SOP Pines Tube Bender #100212345678911234

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Equipment Number(s)
Instruct employees on the s!e opertion o! the Pines Tube Ben"er
The #or$ piece is lo"e" into the mchine% The mchine #ill close the clmp n"
pressure "ies n" the s#in& rm #ill "'nce% The mchine #ill stop t the en" o!
the ben" #ith mn"rel retrcte" n" the clmp n" pressure "ies open%
Standard Operating Procedure Sections
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS (Equipment, Knowledge Required):
NEVER operate, service or adjust the bending machine, or install dies, without proper instructions.
NEVER place your hands, ingers or any other part o your body into the danger areas o the
machine, unless the motor is turned o and all main power switches are loc!ed in the o position
and tagged.
"anger #reas are:
$) #rea deined by the total travel o the swinging arm. (#rea between the stationary arm and
the swinging arm is especially dangerous.
%) #utomatic hydraulic mandrel rod e&traction area.
') "ie #rea
() #ngle o bend selector area
NEVER attempt to adjust, install or remove dies without irst shutting o the power to the bending
machine and loc!ing and tagging the main power source in the o position.
NEVER attempt to pull a part out o the die with your hands. ) the part stic!s in the die, stop the
bending machine and call your supervisor.
NEVER tal! to another person while engaged in the operation o the rolling machine. ) tal!ing is
necessary, stop the machine and step aside away rom the machine until the conversation is
NEVER wear jewelry, nec!ties or loose clothing when wor!ing on or near machinery
NEVER leave the machine running unattended.
Every bending operation will require a dierent setup. *our supervisor will set up the proper dies
and instruct you on the correct operation o the machine.
Genera Operating Procedure
+eore the machine is started the lubricator should be primed with instant eed button until a
pressure o ,- psi is showing on the gauge.
.he hydraulic pump motor is started by momentarily depressing the !OTOR START push
.he hydraulic motor can be stopped by momentarily depressing the STOP bush button. .he
pump motor can also be stopped by pressure on the saety plate, mounted on the inside o the
swing arm.
.he bend o the cycle is initiated by momentarily depressing the CYC"E FOR#ARD
pushbutton. .he machine will close the clamp and pressure dies and the swinging arm will
advance. .he machine will stop at the end o the bend with the mandrel retracted and the clamp
and pressure dies open.
.he return portion o the cycle is initiated by momentarily depressing the CYC"E REVERSE
pushbutton. .he swinging arm will return to the starting position and the mandrel will advance.
.he C"A!P bush button is used to manually close the clamp and pressure dies. ) the
S#INGING AR! switch is in the orward position the clamp bush button will also advance the
swinging arm in the bend direction ater the clamp die closes. ) the S#INGING AR! switch
is in the neutral or reverse positions when the C"A!P pushbutton is pressed, the swing arm will
not advance.
.he UNC"A!P bush button is used to manually open the clamp and pressure dies. ) the
S#INGING AR! switch is in the reverse position the unclamp bush button will also return the
swinging arm ater the clamp die opens. ) the S#INGING AR! switch is in the neutral or
orward positions when the UNC"A!P pushbutton is pressed, the swing arm will not return.
.he S#INGING AR! switch is used only during manual operation. )t is used in conjunction
with the manual C"A!P and UNC"A!P push buttons to manually position the swing arm. )
the S#INGING AR! switch is placed in the neutral position the swing arm will not move
during manual operation.
.he !ANDRE" switch is a two position switch used to advance or e&tract the mandrel during
manual operation. ) the mandrel switch is in the e&tract position, the mandrel will e&tract i
either the C"A!P or UNC"A!P push button is pressed. ) the !ANDRE" switch is in the
advance position the mandrel will advance.
.he AUTO RETURN switch can only be used with special tooling to eject the wor! piece.

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