the&% She -e*t her attention centered on the 'ood and tried not to thin-
a+out ho) &isera+le she 'elt%
The oat ca-es tasted +itter% She )rin-led her nose and too- a large drin-
o' )ater to rid the taste 'ro& her &outh, and then, +ecause it )ould ha(e
+een unlad$li-e 'or her to *ut the re&ainder +ac- or thro) it a)a$, she
&ade hersel' .nish it%
She )as so ner(ous, she too- another one +e'ore she reali4ed )hat she
)as doing%
She had to eat the thing, o' course, and odd, +ut the taste did i&*ro(e
considera+l$, es*eciall$ )hen she added a *iece o' s)eetened +read to it%
:renna didn#t notice )hen the others .nished% She ate 'our large hel*ings
+e'ore her hunger )as a**eased% When she loo-ed u* to .nd out )hat
)as going to ha**en next, she 'ound she had an audience intentl$
)atching her%
She )as ta-en a+ac- +$ their attention9 and their s&iles% /Is so&ething
?uinlan ans)ered )ith a >uic- sha-e o' his head% /Would $ou li-e the rest
o' the +read2 There#s one last oat ca-e as )ell% 0ou#re )elco&e to it,
:renna nodded% /I' no one else )ants it,/ she agreed% She too- the
re&aining +read and ca-e, +ro-e +oth in hal' and o,ered so&e to Connor
.rst, and a'ter he re'used, she o,ered it to the other soldiers%
E(er$one declined% The$ continued to stare intentl$ at her )hile she ate
the 'ood, and she 'ound she didn#t li-e +eing the center o' attention an$
&ore than she a**reciated +eing co&*letel$ ignored%
/Who& should I than- 'or this 'ood2/ she as-ed )hen she#d .nished%
No one ans)ered her, +ut se(eral o' the &en shrugged indi,erence% Their
grins )ere +eginning to +other her% She 'elt as though she )ere the onl$
one not included in so&e 8est%
She thought a+out telling the &en it )as da&ned rude to ga)-, +ut
>uic-l$ changed her &ind% She shouldn#t +e using )ords li-e da&n
an$)a$, she re&inded hersel', or she#d end u* )ith a da$#s 'ast as
*enance% She couldn#t thin- o' an$thing &ore atrocious%
/Please tell &e )h$ $ou#re s&iling,/ she re>uested%
/0ou#(e i&*ressed the &en,/ Connor ans)ered%
/Ho) ha(e I i&*ressed the&2/ she as-ed, *leased that Connor had .nall$
s*o-en to her%
She straightened her shoulders and )aited 'or the co&*li&ent% The$#d
*ro+a+l$ noticed ho) she#d 8oined right in, and had +een i&*ressed )ith
her +ecause she#d tried to +eco&e one o' the&% Perha*s, too, the$#d
.nall$ reali4ed ho) *olite she )as +eing% 0es, the$#d surel$ noticed her
*ro*er +eha(ior%
/0ou ate &ore than ?uinlan% In 'act, $ou ate &ore than all the &en%/
It )asn#t the ans)er she#d ex*ected% Telling a lad$ she#d eaten &ore than
a soldier )asn#t a co&*li&ent3 it )as an insult% Didn#t he understand that2
/?uinlan and the others &ust not ha(e +een (er$ hungr$,/ she argued in
her de'ense% /:esides, ho) &uch I ate shouldn#t +e i&*ressi(e9 or
noticed +$ an$one%/
He s&iled% 7ord, he )as reall$ >uite attracti(e )hen he )asn#t glaring at
her% /We thin- it is%/
She could 'eel hersel' +lushing% She considered l$ing so the$ )ouldn#t
thin- she )as a glutton or a *ig, then decided to +e honest instead% She
)as going to ha(e to eat )ith the rude +ar+arians again and again, a'ter
all, and the$#d surel$ notice i' she lied no) and then ate until she )as 'ull
at the next &eal%
/I didn#t eat as &uch as usual,/ she .nall$ ad&itted%
/0ou so&eti&es eat &ore, &i#lad$2/ a soldier as-ed%
He loo-ed incredulous% She ga(e hi& a re*ro(ing loo- to let hi& -no)
)hat she thought o' his +eha(ior% / #Tis the truth I do%/
?uinlan )as the .rst to laugh% The others >uic-l$ 'ollo)ed his sin'ul
exa&*le% Her e&+arrass&ent intensi.ed, o' course, and she des*eratel$
tried to thin- o' a )a$ to turn their attention a)a$ 'ro& her eating ha+its%
None o' the& )as read$ to change the to*ic, ho)e(er%
/Isn#t it a .ne, s*ring e(ening2/ she as-ed%
/Do $ou eat &ore )hen $ou#re ner(ous2/ ?uinlan as-ed%
What an odd >uestion% /No,/ she ans)ered%
The rude &en all laughed again% She )aited 'or the& to >uiet do)n +e'ore
once again tr$ing to change the su+8ect%
/Connor, )ill $ou introduce &e to $our soldiers2/
/The$#ll introduce the&sel(es%/
She alread$ -ne) 6)en and ?uinlan +$ na&e, o' course, and )hen she
loo-ed at the other three )arriors, the$ each told her their na&es%
"eden )as the thinnest o' the grou*, though he still )ouldn#t +e
considered *un$ +$ an English&an#s &easure, she su**osed, and Donald
)as the na&e o' the soldier )ith the +ig +ro)n e$es that re&inded her o'
a doe#s%
Giric )as the sh$ one in the grou*% He could +arel$ loo- directl$ at her
)hen he told her his na&e%
/It#s a *leasure to &eet all o' $ou,/ she announced once the$#d .nished%
/!a$ I as- $ou a >uestion, &i#lad$2/ ?uinlan said%
/0es,/ she ans)ered%
/When $ou .rst sa) us, $ou )ere a'raid% So&e o' us )ere )ondering )h$%/
/Did $ou thin- )e )ere going to har& $ou2/ "eden as-ed% He added a
s&ile, indicating he 'ound the *ossi+ilit$ a&using% /0ou )ere *ra$ing%/
/0es, I )as *ra$ing, and $es, I did +elie(e $ou )ere going to har& &e%/
/:ut a'ter, &i#lad$,/ 6)en said% /"'ter $ou -ne) )e &eant $ou no har&,
)eren#t $ou still a'raid2 I )ondered )h$%/
Hadn#t an$ o' the& e(er loo-ed in a &irror2 6r did the$ ha(e such luxuries
)here the$ li(ed2
She decided it )ould +e un-ind to *oint out ho) *eculiar the$ loo-ed, and
so she si&*l$ shrugged and didn#t sa$ an$thing at all%
None o' the& )anted to let it go% /Was it our )ar *aint that *ut $ou on
$our guard2/ 6)en as-ed%
/I reall$ don#t care to ans)er, 'or I ha(e no )ish to hurt $our 'eelings%/
1or so&e reason, her honest$ &ade the &en laugh again% She decided to
+e a +it &ore +lunt then% /Ho)e(er, I )ill ad&it it )as $our )ar *aint that
*ut &e on &$ guard% 0es, it )as,/ she e&*hasi4ed )ith a nod% /"nd $our
si4e, and $our dress, and $our &anners, and $our inti&idating 'ro)ns, and
the )a$ &$ 'ather#s t)el(e soldiers co)ered to the .(e o' $ou9 Shall I go
She could tell the$#d ta-en her co&&ents as co&*li&ents% She reall$
should set the& straight, she thought, and ex*lain she hadn#t +een at all
i&*ressed )ith the&<no *ro*er English lad$ in her right &ind )ould +e<
+ut then a 'resh )orr$ *o**ed into her head, and she i&&ediatel$ loo-ed
at Connor%
/I#& not )earing )ar *aint% 0ou &ight as )ell understand that 'act right
this &inute% It#s +ar+aric, Connor, and $ou cannot ex*ect &e to9/
The &en#s laughter sto**ed her *rotest% Connor didn#t laugh, o' course3
the &an ne(er laughed as 'ar as she could tell, +ut he did s&ile% Her heart
noticed +$ *ounding a >uic- +eat% He had +eauti'ul )hite teeth, all o'
the& did, and she )ondered ho) the$ could *ut such ugl$ *aint on their
s-in and ta-e such good care o' their teeth at the sa&e ti&e% The$ reall$
)ere a *eculiar lot, all right% Would she e(er +e a+le to understand the&
or .nd her *lace a&ong the&2
/Wo&en aren#t gi(en the honor%/
She didn#t -no) )hat he )as tal-ing a+out% /What honor2/
/Paint,/ he ex*lained% /The tradition +elongs to )arriors alone%/
Connor didn#t loo- as though he )as 8esting, and so she didn#t dare laugh%
The e,ort cost her, though% Her throat ached considera+l$ 'ro& the strain
o' +eing *olite%
/Ha(e $ou ne(er seen a Highlander +e'ore, &i#lad$2 Do $ou -no) an$thing
at all a+out us2/ Giric as-ed in a )his*er% He )as +lushing to the roots o'
his 'rec-les and, in his sh$ness, had directed his >uestion to the ground%
/When I )as $ounger, I thought I -ne) all a+out $ou% I e(en -ne) )here
$ou li(ed%/
/Where did $ou thin- )e li(ed2/ Donald as-ed, s&iling o(er the s*ar-le
he#d noticed in his &istress#s e$es%
/Inder &$ +ed% 0ou ca&e out onl$ at night, )hile I )as slee*ing% I#d
al)a$s )a-e u* screa&ing, o' course, and run li-e lightning to &$ *arents#
She ex*ected the &en to laugh o(er her 8est, or at the (er$ least, s&ile a
little% In'ortunatel$, none o' the& see&ed to understand she )as teasing
the&% Three o' the& loo-ed con'used3 the other t)o loo-ed a**alled%
/Did $ou 8ust insult us2/ 6)en as-ed% He sounded as though he couldn#t
+elie(e such an atrocit$ )as *ossi+le%
/No, I )as 8esting% 1or hea(en#s sa-e, couldn#t $ou tell the di,erence2/
The$ all shoo- their heads% ?uinlan had the &ost di=cult$ hiding his
s&ile% /It see&s $our +ride has +een drea&ing a+out $ou 'or $ears, 7aird,/
he dra)led out%
/It )ould see& so,/ he agreed%
She didn#t e(en tr$ to hide her exas*eration% The e,ort to ha(e a decent
con(ersation )ith the& )as &a-ing her head thro+, and +eing *olite )as
a )asted underta-ing%
She ga(e u* tr$ing% /Connor, &a$ I +e excused2/
She +o)ed her head to the &en and )al-ed a)a$% She had alread$
headed 'or the la-e )ith her hair+rush, 'resh clothing, and her +lan-et in
her ar&s +e'ore Connor got around to gi(ing her *er&ission% She reached
the +rea- in the *ines, sto**ed, and then glanced +ac- o(er her shoulder%
/0es, &i#lad$2/
/The$ )eren#t drea&s% The$ )ere night&ares%/
The$ didn#t laugh until she )as )ell out o' sight, +ut the sound o' their
a&use&ent )as loud enough to reach the other side o' the la-e% She
didn#t +elie(e the soldiers had .nall$ gotten her 8est, though3 the$
a**eared to +e too slo)-)itted 'or that% She assu&ed Connor had &ade
an atrocious re&ar- a+out so&ething his &en )ould .nd hu&orous, li-e
&urder and &a$he&% The$ all see&ed to ha(e a t)isted sense o' hu&or%
She#d co&e to her o*inion )hen she sa) the& s&iling li-e heathens a'ter
Connor had told the& the$ could -ill the English soldiers% "nd hadn#t the$
*outed li-e +o$s )hen the order )as rescinded2
:renna )as i&&ediatel$ nagged +$ guilt% She -ne) she shouldn#t continue
to 8udge Connor so harshl$% Could he hel* it i' he )as a +ar+arian or that
he had +een raised li-e a )ild ani&al2 No, no, o' course he couldn#t%
:esides, he )as her hus+and no)% She )as going to +e stuc- )ith hi& 'or
the rest o' her li'e, and shouldn#t she at least tr$ to li-e hi&2
Did he ex*ect to ta-e her to his +ed tonight2 She tried to +loc- the
'rightening *ossi+ilit$ as soon as it entered her &ind% That )as easier said
than done, ho)e(er3 7ord hel* her, she couldn#t e(en thin- a+out Connor
touching her )ithout sha-ing in *anic% She -ne) her reaction )asn#t at all
reasona+le% She )as a gro)n )o&an no), not a child, and, there'ore,
understood )hat )as ex*ected o' her% Her &other had *atientl$ ex*lained
that all hus+ands )anted to +ed their )i(es as soon as the )edding
'esti(ities ended% She hadn#t gi(en her daughter an$ s*eci.cs though, and
)hile :renna understood the +asics, or at least +elie(ed she did, she#d still
+een le't guessing a+out the .ner *oints% It all sounded horri+l$ a)-)ard
and &ess$ to her%
:renna )ouldn#t )orr$ a+out it% I' Connor decided to +ed her, *erha*s God
)ould ta-e *it$ on her and let her slee* through the ordeal%
She s&iled o(er this 'anci'ul notion )hile she stri**ed out o' her clothes%
She ran into the )ater +e'ore she could change her &ind, gritted her teeth
against the chill, and hurriedl$ )ashed%
Cust as she )as getting out, she heard so&eone a**roach% She &o(ed
+ac- into the )ater, until she )as co(ered to her chin, and )aited%
" &inute or so later, Connor a**eared% " *laid )as dra*ed o(er his ar&%
/It#s ti&e to get out%/
/I )ould ha(e *ri(ac$ )hen I do%/
She couldn#t +elie(e he needed to as-% /:ecause I re>uire it%/
/0ou#re going to 'ree4e to death% Co&e out% No)%/ His hard co&&and
didn#t lea(e roo& 'or argu&ent%
/I )ill not get out% I#& not )earing an$thing% I reall$ &ust ha(e *ri(ac$
He *retended not to notice she#d shouted at hi&% /No one#s here,/ he said%
/0ou#re here, and $ou#re standing right in the &oonlight% I cannot co&e out
until $ou lea(e%/
His +ride had dared to shout at hi& again% He shoo- his head o(er her
audacit$% /Don#t raise $our (oice to &e%/
He sounded as though he#d run out o' *atience% She re&inded hersel'
she#d (o)ed to get along and thought that *erha*s i' she ga(e hi& )hat
he )anted, he )ould naturall$ reci*rocate in -ind%
Her li*s )ere getting nu&+ 'ro& the 'rigid )ater and her teeth )ere
chattering so, she could +arel$ s*ea- at all no)% /"ll right then% I )on#t
shout% Will $ou *lease lea(e no)2/
Her hus+and o+(iousl$ didn#t understand ho) to reci*rocate% She#d ha(e
to ex*lain it all to hi& later, +ut not no)% Her s-in )as )rin-ling li-e old
*runes, and i' she didn#t get out soon, she reall$ )ould 'ree4e to death%
Pride )as -illing her% /I cannot *ossi+l$ get out%/
/Wh$2 "re $ou e&+arrassed2/
He sounded sur*rised +$ the *ossi+ilit$% She closed her e$es, said a 'ast
*ra$er 'or endurance, then ans)ered, /6' course I#& e&+arrassed%/
/Sh$ness has no *lace +et)een us% Do $ou )ant &e to co&e in a'ter $ou
/I#ll dro)n $ou i' $ou do%/
The ridiculous threat &ade hi& s&ile% /Will it hel* i' I ta-e &$ clothes o,2/
She didn#t reali4e he )as teasing her, and honest to God, i' she shouted at
hi& once &ore, he thought he 8ust &ight go in and get her%
/Connor, )ill $ou at least turn $our +ac- )hile I get dressed2/
His sigh )as strong enough to *ush her under the )ater% /0ou#re +eing
(er$ 'oolish%/
She didn#t &ind his criticis&% She got )hat she )anted, a'ter all% He .nall$
turned around% She hurried u* the +an- and dried hersel' )ith all *ossi+le
haste% 1earing there )ouldn#t +e enough ti&e +e'ore her i&*atient
hus+and turned around, she didn#t +other *utting on her che&ise +ut
sli**ed the )hite cotton go)n o(er her head%
Pin- ri++ons secured the thin undergo)n 'ro& the +otto& o' her )aist to
the to* o' her chin% Her .ngers 'elt as though the$ )ere +eing *ric-ed +$ a
thousand shar* *ins no), &a-ing the tas- terri+l$ a)-)ard, and tr$ as
she did, she couldn#t get the delicate ri++ons *ro*erl$ tied%
She ga(e u* on the tas- 'or the &o&ent% The hea($ tunic she *lanned to
*ut o(er the undergo)n )ould su=cientl$ co(er her +are chest% The
*ro+le& )as getting to the thing% She#d dra*ed the gar&ent on a lo)-
hanging +ranch so it )ouldn#t get dirt$, +ut she#d ha(e to )al- around
Connor to get to it% She )asn#t a+out to let hi& see her in such an
indecent state and )as 'orced to as- hi& to *lease hand it to her%
He turned around instead% She started +ac-ing a)a$ 'ro& hi&, thin-ing
onl$ to *ut a little distance +et)een the&, +ut then she 'elt hersel'
sli**ing on the )et slo*e% She )ould ha(e 'allen @at on her 'ace or
*lunged +ac- into the )ater, +ut Connor sa(ed her 'ro& disgracing hersel'
+$ *ulling her +ac- to sa'et$%
I' he hadn#t loo-ed so disgruntled, she )ould ha(e than-ed hi& 'or his
She *ulled her go)n tight o(er her +reasts and 'ro)ned )ith disa**ro(al%
/I )ant $ou to understand $ou ha(e nothing to 'ear 'ro& &e% !$ dut$ is to
ta-e care o' $ou, not har& $ou%/
/I don#t 'ear $ou%/
/0ou 8ust +ac-ed a)a$ 'ro& &e,/ he re&inded her dr$l$% /0ou )ere
o+(iousl$ 'rightened a &inute ago%/
She shoo- her head% The ri++on holding her hair u* in a lo*sided -not near
the to* o' her cro)n @e) into the )ater, and the thic- &ass o' curls
dro**ed do)n around her shoulders%
7oo-ing at her in such a dishe(eled state ga(e hi& a sudden rush o'
*leasure% She )as the &ost *ro(ocati(e creature he#d e(er &et% " &an
could get lost in the &agic o' those +ig +lue e$es o' hers and 'orget all
a+out his duties )hile he *aused to ad&ire the sensual grace in the )a$
she &o(ed%
What the hell )as )rong )ith hi&2 :renna )asn#t casting a s*ell on hi&,
$et he )as acting as though she )ere% He >uic-l$ +eca&e irritated% He
)asn#t a+out to let her ro+ hi& o' his disci*line, and da&n, +ut she )as a
"nd a te&*tress% "ll he )anted to thin- a+out )as -issing her 'ro)n a)a$
and &a-ing hard, hot lo(e to her%
She )ould *ro+a+l$ die o' 'right i' she had an$ idea o' his thoughts% She
couldn#t *ossi+l$ -no) ho) alluring she )as, or ho) his +od$ )as reacting
to her near na-edness% She )ouldn#t +e 'ro)ning u* at hi& )ith such
indignation i' she reali4ed ho) close she )as to +eing tossed onto the
nearest +lan-et%
/Sto* sha-ing $our head at &e,/ he ordered in a gru, (oice%
/I )as &erel$ letting $ou -no), &ost e&*haticall$, that I )asn#t
'rightened% It#s 8ust that I didn#t ex*ect $ou to turn around, and I )as
sur*rised% 0our &anners do gi(e &e gra(e concerns%/
He s&iled% Her e$es )idened in dis+elie'% /!anners aren#t i&*ortant to
/No2 :ut $ou should thin- the$#re i&*ortant%/
/Wh$2/ she re*eated% Her &ind )ent +lan-% Hea(en hel* her, she couldn#t
co&e u* )ith a single reason% The )a$ Connor )as loo-ing at her, )ith
such )ar&th and tenderness in his e$es, &ade her 'orget e(en )hat
the$#d +een tal-ing a+out%
She too- a ste* closer to hi&% /0ou are a (er$ con'using &an,/ she
)his*ered% /:ut i' I a& to -ee* &$ sanit$, I guess I#ll ha(e to tr$ to
understand $ou% 0ou#d +etter +e )orth the +other, Connor%/
"l&ost as an a'terthought, she said, /0ou &a$ let go o' &e no)%/
He didn#t 'eel li-e letting go o' her, and +ecause he )as accusto&ed to
doing exactl$ )hat he )anted to do, he ignored her )ishes% Her so't s-in,
as s&ooth as an angel#s and the color o' *ale gold in the &oonlight, 'elt
good against his rough, callused hands%
Ho) had this treasure eluded other &en2
/Ha(en#t $ou e(er +een courted +$ other &en2/
/I )as +etrothed to a +aron, +ut he died +e'ore I )as old enough to &arr$
hi&% I ne(er actuall$ &et the &an, or &an$ others 'or that &atter% 1ather
)ouldn#t allo) an$ &en around his daughters, es*eciall$ ;achel,/ she
ex*lained% /She#s the *rett$ one%/
/Did the +aron to )ho& $ou )ere *ledged die in +attle2/
/In +ed%/
/He died in +ed2/
/It )as tragic,/ she sna**ed% /Not a&using%/
/6nl$ an English&an )ould die in his +ed%/
She thought his o*inion too ignorant to argue a+out% /Will $ou sto*
s>uee4ing &$ ar&s no)2/
He lessened his hold% /"re $ou still 'eeling e&+arrassed2/
/Cust a little%/
/I don#t )ant $ou to +e e&+arrassed at all% 0ou )ill sto* it no)%/
She started to laugh +e'ore she reali4ed he )as *er'ectl$ serious% /Do $ou
ha(e an$ idea ho) arrogant $ou sound2/
She didn#t )ait 'or hi& to ans)er her% /I#& getting cold again% I' $ou#ll let
go o' &e, I#ll .nish getting dressed%/
/There isn#t an$ need to dress% We#re going to +ed%/
It )asn#t )hat he said, +ut ho) he said it that &ade her *anic%
He ree-ed )ith authorit$ and loo-ed as tense as a )arrior a+out to go in
'or the -ill%
She deli+eratel$ tried to &isunderstand% /Together2/
/6' course%/
/No)2 0ou )ant to go to +ed no)2/
He reall$ )as +eginning to hate that )ord% /0es, no)%/
/I#d rather not%/
/I#d rather so%/
/0ou &ight as )ell -no) I#& dreading it, Connor% I don#t )ant to hurt $our
'eelings, +ut I &ust +e honest )ith $ou% Surel$ $ou don#t )ant to 'orce
$our attentions on an un)illing9 No) )hat are $ou doing2/
/Putting the !ac"lister *laid around $ou% Will $ou sto* +ac-ing a)a$ 'ro&
&e e(er$ ti&e I reach 'or $ou2 It#s da&ned irritating% 7i't $our hair out o'
&$ )a$ /I#d rather $ou le't &e alone%/
/0ou#re tr$ing &$ *atience%/
Wh$ )ouldn#t he understand2 She tried once again to get through to hi&%
/Connor, I don#t ha(e an$ ex*erience%/
She )as sure she didn#t need to ex*lain in &ore detail% Surel$ he could
hear the )orr$ in her (oice, see it in her e$es, and 'eel it in the )a$ she
tre&+led% "n$ decent, caring &an )ould i&&ediatel$ tr$ to soothe her%
/I do%/
/That#s it2/ she cried out% /I#& su**osed to +e co&'orted +ecause $ou
ha(e ex*erience2/
/0ou )ant &e to co&'ort $ou2/ He sounded a**alled +$ the (er$ idea%
His reaction didn#t sit )ell )ith her% Her 'rustration &ounted until she
)anted to screa&% She too- a slo), dee* +reath, instead, to cal& hersel'%
It didn#t hel*% /0es, I &ost certainl$ do )ant $ou to co&'ort &e%/
He )as a'raid she )as going to sa$ that% 1or the .rst ti&e in a (er$ long
)hile, he )as at a loss 'or )ords% No other )o&an had e(er &ade such a
strange re>uest o' hi& +e'ore% In the *ast, )o&en had al)a$s co&e to
hi& )illingl$ and o,ered their +odies, and i' he#d +een in the &ood to
acco&&odate the&<)hich, he had to ad&it, )as &ost o' the ti&e<he#d
acce*ted% He#d +een &ind'ul o' his res*onsi+ilit$ to +e gentle )ith the&,
o' course, and he#d al)a$s &ade certain their en8o$&ent &atched his
o)n% None o' the& had +een (irgins, though3 he )ouldn#t ha(e ta-en the&
to his +ed i' the$ had +een, and no) that he thought a+out it, da&ned
near e(er$ one o' the& had +een )ell-(ersed in the art o' *leasuring a
&an% In 'act, the$#d usuall$ had &ore ex*erience than he had%
:ut the$#d all le't s&iling%
This gentle lad$ standing +e'ore hi& )asn#t at all li-e other )o&en% She
)as his +ride, the )o&an )ho )ould carr$ his na&e and +ear his children%
He should res*ect her +$ doing )hate(er )as re>uired o' hi& to alla$ her
'ears% "d&ittedl$, he )as co&*letel$ lac-ing in ex*erience )hen it ca&e
to &eeting the e&otional needs o' )o&en, +ut he )as certain that, i' he
*ut his &ind to it, he could dra) 'ro& *ast o+ser(ations%
No, no, he )as )rong a+out that, Connor reali4ed a'ter conte&*lating the
dile&&a 'or a &o&ent% He guessed he#d ne(er ta-en the ti&e to notice
)hat other &en did )ith their )o&en, not e(en his +rother, "lec%
No) )hat2 He )asn#t a+out to tell her she )as out o' luc-% She#d *ro+a+l$
start cr$ing then, and he )ouldn#t ha(e an$ idea ho) to get her to sto*%
His +rother al)a$s le't the hall )hene(er his )i'e )e*t and returned onl$
a'ter she#d cal&ed do)n enough to listen to reason% He )asn#t going to
'ollo) "lec#s exa&*le no)% He#d ne(er get her +edded i' he )al-ed a)a$
'ro& her% Hell, she#d thin- she#d +een gi(en a re*rie(e%
There see&ed to +e onl$ one )a$ out o' this &ire% He )as going to ha(e
to hel* her get o(er this 'oolish )orr$ o' hers, no &atter ho) long it too-%
He *ra$ed 'or the unthin-a+le<understanding% /I ha(e decided to co&'ort
/0ou ha(e2/ She loo-ed thrilled%
/0es, I ha(e% Ho)e(er, $ou#re going to ha(e to ex*lain this dut$ to &e .rst
so I#ll -no) ho) to *roceed% 0ou &a$ +egin%/
/This isn#t the ti&e 'or 8ests%/
/I )asn#t 8esting%/
/0ou#re reall$ telling &e the truth2/
The sco)l on his 'ace told her he didn#t li-e +eing dou+ted% She hurried to
cal& hi&% /0es, o' course $ou#re telling the truth% 0ou#re a laird, 'or
hea(en#s sa-e% 0ou )ouldn#t e(er lie%/
/Will $ou get on )ith it2/
She nodded, +ut didn#t sa$ another )ord /:renna9/
/I#& thin-ing a+out it,/ she cried% /0our i&*atience is &a-ing &e ner(ous%
Ho) to gi(e co&'ort is rather di=cult to ex*lain% I don#t )ant to &a-e a
&uc- o' it%/
She la*sed into silence again 'or )hat see&ed li-e an hour% He couldn#t
understand )hat )as ta-ing her so long% He hadn#t as-ed her to sol(e an
i&*ossi+le riddle, 'or the lo(e o' God% Wh$ )as she acting as though he
had2 He honestl$ didn#t -no) ho) &uch longer he )as going to +e a+le to
stand there )ithout touching her% Couldn#t she see )hat she )as doing to
hi&2 No, o' course she couldn#t% She )as 'ull$ occu*ied thin-ing a+out
co&'ort, o' all things% She see&ed to ha(e 'orgotten ho) to s*ea-% She#d
'orgotten she )as hal' na-ed too, +ut he hadn#t% The second she sto**ed
holding her go)n together o(er her chest, the ga* in the &aterial )idened
enough 'or hi& to see the gentle s)ell o' her +reasts%
It al&ost -illed hi& to loo- a)a$% He suddenl$ reali4ed that i' he didn#t get
her co(ered u* at once, he )as going to co&*letel$ lose his sense o'
disci*line% He )ould run his .ngers do)n her s&ooth, enticing s-in, gentl$,
o' course, and then ri* the thin-as-air go)n o, her%
She sure as hell )ouldn#t +e thin-ing a+out co&'ort then, )ould she2
Connor >uic-l$ )ra**ed the *laid around her% He dra*ed one long end
o(er her shoulder, s*read the &aterial )ide to co(er her +reasts, and
secured the )ool )ith the ro*ed +elt he#d carried along% The +ac- o' his
hands deli+eratel$ +rushed across her +are s-in, not once +ut t)ice, )hile
he dressed her, and da&ned i' he didn#t 'eel as though he#d +een struc-
+$ hot lightning%
Co(ering her u* didn#t &a-e his *ri&iti(e urges go a)a$% No) all he
)anted to do )as tear the *laid and her go)n o, her%
He stared into the distance instead%
/I#& *leased $ou#re thin-ing a+out this%/
She certainl$ gained his 'ull attention )ith her re&ar-% /0ou are2/
He ga(e her a hard loo-% /Exactl$ )hat do $ou thin- I#& thin-ing a+out2/
He didn#t laugh% She )ouldn#t understand )h$ he )as a&used, and God
hel* hi&, he#d *ro+a+l$ tell her%
/0ou still ha(en#t ex*lained )hat $ou )ant 'ro& &e%/
/When $ou )ere $ounger, didn#t $our &other9/
/She#s dead%/
/I#& sorr$%/
/:ecause she died% What a+out $our 'ather2 Didn#t he e(er co&'ort $ou%/
/Wh$ not2/
/He#s dead% That#s )h$ not%/
/Connor, )asn#t there an$one $ou could turn to )hen $ou )ere a little
He shrugged% /!$ +rother, "lec%/
/Did he e(er co&'ort $ou2/
/Hell, no%/ He )as disgusted +$ the (er$ idea%
/Wasn#t there an$one )ho cared a+out $ou2/
He shrugged% /!$ ste*&other, Eu*he&ia, +ut she )as in no condition to
e(er co&'ort &e, or her o)n son, ;aen, 'or that &atter% !$ 'ather#s
sudden death destro$ed her, and she#s +een in &ourning e(er since% She
cannot e(en +ear to co&e +ac- to &$ land% Her *ain is still terri+le%/
/She &ust ha(e lo(ed $our 'ather a great deal%/
/6' course she did,/ he ans)ered i&*atientl$% /Does co&'orting ta-e
Ho) in hea(en#s na&e )as she su**osed to -no) the ans)er to that
/I don#t thin- so,/ she decided% /So&e hus+ands si&*l$ *at their )i(es on
their shoulders as the$ )al- *ast the& to let the& -no) the$ care a+out
their 'eelings% !$ 'ather did that (er$ thing all the ti&e, +ut no) that I
thin- a+out it, I &ust ad&it I#& not certain i' he )as o,ering &$ &other
co&'ort or sho)ing her a,ection%/
She li'ted her shoulders in a daint$ shrug% Tr$ing to &a-e hi& understand
)as turning out to +e &ore co&*licated than she#d ex*ected% She tried to
thin- o' another exa&*le to gi(e hi&% /Perha*s other hus+ands *ut their
ar&s around their )i(es and9/
/Which do $ou *re'er2/
/I +eg $our *ardon2/
He re*eated his >uestion in a +ris-, )ill-$ou-hurr$-u* tone o' (oice% /Do
$ou )ant &e to *at $ou or *ut &$ ar&s around $ou2/ He )as ho*eless%
Co&'ort needed to co&e 'ro& the heart, and Connor needed to 'eel it
+e'ore he sho)ed it% She guessed it )as also an ac>uired art, learned a'ter
$ears o' +eing lo(ed and cared 'or +$ 'a&il$ &e&+ers% "nd i' she )eren#t
so rattled a+out )hat )as going to ha**en to her tonight, she *ro+a+l$
)ould +e a+le to ex*lain it all >uite nicel$%
She couldn#t e(en re&e&+er her ne) na&e no)% /This isn#t a lesson in
s)ord .ghting% 0ou ha(e to +e sincere, s*ontaneous9 and9/
She didn#t continue +ecause she couldn#t thin- o' an$thing else to sa$%
/0ou reall$ don#t ha(e an$ idea )hat $ou#re tal-ing a+out, do $ou2/
She let out a long sigh% /No, not reall$%/
He )asn#t a&used% /Then )h$ in God#s na&e ha(e )e +een standing
/I didn#t reali4e ho) i&*atient $ou )ere, and I9 No) )hat are $ou doing2/
/7i'ting $our hair u* 'ro& under the *laid%/
/I )ant to%/
/Do $ou al)a$s do )hat $ou )ant to do2 0ou do, don#t $ou2/
/0ou#d +e @at on $our +ac- no) i' I al)a$s did )hat I )anted to do%/
She >uit tr$ing to *ush his hands a)a$% There reall$ didn#t see& to +e an$
reason 'or her to continue to argue )ith hi& an$)a$% "d&ittedl$, she
couldn#t sto* hi& 'ro& touching her<he )as at least t)ice her si4e and
strength, a'ter all<+ut she *rotected the 'rag&ents o' her *ride +$
*retending she )as in control o' )hat )as ha**ening to her%
He &ade >uic- )or- o' his tas-, and his hands )ere sur*risingl$ gentle
)hen he touched the sides o' her nec-% " shi(er o' *leasure raced do)n
her +ac-, and though it )as a nice sensation, )hat )as e(en &ore
*leasing and sur*rising to her )as that he corrected )hat +othered hi&
instead o' critici4ing her% She had gro)n u* constantl$ +eing told )hat )as
)rong )ith her<God onl$ -ne), so&ething al)a$s did see& to +e a&iss<
then +eing ordered to correct the @a)% She -ne) Connor )ouldn#t +e an$
di,erent% It )as onl$ a &atter o' ti&e +e'ore he got the hang o' it and 'ell
into the sa&e routine as her *arents and +rothers and sisters%
Connor )asn#t going to )ait an$ longer% He too- hold o' :renna#s hand and
started )al-ing to)ard the +ed he#d *re*ared% He )as a little sur*rised
she didn#t .ght hi& no)%
/I &ight as )ell )arn $ou no) that I#& rarel$ *ut together,/ she suddenl$
+lurted out%
/0our a**earance doesn#t &atter to &e%/
/It doesn#t2/
/6' course not%/
She thought a+out that 'or a &o&ent or t)o +e'ore reali4ing the$ )ere
)al-ing +ac- to)ard ca&*%
/Where are )e going2/
He heard the *anic in her (oice% God, he hated +eing *atient% Were all
(irgins this i&*ossi+le2
/What can I do to end this ridiculous 'ear o' $ours2/
/0ou could start +$ not sna**ing at &e% It isn#t ridiculous%/
/"ns)er &e%/
/0ou could sa$ so&ething I &ight .nd9 *leasant and ho*e'ul a+out9/
He thought o' a thousand ans)ers to gi(e her, +ut all o' the& 'ocused on
ho) he )ould 'eel%
/0our hesitation )orries &e,/ she )his*ered%
/It )on#t -ill $ou%/
/It )on#t -ill &e2 That#s it2/
He s&iled o(er the outrage in her (oice% /0ou#ll li-e it% E(entuall$%/
She ga(e hi& a loo- that told hi& she didn#t +elie(e hi&% She -e*t )al-ing
though, and that )as all he cared a+out at the &o&ent%
/It#s &ess$, isn#t it2/
/No, it isn#t%/
/I dou+t I#ll li-e it,/ she )his*ered, 'or the$ )ere getting close to )here his
soldiers had +edded do)n 'or the night, and she didn#t )ish to +e
o(erheard% /I do )ant children, though%/
/Exactl$ ho) did $ou *lan to get the&2/
She ignored the sarcas& in his (oice% /Do $ou )ant children2/
/6' course% Wh$ do $ou thin- I &arried $ou2/
/I don#t -no) )h$% 0ou *ro&ised to ex*lain it all a'ter )e )ere )ed%/
/7ater,/ he *ro&ised%
/"n$ )o&an could gi(e $ou children% Wh$ did $ou choose &e2/
The$ sto**ed tal-ing and no) 'aced each other in the center o' the
clearing% She loo-ed around, sa) the other soldiers 'eigning slee* on their
+lan-ets, and in the center o' the circle o' &en )as an e&*t$ +ed,
'ashioned together )ith $et another *laid%
She )as horri.ed% Did he reall$ ex*ect her to slee* there, in the &iddle o'
the others2 0es, o' course he did, she reali4ed% Honest to God, he reall$
didn#t ha(e an$ idea a+out the needs o' )o&en, did he2
She couldn#t &a-e a scene% His &en )ould hear her i' she started ranting
at their laird, and that )ould onl$ e&+arrass her and &a-e hi& angr$%
What )as she going to do2 She )asn#t a+out to let hi& touch her )ith his
&en *retending to slee* not .(e 'eet a)a$% 0et ho) could she sto* hi&2
Connor didn#t loo- as though he )ould +e reasona+le &uch longer% His
stance )as rigid, his 'ro)n intense, and no) that she thought a+out it,
hadn#t he alread$ gi(en her enough ti&e to cal& her )orries2 He had
)anted to co&'ort her, or at least had tried to gi(e her )hat she )anted,
and she couldn#t e(en i&agine an$ other &an going to such lengths to
acco&&odate her%
The truth &ade her s&ile% Good lord, he reall$ had co&'orted her, and she
hadn#t e(en reali4ed it% She sighed% Her hus+and )asn#t such a +ad sort,
a'ter all%
It )ouldn#t +e right 'or her to argue )ith hi& no)% No, she )ould +e
di*lo&atic instead% I' she )as cle(er enough, he &ight not e(en reali4e
she )as getting her )a$% She reached 'or his hand 8ust as he )as a+out to
ta-e o, his +oots, and +ent do)n, *ic-ed u* the +lan-et 'ro& the ground,
and then )his*ered, /Please co&e )ith &e%/
/No) )hat#s )rong2/ he de&anded in a near +ello)%
/:rides al)a$s *re*are the )edding +ed% It#s a tradition in England%/
She could tell he didn#t +elie(e her lie% She )al-ed a)a$ +e'ore he could
sto* her, *aused once at the edge o' the clearing to gi(e hi& )hat she
ho*ed )as a co&e-hither s&ile, and continued on%
Connor didn#t &o(e% He stood there )ith his legs +raced a*art and his
hands on his hi*s, staring a'ter her, his attention on the gentle s)a$ o' her
hi*s as she &o(ed% Then he started counting to ten% When he )as
.nished, he )as either going to let the i&*ossi+le )o&an lea(e or go a'ter
her and &a-e hard, *assionate lo(e to her%
/I#(e ne(er heard o' this tradition%/
?uinlan dra)led out the re&ar-% The soldier )as sitting on the ground )ith
his +ac- against a tree trun- and his ar&s 'olded across his chest%
Connor turned his 'rustration on hi&% /I' $ou sa$ another )ord, I s)ear I#ll
-ill $ou%/
?uinlan ignored the )arning% /Don#t $ou thin- $ou should go to +ed +e'ore
it#s ti&e to get u*2/
Connor too- a threatening ste* to)ard his 'riend% ?uinlan i&&ediatel$
straightened u*% /She#s onl$ )anting *ri(ac$, Connor% That#s )h$ she#s
&o(ing $our +lan-ets%/
/I reali4e that,/ he said% He hadn#t reali4ed it, o' course, +ut he )asn#t
a+out to ad&it it to his 'riend%
He )al-ed a)a$ )ithout sa$ing another )ord and caught u* )ith :renna
near the la-e% He )asn#t at all a&used that the$#d co&e 'ull circle and
)ere no) close to )here the$ started%
/Were $ou *lanning to *re*are our +ed in England2/
Cha*ter K
Contents - Pre( A Next
/This )ill do,/ she ans)ered%
The isolated s*ot she#d chosen )as a @at *iece o' nothing s>uee4ed in
+et)een the *ines% There )as +arel$ enough roo& 'or hi& to roll o(er% She
see&ed to li-e it, though, and 'or )hat he (o)ed )as going to +e the (er$
last ti&e, he let her ha(e her )a$% He stood +ehind her as he re&o(ed his
+oots, all the )hile tr$ing to control his te&*er%
She s*read the +lan-et out on the ground, and though he )as sure she
)ould tr$ to &a-e an hour-long *ro8ect out o' the si&*le tas-, she
sur*rised hi& +$ +eing >uic- a+out it%
When she )as .nished, she re&o(ed her sli**ers and then stood u*,
'acing hi&% She &o(ed closer, until her toes )ere touching his, and stared
into his e$es, holding her +reath )hile she )aited 'or hi& to touch her%
He didn#t &o(e% Tension .lled the air +et)een the&, her anxiet$ +uilding
as she stared into those dar-, inscruta+le e$es o' his, loo-ing 'or the .rst
sign o' dis*leasure% 7ord, she couldn#t stand the silence long%
/I had thought to -ee* &$ clothes on%/
He slo)l$ shoo- his head% /:ut then I thought to ta-e the& o,,/ she
"nd still he )aited% She told hersel' she had &ade the decision and no) it
)as u* to her to -ee* her )ord% Her hands shoo- as she untied the +elt at
her )aist, and the )oolen &aterial he#d dra*ed around her 'ell in a s)oosh
to the ground%
She thought a+out &o(ing to the side +e'ore she too- her go)n o,,
+ecause the &oonlight )as +loc-ed +$ the tree +ranches there and
shado)s )ould hide her nudit$ 'ro& hi&, +ut then she decided to sto*
+eing such a co)ard%
Should she tell hi& she )asn#t )earing an$thing underneath her
nightgo)n2 No, she decided, he )ould .nd out soon enough% Her heart
)as *ounding 'ranticall$, +ut her anxiet$ had 'aded a little<+ecause he
)asn#t attac-ing her, she su**osed<and so&e)here in the +ac- o' her
&uddled thoughts )as the reali4ation that Connor )ouldn#t deli+eratel$
hurt her% She couldn#t understand )h$ she 'elt that )a$, +ut she did, and
oddl$, her hands )eren#t sha-ing nearl$ as &uch%
She 'elt she )as in charge o' )hat )as ha**ening to her, and that &ade
all the di,erence%
She regarded hi& gra(el$ )hile she gathered her courage and then slo)l$
re&o(ed her nightgo)n% She -e*t her ga4e on Connor all the )hile,
searching 'or a hint o' dis*leasure or disgust +ecause her +od$ )as so
terri+l$ i&*er'ect% She )as 'ull$ a)are o' her @a)s% Her +reasts )ere too
large, her hi*s too narro), and her legs )ere too long 'or the rest o' her
+od$% He )as +ound to notice, she -ne), and i' he so &uch as 'ro)ned
)ith dis*leasure, she thought she )ould close her e$es and die o' sha&e%
He too- his ti&e loo-ing at her% His ga4e lingered on her *arted li*s, her
'ull +reasts, her narro) )aist, the +lond curls shielding her (irginit$, her
long legs, all the )hile tr$ing to re&e&+er ho) to dra) a +reath% Dear
God, he hadn#t ex*ected such +eaut$% He )as o(er)hel&ed +$ her, 'or he
had ne(er i&agined such a )o&an could exist, and i' he )eren#t a
*ractical &an, he )ould ha(e thought she )asn#t English at all +ut a
goddess sent do)n 'ro& hea(en to re)ard hi& 'or the (engeance he had
sought in his sainted 'ather#s na&e%
He )as 'ast +eco&ing des*erate to ta-e her into his ar&s and *lant
hi&sel' .r&l$ inside her% He didn#t gi(e in to his +od$#s de&ands $et, +ut
stood )here he )as and let her ta-e the lead once again% 1or so&e reason
he didn#t understand, she had gotten it into her head that she should +e
the one &a-ing the decisions tonight% He had co&e to this startling
conclusion )hen he had hesitated instead o' ordering her to re&o(e her
clothes and +e da&ned >uic- a+out it% He had sha-en his head at her to
let her -no) he didn#t care 'or her decision to -ee* her clothes on, +ut
+e'ore he could ex*lain exactl$ )hat he )anted her to do, she changed
her &ind%
"nd he got exactl$ )hat he )anted%
The +lush co(ering her 'ace re@ected her e&+arrass&ent% She )as tr$ing
to loo- de.ant and not a'raid, +ut she )as )orried% He could see it in her
e$es, in the )a$ she stood as straight and rigid as a s*ear, and in her
hands clenching and unclenching at her sides% 6h, $es, she reall$ )as
She &ust ha(e +elie(ed he )ould +eco&e the aggressor no), and )hen
he didn#t reach 'or her, she slo)l$ +egan to relax%
Wh$ didn#t he ta-e o, his clothes2 She )orried a+out that 'or a 'ull &inute
+e'ore deciding to o,er her assistance%
/I had thought $ou )ould re&o(e $our o)n clothes, +ut then I considered
$ou &ight )ant &e to assist $ou% So&eti&es )i(es in England hel* their
hus+ands disro+e%/
She )as o+(iousl$ &a-ing it all u* as she )ent along% I' it hel*ed relie(e
her 'ear, he didn#t &ind%
/Do $ou )ant &e to undress $ou, Connor2/
He considered ans)ering her, then decided )hat had )or-ed +e'ore )ould
)or- again, and so he si&*l$ nodded agree&ent%
She too- another sha-$ +reath, no dou+t +racing hersel' 'or )hat she
thought she )ould .nd, +e'ore she .nall$ gathered enough gu&*tion to
reach 'or his +elt% Her toes, as )eightless as a +utter@$#s )ings, +rushed
o(er his, and the second the -not )as undone and his *laid +egan to dro*
to the ground, she too- a >uic- ste* +ac-%
He )asn#t )earing an$ underclothes% She noticed that right a)a$, God
hel* her 'or +eing 'oolish enough to loo-, and she deli+eratel$ turned her
attention to his chin until her heart cal&ed do)n% She#d onl$ ta-en a
gli&*se +elo) his )aist +e'ore she 'orced hersel' to loo- a)a$% It )as still
&ore than enough to &a-e her )ant to run all the )a$ +ac- to England%
/Connor, are $ou certain this )ill )or-2/
The +e)ilder&ent in her (oice a&used hi&% God, she )as innocent% "nd
He gentl$ *ulled her into his ar&s and held her tight against hi&% His head
dro**ed do)n to the to* o' her head% /0es,/ he *ro&ised%
He )as a little sur*rised he could s*ea- at all% The 'eel o' her so't +reasts
*ressed against his chest de&anded his 'ull attention, and honest to God,
he )as +eginning to +elie(e the un+eara+le )ait had +een )orth the
He couldn#t )ait an$ longer though% Neither his +od$ nor his &ind )ould
allo) another &inute to *ass )ithout 'ul.lling all o' his urges%
Connor had 'ull$ ex*ected to +e sur*rised again, and that he )as, +ecause
once he#d con(inced her to >uit hiding in the croo- o' his nec- and tilt her
head u* to)ard hi&, she let hi& -iss her% She didn#t -no) )hat she )as
doing, o' course% Her li*s )ere closed tight against his, +ut )ith his gentle
coaxing, she +egan to relax% Then he told her )hat he )anted her to do%
She didn#t .ght hi&, 8ust ga(e hi& a loo- that suggested she thought he
)as out o' his &ind to )ant her to do such a thing, and a'ter he#d re*eated
his de&and, she .nall$ conceded to hi& and o*ened her &outh%
"nd then he -issed her the )a$ he#d i&agined he )ould 'ro& the &o&ent
he#d .rst seen her toda$% His tongue >uic-l$ &o(ed inside her s)eet
)ar&th to stro-e and ex*lore% It )as &uch, &uch +etter than )hat he#d
i&agined it )ould +e% God, ho) he li-ed -issing her this )a$%
She li-ed it too% She )ound her ar&s around his nec- and +egan to stro-e
hi&, ti&idl$ at .rst, then 'ar &ore +oldl$, until she see&ed as eager as he
)as to ex*erience &ore o' the erotic *leasure%
1inall$, she +egan to )hi&*er lo) in her throat and &o(e restlessl$
against hi&%
The te&*tation *ro(ed to +e his undoing% He )anted to ta-e her that (er$
&o&ent, and it too- all he had to control his o)n res*onse% He#d scare the
hell out o' her i' he thrust inside her no), hurt her 'ar &ore than )as
necessar$ too, +ecause she still )asn#t read$ 'or hi&% She )ould +e, he
*ro&ised hi&sel', e(en i' the agon$ o' slo)ing do)n -illed hi&%
He )as +eing (er$ deli+erate no)% He -e*t u* his tender assault on her
senses, deter&ined to &a-e it i&*ossi+le 'or her to thin- a+out )hat )as
going to co&e% 6nl$ )hen she conceded to the de&ands +uilding inside
her )ould she +e a+le to )elco&e his in(asion )ithout too &uch
disco&'ort% He tried to o(er)hel& her, to @ood her senses )ith his touch,
his taste, his scent% His &outh assaulted hers again and again, until his
o)n des*eration to +e inside her o(errode all other considerations% His
control sli**ed 'urther a)a$ )ith each -iss the$ shared, each little &oan
she ga(e%
He )as aroused to a 'e(ered *itch% He didn#t gi(e her ti&e to *rotest, +ut
-e*t her 'ull$ occu*ied )ith his -isses )hile he li'ted her into his ar&s and
&o(ed to their +ed% He tried to +e gentle )ith her, at least he thought he
tried, e(en re&e&+ered to +race his )eight )ith his ar&s so he )ouldn#t
crush her as he ca&e do)n on to* o' her% His +od$ co(ered e(er$ inch o'
hers, and God, she s&elled so da&ned good and 'elt so incredi+l$ right in
his ar&s% He +uried his 'ace in the croo- o' her nec-, inhaled her
)onder'ul scent, and let out a loud groan o' sheer ecstas$%
She )as o(er)hel&ed +$ )hat )as ha**ening to her% She had ex*ected it
)ould all +e o(er and done )ith +$ no) and she )ould +e in terri+le *ain%
She hadn#t ex*ected to li-e it or cra(e all the glorious sensations coursing
through her +od$% 0et she $earned 'or e(en &ore 'ro& hi&, and ho) )as
that *ossi+le2 She didn#t -no) i' she )as *leasing hi&<she ho*ed she
)as<and she )anted to as- hi& to tell her )hat he )anted her to do, so
he )ould also +e sha-ing 'ro& her caresses the )a$ she shoo- 'ro& his%
6nce his hard +od$ ca&e do)n on to* o' hers, thin-ing +eca&e too
co&*licated% He )as )his*ering hot, sensual )ords close to her ear, )hich
onl$ &ade the $earning dee* inside her &ore de&anding%
His hands )ere e(er$)here% She shouldn#t let hi& touch her +reasts,
&eant to tell hi& to sto*, e(en as she arched u* against hi& in silent
de&and 'or &ore and &ore and &ore%
She tried to sto* hi& )hen his hand &o(ed +et)een her thighs% He
)ouldn#t +e sto**ed though% It )as &uch too late 'or that% He needed to
-no) i' she )as read$ 'or hi&, God hel* hi& i' she )asn#t, and as soon as
he 'elt the )et o*ening he &ost )anted to in(ade, the de&ands o' his
+od$ too- o(er%
He tried to &a-e his in(asion s)i't% He &o(ed +et)een her thighs and
thrust dee* )ith one *o)er'ul surge% She cried out in agon$, and the
sound echoed through the *ines% 6nl$ )hen he )as co&*letel$
surrounded +$ her tightness did he 'orce hi&sel' to sto* and allo) her
ti&e to get *ast the *ain% He couldn#t su**ress his groan o' &ale
satis'action, or )as it a shout2 He )as too sha-en +$ her to -no) exactl$
)hat he )as doing no)% He could onl$ 'eel, and dear God, this had to +e
hea(en, so *er'ect )as each sensation% "nd ne)% 1or the .rst ti&e since
he#d +egun to ta-e )o&en to his +ed, he 'ound he )as consu&ed +$
She )as consu&ed +$ *ain% She struggled against hi& and de&anded that
he sto* at once, cr$ing all the )hile, +ut then he let out a shout and )ent
co&*letel$ still, and she )asn#t certain i' he )as angr$ or as disa**ointed
as she )as%
Connor .nall$ reali4ed she )as cr$ing% He i&&ediatel$ sto**ed and tried
to cal& her% /It#s going to +e all right% The *ain )ill lea(e%/
/Ho) do $ou -no) it )ill lea(e2/
/I -no)%/
He sounded terri+l$ certain% She decided to +elie(e hi&, ad&itting that
e(en no) the thro++ing )asn#t >uite as intense% She still didn#t li-e it
&uch, though, and ho*ed it )ould all +e o(er and done )ith soon% She
)as a+out to as- hi& to *lease hurr$ u*, +ut then he -issed her again and
she )as suddenl$ &ore interested in -issing hi& +ac- than tal-ing%
He continued to stro-e her and -iss her until he 'elt her relax her gri* on
Then he )as &o(ing, though slo)l$ at .rst, (o)ing he )ould end it i' she
as-ed hi& to, e(en i' it -illed hi&% 0et instead o' .ghting hi& or &a-ing
i&*ossi+le de&ands, she *ut her ar&s around his nec- once again%
He )anted &ore than her acce*tance, ho)e(er, +ecause he#d 'elt her
*assion +e'ore he#d hurt her, and he cra(ed to 'eel it again% In +et)een
hot -isses, he )his*ered sensual *ro&ises and *raise, &ost o' )hich didn#t
&a-e an$ sense at all, +ut she didn#t see& to notice or &ind% His *atience
)as +lessedl$ re)arded )hen she +egan to &o(e against hi&%
Connor +raced his )eight )ith his ar&s and li'ted u* to loo- into her e$es%
There )ere tears there, $et there )as *assion as )ell, )asn#t there2 God,
he ho*ed so% He didn#t )ant to -ee* on hurting her, (o)ed once again to
end it >uic-l$ )ith one hard *ush to gi(e her his seed i' her *ain *ersisted,
e(en as he )ondered ho) he )ould e(er .nd enough disci*line to lea(e
her no)%
/Should I sto*2/ His (oice )as rough )ith e&otion%
He sounded angr$% She loo-ed at his 'ace and sa) that his 8a) )as
clenched tight, and there )ere +eads o' *ers*iration on his 'orehead% Had
she done so&ething )rong2 She could +arel$ thin- a+out it, the thro++ing
inside )as insistent no), $et sur*risingl$ *leasant% She shi'ted +eneath
hi&, dre) her -nees u* 8ust a little to +ring hi& dee*er inside her, and 'elt
a +urst that )as 'ar +etter than si&*l$ *leasant% She couldn#t sto* hersel'
'ro& &o(ing once again%
He let out a lo) groan% /Ha(e I &ade $ou angr$2/ she )his*ered%
He shoo- his head +e'ore re*eating his >uestion% /Do $ou )ant &e to end
/No,/ she said%
He slo)l$ )ithdre), s&iling +ecause she instincti(el$ tightened her legs
around hi&, tr$ing to -ee* hi& inside, and then he *ushed 'or)ard again,
all the )hile )atching her ex*ression 'or the .rst sign o' disco&'ort%
She s>uee4ed her e$es shut, let out a s)eet &oan, and ordered hi& to do
8ust that once again%
It )as all the encourage&ent he needed% He &o(ed again and again, &ore
'orce'ull$ )ith each thrust, and oh, ho) he lo(ed the )a$ she clung to hi&
and &ade those erotic sounds in the +ac- o' her throat%
He still +elie(ed he )as the one in control% He -ne) exactl$ )hat )ould
ha**en to her3 she )ould concede e(er$thing to hi& soon, her +od$, her
&ind, and her heart% Her orgas& )ould consu&e her, and as she )as in
the &idst o' her cli&ax, he )ould gi(e her his seed%
He )ould +e )ell ser(ed, o' course% "nd satis.ed% Cust as he had al)a$s
He continued his *ace until she )as )rithing in his ar&s% Her hi*s )ere
'orce'ull$ arching u* to >uic-en his *ace, and then he +eca&e e(en &ore
She let hi& -no) ho) &uch she li-ed )hat he )as doing +$ scoring his
+ac- )ith her nails and cr$ing out )ith *leasure% /6h, God%/
/Na$, lass% Connor%/
She didn#t understand )hat he )as sa$ing to her +ecause the hot
sensations o(er)hel&ing her senses )ere so excruciatingl$ )onder'ul3
she )anted to tell hi& so, +ut her (oice got lost in her cries 'or &ore%
Her need 'ed his o)n% She suddenl$ +eca&e the aggressor, not he,
stro-ing and caressing, touching hi& in )a$s he#d ne(er +een touched
She dre) hi& do)n 'or a long, )et, o*en-&outh -iss, )ild no),
uncontrolled )ith her de&and, 'orcing hi& )ith her uninhi+ited res*onse
to gi(e her e(er$thing, and he )as *o)erless to sto* )hat )as ha**ening
to hi&% Her *assion ignited his o)n, and e(en that *art o' his &ind he had
al)a$s held +ac-, he )illingl$ ga(e to her%
His )orld ca&e a*art% He thrust dee*, hard, o(er and o(er again, his
&o(e&ents uncontrolled no), 'or he )as o(er)hel&ed +$ her, and )ith
one last surge 'or)ard, he *oured his seed into her, shouting her na&e,
o(er and o(er again, in acce*tance and surrender% In that instant )hen
their hearts see&ed to +eat as one, and their souls 'elt as though the$
)ere ent)ined, she 'ound her o)n 'ul.ll&ent%
She clung to her hus+and as though her li'e de*ended u*on it, terri.ed +$
)hat )as ha**ening to her, and then she heard hi& call her na&e, 'elt
hi& tighten, and she suddenl$ sto**ed .ghting her o)n surrender% Tre&or
a'ter tre&or o' ecstas$ *oured o(er her, $et all the )hile Connor )as there
)ith her, holding her tight, telling her it )as all right +$ si&*l$ chanting
her na&e%
Her cli&ax see&ed to last 'ore(er, $et it )as o(er all too soon% Wee*ing
so'tl$ against his shoulder +ecause it had +een so incredi+l$ +eauti'ul, she
'elt exhausted, re*lete, and (er$ *roud o' hersel'%
It too- her se(eral &inutes to sto* sha-ing and dra) a *ro*er +reath%
Connor, she noticed, )as still ta-ing dee*, shuddering +reaths% The entire
ex*erience had +een 'ar &ore de&anding 'or hi& than 'or her, she
thought, +e'ore reali4ing she )as still ta-ing gas*ing +reaths too%
He continued to hold her until she +egan to relax in his ar&s and her legs
dro**ed do)n to his sides3 then he tried to lea(e her +$ rolling o(er on his
side% She )ouldn#t let go o' hi&% He thought a+out &o(ing her ar&s a)a$
so he could get u*, +ecause he -ne) he needed ti&e alone to .gure out
)hat had 8ust ha**ened to hi&, +ut then he 'elt her tears on his s-in and
decided to )ait another &inute or t)o%
He#d hurt her, $es, o' course he had% She#d +een a (irgin, and it )as
ine(ita+le that she )ould ha(e di=cult$ acce*ting hi&, +ut once she had
ad8usted, had he continued to hurt her2 Hell, he#d +een rough )ith her all
right3 he should ha(e +een a+le to control hi&sel', and i' she hadn#t +een
so hot and tight, he *ro+a+l$ )ould ha(e% What had she ex*ected2 She#d
gi(en hersel' )holeheartedl$ to hi&%
She#d +een *er'ect% Connor suddenl$ reali4ed )hat he )as doing and had
to sha-e his head o(er his o)n thoughts% What )as )rong )ith hi&2 No)
he )as tr$ing to +la&e her 'or ta-ing a)a$ his disci*line and tr$ing to
clai& his heart, God hel* hi&, )hen he had )illingl$ gi(en +oth to her%
He reall$ needed ti&e to reco(er% She )asn#t going to let go o' hi&,
though, and so he decided he )ould ha(e to )ait until to&orro) to .gure
it all out% Perha*s +$ then he )ould ha(e reclai&ed so&e o' his control%
He#d gi(en her that too% No )onder he 'elt so (ulnera+le no), and i' that
)asn#t disgusting, he didn#t -no) )hat )as% His strength )as gone, and he
)as suddenl$ too exhausted to thin- a+out an$thing i&*ortant% He inhaled
her )onder'ul 'e&inine scent, 'ound it &ingled )ith his o)n, and i' he
didn#t 'orce hi&sel' to go to slee* soon, he -ne) he )as going to get hard
again and hurt her all o(er%
She didn#t )ant to slee* 8ust $et% She )anted a tender )ord 'ro& hi& so
she )ould -no) he#d +een *leased )ith her% She needed his assurance
no), and onl$ )hen his +reathing +eca&e dee* and e(en did she reali4e
she )asn#t going to get it%
She &o(ed a)a$ 'ro& hi&, sat u*, and nudged hi&% He didn#t e(en o*en
his e$es%
She didn#t )ant to gi(e u*% The *ride she#d 'elt 8ust &inutes ago )as
>uic-l$ 'ading, and da&n it all, she )anted to -ee* on 'eeling )onder'ul
a+out )hat had ha**ened, not sorr$% Didn#t he understand she needed
*raise and co&'ort to gi(e her the reassurance she ached 'or2
No, o' course he didn#t -no)% The insensiti(e +ear didn#t e(en -no) )hat
co&'ort )as%
She decided to gi(e hi& one last chance to redee& hi&sel' and *o-ed hi&
hard in his shoulder% She#d alread$ &ade u* her &ind that as soon as he
o*ened his e$es, she )ould +luntl$ as- hi& i' he had +een as *leased )ith
her as she#d +een )ith hi&% He#d tell her $es, o' course, and she#d .nall$
+e content%
Connor still didn#t o*en his e$es, +ut he did &o(e% He rolled o(er, a)a$
'ro& her%
She sa) the da&age she#d done to hi& and thought her heart &ight sto*
+eating then and there% :right red &ar-s strea-ed his +road shoulders and
+ac-% She hadn#t dra)n +lood )ith her nails, +ut the &ar-s )ere (i(id
enough to &a-e her thin- it )ould ta-e a long )hile 'or the& to 'ade a)a$%
Ho) could she ha(e done such a thing2 She#d acted li-e a )ild ani&al, and
not at all li-e the )ell-+red lad$ she#d +een raised to +e% No )onder
Connor )as ignoring her% He had to +e disa**ointed in her% In truth, she
couldn#t +la&e hi&%
She didn#t -no) ho) she )as e(er going to 'ace hi& again% She )as going
to ha(e to, o' course, unless she died o' e&+arrass&ent +e'ore &orning%
1irst things .rst, she told hersel'% She )ould go +ac- to the )ater, )ash his
scent a)a$, and get dressed%
She 'elt +etter +ecause she had so&ething to do% She tried not to &a-e
an$ noise, though she )as *rett$ certain she could ste* all o(er hi& and
he )ould continue to slee*% The second she &o(ed, she gri&aced in *ain%
She *aused to glare at Connor, +ecause he )as res*onsi+le 'or her
disco&'ort, then reached 'or the *laid he#d gi(en her% She sa) the s*ots o'
+lood on the )ool right a)a$% She didn#t *anic, and in 'act )asn#t e(en
sur*rised, +ecause her &other had told her there )ould +e +lood, and
*ain, +ut the dear )o&an had exaggerated a+out it all +eing o(er and
done )ith as >uic- as a +lin-% :renna had to ad&it that so&e o' her
disco&'ort )as her o)n 'ault% Her &other had also instructed her to sta$
*er'ectl$ still throughout the ordeal, *ro&ising that i' she did, it )ouldn#t
+e so terri+le a'ter all, and :renna hadn#t sta$ed still, no) had she2 When
)ould she start listening to her elders2
Still, it hadn#t +een that horri+le% She ad&itted the truth on her )a$ +ac-
to the )ater% She continued to 'ret )hile she )ashed e(er$ s*ot o' s-in
he#d touched, )hich &eant ta-ing another 'ull +ath, +ecause he#d touched
her e(er$)here, and then she got dressed% She )as than-'ul she#d le't her
clothes on the +an-, es*eciall$ her undergar&ents% 0a)ning no) 'ro&
sheer 'atigue, she 'olded his *laid into a s>uare )ith the intention o' gi(ing
it +ac- to hi& in the &orning, then *ut on a clean, i(or$, an-le-length
chainse and co(ered it u* )ith her dar-, &idnight +lue +liaut%
/I#& *athetic,/ she &uttered in disgust%
She re&o(ed a )ooden nec-lace 'ro& inside her right shoe, )here she#d
care'ull$ hidden it, and held it gentl$ in her hand, treating it )ith as &uch
care as she )ould a -ing#s cro)n o' 8e)els% The round )ooden &edallion
)as a gi't 'ro& her 'ather, and though it )asn#t (alua+le +$ a thie'#s
&easure, )hich )as exactl$ )h$ her 'ather had had it &ade out o' )ood,
it )as &ore *recious and (alua+le to her than an$thing else she o)ned
+ecause o' )hat the dis- re*resented% Her 'ather had had the )ooden
&edallions &ade 'or all o' his children, e(en his sons, and each one o' the
dis-s had a di,erent design etched into the )ood% :renna#s )as the
outline o' the sun% "ll o' her sisters and +rothers recogni4ed each other#s
designs, her 'ather had insisted the$ &e&ori4e the&, and )hen he had
gi(en :renna her &edallion, he ga(e her the sa&e instructions he#d gi(en
the others% I' she )as e(er in trou+le, she need onl$ send the &edallion to
one o' her +rothers or sisters and he or she )ould i&&ediatel$ co&e to
her assistance% Their lo$alt$ )as to one another, he#d ex*lained, .rst and
al)a$s, and her 'ather )anted to &a-e certain that a'ter he and her
&other had *assed on, their children )ould loo- out 'or one another%
:renna ad&itted, though onl$ to hersel', that she had a tendenc$ to
+eco&e *reoccu*ied and &is*lace her *ossessions, and 'or that reason
she al)a$s *ut the &edallion in her shoe at night% She )ouldn#t dare +e
careless )ith her 'ather#s dear gi't%
Holding the lin- to her 'a&il$ &ade her ache to +e )ith the& again%
Suddenl$ it all +eca&e too &uch to +ear, and she +egan to so+ )ith
heartache and loneliness% "lthough she tried, she couldn#t &a-e hersel'
sto*% She sat do)n on the slo*e, gi(ing in to )hat she considered the
ine(ita+le a'ter the hellish da$ she#d had, and stared at her treasure until
her tears )ere s*ent% The *recious li'eline to her 'a&il$ )as secured +$ a
leather nec-lace% She &ade certain it )as -notted securel$ +e'ore sli**ing
it around her nec- and tuc-ing it under her clothing% It rested +et)een her
+reasts, directl$ o(er her heart, exactl$ )here it +elonged%
!uch to her sur*rise, )ee*ing had *ro(ed to +e a healing +al&, and
though she 'ound it >uite *eculiar, she actuall$ 'elt +etter +$ the ti&e she
)as .nished% She )as also a+le to loo- at her situation )ith &ore
*racticalit$ and less e&otion% The )ooden dis- re*resented her *ast, +ut
Connor )as *art o' her 'uture no), )asn#t he2
She should *ro+a+l$ learn to +e lo$al to hi&, shouldn#t she2 7o(e )asn#t
all that i&*ortant, )as it2 Her &other certainl$ hadn#t thought so% Wh$,
she hadn#t trul$ lo(ed their 'ather 'or $ears and $ears% E(entuall$, her
heart did so'ten to his hard )a$s, and the t)o o' the& certainl$ got along
)ell enough%
Connor had alread$ *ro(en he )ould treat her -indl$% The )a$ he#d
touched her, )ith such care and tenderness, )as e(idence enough% His
hands .t the rest o' hi&, she thought% The$ )ere +ig, callused, hard,
strong, $et he#d +een so (er$ gentle )hen he#d caressed her%
The &e&or$ &ade her sigh% It )as *ro&*tl$ 'ollo)ed +$ a loud $a)n% She
didn#t )ant to a(oid Connor an$ longer% She needed slee* and his )ar&th
no)% The tender )ords o' assurance )ould ha(e to )ait until the o+tuse
&an .nall$ reali4ed )hat a (alua+le asset she )as% She )as going to ha(e
to *ro(e hersel' to hi&, o' course, +ut she )as u* to the challenge, and
God )illing, she )ould +e a good )i'e and &other%
She stood u* )hen she heard Connor% He +arel$ &ade an$ noise at all, +ut
it )as still >uite enough 'or her to recogni4e )here the sound )as co&ing
'ro&% She hurriedl$ )i*ed her 'ace dr$ o' an$ re&aining tears,
straightened her a**earance as +est she could )ithout her +rush and
&irror, and then started to)ard hi&%
He sto**ed )hen he reached the +rea- in the trees% He didn#t dare get an$
closer to her 8ust $et, +ecause the urge to ta-e her into his ar&s and &a-e
lo(e to her again needed to +e controlled .rst, then discarded, +e'ore he
too- another ste*% He couldn#t 'orce hi&sel' to sto* thin-ing a+out it,
though% He#d tell her it had +een da&ned inconsiderate o' her to sta$
a)a$ 'ro& his +ed 'or such a long )hile, o' course, *ro+a+l$ 8ust a scant
second +e'ore his &outh de(oured hers so she couldn#t start arguing )ith
hi& again% He lo(ed the )a$ she#d tasted, the )a$ she#d 'elt%
God, +ut she )as *rett$% He couldn#t see& to get *ast the re(elation% It
)asn#t si&*l$ her a**earance he 'ound hi&sel' dra)n to li-e a +esotted
+o$% No, it )as 'ar &ore than that% She )as such a sensual )o&an% The
grace'ul )a$ she &o(ed, the )ar&th in her )elco&ing s&ile, the delicate
loo- o' her, all a**ealed to hi&, +ut )hat ca*ti(ated hi& &ost )as the air
o' dignit$ and strength in her +earing% She &ade hi& +elie(e she 'ull$
understood the *o)er she )ould )ield as his )i'e%
"nd i' he e(er )ea-ened, )ould she )ield that *o)er o(er hi&2 The
thought &ade hi& 'ro)n%
The longer she stared at hi&, the 'aster her heart +eat, so o(er)hel&ed
)as she +$ the sheer +eaut$ +e'ore her% Connor )as al&ost co&*letel$
shrouded in the thic- &ist gathered in the trees% She )as suddenl$
re&inded o' the giants o' ancient ti&es her 'ather had told her +edti&e
stories a+out, and surel$ Connor )as e(er$ +it as &agni.cent as his
ancestors )ere, *erha*s e(en &ore so% There )asn#t a 'old o' 'at
an$)here% She understood )h$ he radiated such strength and *o)er no)%
The s*la$ o' &uscles in his u**er ar&s and thighs )as e(idence enough%
!uscles rolled under s-in that glistened )hen he *ut his hand out to her%
She i&&ediatel$ )al-ed 'or)ard and *laced her hand in his% /I thought
$ou )ere slee*ing,/ she )his*ered%
/I cannot rest until $ou do%/
/Wh$ is that, Connor2/
He li-ed the )a$ she said his na&e in such a 'a&iliar, inti&ate )a$% God,
he )as )ear$ tonight% He had to +e exhausted to +e thin-ing a+out such
'oolishness no)%
/I#& res*onsi+le 'or $ou, that#s )h$% What )ere $ou doing2 0ou )ere gone
a long ti&e%/
He -ne) exactl$ )hat she#d +een doing, o' course, the *roo' o' her
)ee*ing still lingered in her e$es, and the onl$ reason he#d as-ed the
>uestion )as to see i' she )ould ad&it her )ea-ness to hi&%
/I )as cr$ing li-e a +a+$% Wh$ does that a&use $ou2/
/I s&iled +ecause $ou told &e the truth%/
/I al)a$s tr$ to tell the truth% 7ies +eco&e too co&*licated% Do $ou al)a$s
)al- around )ithout an$ clothes on2/
She sounded )orried a+out the *ossi+ilit$% /6nl$ )hen I#& chasing a'ter
inconsiderate )i(es,/ he ans)ered%
He didn#t &ean to sound surl$% She didn#t see& to notice, ho)e(er% Her
&ind )as so&e)here else% He )asn#t le't guessing )hat she )as thin-ing
/Wh$ did $ou &arr$ &e2/
/I#ll ex*lain to&orro)%/
He started to turn, intending to drag her +ac- to the +ed, +ut she sto**ed
hi& +$ tugging on his hand%
/0ou *ro&ised &e $ou )ould ex*lain directl$ a'ter our &arriage )as
+lessed% 0ou don#t +elie(e I#ll li-e hearing the truth, do $ou2 Could that +e
the reason $ou#re *utting it o,2/
/Co&e +ac- to +ed% Then I#ll ex*lain%/
/0ou#ll onl$ 'all aslee* +e'ore9/ She sto**ed tr$ing to ex*lain )hen he
li'ted her u* into his ar&s% His s-in )as so )onder'ull$ )ar&, she )anted
to *ress hersel' against hi&% She didn#t gi(e in to the te&*tation though,
+ut *ut her ar&s around his nec- and stared directl$ into his e$es%
/Wh$ )ere $ou )ee*ing2/
/I )as thin-ing a+out &$ 'a&il$%/
/I#& $our 'a&il$ no)%/
The gru,ness in his (oice actuall$ co&'orted her, and she -ne) she had to
+e exhausted to ha(e such a strange reaction% She hadn#t )anted to tell
hi& her )orr$, +ut hea(en hel* her, the )a$ he stared at her &ade her
)ant to +lurt out e(er$ little concern she had%
/I disa**ointed $ou,/ she )his*ered%
/0ou didn#t disa**oint &e%/
She )aited 'or hi& to ex*lain% He didn#t sa$ another )ord, )hich reall$
shouldn#t ha(e sur*rised her, as she alread$ had noticed he )asn#t one to
e&+ellish an$ o' his re&ar-s% The @a) o+(iousl$ extended to co&*li&ents
as )ell% She )as 'eeling inordinatel$ *leased )ith hersel' no), and all
+ecause she hadn#t disa**ointed hi&%
6h, $es, she )as )ear$ tonight% It had +een a long, di=cult da$, a'ter all,
and that )as )h$ she )as +eing so e&otional%
He carried her +ac- to his +lan-ets and set her on her 'eet again% When
she tried to turn a)a$ 'ro& hi&, he *ulled her +ac- into his ar&s and
-issed her long and hard%
Her -nees )ent )ea-, and )hen he let go o' her she grace'ull$ colla*sed
to the +ed%
She regained her strength a &inute later% "'ter he#d stretched out on the
+lan-ets, she tried to -neel o(er hi&% He )as ha(ing none o' that% He
*ulled her do)n +eside hi&, 'orced her +ac- u* against his chest, and
)ra**ed his ar&s around her%
He )asn#t a+out to let go o' her% He -ne) she hadn#t 'orgotten his *ro&ise
to tell her exactl$ )h$ he#d &arried her, and he )asn#t at all certain ho)
she )ould react to hearing a 'e) o' his reasons% He didn#t )ant to ha(e to
get u* and chase a'ter her again% Wo&en, he had learned, could +e
*eculiar a+out &atters that reall$ shouldn#t concern the&% The$ tended to
get their 'eelings in8ured >uite easil$3 at least "lex#s )i'e, Ca&ie, did%
:renna see&ed to +e e(en &ore e&otional% Not onl$ did she a**ear to get
her 'eelings in8ured, she also insisted on telling Connor a+out it% The 'act
that she#d told hi& she +elie(ed she#d disa**ointed hi& )as *roo' enough%
He )as astounded she#d needed his reassurance% She hadn#t tried to hide
her (ulnera+ilit$ at all%
0es, she astounded hi& all right, and *leased hi& &ore than he could e(er
ha(e thought *ossi+le%
/Connor, $ou )ere going to tell &e9/
/I )anted sons%/
/"nd daughters,/ she re&inded hi&%
/"nd daughters,/ he agreed% /I told $ou &$ reason earlier%/
She tried to turn so she could loo- at hi&, +ut he tightened his hold on
her, &a-ing &o(e&ent i&*ossi+le%
She ga(e u* tr$ing% She rested the side o' her 'ace on his u**er ar&,
s&iling +ecause it 'elt so hard and )ar& against her chee-, then $a)ned
/:ut )h$ did $ou &arr$ &e2 0ou could ha(e &arried an$ )o&an 'ro& the
/0ou as-ed &e%/
/Please don#t use that excuse% We +oth -no) $ou )ould ne(er ha(e held a
child to her )ord%/
/No, I )ouldn#t%/
/Do $ou re&e&+er an$ o' it2 Surel$ $ou9/
He re&e&+ered e(er$ detail o' the &eeting )ith her 'ather, o' course%
/"re $ou going to -ee* &e a)a-e all night2/ he as-ed, irrita+l$%
/No, o' course not% I didn#t &ean to stra$ 'ro& the to*ic% I#& concerned
$our reason 'or &arr$ing &e has so&ething to do )ith &$ 'ather% Is that
/No,/ he ans)ered% /!$ 'eud is )ith !acNare% He )ent a'ter ?uinlan#s
'a&il$% He +urned their ho&e, destro$ed their cro*s, and -illed their stoc-%
He )anted their land to add to his o)n% I had onl$ 8ust heard a+out this
atrocit$ )hen another one o' &$ 'ollo)ers ca&e to &e )ith a si&ilar
outrage to re*ort%/
/"nd +ecause $our &en are lo$al to $ou, $ou )ent to )ar on their +ehal'%/
/There had to +e another reason as )ell, 'or surel$ others ha(e co&e to
$ou in the *ast )ith stories o' &istreat&ent, I' $ou &arried each ti&e,
$ou#d ha(e ten )i(es +$ no)%/
/I ha(e another reason, +ut I don#t )ish to discuss it no)%/
/So&eda$ )ill $ou ex*lain2/
/"ll right then% Will $ou ex*lain )hat our &arriage has to do )ith $our
/It#s si&*le, :renna% !acNare )anted $ou%/
/"nd so $ou too- &e a)a$ 'ro& hi&% Wh$ didn#t $ou 8ust -ill &e2/
/I don#t -ill )o&en%/
/I didn#t &ean to insult $ou% 0ou tell &e $ou don#t -ill )o&en, +ut $ou ha(e
no concerns a+out using the&, do $ou2/
/When it#s necessar$%/
/Wh$ didn#t $ou si&*l$ continue to )ar against hi&2 Were $our losses too
/I' a Highlander has (engeance in his heart, no loss is su+stantial% I )as
'ortunate though% There )ere in8uries, +ut none o' &$ o)n died% !$
+rother ordered &e to end the 'eud% "lec has +eco&e )hat so&e )ould
call a &ediator in our land, and he has the *o)er +ehind hi& to 'orce
others to do )hat he considers 8ust% !arr$ing $ou )as &$ last9/
/It is, onl$ i' $ou choose to thin- it is%/
/What )ould $ou consider an insult then2/
/Destro$ing a &an#s cro*s, -illing good horses% Those are insults% 5illing a
soldier is a &uch &ore grie(ous &atter% I thin- *erha*s $ou *lace too
&uch (alue on &arriage% 0ou thin- li-e a )o&an%/
/I )ould ne(er ha(e gone to such lengths%/
/I#& &$ 'ather#s son% I a& also a *ractical &an%/
He had told her the truth, God hel* her 'or as-ing hi& to, and she
suddenl$ 'elt li-e )ee*ing again%
She tried to +e *ractical a+out it all and told hersel' it could ha(e +een
)orse% She couldn#t i&agine ho), o' course% She didn#t li-e +eing used% No
)o&an did% She didn#t thin- he )ould understand ho) she 'elt, though%
/In 'uture, I )in learn no) to +eco&e *ractical,/ she )his*ered% Her (oice
shoo-, and she didn#t sa$ another )ord 'or a long )hile +ecause she -ne)
she )ould start cr$ing% She thought she#d rather die than let hi& -no) the
da&age he#d done to her ho*es and drea&s% She )asn#t going to let hi&
hurt her again, and i' +eing *ractical &eant she &ust gi(e u* her 'eelings
and her heart, then she )ould +e &ore *ractical than he )as%
It didn#t ta-e her long to reali4e ho) 'oolish she )as +eing% She didn#t )ant
to li(e )ithout lo(e, and that &eant she )as going to ha(e to &a-e
Connor change his attitude, and ho) )ould she e(er +e a+le to do that2
The tas- )as disheartening and see&ed to +e as i&*ossi+le as &a-ing it
rain on a sunn$ da$% She s>uee4ed her e$es shut as soon as she reali4ed
ho) tear$ she )as +eco&ing and tried to concentrate on her night *ra$ers
in ho*es the ritual )ould occu*$ her thoughts%
Connor sought to close his &ind against the hurt he#d 8ust caused her so
that ridiculous thoughts o' guilt )ouldn#t +other hi&% It )asn#t until he#d
told her a 'rag&ent o' the 'ull truth that he reali4ed ho) cold it &ade hi&
sound to a )o&an as e&otional as :renna% She couldn#t *ossi+l$
understand, and he )asn#t a+out to ex*lain 'urther%
His hatred 'or !acNare )as +urning hi& hollo) inside, and though he still
hadn#t 'ound an$ e(idence to &a-e hi& cul*a+le in Donald !ac"lister#s
death, Connor still )anted to +elie(e )hat his 'ather had sus*ected, that
!acNare and !acNare#s 'ather, along )ith their relati(es, had +een
in(ol(ed in the *lanning o' the attac- on his ho&e% He )as deter&ined to
.nd the *roo' +e'ore he -illed all those he sus*ected o' *artici*ating in the
slaughter, e(en i' it too- hi& long $ears to .nd the truth% Intil then, he
)ould ha(e to +e content )ith insigni.cant attac-s &eant solel$ to -ee*
the& enraged%
"lec )as &a-ing his dut$ &ore di=cult, o' course% His +rother -ne) )hat
Donald !ac"lister had said +e'ore he died, and "lec had also tried to .nd
*roo' o' !acNare#s treacher$% When he could .nd nothing, he decided that
the sus*icion )as groundless% No) he )anted the stri-es against the
!acNare clan to sto*% Connor -ne) he )ould ha(e to acco&&odate his
+rother, +ut onl$ 'or a )hile, until "lec +eca&e reasona+le again% Gaining
re(enge )ouldn#t +e 'orgotten, and Connor#s hatred )ouldn#t lessen, +ut
intensi'$% He )as, a'ter all, his 'ather#s son%
/When did $ou &a-e $our decision to &arr$ &e2/
Her >uestion 8arred hi& +ac- to the *resent% /"s soon as I heard !acNare
)as &arr$ing one o' Ha$nes)orth#s daughters%/
Would the insults ne(er sto*2 /Then $ou didn#t e(en -no) that I )as the
one sent to !acNare2 Dear God, $ou didn#t -no), did $ou2 The *ro*osals
had nothing to do )ith $our decision% The 8est#s on $ou, Connor% I )asn#t
su**osed to &arr$ !acNare, ;achel )as% She#s the *rett$ one,/ she
instincti(el$ added%
/Wh$ didn#t she co&e2/
/The -ing 'ound out and *ut a sto* to it% He )anted ;achel to &arr$ a
+aron he 'a(ored%/
/"nd so $our 'ather su+stituted $ou%/
He )as astonished +$ the )a$ things )ere done in England and a**alled
that a 'ather could treat his daughters )ith such casual disregard%
/When did $ou .nd out $ou )ere going to &arr$ hi&, :renna2/
/That isn#t i&*ortant%/
/"ns)er &e%/
/The da$ I le't% 1ather told &e )hat I )as ex*ected to do, and I too- &$
lea(e a 'e) hours later% It )as )rong 'or $ou to &a-e &e thin- &$
*ro*osals )ere )h$ $ou ca&e 'or &e%/
/It )asn#t )rong% It )ill *ro(e con(enient though%/
/!$ +rother,/ he ans)ered% /He )ill )ish to hear &$ reasons 'or &arr$ing
/"nd $ou *lan onl$ to tell hi& I *ro*osed2 :ut9/
He interru*ted her% /!$ +rother )ill as- $ou i' $ou did *ro*ose%/
/"nd i' I re'use to ans)er 2
The thought )as laugha+le% No &an, let alone a )o&an, had e(er re'used
5incaid and li(ed long enough to tell o' it% /0ou )on#t,/ he assured her%
/0ou sho) &e little co&*assion, Connor%/
/Did $our 'ather sho) co&*assion )hen he su+stituted one daughter 'or
another2 "d&it it, :renna% His +eha(ior )as sin'ul, not &ine% We don#t
treat our daughters )ith such disres*ect%/
/1ather had his reasons% I#& certain the$ )ere (er$ i&*ortant%/
/Did $our -ing grant his *er&ission2/
/There )asn#t ti&e enough to gain his *er&ission% I#& certain he )ill +e
/I#& 8ust as certain he )on#t +e *leased at all% Don#t rail against &e or
*lague &e )ith &ore >uestions, )i'e% I a& $our hus+and and $our laird
