Classroom Rules 2014 AP Calc

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AP Calculus

Classroom Rules and Requirements

Mr. Nouri
General Rules
1. Be on time. Be prepared to start class with pencils sharpened, materials ready, etc.,
when the class begins.
2. Bring proper materials with you to class (boo, noteboo, pencils, calculator, etc.!.
". #ay close attention in class. $ae good notes.
%. Be courteous and treat others with respect at all times.
&. 'o not tal while the teacher or others are taling.
(. $he cloc does not dismiss the class ) the teacher does. Remain seated until you are
*. No +ood allowed in class, but water bottles are permitted. ,ou may not lea-e the class
to get soda or water bottles.
.. Consequences +or not +ollowing these general procedures include, but are not limited to,
-erbal reprimands, and detentions, contact with parents /guardians, and re+erral to an
Attendance and Make-up work
1. 0ttendance is essential to sur-i-e in 0# Calc. 0bsences should be ept to a minimum.
2. ,ou are responsible +or wor completed and discussed in class whether you are present or
absent. 1+ you are absent, 1 will put the day2s wor in a +older +or you.
". 3or missed due to a legal absence must be made up within " class days o+ your return to
school. 0rrangements can be made i+ you are absent +or a long time.
%. 'o not cut my class. 1 +ollow up on all absences.
&. ,ou cannot mae up wor when your absence is une4cused or illegal.
1. 'on2t be late5
2. $he +irst wee or school is the wee o+ amnesty. 1 will not hold it against you i+ you are late.
". 0+ter the +irst wee o+ school, you are no longer allowed to be late without a pass +rom your
pre-ious teacher. 1+ you are late without a pass, you will be gi-en a detention. N6
1. :omewor is an integral part o+ the course. :omewor will be assigned almost e-ery night.
Most times, 1 will gi-e you time in class to start the homewor. 3e will re-iew any
questions you may ha-e the ne4t day in class. 1 grade on completeness, not correctness,
but it is ,6;R <ob to correct your homewor. 1 will periodically collect the homewor +or
2. 74pect about an hour o+ homewor each night.
". ,ou will not pass i+ you don2t do you homewor. Calculus is too hard +or that.
%. ,ou must copy the problems and label each assignment +or +ull credit.
&. Class outlines (usually distributed on Mondays! clearly state the homewor assignments +or
the wee. $here is no e4cuse +or not nowing your homewor assignment. 1n the e-ent o+
un+oreseen absences, students can obtain their assignments -ia the internet. (web
address to come later!
(. 1+ you miss a homewor assignment +or any reason other than absence, you may mae up
the assignment +or +ull credit to be handed in on the N78$ 9C:66= '0,.
1. ,ou will need a separate three>ringed binder +or this class with separate sections +or
homewor, notes, -ocabulary and de+initions, qui??es, and tests. (7-erything 1 gi-e you will
be hole punched.!
2. Class notes, special handouts, graded homewor, qui??es, and tests (pretty much
e-erything! should be ept until the end o+ the course, as they will help you prepare +or the
+inal e4ams.
". 1 e4pect you to eep a neat and organi?ed noteboo. Noteboos will be collected at least
once a quarter. ,ou are e4pected to eep all o+ your assignments, and again, noteboos
will be graded on completeness, not correctness.
Quizzes and Tests
1. @ui??es ) 1n general, 1 don2t gi-e #op qui??es, but 1 reser-e the right.
2. 3eely @ui??es ) 6n most Aridays, the daily qui? will be replaced with a weely qui?.
3eely qui??es will always be announced and may not happen e-ery wee.
". 0ll tests will be announced at least one wee in ad-ance.
1. $ests should not only e-aluate your nowledge o+ math, but the should also help you learn.
1+ you tae a test and you are not happy with the grade, you may tae a re>test.
2. 1n order to tae a re>test you must meet with me +irst.
". 6nce you ha-e taen the re>test, 1 will a-erage the two grades together and replace the
pre-ious test grade with the new a-erage.
Chapter Tests
1. 0 chapter test is a test at the end o+ each chapters. $he test will co-er all the topics
co-ered in the chapter.
2. $he quarter test will be used to replace your worst test grade o+ the quarter.
". 1+ you are absent +or a quarter test, you cannot mae it up. N6 78C7#$16N9.
!tra Credit
1. Aor each test, 1 will o++er an e4tra credit question usually worth & points.
Final-20% of the grade
Tests/Midterm-40% of the grade
Homewor-15% of the grade
!n-"lass-10% of the grade
1. Boos need to stay co-ered all the times and brought to class e-eryday.
2. Most o+ the time, these are the rules we2ll run our class by, but we can modi+y them as time
goes on. 1 reser-e the right to change them at any time.
!tra Help
1. 1 am a-ailable be+ore and a+ter school +or any help you may need. Math is not easy, and
12m going to mae e-ery e++ort +or you to succeed. 1+ you wor at this course, you2re sure to
get a decent grade. Aor greater success, as questions as they arise. 'on2t wait until you
run into ma<or di++iculties.
#lease let me now o+ any questions or concerns. 1 loo +orward to woring with you5
,ou can email me at n"rade
#lease sign this $ottom %ortion to a"nowledge that rules of the "lassroom ha&e $een read and understood'
(eta"h here)

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