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The Effect of Altitude on Plant Diversity

Purpose: To determine if altitude affects the diversity of plant life using random quadrant sampling.
Hypothesis: If altitude affects the diversity of plant life, random quadrant sampling will determine that
the area on top of the first flight of stairs (lower altitude) after the bridge will have a higher diversity of
plant life, and therefore a higher value of diversity from the Simpsons Diversity Index than the area on
top of the third flight of stairs (higher altitude).

Independent variable: altitude of sampling areas

Dependent variable: number of species found in a sample

Controlled variables:

Variable Effect on results Method of control
Quadrant size Should be identical for every
A 30cm x 30cm cut-out in a
cardboard template for counting
Method of counting Reduce uncertainties, maintain
consistency in counting
Only plants with a clear
differentiation from surrounding
plants will be counted as a
species. After the species have
been determined, individuals of
each species will be counted. Try
to place template in areas with
the greatest amount of plant life
Possible trees/tree stumps May not fit completely in cut-out
of template and cause
uncertainty of inclusion into
Any part of tree/tree stump in
the cut-out of the template will
be counted as one species.

Paper and writing utensils for data recording
Cardboard, scissors/exacto-knife, and ruler to make template for determining size of quadrant being
Camera for further referencing of species and individuals in sampling area
Map of Port Moody Secondary School to locate sampling areas
Computer for data and information processing

Figure 1. Map of the site of Port Moody Secondary School (Red area signifies area of the trail behind the
Playing Field)

Figure 2. Formula for Simpsons Diversity Index is D =


1. Using cardboard and scissors/exacto-knife, accurately create a template and make a cut-out
with the dimensions of a 20cmx20cm square.
2. Proceed to trail behind the Playing Field of Port Moody Secondary School (refer to Figure 1).
Walk across the bridge and arrive at the base of the first flight of stairs. Remember this as Area
A. Area A will be the sampling area of lower altitude.
3. Continue up the stairs and the trail, and stop at the top of the third flight of stairs. This means
that three flights of stairs should have been climbed. Remember this as Area B. Area B will be
the sampling area of higher altitude.
4. Randomly place cardboard template onto ground. Try to fit as many plants in the cut-out as
possible. Before recording data, take picture of the contents of the cut-out with camera.
5. Inspect plants inside the 20cmx20cm cut-out of the cardboard template. Record each
differentiating plant as Species 1, Species 2, and so forth. After the species have been
determined, tally the number of individuals of the particular species. This data will be the raw
data for Area B Sample 1.
6. Repeat steps 4-6 for second sampling. Be sure to pick a spot relatively far away from Area B
Sample 1. Record data, this will be for Area B Sample 2.
7. Walk back down to Area A. Repeat steps 4-6, but record data this time for Area A Sample 1 and
Area A Sample 2 respectively.
8. Data collection is now complete. Students should now have 4 sets of data and pictures.
1. Area A Sample 1
2. Area A Sample 2
3. Area B Sample 1
4. Area B Sample 2
9. Record data and pictures on computer. With a spreadsheet program, compile tables for each set
of data. Determine the total number of individuals in each sample, as well as the number of
specimens of a species. Use photos taken to double-check on the accuracy of the recorded data.
10. Using the determined information from step 9, find the diversity index of each sample of data
using Simpsons Diversity Index (refer to Figure 2).
11. 4 values of diversity have been determined. Calculate the mean for the diversity index (D) of
Area A, and then calculate the mean for the diversity of Area B.
12. Determine which area has the higher mean value of diversity.

Data Collection:
Table 1: Plant Diversity at the Top of the 3
Flight of Stairs
Quadrant Species # Amount of Individuals
Simpsons Diversity
1 14
1.45 2 3
N = 17
1 3 2.00
2 6
N = 9
1 1 2.50
2 4
3 1
N = 6
1 7 2.17
2 7
N = 14
1 5 2.55
2 2
3 1
N = 8
1 5 1.91
2 2
N = 7
1 3 2.00
2 1
N = 4
mean = 2.08 0.38
Table 1. Data for Area at the Top of the 3
Flight of Stairs


Table 2: Plant Diversity at the Base of the Bridge
Quadrant Species # Amount of Individuals
Simpsons Diversity
1 7
1.71 2 1
N = 8
1 6
2.25 2 2
N = 8
1 2
2 2
3 6
N = 10
1 3
2.00 2 6
N = 9
1 7
1.71 2 1
N = 8
1 3
2.50 2 3
N = 6
1 8
1.29 2 1
N = 9
mean = 2.06 0.47
Table 2. Data for Area at the Base of the Bridge


Data Processing:
For Simpsons Diversity Index of Quadrant 1, Table 1
D =

D =

D =

D = 1.45

For mean of Simpson Diversity Index, Table 1
Mean =

Mean =
Mean =

For standard deviation of Simpson Diversity Index, Table 1
SD =

SD =

SD =

SD =
SD =

2.06 2.08
Base of Bridge Top of 3rd Flight of Stairs






Graph 1. Shows the difference of the two mean Simpsons Diversity Index values.

For t-test:

= 0.088

= 12

The t-test failed, as the t-value was not greater than accepted values in t-
distribution chart.


Steps of the procedure in this lab were altered. In an attempt to manipulate a larger difference in
altitude, Area As location was moved further down, to the base of the bridge. The cardboard templates
cut-out size was reduced to 20cm x 20cm. Photos were taken, but not included into the data collection
and processing, as they did not contain sufficient detail for inclusion.

The data rejects my hypothesis that an area of lower altitude would have a higher diversity of plant life
as compared to an area of higher altitude. Though the results were very similar, the mean Simpsons
Diversity Index values of the 7 quadrants sampled at a higher altitude was 2.08 0.38. This value is
greater than the value of 2.06 0.47 for the base of the bridge. The greater the value of Simpsons
Diversity Index, the more diverse the plant life is.

The t-test value of 0.088 was much less than the required value of 2.179 from the t-table. Therefore, I
cannot say with 95% confidence, that the means are significantly different. As also seen by Graph 1,
the difference in the two mean values of Simpson Diversity index was quite small.

The cardboard template may be the most significant source of weakness in the method used. Its sample
size of 20cm x 20cm was not large enough to collect more data to make results more accurate or
thorough. The method of random quadrant sampling was not effective in the small areas of space.
Scenarios of overlapping quadrants were present.

One source of error in this lab may be the choice of locations. For both the location of lower and higher
altitude, the area in which plant life existed was minimal, as the path dominated most of the space. A
simple and logical improvement would be to relocate the two locations being compared to more open
and spacious areas. More space creates more room for quadrants, making the method of random
quadrant sampling more effective and with less overlap.

Another source of error in this lab was the use of random quadrant sampling. The problem with using
this method was that the areas of sampling was not divided into a grid, in which then a random number
generator would be used to produce quadrant coordinates. This could be improved by clearly defining

an area of sampling beforehand. Both sampling locations would have the same dimensions. Then the
area can be divided into a grid. Using a random number generator, 7 sets of coordinates for each
location can be produced for sampling.

Another source of error would be the number of trails. Though 7 quadrants were measured for both
locations, a higher number of quadrants sampled might increase the accuracy of the results. For
example, the difference between the highest and lowest value of Simpsons Diversity Index for Table 1
was 1.10. More trials would result in more diversity index values, leading to a mean value of increased

Because the difference in the mean Simpson Diversity Index values was small and the t-test concluded
that the means were not significantly different, it would definitely be interesting to redo this lab.
However, the difference in altitude between the two locations should be manipulated to be made much
larger to get a better idea of whether altitude affects the diversity of plant life.

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