no), and $ou )ould do )ell to re&e&+er that% I sa(ed $ou 'ro& a +lea-
'uture )ith a de&on%/
She )as suddenl$ too 'urious )ith hi& to guard her )ords% /0ou ha(e
succeeded )ith $our *lan% No one )ill )ant &e no)% The (er$ least $ou
can do is let &e go +ac- ho&e%/
/Gi(e &e a son% Then $ou can go%/
He regretted his cruelt$ as soon as the )ords )ere out o' his &outh, +ut
he )ouldn#t ta-e the& +ac-%
"nd he )ould ne(er let her go%
Cha*ter L
Contents - Pre( A Next
She disli-ed hi& intensel$ until noon the 'ollo)ing da$% Then she
re&e&+ered her *lan to +e *ractical% She reall$ should tr$ to get along
)ith the (ile &an, shouldn#t she2 :esides, she )asn#t one to )allo) in
&iser$ 'or long *eriods% There )ere 'ar &ore exciting things to thin-
a+out, although ad&ittedl$, )hen Connor had *ro&ised her she could go
+ac- ho&e as soon as she ga(e hi& a son, she )as so outraged, she
didn#t +elie(e she )ould e(er +e a+le to 'orgi(e hi&% What -ind o' &onster
)as he to thin- she could lea(e her child +ehind2
He )asn#t a &onster, ho)e(er% He )as a &an, that )as all% "nd a
stu++orn, thoroughl$ i&*ractical, and ignorant one as )ell%
Su=cient ti&e hadn#t *assed to heal )hat she considered a grie(ous
in8ur$, +ut +$ a'ternoon she could at least loo- at hi& )ith less hostilit$%
She +elie(ed she#d co&e a long )a$ in a (er$ short )hile% She )asn#t
ha(ing &urderous thoughts a+out her hus+and an$ longer, and she )as
+eginning to notice he )asn#t co&*letel$ heartless and un'eeling% He
see&ed to +e as concerned a+out Gill$ as she )as% He slo)ed their *ace
so her &are )ould +e a+le to -ee* u*, riding +$ :renna#s side all the
)hile, and e(er$ once in a )hile, he actuall$ loo-ed )orried%
"'ter the$#d crossed a )ide &eado) car*eted in rich green clo(er and
*ur*le heather she thought )as too lo(el$ to tread u*on, Connor slo)ed
the *ace to a )al-% He called a halt a 'e) &inutes later, as soon as the$
reached the *rotection o' the 'orest%
/?uinlan, ta-e the others and ride ahead% Wait 'or us near the crest%/
:renna noticed the sur*rise in ?uinlan#s ex*ression% He loo-ed as i' he
)anted to argue )ith his laird, +ut a'ter gi(ing :renna )hat she could onl$
inter*ret as a *it$ing glance, he rode on ahead%
She )asn#t le't guessing )h$ ?uinlan )as 'eeling sorr$ 'or her% Connor
)aited until his &en )ere gone, then 'orced her to loo- at hi&% She
i&agined she sa) ice chi*s in his e$es, so 'urious did he a**ear to +e%
/0ou )ill sto* 'ro)ning at &e this &inute%/
She had to )ait until he let go o' her to ans)er% /I didn#t reali4e I )as
'ro)ning at $ou% Is that )h$ )e sto**ed2/
/No,/ he ans)ered% /I )anted to as- $ou so&ething%/
/"re $ou still in *ain2/
She i&&ediatel$ lo)ered her ga4e in e&+arrass&ent% In the +lin- o' an
e$e, her 'ace )as @ooded )ith color%
/I#& )aiting 'or $our ans)er%/
/!ust )e tal- a+out it2/
/"ns)er &e,/ he ordered once again, though in a &uch &ore *leasant
tone o' (oice%
/No, I#& not in *ain%/
/Was I too rough2 Did I tear9/
/I#& .ne, reall$% Please don#t concern $oursel'%/
/:renna, )ill $ou get o(er $our sh$ness )ith &e soon2/
/I 'er(entl$ ho*e so%/
He 'ound hi&sel' s&iling in s*ite o' his irritation% She#d sounded
He still )asn#t co&*letel$ con(inced she )as telling the truth a+out her
condition, ho)e(er, and there'ore re'used to let the su+8ect go 8ust $et%
/I' $ou aren#t in *ain, )h$ are $ou so restless in $our saddle2/
She )as sur*rised he#d noticed% He#d +arel$ gi(en her a glance all the
)hile he#d ridden +$ her side, a'ter all%
/I didn#t reali4e ho) o+ser(ant $ou )ere%/
/I notice e(er$thing% So do the others, or the$ )ouldn#t +e riding )ith &e%
It#s one o' the reasons )e sta$ ali(e%/
/Did $ou notice $ou +ro-e &$ heart2/
He loo-ed exas*erated% /I did no such thing%/
/We argued and9/
/We didn#t argue%/
/Then )hat did )e do2/
/0ou as-ed >uestions% I ans)ered the&%/
He reall$ didn#t understand at all% The re(elation stunned her, and )ith it
ca&e a gli&&er o' ho*e 'or their 'uture%
Perha*s Connor )asn#t cruel or heartless, a'ter all% He )as 8ust ignorant%
She )as +liss'ull$ relie(ed +$ her disco(er$%
/What else did $ou notice a+out &e2/ she as-ed%
He noticed e(er$ little thing a+out her, he )anted to ans)er her, such as
the )a$ she#d dra)n her +reath in )hen the &eado) co(ered in a rain+o)
o' colors .rst ca&e into (ie), the radiant s&ile that ca&e next, and then
the 'ro)n )hen he )ouldn#t let her sto* and ex*lore +ecause it )ould slo)
do)n his &en%
/I notice $ou 'ro)n e(er$ ti&e $ou loo- at &e%/
She let out a sigh% /I didn#t understand that $ou didn#t +rea- &$ heart% I
also thought )e argued, +ut $ou ha(e ex*lained )e didn#t%/
He nodded% /Wh$ are $ou so restless in $our saddle2/
He )as going to &a-e her ad&it her e&+arrass&ent% /There is a little
tenderness,/ she )his*ered% /I#(e +een shi'ting &$ )eight to ease the
He li'ted her 'ro& Gill$ onto his la* and *ut his ar&s around her% His chin
dro**ed do)n on the to* o' her head next% /Is it +etter no)2/
/0es, than- $ou%/
/I#& not going to +e a+le to touch $ou tonight, a& I2/
He actuall$ sounded a little disa**ointed% She had trou+le +elie(ing hi&,
o' course% Then she thought he &ight +e 8esting )ith her and loo-ed u* to
see i' he )as s&iling% His ex*ression didn#t gi(e an$thing a)a$, ho)e(er,
and so she as-ed, /0ou )ant to touch &e again2/
/6' course% Wh$ does that sur*rise $ou2 I told $ou $ou didn#t disa**oint
&e, and I )ant children as soon as *ossi+le%/
She leaned a)a$ 'ro& hi&% /:ut a'ter )e, directl$ a'ter9 0ou told &e $ou
)eren#t disa**ointed, +ut I -no) $ou )eren#t (er$ ha**$ either%/
/Wh$ )ould $ou thin- such a thing2/
/0ou rolled a)a$ and ignored &e% 0ou needn#t *retend no) 8ust to &a-e
&e 'eel +etter% I#& +ound to i&*ro(e%/
/"h, lass, $ou#ll -ill &e i' $ou do%/
She turned scarlet% /Then $ou )ere ha**$9 a'ter2/
He let out a long sigh% He couldn#t understand )h$ she needed to hear hi&
ad&it it%
/Wh$ didn#t $ou tell &e ho) $ou 'elt2/
/Wh$ )ould I2/
He )as ignorant o' )o&en#s 'eelings, she re&inded hersel' so she
)ouldn#t get angr$% /0ou could ha(e gi(en &e a co&*li&ent or t)o%/
He ga(e her a sur*rised loo-, and she i&&ediatel$ recogni4ed it% It )as
the sa&e loo- he had gi(en her )hen she#d told hi& she )anted to +e
/I cannot guess )hat $ou )ant% 0ou ha(e to tell &e, :renna%/
She shoo- her head at hi&% /I no longer ha(e an$ need 'or co&*li&ents,
so $ou can sto* loo-ing a**alled% It onl$ 8ust occurred to &e that I didn#t
co&*li&ent $ou either% I certainl$ )asn#t disa**ointed%/
/I -no)%/
She ignored his arrogant re&ar-% /I +elie(e )e should start o(er%/ She
nodded to e&*hasi4e her conclusion +e'ore re*eating it% /0es, that#s )hat
)e &ust do% "s o' this &inute, )e#re starting all o(er%/
What )as she tal-ing a+out2 Start )hat o(er2 I' she hadn#t loo-ed so
*leased )ith hersel', and so da&ned ha**$, he *ro+a+l$ )ould ha(e
de&anded she ex*lain hersel'%
:renna suddenl$ reali4ed ho) considerate it )as o' hi& to gain *ri(ac$ 'or
their inti&ate tal- a+out her condition% /I#& grate'ul $ou )aited until )e
)ere alone to discuss &$ disco&'ort, and I 'eel +etter +ecause $ou )ere
/That isn#t )h$ )e sto**ed%/
She loo-ed so disa**ointed, he decided to so'ten the truth% /It )as onl$
one o' the reasons )e sto**ed% I also )anted to tal- to $ou a+out $our
/Gill$#s )orn out, isn#t she2/
/0es,/ he agreed% /We#re going to ha(e to lea(e her +ehind% She )on#t
&a-e it u* the last cli&+,/ he continued on, in s*ite o' the 'act that she
)as (ehe&entl$ sha-ing her head at hi&% His )i'e still didn#t understand it
)as not *ro*er to disagree )ith her hus+and% He ho*ed she#d .gure that
out soon%
/She#s read$ to colla*se e(en no)%/
She -ne) he )as right a+out Gill$#s condition, $et she )anted hi& to
reali4e )hat he as-ed o' her )as i&*ossi+le% /!$ +rother ga(e &e Gill$
$ears ago% I#& (er$ 'ond o' her% Surel$ $ou can understand I can#t lea(e
her +ehind% Couldn#t )e sta$ here until she regains so&e o' her strength2/
/Please +e reasona+le%/
/I a& +eing reasona+le% The horse can#t *ossi+l$ regain )hat she ne(er
had% She )asn#t +red 'or endurance%/
/:ut i' )e lingered 8ust a little )hile9/
/It#s too dangerous to sta$ here% Would $ou *ut the li(es o' &$ &en a+o(e
those o' $our ani&al2/
Her shoulders slu&*ed in de'eat% There didn#t see& to +e an$ *oint in
continuing to tr$ to s)a$ hi&, es*eciall$ since he#d gi(en her such a (alid
/I -no) $ou#re right,/ she )his*ered% /I )ould 'eel terri+le i' so&ething
ha**ened to $our soldiers% Gill$ &ight )ell in8ure hersel' i' I continue to
*ress her% I )as 8ust +eing, I reali4e that no)% Where should )e
lea(e her2/
/;ight here is as good a *lace as an$%/
She dared to sha-e her head at hi& again% Connor )as again ta-en a+ac-
+$ her de.ance% In ti&e she &ust learn to ha(e 'aith in his 8udg&ent%
She had certainl$ changed since their initial &eeting% #T)as a 'act she#d
done a co&*lete turna+out% She could +arel$ s*ea- a coherent )ord to
hi& )hen she#d .rst &et hi&, no dou+t +ecause o' her 'ear% No),
ho)e(er, she didn#t see& inti&idated at all% "d&ittedl$, he )asn#t sorr$
a+out the change, 'or he *ro+a+l$ )ouldn#t ha(e li-ed +eing &arried to a
)o&an )ho tre&+led e(er$ ti&e he loo-ed at her% He had ex*ected
:renna to +e li-e the other )o&en he#d -no)n, and he reali4ed no) his
assu&*tion had +een )rong% She )asn#t an$thing li-e the others3 she )as
)onder'ull$, and exas*eratingl$, uni>ue, too da&ned +eauti'ul 'or her o)n
good and his *eace o' &ind, and )hile he 'ound her +oldness re'reshing,
he reall$ didn#t +elie(e it )as necessar$ 'or her to tell hi& a+out e(er$
little detail in her li'e%
"rguing )ith hi& regarding her horse )as 8ust one exa&*le3 un'ortunatel$
there )ere alread$ countless others%
/Gill$ couldn#t *ossi+l$ sur(i(e on her o)n% Do *a$ attention, Connor% I
)ant $ou to understand% 0ou loo- a +it stunned,/ she added )ith a nod%
/Ha(e I said so&ething to u*set $ou2/
He counted to ten +e'ore he ans)ered her, ho*ing to cal& his rising
te&*er% His (oice still had a noticea+le sting in it )hen he as-ed, /Did $ou
8ust tell &e to *a$ attention2/
She li'ted her shoulders in a daint$ shrug% /I &ight ha(e,/ she ad&itted%
/"nd that u*set $ou2 Is that )h$ $our 8a)#s clenched tight2 I#ll a*ologi4e i'
$ou#d li-e &e to%/
/7isten care'ull$,/ he ordered in a sus*iciousl$ so't (oice% /0ou do not tell
$our hus+and to *a$ attention%/ He )aited 'or her to nod +e'ore
continuing% /I a& not u*set )ith $ou, +ut honest to God, $ou do tr$ &$
:ecause she )anted hi& to change his &ind a+out Gill$, she didn#t thin- it
)ould +e a good idea to contradict hi& no)% It al&ost -illed her to -ee*
silent% He )as such a stu++orn &an, deter&ined to ha(e things done his
)a$ and none other% He )as also her hus+and, ho)e(er, and so she )ould
tr$ to get along )ith hi&% I' he )anted to +elie(e he )asn#t u*set, she#d let
hi&, e(en though it )as &ost a**arent to her that he )as% The &uscle in
the side o' his 'ace )as t)itching, 'or hea(en#s sa-e, and i' that )asn#t a
telling sign that he )as +othered, she didn#t -no) )hat )as%
Getting along )ith this i&*ossi+le &an )as going to +e the death o' her,
she decided% Pride )ould +e his do)n'all, unless he learned to +e less
/Than- $ou 'or ex*laining,/ she said% She didn#t sound (er$ sincere, +ut
she didn#t cho-e on her )ords either, and that had to count 'or so&ething,
didn#t it2
/I 8ust thought $ou &ight )ish to -no) that Gill$ is used to +eing
*a&*ered, and there'ore )on#t -no) ho) to 'orage 'or 'ood%/
He )as no) thoroughl$ exas*erated )ith her% The$ )ere tal-ing a+out an
ani&al and not a child, )eren#t the$2 His )i'e didn#t see& to understand
the di,erence%
He )as 8ust a+out to ta-e a &uch .r&er stand )hen she )a$laid hi& +$
touching the side o' his 'ace% He 'elt as though he )ere +eing stro-ed +$
the )ings o' an angel% She loo-ed li-e an angel too, da&n it all, )ith those
enchanting +lue e$es and that innocent ex*ression on her 'ace% While he
-ne) the caress had +een calculated to &a-e hi& 'orget his o)n
thoughts, that (er$ thing ha**ened%
He too- hold o' her hand so he could concentrate% His )i'e )as +eing
ridiculous, o' course, +ut he -ne) it )ould +e a &ista-e to tell her so%
She#d onl$ increase her e,orts to s)a$ hi&%
Di*lo&ac$ )as called 'or% In'ortunatel$, he didn#t ha(e an$% /She#ll +e 8ust
.ne,/ he sna**ed%
/She )on#t +e .ne% She#ll +e dead%/
/0ou )ill sto* arguing )ith &e, :renna,/ he said, allo)ing his anger to
She )asn#t the least +it inti&idated% /I#& not arguing% I#& 8ust tr$ing to
&a-e $ou understand ho) i&*ortant Gill$ is to &e% She#s li-e a &e&+er o'
&$ 'a&il$% I e(en na&ed her a'ter &$ +rother%/
/He &ust ha(e lo(ed that,/ he said dr$l$%
She ignored his sarcas&% /No, Gillian didn#t li-e it &uch at all, +ut he
e(entuall$ got used to it% Can#t $ou thin- o' so&eone -ind and lo(ing to
ta-e care o' her2/
/Do $ou thin- I )ould ad&it to -no)ing an$one -ind and lo(ing2/
She )as deter&ined not to lose her te&*er, no &atter ho) &uch he
*ro(o-ed her% Gill$#s )el'are )as at issue, a'ter all, and she )as
res*onsi+le 'or her%
/I -no) o' so&eone )ho &ight ta-e her,/ :renna o,ered%
/No, )e aren#t ta-ing her +ac- to England% ?uinlan#s 'a&il$ doesn#t li(e too
'ar 'ro& here, +ut I#(e alread$ re*laced e(er$thing the$ lost% 0ou aren#t
going to let this go, are $ou2/
/I' $ou tell &e I &ust, I )ill tr$% Will $ou at least thin- a+out $our decision a
little longer +e'ore $ou &a-e it .nal2/
Connor .nall$ conceded% /I#& not an unreasona+le &an, and so I ha(e
decided to thin- a+out it%/
7ess than a &inute later, he ad&itted ?uinlan#s 'ather )ould +e )illing to
ha(e Gill$%
She )as so *leased he#d decided to coo*erate, she *ut her ar&s around
his nec- and -issed hi&% She onl$ &eant to gi(e hi& a >uic- -iss to sho)
her gratitude, +ut )hat she &eant to do and )hat she ended u* doing
)ere (astl$ di,erent% It )as all Connor#s 'ault an$)a$, +ecause he#d sho)n
her ho) )onder'ul a -iss could +e% She thought she )as onl$ 'ollo)ing his
lead, and +e'ore she could *ull a)a$ or dra) a *ro*er +reath, his &outh
)as &o(ing o(er hers in a long, dee* -iss that &ade her tre&+le 'or &ore
in no ti&e at all% He +eca&e &ore de&anding and she +eca&e e(en &ore
uninhi+ited, until her tongue )as e(er$ +it as )ild as his in her >uest to
satis'$ hi&% The taste and texture o' hi& &ingled )ith his scent, and God
hel* her, it )asn#t long +e'ore she 'elt her control sli**ing a)a$%
She 'orgot all a+out the outside )orld% The$ could ha(e +een surrounded
+$ an ar&$ o' heathens and she )ouldn#t ha(e noticed, or cared% Nothing
&attered +ut the )arlord in her ar&s%
1ortunatel$, Connor didn#t lose his sanit$% He a+ru*tl$ *ulled +ac-, then
gra++ed hold o' her hands and 'orced her to sto* tugging on his hair and
let go o' hi&%
He -ne) she didn#t ha(e an$ idea ho) sha-en the -iss had le't hi&% He
told hi&sel' not to loo- at her &outh again until he )as in co&*lete
control, +ut da&n i' he didn#t loo- an$)a$% Exactl$ )hat he -ne) )ould
ha**en did ha**en, o' course, +ecause he ra(aged her &outh a second
ti&e to -ee* her 'ro& te&*ting hi& to do 'ar &ore inti&ate things to her,
and )hen at last he 'ound enough strength to end it, he )as 'urious )ith
/0ou &a-e &e 'orget )here )e are, )i'e%/
:elie(ing he &ust ha(e en8o$ed the tender &o&ents as &uch as she had,
she s&iled )ith *leasure%
He lost his te&*er then and there% /What in God#s na&e did $ou thin- $ou
)ere doing2/
The radical change in hi& too- her +reath a)a$% /I )as9/ 7ord sa(e her,
)hat had she +een doing2
He )ouldn#t )ait long enough 'or her to regain her )its% /0es2/ he
/I )as sho)ing &$ a**reciation%/
/I' this is ho) $ou sho) $our gratitude, I )onder ho) $ou )ere a+le to
re&ain innocent until $our )edding night%/
She )as stunned% Ho) dare he ruin such a *er'ect -iss +$ &a-ing such a
(ile re&ar- a+out her character2
Her te&*er rose to the occasion% /It#s &iraculous reall$% !$ 'ather )as
constantl$ dragging &e a)a$ 'ro& the &en I attac-ed% The$ )ere all
co&*letel$ hel*less, o' course, and li-e $ou, the$ ne(er -issed &e +ac-%/
Her co&&ent )as laugha+le, gi(en the 'act that she#d +een so ti&id and
terri.ed on their )edding night%
"lthough he still thought she should learn to +e &ore de&ure around hi&,
he had to ad&it he continued to +e i&*ressed +$ her +oldness in standing
u* to hi&% Didn#t she understand she )asn#t su**osed to gi(e hi& her
o*inion unless he as-ed 'or it2 She should gi(e hi& her und$ing lo$alt$
and 'aith in e(er$thing he said or did9 shouldn#t she2
Hell, he didn#t -no) )hat she )as su**osed to do% He#d ne(er +een
&arried +e'ore and )as +asing his +elie's on o+ser(ation and *ast
ex*erience )ith )o&en he#d ta-en to his +ed% The$#d +een than-'ul, da&n
it, and certainl$ had ne(er sho)n an$ +oldness% "nd he#d +eco&e +ored in
no ti&e at all%
:renna )as a re'reshing change 'ro& )hat he )as used to, no dou+t
a+out it, +ut he didn#t ha(e the 'aintest idea ho) to get her to do )hat he
thought she should do%
Connor )asn#t certain )h$ he tried to *ro(o-e her again, +ut he thought
*erha*s it )as +ecause he )anted to hear another o' her outrageous
/Dare $ou tr$ to *lacate &e +$ gi(ing &e such an ignorant re+uttal2/
/Na$, Connor% I )as si&*l$ tr$ing to gi(e $ou )hat $ou )anted% It )as
a**arent to &e that $ou )ere deli+eratel$ tr$ing to &a-e &e angr$% I let
$ou succeed% 0ou &a$ than- &e later%/
His s&ile ga(e hi& a)a$ o' course% /0ou reall$ don#t understand )h$ I
+eca&e irritated, do $ou2/
She )asn#t at all ha**$ a+out his a&use&ent% /No, I don#t, +ut I ha(e a
'eeling $ou#re going to tell &e%/
/It isn#t *ro*er 'or $ou to -iss &e unless I ha(e gi(en $ou *er&ission%/
She could 'eel her s*ine sti,ening in anno$ance% /Then I )on#t +e -issing
$ou &uch in 'uture%/
/"h, )i'e, $ou )ill%/
The con(ersation a+ru*tl$ ended )hen he sho(ed her 'ace against his
/Will $ou sto* doing that2/ she de&anded% /It#s rude%/ He didn#t
ac-no)ledge her de&and and in 'act didn#t s*ea- to her again until late
that e(ening )hen the$ .nall$ sto**ed 'or the night%
He )aited 'or :renna to notice Gill$ )asn#t tethered near the other horses%
The )o&an )ould *ro+a+l$ *itch a .t then and *ossi+l$ )ee*, God hel*
hi&, )hich he )as 'ull$ *re*ared to sto* +e'ore she started%
She didn#t sa$ a cross )ord to hi&, +ut a'ter he sa) the loo- on her 'ace,
he +egan to )ish she )ere shouting at hi&% The sadness in her e$es )as
'ar &ore +otherso&e%
He su,ered her disa**oint&ent in hi& throughout su**er +ecause he )as
deter&ined not to ex*lain his actions to her, +ut an hour later, he changed
his &ind% He told hi&sel' he )as &a-ing this one exce*tion +ecause she
)as so 'ond o' the &are% Hell, she#d ele(ated the creature to a 'a&il$
He )aited until he caught her alone near the )ater to tal- to her%
/:renna, I ha(en#t +etra$ed $ou, and I )ant $ou to sto* loo-ing as though I
ha(e% It )asn#t *ossi+le 'or &e to ta-e the ti&e to send so&eone )ith Gill$
to ?uinlan#s 'a&il$%/
/I understand%/ Her (oice )as co&*letel$ de(oid o' e&otion, and she ga(e
her re*l$ to the ground so she )ouldn#t ha(e to loo- at hi&%
/No, $ou don#t understand,/ he &uttered% /!acNare and a 'air nu&+er o'
his clan )ere 'ollo)ing us, and though I )ould ha(e lo(ed a good .ght, I
couldn#t gi(e in to the *leasure +ecause $ou )ould end u* in the thic- o'
it% I )asn#t a+out to *ut $ou in such danger%/
He raised his hand )hen she tried to interru*t hi&, and continued on%
/Ho)e(er, as soon as )e get ho&e, I#ll send one o' &$ soldiers to .nd
$our &are and ta-e her to ?uinlan#s 'ather then%/
/Than- $ou, Connor% Is our ene&$ close no)2/
/Close enough,/ he ans)ered%
/I didn#t hear the&%/
/The$ )eren#t close enough to hear%/
He )as read$ to dis&iss the to*ic and turned to lea(e%
She )asn#t% /Connor2/
She hurried a'ter hi&, then suddenl$ sto**ed% She#d thought to -iss hi&
on the chee- to let hi& -no) ho) &uch she a**reciated his ta-ing the
ti&e to ex*lain the circu&stances, +ut the &e&or$ o' ho) he had reacted
to her a,ection the last ti&e )as still 'resh enough to hurt, and so she
decided not to *ro(o-e hi& again%
/Than- $ou 'or con.ding in &e%/
/Don#t get used to it% It isn#t custo&ar$ 'or &e to ex*lain &$ actions to
an$one% I dou+t I#ll do it again%/
He see&ed deter&ined to ruin e(er$ -ind &o&ent )ith a nast$ re&ar-%
He also had the discourteous and grating ha+it o' )al-ing a)a$ 'ro& her
)hene(er he )anted to end a con(ersation, 'orcing her to chase a'ter hi&%
/"re )e sa'e no)2/
He re'used to gi(e her an$ other details, such as ex*laining )h$ the$ )ere
sa'e no) +ut hadn#t +een sa'e earlier in the da$, and she )as si&*l$ too
)orn out 'ro& tr$ing to get along )ith hi& to atte&*t to coax hi& into
gi(ing her additional in'or&ation%
She )ent to the cree- and )ashed as >uic-l$ as she could% The )ater )as
&uch colder here than the )ater she#d +athed in the night +e'ore% :$ the
ti&e she *ut on 'resh undergar&ents and stoc-ings, e(en her scal* 'elt
nu&+% She hadn#t +een a+le to locate the trun- .lled )ith her go)ns, +ut
than-'ull$ she still had t)o clean +ut )rin-led ones le't in her satchel%
The cold night air )as ra*idl$ stealing )hat little strength she had le't% She
dra*ed the shorter tunic o(er a +ush in ho*es that the da&* air )ould
ease the )rin-les out and sat do)n to +rush her hair% She rushed through
her night *ra$ers to get the& o(er and done )ith )hile she +raided her
hair, and )hen she )as .nished, she could +arel$ .nd enough strength to
*ut her shoes +ac- on and stand u* again%
She )as thin-ing ho) lo(el$ it )ould +e to slee* in a )ar& +ed and
i&&ediatel$ 'elt guilt$ +ecause *oor Gill$ )ouldn#t ha(e a )ar& sta+le
tonight% "n un'a&iliar noise turned her attention then% The sound had
+een )his*er 'aint and see&ed to co&e 'ro& the o**osite side o' the
co(e, although she couldn#t see an$thing out o' the ordinar$% The trees
)ere too thic-, and the &oon )asn#t casting su=cient light do)n on the
+ranches, +ut she )as still certain she#d heard so&ething that shouldn#t
ha(e +een there%
She sta$ed co&*letel$ still, closed her e$es, and *atientl$ )aited se(eral
&inutes +e'ore she heard the sound again% It )as as clear as a shout to
her no) and (er$ li-e the 'a&iliar sound o' steel +rushing o(er steel%
!en )ith )ea*ons )ere co&ing their )a$, God hel* the&% The$ )eren#t
allies, she -ne), +ecause 'riends )ouldn#t +e snea-ing u* on the&, )ould
the$2 No, o' course not, she reasoned% The$ )ould shout their greeting
She couldn#t tell ho) &an$ there )ere, +ut she had a 'eeling there )ere
&ore than 8ust a 'e)%
She tried not to let her 'ear control her actions% She )anted to run as 'ast
as her legs )ould carr$ her to )arn Connor o' the danger co&ing their
)a$% She )al-ed instead and tried not to &a-e an$ noise at all% She#d
heard the& a**roaching, a'ter all, and an$ sound she &ade )as +ound to
gi(e the& her exact location%
7ord, she )as scared% She called to her hus+and in a so't (oice as soon as
she reached the narro) clearing, then sa) hi& near a cluster o' trees in
dee* discussion )ith ?uinlan% The$ o+(iousl$ had sought *ri(ac$ 'or their
tal-, +ecause the$ stood )ell a)a$ 'ro& the other )arriors% She could tell
'ro& their rigid stances that the issue under discussion )as serious%
Connor didn#t li-e )hat ?uinlan )as telling hi&, as he )as sha-ing his
head e(er$ other &inute in o+(ious disagree&ent%
She hurried 'or)ard and called his na&e again as she a**roached, +ut he
*ut his hand u* in silent co&&and not to interru*t hi& and didn#t e(en
glance her )a$%
She couldn#t )ait until the$ .nished, o' course<the$#d all +e dead i' she
did<and so she +raced hersel' 'or his disa**ro(al, then reached u* and
*ulled his hand do)n%
The de.ant action gained his 'ull attention% His initial irritation (anished
the second he sa) ho) 'rightened she )as%
/What is it2/
/Soldiers are co&ing to)ard us, Connor% I couldn#t see their nu&+er, +ut I
heard the&% The$#re tr$ing to +e >uiet%/
!uch to her con'usion, her startling announce&ent didn#t get the reaction
she#d antici*ated%
Connor s&iled% /0ou actuall$ heard the&2/
It )as a**arent he hadn#t gras*ed the ra&i.cations $et% /0es, I heard
the&% I don#t +elie(e the$#re allies% The$ )ouldn#t care a+out &a-ing noise
i' the$ )ere, )ould the$2 We should lea(e )ith all *ossi+le haste% Wh$ are
$ou s&iling2 Don#t $ou understand the danger )e#re in2/
She guessed he didn#t understand )hen he didn#t i&&ediatel$ &o(e% She
hadn#t thought hi& at all slo)-)itted until no), and un'ortunatel$, his
'riend see&ed to su,er the sa&e aMiction% In 'act, he )as )orse% He )as
ha(ing so &uch di=cult$ co&*rehending their dire situation, he laughed%
She 'elt li-e thro)ing her hands u* in des*air% She settled on )ringing
the& together instead% /Connor, I#&9 concerned%/
/0ou ha(e no reason to +e concerned%/
Connor usuall$ didn#t notice ho) a )o&an )as groo&ed, +ut he couldn#t
see& to sto* staring at his )i'e#s hair no)% He couldn#t i&agine )hat she#d
tried to acco&*lish% Honest to God, he#d ne(er seen an$thing >uite li-e it%
He considered hi&sel' to +e an astute &an, ho)e(er, and -ne) :renna
had extre&el$ tender 'eelings, so he )as care'ul to sound onl$ &ildl$
curious and not critical )hen he as-ed her to ex*lain )hat she#d done%
/What the hell ha(e $ou done to $our hair, )i'e2 Did $ou &ean to tie it in
-nots all o(er $our head2/
She couldn#t +elie(e he )anted to tal- a+out her a**earance% /!$ +raid2
0ou )ant to discuss &$ +raid2/
/"h, so it#s a +raid,/ he said% /I hadn#t reali4ed%/
She started +ac-ing a)a$ 'ro& hi&% She shoo- her head se(eral ti&es,
and e(er$ ti&e she &o(ed, one o' the -nots ca&e undone% /Can#t $ou see
ho) )orried I a&2/ she cried out%
He couldn#t i&agine )h$ she )as )orried, unless she hadn#t +een *a$ing
attention to hi& )hen he#d told her not to +e concerned% 6r had she heard
and chosen not to +elie(e hi&2
He )asn#t going to lecture her, no &atter ho) &uch she *ro(o-ed hi&%
No, he )ould si&*l$ hel* her reason it all out in her &ind% She )as an
intelligent )o&an3 it )ouldn#t ta-e her an$ ti&e at all%
/Exactl$ )h$ are $ou )orried2/
She )as o(er)hel&ed +$ his inco&*rehension and )as, 'or the &o&ent,
rendered s*eechless% No one could +e this o+tuse, not e(en )arlords%
?uinlan couldn#t -ee* silent a &o&ent longer% He 'elt he )as 'ar &ore
astute than his laird in &atters concerning )o&en, and so he naturall$
sought to lend his counsel +e'ore his laird *ut his 'oot in his &outh and
in8ured his lad$#s delicate 'eelings% /I +elie(e $our )i'e is still u*set a+out
the &en she heard a**roaching% She &ight ha(e thought )e )ere in
:renna )as (igorousl$ nodding her head in agree&ent )hen Connor
denied the *ossi+ilit$% /No, &$ )i'e )ouldn#t dare insult &e that )a$,/ he
re*lied, -ee*ing his ga4e directed on her all the )hile% /She -no)s I#ll
*rotect her 'ro& har&% Isn#t that so, :renna2/
No, it )asn#t so% Ho) )ould she -no) i' he )as ca*a+le o' *rotecting
an$one or not2 Cust +ecause he loo-ed li-e a )arlord 'ro& hell didn#t &ean
he could .ght li-e one% She didn#t thin- it )ould +e a good idea to tell hi&
her thoughts, though% The )a$ he stared at her &ade caution a &uch
)iser choice, and she 'ound hersel' nodding 8ust to *lacate hi&%
The re&aining -nots ca&e a*art then, and her hair )as once again )here
Connor )anted it to +e, in so't curls do)n a+out her shoulders%
:renna )as 8ust a+out to lea(e )hen the truth da)ned on her% /0ou -ne)
those &en )ere there%/
Connor loo-ed at her, +ut said nothing%
/Ho) long ha(e $ou -no)n2/ she de&anded%
/Since the$ 8oined us%/
/The$ aren#t $our ene&ies%/
/6' course not%/
/Wh$ didn#t $ou tell &e2/ she de&anded% /0ou should ha(e%/
/I should2/
/0ou#re su**osed to tell $our )i'e i&*ortant ne)s%/
He shoo- his head% Where in God#s na&e did she co&e +$ these ideas2 /I
thin- not%/
/I thin- so%/
Connor couldn#t +elie(e she#d contradicted hi&% He ga(e her a hard stare
and 'olded his ar&s across his chest%
?uinlan -ne) )hat that &eant% His laird )as getting angr$% It )as onl$ a
&atter o' ti&e no) +e'ore Connor said so&ething he )ould later regret%
:ecause he )as Connor#s 'riend, ?uinlan couldn#t let that ha**en%
/!i#lad$, &a$ I suggest $ou *ut $our *laid on2/ he as-ed% /0our hus+and
)ouldn#t )ant $ou to catch a chill%/
She loo-ed as though she hadn#t heard hi& and her attention re&ained
'ocused on her hus+and% The tension +et)een the t)o continued to +uild,
'or their ga4es )ere loc-ed on each other% Connor#s )as challenging,
:renna#s )as de.ant, and neither one o' the& a**eared )illing to +ac-
/The air#s da&* tonight,/ ?uinlan inter8ected in $et another atte&*t to get
his &istress#s attention% /We#re in 'or a .erce thunderstor&%/ His last
co&&ent did the tric-% ?uinlan 'elt li-e sighing )ith relie' )hen 7ad$
:renna .nall$ loo-ed at hi&%
/6' course it#s going to rain, she said% It#s a .tting end to a hellishl$ long
da$% Ha(e $ou seen &$ trun-, ?uinlan2 I#& in need o' &$ hea($ cloa-%/
/0ou#ll )ear &$ *laid,/ Connor told her%
He hadn#t raised his (oice to her, +ut she acted as though he had +$
+ac-ing 'arther a)a$ 'ro& hi&% /!$ trun-, ?uinlan2/ she re&inded the
/We le't it +ehind )ith $our saddle, &i#lad$%/
/Please go and get it 'or &e%/
?uinlan turned to Connor to 8udge his reaction to her re>uest +e'ore
His laird shoo- his head +ut re&ained stu++ornl$ silent, &uch to ?uinlan#s
consternation, lea(ing hi& to 'end 'or hi&sel'% /It isn#t *ossi+le 'or &e to
go and get it 'or $ou% We le't it +ehind se(eral hours ago, and )e#(e
tra(eled a 'air distance since then, o(er rough terrain, i' $ou#ll re&e&+er%
We had to lea(e it, &i#lad$,/ he >uic-l$ added )hen he noticed the loo- in
her e$es% /The )agon )ouldn#t ha(e &ade it u* the narro) cli&+%/
/Wh$ did $ou lea(e it +ehind )ithout as-ing &$ *er&ission .rst2/
/:$ $our laird#s co&&and,/ he ex*lained, thin-ing that i&*ortant 'act
)ould end the discussion once and 'or all% He )as &ista-en% 7ad$ :renna
)asn#t read$ to let it go%
/Didn#t it occur to either one o' $ou that there &ight +e so&e i&*ortant
reason )h$ I )anted to -ee* the trun-2/
I' she#d gi(en hi& ti&e to thin- o' a re*l$, ?uinlan )as sure he )ould ha(e
thought o' so&ething a**ro*riate to sa$ to her, +ut she didn#t gi(e hi&
ti&e% His &istress#s outrage see&ed to +e gathering &o&entu& as she
continued% /!$ sister Coan ga(e &e the trun- and I had *lanned to *ut &$
children#s clothes inside% I treasure it%/
?uinlan suddenl$ 'elt a+out as lo) and inade>uate as an English&an &ust
'eel e(er$ ti&e he loo-ed in a &irror% He turned to his laird again, )illing
hi& )ith his hard stare and a slight nudge to ta-e o(er the +attle% Da&n it
all, ?uinlan )asn#t &arried to the distraught )o&an% Connor )as% 7et hi&
su,er her disa**oint&ent%
Connor continued to sta$ stonil$ silent, ho)e(er% /!i#lad$, it )as
necessar$,/ ?uinlan said% /Isn#t that right, 7aird2/
:renna didn#t *articularl$ care )hat her hus+and had to sa$ a+out it% She
)as too disheartened to listen to an$one an$ longer% The in8ustices done to
her in the *ast se(eral da$s )ere ta-ing their toll no), and she thought
that i' she didn#t get a)a$ 'ro& her hus+and 'or a 'e) &inutes, she#d start
She didn#t +other to excuse hersel'3 she si&*l$ )al-ed a)a$% " sudden
thought &ade her sto*% /!$ saddle, ?uinlan2 Did $ou sa$ $ou also le't the
saddle &$ dear sister ;achel loaned to &e2/
/Did $ou ha(e another one, :renna2/ Connor as-ed dr$l$%
7ord, ho) she hated his condescending, +e-reasona+le tone% /No, I didn#t%/
she ans)ered%
/!i#lad$, it )as also necessar$ to lea(e $our sister#s saddle +ehind,/
?uinlan +lurted out%
/I treasured it too,/ she )his*ered%
?uinlan#s shoulders slu&*ed% He had -no)n she )ould sa$ that%
/I cannot hel* +ut )onder )h$ $ou didn#t as- &$ *er&ission .rst, though%/
?uinlan (o)ed not to sa$ another )ord% He stared at his laird, i&itated his
threatening stance +$ 'olding his ar&s across his chest, and si&*l$ )aited%
Connor didn#t ta-e the hint 'ast enough to *lease his 'riend% /Wouldn#t $ou
li-e to ans)er $our )i'e2/ ?uinlan sounded do)nright des*erate%
Connor let his 'riend see his exas*eration +e'ore turning to :renna% /I
)ouldn#t +e laird i' I as-ed *er&ission +e'ore I &ade decisions, es*eciall$
insigni.cant ones% 0ou )ere &erel$ curious, )eren#t $ou2 0ou )ouldn#t
sho) disa**ro(al o' $our hus+and#s actions in 'ront o' his 'ollo)ers% Isn#t
that right2/
She sur*rised hi& +$ agreeing% /0es, I )as si&*l$ curious, and no, I )ould
ne(er critici4e $ou in 'ront o' $our 'ollo)ers% Do $ou ha(e the *atience to
endure one &ore >uestion, hus+and2/
/What is it2/
/When do $ou su**ose $ou#ll lea(e &e +ehind2/
Connor#s &ood dar-ened in the s*ace o' a heart+eat% He too- a
threatening ste* 'or)ard and +ris-l$ ordered her to co&e to hi&%
?uinlan &o(ed +ac-, loo-ed to the hea(ens, and +egan to *ra$ 'or di(ine
inter(ention% His &istress had ne(er seen Connor lose his te&*er, and
though ?uinlan -ne) his laird )ould ne(er *h$sicall$ har& her, or an$
other )o&an 'or that &atter, he could do considera+le da&age to her
He )ouldn#t +e cruel, though, and 'or that reason, ?uinlan didn#t tr$ to
inter(ene% The 'at )as in the .re no), and she had *laced it there )hen
she deli+eratel$ *ro(o-ed her hus+and +$ as-ing hi& such an atrocious
>uestion% She )ould ha(e to su,er the conse>uences o' her actions, and
+$ &o(ing a little distance a)a$ 'ro& the t)o o' the&, ?uinlan ho*ed she
)ould reali4e he )ouldn#t, and couldn#t, co&e to her assistance%
Connor didn#t ha(e an$ intention o' losing his te&*er, 'or he -ne) that his
+ride )as )orn out% The shado)s under her e$es indicated her exhaustion%
He )as 'ull$ res*onsi+le 'or her condition, o' course, and +elie(ed the onl$
thing he could do a+out it no) )as 'orce her to +ed% Getting her to relax
enough to slee* )as going to +e a little &ore di=cult% She#d ha(e to get
rid o' the tension inside her .rst, and *erha*s arguing )ould ser(e that
*ur*ose% " good .ght al)a$s le't hi& 'eeling relaxed, and )hile he
ad&itted he didn#t -no) an$thing at all a+out ho) gentle)o&en li-e
:renna )ould react, he didn#t +elie(e there )as an$ har& in letting her rail
at hi&% 6nce she )as rested, she )ould +eco&e reasona+le again, or so
he ho*ed, and then she )ould +eg his 'orgi(eness%
/0ou#re +eing unreasona+le, :renna%/
/I +elie(e I#& +eing (er$ reasona+le%/
/0ou do2 Then ex*lain $our reason 'or as-ing &e such a >uestion% Did $our
sainted *arents lea(e $ou +ehind2/ He 'ull$ ex*ected a denial, o' course%
She ga(e hi& the truth instead% /"s a &atter o' 'act, the$ did%/ "s soon as
the )ords )ere out o' her &outh, she regretted the&% No) Connor )as
going to ha(e an e(en lo)er o*inion o' her dear *arents%
/The$ didn#t lea(e &e on *ur*ose% The$ 8ust 'orgot% Surel$ $ou see the
/Do $ou ex*ect &e to +elie(e the$ 'orgot $ou2 No *arents )ould lea(e
their child +ehind, e(en English *arents%/
/0our )i'e loo-s as though she &eans )hat she sa$s,/ ?uinlan inter8ected%
/Did the$ lea(e $ou at ho&e, &i#lad$2/
She shoo- her head% /I s*o-e in haste%/
/Then $ou exaggerated2/ Connor as-ed, thin-ing he )as +eing
considerate +ecause he hadn#t as-ed her to ad&it she#d lied to hi&%
/0ou#re &a-ing this &ore i&*ortant that it )as% I )ish I#d ne(er said a )ord
no), +ecause $ou#re going to thin- ill o' &$ &other and 'ather% 0ou 8ust
don#t understand% It onl$ ha**ened a cou*le o' ti&es, and the$ )ere still
lo(ing *arents% The$ had eight children, and )ith so &an$, the$ )ere
+ound to 'orget a+out one o' us e(er$ no) and again% It )as all &$ o)n
'ault an$)a$% I should ha(e sta$ed )ith the others%/
/The$ le't $ou t)ice2/
The +it o' added in'or&ation she#d &entioned had stunned hi&%
/0ou loo- 'urious, and I cannot i&agine )h$% 0ou )eren#t le't +ehind% I )as,
and I assure $ou, it didn#t +other &e at all%/
/6' course it +othered $ou,/ he countered% /Did the$ e(er 'orget an$ o' the
/No, +ut I tended to )ander9/
He )ouldn#t listen to an$ excuses% /Where did these lo(ing *arents lea(e
The *igheaded &an )as ne(er going to understand, and she )as suddenl$
too tired to -ee* on tr$ing to &a-e hi&% 7ord, he )as a trial, and i' she
didn#t .nd a little *eace and >uiet soon, she )as going to start screa&ing
li-e a &ad)o&an%
Connor didn#t loo- as i' he )as in an$ &ood to lea(e, and so she decided
she )ould%
He had other inclinations% He )asn#t going to let her )al- a)a$ 'ro& hi&
until she satis.ed his curiosit$% /I )ant an ans)er%/
/I ha(e .nished discussing this to*ic%/
The loo- he ga(e her suggested she change her &ind%
/Honestl$, Connor, $ou#re 8ust li-e a @ea chasing a'ter a hound% !$ *arents
le't &e in the &iddle o' the countr$side% "re $ou ha**$ no)2 6r )as there
so&ething &ore e&+arrassing $ou )anted &e to ad&it2/
She didn#t )ait around long enough to .nd out% She didn#t +other to as-
*er&ission to lea(e either, +ut she couldn#t see& to sto* hersel' 'ro&
+o)ing her head to +oth &en +e'ore she )al-ed a)a$% She +la&ed the
courtes$ on her &other +ecause she#d +een relentless in her atte&*ts to
turn her daughters into *ro*er ladies%
6)en called out to his &istress as she *assed hi&% /!i#lad$, i' $ou#re
loo-ing 'or )ater, it#s in the o**osite direction%/
She ans)ered the soldier, +ut her (oice )asn#t strong enough to carr$
across the clearing%
/No) )hat2/ Connor &uttered as soon as he sa) ho) startled 6)en
loo-ed% The soldier glanced his )a$ +e'ore chasing a'ter his &istress%
?uinlan didn#t dare s&ile, though he )as (astl$ a&used +$ the resignation
he#d heard in Connor#s (oice% /6)en loo-ed sur*rised% 0our )i'e &ust ha(e
said so&ething to alar& hi&%/
/6' course she did,/ Connor re*lied% /Honest to God, ?uinlan, she#s a
da&ned nuisance%/
In ?uinlan#s esti&ation, she )as still 8ust a+out *er'ect% Connor didn#t
reali4e his +lessing $et, +ut ?uinlan could tell 'ro& the )a$ Connor studied
his )i'e )ith such a *er*lexed loo- on his 'ace that he )as alread$
ca*ti(ated +$ her% He o+(iousl$ didn#t li-e the )a$ he reacted to her i' his
dar- &ood o' late )as an$ indication% 1ro& )hat ?uinlan had o+ser(ed
a+out his &istress, he could onl$ conclude she )as ha(ing 8ust as &uch
di=cult$ understanding her reaction to her hus+and%
/She#s going to cause >uite a distur+ance at ho&e%/
/I can#t let that ha**en%/
/I#& not sure $ou can sto* it 'ro& ha**ening,/ ?uinlan said% /The &en )ill
ha(e trou+le concentrating on their duties% The$#ll )ant to s*end their
da$s staring at $our )i'e, and their )o&en )on#t li-e it &uch% Ha(e $ou
an$ idea ho) +eauti'ul she is, or ha(en#t $ou ta-en the ti&e to notice2/
/I#& not +lind3 o' course I noticed% Her a**earance is $et another @a) I
&ust contend )ith%/
/I don#t see it as such%/
/0ou#re a shallo) &an% That#s )h$ $ou don#t see it as such%/
?uinlan thoroughl$ a**reciated the insult and s&iled in reaction%
/7aird2/ 6)en shouted% /!a$ I ha(e a &o&ent o' $our ti&e2 It#s
He )aited 'or Connor#s a**ro(al +e'ore co&ing 'or)ard% /!i#lad$ told &e
she )asn#t going to the cree-% She#s going to get her trun-% Then she
thought she &ight )ant to )al- all the )a$ +ac- to England% Those )ere
her (er$ )ords to &e, and gi(en )ith a s&ile, &ind $ou% I tried to dissuade
her, +ut she )ouldn#t listen to reason% Do $ou thin- she reall$ &eans to
Connor didn#t ans)er the soldier% He dou+ted 6)en )ould hear a )ord he
said an$)a$, as ?uinlan#s laughter )as gratingl$ loud% He considered
sho(ing his 'riend to the ground 8ust 'or the sheer hell o' it, then decided
he couldn#t reall$ 'ault hi&% Connor )ould .nd :renna#s inde*endence
a&using too, i' he )eren#t &arried to the i&*ossi+le )o&an3 +ut he )as
&arried to her, and that &ade e(er$thing di,erent%
Wh$ couldn#t she +e &ore agreea+le2 Her i&*ulsi(eness )as going to
dri(e hi& to distraction% She sur*rised hi& e(er$ ti&e he turned around,
and he didn#t li-e it at all% She should +e &ore *redicta+le, shouldn#t she2
6h, he should ha(e -no)n she )as going to +e trou+le the &inute he &et
her% Hell, his )i'e )as thoroughl$ uni>ue% Connor )asn#t a 'ool3 he reali4ed
his good 'ortune% Still, he )ished she )ould hurr$ u* and get used to hi&3
once she did, she#d cal& do)n enough 'or hi& to +e a+le to concentrate
on &ore i&*ortant &atters%
He )as +eginning to thin- he )ould ne(er understand ho) her &ind
)or-ed% Ho) could he )hen she )as constantl$ changing on hi&2 6ne
&inute she )as so't and )illing, and the next, she )as stu++orn and
He couldn#t +e ex*ected to *ut u* )ith a )hirl)ind% !ost &en surel$
)ouldn#t ha(e +een as *atient as he#d +een, +ut he )as .nished )ith that
no)% He could ta-e onl$ so &uch *ro(ocation in one da$, and he had had
his .ll%
/I )onder i' 7ad$ :renna reali4es she#s going the )rong )a$,/ ?uinlan
re&ar-ed% /She#ll +e -noc-ing on 5incaid#s door i' she -ee*s )al-ing
through the night%/
/!i#lad$ -no)s she#s going north,/ 6)en said% /She told &e she#s
deli+eratel$ &a-ing a )ide circle so as not to distur+ the soldiers
*atrolling the cree-%/
?uinlan turned to Connor% /Shouldn#t $ou go a'ter $our )i'e2/
/!$ +rother#s soldiers )on#t let her get 'ar%/
/I +elie(e she ex*ects $ou to co&e a'ter her%/
/The hell )ith that,/ he &uttered%
He contradicted his o)n decision a second later, )hen he sho(ed the t)o
&en aside and )ent striding a'ter his )i'e%
He had to go 'arther than he#d ex*ected% He 'ound her leaning against a
tree a 'air distance a)a$ 'ro& the clearing% She loo-ed de'eated% He didn#t
li-e to see her li-e that, es*eciall$ )hen he reali4ed he )as largel$
res*onsi+le% Still, he )as still than-'ul she )asn#t )ee*ing%
She *ut her hand u* in a silent co&&and to sto* hi& 'ro& co&ing an$
closer, )hich he co&*letel$ ignored, and as soon as he reached her, he
li'ted her into his ar&s%
He ex*ected her to .ght hi&3 she sur*rised hi& +$ *utting her ar&s
around his nec- and resting her head against his shoulder% She )as
suddenl$ so't and )illing again%
/!$ +rother told &e no )o&an in her right &ind )ould &arr$ &e, and i'
$ou reall$ &eant to go a'ter $our trun-, I )ould ha(e to sa$92/
/That I#& not in &$ right &ind2/ she res*onded% /I' I#& de&ented, it#s all
$our 'ault% 0ou *ushed &e right o(er the edge, Connor%/
He s&iled in s*ite o' hi&sel'% His )i'e said the &ost outrageous things to
/0ou &eant to -ee* on )al-ing2/
/No% I &eant to ha(e a 'e) &inutes alone% 0ou -ne) that, didn#t $ou2/
No, he hadn#t -no)n, +ut he decided to *retend he had% /0es,/ he said%
/I )as ne(er alone, though% 0ou -ne) that too, didn#t $ou2/
/I did%/
/Who are the t)o soldiers 'ollo)ing &e2/
/!$ +rother#s sentries% 0ou#re on "lec#s land, i' $ou#ll re&e&+er%/
She didn#t re&e&+er an$ such thing% She $a)ned then and turned her
attention to a &ore )orriso&e *ro+le&% /I see& to ha(e &is*laced &$
shoe% I can#t i&agine ho) it ha**ened%/
He didn#t ha(e an$ trou+le i&agining it at all% She )as constantl$ lea(ing
her things a+out% /I#ll .nd it,/ he *ro&ised% /:renna, )hat )as it reall$ all
a+out +ac- there2 Do $ou -no)2/
/Do $ou &ean to as- &e i' I had another reason 'or +eco&ing u*set2/
He had 8ust as-ed her that (er$ >uestion, hadn#t he2 /0es,/ he said%
She +egan to ru+ the +ac- o' his nec- )hile she thought a+out ho) she
could &a-e hi& understand% Connor dou+ted she )as e(en a)are o' )hat
she )as doing, +ut he 'ound the caresses (er$ *leasing%
/I understand no) )hat )as +othering &e% I didn#t understand then%/
He rolled his e$es hea(en)ard% Getting a straight ans)er out o' her )as
turning into strenuous )or-% /"nd2/ he *rodded%
/The trun- and the saddle and &$ &are )ere all gi'ts 'ro& &e&+ers o' &$
'a&il$% 0ou#re tr$ing to ta-e the& a)a$ 'ro& &e, and I can#t let $ou do
that% I#& not read$ to let go%/
/Exactl$ )hat a& I ta-ing a)a$2/
/!$ 'a&il$%/
She )ouldn#t let hi& continue% /0ou are tr$ing to ta-e the& a)a$, aren#t
$ou2 "nd i' I let $ou succeed, )hat )ill I ha(e le't 2
The i&*act o' )hat he said struc- her, and $et she still tried to resist the
truth% She didn#t )ant hi&3 she )anted her 'a&il$%
/0ou ha(e &e%/ His (oice )as hard no), insistent%
She loo-ed u* at hi& then, and her childish resolution to cling to the old
and the 'a&iliar see&ed to lose its i&*ortance% The loo- in his e$es
&es&eri4ed her% There )as such tenderness and (ulnera+ilit$ there%
/Do I ha(e $ou, Connor2/
/"$e, lass, $ou do%/
She s&iled then, her dou+ts gone% He had surel$ s*o-en 'ro& his heart, or
so she +elie(ed, and her o)n heart )ar&ed in reaction% She had seen this
side o' hi& onl$ once +e'ore, on their )edding night, )hen he#d ta-en her
into his ar&s and &ade lo(e to her% The )arlord had (anished then, and
she had e&+raced the &an% No) he )as gi(ing her this &agical gi't once
again% Ho) could she resist hi&2
She nodded her acce*tance, her &ind at *eace, +ecause she .nall$
understood that )hat she )as doing )as +oth hol$ and right, &ade so +$
the church and God hi&sel' the &inute 1ather Sinclair had united the& as
hus+and and )i'e, and although she#d +een telling hersel' she )ould &a-e
the +est o' her circu&stances, she ad&itted no) she hadn#t reall$
acce*ted the &arriage%
It )as ti&e 'or her to sto* 'earing her 'uture and let go o' her des*erate
hold on her *ast, and as soon as she &ade the decision to do 8ust that, the
&ost )ondrous thing ha**ened to her% She )illingl$ ga(e hersel' to hi&%
/0ou ha(e &e no), Connor !ac"lister, +ecause I ha(e decided that $ou
She sealed her *ro&ise )ith a -iss, in s*ite o' his s*eci.c order that she
&ust ne(er, e(er -iss hi& )ithout .rst gaining *er&ission, and )hen she#d
.nished, she tuc-ed her head under his chin and closed her e$es%
He )as ne(er again going to +e sur*rised +$ an$thing she said, Connor
She#d decided2 "$e, those had +een her (er$ )ords all right%
/0ou and I are starting o(er,/ she )his*ered%
Here )e go again, he thought to hi&sel'% He still didn#t understand )hat
she )as tal-ing a+out, +ut i' she#d as-ed hi& 'or his agree&ent, he )ould
ha(e gi(en it 8ust to &a-e her ha**$% He reall$ shouldn#t ha(e cared i' she
)as ha**$ or not, +ut he did care% He consoled hi&sel' )ith his ho*e that
once she ad8usted to her ne) li'e, she )ould sto* ha(ing such *eculiar
Connor leaned +ac- against the tree and stared do)n at his )i'e% She
see&ed serene no), )hich &eant he )as .nall$ going to get so&e *eace
and >uiet and could .gure out )hat in hell he )ould sa$ to his +rother
to&orro), and )asn#t that all that &attered an$)a$2
/0es2/ he as-ed%
/I#ll ta-e good care o' $ou%/
He )as stunned +$ this *ro&ise, and though he *ro+a+l$ should ha(e
+een insulted, +ecause it )as his dut$ to ta-e care o' her and not the
other )a$ around, she#d sounded so sincere, he -ne) she &eant to *lease
She 'ell aslee* +e'ore he could set her straight% She &o(ed closer to hi&
until her so't &outh )as *ressed against the +ase o' his nec-% She
tightened her hold on hi& as )ell, and he reali4ed he li-ed the )a$ she
tried to get as close as she could to hi&% He li-ed the )a$ she sighed in
her slee* too% When her guard )asn#t u* and she )asn#t tr$ing to argue
)ith hi& e(er$ other &inute, she +eca&e s)eet and lo(ing% She )as
+eginning to trust hi&, he -ne), or she )ouldn#t ha(e allo)ed hersel' to
'all aslee* in his ar&s, and )ith a s&ile% He reali4ed he li-ed that &ost o'
Connor didn#t ha(e an$ idea ho) long he lingered in the 'orest holding his
)i'e% The sound o' thunder ru&+ling in the distance 'orced hi& +ac- to
&ore *ractical &atters, and he *ic-ed u* her &is*laced shoe and started
+ac- to ca&*%
He )as in a &uch +etter &ood +$ the ti&e he reached the others% His &en
had +uilt a tent large enough to acco&&odate three gro)n &en and had
co(ered it )ith thic- ani&al s-ins lo$al allies had gi(en the& on their )a$
to collect :renna% The tent had +een strategicall$ *laced at the 'ar end o'
the clearing, )ith the entrance 'acing the 'orest so that his )i'e )ould +e
assured o' *ri(ac$ )hen she a)a-ened%
In one corner o' the tent )ere the *ossessions :renna had le't +$ the
cree-% Connor added her shoes and stoc-ings to the *ile%
She )as slee*ing so soundl$, she didn#t stir at all )hile he sa) to the tas-
o' re&o(ing her clothes% Too late, he reali4ed he should ha(e le't her
alone% "s soon as he untied the ri++on holding the to* o' her
undergar&ent together, the &aterial *arted all the )a$ do)n to her )aist,
and a 'air a&ount o' her 'ull +reasts s*illed out% It )as i&*ossi+le 'or hi&
not to react *h$sicall$% 1ro& the &o&ent he#d a)a-ened earl$ that
&orning, he#d )anted her again3 no) the need consu&ed hi&% He 'ought
his *ri(ate +attle 'or a long )hile, +ut in the &iddle o' the night, )hile the
stor& raged around the&, she &oaned in her slee*, rolled o(er, and thre)
hersel' on to* o' hi&% He -ne), then, the )ar )asn#t .nished% She couldn#t
e(en +e cautious in her slee*%
His hand )ent to her thighs, and as he )as *arting the& )ith the thought
o' entering her then and there, he reali4ed )hat he )as doing and 'orced
hi&sel' to sto*%
He 8arred her a)a-e tr$ing to get her o, o' hi& +e'ore he hurt her% She sat
u* next to his side and, o+(iousl$ disoriented +$ the *ounding o' the rain
u*on the s-ins, )his*ered his na&e%
/It#s all right, :renna% Go +ac- to slee*%/ He sounded angr$% He )as sorr$
a+out that, +ut da&n it all, he#d onl$ 8ust reali4ed he had the disci*line o'
a *ig% She )asn#t hel*ing hi& regain his control, o' course% 6ne side o' her
che&ise had 8ust dro**ed do)n to her el+o), and God hel* hi&, it too- all
his strength not to tear the thing o, her% E(er$ ti&e lightning strea-ed
across the s-$, light *oured in through the o*ening, outlining her +eauti'ul
She 'ell aslee* sitting u*% Had he not +een o+ser(ing her, he )ouldn#t
ha(e +elie(ed an$one could 'all aslee* so >uic-l$%
/7ie do)n,/ he ordered )ith a gentle nudge%
He should ha(e +een &ore s*eci.c, he reali4ed a scant second a'ter she
thre) hersel' do)n on to* o' hi& again, hitting his chest hard enough to
&a-e hi& thin- she#d -noc-ed hersel' senseless%
/Get o, o' &e%/
His gru, (oice a)a-ened her% /No,/ she )his*ered%
/No, than- $ou,/ she corrected% /I#& cold% Shouldn#t $ou do so&ething
a+out it2/
God sa(e hi&, she )as e(en telling hi& )hat to do )hen she )as hal'
/What )ould $ou ha(e &e do2/
/Put $our ar&s around &e%/
He 'elt her shi(ering and i&&ediatel$ did as she had instructed hi& to do%
/Did I )a-e $ou, Connor2/
/"re $ou cold2/
She +egan to stro-e his chest, ho*ing her gentle touch )ould cal& hi&%
Perha*s then he )ould tell her )h$ he )as acting so *ric-l$%
/What are $ou doing2/
/Soothing $ou%/
She had to +e 8esting )ith hi&% Soothing2 She )as slo)l$ dri(ing hi& out
o' his &ind, and he )as 'airl$ certain she )as doing it on *ur*ose%
/Sto* *ro(o-ing &e%/
/What#s )rong )ith $ou2 0ou#re acting li-e a +ear%/
He didn#t tr$ to address the ludicrous co&*arison she#d 8ust &ade,
concentrating instead on &a-ing her reali4e )hat she )as doing to hi&% /I
)ant to +e inside $ou again% No) do $ou understand )h$ $ou should get
the hell o, &e2/
She didn#t &o(e% /Do I ha(e a sa$ in the &atter2/
/Do $ou &ean to sa$ that i' I told $ou no, $ou )ould honor &$ )ishes2/
Hadn#t he 8ust said he )ould2 /I' $ou tell &e no, I )on#t touch $ou%/
She started dru&&ing her .ngerti*s on his chest% He i&&ediatel$ *ut his
hand on to* o' hers to get her to sto*% /0ou#d +est learn to +e cautious,
She didn#t *a$ an$ attention to his instruction% /In England, )i(es can#t
den$ their hus+ands% !$ &other told &e so%/
/So&e &en thin- the )a$ I do%/
She )as a&a4ed% She suddenl$ 'elt as though he#d gi(en her the
)ondrous gi't o' *o)er o(er her o)n +od$, and she i&&ediatel$ )anted
&ore% /;egarding other &atters then, do I9/
/Wh$ not2/
/0ou cannot den$ a co&&and gi(en to $ou +$ $our laird%/
She#d alread$ done exactl$ that on se(eral occasions no) and had
su,ered no ill e,ects 'ro& den$ing her laird#s orders, +ut she )as
intelligent enough not to re&ind hi&% She couldn#t sto* hersel' 'ro&
straightening out his rather t)isted reasoning though%
/I didn#t &arr$ a laird% I &arried a &an%/
/It is the sa&e%/
No, it )asn#t the sa&e at all, she thought to hersel'% 6h, she -ne) )hat
)as ex*ected o' her )hen the$ )ere )ith other *eo*le, +ut )hen the$
)ere alone, he )as si&*l$ her hus+and%
She didn#t +elie(e it )ould +e a good idea to correct his +ac-handed
reasoning no) and )ould )ait instead until he )as in a +etter &ood%
/I' I )ere to tell $ou $es, I )ould li-e $ou to touch &e again, )ould it end
the sa&e )a$2 Would $ou turn a)a$ 'ro& &e )ithout sa$ing a )ord2/
/6' course,/ he re*lied%
/Ne(er &ind then%/
He )as stunned +$ her denial and couldn#t understand )h$ his *raise had
angered her%
She &o(ed a)a$ 'ro& hi&, closed her e$es, and said a *ra$er 'or
He rolled o(er on to* o' her, care'ul to +race his )eight )ith his ar&s as
he stared do)n into her e$es% /I told $ou I )asn#t disa**ointed%/
/0ou )ere also angr$ though, )eren#t $ou2/
"$e, he had +een angr$, though not )ith his )i'e% His 'ur$ had +een sel'-
directed, and u*on re@ection, he reali4ed it )as *ur*ose'ul as )ell, 'or he
had it as a shield to guard hi&sel' against his o)n (ulnera+ilit$% She had
dared to touch his heart, and honest to God, he still didn#t -no) ho) he#d
let that ha**en% Da&n it, he didn#t e(en li-e her%
Connor )as >uic- to recogni4e his lie and let out a lo) gro)l o' 'rustration%
He decided then that since )hat had alread$ ha**ened couldn#t +e
undone, as long as he sta$ed in control in the 'uture, he )ould +e content%
/"re $ou e(er going to ans)er &e2/
He leaned do)n and +egan to ni++le on her earlo+e, 'eeling arrogantl$
*leased )hen he noticed she shi(ered in reaction% /What did $ou as-2/
She couldn#t +elie(e he )ould treat her concerns so lightl$% She re*eated
her >uestion and added a nudge to get hi& to *a$ attention%
/I )asn#t angr$ )ith $ou%/
He could see she didn#t +elie(e hi&% His )i'e o+(iousl$ needed &ore
*raise 'or her *er'or&ance, he su**osed% He )asn#t sure )hat to sa$ that
)ould &a-e her ha**$% He had +een satis.ed% "nd )ell-ser(ed, he
ad&itted% She surel$ -ne) he ne(er )ould ha(e le't her until +oth o' the&
had reached 'ul.ll&ent% He )asn#t at all used to ex*laining an$thing to
an$one, ho)e(er, and *erha*s that )as )h$ he )asn#t an$ good at it, he
reasoned% He needed to sa$ so&ething no), though, and so he decided to
su& u* his reactions )ith one )ord that )ould certainl$ con(ince her she
had *ro(en satis'actor$%
/I +eg $our *ardon2/
/I )as .nished%/
:ecause o' their close *roxi&it$, he#d naturall$ +een considerate and
s*o-en in a lo) (oice% His )i'e )asn#t as considerate% She shouted her
dis*leasure into his ear% /0ou are the &ost *igheaded, insensiti(e,
He cla&*ed his hand do)n o(er her &outh +e'ore she could .nish gi(ing
hi& her o*inion% She could ha(e co&e u* )ith another hundred re&ar-s
too, i' he#d -e*t silent and let her thin- o' so&e, +ut he interru*ted her
concentration +$ as-ing her the &ost a**alling >uestion, and she had to
thin- a+out gi(ing hi& an ans)er sure to destro$ his *ride 'or a 'ull &onth%
/Do $ou )ant &e to &a-e lo(e to $ou again2/ He li'ted his hand a)a$
'ro& her &outh%
/When hell 'ree4es o(er%/ She didn#t actuall$ shout, +ut her (oice )as still
loud enough 'or his &en to hear%
/0ou )ill not shout at &e e(er again% Is that understood2/
/It is,/ she ans)ered%
/!$ hearing is ne(er going to +e the sa&e%/
/I#& sorr$% What $ou said too- &e +$ sur*rise and I9 1inished, Connor2 Is
that ho) $ou thought to reassure &e2/
/It )as a co&*li&ent% I )as o+(iousl$ satis.ed )ith $ou or I )ouldn#t ha(e
+een .nished% I#& a &an o' 'e) )ords, :renna%/
/I#(e noticed%/
He turned his attention to the re)arding *leasure o' -issing her%
/I don#t usuall$ 'eel so unsure o' &$sel',/ she )his*ered% /:ut it )as &$
.rst ti&e%/
/I noticed%/
He -issed his )a$ do)n the side o' her nec-%
/Wh$ are $ou doing that2/
/I li-e the )a$ $ou taste%/
She shi'ted her *osition to gi(e hi& +etter access to her shoulder% /Ho) do
I taste2/
/7i-e hone$%/
He heard her sigh in the dar-ness% It )ould ha(e +een eas$ 'or hi& to ta-e
her +$ sur*rise, +ut he )ould ne(er do such a dishonora+le thing% :renna
)as going to ha(e to gi(e hi& *er&ission, and i' she didn#t gi(e it soon, he
)ould ha(e to lea(e her )hile he had enough disci*line%
/Do $ou -no) )hat I thin-2/ she )his*ered%
/No, +ut $ou#re going to tell &e, aren#t $ou2/
/I don#t )ant $ou to<ne(er &ind% I &ean to sa$ that I9/ She couldn#t go
on, 'or Connor had 8ust reached the (alle$ +et)een her +reasts, distracting
her entirel$%
/0ou#re so't e(er$)here% 0ou &a-e &e +urn to ha(e $ou%/
She thought his )ords )ere )onder'ull$ ro&antic% 1or a &an o' 'e) )ords,
he )as doing exce*tionall$ )ell at gi(ing her exactl$ )hat she longed to
/Is there an$thing $ou don#t li-e a+out &e2/
/"$e, there is,/ he )his*ered% /0ou tal- too &uch%/
/0ou turn &$ head )ith $our @o)er$ )ords, hus+and% !a-e lo(e to &e
/I#ll hurt $ou%/
He didn#t see& concerned a+out her disco&'ort though, 'or he#d alread$
*ushed her che&ise do)n to her hi*s% He *aused to -iss each o' her -nees
+e'ore .nishing his tas- o' ridding her o' her undergar&ent%
His hands )ere e(er$)here% He stro-ed her legs, her thighs, her hi*s, and
her +reasts% His gentle touch )as &addening and &ade her restless 'or
&ore% She )anted to caress hi& )ith the sa&e care he )as sho)ing her
and )as a+out to de&and he let go o' her )hen he snatched the (er$
thought right out o' her &ind +$ leaning do)n and -issing her +reasts% His
tongue +rushed o(er one ni**le, and she thought she )ould die 'ro& the
ex>uisite tor&ent, and then he +egan to suc-le% She s>uee4ed her e$es
shut and &ade a sound (er$ li-e a )hi&*er%
Her sto&ach )as 8ust as sensiti(e to his touch, and then he &o(ed lo)er%
She couldn#t i&agine )hat he thought he )as going to do, until he )as
there, at the 8unction o' her thighs% She -e*t her legs loc-ed together to
-ee* hi& 'ro& going 'urther% He 'orced the& a*art and continued to do
)hat he )anted to do, and she )as soon too caught u* in the rush o'
ecstas$ his &outh and his tongue e(o-ed to +e *ro*erl$ a**alled%
He &ade lo(e to her in )a$s she#d ne(er, e(er i&agined *ossi+le% She
couldn#t &a-e hersel' sto* arching u* against hi&% She raised her -nees
and cried out )hen she 'elt hersel' +egin to tighten around hi&%
He couldn#t )ait an$ longer to +e inside her% He -nelt +et)een her thighs
then, li'ted her hi*s, and entered her )ith one *o)er'ul thrust% He tried to
re&e&+er to +e gentle )ith her, +ut da&n, his control had deserted hi&
again and it )as i&*ossi+le to hold an$thing +ac-% He )anted it to last all
night% She )ouldn#t let hi& slo) do)n though% She dro(e hi& on )ith her
s)eet cries and her *assionate -isses% He didn#t -no) i' he )as hurting
her or *leasuring her% Her cli&ax 'orced his o)n, and once he#d gi(en her
his seed, he didn#t ha(e enough strength le't to -ee* 'ro& colla*sing on
to* o' her%
She )as in &uch the sa&e condition% Her +reathing )as une(en, her heart
)as *ounding a 'rantic +eat, and she )as tre&+ling all o(er% It too- her
long &inutes to &a-e hersel' sto* sighing and start thin-ing again% Then
she )ished she hadn#t +othered% ;eason &eant )orr$ing, and dear God,
ho) could she e(er loo- at hi& again a'ter )hat she#d +egged hi& to -ee*
doing to her2
She had acted li-e an ani&al in heat, hadn#t she2 She )as suddenl$
des*erate 'or reassurance +e'ore her e&+arrass&ent turned into sha&e%
She )ouldn#t +eg or de&and he con(ince her that )hat the$#d done had
+een all right, or let hi& -no) she )as at all e&+arrassed no)% He &ight
sa$ things 8ust to a**ease her then, and not &ean an$ o' it% She#d catch
hi& +$ sur*rise, she decided, so that he )ouldn#t guard his reaction%
/Connor2/ God hel* her, e(en her (oice )as tre&+ling% /"re $ou dead
He s&iled against her nec-% /No%/
/Did $ou hurt &e2/
She couldn#t +elie(e she#d as-ed hi& such an a+surd >uestion% She#d
&eant to tell hi& he hadn#t hurt her, hadn#t she2
It )as a**arent to hi& that she hadn#t >uite reco(ered 'ro& their
lo(e&a-ing 8ust $et% He )as arrogantl$ satis.ed, o' course, +ecause he
)as 'ull$ res*onsi+le 'or her condition%
His heat )as &a-ing her dro)s$% She didn#t )ant to 'all aslee* +e'ore
she#d gotten rid o' her e&+arrass&ent and &eant onl$ to close her e$es
so she could concentrate%
/Do $ou -no) )hat 8ust ha**ened2/
She s&iled in antici*ation, 'or surel$ he )as no) going to gi(e her the
reassurance she needed% She should ha(e -no)n +etter%
/Hell 8ust 'ro4e o(er%/
Cha*ter N
Contents - Pre( A Next
:renna )as in a .t &ood the 'ollo)ing &orning% The rain had ended, the
sun )as +right, and no one, not e(en Connor, could *ut a )rin-le in her
It -e*t getting +etter too% "lthough the &en s&iled )hile the$ )atched her
eat her &orning &eal, the$ didn#t co&&ent on her a**etite, and a'ter she
returned 'ro& the cree- dressed in the !ac"lister *laid, ?uinlan
co&*li&ented her on the *er'ect *leats she#d &ade in the )oolen
&aterial% He see&ed to thin- she#d onl$ 8ust ac>uired the art%
She 'elt it )as her dut$ to correct hi&% /!$ 'ather &ade ;achel learn ho)
to 'ashion a *laid +ecause she )as su**osed to &arr$ 7aird !acNare, +ut
!other thought it )ould +e a good idea 'or all o' her daughters to &aster
the techni>ue% !$ *arents did li-e to get as &uch as the$ could 'or their
/0our sister )as *ro&ised to !acNare2/
She nodded% /She )as indeed% Connor &ight ha(e ended u* &arried to
;achel% She#s the *rett$ one in our 'a&il$,/ she thought to add%
?uinlan couldn#t i&agine there )as an$ other )o&an &ore *leasing to the
e$e than his &istress% He had alread$ noticed she )asn#t (ain, and her
co&&ent onl$ con.r&ed his +elie'%
/Will it +e another long da$#s ride2/
/No, &i#lad$% We#re (er$ close to ho&e no)%/
The ne)s thrilled her% Her s&ile *ro(ed to +e contagious, 'or )hen ?uinlan
glanced at the others, the$ )ere all s&iling too%
She excused hersel' 'ro& his co&*an$ as soon as she s*otted Connor
leading his horse across the clearing% She ran to her hus+and, *ut her
ar&s around his nec-, ga(e hi& an enthusiastic good &orning -iss, and
then re&e&+ered she shouldn#t sho) hi& an$ a,ection in 'ront o' others%
Sur*risingl$, he neither sna**ed nor gro)led at her% #T)as a 'act he -issed
her +ac-%
He did critici4e her a'ter)ard, o' course% It see&ed to +e a natural
inclination o' his, she decided and )as, there'ore, un*ertur+ed%
/0ou are )ithout disci*line%/ He then li'ted her u* onto his horse, s)ung u*
+ehind her, and settled her on his thighs% /"ren#t $ou going to argue )ith
/It#s too .ne a da$ to argue% 0ou are )rong, o' course% I ha(e as &uch
disci*line as $ou do%/
/I ha(en#t seen an$ $et% Sto* t)isting a+out and lean +ac- against &e%/
/!$ ro*e#s t)isted%/ "'ter ex*laining her *ro+le&, she *ulled the nec-lace
u*, straightened the ro*e, and then let the )ooden dis- dro* +ac- do)n
under her *laid%
/What in God#s na&e is that thing2/
/Ha(e $ou onl$ 8ust noticed it2/
/No% I#(e onl$ 8ust decided to as- $ou a+out it%/
/The nec-lace is a gi't 'ro& &$ 'ather% I ha(e &$ (er$ o)n design to *ro(e
it +elongs to &e, and i' I#& e(er in trou+le, I need onl$ send the dis- to
one o' &$ sisters or +rothers 'or i&&ediate assistance% 1ather had the&
&ade 'or all o' his children%/
/Get rid o' it%/
Her gas* )as enough to u*set the stallion% He reared his head u* and let
out a snort o' indignation% She reached do)n and *atted hi&% /I#ll do no
such thing, Connor% I *lan to ha(e one &ade 'or $ou too%/
/0ou )ill not%/
/It#s a tradition%/
/It#s an insult to &e, )i'e%/
/We shall discuss this &atter )hen )e are ho&e%/
/We#re through discussing it%/
She didn#t disagree )ith hi&% He )as )rong a+out that too, she thought to
hersel'% The &an )as going to listen to reason and acce*t the tradition,
e(en i' it too- her a good )ee- o' nagging% /Wh$ are )e )aiting2/
He -ne) she )as deli+eratel$ changing the to*ic, +ut he )ent along 8ust
to get her to sto* arguing )ith hi&% He )anted her coo*eration toda$% She
)as a+out to &eet 5incaid, and that )ould +e unsettling 'or her% His
+rother did ha(e a )a$ o' terri'$ing e(er$one he &et% It )as $et another
reason )h$ Connor so ad&ired hi&%
/6)en )ent to the cree- to collect )hate(er )as le't +ehind%/
/That )as thought'ul o' hi&,/ she re*lied% /Still, $our &en shouldn#t lea(e
their things a+out 'or an$one to ta-e%/
He thought she )as 8esting, and he )aited 'or her to laugh% She didn#t,
though, and once he reali4ed she )as sincere, he didn#t ex*lain it to her% "
&inute later 6)en returned )ith his &istress#s +elongings% He *ut the& in
her satchel, then tied the +aggage to "eden#s horse% She ne(er noticed%
Connor )asn#t at all sur*rised, o' course, 'or his )i'e see&ed to )al-
around in a da4e &ost o' the ti&e%
His thoughts returned to "lec then% /0ou )ill &eet &$ +rother toda$% He
)on#t hurt $ou%/
She thought his re&ar- extre&el$ *eculiar% /I )ould ne(er )orr$ a+out
such a thing%/
/0ou )ill )hen $ou &eet hi&% 0ou#d +est .nd so&e o' this disci*line $ou
+oast o' ha(ing, :renna% Do not disgrace &e +$ cr$ing or 'ainting%/
She rolled her e$es hea(en)ard% /I shall li-e hi& +ecause he#s $our
+rother, and it#s &$ dut$ to get along )ith all o' $our 'a&il$% He )on#t
inti&idate &e%/
/0es, he )ill% He isn#t as *leasant as I a&%/
She +urst into laughter% He ga(e u* tr$ing to caution her then and turned
his attention to &ore i&*ortant &atters, such as learning ho) to +e
di*lo&atic +e'ore it )as ti&e to ex*lain his actions to the &an )ho ruled
the Highlands%
" 'ull hour *assed in silence +e'ore she s*o-e again%
/Ha(e $ou e(er seen &e cr$ or 'aint2/
/Then *lease ex*lain $our reason 'or insulting &e2 I#& &ost curious to
hear it%/
He didn#t ans)er her%
I' he )ouldn#t ex*lain, the least he could do )as a*ologi4e% She -ne) she
)ould ne(er get hi& to, though, +ecause he )as too stu++orn to e(er
ad&it he &ight ha(e &is8udged her%
Pro(ing hi& )rong )ould +e enough to re*air the da&age he#d done to
her *ride% It )ould +e eas$ to acco&*lish, 'or she had +een *ro*erl$
trained and 'ull$ understood )hat )as ex*ected o' her% She )ould let
Connor see ho) una'raid she )as )hen she greeted his +rother% Surel$,
she )ould li-e hi&% He )as *art o' her 'a&il$ no), a'ter all, and God
)illing, i' she could 8ust re&e&+er not to s*ea- until she )as s*o-en to
and +eha(e )ith a little hu&ilit$, he )ould li-e her too%
" 'e) &inutes later, the 'ortress ca&e into (ie)% Her +reath caught in the
+ac- o' her throat at .rst sight o' the &agni.cent structure% " tall stone
)all surrounded the 'ortress that &ust ha(e ta-en hal' a centur$ to +uild%
T)o soldiers, )earing ex*ressions as cold and 'or+idding as the )all the$
guarded, )atched the& cross the dra)+ridge%
She thought it odd the$ didn#t s*ea- to Connor, then decided the$ )ere
)aiting 'or hi& to gi(e the& *er&ission%
There )ere hundreds &ore o' the 'rightening )arriors inside the lo)er
+aile$% None o' the& )elco&ed Connor either%
/Is one o' those &en sco)ling at us $our +rother, *erchance2/
/Is it al)a$s so >uiet here2/
Connor )asn#t in the &ood to ex*ound% She decided to 'ollo) his exa&*le
and not sa$ another )ord% She )ould ha(e held to her decision too i' she
hadn#t +een ta-en +$ sur*rise )hen the$ reached the u**er court$ard and
she sa) the +eauti'ul @o)ers +ordering the 'ront o' the castle%
/It#s lo(el$ here,/ she )his*ered% /Who *lanted the @o)ers2/
She (o)ed to -ee* >uiet% /I ho*e he )as )ell re)arded 'or his e,orts%/
/Not he, she,/ Connor corrected% /Don#t ste* on the& or $ou#ll ne(er hear
the end o' it%/
/Ser(ants &a$ (oice their o*inions then2/
/Ca&ie isn#t a ser(ant% She#s &istress here%/
She )ould ha(e 'allen o, the horse i' Connor hadn#t tightened his hold
around her )aist% /!istress2/
/0ou#ll li-e her%/
She didn#t e(en tr$ to *ra$ 'or *atience% /I )ill not li-e her% 0ou#re going to
ha(e to &a-e her lea(e, Connor% There can onl$ +e one &istress in &$
/Ca&ie is &istress o' "lec#s ho&e%/
/Then )h$ did she *lant @o)ers 'or $ou2 It )as o' course (er$ thought'ul
o' her, +ut I cannot hel* )ondering )h$ she )ent to such trou+le%/
He .nall$ understood )hat )as at the root o' her &isconce*tion% /This
isn#t &$ land% It#s "lec#s% Ho) could $ou thin- it )as2/
She 'elt li-e screa&ing +ut didn#t dare s*ea- a+o(e a )his*er +ecause o'
the audience )atching the& li-e ha)-s% /I#ll tell $ou exactl$ )h$ I thought
it )as $our ho&e% I )as told )e )ere going ho&e, that#s )h$, and since no
one +othered to in'or& &e $ou &eant to *a$ a call on $our +rother, I
naturall$ concluded this +elonged to $ou%/
/It doesn#t%/
/So I no) understand,/ she agreed% /It )ould ha(e +een thought'ul o' $ou
to &ention our destination%/
Connor didn#t res*ond to her (eiled criticis&%
The court$ard )as >uic-l$ .lling u* )ith )arriors% "ll o' the& )ere dressed
in *laids )ith &uted colors so si&ilar to Connor#s she -ne) she )as going
to get the& &ixed u* and not +e a+le to tell a 5incaid soldier 'ro& a
The$ )ere all staring at Connor and her% She straightened her s*ine until it
'elt as though it )as going to sna*, stared straight ahead, and tried to loo-
serene% The )elco&e the$ )ere recei(ing )as &ost discouraging% Was
e(er$one )ho li(ed in the Highlands al)a$s in such a +ad &ood2 These
soldiers surel$ )ere% Their attitude )as also *u44ling% Connor )as "lec#s
+rother, 'or hea(en#s sa-e, not his ene&$% Didn#t the di,erence &atter to
these heathens2
Her hus+and dis&ounted .rst +e'ore turning to assist her% She stared into
his e$es, loo-ing 'or a sign that e(er$thing )as going to +e all right% He
didn#t +lin- or gi(e her an$ indication at all o' )hat he )as thin-ing% She
didn#t s>uee4e hersel' u* against hi& as she )anted to, +ut )al-ed +ehind
her hus+and )ith her hands do)n at her sides, her head held high, and
her ga4e 'ull$ directed on the center o' his +ac-%
?uinlan and "eden &o(ed to @an- her on either side, )hile Donald, 6)en,
and Giric 'ollo)ed +ehind% When the$ reached the ste*s leading u* to the
entrance, Connor continued on, +ut :renna and the others )ere 'orced +$
5incaid soldiers to sta$ +ehind%
His +rother o+(iousl$ )anted to s*ea- to Connor in *ri(ate +e'ore she )as
introduced to hi&% She ho*ed the$ too- a long, long )hile, as she no)
dreaded her audience )ith "lec 5incaid% The *ossi+ilit$ that one +rother
&ight actuall$ hurt another hadn#t entered her &ind% Then she heard god-
a)'ul shouting co&ing through the doors and she could thin- o' nothing
She assu&ed "lec started $elling .rst +ecause she didn#t recogni4e the
(oice, +ut Connor >uic-l$ 8oined in, and it )as soon i&*ossi+le 'or her to
understand a )ord o' )hat the t)o o' the& )ere ranting and ra(ing% She
tried to concentrate% I' the$ )ould slo) do)n their s*eech or hurl their
accusations in so'ter (oices, surel$ she )ould +e a+le to translate enough
o' their gar+led Gaelic to understand )hat "lec )as so 'urious a+out%
The heated discussion lasted 'or &ore than .'teen &inutes% The longer
:renna )as 'orced to )ait, the &ore ner(ous she +eca&e% She &o(ed onl$
once in all that )hile% When the doors had closed +ehind Connor, ?uinlan
had deli+eratel$ +rushed her ar& as he turned around to 'ace the cro)d%
She and "eden had then turned )ith hi&, )hich she i&&ediatel$
