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Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template

Travel Plan
1 2009
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
Acknowledgement: This document is based on a template
produced by Bracknell Forest Borough Council
Travel Plan
Your Company Name
igned by:
! 2009
Guidance note:
This template is intended as an easy to use
guide to de"eloping a Tra"el #lan which can
be adapted to the needs o$ indi"idual
organisations% &t pro"ides an o"er"iew rather
than a detailed introduction to tra"el
planning% For more in$ormation and
additional resources and support' please see
www%keepingcardi$$mo"ing%co%uk or contact
Cardi$$ Council(s Tra"el #lan )$$icer on
tra"elplans*cardi$$%go"%uk or +!,!+ -./.!!%
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
1% &ntroduction
1.1 Travel Plans
1.2 Implementing a Travel Plan
1.3 Te aim of te Travel Plan
1.! Te "enefits of implementing a
Travel Plan
!% Conte0t
2.1 T#pe of organi$ation
2.2 %taff Travel %urve#
2.3 Travel to te site
2.! Current measures in place
/% Targets and 1easures
3.1 &al'ing
3.2 C#cling
3.3 Pu"lic Transport
3.! Car saring
3.( )ction Plan
2% &mplementation
!.1 Roles and responsi"ilities
!.2 *ar'eting and promotion
3% 1onitoring
(.1 +o, progress ,ill "e measured
(.2 )nnual Revie,
(.3 &or'ing ,it Cardiff Council
/ 2009
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
1% &ntroduction
1.1 Travel Plans
Give ere a "rief e-planation of ,at a Travel Plan is.
.or e-ample:
Tra"el #lans are the 4o"ernment(s recommended way
$orward to widen tra"el choice' to promote more
sustainable tra"el choices and to reduce single
occupancy car tra"el%
A Tra"el #lan is a dynamic process' e"ol"ing and
changing o"er time to re$lect our organi5ation' our
employees and our site% &t pro"ides an ideal
opportunity $or us to e"aluate and reconsider our
current tra"el habits and will co"er the $ollowing
o Commuter 6ourneys
o Business tra"el
o 7isitor tra"el
o Deli"eries and contractors tra"el
o Fleet "ehicles
o 8orking practices%
1.2 Implementing a Travel Plan
/-plain ere ,# #our organi$ation is introducing te
Plan. .or e-ample:
To demonstrate Company name(s commitment to Tra"el
#lanning and to promote the use o$ sustainable
To impro"e opportunities $or and encourage tra"el by
sustainable modes and to reduce unnecessary tra"el%
To raise awareness o$ the Tra"el #lan $or sta$$ and
1.3 Te "enefits of a Travel Plan
0riefl# state te "enefits to #our organisation of
aving a Travel Plan. .or e-ample:
o Cost sa"ings $or your organisation associated with
reduced transport related costs
o Cost sa"ings $or your employees by reducing their
car 6ourneys
o 9uality o$ li$e impro"ements $or sta$$ related to
reduced congestion and stress as well as
impro"ed health and moti"ation
2 2009
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
o &mpro"ed employment and retention resulting
$rom better access to your location and sta$$
o &mpro"ed community relations as a result o$
demonstrating your commitment to reducing
o Demonstrating your en"ironmental commitment
due to impro"ed local air :uality and reduction o$
global pollutants' as well as reducing your Carbon
1.! Te aim of te Travel Plan
%et out ere #our overall aim for te Travel Plan. .or
The o"erall aim o$ the Compan# name Tra"el #lan is to
seek to ensure that where possible our sta$$ and "isitors
use more en"ironmentally $riendly alternati"es to
dri"ing a "ehicle as a single occupant%
3 2009
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
!% Conte0t
2.1 T#pe of organisation
Give "rief details a"out #our organisation to elp
e-plain o, te Travel Plan fits into #our corporate
culture. .or e-ample:
Compan# name is committed to making en"ironmental
impro"ements and to lessening the impact we ha"e on
the en"ironment% )ur Tra"el #lan $its in with our
aspiration to promote sustainability and ease o$ access
and healthy li$estyles $or our sta$$%
2.2 /mplo#ee Information
0riefl# outline:
1% the number o$ employees on your site
!% their working hours
/% where they tra"el $rom
2% how they tra"el
3% the ta$$ Tra"el ur"ey' including:
a1 &# a surve# ,as conducted. .or e-ample:
o to establish a baseline in order to set targets and
monitor progress
o to :uanti$y how your sta$$ currently tra"el to
o to understand the barriers pre"enting your sta$$
$rom tra"elling by more sustainable means%
"1 Te format of te surve# and response rate.
