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Pruebas de acceso a enseanzas universitarias oficiales de grado (Bachillerato L.O.E.

IDIOM E!"#$%E#O& Ingl's. ()**+()*(
No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningn otro
material didctico.
Las preguntas debern ser respondidas en ingls.
Duracin de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
sta ho!a no se entrega.
"ay #ue responder todos los blo#ues de la propuesta
elegida$ % o &.


.OLL/0OOD 1E#- ,P 2O# O-3#-
"olly'ood is gearing up (or the )*
annual %cademy %'ards. +he prestigious (ilm honors$ also ,no'n as
-scars$ ac,no'ledge the best in ma,ing$ and golden statuettes 'ill go to actors and actresses and
others behind the camera. +he top contenders are (acing o(( in a .ery competiti.e year.
/eryl 0treep is considered one o( the (a.ourites (or the -scar (or best actress (or her role as (ormer
&ritish 1rime /inister /argaret +hatcher in The Iron Lady. 2iola is another (a.ourite (or the best
actress -scar (or her role in The Help as an %(rican3%merican maid in the %merican 0outh in the 1450s.
+he (ilm e6plores themes o( race and class. 7eorge 8looney is up (or t'o -scars$ (or co3'riting the
adapted screenplay (or the political (ilm The Ides of March and (or his starring role in The Descendants$ a
(amily drama set in "a'aii.
+here is intense competition at the -scars$ and al'ays some surprises but 7eorge 8looney told
reporters earlier this month that he9s !ust honored !ust to be included as a nominee. :;t9s nice because it
comes (rom people that you 'or, 'ith a lot (rom e.ery category. ;t9s really nice. ;t9s (un<$ 8looney said.
-scar 'inners are determined by a .ote o( nearly 5$000 members o( the %cademy o( /otion 1icture
%rts and 0ciences$ a pro(essional organi=ation o( ,ey people in the industry. +he en.elopes
re.ealing the results 'ill be opened 0unday at a gala presentation in "olly'ood.
%dapted (rom '''.'oane'>english>ne's


I. #EDI$1 3OMP#E.E$-IO$. (( POI$"-) ().5 6oints for each correct ans7er)
%dd +?@ or A%L0 and co68 the evidence (rom the te6t to support your ans'er.
$O 9ar:s are given for onl8 true or false.
1. -nly actors and actress can be nominated (or an %cademy a'ard.
B. +his year is particularly di((icult to get an -scar.
3. Aor 8looney$ -scar nomination is a pri.ilege.
*. +he -scars are .oted by more than 5$000 members o( the %cademy.

II. LE!I3O$ + P.O$E"I3- (( POI$"-)&
. LE!I3O$. (* POI$") ().(5 6oints for each correct ans7er)
Aind 'ords or phrases in the te6t that mean the same as these gi.en.
1. preparing.
B. candidates.
3. topics.
*. rele.ant.

Pruebas de acceso a enseanzas universitarias oficiales de grado (Bachillerato L.O.E.)
IDIOM E!"#$%E#O& Ingl's. ()**+()*(
No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningn otro
material didctico.
Las preguntas debern ser respondidas en ingls.
Duracin de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
sta ho!a no se entrega.
"ay #ue responder todos los blo#ues de la propuesta
elegida$ % o &.
B. P.O$E"I3-. (* POI$")
1. "o' is the :3s< pronounced in :gears<$ >s>$ >=> or >=>C D0.BEF
B . Grite a 'ord (rom the te6t that includes the same sound as :nominee< >i:>. D0.BEF
3 . Grite a 'ord (rom the te6t that includes the same sound as :(un< >H>. D0.BEF
*. Grite a 'ord (rom the te6t that includes the same diphthong sound as :1rimeI >a>. D0.BEF

III. ,-E O2 E$1LI-.. (; POI$"-) ().5 for each correct ans7er)
?e'rite the (ollo'ing sentences starting 'ith the 'ords gi.en:

1. /y (ather started smo,ing t'enty years ago.

B. ; am sure he is rich. "e o'ns a Aerrari.

3. ;n 0an Arancisco ; stayed in three hotels. +hey 'ere terribly e6pensi.e.

*. :%re they planning to tra.el abroadC<$ he as,ed.

E. "is parents are unemployed. 0o$ they can9t buy a ne' car.

5. Grite the correct #uestion (or the underlined 'ords.
"er daughter spent 100 K on clothes yesterday.

I<. 3OMPO-I"IO$. (; POI$"-)
Grite a composition o( bet'een 100 and 1BE 'ords on the (ollo'ing topic:

0rite about 8our favourite fil9

Pruebas de acceso a enseanzas universitarias oficiales de grado (Bachillerato L.O.E.)
IDIOM E!"#$%E#O& Ingl's. ()**+()*(
No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningn otro
material didctico.
Las preguntas debern ser respondidas en ingls.
Duracin de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
sta ho!a no se entrega.
"ay #ue responder todos los blo#ues de la propuesta
elegida$ % o &.

