1india Yamaha

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Indi a Yamaha Motor Pvt. Ltd.
SESSION: 2008-2011
Advanced Educational Institutions
Palwal, Haryana
(Affiliated to Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak)
As a part of course curriculum of Bachelor of Technology we were
6 asked to undergo weeks summer training in any organisation so
as to give us exposure to practical skill and competence to get us
. familiar with various activities taking place in the organisation
I have put my sincere efforts to accomplish my objectives within
. the stipulated time I have worked to my optimum potential to
. achieve desired goals Being neophytes in the highly competitive
, world of technology I came across some difficulties to make my
. objective a reality With the kind help and genuine interest and the
. guidance of my supervisor I tried my level best to conduct a
. research to gain a thorough knowledge about the project I put the
. best of my efforts to bring out this piece of work If anywhere
; something is found unacceptable or unnecessary to the theme
. valuable suggestions are thankfully acknowledged
Thanks and regards
Yours sincerely
I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who provided
me with support and guidance throughout the course of my
. summer internship program
Firstly I wish to thank . Mr M!"# ( - ), ead !lant !roduction . Mr
S$%!&! C!'()!r* ( - .) ead "achining dept for giving me an
opportunity to undergo summer training at YA"AA "#T#$ I%&IA
. .,19/6 , . !vt 'td "athura $oad Faridabad I am also deeply indebted
to . Mr Pr+,#)-r G$./ . of ead (ylinder dept without the
supervision and continued guidance of whom it wouldn t have been
. possible to complete this project
I would also like to thank . . . Mr C 0 S!r1 for providing me this
. wonderful opportunity to work with the YA"AA family

C!./-r 1 2 I#/r')$3/,'#
1.1. Overview of Industry as a whole
1.2. History of the Organisation
1.3. Company Profile
C!./-r 2 - M#$43/$r,#5
2.1. Casting & its types
2.2. Furnae & its Components
2.3. Casting defets
C!./-r 6 2 G-r H'%%,#5
3.1. Overview of Instruments & !ear "ata
3.2. Constrution of #ahines under !ear Ho$$ing
3.3. Proess % &ush Pressing
C!./-r 7 2 C1 S!4/
C!./-r 8 2 H-/ Tr-/1-#/
'.1. &asis of Heat (reating
'.2. !eneral )ppliation "efinitions
C!./-r 9 2 E:-3/r'.:/,#5
*.1. Copper +letroplating
*.2. Cyanide &aths
*.3. F),- +letroplating-How does it wor./
#ver a period of more than two decades the Indian Automobile
. industry has been driving its own growth through phases The entry
of )u*uki (orporation in Indian passenger car manufacturing is
often pointed as the first sign of India turning to a market
. economy )ince then the automobile sector witnessed rapid growth
. -90' year after year By late s the industry reached self reliance in
engine and component manufacturing from the status of large
. scale importer
With comparatively higher rate of economic growth rate index
, against that of great global powers India has become a hub of
. domestic and exports business The automobile sector has been
contributing its share to the shining economic performance of India
. in the recent years
, With the Indian middle class earning higher per capita income more
- people are ready to own private vehicles including cars and two
. wheelers !roduct movements and manned services have boosted in
the sales of medium and si*ed commercial vehicles for passenger and
. , goods transport )ide by side with fresh vehicle sales growth the
. automotive components sector has witnessed big growth The domestic
9000 auto components consumption has crossed rupees crores and an
export of one half si*e of this figure
O+-r+,-( O4 A$/'1'%,:- I#)$&/r*
The Indian automobile industry is going through a technological
change where each firm is engaged in changing its processes and
technologies to sustain the competitive advantage and provide
. customers with the optimi*ed products and services )tarting from
, , , the two wheelers trucks and tractors to the multi utility vehicles
, commercial vehicles and the luxury vehicles the Indian automobile
industry has achieved tremendous amount of success in the recent
. years
( ) As per )ociety of Indian Automobile "anufacturers )IA" the
market share of each segment of the industry is as follows:
T!- 1r;-/ &!r-& '4 /!- &-51-#/& '4 /!- $/'1'%,:-
15.4 % - The automobile industry had a growth of during April +anuary
2007, 10-15% with the average annual growth of over the last
