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CkM 1oo| Imp|ementat|on

8us|ness Ana|ys|s uest|onna|re

L|st of a|| Stakeho|ders
Sales Manager
l1 AppllcaLlons Manager
Sales erson (hone)
Saleserson (lleld)
ulrecLor of Sales
v (ro[ecL Sponsor)
CusLomer Servlce Manager
CusLomer Servlce AgenL

Market|ng and Sa|es Automat|on

1. Are Lhere are auLomaLed l1 sysLems belng used for Lracklng Lhe leads/cusLomer daLa
and Sales acLlvlLles?

Ans. Sales Manager
Cur sales Leam does all Lhe Lasks preLLy much manually. lollow-up wlLh prospecLs ls very
dlfflculL due Lo lack of cusLomer daLa. lurLher, sales Leam work sLaLus and Lhelr performance
measuremenL ls very dlfflculL due Lo lack of daLa. We need more lnslghL lnLo currenL opporLunlLles and
deals a sales Leam may be worklng on -- for example, whaL's Lhe poLenLlal value of a deal, whaL are Lhe
compeLlng companles LhaL may be vylng for Lhe same cusLomer, and whaL sLage Lhe deal ls ln. We do
noL have lnslghL lnLo flndlng who our mosL valuable cusLomers are, agaln due Lo lack of daLa.
Ans. Sales erson (hone)
We do all acLlvlLles are currenLly done manually uslng excel spreadsheeL or some oLher flles
on Lhe compuLers. CusLomer follow-ups are very dlfflculL as we do noL have enough daLa.

Ans. Sales erson (lleld)
We do all acLlvlLles are currenLly done manually uslng posL lL noLes. CusLomer follow-ups are
very dlfflculL as we do noL have enough daLa.
Ans. ulrecLor of Sales
We do noL have vlslblllLy lnLo hlsLorlc prospecLs and sales daLa for our glven reglon, as
Lhere ls noL auLomaLlon on Lhe same aL presenL. lurLher, due Lo lack of hlsLorlc daLa, we are
unable Lo make accuraLe forecasLs for our glven reglon, as well. We do noL have lnslghL lnLo
flndlng who our mosL valuable cusLomers are, agaln due Lo lack of daLa.

Ans. v (ro[ecL Sponsor)
We do noL have vlslblllLy lnLo hlsLorlc prospecLs and sales daLa for across Lhe
organlzaLlon, as Lhere ls noL auLomaLlon on Lhe same aL presenL. lurLher, due Lo lack of hlsLorlc
daLa, we are unable Lo make accuraLe forecasLs across Lhe organlzaLlon, as well. We do noL
have lnslghL lnLo flndlng who our mosL valuable cusLomers are (Lop sales opporLunlLles), agaln
due Lo lack of daLa.

2. WhaL are currenLly used markeLlng campalgns? Whlch of Lhem are mosL effecLlve? ls
Lhere any way we can have measure on Lhe same?

Ans. Sales Manager
lL ls aL Lhe momenL vla baslc emalls and messages. We are sendlng Lhe same Lypes of offers
and messages Lo cusLomers and prospecLs ln very dlfferenL sLages of Lhe buylng process, as
well as ln dlfferenL lndusLrles or geographles. We would llke Lo be able Lo ldenLlfy paLLerns
ln Lhe cusLomers mosL valuable Lo our buslness, help us group Lhem by producLs and reglon,
so LhaL we can sLarL reflnlng our efforLs.

Ans. ulrecLor of Sales
Slnce Lhere ls no auLomaLlon ln place for Lhls, lL ls very hard Lo galn lnslghLs on advances from
compeLlLlve forces. We do noL know Lhe dlrecLlon where ln our markeLlng and sales efforLs are golng.

Ans. v (ro[ecL Sponsor)
ln addlLlon Lo whaL sales manager and dlrecLor of sales has already sLaLed, we need Lo conLlnually
Lrack whlch markeLlng campalgns are mosL effecLlve. We do noL know LhaL as Lhere ls noL auLomaLlon
bullL lnLo lL aL presenL.

Mob||e Capab|||t|es
3. WhaL moblle capablllLles LhaL are expecLed ouL of Lhe Lool so LhaL fleld sales Leam
can use Lhem effecLlvely?

Ans. Sales Manager

l would llke Lo collaboraLe wlLh Lhe Leam vla moblle devlce. Also be ln a poslLlon Lo generaLe
and asslgn forecasLs.

