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Theme : How to solve the Traffic Jam in Jakarta

Assalamualaikum warahamatullahi wabarakatuh...

The honorable to the council teachers mom soimah and mom tanti, and to my friends that I love.
Before I begin to give a speech, I would like to invite you to thank to Allah SWT, Who has given us
Mercy and Blessing, so we can meet together in this place for English practice exam. The theme that
I will discuss in the speech times is "How to solve the Traffic Jam in Jakarta"
Jakarta is the capital of the Republic of Indonesia where economic and industrial center are located.
Jakarta is a promising and interesting city for everyone to compete and find a future life so not be
surprised if Jakarta is a bustling and densely populated. The population of Jakarta was only about
900,000 in 1945 when Indonesia gained independence. Now the metropolis has around 10 million
So does the impact of population density? One consequence is the traffic jam. the traffic jam in
Jakarta is really badly. Experts said that if there's no improvements in infrastructure, there will be a
total gridlock in Jakarta by 2014.
There are many ideas and solutions to solve the traffic jam in Jakarta. However, I will only discuss
the four that I consider effective ways to solve the traffic jam in Jakarta.
1. Restore function sidewalk and regulate cadger.
One cause of the traffic jam is many of cadger who sell on the sidewalk and not a few who sell in the
road shoulder. Consequently, the traffic jam is occurs.
2. Arrangement of parking on the street.
The police in this case should act decisively and enforce the law to violators of parking on the road.
Especially for public transport often lay off his car in any place.
3. Development of a reliable public transport system.
The traffic jam in Jakarta make many people think twice about using public transport. Thus, many
people who move to use private vehicles especially motor vehicles. Therefor, there needs to be an
reliable public transport system to restore public confidence. Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) is the
solution. Jakarta's MRT proposal has been discussed by the government 20 years ago and was seen
to start construction at this year and expected to operate in 2016.
4. Motor vehicles restrictions.
This is important, because the the number of motor vehicles in Jakarta is increasing each year.
Limiting the manufacturers of motor vehicles is difficult. But, there is no harm is made the bill to
imposed a limit on having Motor vehicles per family.
That is the description of how to solve traffic jam in Jakarta. To realize these things, of course, there
needs to be cooperation between the government and the people.
This is the end of my speech. Hopefully what I have said useful for us all. Thank you for your

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