. $35-40 , decade or so With the incremental investment of billion the
10 . growth is expected to double in the next years
(onsistent growth and dedication have made the Indian automobile
- - industry the second largest tractor and two wheeler manufacturer
. - in the world It is also the fifth largest commercial vehicle
. manufacturer in the world The Indian automobile market is among
. the largest in Asia
, , The key players like industan "otors "aruti ,dyog Fiat India
, , , , , !rivate 'td Tata "otors Bajaj "otors ero "otors Ashok 'eyland
& . "ahindra "ahindra have been dominating the vehicle industry A
., few of the foreign players like Toyota -irloskar "otor 'td )koda
., . India !rivate 'td onda )iel (ars India 'td have also entered the
market and have catered to the customers needs to a large
. extent
%ot only the Indian companies but also the international car
manufacturing companies are focusing on compact cars to be
. , delivered in the Indian market at a much smaller price "oreover
the automobile companies are coming up with financial schemes
. such as easy ."I repayment systems to boost sales
- , There have been exhibitions like Auto expo at !ragati "aidan %ew
. , &elhi to share the technological advancements Besides there are
many new projects coming up in the automobile industry leading to
. the growth of the sector
The /overnment of India has liberali*ed the foreign exchange and
, e0uity regulations and has also reduced the tariff on imports
. contributing significantly to the growth of the sector aving firmly
, established its presence in the domestic markets the Indian
. automobile sector is now penetrating the international arena
. 1ehicle exports from India are at their highest levels The leaders
, , of the Indian automobile sector such as Tata "otors "aruti and
, "ahindra and "ahindra are leading the exports to .urope "iddle
. .ast and African and Asian markets
The "inistry of eavy Industries has released the Automotive !lan
2006-2016, with the motive of making India the most popular
. manufacturing hub for automobiles and its components in Asia The
plan focuses on the removal of all the bottlenecks that are
. inhibiting its growth in the domestic as well as international arena
T'. T-# P:*-r& ,# I#),# A$/'1'%,:- S-3/'r
The domestic players as well as the foreign players dominate the Indian automoile
sector! The key players contriuting to the growth of the sector are discussed elow!
T'. T-# P:*-r& ,# I#),# A$/'1'%,:- S-3/'r
Maruti "u#uki India
$ero Motors %imited
Tata &roup
'a(a( Auto %imited
Mahindra &roup
Ashok %eyland
)amaha Motor India
$yundai Motors India %imited
Toyota *irloskar Motor +rivate %imited
$onda Motor India +rivate %td!
1. 2. H,&/'r* '4 /!- Or5#,</,'#
' 1887 Yamaha s history goes back over a hundred years to when
, Torakusu Yamaha founded the company which began producing
. ( reed organs The Yamaha (orporation in +apan then %ippon /akki
., .) ' (o 'td has grown to become the world s largest manufacturer of
, a full line of musical instruments and a leading producer of
/ , audio visual products semiconductors and other computer related
, , , products sporting goods home appliances and furniture specialty
, , . metals machine tools and industrial robots
, ., 1, 1955, The Yamaha "otor (orporation 'td begun on +uly is a
, major part of the entire Yamaha group but is a separately
. managed business entity from the Yamaha (orporation The
Yamaha "otor (orporation is the second largest manufacturer of
. motorcycles in the world Yamaha "otor (orporation owns its
- . . wholly owned subsidiary in the ,) called Yamaha "otor
, , , (orporation ,)A that is handling not only motorcycles but also
, , , , snow mobiles golf carts outboard engines and water vehicles
. under the brand name of Yamaha as well
1954 , 125 In production of the first motorcycles began a simple cc
- - . single cylinder two stroke It was a copy of the /erman &-W
, design which the British B)A (ompany had also copied in the
- . post war era and manufactured as the Bantam
, , The first Yamaha the YAI known to +apanese enthusiasts as
, " ", - Akatombo the $ed &ragonfly established a reputation as a well
. built and reliable machine $acing successes helped boost its
, 175 popularity and a second machine the cc Y(I was soon in
. production
- - The first Yamaha designed motorcycle was the twin cylinder Y&I
1957. , 20 , produced in The racing version producing bhp won the
. 15,811 "ount Asama race that year !roduction was still modest at