regretted, o' course, +ecause she had to su,er the 5incaid soldiers# close
scrutin$ again%
None o' the& )as glaring at her, though% She tried to ta-e that as a good
sign% She )as care'ul to hide her 'ear 'ro& the&, guessing that that )as
)hat the$ )ere all searching 'or, +ut the e,ort )as incredi+l$ exhausting%
The )ait )as .nall$ o(er% The doors o*ened, and she )as su&&oned
inside% She )anted to sha-e her head, *ic- u* her s-irts, and run as 'ast as
she could in the o**osite direction%
She )ent in instead% She )as so rattled, she +arel$ *aid attention to her
surroundings% The great hall )as on her le't% She sto**ed at the stone
ste*s leading do)n into the huge roo& and )aited to +e called 'or)ard%
Neither Connor nor his +rother had noticed her $et% She loo-ed at her
hus+and .rst to &a-e certain he )as all right% He didn#t loo- an$ )orse 'or
)ear, she decided, and he )asn#t +leeding an$)here that she could see%
He didn#t loo- (er$ ha**$, o' course, +ut then he rarel$ did% He didn#t loo-
angr$ either, onl$ &ildl$ irritated%
She had dela$ed loo-ing at his +rother 'or as long as she could, and .nall$
gathered enough courage to turn to hi&% She still )asn#t *re*ared% "lec
5incaid )as a 'erocious-loo-ing )arrior )ith *iercing gra$ e$es and a
sco)l on his 'ace she )as sure )ould &a-e Satan shi(er%
/This isn#t o(er, Connor% I )ill decide )hat to do a'ter I s*ea- to the
He sounded as &ean as he loo-ed% :renna gri**ed her hands together
+ehind her +ac- and tried to get her heart to sta$ inside her chest% God
hel* her, she couldn#t see& to get *ast her initial reaction to hi&% #T)as
the truth, he continued to terri'$ her, e(en a'ter he#d >uit his sco)l and
loo-ed at her%
She >uic-l$ +o)ed her head so he )ouldn#t +e a+le to see her 'ear and
ho*ed he too- her +eha(ior as a sign o' good training% S&iling )ould ha(e
+een i&*ossi+le, ho)e(er% She )asn#t screa&ing, though, and surel$ that
counted 'or so&ething%
"lec suddenl$ &o(ed to)ard her, and )ith such an arrogant s)agger, she
understood ho) Connor had learned ho) to +e so inti&idating% His +rother
had taught hi&%
/:renna, co&e here%/ Connor ga(e the co&&and in a (oice tinged )ith
exas*eration% She i&&ediatel$ raised her head, )ent do)n the stairs, and
hurried o(er to his side% She -e*t her ga4e on "lec 5incaid )ith each ste*
she too-%
Exce*t 'or their si4e, the t)o )arriors didn#t loo- at all li-e +rothers%
Connor had dar- +ro)n hair3 "lec had a good deal o' red in his% Connor#s
'ace loo-ed &ore *atrician to her, though "lec did ha(e a .ne *ro.le too,
she grudgingl$ ad&itted% The *h$sical di,erences didn#t end there, o'
course% When Connor )asn#t 'ro)ning, )hich in her esti&ation )as a
rarit$, he )as so&e)hat handso&e% "lec, on the other hand, could ne(er
e(er +e considered the least +it attracti(e%
Still, the$ )ere t)o thorns 'ro& the sa&e thistle% Their tactics in terrori4ing
innocent ladies )ere identical% Their +eha(ior )as do)nright sin'ul, +ut
)hat &ade it e(en )orse )as the 'act that neither )arrior see&ed to
reali4e the e,ect he had on others%
:renna )ondered i' her hair )as turning gra$% She#d heard so&e )o&en#s
did )hen the$ )ere su+8ected to a horror% She tried to cal& do)n% He )as
onl$ a &an and no &ore threatening than Connor% In'ortunatel$, that
si&*le truth didn#t co&'ort her at all%
Her hus+and didn#t either% She .nall$ 'orced hersel' to sto* staring at
Satan#s night&are and loo-ed u* at Connor% He ignored her% It couldn#t get
an$ )orse, she told hersel'% Then Connor sho(ed her +ehind his +ac-% She
)anted to -ic- hi& "lec )as disa**ointed in Connor#s +ride% He couldn#t
i&agine she )ould e(er sur(i(e a &arriage to Connor i' she turned out to
+e the 'rightened little ra++it he su**osed her to +e% Connor )ould
tra&*le all o(er her in no ti&e at all%
/I#& going to tal- to her, Connor% Get the hell out o' the )a$ or I#ll ha(e
$ou re&o(ed 'ro& the hall,/ "lec roared%
Her hus+and didn#t e(en @inch% She did% She got angr$ too, as it )as
atrocious o' one +rother to s*ea- to another in such a hostile tone%
/0ou &a$, o' course, tal- to her, "lec, +ut $ou &a$ not raise $our (oice% I
don#t )ant $ou to 'righten her%/
:renna#s anger suddenl$ s)itched directions% Her )rath )as no) 'ull$
directed at her hus+and% Did he ha(e to tell his +rother he )ould 'righten
her i' he raised his (oice2 No) "lec )ould thin- her a )ea-ling, and )hat
-ind o' a +eginning )as that2 She nudged Connor in his +ac- to let hi&
-no) )hat she thought a+out his co&&ent% He *ulled her +ac- to his side
and ga(e her a 'ro)n, so she s&iled 8ust to +other hi&%
" )o&an called out to 7aird 5incaid 'ro& the entrance% Connor didn#t loo-
at her% :renna couldn#t loo- an$)here else% The )o&an )as so stri-ingl$
+eauti'ul, :renna +lin-ed t)ice, thin-ing she &ight +e a (ision sent to
co&'ort her through this night&are% The )o&an didn#t disa**ear% She
)asn#t 8ust +eauti'ul% She )as courageous as )ell +ecause she )illingl$
)al-ed across the hall to s*ea- to "lec%
7aird 5incaid#s reaction to the (ision )as a &iracle% His (oice turned into
(el(et )hen he granted the )o&an *er&ission to co&e 'or)ard% He e(en
s&iled as he leaned do)n to listen to her% Saints +e *raised, he )as
hu&an a'ter all%
In'ortunatel$, the &iracle )asn#t long-lasting% :renna stared at the (ision,
)ho +o)ed to the& and too- her lea(e% :renna -ne) it )as rude to stare,
+ut she couldn#t see& to sto*, until she +egan to 'eel as attracti(e as last
)ee-#s le'to(ers% "lec &ust thin- Connor )as out o' his &ind to ha(e
&arried :renna )hen he could ha(e chosen one o' these Highland
+eauties% The$ *ro+a+l$ gre) li-e heather around here%
/Connor, is $our )o&an ti&id2/
/Perha*s,/ he allo)ed, )ondering )hat his +rother#s ga&e )as%
/I )ould li-e to as- $ou a 'e) >uestions, 7ad$ :renna% I ex*ect $ou to +e
truth'ul in $our re*lies% 0ou ha(e nothing to 'ear 'ro& &e% Did $ou as- &$
+rother to &arr$ $ou2/
She reall$ )as going to -ill Connor% Ho) dare he tell "lec a+out her
childish e&+arrass&ent% Granted, he had 'ore)arned her, +ut she hadn#t
+elie(ed hi& +ecause she )as certain he )ould .nd it as e&+arrassing as
she did%
/0es, 7aird% I did as- hi& to &arr$ &e%/
/Do $ou ha(e so&ething &ore to sa$ to &e2/ he as-ed, thin-ing she
)ould surel$ ex*lain )h$ she#d done such a thing%
/I do%/
/Sa$ it then%/
/I#& not ti&id%/
He ca&e close to s&iling% There had +een a de.nite note o' de.ance in
her (oice )hen she#d de'ended hersel'% Perha*s she )asn#t such a &ouse
a'ter all%
/I thought $ou )ere%/
/0ou )ere &ista-en%/
He nodded%
/Did $ou as- Connor +e'ore $ou )ere *ro&ised to !acNare2/
/"lec, )e#(e +een o(er this,/ Connor inter8ected% /"s I#(e ex*lained se(eral
ti&es no), she as-ed &e three ti&es% No) let it go,/ he added as he
gentl$ *ushed his )i'e +ehind his +ac- again%
Three ti&es2 He had to &ention all the details, didn#t he2 She suddenl$
'ound hersel' )ondering ho) ti&id "lec )ould thin- she )as i' he )atched
her throttle her hus+and%
/I decide )hen I#(e heard enough%/
/She +elongs to &e no),/ Connor re*lied
/She could still +e gi(en to !acNare% Don#t *ush &e again, +rother% 0ou
)on#t li-e the conse>uences%/
/6ur )edding )as +lessed% :renna, sto* *ushing &e%/
/"n$thing can +e undone,/ said "lec%
/0ou )on#t go against our church%/
/No, I )on#t,/ "lec conceded% /There is another )a$ I could gi(e her to
/She could e(en no) +e carr$ing &$ child% Da&n it, )i'e, )ill $ou sto*
tr$ing to *ro(o-e &e2/
/She can still +e 'ree o' $ou%/
/I#ll -ill $ou%/
Connor )as a+out to sco, at his +rother#s threat )hen his )i'e got his
attention% She )as suddenl$ standing in 'ront o' hi&%
/0ou )ill not -ill hi&,/ she shouted at "lec%
Her anger caught +oth &en +$ sur*rise%
/1or God#s sa-e, :renna,/ Connor &uttered as he &o(ed her +ehind his
+ac- again% /Sta$ out o' this%/
/7et her s*ea-, Connor%/
She )as alread$ standing in 'ront o' her hus+and +$ the ti&e "lec .nished
gi(ing his co&&and%
/Wh$ can#t I -ill hi&2/
/He#s $our +rother%/
/Gi(e &e a good reason%/
She couldn#t thin- o' one% /0ou ha(e to &a-e the +est o' it%/
"lec leaned +ac- against the ta+le, 'olded his ar&s across his chest, and
stared at her% /The +est o' )hat2/
/Connor% I understand )h$ $ou )ant to -ill hi&% !ost e(er$one )ho &eets
hi& e(entuall$ 'eels that )a$% Still, he#s $our +rother, and i' $ou#ll onl$
thin- a+out his (irtues, $ou#ll surel$ let hi& li(e%/
/Na&e his (irtues2/
/I 8ust -ne) $ou )ere going to sa$ that%/
She reali4ed she#d +lurted out her thought as soon as the )ords )ere out
o' her &outh, and she hurried on +e'ore Connor too- o,ense% /He has
hundreds o' (irtues%/
/Such as2/
/He#s lo$al%/
She threaded her .ngers through her hair in agitation )hile she
concentrated on tr$ing to co&e u* )ith another one% /His &en see& to
li-e hi&%/
/Do $ou2/
/This has gone 'ar enough, "lec% :renna, i' $ou continue to de'end &e, &$
+rother )ill ha(e &e tortured +e'ore he -ills &e%/
/I#& doing the +est I can%/
"lec a+ru*tl$ ended the in>uisition +$ lea(ing the hall% It )as a**arent
Connor had gotten his &anners 'ro& his older +rother%
/What the hell 8ust ca&e o(er $ou, :renna2/
/0ou ca&e o(er &e,/ she cried out% /0ou#(e turned &e into a ra(ing
si&*leton% I )ant to go ho&e no)%/
/We can#t lea(e until "lec co&es +ac-%/
/He )on#t -ill $ou, )ill he2/
/No, he )on#t -ill &e% I didn#t reali4e $ou cared%/
The laughter in his (oice set her o,% /I don#t care%/
/Then )h$ did $ou tr$ to de'end &e2/
He )ould ha(e to turn logical on her% /I' an$one -ills $ou, it#s going to +e
&e, and I s)ear to God that i' $ou tr$ to sho(e &e +ehind $ou again, I )ill%
Do $ou ha(e an$2/
/"n$ )hat2/
/I#& *leasant enough%/
/I )as told not to lie%/
/I let $ou (oice $our o*inion%/
/That isn#t a (irtue%/
He .nall$ too- &erc$ on her% /It#s o(er no)% I told $ou he )ouldn#t hurt
/It )asn#t su=cient )arning,/ she sna**ed% /He#s co&ing +ac-,/ she added
in a )his*er "lec )asn#t alone% The (ision 'ollo)ed her laird into the hall
and )aited +$ his side )hen he ordered :renna to co&e to hi&%
Connor had to nudge :renna to get her started% She )al-ed o(er to the
laird, +o)ed her head, and )aited 'or hi& to scare the hell out o' her
/Welco&e to the 'a&il$, 7ad$ :renna%/
Cha*ter B
Contents - Pre( A Next
Ca&ie insisted the$ sta$ 'or su**er so she could ha(e a nice long (isit )ith
:renna% Connor insisted the$ lea(e% "lec )asn#t a+out to let his )i'e +e
disa**ointed, ho)e(er% He ended the discussion +$ turning the in(itation
into a co&&and%
No one +othered to as- :renna ho) she 'elt a+out it% She )as hungr$, o'
course<she al)a$s )as<+ut she )asn#t a+out to eat an$thing at all in
'ront o' relati(es she )anted to i&*ress% She &ight do so&ething horrid
li-e s*ill her drin- or eat too &uch once she got started, and God onl$
-ne) )hat the$ )ould thin- o' her then%
She#d &o(ed close to Connor#s side during the long-)inded de+ate, +ut
didn#t reali4e she#d ta-en hold o' his hand until he had to hel* her let go o'
hi& so he could 'ollo) his +rother outside%
When he leaned do)n to)ard her, she assu&ed he )anted to -iss her
+e'ore he too- his lea(e% Her 'ather had o'ten done that )hen he le't his
)i'e#s side, and :renna )as so a**reciati(e that Connor )as .nall$ going
to +e thought'ul, she decided to +eat hi& to the tas-%
He didn#t ex*ect it% :e'ore he e(en had a gli&&er o' her intentions, her
&outh touched his 'or a second or t)o, and she )as .nished%
She loo-ed da&ned *leased )ith hersel'%
He loo-ed thunderstruc-%
He didn#t &a-e an issue o' her +eha(ior, and )hile he 'ound it *u44ling
that she didn#t see& to understand )hat )as a**ro*riate and )hat
)asn#t, he had to ad&it it didn#t +other hi& all that &uch%
/No) )ill $ou let go o' &$ hand2/
She did as he re>uested and clas*ed her hands +ehind her +ac-%
"lec had alread$ reached the to* o' the ste*s and )as staring at the
ta*estr$ hanging o(er the &antle% The loo- on his 'ace )asn#t at all
*leasant% Than-'ull$, his irritation see&ed to +e directed to)ard his )i'e%
/Thin- I )ouldn#t notice, Ca&ie2/ He sounded 'urious%
Ca&ie didn#t loo- an$ )orse 'or )ear, though% She 'ro)ned at her hus+and
and called out, /Thin- I )ouldn#t notice &$ +elo(ed Willia& hanging in the
Connor nudged :renna to get her attention, told her to sta$ out o' trou+le,
and 'ollo)ed his +rother outside%
Ca&ie excused hersel' a &inute later% /Please &a-e $oursel' co&'orta+le
)hile I go and ha(e a )ord )ith coo- a+out the *re*arations% We#ll eat an
hour earlier than usual so $ou can +e ho&e )ell +e'ore dar-% I#ll hurr$
The &inute :renna )as alone, she 'ranticall$ tried to &a-e hersel' &ore
*resenta+le% She +rushed the dust o, her clothes, ad8usted the *leats o'
her *laid, sho(ed her hair +ac- o(er her shoulders, and *inched so&e
color into her chee-s% In'ortunatel$, once she )as .nished, she sus*ected
she didn#t loo- an$ +etter%
She )ished she didn#t 'eel so ner(ous and unsure o' hersel'% She +la&ed
her condition on "lec 5incaid% Wh$, her hands )ere still sha-ing 'ro& her
introduction to Connor#s +rother, and ho) in hea(en#s na&e )as she e(er
going to +e a+le to sit do)n at the sa&e ta+le )ith the &an2
She didn#t )ant to dra) an$ attention to hersel'% She )as deter&ined not
to &a-e an$ &ista-es or tal- a+out an$thing one o' the& &ight ta-e
exce*tion to, and so she listed all the su+8ects she &ustn#t +ring u*%
England ca&e to &ind .rst% "lec and Ca&ie *ro+a+l$ 'elt the sa&e )a$
Connor did a+out her +elo(ed countr$, )hich &eant the$ detested it, and
e(en though she thought such an o*inion )as +oth ignorant and 'oolish,
she )asn#t a+out to get into an argu&ent )ith the&%
The list o' to*ics she &ust a(oid )ent on and on, and it didn#t ta-e her
long to reali4e the onl$ sa'e su+8ect le't )as the )eather% She )anted to
+e *er'ect, -ne) it )asn#t *ossi+le, and .nall$ concluded her onl$ course
o' action )as to -ee* her &outh shut, her hands 'olded in her la*, and to
s*ea- onl$ )hen she )as as-ed a s*eci.c >uestion%
She )ould also a(oid standing or sitting near Ca&ie% Connor and "lec )ere
+ound to notice ho) ordinar$ she )as in co&*arison to Ca&ie#s
@a)lessness% Wh$, "lec#s )i'e )as e(en &ore +eauti'ul than ;achel, and
:renna hadn#t thought such a thing )as *ossi+le%
She )anted her ne) relati(es to +elie(e she )as )orth$ o' Connor% She
didn#t understand )h$ their acce*tance )as so i&*ortant, and i' she
)eren#t 'eeling li-e such a ner(ous t)it at the &o&ent, she )as sure she
)ould +e a+le to reason it all out% I* until the &inute she#d )al-ed into
the 5incaid ho&e, she#d +elie(ed a goat )ould ha(e +een )orth$ enough
'or her hus+and, +ut she dou+ted "lec and Ca&ie )ould a**reciate hearing
that o*inion% The$ *ro+a+l$ li-ed their +rother, and :renna )anted the&
to li-e her% She )as in need o' a 'riend to tal- to, and there had +een such
-indness and )ar&th in Ca&ie#s e$es, :renna -ne) she )ould +e a good
1eeling inade>uate &ade her &isera+le% :renna had +een taught to count
her +lessings and not her sorro)s, and so she re&inded hersel' o' all the
)ondrous gi'ts God had +esto)ed on her% She had good, straight teeth, a
strong +ac-, and 'eet that ne(er, e(er *ained her% Those )ere all .ne
assets indeed, +ut 'ar &ore i&*ortant than an$ *h$sical attri+utes )ere
the hidden treasures she *ossessed% Her &other had o'ten told her she
had a good heart% She )as also a hard )or-er% She used to ha(e a strong
&ind too, until Connor ca&e along and turned her into a +a++ling hal'-)it%
Perha*s she )asn#t co&*letel$ ho*eless, a'ter all% :esides, she had a
sound *lan no), and that &ade her 'eel &ore in control% "s long as she
re&e&+ered to +e >uiet and de&ure, she )ould do 8ust .ne%
With an$ luc-, no one )ould e(en notice she )as there%
She loo-ed a+out the hall )ith interest% Her attention )as i&&ediatel$
dra)n to the huge ta*estr$ hanging o(er the &antle% She stared at it a
long )hile, tr$ing to .gure out )hat had +othered "lec so &uch )hen he#d
loo-ed at it% She thought the *iece )as lo(el$% Its edges )ere 'ra$ed )ith
age, +ut the threads )ere still (i+rant )ith color%
De*icted )as the li-eness o' a &an "lec had called Willia&, dressed in a
dee* ro$al +lue ro+e and )earing a 8e)eled cro)n on his head, )ho
see&ed to +e loo-ing across the hall% She didn#t -no) )ho Willia& )as,
+ut she decided he &ust ha(e li(ed a long ti&e ago +ecause there )as a
gold halo o(er his head, )hich &eant he#d alread$ +een sainted% She
reall$ should ha(e ta-en the ti&e to &e&ori4e all the na&es and *ertinent
'acts a+out the saints as her con'essor had suggested, she reali4ed, and
)ouldn#t he +e gloating no) i' he -ne) she )as sorr$ she hadn#t *aid
attention to his lectures2 "lthough she )as curious to .nd out )hich
Willia& it )as, she )asn#t going to as- "lec or Ca&ie to tell her, 'or 'ear
the$#d thin- she )as ignorant% She )ould ha(e to )ait until later and *ut
the >uestion to Connor% She &ade the sign o' the cross to sho) her
res*ect 'or the saint +e'ore turning her +ac- on hi& so she could loo- at
the rest o' the hall%
She )as i&&ediatel$ ca*ti(ated +$ the arsenal hanging on the )alls on
either side o' the entrance% In the center o' the larger )all )ere t)o
&agni.cent s)ords )ith golden handles encrusted )ith 8e)els% The larger
one had a 8e)el &issing near the center o' the cluster o' ge&s%
It )as all (er$ i&*ressi(e, she su**osed, +ut do)nright *eculiar too% Wh$
)ould an$one )ant to hang their )ea*ons in their ho&e2
" door o*ened +ehind the +alcon$ a+o(e the &ain entrance, and a little
girl no +igger than a )his*er ca&e hurr$ing out% The child had o+(iousl$
8ust a)a-ened 'ro& her na*, as she )as ru++ing the slee* 'ro& her e$es%
She )as dressed in an i(or$ go)n and had )ra**ed hersel' in a *laid that
dragged on the @oor around her% The little girl )as in such a hurr$ to get
do)nstairs, she 'orgot to hold the +lan-et a)a$ 'ro& her 'eet as she
)al-ed across the +alcon$% She had alread$ stu&+led once )hen :renna
started to)ard her to lend a hel*ing hand%
:renna started running )hen the little one tri**ed a second ti&e% /Pic- u*
$our *laid and )ait 'or &e to hel* $ou do)n the stairs,/ she called out%
She didn#t understand )hat :renna )as telling her% She didn#t see& to +e
a'raid o' the stranger, 8ust curious% She stared do)n at :renna +et)een
the rails and s&iled, +ut didn#t sto*%
Too late, :renna reali4ed her &ista-e in calling out to the child, +ecause
no) the little one )as +us$ )atching her and )asn#t *a$ing an$ attention
to )here she )as going% The child )as headed 'or disaster% :renna started
running u* the ste*s to sto* her%
She didn#t &a-e it% The little girl reached the edge o' the to* ste*, tri**ed
on her +lan-et, and cata*ulted hersel' into the air )ith the 'orce o' a
*e++le hurled 'ro& a sling%
:renna lunged 'or)ard, caught her in her ar&s, and had enough )its
a+out her to )ra* hersel' tight around the little one and hold her close%
The 'orce o' the i&*act &ade :renna lose her 'ooting, and as she 'ell
+ac-)ard, she tried to turn so that her shoulder, and not her head, )ould
hit the stone )all% She didn#t acco&*lish her goal%
7ater, Ca&ie told her she hit her 'orehead t)ice &ore +e'ore she landed in
a hea* at the +otto&, )ith the child still )ra**ed *rotecti(el$ in her ar&s%
:renna reco(ered 'ro& the &isha* +e'ore Ca&ie did, +ut she thro++ed
'ro& her head to her toes% The to* o' her 'orehead 'elt as though it )ere
on .re, +ut once she#d &ade certain the little one )as all right, she )as
actuall$ a+le to s&ile o(er her *iti'ul condition% :lood )as strea&ing do)n
her 'orehead3 the he& o' her go)n )as torn, and the *leats she )or-ed so
hard to straighten )ere gone%
Ca&ie )as so distraught 'ro& the 'right, she could +arel$ thin- )hat to do%
She sat do)n on the ste*s a+o(e :renna, *ulled her +a+$ into her la*, and
hugged her tight% /Dear God, I thought $ou )ere +oth going to die% "re $ou
all right, :renna2 Don#t &o(e until I9 What )ere $ou thin-ing, Grace2 0ou
-no) $ou &ustn#t co&e do)n the ste*s )ithout9 Ho) &an$ ti&es has
$our 'ather told $ou to call to one o' us2 "re $ou all right, :renna2 "ns)er
Ca&ie )as so++ing, and :renna )as certain she )ouldn#t hear an$ re*l$
she ga(e% She 'elt 'oolish s*ra)led out on the @oor li-e a +ro-en (ase, so
she 'orced hersel' to get to her 'eet, and once again tried to &a-e hersel'
/:renna, don#t &o(e until I &a-e certain $ou ha(en#t +ro-en an$thing%/
/"ll right, Ca&ie%/
/Good 7ord, $ou#re standing u*%/
/!a&a, do )e got to tell Pa*a2/
/No, )e don#t ha(e to tell hi&% 0ou do%/
Grace s>uir&ed o, her &other#s la*% /When I#& read$, !a&a2/ she
*leaded% /Not +e'ore2/
Ca&ie nodded% /When $ou#re read$,/ she conceded% /"s long as $ou tell
hi& +e'ore $ou go to +ed tonight%/
/Wh$ don#t )e 'orget it ha**ened, Ca&ie% It )as 8ust an accident%/
Grace &ust ha(e understood a little o' )hat :renna suggested +ecause
she &o(ed closer to her and nodded her agree&ent%
/I )as so terri.ed, I couldn#t &o(e% I sa) &$ +a+$ @$ing through the air
and &$ heart 'elt as though it had sto**ed% I couldn#t get to her +e'ore9/
Too u*set to continue, Ca&ie co(ered her 'ace )ith her hands and +ro-e
into so+s again%
:renna *atted her ar& to tr$ to cal& her% /There, there% It#s o(er no)% 0our
daughter is as .t as e(er, Ca&ie% She doesn#t e(en ha(e a scratch%/
She hel*ed Ca&ie stand u*, *ut her ar& around her shoulders, and led her
into the hall%
Ca&ie had alread$ ta-en her seat at the ta+le +e'ore she ca&e to her
senses and reali4ed )hat she )as doing% She 8u&*ed +ac- u*, and sho(ed
:renna do)n on an ad8acent stool% 7anding )ith a thud, *ain shot u* 'ro&
the +ac- o' :renna#s right thigh, and it too- a good deal o' disci*line not to
cr$ out%
Ca&ie .nall$ noticed the in8ur$ on her 'orehead% /Good God, $ou#re
/It#s 8ust a little cut, nothing &ore% Please sit do)n and catch $our +reath%
0ou#(e +een through a 'right, Ca&ie%/
/No, I should +e co&'orting $ou% I s)ear to God it#s going to ta-e &e a
&onth to reco(er% 0ou#re ta-ing it all in stride, though, aren#t $ou2 Turn
$our head so I can get a +etter loo-% "re $ou +leeding an$)here else2
7ord, &$ hands are sha-ing so, I can +arel$ get $our hair out o' &$ )a$%
/0es, !a&a2/ The little girl ca&e running across the hall, dragging her
*laid +ehind her% She see&ed eager to +e included in the con(ersation
until her &other told her )hat she )anted her to do%
/Go and get $our 'ather%/
Grace dro**ed her +lan-et, cli&+ed u* on :renna#s la*, and leaned +ac-
against her% /!a&a2 Can I go and get Pa*a )hen I#& read$2/
:renna +urst into laughter% The sound )ar&ed Ca&ie#s heart and +rought
'resh tears into her e$es% She too- :renna#s hand and s>uee4ed% /Than-
God 'or $ou% Were it not 'or $our >uic-ness, &$ daughter &ight ha(e
+ro-en her nec-% !$ hus+and and I are in $our de+t until the da$ )e die%/
:renna colored )ith e&+arrass&ent% /0ou don#t o)e &e an$thing% 0ou are
&$ relati(es no), and I )ill al)a$s +e )illing to hel* $ou in an$ )a$ I can%
:esides, all o' us &ust )atch out 'or the little ones% Isn#t that so2/
/It is so,/ Ca&ie agreed% /0ou and I are &ore than relati(es, though% We#re
sisters% Isn#t that so2/
/It is so,/ she )his*ered% /"nd there is al)a$s roo& 'or one &ore sister in
&$ heart%/
The +ond +et)een the t)o )o&en )as 'or&ed in that instant, and all o'
:renna#s )orries and insecurities disa**eared% Sisters, a'ter all, didn#t
need to i&*ress each other%
/!a&a, don#t cr$ an$&ore% I don#t li-e it,/ Grace de&anded in a >ui(ering
/I shall sto* at once,/ Ca&ie *ro&ised% She let go o' :renna#s hand, dre) a
dee* +reath, and )i*ed the tears a)a$ 'ro& her chee-s )ith the +ac- o'
her hands% /I should send so&eone to 'etch Connor% He#ll )ant to see this%/
:renna didn#t )ant Connor to 8oin the& an$ &ore than she )anted "lec%
She si&*l$ )asn#t u* to a long ex*lanation no), and i' he e(en loo-ed as
though he +la&ed her 'or this &isha*, she -ne) her te&*er )ould start
si&&ering% There )as also a re&ote chance he &ight sho) her a little
s$&*ath$, and she )ould +e so a**reciati(e, she &ight +rea- do)n and
cr$% She couldn#t thin- o' an$thing &ore hu&iliating%
/0ou#re +eing unreasona+le a+out this% 0our hus+and#s going to de&and
ans)ers as soon as he loo-s at $ou%/
/I#ll +e ha**$ to ex*lain it all to hi& on our )a$ ho&e%/
/"re $ou a'raid o' hi&2/ Ca&ie as-ed, sounding stunned +$ the *ossi+ilit$%
:renna shoo- her head% /6' course not% It#s 8ust that I -no) he#ll sa$
so&ething I#& sure to ta-e exce*tion to, and I )on#t +e a+le to sto* &$sel'
'ro& letting hi& -no) )hat I thin- a+out that, and +e'ore $ou -no) it,
)e#ll +e arguing in 'ront o' "lec% It )ouldn#t +e at all a**ro*riate% I )ant to
i&*ress the &an, not in'uriate hi&% :esides, I ha(e (o)ed not to dra)
attention to &$sel'% Will $ou *lease sto* *o-ing at &e2/
/0ou sa(ed &$ daughter#s li'e% Thin- "lec )on#t +e i&*ressed )ith that
'act2 Wh$ are $ou so unco&'orta+le )ith co&*li&ents, :renna2/
/:ecause the$#re &is*laced% I onl$ did )hat I should ha(e done%/
/I see this e&+arrasses $ou, and so I shall let it go 'or no)% Grace, lo(e, go
and as- one o' the ser(ants to +ring 'resh )ater and to)els%/
The little girl )as in such a hurr$ to hel*, she 'orgot to ta-e her *laid )ith
The cut )as on :renna#s 'orehead a+o(e her le't e$e% "'ter the in8ur$ had
+een *ro*erl$ cleaned, :renna assu&ed Ca&ie )as .nished, and so she
suggested Ca&ie tell her ho) she#d ended u* &arried to "lec 5incaid%
Ca&ie suggested she 'etch her needle and thread .rst%
:renna didn#t li-e the sound o' that% /Please don#t thin- I#& not grate'ul,
+ut I )ould rather $ou didn#t go to an$ &ore trou+le% I#& 'eeling .ne,
reall$% I +arel$ 'elt it% Is Grace $our onl$ child2/
/No, I ha(e 'our in all% !ar$ 5athleen#s the oldest% She#s &arried no) and
li(es too 'ar a)a$ to suit &e, 'or I onl$ see her t)ice a $ear% Gideon )as
+orn ten $ears ago, and .(e $ears later, Dillon ca&e along% Grace is our
/She#s adora+le% She has the 'ace o' a cheru+%/
/0es, she does,/ Ca&ie agreed% /0our >uestions ha(en#t changed &$ &ind,
i' that )as $our ho*e% The cut is too dee* to +e le't alone% 0ou need to +e
stitched together so $ou &a$ as )ell sto* tr$ing to +e no+le% We +oth
-no) $ou#re in *ain%/
/I )asn#t +eing no+le% I )as +eing di*lo&atic%/
/It#s a )asted e,ort%/
/Perha*s I )asn#t s*eci.c enough 'or $ou% I' $ou thin- I#& going to let $ou
near &e )ith a needle in $our hand a'ter $ou#(e onl$ 8ust told &e $ou
can#t sto* sha-ing, $ou#re out o' $our &ind%/
/I#& deter&ined to get &$ )a$, :renna%/
/0ou#re de&ented, Ca&ie%/
Grace#s e$es had gro)n )ide during the de+ate% She cli&+ed +ac- u* on
:renna#s la* and )atched in 'ascination )hile the t)o )o&en shouted at
each other%
Ca&ie e(entuall$ )on the +attle% She )as older, stronger, and had t)o
ser(ants on her side% Grace )as :renna#s onl$ all$% She )asn#t &uch hel*,
though% She giggled )hene(er her &a&a raised her (oice and co(ered her
ears )hene(er :renna raised hers%
/Will $ou get it done +e'ore Connor and "lec co&e inside2/
1ortunatel$, Ca&ie )as as good as her *ro&ise% :renna ne(er &ade a
sound )hile Ca&ie cleaned the in8ur$ and se)ed it together%
/0ou#ll ha(e a scar trailing do)n $our 'orehead, +ut hal' o' it can +e
concealed +$ $our hair% Does that u*set $ou2/
/No,/ :renna ans)ered% /What u*sets &e is the )a$ $ou sto* e(er$ ti&e
$ou )ant to sa$ so&ething to &e% Please hurr$ u* and .nish%/
Ca&ie let out a sigh% /I had no idea $ou )ere so di=cult%/
"'ter &a-ing her o+ser(ation, she )et a 'resh to)el and )ashed the +lood
o, :renna#s hair% She still +elie(ed Connor )ould de&and an ex*lanation
as soon as he loo-ed at :renna%
/I agree )ith $ou that he#ll notice &$ in8ur$, +ut I#& certain he )on#t sa$ a
)ord a+out it until )e#re )ell on our )a$ ho&e% He &ight e(en )ait until
to&orro) to +ring it u*%
I' I )ere to *ush &$ hair +ac- and *oint to the stitches, I &ight get hi& to
sa$ so&ething +e'ore%/
The coo- had 8oined the& a 'e) &inutes +e'ore and no) as-ed her
&istress#s *er&ission to &a-e a suggestion%
/0es, El$ne2/ Ca&ie as-ed%
/Wh$ not &a-e a )ager2/
:renna e&+raced El$ne#s idea% I' Connor ignored her in8ur$, then she
)anted Ca&ie to *lant @o)ers in 'ront o' Connor#s ho&e to &a-e it loo- as
in(iting as Ca&ie#s% I' Connor co&&ented on the in8ur$, then Ca&ie )anted
:renna to *ro&ise to co&e and see her at least once a )ee-, no &atter
)hat the )eather or schedule%
;ules )ere .r&l$ set do)n so that neither lad$ )ould +e a+le to s)a$ the
outco&e in her 'a(or% El$ne )as gi(en the i&*ortant dut$ o' hiding in the
hall)a$ to &a-e certain tric-er$, such as hints, )asn#t used%
The +rothers could hear their )i(es# laughter 'ro& outside the entrance
and s&iled in reaction% "lec )as *leased his )i'e )as en8o$ing her (isitor,
and Connor )as relie(ed :renna )asn#t as ner(ous )ith Ca&ie as she#d
+een )ith "lec%
:renna heard the doors o*en and i&&ediatel$ hel*ed Grace get o, her
la*% She stood u*, -ee*ing her +ac- to her hus+and, and *retended
concentration as she 'olded the *laid the little girl had discarded%
"s soon as Grace s*otted her 'ather striding to)ard the ta+le, she )ent
running to the o**osite end%
"lec too- his *lace at the head o' the ta+le% Ca&ie sat on his le't% :renna
let Connor ha(e the stool across 'ro& Ca&ie and too- her seat next to hi&%
Grace )as the last to sit do)n% She and her 'ather 'aced each other at
least sixteen stools a*art% 6nce the little girl had scooted the stool u*
close to the ta+le, she sat do)n, stac-ed her ar&s on the ta+le, dro**ed
her chin do)n on to*, and stared at her 'ather%
Connor +arel$ glanced at :renna% He did as- her i' e(er$thing )as all
right, +ut she assu&ed he onl$ )anted to -no) i' she had sta$ed out o'
trou+le as he had suggested +e'ore he le't, and she ga(e hi& a >uic- nod
in ans)er%
/Where are $our other children2/ :renna as-ed Ca&ie%
/"lec ga(e the& *er&ission to sta$ outside )ith Ga(in and his )i'e 'or
another hour,/ Ca&ie ex*lained +e'ore turning to her hus+and% /Ha(e $ou
told Connor the ne)s $et2/
/No, I ha(en#t,/ "lec re*lied )ith a s&ile%
/Is it good ne)s2/ :renna as-ed%
/6h, $es, :renna,/ Ca&ie ans)ered% /It#s (er$ good ne)s%/
/I#(e 8ust recei(ed )ord, Connor, $our ste*&other and her son are on their
)a$ to $our holding% The$ should reach $our land late toda$ or earl$
:renna reacted +e'ore her hus+and did% She )as so startled +$ the
announce&ent, she 8u&*ed to her 'eet, al&ost u*setting the stool in her
haste% /No)2 0our &other#s co&ing 'or a (isit no)2/
Connor gentl$ *ulled her +ac- do)n +$ his side% /!$ ste*&other,/ he
/0es, o' course, $our ste*&other% She#s co&ing 'or a (isit no)2/
/0es, no), according to )hat "lec has 8ust told us% I see no reason to *anic%
Does this ne)s u*set $ou2/
/No, o' course not% I )as 8ust ta-en +$ sur*rise to hear that $our
ste*&other could no) +e )aiting%/
/She &ight not arri(e until to&orro),/ "lec suggested%
Connor turned to his )i'e% /What#s co&e o(er $ou2 This is good ne)s, not
/0es, it#s good ne)s,/ she agreed% /"nd I )ill do e(er$thing I can to &a-e
her 'eel )elco&e%/
/Ho) long has Eu*he&ia +een a)a$2/ Ca&ie as-ed%
/Se(enteen $ears,/ Connor ans)ered% /She had onl$ 8ust returned to her
relati(es to hel* )ith an ailing uncle )hen &$ 'ather )as -illed% She
couldn#t +ear to co&e +ac- once )ord reached her%/
/0ou ha(en#t seen her in all that )hile2/ :renna as-ed%
/I#(e seen her se(eral ti&es since then% Three $ears ago, )hen "lec and I
)ere settling a dis*ute near the *ea-s, )e sto**ed to *a$ our res*ects%/
/She )as still in &ourning,/ "lec said%
/She &ust ha(e lo(ed $our 'ather a great deal,/ :renna )his*ered%
/6' course she did,/ he ans)ered%
/She should ha(e &o(ed on,/ "lec said% /Grie(ing 'or the dead )on#t +ring
the& +ac-%/
/0ou )ould grie(e 'or &e, )ouldn#t $ou, "lec2/ Ca&ie as-ed%
/6' course%/
/Ho) long2/
"lec )asn#t a+out to get into a discussion a+out the length o' ti&e he
)ould &ourn his )i'e% He couldn#t e(en thin- a+out losing her )ithout
'eeling sic-%
/0ou )ill not die on &e% Do $ou understand2/ he ordered in a hard,
un+ending (oice%
6nl$ his )i'e sa) the *anic in his e$es and hurried to *ut his &ind to rest%
/No, I )on#t die on $ou% Ha(en#t $ou 'orgotten to tell Connor $our other
interesting ne)s2/
Her hus+and )as ha**$ to acco&&odate her% He turned +ac- to Connor
and ex*lained he had also recei(ed ne)s 'ro& an e&issar$ sent +$ a laird
li(ing on the +order% Connor see&ed interested and as-ed se(eral
>uestions% 6ne to*ic led to another and another, and it )asn#t long +e'ore
:renna and Ca&ie )ere all +ut 'orgotten%
:renna *ut her concerns a+out *leasing Connor#s ste*&other aside 'or the
&o&ent, though she did sa$ a >uic- *ra$er the )o&an )ouldn#t arri(e
+e'ore she did% :renna )anted to get her +earings%
Her thoughts )ere interru*ted )hen she heard Ca&ie tr$ing to coax her
little daughter to 8oin the&% :renna >uic-l$ shoo- her head at her, 'or she
'eared Grace )ould innocentl$ sa$ so&ething to *ric- the &en#s curiosit$
and inad(ertentl$ s)a$ the outco&e in Ca&ie#s 'a(or% Thus 'ar, :renna )as
)inning their )ager, as neither +rother had said a )ord a+out her in8ur$%
She ga(e Ca&ie a sin'ull$ gloating loo- +e'ore she de(oured all the 'ood
that had +een *laced in 'ront o' her%
"lec )aited until the trenchers )ere ta-en a)a$ +e'ore turning to his )i'e%
/I#(e +een &eaning to as- )h$9/
Her laughter sto**ed hi&% He )aited 'or her to control hersel' +e'ore he
continued% /Ho) can $ou .nd &$ >uestion a&using )hen $ou#(e $et to
hear it2/
/Pra$ 'orgi(e &e, "lec% What )ere $ou going to as-2/
/Wh$ is &$ daughter sitting all the )a$ do)n at the end o' the ta+le2 I can
+arel$ see her 'ro& here%/
E(er$one turned to Grace% The little girl didn#t see& to +e +othered +$ all
the attention she )as getting% She s&iled 'or her *a*a#s +ene.t and
continued to stare at hi&%
/:renna, )ould $ou li-e to ans)er "lec#s >uestion2/
/0ou do not den$ &$ +rother,/ Connor ex*lained%
/She 8ust did den$ hi&,/ Ca&ie re&ar-ed +e'ore she laughed again%
:renna +elie(ed Ca&ie#s +eha(ior )as a direct (iolation o' the rules the$#d
esta+lished +ecause she )as deli+eratel$ te&*ting the &en#s curiosit$
)ith her laughter% She )asn#t a+out to let her get a)a$ )ith it% /Ca&ie, I
+elie(e $ou should go to the -itchens and than- El$ne 'or this &eal%/
/I' I lea(e, $ou#re co&ing )ith &e%/
/Neither one o' $ou needs to get u*,/ Connor inter8ected% /El$ne and t)o
other ser(ants are )atching us 'ro& the +ac- hall)a$% 0ou can gi(e the&
$our *raise 'ro& here%/
/Will $ou tr$ to control $oursel'2/ "lec de&anded )hen his )i'e )as
o(erco&e )ith laughter again%
:renna +ounded to her 'eet% /Than- $ou 'or this .ne &eal% Will $ou excuse
She didn#t )ait to gain *er&ission% Ca&ie 8u&*ed to her 'eet next and
hurried a'ter :renna%
Connor heard his )i'e accuse Ca&ie o' cheating and al&ost dro**ed his
go+let% He ho*ed to God "lec hadn#t heard the co&&ent% Then, )hen
:renna sto**ed in 'ront o' the hearth to &a-e the sign o' the cross +e'ore
continuing, "lec )as so a**alled he -noc-ed his e&*t$ go+let o(er%
Ca&ie 'ound :renna#s sho) o' res*ect hilarious% Her laughter 'ollo)ed her
out the 'ront doors%
"lec )aited until the ser(ants had s-irted their )a$ *ast the ta+le and had
hurried a'ter their &istress +e'ore turning to Connor%
/We reall$ should +e o,ended%/
/0es, )e should% Ho) do $ou thin- :renna )as in8ured, and )h$ in God#s
na&e are the t)o o' the& *retending nothing ha**ened2/
/There#s onl$ one >uic- )a$ to .nd out%/
"lec s&iled% /Grace2/
/0es, Pa*a2/
/Co&e and sit )ith $our 'ather%/
/When I#& read$, can I co&e sit )ith $ou2/
/0ou#re read$ no), Grace%/
The little girl -e*t her head do)n and )al-ed as though she )ere on her
)a$ to a +ath% Connor )in-ed at her as she *assed hi&%
"lec s)e*t her u* into his ar&s, -issed her +ro), and sat her do)n on the
edge o' the ta+le% He then ordered her to tell hi& )hat had ha**ened%
/The lad$ $elled at !a&a%/
/Her na&e is :renna, Grace% No) tell &e the truth%/
/She *ro+a+l$ is telling the truth,/ Connor inter8ected%
/"nd )hat did $our &other do2/
/She cried%/
"lec loo-ed at Connor% /None o' this sur*rises $ou, does it2/
/!a&a $elled too, Pa*a%/
/What did $ou do, Grace2/
"lec didn#t +elie(e that nonsense 'or a &inute% /What &ore do $ou ha(e to
tell &e2/
/The lad$ laughed )hen !a&a cried again%/ She )as so ha**$ she#d
re&e&+ered, she scrunched u* her shoulders )ith *leasure%
/Connor, I#& going to ha(e to address :renna#s a**alling lac- o' res*ect
'or &$ )i'e% I &ean to tal- to her%/
/0ou )ill not o,end her, "lec%/
/The lad$ didn#t cr$, Pa*a%/
/Is that so,/ "lec said%
/!a&a *ut a needle in the lad$#s head%/
/Ho) did :renna hurt hersel'2/ Connor as-ed%
/She 'ell do)n the ste*s%/
/What the hell )as she doing on the ste*s2/
/Connor, $ou )on#t get an$ ans)ers 'ro& &$ daughter +$ shouting at
her,/ "lec said% /;e&e&+er ho) $oung she is%/
/I thought $ou said this )ould +e >uic-%/
/The lad$ :renna told !a&a she )as out o' her &ind%/
/Tell &e )h$ she )as on the ste*s,/ "lec ordered%
/I lo(e $ou, Pa*a%/
The *lo$ didn#t )or-% Neither did the child#s atte&*t to )iggle out o' her
'ather#s ar&s% /"ns)er &e, Grace%/
/She had to catch &e%/
"lec could *icture in his &ind exactl$ )hat had ha**ened% Connor )as at
a disad(antage +ecause he#d le't "lec#s household long +e'ore Grace )as
+orn and, there'ore, didn#t -no) a+out the child#s histor$ o' &ischie'%
/I still don#t understand ho) :renna could ha(e lost her 'ooting,/ Connor
/Grace, tell $our uncle ho) she caught $ou,/ her 'ather instructed%
The little girl )as thrilled to ha(e +oth her 'ather#s and her uncle#s
attention% She *ut her 'eet do)n on his la*, stretched her ar&s u* a+o(e
her head, and tried to lea* u* in the air in an atte&*t to reenact the
"lec held on to his daughter and gentl$ 'orced her to sit +ac- do)n again%
/0ou#re going to +e the death o' &e, Grace,/ he &uttered )ith a sha-e o'
his head%
/I -no), Pa*a% 0ou alread$ told &e +e'ore% 7ots o' ti&es%/
/She#ll +e the death o' $our dear )i'e too, 7aird,/ the coo- re&ar-ed as
she hurried +ac- to)ard the -itchens%
"lec turned to the older )o&an% /!$ daughter cata*ulted hersel' o, that
to* ste*, didn#t she, El$ne2/
/I didn#t see it ha**en, 7aird, +ut &$ &istress did tell &e Grace ca&e
@$ing do)n the stairs, and )ith as &uch s*eed as a stone hurling do)n
'ro& the to* o' a to)er% 7ad$ :renna had to 8u&* u* so she could catch
/The$ +oth could ha(e +ro-en their nec-s%/
/"$e, the$ could ha(e, Connor,/ "lec agreed +e'ore turning +ac- to the
lo$al ser(ant% /Ex*lain )h$ our )i(es don#t )ant us to -no) )hat
El$ne couldn#t re'use her laird#s co&&and and >uic-l$ told hi& a+out the
The +rothers )eren#t at all a&used +$ their )i(es# +et% The$ )ere,
ho)e(er, )illing to go along )ith the&%
Ca&ie and :renna 8oined the& a 'e) &inutes later% :oth hus+ands stood
u* )hen the ladies entered the hall, +ut a'ter +eing ignored 'or se(eral
&inutes, the$ sat +ac- do)n% "lec *oured )ine into their go+lets% He
do)ned his drin- in one long s)allo)%
:renna had alread$ gained "lec#s lo$alt$ as soon as she &arried his
+rother% She recei(ed his de(otion the &inute he 'ound out she#d sa(ed his
*recious daughter 'ro& a serious in8ur$, and she )on his ad&iration and
lo(e )hen he heard her tell Ca&ie she &ust i&&ediatel$ re&o(e the
ta*estr$% Ca&ie (ehe&entl$ re'used%
/Then at least re&o(e the $ello) threads o' the halo as soon as *ossi+le%
0ou cannot saint Willia& the Con>ueror 8ust +ecause $ou thin- he should
+e a saint% It#s a sacrilege%/
/Willia& )ill +e a saint 8ust as soon as the church gets around to it%/
:renna shoo- her head% /No )onder $our hus+and loo-ed li-e he )as
staring at the de(il% Wh$ in hea(en#s na&e )ould $ou hang the 'or&er
-ing o' England in the ho&e o' a Highlander2 E(en I -no) he doesn#t
+elong here% 0ou &ust ta-e it do)n, Ca&ie% Good 7ord, I#(e +een &a-ing
the sign o' the cross e(er$ ti&e I *ass in 'ront o' hi&, and i' that isn#t a
+las*he&$, I don#t -no) )hat is% "re there an$ o' $our -ings $ou could
/Wh$ )ould I )ant to2/
/Wh$2 :ecause $ou#re a Highlander, that#s )h$%/
/0ou don#t -no), do $ou2 :renna, I )as +orn in England, raised there too%/
Needless to sa$, she too- the )ind out o' :renna#s argu&ent )ith her
startling re(elation% Ca&ie laughed o(er the u*set she#d 8ust gi(en her ne)
/0ou sound li-e a Highlander, and no one told &e $ou )ere9/ :renna
*aused to glare at her hus+and% /0ou could ha(e told &e%/
/No, I don#t su**ose Connor )ould tell $ou% 0ou &ight as )ell acce*t the
'act that &en ne(er tell their )i(es an$thing )ithout *rodding, :renna% !$
ne)s should *lease $ou, though, not anger $ou%/
:renna .nall$ &anaged to sto* 'ro)ning at her hus+and% /I a& *leased%
No )onder I li-e $ou so &uch%/
/0ou#ll li-e !ar$ too% "lec, do $ou reali4e ho) +lessed I a&2 I ha(e a sister
on each side o' &$ land no)%/
/"$e, $ou do,/ "lec agreed%
/Connor, :renna &ust &eet !ar$ as soon as *ossi+le%/
/Could )e sto* on our )a$ ho&e2/ :renna as-ed%
/It#s too late to &a-e another sto*,/ Connor ans)ered%
Deter&ined not to let hi& da&*en her enthusias&, she hurried o(er to the
ta+le and *ut her hand on his shoulder% /"nother ti&e then2/
She *atted hi& to let hi& -no) ho) &uch she a**reciated his
coo*eration% "lec turned as he stood u* so :renna )ouldn#t see hi& s&ile%
He )as *leased to see she )as a,ectionate to)ard his +rother, +ut )hat
&ade hi& s&ile )as the 'act that he -ne) Connor )as tr$ing not to li-e it%
Connor shoo- his head at his +rother% /Don#t &a-e &ore o' this than it is,/
he re&ar-ed as he reached around his +ac- to &o(e his )i'e so he
)ouldn#t -noc- her o(er )hen he stood u*%
"lec nodded% /I )ould suggest $ou not &a-e less o' this than it is%/
:renna didn#t ha(e an$ idea )hat the t)o &en )ere tal-ing a+out% "lec
a+ru*tl$ changed the su+8ect +e'ore she as-ed hi& to ex*lain%
/0ou#d +est -ee* a close loo-out on $our )a$ ho&e%/
/Connor al)a$s has his guard u*,/ she said%
/That is so,/ "lec agreed +e'ore issuing a second )arning to his +rother%
/He could +e )aiting on $our land e(en no)%/
/"h, "lec, $ou do gi(e &e ho*e%/
/0our arrogance is going to get $ou -illed% We +oth -no) he#ll )ant her
:renna suddenl$ reali4ed )ho the +rothers )ere tal-ing a+out% She let out
a gas*, gra++ed hold o' Connor#s ar&, and )his*ered, /The *ig !acNare2/
Her hus+and s&iled% God lo(e her, she )as +eginning to reali4e ho)
'ortunate she )as to ha(e &arried hi&% /0es, the *ig !acNare%/
/0ou )on#t, )ill $ou2/
/I )on#t )hat2/
She leaned into his side so she couldn#t +e o(erheard% /Gi(e &e +ac-%/
His s&ile (anished% /What do $ou thin-2/
/0ou )on#t%/
His +ris- nod told her she#d &ade the right guess% He *ut his ar&s around
her shoulders and s>uee4ed her to let her -no) he a**ro(ed o' her
She tried to hide her exas*eration% It )as di=cult, gi(en the 'act that her
hus+and )as no) tr$ing to de'end her +eha(ior to his +rother%
/!$ )i'e &eant no o,ense to &e% She#s English, i' $ou#ll re&e&+er, and
there'ore doesn#t understand%/
/What don#t I understand2/
"lec ans)ered her% /We -ee* )hat +elongs to us, and )e *rotect our
)i(es% 0ou don#t understand $our )orth $et, do $ou, :renna2/
/No, she doesn#t,/ Connor ans)ered%
/English&en also *rotect )hat +elongs to the&%/ She told the& )hat
should ha(e +een o+(ious% /The +arons are 8ust as *ossessi(e%/
/Then )h$ are $ou here, lass2/ "lec as-ed% /Did $our 'ather *rotect $ou +$
sending $ou to &arr$ !acNare2/
/6ne has nothing to do )ith the other, 7aird%/
/Ho) is it di,erent2/ he as-ed%
:oth +rothers )ould thin- her 'ather had +een &oti(ated +$ greed i' she
ex*lained his reason, and she -ne) she )ould ne(er +e a+le to con(ince
the& her dear 'ather lo(ed his daughters%
/I#& here +ecause I )ish to +e here% When I as-ed &$ hus+and i' he )ould
gi(e &e +ac-, I onl$ )anted to hear his assurance% I alread$ -ne) he
)ouldn#t,/ she +oasted%
/:ecause $ou recei(ed the church#s a**ro(al )ith the *riest#s +lessing2/
"lec as-ed%
He )as alread$ nodding )hen she told hi& no% /Connor )ould ha(e gotten
around to getting a *riest to +less us% !an$ &arriages +egin )ithout a
+lessing +ecause there are so 'e) con'essors a(aila+le%/
Connor -ne) she )as struggling to +e di*lo&atic, and he s&iled% She )as
a+out to lose her *atience no), and 'ro& the )a$ "lec )as >uestioning
her, Connor -ne) "lec )as curious to see )hat she )ould do%
"lec )as en8o$ing hi&sel', and )ith each o' her 'ro)ns and hesitant
ans)ers, he )as actuall$ .nding out 'ar &ore a+out her than she could
*ossi+l$ reali4e%
/Then ho) did $ou -no) Connor )ouldn#t gi(e $ou +ac-2/ "lec *ersisted%
/Did $ou understand hi& so )ell2/
/No, I didn#t understand hi& at all% I had, o' course, noticed ho) stu++orn
he )as,/ she added )hen she re&e&+ered ho) she#d argued )ith Connor
to get hi& to change his &ind, and ho) he#d re'used to listen to a )ord
she said% /Ho)e(er, &$ *arents taught all o' their children to stand on
their o)n t)o 'eet% !$ 'a&il$, $ou see9/
Connor interru*ted her% /We are $our 'a&il$ no)%/
/0es, +ut &$ sisters and +rothers9/
He once again interru*ted her% /Ca&ie and "lec are $our sister and +rother
/"nd ;aen,/ "lec inter8ected%
Connor nodded% /0es, ;aen,/ he agreed% /It#s +een such a long ti&e since I
last sa) hi&, I so&eti&es 'orget a+out hi&%/
/Connor, )h$ don#t $ou let &e tal- a+out &$ 'a&il$2/
/We#re $our 'a&il$ no),/ he gentl$ corrected%
"lec understood exactl$ )hat his +rother )as doing and 'ull$ su**orted
hi&% Connor )anted to hel* his )i'e +eco&e lo$al to hi& and his 'ollo)ers,
o' course, and let go o' the *ast, and though "lec thought Connor )asn#t
as su+tle as he had +een )hen he#d hel*ed Ca&ie get o(er her
ho&esic-ness, he couldn#t 'ault his +rother% #T)as the truth, Connor still
)asn#t ca*a+le o' +eing su+tle Disheartened to reali4e her hus+and )as
tr$ing to &a-e her *retend her 'a&il$ didn#t &atter, she decided to go
outside and ignore hi& 'or a 'e) &inutes and tr$ to .gure out his reason
'or +eing so cruel% She )as going to ha(e to re&o(e Connor#s ar& 'ro&
around her shoulders .rst, o' course, +ut )hen she tried to do 8ust that,
she reali4ed she )as holding the 5incaid *laid she#d 'olded and -e*t on
her la* through su**er% She tuc-ed the +lan-et under her ar& )ith the
intention o' *utting it do)n on one o' the stools as soon as Connor let go
o' her, and then reached u* to nudge hi& a)a$ 'ro& her%
He caught hold o' her hand and held tight% She tried to *ull a)a$, +ut he
tightened his gri*% She )as >uite hel*less no), and he -ne) it% She ga(e
hi& a >uic- 'ro)n to let hi& -no) )hat she thought a+out his +eha(ior%
He )in-ed at her%
"lec )as tr$ing hard not to laugh% The loo- she#d 8ust gi(en Connor did
a&use hi&, though% He recogni4ed it too, 'or it )as si&ilar to the )ait-
until-I-get-$ou-alone ex*ression his Ca&ie o'ten cast hi& )hen she )as
d$ing to (oice her o*inion and -ne) she shouldn#t%
/0ou#(e still to a**ease &$ curiosit$, :renna,/ "lec told her%
She 'orced a s&ile 'or the laird and tried to re&e&+er )hat the$#d +een
tal-ing a+out% Connor had )in-ed at her% What in hea(en#s na&e had
co&e o(er hi&2
/:renna, ans)er &$ +rother,/ Connor instructed%
God hel* her, his e$es had turned so )onder'ull$ )ar&% Wh$ did such a
handso&e )arrior ha(e to +e so di=cult all the ti&e2 She let out a little
sigh )hile she thought a+out that%
/I )ould +e ha**$ to ans)er $our +rother%/
:oth +rothers )aited a good long )hile 'or her to do 8ust that% "lec too-
&erc$ on her +e'ore Connor did% He re&inded her o' their to*ic%
/0ou )ere a+out to ex*lain ho) $ou -ne) Connor )ouldn#t gi(e $ou to
/It#s si&*le, reall$% I )ouldn#t let hi&%/
/6' course $ou )ouldn#t,/ Ca&ie inter8ected 8ust to sho) she su**orted
:renna#s +elie'%
"lec laughed% His reaction *u44led :renna% Connor didn#t laugh3 he did
s&ile, though, and she 'ound his reaction 8ust as +e)ildering%
Connor )as still s&iling as he *ulled her +ehind hi& to the doors leading
outside% He )as 8ust a+out to dis&iss the &atter 'ro& his &ind )hen she
as-ed hi& )h$ her ans)er had a&used hi&%
/I )asn#t a&used% I )as *leased%/
/"ll right,/ she agreed% /Wh$ )ere $ou *leased2/
/:ecause $ou +elie(e $ou#re strong enough to en'orce $our decisions%/
Ca&ie ca&e u* +ehind the t)o o' the& and gained Connor#s 'ull attention
)hen she told hi& he )as )rong% /She doesn#t +elie(e she#s strong
enough to en'orce her )ants on $ou% I +elie(e she reali4es she#s intelligent
enough to .nd another )a$ to get )hate(er she )ants%/
/6ur 'athers didn#t raise ignorant daughters, and it#s $our &ista-e to
+elie(e other)ise,/ :renna said%
/Isn#t that so2/ Ca&ie as-ed her hus+and, )ho stood +ehind her%
"lec -ne) +etter than to disagree )ith his )i'e, as the issue see&ed
i&*ortant to her% /0es, that is so%/
Connor held one o' the doors o*en 'or his )i'e% Ca&ie ga(e :renna a
'are)ell hug, then )ra**ed her ar&s around Connor, )his*ered so&ething
into his ear that &ade hi& s&ile, and ga(e hi& a -iss on his chee-%
/Co&e ho&e &ore o'ten,/ she ordered hi& +e'ore &o(ing a)a$ 'ro& the
door so the$ could go outside%
?uinlan#s e$es )idened in dis+elie' the second he sa) his &istress% She
noticed his concern, shoo- her head at hi&, and *ulled her hair do)n to
hide her stitches% ?uinlan didn#t sa$ an$thing%
The$ all noticed ho) she 'a(ored her le't side co&ing do)n the ste*s%
Connor tried to +e gentle )ith her )hen he li'ted her onto her horse, +ut
she still gri&aced in *ain%
Connor#s 'are)ell to his +rother &ade her 'orget a+out her disco&'ort% She
al&ost laughed out loud, so a&using )as his action, 'or instead o' +o)ing
to his +rother or gras*ing his hand to sa$ his good-+$e, he sla&&ed the
@at o' his hand against his shoulder% "lec *ounded hi& +ac-% 6nce the
+ar+aric sho) o' a,ection )as .nished, Connor s)ung u* +ehind :renna
and *ut his ar& around her )aist%
He leaned do)n close to her ear and )his*ered, /0ou#(e onl$ a short ride
+e'ore $ou#re ho&e%/
"lec *atientl$ stood +$ their side, )aiting until his )i'e had .nished sa$ing
her good-+$es and gone +ac- inside to .nd Grace% "s soon as the door
closed +ehind her, he turned to :renna% His ex*ression sho)ed his
a&use&ent% /!$ daughter has a s*ecial 'ondness 'or her *laid%/
/Is that so2/ she as-ed, )ondering )h$ he )anted to discuss Grace#s
+lan-et no)%
"lec nodded% /She can tell hers 'ro& another +$ the scent% "t least that is
)hat &$ )i'e +elie(es% Ca&ie &ust +e right, +ecause Grace -no)s )hen
one has +een su+stituted 'or another% She li-es to )ra* hersel' u* in the
+lan-et )hile she slee*s% She#ll ha(e need 'or it tonight, :renna, or &$
)i'e and I )ill get little rest%/
Connor could tell 'ro& his )i'e#s *u44led ex*ression she didn#t understand
)hat "lec )as as-ing% /He )ants $ou to gi(e it +ac-, :renna,/ he said%
Her 'ace turned the color o' a sun+urn in less ti&e than it too- to +lin-%
She al&ost dro**ed the *laid )hen she &o(ed her el+o) a)a$ and
handed it to "lec% /I can#t i&agine ho) I 'orgot to *ut it do)n on the stool%
I did ha(e e(er$ intention o' doing 8ust that, +ut I +eca&e in(ol(ed in our
discussion and &ust ha(e9/
She sto**ed tr$ing to co&e u* )ith a logical ex*lanation 'or her +eha(ior
)hen "lec *ut his hand on to* o' hers% He loo-ed as though he )anted to
sa$ so&ething i&*ortant to her, and she instincti(el$ tensed in
/!$ )i'e )ill +e o(er the .rst o' the )ee- to *lant $our @o)ers, :renna%/
/Than- $ou, 7aird%/
/"lec )as than-ing $ou,/ Connor told her%
/I reali4e that% I )as than-ing hi& 'or sho)ing &e such -indness%/
/I' I )ere not so grate'ul to $ou 'or co&ing to &$ daughter#s assistance, I
)ould ha(e to ta-e issue )ith $ou 'or +elie(ing Connor and I )ouldn#t
notice an$thing )as a&iss% We notice e(er$thing%/
/1or t)o intelligent )o&en, $ou +oth &is8udged us,/ Connor said%
/"$e, $ou did,/ "lec agreed% He re&o(ed his hand and ste**ed +ac-% /0ou
do understand that it )as our decision that allo)ed $ou to )in $our )ager,
+ut $ou need not than- us 'or our thought'ulness%##
She laughed again% /0ou +elie(e $ou let &e )in2 I thin- not, 7aird%/
He raised his e$e+ro)% /We deli+eratel$ *retended not to notice%/
/That is so,/ she agreed% /"nd $ou )ould +e right to +elie(e $ou 'a(ored
the outco&e i' $our o+ser(ation had +een )hat )e )agered a+out% Ca&ie
and I -ne) $ou )ould notice%/
/What )as the )ager o(er2/ Connor as-ed, a hint o' a s&ile in his (oice%
/Ca&ie )as sure $ou )ouldn#t +e a+le to -ee* silent and )ould de&and to
-no) )hat ha**ened as soon as $ou loo-ed at &e% I )agered $ou )ouldn#t
sa$ a )ord, and i' &$ &e&or$ ser(es &e, I do +elie(e that is exactl$ )hat
/6ne is the sa&e as the other,/ Connor argued%
/Is it2/ she as-ed )ith an innocent s&ile and a loo- that told hi& she
thought he )as )rong%
/"d&it it, Connor% The (ictor$ +elongs to :renna,/ "lec conceded%
/It does,/ Connor agreed%
/Will Ca&ie +ring Grace )ith her )hen she *lants &$ @o)ers2/
/No, I don#t let &$ children lea(e &$ land% Connor, I#ll +e riding )ith &$
)i'e% I ex*ect $ou to +e there%/
"lec sho(ed hi& once again to sho) his a,ection, +e'ore striding +ac-
to)ard his ho&e% Grace &ust ha(e +een )aiting 8ust inside the doors, 'or
as soon as "lec *ulled one o*en, she ran to hi& and snatched her +lan-et
out o' his hand%
6nce she and Connor )ere on their )a$, :renna &ade hersel' &ore
co&'orta+le +$ shi'ting her )eight on his la* and )ra**ing her ar&s
around his )aist%
/I )as sorr$ I didn#t get to sa$ good-+$e to Grace%/
/She#s +us$ ex*laining her conduct to her 'ather no)%/
/What )ill he do to her2 It )as an accident, Connor% Surel$ "lec )on#t hurt
her tender 'eelings%/
/She and Dillon are not allo)ed u*stairs alone% "lec )ill si&*l$ re&ind
Grace to o+e$ his orders%/
/"re the other children as care'ree2/
/No% The +o$s are sh$ o' strangers, +ut God hel* $ou once the$ get used
to $ou% The$#re 'ar &ore de(ilish than Grace is%/
/I 'ear she )ill al)a$s +e &$ 'a(orite%/
Connor )as deli+eratel$ tr$ing to -ee* u* the idle con(ersation so :renna
)ouldn#t notice the nu&+er o' 5incaid soldiers riding escort% He didn#t
)ant her to +eco&e concerned a+out "lec#s reasons% She &ight e(en
assu&e !acNare )as so&eho) res*onsi+le 'or his +rother#s outrageousl$
*rotecti(e gesture%
He -ne) he )as going to ha(e to *ut u* )ith his +rother#s inter'erence% He
)asn#t ha**$ a+out it, though% Neither )as ?uinlan, +ut unli-e his laird, he
)asn#t tr$ing to hide his irritation%
/I )ould not &a-e a 'a(orite o' one o' &$ children,/ she assured hi&%
He didn#t ha(e an$thing to sa$ a+out that% She )anted to -ee* hi&
tal-ing, in ho*es that the con(ersation )ould ta-e her &ind o, the *ain
nagging her no)% Her head )as thro++ing, and her thigh )as once again
+urning so&ething .erce%
He reali4ed )hat her goal )as as soon as she shi'ted *osition in his la*
/I had alread$ le't ho&e +e'ore Dillon and Grace )ere +orn,/ he re&ar-ed%
/I a& closest to !ar$ 5athleen, as I -no) her +etter than the others% Still, I
)ill ad&it I ha(e a s*ecial 'ondness 'or Grace, +ut onl$ +ecause she
re&inds &e o' so&eone else%/
She tried to loo- u* at hi&, +ut he gentl$ *ushed her 'ace against his
chest so she couldn#t% She *inched hi& to let hi& -no) ho) &uch she
disli-ed that and then as-ed hi& to tell her )ho Grace re&inded hi& o'%
/" child I once held in &$ ar&s%/
He )ouldn#t tell her an$thing &ore, +ut the &e&or$ o' the child he#d held
had *leased hi&% The )ar&th in his (oice told her so%
/"re $ou *leased Eu*he&ia is co&ing to (isit2/
/0es% 0ou aren#t, though, are $ou2/
/6' course I a&,/ she argued% /I#& 8ust a little9 a**rehensi(e a+out
&eeting her% It#s (er$ i&*ortant to )in her a**ro(al,/ she added% /She#s
$our &other, a'ter all, and it )ould +e (er$ u*setting i' she didn#t li-e &e%/
She couldn#t +elie(e he needed to as-% /:ecause there &ust +e har&on$
in $our household, that#s )h$, and it#s u* to &e to see to her )ishes% While
she#s in $our ho&e, she#s &istress% Surel$ $ou understand no)%/
/0ou )orr$ a+out e(er$ little thing% She#ll li-e $ou 8ust .ne%/
She )asn#t as certain as Connor )as, +ut she (o)ed to )in Eu*he&ia#s
lo(e% Se(eral &inutes *assed as she thought a+out di,erent )a$s she
could *lease the )o&an, and then she *ut the )orr$ aside and &o(ed on%
She tried to thin- a+out the lo(el$ ti&e she#d had (isiting )ith Ca&ie as a
&eans o' ta-ing her &ind o, the *ounding her thigh )as ta-ing% It didn#t
/It#s a good da$ 'or a )al-, isn#t it2/
He didn#t ans)er her% She )asn#t deterred% /I +elie(e I#d li-e to )al- 'or a
little )hile% It )ill +e nice to stretch &$ legs%/
/No%/ He so'tened his denial +$ +rushing his chin across the to* o' her
head% /Would it hel* i' I carr$ $ou 'acedo)n across &$ la*2/
His suggestion horri.ed her% She *ictured hersel' @ung o(er his -nees )ith
her head hanging do)n on one side o' the stallion and her 'eet dangling
do)n on the other, and she thought she &ight die o' &orti.cation then
and there%
What a )onder'ul )a$ that )ould +e 'or her to &eet his 'ollo)ers% /I
cannot i&agine )hat $ou thin- to hel* )ith $our suggestion% I#& *er'ectl$
.ne, than- $ou% I &erel$ thought a )al- )ould +e in(igorating on such a
.ne da$% 1orget I &entioned it%/
She had *laced *ride a+o(e co&'ort, 8ust as he had ex*ected her to do% He
&o(ed his hand under her s-irts to .nd out 'or hi&sel' the extent o' her
in8ur$% He considered sto**ing to ta-e a loo-, +ut >uic-l$ discarded the
idea% Getting her coo*eration )ould ta-e hi& an hour, and in another ten
&inutes, the$ )ould reach the di(ision +et)een the lands and +e ho&e at
His touch 'elt li-e a caress% Still, she didn#t li-e it% She )ent co&*letel$ still
and )his*ered, /;e&o(e $our hand%/
/0ou#(e got a 'air-si4ed +ruise, don#t $ou2 Does it hurt2/
/It doesn#t hurt at all% Please re&o(e $our hand% It#s e&+arrassing%/
Connor conceded%
/"n English&an )ould gi(e his )i'e a little s$&*ath$,/ she &uttered%
/I#& not English%/
/No, $ou#re not,/ she agreed% /!a$ I as- $ou >uestions a+out $our ho&e2/
/1irst, *lease tell &e )hen )e#ll reach $our land%/
/7oo- to the rise a+o(e $ou and $ou#ll see &$ sentries )atching us%/
She i&&ediatel$ straightened her a**earance% She ran her .ngers
through her hair to get the tangles out, +u&*ed Connor#s shoulder as she
s&oothed her curls +ehind her, .xed the *leats o' her *laid to her
satis'action, and *inched color into her chee-s%
/What in God#s na&e are $ou doing2/
/Pinching &$sel'%/
He told hi&sel' not to as-% He did an$)a$%
/:ecause I don#t )ant to loo- *ale%/
He shoo- his head% He had ne(er heard o' an$thing so *re*osterous%
/Ho) long +e'ore )e reach $our 'ortress2/ she as-ed%
/Her$ soon%/
/Do $ou &ean to tell &e )e li(e close to "lec and Ca&ie2/
/Will I +e a+le to (isit as o'ten as I )ish2/
Her enthusias& &ade her 'orget her *ain% He ex*lained he hadn#t +uilt his
ho&e in the center o' his *ro*ert$, +ut near the edge o' his +rother#s land,
instead% She assu&ed he#d done so to *lease "lec%
The !ac"lister soldiers let out a cheer in greeting )hen their laird raised
his hand%
/Do the$ al)a$s cheer $ou )hen $ou return ho&e2/
/No, onl$ )hen I#(e +een a)a$ a long ti&e%/
/Ho) long )ere $ou a)a$ then2/
/"l&ost three )ee-s%/
What had he +een doing all that )hile2 She )as 8ust a+out to as- hi&
)hen she re&e&+ered the +lue *aint on his 'ace% She *ro&*tl$ changed
her &ind% I' she 'ound out he#d +een raiding, her good &ood )ould +e
ruined% She#d ruin his as )ell +ecause she )ould 'eel co&*elled to let hi&
-no) )hat she thought a+out that +ar+aric *asti&e%
She noticed ho) the soldiers stared at her )hen the$ rode *ast, and e(en
though she s&iled at the&, the$ didn#t s&ile +ac-% She started )orr$ing in
no ti&e at all%
/Will $our 'ollo)ers disli-e &e +ecause I )as su**osed to &arr$
/None o' the six soldiers )e 8ust *assed s&iled at &e%/
/6' course the$ didn#t%/
/Wh$ not2/
/:ecause $ou#re &$ )i'e% The$#ll honor $ou%/
/"nd i' I#& not )orth$ o' their honor2/
/0ou are%/
She thought that )as a (er$ thought'ul, -ind thing to sa$ to her, and since
Connor )asn#t a thought'ul or -ind &an, she i&&ediatel$ +eca&e
/:ecause I chose $ou%/
/I chose $ou, re&e&+er2/
/0ou li-e to argue )ith &e, don#t $ou2/
She didn#t +elie(e his >uestion &erited an ans)er% /Will I li-e $our ho&e2/
/6' course%/
/I can#t )ait to see it% Is it as a**ealing as "lec#s ho&e2 I )on#t +e
disa**ointed i' it isn#t,/ she hastened to add% /I don#t need it to +e grand%
Is it2/
Her enthusias& &ade hi& s&ile% /0es, it#s 8ust as a**ealing as &$
+rother#s ho&e%/
/0ou#re *roud o' it, aren#t $ou2 I can hear it in $our (oice%/
/I su**ose I a&%/
/Is the hall as large as "lec#s2 I )on#t &ind i' it isn#t%/
/:ecause $ou don#t need it to +e as large%/
/I cannot sa$ 'or certain i' it#s as large% I#(e ne(er ta-en the ti&e to
/What &a-es $our ho&e so a**ealing2/
/It#s secure%/
What did secure ha(e to do )ith a**earance2 /:ut )hat does it loo- li-e2/
/In(inci+le,/ he ans)ered%
She )asn#t getting an$)here )ith hi&% She )ould ha(e to )ait and see 'or
hersel', she decided%
He thought he#d told her e(er$thing she needed to -no)% "lthough he 'elt
his ho&e )as in(inci+le, there )as still )or- to +e done on the )all% He
)as going to rein'orce the )ood )ith stone as his +rother had suggested,
and add $et another *lat'or& on the northern *ea-%
:renna#s excite&ent &ounted as the$ rode along, and her &ood )as so
i&*ro(ed, she couldn#t sto* s&iling%
Connor#s &ood dar-ened as soon as the ruins o' his 'ather#s ho&e ca&e
into (ie)%
/Who li(ed here2/ she )his*ered as she stared at the charred re&ains o'
the (ast structure%
/!$ 'ather%/
/Did he die there2/
/Did $ou li(e there )ith hi&2/
The coldness in his (oice told her he didn#t )ant to +e >uestioned a+out
his *ast% She had e(er$ intention o' .nding out e(er$thing she could a+out
her hus+and so she )ould +e a+le to understand ho) he had +eco&e such
a hard, rigid &an, +ut she -ne) she )ould ha(e to +e *atient and
unde&anding, or he )ould ne(er o*en his heart to her% She )ould .rst
*ro(e to hi& that she could +e trusted, and e(entuall$ he )ould so'ten his
attitude and +egin to in her%
She couldn#t sto* staring at the destruction% E(en a'ter the$ had ridden
*ast, she leaned into Connor#s side so she could loo- +ehind hi& to stud$
She had seen the results o' .re +e'ore, +ut there )as so&ething *u44ling
a+out the !ac"lister ruin% It too- her se(eral &inutes +e'ore she .nall$
.gured out )hat )as &issing% The +urned cro'ter#s cottage she#d once
seen had >uic-l$ +een o(ergro)n +$ )eeds% This ruin )asn#t% There )as a
'orest on three sides o' it, $et not one (ine had reached the hollo)ed-out
re&ains% 6+(iousl$ it had +een care'ull$ &aintained, and *erha*s that )as
)h$ it see&ed so eerie to her%
Wh$ hadn#t Connor ordered it torn do)n2 Had he le't it to +e a re&inder to
hi&sel' and his 'ollo)ers2 Patience, she re&inded hersel'% In ti&e she
)ould ha(e her ans)ers%
She straightened u* and turned around again% She sli**ed her hand into
his 'ree one, leaned +ac- against hi&, and said a *ra$er 'or his 'ather#s
soul% She added another one 'or his dear &other%
Her ne) ho&e ca&e into (ie) a &inute later% She started *ra$ing 'or
hersel' then% She closed her e$es too, 'ranticall$ ho*ing that )hat she
+elie(ed she#d seen she reall$ hadn#t seen at all, +ut )hen she gathered
enough courage to loo- again, the &onstrous thing )as still there, loo&ing
o(er her 'ro& the to* o' a hill li-e an angr$ gargo$le%
God reall$ &ust ha(e +een 'urious )ith her to ha(e *ut her in such an ugl$
*lace% She &ust ha(e caused her *arents 'ar &ore )orr$ than she#d e(er
reali4ed, and sa$ing that she )as sorr$ hadn#t +een enough to a**ease
Get hold o' $oursel', she ordered% God )asn#t res*onsi+le 'or this 'ortress3
Connor )as%
She too- a dee* +reath and told hersel' to .nd so&ething nice a+out her
ne) ho&e% She )ould stud$ the 'ortress 'ro& +otto& to to*, and )hen she
)as .nished, +$ God, she )ould +e s&iling )ith excite&ent%
It )as gigantic% That )as nice, )asn#t it2 It )as, i' +igger )as indeed
+etter, as Connor o+(iousl$ +elie(ed%
It )as also tall% The 'ortress )as at least three-stories high, *erha*s e(en
'our, though it )as di=cult to tell +ecause she couldn#t see& to .nd an$
)indo)s to gi(e her hints%
Still, it )as +ig% "nd tall%
She .nall$ s*otted the )indo)s% ;elie(ed to see the&, she 'elt li-e
)ee*ing )ith gratitude% She )asn#t going to ha(e to li(e inside a to&+
a'ter all% The )indo)s )ere there all right, +ut the$#d +een co(ered )ith
an ugl$ +ro)n 'a+ric, )hich actuall$ &atched the color o' dried &ud rather
nicel$3 though )h$ in God#s na&e an$one )ould )ant the& to )as +e$ond
her% She )ould ta-e the& do)n as soon as *ossi+le, and then it )ouldn#t
loo- so +ad, )ould it2
6' course it )ould% 1lo)ers )eren#t going to hel*% She )ould need a
&iracle to turn this thing into a ho&e%
She 'elt asha&ed o' hersel'% She )asn#t concerned onl$ a+out
a**earances, and she &ust ad8ust her attitude at once% She )ould start +$
calling the hideous &onstrosit$ her ho&e%
/:renna, is so&ething )rong2/
/Wh$ )ould $ou thin- so&ething )as )rong2/
/0ou#re *anting, li-e $ou can#t catch $our +reath%/
She said the .rst thing that ca&e into her &ind% Than-'ull$, it )asn#t a lie%
/0our ho&e has ta-en &$ +reath a)a$%/
She *ro+a+l$ should add a co&*li&ent or t)o so that Connor )ould -no)
she a**reciated his e,orts% He )as *roud o' his 'ortress, and a good )i'e
)ould at least tr$ to 'eel the sa&e%
/It#s (er$ +ig%/
He didn#t ha(e an$thing to sa$ a+out that%
/Wh$, I don#t +elie(e I#(e e(er seen one as +ig% It#s also tall, isn#t it2/
He didn#t ha(e an$thing to sa$ a+out that either%
/Ha(e $ou .nished it then2/
/"re $ou as-ing i' the +ac- o' the 'ortress is .nished2/
No, she hadn#t e(en thought a+out the +ac- o' the -ee*% She )anted to
-no) i' he#d .nished the 'ront% /Is it2/
/I see,/ she re*lied 'or lac- o' an$thing +etter to sa$% /0our ra&*art is (er$
i&*ressi(e, isn#t it2/
/It#s at least .'teen 'eet high% 6dd that the )ood turned such a +ro)nish
color, isn#t it2/
He tightened his hold around her )aist, *ulled her +ac- against his chest,
and leaned do)n close to her ear% /:renna2/
/0es, Connor2/
/It#s going to +e all right%/
It too- her a 'ull &inute +e'ore she could nod her agree&ent% She added a
silent *ra$er next 'or strength and endurance and (o)ed to &a-e the +est
o' her circu&stances% She had ne(er )al-ed a)a$ 'ro& a di=cult tas-
+e'ore, and although the idea held a certain a**eal no), she )ouldn#t gi(e
in to her ho*elessness% Nothing )as i&*ossi+le to achie(e i' she )or-ed
hard enough and used the &ind God had gi(en her%
She 'elt +etter once her resol(e )as +ac- in *lace, and a'ter the$#d
crossed the dra)+ridge, she loo-ed at her ne) ho&e )ith rene)ed
interest% She s&iled 'or the +ene.t o' his 'ollo)ers% 7i-e the sentries, the$
didn#t s&ile +ac-% The$ didn#t 'ro)n or turn their +ac-s on her, though%
Perha*s the$ didn#t >uite -no) )hat to &a-e o' her, she thought% She
)ould ha(e to con(ince the& through her good )or-s that she )as )orth$
o' their res*ect%
/0ou#(e enclosed hal' the &ountain, ha(en#t $ou2/
/It isn#t a &ountain, +ut a hill, )i'e%/
/Wh$, there &ust +e thirt$ huts inside the lo)er +aile$ alone, $et roo& 'or
thirt$ &ore% Do $our soldiers train inside the )alls2/
/So&eti&es,/ he ans)ered as he led the )a$ to the u**er +aile$%
:renna tried to see e(er$thing at once%
Cust +e'ore the$ reached the court$ard Connor called a halt% He
dis&ounted and turned to assist her )hile he tried to ans)er the >uestions
the &en called out to hi&%
He had onl$ 8ust let go o' his )i'e )hen the cro)d surrounded hi&% Holding
the stallion#s reins +ehind his +ac-, he started u* the last o' the incline% He
assu&ed :renna )as right +ehind hi&, and )hen the reins )ere ta-en out
o' his hand, he thought ?uinlan or 6)en had ta-en o(er the dut$ o'
leading the horse to the sta+le&aster, 'or the$ )ere the onl$ t)o soldiers
the te&*era&ental stallion )ould let near%
!en and )o&en *ushed 'or)ard to s*ea- to their laird% :renna -e*t
+ac-ing a)a$ so she )ouldn#t get tra&*led% The stallion didn#t li-e the
cro)d *ressing in on hi& an$ &ore than she did and reared u* in *rotest%
She gra++ed hold o' his reins +e'ore he did an$ da&age to an$one, and
'orced the ani&al to +ac- u* )ith her% She )as nearl$ li'ted o, her 'eet a
cou*le o' ti&es, then )as *ushed +ac-)ard as the disgruntled +east tried
to charge her% The training her +rothers had 'orced on her ca&e to her
assistance no)% She re'used to gi(e in to the ani&al#s inti&idating antics,
and she tightened her hold on his reins and 8er-ed his head do)n hard%
"'ter one last &o&ent o' struggle, the horse understood she &eant to get
her )a$%
She *atted hi& to let hi& -no) she a**reciated his coo*eration and led
hi& to)ard the sta+les%
" soldier stood on the ste*s leading u* to the entrance until his laird
+ec-oned hi& 'or)ard%
/"ll#s )ell, Connor%/
"n i&&ediate hush 'ell o(er the cro)d as the$ listened to the
con(ersation% /I ex*ected it )ould +e, Cris*in% #Tis the reason $ou )ere
gi(en co&&and )hile I )as a)a$%/
The t)o )arriors stood e$e to e$e as the$ 'aced each other in the center
o' the court$ard%
/I ha(e good ne)s 'or $ou% 0our ste*&other is )aiting in the great hall to
greet $ou%/
Connor s&iled% /That is good ne)s%/
/7ad$ Eu*he&ia#s curiosit$ to see $our )i'e &ust ha(e +een the
&oti(ation she needed to co&e +ac- to !ac"lister land%/
/I )ould assu&e so% Perha*s she sees this as a ne) +eginning, though in
truth, I thought co&*leting a ne) 'ortress )ould +ring her +ac-% Is she
)ell, Cris*in2/
/She see&s to +e )ell,/ he ans)ered% /Connor, do I address her as 7ad$
/0ou do% She )as &$ 'ather#s )i'e and hasn#t &arried again%/
/She#s still &ourning hi&, 'or she#s dressed in +lac-,/ Cris*in told hi&%
/There is one &ore &atter I )ish to tell $ou a+out%/
/Can it )ait until later2/
/0ou#ll )ant to hear this ne)s no),/ he insisted% /7aird Hugh is sending
so&ething that )as le't on his +order% He insists $ou#ll )ant to see it%
Whate(er it is should +e here )ithin the hour%/
/Hugh sends $ou a gi't2/ ?uinlan as-ed his laird%
Cris*in ans)ered% /It#s &ore o' a &essage than a gi't% I )asn#t a+le to get
an$thing &ore s*eci.c out o' his soldiers% The$ )ere )orried, ho)e(er,
and insisted se(eral ti&es that their laird is not res*onsi+le% It )as
extre&el$ i&*ortant to Hugh that Connor understand this%/
/This &a-es little sense,/ ?uinlan &uttered% /Wh$ )ouldn#t the$ tell $ou
)ho it )as 'ro&2/
/The$ )ouldn#t ex*lain,/ Cris*in re*lied%
/Then )e#ll )ait and see,/ Connor re*lied%
He then s&iled at his 'riend and, as Connor *assed hi& on his )a$ inside,
*ounded hi& on the shoulder to let hi& -no) he )as *leased )ith hi&%
?uinlan sho(ed Cris*in in the ho*es o' getting hi& to lose his +alance%
Cris*in held his ground and *retended +oredo&, +ut the glint in his +ro)n
e$es ga(e hi& a)a$%
/0ou &issed a .ne ti&e, Cris*in% "$e, $ou should ha(e +een there to )atch
&e )ield &$ s)ord% It )as a sight to see, and $ou )ould ha(e learned a
thing or t)o%/
Cris*in laughed% /I )ouldn#t ha(e needed to touch &$ s)ord, 'or &$ hands