.or e-ample:
o the type o$ sur"ey used ; e%g% intranet or paper
o i$ it was "oluntary or compulsory
o i$ it was a sample sur"ey or the whole work$orce
o the response rate upon which the results are
< 2009
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
c1 Te results of te surve#. .or e-ample:
o the results o$ your sur"ey' in tables' graphs or
o any conclusions $rom the data
o highlight any signi$icant responses%
. 2009
Guidance note:
Cardi$$ Council can pro"ide bespoke online or
paper tra"el sur"eys to organisations% 1ore
in$ormation' as well as sample tra"el sur"eys'
are a"ailable $rom
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
2.3 Travel to te site
2utline ,ere #ou are located and te transport lin's
serving #our site and oter related information. .or
Information and Promotion
&n$ormation about alternati"e tra"el choices is pro"ided
to sta$$ "ia sta$$ recruitment and induction in$ormation'
a tra"el notice board etc%
Pedestrian )ccess
Compan# name is a 3 minute walk $rom Cardi$$ city
centre% #edestrians are well pro"ided $or in this area
with high :uality pa"ements' crossings and other
in$rastructure =see location map on page >?%
Cardi$$ has a growing cycle network and the Ta$$ Trail
pro"ides largely o$$@road access to the centre $rom
se"eral areas o$ Cardi$$ =e%g% 4rangetown' #ontcanna
and Alanda$$ North?% Cycle storage is pro"ided close to
Compan# name and e%g% lockersBshowersBchanging
$acilities are a"ailable $or employees using acti"e modes
o$ tra"el%
0us lin's
Compan# name is a ! minute walk away $rom a bus
shelter which is ser"iced by >' > and > bus routes% Ceal
time in$ormation is a"ailable at the stop%
Rail lin's
Compan# name is a short walk $rom Cardi$$ Central and
Cardi$$ 9ueen treet which are ser"ed by local and
mainline train ser"ices' including the 7alley' 7ale and
City ser"ices%
3ourne# %aring4Car %aring
ta$$ are encouraged to register on > car sharing scheme
=e%g% sewtacarshare' carshare!cardi$$?%
*otorc#cles and oter Po,ered T,o &eelers
There are currently > dedicated motor cycleBpowered
two wheeler spaces which can be $ound in >%
Car parking is a"ailable throughout the city centre% >
sta$$ ha"e allocated on site car parking spaces%
- 2009
Guidance note:
A guide to carrying out a site audit $or a
tra"el plan is a"ailable $rom
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
2.! Current measures in place
2utline ere an# measures ,ic #ou alread# ave in
place 6 for e-ample7 providing information to ne,
staff7 salar# sacrifice scemes for "ic#cles or season
tic'ets etc.
, 2009
Guidance note:
The $ollowing resources may be use$ul when
completing this section:
A comprehensi"e in$ormation resources guide
is a"ailable $rom
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
/% Targets and 1easures
Te results of #our staff travel surve# sould "e used
to determine ,ic are te most appropriate
measures to introduce and ,at are realistic targets.
To allo, for monitoring7 targets sould "e
8uantifia"le7 realistic and ave a timescale attaced.
Te follo,ing are given as e-amples onl#.