, . motorcycles far less than onda or )u*uki
1959 The company grew rapidly over the next three years and in
introduced the first sports model to be offered by a +apanese
, - - . factory the twin cylinder Y&)I with five speed gearbox #wners
who wanted to compete in road racing or motocross could buy kits
. to convert the machine for both road and motocross racing
1960 600% 138,000 . By production had increased to motorcycles In
, +apan a period of recession followed during which Yamaha and the
, other major +apanese manufacturers increased their exports so that
. they would not be so dependent on the home market
, To help boost export sales Yamaha sent a team to the
1961, 1963 .uropean /rand !rix in but it was not until the season
. that results were achieved
After the -orean War the American economy was booming and
. 1962 12,000 +apanese exports were increasing In Yamaha exported
. 36,000 1964 motorcycles The next year it was and in production
87,000. rose to
1963 250 In Yamaha had produced a small batch of (( road
, - , - . racing motorcycles for sale the air cooled twin cylinder T&I .ver
since then Yamaha has built and sold motorcycles that could be
" ", raced successfully straight out of the crate and as a
conse0uence Yamaha machines have won more road races than
, . any other make exposing Yamaha to a good deal of publicity
1965 244,000 , 50/50 By production was units split about between
. home and export sales #ne of the biggest drawbacks to the sales
- . of two strokes was that the rider had to mix oil with their gas
Yamaha technicians accomplished a major technical feat by the
. development and introduction of a new Autolube system
Basically an oil tank that fed lubricant to a pump that metered
, . oil to the big ends main bearings and cylinder barrels It proved
. very reliable and did away with mixing oil and gas at every fill up
1966 The first overseas factory was opened in )iam in to supply
. 1967 )outheast Asia In Yamaha production surpassed that of )u*uki
4,000 406,000 . by at units Yamaha established a lead with the
" 250 - introduction of the first true trail bike the cc single cylinder
". - , - , &TI The company also developed a two liter six cylinder double
- . overhead camshaft sports car unit for Toyota "otor This proved
- - helpful when Yamaha produced their own high performance four
. 1969 stroke motorcycles In Yamaha built a full si*e road racing
. circuit near their main factory at Iwata
1970 20 By the number of models had expanded to ranging from
50 350 , 574,000 , 60% cc to cc with production up to machines of which
. - were for export That year Yamaha broke their two stroke tradition
- , 650 by launching their first four stroke motorcycle the cc 2)I
. vertical twin modeled on the famous Triumph twins
1973 (1,000,000) In production topped one million motorcycles per
, 642,000 year for the first time leaving )u*uki way behind at and
' 1,836,000. 1970' catching up on onda s &uring the s Yamaha
- technicians concentrated on development of four stroke models
- that were designed to pass the ever increasing exhaust emission
- laws and to be more economical than the two strokes that had
' . made Yamaha s fortune
#ver the years Yamaha produced some less successful
: motorcycles
750 1972. The T2 twin of
500 - , - , The T2 double overhead camshaft four valve per cylinder
1973. twin of
750 - , - , The 2) shaft drive double overhead camshaft three
1976. cylinder of
, - 1977, And the 2) .leven four cylinder of was at the time the
. biggest bike produced by a +apanese manufacturer
- , . #ther four strokes were more successful notably
500 - 1976. The 2T single cylinder trail bike of
350 - , . And the 2) single overhead camshaft twin
70' In the s the $& twin cylinder sports models were a big success
250 350 - as well as the $& '( and $& '( water cooled versions that
replaced them in the eighties which were based on the famous T3
. race bikes
1980 2,214,000, 1,383,000. !roduction in was with export sales of In
1980' the s the company introduced the compact 2+ four cylinder
, 550 1100 . models ranging from cc to cc %ot wanting to miss anything
750 1000 - - the company also introduced the cc and cc air cooled 1
550 - , - twin models followed by the 23 water cooled mid weight sports
. bike
: Y1! 1'/'r +-!,3:-&
T(' (!--:-r&
Yamaha 1max
Yamaha Tmax
U/,:,/* +-!,3:-&
- 16- Yamaha / ,ltima
700 Yamaha $hino FI 4 4 Auto x
450 Yamaha YF3 $ AT1
Yamaha )nowmobile

Yamaha Waverunner
. A%'$/ I#), Y1! M'/'r P+/ L/).