are 8ust as e,ecti(e% :esides, I taught $ou e(er$thing $ou -no)% Isn#t that
true, Connor2/ he called out%
/I do not in(ol(e &$sel' in *ett$ dis*utes, though I )ill ad&it I don#t
understand either one o' $our e&*t$ +oasts% #Tis a 'act I trained +oth o'
Cris*in 'ull$ a**reciated his laird#s candor% He )atched Connor slo)l$
&a-e his )a$ through the clan to the side o' the -ee* so he could go u*
the ste*s% The t)o soldiers )ere ex*ected to 'ollo) their laird, as it had
+eco&e a ritual 'or the& to sit at the ta+le )ith Connor )hile he caught u*
on the latest ha**enings )ithin the clan% The$ sta$ed +ac- no) so that
the other 'ollo)ers could ha(e a turn greeting hi&%
:oth Cris*in and ?uinlan -e*t glancing o(er their shoulders e(er$ no) and
again% Cris*in )as *u44led, 'or he had +een on the )al-)a$ a+o(e the )all
)hen his laird rode u* to the dra)+ridge and had seen that he )asn#t
alone then% Wh$ )as he no)2
?uinlan couldn#t sto* s&iling% He -ne) exactl$ )h$ his laird )as alone%
Cris*in#s curiosit$ .nall$ got the +etter o' hi& )hen Connor started u* the
ste*s to go inside the -ee*% /Was $our 8ourne$ success'ul, 7aird2/ he
/It )as,/ Connor called +ac-%
/Then $ou did &arr$2/
/I did%/
/Where &ight $our +ride +e2/
Connor had assu&ed his )i'e )as 'ollo)ing +ehind hi& and )as no)
+eing dela$ed +$ the clan% Honest to God, he hadn#t gi(e her another
thought since Cris*in +egan his re*ort%
He scanned the cro)d, loo-ing 'or his )i'e% He s*otted 6)en s&iling li-e a
si&*leton at the )o&en surrounding hi&% :renna )as no)here in sight,
/Wh$ aren#t $ou at the sta+les tending &$ horse, 6)en2/ Connor )as
hal')a$ across the court$ard +$ the ti&e he .nished +ello)ing his
/"nother too- o(er the dut$ 'or &e, 7aird,/ 6)en ex*lained )ith a ner(ous
glance to)ard ?uinlan%
Connor turned to his 'riend% /Where is &$ )i'e, ?uinlan2/
/I +elie(e $ou le't her in the lo)er +aile$%/
The cro)d scattered in e(er$ direction as their laird ca&e striding to)ard
the *ath% The loo- on Connor#s 'ace suggested he didn#t )ish to +e
dela$ed% Cris*in and ?uinlan 'ollo)ed, +ut unli-e their laird, the$ )eren#t
/?uinlan, ho) )ere $ou a+le to tend to &$ stallion and return to the
court$ard in such a short ti&e2/
/I didn#t tend $our stallion,/ he ans)ered%
/Did Da(is2/ Connor as-ed 8ust to &a-e certain the sta+le&aster had
co&e 'or)ard to ta-e o(er the dut$%
/Then )ho9/
/"nother &ore ca*a+le than Da(is led $our stu++orn +east a)a$%/
Connor heard the laughter in ?uinlan#s (oice and -ne) there )as
so&ething &ore to +e told% He sto**ed )orr$ing a+out :renna +eing le't
alone )ith his stallion +ecause he -ne) ?uinlan )ouldn#t ha(e +een so
da&ned ha**$ i' she#d +een in an$ real danger%
/0ou 'orgot her, didn#t $ou, Connor2/
/I did no such thing, ?uinlan% Who )as &ore ca*a+le than Da(is2 No &ore
8ests,/ he )arned% /I#& not in the &ood%/
/I )on#t 8est, +ut $ou still )on#t +elie(e &e% 0our )i'e too- o(er the dut$%/
/I don#t +elie(e $ou%/
?uinlan nudged Cris*in% /He did 'orget her,/ he )his*ered%
"s soon as the$ reached the sta+les, Connor *ulled the doors )ide +e'ore
either one o' his soldiers could get ahead o' hi& to see to the dut$%
The sta+le&aster ca&e running% He +o)ed to his laird and )as a+out to
)elco&e hi& +ac- to the -ee* )hen Connor interru*ted hi&%
/Da(is, is &$ stallion in his stall2/
/He is, 7aird, and as content as I#(e e(er seen%/
/Then $ou didn#t ha(e $our usual di=cult$ getting hi& to settle do)n2/
/I )as sa(ed 'ro& the tas- +$ $our lad$% She certainl$ has a )a$ )ith
ani&als, 7aird, +ut I#& sure $ou alread$ -ne) that% She soothed the anger
out o' the +east in no ti&e at all% 0our stallion )as ha**$ to let her lead
hi& to his >uarters%/
Connor -ne) Da(is )as telling hi& the truth, as di=cult as it )as to
/Where is 7ad$ !ac"lister no)2/
/She s*otted E)an#s )i'e gi(ing their +airn the a'ternoon air% I#& thin-ing
that )as )here she )as headed%/
Connor nodded and )al-ed a)a$% He *aused once )hen Da(is called out,
/0ou#(e chosen )ell, 7aird%/
:renna had alread$ le't E)an#s cottage, ho)e(er% While the +lushing
&other ex*lained she#d +een thrilled to ha(e her &istress#s undi(ided
attention, she see&ed 'ar &ore interested in *raising :renna than in
telling Connor )here she#d gone%
/She insisted on holding the +a+$ and didn#t &ind at all that he hadn#t had
his +ath $et% She has a s*ecial )a$ )ith children, 7aird% !$ little one is
usuall$ sus*icious o' strangers, +ut he too- to her right a)a$% 0our )i'e#s a
dear lass, and 'ro& England, o' all scandalous *laces% She#s thought'ul as
can +e% She hurried o(er to &eet :rocca )hen she noticed her staring out
at her through the )indo)%/
His *atience )as nearl$ gone +$ the ti&e he .nall$ caught u* )ith :renna%
She had alread$ le't :rocca#s cottage and )as 8ust a+out to -noc- on
another door )hen he sto**ed her%
She didn#t loo- es*eciall$ *leased to see hi&% He couldn#t +elie(e she
dared to tro)n at hi& a'ter she#d caused hi& so &uch trou+le%
/0ou 'orgot &e, didn#t $ou2/ She 'olded her ar&s and continued to 'ro)n
at hi&%
Connor )asn#t at all i&*ressed )ith the )a$ she tried to inti&idate hi&%
He &o(ed closer so that she )as 'orced to tilt her head +ac- in order to
loo- u* at hi&, and then said, /0ou )ill not ta-e that tone )ith &e%/
She didn#t +ac- a)a$ as he ex*ected her to do, +ut she did so'ten her
(oice )hen she next s*o-e to hi&% /!a$ I s*ea- *lainl$, Connor2/
/No, $ou &a$ not% 0ou &a$ 'ollo) &e +ac- to the -ee* no), ho)e(er%/
He turned to lea(e% She stood her ground%
/"re $ou de'$ing &e2/ he as-ed%
/No, 7aird, I#& not de'$ing $ou% I a& )aiting%/
/Waiting 'or )hat2/
/1or $ou to ad&it $ou 'orgot &e%/
/I did no such thing%/
/Then $ou do not *lan to a*ologi4e2/
She sa) the incredulous loo- that ca&e o(er his 'ace and -ne) the
thought had ne(er entered his &ind% Dear hea(ens, changing Connor 'ro&
a +ar+arian into a considerate hus+and )as going to ta-e e(er$ ounce o'
her *atience% :ut, she had *ushed hi& 'ar enough toda$, and she didn#t
dare add another )ord o' criticis& until he#d reco(ered% In her esti&ation,
it )as a 'air start%
Connor )as considering tossing his )i'e o(er his shoulder and carr$ing her
to the -ee* )hen she suddenl$ s&iled at hi& and too- hold o' his hand%
He didn#t understand )hat had caused the trans'or&ation, +ut he didn#t
>uestion her% He had *ushed her 'ar enough 'or one da$, and no) that
he#d &ade her reali4e she &ust not challenge hi& or contradict hi&, he
+elie(ed he#d &ade a 'air start% He -ne) it )as going to ta-e hi& a long
ti&e to hel* her learn to +e &ore disci*lined%
"s soon as he &o(ed +ac- to)ard the *ath, she noticed again the soldier
standing next to ?uinlan%
/:renna, in 'uture, don#t &a-e &e chase a'ter $ou%/
She nodded agree&ent +ecause her hus+and see&ed to re>uire it, then
loo-ed at ?uinlan% /He did 'orget a+out &e, didn#t he2/
Connor s>uee4ed her hand to let her -no) )hat he thought a+out her
/It )ould see& he did, &i#lad$%/
/Than- $ou 'or re&inding hi&%/
/I didn#t,/ ?uinlan re*lied, nodding to his le't% /Cris*in did%/
She s&iled at the soldier% /Than- $ou, Cris*in%/ She )ould ha(e o=ciall$
introduced hersel' to the soldier, +ut he loo-ed rather da4ed, and she
decided he )as +us$ thin-ing a+out so&ething &ore i&*ortant%
?uinlan laughed at the ex*ression on Cris*in#s 'ace% His 'riend )as loo-ing
>uite stunned% /She ta-es $our +reath a)a$, doesn#t she, Cris*in2/
The soldier nodded% He &otioned to ?uinlan to )ait so that the$ could
ha(e a &o&ent alone and 'ollo) at a &ore discreet distance%
/I#(e ne(er seen Connor act this )a$% He doesn#t usuall$ allo) an$ )o&an
to &a-e hi& lose his *atience%/
/She isn#t 8ust an$ )o&an% She#s his )i'e% I thin- he li-es ha(ing her
Cris*in s&iled% /I#d li-e ha(ing her around too, i' I )ere &arried to her%
She#s (er$ +eauti'ul, isn#t she2 I don#t thin- I#(e e(er seen a )o&an so
/Connor doesn#t notice%/
The t)o &en shared a laugh% :renna glanced +ac- o(er her shoulder to
s&ile at the&%
/6ur &istress isn#t easil$ inti&idated%/ There )as ad&iration in Cris*in#s
(oice )hen he &ade the re&ar-%
/I' she )ere the least +it ti&id, Connor )ould )al- all o(er her% Do $ou
re&e&+er )hat he told us a+out Isa+elle2/
/He told us (er$ little% He doesn#t re&e&+er his &other%/
/That is so, +ut he re&e&+ers e(er$ )ord his 'ather said to hi& +e'ore he
Cris*in nodded% /Donald called his )i'e his o)n s)eet Isa+elle% He lo(ed
/Exactl$ so%/
/:ut Donald cautioned his son not to &a-e the sa&e &ista-e%/
/Connor -ne) he )as onl$ )arning hi& to +e care'ul% I' $ou had seen the
)a$ the 7ad$ :renna and he loo-ed at one another )hen the$ .rst &et,
$ou )ould conclude )hat I ha(e%/
/"nd )hat is that2/
?uinlan stared at :renna as he ga(e his ans)er% /She#s going to +e
Connor#s o)n s)eet lo(e%/
Cris*in clas*ed his hands +ehind his +ac- )hile he considered )hat
?uinlan had 8ust told hi&% 7i-e his 'riend, he also )anted his laird to .nd
*eace and content&ent% :ut lo(e2 He didn#t -no) i' Connor )ould e(er let
hi&sel' 'eel such an e&otion%
/I#(e ne(er heard $ou tal- li-e this%/
/I#(e ne(er seen Connor act li-e this%/
/7i-e )hat2/
?uinlan shrugged% /There ha(e +een s*ar-s @$ing +et)een the t)o o'
the& 'ro& the (er$ +eginning% It#s as though Connor )ere struc- +$ a +olt%
He#s going to gi(e his heart to her +ecause he )on#t +e a+le to sto* it 'ro&
ha**ening% ?uit 'ro)ning, Cris*in% She has a good heart%/
The t)o soldiers continued to 'ollo) +ehind the cou*le at a leisurel$ *ace
)hile Cris*in caught ?uinlan u* on the latest ne)s% :renna didn#t reali4e
she )as +eing discussed +$ the &en, and she certainl$ didn#t -no) she
)as +eing )atched so closel$% Connor )as 'orcing her to run in order to
-ee* u* )ith hi&, and she soon decided she had had enough% She
suddenl$ sto**ed% Connor )as either going to ha(e to drag her +ehind
hi& or let go o' her% She )ould lea(e the choice u* to hi&%
/Wh$ did $ou sto*2/
/I got tired o' running%/
" s&ile so'tened his ex*ression% /Wh$ didn#t $ou tell &e to slo) do)n2/
/I )anted to -ee* u*% I didn#t reali4e I )as so )ear$ this a'ternoon% I#&
sure I#ll reco(er a'ter )e ha(e our su**er% Could )e sit a s*ell until then2/
He &o(ed +ac- to her side% /We alread$ ate our e(ening &eal, re&e&+er2
0ou cannot still +e hungr$%/
She shrugged% There reall$ )asn#t an$ use in *retending )ith her hus+and
that she had a daint$ a**etite% /I could eat a little so&ething,/ she
ad&itted% /I )as a +it ner(ous &eeting "lec and +$ the ti&e )e sat do)n
at the ta+le, I couldn#t concentrate on 'ood% I +arel$ ate a thing% I can#t
i&agine )h$ $ou#re laughing, Connor% I ha(en#t told $ou a 8est%/
He didn#t a*ologi4e, o' course% She dou+ted he e(er )ould% He sto**ed
laughing, though, and she )as &ost a**reciati(e%
/Would it hel* i' I carried $ou2/
His suggestion didn#t sit )ell )ith her% /"nd ha(e $our 'ollo)ers thin- $ou
&arried a )ea-ling2 I#ll cra)l .rst%/
She straightened her shoulders, tugged her hand a)a$ 'ro& his, and tried
to hurr$ *ast hi&% She didn#t get (er$ 'ar% He caught her around her )aist
and 'orced her into his side% He didn#t ha(e to tell her to lean against hi&%
She )as too )ear$ to e(en consider struggling% She sagged against hi&
and let out a little sigh% She didn#t dare close her e$es 'or e(en a second
'or 'ear she#d 'all aslee* on her 'eet i' she did% God onl$ -ne), she#d done
it +e'ore%
/0ou#(e had a di=cult da$%/
/No, I ha(en#t%/
/Do $ou ha(e to disagree )ith e(er$thing I sa$2/
/I )as si&*l$ gi(ing $ou &$ o*inion% We#(e $et to argue, Connor% 6nce )e
do, $ou#ll -no) the di,erence% Please let go o' &e as soon as )e reach the
court$ard% I don#t )ant $our 'ollo)ers to thin- I can#t stand )ithout
In 'rustration, she threaded her .ngers through her hair, then gri&aced as
she touched her in8ur$% /I ne(er see& to sa$ the right thing to $ou%
E(er$thing#s so di,erent here% I don#t li-e chaos, and it see&s to &e that
&$ li'e has +een extre&el$ chaotic since I &et $ou% I )ant to li(e in
/It#s going to +eco&e &uch easier 'or $ou no)%/
She didn#t loo- as though she +elie(ed hi&% /Do $ou *ro&ise2/
He s&iled% /I *ro&ise%/
She &anaged to s&ile +ac- and relax% He didn#t -no) i' it had +een his
cal& (oice or his *ro&ise that had soothed her%
/I don#t li-e sur*rises,/ she re&ar-ed as she &o(ed closer to his side
again% /Inless, o' course, I -no) a+out the& in ad(ance%/
She sounded sincere enough 'or hi& to thin- she didn#t reali4e she#d 8ust
contradicted hersel'% /I' $ou -no) in ad(ance, it isn#t a sur*rise%/
/Exactl$ so,/ she reasoned% /Tell &e ho) it )ill +eco&e easier%/
/0ou )on#t ha(e to )orr$ a+out *leasing &e% I#& rarel$ here%/
/I don#t )orr$ a+out *leasing $ou no)% :ut I don#t understand )h$ $ou#re
rarel$ here% This is $our ho&e%/
/"nd I#& here%/
/I reali4e that% We#ll see each other no) and again%/
The$ had .nall$ reached the court$ard *ro*er% It )as deserted%
/0ou &entioned $ou )ould onl$ +e here e(er$ no) and again2/ she as-ed,
sorr$ her (oice sounded so strained%
His &ind )as on an entirel$ di,erent &atter% Cris*in#s re*ort that their all$
to the south )anted Connor to see so&ething that had +een le't at his
+order had &ade hi& curious, and he )as guessing )hat the so&ething
&ight +e% :ecause o' the li'e he#d led, he )as naturall$ sus*icious and had
alread$ concluded the sur*rise )asn#t going to +e )elco&e% He )asn#t an
i&*atient &an )hen i&*ortant issues )ere at sta-e, and so he once again
decided to )ait and see +e'ore he conte&*lated his res*onse%
:renna#s >uestion *ulled hi& a)a$ 'ro& his thoughts% /Exactl$ ho) o'ten
is #no) and again#2/
/6nce or t)ice a &onth%/
/0ou#re serious2/
/I a&%/
The &ore he told her, the less she )anted to hear% /" hus+and should +e
ho&e )ith his )i'e &ore o'ten than t)ice a &onth%/
/I ha(e other &ore i&*ortant duties%/
She 'elt as though he )ere a+andoning her% Worse, she +elie(ed he )as
eager to do 8ust that%
/Wh$ +other to co&e +ac- at all2/
He decided to ignore the anger in her (oice% /Se(eral reasons co&e to
&ind% The &ost co&*elling one is $ou%/
" little o' her irritation eased a)a$% /!e2/ she )his*ered, ho*ing he )ould
redee& hi&sel' +$ gi(ing her so&e *raise%
/I )ant children%/
She )anted to throttle hi&% /0ou &entioned $ou did%/
/I#& *leased $ou re&e&+er%/
/I re&e&+er e(er$thing $ou said to &eG $ou &arried &e to insult
!acNare, and $ou#ll +e ha**$ to ta-e &e +ac- to England as soon as I gi(e
$ou a son% I dou+t I#ll e(er 'orget those t)o i&*ortant 'acts% 0our reasons
&a-e &e 'eel so (er$ )orth$%/
/Would $ou rather I lied to $ou2/
She shoo- her head% /I )ould rather )e ne(er, e(er tal- a+out this again%
0ou &a$ ex*lain $our duties and $our ex*ectations the next ti&e $ou
ha**en to *ass +$ the area% No), i' $ou#ll excuse &e, I#d li-e to go inside%/
/I )ill call &$ 'ollo)ers together and introduce $ou to the& as soon as
Donald returns )ith the $ounger soldiers%/
/0ou needn#t go to an$ trou+le, Connor% I alread$ ha(e one +lac- &ar-
against &e3 I &ight as )ell ha(e another%/
/What +lac- &ar-2/ he called out%
He stood in the center o' the court$ard, his attention 'ull$ on his )i'e% Her
+eha(ior )as &ost *er*lexing% She#d hurried on ahead o' hi&, +ut hadn#t
gone to the ste*s leading inside the -ee*% No, she#d gone to the center o'
the )all and )as no) *acing +ac- and 'orth along the 'ront o' the -ee*%
It )as o+(ious he#d u*set her, and )hile he -ne) he )as 'ull$ res*onsi+le,
he couldn#t understand ho) it had ha**ened% His goal had +een to soothe
her, $et one )ord had led to another, and +e'ore he reali4ed )hat the
outco&e )ould +e, she )as getting tear$ e$ed% He +elie(ed he#d +een
thought'ul +$ telling her he )ouldn#t +e ho&e (er$ o'ten% 0et she acted as
though he#d 8ust +etra$ed her% Ho) in God#s na&e )ould he e(er &a-e
sense out o' her2
/Ex*lain this +lac- &ar-,/ he ordered )hen she didn#t i&&ediatel$ ans)er
/I#& English, 'or the lo(e o' God, and e(er$one -no)s I )as on &$ )a$ to
&arr$ !acNare% Surel$ $ou understand )hat I#& u* against2 6h, and I#&
clu&s$ too,/ she told her hus+and% /I 'orgot a+out that% What ha(e $ou
done )ith $our ste*s2 I can#t see& to .nd the&%/
/The$#re on the side o' the -ee*,/ he ans)ered%
/I 'ell do)n "lec#s ste*s, re&e&+er2/
Cris*in had 8ust caught u* )ith Connor and turned to his laird% /!i#lad$ 'ell
do)n ste*s2/
/It see&s she did,/ he re*lied%
Connor )ould ha(e ta-en the ti&e to ex*lain i' he hadn#t noticed his )i'e
)as a+out to go around to the )rong side o' the -ee*% /The ste*s are on
the o**osite side, :renna%/
She *ro&*tl$ turned around% /The$#re su**osed to +e in the center o' the
'ront, 'acing the court$ard% E(er$one -no)s that is the 'ashion these da$s%
I#& )anting to slee* in a +ed tonight and not on the @oor, Connor% Do $ou
ha(e +eds inside2/
She .nall$ loo-ed at her hus+and so he )ould see her 'ro)n and reali4ed
she )asn#t u* to hearing an$ &ore o' his *lans a+out their 'uture% Hearing
he )ould sto* +$ e(er$ once in a )hile )as &ore than enough 'or her
sto&ach in one da$% She noticed ?uinlan and Cris*in )ere standing next to
her hus+and and *ro&*tl$ changed her 'ro)n into a s&ile% No dou+t a+out
it, Connor )as turning her into a shre)% God onl$ -ne) ho) long his
soldiers had +een o+ser(ing her rant and ra(e li-e a lunatic% "lthough it
)as *ro+a+l$ too late to change their o*inion o' her, she decided to gi(e it
her +est tr$%
/It#s going to +e a .ne e(ening, isn#t it2/ she called out, *retending
e(er$thing )as as right as could +e and she hadn#t +een acting li-e a
&ad)o&an seconds ago%
/I' $ou thin- so, &i#lad$,/ Cris*in called +ac-% /What 8ust ca&e o(er her2/
he )his*ered to ?uinlan%
/We did,/ he ans)ered% /I +elie(e she onl$ 8ust noticed us and doesn#t
)ant us to -no) her hus+and o,ended her%/
/I didn#t o,end her%/
/It )ould see& to &e that $ou did%/
Connor sho(ed his 'riend aside on his )a$ to interce*t his )i'e%
She -e*t on s&iling, e(en )hen she reached the to* o' the stone ste*s
and noticed there )asn#t a landing to stand on% She +ac-ed do)n a ste*
and reached 'or)ard to gras* the handle to the entrance%
The door )ouldn#t o*en% It )as either +olted on the inside or rein'orced
)ith iron or steel% She *ut +oth hands to her tas-, added her &uscle, and
.nall$ got it o*en a crac-% It still )asn#t )ide enough 'or her to s>uee4e
through )ithout getting crushed%
Connor ca&e to her assistance% He heard her &uttering to hersel' as he
ca&e u* the ste*s +ehind her% He *ut his ar& around her )aist, *ulled her
+ac- against hi&, and reached o(er her shoulder to o*en the door )ith
one >uic- @ic- o' his )rist%
She couldn#t hel* +ut +e i&*ressed +$ his strength% /I thought it )as
loc-ed and didn#t tr$ to 'orce it,/ she said so that he )ouldn#t thin- she
)as a )ea-ling%
/It#s o*en no)%/
He continued to )ait 'or her to go inside% She continued to lean against
/"ren#t $ou curious to see the inside2/
/Is it as grand as the outside2/
She had +een a'raid he )ould sa$ that%
/What are $ou doing2/
:racing &$sel', she ad&itted to hersel' +e'ore she told hi& an altogether
di,erent tale% /I#& letting &$ antici*ation +uild% Shall )e go inside2/
He rolled his e$es hea(en)ard% She hurried across the threshold and ca&e
to an a+ru*t sto* in the center o' the entrance to )ait until her e$es
ad8usted to the dar-ness% She sa) a soldier standing in 'ront o' dou+le
doors on her le't, +o)ed to hi&, and then loo-ed around )ith interest%
It )as +ad all right, +ut not as +ad as she had i&agined it )ould +e% There
)ere stone ste*s directl$ in 'ront o' her, a stone )all on her right% She
assu&ed she )as on the &ain @oor and the +edcha&+ers )ere on the
@oor a+o(e% She )as curious to see the hall, o' course, +ut )hen she
turned to go through the dou+le doors, Connor too- hold o' her ar& to
sto* her%
/0ou )on#t e(er go in there,/ he ex*lained as he guided her to)ard the
/Wh$ )on#t I2/
/The higher ran-ing soldiers are inside% Do $ou )ant &e to carr$ $ou
He didn#t gi(e her ti&e to decide% He had li'ted her into his ar&s and had
reached the door at the to* +e'ore she could ans)er hi&%
"nother sentr$ stood guard on a landing that )as so narro), he had to
co&e do)n a ste* in order to o*en the door%
Connor nodded to the soldier +e'ore striding inside% He *ut her do)n in the
entrance and >uic-l$ ex*lained )here e(er$thing )as located%
The great hall )as to the le't o' the entrance and directl$ a+o(e the
soldiers# >uarters% It )as >uite large, though it )asn#t nearl$ as large as
"lec 5incaid#s, and it )as s*arsel$ 'urnished%
Directl$ across 'ro& the entrance )as a large stone hearth +uilt into the
)all% Though a .re +la4ed to ta-e the chill 'ro& the air, it )asn#t *ro(ing
e,ecti(e% Three )indo)s co(ered )ith ugl$ +ro)n 'a+ric ran along one o'
the )alls, and there )as a long ta+le )ith t)in +enches @an-ing either
The hall )as as )elco&ing as a co=n% :renna -ne) she )as going to ha(e
to &a-e so&e changes as soon as *ossi+le% She )ould start +$ *lacing
rushes on the )ooden @oors and hanging se(eral +rightl$ colored +anners
and ta*estries on the star- )alls% " *rett$ cloth )ould hide the scarred
ta+leto*, and cushions *laced on the hard +enches )ould &a-e sitting
&ore co&'orta+le%
She *ictured )hat the hall could loo- li-e and )as suddenl$ eager to get
/!a$ I add a 'e) touches here and there, Connor2/ In her excite&ent, she
clas*ed her hands together and s&iled u* at hi& )hile she )aited to
recei(e his *er&ission%
/This is $our ho&e, :renna% 0ou &a$ do )hate(er $ou )ant to do%/
/!a$ I -iss $ou2/
The >uestion caught hi& o, guard% /Ha(e $ou 'orgotten $ou#re irritated
)ith &e2/
/No, I ha(en#t 'orgotten, +ut &$ irritation is gone no)% 0ou do -no) )h$,
don#t $ou2/
Her (oice had dro**ed to a )his*er% He res*onded in -ind% /No, I don#t
-no) )h$,/ he re*lied, a hint o' a s&ile in his e$es%
/:ecause )e#re standing together 'or the .rst ti&e in our ho&e, and I
reali4e that this is the *er'ect ti&e 'or us to start o(er% 0ou should -iss &e
/We cannot start o(er )hene(er the &ood stri-es $ou%/
She reached u* to cu* the +ac- o' his head in her hands and dre) hi&
do)n 'or a -iss% Her li*s +rushed o(er his in a >uic-, gentle caress &eant
to tor&ent hi&% She )anted hi& to -iss her +ac-, o' course, and )hen he
didn#t coo*erate, she +rushed her li*s o(er his once again%
/It#s a ne) +eginning,/ she ex*lained in a )his*er%
He continued to resist, although in truth he had sto**ed *a$ing attention
to )hat she )as sa$ing% He )anted onl$ to +ene.t 'ro& his )i'e#s arousing
&ethods o' tr$ing to s)a$ hi&%
She )asn#t +eing at all su+tle, )hich o' course )as exactl$ )h$ he )as
en8o$ing hi&sel', and as she +egan to tug on his lo)er li* to get a
reaction, he -ne) he )ould soon let her )in% He *ulled her into his ar&s,
*ressed her +od$ against his, and slo)l$ shoo- his head at her%
/No, )e can#t start o(er%/
Her e$es s*ar-led )ith de(il&ent% /"h, Connor, )e alread$ ha(e%/
The -iss she ga(e hi& then )as altogether di,erent 'ro& the one +e'ore%
Her -iss )asn#t *la$'ul no), +ut de&anding, and the second she o*ened
her &outh 'or hi& and +egan to tease hi& )ith her tongue, he too-
a+solute *ossession%
He &ight ha(e laughed, he couldn#t re&e&+er, 'or this )as the .rst ti&e
:renna had consciousl$ set out to te&*t hi&% She still didn#t understand
the *h$sical *o)er she had o(er hi&, and he ho*ed to God she ne(er did%
She )as si&*l$ te&*ting hi& to ta-e )hat he )ould no), and in her
innocent @irtation, she )as actuall$ sho)ing hi& the extent o' her
a,ection 'or hi&%
He heard her lo) &oan o' *leasure, 'elt her tighten her hold around his
nec-, and )as arrogantl$ satis.ed to -no) that )hile he )as co&*letel$ in
control o' his e&otions, his )i'e soon )ould not +e o' hers% :renna )as
honest and 'orthright in e(er$thing she did, and in a )orld .lled )ith
deceit, )here )hat )asn#t said )as o'ten 'ar &ore i&*ortant than )hat
)as, he 'ound hi&sel' dra)n to :renna#s si&*listic (ie)%
Connor didn#t consciousl$ let hi&sel' get caught u* in the &o&ent, $et
that )as )hat ha**ened all the sa&e% Passion )as suddenl$ +urning
inside o' hi&, and one -iss no longer satis.ed hi&% He )anted it all%
Cust as he )as &a-ing u* his &ind to ta-e her u*stairs and +ed her, she
a+ru*tl$ ended the -iss +$ turning her 'ace a)a$% Her (oice )as a ragged
)his*er against his ear as she ex*lained% /We aren#t alone%/
/No one )ould dare intrude )ithout gaining *er&ission,/ he told her as he
tried to -iss her again%
/So&eone#s )atching us, Connor% Please let go o' &e%/
He did as she as-ed and then turned to con'ront the intruder%
Eu*he&ia )as standing on the landing a+o(e the ste*s leading to the
+edroo&s% Connor#s ex*ression changed in the +lin- o' an e$e% He s&iled
)ith true 8o$, and :renna 'ound hersel' s&iling in reaction%
/It#s good to see $ou again, Eu*he&ia,/ he called out, his great a,ection
'or the )o&an a**arent in his (oice%
:renna#s -nees al&ost +uc-led% She couldn#t +elie(e )hat she had 8ust
heard% Eu*he&ia couldn#t +e here% She )as due to arri(e to&orro), not
toda$, +ut she )as here no), and had 8ust o+ser(ed her ste*son#s
disgustingl$ undisci*lined )i'e thro)ing hersel' at hi&%
:renna considered -ic-ing her hus+and +ecause he hadn#t +othered to tell
her Eu*he&ia had arri(ed, +ut didn#t gi(e in to the urge +ecause she
)anted the )o&an to li-e her, not des*ise her%
1irst i&*ressions )ere o'ten )rong% :renna tried to -ee* that 'act in &ind
as she stared u* at Connor#s ste*&other% Eu*he&ia a**eared to +e as old
as the *ines% She re&inded :renna o' a cro), as she )as dressed in +lac-
and see&ed to +e *erched on the to* ste*, )ith her shoulders hunched
'or)ard and her ga4e intent, *enetrating, al&ost *iercing as she )atched
Connor )al- to)ard her%
:renna )as instincti(el$ )ar$ o' the )o&an, +ut +e'ore she could +erate
hersel' 'or +eing 'rightened and ha(ing such uncharita+le thoughts a+out
the elderl$ )o&an#s a**earance, she )itnessed a startling trans'or&ation
o(erta-e Eu*he&ia% The )o&an suddenl$ straightened u* to her 'ull
height, )hich surel$ &ade her nearl$ as tall as Connor% She thre) her
shoulders +ac- and glided do)n the ste*s )ith the grace and elegance
one )ould ex*ect 'ro& a >ueen% The s&ile she ga(e Connor so'tened the
)rin-les at the corners o' her e$es, and no one )ould ha(e noticed then
the &a4e o' dee* creases &a**ing her 'ace% :renna )as ca*ti(ated +$ the
sincerit$ she sa) in Eu*he&ia#s e$es%
The change in her stunned :renna% Eu*he&ia )as still old, o' course, +ut
she )asn#t an$ older than :renna#s o)n dear &other% Grie(ing had
o+(iousl$ le't its cruel &ar-s on the )o&an, see&ingl$ aging her 'ar
+e$ond her actual $ears, and, oh, ho) she &ust ha(e lo(ed Connor#s
'ather to ha(e +een so de(astated +$ his death% :oth the gra$ hair and the
)rin-les car(ed in her 'ace ga(e testi&on$ to the *ain the *oor )o&an
had endured%
:renna#s heart )ent out to her% She )anted to hel* ease her sorro) in an$
)a$ that she could% Connor called :renna#s na&e then and she hurried
'or)ard% "s soon as he .nished introducing her, she +o)ed lo) to
Eu*he&ia and said ho) *leased she )as to &eet her% Eu*he&ia#s s&ile
)as so&e)hat guarded, :renna noticed, +ut Connor#s )i'e still 'elt she
had +een 'ound acce*ta+le%
/The *leasure is &ine,/ Eu*he&ia said, sur*rising :renna once again,
+ecause her (oice )as that o' a $oung )o&an, and no) that :renna
loo-ed closel$ at her, she reali4ed his ste*&other had once +een a (er$
+eauti'ul )o&an% She )asn#t +eauti'ul no)%
/0ou are the reason I .nall$ ca&e +ac-,/ Eu*he&ia continued% /1or I )as
>uite eager to &eet the )o&an )ho had at last ca*tured Connor% I ha(e
+een *laguing hi& 'or $ears to ta-e a )i'e%/
She turned to Connor once again% /No) I &ust )or- on getting ;aen to
&arr$% He#s +een e(en &ore resistant to the idea than $ou )ere% I 'ear he#ll
+e an old &an +e'ore he ta-es a +ride%/
:renna stood +$ her hus+and#s side, listening as the t)o o' the&
discussed ;aen#s health and ha**iness% Connor )anted to .nd out )ho
;aen )as currentl$ ser(ing +ecause he had heard he )as no longer under
7aird 1erson#s co&&and, +ut Eu*he&ia s-irted the issue +$ suggesting he
s*ea- to her son a+out such &atters%
/Has ;aen arri(ed $et2/ :renna as-ed%
/No,/ Eu*he&ia ans)ered% /!$ son )ill 8oin &e to&orro)%/
Connor suggested the$ sit at the ta+le and continue their con(ersation%
:renna 'ollo)ed +ehind her hus+and, s&iling o(er the )a$ Eu*he&ia *ut
her hand on Connor#s ar& and s&iled so lo(ingl$ at hi&%
Eu*he&ia continued to tal- a+out ;aen 'or se(eral &ore &inutes, and
then she loo-ed at :renna, o+(iousl$ )aiting 'or her to sa$ so&ething% She
+lurted out the .rst thing that ca&e into her head% /I#& eager to &eet
such a *er'ect &an%/
She reali4ed she sounded derisi(e and )as horri.ed% /0ou sound li-e &$
&other, 7ad$ Eu*he&ia% She also +elie(es her sons are )onder'ul% She#s
right, o' course, 8ust as $ou are%/
Eu*he&ia nodded% /I a& eager to see ;aen,/ she said% /It#s +een o(er six
&onths since he last (isited &e% He#s terri+l$ +us$, and I diligentl$ tr$ not
to &eddle in his a,airs%/
/Was the 8ourne$ di=cult 'or $ou, &ada&2/ Connor as-ed%
/I cannot lie and tell $ou it )as eas$,/ she re*lied% /0et it )as no )orse
than )hat I antici*ated,/ she added, her ga4e directed at :renna no)%
She thought it )as s)eet that Eu*he&ia )as thought'ull$ including her%
/Ho) long ha(e $ou +een a)a$2/ she as-ed%
/Sixteen $ears, three &onths,/ she ans)ered% /So&e &ornings it see&s as
though &$ Donald *assed a)a$ 8ust the da$ +e'ore, so o(erco&e a& I
)ith sorro)%/
Connor nodded )ith understanding% He noticed the tears in Eu*he&ia#s
e$es and gentl$ turned the con(ersation to lighter &atters%
:renna )as ha**$ to sit +$ her hus+and#s side and listen% 6ne to*ic led to
another and another, and +e'ore :renna reali4ed it, a good hour had
She )ould ha(e +een ha**$ to sit there the rest o' the night, +ecause the
loo- o' *eace on her hus+and#s 'ace )as a )orth$ re)ard% She had ne(er
seen hi& this relaxed or content% He o+(iousl$ lo(ed this )o&an, certainl$
honored her, and had &issed her terri+l$%
Her thoughts turned to her o)n dear &other then, and as she *ictured
their reunion one da$ in the 'uture, tears s*rang into her e$es% To sto*
hersel' 'ro& +eco&ing &elanchol$, she >uit thin-ing a+out her 'a&il$ and
considered instead )hat she )ould li-e to eat 'or su**er%
Eu*he&ia *ulled her +ac- to the con(ersation at hand +$ calling her
/I +eg $our indulgence, +ut the 8ourne$ here has le't &e )ear$% I#& not as
$oung as I used to +e, and e(en short rides tire &e% I )ould li-e to retire
'or the night, i' $ou )ill allo) &e to, and )ould a**reciate a tra$ o' light
'are sent u* to &e%/
Connor i&&ediatel$ stood u* to assist his ste*&other%
/!a$ I hel* $ou get settled, 7ad$ !ac"lister2/ :renna as-ed%
/6ne o' Connor#s ser(ants has alread$ seen to the dut$, child%/
:renna +o)ed to her and +id her good night% Connor suggested she )ait in
the hall 'or hi& until he returned 'ro& escorting Eu*he&ia to her roo&%
:renna understood Connor#s need to ha(e a *ri(ate &o&ent )ith his
ste*&other and didn#t &ind at all that she had +een excluded%
He )as gone a long )hile% :$ the ti&e he returned to the hall, her
sto&ach )as gro)ling 'or 'ood and she )as so slee*$, she could +arel$
hold her head u*%
Her hus+and#s &anner )as +ris- no), and she noticed that though he#d
had no di=cult$ )hatsoe(er lingering during his reunion )ith his
ste*&other, he couldn#t sho) his )i'e hal' as &uch consideration%
/There are 'our cha&+ers u*stairs, :renna% The -itchens are in a se*arate
+uilding +ehind the hall, should $ou e(er 'eel the need to go there%/
He clas*ed hold o' her hand and led her u* the staircase% She )as than-'ul
the ste*s )eren#t nearl$ as stee* as the ones leading u* 'ro& the soldiers#
/Wh$ is there a +anister here and not +elo)2 Was there a reason 'or not
+uilding one2/
/0es,/ he ans)ered% /"re $ou reall$ hungr$2/
/I could eat a little so&ething% I#& still )aiting 'or $ou to tell &e )h$ there
isn#t a railing%/
/It#s easier to *ush soldiers do)n, that#s )h$%/
She thought he )as 8esting% When he didn#t s&ile, she changed her &ind%
/That#s rather i&*olite, isn#t it2/
He didn#t understand she )as teasing hi& and a**arentl$ didn#t 'eel her
>uestion &erited an ans)er%
When the$ reached the landing, he &otioned to the dar- hall)a$ +ehind
her% /There are three cha&+ers there% 6ur +edroo& is on the other side o'
the landing, straight ahead o' $ou%/
She didn#t &o(e 'ast enough to suit hi&% He *ulled her along and sto**ed
onl$ a'ter the$#d entered the cha&+er% The door sla&&ed shut +ehind hi&
)ith a resounding thud% It )as co&*letel$ dar- inside% Connor crossed the
cha&+er and *ulled +ac- the co(ering o(er the )indo) to let the light
co&e in%
:renna let out a sigh o' relie' +ecause the roo& )asn#t nearl$ as +ad as
she thought it )ould +e% There )as a nice-si4ed hearth at one end o' the
cha&+er and a +ed at the o**osite end% T)o lo) chests @an-ed the sides,
)ith se(eral candles on to* o' each% 6ther than a 'e) hoo-s *laced high
u* on the )all +eside the door, there )asn#t an$thing &ore to +e noticed%
She hurried o(er to the )indo) to see the (ie) and i&&ediatel$ )ished
she hadn#t +othered% Straight ahead )as the court$ard and then the ruins,
a gloo&$ *icture to +e sure, and since she didn#t )ant to d)ell on the *ast
no), she )ent to the +ed to .nd out i' it )as lu&*$ or so't%
/It#s a (er$ nice +ed,/ she re&ar-ed% /"nd so is the roo&% 0ou li(e li-e a
*easant, don#t $ou, Connor, )ithout an$ unnecessar$ luxuries2/
/Does that +other $ou2/
/No,/ she ans)ered% /!a$ I ha(e a +ath2/
/To&orro) I#ll ta-e $ou to the la-e%/
/Tonight, i' $ou *lease2/
He relented% /I#ll ha(e a +ath *re*ared% 0ou#ll ha(e to )ait )hile the )ater
is heated in the -itchens and carried u*%/
She shoo- her head% /I )ould not *ut $our sta, to such trou+le% I could
+athe in the -itchens, couldn#t I2/
He )asn#t sur*rised +$ her thought'ulness +ecause he#d alread$ noticed
she *ut the concerns o' others +e'ore her o)n, no &atter ho) &uch she
)as incon(enienced% 6r in8ured, he thought to add, 'or she had *ut
Grace#s sa'et$ a+o(e her o)n%
/0es, $ou &a$ +athe in the -itchens%/
/!a$ I also eat there2/
/I' $ou )ish%/
He o*ened the door to lea(e, +ut hesitated at the threshold, 'ro)ning as
he noticed once again the dar- shado)s under her e$es% In the so't light
the$ see&ed &ore *ronounced% He 'elt res*onsi+le 'or her exhaustion
+ecause he#d *ushed her too hard, and )hile he regretted *utting her
through such a di=cult ordeal, there reall$ hadn#t +een an$ other choice%
!acNare and his soldiers had +een gaining on the&, and getting her to
sa'et$ 'ar out)eighed her need 'or slee*%
/I )ant $ou to rest%/
/Will $ou rest +eside &e2/
/No) that Eu*he&ia is here, are $ou still intent on lea(ing to&orro)2/
/Do $ou thin- she li-ed &e2/
/6' course she li-ed $ou% 0ou shouldn#t need &$ reassurance%/
/Will she sta$ )ith us a long )hile2/
/I ho*e so,/ he ans)ered on his )a$ out the door% /I ha(en#t as-ed%/
/Please don#t 'orget to send one o' $our &en to .nd Gill$%/
/I )on#t 'orget% "n$ other >uestions2/
Neither his gru, attitude nor his 'ro)n deterred her% She hurried o(er to
the door)a$, leaned u* on her ti*toes, and -issed hi&% She )as (er$
thorough% Connor *ut his ar& around her )aist, hauled her u* against hi&,
and -issed her a second ti&e, 'ar &ore *assionatel$ than he#d intended to
and not nearl$ as long as he )anted% She ended the -iss +$ *ulling a)a$
'ro& hi&% She sa) the +e)ilder&ent in his e$es, turned around so he
)ouldn#t see her s&ile, and then thought to tell hi& he could no) ta-e his
He )as hal')a$ do)n the stairs +e'ore he reali4ed he#d +een dis&issed%
?uinlan had to tell hi& he )as s&iling% The soldier )anted to -no) )h$
his laird )as ha**$, lea(ing Connor no choice +ut to ad&it he didn#t ha(e
the 'aintest idea%
"lthough it )asn#t *ossi+le, the ruins o' Connor#s 'ather#s ho&e see&ed to
ha(e &o(ed closer, and no &atter )here :renna stood in the roo&,
)hene(er she loo-ed outside, the destruction )as all she could see%
She couldn#t sto* staring at the de*ressing sight% She -ne) his 'ather had
died there, +ut had Connor )itnessed his death2 She ho*ed he hadn#t
+ecause she couldn#t e(en +egin to i&agine ho) *ain'ul it )ould +e to
)atch her o)n dear 'ather die%
" -noc- on her door )as a )elco&e intrusion to such sad thoughts% "
soldier carried in her +aggage, and the &inute she )as le't alone again,
she *ulled out a change o' clothing, her +rush and t)o ri++ons, and
hurried do)nstairs%
There )asn#t a soul on the &ain @oor, and not a sound could +e heard
co&ing 'ro& outside% She didn#t li-e the silence at all% She )as used to
+eing surrounded +$ 'a&il$, ser(ants, and (isitors, and she -ne) it )as
going to ta-e ti&e 'or her to ad8ust to the change%
The coo- )as co&ing to 'etch her and had *ushed the +ac- door o*en 8ust
as :renna )as reaching 'or the handle% It too- the )o&an a &o&ent to
reco(er 'ro& her sur*rise% She +ac-ed do)n the ste*s, +o)ed lo), and
introduced hersel' in such a lo) (oice, it )as as though she )ere
con'essing her sins to a *riest and didn#t )ish to +e o(erheard% Her na&e
)as "da% She )as t)ice :renna#s height, extre&el$ rounded in her &iddle,
and had enough gra$ in her +raid to suggest she )as getting on in $ears%
:oth her gentle &anner and so't (oice re&inded :renna o' her &other,
and she too- to the )o&an at once% "da )as 8ust as +oss$ as :renna#s
&other, too% 6nce she assisted her &istress into the stea&ing )ater, "da
re'used to gi(e her an$ soa* until :renna *ro&ised not to )ash her hair%
The t)o )o&en con(ersed )ith one another using a co&+ination o' Gaelic
and gestures% "da s*o-e )ith a +rogue so thic- and gar+led, :renna could
catch onl$ a )ord or t)o out o' her long, ra&+ling ex*lanations% She .nall$
*ointed to the stitches on her &istress#s 'orehead, 'ro)ned, and
(ehe&entl$ shoo- her head% :renna concluded she didn#t )ant her to get
the stitches )et%
"da didn#t notice the +ruise on the +ac- o' her thigh until she hel*ed
:renna get out o' the )ooden tu+% The older )o&an cluc-ed o(er her li-e
a &other hen, and in her atte&*t to sho) ho) s$&*athetic she )as, she
*ounded so roughl$ on :renna#s shoulder, she (er$ nearl$ sent :renna
sailing across the -itchen%
"'ter )ra**ing the laird#s ne) )i'e in a +lan-et, "da de&anded to -no)
the stor$ +ehind :renna#s in8uries% :renna tried se(eral ti&es to ex*lain
the circu&stances, +ut the onl$ )ords the )o&an understood )ere those
con(e$ing the 'act that she#d 'allen do)n the ste*s%
:renna tried to *ut on the clothes she#d +rought do)n 'ro& her +aggage,
+ut "da )ouldn#t let her% She snatched the gar&ents out o' her hands and
handed her ne) clothing instead% :renna -ne) Connor )as res*onsi+le 'or
the thought'ulness +ecause "da -e*t +o)ing her head and sa$ing /7aird
!ac"lister/ o(er and o(er again%
Ten &inutes later, :renna )as dressed in a *ale gold go)n )ith a
!ac"lister *laid o(ers-irt%
"da insisted on hel*ing her get to the -itchen#s ta+le% Telling the )o&an
she didn#t need her assistance *ro(ed useless% The )o&an#s &ind )as
alread$ &ade u*, and it )as 'utile to argue%
:renna didn#t ha(e an$ idea )hat it )as she had +een gi(en to eat, +ut
the @a(or and the aro&a )ere so )onder'ul she had to ha(e a large
second hel*ing% :oth the 'ood and "da#s co&*anionshi* in(igorated her%
She )asn#t read$ to go to +ed a'ter all and decided to ex*lore outside until
The &inute she ste**ed outside the -itchen door, she heard &en
shouting% The noise see&ed to +e co&ing 'ro& the court$ard% It sounded
as though >uite a cro)d had gathered, )ith e(er$one tr$ing to +e heard at
the sa&e ti&e, and :renna )as curious to .nd out )hat )as ha**ening%
She sa) so&e &en running u* the slo*e to)ard the 'ront o' the -ee*,
their ex*ressions gri&% Instincti(el$, she *roceeded &ore cautiousl$%
:$ the ti&e she reached the side o' the -ee*, the court$ard )as silent%
She thought the soldiers &ust ha(e continued on to)ard the crest, +ut
)hen she turned the corner and sa) the& standing in a )ide circle, she
ca&e to an a+ru*t sto*%
"s one, the soldiers stared to)ard the center o' the circle% The$ see&ed
trans.xed% :renna noticed that three o' the &en )ere )earing *laids
di,erent 'ro& the !ac"lister#s% The$ )ere the onl$ ones )ho &o(ed at all%
She sa) their 'ear'ul ex*ressions each ti&e the$ glanced u* to loo- at her
hus+and% Connor )as on the 'ar side o' the circle% Had he loo-ed u*, he
)ould ha(e seen her standing there, )atching, +ut li-e the others, his
attention )as on the ground%
The collecti(e &ood o' the &en told her so&ething )as terri+l$ )rong%
She -e*t her ga4e on her hus+and as she )al-ed 'or)ard, and ho*ed he
)ould loo- u* at her so she )ould -no) )hether to co&e 'or)ard or turn
a)a$% His rigid stance should ha(e +een su=cient )arning, $et she )as
still un*re*ared 'or )hat she )as a+out to see%
She 'ound an o*ening +et)een t)o !ac"lister soldiers, &o(ed closer, and
stood u* on her ti*toes tr$ing to see o(er the shoulders o' the &en
standing in 'ront o' her% Cust then one o' the &en &o(ed o(er a +it and
suddenl$ she )as a+le to loo- do)n at the ground and see )hat the others
)ere staring at%
She sa) the +lood$ re&ains o' an ani&al )ith a -notted ro*e t)isted
a+out its nec-, and at .rst glance she didn#t understand the signi.cance%
Then she noticed )hat )as le't o' the +raided &ane and the *rett$ *in-
ri++on tied into a *er'ect little +o)%
The i&*act struc- her li-e a +lo)% :ile rushed u* to her throat, and )ith it
ca&e her lo) )hi&*er o' *ain%
She )as loo-ing at her o)n s)eet Gill$%
Cha*ter F
Contents - Pre( A Next
Connor 'aced his )i'e in the circle and )aited 'or her to loo- at hi&% He
could tell she didn#t i&&ediatel$ understand )hat she )as loo-ing at% He
ho*ed to God she )ouldn#t recogni4e the horse, e(en though he -ne) in
his heart she )ould% Wh$ hadn#t he ta-en the ti&e to re&o(e the da&ned
ri++on the second he#d seen it2 Surel$ that )as the onl$ )a$ she )ould
e(er ha(e -no)n it )as Gill$%
He ached 'or her% The *ain he sa) in her e$es at the &o&ent o'
recognition &ade hi& co&e close to losing his control% It too- all his
)ill*o)er to stand *er'ectl$ still% She &ade a lo) sound% He )as certain
Hugh#s soldiers )ould thin- it )as 8ust the )his*er o' the )ind, 'or one
&an loo-ed u* at the s-$ +e'ore turning +ac- to Connor%
:renna *ut her hand to her throat, too- a ste* +ac-, and 'ranticall$ sought
out Connor%
He )anted to go to her, +ut he didn#t &o(e and, in 'act, -ne) he couldn#t
sho) her an$ co&*assion until a'ter the soldiers had ta-en their lea(e%
Hugh#s &en )ould return to their laird to re*ort the !ac"lister#s reaction,
and Connor )ould +e da&ned 'or eternit$ +e'ore he )ould let an$ outsider
-no) )hat he thought a+out the &essage !acNare had sent hi&%
He )as )orried his )i'e )ould screa& or +rea- do)n in 'ront o' the
)itnesses% He )ouldn#t +la&e her, 'or she 'elt great a,ection 'or her *et,
+ut he *ra$ed she )ould )al- a)a$ .rst% He tried to hel* her, holding her
ga4e 'or a long &o&ent, )illing her )ith his silence and his &as- o' cold
indi,erence to 'ollo) his lead% He -ne) he )as as-ing too &uch o' her and
honestl$ didn#t -no) i' she could gi(e hi& )hat he )anted% 0et, 8ust as he
&ade u* his &ind to order her +ac- inside, he sa) her hand dro* do)n to
her side and the color rush +ac- into her 'ace% She straightened to her 'ull
height, shuddered once, and ga(e hi& a +arel$ *erce*ti+le nod%
She ga(e hi& 'ar &ore than he#d ex*ected% She loo-ed at Hugh#s soldiers,
and honest to God, there )as a 'aint s&ile on her 'ace as though she
)anted to )elco&e the& to her ho&e +ut -ne) she shouldn#t until her
laird introduced her%
Dear God, he )as *roud o' her% She a**eared to +e onl$ &ildl$ curious as
she studied each &an#s 'ace, and )hen she .nished her ins*ection, she
glanced at Connor one last ti&e, +o)ed to hi&, and then turned around
and )al-ed a)a$ )ith all the dignit$ and regal +earing o' a *rincess%
E(er$one )atched her lea(e% Se(eral ser(ants )aited +$ the side o' the
-ee* 'or their &istress, and as :renna )al-ed *ast the&, one called out to
/!i#lad$, )hat are the &en loo-ing at2/
/Cust a dead horse,/ she called out% /Nothing &ore%/
She continued on at a leisurel$ *ace, and onl$ )hen she had disa**eared
around the corner did Hugh#s soldiers turn +ac- to Connor% The$ )ere
staggered +$ the grin the$ sa) on 7aird !ac"lister#s 'ace%
The senior o' the e&issaries addressed the laird% /Hugh is concerned $ou#ll
decide he had so&ething to do )ith this%/
Cris*in ste**ed 'or)ard to ans)er 'or his laird% He to)ered o(er the
soldier, 'orcing the &an to ta-e a hast$ ste* +ac-%
/Hugh has no reason to +e concerned% 6ur laird -no)s )ho sent the
/0ou#(e co&*leted $our errand,/ ?uinlan announced% /7ea(e no) and let
us get +ac- to i&*ortant &atters%/
Se(eral o' the !ac"lister )arriors nodded their agree&ent, and the
&essenger noted the$ )ere all s&iling li-e their laird%
/Do I re*ort $our laird )as incon(enienced and nothing &ore2/
/;e*ort )hat $ou )ill,/ Connor ans)ered% /It &a-es no di,erence to &e%/
/Do $ou )ant us to ta-e the re&ains )ith us2/
/7ea(e it 'or our dogs,/ Cris*in suggested%
Connor nodded +e'ore he )al-ed a)a$%
The &essenger )ouldn#t 'orget )hat he had )itnessed, and )hen he stood
+e'ore his laird, he )ould re*ort onl$ that 7aird !ac"lister had +een (astl$
a&used +$ the ene&$#s &essage%
:renna &ade it to the +edroo& +e'ore she started gagging% She )as a+le
to -ee* the 'ood in her sto&ach +$ ta-ing dee* +reaths and 'orcing hersel'
to +loc- the i&age o' Gill$%
When her nausea slo)l$ su+sided, she sat do)n on the side o' the +ed,
gri**ed her hands together in her la*, and tried to &a-e sense out o' the
horror% She didn#t )ee*, 'or &ourning, she +elie(ed, should +e reser(ed 'or
&en, not ani&als, and it +eca&e a &easure o' her control that she not
gi(e in to the desire%
Poor Gill$% Her 'aith'ul &are had ne(er done an$one an$ har&% The docile,
o+edient *et had +rought :renna such 8o$ o(er the $ears, and should ha(e
+een retired to a .eld o' clo(er to die )hen her ti&e ca&e% To thin- that
she had +een &utilated and then dragged hal')a$ u* a &ountain )as
nearl$ too horri+le to acce*t%
She *ra$ed the gentle *et had died >uic-l$ +e'ore the sadistic -illers had
used their -ni(es and hatchets on her% Who )ould do such a (ile,
conte&*ti+le thing2 What -ind o' &onster )ould destro$ one o' God#s
gentle creatures )ith such &alicious intent2
!acNare% He &ust +e +ehind the deed% He &ust ha(e +een in a rage all
the )hile he#d chased a'ter Connor and her, and )hen he ha**ened u*on
Gill$, he turned his )rath against her% Intil toda$, :renna hadn#t -no)n
&en )ere ca*a+le o' such horrendous cruelt$% When her 'ather had
decreed she )ould &arr$
!acNare, she re&e&+ered she#d +een angr$ and )orried% :ut she hadn#t
+een trul$ a'raid o' the laird%
She )as terri.ed o' hi& no)% I' this is )hat he )ould do to an ani&al, )hat
)ould he do to a &an2 The thought led to another &ore terri'$ing one% I'
Connor hadn#t co&e 'or her )hen he did, she )ould +e &arried to the
de&on no)% The reali4ation &ade her start gagging again%
She didn#t -no) ho) long she sat on the +ed thin-ing a+out )hat had
ha**ened, +ut the roo& )as dar- +$ the ti&e Connor ca&e inside% She
neither loo-ed at hi& nor s*o-e to hi& and )as than-'ul 'or his silence,
+ecause she -ne) she )ouldn#t +e a+le to tal- a+out Gill$ 8ust $et%
"'ter gi(ing her a >uic- glance to &a-e certain she )as all right, he +olted
the door +ehind hi&, then crossed to the hearth to start a .re +la4ing% He
-e*t ex*ecting her to shout at hi&, and )hen she re&ained silent, he
gre) e(en &ore )orried% He -ne) she &ust +e angr$ )ith hi& +ecause he
had insisted on lea(ing Gill$ +ehind% He didn#t )ant :renna to -ee* her
anger inside% The sooner she got it out in the o*en, the sooner she could
slee* again%
Wo&en, his +rother had told hi&, had the uni>ue a+ilit$ to rid the&sel(es
o' their anger si&*l$ +$ ac-no)ledging it% !en )eren#t a+le to do such a
thing% "nger )ould o'ten 'ester inside the hearts o' )arriors 'or $ears and
$ears, until the$ 'ound a )a$ to right the )rong done to the&% Connor
)ouldn#t ha(e had it an$ other )a$%
/0ou#re shi(ering% Co&e and stand +$ the .re%/
She sur*rised hi& +$ o+e$ing% "s soon as she crossed the cha&+er, he
*ulled her into his ar&s, told her to loo- u* at hi&, and then ga(e her
*er&ission to shout at hi&%
/I don#t )ant to shout at $ou,/ she said, *u44led%
/I -no) $ou#re angr$ )ith &e% 0ou#ll tell &e a+out it no) and get rid o' it%/
/I#& not angr$ )ith $ou%/
/I &ade the decision to lea(e $our horse +ehind%/
/0es, +ut it )as necessar$%/
She turned a)a$ 'ro& hi& and stared into the @a&es% /!acNare#s
/He too- *leasure in )hat he did to Gill$% Didn#t he2/
/Don#t thin- a+out it%/
/"ns)er &e%/ Her (oice )as shar*er than she intended, +ut Connor didn#t
see& to +e at all +othered +$ it% His res*onse )as >uite &ild )hen he
agreed )ith her%
/0es, I#& sure he too- *leasure in &utilating the horse%/
/I ho*e Gill$ died >uic-l$ +e'ore9 Did she2/
He loo-ed her right in the e$e )hile he lied to her% /0es%/
/Ho) can $ou -no) 'or certain2/
/I -no)%/ He )as e&*hatic enough 'or her to thin- he )as telling her the
/I shouldn#t ha(e le't the +raided ri++ons dressing her &ane% That#s ho)
he -ne) she +elonged to a )o&an, isn#t it2/
/The$ )ould ha(e -no)n an$)a$% She )as s&aller than an$ o' ours%/
Connor )as ta-ing it all in stride% She *ulled out o' his ar&s and loo-ed u*
at his 'ace again +ut couldn#t see an$ anger there at all%
/0ou#re (er$ cal& a+out it all, aren#t $ou2 Don#t $ou )ant to shout2/ she
/Would such a reaction change )hat ha**ened2/
She shoo- her head% She -ne) he )as right% ;anting and ra(ing )ouldn#t
+ring Gill$ +ac- to her% Still, the lac- o' e&otion Connor )as sho)ing &ade
her 'eel all the &ore alone )ith her anger and her terror%
/Wh$ did !acNare go to such trou+le to send )hat )as le't o' Gill$ to us2/
/He )anted &e to see )hat he#d done% Go to +ed no)% 0ou need $our
/Was it a &essage 'or $ou or 'or &e2/
/Gill$ +elonged to &e%/
/:ut $ou +elong to &e,/ he reasoned%
/Was it a &essage o' )hat#s to co&e2/
/Hugh#s soldiers said !acNare called it a gi't,/ he told her% He 'orced her
closer to hi& again and +egan to re&o(e her clothes%
She didn#t resist until he tried to ta-e her che&ise o, her% /I#ll +e cold%/
He )ouldn#t +e deterred% /I#ll -ee* $ou )ar& tonight% I notice $ou#re still
)earing the &edallion $our 'ather ga(e $ou% I told $ou to thro) it a)a$,/
he re&inded her% He reall$ didn#t care )hat she did )ith the )ooden dis-,
no) that he understood her +etter and -ne) she )asn#t )earing it to
insult hi&% It see&ed har&less enough%
/I didn#t do it%/
/Do )hat2/
/Thro) it a)a$%/
/I can see $ou didn#t,/ he said, a&used% /0ou#re reall$ exhausted tonight,
aren#t $ou2/
/0es% I don#t thin- I#ll +e a+le to slee* though% I#& too angr$ and9/
/"nd )hat2/
She shoo- her head% She )asn#t read$ to ad&it to hi& ho) 'rightened she
)as% /Will $ou co&e to +ed )ith &e2/
/Not $et% I ha(e one &ore dut$ to co&*lete%/
/Is it i&*ortant2/
/Could $ou rest +eside &e 'or 8ust a 'e) &inutes, *lease2/
She )ouldn#t get into +ed until he agreed, so he re&o(ed his +oots,
stretched out on his +ac-, and stac-ed his hands +ehind his head% He
stared u* at the ceiling% She stared at hi&%
He ga(e the a**earance o' a contented &an )ho didn#t ha(e a )orr$ in
the )orld, and had she not seen hi& standing across 'ro& her in the
court$ard, she )ould ha(e thought he hadn#t seen or heard a+out Gill$
$et% His reaction didn#t co&'ort her%
She )ould ha(e *re'erred slee*ing on the side closer to the door, +ut he
&ade her ta-e the side +$ the )indo) instead% She didn#t )ant to stare
out at the ruins, +ut she didn#t )ant to loo- at Connor either, +ecause his
cold attitude )as nearl$ as unsettling as the (ie) in the &oonlight, and so
she ended u* @at on her +ac- staring u* at the ceiling, too%
She couldn#t understand her hus+and#s indi,erence% When he )as loo-ing
do)n at Gill$, he#d a**eared co&*letel$ unconcerned, +ut she thought
he#d +een *retending so the &essengers )ouldn#t ha(e an$thing
)orth)hile to re*ort% No) she )asn#t so certain% Perha*s Connor hadn#t
+een *retending at all% Could he reall$ +e so un'eeling2
The horse )as her *et, $es, and though she had raised her and lo(ed her
dearl$, she )as still 8ust an ani&al% :ut )ould Connor ha(e +eha(ed
di,erentl$ i' the re&ains o' one o' his soldiers had +een dragged ho&e to
She 'ound hersel' 'er(entl$ ho*ing so%
Se(eral &inutes *assed in silence )hile she thought a+out her hus+and#s
+eha(ior% She thought o' another >uestion to as- hi& then and glanced
o(er to &a-e certain he )as still a)a-e .rst%
/Who did $ou sa$ the soldiers ca&e 'ro&2/
/Is he an all$ o' !acNare#s2/
/His soldiers )ould ha(e +een -illed a long ti&e ago i' their laird )as an
all$ o' !acNare#s%/
/Is he $our all$ then2/
/When it#s con(enient 'or hi& to +e,/ he ans)ered% /Hugh#s land +orders
ours to the south% I let hi& li(e in *eace as long as he sta$s out o' &$
/I )ouldn#t trust hi&%/
/I don#t%/
Connor )atched her struggle to sta$ a)a-e% She could +arel$ -ee* her
e$es o*en and )as $a)ning e(er$ other &inute no), +ut she )as still
deter&ined to tal- a+out )hat had ha**ened instead o' gi(ing in to the
ine(ita+le% He decided to hel* her lose her +attle% He *ulled her into his
ar&s, held her close, and +egan to stro-e her +ac-% The heat radiating
'ro& his +od$ )ar&ed her and &ade her dro)s$ in no ti&e at all%
/!acNare#s a de&on, and de&ons don#t 'ear an$one,/ :renna said% /That
&a-es the& all the &ore dangerous and terri'$ing to others%/
He closed his e$es and )aited 'or her to tell hi& she )as a'raid o' the
She too- a rounda+out )a$ o' ad&itting it% /Wo&en, es*eciall$, )ould +e
/:ut not $ou,/ he said% /0ou -no) I )on#t let an$thing ha**en to $ou, don#t
$ou, :renna2/
/0es,/ she )his*ered% /"nd $ou -no) I )on#t let an$thing ha**en to $ou,
don#t $ou, Connor2/
He )as s&iling )hen he leaned do)n and -issed her 'orehead% /!acNare
isn#t i&&ortal% He has 'ears li-e e(er$one else% He 'ears one &an in
/0ou#re certain o' this2/
/Should )o&en also 'ear this &an2/
/Who is he2/ she as-ed% She 'ell aslee* )aiting 'or her hus+and to gi(e her
the na&e o' the &an this de&on 'eared%
She sle*t soundl$ 'or o(er an hour, until she )as 8arred a)a-e +$ the
clan-ing sound o' the dra)+ridge +eing lo)ered%
Connor )asn#t in +ed )ith her% She -ne), +e'ore her 'eet touched the
@oor, that he )as lea(ing the sa'et$ o' the 'ortress% She gra++ed her *laid
and )ra**ed it around her on her )a$ to the )indo)%
The sight )as o&inous% " *rocession o' soldiers on horse+ac-, each
carr$ing a .er$ torch in one hand and holding a ro*e in the other, slo)l$
crossed the +ridge, dragging a +on$ carcass +ehind the&% The cli**ing
sound the horses &ade didn#t co(er the +rittle echoes o' the re&ains
+anging against the )ooden *lan-s%
Connor led the )a$ to the ruins% When the *rocession reached its
destination, e(er$one dis&ounted% The$ 'or&ed an arc, and in the center,
'our o' the &en +egan the digging% Their &uscular silhouettes glistened in
the @ic-ering light as the$ li'ted &ounds o' dirt and @ung the& to the side%
The hole )as dee*% "nother soldier ste**ed 'or)ard, reached do)n, and
li'ted each &an u*% The +eacons )ere thrust into the ground then, and the
soldiers &o(ed in unison to *ull on the ro*es% The carcass )as slo)l$
dragged 'or)ard% It teetered on the edge o' the +lac- hole 'or se(eral
seconds, then *lunged do)n% The ro*es, li-e sna-es, slithered do)n into
the ca(it$ as soon as the soldiers released the&%
"'ter the$ .lled the hole )ith dirt, a single torch )as le't +urning +right on
to* o' the &ound, and the other +eacons &o(ed to)ard the horses%
!inutes later, the *rocession ca&e thundering +ac- across the
dra)+ridge% " single light re&ained +ehind to -ee* (igil o(er the ruins% It
+urned +right 'or se(eral &ore &inutes, @ic-ered t)ice, and then )as
:renna -e*t )atch at the )indo) 'or her hus+and%
When ?uinlan and Cris*in returned to the -ee* ten &inutes later, she
ste**ed +ac- into the shado)s so the$ )ouldn#t see her% The soldiers had
+een to the la-e to )ash, and she assu&ed her hus+and had gone )ith
"l&ost a 'ull hour *assed +e'ore he a**eared on the *ath% The +reath
caught in the +ac- o' her throat at .rst sight o' hi&% The .re 'ro& his torch
+la4ed around hi&, and in the glo) o' the light, his &agni.cent +od$
see&ed co(ered )ith gold% She didn#t sense the danger in hi& until he
gre) closer, and then she noticed the change% He )as &o(ing li-e a
*redator no)% His stride )as long, deter&ined, the &uscles in his
shoulders and ar&s rolling )ith @uid grace under slee- s-in, his ga4e,
He )as read$ to stri-e% The *o)er he radiated &ade her heart+eat
>uic-en% Her hands tre&+led as she *ulled the *laid tight around her
shoulders to )ard o, a sudden chill% She -ne) she )as +eing 'anci'ul% He
)as her hus+and, not a stranger% 0et her instincts continued to )arn her%
She understood )h$ as soon as he reached the court$ard%
She 'elt his rage +e'ore she sa) it% His head do)n, he deli+eratel$
'ollo)ed the groo(es in the ground o(er )hich Gill$ had +een dragged,
and )hen he reached the s*ot )here the ani&al had lain, he sto**ed% He
shuddered once, then dre) hi&sel' u*, thre) his head +ac-, and loo-ed u*
at the s-$% In the harsh light 'ro& the torch, the lines in his 'ace )ere gra$,
star-, edged )ith 'ur$% The (ein in his clenched 8a) thro++ed, and his
shoulders and nec- +eca&e rigid%
He )as consu&ed )ith anger% She stared into the cold, deadl$ e$es o' a
sa(age, 'or the rage controlled hi& no)% He hurled the torch into the air,
li'ted his s)ord high a+o(e his head, and )ith +oth hands, *lunged it dee*
into the +lood$ ground%
He )as a terri'$ing sight% She couldn#t &o(e, couldn#t +reathe, couldn#t cr$
out to hi&%
She loo-ed +e$ond to the ruins and suddenl$ she understood Connor#s
rage% He had told her his 'ather had died there, +ut she hadn#t >uestioned
hi& to .nd out )ho had +een res*onsi+le% She )ouldn#t as- hi& no), 'or
in her heart, she alread$ had her ans)er%
She dre) a long +reath and turned her ga4e +ac- to her hus+and% He )as
loo-ing directl$ at her% Their ga4es held 'or a 'ull &inute +e'ore he turned
a)a$% He ri**ed the s)ord out o' the ground and started +ac- to the *ath%
She shouted his na&e% His ex*ression )as still &urderous )hen he loo-ed
u* at her again% She should ha(e +een a'raid3 she )asn#t% She *ut her
hand out to hi& and ordered hi& to co&e ho&e to her%
She )aited in the center o' the roo&% The sound o' 'ootste*s gre) closer
and closer% She -e*t her ga4e on the door, her heart *ounding )ith
antici*ation% She )ould ta-e hi& into her ar&s and soothe the rage in hi&
)ith gentle )his*ers and so't caresses%
She had )itnessed the trans'or&ation 'ro& laird to sa(age and -ne)
)ithout a dou+t that Connor )as the one &an !acNare 'eared%
She couldn#t 'eel sorr$ 'or the *ig%
Connor )as ha(ing di=cult$ concentrating on his duties% Thoughts o' his
)i'e and )hat he#d done to her the night +e'ore -e*t intruding%
He#d +eha(ed li-e an ani&al% He should ha(e sta$ed at the la-e until he#d
gotten his anger under control, or s*ent the entire night there, +ut )hen
she#d called out to hi& and +ec-oned hi& to co&e to her, he#d +een
*o)erless to resist her lure%
She shouldn#t ha(e touched hi&% I' onl$ she#d sta$ed on the other side o'
the +edroo&, he &ight ha(e +een a+le to ignore her% Connor
ac-no)ledged this to +e a lie as soon as he thought it% He#d had e(er$
intention o' ta-ing her 'ro& the &o&ent he started u* the ste*s, +ut he
hadn#t &eant to ta-e her li-e a sa(age% Had he hurt her2 God hel* hi&, he
didn#t -no)% She didn#t resist hi&, though, or as- hi& to sto*% He )ould
ha(e listened to her and o+e$ed her )ishes, o' that he )as certain% He
re&e&+ered ho) she#d run to hi& and *ut her ar&s around hi& and
)ouldn#t let go% She hadn#t -no)n )hat he )as going to do to her then, o'
course% Hell, she *ro+a+l$ )ould ha(e thro)n hersel' out the )indo) i'
she#d +een a+le to guess his thoughts%
She )ould ne(er 'orgi(e hi&% Wh$ should she2 He#d used her sha&elessl$,
done things to her that &ust ha(e terri.ed her, had ta-en her not once +ut
t)ice, and in )a$s she )ouldn#t understand% He -ne) exactl$ )h$ he#d
needed her so &uch% He#d +een li(ing )ith rage 'or such a long ti&e, and
she )as such a gentle, lo(ing s*irit% He#d needed her to +reathe, to 'eel9
/Connor, $ou#re cho-ing Peter%/ Cris*in ca&e u* +ehind his laird and *ut
his hand on his shoulder%
Connor sho(ed the soldier a)a$% Peter staggered +ac-, too- se(eral dee*,
gul*ing +reaths, and straightened u* again%
/0ou al&ost -illed a &an, Peter,/ Connor said, his (oice harsh% /Had I not
-noc-ed the s)ord out o' $our hand, one o' &$ lo$al 'ollo)ers )ould +e
dead% I )ill not tolerate stu*idit$%/
/7aird, I9/ Peter +egan%
Connor silenced hi& +$ raising his hand% /Don#t gi(e &e $our excuses%
?uinlan )ill decide )hat#s to +e done )ith $ou%/
He )aited until the soldier had ta-en his lea(e +e'ore discussing the
&atter )ith his t)o co&&anders% Cris*in and ?uinlan @an-ed his sides%
Cris*in 'elt the soldier )as ho*elessl$ ine*t and should +e sent ho&e%
?uinlan )as in agree&ent, +ut *ro&ised he )ould )ait until his anger had
a+ated to &a-e an$ decision%
Cris*in changed the su+8ect% /Ha(e $ou decided ho) $ou#re going to
retaliate against !acNare2/
/I ha(e% 0ou and I )ill lea(e late this a'ternoon% Select eight or ten soldiers
to ride )ith us%/
/Will $ou go to 5incaid .rst2 He did &a-e $ou *ro&ise not to continue the
/I should go to &$ +rother and ex*lain, +ut I#& not going to% He#ll +e
'urious, o' course% Ho)e(er, as soon as he hears a+out !acNare#s
&essage, I#& certain he#ll reali4e I should send the +astard a &essage o'
&$ o)n%/
/Don#t con'ront !acNare or -ill hi& until it#s &$ dut$ to ride )ith $ou,/
?uinlan re>uested%
/0ou &a-e this sa&e re>uest each ti&e )e alternate res*onsi+ilities,/
Cris*in re&inded% /I#& certain Connor -no)s ho) $ou 'eel a+out our
ene&$ no)%/
/"nd $ou *ut the (er$ sa&e re>uest to Connor each ti&e I ride )ith hi&,
Connor sto**ed the ri(alr$ +$ telling the soldiers the$ )ould +oth ride )ith
hi& )hen the ti&e ca&e% /I )on#t -ill hi& until I#(e 'ound the e(idence I
need% The *ro&ise I ga(e &$ 'ather co&es a+o(e all others% Cris*in, go
and choose $our &en and +e read$ to lea(e +e'ore the sun sets% ?uinlan,
)al- )ith &e +ac- to the court$ard so that I can ex*lain the duties I )ant
the &en to co&*lete )hile I#& a)a$%/
He .nished outlining the soldier#s res*onsi+ilities +e'ore the$#d reached
their destination and added one last re>uest% /See that &$ )i'e is &o(ed
to another +edroo&% Do it toda$%/
/Did $ou and 7ad$ :renna disagree a+out the &easures $ou#re going to
ta-e against !acNare2/
/No, I ha(en#t discussed the &atter )ith her% Wh$ )ould $ou thin- I
/She#s $our )i'e, Connor%/
/I#& a)are o' that 'act%/
/"nd it )as her horse that )as +utchered%/
/0es,/ Connor agreed% /"nd 'or those reasons, $ou +elie(e I should ex*lain
&$ intentions to her2/
?uinlan laughed )hen he sa) ho) *u44led Connor )as% Ex*laining his
intentions to his )i'e had o+(iousl$ ne(er occurred to hi&%
/!ost )i(es )ould li-e their hus+ands to tell the& )hat the$#re 'eeling%/
/Is that so2/
/Then $our reason 'or &o(ing her to another cha&+er )as due to
so&ething else2/
/The &atter doesn#t concern $ou%/
/That is so,/ he agreed% /:ut as $our 'riend, I 'eel I should ad(ise $ou that
$our )i'e )ill +e in8ured +$ this decision% She )on#t understand% Surel$
$ou#(e noticed &i#lad$ has 'eelings 'or $ou%/
/6' course she does, and that is *recisel$ )h$ I#& &o(ing her to another
roo&% I assure $ou she#ll +e relie(ed%/
Connor re'used to sa$ another )ord on the su+8ect% He ordered ?uinlan to
get started on his duties and )ent inside the hall%
Netta, the ser(ant in charge o' cleaning the .rst @oor, dro**ed the cloth
she#d +een )i*ing a ta+le )ith as soon as she sa) her laird% She 8u&*ed
+ac-, +o)ed, and sta&&ered out her greeting%
The ser(ant )as a 8itter$ )o&an )ho tre&+led at the &ere sight o' hi&%
Connor couldn#t understand )h$% The )o&an had ser(ed hi& 'or o(er a
$ear no), and in all that ti&e, he#d ne(er once raised his (oice to her%
/Netta, go u*stairs and tell &$ )i'e I )ish to s*ea- to her%/
/Should I )a-e her i' she#s still slee*ing, 7aird2/
Connor shoo- his head% /No, it#s earl$ $et% I' she doesn#t i&&ediatel$
ans)er $ou, lea(e her alone% Tr$ to +e >uiet,/ he added% /!$ 'ather#s
)ido) &a$ still +e slee*ing%/
The ser(ant stu&+led t)ice in her haste to lea(e the hall% Connor *aced
a+out the e&*t$ roo& )hile he )aited, his &ind on the ex*lanation he
)as going to gi(e :renna% He -ne) he should *ro+a+l$ a*ologi4e 'or his
conduct the night +e'ore% He )asn#t going to, ho)e(er, 'or the si&*le
reason he -ne) he )ouldn#t &a-e an$ sense% He had ne(er, e(er told
an$one he )as sorr$, and he )asn#t a+out to learn ho) to no)%
Connor had onl$ 8ust started a .re +la4ing in the hearth )hen Netta
returned )ith the ne)s that 7ad$ !ac"lister )asn#t u*stairs% He ordered
her to send ser(ants outside to loo- 'or her and resu&ed his *acing again%
?uinlan#s re&ar- a+out sharing in'or&ation )ith his )i'e had sur*rised
hi&, and he 'ound hi&sel' )ondering i' "lec e(er told Ca&ie ho) he 'elt
a+out )orriso&e &atters% No, o' course he didn#t% !en )ouldn#t9 )ould
He shoo- his head )ith disgust% :eing &arried co&*licated his li'e% He
should ha(e reali4ed that +e'ore he &arried% It )as a little late 'or second
thoughts, ho)e(er, and no) that she +elonged to hi&, he )as honest
enough to ad&it he )ould ne(er gi(e her u*, and thin-ing a+out her )ith
an$one else &ade hi& angr$% Did that &ean he li-ed +eing &arried to her2
Who )as he tr$ing to 'ool2 He li-ed her all right, &ore than he#d e(er
thought *ossi+le% E(en no), he )as tense in antici*ation o' the &o&ent
she )ould co&e into the hall%
His o)n ad&ission )as so&e)hat a**alling to hi&% He )as acting as
eager as a $oung soldier tr$ing to i&*ress his co&&ander% He had alread$
so'tened to)ard his )i'e, and i' he )asn#t care'ul, he )as going to 'all in
lo(e )ith her% He )as certain he -ne) exactl$ )hat )ould ha**en then%
She )ould die on hi&%
7o(ing :renna )asn#t )orth the heartache%
Cris*in had co&e inside to announce 7aird 5incaid#s arri(al% He )as a little
late, ho)e(er, as "lec )as alread$ standing +$ his side% The t)o &en
)atched Connor *ace% When ?uinlan 8oined the& a &o&ent later, he
+o)ed to 7aird 5incaid +e'ore turning his attention to Connor% He )as
a&used his laird hadn#t noticed his +rother $et% It )asn#t li-e Connor to +e
so *reoccu*ied, +ut ?uinlan )as certain he )as thin-ing a+out 7ad$
"lec didn#t .nd his +rother#s inattention a&using at all% Connor redee&ed
hi&sel' in his older +rother#s e$es a 'e) seconds later% /"re $ou going to
announce &$ +rother or not, Cris*in2/
/He )as )aiting 'or $ou to loo- at &e,/ "lec sna**ed% /Turning $our +ac-
on a &an can get $ou -illed%/
/Turning &$ +ac- on a 'a&il$ &e&+er is rude, "lec, not dangerous%/ He
ca&e 'or)ard, 'or&all$ +o)ed to "lec, and said, /0ou honor &e )ith $our
*resence, 7aird%/
/0our &anners still need i&*ro(e&ent%/
/I learned e(er$thing I -no) 'ro& $ou% So&eone#s angered $ou, I see%
0ou#re )earing $our s)ord%/
/I a& angr$,/ "lec re*lied% /!$ &en are )aiting in the lo)er +aile$% We#re
going on a hunt 'or a &an )ho dared to de'$ &e, and I )ant $ou to ride
)ith &e%/ O
/6' course%/
"lec nodded, *leased that Connor had agreed )ithout -no)ing the na&e
o' the &an the$ )ere going to drag out o' hiding% The older +rother
arrogantl$ assu&ed Connor#s un>uestioning lo$alt$ )as due in large
&easure to the )a$ he had raised hi&%
Striding into the hall, he sla**ed his +rother on his shoulder on his )a$ to
the ta+le and sat do)n in the onl$ tall-+ac-ed chair a(aila+le% He &otioned
'or Connor to ta-e the ad8acent +ench%
/Da)son doesn#t see& to understand I &ean )hat I sa$% 7ass, 'etch &e a
drin- o' )ater,/ he called out to the ser(ant ho(ering near the arch)a$%
The ser(ant 'ranticall$ loo-ed a+out her% Connor thought she )as loo-ing
'or a s*ot to *lace the ite&s she )as holding in her hands% :e'ore he could
tell her to *ut the& on the ste*s, she ca&e rushing across the cha&+er,
+o)ed to hi&, and *ut the& on the ta+leto* next to hi&%
He -ne) )hat the$ )ere +e'ore she ex*lained% /I#(e sent three ser(ants
'ro& the -itchens to search &i#lad$ out, 7aird, +ut all the$#(e 'ound thus
'ar are the things she dro**ed +ehind her% The$#re still on her trail, 7aird,
and a'ter I ser(e 7aird 5incaid, )ill $ou *lease tell &e )hat I#& to do )ith
the &istress#s +elongings2/
Connor )as clearl$ exas*erated )ith his )i'e and shoo- his head in
+e)ilder&ent% /7ea(e the& here, Netta,/ he instructed%
She +o)ed again +e'ore ser(ing his +rother% Connor noticed her hands
shoo- )hen she *ut the go+let and *itcher do)n in 'ront o' "lec and he
)asn#t at all sur*rised% Wo&en )ere e(en &ore inti&idated +$ his older
/0ou#(e &is*laced $our )i'e2/ "lec in>uired +landl$%
/6' course not,/ he ans)ered%
"lec )asn#t through teasing his +rother% He reached o(er and *ic-ed u* a
$ello) ri++on% /What ha(e )e got here2/
/0ou can see it#s a *ouch, a ri++on, and a dagger% Honest to God, "lec, I
don#t -no) ho) she does it% :renna can#t e(en see& to -ee* her 'eet in
her shoes as she )al-s along% She#s constantl$ discarding her things and
*ic-ing u* others% I don#t -no) ho) I )ill con(ince her to *a$ &ore
"lec 'ound :renna#s 'orget'ulness (astl$ a&using% He had a good laugh at
his +rother#s ex*ense +e'ore suggesting he si&*l$ *ut a chest in the hall
'or his 'ollo)ers to *lace the ite&s that she le't +ehind in%
/With $our *er&ission, I#ll see to the tas-,/ Cris*in called out 'ro& the
/Would $ou li-e &e to search 'or $our )i'e2/ ?uinlan as-ed%
/I#d rather +oth o' $ou 8oin us,/ "lec ordered% /What I ha(e to discuss )ill
concern +oth o' $ou as )ell%/
He )aited until the t)o &en )ere seated across 'ro& Connor +e'ore he
/We#ll +e a)a$ 'or a )ee- or t)o% Da)son and his soldiers are hiding u* in
the &ountains, and it#s going to ta-e ti&e to drag hi& out%/
/0ou don#t see& to +e in an$ hurr$ to get started,/ Connor re&ar-ed%
/Da)son isn#t going an$)here% The 'ool thin-s he#s sa'e 'ro& &e,/ he
added )ith a sha-e o' his head% /I cannot i&agine )here he got such an
/Ho) &an$ are )ith hi&2/ Cris*in as-ed%
/I#& not certain o' the nu&+er% ?uinlan, is it $our dut$ to guard the
'ortress )hile $our laird#s a)a$2/
/0es, laird%/
/Post dou+le the nu&+er o' sentries along the *eri&eter and on the )alls%/
/I#(e alread$ gi(en the order, "lec% 0ou needn#t concern $oursel',/ Connor
/Do $ou ex*ect trou+le2/ Cris*in as-ed%
Connor ans)ered the >uestion% /"lec al)a$s ex*ects trou+le, and so do