3.1 &al'ing
#ossible measures could include:
o #romotion o$ walking routes to your site
o Caise awareness o$ the health bene$its o$ walking
o #ro"ide complimentary umbrellas and wet
weather gear
#ossible targets could include:
o &ncrease the number o$ sta$$ walking to work by
3D o"er the ne0t / years
o For sta$$ li"ing within ! miles o$ work' increase
the percentage o$ sta$$ who walk by 13D in the
ne0t 1! months%
3.2 C#cling
#ossible measures could include:
o #romotion o$ cycle routes to your site
o A cycle to work scheme o$$ering discounted bike
o &mpro"ements to cycle storage $acilities
o etting up o$ a bicycle users group =B%E%4?
o Caise awareness o$ the health bene$its o$ cycling
#ossible targets could include:
o &ncrease the number o$ sta$$ cycling to work by
3D o"er the ne0t / years
o For sta$$ li"ing within 3 miles o$ work' increase
the percentage o$ sta$$ who cycle by 1+D in the
ne0t 1! months%
3.3 Pu"lic Transport 9se
#ossible measures could include:
o #ro"ision o$ bus and rail timetables
o Ainks on sta$$ intranet site to tra"el news sites
o eason ticket loans
o Discounted $ares negotiated with local pro"iders
#ossible targets could include:
o &ncrease the number o$ sta$$ using public
transport to tra"el to work by 3D o"er the ne0t /
o &ncrease the percentage o$ business 6ourneys
made by public transport by 3D o"er the ne0t !
1+ 2009
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
3.! Car %aring and Reduction of Car 9se
#ossible measures could include:
o The pro"ision o$ a car sharing database
#ossible targets could include:
o To achie"e a 3D increase in the number o$ sta$$
car sharing o"er the ne0t / years
o To reduce the number o$ single occupancy car
6ourneys made by sta$$ by 13D o"er the ne0t /
11 2009
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
3.( )ction Plan
&en #ou ave esta"lised ,at measures #ou are
going to implement7 #ou need to set out a timeta"le
of action. .or e-ample:
)rea )ction Person
responsi"le for
Timescale45ate Current
Acti"e tra"el #romotion o$
walking and
Team leader hort term )ngoing ;
pro"ided to
all new sta$$
#romotion o$
e%g% routes'
tore manager hort term )ngoing ;
pro"ided to
all new sta$$
1! 2009
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
2% &mplementation
!.1 Roles and responsi"ilities
2utline ere te commitment of te %enior
*anagement Team :or e8uivalent1 to te Travel Plan:
management support is 'e# in ensuring te success of
a Travel Plan.
Identif# te person or post responsi"le for overseeing
te implementation of te Travel Plan and its
!.2 +o, te plan ,ill "e mar'eted to staff
5escri"e o, and ,en te Travel Plan ,ill "e
implemented and o, its profile ,ill "e maintained.
.or e-ample7 launcing on a particular da# to
coincide ,it a national green travel initiative7 or
launcing on te same da# as te announcement of
te implementation of a measure contained in te
For e0ample:
o Communicating with employees through a
newsletterBwage slips
o #ro"iding in$ormation on employee intranet pages
o Displaying tra"el in$ormation postersBnotice
;e, scemes ma# re8uire te use of incentives to
encourage staff to tr# tem7 alongside more
restrictive policies%
F0ample incenti"esG
o 4reen commuter pri5e draw =$or sta$$ who do not
tra"el by single occupancy car?
o 4uaranteed ride home $or car sharers or
cyclistsBwalkers in case o$ emergency%
F0amples o$ restrictionsG
o Ceduction in mileage allowances
o &nsistence on public transport use $or business
6ourneys e0ceeding 2+ miles%
1/ 2009
Cardiff Council Travel Planning Resources Travel Plan Template
3% 1onitoring
(.1 +o, progress ,ill "e measured
/-plain te process and fre8uenc# for measuring
progress against targets trougout te #ear.
(.2 )nnual revie,
5etail ere te commitment to carr#ing an annual
revie, of te Travel Plan7 including:
o a snapshot sur"ey asking $or mode o$ tra"el
o a comparison o$ sur"ey results against targets
o re"ision to targets where necessary
o setting out new measures where re:uired%
(.3 &or'ing ,it Cardiff Council
5etail ere te commitment to sare results of #our
annual revie, ,it Cardiff Council and ,or' ,it te
Council to resolve an# issues ,ic ma# arise from
te Travel Plan. %upport is availa"le from Cardiff
Council<s Travel Plan 2fficer:' or 029 20>? 3?22.
12 2009

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