1985. , Yamaha made i ts i ni ti al foray i nto Indi a i n )ubse0uentl y
50: 50 - i t entered i nto a j oi nt venture wi th the .scorts /roup i n
1996. , 2001, owever in August Yamaha ac0uired its remaining
100% . , , stake becomi ng a subsi di ary of Yamaha "otor (o 'td
( ). 2008, & . , . +apan Y"( In "i tsui (o 'td entered i nto an
agreement wi th Y"( to become a j oi nt i nvestor i n the
" motorcycl e manufacturi ng company Indi a Yamaha "otor
( )". !ri vate 'i mi ted IY"
- - - - IY" operates from i ts state of the art manufacturi ng uni ts at
)uraj pur i n ,ttar !radesh and Fari dabad i n aryana and
. produces motorcycl es both for domesti c and export markets
2, 000 , Wi th a strong workforce of more than empl oyees IY" i s
- hi ghl y customer dri ven and has a countrywi de network of over
400 . , dealers !resently its product portfolio includes 1"A2
(1, 679 ), 01 (1, 670 ), - 1 (998 ), (153 ), - cc "T cc Y3F $ cc Fa*er cc F3 )
(153 ), 16 (153 ), - 15 (150 ), & cc F3 cc Y3F $ cc /ladiator Type )) $)
(125 ), (125 ), 5 (106 ), (106 ) cc /ladiator /raffiti cc / cc Alba cc and
(106 ). (rux cc
. . : B,;-& .r')$3-) ,# I#), Y1! M'/'r P+/ L/)
Yamaha 1max
01 Yamaha "T
1 Yamaha Y3F $
15 Yamaha $
Yamaha Fa*er
Yamaha F3 )
16 Yamaha F3
100 Yamaha YB$
Yamaha Alba
Yamaha /ladiator
5 Yamaha /
Yamaha (rux
,e will estalish )AMA$A as the -e.clusive / trusted rand- of customers y
-creating *ando- 0touching their hearts1 2 the first time and every time with world class
products / services delivered y people having -passion for customers-!
: W- r- 3'11,//-) /'
& Be the .xclusive Trusted Brand renowned for marketing and
, manufacturing of YA"AA products focusing on serving our
customer where we can build long term relationships by raising
, & their lifestyle through performance excellence proactive design
. innovative technology #ur innovative solutions will always exceed
the changing needs of our customers and provide value added
. vehicles
, Build the Winning Team with capabilities for success thriving in a
. climate for action and delivering results #ur employees are the
most valuable assets and we intend to develop them to achieve
international level of professionalism with progressive career
. , development As a good corporate citi*en we will conduct our
business ethically and socially in a responsible manner with
. concerns for the environment
/row through continuously innovating our business processes for
creating value and knowledge across our customers thereby earning
& the loyalty of our partners increasing our stakeholder value.
#1 C$&/'1-r
. We put customers first in everything we do We take decisions
. keeping the customer in mind
C!::-#5,#5 S.,r,/
We strive for excellence in everything we do and in the 0uality of
& . goods services we provide We work hard to achieve what we
& commit achieve results faster than our competitors and we never
. give up
- T-1 ('r;
- We work cohesively with our colleagues as a multi cultural team
, , & - . built on trust respect understanding mutual co operation
' . .veryone s contribution is e0ually important for our success
& Fr#; F,r Or5#,</,'#
, , , & We are honest sincere open minded fair transparent in our
. & dealings We actively listen to others and participate in healthy
' . frank discussions to achieve the organi*ation s goals
Yamaha "otor is a company that has worked ever since its
- founding to build products defined by the concepts of high 0uality
- and high performance and light weight and compactness as we
have continued to develop new technologies in the areas of small
engine technology and F$! processing technology as well as control
. and component technologies
It can also be said that our corporate history has taken a path
where people are the fundamental element and our product
creation and other corporate activities have always been aimed at
. touching people s hearts #ur goal has always been to provide
products that empower each and every customer and make their
, lives more fulfilling by offering greater speed greater mobility and
. greater potential
, , )aid in another way our aim is to bring people greater joy
* . happiness and create -ando in their lives
As a company that makes the world its field and offers products
, , , for the land the water the snowfields and the sky Yamaha "otor
strives to be a company that offers new excitement and a more
fulfilling life for people all over the world and to use our ingenuity
and passion to reali*e peoples dreams and always be the ones
. they look to for the next -ando
What is -ando5
-ando is a +apanese word for the simultaneous feeling of deep
satisfaction and intense excitement that people experience when they
encounter something of exceptional value.