Ans. l1 AppllcaLlons Manager
C8M Lool we have chosen does provlde moblle devlce capablllLy and we can provlde lL Lo
predeLermlned seL of user/roles such as fleld sales.

Ans. Saleserson (lleld)
We expecL Lo see Lhe Lasks for Lhe day and week, creaLe and Lrack Lhe leads lnformaLlon and also
plan and lnlLlaLe meeLlngs on Lhe go. We would llke Lo collaboraLe wlLh Lhe manager and Leam vla
moblle on Lhe leads and sLaLus.
Ans. ulrecLor of Sales
Agree wlLh Lhe speclflc needs sales people and sales manager have sLaLed.

Customer Serv|ce (ne|p desk- Ca|| center automat|on)
4. Are Lhere are auLomaLed l1 sysLems belng used for handllng cusLomer servlce, help-
desk eLc. lf yes whaL are Lhose?

Ans. CusLomer Servlce Manager
no l1 sysLem ls belng used aL presenL, for Lhls.
Ans. CusLomer Servlce AgenL
no l1 sysLem ls belng used aL presenL, for Lhls.
WhaL are currenL numbers of defecLs, re[ecLs per monLh and also on servlce relaLed cosLs?
Ans. CusLomer Servlce AgenL
We don'L know exacL number of defecLs, buL lL could approxlmaLely be ln Lhe range of 10 defecLs and 13
re[ecLs per monLh. no number avallable for servlce relaLed cosLs.
Ans. CusLomer Servlce Manager
lor producL performance lssues, we are looklng Lo see producLs LhaL have conslsLenLly maxlmum
number of reLurn or defecL lssues.

Co||aborat|on (Ior synchron|zed, efforts across a|| customer-fac|ng departments (for e.g. sa|es,
market|ng, serv|ce, support staff) to share |nformat|on)

3. ln whaL exacL ways collaboraLlon amongsL Leams ls done aL Lhe momenL? WhaL ls
expecLed way of collaboraLlon once Lhe C8M sysLem ls lmplemenLed?
Ans. Sales Manager
no auLomaLed sysLems. CollaboraLlon ls vla emall/phone or verbal buL noL ln any sLrucLured or formal
way. We would llke Lo use lacebook llke collaboraLlve Lool so LhaL we can connecL and exchange
updaLes wlLh our Leams and managers beLLer. AblllLy Lo creaLe collaboraLlve groups wlll help as well. We
would especlally llke Lo have shared communlcaLlon when lL comes Lo sLaLus updaLes (such LhaL deal ls
closed wlLh success) and lssues.

Ans. l1 AppllcaLlons Manager
no auLomaLed sysLem aL Lhe momenL, aL Lhe same Llme C8M Lool we have chosen does provlde
ln-bullL capablllLy Lo have such collaboraLlon amongsL varlous roles and Leams.

Ans. Sales erson (hone)
no auLomaLed sysLems. CollaboraLlon ls vla emall/phone or verbal buL noL ln any sLrucLured or formal
way. We would llke Lo use lacebook llke collaboraLlve Lool so LhaL we can connecL and exchange
updaLes wlLh our Leams and managers beLLer. AblllLy Lo creaLe collaboraLlve groups wlll help as well. We
would especlally llke Lo have shared communlcaLlon when lL comes Lo sLaLus updaLes (such LhaL deal ls
closed wlLh success) and lssues.
Ans. Saleserson (lleld)
no auLomaLed sysLems. CollaboraLlon ls vla emall/phone or verbal buL noL ln any sLrucLured or formal
way. We would llke Lo use lacebook llke collaboraLlve Lool so LhaL we can connecL and exchange
updaLes wlLh our Leams and managers beLLer. AblllLy Lo creaLe collaboraLlve groups wlll help as well. We
would especlally llke Lo have shared communlcaLlon when lL comes Lo sLaLus updaLes (such LhaL deal ls
closed wlLh success) and lssues.

Ans. ulrecLor of Sales
no auLomaLed sysLems aL presenL. CollaboraLlon ls vla emall/phone or verbal buL noL ln any sLrucLured
or formal way. We would llke Lo use lacebook llke collaboraLlve Lool so LhaL we can connecL and
exchange updaLes wlLh our Leams and managers beLLer. AblllLy Lo creaLe collaboraLlve groups wlll help
as well. We would especlally llke Lo have shared communlcaLlon when lL comes Lo sLaLus updaLes (such
LhaL deal ls closed wlLh success) and lssues.

