Standar Criteria Desain Pelabuhan

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Standar criteria desain pelabuhan

port design criteria standard


in order to have a uniform system for better functioning of shipping and ports the goverment of
indonesia has introduction the "four gate way ports system", with the aim to attain, beside a rational
system of transport, also adequate aquiped ports for efficient handling of cargo.
this means for the ports concerned, the facilities should be adjusted to modern equipment and
modern physical appearance of cargo. this mean s also guidelines for designing and constructing of
facilities as well as the outfit of the ports.
the following should be considered in general as guidelines. In chapter where figures are mentioned
however they have to be considered as design criteria.
Every aspect, detail and figure deviating from, or not mentioned in this regulation needed for the
design of facilities only can be nandled/used with the advanced approval of sea communication.

Port characteristics
Since 1982 the multi gateway port system has been replaced by the four gateway ports and
collector system named after the four ports, namely:
1. Tanjung priok (jakarta)
2. Tanjung perak (surabaya)
3. Belawan (medan)
4. Makasar (ujung pandang)
This system, a result of the integrated sea transportation system study, combined with the four
gateway port policy of the govermenr, is based on the trunk and feeder concept
According to the above mentioned system and concept the territory of Indonesian is devided in four
regions (to be considered as a kind of hinterland of the main ports) in wich the port system should
be re-classified so that each of Indonesian ports should play its specific role.
The theraby established hierarchy of functionally interdependent ports can be presented as follows:
Gateway ports
Collector ports
ILS ports
Feeder ports

Scheme of the gateway system and possible connections between the different types of ports. In
view of the gradual unitization and mechanization of cargo, the type, appearance and quantity of the
cargo shall be modified/during the transportation in both direction (from gateway port to feeder
and vice versa)which shall not only be determined by type, size and capacity of the ships but also by
topographical, geographical, hydraulical, and other circumstances as well as by the infra and super
structur of the ports concerned.
Some of the collector and trunk ports can be called by ships for specialized cargo with a bigger
draught as the normal for these ports visiting ships and therefore play a more important role in the
system than from the hyrarchie could be derived.

IV. type of ships
General :
The extent and composition of the fleet are a reflection of the important role that sea traffic in the
development of the entire Indonesian territory, corresponding with repelitas I, II, and III.
Sea transportation in indonesia consist of the following categories:
1. The international shipping (deepsea or ocean shipping)
2. The national domestic shipping (shortsea of inter island liner shipping)

Ad. 1.
The international shipping, the so called deep sea or ocean shipping or pelayaran samudera runs
services from the gateway ports and some collector ports to foreign countries.
The ships are devided, according to the kind of goods transported into two grups, namely:
1.1 general shipping, for the transportation of general cargo and containers.
1.2 Specialized foreign shipping (pelayaran khusus luar negeri) for the transportation of forest
products (logs, timberplywood) dry bulk cargo (coal, cement, core) and liquid bulk cargo
(mineral, oil, edible oil and LNG, Liquified Natural Gas)

Ad,. 2.
The national domestic shipping, also called interisland liner shipping or pelayaran nusantara/ILS.
Takes care of the domestic shipping. It takes care of all parts of the regions and vice versa for the
convergent; flow of cargo from these parts to the gateway ports (see fig 1)
Because of the complex character of the traffic and the divergency of its tasks this part of shipping
can be devided into the following groups.
2.1 interisland trade (pelayaran nusantara /ILS)
the ILS shipping, running short sea service between the gateway ports and other ports of the
system, sails in accordance to a determined route and time table.
Depending on the routes the capacity of the ships veries from 1000 until 4000 Dwt.

2.2 Specialized Domestic shipping (pelayaran khusus dalam negeri)
The ships belonging to ythis group operate according to a particular principle. It makes
possible the transportation, according to defferent measures and separate routes, of basic
goods-essential for the country, certain regions or island. Like rice, salt, cement, fertilizer
This specialized shipping is maintained by ships with a capacity more than 500 Dwt.

2.3 Pioneer shipping (pelayaran perintis)
This non commercial service takes care of suplaying communities in remote place, regions,
and island, to promote development of the regions concerned .
The type of ships belonging to this group has a capacity between 500 and 1000 Dwt.

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