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Transport Sedimentation Paper

Lecturer: Dr. Very Dermawan, ST.,MT
Munfarid (135!"11135 #
$dam %i&una (135!"11111" #
'eta Li(yananda Puspasari (135!"11111! #
)ana $rum 'ossy Tamaya (135!"11111* #
Marianty Pata+an& (135!"1111,, #
Danan& -iswanto (135!"11113! #
'if.i Mu/ammad 0.+a( (135!"11113* #
$nnida Lisya/ada/ (135!"1111"* #
'ia Puspasari (135!"11115* #
Mo/. $(i Ma+rur (135!"111151 #
02an Dwi Pra+owo (135!"1111!! #
3anisa 4(sina Sa(amena (135!"1111!* #
5u2i6a 'e&a Siswanti (135!"7111,7 #
Ministry of Education and Cutur!
Bra"i#aya Uni$!rsity
Facuty of En%in!!rin%
&at!r R!sourc!s En%in!!rin%
Maan%' Indon!sia
T/e +asic form sediments w/ic/ occur in a((u2ia( c/anne( f(ow rate re(ated to
t/e f(ow re&ime. 8(ow re&ime, w/ic/ is a form t/at affects t/e f(ow of t/e
(ayer confi&uration. T/e fo((owin& c(assification s/ows t/e re(ations/ip
+etween f(ow 2e(ocity and sediment transport modes (sediment transport#, t/e
concentration of t/e transported sediment and forms t/e +asis of t/e
re(ations/ip +etween p/ase and water (surface water#.
8(ow re&ime can +e re(ated to t/e 8roude num+er c/aracteri9es w/et/er f(ow
wi(( +e ca(m or fast. 8roude num+er is an e:pression of t/e ratio +etween t/e
inertia (t/e force needed to stop t/e mo2in& partic(es# and &ra2ity.
8 ;1 tran.ui( f(ow ((ower f(ow re&ime#
8 < 1 critica( f(ow conditions (f(ow re&ime transition#
8= 1 rapid f(ow (upper f(ow re&ime#
0n &enera(, t/e +asic s/ape of t/e f(ow re&ime, sediment is c(assified into:
$. 'e&ime (ow f(ow
>. 'e&ime transition f(ow
?. 'e&ime /i&/ f(ow

A, R!%i-! Lo" Fo"
(8roude num+er ;." to 1 wit/ ramps transition#
1. 8(at +ed, is a sediment transport wit/out deformation and t/e
mo2ement detai(s are tossin& and turnin&. $nd t/e ma&nitude of t/e
s/ear of stress is e:act(y a+o2e from t/e critica(.
,. 'ipp(es, t/e si9e is ;.! mm and t/e s/ear of stress is +ecome sma((er
t/an +efore. Sediments w/ic/ /as an re&u(ar s/aped wa2es wit/
wa2e(en&t/s of 5@1 cm and a /ei&/t of 1 cm (+ase s/aped (i6e a
re&u(ar wa2e amp(itude is re(ati2e(y sma(( compared wit/ t/e
3. Dunes, a(( si9es of sediment and t/e s/ear of stress increases to t/e
front side. T/e front side is s(ope s(i&/t(y, t/e +ac6 side is steeper.
4rosion can occur on a(( sides of t/e upper reac/es, and deposition
occurs at t/e +ottom of t/e downstream side.
". Dunes, a(( si9es of sediment and t/e s/ear of stress increases to t/e
front side. T/e front side is s(ope s(i&/t(y, t/e +ac6 side is steeper.
4rosion can occur on a(( sides of t/e upper reac/es, and deposition
occurs at t/e +ottom of t/e downstream side.
B, R!%i-! transition f(ow
(+asic confi&uration of t/e dunes towards t/e p(ane +ed or anti@dunes#
C, R!%i-! /i&/ f(ow
(8roude Aum+er= ." to 1, a re(ati2e(y sma(( f(ow resistance and (ar&e
sedimentBs transport#
1. P(ane +ed, P(ane +ed, /as a f(ow rate &radua((y risin&, sediment
transport /as a f(at /ei&/t. T/e mo2ement of t/e 3rain is ro((in& or
s(idin& and c/an&es at a particu(ar p(ace. $ fine materia( occurs sa(tasi.
,. $ntidunes, /as sediment materia(s occurs in t/e upstream dunes,
erosion on downstream. More or (ess symmetrica( wa2eforms.
$ntidunes mo2e downstream and occurs at 8r= 1
3. ?/ute and Poo(s, occurs in t/e s(ope, 2e(ocity and sediment disc/ar&e
w/ic/ are re(ati2e(y (ar&e. T/e +asic form is a /i(( @ a (ar&e sediment
/i((. T/e state of t/e f(ow in c/ute is supercritica( or su+critica(.