Ans. CusLomer Servlce Manager
no auLomaLed sysLems aL presenL. CollaboraLlon ls vla emall/phone or verbal buL noL ln any sLrucLured
or formal way. We would llke Lo use lacebook llke collaboraLlve Lool so LhaL we can connecL and
exchange updaLes wlLh our Leams and managers beLLer. AblllLy Lo creaLe collaboraLlve groups wlll help
as well. Lspeclally when lL comes Lo lmmedlaLe sLaLus updaLes on servlce lssues/defecLs so LhaL Lhe
defecLs geL closed asap.

Ans. CusLomer Servlce AgenL
no auLomaLed sysLems. CollaboraLlon ls vla emall/phone or verbal buL noL ln any sLrucLured or formal
way. We would llke Lo use lacebook llke collaboraLlve Lool so LhaL we can connecL and exchange
updaLes wlLh our Leams and managers beLLer. AblllLy Lo creaLe collaboraLlve groups wlll help as well.
Lspeclally when lL comes Lo lmmedlaLe sLaLus updaLes on servlce lssues/defecLs so LhaL Lhe defecLs geL
closed asap.

Cvera|| Workf|ow Management (Lventua||y ass|sts w|th process f|ow]report|ng]ana|ys|s and
6. We are looklng Lo lmplemenL speclflcally lead/cusLomer handllng process sLeps from
#3 from Cap Analysls secLlon of 8uslness Case documenL. As operaLlonal
sLakeholders, do you have speclflc lnpuLs by whlch we can deflne Lhe process more
clearly, ln Lerms of lnpuLs Lo each sLep, ouLpuLs from each sLep and ul requlremenLs
for Lhe same? We would also llke Lo know lf Lhere are speclflc servlce levels you are
expecLlng as sLakeholder, for compleLlng each Lask?
Ans. Sales Manager
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe polnLs prevlously dlscussed ln Lhls quesLlonnalre, speclflcally for lead/cusLomer
handllng process workflow managemenL, we would llke Lo have an ablllLy Lo creaLe/modlfy and malnLaln
Lask based workflow wlLh baslc feaLures such as ablllLy for Lask asslgnmenL, remlnders on overdue Lasks,
deflnlng lnpuL/ouLpuL and dlsplay elemenLs for each Lasks and alerLs and noLlflcaLlons. We can dlscuss ul
elemenLs and SLAs durlng deLalled !Au sesslons.
Ans. l1 AppllcaLlons Manager
C8M Lool we have selecLed does provlde baslc capablllLy for workflow creaLlon and execuLlon. 1he
feaLures sLaLed ln Lhe quesLlon seem feaslble as far as lmplemenLaLlon of Lhe C8M Lool ls concerned.
Ans. Sales erson (hone)
We would llke Lo check our workflow Lasks, geL noLlflcaLlons, alerLs and ablllLy Lo enLer deal updaLes
Lhrough Lhe Lask ul.
Ans. Saleserson (lleld)
We would llke Lo check our workflow Lasks, geL noLlflcaLlons, alerLs and ablllLy Lo enLer deal updaLes
Lhrough Lhe Lask ul.

Ans. ulrecLor of Sales

Same lnpuLs as sLaLed above ln Lhe quesLlonnalre
Ans. CusLomer Servlce Manager
ln addlLlon Lo Lhe polnLs prevlously dlscussed ln Lhls quesLlonnalre, speclflcally for defecL handllng
process workflow managemenL, we would llke Lo have an ablllLy Lo creaLe/modlfy and malnLaln Lask
based workflow wlLh baslc feaLures such as ablllLy for Lask asslgnmenL, remlnders on overdue Lasks,
deflnlng lnpuL/ouLpuL and dlsplay elemenLs for each Lasks and alerLs and noLlflcaLlons. We can dlscuss ul
elemenLs and SLAs durlng deLalled !Au sesslons.

Ans. CusLomer Servlce AgenL
We would llke Lo check our workflow Lasks, geL noLlflcaLlons, alerLs and ablllLy Lo enLer deal updaLes
Lhrough Lhe Lask ul.

7. WhaL are speclflc sLaLes you are looklng Lo see durlng Lhe flow of a lead or deal?

Ans. Sales Manager
We are looklng Lo have followlng baslc sLaLes for a lead or deal durlng lLs workflow llfeLlme.

