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3G/UMTS Complete Mobile Originated Circuit Switched Call Setup

A Complete Mobile Originated Circuit Switched Call Setup is shown in the MSC below
1. System n!ormation "#CC$%
The UE reads the System Information that is broadcast on BCC! The information is not read continuously! It is only read if the
information changes
&. ''C( ''C Connection 'e)uest "CCC$%
The Mobile user decides to initiate a "oice call! The first message the UE will send on CCC is ##C Connection #e$uest! This will
contain among other things% Initial UE Identity and Establishment Cause
3. *#+,( 'adio -in. Setup 'e)uest
The S#&C sends this message to &ode B! It will pass the Cell Id% T'S% T'CS% fre$uency% U( Scrambling code% etc to &ode B!
/. *#+,( 'adio -in. Setup 'esponse
&ode B allocates the resources and starts )* #eception! +hile transmitting the response it includes the Transport layer addressing
information that includes the Binding Identity of the AA(, for Iub data transport bearer
0. +-C+,( 1stablish '12
The AA(, binding identity -Iub .ata Transport Bearer Id/ is passed to A(CA) protocol in &ode B! The Iub .ata Transport bearer is
now bounf to .C!
3. +-C+,( 1stablish C*4
Establish confirm from A(CA) in &ode B
5( 6C$74,( 6ownlin. Synchronisation
The &ode B and S#&C establishes synchronisation for the Iub .ata Transport bearer by means of e0change of the appropriate .C
'rame )rotocol frames!
8( 6C$74,( Uplin. Synchronisation
Once the U( synchronisation is achei"ed% &ode B starts .( transmission!
9( ''C( ''C Connection Setup "CCC$%
##C Connection Setup message is sent on CCC with the parameters re$uired to establish .C! Also the state indicator will be set to
.C for the "oice -or CS/ call!
1:( *#+,( 'adio -in. 'estore ndication
Once the UE establishes #adio (in1% &ode B will send #( #estore indication to the S#&C!
11( ''C( ''C Connection Setup Complete "6CC$%
##C Connection Setup complete will be sent on .CC! Integrity and Ciphering related paarmeters and UE capability information
will be sent bac1 to S#&C
1&( ''C( nitial 6irect Trans!er ;CM Ser<ice 'e)uest=
'irst &AS message is now sent by the UE! It indicates that a UE orginated 2oice call is re$uired! The UE identity -TMSI/ will also be
passed in this message
13( '+*+,( nitial U1 Message ;CM Ser<ice 'e)uest=
The &AS message will be forwarded to appropriate C& .omain -CS .omain in this case/! Along with the CM ser"ice re$uest% it will
also include (AI and SAI!
1/( '+*+,( 6irect Trans!er ;+uthentication 'e)uest=
MSC32(# needs to perform authentication to ma1e sure that the UE is genuine! 'or this reason it will challenge the UE with a
Authentication to1en and #A&. -random number/
10( ''C( 6ownlin. 6irect Trans!er ;+uthentication 'e)uest=
S#&C transfers the &AS message to the UE
13( ''C( Uplin. 6irect Trans!er ;+uthentication 'esponse=
UE computes the response -#ES/ and sends it bac1 in the &AS message
15( '+*+,( 6irect Trans!er ;+uthentication 'esponse=
S#&C relays the response to the MSC32(#! The MSC32(# will compare the response #ES with the e0pected response 4#ES! If
they are the same then the procedure will continue!
18( '+*+,( Security Mode Command
MSC32(# sends the Security Mode Command to start Ciphering and Integrity )rotection! Ciphering is optional while Integrity
)rotection is mandatory! The Algorithms% etc are 1nown to the MSC32(# and the UE and only the ones that are common between
them are used!
19( ''C( Security Mode Command
##C 'orwards the Security Mode command recei"ed from MSC32(# to the UE!
&:( ''C( Security Mode Complete
The UE configures the Ciphering and Integity )rotection and responds bac1 to the networ1! The response message is Integrity
)rotected for further safety! Ciphering is started at Ciphering acti"ation time! Since this is a Circuit switched call% the Ciphering will
be started in MAC! In case of AM and UM bearers it is started in #(C!
&1( '+*+,( Security Mode COmplete
The networ1 forwards the Security Mode Complete message to MSC32(#!
&&( '+*+,( 6irect Trans!er ;TMS 'eallocation Command=
The networ1 may decide to re5allocate the TMSI to the UE! It sends a .T message which includes the &AS TMSI #eallocation
&3( ''C( 6- 6irect Trans!er ;TMS 'eallocation Command=
The #&C relays the .T message to the UE!