/Word has it !acNare )ent into a rage )hen he 'ound out $ou had ta-en
his +ride a)a$ 'ro& hi&% He#s +een con(inced +$ her escort that she
)illingl$ )ent )ith $ou, and no) he +la&es $our :renna as &uch as he
+la&es $ou%/
/She )asn#t res*onsi+le,/ Connor said%
?uinlan loo-ed incredulous% /Her soldiers )ent to !acNare instead o'
returning to their +aron2 I#& staggered +$ their stu*idit$%/
/The$ )ere assisted in &a-ing their decision to go to hi&,/ "lec ex*lained%
/0ou can i&agine !acNare#s *redica&ent% There )ere at least a hundred
relati(es and guests )aiting to cele+rate the )edding )ith hi&% He had
ex*ected his +ride the e(ening +e'ore, and )hen she didn#t arri(e on
schedule, he dis*atched additional troo*s to hurr$ her u*% I )as told he
)as hu&iliated in 'ront o' the gathering% Da&n it, ?uinlan, don#t $ou dare
.nd this a&using%/
/I .nd !acNare#s hu&iliation hu&orous,/ ?uinlan ad&itted%
/So do I,/ Connor said%
/"nd I,/ Cris*in said%
Their lo$alt$ to one another )as a+solute% The three o' the& )ere
+rothers in the heart, and )hile "lec understood the +ond +et)een the&,
he -ne) he should sanction the& 'or their attitude3 $et to critici4e the&
'or en8o$ing !acNare#s e&+arrass&ent )ould ha(e &ade hi& a h$*ocrite%
He#d had a good laugh at the laird#s ex*ense, +ut he )asn#t a+out to ad&it
that to his +rother% He )anted to s>uelch a little o' the antagonis&
+et)een Connor and !acNare no), not encourage it%
/I understand ho) each o' $ou 'eels a+out !acNare% I#(e little li-ing 'or the
&an, I#ll ad&it, $et $ou#(e still to con(ince &e that he and his 'ather )ere
in(ol(ed in the death o' $our 'ather, Connor%/
He raised his hand to *re(ent Cris*in 'ro& interru*ting hi& +e'ore
continuing% /I )ill re&ind $ou that until $ou gi(e &e ade>uate *roo',
Donald !ac"lister#s s)ord re&ains on &$ )all )here I *ut it the da$ $ou
entered &$ ho&e, and none o' $ou )ill -ill !acNare% Ha(e I &ade &$sel'
*er'ectl$ clear2/
/0ou ha(e,/ Connor ans)ered% /0ou are &$ laird and )e )ill honor $our
)ishes at all ti&es%/
/Da&ned right $ou )ill%/
Connor )as ha(ing di=cult$ -ee*ing his anger under control% "lthough he
could ha(e gi(en his o*inion )hene(er he 'elt li-e it, to o*enl$ disagree
)ith his +rother in 'ront o' ?uinlan and Cris*in )ould ha(e +een )rong, as
it )ould under&ine "lec#s *osition%
/"re $ou .nished re&inding us o' our dut$ to $ou2/ he as-ed%
"lec ga(e hi& a hard loo-% /I *ro&ised $ou a long ti&e ago that I )ouldn#t
-ill !acNare, +ecause i' and )hen $ou .nd )hat $ou need to *ro(e hi&
cul*a+le, that right +elongs to $ou% Ho)e(er, I ha(en#t *ro&ised to let $ou
li(e, Connor% Don#t *ush &e again%/
"lec )aited 'or Connor#s nod +e'ore continuing% /God has gi(en &e the
i&*ossi+le dut$ o' -ee*ing the three o' $ou ali(e, and I acce*ted the
res*onsi+ilit$ the &inute I carried each one o' $ou inside &$ ho&e% 0ou
)ere all hal' dead at the ti&e, and -e*t &$ )i'e u* a 'ull )ee- 'retting
o(er $ou% I still ha(en#t 'orgi(en $ou the incon(enience $ou caused &e%/
/I re&e&+er,/ Connor said% /0ou told &e $ou )ouldn#t let &e die%/
"lec laughed% /"nd $ou ordered &e to go and get the others%/
He let out a long, dra&atic sigh% /0ou#(e +een tr$ing to gi(e &e orders
e(er since% Do $ou re&e&+er &a-ing &e *ro&ise $ou that ?uinlan and
Cris*in )ouldn#t die either2 No, o' course $ou don#t% I cannot undo the *ast
'or $ou, Connor, +ut I can do so&ething a+out the *resent% I ha(e so&e
in'or&ation $ou &ight .nd use'ul% 6ne o' the English soldiers told !acNare
that :renna *lanned $our arri(al% That isn#t true, is it2/
/No, it isn#t true%/
/"nd $ou ha(e said $ou didn#t 'orce her%/
/No, I didn#t 'orce her%/
/0ou le't out so&e rather signi.cant details )hen $ou ex*lained $ou
&arried her%/
/Such as2/ Connor as-ed%
"lec didn#t i&&ediatel$ ans)er his >uestion% /T)o o' !acNare#s &en ha(e
le't )ith three o' the English soldiers% The$#re headed 'or :aron
Ha$nes)orth#s holding%/
/Who is :aron Ha$nes)orth, 7aird 5incaid2/ Cris*in as-ed /:renna#s
'ather,/ he ans)ered%
/There )ere t)el(e soldiers escorting &i#lad$,/ ?uinlan said%
/There are three le't% !acNare doesn#t li-e hearing +ad ne)s% He holds
:renna#s 'ather res*onsi+le 'or raising an inde*endent daughter and is
going to de&and i&&ediate co&*ensation% I don#t -no) the +aron, and
there'ore cannot *redict ho) he )ill react to hearing his alliance has +een
+ro-en, +ut I -no) )hat I )ould do i' I had ex*ected &$ daughter to &arr$
one &an and she ended u* )ith another% I#d go a'ter &$ daughter and
hear the truth 'ro& her%/
/In other )ords, $ou thin- the +aron &ight lead his troo*s here%/
/It#s *ossi+le%/
Connor shrugged% /I' it ha**ens, it ha**ens%/
/What )ill $ou do i' her 'ather challenges $ou2/
/No one#s ta-ing her a)a$ 'ro& &e% No one%/ He hadn#t raised his (oice,
+ut the 'orce +ehind each )ord )as 8ust as ri(eting%
/Would $ou -ill hi&2/ Cris*in as-ed in a (oice that sounded onl$ &ildl$
/It )ould *ro+a+l$ u*set &$ )i'e i' I did,/ Connor said%
/Pro+a+l$2/ "lec as-ed% /6' course it )ould u*set her%/
/I )ouldn#t let the retaliation go that 'ar% I#ll )ait to see )hat her 'ather
"lec nodded, satis.ed 'or the &o&ent that his +rother )ouldn#t do
an$thing rash%
/I )ouldn#t &ention this to :renna, as there see&s little reason to gi(e her
such a )orr$% Though I .nd it so&e)hat *er*lexing, I ha(e learned 'ro&
)atching &$ )i'e that )o&en are inclined to )orr$ o(er e(er$ little thing%
Ca&ie )as (er$ u*set to hear )hat !acNare had done to :renna#s horse%
#Tis the truth, I )as sic-ened +$ the (ile act as )ell% In'ortunatel$, Ca&ie
insisted on hearing e(er$ detail 'ro& Hugh%/
/7aird Hugh ca&e to $ou2/ ?uinlan as-ed%
/He &ust ha(e ridden through the night,/ Cris*in co&&ented%
/No, he arri(ed late last e(ening% 6ne o' &$ sentries led the )a$% Hugh
)as in >uite a state, +ut once he#d had enough ale to cal& hi&, he )as
a+le to tell &e so&e interesting ne)s% "s $ou -no), he has al)a$s +een
against 8oining !acNare or $ou% " long ti&e ago, he ca&e to &e )ith his
re>uest 'or *rotection in the e(ent one o' $ou tried to change his &ind 'or
hi& +$ 'orce% I assured hi& that &$ +rother )ould ne(er do such a thing,
o' course, and I#& certain I con(inced hi&% I couldn#t gi(e hi& the sa&e
assurance regarding !acNare% Hugh )ants to li(e in *eace% His
grand'ather and his 'ather +e'ore hi& +oth ruled that )orthless little
stretch o' land +et)een $ou and $our ene&$, )hich *uts hi& in an
untena+le *osition, +ecause he doesn#t ha(e nearl$ the nu&+er o' soldiers
either one o' $ou ha(e% Hugh has ne(er raised his hand against an$ &an
or treated an$one un'airl$, and I agreed to gi(e hi& &$ assistance% He#s
an old &an )ho &eans no har&, Connor, and I )on#t ha(e hi& *re$ed
/I o,ered hi& &$ *rotection, "lec%/
/I -no) $ou did, +ut i' he had acce*ted, his 'ollo)ers )ould ha(e +een
slaughtered +$ !acNare the second $ou turned $our +ac-% The -ing has a
s*ecial 'ondness 'or the old &an and )ould also +e disa**ointed i'
an$thing un'ortunate ha**ened to hi&% I ex*lained all o' this to !acNare
and told hi& that as the -ing#s &ediator, I )ill &a-e certain Hugh re&ains
autono&ous and is le't alone%/
/Has !acNare +een *ressuring hi&2/
/He has,/ "lec ans)ered% /Hugh )ent to !acNare#s holding +ecause he#d
+een in(ited to attend the cele+ration a'ter the )edding, +ut the old &an
didn#t get out o' there 'ast enough and there'ore )as 'orced to )itness
!acNare#s unsa(or$ &ethods in dis*osing o' those )ho angered hi&%/
/The English soldiers%/ It )as Cris*in )ho stated the o+(ious% /Were the
nine &en -illed in the sa&e )a$ &i#lad$#s horse )as -illed2/
"lec held Connor#s stare as he slo)l$ nodded% /Needless to sa$, Hugh )as
sha-en +$ )hat he sa)% I ho*e :renna ne(er hears a+out the soldiers% God
)illing, she#ll ne(er .nd out%/
His ho*e *ro(ed 'alse, 'or :renna had alread$ heard e(er$ )ord the$#d
said% She had co&e in through the +ac- door, heard "lec#s (oice, and
i&&ediatel$ sto**ed in the hall)a$ to straighten her a**earance +e'ore
she )ent 'or)ard to greet hi&% She hadn#t &eant to ea(esdro*, until she
heard her na&e s*o-en% She deli+eratel$ sta$ed )here she )as then
+ecause she )anted to .nd out )h$ she )as +eing discussed, and she
-ne) that the &inute she 8oined the&, the con(ersation )ould sto*%
Neither "lec nor Connor )as )his*ering, $et their lo) (oices indicated the
seriousness o' their to*ic% She -ne) )hat she )as doing )as )rong, +ut at
the &o&ent, she didn#t care%
She ca&e close to gi(ing hersel' a)a$ )hen "lec ex*lained )hat had
ha**ened to nine o' her 'ather#s soldiers% She )as so sic-ened +$ the
horror she *ictured, she dou+led o(er 'ro& the *ain in her sto&ach%
Pra$ing 'or the souls o' the &en hel*ed her gain a little control, and she
(o)ed that later, )hen she )as alone in her +edroo&, she )ould get do)n
on her -nees and as- God to )elco&e the&% "s soon as she )as .nished,
she )ould than- Hi& too, 'or sending Connor to her% I' he hadn#t arri(ed
)hen he had, she )ould +e &arried to Satan no)% The thought so chilled
her, her sto&ach lurched again%
Concentrating on the con(ersation in the great hall sto**ed her 'ro&
cr$ing out% She 'orced hersel' to *a$ attention +$ *ro&ising hersel' she
could )ee* 'or as long as she )anted as soon as she )as alone%
/Des*ite ha(ing sur(i(ed so &an$ $ears, Hugh#s still ho*elessl$ nai(e,/
"lec said% /He )as in >uite a state +$ the ti&e he returned ho&e, and the
(er$ next &orning, one o' his &en ca&e to hi& to tell hi& :renna#s horse
had +een le't at his +order )ith a &essage 'ro& !acNare re>uesting the
re&ains +e ta-en to $ou, Connor% Hugh 'elt certain $ou )ould )ish to see
it% Did $ou -no) !acNare called it a gi't2/
/0es,/ Connor ans)ered%
/"nd then Hugh rode directl$ to $ou,/ ?uinlan said )ith a nod%
/I )ould li-e to +ring u* another &atter )ith $ou, Connor% It certainl$ isn#t
as i&*ortant as )hat )e#(e 8ust discussed, $et I .nd I#(e +een thin-ing
a+out a co&&ent Hugh &ade%/
/What did he sa$2/
/Hugh heard 'ro& one o' the English soldiers that :renna )as a child )hen
she as-ed $ou to &arr$ her% 0ou le't that out, didn#t $ou2 No) I )ant $ou
to tell &e again $ou didn#t de'$ &$ co&&and to lea(e !acNare alone%/
"lec had 8ust sla&&ed his .st do)n on the ta+leto* )hen :renna called
out to hi&% /Good da$, 7aird 5incaid% What a *leasure it is to see $ou
"s >uic- as a +lin-, "lec#s ex*ression changed 'ro& an intense 'ro)n to
)hat she +elie(ed )as a sincere s&ile% ?uinlan and Cris*in loo-ed relie(ed
to see her% She )ent directl$ o(er to "lec, ga(e Connor a >uic- glance and
sa) the s*eculati(e loo- in his e$es, and then turned +ac- to their guest%
In her enthusias&, she gra++ed hold o' his hand to let hi& -no) ho)
ha**$ she )as to see hi&, reali4ed her &ista-e al&ost i&&ediatel$, and
>uic-l$ let go% "lec )as sur*rised +$ the gesture o' a,ection, $et *leased
all the sa&e% He too- her hand in his then% /The *leasure +elongs to &e,
:renna% Ho) are $ou 'eeling toda$2/ he as-ed, loo-ing at the stitches on
her 'orehead%
/I#& 'eeling (er$ )ell, than- $ou% Ho) could I not2 It#s such a .ne da$
/It#s raining,/ Cris*in re&inded her%
/The rain has sto**ed,/ she ans)ered% /Please sit do)n again% Ha(e I
interru*ted an i&*ortant &eeting2 I a*ologi4e i' I ha(e% Is Ca&ie )ith $ou,
"lec let go o' her hand +e'ore ans)ering% /She#s ho&e%/
/I#& sorr$ to hear it% I do ho*e $ou +ring her next ti&e $ou co&e to see
"'ter a second re>uest that the$ ta-e their seats, the &en conceded% She
)ent to Connor, )aited until he )as settled, and *ut her hand on his
shoulder% The action )asn#t &eant to sho) a,ection, +ut to sho) "lec her
lo$alt$ to her hus+and%
/Is $our )i'e )ell2/ she as-ed%
/I )ill ha(e to assu&e she is,/ "lec ans)ered, his e$es )ar&ed +$ the tal-
o' his Ca&ie% /She isn#t tal-ing to &e at the &o&ent%/
/6h, dear,/ :renna )his*ered%
/Ca&ie can +e as stu++orn as her hus+and,/ Connor re&ar-ed%
/#Tis the truth, she can,/ "lec ad&itted )ith a grin% /She#s u*set +ecause I
)on#t let her go attend !ar$ 5athleen% !$ daughter#s ti&e dra)s near,/ he
ex*lained 'or :renna#s +ene.t% /"nd +ecause this +airn )ill +e her .rst, &$
)i'e thin-s her *resence )ill &a-e the ordeal easier 'or her%/
/7ad$ 5incaid is -no)n as a healer here,/ ?uinlan told her%
/7aird, I cannot hel* +ut )onder )h$ $ou )on#t let Ca&ie go to !ar$
5athleen,/ :renna said%
Connor )as sur*rised his )i'e had 8ust as-ed 'or an ex*lanation% He -ne)
:renna )asn#t +eing +old3 she )as si&*l$ curious, that )as all% 7ater he
)ould ex*lain to his +rother that she couldn#t hel* +eing i&*etuous and
certainl$ hadn#t &eant to >uestion his decision%
"lec see&ed to ta-e it in stride, ho)e(er% /That is the (er$ thing Ca&ie
said to &e% I cannot ta-e the ti&e a)a$ 'ro& &$ other duties, and I )ill
not let &$ )i'e go )ithout &e% She#ll tr$ to de'$ &$ orders, o' course, 8ust
as soon as she reali4es she can#t s)a$ &e%/
/!$ )i'e )ould ne(er de'$ &e,/ Connor announced% /Isn#t that right,
/I#& certain $ou )ould let &e go,/ she ans)ered%
/No, I )ouldn#t%/
/Well, then, 'or the sa-e o' our daughter, I#& certain I )ould .nd a )a$ to
do )hat I needed to do )ithout de'$ing $ou, Connor%/
"lec 'ound her +elie' a&using% /0ou are that cle(er2/
/I li-e to thin- I a&, 7aird% I#& one o' eight children and ha(e learned that I
&ust +e cle(er i' I a& e(er going to get an$thing acco&*lished% 0ou thin-
&$ +oast is e&*t$2/ she as-ed )hen ?uinlan laughed% /I did set out to
&arr$ Connor, and i' $ou )ill all notice, I a& no) his )i'e%/
E(er$one +ut Connor laughed% He loo-ed exas*erated%
The tension had li'ted su=cientl$ 'or her to let the& get on )ith their
&eeting, +ut as she )as a+out to excuse hersel', "lec changed her &ind%
/I#(e 8ust &et a 'riend o' $ours, :renna% He )as >uite ta-en )ith $ou and
considers hi&sel' $our cha&*ion%/
?uinlan too- exce*tion on Connor#s +ehal', 'or he 'elt it )as insulting 'or
an$ other &an to thin- he )as )orth$ enough to +e his &istress#s
cha&*ion% /Connor *rotects his )i'e% Who is this &an )ho dares to
challenge hi&2/
/"$e, Connor#s &i#lad$#s cha&*ion,/ Cris*in &uttered%
:renna didn#t e(en tr$ to hide her (exation% /I#& >uite ca*a+le o' ta-ing
care o' &$sel', than- $ou%/ 1or so&e reason, all the &en 'ound her o*inion
(astl$ a&using% She decided to *retend she )asn#t o,ended% /Who is this
/1ather Sinclair%/
?uinlan loo-ed shee*ish% /I' $ou#d &entioned it )as the *riest, I )ouldn#t
ha(e ta-en exce*tion, 7aird 5incaid%/
"lec ignored the soldier% /He sings $our *raises, :renna%/
/Wh$ did he co&e to $ou2/ Connor as-ed%
/He#d +een ordered to re*lace !urdoc-% I cannot let hi& sta$, o' course, as
)e are still &ourning !urdoc-#s *assing% I ha(en#t told hi& $et, +ecause I
)as in a hurr$ to lea(e toda$, +ut I )ill 'eed hi& and gi(e hi& a +ed until I
return ho&e and then I#ll send hi& a)a$% It#s the least I can do,/ he added
)ith a shrug%
/Ho) can $ou den$ hi&, 7aird2/ she as-ed%
He loo-ed sur*rised +$ the >uestion% /It )on#t +e di=cult%/
/:ut )h$ do $ou )ant to send hi& a)a$2/
/Wh$2 :ecause I don#t )ant hi&% I#& actuall$ +eing -ind% 1or so&e reason,
he see&s ill-at-ease )ith &e%/
/He see&ed ner(ous )ith Connor too,/ ?uinlan re&ar-ed%
/I cannot +elie(e )hat I#& hearing,/ she sta&&ered out% /Priests are the
&ost *o)er'ul &en in all the Highlands% Connor told &e so%/
/0es, as long as the$ reali4e the *o)er the$ ha(e,/ "lec ex*lained% /He,
li-e all the other *riests here, is *rotected and le't alone%/
/Then )h$ )ould $ou send hi& a)a$2/
/:ecause I don#t )ant hi&,/ "lec ex*lained a second ti&e%
/I )ant hi&,/ she +lurted out%
/0ou can#t ha(e hi&,/ Connor sna**ed%
/0ou reall$ )ant a *riest li(ing here2/ "lec as-ed%
/No,/ Connor ans)ered%
/0es,/ :renna said at the (er$ sa&e ti&e%
"lec grinned% /0our )ish is granted, :renna% I#ll send Sinclair o(er as soon
as Connor and I return%/
/"lec,/ Connor )arned%
/I cannot den$ $our )i'e,/ "lec said%
:renna *retended not to notice her hus+and#s 'ro)n% She than-ed +oth
+rothers 'or gi(ing in to her re>uest and hurried to lea(e +e'ore Connor
re&inded her he hadn#t done an$ such thing%
/I#ll let $ou get +ac- to $our i&*ortant discussion,/ she said% /With $our
*er&ission, I#ll go a+out &$ duties%/
/0ou don#t ha(e an$ duties,/ Connor said%
/6h, +ut I do,/ she said% /I ha(e to go outside and .nd the *er'ect s*ot%/
/The *er'ect s*ot 'or )hat2/ her hus+and as-ed%
/The cha*el, o' course% 1ather )ill ha(e to ha(e one%/
Too late, she reali4ed she shouldn#t &ention her *lan 8ust $et% Connor
loo-ed as though he )as considering throttling +oth her and his +rother
He didn#t tell her she couldn#t go 'or)ard )ith her *lans and, in 'act, didn#t
sa$ another )ord% He *ro+a+l$ didn#t trust his (oice to s*ea- to her $et,
and she ho*ed +$ the ti&e he .nished his &eeting, he )ould 'orget a+out
it all together% With an$ luc-, the cha*el )ould +e co&*leted +e'ore he
/Do $ou en8o$ )ielding $our *o)er o(er &e, "lec2/
His +rother grinned% /I&&ensel$%/
/0ou &a$ lea(e, :renna,/ "lec told her%
:renna )as hal')a$ across the hall )hen "lec as-ed her to sto*%
/Were $ou a cle(er child2/
/I )as told I )as%/
/Were $ou a child )hen $ou as-ed &$ +rother to &arr$ $ou2/
She 'olded her hands together )hile she *retended to thin- a+out it% /I
don#t recall &$ exact age%/
/Gi(e &e an a**roxi&ation,/ he co&&anded%
/I )as 8ust a little older than $our Grace is no)% I )ould guess I )as going
on .(e or six% 0es, I )as a+out that old )hen I as-ed Connor to &arr$ &e
the .rst ti&e, +ut i' $ou#ll re&e&+er, I as-ed hi& three ti&es% I#& not onl$
cle(er, 7aird, I#& also tenacious% I &ust ad&it I .nd $our curiosit$
intriguing, 'or I see& to recall ha(ing this (er$ con(ersation )hen I )as
.rst introduced to $ou% I -no) I &entioned I )asn#t 'orced% I#& (er$ ha**$
to +e his )i'e% Ho) could I not +e2 I ha(e )anted to &arr$ hi& 'or such a
long ti&e% Hea(ens, )here are &$ &anners2 I should ha(e as-ed $ou ho)
Grace is 'eeling toda$%/
/She#s .ne,/ "lec ans)ered%
/She had >uite a scare $esterda$, and I ho*e she didn#t ha(e an$
night&ares last night% Do $ou -no), it#s reall$ >uite re&ar-a+le, no) that I
re@ect u*on it% God surel$ has grand *lans in store 'or $our daughter%/
"lec#s curiosit$ )as ca*tured% She couldn#t ha(e ho*ed 'or &ore%
/Wh$ do $ou thin- so2/
/I -no) so,/ she +oasted% /God &ade certain I )as inside $our ho&e so I
could get to her in ti&e% I do +elie(e Grace )ould ha(e su,ered grie(ous
in8uries i' I hadn#t +een there to catch her% She ca&e do)n those ste*s
head .rst and surel$ )ould ha(e +ro-en her nec-% 0ou &a$ thin- I#&
'oolish to +elie(e God is res*onsi+le, +ut I +elie(e it all the sa&e, and I
cannot hel* +ut )onder )hat )ould ha(e ha**ened i' I had &arried
!acNare instead o' Connor% Would Grace +e 'eeling )ell toda$2 !$, listen
to &e going on and on, and $ou still ha(e +usiness to discuss% I trust the
&atter o' )hen I *ro*osed and all other >uestions a+out &$ hus+and#s
reasons 'or &arr$ing &e ha(e +een ans)ered to $our satis'action%/
She +o)ed to the laird and )al-ed a)a$% She couldn#t resist adding one
last co&&ent, though she didn#t +other to turn around% /God does )or- in
&$sterious )a$s% I 'or one )ould ne(er >uestion Hi&%/
None o' the &en uttered a )ord 'or a 'ull &inute a'ter 7ad$ :renna le't%
Each stared at the e&*t$ entrance )hile he *ondered )hat she had 8ust
"lec )as the .rst to s&ile% /0our )i'e 8ust *ut &e in an a)-)ard *osition,
and do $ou -no) )hat I thin-2 She did it on *ur*ose% Ho) &uch o' our
con(ersation do $ou su**ose she o(erheard2/
Connor ans)ered )ithout a second#s hesitation% /"ll o' it%/
/She shouldn#t ha(e listened in%/
/No, she shouldn#t ha(e%/
/I should +e angr$ )ith her%/
/Then )h$ a& I )anting to laugh2 There )ill +e no &ore tal- a+out de'$ing
&e, Connor, +ecause I ha(e decided to acce*t )hat $our )i'e told &e% 0ou
)ere o+(iousl$ &eant 'or each other%/
/I didn#t de'$ $ou, "lec% 0ou ordered &e to sto* the raids, and that#s )hat I
did% 0ou cannot hold &e to &$ *ro&ise no) that $ou -no) a+out :renna#s
/I can,/ "lec argued% /:ut I )on#t% Do )hat $ou )ill in re*a$&ent as long as
it is e>ual to )hat )as done to the &are%/
"lec gained his +rother#s agree&ent +e'ore lea(ing the hall% /0ou#re
&arried to a (er$ cle(er )o&an% 0ou#d +est -ee* that in &ind%/
Connor didn#t ta-e his suggestion to heart, and it )as onl$ later, )hen it
)as too late, that he learned to regret it%
The &ista-e )ould cost hi& dearl$%
Cha*ter 10
Contents - Pre( A Next
7ad$ :renna didn#t ta-e the ne)s that she had +een &o(ed into another
+edroo& at all )ell% Her hus+and hadn#t +othered to in'or& her o' his
decision +e'orehand, and ?uinlan 'er(entl$ )ished the un*leasant dut$ o'
ex*laining it all to her had 'allen on so&eone else#s shoulders instead o'
his% He had sus*ected she )ould +e hurt and had tried to get her alone
+e'ore ex*laining so that the$ )ould ha(e *ri(ac$ in the e(ent she
+eca&e e&+arrassed, +ut his &istress#s )orr$ a+out her &issing clothes
de'eated his *lan, and she, there'ore, had to hear the ne)s in 'ront o'
Connor#s ste*&other%
7ad$ :renna )asn#t angered +$ Connor#s co&&and3 she )as clearl$
de(astated% ?uinlan 'elt sorr$ 'or the dear lad$, o' course, and it too- a
good deal o' disci*line to *retend he didn#t notice her distress% His laird#s
callous +eha(ior in'uriated hi& to the *oint that he considered telling hi&
that he )ould rather +e tortured than e(er gi(e 7ad$ :renna such
disa**ointing ne)s again%
The *it$ she sa) in his e$es &ade her hu&iliation all the &ore co&*lete%
Eu*he&ia had thought'ull$ turned a)a$ )ith the excuse that she )anted
to get so&ething 'ro& her +edroo&% With e,ort, :renna )as a+le to
gather hersel' together% /!a$ I 'etch so&ething 'or $ou, 7ad$ !ac"lister2/
She assu&ed Eu*he&ia hadn#t heard her )hen she didn#t i&&ediatel$
ans)er, and so she turned +ac- to ?uinlan again% /Than- $ou 'or
Des*erate to sa$ so&ething to &a-e her 'eel +etter, he +lurted out the
.rst cheer'ul thought that ca&e into his &ind% /So $ou see, &i#lad$, $our
things )eren#t thro)n a)a$ as $ou sus*ected% Surel$ $ou#re relie(ed%/
/0es, o' course I#& relie(ed% Did Connor tell $ou )h$ he )anted &e to
/Na$, &i#lad$, he didn#t%/
/Where is he no)2/
/He )ent hunting )ith his +rother%/
/Ho) long ago did he lea(e2/
/:oth lairds le't the hall 8ust a &inute or so ago%/
/Then I &ight still catch hi&2/
/I' $ou hurr$%/
She ran to the door to o*en it, +ut the )eight )as too &uch 'or her to
+udge )ithout ?uinlan#s assistance, so he hurried to gi(e it%
?uinlan 'ollo)ed her do)n the staircase +ut not across the court$ard% He
naturall$ assu&ed she )as going to tr$ to change her hus+and#s &ind%
His assu&*tion )as )rong, ho)e(er, as :renna didn#t ha(e an$ intention
o' +egging her hus+and to reconsider% She )as si&*l$ going to let hi&
-no) )hat she thought a+out his decision% She ran all the )a$ to the
sta+les, calling, /Good da$ to $ou, ladies,/ as she raced *ast &others
gi(ing their +a+ies a +it o' 'resh air%
Her *ace had &ade her +reathless, and )hen she noticed "lec &ounted
on his horse at the +otto& o' the hill, she )a(ed to hi& instead o' )aiting
to catch her +reath so she could call a greeting%
The inside o' the sta+les )as cast in shado)s% She 'orced a s&ile on her
'ace the second she s*otted her hus+and% Connor )as standing next to
the horse he#d chosen to ride, ad8usting the +ridle to his satis'action, )hile
the sta+le&aster tried to cal& the stallion his laird usuall$ 'a(ored% That
horse )as &a-ing >uite a ruc-us, -ic-ing his hoo(es u* against the +ac-
o' the stall, and )ould soon destro$ it i' he )asn#t sto**ed, +ut her
hus+and didn#t see& inclined to do an$thing a+out it%
Deli+eratel$ sta$ing in the *ath o' the door)a$ so he couldn#t lea(e
)ithout )al-ing o(er her, she slo)l$ &o(ed 'or)ard% /!a$ I *lease ha(e a
&o&ent o' $our ti&e, 7aird2/ she as-ed in a (oice as s)eet as hone$ed
s$ru* and )ith a s&ile to &atch%
He didn#t e(en +other to loo- at her )hen he ans)ered% /Can it )ait until I
get +ac-2/
/I#& not certain, 7aird% Will $ou +e +ac- +e'ore night'all2/
It al&ost did her in to -ee* s&iling, +ut the sta+le&aster )as )atching her
closel$, and she )as deter&ined not to let hi& -no) )hat she )as reall$
thin-ing% She didn#t )ant Connor to -no) either, o' course, until he )as
read$ to gi(e her his undi(ided attention% She didn#t )ant hi& to &iss a
/Da(is, )hat#s )rong )ith &$ stallion2/ he as-ed%
/I don#t -no) )hat#s )rong )ith hi&, 7aird% He )as .ne until $ou ca&e
/I thin- he#s u*set,/ she called out%
/We -no) he#s u*set, :renna%/
She sti,ened in res*onse to his condescending attitude% /0es, o' course
$ou do,/ she agreed% /He#s u*set +ecause $ou aren#t *a$ing an$ attention
to hi&%/ " reaction, she silentl$ added, she )as also ex*eriencing at the
&o&ent% /0our stallion doesn#t )ish to +e le't +ehind% I' $ou#ll go to his
stall and *ic- u* his +ridle, I#& sure he#ll settle do)n%/
/I )ould +e curious to see i' that )or-s, 7aird,/ Da(is con'essed as he
@ashed a grin to)ard his &istress% /!i#lad$ could +e right%/
/I do ho*e I a&,/ she re*lied in such a disgustingl$ *leasant tone she )as
sure she )as going to +e sic-%
/:renna, are $ou co&ing do)n )ith so&ething2/ Connor as-ed% /0our
(oice sounds strained%/
/I#& 'eeling .ne, Connor, though I a**reciate $our concern%/
Her 'ace )as +eginning to ache 'ro& holding on to her s&ile, and her onl$
consolation )as in -no)ing that in a 'e) &inutes, it )as all going to +e
)orth it%
/I don#t ha(e ti&e 'or this nonsense,/ her hus+and &uttered, )hich turned
out to +e +luster on his *art +ecause he did do )hat she had suggested,
and 8ust as she had *redicted, the stallion i&&ediatel$ sto**ed 'ussing
and &o(ed 'or)ard to nudge Connor#s hand 'or a *at o' a,ection%
/0ou#ll ha(e to ta-e hi&,/ she said% /6ther)ise, $ou#ll hurt his 'eelings%/
/He needs to rest% :esides, horses don#t ha(e 'eelings%/
Did he al)a$s 'eel the need to contradict her2 She started *ra$ing in an
atte&*t to -ee* hersel' 'ro& shouting at hi&%
Connor re*laced the +ridle on the *eg, told Da(is to ta-e the horse he#d
chosen outside, then leaned +ac- against the stall, 'olded his ar&s across
his chest, and .nall$ deigned to loo- at her%
He didn#t sa$ a )ord until Da(is had le't the sta+le% /What is it $ou )ant2/
he as-ed i&*atientl$%
/I )as )ondering )h$ $ou didn#t sa$ good-+$e to &e% Were $ou going to2/
The tre&or in her (oice )as the .rst indication she )as u*set% He thought
he -ne) )h$% She had ex*ected an a*olog$ this &orning, hadn#t gotten
one, and no), +ecause she )as an intelligent )o&an, reali4ed she )as
ne(er going to get one% Her conclusion )ould +e correct, o' course, as he
still didn#t ha(e an$ intention o' telling her he )as sorr$ he#d co&e to her
li-e a sa(age last night% Ha(ing her &o(ed into another +edroo& )as his
)a$ o' a*ologi4ing% " cle(er )i'e )ould ha(e .gured that out right a)a$,
and +een than-'ul and relie(ed%
:renna didn#t a**ear to +e either at the &o&ent, )hich, he concluded,
could onl$ &ean she didn#t -no) a+out his &agnani&ous gesture $et% He
)asn#t going to ta-e the ti&e no) to ex*lain it all to her, +ecause "lec )as
)aiting 'or hi&% I' she )anted an ex*lanation )hen he returned, he )ould
acco&&odate her%
/I don#t usuall$ sa$ good-+$e +e'ore I lea(e%/
/0ou#re &arried no) and should al)a$s tell $our )i'e good+$e%/
/"n$ other instructions $ou )ish to gi(e &e2/
/Were $ou *lanning to co&e +ac-2/
/I li(e here, :renna% 6' course I#ll co&e +ac-% Is this $our reason 'or
detaining &e2/
/No, I )anted to s*ea- to $ou a+out another &atter% I )ould a**reciate it i'
$ou )ouldn#t interru*t &e until I#& .nished%/
/Will $ou get it said2/ he de&anded in (exation%
She gritted her teeth together in res*onse to his sto*-+othering-&e tone
o' (oice%
/I ha(e onl$ 8ust 'ound out $ou &o(ed &e into another +edroo&, and I 'elt
certain $ou )ould )ish to -no) )hat I thin- a+out it% I )ould li-e $our
*er&ission to s*ea- 'reel$ .rst%/
/0ou don#t need to as- &$ *er&ission to s*ea- 'reel$ )hen )e#re alone%
Sa$ )hate(er $ou )ant to &e, 8ust +e >uic- a+out it%/
/0es, I#ll +e >uic- a+out it,/ she *ro&ised in a hoarse )his*er%
/Can#t $ou )ait until I return to sa$ than- $ou2 What the hell#s )rong )ith
$our e$elid2 It#s t)itching%/
She chose to ignore her hus+and 'or a &o&ent% She loo-ed o(er her
shoulder one last ti&e to &easure the distance to the door)a$ and sa'et$,
sa) that the door)a$ )as 8ust +ehind her, and too- a dee*, no)-$ou#re-
going-to-get-it +reath% :ecause she )as going to ha(e to @ee )ith all
*ossi+le haste, she *ic-ed u* the he& o' her s-irts in *re*aration, and
onl$ then did she gi(e her hus+and her undi(ided attention9 and her
She )asn#t s&iling no)%
/I don#t ha(e an$ intention o' than-ing $ou, Connor% Ho)e(er, I do intend
to tell $ou )hat I thin- a+out $our decision to &o(e &e into another roo&%
I thin- $ou are +e$ond conte&*ti+le% 0ou#re also a (ile, des*ica+le,
arrogant, heartless, &ean-s*irited *ig% Ho) could $ou deli+eratel$ hurt &e
this )a$2 "'ter the *assionate, satis'$ing night )e shared together, 'or $ou
to sha&e &e this )a$ &a-es &e thin- I &ust +e &arried to a goat% Well,
$ou#(e gone and done it this ti&e, +ecause I#ll ne(er reco(er 'ro& $our
insult% 0ou#(e +ro-en &$ heart again, and I )ill ne(er 'orgi(e $ou%/
She reall$ should ha(e sto**ed )hile she )as ahead% "t the (er$ least,
she should ha(e sto**ed insulting hi& the second she noticed his reaction
to +eing called a *ig% He clenched his 8a) tight, )hich )as a good
indication to her he )asn#t ta-ing her co&&ents at all )ell% She couldn#t
re&e&+er )hat other insults she thre) at hi&, +ecause once she got
started, she couldn#t see& to &a-e hersel' sto*, +ut she )as *rett$
certain she suggested he )as a horse#s +ac-side too% The hurt he#d caused
her &ade her )ant to lash out at hi&, and e(en though it )as childish 'or
her to lo)er hersel' to his le(el, she couldn#t see& to &a-e hersel' care
long enough to sto*%
Second thoughts )eren#t going to do her a lic- o' good no), ho)e(er3 onl$
distance )ould assure her o' li(ing another 'ull da$, as Connor#s e$es had
gone 'ro& )ide )ith stunned dis+elie'<no dou+t the &ention o' /*ig/
caused that reaction<to hal'-closed and +urning%
He didn#t e(en gi(e her a head start% She turned around onl$ to disco(er
that so&eone had snuc- u* +ehind her and closed the +arn doors,
thro)ing o, her ti&ing considera+l$% She had to let go o' her s-irts so that
she could *ush the doors o*en, and then Connor had hold o' her hand and
)as *ulling her +ac-% Ho) he#d gotten to her so >uic-l$ )as +e$ond her
co&*rehension% 6ne second he )as next to the stall, loo-ing .t to +e tied,
and the next he )as dragging her +ehind hi& to)ard the +ac- o' the
She said a heart'elt, /God, *lease ha(e &erc$%/
/I' $ou &ust *ra$ out loud, do so in one language% God *re'ers Gaelic%/
Her snort o' dis+elie' )asn#t a**reciated, she -ne), +ecause he tightened
his gri* on her hand% He dragged her to an e&*t$ stall around the corner
'ro& the others and closed the gate +ehind hi&%
She didn#t start edging a)a$ 'ro& hi& until she sa) the loo- in his e$es%
She sto**ed )hen her +ac- )as *ressed against the )all% I&&ediatel$,
she reali4ed ho) co)ardl$ she &ust a**ear% She couldn#t see& to &a-e
hersel' &o(e a)a$ 'ro& the )all, +ut she )as a+le to 'old her hands
together and &anaged to loo- serene )hile she )aited to +e throttled%
;etreat )ould ha(e +een +etter, o' course, +ut he +loc-ed the onl$ )a$
Connor see&ed to +e relaxed no)% She -ne) +etter% She )asn#t going
an$)here until he )as .nished )ith her% She reall$ needed to get hold o'
hersel'% Her hus+and )as 'urious, no dou+t a+out it, +ut he )ouldn#t e(er
touch her in anger% He )ould use )ords to crush her, and at the &o&ent,
that see&ed to +e 8ust as horri+le%
/Care to re*eat )hat $ou 8ust said to &e2/ he dra)led out in a dece*ti(el$
cal& (oice%
/No, than- $ou%/
/I reall$ insist, :renna% I )ant to hear e(er$ )ord again%/ He let her -no)
he )as )illing to )ait, no &atter ho) long it too-, +$ leaning against the
stall and dra*ing one ar& o(er the to* o' the gate%
She didn#t li-e the )a$ he )as inti&idating her, )hich, under the
circu&stances, )as the least o' her *ro+le&s, and she reall$ couldn#t
+la&e hi& 'or +eing angr$ )ith her since she#d said such un'orgi(a+le
things to hi&% She )asn#t a+out to a*ologi4e, though3 'or )hile she )asn#t
totall$ con(inced he )as co&*letel$ heartless, he had still )ounded her
/I#& a'raid I )on#t +e a+le to acco&&odate $ou +ecause I see& to ha(e
'orgotten &ost o' )hat I said% I do recall &entioning $ou disa**ointed &e,/
she added )ith a nod to *ro(e her sincerit$%
He )asn#t +u$ing it% /I re&e&+er +eing called a *ig%/
/0ou do2/
/0ou -no) good and )ell, I do% I )as called a *ig in t)o languages%/
/0ou )ere2/
/I )as%/
/I &ight ha(e s*o-en in haste% 0es, it is *ossi+le I &ight ha(e%/
/0ou s*o-e in anger%/
/0ou ga(e &e *er&ission to s*ea- 'reel$%/
His tone shar*ened% /I didn#t gi(e $ou *er&ission to insult &e% 0ou )ill
ne(er s*ea- to &e li-e that again, )ill $ou2/
/Will $ou hurt &e again2/
/This is not a negotiation, )o&an%/
She @inched in reaction to his anger and tried to thin- o' so&ething she
could sa$ that )ould a**ease hi& +ut not +e an outright lie%
/I' I re&e&+ered e(er$ )ord I said, I )ould )ant to ta-e +ac- &ost o'
)hat I9/
He interru*ted her% /I re&e&+er e(er$ )ord% In )hich language )ould $ou
li-e 'or &e to re*eat the&2 0ours or &ine2 0ou couldn#t see& to &a-e u*
$our &ind during $our tirade%/
/I reall$ don#t )ish to hear9/
She sto**ed *rotesting as soon as he +egan reciting, @inched )hen he
re*eated certain )ords, such as /*ig/ and /goat/ and /horse#s +ac-side,/
and +$ the ti&e he .nished, she#d lo)ered her head in sha&e and
/I shouldn#t ha(e said those things to $ou%/
/No, $ou shouldn#t ha(e%/
/Wh$ did $ou &a-e &e lea(e $our +ed2/
/Did $ou )ant to sta$ )ith &e a'ter )hat I did to $ou last night2/
/Wh$ )ould $ou thin- I )ouldn#t )ant to sta$2/
/Will $ou sto* ans)ering &$ >uestions )ith >uestions2/
/0es, I )ant to sta$,/ she cried out% /I#& $our )i'e, not one o' $our ca&*
/I hurt $ou%/ He )as 'urious )ith hi&sel' no), 'or that re&inder had once
again &ade hi& reali4e ho) out o' control he#d +een%
/0es, $ou hurt &e% I alread$ told $ou so se(eral ti&es% Ha(en#t $ou +een
*a$ing attention2 I -no) $ou ha(e a strong &e&or$ +ecause $ou didn#t
ha(e an$ trou+le re*eating e(er$ insult I ga(e $ou% Ho) could I not +e
hurt2 I had onl$ 8ust reali4ed ho) &uch I9/
/Ho) &uch $ou )hat2/
She shoo- her head% She )asn#t a+out to ad&it that she )as +eginning to
care 'or hi&, and so she su+stituted another re&ar- 'or the one she had
al&ost +lurted out%
/It )as hu&iliating 'or &e to .nd out a+out $our decision 'ro& ?uinlan%/
/What are $ou tal-ing a+out no)2/ he de&anded in 'rustration%
Her hands +eca&e .sts at her sides% Ho) dare he *retend he didn#t
understand2 Did he thin- she )as so nai(e she )ould +e 'ooled so easil$2
6r )as she so uni&*ortant to hi& he had alread$ 'orgotten )hat he#d
/0ou#re deli+eratel$ tr$ing to *ro(o-e &e aren#t $ou2 6h, I -no) the truth
no)% 0ou#(e .gured out I#& 'alling in lo(e )ith $ou and $ou#re tr$ing to
&a-e &e sto* +$ hurting &e this )a$% Well, it )on#t )or-% 6ne )a$ or
another, I#& going to &a-e $ou care a+out &e% 0es, I a&, unless $our cold
attitude -ills &e .rst% It#s onl$ 'air, Connor% I' I#& going to +e &isera+le, +$
God, so are $ou% I a& not a co&&on )ench, and I )ill not +e treated li-e
one% !$ &other )ould )ee* 'or a &onth i' she -ne) a+out &$ hu&iliation%
0ou didn#t e(en +other to tell &e3 $ou let ?uinlan do it 'or $ou, and no)
$ou#re lea(ing and $ou didn#t gi(e &e an$ )arning at all% I )anted to ha(e
a &edallion &ade 'or $ou to )ear so $ou could send it +ac- to &e i' $ou
needed &e% 0ou )ouldn#t ha(e )orn it, though, )ould $ou2 "nd all
+ecause $ou#(e gotten it into $our head that needing &e )ould +e an
insult% 0es, I re&e&+er exactl$ )hat $ou said )hen I sho)ed $ou &$
&edallion and told $ou a+out &$ 'a&il$#s tradition% 0ou ordered &e to
thro) it a)a$ +ecause it insulted $ou, and )hat +rea-s &$ heart is that
$ou &ade it >uite clear that )hat#s i&*ortant to &e &eans nothing to
She (o)ed she )ouldn#t sa$ another )ord, $et contradicted hersel' less
than ten seconds later% /I ha(e onl$ one &ore thing to sa$ to $ou +e'ore I
go +ac- to the hall and *retend I#& not &arried to $ou% Hus+ands tell their
)i(es good-+$e +e'ore the$ lea(e, and the$ al)a$s gi(e the& *ro*er
'are)ell -isses%/
It )asn#t until she 'elt the tears on her 'ace that she reali4ed she )as
cr$ing% Her o)n lac- o' control sic-ened her, 'or not onl$ had she sha&ed
hersel' +$ sa$ing such terri+le things to her hus+and<God 'orgi(e her,
she#d reall$ called hi& a *ig<+ut she had also +ro-en do)n in 'ront o'
Ho) could she e(er &a-e hi& care 'or her i' she acted li-e a shre) one
&inute and a )ea-ling the next2 She couldn#t, o' course, she#d alread$
done the da&age, and no) nothing )as e(er going to +e all right%
"lec#s shout sa(ed her 'ro& 'urther disgrace i' such a thing )as *ossi+le%
His older +rother had gro)n )ear$ o' )aiting and had co&&anded Connor
to hurr$ u*%
/I#(e detained $ou long enough,/ she )his*ered%
He didn#t agree or disagree )ith her and, in 'act, didn#t utter a single )ord%
He didn#t lea(e either3 he si&*l$ stood )here he )as and stared at her% His
ex*ression &ade her i&agine she had suddenl$ gro)n a *air o' red de(il#s
horns on to* o' her head and he didn#t ha(e the 'aintest idea )hat he )as
su**osed to do a+out it%
Dear God, she#d *ut hi& into a trance% Her &ind raced to re&e&+er e(er$
)ord she#d 8ust said to hi&% She -ne) she#d gotten a little carried a)a$,
+ut she )as certain, )ell, al&ost certain, she hadn#t called hi& a *ig or a
goat again% Had she called hi& so&ething e(en &ore o,ensi(e2 She
'er(entl$ ho*ed she hadn#t3 +ut i' she had, God hel* her three +rothers,
Gillian and Willia& and "rthur, +ecause it )as all their 'ault, and the next
ti&e she sa) the&, she )as going to +lister the& 'or using crude
language in 'ront o' her% The$#d done it on *ur*ose, o' course, and 'or their
o)n en8o$&ent, +ecause the$ -ne) she )as too $oung to understand, +ut
old enough to re*eat al&ost e(er$thing she heard% She )as &a-ing
hersel' cra4ed )orr$ing a+out her *ossi+le transgression%
/Connor, i' I#(e said so&ething o+scene to $ou, it &ust ha(e *o**ed out o'
the +ac- o' &$ &ind )here I stored it 'ro& the ti&e I )as a little girl and
&$ older +rothers9/ She sto**ed as soon as she reali4ed she )as
ra&+ling and ga(e u* her atte&*t to a**ease hi&% /Wh$ don#t $ou lea(e2
0ou#re loo-ing li-e $ou#re a+out to *ounce on &e, and i' that is $our
inclination, then *lease get on )ith it% The )ait is &a-ing &e da't%/
/0ou don#t re&e&+er )hat $ou said2/
His >uestion &ade her 'eel )orse% /I re&e&+er so&e o' )hat I said, +ut
not all o' it% I -no) +etter than to let &$ anger control &$ )ords, and $et I
allo)ed it to ha**en an$)a$% I assu&e I said so&ething I shouldn#t ha(e%
Did I2/
7ord, that had to +e an understate&ent% 1ro& the &o&ent she#d )al-ed
into the sta+les and o*ened her &outh, e(er$thing she#d said had +een
/I ha(e to go%/
/0es,/ she agreed )ith a heart'elt sigh o' relie'%
"'ter o*ening the gate, he &otioned 'or her to go ahead o' hi&%
She could 'eel his ga4e on her as she +rushed *ast hi&, +ut she
deli+eratel$ -e*t her head do)n so she )ouldn#t ha(e to loo- at the anger
she )as sure )as still lingering in his e$es% "nd his )ariness% Whate(er
she#d +lurted out in the heat o' the &o&ent had caused that s*eci.c
She didn#t )ant to )atch hi& lea(e the 'ortress, -no)ing she )ould lose
)hat thin threads o' control she still had le't and )ail li-e a sinner%
Wouldn#t that +e a .tting )a$ 'or her hus+and to re&e&+er her2
/Good-+$e,/ she )his*ered as she sto**ed in the center o' the sta+les%
/God -ee* $ou sa'e%/
He didn#t ha(e an$ last )ords to sa$ to her% He si&*l$ )al-ed on *ast her
and )ent outside% He glanced +ac- o(er his shoulder once, his ex*ression
still )ar$% Surel$ he noticed ho) desolate she )as and )as *ro+a+l$
*leased to -no) he )as 'ull$ res*onsi+le 'or her &iser$%
"nd then he )as gone% She sta$ed inside the sta+les )hile she listened to
the grinding sound o' the dra)+ridge +eing lo)ered% It )as 'ollo)ed +$ the
clan-ing noise o' s)ords stri-ing against their &etal sheaths and horses
cli*-clo**ing across the )ooden *ath)a$ to the outside% She *ictured her
hus+and ta-ing the lead +$ his +rother#s side, s&iling and laughing no)
o(er 'ar &ore *leasant &atters than a +otherso&e, ne(er--ne)-)hen-to-
-ee*-her-&outh-shut )i'e%
"'ter ta-ing another &inute to sa$ a *ra$er to God to *lease )atch o(er
hi& )hile he )as a)a$ 'ro& her, she &ade certain there )eren#t an$ tears
clinging to the corners o' her e$es, sla**ed a s&ile on her 'ace, and )ent
outside% She tried to act as though she )as in a hurr$ so no one )ould
+other her%
She )as hal')a$ u* the gentle incline, headed to)ard the court$ard, )hen
she heard the sound o' thunder +ehind her% She glanced u* at the s-$,
instincti(el$ >uic-ening her *ace, +ut slo)ed do)n al&ost i&&ediatel$
+ecause there )asn#t a dar- cloud hanging do)n an$)here% She )as too
distraught to reall$ *a$ attention to )hat )as going on around her, 'or she
reali4ed she had 8ust destro$ed her chances o' e(er li(ing ha**il$ e(er
a'ter )ith a hus+and )ho lo(ed and adored her, and ho) could she
*ossi+l$ thin- a+out, or care a+out, an$thing else2
Soldiers shouted a )arning to her to &o(e out o' the )a$, )hile those
strolling ahead o' her hurried to get o, the *ath )ithout +eing told% The
thunder )as still +ehind her, +ut lo)er to the ground no), and getting
closer% I' she )eren#t certain it )as an i&*ossi+ilit$, she )ould ha(e
i&agined the ground )as shi(ering under her 'eet%
:renna assu&ed one o' the horses had gotten a)a$ 'ro& Da(is and )as
no) gallo*ing out o' control u* the *ath% She hurried to)ard the cluster o'
*ine trees to get out o' danger, and 8ust in the nic- o' ti&e, as the )ild
+east )as +earing do)n on her no)%
She didn#t &a-e it% She )as ta-en +$ sur*rise and actuall$ let out a
startled $el* as she 'elt hersel' +eing *luc-ed 'ro& the ground%
Connor s)e*t her o, her 'eet% He had leaned do)n to the side, )ra**ed
his ar& tight around her )aist, and li'ted her u* onto his la* )ithout
+othering to slo) his horse#s gallo*ing stride%
He scared the hell out o' her%
He heard her cr$ o' alar& )hen he li'ted her o, the ground, +ut -ne) the
*recise second she reco(ered% It )as )hen she landed on his la* and
reali4ed she )as in his ar&s% Her 'ear (anished% She didn#t e(en hold on to
hi&% With her hands at her sides, she leaned +ac-, a care'ree loo- on her
'ace as enchanting as her innocence% His hand )as s*la$ed against her
+ac-% I' he lightened his hold, she )ould +e thro)n to the ground% Her
trust in hi& )as a+solute, ho)e(er, and she le't her sa'et$ u* to hi&%
His uninhi+ited )i'e couldn#t +e +othered% She arched +ac-, li'ted her
ar&s, and stretched the& out as 'ar as the$ )ould reach% With the *al&s
o' her hands 'acing the sun, she tossed her head +ac- and closed her e$es
in +liss'ul surrender%
Connor )as stunned% He $earned to ha(e such s)eet a+andon, to ta-e
such delight in li(ing each and e(er$ &o&ent% "nd as he )atched her, the
laughter )elled u* inside hi&, catching hi& +$ co&*lete sur*rise% 6h, ho)
she *leased hi&% He slo)ed the horse to a )al- and ca&e to a sto* at the
to* o' the incline%
7essening his gri* around her )aist, he )aited 'or her to gi(e hi& her 'ull
She )ra**ed her ar&s around his nec- and leaned into hi&% Whis*ering
his na&e, she *laced a -iss near the +ase o' his throat, her li*s as so't and
s)eet as a +utter@$#s )ings% He )as sha-en +$ her ex*ression o' a,ection%
His s&ile disa**eared, his thoughts *rotected +$ his guarded ex*ression
as he stared into her enchanting +lue e$es%
" 'ull &inute *assed )ithout a s*o-en )ord% The tension and antici*ation
radiated +et)een the&% His ga4e lo)ered to her &outh and sta$ed there
as he )his*ered his 'are)ell% "nd then he *ulled her u* against hi&, tilted
her head +ac-, and -issed her long and hard and thoroughl$% It )as a -iss
he )anted her to re&e&+er, and one he )ould ne(er 'orget% He &ade
lo(e to her )ith his &outh, telling her )ith his *assion that he had 'orgi(en
her, and letting her -no) )ith his gentle touch that he &eant to ha(e her
'orgi(eness as )ell%
It too- Connor a considera+le a&ount o' disci*line to re&e&+er "lec )as
)aiting 'or hi& to catch u*% He raised his head and reali4ed an audience
had gathered to +ear )itness to their laird#s astonishing +eha(ior%
None o' the& had e(er seen hi& exhi+it such o*en a,ection +e'ore% !ost
o' the &en )ere stu*e.ed +$ their leader, )hile all +ut one o' the )o&en
)ere clearl$ delighted +ecause their laird )as acting li-e a hus+and no)%
His action )ould surel$ change their o)n hus+ands# attitudes% I' their laird
-issed his )i'e 'are)ell, the &arried &en under his co&&and )ould surel$
'ollo) his exa&*le%
Connor#s ga4e scanned his audience, and )hen he noticed that Donald
and the other soldiers )ho#d gone hunting )ere +ac- and )atching )ith
ridiculous ex*ressions o' dis+elie' on their 'aces, he decided that no) )as
as good a ti&e as an$ to introduce :renna to his clan%
He de&anded their silence +$ raising his hand%
/7ad$ !ac"lister is $our &istress% 0ou )ill ta-e her into $our hearts,
*rotect her )ith $our li(es, and ser(e her as $ou ha(e ser(ed &e, 'or she
is &$ )i'e%/
He lo)ered his hand, nodded )ith satis'action as the cheers o' acce*tance
roared through the cro)d, and then assisted :renna +ac- to the ground
The -iss had le't her da4ed% She staggered +ac- and surel$ )ould ha(e
lost her +alance i' t)o o' the )o&en hadn#t steadied her%
Connor le't her there staring a'ter hi& and sto**ed again onl$ once, to
s*ea- to ?uinlan, )ho )as )aiting 'or hi& near the sta+les and grinning
li-e a lunatic%
:renna couldn#t sto* sighing% 1or the .rst ti&e in a (er$ long ti&e, she )as
E(er$thing, a'ter all, )as going to +e all right%
Cha*ter 11
Contents - Pre( A Next
7i'e +eca&e a li(ing night&are 'or 7ad$ :renna, and it all +egan and
ended )ith ;aen%
Eu*he&ia#s *ride and 8o$ arri(ed at the holding 8ust a 'e) hours a'ter
Connor had &ade his de*arture to go hunting )ith "lec%
:ecause she )as in the -itchens, :renna didn#t hear the dra)+ridge +eing
lo)ered and )as there'ore the last to +e gi(en the ne)s o' ;aen#s arri(al%
While all the ser(ants )ere +us$ searching 'or her, :renna sat at the
-itchen ta+le )ith "da, tr$ing to co&&unicate% Deter&ined to &a-e the
.rst &eal she shared )ith her ste*&other as *er'ect as an$ o' the holida$
'easts her &other had ser(ed, :renna had alread$ s*ent at least a hal'
hour ex*laining, or rather, atte&*ting to ex*lain, )hat )as to +e ser(ed
and )hen% Her goal )as to i&*ress Eu*he&ia so that the )o&an )ould
ha(e no dou+ts Connor had indeed &arried )ell% Discussing the &enu
*ro(ed to +e an arduous underta-ing, 'or though the elderl$ )o&an#s
s&ile indicated her )illingness to +e o' assistance, it )as a**arent she
didn#t understand &ore than a )ord or t)o o' her &istress#s instructions,
and i' Netta hadn#t co&e to her rescue, hea(en onl$ -ne) )hat )ould
ha(e ended u* on the ta+le% Netta translated :renna#s Gaelic into a
t)isted dialect onl$ she and "da and God could *ossi+l$ understand%
Netta )as o+(iousl$ a treasure% "lthough the ser(ant )as onl$ a 'e) $ears
older than :renna and had ser(ed her laird#s household onl$ 'or one short
$ear, she had li(ed on !ac"lister land al&ost as long as Connor had and
there'ore -ne) all o' the goings-on% !ore i&*ortant, Netta -ne) ho) to
ac>uire necessar$ ite&s 'or her &istress%
6nce :renna had ex*lained )hat she )anted to acco&*lish in the great
hall to &a-e it &ore )elco&ing to co&*an$ in general, and her hus+and in
*articular, the ser(ant +egged to ta-e o(er the tas-s o' organi4ing the
household ser(ants and (olunteered to s*end the a'ternoon +raiding
rushes% She *ro&ised the @oor )ould +e cleaned and s*rin-led )ith rushes
here and there +$ the &iddle o' the 'ollo)ing &orning%
/I )ould rather )e -ee* the& hidden a)a$ until I#(e .nished se)ing the
cushions 'or the +enches and collected a 'e) &ore things 'or the hall%
When e(er$thing is .nished, )e#ll &a-e the changes all at once%/
:oth Netta and "da )ere soon caught u* in their &istress#s enthusias&%
Netta )as 'ull o' suggestions%
/"s 'or the chairs $ou#re )anting, &istress, I -no) 'or a certaint$ there are
t)o nice tall ones, close in si4e to the one our laird *re'ers )hen he sits 'or
his &eals% The$#re in the tanner#s hut, co(ered u* tight,/ she added%
/7othar#s -no)n 'or sca(enging out this and that 'ro& cottages that ha(e
sat (acant 'or a decent inter(al so no one )ill thin- hi& a thie'% He doesn#t
ha(e an$ use at all 'or the chairs<he told &e so hi&sel'<and he
threatened to +urn the& 'or .re)ood so he#ll ha(e roo& to collect &ore%
He#d +e )illing and honored to gi(e the& u* to $ou, and &ight +e he has
other things $ou#ll +e )anting% I#ll gi(e $ou 'air )arning, though% 7othar#s a
tal-er, and it )on#t do $ou an$ good at all to &ention $ou#re in a hurr$% He
)on#t ta-e $our hints +ecause he#s lonel$ no) that his )i'e *assed on, and
he li-es ha(ing co&*an$ around%/
/I#ll +e ha**$ to sit )ith hi& 'or as long as he )ishes,/ :renna said%
Thrilled )ith the ne)s that she could i&*le&ent her *lans 'or the hall
sooner than she#d antici*ated, she as-ed Netta to sho) her )here 7othar#s
cottage )as located, +ut the ser(ant ha**ened to re&e&+er her *ri&ar$
reason 'or searching her &istress out then and hastil$ told her i&*ortant
/7ad$ Eu*he&ia#s son is here, &i#lad$%/
The announce&ent caused her &istress to 8u&* u* and hurr$ to the door%
I' "da hadn#t gi(en Netta a good nudge in her side, she )ould ha(e
'orgotten the >uestion her 'riend had +egged her to as-%
/!i#lad$, could $ou s*are one &ore &inute to *ut "da#s &ind to rest2/
:renna *aused at the door%
/"da#s started 'retting $ou#ll )ant to re*lace her +ecause she has so &uch
trou+le understanding $ou% She#s *rone to )orr$9/ The ser(ant sto**ed
her ex*lanation )hen 7ad$ :renna )ent hurr$ing o(er to the coo- and
too- hold o' her hand%
/0ou#ll +e the &istress o' the -itchens as long as $ou )ish, "da,/ she
*ro&ised her, and a'ter )aiting until Netta had translated her *ro&ise,
:renna continued% /I#& the one )ith the *ro+le& o' &a-ing &$sel'
understood, +ut i' $ou#ll ha(e *atience )ith &e, I#& certain I#ll i&*ro(e%/
Con(inced her &istress &eant to let her -ee* her i&*ortant *osition, "da
s>uee4ed :renna#s hand to let her -no) ho) a**reciati(e she )as and
+o++ed her head u* and do)n in understanding% She )as da++ing at the
corners o' her e$es )ith the cloth Netta handed her )hen their &istress
le't the -itchen%
6utside, the s-$ )as o(ercast )ith dar- gra$ shado)s, an un)elco&e
sight to :renna, )ho )as used to +eing 'orced inside +$ her 'a&il$
)hene(er so &uch as a dri* ca&e do)n 'ro& the s-ies% She )as 'ortunate
to reach the +ac- door +e'ore the hea($ rain +egan%
She tried not to &a-e an$ noise as she eased the door closed +ehind her%
She didn#t )ant to distur+ the reunion +et)een &other and son and
thought onl$ to )ait +$ the door to the hall until there )as a satis'actor$
lull in the con(ersation +e'ore she entered the roo&% Her *lan )as to
>uic-l$ introduce hersel', &a-e certain +oth Eu*he&ia and ;aen )ere
co&'orta+le and had e(er$thing the$ needed, and then lea(e again so
the$ could catch u* on each other#s ne)s%
She heard Eu*he&ia#s )his*ered re&ar-s and assu&ed she )as tal-ing to
/I don#t -no) i' Connor &arried )ell or not% :renna#s a *rett$ little thing,
+ut she#s +arel$ gro)n and cannot *ossi+l$ ha(e ac>uired the s-ills
necessar$ to run a household% She see&s (er$ eager to *lease, and 'ro&
)hat I#(e o+ser(ed, I )ould sa$ she#s alread$ lo$al to Connor% Pit$ she
doesn#t ha(e an older )o&an to sho) her the )a$, +ut then, (er$ soon
no), that )on#t &atter, )ill it2 There can +e onl$ one &istress here%/
/Prett$, $ou sa$2 Descri+e her to &e,/ ;aen insisted%
/1or hea(en#s sa-e, $ou )ould as- a+out such inconse>uential things,/
Eu*he&ia scolded% /Cou*le )ith ca&* 'ollo)ers i' $ou &ust, +ut *ut aside
an$ lust'ul thought 'or another &an#s )i'e% Ha(e $ou learned nothing in
the *ast 'e) $ears2 0ou )ould 8eo*ardi4e e(er$thing i' $ou9/
/Cal& $oursel', !other,/ ;aen ordered, his (oice shar* )ith irritation% /I
)as &erel$ curious% 0ou insult &e +$ suggesting I )ould e(en consider
+edding a &arried )o&an%/
/0ou#(e done it +e'ore, ;aen,/ she re&inded hi&% /Se(eral ti&es, as I
/When I )as too $oung to -no) an$ +etter,/ he said% /Connor &ust +e
*leased )ith his )i'e% Do the$ see& ha**$ to $ou2/
/1ro& )hat I#(e o+ser(ed, I )ould ha(e to conclude Connor is (er$
unha**$% I ha(en#t s*ent su=cient ti&e )ith her to ascertain ho) she 'eels
a+out hi&%/
/I' she hi& in +ed, )hat &ore could he )ant2 I 'or one )ouldn#t
care )hat &$ )i'e#s other s-ills )ere%/
/Is &ating all $ou e(er thin- a+out2/
/!ost &en thin- o' little else% I#& no di,erent, !other, so $ou can >uit
sco)ling at &e )ith disa**ro(al%/
/I cannot -no) 'or certain, o' course, +ut I )ould ha(e to assu&e she
doesn#t satis'$ hi& in +ed either% He &o(ed her out o' his +edroo& and
into another earlier toda$% She &ust ha(e gone to hi& and *leaded, or
*erha*s she re&inded hi& she couldn#t gi(e hi& an heir unless he +edded
/Did she con(ince hi&2/
/0es,/ Eu*he&ia ans)ered% /Cust an hour *ast, I sa) one o' his &en
carr$ing her clothing +ac- into Connor#s cha&+er%/
/0ou &a-e hi& sound >uite &isera+le,/ ;aen re&ar-ed )ith a laugh%
/I +elie(e he is,/ his &other said )ith con(iction% /I don#t 'eel sorr$ 'or hi&,
o' course% He &arried her out o' s*ite and has no one to +la&e +ut
hi&sel'% Do $ou -no) he didn#t e(en steal the )o&an he )ent a'ter2/
/What nonsense is this2/
/I#& telling $ou the truth% :renna#s 'ather *ro&ised !acNare one daughter
and sent hi& another%/
/Ho) (er$ English,/ ;aen &uttered, his (oice as caustic as l$e%
:renna#s 'ace 'elt as though it )ere on .re, so e&+arrassed )as she +$
the con(ersation a+out Connor#s *h$sical satis'action )ith her, or rather,
dissatis'action% Inti&ate &atters +et)een a hus+and and his )i'e should
ne(er +e discussed +$ others% Were Connor#s relati(es so uneducated and
crude +ecause the$ li(ed in the +ar+aric land in the north and si&*l$
didn#t -no) an$ +etter2
"lthough it didn#t see& *ossi+le, her e&+arrass&ent had intensi.ed a
&o&ent later )hen Eu*he&ia &entioned that Connor hadn#t e(en
ca*tured the )o&an he#d )anted%
His ste*&other had it all )rong% Connor hadn#t -no)n or cared )hich
sister )as +eing sent to !acNare3 he si&*l$ intended to steal the &an#s
+ride, and that#s exactl$ )hat he did% :ut ho) in hea(en#s na&e had
Eu*he&ia 'ound out )hat her 'ather had done2 It see&ed *er'ectl$
*lausi+le to :renna that his ste*&other )ould ha(e +een *ri($ to the 'eud
going on +et)een the !acNares and the !ac"listers<e(er$one in the
Highlands -ne) a+out it<and it )as also *lausi+le that she had heard
'ro& others that !acNare *lanned to &arr$ a )o&an 'ro& England%
It didn#t see& *lausi+le that she )ould ha(e also heard that one sister had
+een *ro&ised and another sent, unless Connor had told her%
Wh$ )ould he ha(e done such a thing2 It )asn#t li-e hi& to e(er tell
an$one an$thing he )as *lanning, exce*t 'or "lec and his t)o close
'riends, Cris*in and ?uinlan, o' course, +ut the$ )ere 8ust li-e Connor%
The$ )ouldn#t ha(e told Eu*he&ia so&ething the$ )ould consider
She leaned hea(il$ against the door )hile she tried to co&e u* )ith a
reasona+le ex*lanation% She 'elt hu&iliated and )orthless, +ut then, )h$
)ouldn#t she2 Her o)n 'ather had treated her )ith callous disregard )hen
he#d snatched her out o' her )ar& +ed and sent her to !acNare )ithout
so &uch as a 'are-thee-)ell%
Had Connor +een dislo$al to her2 She shoo- her head as soon as the
*ossi+ilit$ ca&e into her &ind% Granted, her hus+and had a considera+le
list o' @a)s that )ere +ound to dri(e her da't +$ the ti&e she )as an old
)o&an, $et he also had a 'air nu&+er o' (irtues% He )as a+o(e all else an
honora+le &an, o' that she )as a+solutel$ certain, and honora+le &en
didn#t deli+eratel$ e&+arrass their )i(es%
Hea(en onl$ -ne) ho) Eu*he&ia had 'ound out, +ut one da$, )hen
:renna had )on her a**ro(al and 'riendshi*, she )ould get u* the
courage to as- her%
The i&&ediate *ro+le& 'acing her )as *ro(ing to Eu*he&ia that although
she )as $oung, she )as still >uite ca*a+le o' running Connor#s ho&e% His
ste*&other hadn#t said an$thing un-ind a+out her, )hich ga(e :renna
considera+le ho*e that she )ould +e a+le to *ro(e hersel' in no ti&e at all%
Connor#s 'a&il$ should +e i&*ortant to her, and 8n the +ac- o' her &ind
she -ne) that once he noticed ho) she acce*ted his relati(es, he )ould
reali4e he should gi(e her side o' the 'a&il$ the sa&e consideration% "t the
(er$ least, he should sho) so&e interest in listening to her tal- a+out her
+rothers and sisters% He didn#t e(en -no) their na&es no)% In ti&e he
)ould, she (o)ed%
Her )or- )as cut out 'or her, +ut she#d ne(er +ac-ed a)a$ 'ro& a
challenge +e'ore, and she )asn#t a+out to +ac- a)a$ no)% Her ulti&ate
goal )as to turn an un'eeling, hardened )arrior into a lo(ing hus+and, and
one )a$ or another, she )ould &a-e it ha**en% Training a +ear to
genu@ect )ould *ro+a+l$ +e easier than teaching Connor to +e thought'ul%
Still, it could +e done, couldn#t it2
She straightened a)a$ 'ro& the door and )ith rene)ed deter&ination and
a .r& *lan in her &ind, she too- a slo), dee* +reath and o*ened the +ac-
door% Then she sla&&ed it shut so Eu*he&ia and ;aen )ould hear, 'orced
a s&ile on her 'ace, and )ent inside%
/Good da$, 7ad$ !ac"lister,/ she called out 'ro& the door)a$%
/Good da$, :renna% I#& ha**$ $ou could 8oin us% We#(e +een )aiting 'or
$ou >uite a long ti&e no)%/
/I a*ologi4e i' I -e*t $ou )aiting% I )as in the -itchens going o(er tonight#s
/Co&e 'or)ard, child, so I &a$ introduce $ou to &$ son%/
She 'elt a surge o' anger at +eing called a child, >uic-l$ su**ressed it, and
did as she )as as-ed% ;aen )as standing +$ the hearth% She intended to
go to hi& +e'ore she curtsied, +ut Eu*he&ia#s son got to her .rst% #T)as a
'act, he actuall$ ran, +ut than-'ull$ he had enough *resence o' &ind to
sto* +e'ore he ran her do)n% " +it unsettled +$ his enthusias&, she too- a
>uic- ste* +ac- to *ut a decent a&ount o' distance +et)een the&%
/!$ son#s na&e is ;aen,/ Eu*he&ia called out% /"nd 'ro& the loo- on his
'ace, I can onl$ conclude $ou#(e gi(en hi& >uite a start% Son, )here are
$our &anners2/ she added in a s)eet (oice%
"nd still he didn#t sa$ a )ord% His close scrutin$ &ade her uneas$ in no
ti&e at all% What )as the &atter )ith hi&2
/It#s a *leasure to &eet $ou,/ she +lurted out, loo-ing u* at hi& )hile she
)aited 'or hi& to sto* ga)-ing at her and sa$ so&ething in return%
She )as sur*rised the &an standing +e'ore her )as related to Eu*he&ia%
The$ didn#t loo- an$thing ali-e% ;aen e(identl$ 'a(ored his 'ather#s side o'
the 'a&il$, )hich reall$ )asn#t all that 'ortunate, +ecause the$ &ust ha(e
+een rather dull-loo-ing *eo*le%
He )asn#t un*leasantl$ dull, 8ust rather ordinar$, )ith lac-luster 'eatures
and *ale coloring and ha4el e$es that couldn#t decide )hat color to +e% He
)as tall, nearl$ as tall as Connor, as a &atter o' 'act, $et gi(en to 'at
around his chest, not &uscle, )hich &eant he didn#t do &uch strenuous
)or- on his land%
The )a$ he )as staring at her &ade her horri+l$ unco&'orta+le% His ga4e
had +een centered on her &outh 'or surel$ )hat &ust ha(e +een a 'ull
&inute, and then dro**ed to her +reasts, )here it lingered e(en no)%
It )asn#t a**ro*riate +eha(ior at all% :ut he )as 'ro& the 'ar north, she
re&inded hersel', and there'ore didn#t -no) an$ +etter%
/0ou#re a (er$ +eauti'ul )o&an, :renna,/ he )his*ered, as he clas*ed her
hand in his% /I ho*e Connor reali4es $our (alue%/
/Surel$ $ou reali4e a )o&an#s (alue isn#t deter&ined +$ her a**earance,
+ut )hat is inside her heart, and I assure $ou, ;aen, &$ hus+and does
recogni4e &$ )orth% I do than- $ou 'or $our co&*li&ent,/ she hastil$
added, lest he ta-e o,ense +ecause she#d 8ust instructed hi&%
/0es, o' course,/ he agreed% He +o)ed lo) to her then, and )hile he )as
telling her ho) (er$ eager he#d +een to &eet her, he )as slo)l$ ru++ing
his thu&+ +ac- and 'orth along the *al& o' her hand% She couldn#t
understand )h$ he )ould )ant to do such a thing% She certainl$ didn#t
en8o$ it, +ut )hen she tried to *ull a)a$ 'ro& hi&, he tightened his hold%
She &ade u* her &ind then and there that she )ould +e *olite to the
&an, +ut ne(er, e(er li-e hi&%
/Co&e and sit )ith &e at the ta+le% I#& getting an ache in &$ +ac-
craning around to loo- at $ou,/ Eu*he&ia called out%
Sei4ing the o**ortunit$, :renna 8er-ed her hand a)a$ +e'ore turning to his
&other% /!ada&, )ouldn#t $ou +e &ore co&'orta+le sitting in the tall
/0ou )ant &e to sit at the head o' the ta+le )hile Connor is a)a$2/ ,
Eu*he&ia a**arentl$ didn#t need an ans)er to her >uestion, 'or >uic-er
than a go+let can +e tossed 'ro& the ta+le to the @oor, she too-
*ossession o' the *osition o' *o)er% /0ou are (er$ thought'ul, child%/
;aen *ressed against :renna#s +ac-, and )hen she tried to &o(e a)a$, he
*ut his hands do)n on her shoulders to -ee* her there% /!other, :renna
isn#t a child% 6ne loo- at her and an$one can see she#s a )o&an%/
/No), ;aen, don#t critici4e &e,/ Eu*he&ia *leaded%
The son ignored his &other and leaned do)n close to :renna#s ear% /Sit +$
&e at the ta+le and tell &e all a+out $our )edding%/
I' she turned around to ans)er hi&, she -ne) she )ouldn#t +e a+le to hide
her re*ulsion, and so she directed her re&ar-s to his &other instead% /I
&ustn#t intrude u*on $our 8o$'ul reunion )ith $our &other%/
/Nonsense, I onl$ le't her side a )ee- ago%/
/I don#t -no) )h$ I assu&ed it had +een a &uch longer se*aration,/ she
lied, 'or she re&e&+ered >uite )ell that Eu*he&ia had insisted she hadn#t
seen her son in a long, long )hile% /:ut a )ee- is still a long ti&e to a
&other, isn#t that so, 7ad$ !ac"lister2/
/Not reall$,/ Eu*he&ia ans)ered% /;aen, $ou#re standing entirel$ too close
to :renna% I#& not a+out to +e ignored an$ longer% Co&e o(er here and sit
)ith &e%/
/I hadn#t reali4ed I )as standing close,/ he said )ith such a tone o'
sur*rise that his &other o+(iousl$ thought he )as sincere% :renna )asn#t
so easil$ 'ooled, ho)e(er% She resisted an urge to sigh )ith relie' as soon
as he let go o' her and strolled o(er to the ta+le%
/:renna, $ou ha(e &$ *er&ission to go a+out $our duties% ;aen, I ha(e
so&e interesting ne)s to tell $ou%/
:renna hurried to)ard the entrance +e'ore Eu*he&ia could change her
;aen sto**ed her% /We heard thunder% Wasn#t it raining )hen $ou ca&e
/0es, it )as%/
/Then )h$ aren#t $our clothes )et2/
She )asn#t a+out to ad&it the truth, that she had +een inside se(eral
&inutes +e'ore the do)n*our started, 'or then she )ould ha(e to ex*lain
)hat she#d +een doing, and the$#d -no) she had deli+eratel$ listened to
their *ri(ate con(ersation%
/T)o (er$ thought'ul ser(ants held cloa-s o(er &$ head%/
His nod indicated he acce*ted her lie% /I ho*e to God the rain lets u* soon%
I hate +eing coo*ed u* inside%/
She thought that it )as rather *eculiar that the rain )ould -ee* hi& in%
Connor#s soldiers )ent a+out their duties regardless o' the )eather% ;aen
)asn#t at all li-e the other &en, ho)e(er% He had +een o(erindulged and
*a&*ered +$ his &other and *ro+a+l$ didn#t reali4e )hat a )ea-ling he
a**eared to +e%
Ho) in hea(en#s na&e )as she e(er going to get through su**er tonight2
She ho*ed to God she didn#t ha(e to sit next to Connor#s ste*+rother% The
&ere *ossi+ilit$ &ade her lose her a**etite%
She a(oided the hall 'or the rest o' the da$ until it )as ti&e to 8oin her
relati(es 'or the e(ening &eal% To her sur*rise, the e(ening turned out to
+e >uite *leasant% Not onl$ )as Eu*he&ia less a+rasi(e, ;aen )as also
so&e)hat char&ing% He sat across 'ro& her at the ta+le, entertaining +oth
his &other and her )ith a&using stories 'ro& his *ast% :$ the ti&e she
)ent u*stairs, she )as actuall$ loo-ing 'or)ard to sharing her next &eal
)ith hi&%
"'ter s*ending another lo(el$ e(ening )ith hi& the 'ollo)ing night, she
+egan to 'eel guilt$ 'or initiall$ 8udging hi& so harshl$% She had thought
the )orst o' hi& and no) reali4ed ho) )rong she#d +een% Granted, ;aen
had +een o(erl$ enthusiastic at their .rst encounter, +ut not +ecause he
had lecherous intentions she decided% Perha*s he 8ust didn#t -no) an$
+etter% "nd &a$+e he )as tr$ing to counter his &other#s uncertain attitude
to)ard her son#s )i'e +$ sho)ing :renna she had his co&*lete a**ro(al%
She )ent to +ed that night 'eeling she had si&*l$ o(erreacted and (o)ed
to ne(er let that ha**en again% E(er$one deser(ed a second chance%
6n the third &orning o' Connor#s a+sence, :renna a)a-ened to sunshine
and laughter% She thre) o, her co(ers and )ent to the )indo) to loo- out
at the glorious da$% Ser(ants )ere hurr$ing a+out +elo), and 'ro& the 8o$
in their 'aces she -ne) the$ lo(ed +eing outside as &uch as she did%
There )ere at least a hundred things she )anted to acco&*lish toda$, and
)hile she -ne) she shouldn#t *ut her duties aside, she &eant to do 8ust
that in 'a(or o' ex*loring the hills%
S&iling in antici*ation, she hurried to get dressed and go do)nstairs% The
hall )as deserted, and though she tried, she couldn#t get the hea($ door
o*en so she could go do)n to the court$ard% She )asn#t de'eated,
ho)e(er, and turned to go out the +ac- door instead%
/Good &orning, &i#lad$% Did $ou slee* )ell2/ Netta called out 'ro& the
/0es, than- $ou,/ she ans)ered% /Has 7ad$ !ac"lister co&e do)n $et2/
/No, &i#lad$, she hasn#t% ;aen has alread$ le't the holding to go riding 'or
the da$% He told &e he )ouldn#t +e +ac- until su**er%/
/He )ent outside the )alls )ith so&e o' Connor#s soldiers2/
/No, he rode alone% He#s ta-ing a ris-, isn#t he2/
/He &ust not thin- so,/ :renna re*lied )ith a shrug% /I )onder )here he
*lans to go,/ she added%
/It )ouldn#t ha(e +een *ro*er 'or &e to as-,/ Netta said%
:renna )asn#t *a$ing attention to the ser(ant no), 'or she#d onl$ 8ust
noticed the *ile o' ite&s stac-ed on the to* o' the lo) chest in the
entrance% "s soon as Netta con(inced her the$ loo-ed 'a&iliar to her
+ecause the$ +elonged to her, Netta hel*ed carr$ e(er$thing +ac- u* to
:renna#s roo&%
That e(ening, ;aen returned to the holding 8ust in ti&e to share his
e(ening &eal )ith his &other and :renna% He loo-ed tired 'ro& his ride,
+ut )as still >uite *leasant, and once again, he did nothing that )as in the
least ina**ro*riate%
He )as read$ to go u*stairs at the (er$ sa&e ti&e she )as% He clas*ed
hold o' her el+o) and )al-ed +$ her side, )hich )as reall$ >uite gallant,
and told her a hu&orous stor$ that &ade +oth o' the& laugh% His hand
+rushed across her +reasts as he reached 'or the door latch, +ut it )as
a**arent 'ro& the innocent loo- on his 'ace that he hadn#t e(en reali4ed
)hat he had done, lea(ing her to )onder )h$ she )as so >uic- to +eco&e
sus*icious again%
What )as )rong )ith her, she )ondered )hile she *re*ared 'or +ed, and
.nall$ concluded that the strain o' tr$ing to )in Eu*he&ia#s a**ro(al )as
&a-ing her a ner(ous t)it% #T)as the truth, the )o&an could &a-e a saint
lose her te&*er% No )onder :renna had her guard u* all the ti&e%
Connor#s ste*&other )as an extre&el$ di=cult )o&an to *lease, and
)inning her o(er )as *ro(ing to +e 'ar &ore di=cult than :renna had
antici*ated% While Eu*he&ia ne(er o*enl$ critici4ed her, she still &anaged
to .nd 'ault )ith e(er$thing she did, and in a +ac-handed, condescending
)a$ that &ade :renna )ant to clench her teeth together%
She )asn#t a+out to gi(e u*, o' course, and decided she )ould si&*l$
dou+le her e,orts%
The 'ollo)ing &orning, ;aen had once again le't the holding to go riding
alone +e'ore :renna had co&e do)nstairs% She s*ent a tr$ing da$ seeing
to Eu*he&ia#s e(er$ co&'ort and )as )orn out +$ su**er%
The )orst )as $et to co&e, ho)e(er% :renna#s e(ening )asn#t at all
delight'ul3 it )as god-a)'ul% She tried to engage ;aen in con(ersation, +ut
he )as in a sullen, de.ant &ood% :eing char&ing &ust ha(e +een a strain
on hi&, +ecause he discarded all atte&*ts at +eing the least +it *olite%
He acted li-e a lecher again% He ne(er too- his ga4e o, her<or rather, her
&outh<throughout the endless &eal, and 'ro& the s&ir- on his 'ace and
the loo- in his e$es, she -ne) he )as 'ull$ a)are o' ho) unco&'orta+le he
)as &a-ing her%
Eu*he&ia chose to +e o+li(ious to )hat )as going on% :renna dou+ted she
)ould ha(e done an$thing a+out it e(en i' as-ed to% Her de(otion to her
son +linded her to his 'aults% She considered ;aen to +e *er'ect, )hich )as
&ore than e(ident 'ro& the )a$ she constantl$ +o)ed to his )ishes%
I* until that night, Eu*he&ia 'ound 'ault )ith 8ust a+out e(er$one and
e(er$thing else, though, exce*t the &eals% :renna thought her &other-in-
la) )as en8o$ing her 'ood3 she ate e(er$thing on her trencher 8ust as she
had at her *re(ious &eals, +ut a'ter the ta+le )as cleared and the
ser(ants le't the hall, Eu*he&ia announced her dissatis'action%
/:renna, I reali4e $ou#(e +een un*re*ared 'or co&*an$ 'or the last se(eral
da$s and ha(e o+(iousl$ +een in too &uch o' a rush to go o(er su**er
arrange&ents thoroughl$ )ith $our coo-, and 'or that reason I ha(e held
&$ tongue% I cannot -ee* silent an$ longer, ho)e(er, and &ust insist $ou
re*lace the inco&*etent )o&an in $our -itchen )ith so&eone &ore
s-illed% Tonight )as the )orst disaster $et% I s)ear I ate &ore 'at than 'o)l,
and the tarts )ere so +itter and string$ I could +arel$ get the& do)n% Has
Connor had to *ut u* )ith this *oor excuse 'or 'ood long2/
/!other, :renna hasn#t li(ed here long enough to -no) i' he has or not,/
;aen sna**ed%
Eu*he&ia continued to 'ro)n at :renna% /0ou loo- @ushed, dear% Ha(e $ou
*ut in a long da$2/
/0es, &ada&%/
/Wh$ don#t $ou go u*stairs to +ed2 ;aen )ill +e ha**$ to -ee* &e
She couldn#t excuse hersel' 'ast enough% In'ortunatel$, ;aen 'ollo)ed her
to the entrance ste*s% He gra++ed hold o' her ar&, told her he )as
escorting her, and *ressed against her side% She )as all +ut hanging o(er
the railing in her atte&*t to *ut so&e distance +et)een the&%
/There isn#t an$ need to go u*stairs )ith &e, ;aen% I#& sure $ou ha(e
&ore i&*ortant things to do%/
/0ou#(e alread$ ta-en one serious 'all, and these ste*s are dangerousl$
stee*,/ he argued as he *ulled her along%
/Ho) did $ou hear a+out &$ 'all2/
/I as-ed one o' the ser(ants ho) $ou in8ured $our 'orehead, and she told
&e $ou 'ell do)n the stairs% I )ould +e re&iss in &$ dut$ to &$ +rother i' I
didn#t &a-e certain $ou )ere -e*t sa'e )hile he )as a)a$%/
/I 'ell do)n +ecause I )asn#t *a$ing attention to )here I )as going% I a&