P#OP,E-" B

".E B#I"I-. P,B
1ubs are important in the social li(e o( many &ritish people. +he 'ord pub is short (or public house$ but
the (ull name is rarely used. 1ubs ser.e a range o( alcoholic drin,s$ and also lo'3alcohol and so(t drin,s.
0ome pubs are also called inns. +hese 'ere originally hotels and some still o((er accommodation.
/ost pubs ha.e a choice o( bars Drooms to drin, inF. Drin,s are sold (rom a counter in each room$ also
called a bar. @nder &ritain9s licensing la's$ alcohol can only be sold to people 1). 8hildren under 1*
are not allo'ed in pubs unless there is a (amily room$ that is$ a room 'ithout a bar.
1eople o(ten choose a bar near 'here they li.e as their local and go there se.eral times a 'ee,. %t
lunchtime$ people may go to a pub 'ith colleagues (rom 'or,$ and in the e.ening they go 'ith (riends.
Lounger people sometimes go on a pub cra'l$ .isiting se.eral pubs in the same e.ening.
1ubs ha.e their o'n character and atmosphere. 0ome attract young people by playing loud music or
in.iting li.e bands to per(orm. -thers ha.e tele.isions in the bar and sho' sport games$ (ootball$ abo.e
all. 0ome pub managers organi=e teams to play darts. +heme pubs are decorated in a particular style.
+he most popular is the ;rish pub$ 'hich sells ;rish beers and plays ;rish music. /ost pubs are open only
at lunchtime and in the e.ening$ closing at 11:00 p.m.
%dapted (rom Oxford Guide to British and American Culture

I. #EDI$1 3OMP#E.E$-IO$. (( POI$"-) ().5 6oints for each correct ans7er)
%dd +?@ or A%L0 and co68 the evidence (rom the te6t to support your ans'er.
$O 9ar:s are given for onl8 true or false.
1. 1eople sometimes use the (ull name public house instead o( pub.
B. 8hildren under 1* are allo'ed in &ritish pubs.
3. &ritish people usually go to their local pub.
*. %ll pubs close at 11:00 p.m.

II. LE!I3O$ + P.O$E"I3- (( POI$"-)&
. LE!I3O$. (* POI$") ().(5 6oints for each correct ans7er)
Aind 'ords or phrases in the te6t that mean the same as these gi.en.
1. the ma!ority o(.
B. regulations.
3. 'or,mates.
*. personality.

B. P.O$E"I3-. (* POI$")
1. "o' is the :3s< pronounced in :drin,s<$ >s>$ >=> or >=>.C D0.BEF
B . Grite a 'ord (rom the te6t that includes the same sound as :&ritish< >>. D0.BEF
3. Grite a 'ord (rom the te6t that includes the same sound as :pubI >H>. D0.BEF
* . Grite a 'ord (rom the te6t that includes the same sound as :e.ening< >M>. D0.BEF
Pruebas de acceso a enseanzas universitarias oficiales de grado (Bachillerato L.O.E.)
IDIOM E!"#$%E#O& Ingl's. ()**+()*(
No se permite el uso del diccionario ni de ningn otro
material didctico.
Las preguntas debern ser respondidas en ingls.
Duracin de la prueba: 1 hora y 30 minutos.
sta ho!a no se entrega.
"ay #ue responder todos los blo#ues de la propuesta
elegida$ % o &.

III. ,-E O2 E$1LI-.. (; POI$"-) ().5 for each correct ans7er)
?e'rite the (ollo'ing sentences starting 'ith the 'ords gi.en:

1. 0mo,ing is not allo'ed in restaurants no'adays.

B. +he inspector arrested the thie( yesterday night.

3. :0hall 'e go to the mo.iesC< "e suggested.

*. ; read a no.el last summer. ;t 'as .ery interesting.

E. ; am not rich. +hat is 'hy ; don9t ha.e a 1orsche.

5. Grite the correct #uestion (or the underlined 'ords.
Nohn pre(ers tra.elling by train.

I<. 3OMPO-I"IO$. (; POI$"-)
Grite a composition o( bet'een 100 and 1BE 'ords on the (ollo'ing topic:

Do 8ou go to 6ubs at the 7ee:ends= If not> 7hat do 8ou usuall8 do=

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