I, B!dfor- For!cast
Determinin& t/e criteria of +edform, approac/ used +y t/e sediment
continuity e.uation as fo((ows:
s C <
s < specific wei&/t of +ed materia(
y < /ei&/t of +edform at : a(on& t/e ri2er
t < time
.s < sediment f(ow in a wei&/t unity wide and time
T/e first (imitation s/owed a decrease in t/e rate of sediment at t/e +ase, and
t/e second (imit sediment transport s/ows t/e c/an&e in t/e c/an&e of t/e
distance : a(on& t/e ri2er. 0t turns out t/at +ot/ t/ese (imits &radua((y a(ways
opposite in si&n, w/en t/e +ase is formed positi2e and ne&ati2e.
T/e ima&e a+o2e s/ows t/e cross@sectiona( s/ape at time t and t C dt from t/e
+edform t/at mo2es downstream. 0n t/e upper part of t/e (ower forms of t/e
+asic situation w/ic/ is a function of time, so ne&ati2e.
8rom t/is e.uation, seemin&(y t/at positi2e, so t/at .s increases
continuous(y unti( it reac/es its pea6.
4:ner (11,5#, assumed t/at:
.s < $o. uo
$o < constant
Do < f(ow 2e(ocity near t/e +ase
>y enterin& $o and Do into t/e sediment continuity +efore, t/en
o+tained :
s C $o <
0n 11!3, -ennedy introduced t/e re(ation +etween t/e wa2e(en&t/ L of a
c/an&e in t/e +edform of t/e 8roude num+er
'esu(ts of -ennedyBs in2esti&ationed to t/e dominant wa2e(en&t/ of t/e form
@ t/e +edform is:
< <
8r < 8roude num+er
d < dept/ of f(ow
D < 2e(ocity of f(ow
6 < ,E F L < wa2e num+er
L < wa2e(en&t/
G < F d < dece(eration factor
< distance w/ic/ can (ead to c/an&es in (oca( sediment f(ow dece(eration and
c/an&e of pace near t/e +ase
T/e concept of H(a& distanceH was first proposed +y -ennedy (11!3# and is t/e
most important factor.
Pictured a+o2e is t/e t/eoretica( cur2e o+tained 6ennedy wit/ enterin& data
into t/e e.uation t/e dominant wa2e(en&t/ (t/e re(ations/ip +etween 8r and
Seen in 8r,, &reater t/an (1 F 6d# tan/ 6d, and t/e 6d ;,
?ur2e 8r, < (1 F 6d# tan/ 6d &i2e upper (imit for ripp(es and dunes 8r.
Transition area +etween 8r < 1 and 8r < .*""
-ennedy proposed a simp(e re(ations/ip +etween t/e wa2e(en&t/ L antidunes
wit/ a2era&e speed D as fo((ows:
< T/is e.uation is 6nown as t/e e.uation for t/e wa2e speed in
t/e water.
8rom e:periments -Fennedy (11!3# o+tained resu(ts t/at were passed antidunes
surface wa2es +rea6 w/en t/e position is steep. ?omparison +etween wa2e
/ei&/t to wa2e(en&t/ is +etween .13 and .1! and +etween t/e retrie2ed 2a(ue
is .1" for t/e water wa2e steepness at t/e time +e&an to +rea6.
II, .!/asaran au$ia

Dwi Priyantoro, 0r., Teknik Pengangkutan Sedimen, )impunan Ma/asiswa
Pen&airan 8T@D>, Ma(an&, 11*7
/ttp:FF&eo(o&ipiece.+(o&spot.comF,1F1,Ff(ow@re&ime./tm( dia6ses ,3
Septem+er ,1"
/ttp:FFwww.scri+d.comFdocF13,11317F'e&ime@$(iran dia6ses ,3
Septem+er ,1"

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