*a$ing attention no)%/
He let go o' her ar&, gi(ing her onl$ a 'e) seconds to 'eel relie(ed +e'ore
he sli**ed his ar& around her )aist%
/Please let go o' &e,/ she as-ed%
He ignored her% /"re $ou eager to see Connor again2 I -no) $ou &ust &iss
hi&, es*eciall$ at night )hen $ou#re in +ed and $ou#re )anting to 'eel hi&
+et)een $our thighs%/
/Do not dare tal- to &e in such a )a$,/ she ordered% She )as so 'urious,
she could +arel$ control hersel' and increased her struggles to get a)a$
'ro& hi&%
He shi'ted his gri*, &o(ing u*)ard until his .sted hand rested 8ust +elo)
her right +reast, &a-ing it i&*ossi+le 'or her to struggle no) +ecause,
e(er$ ti&e she &o(ed, his -nuc-les ru++ed against her%
He ne(er once loo-ed do)n at her or sho)ed an$ reaction at all to the
*ain she -ne) she )as in@icting in his ar& )ith her nails digging into his
/I could ta-e care o' $ou )hile he#s a)a$,/ he )his*ered% /I -no) ho) to
&a-e the ache go a)a$% 7ea(e $our door unlatched tonight, :renna%/
Stunned +$ the .lth he s*e)ed, she could +arel$ -ee* her )its a+out her%
/I' $ou don#t let go o' &e, I s)ear I#ll screa&%/
/Wh$ in hea(en#s na&e )ould $ou )ant to screa&2/ he as-ed in &oc-
astonish&ent, )hile his .ngers slo)l$ uncoiled and s*read u*)ard to
s>uee4e her +reast%
"nger ga(e her the strength o' .(e &en% She dro(e her el+o) into his side
and +lessedl$ got 8ust the reaction she )anted% He grunted in o+(ious *ain
and let go o' her% She &o(ed +ac- against the door o' her +edroo& and
reached 'or her dagger% She 'elt a second#s *anic )hen she touched her
side and reali4ed the -ni'e )asn#t in the *ouch loo*ed to her +elt, +ut
;aen )asn#t loo-ing at her no) or tr$ing to gra+ her again%
He o*ened the door 'or her, +id her good night, and strolled a)a$% He )as
)histling as he )ent do)n the stairs%
Sha-ing )ith rage and terror, she ran inside, +olted the door closed +ehind
her, and +ro-e into so+s%
What in God#s na&e )as she going to do2
The *ossi+ilit$ that he &ight tr$ to touch her again terri.ed her% She sle*t
on Connor#s side o' the +ed that night and didn#t go do)nstairs until later
than custo&ar$ the 'ollo)ing &orning% She )as, ho)e(er, &uch cal&er,
+ecause she reali4ed that ;aen )ouldn#t dare do an$thing ina**ro*riate in
'ront o' )itnesses and as long as she )as ne(er alone )ith hi&, she )ould
+e sa'e until Connor ca&e ho&e%
The &inute she sa) her hus+and, she )as going to tell hi& exactl$ )hat
had ha**ened, +ut until he returned and sent ;aen a)a$, it )as her dut$
to loo- out 'or hersel'%
Connor should +e the .rst to -no)% ;aen )as his ste*+rother, and it
)ouldn#t +e right to tell an$one else, unless it +eca&e a+solutel$
necessar$% She )asn#t a+out to su,er so &uch as an o+scene loo- 'ro&
the (ile &an ho)e(er% I' he ca&e near her, she )ould +anish hi& 'ro& the
-ee* i&&ediatel$, *ro(iding she had the *o)er to do so, and i' ?uinlan
told her she didn#t ha(e the authorit$, she )ould either tell hi& )hat had
ha**ened or *ac- her satchel and &o(e in )ith the 5incaids% "lec had told
her he )ould ne(er den$ her an$thing%
She )al-ed around in a rage &ost o' the a'ternoon, and at su**er that
e(ening, she ignored ;aen and urged Eu*he&ia to tell her all a+out
hersel'% Connor#s ste*&other see&ed to en8o$ +eing the center o'
attention and s*ent o(er an hour co&*li&enting hersel'% :renna
*retended to hang on e(er$ )ord% She )asn#t a+out to lea(e the hall
unless her ste*&other )as )ith her, )hich soon +eca&e a**arent to
;aen, +ecause he .nall$ )ent outside to stretch his legs%
He dared to as- :renna i' she )ould li-e to acco&*an$ hi&, in a &oc-ing
tone and )ith a sneer that told her he -ne) )hat her ga&e )as and 'ound
it a&using%
/No, than- $ou,/ she ans)ered )ithout +othering to loo- at hi&% /I )ould
rather listen to $our &other% 7ad$ Eu*he&ia, $ou#(e had such an
interesting li'e%/
/I#(e had a tragic li'e,/ Eu*he&ia corrected%
With :renna#s encourage&ent, she then *roceeded to tell her all a+out the
*ain she had endured o(er the loss o' her dear *arents% No one had e(er
su,ered the )a$ Eu*he&ia had, and no one had e(er had so &an$
crushing disa**oint&ents%
Eu*he&ia didn#t sto* tal-ing a+out hersel' 'or another hour or so% :renna
sta$ed +$ her side, *retending to +e 'ascinated, and )hen, at last, she
announced she )as going u* to +ed, :renna too- hold o' her ar& and
)al-ed +$ her side%
/I &eant to tal- to $ou a+out the e(ening &eals, &ada&%/
/I &eant to ha(e a )ord )ith $ou too% 6nce again, I )as disa**ointed,
:renna% Didn#t $ou 'ollo) &$ instructions and get rid o' the coo-2/
/0es, o' course I did,/ :renna lied% /I#(e co&e u* )ith a *lan I ho*e $ou#ll
a**ro(e% 0ou are 'ar &ore -no)ledgea+le than I, and I could use $our
/Don#t +erate $oursel'% 0ou don#t -no) an$ +etter%/
:renna didn#t argue, +ut she didn#t agree either% /I ha(e as-ed .(e )o&en
to ta-e turns *re*aring $our e(ening &eals, and I )ill let $ou decide at the
end o' the )ee- )ho is the +est s-illed to suit $our needs%/
Eu*he&ia shrugged )ith indi,erence% /7ea(e it to &e%/
/Than- $ou, &ada&%/
!anaging to get to her +edroo& )ithout o,ending the )o&an, :renna
leaned against the door and let out a loud sigh%
Netta stood at the hearth, )ar&ing hersel' in 'ront o' the .re% /Did 7ad$
Eu*he&ia go along )ith $our *lan to tr$ .(e di,erent coo-s2/
:renna s&iled% /0es, she did% :e sure to re&ind "da she &ustn#t let
Eu*he&ia see her until the end o' the )ee-%/
/She -no)s, &i#lad$, and she#s &ost a**reciati(e o' $our e,orts% She#s
)orried though that 7ad$ Eu*he&ia )ill -no) she *re*ared all the &eals
through the )ee-% "re $ou sure $ou )ouldn#t rather ha(e so&eone else9/
/I#& certain,/ :renna re*lied% /"da#s a .ne coo-% 6ur laird#s ste*&other
li-es to +e di=cult% I#(e decided )e aren#t +eing dislo$al to our laird )ith
our tric-er$,/ she added% /We#re si&*l$ tr$ing to &a-e his relati(es ha**$,
that#s all%/
/None o' us 'eel tric-ing 7ad$ Eu*he&ia is dislo$al% Do $ou ha(e an$ idea
ho) long she and her son *lan to sta$2/
/No, +ut I assure $ou, that )ill +e the .rst >uestion I as- &$ hus+and%/
/Is there so&ething else +othering $ou2 I noticed $ou +arel$ touched $our
'ood tonight, and )hen $ou ca&e inside the roo& a &o&ent ago, $our
'ace )as terri+l$ *ale%/
:renna )asn#t a+out to tell her a+out ;aen, +elie(ing it )as u* to her, not
a ser(ant, to sol(e this *ro+le&% To conde&n the laird#s ste*+rother )ould
ha(e se(ere ra&i.cations, she i&agined3 God onl$ -ne), she )ould ha(e
+een sic-ened i' one o' her o)n +rothers# )i(es cried out against another
+rother% "s Connor#s )i'e, it )as her dreaded dut$ to tell hi&, no one else%
/I )asn#t (er$ hungr$ tonight,/ she said in ans)er to Netta#s >uestion%
The ser(ant le't a 'e) &inutes later% "'ter +olting the door, :renna sat
do)n on the +ed and )or-ed on her se)ing% "da had gi(en her a +right
sa,ron-colored cloth to *ut on the ta+le, and :renna )as tr$ing to
e&+roider the colors o' Connor#s *laid into a s>uare in the center o' the
&aterial% :ecause she )anted it to +e *er'ect, she la+ored )ell into the
night, &a-ing certain each one o' the stitches )as straight, and i' she -e*t
to her schedule, she )ould +e .nished in 8ust a 'e) &ore da$s%
She didn#t *lan to *ut it on the ta+le until she had se)n into s>uares the
*laids she#d cut and stu,ed )ith shee*#s )ool, )hich &eant she )ould
ha(e to se) at least one hour e(er$ &orning, +ut i' the )eather *ro(ed
acco&&odating, she &eant to sit outside )ith the other )o&en and get to
-no) the& at the sa&e ti&e%
She )asn#t going to sit a+out all da$ long though, es*eciall$ )hen the sun
)as out, and so she decided to allo) one hour each a'ternoon to go riding%
7earning ho) to ride +are+ac- intrigued her, and as Connor#s )i'e,
shouldn#t she -no) ho)2
:esides, ho) di=cult could it +e2
Cha*ter 1E
Contents - Pre( A Next
She al&ost -illed hersel'<se(eral ti&es as a &atter o' 'act<and all in the
.rst a'ternoon she tried to ride +are+ac-%
Da(is s)ore to ?uinlan that he ne(er )ould ha(e allo)ed his &istress to
e(en loo- at their laird#s stallion i' he had -no)n )hat she intended to do%
She hadn#t understood )h$ her hus+and )ould lea(e the horse +ehind,
and Da(is )as ha**$ to ex*lain that the stallion needed to rest and 'eed
+ecause he#d +een ridden so hard% She suggested the +east needed a little
*a&*ering as )ell, and Da(is hadn#t disagreed )ith her%
When she as-ed hi& i' she could ta-e the stallion out 'or a little stroll, he
&ade her gi(e hi& e(er$ assurance she &eant onl$ to )al- the +lac- u*
the hill and +ac- so he could get a little exercise and attention% The
stallion had o+(iousl$ ta-en to her% Wh$, the )a$ he let her lead hi& to
the sta+les on the (er$ .rst da$ o' her arri(al *ro(ed he had acce*ted her,
and hadn#t her s-ill handling the horse +een a**arent to 8ust a+out
Watching the docile )a$ the ani&al *ranced u* the hill at her side had
assured Da(is he had &ade the right decision% His sus*icions surel$ )ould
ha(e +een aroused i' 7ad$ :renna had as-ed hi& 'or a saddle, +ut she
hadn#t as-ed, no) had she2
/I#& not sa$ing our &istress out and out lied to &e, ?uinlan% That ain#t
)hat I#& sa$ing, or e(en sus*ecting% I#& thin-ing she &ust ha(e changed
her &ind once she )al-ed o(er the crest% The notion &ust ha(e struc- her
then, and she couldn#t resist gi(ing it a tr$% Don#t $ou )orr$ though% I )on#t
+e so easil$ s)a$ed again, +ut I#& not e(en thin-ing she &ight tr$ to lie to
&e% I#& 8ust sa$ing she &ight get another one o' her notions again% That#s
?uinlan acce*ted Da(is#s ex*lanation% 7i-e the sta+le&aster, he )asn#t
concerned his &istress )ould e(er ta-e such a chance again, +ecause he
thought she#d .nall$ co&e to her senses a'ter the scare she had @$ing
through the air li-e an eagle suddenl$ de*ri(ed o' its )ings%
"nd so, the (er$ next da$, )hile he )as chec-ing on the *rogress o' the
soldiers )or-ing on the )all, she too- the stallion out 'or a nice stroll once
again% :ecause she )as )al-ing )ith such a sti, gait, Da(is didn#t su,er a
&o&ent#s )orr$%
:ut then, he hadn#t reali4ed his &istress )as co&*letel$ da't% "t least that
)as the excuse he )his*ered to ?uinlan, +egging his 'orgi(eness all the
)hile +ecause he -ne) he shouldn#t critici4e his laird#s dear )i'e%
/She tric-ed &e, she did,/ Da(is told his co&&ander% /I#& not sa$ing she
loo-ed &e right in the e$e and lied to &e% No, that#s not )hat I#& sa$ing at
all% I#& thin-ing it though, +ecause this ti&e I )as real s*eci.c )ith her,
.r& as I could +e, and )hen I de&anded her *ro&ise she )ouldn#t get u*
on the +east again, she ans)ered &e )ith a +ig s&ile, )hich told &e she
agreed )ith &$ ruling, +ecause an$one )ith an$ sense at all -no)s a
)o&an doesn#t s&ile at $ou a'ter +eing gi(en an order unless she &eans
to 'ollo) it% 0ou don#t ha(e to +e )orried another &inute, ?uinlan% I#& on
to her no), all right% She )on#t +e 'ooling &e again%/
She did exactl$ that the 'ollo)ing a'ternoon% Da(is con(enientl$
disa**eared as soon as )ord reached hi& his &istress )as once again
riding the stallion%
He needn#t ha(e +othered to hide, as ?uinlan .nall$ reali4ed he )as going
to ha(e to ta-e u* the *ro+le& hi&sel' +e'ore his &istress -illed hersel'%
Da(is si&*l$ )asn#t u* to it%
Deter&ined to *re(ent disaster, the soldier had e(er$ intention o'
'or+idding 7ad$ :renna to e(er ta-e such a dangerous ris- again3 $et as he
strode through the +rea- in the *ines at the crest o' the slo*e, he heard
her laughter and +egan to ha(e &isgi(ings% " second later, he sa) her
sitting u*right on the stallion#s +ac-% The loo- o' 8o$ on her 'ace &ade hi&
s&ile, and he stood there a long )hile )atching her, e(en though he -ne)
he should *ut an i&&ediate sto* to her dangerous antics%
Saints +e *raised, 7ad$ :renna &anaged to sta$ u*right 'or se(eral
&inutes +e'ore she )as tossed to the ground%
?uinlan )aited 'or her to get u*% She didn#t &o(e% He started running
do)n the incline, and he s)ore later to Cris*in that his heart had surel$
sto**ed )hen, 8ust he )as a+out to reach her, the stallion ca&e charging
He )as certain the +east )ould tra&*le her% The +ig +lac- nudged her
instead, and >uic- as a )in-, she rolled o(er, gra++ed hold o' the horse#s
reins, and +urst into laughter%
He too- the reins out o' her hand, sla**ed the stallion#s hind>uarters to
get hi& to &o(e a)a$ 'ro& her, and then +ent do)n to o,er his hand%
/When $ou didn#t &o(e, I thought $ou )ere dead%/
/It#s a ga&e )e *la$% I' I sta$ *er'ectl$ still, Willie co&es right o(er to &$
side, and I can gra+ hold o' his reins% 6ther)ise, he &a-es &e chase hi&%/
?uinlan )as too distraught to *a$ attention to a )ord she said% He -e*t
telling hi&sel' not to raise his (oice to her<she )as his &istress, 'or the
lo(e o' God, not his $ounger sister% /Ha(e $ou lost $our sense2/
/I don#t thin- so%/
/I' $ou insist on -illing $oursel', do so on Cris*in#s )atch, not &ine%/
"'ter gi(ing her his order, he *ulled her to her 'eet, then stood +ac- )hile
she +rushed the dust o, her *laid% He )anted her 'ull attention so there
)ouldn#t +e an$ &isunderstandings% /0ou )ill not ta-e such a ris- again% I
)ant $our )ord $ou#ll ne(er ride )ithout a saddle, and I assure $ou, a
s&ile isn#t going to )or- on &e%/
/No, $ou are 'ar &ore cle(er than I a&, ?uinlan% I )ould ne(er dare to tric-
So&e)hat *lacated, he re&inded her she still hadn#t gi(en hi& her
/Do $ou thin- $ou could &anage to sto* shouting at &e2 0ou#re &a-ing
&$ head *ound%/
?uinlan )as a**alled +$ his conduct% /I +eg $our 'orgi(eness, &i#lad$% I
cannot i&agine )hat ca&e o(er &e%/
/I ga(e $ou a scare,/ she re&inded hi&% /No), tell &e )hat I#& doing
)rong% Wh$ can#t I sta$ (er$ long on his +ac-2/
/0ou sit too 'ar +ac- on the +lac-#s +ac-,/ he ans)ered% /"s 'or $our
She cut hi& o,% /I certainl$ could ha(e used $our ad(ice $esterda$% !$
gri* )as o, as )ell, +ut I ha(e alread$ corrected that *ro+le&% Poor Willie%
1or a )hile there, he -e*t tossing his head +ac- at &e, and I#& sure he
thought I )as da't%/
The horse had &ore sense than his &istress did, ?uinlan thought% He )as
still too u*set to consider ho) uncharita+le he )as +eing% /It#s a&a4ing he
didn#t tra&*le $ou to death,/ he &uttered% /Willie9 did I hear $ou call the
+lac- Willie2/
/0es, +ut I &ade certain .rst that Connor hadn#t alread$ na&ed hi&% Da(is
assured &e he hadn#t%/
/No, Connor didn#t na&e9/ His (oice trailed o, into silence%
/Then I#& certain he )on#t &ind i' I call hi& Willie%/
?uinlan#s e$elid +egan to t)itch% /Wh$ #Willie#2/ he as-ed%
/It#s short 'or Willia&,/ she ex*lained% She too- the reins a)a$ 'ro&
?uinlan and turned to )al- +ac- to the sta+les% He ha**ened to notice she
le't one o' her shoes +ehind, *ic-ed it u*, and handed it to her% She
than-ed hi& )hile she held on to his ar& so she could -ee* her +alance
sli**ing the shoe +ac- on%
/I#& na&ing Willie a'ter &$ +rother% I' I don#t &ention it to &$ hus+and,
I#& sure he )on#t +e +othered% Connor doesn#t li-e it )hen I tal- a+out &$
/Wh$ )ould $ou thin- he doesn#t li-e it2/
/He 'ro)ns and tries to change the su+8ect% I#& not certain )h$ he 'eels
the )a$ he does% He can#t disli-e the&, +ecause he doesn#t -no) the&%
Perha*s he 8ust doesn#t care% The to*ic o' &$ 'a&il$ *ro+a+l$ +ores hi&,/
she added )ith a nod%
/I dou+t that, &i#lad$%/
She shrugged% /Perha*s,/ she agreed, +ut not +ecause she thought he
&ight +e right% She )as 8ust +eing *olite%
/I )ould a**reciate it i' $ou )ouldn#t &ention &$ na&e 'or his horse%
Connor can +e *eculiar a+out so&e things, and e(en though I#& al&ost
certain he )on#t +e irritated, there#s a sli& chance he &ight%/
/!i#lad$, are $ou as-ing &e not to tell hi&2
/I )on#t &a-e a *oint o' telling hi&, +ut i' he as-s, I )ill ex*lain% "re $ou
going to gi(e &e $our *ro&ise $ou )on#t ride +are+ac- again2/
/What )ould $ou do i' I ga(e $ou &$ *ro&ise and then I deli+eratel$ +ro-e
it2 I )ould ne(er do such a thing, +ut I a& curious a+out the
/I )ould ha(e $ou loc-ed in $our cha&+er until $our hus+and returns%/
/0ou )ould do such a thing2/
/I certainl$ )ouldn#t )ant to, +ut -ee*ing $ou sa'e )ould out)eigh $our
/Could $ou e(er +anish an$one2/
/I )ould ne(er +anish $ou,/ he assured her%
/:ut do $ou ha(e the authorit$ to +anish so&eone else )hile Connor is
/0es, as long as I ha(e (alid reasons to gi(e &$ laird%/
/Do I ha**en to ha(e the authorit$2 Don#t loo- so stunned% I )asn#t
thin-ing o' +anishing $ou, e(en i' $ou dared to loc- &e in &$ roo&, )hich,
+$ the )a$, I ha**en to -no) $ou )ould ne(er do% I )as )ondering i' I
could send so&eone else a)a$%/
/I' $ou#re ha(ing di=cult$ )ith so&eone, then $ou should tell &e a+out it,
or )ait until $our hus+and co&es ho&e%/
She inter*reted his ex*lanation to &ean she didn#t ha(e the authorit$% "t
least no) she -ne) )hat she )as u* against, and she certainl$ )ouldn#t
threaten ;aen )ith +anish&ent +ecause he )ould -no) she )as +lu=ng%
She let out a )ear$ sigh and stared do)n at the ground )hile she )al-ed
Her disa**oint&ent )as so'tened +$ the recollection that she )as onl$
going to resort to such a drastic &easure i' ;aen e(er ca&e near her
again% Than-'ull$, she had a *lan to -ee* hi& at +a$%
?uinlan couldn#t understand )h$ his &istress loo-ed so disheartened% /Did
$ou )ish to hold such a *osition o' strength, &i#lad$2/
She didn#t ans)er hi& and, in 'act, didn#t sa$ another )ord 'or a long
/I' $ou ha(e a *ro+le& and $ou cannot sol(e it on $our o)n, then tell &e
)hat it is and I )ill +e ha**$ to ta-e care o' it%/
She shoo- her head% /The *ro+le& is o' a *ersonal nature in(ol(ing a
'a&il$ &e&+er%/
?uinlan )as relie(ed, and though he 'elt li-e s&iling, he didn#t, 'or 'ear he
)ould in8ure her 'eelings and &a-e her thin- her *ro+le& )asn#t i&*ortant
to hi&%
/0ou#re ha(ing di=cult$ )ith Eu*he&ia, aren#t $ou2/ He didn#t gi(e her
ti&e to ans)er hi& +ut continued on )ith a suggestion he )as certain
)ould sol(e her )orr$% /It )ould +e a**ro*riate 'or $ou to s*ea- to ;aen
a+out his &other% I#& certain he#ll tal- to her%/
She shoo- her head again, though 'ar &ore (ehe&entl$% /I should +e a+le
to sol(e this *ro+le&, and )hen Connor returns, I#ll discuss it )ith hi&%/
/"s $ou )ish, &i#lad$%/
She changed the su+8ect then% /0ou -no) that e(er since I arri(ed, I#(e
+een tr$ing to understand ho) things are done here% There see&s to +e a
set o' regulations e(er$one else understands +ut &e% I constantl$ 'ear I#ll
o,end so&eone +ecause o' &$ lac- o' education a+out Highlanders, and I
could certainl$ +ene.t 'ro& $our instruction%/
/I#ll +e ha**$ to hel* in an$ )a$ that I can%/
/Will $ou and t)o others $ou select 8oin &e 'or the e(ening &eal tonight2
We could continue our discussion then, and I could learn a+out the
!ac"listers% I#& one o' $ou no) and do )ant to .t in%/
/I )ould +e honored to 8oin $ou at the ta+le, and I#& certain the other t)o I
choose )ill 'eel the sa&e )a$%/
"nd I#ll +e relie(ed, she thought to hersel'%
/I don#t )ant to sho) an$ 'a(oritis&, ho)e(er, and so, each night that
Connor is a)a$, i' $ou )ould *lease select t)o other guests, then I could
also +eco&e ac>uainted )ith so&e o' &$ hus+and#s 'ollo)ers%/
/Certainl$,/ he ans)ered%
/When )ill Connor +e ho&e2/
/I cannot sa$ 'or certain%/
/It see&s he#s +een a)a$ a long ti&e% I need to tal- to hi&%/
He heard the des*eration in her (oice and decided then that Connor#s
ste*&other &ust +e gi(ing her a (er$ di=cult ti&e% He i&agined the t)o
)o&en )ere in(ol(ed in a &inor *o)er struggle and )as so&e)hat
sur*rised that 7ad$ :renna could +eco&e u*set so easil$% Perha*s her
loneliness 'or her hus+and )as &a-ing her anxious% She &ight e(en 'eel
as though he had a+andoned her% Connor had all +ut snatched her out o'
one li'e and *ut her do)n in the center o' his%
Ti&e )as all his &istress needed to .nd her )a$% "t least that )as )hat
?uinlan ho*ed )ould ha**en% 7ater that da$, ho)e(er, he +egan to thin-
the *ro+le& )as &ore serious than he#d .rst esti&ated% Netta caught hi&
on his )a$ u* to the soldiers# >uarters to tell hi& 7ad$ :renna )as acting
/She didn#t hear &e -noc- on her +edroo& door, and )hen I entered, she
let out a screa& and 8u&*ed a 'oot% #Tis the truth, she reached 'or her
dagger% She loo-ed terri.ed, ?uinlan%/
The coo-#s 'riend, :rocca, ha**ened to o(erhear the con(ersation and
>uic-l$ 8oined in% /"da told &e she#s )orried &i#lad$ &ight +e ill% She isn#t
eating an$thing at all% It#s too soon 'or her to +e carr$ing a +airn,/ she
?uinlan -ne) there )as a chance +oth )o&en )ere exaggerating and
decided to )ait and see 'or hi&sel'% "'ter o+ser(ing his &istress *ush her
'ood around on her trencher and +arel$ eat a &orsel, he reali4ed the$
)ere right to +e concerned% He decided he )ould ta-e his &istress to see
7ad$ 5incaid the 'ollo)ing &orning, +elie(ing that she )ould surel$ .nd
out )hat )as )rong, and i' his &istress )as reall$ ill, then 7ad$ 5incaid
)ould -no) ho) to cure her%
:renna had no idea ?uinlan )as so concerned a+out her% 1or the .rst ti&e
in se(eral da$s, she 'elt &uch &ore relaxed% The t)o soldiers he had
chosen to share the honor o' dining at the ta+le )ere older &en, )ho too-
turns telling stories a+out the earl$ da$s% 7ad$ Eu*he&ia )as +liss'ull$
>uiet% She see&ed to en8o$ the con(ersation, though% She loo-ed as i' she
)as hanging on e(er$ )ord, and e(er$ once in a )hile she )ould actuall$
chuc-le or nod )hen one o' the guests related a hu&orous incident she
a**arentl$ re&e&+ered%
;aen acted li-e an o(erindulged child )ho )asn#t getting enough
attention% He *outed all through the &eal and -e*t his ga4e directed on
the ta+le% He ate >uic-l$, and )hen he )as .nished, he ga(e :renna a
hard sco)l, sla&&ed his go+let do)n, and )ent stor&ing out o' the hall%
None o' the soldiers see&ed at all +othered +$ ;aen#s insolence% ?uinlan
noticed ho) )ear$ his &istress loo-ed and decided to call a halt to the
e(ening% " good night#s rest &ight +e all she needed to get her a**etite
6ne o' the older soldiers o,ered her his ar& and escorted her u* the
ste*s% He stood at the landing until she entered her roo&% When she
turned to call out her 'are)ell at her door, she sa) ;aen lur-ing in the
shado)s +ehind the soldier#s shoulder, +ut +e'ore she could de&and to
-no) )hat he )as )aiting 'or, he turned around and hurried into his
Netta )as )aiting 'or her inside the +edroo& and called out her greeting
+e'ore her &istress had e(en entered so that she )ouldn#t +e startled
again% :e'ore :renna could as- her )h$ she )as )aiting 'or her, the
ser(ant ex*lained Eu*he&ia had ordered her to light the candles in the
)o&an#s +edroo& each night and assist her in her *re*aration 'or +ed,
and i' Netta )as going to ser(e her laird#s ste*&other, she sure as certain
)as going to ser(e her laird#s )i'e%
/Doesn#t $our hus+and &ind )aiting 'or $ou to co&e ho&e2/
/It#s an honor that I#(e +een chosen to )or- in our laird#s >uarters% !$
De(eric- is strutting around li-e a -ing, he is, telling e(er$one )ho )ill
sto* and listen ho) i&*ortant he is +ecause his )i'e has +een gi(e such a
*osition in his laird#s ho&e%/
:renna 'elt +lessed to ha(e such a thought'ul )o&an ser(e her%
/0ou ha(e a good heart, Netta%/
/0ou#ll turn &$ head )ith such *raise, &i#lad$% Would $ou li-e &e to hel*
$ou get read$ 'or +ed2/
/No, I#& sa'e no)9 I &ean to sa$, I#& ca*a+le o' ta-ing care o' &$sel'% I
do ha(e a >uic- >uestion to as- +e'ore $ou lea(e% I )as )ondering )ho
)ould +e a+le to &a-e a )ooden &edallion 'or &e%/
/"lan#s cle(er )ith his hands, and I thin- he#s &ost >uali.ed to do exactl$
)hat $ou#re )anting% I#ll +e ha**$ to ta-e $ou to hi& to&orro) i' $ou li-e%/
:renna than-ed her once again, and as soon as Netta le't, :renna +olted
the door% She )or-ed on her se)ing 'or another hour +e'ore she )ent to
+ed% She had 8ust +lo)n the candles out and *ulled u* her co(ers )hen
she heard so&eone -noc-ing on her door%
She didn#t ans)er it %
Cha*ter 1
Contents - Pre( A Next
Connor .nall$ returned to his holding% He 'elt as though he had +een a)a$
&uch longer, and it )asn#t until he crossed the dra)+ridge, and the
tension in his nec- and shoulders +egan to ease, that he .nall$
ac-no)ledged the reason he had +een so anxious to get +ac- ho&e%
He )anted to see :renna again% Needless to sa$, he )asn#t at all ha**$
)ith )hat he considered his o)n lac- o' disci*line% "d&itting that he had
+een consu&ed )ith thoughts a+out her onl$ increased his agitation%
What in God#s na&e )as the &atter )ith hi&2 Whene(er he closed his
e$es to rest 'or a 'e) &inutes, the i&age o' his )i'e ca&e into his &ind%
"nd sta$ed there%
"lthough it )asn#t &uch o' a consolation, "lec )as in &uch the sa&e
condition3 +ut unli-e Connor, he didn#t 8ust thin- a+out his )i'e, he tal-ed
a+out her as )ell%
"lec had noticed Connor#s restlessness on the last e(ening the$ )ere
together% He )atched Connor *ace around the ca&* 'or )ell o(er an hour
+e'ore .nall$ isolating hi&sel' 'ro& the others near the +rea- in the 'orest%
"lec 8oined hi& a &inute later% :oth +rothers rested their +ac-s against
tree trun-s so the$ could e(entuall$ slee*, )ith one hand resting on the
hilt o' their s)ords%
"lec didn#t ease into the to*ic he )anted to address% /I loo- at $ou and I
see &$sel' )hen I .rst &arried Ca&ie%/
/"nd )hat do $ou see2 0ou#re going to tell &e )hether I )ant to hear it or
not, aren#t $ou2/
/6' course,/ he re*lied% /7earn 'ro& &$ &ista-es and sa(e $oursel' the
/0ou sound li-e &$ 'ather% Those )ere his (er$ )ords to &e%/
/Was he tal-ing a+out $our &other2/
/0es,/ he ans)ered% /He called her his o)n s)eet Isa+elle%/
"lec nodded% /0ou#(e 'ought a good +attle, +ut the ti&e has co&e 'or $ou
to sto* struggling% It#s +eco&ing *ain'ul to )atch%/
/"lec2 What the hell are $ou tal-ing a+out2/
His +rother laughed% /0ou -no) good and )ell )hat I#& tal-ing a+out%
0ou#re tr$ing not to lo(e $our )i'e, aren#t $ou2 I understand )h$, o' course%
0ou#re a'raid%/
/God hel* $ou, $ou#(e turned into an old &eddleso&e )o&an%/
"lec acted as though he hadn#t heard the insult% /I don#t thin- $our 'ather#s
*arting )ords a+out Isa+elle &ade $ou &ore cautious than an$ other &an%
Do $ou re&e&+er )hat $ou told &e he said2/
/I re&e&+er e(er$ )ord% He, too, suggested I learn 'ro& his &ista-es% He
lo(ed his o)n s)eet Isa+elle and 'elt she +etra$ed hi& +$ d$ing% He s)ore
he ne(er 'orga(e her% It )as all +luster, "lec% !$ 'ather )as a hard &an
)ho 'ound it di=cult to s*ea- o' such e&otions )ithout sounding angr$%
He )as tr$ing to console &e, and e(en as a +o$, I understood% I don#t
understand the need 'or this ridiculous con(ersation, ho)e(er%/
"lec didn#t sa$ another )ord 'or a long )hile% He -ne) Connor )as
considering his re&ar-s and certainl$ )as tr$ing to con(ince hi&sel' he
didn#t alread$ lo(e his )i'e% "h, the 'oolishness o' &en )ho e&+raced the
notion that lo(ing )ould )ea-en the&%
/I so&eti&es )onder, i' I hadn#t co&e so close to losing Ca&ie, )ould I
e(en no) ac-no)ledge I lo(e her2 Ho*e'ull$, I )ould, +ecause I#& older
and *erha*s a little )iser no)% I didn#t -no) an$ +etter +ac- then, Connor3
+ut $ou do +ecause I ha(e 8ust ex*lained it all to $ou% Do as I suggest and
>uit resisting% 0ou#ll .nd it#s less tor&enting%/
/I ha(e onl$ +een a'raid o' one &an, "lec, and God hel* &e the da$ I
reali4e I#& a'raid o' a )o&an% 0ou insult &e +$ suggesting &$ )i'e has
such *o)er o(er &e%/
/Who )as the &an $ou 'eared2/ "lec as-ed, curious a+out his earlier
/0ou% I )as a'raid $ou )ouldn#t hel* &e and &$ 'riends%/
/0our 'ather -ne) I )ould ta-e $ou in% 0ou )eren#t as certain, )ere $ou2
E(en then, $ou )ere >uite c$nical% 0our )i'e isn#t, ho)e(er% She sur*rised
&e the )a$ she *ut hersel' in 'ront o' $ou% I' I hadn#t -no)n +etter, I )ould
ha(e thought she )as *rotecting $ou%/
/She )as tr$ing to *rotect &e% The )o&an doesn#t ha(e &an$ 'ears% I' she
li(es a 'ull $ear, I#ll +e sur*rised%/
/She#s strong, Connor, and as intelligent as &$ )i'e% There are ti&es I
thin- the$ could +oth +e &ore intelligent than )e are% I can see 'ro& the
)a$ $ou#re loo-ing at &e $ou thin- I#& )rong% "ns)er a >uestion 'or &e%
Where do $ou thin- our )i(es are slee*ing tonight2/
/In our +eds%/
/Where are )e slee*ing2/
Connor laughed% /In the da&*, cold 'orest% Get so&e rest, "lec, and sto*
hounding &e )ith 'oolish tal-%/
His +rother )as in the &ood to ta-e the suggestion% /6ne last thing,/ "lec
)his*ered a'ter he closed his e$es and let out a loud $a)n% /I' $ou e(er
tell an$one a+out this con(ersation, I#ll -ill $ou%/
Cris*in *ulled his laird a)a$ 'ro& his thoughts and +ac- to the *resent% /Is
so&ething +othering $ou2/ he as-ed as soon as he noticed Connor#s
/I#& 8ust +one )ear$ li-e $ou are,/ he ans)ered%
/0ou#re also 8ust as co(ered )ith dirt and dried +lood as I a&% God onl$
-no)s )hat )e s&ell li-e% "s soon as I see to &$ horse, I#& going to the
la-e% I assu&e $ou#ll do the sa&e%/
/Is there a *articular )o&an $ou )ant to i&*ress2/
/Se(eral co&e to &ind, +ut I )as considering ho) $our )i'e )ill react to
seeing $ou, 7aird% She#s +ound to run the other )a$%/
?uinlan caught Connor#s attention then, 'or though it )as custo&ar$ to
)ait 'or his laird in 'ront o' the -ee*, his 'riend had altered his routine and
)as no) )aiting 'or his laird in 'ront o' the sta+les% The ex*ression on
?uinlan#s 'ace )as one Connor had ne(er seen +e'ore, and had he not
-no)n +etter, he )ould ha(e thought his 'riend loo-ed relie(ed to see hi&%
Cris*in had the (er$ sa&e thought% /Whate(er the *ro+le& )as, it &ust
ha(e +een exas*erating%/
?uinlan )aited until the$ dis&ounted +e'ore co&ing 'or)ard% /"ll#s )ell,
/I ex*ected it )ould +e%/
/1ro& the loo- on $our 'ace, I thought so&ething )as surel$ a&iss,/
Cris*in re&ar-ed% /0ou loo- relie(ed to see us%/
/;elie(ed2 I' I )ere not a &an, I s)ear I )ould +e o(erco&e )ith 8o$%/
/Then there )as a *ro+le&2/ Cris*in as-ed%
/I#(e 8ust in'or&ed our laird there )ere no *ro+le&s% There )ere, ho)e(er,
&inor 'rustrating incon(eniences,/ ?uinlan added +e'ore once again
addressing his laird% /Connor, I s)ear to God, I#& ne(er going to get
/I ta-e it, then, &$ )i'e )as the cause o' these incon(eniences2/
/0our )i'e could ne(er cause an incon(enience,/ he &anaged to sa$
)ithout laughing, )hich ?uinlan *ersonall$ 'elt had to +e a rather a&a4ing
Da(is and another $ounger soldier ca&e outside to ta-e the horses% The
sta+le&aster )aited until his assistant had greeted his laird and gone +ac-
inside +e'ore he too- his turn%
/It#s good to ha(e $ou ho&e, 7aird% 0our +lac- is inside his stall, should $ou
+e )ondering%/
/I assu&ed he )ould +e,/ he ans)ered, *u44led that the old &an )anted
to tell hi& )here his horse )as%
/Well, no), I >uit assu&ing that o(er a )ee- ago,/ he said
/Did he gi(e $ou an$ trou+le )hile I )as gone2/
/No, he didn#t, 7aird, and he sure as certain didn#t loo- &e right in the e$e
and lie to &e either%/
:e'ore Connor could as- hi& to ex*lain, ?uinlan gra++ed hold o' Da(is#s
*laid and shoo- hi&% /0our &istress didn#t lie% She s&iled at $ou%
;ecogni4e the di,erence%/
The sta+le&aster nodded agree&ent +e'ore ?uinlan released hi&, then
+o)ed to his laird and hurried +ac- inside%
/What )as that all a+out2/ Cris*in as-ed% /Has Da(is gone addled2/
/The$ ha(e all gone addled,/ ?uinlan re*lied% /I, ho)e(er, a& a &uch
+etter &an and didn#t ha(e an$ trou+le at all .guring out )hat her ga&e
Cris*in )as tr$ing hard not to laugh% /"re $ou re'erring to our laird#s )i'e2/
/I a&% She is ali(e and )ell, ho)e(er%/
/I sure as hell ho*e so,/ Connor inter8ected%
Cris*in lost his +attle and +urst into laughter%
?uinlan didn#t a**reciate his 'riend#s +eha(ior% /7augh all $ou )ant no)%
Cust re&e&+er, &i#lad$ didn#t -ill hersel' )hile I )as on )atch%/
"ssu&ing his 'riend )as exaggerating the *ro+le&s :renna had caused,
Connor shoo- his head to let ?uinlan -no) he )asn#t in the &ood to hear
a+out it no) and started u* the *ath to)ard the -ee*% He see&ed
co&*elled to see :renna 'or a &o&ent, 8ust to &a-e certain she )as all
right +e'ore he rode to the la-e%
/I#& not interested in the *altr$ *ro+le&s a &ere )o&an &ight cause
$ou,/ he re&ar-ed% /Ha(e $ou an$thing &ore signi.cant to tell &e2/
/No,/ ?uinlan ans)ered% /"s I said +e'ore, I handled the incon(eniences%/
/I#& curious to hear )hat &ade our 'riend )hine li-e a 'e&ale,/ Cris*in
re&ar-ed% /0ou &a$ tell &e e(er$thing, ?uinlan, i' it )ill &a-e $ou 'eel
?uinlan chuc-led% /!i#lad$ as-ed &e not to tell her hus+and, and i' I can#t
tell hi&, I certainl$ can#t tell $ou%/
/What exactl$ doesn#t &$ )i'e )ant &e to hear2/
/Her sur*rises% She has se(eral )aiting 'or $ou and doesn#t )ant &e to
ruin the&% Those )ere her instructions, +$ the )a$, +ut i' $ou insist9/
/No, I#ll let her tell &e% I#& not going to li-e the sur*rises, though, a& I2/
/Perha*s,/ )as all ?uinlan )ould allo)%
/Where is she no)2/
/She#s &easuring%/
/1ather Sinclair#s here 'or the da$% 0our )i'e re>uested his *resence so that
he could a**ro(e her di&ensions 'or the cha*el%/
Connor didn#t sa$ a )ord 'or a long &inute% /Where exactl$ is she
?uinlan s&iled as he told hi&% /In the court$ard%/
/0ou#re 8esting%/
/I#& not% She )ants to *ut the cha*el u* against the -ee*%/
:oth Connor and Cris*in loo-ed incredulous% ?uinlan 'ound their reaction
i&&ensel$ satis'$ing% The$ )ere +oth .nall$ +eginning to understand
)hat he had +een u* against%
/0ou *ut a sto* to it, didn#t $ou2/ Connor as-ed%
/6' course% Cust as soon as I 'ound out )hat she )as doing, I told her she
had to )ait and get *er&ission 'ro& $ou% I )ould &ention one other
&atter% I threatened to loc- her in her cha&+er%/
/:ecause o' the cha*el,/ Connor said )ith a nod%
/"ctuall$, no, it )as another &atter that caused &e to use such a threat%/
/Ho) did our &istress react to $our )arning2/ Cris*in as-ed%
/She -ne) I )as +lu=ng% She &isses our laird, +$ the )a$, so &uch so,
she is easil$ startled% The least little sound &a-es her 8u&*% She isn#t
eating &uch either% I )as so concerned, I too- her to 7ad$ 5incaid% She
assured &e 7ad$ :renna )as all right% She &ust ha(e +een correct
+ecause as soon as Sinclair arri(ed, she )ent to con'ession and see&s
&uch ha**ier no)% I told her )ord had reached us that $ou )ould +e ho&e
+$ night'all, and she )as extre&el$ *leased )ith the ne)s%/
/Did Ca&ie re&o(e her stitches 'or her2/
/No, $our )i'e too- care o' it on her o)n%/
Connor nodded +e'ore changing the su+8ect% /I noticed $ou *ut E)an +ac-
on the )all% He )as ha**$ to alternate the dut$ )ith another so that he
could )or- on his .ghting s-ills,/ he re&inded ?uinlan%
/I had good reason%/
/"nd that )as2/
/I trusted E)an not to +e s)a$ed +$ $our )i'e% She )anted to go to the
/:ut $ou didn#t let her%/
/No, I didn#t%/
/"nd she tried to go an$)a$2/ Cris*in as-ed% /Is that )h$ $ou threatened
to loc- her a)a$2/
?uinlan sighed% /No, that )asn#t it%/
/Then )hat9/ Connor lost his train o' thought as soon as he reached the
to* o' the *ath and sa) his court$ard
There )ere dee* holes e(er$)here% He )as so stunned +$ the desecration
o' his land his te&*er ignited% In'ortunatel$, the )o&an res*onsi+le )as
directl$ across the $ard% His )i'e% The longer he stood there staring at her,
the &ore his throat +egan to thro+ )ith the need to let out a roar%
Than-'ull$, he )as a+le to su**ress it +$ clenching his 8a) tight and
staring u* at the s-$%
She didn#t reali4e her hus+and )as there, as her +ac- )as turned to hi&
and she )as a 'air distance a)a$% T)o soldiers )ere leaning against the
)all, )atching her *ace% The$ stood at attention the second the$ s*otted
their laird%
The$ loo-ed relie(ed to see hi&% Connor 'ull$ understood )h$%
The &uscle in his 8a) )as +eginning to ache% God hel* hi&, the longer he
loo-ed at the holes in the ground, the &ore in'uriated he +eca&e% She
didn#t &o(e 'or a second or t)o, then )hirled around% She had a dagger in
her hand%
She didn#t screa&, +ut 'ro& the loo- on her 'ace he -ne) she )as a+out
to% He )as ta-en a+ac- +$ the 'ear he sa) in her e$es% 0et as soon as she
reali4ed he )as )atching her, she let out a cr$ o' 8o$, dro**ed her dagger,
and ca&e running to hi&%
/I told $ou she )as acting *eculiar,/ ?uinlan re&ar-ed% Connor nodded +ut
-e*t silent as he )atched his )i'e s-irt her )a$ around the o+stacle
course% He ex*ected her to sto* as soon as she reached hi& and )as
there'ore sur*rised )hen she thre) hersel' into his ar&s and -issed the
side o' his nec-%
It )as i&*ro*er +eha(ior, as others )ere )atching the&, $et Connor
couldn#t &a-e hi&sel' care% He )ra**ed his ar&s around her and held her
tight against hi&, 'eeling (er$ li-e a &an )hose )ish had .nall$ +een
/I#& so ha**$ to ha(e $ou ho&e at last,/ she )his*ered against his ear%
He ga(e her a s>uee4e and then let go o' her% She continued to hold on to
hi& 'or se(eral &ore seconds +e'ore she could &a-e hersel' ste* +ac-%
/I ha(e &uch to tell $ou%/
/It see&s $ou do,/ he agreed% /0ou )ill ex*lain e(er$thing this e(ening% Go
and )ash $our 'ace no)% It#s co(ered )ith &$ dirt
?uinlan and Cris*in +oth )atched their laird )ith curiosit$% Connor#s (oice
sounded strained, $et cal&% He )as -ee*ing his anger hidden 'ro& his
)i'e, and ?uinlan thought that )as ad&ira+le o' hi&% Cris*in -ne) +etter%
His laird )as si&*l$ sa(ing his te&*er to ta-e out on his )ea*on later
)hen he trained )ith his soldiers%
/Where are $ou going no)2/ she as-ed%
/To the la-e%/
/I could go )ith $ou%/
/No, $ou couldn#t%/
/:ut I9/
/6thers )ill +e there, :renna%/
/Could $ou *lease co&e )ith &e inside 'or 8ust a 'e) &inutes% I ha(e a
sur*rise 'or $ou in the great hall%/
/Can#t it )ait2/
/I su**ose it could%/
He )aited 'or her to lea(e% She )aited 'or hi& to reconsider%
/I )onder ho) long $ou )ill +e +us$%/
He )ondered ho) long he could hide his te&*er 'ro& her% /Intil tonight%/
/Connor, are $ou ha**$ to see &e2/
His 'ro)n suggested 8ust the o**osite% She +o)ed to hi& +e'ore she
started +ac- across the court$ard% /I' it#s dar- )hen $ou co&e +ac-, +e
care'ul% The ground is 'ull o' holes%/
/I noticed,/ he called +ac-
"ll three &aintained their silence until 7ad$ :renna had turned the corner
on her )a$ to the -itchens%
/She re&e&+ered to *ic- u* her dagger,/ Cris*in re&ar-ed%
/She ne(er 'orgets her -ni'e and is constantl$ chec-ing to &a-e certain
she has it )ith her% She still 'orgets e(er$thing else, though% 0ou#re to +e
co&&ended, Connor,/ he added% /0ou didn#t lose $our te&*er%/
/This isn#t a&using, ?uinlan% There are o(er t)ent$ dee* holes in &$
court$ard% Ha(e the& .lled at once%/
"'ter gi(ing his order, he and Cris*in returned to the sta+les to get 'resh
horses% Connor ho*ed he could get o(er his anger +e'ore he sa) his )i'e
again% He didn#t )ant to u*set her, )hich he thought )as da&ned
considerate gi(en that the de&ented )o&an )as tr$ing to s>uee4e a
cha*el u* against his -ee*%
/She )anted to *lease &e% I &ust -ee* that in &ind e(er$ ti&e the )ord
cha*el is s*o-en in &$ *resence%/
/7aird2/ ?uinlan called out% /Could $ou s*are a &o&ent o' $our ti&e to
s*ea- to 1ather Sinclair +e'ore he returns to the 5incaids2/
Connor &otioned to the *riest to 8oin hi&% He s*o-e +e'ore Sinclair had a
chance% /Do $ou -no) )h$ &$ )i'e#s a'raid2/
/I cannot sa$%/
/I )as told she#s +een acting *eculiar and that a'ter she s*o-e to $ou, she
)as ha**$ again% Did she in $ou2/
6nce again the *riest ga(e hi& an unsatis'actor$ ans)er% /I cannot sa$,
/Did she go to con'ession2/
/Did she tell $ou )hat )as +othering her during con'ession2/
/I' she did, I couldn#t ad&it it +ecause that )ould +e +rea-ing &$ sole&n
*ro&ise ne(er to ac-no)ledge an$thing said during con'ession%/
Connor nodded acce*tance and didn#t tr$ to *ress Sinclair again%
/What did $ou )ant to s*ea- to &e a+out2/
/I )anted to than- $ou 'or allo)ing &e to sta$ here% I )on#t +e
a +other,/ he *ro&ised, /and reall$ shouldn#t +e here all that o'ten% It#s &$
dut$ to ser(e a )ide area%/
/0ou should gi(e $our a**reciation to &$ )i'e, 1ather% She is the one )ho
*leaded 'or $ou%/
/I ha(e alread$ than-ed her% I )ill 'ore(er +e in her de+t% She )ishes &e to
slee* in one o' the cha&+ers inside $our ho&e, and )hile I a**reciate her
thought'ulness, I 'eel I should ha(e &$ o)n acco&&odations in the e(ent
an$ o' $our 'ollo)ers should need to s*ea- to &e in *ri(ate% Is this
agreea+le )ith $ou2/
/It is,/ Connor ans)ered% /I#ll ha(e one o' the (acant cottages cleaned and
readied 'or $ou% When )ill $ou +e 8oining us2/
/"s soon as 7aird 5incaid grants &e *er&ission to lea(e% I )ould also
&ention one other &atter% I return to England in a 'e) da$s to ex*lain this
change to &$ su*erior% I shouldn#t +e a)a$ &ore than a )ee-%/
/I )ill ha(e soldiers escort $ou,/ Connor said%
/That isn#t necessar$, 7aird3 'or as long as I )ear the +lac- cassoc-, no one
)ould dare har& &e, e(en those )hose souls ha(e alread$ +een *ro&ised
to Satan%/
/Wild ani&als )on#t sho) $ou such consideration%/
/I )ill sta$ to the &ain *ath,/ the *riest insisted%
/"s $ou )ish%/
/Was there an$ ne)s $ou )ished to send +ac- to England2/
Connor shoo- his head and )aited until Sinclair had le't +e'ore he
continued on% His thoughts )ere on his )i'e, o' course% She had +een (er$
-ind to the *riest and )as certainl$ concerned a+out the &an#s *ride and
his 'eelings% 6ne da$ soon, Connor ho*ed she )ould learn to sho) hi& the
sa&e consideration%
She could start +$ lea(ing his da&ned court$ard alone%
7ord, it )as good to +e ho&e%
Cha*ter 1J
Contents - Pre( A Next
The sur*rises 8ust -e*t on co&ing% Connor -ne) that so&e)here in his
)i'e#s con(oluted thoughts lur-ed an innocent *lan to *lease hi&, $et ho)
she e(er could ha(e i&agined he )ould +e ha**$ to .nd a cha*el sitting in
his court$ard )as +e$ond his a+ilit$ to co&*rehend% He thought she &ight
ha(e another reason 'or doing such a &onstrous thing, +ut i' that )as
true, he )ould *ro+a+l$ go to his gra(e still tr$ing to .gure out )hat it
could +e%
6nl$ one truth co&'orted hi& no)% It couldn#t get an$ )orse% No &atter
)hat other sur*rises she had read$ 'or hi&, nothing could sur*ass the
He reall$ should ha(e -no)n +etter%
He didn#t go inside to s*ea- to Eu*he&ia, as he had *lanned, )hen he .rst
arri(ed ho&e, +ecause he )ould ha(e had to )al- across the court$ard in
order to get to her, )hich &eant he )ould ha(e to sideste* his )a$
around the holes% ?uinlan had assured hi& the$ )ere dee* enough to
co(er a tall &an#s head, *ro(iding he )as 'ortunate enough to 'all in 'eet
.rst% Getting that close to the destruction )ould de.nitel$ ha(e sent his
te&*er right o(er the edge% He could ha(e gone in through the +ac- door,
o' course%
He didn#t, though, +ecause he needed to get a)a$ until he cal&ed do)n%
His *lan )as to a(oid the court$ard until that e(ening, 'or surel$ the holes
)ould +e .lled +$ then, and he )ould ha(e had enough ti&e to get o(er
this god-a)'ul sur*rise%
"'ter he had )ashed a)a$ the .lth he#d accu&ulated o(er the *ast t)o
)ee-s, he rode to the northern section o' the )all to loo- o(er the
*rogress &ade in 'orti'$ing the )ooden *osts )ith stone% The disco(er$ o'
one *ro+le& led to another and another, and he didn#t return to the -ee*
until late that a'ternoon%
The sun )as setting +$ the ti&e he reached the sta+les, and as soon as he
)ent inside, he noticed t)o *eculiar things% The .rst )as the 'act that the
+lac-#s stall )as e&*t$3 the second )as that Da(is a**eared to +e
snea-ing out the +ac- door%
His co&&and sto**ed hi& cold% /Where#s the +lac-, Da(is2/
/6utside, 7aird%/
It )asn#t a satis'actor$ ans)er% He ordered the sta+le&aster to co&e
'or)ard, and then as-ed, /Were $ou tr$ing to run out the +ac- door2/
/I )as%/
/1or )hat reason2/
/To get a)a$ 'ro& $ou +e'ore $ou noticed the +lac- )as &issing%/
/I see,/ Connor re*lied, his (oice &ild, controlled% /Exactl$ )here is &$
stallion no)2/
/He#s getting a dose o' 'resh air%/
/:$ )hose order2/
Da(is loo-ed a'raid to tell hi&% He too- a hast$ ste* +ac-, >uic-l$ +raced
hi&sel', and then said, /0our )i'e%/
/She ordered $ou to ta-e &$ horse out o' the stall2/ he as-ed, tr$ing to
understand )hat )as going on and )h$ Da(is )as acting so ner(ous%
/Well, no), she didn#t exactl$ order &e%/
/Did she as- ?uinlan or Cris*in to ta-e the stallion out2/
/No, she surel$ didn#t as- either one o' the&% 1act is, she didn#t as- &e
Connor had to re&ind hi&sel' to +e *atient% /Hel* &e understand, Da(is,
and stand still% 0ou aren#t going an$)here until I ha(e all &$ >uestions
ans)ered% Is so&eone )ith &$ )i'e, or did she tr$ to )al- the horse on
her o)n2/
/?uinlan#s *ro+a+l$ caught u* )ith &i#lad$ +$ no)% He usuall$ does% I#&
not understanding )hat $ou &ean +$ )al-, though% Could $ou ex*lain it to
&e2 I don#t thin- an$one#s doing an$ )al-ing, least o' all $our +lac-%/
" sudden *ossi+ilit$ &ade Connor#s heart start *ounding% /Is so&eone
riding hi&2/
/?uinlan2/ He resisted the urge to gra+ Da(is +$ the scru, o' his scra)n$
nec- and sha-e the ans)ers out o' hi&% /Then )ho is riding hi&2/
Da(is gri&aced o(er the anger he heard in his laird#s (oice +e'ore
ans)ering% /Well, no), $our )i'e &ight +e% Then again, she &ight not%/
He had had a 'eeling Da(is )as going to sa$ that% I' Da(is hadn#t alread$
assured hi& that ?uinlan )as )ith her, Connor )ould ha(e lost his control%
"s it )as, he )as holding on to it +$ threads%
What in God#s na&e could ?uinlan +e thin-ing to let :renna ta-e such a
ris-2 The high-strung stallion )as di=cult 'or &ost &en to handle, and
Connor couldn#t e(en *icture his gentle little )i'e tr$ing to &anage hi&%
/I' the +east gets a)a$ 'ro& ?uinlan, &$ )i'e )ill get tra&*led% Where are
/7aird, I don#t thin- $ou gras* )hat it is I#& telling $ou% The +lac- can#t get
a)a$ 'ro& ?uinlan +ecause he isn#t standing that close to hi& at all% He#s
8ust )atching out 'or &i#lad$%/
/Dear God9 she could +e9/
/No har&#s co&e to her% I -no) it 'or a 'act%/
Connor )as nearl$ to the door )hen Da(is#s )ords sto**ed hi&% /Ho)
)ould $ou -no) i' she#s sa'e or not2/ he as-ed%
/So&eone in the cro)d )ould ha(e co&e loo-ing 'or $ou i' an$thing had
ha**ened to $our dear )i'e%/
/The cro)d2 What cro)d2/
/The cro)d )atching $our )i'e% The$ started gathering one at a ti&e
a+out six or se(en da$s ago% No one +others &i#lad$, though3 so $ou can
rest $our &ind a+out that% "nd ?uinlan#s al)a$s standing +$, loo-ing out
'or her% I don#t ha(e to )atch to -no) )hat#s going on% "ll I#(e got to do is
)al- outside and listen to the sound the cro)d &a-es, and I -no) right
a)a$ ho) &i#lad$#s doing% When she ta-es a s*ill, the$ groan real loud,
and )hen she sta$s u*right, )ell then, the$ cheer her on, o' course% 7atel$
I#(e +een noticing &ore cheering than not, )hich tells &e &i#lad$#s .nall$
catching on to ho) it#s done%/
/Where are the$2/
/6n the o**osite side o' the slo*e +ehind the -itchens% Cust 'ollo) the
noise,/ he called out )hen his laird too- o, running% /Hear that &oan2
Well, no), that can onl$ &ean9/ Da(is didn#t see an$ *oint in continuing
his ex*lanation3 his laird had alread$ (anished o(er the to* o' the hill%
:$ the ti&e Connor strode *ast the -itchens, he could hear the cro)d#s
thunderous cheer, indicating his )i'e )as sa'e9 'or the &o&ent% He
started +reathing again, +ut he )as so sha-en that he )as a little a&a4ed
he could re&e&+er ho)%
" &o&ent later, he s*otted the !ac"listers gathered on the side o' the
hill% !others sat on the ground )ith their +a+ies *erched on their la*s,
)hile 'athers stood +ehind, tal-ing to one another% The older )o&en had
carried along their se)ing )or-, +ut the$, li-e e(er$one, )ere too +us$
)atching 7ad$ !ac"lister to *a$ an$ attention to an$thing else% "ll o'
the&, 'ro& the $oungest to the oldest in the cro)d, )ere thoroughl$
en8o$ing the&sel(es as the$ )atched, trans.xed%
E(er$ one o' the& )as clearl$ de&ented%
Connor .nall$ reached the crest, a good distance a)a$ 'ro& his
enra*tured clan, then ca&e to an a+ru*t sto* and stared do)n in
a&a4e&ent at the sight +e'ore hi&%
Nothing could ha(e *re*ared hi& 'or )hat he )as )itnessing% Not onl$
)as his )i'e riding the +lac-, she )as also riding +are+ac-, and saints +e
*raised, she see&ed to +e doing a 'air 8o+ o' it% No, no, not 'air, he
reali4ed, she )as actuall$ >uite re&ar-a+le% Her +ac- and shoulders )ere
as straight as a sta,3 her head )as held high, and she )as riding )ith the
s-ill and ex*ertise o' a !ac"lister )arrior, $et )ith the grace and elegance
o' a deit$ at the sa&e ti&e% Her golden hair @e) out +ehind her as she
and the +east glided o(er the landsca*e, and )hen he heard the sound o'
her laughter, his heart s)elled )ith *ride o(er her a&a4ing
acco&*lish&ent% He -ne) the truth then3 he )as 8ust as de&ented as
e(er$one else%
He noticed the *iles o' ha$ stre)n a+out, -ne) ?uinlan had tried to a(ert
disaster +$ *utting do)n the cushions to ease her 'alls, and though
Connor thought that )as cle(er o' hi&, he )as still going to tear hi& li&+
'ro& li&+% The cro)d )as cheering her no), urging her on, and it )asn#t
until he noticed ?uinlan 'ranticall$ )a(ing his hands at :renna and
(ehe&entl$ sha-ing his head that Connor )as a+le to *ull hi&sel' out o'
his stu*or and *ut an end to this &adness +e'ore disaster struc-%
He didn#t understand, or e(en sus*ect, )hat she )as going to do until it
)as too late% Connor started do)n the hill 8ust as the +lac- 8u&*ed the
.rst &ound o' ha$% :renna didn#t e(en a**ear to +e 8arred +$ the .rst lea*,
+ut she nearl$ )ent crashing to the ground )ith the stallion#s second
Connor si&*l$ couldn#t ta-e an$ &ore% He sto**ed, +raced his legs a*art,
and let out a *iercing )histle% The +lac-#s head i&&ediatel$ ca&e u*%
He#d heard the co&&and a+o(e the roar o' a**ro(al 'ro& the cro)d and
s)i'tl$ changed directions%
:renna couldn#t understand )hat had co&e o(er Willie% No &atter ho) she
tried, she couldn#t get the horse to turn +ac-% He raced across the hill,
turned, and +egan to cli&+%
She understood )h$ a &o&ent later% Connor )as standing near the crest,
his hands on his hi*s, his legs s*read a*art, )earing an ex*ression that
didn#t lea(e an$ dou+t at all as to )hat he thought a+out her *er'or&ance%
She i&&ediatel$ redou+led her e,orts to go the o**osite )a$% Hea(en
hel* her, she e(en +egged Willie to ta-e &erc$ on her%
The stu++orn horse re'used to o+e$ her no &atter ho) &uch she *leaded
)ith hi& and *ulled on his reins% He ca&e to a rather 8olting sto* directl$
in 'ront o' his &aster 8ust as she )as leaning do)n close to the horse#s ear
to let hi& -no) )hat she thought a+out his +eha(ior% /Traitor%/
Connor heard% He -ne) +etter than to sa$ a )ord to her no), +ecause in
his *resent condition, once he got started, he )ouldn#t +e a+le to sto*
hi&sel' 'ro& crushing her 'eelings%
:renna -ne) 'ro& the star- loo- in her hus+and#s e$es, she#d gi(en hi&
>uite a scare% She )anted to tell hi& e(er$thing )as all right% She didn#t
dare% There )as so&ething in his ex*ression that suggested she#d +etter
not tr$ to cal& hi& do)n 8ust $et%
She decided to *retend she didn#t notice his anger% It )as a +ad *lan, +ut
then, she couldn#t thin- o' a +etter one no)%
She straightened u* and tried to loo- cheer'ul%
/"re $ou *leased )ith &$ sur*rise2/ she as-ed, -no)ing 'ull )ell he )asn#t
*leased at all3 he )as 'urious, and that )as that% Still, there )as al)a$s a
ho*e, 'aint though it )as, that she could +lu, her )a$ through the stor&
+re)ing inside her hus+and%
She ex*ected hi& to *ull her o, Willie or start shouting% He didn#t e(en
touch the reins% He si&*l$ turned around and started )al-ing +ac- to)ard
the sta+les%
Willie &ee-l$ 'ollo)ed hi&% Cris*in suddenl$ a**eared on her right side,
loo-ing (er$ *ale, as though he#d 8ust seen a 'rightening (ision3 i' he#d
s*ared her a glance, she )ould ha(e as-ed hi& )hat had ha**ened% Then
?uinlan a**eared on her le't side, *anting 'ro& his run, +ut loo-ing (er$,
(er$ s&ug% He )ouldn#t glance u* at her either, so she couldn#t as- hi&
)h$ in hea(en#s na&e he )as so co&*lacent%
It )asn#t until the$ reached the sta+les that Connor .nall$ s*o-e% He
ordered Cris*in to re&o(e his )i'e 'ro& his stallion#s +ac- and )ait +$ her
side )hile he had a )ord )ith ?uinlan inside%
The second the doors )ere closed +ehind the&, Connor shouted to Da(is%
/Sta$ right )here $ou are,/ he ordered%
/Would $ou li-e &e to ta-e $our stallion o, $our hands2/ Da(is as-ed% /He
see&s a &ight agitated +$ $our tone o' (oice%/
He allo)ed Da(is to ta-e the reins +e'ore turning to ?uinlan% /Start
/Nothing I can sa$ can *ossi+l$ 8usti'$ &$ conduct% 0ou ha(e onl$ one
recourse o*en to $ou, 7aird% 0ou &ust re&o(e &e 'ro& this *osition )ith
all *ossi+le haste%/
/I#& angr$, not stu*id,/ Connor sna**ed% /Can#t $ou control one )o&an2
0ou da&n )ell +etter learn ho), +ecause $ou#re sta$ing in charge )hen
it#s $our turn% No) tell &e, )ere $ou out o' $our &ind to let &$ )i'e ta-e
such a ris-2 E(er$one else see&s to +e% Ho) could $ou let this ha**en2/
/7et it ha**en, Connor2 0ou#(e got to +e 8esting% I )ould ha(e had &ore
success getting the rain to sto* than &a-ing $our )i'e coo*erate% I#(e
done nothing +ut second guess her and tr$ to out)it her 'or the last t)o
)ee-s, and all &$ e,orts )ere )asted%/
Connor raised his hand to get ?uinlan to sto* )hen he noticed Da(is )as
tr$ing to stroll out the +ac- door $et again%
/Da(is,/ he roared% /I' $ou go out that door, $ou )on#t die ha**$% Co&e
The sta+le&aster >uic-l$ o+e$ed% /I )as 8ust gi(ing $ou so&e *ri(ac$,
7aird, that )as all% Did $ou )ant so&ething &ore2/
/I do% I )ant $ou to ans)er so&e >uestions 'or &e%/
/I )ouldn#t as- hi& an$thing i' I )ere $ou,/ ?uinlan suggested% /0ou#ll onl$
end u* &ore angr$ than $ou alread$ are%/
/That isn#t *ossi+le% No), Da(is, as $ou -no), I listen +e'ore I act%/
/I do -no) it 'or a certaint$,/ he agreed%
/Did &$ )i'e go inside the +lac-#s stall and *ut the +ridle on hi&2/
/No, she didn#t%/
/Who did%/
/I did%/
Connor#s e$elid +egan to droo*% /I see% Did $ou -no) &$ )i'e *lanned to
ta-e hi& out2/
/I did,/ he ans)ered% /She#s the reason I )ent inside )ith the +ridle in the
.rst *lace%/
Connor ha**ened to notice ?uinlan#s grin, shot hi& a hard loo- to let hi&
-no) )hat he thought a+out that, and then directed his attention on Da(is
?uinlan couldn#t *ossi+l$ sto* s&iling, 'or he -ne) )hat )as co&ing%
/Ex*lain )h$ $ou )ould do such a thing so that I )on#t continue to +elie(e
$ou#re de&ented%/
/Her s&ile, 7aird, and that#s the sorr$ truth o' it%/
Connor +lin-ed% /Her s&ile2/
Da(is nodded% /Her s&ile )as &$ reason 'ro& start to .nish% It#s *lain
tric-er$, I#& thin-ing, +ut I#ll ne(er sa$ it out loud +ecause it )ould sound
dislo$al, and I#& not at all dislo$al, onl$ honest% "nd her heart,/ he thought
to add )ith a nod%
/Her heart2/
/Her heart is as *ure as an angel#s, and so is her s&ile, +ut it#s her &ind,
$ou see, that#s gi(ing &e trou+le% I#& thin-ing there#s so&ething )rong
)ith it, +ut I#& not co&ing right out and sa$ing there is% !i#lad$ isn#t li-e
all the other ladies herea+outs% She thin-s li-e a &an, a cle(er &an, and
ho) )as I to -no)2 She ne(er once lied to &e% No, 7aird, she didn#t%/
/Then )h$ did $ou allo) her to ta-e the +lac-2/
/Her s&ile%/
/0ou#ll go around and around again the &ore $ou as- Da(is% It al)a$s
co&es +ac- to &i#lad$#s s&ile,/ ?uinlan said%
/"nd her heart, o' course, +ecause )hen she s&iles, I can see she#s as
*ure as an angel9/
Connor cut hi& o,% /Da(is, I suggest $ou lea(e the sta+les i&&ediatel$%
Co&e +ac- a'ter I#(e le't, not +e'ore%/
The old &an didn#t ha(e to +e told &ore than once% He &o(ed )ith the
s*eed o' a &an )ho had 8ust noticed the +ac- o' his *ants )ere on .re%
/"& I su**osed to order &$ )i'e to sto* s&iling2/
/It &ight hel*,/ ?uinlan suggested )ith a straight 'ace% /0ou#ll also ha(e to
order her to sto* thin-ing li-e a &an%/
/What in God#s na&e does that &ean2/
/She#s &ore intelligent than Da(is%/
/Is she &ore intelligent than $ou, ?uinlan2/
The soldier let out a sigh% /I#& not certain% She is de.nitel$ cle(erer,
/She scared the hell out o' &e%/
/I#& 'a&iliar )ith the 'eeling%/
Neither &an -ne) )ho started laughing .rst, +ut )ithin seconds, the$
)ere o(erco&e )ith a&use&ent% Connor thought he )as laughing
+ecause he )as so relie(ed his )i'e hadn#t -illed hersel'% ?uinlan -ne)
exactl$ )h$ he )as laughing% Cris*in )as going to get stuc- )ith their
&istress the next ti&e their laird le't the holding, and he couldn#t )ait to
.nd out )hat she )ould do under his )atch%
:renna and Cris*in +oth heard the noise% She couldn#t hel* +ut thin- she
)as the cause o' their a&use&ent, $et 8ust as soon as Cris*in noticed ho)
crushed she loo-ed, he casuall$ said, /Don#t +e concerned, &i#lad$% Neither
Connor nor ?uinlan )ould laugh at Da(is, or an$one else 'or that &atter% It
)ould +e +eneath the&%/
/Were $ou )orried I thought the$ )ere laughing at &e2 I )as,/ she
ad&itted +e'ore he had ti&e to ans)er her% /:ut, it )ould +e +eneath &e
to thin- &$ hus+and or his 'riend )ould +eha(e in such a 'ashion% I thin- I
-no) )h$ the$#re ha(ing such a .ne ti&e,/ she added%
/"nd )hat &ight that +e, &i#lad$2/
/E(en though Connor )on#t ad&it it to &e, I thin- he en8o$ed &$ sur*rise%
Cust )ait until he sees the other ones%/
/The other ones2/ Cris*in as-ed in a hoarse )his*er%
/The other sur*rises, o' course%/
1or so&e reason she didn#t understand, Cris*in 'ound her co&&ent
hilarious% She *atted his ar& to let hi& -no) she didn#t &ind and then
decided that *erha*s it )as all the laughter co&ing 'ro& inside that
tic-led his +ones so and got hi& started%
6' all the &en, Connor )as the .rst to gain control o' hi&sel'% /I#ll ha(e a
)ord )ith &$ )i'e later,/ he *ro&ised his 'riend% /"ns)er one last
>uestion 'or &e +e'ore )e go outside% "re there an$ &ore2/
/"n$ &ore )hat2/
/6nl$ one that I -no) o'%/
Connor loo-ed as i' he )as going to dro* to his -nees% ?uinlan >uic-l$
ex*lained% /It#s nothing to )orr$ a+out% She &ade a 'e) &inor
i&*ro(e&ents in the great hall that are har&less% I sa) the roo& this
&orning,/ he added )ith a nod%
/0ou#d +etter +e right,/ his laird &uttered +e'ore he reached 'or the door
/It#s going to ta-e &e a )ee- to get o(er seeing &$ )i'e on the +lac-%
E(er$ ti&e I thin- a+out it, I sha-e li-e an old &an% I -ee* *icturing her
@$ing across the &eado)9/
He couldn#t go on% He shoo- his head as i' to rid hi&sel' o' the thought,
reali4ed his hand )as sha-ing e(en no), and let out a loud sigh in
?uinlan also *ictured his &istress riding the stallion, and though he also
-ne) it )ould ta-e hi& a long ti&e to reco(er, he also recogni4ed the s-ill
she#d sho)n%
Connor )as 8ust *ulling the door o*en )hen he )his*ered to ?uinlan,
/She#s good, isn#t she%/
Cha*ter 1K
Contents - Pre( A Next
She )as in 'or it no)%
The (er$ .rst )ords out o' her hus+and#s &outh )hen he ca&e outside
the sta+les indicated she had crossed that i&aginar$ line inside his &ind
that se*arated )hat could +e touched and )hat couldn#t% "**arentl$ he
+elie(ed the +lac- stallion +elonged to hi&, and onl$ hi&%
She )ould, o' course, +eg to di,er, +ut she )as intelligent enough to )ait
until he#d gotten o(er his 'ur$%
/I )ould li-e to ha(e a )ord )ith $ou in *ri(ate, :renna%/
/Certainl$,/ she re*lied, tr$ing her +est to loo- &ildl$ interested and
curious, and not at all concerned% She reali4ed al&ost i&&ediatel$ she
hadn#t ta-en the right a**roach, and changed her attitude to one o'
/I#& glad o' it, Connor% It#s a+out ti&e $ou ga(e $our )i'e a *ri(ate
&o&ent% When exactl$ )ould it +e con(enient 'or $ou to s*ea- to &e2/
Her *lo$ didn#t )or-% /I' $ou don#t )ant &e to -no) $ou#re ner(ous, $ou
shouldn#t +ac- a)a$ 'ro& &e% I )ould also suggest $ou sto* loo-ing o(er
$our shoulder 'or a &eans o' esca*e%/
She glanced at Cris*in to see ho) he )as reacting to his laird#s
inti&idating tactics and )as than-'ul the soldier didn#t see& to +e *a$ing
an$ attention at all% His ga4e )as directed at the +otto& o' the hill as i' he
)ere a+solutel$ 'ascinated +$ so&ething he )as )atching there%
?uinlan, ho)e(er, )as hanging on Connor#s e(er$ )ord% He still loo-ed a
little too co&*lacent to suit her% Not onl$ did he -no) she )as a+out to
catch Connor#s thunder, he )as glad o' it% Didn#t the &an ha(e an$thing
+etter to do than 'ollo) her around and re*ort her e(er$ action to her
hus+and2 "**arentl$ he didn#t% "lthough it )as *ro+a+l$ un-ind o' her,
she &ade note o' the si&ilarit$ +et)een the soldier and her old
nurse&aid, Els*eth, )ho also too- delight in telling on :renna%
/I )ant this *ri(ate &o&ent alone )ith $ou no),/ Connor announced%
He )aited 'or her agree&ent +e'ore instructing Cris*in and ?uinlan to 8oin
hi& 'or the e(ening &eal, then started +ac- u* the hill to)ard the -ee*
)ith :renna at his side%
/!$ sur*rise didn#t &a-e $ou ha**$, did it2/
His snort )as all the ans)er she re>uired% /"re $ou u*set +ecause Willie
+elongs to $ou and $ou don#t )ant an$one else riding hi&2/
/Ho) &an$ ti&es did $ou 'all2/
Since she )as al&ost certain ?uinlan ga(e hi& a detailed accounting o'
her acti(ities, she decided to +e co&*letel$ honest% /So &an$ ti&es I lost
/What do $ou thin- )ould ha(e ha**ened i' $ou had +een carr$ing &$
She loo-ed thunderstruc-, 'or the *ossi+ilit$ had a**arentl$ ne(er entered
her &ind%
/I#& not% I onl$ 8ust .nished9 I#& not%/
/1inished )hat2/
/1inished reali4ing I can#t +e carr$ing $our child $et% I )ould ne(er
deli+eratel$ *ut our +a+$ in 8eo*ard$%/
/"nd $ou )ill ne(er ride the +lac- again, )ill $ou2/
/Not e(en )ith a saddle2/
/The horse has ne(er had a saddle on his +ac-, and I assure $ou, he
)ouldn#t li-e it% It#s out o' the >uestion%/
/"ll right then% Was there an$thing else $ou )anted to &ention9or do2/
/Don#t e(er call hi& Willie again%/
She could tell he )asn#t going to change his &ind% /I )on#t,/ she *ro&ised
+e'ore +lurting out, /Do $ou -no) $ou ha(en#t -issed &e once since
$ou#(e +een +ac-2 I cannot hel* +ut )onder i' $ou#(e e(en thought o' it%/
He hadn#t thought a+out &uch else, +ut he )asn#t a+out to ad&it it% /We
ha(en#t +een alone% ;e&ind &e tonight, and I#ll -iss $ou then%/
She didn#t reali4e he )as teasing her% /I#ll *ro+a+l$ 'orget,/ she assured
hi&% /It reall$ doesn#t &atter to &e one )a$ or another%/
/0es, it does% Watch )here $ou#re going% So&e o' the holes ha(en#t +een
.lled $et%/
/S*ea-ing o' holes9/
/Not $et%/
/I +eg $our *ardon2/
/I don#t )ant to hear a )ord a+out a cha*el% Not no), not e(er%
/I understand $ou#re +eing (er$ stu++orn%/
She -ne) he )as still a little u*set a+out her *lan to hide the -ee* +ehind
a church% Still, he hadn#t told her she couldn#t, gi(ing her ho*e that +$
to&orro) he )ould +e &ore )illing to listen to reason% Surel$ +$ then, she
)ould ha(e co&e u* )ith a +etter ex*lanation than the +lunt truth%
"d&itting she +elie(ed the 'ront o' his ho&e )as do)nright ugl$ )ould
onl$ hurt his 'eelings, and 'or that reason, she )ould ha(e to thin- o'
so&ething else to tell hi&%
She &o(ed on to a 'ar &ore i&*ortant &atter% /When )e go u*stairs
tonight, I need to ha(e a serious tal- )ith $ou% I ha(e so&ething extre&el$
i&*ortant to tell $ou,/ she )his*ered% /0ou aren#t going to li-e it%/
/Tell &e no)%/
/I )ould rather )ait until tonight% I 8ust )anted to *re*are $ou in ad(ance,/
she added% /!$ ne)s )ill surel$ +rea- $our heart%/
His laughter )asn#t >uite the reaction she antici*ated% /It#s a serious
&atter,/ she insisted%
/I assure $ou, no &atter ho) serious the ne)s is, &$ heart#s going to sta$
Wh$ don#t $ou tell &e no) and +e done )ith it2 0ou sound as though
$ou#re dreading it%/
/I a& dreading it% I#& still going to )ait until tonight to tell $ou, ho)e(er%
0ou#re a+out to see $our sur*rise, and I don#t )ant to ruin $our ha**iness
)ith +ad ne)s%/
She suddenl$ )ished she hadn#t tried to *re*are hi&, +ecause no) her
sto&ach 'elt as though it )ere tied in -nots% Ho) could she not +e u*set2
She )as going to start a )ar +et)een t)o +rothers, God 'orgi(e her, +ut
she didn#t reall$ ha(e an$ other choice, did she2
She had as-ed 1ather Sinclair that (er$ >uestion during con'ession, and
)hile he had .r&l$ agreed she &ust tell her hus+and )hen he ca&e
ho&e, he also 'elt she should tell his soldiers right a)a$% It had ta-en her a
long ti&e to con(ince the *riest ho) i&*ortant it )as that Connor hear
+e'ore an$one else% 1ather .nall$ ga(e in a'ter she *ro&ised hi& she
)ould re&ain cautious and a(oid e(er +eing alone )ith ;aen%
The *riest assured her he )as going to co&e +ac- to&orro) to .nd out
ho) Connor had reacted% She sus*ected his real &oti(e )as to &a-e
certain she )as all right, and +$ then, she 'ull$ ex*ected to +e a+le to
in'or& hi& that ;aen had alread$ +een +anished%
Connor *ulled her +ac- to the *resent +$ telling her to *a$ attention to
)here she )as )al-ing%
/:rocca#s hus+and is )aiting to .nd out i' $ou )ant one o' his hound#s
*u*s or not,/ he re*eated%
/Wh$ )ould he )ant to gi(e &e a *u*2/
/It#s all he has to gi(e%/
/:ut )h$9/
/It#s a gi't, :renna% 0ou#(e sho)n his )i'e -indness and he )ishes to re*a$
/Ho) thought'ul o' hi&,/ she re*lied% /Would $ou &ind ha(ing a hound
He shoo- his head% /I#ll tell hi& $ou#ll +e ha**$ to ha(e the *u* then% Tr$
not to lose hi&, all right2/
/1or hea(en#s sa-e,/ she &uttered% /0ou#re reall$ doing $our +est to *ut
&e in a +ad &ood, aren#t $ou2/
He didn#t +other to ans)er her% He sur*rised her )hen he *ulled her close
to his side and *ut his ar&s around her shoulders%
/0ou aren#t disa**ointed it#s a hound2/
She ga(e hi& a curious glance% /No, o' course not% Wh$ )ould $ou thin- I
)ould +e2/
His (oice )as .lled )ith laughter )hen he ans)ered her% /It isn#t a *iglet%/
/0ou do re&e&+er &eeting &e,/ she cried out%
He o*ened the door 'or her +e'ore ex*laining% /6' course, I re&e&+er% I
also re&e&+er holding $ou in &$ ar&s% 0ou )eighed less than &$ *laid% I
thin- $ou )ere a+out Grace#s age%/
/No, I )as &uch older%/
/0ou s&elled li-e the *iglet $ou had rolled u* in $our s-irts%/
/I couldn#t ha(e% I had 8ust had a +ath% !$ sister told &e so%/
/0ou )ere tr$ing to tell &e )hat to do e(en )hen $ou )ere a +a+$% I reall$
should ha(e -no)n then%/
She )as ha(ing di=cult$ *a$ing attention to the con(ersation, 'or his e$es
)ere .lled )ith such )ar&th, she reall$ couldn#t thin- a+out an$thing else%
7ord, he )as handso&e% /5no)n )hat2/ she as-ed hi& in a +reathless
/That $ou )ere going to +e trou+le%/
She thought that )as a+out the nicest thing he had e(er said to her, and it
)asn#t until she had let out a loud sigh in a**reciation and told hi& than-
$ou that she reali4ed he hadn#t gi(en her a co&*li&ent%
He didn#t laugh at her% In 'act, he *ulled her into his ar&s, leaned do)n,
and )his*ered, /0ou#re )elco&e%/
She didn#t -no) he )as going to -iss her until he )as doing exactl$ that%
She 'elt as though she )as +eing crushed against his hard chest, so
*o)er'ul and .erce )as his gri*, $et his &outh )as sur*risingl$ gentle
against hers% His tongue thrust inside to dee*en the -iss, arousing a
res*onse she didn#t ex*ect or understand until it had ended and he )as
*ulling +ac- a)a$ 'ro& her%
E(er$thing )as suddenl$ di,erent% She )anted to hold on to hi& 'or the
rest o' her li'e, and )hile she )anted to +elie(e it )as onl$ +ecause she
)as so relie(ed to ha(e hi& ho&e again to deal )ith ;aen, she -ne) there
)as another reason as )ell%
She )as in lo(e )ith hi&%
The reali4ation didn#t &a-e her ha**$% It &ade her &isera+le% Ho) had she
&anaged to &a-e such a 'oolish &ista-e2 He didn#t lo(e her3 he 8ust *ut
u* )ith her, that )as all, so that he could ha(e heirs%
He )atched her closel$, 'ro)ning )ith concern o(er the tears he sa) in
her e$es% /!ind telling &e )h$ $ou#re cr$ing2/
/It ha**ened too soon,/ she sta&&ered out% /I -ne) +etter, Connor,
honestl$ I did%/
/:renna, )hat are $ou tal-ing a+out2 What ha**ened too soon2/
She .nall$ ca&e to her senses% She )asn#t a+out to ad&it she lo(ed hi&
and thought she#d rather stand na-ed in 'ront o' a church 'ull o' strangers
than ad&it her &ista-e% :eing (ulnera+le )as +ad enough, +oasting o' it
)ould +e horri+le%
He )ouldn#t understand i' she tried to ex*lain it to hi& an$)a$% She
dou+ted he could e(er lo(e her% So caught u* )as he in the *ast, he
si&*l$ didn#t ha(e roo& in his heart 'or an$thing else%
/Will $ou ans)er &e2/ he de&anded /I &issed $ou,/ she +lurted out% /I
didn#t )ant to, +ut I did an$)a$% 0ou )ere gone a long ti&e%/
Her ans)er see&ed to satis'$ hi&% He -issed her once again, +rie@$ $et
)ith 8ust as &uch *assion, and then 'ollo)ed her inside and u* the stairs
to the &ain @oor%
/While $ou )ere a)a$, I gathered all the +its and *ieces o' in'or&ation
'ro& the older &en and )o&en here and )as .nall$ a+le to *ut it all
/What did $ou *ut together2/
/0our *ast,/ she ans)ered% /I -no) )hat ha**ened to $our 'ather% I 8ust
)anted to tell $ou I understand )h$ the ruins are still standing% 0ou intend
to -ee* the& there until $ou#(e gained 8ustice in $our 'ather#s na&e%/
/I )ould ha(e ex*lained i' $ou#d as-ed%/
/Then I )ill as- $ou &$ >uestions in 'uture% Don#t 'ro)n, Connor% I )ant
$ou to +e in a good &ood )hen $ou see &$ sur*rise%/
He +raced hi&sel' 'or )hat he )as a+out to see, ga(e her an a+ru*t nod
to let her -no) he )ould tr$ to +e *leased, and then said, /?uinlan
assures &e $ou ha(en#t done an$thing % da&aging%/
/Da&aging2 1or hea(en#s sa-e, )h$ )ould $ou thin- such a thing2/ she
as-ed +e'ore she re&e&+ered his reaction to the holes in his court$ard% /I
*lan to co(er the &ess &ade outside,/ she ex*lained then% /"'ter the
soldiers *ut the *osts do)n inside to +race the structure I thought to ha(e
constructed, and I9/
The )arning )as there in his e$es and in his (oice% /0es2/
/We aren#t going to tal- a+out it no)%/
/No, o' course not% S&ile, Connor% This is $our ho&eco&ing% :esides,
Eu*he&ia &a$ +e inside, and I )on#t ha(e her thin-ing )e aren#t ha**il$
His laughter sur*rised her% /Wh$ does it &atter )hat she thin-s2/
Ho) could he +e so dense2 /I &ust &a-e her li-e &e +ecause she#s $our
ste*&other% 0ou did tell &e to honor her%/
/I did2/
/0es, or &a$+e I told $ou I )ould% It doesn#t &atter% She deser(es our
/0es,/ he agreed%
Connor *ulled the door o*en and )aited 'or her to go ahead o' hi&% She
didn#t +udge% /I ha(e one 'a(or to as- $ou% Tonight, )hen )e sit at the
ta+le together9/
/0es2/ he *rodded%
She +lushed )hile she +lurted out the instruction to hi&% /Please loo- at
&e o'ten, and don#t 'ro)n at &e% Tr$ to hang on &$ e(er$ )ord, all right2/
1ortunatel$, she didn#t re>uire an ans)er, 'or she hurried on ahead into
the entrance% " cro)d o' soldiers )aiting 'or their laird +o)ed to her as
soon as the$ sa) her% She greeted each one +$ na&e, )hich sur*rised and
*leased her hus+and, until he reali4ed he )as alread$ loo-ing at her and
s&iling and surel$ a**eared to +e hanging on her e(er$ )ord%
/:renna, )ait 'or &e in the hall )hile I settle a 'e) &atters%/
She +o)ed to hi& 'or the +ene.t o' his 'ollo)ers and hurried inside% Her
