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I. Definition of Terms
1. Sphere is the set of all points in a three-dimensional space such that the distance(radius) of each point from a
fixed point(center) is the same nonnegative constant.
2. Great Circle is one whose plane passes through the venter of the sphere. For example, all meridians and the
Equator. A great circle divides the sphere into two equal parts.
3. Small Circle is one whose plane does not passes through the center of the sphere. For example, a parallel of
4. Lune is a portion of the surface of a sphere enclosed by two great circles.
5. Pole of a circle is that point on the surface of the sphere which is equidistant from all points on the circle.
6. Equator intersection of a spheres surface with the plane perpendicular to the spheres axis of rotation &
midway between poles.
7. Latitude(horizontal line) angular distance in DMS of a point North or South of the equator. Lines of latitude are
often referred to as parallels.
8. Longitude(vertical line) is the angular distance in DMS of a point East or West of the Prime
Meridian(Greenwich). Lines of longitude are often referred to as meridians.
9. Spherical Triangle is a triangle formed on the surface of a sphere by the intersection of the arcs of the three
great circles.
10. Spherical Excess the amount by which the sum of the three angles of a spherical triangle exceeds 180
11. Spherical Right Triangle a spherical triangle having one right angle.
12. Quadrantal Spherical Triangle a spherical triangle having one side measures 90
13. Isosceles Spherical Triangle a spherical triangle with at least two equal sides.
14. Oblique Spherical Triangle a spherical triangle which does not contain any right angle.
II. Properties of a spherical triangle
1. Each side of a spherical triangle must be less than 180
2. Each angle of a spherical triangle must be less than 180
3. The sum of the three sides must lie between 0
to 360
4. The sum of the three angles must lie between 180
to 540
5. The area of any spherical triangle must be less than 2R
, where R is the radius of the sphere.
6. The sum of any two sides of a spherical triangle is greater than the third side.
7. The largest angle is opposite to the longest side & the smallest is opposite to the shortest side.
III. Spherical Right Triangle and Quadrantal Spherical Triangle
Napiers Rule
1. The sine of a middle part is equal to the product of the cosines of the opposite parts.
2. The sine of a middle part is equal to the product of the tangents of the adjacent parts.

Example1. If C=90
, a=116
and b=32
, find A.
Since A, b and a are the adjacent parts, then

Example2. In the quadrantal triangle ABC in which a=90
, b=78
14 and c=49
08, find A and B.

Since A is the middle part with b and c are the adjacent parts, then

Since b is the middle part with B and c are the opposite parts, then

IV. Oblique Spherical Triangle
Law of Sines
In any spherical triangle, the sines of the sides are proportional to the sines of the opposite angles.

Law of Cosines
1. Law of Cosines for sides in any spherical triangle, the cosine of any side is equal to the product of the
cosines of the other sides plus the product of the sines of the other sides and the cosine of the included
angle between them.
= +
= +
= +
2. Law of Cosines for angles in any spherical triangle, the cosine of any angle is equal to the negative of the
product of the cosines of the other two angles plus the product of the sines of the other angles and the
cosine of the included side between them.

= +
= +
= +

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