&/( ''C( U- 6irect T'ans!er ;TMS 'eallocation Complete=
The UE ta1es the new TMSI and responds with the Complete message
&0( '+*+,( 6irect Trans!er ;TMS 'eallocation Complete=
The #&C relays the message to the C& domain
&3( ''C( U- 6irect T'ans!er ;Setup=
The UE now sends the 6Setup6 message in U( .irect Transfer message! This will include all the re$uired parameters for setting up the
"oice call! It will include the number that UE wishes to be contacted and the bearer capability
&5( '+*+,( 6irect T'ans!er ;Setup=
The networ1 relays the message to the MSC32(#
&8( '+*+,( 6irect T'ans!er ;Call ,roceeding=
The MSC32(# sends Call )roceeding to the UE indicating that it is now starting with the #AB establishment procedure!
&9( ''C( 6- 6irect T'ans!er ;Call ,roceeding=
The networ1 relays it to the UE!
3:( '+*+,( '+# +ssignment 'e)uest
The C& initiates establishment of the #adio Access Bearer using the #AB Assignment #e$uest message! This message includes the
7oS of the call being established% the Transport Address% Iu Transport association% etc!
31( +-C+,( 1stablish '12
S#&C initiates the set5up of Iu .ata Transport bearer using A(CA) protocol! The re$uest contains the AA(, Binding Identity to Bind
the Iu .ata Transport Bearer to the #AB! -&ote that this is not done in case of )S #AB/
3&( +-C+,( 1stablish C*4
The C& responds with the A(CA) Establish C&'
33( *#+,( 'adio -in. 'econ!iguration ,repare
S#&C re$uests &ode B to prepare establishment of .C to carry the #AB! It passes the T'S% T'CS and )ower Control Informnation
in the message!
3/( *#+,( 'adio -in. 'econ!iguration 'eady
&ode B allocates the resources and responds with the #eady message! It sends bac1 the AA(, address and the AA(, binding Id for
the Iub data transport bearer!
30( +-C+,( 1stablish '12
S#&C initiates setup of Iub .ata Transport Bearer using A(CA) protocol! The re$uest contains the AA(, Binding Identity to bind the
Iub .ata Transport Bearer to .C!
33( +-C+,( 1stablish C*4 The &ode B responds with the Establish Confirm!
35( 6C$74,( 6ownlin. Synchronisation
The &ode B and S#&C establish synchronism for the Iub .ata Transport Bearer by means of e0change of the appropriate .C frame
protocol frames! S#&C sends the .( Synchronisation frames!
38( 6C$74,( Uplin. Synchronisation
The &ode B responds with the UE Synchronisation frames!
39( *#+,( 'adio -in. 'econ!iguration Complete
'inally the S#&C instructs the &ode B of the C'& at which the new configuration will come into effect!
/:( ''C( 'adio #earer Setup
S#&C sends the #B Setup message to add the new .C6s! The message will be recei"ed using the old configuration!
/1( ''C( 'adio #earer Setup 'eponse
After the acti"ation time the UE will respond with complete message using the new configuration!
/&( '+*+,( '+# +ssignment 'eponse The S#&C responds with the response to the MSC32(#!
/3( SU,( nitial +ddress Message
MSC32(# sends the Initial Address Message to the )ST&! The message tells the )ST& to reser"e an idle trun1 circuit from
originating switch to the destination switch!
//( SU,( +ddress Complete Message
The ACM message is sent to indicate that the remote end of the trun1 circuit has been reser"ed!
/0( '+*+,( 6irect Trans!er ;+lert=
The Alert message is sent to the S#&C! This message contains the ACM recei"ed from the )ST&!
/3( ''C( 6irect Trans!er ;+lert=
The Alert message is forwarded to the UE! The Alert message will inditiate the ringing tone on the handset!
/5( SU,( +nswer Message
+hen the person that is being called pic1s up his phone% an Answer message is sent to the MSC32(#!
/8( '+*+,( 6irect Trans!er ;Connect=
The MSC32(# sends the Connect message to the S#&C "ia .irect Transfer message! The Connect message indictaes that the End
User has answered the call!
/9( ''C( 6- 6irect Trans!er ;Connect= The S#&C forwards the Connect message to the UE!
0:( ''C( U- 6irect Trans!er ;Connect +c.nowledge=
The UE confirms the reception of the Connect message using the Connect Ac1nowledge and sending it "ia .irect Transfer
01( '+*+,( 6irect Trans!er ;Connect +c.nowledge=
The &etwor1 forwards the Connect Ac1nowledge to the MSC32(#! The call has now been successfully established!
Message Se)uence !or U1 'egistration on Circuit Switched and , Switched 6omain
Message se)uence !or Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated Circuit Switched Call
Message se)uence !or Mobile Originated and Mobile Terminated , Switched Call

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