thought )as to stand in 'ront o' the hearth so that she could see his
i&&ediate reaction to her additions%
She )as hal')a$ across the cha&+er +e'ore she reali4ed e(er$thing )as
all )rong% She stared in dis+elie', 'or the cha&+er )as once again as star-
and 'or+oding as )hen she#d .rst seen it% E(en the rushes )ere &issing
'ro& the @oors%
What in hea(en#s na&e had ha**ened2 Where )as the lo(el$ cloth she#d
)or-ed so hard to .nish +e'ore Connor returned2
/!i#lad$2/ Netta )his*ered 'ro& the arch)a$ leading to the +ac- door%
:renna ga(e the entrance a >uic- glance, sa) that Connor )as still 'ull$
occu*ied listening to the *etitions o' his soldiers, and then hurried o(er to
the ser(ant%
/What ha**ened, Netta2 Where are all the cushions2/
/7ad$ Eu*he&ia had a .t )hen she sat do)n on one% She declared it )as
'ar too unco&'orta+le 'or an$one to su,er, and a'ter tr$ing out each one,
she ordered the& re&o(ed at once% She told &e to +urn the&, &i#lad$, so
$ou )ouldn#t +e e&+arrassed in 'ront o' $our hus+and%/
/The cloth9 )hat a+out the cloth )e *ut on the ta+le%/
Netta shoo- her head% / #T)as an accident,/ she )his*ered% /"t least that is
)hat 7ad$ Eu*he&ia told &e% She insisted on ha(ing )ine )ith her
nooning &eal% The color#s red, i' $ou#ll re&e&+er, &i#lad$, +ut she
&is8udged her reach 'or her go+let and she s*illed it e(er$)here% She
insisted the go+let -noc-ed the *itcher o(er% 6h, &i#lad$, it#s ruined no)% I
-no) $ou sta$ed u* hal' o' e(er$ night our laird )as a)a$ so $ou could
.nish the stitches, and it loo-ed so lo(el$ too, &i#lad$% Wh$, e(en ?uinlan
re&ar-ed that it )as%/
Tr$ing to hide her o)n disa**oint&ent, she *atted Netta and tried to
console her%
/"ccidents )ill ha**en,/ she said% /I hadn#t reali4ed the cushions )ere
unco&'orta+le, though% I tried the& all and thought the$ )ere9 all right,
+ut i' 7ad$ Eu*he&ia9/
/She said the$ )ere lu&*$%/
/I see% Well, then, I )ill tr$ to do +etter next ti&e% What a+out the rushes2
The$ )ere all right, )eren#t the$2 "nd the$ certainl$ ga(e the roo& a
*leasing scent% So did the @o)ers,/ she added% /The$#re gone too, aren#t
/7ad$ Eu*he&ia also thought the rushes )ere nice, +ut she tri**ed as she
tried to )al- to the ta+le and al&ost 'ell to the @oor% She ex*lained her
e$esight isn#t )hat it used to +e and +id &e to re&o(e the rushes as soon
as *ossi+le% She )as certain $ou )ould understand, &i#lad$%/
/0es, o' course%/
/The @o)ers she ad&itted she didn#t li-e at all%/
Did she ex*lain )h$2/
/She said the$ re&inded her o' death +ecause &ourners al)a$s carr$
the& to the gra(es%/
:renna#s shoulders slu&*ed% What &ust Eu*he&ia thin- o' her no)2 /It
)as thoughtless o' &e to *ut @o)ers on the &antle% I )asn#t thin-ing,
Netta% I ne(er once considered she )ould ha(e such a reaction% I &ust .nd
a )a$ to &a-e u* 'or &$ &ista-e,/ she added )ith a nod%
/!i#lad$, $ou couldn#t ha(e -no)n% The chair 7othar ga(e $ou has +een
sent +ac- to hi&% I )ish no) he hadn#t s*ent hal' the da$ ru++ing a shine
in the )ood%/
/Wh$ )as it sent +ac-2/
/7ad$ Eu*he&ia con'essed she )as a'raid to sit in it +ecause it )as so
)o++l$% I tried to assure her it )as *er'ectl$ sound, +ut I couldn#t s)a$ her%
She see&ed to +e terri.ed o' 'alling% I thin- it#s +ecause she#s getting on in
$ears and -no)s her +ones )on#t heal i' she +rea-s one% I couldn#t hel*
+ut )onder i' she )orried a+out such things )hen she )as $ounger% No
one#s +ones heal )ell, $oung or old,/ she added )ith a nod to let her
&istress -no) she s*o-e )ith authorit$%
/"ge &ust &a-e her &ore cautious, and )e &ust res*ect that%/
/There#s one last thing% I hate to &ention it no), a'ter the disa**oint&ent
$ou#(e su,ered%/
:renna )as a'raid to .nd out )hat else Eu*he&ia had 'ound
unsatis'actor$, +ut 'orced hersel' to as- an$)a$% /0es2/
/She as-ed &e i' there )as an$thing else $ou &eant to add to the
cha&+er% I &entioned that $ou )ere )or-ing on a +anner to hang on the
)all% I +oasted a+out ho) .ne it )as,/ she thought to add% /7ad$
Eu*he&ia )anted to see it, o' course% She see&ed *leased )hen I told her
ho) cle(er $ou )ere )ith $our needle and thread, and ho) $ou#d la+ored
o(er $our tas- such long hours%/
/Did $ou sho) it to her2/
Netta nodded% /6h, &i#lad$, she loo-ed so disa**ointed in $our e,orts%
She cluc-ed her tongue li-e a chic-en )ould and shoo- her head%/
:renna could 'eel her 'ace +urning )ith e&+arrass&ent% /"nd )hat did
she sa$ to $ou2/
/She said the stitches )ere all lo*sided, +ut she assured &e she
understood $ou didn#t -no) an$ +etter%/
/Where is &$ ta*estr$ no)%/
/7ad$ Eu*he&ia didn#t )ant $ou to +e hu&iliated in 'ront o' $our hus+and
and his 'ollo)ers%/ Tears o' s$&*ath$ had gathered in Netta#s e$es, )hich
onl$ &ade :renna#s e&+arrass&ent all the &ore horri+le%
She 'elt li-e such a 'ailure, and $et, at the sa&e ti&e, she 'elt guilt$
+ecause she )as angr$% Hearing that she didn#t -no) an$ +etter each and
e(er$ ti&e she tried to *lease Eu*he&ia &ade :renna 'eel as though her
&other )as +eing attac-ed 'or 'ailing to *ro*erl$ educate her daughter%
/It#s gone, isn#t it2/ she )his*ered, her (oice @at )ith de'eat%
/0es, &i#lad$% Eu*he&ia started ta-ing the stitches out at noon, and +$ the
ti&e she )ent u* to her roo& to )ash +e'ore dining tonight, onl$ threads
)ere le't on the @oor%/
Connor called her na&e as he strode into the hall and loo-ed around hi&
)ith interest%
:renna let out a )ear$ sigh and turned to go to hi&% Netta caught hold o'
her hand% /I thought e(er$thing loo-ed lo(el$, &i#lad$,/ she )his*ered%
The last thing :renna needed no) )as *it$% She s&iled so that Netta#s
'eelings )ouldn#t +e in8ured, and then said, /I#ll do &uch +etter )ith &$
next atte&*t%/
The ser(ant +o)ed to her &istress and then le't to tell the ser(ants that
the 'ood should +e readied to +e carried to the ta+le%
/Ha(e $ou .nished $our discussion )ith $our soldiers2/
His )i'e#s >uestion &ade hi& s&ile% E(er$ one o' his &en )anted to as-
hi& i' the$ could ha(e their things returned%
Connor hadn#t understood )hat the$ )ere tal-ing a+out until one o' the&
*ointed to the stac- o' ite&s on the chest )ith the hint that one o' the
daggers loo-ed (er$ li-e the one his )i'e o'ten used% The$ didn#t dare
accuse their &istress o' deli+eratel$ stealing 'ro& the&, 'or the$ -ne) she
tended to +e 'orget'ul )hen she )as in a hurr$ or ha(ing a .ne ti&e% Each
soldier had actuall$ de'ended :renna to hi&, and 'or that reason he hadn#t
E&&ett had ex*lained it to his laird% /When she#s care'ree, she 'orgets to
*a$ attention,/ he ex*lained% /She &a-es our )i(es 'eel as i&*ortant as
$ou do, 7aird% The$#(e all ta-en a 'anc$ to her, o' course, and )ould +e
(er$ u*set i' the$ heard $ou )ere to sanction her +ecause o' this )ee
*ro+le& she see&s to ha(e in 'orgetting to +ring things +ac-% She lea(es
as &an$ o' her o)n things as she ta-es,/ he thought to add in :renna#s
Connor *ro&ised not to critici4e his )i'e and suggested that in 'uture,
)hene(er so&ething )as &issing, the$ or their )i(es )ere si&*l$ to co&e
inside the -ee* and loo- through the stac- on the chest% The$ needn#t as-
his *er&ission again%
/I can see 'ro& $our s&ile that $our &eeting )ent )ell,/ :renna re&ar-ed%
/It did,/ he assured her% /I sol(ed the *ro+le&, +ut not the cause%/
/0ou#ll acco&*lish that soon enough,/ she re*lied%
His laughter echoed around the cha&+er% /I dou+t that, +ut no) I .nd I
reall$ don#t )ant to an$)a$%/
/Wh$ don#t $ou )ant to2/
/:ecause I li-e the cause% Don#t as- &e to ex*lain% Sho) &e $our sur*rise
instead% I#(e &ade $ou )ait long enough%/
/I can#t%/
/0ou can#t )ait2/
/Sho) $ou $our sur*rise%/
/Wh$ can#t $ou2 Ha(e $ou changed $our &ind2/
/0es, that#s it,/ she said% /I#(e changed &$ &ind%/
/Wh$2/ Her &ind raced 'or an excuse so he )ouldn#t -no) all her e,orts
had +een 'ound lac-ing% He )as +ound to thin- she )as inco&*etent then,
and she )asn#t inco&*etent at all% She#d 8ust +een in too &uch o' a hurr$%
1ortunatel$, she re&e&+ered the &edallion she#d had &ade 'or hi&%
She#d &eant to lea(e it 'or last an$)a$ to gi(e it i&*ortance%
/It#s u* in the +edroo&% Would $ou li-e to see it no)2 I could go9/
/What )ould $ou li-e to do2/
/Wait,/ she decided%
/Then I#ll )ait%/
/Than- $ou,/ she ans)ered +e'ore as-ing hi& i' he#d seen his ste*&other
/She should +e co&ing do)nstairs an$ &inute no)% Ha(e $ou s*o-en to
;aen $et2/
/No, +ut he should +e +ac- in another hour or t)o according to ?uinlan,
and then he#ll sta$ onl$ one &ore night +e'ore he lea(es 'or good,/ Connor
/He#s lea(ing2/
She didn#t &ean to sound so +liss'ull$ ha**$ a+out ;aen#s de*arture, +ut
she couldn#t hel* it%
He raised an e$e+ro) to her reaction% /He returns to his laird to&orro)%/
/"nd )here &ight that +e2/ she casuall$ as-ed, ho*ing the &an li(ed on
the other side o' England%
/" long )a$ 'ro& here% I dou+t )e#ll see hi& again 'or another .(e or ten
$ears, :renna, is so&ething )rong2/
/No, no, o' course not%/
/Then )h$ are $ou holding on to &e2/
She see&ed sur*rised, )hich &ade hi& sha-e his head in con'usion% Her
ar&s )ere )ra**ed around his )aist, +ut she >uic-l$ &o(ed a)a$ 'ro&
hi&% The &ere &ention o' his ste*+rother had &ade her instincti(el$
&o(e closer to her hus+and% She didn#t ex*lain, o' course, and ended u*
re&inding hi& ho) &uch she#d &issed hi&%
/0ou &entioned $ou did%/
/0es, +ut I )anted to &ention it again% Will $ou excuse &e no) )hile I run
to the -itchens and s*ea- to the coo-2/
"'ter he granted her *er&ission, she -issed hi& good-+$e%
/What ha**ened here, Connor2/ ?uinlan called out his >uestion 'ro& the
entrance and ca&e striding into the hall%
Cris*in 'ollo)ed hi&% /What ha**ened )here2/ he as-ed%
/The cha&+er9 it#s +ac- the )a$ it )as% What ha**ened to all the
changes &i#lad$ &ade2/
Connor didn#t -no) )hat he )as tal-ing a+out% He stood )ith his hands
clas*ed +ehind his +ac- )hile he listened to his ex*lanation%
/Did &i#lad$ tell $ou )h$ it )as changed +ac-2/
Connor shoo- his head% /She said the sur*rise )as u*stairs%/
/Wh$ )ould she ta-e the cushions and the cloth and the chair u*stairs2/
?uinlan as-ed%
/Perha*s she changed her &ind,/ Cris*in suggested%
/I told $ou she )as acting strange% Did she ta-e the rushes u*stairs too2/
/It )ould see& so,/ Cris*in re*lied%
/I' that isn#t *eculiar9/ ?uinlan +egan
/I )ould a**reciate it i' $ou )ould sto* sa$ing that,/ Connor sna**ed%
/There isn#t an$thing )rong )ith &$ )i'e% She si&*l$ changed her &ind,
and i' she didn#t, there )as another reason% When she#s read$, she#ll tell
The discussion ended then and there% ?uinlan )anted to hear all a+out
Da)son#s ca*ture, and )hile Cris*in ex*lained, Connor thought a+out his
)i'e% He decided he should start *a$ing &ore attention to her and to the
goings-on in his ho&e%
Eu*he&ia 8oined the& a 'e) &inutes later% Connor +o)ed to his
ste*&other and )aited at the head o' the ta+le until she )as seated
+e'ore he *ulled out his chair% He sat +$ her side 'or o(er an hour, listening
to her tal- a+out his 'ather and the *ast, )hile Cris*in and ?uinlan
continued their discussion o(er +$ the hearth%
;aen ca&e in 8ust as the trenchers )ere +eing *laced on the ta+le% :renna
and Netta entered through the +ac- door at the (er$ sa&e ti&e%
/Connor,/ ;aen shouted% /It#s a+out ti&e I sa) $ou% It#s +een a long ti&e%/
/It has +een a long ti&e,/ Connor agreed%
;aen e&+raced hi&% /0ou#re loo-ing .t these da$s% !arriage &ust agree
)ith $ou%/
"'ter -issing his &other, ;aen sat do)n on the o**osite seat to 'ace her%
Connor )as no) @an-ed on +oth sides +$ his relati(es, and though he )as
going to as- his ste*+rother to &o(e so that his )i'e could sit closer to
hi&, he didn#t &a-e an issue out o' it )hen :renna hurried to the o**osite
end o' the ta+le, *ulled u* a stool, and sat do)n%
/I#(e +een )aiting a long ti&e 'or this reunion and no) 'eel as though &$
li'e is co&*lete again,/ Eu*he&ia announced% So o(erco&e )as the
)o&an to ha(e her t)o sons together, tears ca&e into her e$es%
:renna )as also o(erco&e )ith e&otion% She )asn#t o(erco&e )ith 8o$,
ho)e(er, +ut )ith sadness% The a,ection sho)n +$ the t)o +rothers &ade
her )ant to )ee*% It )as a**arent Connor )as ha**$ to ha(e his relati(es
)ith hi&, and ho) )as she e(er going to tell hi& )hat his ste*+rother had
done to her2 Cust thin-ing a+out the heartache she )as going to cause
&ade her sto&ach u*set%
Connor s*o-e (er$ little throughout the &eal% He )as *leased )ith his
co&&anders +ecause the$ chose to @an- their &istress and sought to
include her at e(er$ turn in the con(ersation%
:renna caught her hus+and staring at her and >uic-l$ s&iled at hi&,
)illing hi& )ith her ga4e to reci*rocate%
1or Connor, the e(ening )as 'ull o' re(elations% Netta, he noticed, sho)ed
her a,ection 'or :renna at e(er$ o**ortunit$ and +ea&ed e(er$ ti&e she
recei(ed a co&*li&ent 'ro& her &istress% 6n the other hand, she didn#t
a**ear ha**$ to ser(e Eu*he&ia, and it )as a**arent she didn#t li-e the
He thought he had it all .gured out and al&ost laughed +ecause it had
+een so eas$% ?uinlan had &entioned that :renna see&ed to +e ha(ing
di=cult$ )ith Eu*he&ia% The t)o )o&en )ere o+(iousl$ in(ol(ed in so&e
sort o' tug o' )ar as to )ho )ould gi(e the orders% The right +elonged to
:renna, o' course, and )hile he couldn#t understand )h$ she didn#t reali4e
it, he )asn#t going to inter'ere% He )ould let her sol(e the *ro+le& in her
o)n )a$, and in her o)n ti&e, +ecause he -ne), no &atter ho) he
ex*lained it, she )ould end u* thin-ing he didn#t ha(e 'aith in her a+ilit$%
?uinlan had +een right a+out her lac- o' a**etite% "s soon as Cris*in
handed her the dagger she#d dro**ed in the court$ard, she than-ed hi&
+ecause he#d thought'ull$ cleaned it 'or her, and then &o(ed the 'ood
around on her trencher, +ut didn#t ta-e one +ite%
;aen )as relating an a&using stor$ that &ade e(er$one +ut :renna
laugh% :e'ore he could tell another, Connor as-ed his )i'e i' she )as
'eeling )ell tonight%
/0es, than- $ou% I a& tired though% It#s +een a long da$%/
Connor suggested she go on u*stairs% /I#ll 8oin $ou in a 'e) &inutes,/ he
;aen also stood% /I#ll +e ha**$ to escort $our )i'e u* the ste*s,/ he
o,ered% /I understand she 'ell going u* 5incaid#s staircase,/ he added in
the e(ent Connor )ondered )h$ he )ould o,er%
:renna didn#t shout her denial, +ut she ca&e close% /Than- $ou 'or
o,ering, +ut I )anted to ha(e a )ord )ith Cris*in,/ she ex*lained,
choosing hi& o(er ?uinlan +ecause he#d +een so >uic- to stand% /I' I )ait
until to&orro), I &ight 'orget% Good night then,/ she added as she latched
onto the soldier#s ar& to get hi& &o(ing%
Cris*in )as honored )ith the dut$% He -e*t )aiting 'or her to ex*lain )hat
she )anted to tal- to hi& a+out, and )hen the$ reached the door to his
laird#s cha&+er, he .nall$ re&inded her% /0ou &entioned $ou )anted a
)ord )ith &e, &i#lad$2/
/I did sa$ that, didn#t I2/ she said )hile she tried to thin- o' so&ething
i&*ortant to tell hi&% Her &ind, un'ortunatel$, )ent co&*letel$ +lan-,
'orcing her to either tell hi& the truth or &a-e hi& thin- she )as a
co&*lete idiot%
/I &ade it u*%/
/0ou didn#t )ish to ha(e a )ord )ith &e2/ he as-ed, tr$ing to understand%
/"ctuall$, I didn#t )ant ;aen to escort &e, so I lied to get $ou to%/
/Will $ou ex*lain )h$ $ou didn#t )ant Connor#s ste*+rother to assist $ou2/
/No one needs to assist &e, +ut since he o,ered, I had to thin- o'
so&ething so he couldn#t% No) do $ou understand2/
Cris*in shoo- his head as he o*ened the door 'or her% /0ou still ha(en#t told
&e )h$%/
The soldier )as 8ust as tenacious as ?uinlan% /Will $ou *ro&ise &e $ou
)on#t tell Connor )hat I tell $ou2 I )ish to ex*lain it all to hi& .rst% It &a$
ta-e &e a da$ or t)o to get u* enough courage,/ she added% /Though I do
*lan to tr$ to tell hi& tonight%/
/Tell hi& )hat, &i#lad$2/
/That I don#t li-e his +rother%/ She had so'tened the truth% ;aen )as as e(il
as !acNare, as cunning as a de&on, and as (ile as a sna-e )aiting to
slither out o' the shado)s to stri-e% /I -no) Connor holds ;aen in high
regard% Surel$ $ou noticed ho) ha**$ he )as to see his +rother again%/
/I -no) Connor#s >uite good at hiding his true 'eelings% I )ill, o' course,
honor $our )ishes and re&ain silent%/
/Than- $ou, Cris*in%/
/!i#lad$, )ill $ou ans)er a >uestion 'or &e2/
She had alread$ entered the roo& +ut caught the door as it )as closing
+ehind her% /Certainl$,/ she agreed%
/?uinlan couldn#t understand )h$ $ou re&o(ed all the additions $ou#d
&ade to the hall% He 'ound it (er$ *er*lexing%/
/E(er$thing turned out to +e unsatis'actor$% That#s )h$ it )as re&o(ed%/
She didn#t gi(e hi& ti&e to as- her an$ other >uestions, +id hi& good
night once again, and then >uic-l$ shut the door%
There )as &uch to +e done +e'ore her hus+and 8oined her% 6nce she#d
+olted the door closed, she stri**ed out o' her clothes in 'ront o' the .re
Netta had alread$ *re*ared 'or her, )ashed her entire +od$ )ith rose-
scented soa*, and then *ut on her ro+e and sli**ers% While she )aited 'or
Connor, she tried to co&e u* )ith an eas$ )a$ to tell hi& a+out ;aen
)ithout +rea-ing his heart%
No) that the (ile creature )as lea(ing, did she reall$ need to tell Connor
an$thing2 :renna tried to &a-e hersel' +elie(e no har& )ould +e done i'
she re&ained silent, $et she reali4ed she had to let hi& -no), no &atter
ho) &uch *ain she caused hi&% :$ daring to touch her, ;aen +etra$ed his
o)n +rother, and it )ould +e )rong 'or her not to let Connor -no)%
In'ortunatel$, she couldn#t co&e u* )ith a )a$ that )ould so'ten the
truth, +ut she ho*ed the &edallion )ould *ro(e to hi& he )ould al)a$s
ha(e her lo$alt$%
The )ait )as torturous% 7eaning against the )all hel*ed her sta$ a)a-e,
though onl$ 8ust +arel$% She didn#t dare get into +ed, ho)e(er, +ecause
she )ould 'all aslee* then% ;elie' that her hus+and )as ho&e )as surel$
the reason she )as so tired tonight%
:ecause o' her )orr$ o(er ;aen, she hadn#t gotten an$ rest at all )hile he
)as a)a$% "ll that )as going to change no), o' course%
She heard Connor#s +oo&ing (oice and then his hea($ 'ootste*s as he
ca&e u* the stairs% She unlatched the door and &o(ed +ac- to the
)indo) to )ait 'or hi&% She )ould greet hi& )ith a -iss, hel* hi& *re*are
'or +ed, and then gi(e hi& his gi't%
Then she )ould tell hi& a+out ;aen%
She ended u* doing so&ething altogether di,erent% The second her
hus+and ste**ed inside the +edroo&, she ran to hi&, clas*ed the sides o'
his 'ace, and -issed hi& )ith all the lo(e and *assion she *ossessed%
6(er)hel&ed +$ her un+ridled sho) o' a,ection, he )ra**ed her in his
ar&s and held her tight against hi&% He )as a&a4ed to .nd he )as
&arried to such a gentle, lo(ing )o&an, and )hen she *ut her ar&s
around his nec- and sh$l$ )his*ered o' her need to &a-e lo(e, he reali4ed
his o)n need &ore than e>ualed hers% While he had +een a)a$, an
eternit$ it see&ed to hi&, he had &issed e(er$thing a+out her,
intensi'$ing his need until it had +eco&e an aching loneliness during the
dar- hours o' the night%
/I' I *ro&ise not to lea(e again 'or a long )hile, )ill $ou let &e close the
;eluctant to &o(e a)a$ 'ro& hi& 'or e(en a &o&ent, she -issed the side
o' his nec- +e'ore .nall$ *ulling a)a$% /7oc- it against intruders,/ she said%
Suddenl$ 'eeling uncertain and ner(ous, she +ac-ed a)a$, sto**ing in the
center o' the roo& to )ait 'or hi&% She ga4ed in a**ro(al and ad&iration
at her hus+and% His shoulders and chest )ere hea(il$ &uscled, $et she
re&e&+ered ho) tender his touch had +een each ti&e he had reached 'or
1eeling her o)n *ulse lea* in antici*ation o' )hat )as to co&e, she dre) a
sha-$ +reath and then loo-ed u* at his 'ace again% "nd 'ound hi& s&iling
at her%
/Ha(e $ou 'orgotten )hat I loo- li-e2/ he as-ed, his le't e$e+ro) raised
onl$ 8ust +arel$% To his delight, her 'ace @ooded )ith color%
/It )ould see& so,/ she re*lied% /0our hair#s dri**ing )et, )hich &eans
$ou )ent to the la-e )ithout &e again% I#ll get $ou a cloth%/
She couldn#t see& to &a-e hersel' &o(e% Connor leaned against the door
and *atientl$ )aited 'or her to get *ast her e&+arrass&ent% He 'er(entl$
ho*ed she too- a long ti&e, +ecause he )as thoroughl$ en8o$ing hi&sel'
)atching her% Her hands )ere clas*ed +ehind her +ac-, gi(ing hi& an
enticing gli&*se o' her +are chest and tin$ )aist% His a**reciation >uic-l$
turned to desire, and )ithin a &inute or t)o, he )as +eginning to thro+
)ith his need to slide the *al&s o' his scarred hands o(er her s&ooth,
@a)less s-in%
So&e)hat sur*rised +$ her o)n loss o' co&*osure, she loo-ed u* into his
s&oldering gra$ e$es, dre) another sha-$ +reath, and tried to re&e&+er
)hat she )as su**osed to do%
/" cloth,/ she )his*ered, s&iling ane) +ecause she hadn#t co&*letel$ lost
her senses a'ter all%
/0ou )ere going to get one 'or &e%/
Her laughter 'ollo)ed her across the cha&+er to the chest% No longer at a
loss 'or )ords, she ga(e hi& a*ologies, ex*lanations, and orders )hile she
grace'ull$ -nelt do)n on the @oor and care'ull$ &o(ed the +urning candle
so she could o*en the chest%
In the &ood to do )hate(er she )anted hi& to do, he )ent to the side o'
the +ed, as she had instructed, and sat do)n to )ait 'or her% He -ne)
exactl$ )hat )as going to ha**en the second she stood close enough% He
)ould )ra* his ar&s around her, *ut her on the +ed, and &a-e *assionate
lo(e to her%
She had other ideas% Standing +et)een his thighs, she tried to dr$ his hair
)ith the cloth, +ut 'ound it i&*ossi+le to *a$ attention to )hat she )as
doing once again, as he had untied the +elt to her ro+e and )as no)
slo)l$ sliding his hands do)n her chest% He cu**ed her +reasts )ith his
hands, his thu&+s gentl$ +rushing across her ni**les, and then he leaned
into her and +egan to dri(e her out o' her &ind )ith his &outh and his
He had to tell her to +reathe% While he )anted to la(ish her )ith erotic
*leasure +e'ore he entered her, his o)n disci*line (anished )hen she
re&o(ed her ro+e and *ushed against his shoulders to get hi& to dro*
+ac- onto the +ed Neither o' the& could +ear to )ait an$ longer to 8oin
together as one, and as he &o(ed +et)een her thighs and slo)l$ entered
her, he stared into her e$es to )atch the *leasure o(erco&e her and )as
nearl$ undone +$ the erotic sensations her reaction e(o-ed in hi&%
She dre) hi& do)n and -issed hi&, and )hen the *ressure inside
intensi.ed and she -ne) she )as a+out to shatter a*art 'ro& the
s*lendor, she +egan to silentl$ chant /I lo(e $ou/ until it +eca&e a
des*erate *lea inside her heart to hear his *ledge o' lo(e%
He +uried his 'ace in the side o' her nec-, heard her so't )his*er (o)ing
her lo(e again and again, and )as sha-en and hu&+led that such an
ex>uisite &iracle could ha(e ha**ened to hi&% 6nl$ )hen he 'elt her
tighten around hi& did he >uic-en his *ace to gi(e her 'ul.ll&ent and
clai& his o)n% E&otions he had ne(er e(en ac-no)ledged +e'ore
re&ained uns*o-en%
In the a'ter&ath, the$ held each other, s*ent, satis.ed% Silent no), the$
listened to their *ounding heart+eats%
"s )as her endearing ha+it, she )e*t +ecause o' the sheer )onder o' their
lo(e&a-ing, and )hen she )as .nall$ a+le to control hersel' again, she
@ung her ar&s +ac- on the +ed and s&iled u* at hi&%
/It )ould see& I &issed this &ost o' all )hile $ou )ere a)a$%/
He nodded )ith arrogant satis'action% /It )ould see& so,/ he agreed% He
leaned do)n, -issed her, and then rolled onto his side% /0ou ha(e &$
*er&ission to gi(e &e this (er$ sa&e sur*rise to&orro)%/
Her laughter *leased hi&% /Then it )ouldn#t +e a sur*rise, )ould it2
:esides, that )asn#t it% I ha(e so&ething else 'or $ou%/
Se(eral -isses later, she con(inced hi& to let her lea(e the +ed long
enough to get her gi't 'or hi&, and )hen she returned, she )ra**ed the
*laid around her and sat do)n, 'acing hi& near the 'oot o' the +ed%
He had alread$ decided that no &atter )hat the gi't )as, he )ould +e
ha**$ to recei(e it, e(en i' he had to *retend% Her 'eelings )ere at issue
no), and that )as all that &attered to hi&% :renna had o+(iousl$ gone to
a considera+le a&ount o' trou+le to *lease hi&, and so he decided to gi(e
the gi't the i&*ortance it deser(ed% He sat u*, *ro**ed his shoulders
against the )all +ehind hi&, and then +ent one leg u* so that he could
rest his ar& on to*%
/Co&e closer,/ he said%
She did as he as-ed and 'olded her legs under her +e'ore *ulling the *laid
u* around her again%
/Closer,/ he re*eated in a gru, (oice%
She denied his re>uest +$ sha-ing her head% /I -no) that loo- in $our
e$es, Connor% I' I &o(e an$ closer, $ou#ll gra+ &e%/
"d&itting she )as right, he nodded agree&ent% /I ha(e ne(er +een gi(en
a gi't +e'ore, and t)o in one night is &ore than I deser(e%/
/T)o2 What other gi't did $ou recei(e2/
/0ou don#t re&e&+er )hat $ou said to &e )hen I )as inside $ou2/
She 'ro)ned )ith concentration )hile she thought a+out it% /Hurr$ u*2/
she teased%
/:esides that,/ he said )ith a grin%
/I don#t recall% Did I sa$ so&ething else2/
"$e, $ou did, he thought, $ou told &e $ou lo(ed &e%
Perha*s she had 8ust +een carried a)a$ +$ the heat o' their lo(e&a-ing,
una)are o' the )ords she uttered, 8ust the )a$ she had *ra$ed aloud
)ithout reali4ing it on the da$ he &et her% :ut she had said it, )hich
&eant she#d thought it, and that )as all that &attered to hi&%
/Wh$ are $ou s&iling2 I ha(en#t gi(en $ou $our gi't $et%/
/The )a$ $ou )anted &e tonight )as all the gi't I could e(er )ant%/
/:ut there#s &ore%/
/There )ill +e, i' $ou#ll &o(e closer to &e%/
She shoo- her head again% /0ou#re going to ha(e to )ait% I#& going to tell
$ou t)o stories%/
/Cust one,/ he said%
/T)o,/ she insisted%
His sigh )as deli+eratel$ exaggerated% /"ll right, lass%/
/!$ .rst stor$ concerns so&ething that ha**ened to &e )hen I )as a
little girl% I )as too $oung to re&e&+er the details, +ut I re&e&+er +eing
(er$ 'rightened% !$ 'ather sat &e on his la* and told &e )hat had
ha**ened, and don#t $ou dare 'ro)n, Connor3 $ou#re going to hear a+out
&$ 'a&il$ no), li-e it or not%/
/I#& not 'ro)ning%/
/0ou )ere thin-ing a+out it%/
He laughed% /I )asn#t% It#s all right 'or $ou to tal- a+out $our relati(es no)%
It )asn#t +e'ore%/
:ecause $our heart and $our lo$alt$ +elong to &e no), he thought% /I#ll
ex*lain later,/ he said% /Continue )ith $our stor$ no)%/
/!$ 'ather told &e I )as the reason 'or a ne) tradition in our 'a&il$% We
)ere on our )a$ to an uncle#s holding )hen )e sto**ed 'or the nooning
&eal% E(er$one )anted to stretch their legs, and )hen it )as ti&e to
lea(e, &$ 'ather 'orgot to count%/
/There )ere eight children, Connor% He al)a$s counted to &a-e certain he
had all o' us%/
/:ut this ti&e he didn#t count%/
No, he didn#t% He thought I )as )ith &$ oldest +rother, Gillian, and Gillian
thought I )as )ith "rthur, another +rother,/ she ex*lained% /I )asn#t
though% "s )as &$ ha+it at the ti&e, I )andered o,, got lost, and the
'a&il$ didn#t reali4e the$#d le't &e +ehind until the$ )ere )ell on their
Connor )as 'ro)ning no)% He *ictured his )i'e around Grace#s age and
couldn#t e(en +egin to understand )hat terror she &ust ha(e ex*erienced%
/Gillian 'ound &e +e'ore the others, although I )as told &$ )ails )ere
loud enough 'or the -ing o' England to hear i' he#d leaned out the )indo),
and that (er$ night, &$ 'ather +egan his ne) tradition%/
/The &edallion%/
She nodded% /The older +rothers and sisters e&+raced the idea and
*ro&ised to -ee* their &edallions close at all ti&es% !other )orried the
+a+$ and I )ould cho-e oursel(es )ith the leather nec-laces around our
nec-s, and so I )as onl$ allo)ed to )ear the &edallion )hene(er )e le't
the holding%/
She held his ga4e 'or a long &inute and then too- hold o' his hand and
turned it so that his *al& )as 'acing her% Her .ngers lightl$ +rushed across
the scars *uc-ering his s-in, +ut he sa) onl$ sadness in her e$es no), not
re*ulsion or *it$%
/0ou &ust ha(e +een 'rightened,/ he said in an atte&*t to get her to loo-
u* at hi& instead o' the &ar-s 'ro& his *ast% She tightened her hold on
his )rist )hen he started to *ull +ac-% He conceded to her )ishes 'or the
&o&ent and )aited 'or her to continue%
/I reco(ered,/ she )his*ered% /:ut $ou ha(en#t, ha(e $ou, Connor2/ The
sadness had &o(ed into her (oice no)%
/:ecause it isn#t .nished $et,/ he ex*lained% /0ou )ant &e to tell $ou ho) I
got the scars, don#t $ou2/
He 'elt a curious &ixture o' relie' and disa**oint&ent
:renna ached 'or the *ain he had su,ered and tried to thin- o' so&ething
to sa$ to &a-e hi& reali4e she )asn#t tr$ing to console hi& no), +ut
si&*l$ ac-no)ledging the terri+le in8ustices o' the *ast so that he )ould
-no) she understood%
/These scars &ar- $our *ast,/ she )his*ered as she slo)l$ li'ted his hand%
"gain he tried to *ull a)a$, and she resisted hi& a second ti&e% /0es,/ he
said, angr$ no)%
:renna leaned do)n and -issed each one o' the &ar-s%
He 'elt the caress all the )a$ inside his heart and his soul% Stunned +$
)hat she )as doing, he closed his e$es% Her touch shattered hi&, $et .lled
hi& )ith )ar&th at the sa&e ti&e% "nd he )as rene)ed% He couldn#t
understand ho) it had ha**ened, or )h$, +ut the e&*t$ gna)ing ache
)as gone, and onl$ her lo(e re&ained%
She didn#t sto* until she had -issed each *al&, and then she reached
do)n +eside her and *ut the &edallion into his hand%
He o*ened his e$es again and stared do)n at the etching car(ed into the
/" long, long ti&e ago, there li(ed a +o$ na&ed Da(id,/ :renna +egan,
>uietl$% /The land he and his 'a&il$ and 'riends li(ed in )as *lagued +$ a
terri+le giant na&ed Goliath% It ca&e to *ass that Da(id had to .ght this
ene&$% He )as too $oung to use a s)ord% He could ha(e carried his
'ather#s s)ord, the )a$ $ou did, +ut unli-e $ou, he didn#t ha(e to cra)l
across +urning e&+ers% 0ou +oth had tre&endous courage, though, and I
thin- he too )ould ha(e dragged others to sa'et$ the )a$ $ou did,
+ecause he )as 8ust as no+le as $ou )ere, Connor%/
6(er)hel&ed +$ )hat she )as sa$ing to hi&, he couldn#t s*ea-% She -ne)
e(er$thing and still 'elt he )as courageous and no+le% She didn#t
understand, o' course% He )asn#t )orth$ o' such *raise $et, +ecause he
hadn#t 'ound 8ustice in all the $ears he had searched%
He shoo- his head at her% She nodded% "nd then she +egan to trace the
outline o' the .gure o' Da(id )ith her .ngerti*s%
/The +o$ onl$ had a sling to use 'or his )ea*on, and so, )hen the ti&e
ca&e 'or hi& to 'ace Goliath, he reached 'or a stone,/ she said, *ausing to
trace the little circle at the +otto& o' Da(id#s 'eet% /0ou +elie(e $our
'ather#s s)ord is $our strength, don#t $ou, Connor2/
He didn#t ans)er her% She stared into his e$es, )aited no &ore than a 'e)
seconds, and then said, /It isn#t% 0our strength co&es 'ro& )ithin% It#s $our
deter&ination, $our *atience, $our s-ill, +ut &ost o' all, it#s $ou thirst 'or
8ustice% Da(id sla$ed the giant and sa(ed his *eo*le% 0ou ha(e alread$
sa(ed $our 'ollo)ers%/
/:ut I ha(e still to sla$ the ene&$%/
/7oo- around $ou and see )hat $ou ha(e acco&*lished% Da(id )ill al)a$s
re*resent )hat $ou )ere, and )hat $ou ha(e +eco&e% 0ou are )orth$%/
She li'ted the &edallion u* so he could see it &ore clearl$% /This is $our
*ast and $our *resent%/ "nd then she turned it o(er% /"nd this is $our
He recogni4ed the s$&+ol, 'or it )as the sa&e as the one on his )i'e#s
&edallion% /The sun%/
She )as o,ering hi& her lo(e and *ra$ed he )ould gi(e her his lo(e in
He didn#t sa$ a )ord, or gi(e her an$ other indication that he )ould, or
could, gi(e her )hat she )anted% He see&ed to )ithdra) then, loo-ing
aloo', distant, and $et she could see the &oisture in his e$es and -ne)
that the )ords she longed to hear )ere there, inside hi&, loc-ed a)a$
)ith his 'eelings%
/0ou ha(e onl$ to o*en $our heart to acce*t this%/
She *laced the &edallion in his hand again and then leaned close and
-issed hi&%
She tried to *ull +ac-% He )ouldn#t let her% He )ra**ed his ar&s around
her and -issed her o(er and o(er again, des*erate no) as he ra(aged her
&outh% He didn#t understand or -no) i' he )as -issing her to sho) her
ho) &uch he cared, or i' he )as deli+eratel$ -ee*ing his &outh on to* o'
hers so that she couldn#t +eg hi& to gi(e her )hat he -ne) he couldn#t%
Their lo(e&a-ing )as )ild, uncontrolled, sa(age, and it )as onl$ a'ter he
had satis.ed her t)ice &ore and she had colla*sed into slee* on to* o'
hi& that he ac-no)ledged his greatest )ea-ness%
She terri.ed hi&%
Cha*ter 1L
Contents - Pre( A Next
Connor )as gone% :renna a)a-ened late that &orning )hen Netta
-noc-ed on the door% She called out to her to *lease )ait a &o&ent, then
sat u* in +ed and reached 'or her ro+e%
Her hus+and#s &edallion )as underneath it% She 'elt a &o&ent#s
disa**oint&ent +e'ore co&&on sense told her he hadn#t )anted to distur+
her slee* searching 'or it, so he had si&*l$ le't it +ehind )hen he#d gone
do)nstairs% She *ut the &edallion on the chest next to the +ed and
hurried to the door )hile she *ut on her ro+e%
Netta didn#t co&e inside% /1ather Sinclair has arri(ed, +ut $ou needn#t
hurr$ to greet hi&% He#s +us$ hearing con'ession in the lo)er +aile$ no)
and )on#t &a-e his )a$ u* here 'or another hour or so%/
/0ou#re certain2/ :renna as-ed% /I )ouldn#t )ant to -ee* hi& )aiting%/
/I' 1ionna goes through )ith her *ro&ise to gi(e her con'ession, I#&
certain% She has enough sins to -ee* 1ather +us$ 'or the rest o' the da$%/
/Tal- li-e that )ill get $ou a long *enance, Netta,/ she re*lied )ith a laugh%
/I#& onl$ telling the truth, so it can#t +e a sin% Would $ou li-e &$ hel*
getting dressed, &i#lad$2/
/No, than- $ou%/
Netta loo-ed disa**ointed% /I#ll go on do)n to the hall then% I#& dreading it
though, +ecause $ou--no)-)ho is sitting at the ta+le, acting li-e a >ueen%/
/"re $ou re'erring to 7ad$ !ac"lister2/
Netta nodded% :renna i&&ediatel$ scolded her% /0ou &ust honor and
res*ect her,/ she said% /She#s $our laird#s ste*&other, i' $ou#ll re&e&+er%/
/"s $ou )ish, &i#lad$%/
/I do )ish% Please tr$, Netta% I -no) she can +e di=cult%/
/"$e, it is di=cult, es*eciall$ since she too- a)a$ all $our nice
i&*ro(e&ents% The cushions )eren#t lu&*$, &i#lad$% The$ )ere *er'ect%/
:renna than-ed her 'or her -ind o*inion and sent her a)a$ so she could
get dressed% While she )ashed, she &ade her list o' things she &ust do
toda$% 1irst and &ost i&*ortant, she )ould ta-e her hus+and aside and tell
hi& a+out ;aen% 0es, that )as the &ost i&*erati(e dut$ she had, +ut i'
there )as ti&e and o**ortunit$, she )as also going to tr$ to .nd out
exactl$ ho) long 7ad$ Eu*he&ia )ould +e sta$ing%
"s )as her custo& each and e(er$ &orning +e'ore she le't her +edroo&,
she said a >uic- *ra$er 'or assistance in getting Eu*he&ia to li-e her%
God )illing, toda$ )ould +e the da$%
Tal-ing to Connor ca&e .rst, ho)e(er, and e(en though she )ould ha(e
died o' e&+arrass&ent i' she#d +een caught, she snea-ed out so that she
)ouldn#t +e dela$ed listening to Eu*he&ia co&*lain% 7uc- )as on her side3
the elder )o&an 'aced the entrance and didn#t see her%
:renna )asn#t *articularl$ )orried she )ould run into ;aen, ho)e(er,
+ecause he )ent riding e(er$ da$ and sta$ed a)a$ 'ro& the holding until
:$ tonight, he )ould +e gone9 'ore(er%
Where )as Connor2 She searched high and lo) 'or her hus+and% He had
*ro&ised her he )ouldn#t lea(e, and she -ne) he )ould ne(er +rea- his
)ord to her% He had gone either to the la-e or the ruins, she decided, and
she &eant to .nd out )hich 'ro& Cris*in% 1ortunatel$, she located hi& in
the lo)er +aile$%
She )aited +$ the side o' the *ath 'or the co&&ander to .nish his
con(ersation )ith t)o other soldiers, and then called out to hi&% /!a$ I
interru*t 'or 8ust a &o&ent, Cris*in2/
/Certainl$, &i#lad$,/ he ans)ered% He hurried o(er to her and +o)ed his
/I#(e loo-ed e(er$)here 'or &$ hus+and% Do $ou -no) )here he is2/
/He#s gone, &i#lad$% I#& not certain )hen he#ll +e +ac-%/
/Gone to the la-e2/
/He )ent to 7aird Hugh#s holding% He should +e a)a$ at least three or 'our
da$s, *erha*s &ore%/
Her reaction thoroughl$ *u44led hi&% She loo-ed as though she )ere going
to 'aint dead a)a$, and )hen she gra++ed hold o' his ar& and gri**ed
hi& so .ercel$, he reali4ed she )as actuall$ a'raid%
/Where#s ;aen2/ she as-ed% She 'ranticall$ loo-ed around her%
/He le't earl$ this &orning, &i#lad$% Three soldiers 'ro& 7aird 1inle$#s
holding rode )ith hi&% The$ also )ere on their )a$ +ac- north% The higher
their nu&+er, the +etter their *rotection,/ he added in the e(ent she didn#t
She 'elt li-e )ee*ing )ith relie'% /;aen )on#t +e +ac- then, )ill he2/
/No, &i#lad$, he )on#t%/
/Than- God% I )anted to tell Connor, +ut he le't, Cris*in, +e'ore I could,
and no) I9 Wh$ did he lea(e2 He told &e he )ouldn#t%/
Cris*in *atted her hand in an atte&*t to get her to let go o' hi&% /Hugh
died last night% It )as i&*ortant 'or $our laird to *a$ his res*ects% 7aird
5incaid )ill surel$ do the sa&e%/
It )as suddenl$ all right again% Connor hadn#t lied to her% He si&*l$ hadn#t
antici*ated his 'riend#s death%
/I#& sorr$ 'or Hugh#s 'a&il$% I ho*e he died *eace'ull$%/
/We )ere told he died in his slee*% Does this ne)s *lease $ou, &i#lad$2
0ou#re s&iling%/
She 'elt li-e a 'ool% /I#& *leased +ecause &$ hus+and had to lea(e% He
didn#t lie to &e% I#& not at all ha**$ to hear a+out Hugh% I shall go and .nd
1ather and as- hi& to *ra$ 'or his de*arted soul%/
/Sinclair#s hearing con'essions% I#ll send hi& to $ou as soon as he#s
She .nall$ let go o' the soldier% /I don#t -no) )hat ca&e o(er &e% I )as9/
She slo)l$ nodded% /0es, I )as% I#& not no)%/
She +o)ed to Cris*in and started +ac- u* the hill% /!i#lad$2 0ou )ere
a'raid o' ;aen, )eren#t $ou2/
She *retended not to hear hi&, +ut he 'ollo)ed her and re*eated the
>uestion to her again% She turned around, s&iled, and said, /I )asn#t
He 'elt a sta+ o' disa**oint&ent that she didn#t trust hi& enough to tell
hi& the truth%
/I )as terri.ed%/
He +lin-ed% /Wh$, &i#lad$2/
/I 'eel I should ex*lain to Connor .rst )hen he returns, +ut I assure $ou,
Cris*in, i' there )as an$ *ossi+ilit$ at all that ;aen )ould +e co&ing +ac-
+e'ore then, I )ould tell $ou e(er$thing% Do $ou understand2/
/I do,/ he re*lied% /;aen is Connor#s ste*+rother, and Connor should +e the
.rst to hear )hat $ou ha(e to sa$% I#& onl$ sorr$ $ou didn#t tell hi&%/
/I#& sorr$ too,/ she said, ad&itting onl$ to hersel' she )ouldn#t ha(e
changed an$thing that had ha**ened last night%
She tried to lea(e once again% /!i#lad$, )hat are $our *lans 'or toda$2/
It )asn#t the >uestion that &ade her laugh% It )as the dread she heard in
his (oice% /Don#t )orr$% I )on#t +e riding the +lac- toda$%/
She sta$ed outside &uch longer than she#d intended, (isiting )ith se(eral
ladies )ho had ta-en their se)ing outside, and she didn#t return to the
-ee* until &ida'ternoon% "s she hurried inside, she rehearsed )hat she
)ould sa$ )hen she greeted Eu*he&ia% /She +est not call &e a child
again,/ she &uttered%
Her +luster )as short-li(ed, and )ith a sigh, she ad&itted the )o&an
could call her child as o'ten as she )anted, and she )ouldn#t sa$ a )ord to
her% Critici4ing )ould ne(er )in her a**ro(al%
Dear hea(ens, ho) long )as she going to sta$2 :renna tried to thin- o' a
)a$ to as- Eu*he&ia, +ut no &atter ho) she *hrased the >uestion, it
sounded a &ite eager%
She *ut the *ro+le& aside )hen she entered the great hall% /Good
a'ternoon, 7ad$ Eu*he&ia% Ho) are $ou 'eeling toda$2/
/:renna, I -no) I#(e &entioned this to $ou +e'ore, +ut it see&s I &ust
&ention it again% I *re'er +eing called 7ad$ !ac"lister% I reali4e $ou don#t
-no) an$ +etter<$ou#re 8ust a child, a'ter all<+ut I )ant $ou to tr$ a little
She too- a dee* +reath% /0es, 7ad$ !ac"lister% I#ll tr$ harder%/
/Did $ou hear the sad ne)s a+out Hugh2/
/It#s a sha&e, isn#t it2 He led such a )asted li'e% Ne(er did a&ount to
an$thing or do an$thing )orth re&e&+ering%/
/I#& certain his 'a&il$ doesn#t 'eel that )a$,/ she re*lied%
/He ne(er &arried% No )o&an )ould ha(e hi&% 6h, hea(ens, I )ish I had
re&e&+ered to tell Connor the ne)s ;aen ga(e the other da$% It sli**ed
&$ &ind% I#ll *ro+a+l$ 'orget again +$ the ti&e he returns% "ge does that
to a +od$, :renna% It &a-es one 'orget little things%/
/Perha*s i' $ou told &e, I )ould re&ind $ou i' $ou should 'orget,/ she
She stood )ith her hands 'olded together, )aiting 'or Eu*he&ia to in(ite
her to 8oin her at the ta+le% She didn#t dare sit )ithout an in(itation, 'or
Connor#s ste*&other had +erated her 'or doing that (er$ thing 8ust t)o
da$s ago% She )ouldn#t &a-e the &ista-e again% Getting along )ith the
)o&an )as *ro(ing to +e her greatest challenge, she decided%
/Co&e and 8oin &e, child, don#t stand there &a-ing &e loo- u* at $ou% I
shall tell $ou the ne)s ;aen heard )hen he )as out riding $esterda$% I
)orr$ )hen he goes out alone li-e that, o' course, although I -no) he can
ta-e care o' hi&sel'% Still, it isn#t sa'e to go an$)here alone% I#& not
)orried a+out hi& toda$, though% There )ere three others )ho sto**ed on
their )a$ north% He#ll +e sa'e )ith the&%/
/The ne)s, &i#lad$2 Ho) did he hear ne)s i' he )as riding alone
Eu*he&ia needed se(eral &inutes to thin- a+out the >uestion +e'ore she
.nall$ re&e&+ered% /"s 'ortune )ould ha(e it, he s*otted a unit o'
soldiers on their )a$ south% ;aen -ne) t)o o' the &en and o' course
sto**ed to s*ea- to the&%/
:renna re&e&+ered that on her )a$ here, Connor had a(oided all o' the
)ell-trodden *aths in 'a(or o' cutting through the 'orest, +ecause he
hadn#t )anted to encounter an$one%
/I thought Connor &ight +e interested to hear that 7aird !acNare#s going
to get &arried a'ter all% I *it$ the )o&an%/
/I also *it$ her, &i#lad$,/ she )his*ered, aching 'or the *oor )o&an#s
/I dou+t he#ll treat her -indl$% Still, one can al)a$s ho*e% No) )hat )as
her na&e2 I re&e&+er she#s 'ro& England%/
Where she )as 'ro& reall$ )asn#t i&*ortant to :renna% "ll that &attered
)as that the *oor )o&an )ould sur'er a terri+le 'ate i' so&ething )asn#t
/Is it too late2/ she as-ed%
/Do $ou &ean to as- &e i' she#s alread$ )ith !acNare2/
/I don#t +elie(e so% The )edding )on#t ta-e *lace 'or se(eral )ee-s
according to )hat ;aen told &e% 6' course, there#s al)a$s the chance
!acNare )ill change his &ind and send 'or her sooner%/
/Then there#s *ro+a+l$ still ti&e,/ :renna said% /"nd !acNare &ight
change his &ind altogether and decide not to &arr$ her,/ she added%
/0ou shouldn#t get $our ho*es u*, child% !acNare sounds li-e a deter&ined
/Did ;aen .nd out )ho the )o&an is2/
/0es, +ut I can#t see& to re&e&+er no)% "ge, $ou see%/
:renna nodded% /0es, o' course%/
/It )as a *eculiar na&e% I re&e&+er thin-ing so )hen ;aen told &e the
na&e% Perha*s it )ill co&e to &e,/ she added )ith a shrug o' indi,erence%
/It#s a *it$ ;aen le't so soon% He )ould ha(e )anted to *a$ his res*ects to
Hugh% !$ son is an extre&el$ thought'ul &an% Word )ill reach hi&, o'
/Would he turn around and co&e +ac-2/ :renna as-ed, tr$ing to -ee* the
*anic out o' her (oice%
/Perha*s, de*ending on )hen he hears the ne)s,/ she ans)ered% /He
)ould 'eel it )as his dut$ to stand +$ the gra(esite )ith the other lairds,
+ut he &ight +e too late% I' the others ha(e all gone +ac- ho&e, )hat#s the
*oint2 I do ho*e he hears in ti&e, +ecause I#& certain he#ll +e &issed i' he
doesn#t go%/
/:ut ;aen isn#t a laird, is he2/
/He )ill +e laird (er$ soon no),/ she sna**ed%
/0es,/ :renna >uic-l$ agreed to *lacate the )o&an% /I' he does hear a+out
Hugh in ti&e, )ould he sto* here on his )a$2/
/It )ould +e the thought'ul thing to do,/ she ans)ered% /There )ouldn#t +e
ti&e +e'ore the +urial, +ut he &ight &a-e ti&e on his )a$ +ac- north% Do
$ou .nd this *ossi+ilit$ unsettling2 0ou loo- u*set%/
/I )as 8ust )ondering )hen Connor )ould +e +ac-% I ha(e a *ro+le& I )ish
to discuss )ith hi&%/
/I' so&ething is )rong, :renna, $ou shouldn#t +other $our hus+and% 0ou
should co&e to &e 'or counsel% Is this not so2/
She decided to test the )ater% /"nd i' this *ro+le& concerns $our son2/
/Then $ou &ost certainl$ &ust co&e to &e% I#& his &other, 'or hea(en#s
sa-e, and I could *ossi+l$ settle this9 dis*ute9 +e'ore it goes an$
/!i#lad$, I dou+t I#ll e(er +e alone )ith ;aen again, so the *ro+le&9/
Eu*he&ia cut her o,% /"lone )ith ;aen2 Ex*lain )hat $ou &ean, child% "re
$ou a'raid o' &$ son2/
:renna hesitantl$ nodded% /He has tried to, that is, he tried to ta-e
ad(antage o'9 +$ gra++ing hold o' &e and +rushing u* against &$9 and
)hen I as-ed hi& to let go o' &e, he )ouldn#t listen to &e% He said (er$
/Enough,/ Eu*he&ia sna**ed% Her e$es +la4ed )ith anger, $et
:renna couldn#t tell i' the &other#s 'ur$ )as directed at her or her son%
" &o&ent later, Eu*he&ia#s attitude under)ent a radical change, and she
actuall$ loo-ed a&used% :renna 'ound her s&ile as unsettling as her
/!$ son#s s&itten )ith $ou, child% It#s as si&*le as that% ;aen )as al)a$s
one to *it$ the *oor un'ortunates% When he )as a +o$, he chose the runt
o' the litter to raise as his o)n% I#& not suggesting $ou are an un'ortunate,
+ut ;aen and I ha(e +oth noticed Connor#s rather cold attitude to)ard
$ou% I +elie(e that in ti&e, once $ou#(e +een *ro*erl$ trained to +e a good
)i'e, $our hus+and )ill so'ten to)ard $ou% I noticed he see&ed ha**$ to
ha(e $ou at his ta+le last night%/
:renna )ondered )hat Eu*he&ia )ould thin- i' she told her she had
as-ed Connor to act a,ectionate% She could understand )h$ his
ste*&other )ould thin- he )asn#t ha**$% Connor had +een rather distant
to)ard her in the *ast, +ut he had alread$ changed his attitude, -issed her
se(eral ti&es as a &atter o' 'act, in *lain (ie) o' all o' his 'ollo)ers% Still,
Eu*he&ia hadn#t )itnessed her ste*son#s change o' heart%
/What a+out ;aen2/ she as-ed%
Eu*he&ia *atted her hand% /"re $ou certain $ou aren#t exaggerating this
in $our &ind2/
/0es, I#& not exaggerating%/
Eu*he&ia *ondered the *ro+le& 'or a long &inute +e'ore sa$ing, /I#& sure
$ou reali4e that +ecause ;aen is $our hus+and#s +rother, he is 8ust as
i&*ortant% I suggest $ou do )hate(er &$ son )ants $ou to do% "s
&istress, $ou &ust see to his e(er$ re>uest, 'or he is &aster o' this -ee*
)hene(er Connor is a)a$%/
:renna )as outraged% /"re $ou telling &e I should9/
Eu*he&ia interru*ted her once again% /;es*ect his )ishes at all ti&es,/
she announced )ith a nod% /Surel$ $ou reali4e $our (alue, 'or I .nd it
di=cult to +elie(e )o&en in England are treated an$ di,erent +$ their
&en% 0ou should +e honored +$ ;aen#s attention% I' the -ing o' England
'a(ored $ou, )ould $ou turn $our +ac- on hi&2 No, o' course $ou )ouldn#t%
I understand ho) con'using it all is to $ou% 0ou#re (er$ $oung and tend to
I )ouldn#t &ention this to Connor, though% He )ould +e 'urious i' $ou
s*o-e an$ harsh )ord against &$ son% Ha(e 'aith in9 Wh$, that#s the
)o&an#s na&e% 1aith% I told $ou it )as odd9/ Her ga4e slid o(er to :renna
and her e$es narro)ed% /I +elie(e the girl is one o' :aron Ha$nes)orth#s
/!acNare *lans to &arr$ 1aith2 !i#lad$, are $ou certain it )as :aron
Ha$nes)orth#s daughter2 1or he is &$ 'ather too%/
/I a&,/ she ans)ered%
:renna (ehe&entl$ shoo- her head% /!$ 'ather )ould ha(e learned 'ro&
his &ista-e +$ no)% He )ouldn#t send his $oungest to such a de&on%/
/Will that &atter2/ Eu*he&ia as-ed% /6nce a +argain#s struc-, it cannot +e
undone% !acNare )on#t +e denied% It#s rather cle(er o' hi&, isn#t it2 He
&ust hate $ou as )ell as Connor +$ no), and )hat +etter )a$ to get e(en
than to ta-e so&ething that#s so *recious to $ou2 He#ll ta-e 1aith +$ 'orce
i' he &ust,/ she added )ith a nod% /"t least that#s )hat I )ould ex*ect hi&
to do%/
/No,/ :renna cried out%
Eu*he&ia *atted her hand% /It#s a *it$, +ut there reall$ isn#t an$thing $ou
can do a+out it, is there2/
/She cannot &arr$ hi&% So&eone has to9/
/7o)er $our (oice, :renna% 7adies don#t shout,/ she said, $et )ith the (er$
next +reath she did that (er$ thing to get Netta to co&e into the hall%
/I +elie(e she#s in the -itchens,/ :renna )his*ered%
/No, she isn#t% I sent her u*stairs to clean &$ cha&+er% "h, there she is%
Netta, ho) &an$ ti&es &ust I tell $ou2 When I#& in the hall, $ou &ust
sta$ near the door in the e(ent I need $ou% Do $ou understand2/
/0es, &i#lad$,/ Netta ans)ered% Her attention )as ri(eted on her laird#s
)i'e no)% /Is so&ething )rong, 7ad$ :renna2/
/0ou can see there is% 1etch $our &istress a cloth to )i*e a)a$ her tears%
;eall$, :renna, $ou shouldn#t cr$ in 'ront o' the ser(ants% It#s &ost
unsee&l$% There isn#t an$ need to carr$ on so% "cce*t that nothing can +e
done a+out it%/
/Connor )ill *ut a sto* to this &adness,/ :renna )his*ered%
/I dou+t that, child% Ho) can he2 He#s 'ull$ occu*ied *rotecting Hugh#s
'ollo)ers at the &o&ent% He cannot +e in t)o *laces at the sa&e ti&e,
and $ou cannot ex*ect hi& to turn his +ac- on de'enseless &en and
)o&en to go to England% Ise $our head%/
/He )ent to *a$ his res*ects, not .ght,/ :renna argued% She )as
des*eratel$ tr$ing to concentrate on )hat Eu*he&ia )as telling her, +ut
)as in such a *anic inside 'or her little sister#s sa'et$, she could +arel$
thin- a+out an$thing else%
/It see&s !acNare isn#t *a$ing his res*ects% He#s )aging a )ar to get
Hugh#s land +e'ore Connor does% The holding sits +et)een the t)o and
)ould gi(e one a certain ad(antage o(er the other%/
/Ho) could $ou -no) all this2/ :renna as-ed%
/I heard so&e o' the soldiers tal-ing a+out the con@ict% "ll o' the
!ac"listers -no) )hat#s ha**ening, e(en the ser(ants, +ut $ou ha(en#t
+een acce*ted $et, ha(e $ou2 Perha*s that is )h$ $ou )ere le't in the
dar-% Where is Netta2 It#s ta-ing her entirel$ too long to 'etch a cloth 'or
$ou% I' I )ere not *re*aring to lea(e here, I )ould ha(e her re*laced%/
/Netta2/ :renna as-ed, tr$ing to understand )hat she )as tal-ing a+out%
/Tr$ to *a$ attention, :renna% "s 'or $our sister, I thin- $ou should si&*l$
*ut her out o' $our &ind% There isn#t an$thing to +e done a+out her%/
/:ut Connor could tal- to &$ 'ather9/
/Ho) can $ou )ant Connor to go to $our 'ather2 Surel$ $ou reali4e one
)ould ha(e to -ill the other% "'ter all, $our hus+and did start this )hen he
too- $ou a)a$ 'ro& !acNare% 0our sister#s 'ate has +een sealed, and
neither $ou nor Connor can sto* the &arriage% 1orget a+out her,/ she
added% /6r o,er a *ra$er 'or her i' that )ill &a-e $ou 'eel +etter%/
/0es, I#ll o,er a *ra$er,/ :renna ans)ered%
She stood u*, +o)ed to her ste*&other, and turned to lea(e% Netta ca&e
running in through the +ac- hall )ith the cloth Eu*he&ia had ordered%
/I ho*e +$ the ti&e $ou return, $ou#ll +e in control again,/ Eu*he&ia said%
/I noticed last night e(er$one en8o$ed the 'ood ser(ed% Will $ou ad&it no)
that I )as right to change the coo-s2/
:renna stared at the )o&an in dis+elie'% Wh$ in God#s na&e did she )ant
to tal- a+out 'ood no)2
Netta thought :renna didn#t re&e&+er her *lan to *retend to re*lace "da
and hurried to nudge her &e&or$ +e'ore she said so&ething she
/0ou had "da re*laced, &i#lad$% ;e&e&+er2/
/0es, I re&e&+er,/ she ans)ered in a strained )his*er%
/Go along no),/ Eu*he&ia ordered% /It distresses &e to see $ou in such a
*iti'ul condition%/
:renna ran outside +e'ore she reali4ed she should ha(e gone u* to her
+edroo& so that she )ould ha(e co&*lete *ri(ac$% She )asn#t a+out to go
+ac- inside, +ecause she -ne) i' Eu*he&ia said one &ore )ord to her
+e'ore her *anic )as under control, she )ould start screa&ing and ne(er
She reached the seclusion o' the trees, 'ell to her -nees, and +ro-e into
heart-)renching so+s%
Connor9 Dear God, ho) she needed Connor% He )ould -no) )hat to do,
and he )as strong enough and *o)er'ul enough to ta-e on the de(il
:ut ho) could she as- such a thing o' hi&2 6thers de*ended u*on hi&
no) 'or their sur(i(al% She -ne) Eu*he&ia hadn#t exaggerated the threat
to Hugh#s 'ollo)ers% :renna re&e&+ered )hat had ha**ened to her
'ather#s soldiers and her o)n s)eet Gill$ and -ne) )ithout a dou+t that
!acNare )ould slaughter the *eace-lo(ing clan )ithout a &o&ent#s
I' Connor )as a+le to go, )ould she +e sending hi& to his death2 6r )ould
he +e 'orced to -ill her 'ather2
No, she couldn#t send her hus+and% Who else could she send to sto* this
Greed% It all +egan and ended )ith greed% Her 'ather had struc- this
+argain to gain an alliance, 8ust as !acNare had, and neither &an had
considered )hat the ra&i.cations )ould +e% Consu&ed )ith lust 'or
*o)er, their greed controlled their &inds and their hearts, lea(ing the
innocents to +e *re$ed u*on%
:ut not 1aith% :renna )ould die +e'ore she )ould let !acNare touch her
sister% Please, God, hel* &e thin- o' so&eone to9 hel* &e9 hel* &e%
So++ing, she +o)ed her head and clas*ed her hands to her heart, and in
that dar- &o&ent o' desolation, her *ra$er )as ans)ered%
There )as another she could send, the &an )ho had ta-en her hand and
(o)ed to do an$thing she as-ed o' hi&, )ho )as e(en stronger than
Connor% He )ouldn#t den$ her%
The )ar had +egun%
Connor stood on the rise a+o(e Hugh#s -ee*, his ga4e directed on the hills
+e$ond, his thoughts centered on the *ast as he once again searched 'or
the ans)er that had eluded hi& 'or &an$ $ears%
?uinlan 8oined hi& a 'e) &inutes later% /!acNare#s *la$ing a ga&e )ith
us, Connor% What#s his real *ur*ose2/
/He )ants to -ee* us +us$ de'ending the +order +et)een his land and
Hugh#s until his allies 8oin hi&%/
/Surel$ he -no)s $ou#(e done the sa&e thing%/
/He -no)s% He#s deli+eratel$ sacri.cing the s&all nu&+er o' soldiers he
sends on each attac-, -no)ing 'ull )ell the$#ll all die, +ut this land isn#t his
i&&ediate goal% He can easil$ clai& it a'ter he attac-s &e%/
/Do $ou thin- the soldier )as telling the truth a+out $our )i'e#s sister, or
)as that 8ust another *lo$ to di(ide our 'orces2/
/D$ing &en usuall$ tell the truth% It doesn#t reall$ &atter though% I &ust
still &a-e certain 1aith is *rotected 'ro& !acNare%/
?uinlan silentl$ agreed% /0ou#(e )aited a long ti&e 'or this da$ to co&e% I
ha(e a 'eeling $ou#ll +e a+le to clai& $our 'ather#s s)ord 'ro& 5incaid and
end this once and 'or all%/
Connor turned to hi&% /:ut )h$ no)2 What does !acNare -no) that I
don#t2 We could destro$ hi& and his allies% He isn#t a 'ool3 he -no)s our
nu&+ers% Wh$ )ould a co)ard )ho all these $ears has onl$ *ro(o-ed &e
)ith s&all, insigni.cant attac-s, suddenl$ +eco&e so aggressi(e2/
/I don#t ha(e an ans)er 'or $ou, +ut I do -no) $ou can#t +e e(er$)here at
once% I )ish to God )e could end it to&orro)% "ttac- his holding +e'ore he
attac-s us%/
/:e *atient, ?uinlan% I#& not going to *ut an$ o' the !ac"listers in
8eo*ard$% I#& ta-ing e(er$ *recaution in the &eanti&e% God )illing, an$
da$ no) I )ill .nd out )ho the others are +e'ore I#& 'orced to -ill
/0ou thin- so&eone else is controlling !acNare2/
/I do,/ he ans)ered% /Whoe(er he is, he#s da&ned cle(er%/
/What a+out 1aith2 0ou can#t go into England no)%/
/No, +ut $ou can% 7ea(e at da)n to&orro) and ta-e ten others )ith $ou%
This could +e a tra*,/ he )arned%
/6' course,/ ?uinlan agreed% /What a& I to do )ith the )o&an once I ha(e
/Do )hate(er $ou )ish to do, as long as she re&ains sa'e,/ he ans)ered%
Connor#s s&ile con'used his 'riend% /What are $ou thin-ing2/ he as-ed%
/It#s a+out ti&e $ou got &arried, isn#t it2/
The +order attac-s intensi.ed, and e(en though it too- (er$ little e,ort to
&aintain his *osition, Connor )as still re>uired to sta$ a)a$ 'ro& his
holding &uch longer than he had antici*ated%
He sle*t a 'e) hours each da$, and used the co(er o' dar-ness at night to
&o(e Hugh#s 'ollo)ers to sa'et$% I' all continued to go according to his
schedule, e(er$ &an, )o&an, and child )ould +e )ell-hidden 'ro&
!acNare#s clutches in 8ust t)o &ore da$s% He had &et )ith resistance
'ro& so&e o' the older &en, and onl$ a'ter he had *ro&ised on the soul o'
his 'ather that the$ )ould all +e a+le to return to their land as soon as the
con@ict )as .nished, did he gain their coo*eration%
The rest )as u* to his +rother, "lec% Connor )ould )ait 'or as long as he
dared )hile "lec tried to .nd out )ho )as in league )ith !acNare3 $et as
the da$s lengthened into a 'ull )ee-, it +eca&e a**arent the truth )ould
continue to elude hi&%
"nd it )ould ha**en all o(er again% Whoe(er )as controlling !acNare
)ouldn#t gi(e u*, and Connor#s greatest night&are )as that he )ould die
)ithout -no)ing )ho his ene&$ )as9 8ust as his 'ather had%
1or se(eral da$s :renna tried to re&ain cal& and -ee* her &ind on the
nor&al acti(ities o' the holding% She )as on her )a$ +ac- 'ro& (isiting
)ith 7othar )hen Netta caught u* )ith her% The ser(ant i&&ediatel$
noticed her &istress )asn#t )earing the leather nec-lace%
/0ou aren#t )earing $our &edallion, &i#lad$%/
/No, I#& not%/
/:ut $ou al)a$s )ear it% I )ouldn#t ha(e noticed i' $ou hadn#t )orn $our
hair u* toda$% Ha(e $ou &is*laced it2/
:renna re&o(ed the ri++on 'ro& her hair and let her curls 'all do)n
around her shoulders% I' Netta had noticed, Cris*in )ould too, she
reasoned, and she didn#t li-e the idea o' l$ing to Connor#s close 'riend%
/The &edallion )ill sho) u* an$ da$ no),/ she said% /0ou needn#t )orr$
a+out it%/
Netta )asn#t >uite .nished discussing the &atter% /I -no) it isn#t in $our
roo&% I onl$ 8ust .nished cleaning it, and I )ould ha(e 'ound it 'or $ou i' it
)as there% 6ur laird#s &edallion is on the chest in the (er$ sa&e s*ot as
$esterda$% 0ou ne(er lose $ours, &i#lad$% Did $ou loo- on the chest in the
/Not $et,/ she ans)ered +e'ore she tried to change the su+8ect% /Ho) did
$ou get a)a$ 'ro& 7ad$ Eu*he&ia2/
/She#s resting% "s soon as she a)a-ens, she )ants &e to *ac- her
/She#s lea(ing2/ Hea(en hel* her, she couldn#t contain her s&ile%
Netta laughed% /She told &e she had decided against )aiting 'or her
ste*son to co&e +ac- and *lans to lea(e to&orro) &orning% I thin- she
'eels she#s +eing ignored +$ our laird%/
/He hasn#t +een ignoring her% Surel$ she reali4es ho) +us$ he is%/
/Did he send a &essage to $ou toda$2/
/0es, he did% He assures &e all is )ell and that he )ill +e ho&e soon%/
/:ut that is the (er$ sa&e &essage he sends $ou e(er$ da$%/
/He is +eing considerate, Netta% That is all that &atters to &e%/
/!i#lad$, &a$ I as- a 'a(or o' $ou2/
/0es, o' course%/
/"'ter 7ad$ !ac"lister lea(es, )ill $ou tell &e )h$ she &ade $ou cr$ last
)ee-2 I -no) I shouldn#t as- $ou, +ut I )orr$ a+out $ou% So does "da%
We#(e +oth +eco&e (er$ 'ond o' $ou,/ she added )ith a nod%
/I#& (er$ 'ond o' $ou too, Netta% "s soon as I -no) the *ro+le& has +een
ta-en care o', I )ill tell $ou )hat she said to &e%/
/Than- $ou, &i#lad$% Were $ou going inside2/
/Did $ou ha(e an$ duties 'or &e2/
/None that I can thin- o'% 0ou &ight as )ell en8o$ $our a'ternoon o'
'reedo&% I#& going to change &$ shoes and go riding%/
/Ha(e $ou )arned Cris*in2/ Netta as-ed )ith a grin%
/He#s occu*ied 'or the &o&ent chec-ing the )or- on the )all outside the
holding% 0ou needn#t concern $oursel' that I#ll ride the +lac-% Da(is hid hi&
'ro& &e%/
Netta +urst into laughter% /Is Da(is still closing his e$es e(er$ ti&e $ou go
inside his sta+le2/
/0es, +ut he re'uses to tell &e )h$%/
:renna )atched Netta run across the court$ard% Her o)n thoughts )ere on
her sister as she )ent inside and ran u* the ste*s to her +edroo&% Waiting
to hear that 1aith )as all right )as extre&el$ di=cult, and the onl$ )a$
she had +een a+le to get an$ slee* at all )as to *ut the &atter in God#s
hands% She had done e(er$thing she could% The rest )as u* to Hi&%
She s)ung the door o*en and hurried across the cha&+er% She s*otted her
dagger on the chest next to the +ed and had to sha-e her head o(er her
o)n 'orget'ulness% She reall$ needed to 'orce hersel' to slo) do)n so that
she )ouldn#t continue to lose her things% She >uic-l$ *ic-ed u* the dagger
to *ut +ac- in its sheath%
She heard the s>uea- o' the door as it closed +ehind her, assu&ed the
)ind co&ing in through the )indo)s )as res*onsi+le% She )as 8ust a+out
to sit do)n on the +ed to re&o(e her shoes )hen she heard the loc-
clic-ing into *lace%
She -ne), +e'ore she turned around, )ho )as inside the roo& )ith her%
"nd then she sa) hi&% ;aen stood in 'ront o' the door, and as her screa&
gathered in her throat, he slo)l$ re&o(ed his shirt%
Cris*in )as in'or&ed o' ;aen#s arri(al +$ the soldier in charge o' the
/He and three others ca&e +ac- a 'e) &inutes ago% ;aen#s the onl$ one
)ho crossed the +ridge, though% His co&*anions are )aiting in the
&eado) +elo)% I can see the& 'ro& here,/ he called do)n% /;aen told &e
he had gone to *a$ his res*ects to Hugh and )anted onl$ to tell his
&other 'are)ell +e'ore he le't again% He suggested I lea(e the dra)+ridge
do)n, )hich, o' course, I re'used to do% 0ou#ll see his horse is still )earing
his saddle, Cris*in, so he reall$ &eans to lea(e soon%/
Cris*in le't his &ount )ith Da(is and started u* the hill% His &istress had
told hi& she )as a'raid o' ;aen, and Cris*in )as going to sta$ close to her
side until Connor#s ste*+rother le't again%
The closer he got to the -ee*, the >uic-er he &o(ed% He couldn#t ex*lain
)h$ he suddenl$ 'elt as though his &istress )as in danger, +ut the 'eeling
intensi.ed until he )as running to get to her%
"nd then he heard her screa&% His heart sla&&ed inside his chest as he
reached 'or his s)ord% /Son o' a +itch%/ He )his*ered the curse the .rst
ti&e, shouted it the second%
E(er$one )as running to the court$ard% The silence a'ter such an
anguished screa& terri.ed all o' the&%
Cris*in reached the to* o' the *ath )hen he heard a &an#s shout% Carred,
he loo-ed u*% There in the )indo) )as ;aen clutching at his shoulder,
teetering and s)a$ing li-e a tree gi(ing )a$ to the ax, then *lunging
+ac-)ard into the air% He t)isted in a useless atte&*t to land on his 'eet,
screa&ing in horror, and then crashed, 'ace .rst, into the ground )ith a
so't thud%
"nd on Cris*in ran% Dear God, let her +e ali(e, he *ra$ed% He lea*t o(er
;aen, raced u* to the door, and *ulled it o*en as :renna ca&e charging
He sto**ed dead in his trac-s% The loo- on her 'ace )as &ore terri'$ing
than her cr$ 'or hel*% Her e$es )ere gla4ed o(er, her 'ace )as star- )hite,
and there )as +lood e(er$)here% Her le't ar& )as co(ered in it, 'or the
s-in )as s*la$ed o*en 'ro& the to* o' her shoulder to the +otto& o' her
)rist% !ore +lood co(ered her shoulders and nec-, and her clothing loo-ed
as though an ani&al had shredded it )ith its cla)s%
He didn#t -no) ho) she )as a+le to stand% He reached 'or her, +ut she
e(aded hi& and ran do)n the ste*s%
/Hurr$, Cris*in, Hurr$% 0ou ha(e to hel* &e,/ she so++ed% /We ha(e to hide
" cro)d o' soldiers surrounded the +od$% The$ ste**ed +ac- )hen she ran
closer% Their ex*ressions sho)ed their shoc- and their outrage%
/I didn#t *ush hi& out the )indo)9 No, no, I didn#t9 His 'eet got caught in
his *laid )hen I thrust &$ -nee into his groin9 $es% I &eant to hurt hi& so
he )ouldn#t9 He )as holding &e do)n, +ut the dagger )as in &$ hand
then9 When he rolled o(er9 it )ent9 and he 8u&*ed, Cris*in% He did, he
8u&*ed9 and then he 'ell%/
She gra++ed hold o' Cris*in#s hand and tried to *ull hi& 'or)ard% /Don#t
$ou understand2 We ha(e to hide hi&9 She can#t see her son li-e this% 6h,
God, I ha(e to tell Connor9 I couldn#t let hi&9 He touched &e, his &outh
)as on &$ s-in, Cris*in9 I couldn#t let hi&9 She told &e I should, +ut I
couldn#t9 No, I )ouldn#t,/ she screa&ed%
/Eu*he&ia told $ou to su+&it to her son2/ Cris*in de&anded in outrage%
/0es, +ut I couldn#t9 He tried, +ut he 'ell +e'ore he could9/
She sto**ed ra&+ling, let go o' his hand, +ent do)n to ta-e hold o' one o'
;aen#s 'eet, and tried to drag hi& a)a$%
/!i#lad$, let go o' hi&% 7et &e hel* $ou,/ Cris*in said%
/0es, hel* &e% We#ll hide hi& +e'ore she -no)s he ca&e +ac-% "ll right2/
/0es,/ he *ro&ised, his (oice cal&, his goal to reassure her% /We#ll hide
/!i#lad$, $our dagger is in his +ac-,/ 6)en )his*ered% /Do $ou )ant &e to
get it 'or $ou2/
/No, no,/ she cried out%
Cris*in shoo- his head at 6)en, telling hi& )ithout )ords to -ee* his
&outh closed%
/Connor )ill ne(er 'orgi(e &e% 6h, God, )hat ha(e I done2 I#(e -illed his
+rother9 No, she can#t see hi&% Hel* &e, Cris*in% Please% I )ant Connor%/
He slo)l$ *ut his hand out to her% She 'ranticall$ shoo- her head at hi&%
/No, I#& not clean% He touched &e )ith his hands and his &outh9/
"nd then she thre) hersel' into his ar&s% /Ta-e &e to the la-e% "ll right2/
/0es, &i#lad$,/ he lied% /I#ll ta-e $ou to the la-e%/
She *atted his ar&% /Than- $ou% I#(e gone and done it, ha(en#t I2/
/Done )hat2/
/I -illed hi&%/
/No, he destro$ed hi&sel'% He deser(ed to die% Connor )ould ha(e -illed
hi& 'or $ou%/
/Will he hate &e2/
She 'ainted in his ar&s +e'ore he could ans)er her%
Donald &o(ed 'or)ard, his dagger in his hand, *ulled his *laid 'ro& his
shoulder and sliced it into t)o long stri*s to his )aist%
Cris*in held :renna in his ar&s and turned so that Donald could +ind the
in8ur$ )ith the &aterial% He s*o-e in a lo) )his*er )hen he ga(e his
orders% /0ou#re ta-ing the )atch 'or as long as I#& a)a$% I#& ta-ing her to
7ad$ 5incaid% She#ll need stitches,/ he added% /Giric, $ou ta-e others,
surround the three soldiers )aiting 'or the +astard in the &eado)% :ring
the& inside the -ee* and &a-e the& sta$ +$ the sta+les%/
/What a+out Connor#s ste*&other2/
/Donald, $ou tell her )hat ha**ened% I' she )ants to ta-e his +od$ ho&e,
let her, +ut not one o' Connor#s soldiers escorts her% Inderstand2/
/0es,/ Donald ans)ered%
/"eden, .nd Connor and tell hi& )hat ha**ened% "ssure hi& his )i'e )ill
+e all right% Don#t *aint it an$ dar-er than it alread$ is%/
/Will she die2/ 6)en )his*ered, terri.ed +$ the *ossi+ilit$%
/No, she )on#t die% Donald, no one +ut our o)n co&es inside the 'ortress
until Connor, "lec, ?uinlan, or I co&e +ac-%/
/Will $ou lea(e her )ith the 5incaids2/ 6)en as-ed%
/No% I#& sta$ing )ith her until Connor gets to her%/
/Do the three soldiers )ith ;aen sta$ e(en i' Eu*he&ia lea(es2/
/The$ lea(e )ith her%/
Donald .nished +inding her in8ur$, nodded to Cris*in, and )ent to the
sta+les to get his co&&ander#s horse% He called orders as he ran% He
)anted a 'ull contingent riding )ith his &istress, and e(er$one )as read$
to lea(e i&&ediatel$%
/7ea(e the dagger in his shoulder,/ Cris*in ordered% He )as so 'urious
no), his (oice shoo- )ith rage% /She told Connor#s )i'e to su+&it to her
son% God hel* her )hen our laird .nds out%/
/Do $ou )ant &e to tell hi&2/ "eden as-ed%
/Tell hi& e(er$thing, +ut &a-e sure he understands she )on#t die% He has
gro)n extre&el$ 'ond o' his )i'e%/
Cris*in started across the court$ard, sto**ed, and then turned +ac-
to)ard ;aen and s*it on hi&%
:lessedl$, :renna didn#t a)a-en until the$ )ere dis&ounting in 5incaid#s
court$ard% "lec and Ca&ie stood in the door)a$% "lec +lanched )hen he
sa) :renna#s condition% Ca&ie +egan to )ee*% She *ut her hand to her
&outh to -ee* hersel' 'ro& cr$ing out%
:renna as-ed Cris*in to let her )al-% She too- hold o' his ar& and slo)l$
&ade her )a$ to)ard the ste*s% Cris*in noticed the gla4ed loo- )as still in
her e$es and -ne) it )as going to ta-e her a long )hile to reco(er 'ro&
the horror she#d endured%
:renna sto**ed in 'ront o' "lec% /I -illed Connor#s ste*+rother%/
"nd then she turned to Ca&ie% In a +e)ildered (oice, she said, /No) she#s
ne(er going to li-e &e%/
"lec li'ted her into his ar&s and carried her inside% /It#s all right, :renna%
0our hus+and li-es $ou, and so do )e%/
/I#& so sorr$%/
Cha*ter 1N
Contents - Pre( A Next
?uinlan returned 'ro& England e&*t$-handed% Thoroughl$ 'rustrated and
+e)ildered, he ga(e his accounting to his laird%
/!acNare had alread$ dis*atched troo*s to England% We 'ollo)ed their
trac-s 'ro& the 7o)lands on, -ne) their nu&+er, and exactl$ that &an$
returned 'ro& :aron Ha$nes)orth#s 'ortress%/
/Ho) &an$ )ere the$2/
/T)ent$-six soldiers, all 'ull$ ar&ed%/
/:ut the$ didn#t ha(e 1aith )ith the&%/
/0ou#re certain%/
/We )atched the& lea(e, Connor% 0es, I#& certain%/
/"nd )hat did $ou do to the&2/
/What do $ou thin- )e did2/
Connor nodded a**ro(al% /Ho) &an$ o' &$ &en engaged in this +attle2/
/There )ere ele(en o' us%/
/" 'air .ght then% Were an$ o' &$ &en in8ured2/
/Dono(an#s thigh )as cut through, +ut his )as the &ost serious o' the
in8uries% The others su,ered onl$ *altr$ cuts% To +e honest, I don#t thin-
Dono(an )ould ha(e &ade it +ac- i' it )eren#t 'or9/
/Weren#t 'or )hat2/
/This is )here it +eco&es a little +i4arre,/ he said% /The +aron#s soldiers
)atched the .ght 'ro& their to)er, and I had onl$ 8ust decided to go inside
the 'ortress to .nd out )here 1aith )as )hen the dra)+ridge )as lo)ered
and a *rocession ca&e out% 0our )i'e#s &other )as leading the soldiers%/
?uinlan *aused to s&ile +e'ore he continued% /Her Gaelic is )orse than
7ad$ :renna#s,/ he said% /Her soldiers )ere ar&ed, o' course, +ut it didn#t
ta-e long 'or &e to reali4e the$ &eant onl$ to *rotect their &istress% I
understand )here $our )i'e gets her courage% Her &other dis&ounted,
de&anded to -no) )ho )as in charge, +ut +e'ore I could tell her, she
s*otted Dono(an and )ent o(er to hi&% Needless to sa$, $our soldier
didn#t )ant her to touch hi&% It didn#t &atter to her though% She had her
su**lies )ith her and cleaned and stitched his in8ur$ 'or hi&%/
/"nd )hat )ere $ou doing2/
/"ns)ering her >uestions a+out $our )i'e% I assu&ed she )as )orried
a+out her, +ut she insisted she )asn#t )orried at all% She ex*lained that i'
:renna had +een in serious trou+le, she )ould ha(e sent her &edallion to
one o' her sisters or +rothers% :ecause she didn#t, her &other -ne) she
)as sa'e% She )as )orried a+out $ou, though, and sent a &essage to
/What is it2/
/Treat her )ell or ans)er to her 'a&il$% The$ had all heard )hat ha**ened
to 7ad$ :renna#s escort, o' course, and she assured &e the +aron hadn#t
reali4ed )hat a &onster the laird )as% 6h, and $ou#re going to lo(e this%
0ou ha(e his gratitude 'or rescuing his daughter%/
Connor shoo- his head% "n English&an#s gratitude2 What in thunder )as
he su**osed to &a-e o' that2
/What a+out 1aith2/
/She has (anished% Her &other )as )orried until !acNare#s soldiers
sho)ed u*% The$ had no ad(ance )arning, she ex*lained, and the$
searched e(er$ corner o' the -ee* loo-ing 'or her% The &other +elie(es
so&eone ca&e to her assistance% She thin-s she -no)s )ho the sa(ior is
/Who is he2/
/Didn#t she )onder then )h$ $ou )ere there instead o' &e2/
/She didn#t see& to%/
/What a& I going to tell &$ )i'e, ?uinlan2 I can#t continue to -ee* her in
the dar- a+out her sister% E(entuall$ she#ll .nd out 'ro& so&eone else%
Gossi* tra(els li-e the )ind in the Highlands%/
/0ou#d +e right a+out that% In 'act, it sounds as i' so&eone heard a+out this
situation and got to 1aith +e'ore )e did% I dou+t it )as one o' her +rothers%
He )ouldn#t let his &other )orr$ so% He#d tell her, )ouldn#t he2/
/I )ould assu&e so% There#s onl$ one other &an I can thin- o' )ho )ould
go to such trou+le on :renna#s +ehal'%/