B&,3 C'r.'r/- G'+-r##3- P':,3,-&
., . ( ) Yamaha "otor (o 'td the (ompany recogni*es that corporate
governance is an important tool to ensure disciplined management
- . , and maximi*e long term corporate value Based on this reali*ation
- the (ompany has been striving to speed up management decision
; ; making make the accountability system clearer develop a
; transparent system of director selection and remuneration and
. establish an internal control system Because the (ompany
considers corporate governance one of its most important
, management issues measures to further strengthen corporate
governance such as improving supervisory functions are being
. , planned At the same time the (ompany will enhance Investor
, $elations services in order to build on the relationship of trust with
. its shareholders and investors
- Or5#,</,'#& #) S*&/-1& 4'r M#5-1-#/ D-3,&,'#
, M;,#5 B$&,#-&& E=-3$/,'# #) S$.-r+,&,'#
1) D,r-3/'r& #) /!- B'r) '4 D,r-3/'r&
The (ompany has introduced an .xecutive #fficer system to
. expedite business execution It then strengthened management
supervision by clarifying the respective roles of .xecutive #fficers
. and the Board of &irectors .xecutive #fficers are responsible for
, business execution itself while the Board of &irectors is charged
with approving the basic policies of the Yamaha "otor /roup and
. supervising the /roup s business execution
The (ompany s Articles of Incorporation stipulate that the number
(15). 25, of &irectors shall not be more than fifteen As of "arch
2009, (11) , (4) there were eleven &irectors four of whom are #utside
. &irectors The Board of &irectors will in principle meet once every
, . month and whenever else it may be necessary
The Articles also stipulate that the resolution for the election of
&irectors shall be adopted by a majority of the voting rights held
by the shareholders present at the /eneral "eeting of
. )hareholders These voting shareholders must hold shares
, , - (1/3) representing in the aggregate not less than one third of the
. voting rights of all shareholders entitled to exercise the rights
25, 2009, - (24) , As of "arch there were twenty four .xecutive #fficers
(6) . and six &irectors concurrently serving as .xecutive #fficers A
"anagement (ommittee comprised of .xecutive #fficers with
specific posts has been formed to deliberate matters of business
, - . execution speeding up the (ompany s decision making process
- , &irectors and .xecutive #fficers will serve one year term a period
. limited to assure accountability
2) E=-3$/,+- P-r&'##-: C'11,//--
2001, In August the (ompany established the .xecutive !ersonnel
, (ommittee as an advisory body of the Board of &irectors in order
to improve transparency in nominating candidates for &irector and
, .xecutive #fficer and to determine the remuneration for these
. officers The (ommittee is comprised of !resident and (hief
, , .xecutive #fficer some other &irectors of the (ompany and some
. #utside &irectors It deliberates on candidates for &irector and
, .xecutive #fficer the remuneration and bonus system and the
overall direction of governance!
3) C'r.'r/- A$),/'r& #) /!- B'r) '4 C'r.'r/- A$),/'r&
25, 2009, As of "arch the number of (orporate Auditors stood at
(5), (3) . five of whom three are #utside (orporate Auditors (orporate
, Auditors attend Board of &irectors "anagement (ommittee and
, , other important meetings in addition to executing audits receiving
, reports on the &irectors business conduct perusing important
- , documents in the decision making process and conducting audits
. at the (ompany s subsidiaries In terms of their relationship with
, accounting auditors they review accounting audit reports to confirm
, appropriateness pursuant to laws and ordinances and coordinate
exchanges of information and opinions with the accounting auditors
. whenever necessary (orporate Auditors also work with the Internal
, Auditing &ivision receiving reports on internal audit planning and
, the results of the internal audits in order to enhance the
effectiveness . and efficiency of their auditing
In order to support these audit services performed by (orporate
, Auditors the (ompany has established the (orporate Auditor s
, . #ffice with staff exclusively dedicated to assisting auditors
4) I#/-r#: A$),/,#5
The (ompany established an Internal (ontrol Auditing &ivision
( - (24) 25, 2009), consisting of twenty four staff members as of "arch
under the direct control of the !resident and (hief .xecutive
. , , #fficer The &ivision audit based on annual audit plans the
, , appropriateness reasonableness and efficiency of business
, execution at the (ompany and each /roup company and submits
. evaluations and makes proposals
5) Y1! M'/'r & C'r.'r/- G'+-r##3- S*&/-1 #) I#/-r#:
( 25, 2010) C'#/r': S*&/-1 A& '4 Mr3!