Close Wln
needs Analysls
Closed Won
Closed losL

Ans. Sales erson (hone)
Same as above

Ans. Sales erson (lleld)
Same as above

Ans. ulrecLor of Sales
Same as above

Ans. v (ro[ecL Sponsor)
Same as above

8. ln whaL ways do you Lhlnk we can asslgn lmporLance Lo Lhe lead or deal?

Ans. Sales Manager
We can have lL as Plgh Medlum Low. We would llke Lo assoclaLe chances of success as well per
deal, ln some way, so LhaL we can work on Lhe mosL probable deals.

Ans. Sales erson (hone)
We can have lL as Plgh Medlum Low

Ans. Sales erson (lleld)
We can have lL as Plgh Medlum Low

Ans. ulrecLor of Sales
l would llke Lo see probablllLy of success for Lhe deal.

Ans. v (ro[ecL Sponsor)
l would llke Lo see probablllLy of success for Lhe deal.

9. Pow do you see lnLegraLlon wlLh emall markeLlng (englne) happenlng durlng Lhe
workflow? ln oLher words aL whaL polnLs durlng Lhe cusLomer handllng workflow,
emall lnLegraLlon wlll be necessary? Are you looklng Lo have any emall LemplaLes as
well LhaL can be used durlng emall sendlng?

Ans. Sales Manager
We need emalllng capablllLy from wlLhln lead or deal. We would llke lnformaLlon relaLed Lo Lhe
pro[ecL and lead and user/role defaulLed on Lhe header of Lhe emall. lor emall conLenL, we
need ablllLy Lo plck up from frequenLly used LemplaLes by sales and markeLlng and even
cusLomer servlce Leam for LhaL maLLer. We can formallze Lhe exacL LemplaLe seL and conLenL
durlng our !Au sesslons.

Ans. Sales erson (hone)
Same as above

Ans. Sales erson (lleld)
Same as above

Ans. ulrecLor of Sales
Same as above

Ans. v (ro[ecL Sponsor)
Same as above

10. Are you looklng aL speclflc securlLy/auLhenLlcaLlon/auLhorlzaLlon requlremenLs whlle
handllng Lhe lead or deal?

Ans. Sales Manager
We need secure access and role based reporLlng and have access Lo lnformaLlon sLrlcLly by
predeLermlned roles.

Ans. Sales erson (hone)
We need secure access and ablllLy Lo see Lasks as per glven user/role comblnaLlon

Ans. Sales erson (lleld)
We need secure access and ablllLy Lo see Lasks as per glven user/role comblnaLlon

Ans. ulrecLor of Sales
We need role based reporLlng and have access Lo lnformaLlon sLrlcLly by predeLermlned roles.

Ans. v (ro[ecL Sponsor)
We need role based reporLlng and have access Lo lnformaLlon sLrlcLly by predeLermlned roles.

11. Pow do you see Lhe organlzaLlon's pollcy and premlum prlclng model/calculaLlons
geLLlng lnLegraLed wlLhln Lhe Lool? ln whaL sorL of servlces Lhese models are
currenLly avallable ln? We also wanL Lo know whaL ls Lhe posslblllLy for lnLegraLlng
Lhem wlLh Lhe new C8M Lool?

Ans. Sales Manager

We have all Lhe pollcy premlum calculaLlons currenLly lncorporaLed as parL of our spreadsheeLs.
no auLomaLlon ln place. We would llke Lo lmplemenL enLlre premlum calculaLor wlLhln Lhe C8M
Lool, rlghL from Lhe offer sLage Lo close wln/lose.

Ans. Sales erson (hone)
Same as whaL sales manager has sLaLed

Ans. Sales erson (lleld)
Same as whaL sales manager has sLaLed

Ans. ulrecLor of Sales
Same as whaL sales manager has sLaLed. AddlLlonally l would llke Lo be able Lo offer Lo
cusLomers more Lhan one lnsurance package for comparlson. lL would mean anoLher package
wlLh dlfferenL premlum raLe and beneflLs/coverage.

Ans. l1 AppllcaLlons Manager
lL ls posslble Lo bulld premlum calculaLor wlLhln Lhe C8M package. lL would requlre some level
of cusLomlzaLlon Lhough.

Ans. CusLomer Servlce Manager
CurrenLly our premlum calculaLlons are noL LhaL opLlmlzed. We would llke our producL SML
Leam Lo come up wlLh any flne Lunlng of Lhe calculaLlons as we go abouL lmplemenLlng Lhe
auLomaLlon of premlum calculaLlons vla C8M Lool.

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