/!$ +rother% This sounds li-e so&ething he )ould do, doesn#t it2/
/He hates England%/
/:ut he#s 'ond o' &$ )i'e,/ Connor said% /I &ust tal- to hi& +e'ore I tell
:renna an$thing% God )illing, "lec has her sister tuc-ed a)a$ so&e)here%
Did $ou ha(e an$thing else to re*ort2/
He shrugged% /!i#lad$#s &other sent gi'ts 'or her daughter, and she9/
/"nd she )hat2/ he as-ed, )ondering o(er his hesitation%
/She -issed &e on the chee-% I didn#t )ant to sho(e her a)a$% She#s
&i#lad$#s &other, a'ter all, +ut I9 This isn#t 'unn$, Connor% It )as a)-)ard%
She told &e the -iss )as 'or her daughter and she ex*ects &e to9 gi(e it
to her%/
/She )ants $ou to -iss &$ )i'e2/ Connor )asn#t laughing no)%
/0ou#re not going to%/
/No, o' course not%/
The con(ersation ended then and there% The t)o )arriors rode to the
south)estern ti* o' the +order )here the latest attac- had occurred%
"eden arri(ed an hour later% Shouting at his laird, he dis&ounted and
ca&e running%
/0our )i'e is .ne, 7aird,/ he +lurted out% /:ut there )as trou+le%/
Connor stood *er'ectl$ still and didn#t sa$ a )ord until "eden had
recounted e(er$thing that had ha**ened% The soldier also re*eated e(er$
)ord :renna had said, and +$ the ti&e he .nished, Connor )as in such a
rage, he )as sha-ing )ith it%
/Where is &$ )i'e no)2/
/With the 5incaids% Cris*in#s )ith her% He *ut Donald in charge o' the
/Is :renna all right2/
/0es, she is%/
/0ou#re certain2/
/I#& certain%/
Connor tried to *ush his 'ear aside so he could concentrate% /"nd
Eu*he&ia2/ he as-ed, his &anner deadl$ cal& no), 'or on the sur'ace, he
a**eared to +e in co&*lete control%
/Cris*in ex*ects her to ta-e her son#s +od$ +ac- north 'or +urial%/
/Is :renna9/
/She#s .ne,/ "eden told hi& once again% /I )ouldn#t lie to $ou% She#s
needing stitches, and she )as +adl$ +eaten, +ut she#s going to sur(i(e%
The )o&en )anted to go )ith her% Donald had his hands 'ull &a-ing the&
sta$ inside the 'ortress%/
It too- all o' Connor#s strength not to dou+le o(er and let out a roar o'
anguish% He should ha(e +een )ith her% He should ha(e -no)n )hat )as
ha**ening% The +astard% He dared to touch her%
/7aird, )hat )ould $ou li-e &e to do2/ "eden as-ed%
Connor &ade hi&sel' thin- a+out the *ro+le&s at hand% "eden had to
re*eat his >uestion a second ti&e +e'ore his laird could ans)er hi&%
He called to Douglas, the senior o' the soldiers guarding the +order and
told hi& he )as in charge% /!o(e the last o' Hugh#s clan tonight% "s soon
as $ou#re .nished, all o' the !ac"listers are to return ho&e% "eden )ill
assist $ou%/
/"nd $ou, 7aird2/ the soldier as-ed%
/I#& going to &$ )i'e% ?uinlan, ta-e o(er the )atch at ho&e until I get
?uinlan sta$ed +$ Connor#s side )hile the other soldier ran to do his laird#s
Connor suddenl$ called out to "eden% /She told &$ )i'e to su+&it to hi&2/
he roared% He didn#t )ait 'or a second con.r&ation +ut caught hold o' his
horse#s reins, s)ung u* on his +ac-, and too- o, at a 'ull gallo*%
?uinlan 'ollo)ed hi&% His *lan )as to *rotect his laird#s +ac- until the$
reached the *oint )here he )ould ha(e to turn north 'or ho&e, )hile
Connor continued on to the 5incaids%
Connor too- the 'astest route, cutting u* along the +order, and )hen he
)as )ell a)a$ 'ro& his other soldiers, he let out a cr$ that sounded li-e a
)ounded ani&al%
Eu*he&ia% He couldn#t e(en sa$ her na&e )ithout )anting to dra) his
s)ord% She )ould ne(er call hersel' a !ac"lister again, ne(er )ear the
*laid she had (iolated, and ne(er co&e near the& again%
?uinlan ex*ected his laird to turn to the east, as the$ )ere no) *arallel to
his 'ortress, and )as there'ore ta-en +$ sur*rise )hen he sto**ed instead%
/Connor2/ he as-ed as he *ulled u* +eside hi&% /0ou#re going to ha(e to
sha-e o, $our anger until a'ter $ou#(e seen $our )i'e% I -no) $ou 'eel
$ou#(e a+andoned her, +ut she#ll understand $ou didn#t ha(e an$ choice%
She lo(es $ou,/ he added )ith a nod% /?uit staring at the ground and loo-
at &e%/
/7oo- do)n,/ Connor sna**ed%
He hu&ored his laird and did 8ust that% Then he let out a lo) ex*leti(e%
/There are 'resh trac-s%/
/1our horses9 no, .(e,/ Connor altered% /The$#re going slo), in a single
line% Who9/
/Ho) &an$ did "eden tell us ca&e +ac- )ith ;aen2/
/Three,/ Connor ans)ered% He 8er-ed u*right then% /The +astard#s &other
could +e on her )a$ ho&e no)% Pit$, I )ould ha(e li-ed to tal- to her%/
/0ou#d end u* -illing her,/ ?uinlan said%
Connor shoo- his head% /No, death )ould +e too -ind% I )ant her to su,er
'or as &an$ $ears as she has le't%/
/I' it#s ;aen#s +urial *art$, )h$ )ould the$ ta-e the o**osite *ath2 The$
ha(e to -no) the$#re going the )rong )a$%/
/I don#t -no)%/
/The trac-s are 'resh enough 'or us to catch u* )ith the& in little ti&e at
all% We should -no) )here the$#re headed, shouldn#t )e2/
Connor nodded% /We#ll 'ollo) the trac-s, +ut onl$ 'or a 'e) &inutes% I need
to get to :renna%/
/I -no) $ou do% I#d start *racticing,/ he said as the$ once again goaded
their &ounts into a gallo*%
/Practicing )hat2/ Connor shouted%
/Telling her $ou lo(e her%/
Connor rode on ahead and cut through a section o' the 'orest to shorten
the distance to the rise a+o(e the slo*e ahead so that he could see ho)
'ar a)a$ Eu*he&ia )as% When he +ro-e through the trees, he dis&ounted
and ran ahead to )atch the *rocession +elo)%
?uinlan caught u* )ith hi& a &inute later%
" long, narro) &eado) stretched out +elo)% It )as the 'uneral *art$ all
right, and ;aen )as dra*ed o(er the last horse in the line as the$ &o(ed
Connor#s attention )as dra)n to the trees% So&ething had &o(ed, he )as
sure o' it% He )aited, and a 'e) &inutes later, )hen the .(e reached the
edge o' the @at, a .gure ste**ed out 'ro& his hiding *lace%
:oth he and ?uinlan recogni4ed !acNare at once% Stunned and enraged,
the$ )atched Eu*he&ia dis&ount and run 'or)ard to e&+race her all$%
The$ -ne) )ho the traitor )as%
He rode to the 5incaids# at a nec-+rea-ing *ace, and )hen he reached the
court$ard, he s)ung do)n 'ro& his horse and )ent tearing inside%
He too- the stairs t)o at a ti&e to get to the +alcon$, 'rantic no) to see
'or hi&sel' that she )as going to +e all right% Cris*in )as standing sentr$
outside her roo&% Connor raced *ast hi&, thre) the door o*en, and
charged inside%
He -ne) he )as acting li-e a &ad&an3 he couldn#t hel* it% He needed to
tell her ho) sorr$ he )as that he hadn#t +een there to *rotect her% I' she
didn#t 'orgi(e hi&, he didn#t -no) ho) he )ould +e a+le to go on%
He reached the center o' the roo& +e'ore he sa) her standing +$ the
)indo) )ith Ca&ie% "nd then he ca&e to a dead sto*%
No one could ha(e *re*ared hi& 'or this% His gentle little )i'e had +een
+eaten so se(erel$, he couldn#t understand ho) she had sur(i(ed% She
loo-ed as though she#d +een cornered +$ a )ild +east% Her 'ace )as
+lotched )ith *ur*le +ruises, one ar& )as +andaged 'ro& her shoulder to
her .ngers, and there )ere cla) &ar-s e(er$)here%
:ut she had sur(i(ed% Connor re*eated those )ords t)ice inside his &ind
in order to cal& do)n enough to s*ea- to her%
She )asn#t dead% She )ouldn#t +e standing i' she )ere dead%
/No, I#& not dead,/ :renna said, and onl$ then did he reali4e he#d s*o-en
his thought aloud%
6n her )a$ out, Ca&ie *aused to )his*er to Connor% /She )on#t sta$
a)a-e long% I ga(e her so&ething to &a-e her slee*, +ut she#s .ghting it%
She see&s to thin- she has to a*ologi4e to $ou .rst% Tr$ to get her into
Connor )al-ed closer to :renna so he could catch her in ti&e i' she
colla*sed% He didn#t )ant to 'righten her% He -ne) he loo-ed god-a)'ul%
There )as )ar *aint on his 'ace and ar&s and a +urning 'ur$ in his e$es
he )as hel*less to conceal%
He )anted her to co&e to hi&, $et couldn#t i&agine )h$ she )ould e(er
)ant to get near hi& again a'ter )hat he had done to her% While he had
+een de'ending a useless *iece o' land, she had +een le't alone to de'end
hersel' against his *redators%
/Do $ou )ant &e to )ash the )ar *aint o,2 I -no) $ou don#t li-e it,/ he
said, his (oice gru, )ith e&otion%
/I don#t &ind%/
/0ou don#t2/
/I ha(e so&ething to tell $ou, Connor%/
/Get into +ed .rst%/
/Ca&ie *ut so&ething in &$ drin- to &a-e &e slee*% She told &e I )on#t
)a-e u* until to&orro)%/
/I -no),/ he ans)ered%
/I' I get into +ed9/
/"ll right%/
She didn#t &o(e% /;aen 'ell out the )indo)%/
/I -no) he did, lo(e%/
/I didn#t *ush hi&% I didn#t &ean to sta+ hi& either% He 'ell +ac- on his
+lade, and i' he hadn#t +een holding &$ )rist do)n to the @oor, it )ouldn#t
ha(e ha**ened% I )as tr$ing to cut his hand so he )ould &o(e it a)a$
'ro& &$ &outh and I could screa& 'or hel*% Please +elie(e &e% I didn#t
&ean 'or hi& to die% I 8ust )anted hi& to get o, &e%/
/I#& sorr$ I )asn#t there to *rotect $ou%/
/What )ould $ou ha(e done2/
/Thro)n hi& out the )indo) 'or $ou%/
Con'used +$ )hat he#d 8ust told her, she shoo- her head% The &o(e&ent
&ade her di44$% /I ha(e &ore to tell $ou +e'ore I slee*% I tried to honor and
res*ect $our &other, +ut I can#t an$ longer% It#s )rong 'or &e to co&e
+et)een $ou and $our 'a&il$% She#s *art o' $our *ast, and I -no) ho)
i&*ortant she is to $ou% She#ll ne(er co&e +ac- to see $ou again as long
as I#& there% She#s going to hate &e, Connor, )hen she .nds out her son is
dead% Cris*in )as going to hide hi& 'or &e% 0our &other told &e to do
)hate(er ;aen )anted &e to do% I )ouldn#t, though, and I#& not sorr$% It
)as )rong o' her to thin- I )ould e(er su+&it to hi&%/
/0es, it )as )rong% 7et &e carr$ $ou to +ed%/
She acted as though she hadn#t heard hi&% /She#s ne(er going to 'orgi(e
&e% I don#t )ant her to an$)a$% I don#t li-e her% 0ou ha(e to decide )hich
o' us is &ore i&*ortant to $ou% I -no) it#s )rong o' &e to &a-e such a
de&and, +ut I9/
/No, I ha(e to ex*lain,/ she cried out% /I can see ho) angr$ $ou are, and
She )as struggling to sta$ a)a-e, as the *otion Ca&ie had gi(en her )as
&a-ing her s)a$ e(en no), and she could +arel$ concentrate on )hat she
)as telling hi&%
The second her head 'ell 'or)ard, he gentl$ li'ted her into his ar&s and
held her close% She had 'allen aslee*% He leaned do)n and -issed her
'orehead% He didn#t &o(e 'or o(er an hour, content to 'eel her )ar&th
against hi&%
Ca&ie returned to the roo& to sit )ith :renna% The tor&ent she sa) in
Connor#s 'ace &ade her )ant to )ee* 'or hi&% /She needs her rest,
Connor% Put her in +ed no)%/
He )ouldn#t &o(e% It too- her a long )hile to con(ince hi& that his )i'e
)as going to +e .ne%
0et still he hesitated to lea(e her side% /I don#t )ant her to +e alone again%/
/She )on#t +e alone,/ Ca&ie *ro&ised% /We 8ust recei(ed )ord 'ro& $our
holding that 1ather Sinclair is on his )a$% 6h, Connor, he isn#t co&ing to
ad&inister the last rites% :renna isn#t d$ing% He#s her 'riend% He#ll sit )ith
her too%/
/0ou#ll get )ord to &e i' she needs &e or i' her condition changes%/
/0es, o' course I )ill%/
The .re +urning inside hi& )as raging no), and he -ne) that i' he didn#t
lea(e the cha&+er >uic-l$, he )ould co&*letel$ lose his control%
Ca&ie 'ollo)ed hi& to the door% /Where are $ou going2/
/To .nish it%/
/What do I tell :renna2/
He shoo- his head% He didn#t )ant to )orr$ his )i'e, and he -ne) i' she
)as told he )as going to !acNare, she )ould +eco&e a'raid 'or his sa'et$3
$et he didn#t )ant to lie either%
"nd so he si&*l$ told the truth% /I#& going to &$ ste*&other%/
His &as- o' co&*osure (anished the second he ste**ed into the hall%
Gone )as the lo(ing hus+and, and in its stead the sa(age )arrior )as
re(ealed% He re&o(ed his s)ord 'ro& his sheath, handed it to Cris*in, and
)ent do)nstairs% His stride )as long, *ur*ose'ul3 his ex*ression cold,
deadl$ no) )ith his intent%
"lec )atched his +rother 'ro& across the hall and tensed in antici*ation%
Connor didn#t sa$ a )ord% ;igid )ith 'ur$, he stor&ed into the hall,
reached u*, and ri**ed his 'ather#s s)ord o, the )all%
No co&&and )as needed% ?uinlan and Cris*in ste**ed 'or)ard and
&atched their laird#s stride%
"lec didn#t hesitate% He too- u* his o)n s)ord, his ex*ression &urderous,
and 'ollo)ed his +rother%
"t long last, Donald !ac"lister )as going to gain 8ustice%
The$ sho)ed no &erc$% The +attle to surround !acNare#s -ee* )as hard
'ought, hour u*on hour, their s)ords slicing through the air again and
again as the$ &ethodicall$ cut through the ene&$#s de'enses 'ro& all
sides% "lec#s 'orces s)ar&ed u* 'ro& the south in a )ide hal'-circle, )hile
Connor and his allies s)e*t do)n 'ro& the north in an in*enetra+le arc
that 8oined )ith "lec#s soldiers to &a-e the circle co&*lete%
It )as i&*ossi+le 'or the ene&$ to esca*e their line or their (engeance%
The ele&ent o' sur*rise )as on their side%
Intil the &o&ent the$ attac-ed, !acNare )as una)are his treacherous
*lans had +een disco(ered% The northern clans had +een told to attac-
Connor#s 'ortress in t)o da$s# ti&e, at da)n, +ut +ecause o' the old
)o&an#s stu*idit$ in co&ing to !acNare 'or sanctuar$ earlier than
*lanned, their ti&ing )as destro$ed%
!acNare didn#t engage in the .ght, +ut hid +ehind closed doors inside his
-ee*% Surrounded no) on all sides in a .er$ to&+, the co)ard 'ranticall$
hurried a+out to gather his gold to ta-e )ith hi& through the secret
*assages% 7i-e a rat, )ith his ra4or-shar* *rotruding 'ront teeth, his narro)
e$es darting +ac- and 'orth, he scurried a+out the hall to get another
*ouch he could .ll )ith his treasure, )hile Eu*he&ia raged against hi&%
/Ta-e u* the .ght,/ she urged% /"ll $ou need do is -ill Connor and "lec, and
their 'ollo)ers )ill scatter%/
/Silence, old )o&an,/ he screa&ed% /6r I#ll *ut &$ s)ord through $our
+ell$% It )as $our son#s lust that +rought Connor here%/
/He doesn#t -no) I +rought &$ son#s +od$ here% He thin-s I#(e gone u*
/Then )h$ did he attac-2/
/0our raids against Hugh#s +orders &ust ha(e *ro(o-ed hi&,/ she cried
out% /Sta$ and .ght%/
/Wh$ do $ou care )hat ha**ens2 0our *recious son is dead,/ he sco,ed%
/"nd a dead &an cannot +eco&e laird o(er the !ac"listers% 0ou#(e alread$
lost e(er$thing%/
The outer doors )ere +eing ra&&ed o*en no)% The *ounding noise
re(er+erating through the hall )as as terri'$ing to !acNare as the
encroaching .re% !ur-$ gra$ s&o-e, slithering in 'ro& under the door, )as
alread$ coiling u* a+out his 'eet%
/Hel* &e .ll these +ags,/ he shouted% /Hurr$, the$#ll +e inside soon%/
" resounding crash told hi& the +arricade had +een +reached% The$ )ere
co&ing 'or hi& no)% He heard the *ounding o' their +ooted 'eet against
the stone @oor outside his door, getting closer and closer and closer9
His hands shoo- so, he dro**ed the last +ag, )hi&*ered )ith regret o(er
the s*illed gold he didn#t ha(e ti&e to collect, snatched u* his s)ord, and
ran to his esca*e route%
Eu*he&ia thre) hersel' in 'ront o' the *assage% /Don#t +e a 'ool,/ she
screa&ed% /Neither "lec nor Connor -no) the :uchanans ha(e 8oined )ith
&$ clan% In t)o da$s, the$#ll co&e do)n through the &ountain *assage,
and attac- the !ac"lister 'ortress% 0ou can still ha(e $our share i' $ou sta$
and .ght% 5ill Connor 'or &e no), or I s)ear I#ll lead hi& to $ou%/
1our )arriors stood outside the entrance, listening to Eu*he&ia#s
des*erate *leas, and it )asn#t until "lec had heard their *lan that he -ne)
the &an he had called all$, the +astard :uchanan, )as in league against
Connor reached 'or the door% "lec sho(ed hi& aside and thrust his
shoulder against the o+stacle% The +olt )ea-ened )ith the .rst *ush,
+ro-e in hal' )ith the second%
He ste**ed +ac-, )aited until Connor had dra)n his 'ather#s +lood$ s)ord
'ro& his sca++ard, and then *ut his hand on his shoulder% /Sho) hi& as
&uch co&*assion as he and the others sho)ed $our 'ather%/
?uinlan and Cris*in, their )ea*ons read$, )ould guard their laird )hen he
entered the hall% "lec )ould *rotect their +ac-s, )hile his ar&$ *rotected
/Get out o' &$ )a$,/ !acNare screeched at Eu*he&ia 'ro& )ithin%
She re'used to &o(e% !acNare still thought he had ti&e to &a-e his
esca*e% He ste**ed +ac-, li'ted his s)ord, and sho(ed it into her &iddle
8ust as Connor )al-ed into the cha&+er%
He sho)ed no reaction to his ste*&other#s +loodcurdling screa& and
)atched )ithout e&otion as !acNare ri**ed the s)ord out o' her and
sho(ed her aside% Eu*he&ia dou+led o(er +e'ore colla*sing to the @oor%
!acNare didn#t reali4e Connor )as in the hall )ith hi&% He -ic-ed
Eu*he&ia out o' his )a$ )hile he 'ranticall$ searched 'or the *anel that
concealed his exit%
/Going so&e)here2/ Connor as-ed%
!acNare )hirled around% /0ou had no right to attac- &e, !ac"lister% No
right at all% 5incaid )ill hear o' this%/
/I#& *art o' this, $ou 'ool,/ "lec +ello)ed in rage%
!acNare#s 'ace turned )hite% He loo-ed as though he )ere seeing Death
hi&sel' )al-ing to)ard hi&%
/I )asn#t there% I had no *art in $our 'ather#s death, !ac"lister% I )as 8ust a
+o$, li-e $ou )ere% 0es, 8ust a +o$%/
/0ou )ere o(er t)ent$ $ears old,/ "lec shouted +ac-% /0ou )ere there, all
right, )earing the 5aerns# *laid, $ou +astard% Donald !ac"lister )as &$
He nudged Connor in his +ac-% /The sight o' such re'use is 'oul to &e% End
/I#ll -ill $ou .rst,/ !acNare +oasted% He lea*t 'or)ard, crouched do)n, and
hurled his s)ord at Connor% He )ould ha(e &ade his &ar- i' Connor hadn#t
de@ected the )ea*on )ith his 'ather#s s)ord%
/Hel* &e, Connor,/ Eu*he&ia cried out, )rithing a+out in agon$%
Connor didn#t ac-no)ledge her%
!acNare 8u&*ed u* to run to)ard the hidden *assage% "s he )as turning,
he heard the )histle o' the s)ord slicing through the air and dodged to his
right% Connor had antici*ated his reaction% Donald !ac"lister#s +lade
thrust through the center o' !acNare#s nec-, continued on, and lodged
into the )all +ehind% !acNare )as li'ted +$ the i&*act, thro)n +ac- 'ro&
its 'orce, and *inned to the *assage door% It o*ened and +egan to s)a$
+ac- and 'orth%
The onl$ sound heard )as the s>uea-ing o' the *anel and the lo) gurgling
o' !acNare#s death rattle%
/Please hel* &e, son,/ Eu*he&ia called out again% /Ha(e &erc$ on $our
None o' the )arriors ac-no)ledged her% Cris*in as-ed Connor i' he )anted
hi& to get his 'ather#s )ea*on, +ut his laird shoo- his head%
/It#s )here &$ 'ather )anted it to +e% 7ea(e it%/
/Connor,/ Eu*he&ia screa&ed% /Please9 *lease9/ Without a +ac-)ard
glance, Connor )al-ed out o' the hall, his ste*&other#s screa&s slo)l$
'ading a)a$%
Cha*ter 1B
Contents - Pre( A Next
Connor had &ade his choice% When :renna )as gi(en her hus+and#s
&essage, she )as o(er)hel&ed )ith de'eat% He had gone to Eu*he&ia%
There )as little ho*e 'or a 'uture together no), as he )as clearl$ loc-ed in
his *ast, and nothing she could do )ould e(er change that%
"s soon as she sa) her reaction, Ca&ie )as sorr$ she#d told her% :renna
had +een ra*idl$ reco(ering 'ro& her in8uries until she )as told Connor#s
)herea+outs% She +eca&e )ithdra)n then, and e(en though Ca&ie tried to
get her to tell her )h$, she re'used to sa$ a )ord%
The &ere &ention o' Connor agitated her% "'ter tr$ing 'or three 'ull da$s to
get :renna to tell her )hat )as )rong, Ca&ie decided she )ould ha(e to
)ait until their hus+ands returned to .nd out )hat the *ro+le& )as%
Ti&e healed :renna#s +od$% Her a**earance under)ent a dra&atic change
in a (er$ short )hile% The s)elling )as nearl$ gone 'ro& her 'ace and
shoulders3 the +ruises had alread$ +egun to 'ade, and her ar& )as healing
6n the 'ourth da$ o' her, :renna )as u* and dressed% Ca&ie
loo-ed in on her a'ter the noon &eal )as ser(ed, and )as *leased to see
her sitting in a chair next to the )indo)%
/Ho) are $ou 'eeling toda$2/ she as-ed%
/!uch +etter,/ :renna told her% She tried to sound cheer'ul, +ut -ne)
she#d 'ailed )hen Ca&ie hurried to her side and *ut her hand on her
/There isn#t an$ 'e(er,/ :renna said% /I#& .ne no), reall$%/
/0ou#re healing >uic-l$, +ut )e +oth -no) $our heart is still aching% I ha(e
a sur*rise that should &a-e $ou s&ile though% 1ather Sinclair has +een
insistent on s*ea-ing )ith $ou% I' he had told &e earlier that he#d s*o-en
to $our &other, I )ould ha(e let hi& co&e u*,/ she added )ith a laugh%
/He didn#t thin- to &ention that 'act until a 'e) &inutes ago%/
:renna )as o(er8o$ed% /He#s here, reall$ here2/
/"h, .nall$ a s&ile,/ Ca&ie said% /He#s +een here since $esterda$ e(ening%
He sat )ith $ou se(eral hours last night, +ut $ou sle*t through it% Shall I
sho) hi& in2/
/0es, *lease%/
:renna 8u&*ed to her 'eet the second 1ather Sinclair entered the cha&+er%
/I#& so ha**$ to see $ou,/ she cried out%
/:e ha**$ sitting do)n,/ Ca&ie ordered, ho(ering o(er her *atient li-e a
&other hen%
:renna did as she )as instructed, )aited until the *riest had &o(ed a
second chair o(er to the )indo) to 'ace her, and then said, /Was $our
8ourne$ success'ul2/
/"ll is )ell,/ 1ather assured her )ith a nod%
:renna )as a'raid to +elie(e hi&% She clas*ed hold o' Ca&ie#s hand and
held tight% /0ou#re certain2/
In ans)er, he held u* her &edallion and *ut it in her other hand% /I#&
She +urst into tears%
/This isn#t good ne)s2/ Ca&ie as-ed% /"re $ou in *ain2 Tell &e )hat#s
)rong, *lease%/
/She#s o(erco&e )ith ha**iness,/ 1ather said%
/0es, I#& ha**$,/ :renna sta&&ered out%
/I had no idea she#d lost her &edallion%/
/6h, it )as ne(er lost,/ the *riest said%
Ca&ie )as thoroughl$ con'used% /Then )h$9/
/0ou &ustn#t )orr$ a+out &e%/
/I )orr$ a+out $ou +ecause I lo(e $ou, sister, and so does $our hus+and%
No), I#& lea(ing the t)o o' $ou alone to (isit% 1ather, I ho*e $ou#ll +e a+le
to con(ince her Connor hasn#t 'orsa-en her%/
:e'ore the *riest could res*ond, :renna shoo- her head% /I )ould &uch
rather $ou sat )ith us and heard &$ ne)s 'ro& ho&e%/
Ca&ie declined the in(itation% /I' I lea(e the door o*en, I#& certain it )ill +e
all right 'or &e to go do)nstairs% Grace is hiding under the ta+le so she
)on#t ha(e to ta-e her na*% The child hasn#t .gured out I can see her 'ro&
across the hall, o' course% I#ll )arn $ou no), :renna% I *ro&ised her she
could sit )ith $ou a'ter she rests% She see&s to thin- $ou +elong to her
)hile $ou#re here%/
/I )ould lo(e to see her%/
"'ter +o)ing to 1ather Sinclair, Ca&ie le't the roo&%
/0ou &ust tell &e e(er$thing, 1ather,/ :renna said%
The *riest nodded% /I )as )elco&ed into $our *arents# ho&e right a)a$,
and I carried )ith &e another +ro)n ro+e 'or 1aith to )ear on her 8ourne$
to Gillian#s 'ortress% I heard that he, too, )as a)a$ 'ro& his ho&e, and I#ll
ad&it I )asn#t certain )hat I should do then% 1ortunatel$, the a++e$ ca&e
to &ind% I -ne) that the &on-s -ee* roo&s a(aila+le 'or )ear$ tra(elers%
1aith &et &e in the &eado)% She *ut on the ro+e )hen )e reached the
'orest, and )e a(oided the &ain *ath on our 8ourne$%/
/Ho) can I e(er re*a$ $ou2/ :renna as-ed%
/0ou needn#t re*a$ &e% God )atched o(er us, and surel$ that )as )h$ )e
didn#t run into an$ di=culties% 0our sister is a lo(el$ $oung )o&an% I )as
a&used +$ her (ie)s on se(eral su+8ects,/ he ad&itted%
The *riest then told her se(eral stories a+out her sister% :renna laughed
)ith delight, and oh, ho) the sound )ar&ed 1ather#s heart%
6nce again, the ele&ent o' sur*rise )as on Connor#s side, and the$ )ere
read$ to attac- )hen the northerners @ooded do)n through the *assage%
It )as a +lood$ +attle and a .ght to the death, +ut in 8ust three da$s ti&e,
the ene&$ )as de'eated%
Tending to the )ounded so that the$ could &a-e the 8ourne$ +ac- ho&e
too- &uch longer than the actual +attle, and neither Connor nor "lec
)ould lea(e until the last o' their o)n )as on his )a$%
The soldiers re>uiring stitches )ere ta-en to Ca&ie, )ho )as -e*t +us$
'ro& earl$ &orning until late at night re*airing the da&age% Stragglers
continued to co&e across the dra)+ridge 'or three &ore da$s, and the$
also needed Ca&ie#s care%
1ortunatel$, none o' the &en re>uired last rites, )hich )as all )ell and
good, since 1ather Sinclair had le't the 5incaid 'ortress to .nish u* )hat he
told Ca&ie )as an i&*ortant &atter at the Dun-ad$ "++e$ do)n near the
7o)lands% He didn#t ex*ect to return to the !ac"listers# -ee* 'or at least
t)o 'ull )ee-s%
:ecause it )as so chaotic, )ith &en going and co&ing across the
dra)+ridge at all hours o' the da$ and earl$ e(ening, no one noticed
:renna )as &issing, and it )asn#t until an hour +e'ore "lec ca&e ho&e
that Ca&ie reali4ed she had (anished% E(er$one searched high and lo) 'or
her, o' course, and all 'or nought%
:$ the ti&e her hus+and ca&e inside the hall, Ca&ie )as +eside hersel'
)ith )orr$% 5no)ing ho) Connor )as going to react, she decided to let
"lec tell hi&%
She )ouldn#t e(en gi(e her hus+and ti&e to -iss her% She thre) hersel'
into his ar&s and cried out, /6h, than- God $ou#re ho&e% I#(e lost :renna%
0ou ha(e to .nd her%/
"lec re'used to +elie(e such a thing )as *ossi+le% No one could get in or
out o' his 'ortress )ithout *er&ission% "n hour later, he )anted to -ill
e(er$ &an )ho had +een le't +ehind to guard his 'a&il$%
0et, as in'uriated as he )as, his reaction )as &ild co&*ared to Connor#s%
He )as enraged%
/Ho) could $ou lose her, "lec2/ he roared%
/Could she ha(e gone +ac- ho&e2/
/I sto**ed +$ &$ -ee* to get so&ething I -ne) )ould *lease &$ )i'e% I
sure as thunder )ould ha(e noticed i' she#d +een there%/
/I#& so sorr$, Connor,/ Ca&ie said% She sat do)n at the ta+le and +uried
her 'ace in her hands% /I should ha(e +een )atching her% I did loo- in e(er$
&orning +e'ore I )ent do)nstairs, and I thought she )as in the +ed% It )as
too earl$ to )a-e her u*, and I didn#t get +ac- to the -ee* until late that
night% I loo-ed in her roo& again and thought she )as slee*ing% I should
ha(e *ulled the co(ers +ac-, and i' I hadn#t +een so )ear$ I )ould ha(e
/Didn#t one o' the ser(ants go into her roo&2/ Connor as-ed%
/I told e(er$one not to +other her% Dear God, I don#t e(en -no) ho) long
she#s +een gone% I#& so sorr$%/
/"lec, ta-e $our )i'e to +ed,/ Connor ordered% He 'ollo)ed his +rother to
the ta+le and *ulled the chair +ac- so Ca&ie could get u*%
/None o' this is $our 'ault, Ca&ie%/
"lec li'ted her into his ar&s% /0ou ha(en#t had an$ slee* at all in the *ast
)ee-, ha(e $ou2/
/I#(e +een +us$ ta-ing care o' the )ounded, "lec% I can slee* to&orro)% I
ha(e to .nd :renna +e'ore9/
/Connor and I )ill .nd her% 0ou#re going to +ed%/
She )as too tired to argue )ith hi& and -ne) she )asn#t going to +e (er$
hel*'ul an$)a$% She )as ha(ing di=cult$ holding on to &ore than one
thought at a ti&e no)% She *ut her head do)n on his shoulder% /I lo(e $ou,
"lec% What )ill $ou do to .nd her2/
/We#ll start +$ tearing this -ee* a*art% I#& not con(inced she#s gone%/
"lec sto**ed in 'ront o' ?uinlan and ordered hi& to -ee* Connor inside the
hall until he ca&e +ac-, then carried his )i'e u* to their +edroo&%
/Don#t 'orget to let the children -no) $ou#re ho&e,/ Ca&ie said% /"nd,
"lec2 I need to ha(e $ou in our +ed again% Will $ou )a-e &e )hen $ou
co&e in2/
She 'ell aslee* +e'ore he could ans)er her% He re&o(ed her clothes,
tuc-ed the co(ers around her, -issed her 'orehead, and )ent +ac-
do)nstairs He and Connor *ersonall$ )ent through e(er$ roo& in the
-ee*% The$ extended their search, and )hen at last the$ reached the
dra)+ridge, the$ )ere +oth con(inced she had le't%
Connor 'elt the$ had )asted their ti&e% His anger >uic-l$ turned to *anic%
/0ou -no) )hat her chances o' sur(i(ing are outside the -ee*,/ Connor
said% /She )on#t sur(i(e i' she#s alone, "lec% She9/
/She )ill sur(i(e,/ "lec sna**ed% /"nd $ou )ill soon +e useless to &e i'
$ou continue to thin- such thoughts%/
:$ the ti&e the$ returned to the hall, Connor )as so scared, he couldn#t
thin-% He stor&ed a+out the roo& )hile he tried to .gure out )here she
could ha(e gone%
/Did $ou >uestion all the &en $ou le't +ehind2/
/The$ )ere >uestioned, +ut not +$ &e,/ "lec ans)ered% /I#(e sent )ord 'or
t)o o' the &en to return 'ro& sentr$ dut$, and the$ )ill +e here an hour
a'ter sunlight to&orro)%/
/Tell &e )here the$ are,/ Connor de&anded% /I#ll go to the& no)%/
"lec -ne) his +rother )ell and )as read$ )hen Connor tried to lea(e% He
+loc-ed hi& )ith his ar&s%
/I#& going to order ten &en to guard the doors in the e(ent $ou tr$ to
lea(e during the night% "cce*t the 'act that $ou aren#t going an$)here
until )e .gure out exactl$ )here she is% The &oon isn#t *ro(iding su=cient
light tonight, and $ou#ll end u* -illing $oursel' and $our horse i' $ou lea(e
here% 0ou#re going to +e reasona+le%/
/0ou don#t understand% I ha(e to .nd her% She doesn#t ha(e a destination in
/What does that &ean2/
/:renna onl$ )ants to get a)a$ 'ro& &e% She +la&es &e 'or not
*rotecting her 'ro& ;aen% I should ha(e +een there% I should ha(e -no)n9
I' an$thing ha**ens to her, i' I can#t get to her +e'ore9/
/We#ll .nd her,/ his +rother insisted%
He and ?uinlan sta$ed )ith Connor until the &iddle o' the night% "lec )ent
u*stairs to slee* 'or an hour%
Connor )anted to +egin >uestioning the &en no), +ut ?uinlan re'used% /It
)ould ta-e us at least an hour to .nd all o' the&, and all ha(e +een told
+$ their co&&ander to +e here at da)n% I -no) $ou )on#t slee*, +ut at
least sit do)n, Connor% I -no) )hat $ou#re going through% In $our *lace, I
)ould +e raging inside too, +ut it#s i&*ortant that $ou sta$ clearheaded so
$ou can .nd her%/
Connor -ne) he )as right% It )as i&*ossi+le to close his e$es, +ut he did
e(entuall$ sit do)n% ?uinlan 'ell aslee* in one o' the chairs near the
entrance% Connor ordered hi& to go u*stairs and slee* in one o' the
+edroo&s% His 'riend didn#t )ant to lea(e, o' course, +ut as soon as the
suggestion )as gi(en as an order, he )as 'orced to o+e$%
1or the rest o' the night, Connor sat alone at the ta+le in the dar-ness,
)aiting 'or da)n to arri(e% He *ictured e(er$ *ossi+le horror that could
ha**en to his gentle )i'e until his &ind re+elled and he si&*l$ couldn#t
ta-e an$ &ore%
It )as the longest night o' his li'e%
The 'ollo)ing da$ )asn#t &uch +etter% He and "lec too- turns >uestioning
e(er$ soldier )ho had +een le't +ehind to guard their laird#s 'ortress% No
one -ne) an$thing that could hel* the&%
Connor )as going to lea(e 'or ho&e to >uestion his o)n *eo*le in the
ho*e that :renna &ight ha(e said so&ething to one o' the ser(ants that
)ould hel* hi& .nd her, and as i&*atient as he )as to get going, he also
)anted to hear )hat each 5incaid soldier had to sa$%
The soldiers in charge o' the dra)+ridge entered the hall 8ust as ?uinlan
ste**ed 'or)ard to o,er a suggestion% /Could she ha(e gone to 1aith2/
Connor re8ected the *ossi+ilit$% /She didn#t -no) her sister )as in an$
danger% :$ the )a$, )here did $ou *ut 1aith, "lec2/
His +rother didn#t -no) )hat he )as tal-ing a+out% ?uinlan ex*lained
)hile Connor continued to *ace a+out the roo&%
Ca&ie ca&e into the hall and sat at the ta+le to listen to )hat the soldiers
told her hus+and%
/6' course :renna -ne)% I )ould -no) i' an$thing ha**ened to &$ sister%
Ho) she 'ound out isn#t i&*ortant no)% 6h, 7ord, the &edallion,/ Ca&ie
cried out% She ran o(er to Connor% /I thought she lost it, +ut )hen the
*riest ga(e it +ac- to her, he told &e it had ne(er +een lost at all% Don#t
$ou understand2 :renna &ust ha(e sent 1ather Sinclair to her sister% She
ga(e hi& the &edallion to sho) 1aith so she )ould -no) she )as to do
)hate(er the *riest instructed her to do% I -ne) :renna )as cle(er, +ut
this a&a4es &e% I -no) I )ouldn#t ha(e thought o' it%/
"lec >uestioned his &en then, a strenuous underta-ing +ecause o'
Connor#s ranting and ra(ing, and in little ti&e at all the$ -ne) ho)
:renna#d &anaged to lea(e%
6nl$ one *riest )as re*orted co&ing inside the -ee* under Douglas#s
)atch, +ut t)o *riests had le't )hen Niell )as in charge%
Connor )eighed the da&nation o' his soul 'or eternit$ against the
te&*orar$ *leasure he )ould get i' he throttled a &an o' the cloth%
/With $our *er&ission, 7aird2/ Niell as-ed%
/What is it2/
/I don#t thin- the *riest -ne) she )as 'ollo)ing hi&% He )ent out .rst,
riding his s*ec-led gelding, and *ulling the reins o' a *ac-horse +ehind
hi&% The second *riest )al-ed )ell +ehind the horses%/
/"nd $ou didn#t thin- this )as *eculiar +eha(ior2/ "lec roared%
/He )as s&all, 7aird% I thought he )as $et to +e ordained and that he )as
re>uired to )al- as *enance%/
/No) all )e ha(e to do is .nd out )here the *riest )as going,/ "lec said%
/Dun-ad$ "++e$,/ Ca&ie +lurted out%
/0ou#re certain2/ Connor as-ed%
/0es,/ she ans)ered%
/I' he )as telling the truth,/ her hus+and said%
/1or hea(en#s sa-e, "lec% He#s a &an o' God% 6' course he )as telling the
/I#ll lea(e i&&ediatel$,/ Connor said%
/I#& going )ith $ou,/ "lec and Ca&ie +oth announced at the sa&e ti&e%
Connor shoo- his head% /I ha(e to do this alone%/
/Not )ithout $our &en, $ou don#t,/ "lec )arned%
:ecause he didn#t )ant to )aste ti&e arguing )ith his +rother, he told
?uinlan to go to the -ee* and get the others% /0ou can catch u* )ith &e,/
he told hi&%
The &onaster$ )as onl$ a short da$#s ride a)a$ +$ his &easure% I' :renna
)as riding the *ac-horse, God onl$ -ne) ho) long it )ould ta-e her to get
He 'orced hi&sel' to +loc- all thoughts +ut one% He had to get to his o)n
s)eet :renna% He )as lost )ithout her%
:renna )as inconsola+le% She couldn#t eat, couldn#t slee*, and couldn#t
sto* cr$ing long enough to &a-e an$ sense to her sister%
1aith soon thre) her hands u* in des*air% "'ter she handed :renna a dr$
cloth to )i*e a)a$ her tears, she tossed the soa-ed s>uare in the laundr$
+ox )ith the others, and then sat do)n next to her sister on the narro) cot
in her +edroo&% 1or )hat she s)ore )as going to +e the last ti&e, she
tried to get her sister to listen to reason%
/0ou reall$ ha(e to sto* this &ourning% We#(e alread$ +een thro)n out o'
cha*el +ecause $ou )ere &a-ing so &uch noise%/
/We )eren#t thro)n out% We )ere 8ust encouraged to go +ac- to our
/What a+out dear 1ather Sinclair2 He can#t *a$ attention to his dail$
(es*ers, than-s to $ou% Wh$ )on#t $ou listen to us2 0ou told &e $ou lo(e
$our hus+and%/
/Don#t $ou understand2 He &ade his choice )hen he le't &e% He doesn#t
)ant &e or &$ lo(e% He ne(er did% She#s *art o' his *ast, and he#s ne(er
going to let go o' )hat ha**ened% No, I can#t go +ac-% It )ould hurt too
The need to +lo) her nose ended her *rotests% 1aith still didn#t
understand% /0ou ne(er used to cr$% I' lo(ing so&eone &a-es a )o&an
&isera+le, I s)ear I#& ne(er going to 'all in lo(e% I )ish I ne(er had to get
&arried either% 1or the lo(e o' God, )ill $ou sto* cr$ing2 Perha*s i' $ou
)ent +ac- and tried once &ore9 I' $ou told hi& ho) $ou 'eel9/
/He -no)s ho) I 'eel e(en though I didn#t gi(e hi& &$ declaration% He#s
intelligent, 1aith% "nd so a& I,/ she added% /I -no) )hen I#& not )anted% I
can#t tal- a+out this an$&ore%/
/What i' he co&es 'or $ou2/
She shoo- her head% /He )on#t%/
/:ut )hat i' he does2/
She let out a sigh% /I )ould thin- his *ride 'orced hi& to co&e here% I
)ouldn#t go +ac- )ith hi&% Can#t )e tal- a+out so&ething else2/
1aith ignored her suggestion% /Gillian &ight not let $ou co&e +ac- )ith us%
Then )hat )ill $ou do2 Sta$ in the a++e$ 'or the rest o' $our li'e, &a-ing
these *oor &on-s &isera+le2/
/!$ +rother )on#t den$ &e% Did I tell $ou Connor doesn#t e(en -no) ho)
&an$ +rothers and sisters I ha(e2/
/0es, $ou#(e &entioned that 'act to &e a+out a hundred ti&es no)% 0ou
)ant children, don#t $ou2 I' $ou go +ac-9/
/I do )ant children, +ut I#& not a+out to lea(e the& )ith Connor%/
/No) )hat are $ou tal-ing a+out2 Go +ac- to hi&, :renna% Please, +e'ore
it#s too late% He#s $our hus+and%/
/!ust $ou nag &e2/
1aith decided she had *ressed enough 'or the &o&ent% /Perha*s so&e
'resh air )ill &a-e $ou 'eel +etter% 7et#s go outside and stroll a+out the
/I' )e stra$ 'ro& the *ath, )e aren#t on sacred ground an$&ore%/
/I don#t understand%/
/The *ath in 'ront o' the a++e$% There#s a )ooden cross )here it ends on
the south side and another on the north side% I' )e ste* o, the *ath, )e
aren#t sa'e% I thin- )e should 8ust sta$ here% :esides, Gillian should +e here
an$ ti&e no) i' 1ather Sinclair#s esti&ation )as right%/
/I' $ou insist on hiding here, then )e#ll hide% "t least *ull the 'ur co(erings
o, the )indo)s so the sun can co&e inside% It#s li-e a to&+ in here%/ 1aith
didn#t )ait 'or her sister to agree or disagree )ith her% She ran to the
)indo), unhoo-ed the cotton loo*s, and *ulled the thic- 'ur do)n%
Closing her e$es against the +right sun, she reached +ehind her head and
li'ted her hair a)a$ 'ro& the na*e o' her nec-% /The +ree4e 'eels
)onder'ul,/ she )his*ered, her 'ace aglo) )ith *leasure% She sta$ed
silhouetted against the light until her ar&s +egan to ache% "nd then she
loo-ed out at the landsca*e%
/6h9 &$9 God9 the$#re9 the$#re9 huge%/
/Is so&ething )rong2/ :renna as-ed%
!es&eri4ed +$ the sight +e'ore her, 1aith couldn#t e(en &anage a nod% "t
the northern end o' the a++e$ )ere giants 'or as 'ar as the e$e could see%
1aith guessed at least 'ort$ &en rode )ith the .erce-loo-ing )arrior )ho
had se*arated hi&sel' 'ro& the others and had ridden closer to the *ath%
E(er$ one o' the &en )as +are--need and )ould ha(e +een +are-chested
as )ell i' it )eren#t 'or the )ide stri* o' &aterial that )as *ulled u* 'ro&
one side o' his )aist and dra*ed o(er his o**osite shoulder% So&e o' the&
)ere scarred3 others )ere not% "ll o' the& )ere in dire need o' a good
scru++ing, haircuts, and decent clothes%
Saints a+o(e, the$ )ere sa(ages%
1aith )hirled around% /0ou can#t *ossi+l$ go +ac-% Than- hea(ens $ou
ca&e to $our senses% No, no, $ou can#t go +ac- to $our hus+and% 0ou
should li(e )ith Gillian% He#ll +e ha**$ to ha(e $ou% He lo(es $ou dearl$%
Wh$ didn#t $ou tell &e the$ )ere9 the$ )ere9 6h, :renna, ho) did $ou
e(er &anage to sta$ ali(e all this )hile2/
/What are $ou ra&+ling a+out2/
Worried she &ight co&e to the )indo) and see )ho )as outside, 1aith
'ranticall$ shoo- her head% Her sister had had enough u*sets to last her a
li'eti&e% The *roo' )as there 'or an$one to see% She had a scar on her
'orehead, and another on her ar&%
In her haste to &a-e a&ends +ecause she hadn#t had an$ idea )hat
:renna had +een u* against, she sta&&ered out her a*olog$% /I#& so
sorr$% I didn#t -no)9 until I sa) the&, I didn#t -no)% No, it#s out o' the
/What#s out o' the >uestion2/ :renna as-ed% She stood u* to 8oin her sister
at the )indo)%
1aith ran o(er to her and sho(ed her +ac- do)n on the cot% Then she
raced to the door and thre) the loc- into *lace%
/It#s out o' the >uestion to9 to go outside% 0es, it#s out o' the >uestion% !$,
+ut it#s gotten chill$ in here% I +elie(e I#ll *ut the 'ur +ac- u*%/
She )ent +ac- to the )indo) and *ee-ed out, ho*ing she had onl$
i&agined the sa(ages )ere there% No, the$ )ere there all right, loo-ing
8ust as 'rightening as +e'ore%
Her hands shoo- )hile she tried to rehoo- the loo*s% /:renna, tell &e )hat
$our hus+and loo-s li-e%/
/I#& curious, that#s all,/ she ans)ered% She stared at the leader and tried
to .nish rehanging the 'ur at the sa&e ti&e% He reall$ )as scar$%
/He#s handso&e%/
/0ou#re 8esting%/
/No, I#& not% He is handso&e%/
/:ut )hat exactl$ does he loo- li-e2 Descri+e hi& 'or &e%/
/Dar- hair and e$es, a straight nose% He#s tall, and (er$ strong% Does that
satis'$ $ou2/
/7ong hair2/
/"ll the !ac"lister &en ha(e long hair% What are $ou loo-ing at2/
/1ather Sinclair,/ she ans)ered, )hich )asn#t a lie, +ecause the *riest )as
running do)n the *ath to)ard the )arrior in 'ront o' the other sa(ages%
1ather should ha(e +een running the other )a$, shouldn#t he2 Surel$ he
noticed the$ )ere all ar&ed 'or +attle%
:renna )ent to the )ater +asin to )ash her 'ace and hands% /I' 1ather#s
outside, it#s sa'e 'or us to go out% He )on#t let $ou )ander o, the *ath%/
/Was it sa'e 'or the t)o o' $ou to co&e here )ithout an escort2/
/No, +ut it )as necessar$% It isn#t no)% :esides, I )as dressed as a &on-,
and all the Highlanders res*ect &en o' the cloth% None )ould har& the&%
;ight no), ho)e(er, $ou are the one I#& concerned a+out% 6nce $ou &a-e
u* $our &ind to do so&ething, $ou do it, no &atter )hat the ris-, and i'
$ou decide to *ic- @o)ers u* on the hill, I -no) 1ather )on#t let $ou%/
/0ou taught &e ho) to ta-e a ris-,/ 1aith *rotested% /6h, dear, the 'ur 8ust
'ell out the )indo)%/
7eaning out, she )atched the co(ering dro* do)n )ith a shush to land on
the stone *ath 8ust a ste* a)a$ 'ro& the *riest% Startled +$ the near &iss,
Sinclair glanced u* at the )indo)%
/I#& so sorr$, 1ather% It sli**ed,/ she called out +e'ore she 8u&*ed +ac- so
he )ouldn#t lecture her in 'ront o' the sa(ages% :esides, she -ne) she )as
going to laugh, and she reall$ didn#t )ant to hurt the *riest#s 'eelings%
He heard her, o' course, and so did the !ac"listers% E(er$one +ut ?uinlan
*retended not to notice% He grinned )ith o+(ious a**ro(al%
Curious, Cris*in turned to hi&% /0ou .nd her a&using2/
/I .nd her enchanting%/
Cris*in shoo- his head to let his 'riend -no) he thought he )as de&ented%
?uinlan nodded, and then declared his intention, /I &ean to ha(e her%/
/She#ll run 'ro& $ou%/
/I ho*e so% It )ouldn#t +e an$ 'un i' she didn#t% She#s +onn$, isn#t she2/
Connor suddenl$ raised his hand% His 'riends thought he )anted the& to
+e silent so that he could hear )hat the *riest )as telling hi&% Then their
laird ga(e the signal to let the& -no) the ene&$ )as near% He si&*l$ *ut
his hand on the hilt o' his s)ord% English&en )ere a**roaching%
Gillian and his soldiers )ere co&ing u* the hill% 1ro& the sound their
horses &ade, Connor esti&ated a**roxi&atel$ sixt$ soldiers rode )ith
their +aron% Cris*in and ?uinlan i&&ediatel$ &o(ed to @an- their laird to
*rotect hi& 'ro& an attac- 'ro& either side%
1ather Sinclair didn#t notice the !ac"listers )ere tensed to .ght% He )as
ex*laining once again that he hadn#t hel*ed :renna lea(e the 5incaid
holding, hadn#t had the slightest in-ling that she had such a *lan in &ind,
and it )as onl$ a'ter the$ had entered the 'orest and she called out to hi&
that he -ne) she )as chasing a'ter hi&%
/Don#t $ou e(er loo- +ehind $ou2/ Connor as-ed%
/Not )hen I#& on $our land or 5incaid#s, +ecause I -no) I#& sa'e% I assure
$ou I too- e(er$ *recaution once $our )i'e alerted &e to her *resence% I
tried to tal- her into going +ac-, +ut she )ouldn#t listen to &e, 7aird% I
couldn#t let her go on )ithout &e, could I2/
Connor shoo- his head% /0ou ha(e assured &e she#s all right, and that#s all
I care a+out no)% Tell her to co&e to &e%/
/She#ll den$ the re>uest,/ he said% /I#ll tr$, o' course%/
/She )on#t den$ &e%/ He too- his dagger 'ro& his +elt and cut the threads
Ca&ie had used to se) the &edallion to the side o' his *laid% /Gi(e her
The *riest acce*ted the &edallion )ith a nod% /"nd $our &essage2/
/The &edallion is &$ &essage% She#ll understand% She can#t den$ &e,
/I' $ou lea(e $our s)ord at the door, $ou could co&e inside,/ he o,ered%
Connor#s ans)er )as to suggest the *riest loo- +ehind hi&%
/6h, Good 7ord% Gillian#s here% I#ll hurr$,/ he )his*ered% /Don#t do an$thing
rash +e'ore I return%/
/We )on#t,/ Connor assured hi&, /unless, o' course, )e#re *ro(o-ed%/
The *riest *ic-ed u* the he& o' his ro+e and )ent racing +ac- to)ard the
/0ou &ight as )ell sto* +rushing $our hair, :renna% 1ather#s co&ing +ac-
inside% He#s running, as a &atter o' 'act% I )onder9Ih oh%/
/What#s )rong2/
/Gillian#s here%/
:renna dro**ed her +rush and sat do)n on the cot% The ti&e had co&e 'or
her to lea(e the Highlands 'ore(er% 6h, God, )h$ did it hurt so &uch2
Tears gathered in her e$es% She +o)ed her head in surrender and +egan to
*ra$% /Wh$ is this so hard2/ she cried out% She dou+led o(er and roc-ed
+ac- and 'orth, acting as though the *ain )ere *h$sical no) instead o'
inside her heart%
1aith didn#t -no) )hat she could sa$ to her% /I don#t -no), :renna% I' I
could hel* $ou, I )ould% 0our hus+and &ight +e a+le to &a-e $ou 'eel
/He#s here, :renna%/
6ther than straightening u* again until she )as rigid, she didn#t sa$
an$thing or sho) an$ other reaction%
/Surel$ that &eans9/
/He#s here +ecause o' his *ride%/
/I -ne) $ou#d sa$ that,/ 1aith said% She leaned +ac- out the )indo) and
)a(ed to her +rother% Gillian and his &en all loo-ed so shin$ and ne) in
their hau+er-s and hel&ets% She turned then and loo-ed at the !ac"listers
again% The$ loo-ed9 /7i-e sa(ages%/
/Co&e a)a$ 'ro& the )indo)%/
/I thin- I should )a(e to $our hus+and% It )ould +e rude to ignore hi&% I
alread$ )a(ed to Gillian, and I shouldn#t slight hi&%/
/I assure $ou he )on#t care%/
She )a(ed an$)a$% /He didn#t )a(e +ac-% Gillian did%/
/Get a)a$ 'ro& there,/ :renna de&anded%
/Co&e and loo-%/
" -noc- sounded at the door, 'ollo)ed +$ loud *anting% 1ather Sinclair had
run u* the ste*s to get to :renna#s roo&%
1aith let hi& in% /She )on#t go out to hi&, 1ather% I tried to con(ince her,
+ut she re'uses to ha(e an$thing to do )ith hi&%/
The *riest nodded +e'ore he rushed o(er to the cot% /0our hus+and told &e
$ou )ould co&e to hi&, &i#lad$% He )as certain this )ould 'orce $ou to,/
he added as he dro**ed the &edallion into her la*%
She stared at the )ooden dis- a long &inute )ithout sa$ing a )ord% 1aith
)anted a closer loo- at it and reached do)n to *ic- it u*% :renna snatched
it u* +e'ore her sister could touch it%
She stood u* and stor&ed o(er to the )indo)% She )anted to thro) the
&edallion out +ecause he dared to use it no) )hen it )as too late +ut
stu++ornl$ re'used to )ear it +e'ore%
Then she sa) hi&% /He loo-s tired,/ she )his*ered%
/0ou ha(e to go, &i#lad$% " .ght#s ine(ita+le unless $ou let $our hus+and
-no) $ou are either going to go +ac- )ith hi& or go )ith Gillian%/
She ste**ed a)a$ 'ro& the )indo) and )al-ed to the door% /!$ +rother
doesn#t -no) I#& here%/
/That doesn#t &atter,/ he countered% He 'ollo)ed her out the door and
do)n the ste*s% /0our hus+and -no)s $ou#re here% Gillian &ight thin- he
)ants to ta-e $our sister%/
/I ha(e a sure )a$ to &a-e hi& go +ac- to his 'ortress,/ :renna said%
/Tell &e,/ 1aith de&anded, running to catch u* )ith her sister%
/I#ll si&*l$ as- hi& i' he lo(es &e% He )on#t +e a+le to sa$ he does, and
he#ll reali4e then I should return to England%/
/What i' he doesn#t reali4e it2/ her sister as-ed
/He )on#t do an$thing I don#t )ant hi& to do as long as I tell hi& no%/
/Ha(e $ou 'orgotten ho) +ig $our hus+and is2 He can get )hate(er he
/No &eans no to hi&%/
/0ou lo(e hi&, don#t $ou, lass,/ 1ather said%
/0es% I lo(e hi&, +ut it isn#t enough%/
The *riest reached 'or the door, $et didn#t *ull it o*en% /1aith, *lease go
outside .rst% ;un to $our +rother and sta$ )ith hi& so he#ll -no) the
!ac"listers aren#t a threat%/
/Do $ou thin- Gillian#s soldiers )ould har& the Highlanders2/
/No, +ut I#& certain the !ac"listers )ould -ill all o' the& )ithout +rea-ing
a s)eat% The$ can +e ruthless )hen the$ )ant to +e, and 7ord onl$ -no)s,
the$#ll easil$ o(er*o)er the&%/
/:ut there are t)ice as &an$9/
/Nu&+er &eans nothing to the&% I#(e seen the& .ght, and I assure $ou, I
-no) )hat I#& tal-ing a+out%/
/I#ll do as $ou sa$,/ she *ro&ised% She hurried outside, ran to her +rother,
and hugged hi&% She s*ent se(eral &inutes listening to hi& tell her ho)
:renna#s hus+and had sent &en to their &other to *rotect her 'ro&
!acNare% He also added that their &other had ta-en a 'anc$ to the leader
o' the +and and actuall$ ho*ed he#d co&e +ac-%
1aith ga(e hi& her 'ull attention until :renna )al-ed outside%
/0ou can tell &e &ore a'ter I go inside and get &$ clothing,/ she said, and
though she had e(er$ intention o' doing 8ust that, she ended u* 'ollo)ing
:renna instead% Her sister loo-ed so (ulnera+le and alone% 1aith )anted
onl$ to *rotect her 'ro& 'urther heartache, and Gillian )ould 8ust ha(e to
+e *atient a little longer%
He could )ait a 'e) &ore &inutes, couldn#t he2 /I#ll +e right there, Gillian,/
she called out% /I 8ust )ant to &eet :renna#s hus+and .rst%/
:e'ore her +rother could den$ her, she *ic-ed u* the he& o' her s-irts and
hurried to)ard the !ac"listers%
1ather Sinclair )as detained +$ the &on-s hanging out the )indo)s on the
.rst @oor% He had to reassure each one that a +attle )asn#t a+out to +e
'ought on sacred ground and it )as *er'ectl$ all right 'or all o' the& to
return to their duties%
/It#s 8ust a 'a&il$ reunion,/ he ex*lained, and hea(en hel* hi&, he told the
hal'-truth )ithout laughing once%
1aith didn#t s*ea- to an$ o' the &on-s, +ut she did )a(e to all o' the&%
Se(eral, caught u* in her enthusias&, )a(ed +ac-% "s she neared the end
o' the *ath, one o' the !ac"listers caught her attention% She had the
*eculiar 'eeling he ex*ected her to do or sa$ so&ething, and though he
didn#t &otion to her, or gi(e her an$ other sign, she couldn#t shrug o, the
'eeling he )anted so&ething 'ro& her%
"ll o' the )arriors -e*t her +rother#s soldiers under close scrutin$% :renna,
she noticed, had suddenl$ sto**ed% 1aith thought she )as ha(ing second
thoughts a+out tal-ing to her hus+and and decided to hel* her &a-e u*
her &ind% She caught u* )ith her, too- hold o' her hand, and ga(e her a
tug to get her &o(ing again%
:renna )asn#t *a$ing an$ attention to her sister% Her ga4e )as on her
hus+and% It )as sheer agon$ 'or her to +e so close to the &an she lo(ed
and -no) she could ne(er +e )ith hi& again% Didn#t he reali4e he )as
tor&enting her +$ co&ing here2 Her heart 'elt as though it )ere +eing
shredded a*art%
She sto**ed once again +e'ore she reached the end o' the *ath% 1aith let
go o' her hand and ste**ed +ehind her sister%
" 'ull &inute *assed )ithout a )ord +eing s*o-en )hile hus+and and )i'e
stared at one another% 6nce again, 1aith decided to hel*% She ga(e her
sister a little sho(e%
:renna ignored her% She too- a dee* +reath, held u* the &edallion, and
said, /This used to +elong to $ou, Connor%/
/It still +elongs to &e, :renna% "nd so do $ou% No) and 'ore(er%/
She shoo- her head% /It#s too hard,/ she cried out%
He re&o(ed his s)ord, handed it to Cris*in +e'ore he dis&ounted, and
)al-ed 'or)ard%
/I#ll &a-e it eas$ 'or $ou% Please don#t cr$% I -no) I hurt $ou%/
The *riest rushed 'or)ard to o,er a cloth to :renna% 6ne loo- 'ro& Connor
&ade hi& change his &ind% He +ac-ed a)a$, turned around, and strolled
to)ard Gillian%
:renna 'elt as though the )orld )ere intruding on her no)% When he too-
hold o' her hand and )al-ed do)n the *ath to)ard the gardens, she didn#t
*ull a)a$ 'ro& hi&% She -e*t her head do)n and thought to )ait until the$
had so&e *ri(ac$ +e'ore she said good-+$e to hi&%
The lac- o' *ri(ac$ didn#t +other hi& at all% /I -no) I hurt $ou% I should
ha(e *rotected $ou 'ro& ;aen% I )ill ha(e to li(e )ith &$ &ista-e 'or the
rest o' &$ li'e% I don#t ex*ect $ou to 'orgi(e &e, :renna, +ut I9/
/0ou aren#t res*onsi+le 'or )hat ha**ened% I should ha(e told $ou )hat he
)as doing% I &eant to, +ut $ou le't +e'ore I could get u* the ner(e% Then
he le't, and I thought he )ouldn#t co&e +ac-% It doesn#t &atter no)
an$)a$% 0ou &ade $our choice )hen $ou )ent to Eu*he&ia%/
He loo-ed astonished% /Will it &a-e $ou 'eel an$ +etter to -no) she#s
/Good 7ord, no%/
/"ll right then,/ he said% /Does -no)ing that I didn#t +anish her as I
intended &a-e $ou reali4e I )as considerate o' $our 'eelings2/
She turned to loo- at hi&% Connor didn#t -no) ho) &uch longer he )as
going to +e a+le to -ee* hi&sel' 'ro& ta-ing her into his ar&s% He )as
deter&ined that she )illingl$ co&e to hi&, and he -ne), i' he didn#t &o(e
a)a$ 'ro& her no), he )ould lose his +attle% He let go o' her hand, sat
do)n on the stone )all, and )aited 'or her to 8oin hi&%
She &o(ed closer, until she stood +et)een his outstretched legs% /What
ha**ened to Eu*he&ia2/
/I#ll ha(e to tell $ou a+out &$ 'ather#s legac$ so that $ou )ill understand,
+ut it#s a long stor$% Do $ou )ant to hear it2/
There )as an o(er)hel&ing sadness a+out hi& no) that tugged at her
heart% The strength see&ed to go out o' hi& as )ell% His head )as do)n,
his shoulders sagged 'ro& the )eight he had +orne all these &an$ $ears,
and she could 'eel the ache o' his &elanchol$%
/Do $ou )ant to tell &e2/
/0es,/ he ans)ered in des*eration%
She too- a ste* closer% /Please tell &e no),/ she )his*ered%
He loo-ed relie(ed% /I -no) that 7othar told $ou a+out the ruins, and that
the$ )ould +e torn do)n a'ter I had a(enged &$ 'ather% I )ant to tell $ou
ho) he died and )hat he said to &e%/
/He told &e $ou )ere there during the &assacre, and that $ou )ere 8ust a
+o$% I )ould li-e $ou to tell &e )hat ha**ened, +ut onl$ i' $ou )ant to% Do
Connor nodded%
/He didn#t die eas$9/
The *ast *oured out o' hi& in halting, +ro-en sentences% He re&e&+ered
all o' it, re&e&+ered the 'ear he had 'elt and the ho*elessness% She
*ictured hi& as a $oung +o$, cra)ling o(er +urning e&+ers, clutching his
'ather#s hea($ s)ord to his heart, and she )as in a)e o' hi&, 'or he had
&ore courage and honor than a hundred no+le -nights% No )onder she
lo(ed hi& so &uch%
/!$ 'ather#s de&and to a(enge hi& +eca&e &$ o+session,/ he ended%
She nodded to let hi& -no) she understood% /I ha(e a >uestion to as-
/Would $ou de&and 'ro& $our son )hat $our 'ather de&anded o' $ou2/
He didn#t hesitate in ans)ering% /I' there )as a chance that the &urderers
)ould co&e +ac-, I )ould )arn &$ son to *rotect hi&sel', and I )ould tell
hi& to .nd out )ho the$ )ere so he )ould -no) his ene&$#s na&e% I
)ould not )ant to die )orr$ing that he and his 'a&il$ &ight one da$ +e
destro$ed, +ut I )ould not as- hi& or de&and that he a(enge &e, :renna%
No, I )ould ne(er as- that o' &$ son%/
He didn#t -no) that his ans)er had 8ust reclai&ed her 'uture%
He *ut his hands out in 'ront o' hi& so she could see the scars on his
.ngers and *al&s% /This is &$ inheritance% I can#t re&o(e these &ar-s
'ro& &e, and I can#t change )hat I a&%/
She too- hold o' his hands and -issed each *al&% /0our hands are
+eauti'ul% Whene(er $ou#re o(er+urdened or )orried, $ou ha(e onl$ to
loo- at $our hands to re&e&+er that $ou are a &an o' honor and courage,
'or that is )hat these scars re*resent%/
/" )i'e doesn#t run a)a$ 'ro& an honora+le &an% I 'ailed $ou%/
She shoo- her head% /0ou didn#t 'ail &e% I thought $ou could ne(er lea(e
the *ast, and I )as also a'raid that $ou )ould gi(e $our son such a +urden%
I didn#t gi(e u* ho*e until $ou )ent to Eu*he&ia% I thought $ou chose her
o(er &e, and it +eca&e too &uch 'or &e to acce*t% Wh$ did $ou send her
/:ecause she hurt $ou% Don#t $ou ha(e an$ idea ho) &uch $ou &ean to
&e2 When I )as told )hat ;aen did, I )ent into a rage% I )anted onl$ to rid
our ho&e o' the scu& +e'ore $ou and I returned% I couldn#t +ear the
thought o' +ringing such a *ure heart into such a 'oul *resence% That#s
)h$ I )anted to send her a)a$% I considered -illing her%/
/The !ac"listers don#t -ill )o&en%/
/No, )e don#t,/ he agreed% /I )as going to +anish her% I ne(er )anted her
to call hersel' a !ac"lister again or dare to )ear &$ colors% Eu*he&ia had
alread$ le't the holding, +ut onl$ 8ust +arel$% When I disco(ered her trail, I
'ollo)ed her so I could end it% Then I sa) her e&+race !acNare%/
/She )as the traitor,/ she gas*ed%
/What ha**ened then2/
/I#ll ex*lain e(er$thing later% 0ou told &e I onl$ had to o*en &$ heart% Do
$ou re&e&+er2/
/I re&e&+er%/
He *ut his hands on either side o' her )aist and *ulled her closer% /0ou
)ere as-ing &e to lo(e $ou, )eren#t $ou2 I should ha(e told $ou then%/
/Tell &e )hat2/
/That I lo(e $ou%/
She shoo- her head% /No, $ou onl$ )ant9/
/I lo(e $ou,/ he said again% Tears strea&ed do)n her 'ace% He gentl$ )i*ed
the& a)a$ 'or her and *ulled her tight against hi&% /I -no) $ou lo(e &e%
Wh$ didn#t $ou tell &e2 Were $ou a'raid2/
/I didn#t tell $ou ho) I 'elt +ecause I -ne) $ou didn#t lo(e &e% 0es, I )as
a'raid, +ut $ou )eren#t a'raid, )ere $ou2/
He leaned close to her% /0es, I )as% :renna, $ou scared the hell out o' &e%
I' I lo(ed $ou, I +eca&e (ulnera+le% What )ould ha**en to &e i' $ou died2
"nd then it )as too late% I couldn#t *rotect &$sel' 'ro& $ou, +ut once I
reali4ed I lo(ed $ou, I 'elt re+orn inside% 6ne o' us )ill surel$ die +e'ore the
other, +ut the &e&ories )ill sustain the one le't +ehind% 0ou -no) )hat2/
/What2/ she )his*ered%
/I#& ne(er going to let $ou go% I -no) $ou deser(e 'ar &ore than I can
e(er gi(e $ou% It doesn#t &atter, though% 0ou#re &ine%/
She *ushed against his chest% /0ou aren#t going to -iss &e $et% 0ou#re
going to ha(e to tell &e $ou#re sorr$ .rst%/
/:ecause I 'ailed to *rotect $ou%/ It )asn#t a >uestion +ut a state&ent o'
'act% He let go o' her, loo-ed into her e$es, and tried to .nd the )ords that
)ould redee& hi&%
/No, $ou didn#t 'ail &e% 0ou did +rea- &$ heart though% Ho) dare $ou tell
&e to gi(e $ou a son and then go +ac- to England% It )as a cruel thing to
sa$ to &e, and I still cannot understand )h$ $ou )ould hurt &e li-e that%/
/0ou )ere &ourning $our 'a&il$,/ he ex*lained% /"nd I )anted to gi(e $ou
so&ething to loo- 'or)ard to,/ he added% /"nd so I9/
/0ou )hat2/ she de&anded%
He had the audacit$ to grin )hile he ad&itted his sin to her% /I lied%/
Her e$es )idened in dis+elie'% /0ou lied to &e2/
/0ou can#t reall$ +elie(e I )ould let $ou go +ac- to England%/
/Don#t $ou dare laugh at &e% I did +elie(e $ou% 0ou shouldn#t ha(e lied%
That )as )rong%/ The s*ar-le in her e$es &ade a &oc-er$ o' her atte&*t
to &a-e hi& 'eel guilt$% /Ha(e $ou lied a+out an$thing else2/
He shrugged% /Pro+a+l$%/
/0ou &ust sto* it at once%/
/I lied )hen I had Ca&ie tell $ou I )as going to Eu*he&ia% "ctuall$, I guess
I didn#t lie% I did go to her, +ut onl$ +ecause she )as )ith !acNare%/
Her hand @e) to her throat, so stunned )as she +$ his casual re&ar-% /0ou
)ent to9/
/7ater, s)eetheart% "re $ou going to let &e -iss $ou no)2/
/No,/ she re*lied% /0ou#re going to let &e -iss $ou% Things are going to
change% 1ro& this &o&ent on, )hen $ou lea(e our ho&e, $ou )ill ha(e
the good sense to tell &e .rst% I' I e(er )a-e u* again and .nd out $ou#(e
le't, I#ll hunt $ou do)n, and God hel* $ou then%/
/"h, lass, $ou do lo(e &e, don#t $ou2/
/0ou#re going to )ear $our &edallion too% I &ean )hat I sa$%/
/I can#t )ear it around &$ nec-% It +eco&es a )ea*on then,/ he ex*lained%
/I' $ou se) it into &$ *laid, I#ll )ear it% Will that satis'$ $ou2/
His )i'e loo-ed radiant% /I )ant $ou to change the doors inside our ho&e%
It#s sa'e 'or $ou, +ut I ha(e to go out the +ac- )a$ +ecause I can#t o*en
/"ll right, I#ll change the&%/
/I )ant to ride the +lac-%/
She *ut her ar&s around his nec- and leaned close to hi&% /Will $ou thin-
a+out it2/
She )as laughing )hen he .nall$ hel*ed her re&e&+er she )as going to
-iss hi&% His &outh too- a+solute *ossession, and 'or long &inutes, he
sho)ed her ho) &uch he lo(ed her% She )as 'ar &ore aggressi(e than he
)as, and it )as onl$ )hen he 'orced her to sto* that she re&e&+ered
)here she )as%
She )e*t against the side o' his nec- )hile he )his*ered tender, lo(ing
)ords to her, and )hen at last he insisted the$ go ho&e, he had to )ait
until she .nished cr$ing +e'ore she ga(e hi& her agree&ent%
He dra*ed his ar& around her shoulders and led her +ac- to the &ain
/Will )e slee* outside tonight2/
/We )on#t slee*,/ he re*lied% /:ut i' $ou )ant to sta$ outside tonight, )e
/0es% 0ou loo- tired%/
/So do $ou% :renna, don#t e(er *ut &e through this tor&ent again% Pro&ise
&e $ou )on#t lea(e &e, no &atter )hat ha**ens%/
/I *ro&ise $ou% Co&e and &eet &$ sister% What in hea(en#s na&e is she
doing2 She#s entirel$ too close to the end o' the *ath% None o' the
!ac"listers )ould9/
/?uinlan )ould%/
/What are $ou sa$ing2/
/I' she ste*s o, the *ath, he#s got her% That#s )hat I#& sa$ing%/
/!a-e hi& sto* staring at her%/
/0our sister doesn#t see& to &ind% She#s staring +ac-% She -ee*s &o(ing
closer to hi& too%/
/1aith, co&e o(er here,/ :renna shouted%
Her sister ignored her% /Connor, &a-e ?uinlan and Cris*in co&e here%/
/I can as-, +ut neither one o' the& )ill co&e% "s 'ar as the$#re concerned,
their dut$ has alread$ +een deter&ined% The$#re *rotecting us,
s)eetheart% 0ou should +e *roud o' their restraint%/
/Wh$ should I +e *roud o' the&2/
/The$ )ant to -ill the English, o' course%/
Dear hea(ens, she#d 'orgotten a+out Gillian% /0ou &ust co&e and &eet &$
/I' he co&es to $ou, )ill $ou &eet hi& then2/
He shrugged +e'ore he ga(e her his conditions% /I' he#s ar&ed, I#ll ha(e to
ta-e hi& aside and discuss the insult )ith hi&%/
She -ne) )hat that &eant% /He )on#t +e ar&ed,/ she rushed out% /I#ll go
get hi&%/
The 'orce +ehind the denial told her she )asn#t going to get hi& to change
his &ind% 1ather Sinclair ca&e to her aid% " &o&ent later, Gillian 8oined
the& at the center o' the *ath% 7i-e Connor, he )as also unar&ed%
Her hus+and didn#t *articularl$ )ant her to e&+race her +rother, +ut he
didn#t &a-e an issue o' it%
While she than-ed Gillian 'or co&ing to get 1aith, 1ather Sinclair )ent to
'etch their sister% He got to her in the nic- o' ti&e, he reali4ed, )hen
?uinlan )in-ed at her% The *riest gra++ed her +e'ore she ste**ed o, the
/0ou &a$ sa$ good-+$e to the !ac"listers in a 'e) &inutes, 1aith% 0our
sister )ould a**reciate $our hel* in gaining Gillian#s coo*eration%/
/Is :renna#s hus+and coo*erating2/
/No, no, o' course not, +ut +oth :renna and I -no) he )ill ne(er coo*erate
)ith an English&an% He hasn#t -illed hi&, though, and )e &ust all
a**reciate the control he is sho)ing 'or his )i'e#s +ene.t%/
1aith shoo- her head +ut >uic-ened her ste* until she )as running%
/I#& sorr$ I too- so long, Gillian%/
Her +rother#s res*onse )as to *ush her +ehind hi&% She too- i&&ediate
exce*tion and *ushed hi& +ac-% Then she ran to her sister and sat do)n
on the )all next to her%
The t)o &en continued to 'ace each other as ad(ersaries%
:renna +eca&e i&*atient in no ti&e at all% /Gillian, aren#t $ou ha**$ to
see &e2/
He .nall$ sto**ed staring at Connor long enough to loo- at her% /0es, o'
course I a&% "re $ou co&ing ho&e )ith &e2/
/No% I#& going ho&e )ith &$ hus+and% We are &arried, Gillian, and I
assure $ou, I#& (er$ ha**$% Tell 1ather I 'orgi(e hi& 'or sending &e to
/He didn#t -no) )hat the +astard )as ca*a+le o', :renna% He also doesn#t
-no) $ou#re &arried%/
1aith ex*lained +e'ore :renna could as- an$ >uestions% /He thin-s $ou#re
li(ing in sin,/ she )his*ered so her sister#s hus+and )ouldn#t o(erhear%
1ather Sinclair ste**ed 'or)ard% /It )as a *ro*er cere&on$, Gillian, )ith
the church#s +lessing%/
/Did $ou &arr$ the&2/ Gillian as-ed%
/I did%/
His +lue e$es +ore into the *riest% It )as o+(ious he )as tr$ing to decide i'
he should +elie(e hi& or not%
/Gillian, *lease tell !other I#& sorr$ she and 1ather )eren#t a+le to attend
&$ )edding%/
Her +rother once again turned to her% /Were $ou &arried in a church2/
/We )ere &arried in one o' God#s &ost +eauti'ul cha*els% No ex*ense )as
s*ared% There )ere @o)ers e(er$)here, and in e(er$ color i&agina+le% I
entered the cha*el under a cano*$ o' green +ranches that )ere so 'resh
and ne), de) still clung to the& and s*ar-led li-e 8e)els against the
@ic-ering lights a+o(e% The scent o' heather surrounded us )hile )e
*ledged oursel(es to one another% :oth Connor and I )ere .nel$ adorned
in the &ost &agni.cent o' ro+es, and )hen the cere&on$ )as *ro*erl$
+lessed, )e attended our )edding 'east%/
Her e$es )ere &ist$ )ith her recollection, and the 8o$ her +rother sa) as
she ga(e the details onl$ a )o&an )ould re&e&+er con(inced hi& that
she had indeed +een *ro*erl$ )ed% It )as also a**arent that she )as
/The )edding )as &agical, )asn#t it, 1ather2/ The *riest )as o(erco&e +$
her recitation% He da++ed at the corners o' his e$es )ith the edge o' his
slee(e, nodded se(eral ti&es, and said, /"$e, lass, it )as &agical, and
&eant to +e% Do $ou reali4e, :aron, that i' it )eren#t 'or 7aird !ac"lister,
$our sister *ro+a+l$ )ouldn#t +e ali(e toda$%/
/0es, I reali4e it%/
It )as all he )as )illing to gi(e% :renna 'ound his ac-no)ledg&ent
satis'$ing% Connor couldn#t ha(e cared less% His )i'e#s &e&or$ o' their
)edding had o(er)hel&ed hi&, and all he )anted to do )as get her alone
and tell her ho) *roud he )as o' her%
/:renna, it#s ti&e to go ho&e%/
/0es, Connor%/
She stood u*, )ent to her +rother, and -issed hi& on his chee-% /I lo(e
$ou, Gillian%/
/I lo(e $ou too, :renna% !a-e hi& ta-e care o' $ou%/
/He does ta-e good care o' &e% He lo(es &e, Gillian, and I lo(e hi&%/
/I can see $ou do%/
The t)o &en stared at each other 'or a long silent &o&ent% :renna stood
+et)een the&, )aiting 'or the& to ac-no)ledge each other%
Gillian .nall$ conceded% He +o)ed his head to her hus+and% Connor
inclined his head then to hi&%
It )as as good as it )as going to get, :renna -ne), and e(en though the$
)ere +oth arrogant and stu++orn, she still lo(ed the&%
Connor *ut his ar& around his )i'e and turned to lea(e%
/Cust one &inute, 7aird,/ 1aith called out% She )ent around her +rother#s
+ac- so he couldn#t detain her and chased a'ter :renna and Connor%
/7aird, do $ou -no) ho) &an$ +rothers and sisters $our )i'e has2/
:renna nudged hi& so he )ould ans)er% /!$ )i'e is the se(enth o' eight in
the 'a&il$% 0ou#re the $oungest, aren#t $ou2/
/0es% Do $ou -no) their na&es2/
/1aith, it isn#t necessar$ to9/
/0es, it is necessar$% We#re i&*ortant to $ou, and there'ore )e should +e
i&*ortant to $our hus+and, shouldn#t )e2/
/Co&e here, 1aith%/
She didn#t e(en thin- a+out re'using hi&% She hurried 'or)ard and loo-ed
u* into his e$es% /0es2/
/0es, 7aird,/ :renna corrected%
/He#s &$ +rother no)% !ust I still call hi& 7aird2/
/0ou -no) *er'ectl$ )ell $ou &ust until he gi(es $ou *er&ission to dro*
the title, )hich I &ight add, he hasn#t done $et% We )ere raised in the
sa&e household%/
1aith laughed% /Her$ )ell% !$ >uestion )asn#t ans)ered $et, 7aird% Would
$ou li-e &e to tell $ou the na&es o' our +rothers and sisters2/
/That isn#t necessar$% There#s Gillian, Willia&, "rthur, !atilda, )ho& $ou
call !attie, Coan, ;achel, &$ )i'e, and $ou%/
/0ou -ne)9 all the )hile, $ou -ne) )ho the$ )ere2/ :renna as-ed%
/Then )h$ didn#t $ou let &e tal- a+out the&2/
/:ecause $ou )ere &ourning $our 'a&il$% Tal-ing a+out the& )ouldn#t
ha(e &ade $ou 'eel an$ +etter% I also )anted $our lo$alt$% I +elie(e I
alread$ ex*lained this to $ou%/
She leaned against hi&% /0ou &a$ ex*lain it again )hen )e get ho&e%
1aith, it#s ti&e to sa$ good-+$e% I#ll &iss $ou%/
Her sister hugged her% /I shall &iss $ou &ore% 7aird, I 'orgot to than- $ou%
Gillian told &e $ou sent &en to &$ ho&e to *rotect &e 'ro& !acNare%/
/0ou sent soldiers to &$ *arents2 The$ )ent into England2/
:renna )as staggered%
/0es, he did,/ 1aith assured her% /!other li-ed the soldiers% 1ather )asn#t
there, +ut he )as *leased )hen he heard the lengths $our hus+and had
gone to to *rotect &e% I )as )ondering9/
/0es2/ Connor as-ed% Neither his )i'e nor her sister reali4ed the$ )ere
)al-ing to)ard the end o' the sanctuar$% ?uinlan certainl$ noticed, i' his
grin )as a true indicator% 5no)ing his 'riend as )ell as he did, Connor )as
certain he had alread$ counted the nu&+er o' ste*s 1aith )ould ha(e to
ta-e to lea(e the sanctuar$ o' the church and +eco&e 'air ga&e%
/"re the others here2 I )anted to tell the &an in charge than- $ou too, +ut
I don#t -no) his na&e%/
/His na&e is ?uinlan% He )ill soon +e laird o(er his uncle#s clan, no) that
his dut$ to &e has ended, and $es, he is here, 1aith% He#s )atching $ou
e(en no)%/
She i&&ediatel$ loo-ed u* at ?uinlan and too- another ste* to)ard hi&%
/!$ +rother told &e )hat $ou did% !$ 'ather )ill )ant to than- $ou 'or
co&ing to his ho&e to *rotect &e% I than- $ou too, ?uinlan, )ith all &$
Her Gaelic )as &usic to his ears, and unli-e her sister#s, her co&&and o'
his language )as re&ar-a+le%
He didn#t s*ea- to her, +ut he +o)ed his head in ac-no)ledg&ent% 7ord
a+o(e, )hen she s&iled, she had di&*les%
/"**arentl$, &$ &other has ta-en >uite a 'anc$ to $ou% I hear that she
)onders i' $ou )ill e(er co&e +ac-%/
Connor heard )hat she said and loo-ed u* at his 'riend% /She &a-es it
al&ost too eas$ 'or $ou, doesn#t she2/
?uinlan laughed% /"$e, she does%/
Neither :renna nor 1aith understood )hat Connor had &eant +$ his
>uestion% What )ould +e eas$2
1aith )as 8ust a+out to lea(e )hen ?uinlan s*o-e to her% /Tell $our &other
I )ill +e co&ing +ac-% She has so&ething I )ant%/
She )anted to as- hi& to ex*lain, +ut 'elt it )ould +e i&*olite o' her to
>uestion hi& an$ 'urther% /Then *erha*s I )ill see $ou again% I don#t *lan
to &arr$ 'or at least t)o $ears, no &atter ho) &uch &$ 'ather disagrees%
I#& old enough, o' course, +ut I#(e reali4ed I#& ho*elessl$ s*oiled, and
since I don#t ha(e an$ intention o' changing, I )ill ha(e to .nd a +aron )ho
)ill *ro&ise to *a&*er &e, and that#s going to ta-e ti&e% I' I ha(e alread$
)ed +e'ore $ou arri(e, then *lease re&e&+er ho) than-'ul I a& to $ou%
Good-+$e, ?uinlan% I ho*e God )atches o(er $ou%/
She &ade a *er'ect curts$ to sho) her res*ect, -issed :renna and her
hus+and 'are)ell, &uch to Connor#s astonish&ent, then turned and )ent
running +ac- to her sco)ling +rother%
/I#& going to &iss 1aith &ost o' all,/ :renna ad&itted%
/0ou#ll *ro+a+l$ see her again,/ he said%
/I dou+t that,/ she re*lied% /I#& sorr$ ?uinlan )ill +e lea(ing us% Will
Cris*in +e gi(en co&&and each ti&e $ou#re called a)a$2/
/No, he#ll go to Hugh#s holding% The$ ha(e as-ed &e to assign so&eone to
+eco&e their leader% The$ need Cris*in, and he )ill +e *leased as )ell%/
He li'ted his )i'e onto the +lac-, s)ung u* +ehind her, and then leaned
do)n close to her ear and told her again ho) &uch he lo(ed her%
/We#re starting o(er again, aren#t )e2/
/I' it &a-es $ou ha**$ to thin- )e are, then I )on#t argue )ith $ou% It )ill
+e easier, ho)e(er, +ecause I )ill re&e&+er al)a$s to +e thought'ul%/
/0ou alread$ are thought'ul, and is it an$ )onder at all )h$ I lo(e $ou2 I
)as )ondering9/
/I )ould li-e to ride +are+ac- again, and i' $ou rode )ith &e, could I ride
one o' the other horses2/
/I' $ou agree to sta$ inside the 'ortress )hen $ou ride +are+ac-, I )ill
grant this re>uest% Do $ou see ho) I can +e acco&&odating, )i'e2/
/0es, I do,/ she agreed% /"nd since $ou#re in such a )onder'ul &ood9/
/"+out the cha*el9/
Contents - Pre(
Sunset )as a &agical ti&e% The children )ould +e outside, running
+are'oot u* and do)n the *aths and shrie-ing )ith laughter )hile their
&other -e*t a )atch'ul e$e on their $oungest, a .er$-headed +airn )ith a
)o++le in her gait and a de(ilish glea& in her +lue e$es, )ho 'ound great
s*ort in *luc-ing the @o)ers out o' the ground as soon as her &a&a
*lanted the&%
He )ould go u* to his +edroo& to re&o(e his s)ord +e'ore 8oining the& in
their ga&es, +ut he al)a$s lingered in 'ront o' the )indo) to loo- out
+e$ond the )alls%
The .rst s*rig o' heather +losso&ed al&ost as soon as the ruins )ere torn
do)n, and no) the .eld )as ali(e )ith rich, glorious hues, a .tting tri+ute,
his )i'e +elie(ed, to the &an )ho had gone +e'ore%
The scent o' hone$ &ingled )ith the sound o' laughter, and, oh, )hat a 8o$
it )as to +e ho&e%

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