, Through business activities founded on sound and music the
Yamaha /roup strives to achieve its corporate objective of
* . 1887, (reating -ando Together )ince their establishment in they
, have endeavored to provide 0uality products and services earning
. the trust of customers while securing steadily rising profits
(ontinuing to fulfill their role as a member of society in this way
has enabled them to earn and maintain the support of many
. , stakeholders Accordingly Yamaha s basic management policy places
( ) a strong emphasis on (orporate )ocial $esponsibility ()$
, activities expressing this commitment through a variety of activities
, , and themes including product 0uality customer satisfaction
, procurement environmental protection and public relations
. activities
, owever society today is experiencing rapid changes which are
, exacerbating various social problems while expectations for the
. corporations in its midst have also increased This prompted
2008 Yamaha in April to create a management philosophy shared
, across the entire /roup reaffirming and clarifying our relationships
: , , with each of our stakeholders customers shareholders those who
, . work with Yamaha and society in general In order to further
, strengthen the bonds of trust with each of our stakeholders they
are taking steps to ensure that all members of the Yamaha /roup
maintain a keen awareness about their corporate responsibility and
, . contributions to society and redouble their efforts in this regard
S$..'r/,#5 Y'$#5 M$&,3 S/$)-#/&
The Yamaha /roup engages in a variety of businesses around the
, world such as the manufacturing and marketing of musical
/ , instruments and audio visual products as well as the operation of
. - , music learning centers #ur activities are wide ranging and include
. , voluntary initiatives such as social contribution activities ere we
, introduce our scholarship program which comprises one part of our
.uropean subsidiaries program for supporting students in the field
. of music
( ) The Yamaha "usic Foundation of .urope Y"F. is an endowment
1989 founded in by investments from Yamaha (orporation and the
, Yamaha "usic Foundation and has the mission of awarding
, . scholarship money to talented young music students in .urope
Yamaha s six .uropean marketing subsidiaries select scholarship
- recipients in their respective regions from among full time music
25 *1 students of all nationalities age or below studying voice or
29 .*2 instrumental music at music universities in countries )ince
1990, scholarships began being awarded in a total of approximately
700 . talented students have received scholarships
- W'r;,#5 '# G:'%: Tr-- P:#/,#5 I#,/,/,+-
., . Yamaha (orporation cooperated with Yamaha "otor (o 'td to hold
- . the third Yamaha Forest tree planting event Yamaha Forest was
2005 launched in &ecember as part of efforts to contribute to
society by providing environmental preservation and education
- , through tree planting activities in Indonesia where both companies
. ,* have manufacturing and sales networks )upported by #I)(A the
150,000 200,000 activity involves plans to plant approximately to
120 - . trees on hectares of land over a five year period While
restoring land that has been destroyed by logging activities to its
, former glory and returning natural forests to their original state the
. , activity also aims to help prevent global warming In +apan the
.nshunada coastal forest revitali*ation project executes to support
- . for tree planting and maintenance by volunteers
G:'%: Wr1,#5 C'$#/-r1-&$r-&
, The Yamaha /roup places high priority on the environment and
strives to ensure compliance with both the law and the Yamaha
. !olicy on the .nvironment In order to recycle resources and reduce
, the environmental impact on society as a whole Yamaha promotes
- a variety of eco friendly initiatives that span all stages of the
, , , product life cycle from raw material procurement development
. production and utili*ation through to disposal
&loal warming is a serious issue facing the entire human race, and the )amaha &roup
considers efforts to solve this prolem a priority in usiness activities!
The )amaha &roup has set a target of reducing 345 emissions y 67 from the fiscal
899: level in fiscal 5:8:, in line with the target the government has set! To date we have
actively introduced cogeneration systems, switched from heavy oil to natural gas,
adopted photovoltaic power generation systems, and egun using the &reen +ower
3ertification "ystem, as well as various other energy2saving facilities and schemes!
, W&/- R-)$3/,'# R-3*3:,#5 #) R-&'$r3- C'#&-r+/,'#
The )amaha &roup offers products in a wide variety of categories, including acoustic
instruments, electronic and electrical products, automoile interior components, and
lifestyle2related products for the home! ;or this reason, our production processes use a
road range of raw materials and generate various types of waste! ;or a numer of
years, we have een taking measures to cur emissions of waste!
Through such initiatives, in May 5::< all si. )amaha 3orporation production sites in
=apan achieved the target of >ero ?missions!

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