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Operation Zarb-e-Azab and Haqqani Network

By, Javed Ali Kalhoro

Published in Weekly Pulse
Dated. June 30, 2014

Reportedly the recent operation in North Waziristan is successfully targeting the terrorist
hideouts. Many terrorists are killed and some have surrendered. Majority of Pakistanis including
scholars and journalists have praised this operation and expressed full support to the security
forces. Theres no doubt that Pak army has been fighting against various terrorist groups not only
in Pakistan but also in other countries by participating in the U.N peace missions. The army is
trying its best to restore peace and stability in the country. Media reports have revealed that the
Army has so far captured the forty to fifty percent area of North Waziristan. However its really
very interesting that we are re-capturing our own territories.
It is clear that this operation is against various militant groups especially Tehreek-e-Taliban
Pakistan and may be Punjabi Talibans, who are very short in numbers in North Waziristan and
doing their trainings. The haqqani network that rules the North Waziristan too, unfortunately is
enjoying full support of some interest groups within our territory. International community,
especially the U.S has been asking Pakistan to launch an operation against the haqqanis, which
somehow is still one of those crucial matters between the U.S and Pakistan that is yet to be
Some believe that, one of the facts behind not taking any action against haqqanis is that Pakistan
would be using the group for its deep strategic depth in Afghanistan, post NATO troops
withdrawal. The involvement of India in Afghanistan has increased tensions for Pakistan towards
its western border. Therefore Pakistan needs Haqqanis at the Durand line against Indians and the
Afghan militant groups. There is a fact that the haqqanis were also taken on the track to compel
the talks with Tahereek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Since the both organizations, TTP and
Haqqanis, live in the same cave with bit different ideologies but they remain in close contacts
with each other to share who wants what? After the killing of Dr. Jalaludin Haqqanis son in
Bara Kahu, just a mile away from Islamabad, the haqqanis reportedly regretted for playing any
role in the talks with TTP but later on they were taken into confidence once again. This shows,
how the haqqanis enjoy the support by some interest groups in Pakistan. The haqqanis rule Miran
shah (North Waziristan) which has always been used against NATO forces in Afghanistan. They
fired many rockets into Afghanistan from Ghulam khan (North Waziristan) which is just a mile
or two away from the Afghan border. The international community has been complaining
Pakistan in this regard, but not even a single step has ever been taken against the militant group.
The haqqanis are well aware about every nook and moment happening in Afghanistan as their
member/followers frequently visits both sides of border. They closely watch each and every
moment of NATO forces, therefore they are fully obliged in order to share information and
launch small operations around. In short they are being considered as a military asset that secures
Pakistans western border.
In March, 2014, former minister Humayon Akhtar Khan was giving a comprehensive briefing on
the security situation of Pakistan at United States institute for peace in Washington DC, I also
got the opportunity to attend the briefing. Mr. Humayon said; Considering the present security
situation of Pakistan, the country has been left no choice, except, to launch an operation in North
Waziristan. I asked him, If you are talking about launching the operation in North Waziristan,
which militant group should be targeted then? Is that the Haqqani network or just TTP? He
responded with a long silence and said; I cant say anything on this but who so ever is against
Pakistan, must be eliminated. His answer clearly indicated that discussing the haqqanis
anywhere could be a sensitive topic that one must avoid to discuss.
By interacting with various journalists working in the fields of defense and terrorism, I came to
know that Pakistan does not take haqqani network as any threat towards sovereignty. This is very
alarming situation if we are taking a militant organization as no threat. Every militant or
extremist group that uses our territory, even against any other country, must be considered as an
enemy of Pakistan too. If they dont attack us now theres no guarantee that they will never
attack us in future. History can never be changed, there was a time when Pakistan produced
dozens of militants against Soviets who later on became the biggest enemies of Pakistan too.
However the militant groups are considered as the evil seeds were being sown by Pakistans
former President Gen. Zia-ul-Haq.
Khalid munir in his article says, The CIA set up the largest headquarters ever outside the US in
Peshawar during the 1980s. From funding to distributing jihadi literature, the CIA was able to
take revenge of the Vietnam defeat but left behind a region full of guns, missiles and people who
were only happy to use them. This is our weakness that we rely blindly on others to look into
our internal matters and decide our fate. Since Pakistan started its fight against terrorism, either
the war was its own or international, trust deficit has been evolved among Pakistan and the
international community. We have historical differences and clashes with India, we lost
Bangladesh and the country hates Pakistan much more than any other in entire world as
Bangladesh will never forget the past wounds by Army operations done by either India or
Pakistan. Afghanistan has produced dozens of security concerns for Pakistan, Iran doesnt trust
Pakistan and the country is fully supporting the flow of militants and various intelligence
agencies into Baluchistan. Only China has always remained a friend of all seasons for Pakistan,
who, somehow, is worried now about what is happening in its southern part of Xinjiang
province, bordering with Pakistan. The country had never mentioned the role of Pakistan in
deteriorating the situation in Urumqi, but it has been complaining Pakistan about the
involvement of militant groups in the situation who operates from Pakistan directly. Considering
the above situation around, one can understand the geo-strategic importance of Pakistan.
M. Ziauddin, the senior journalist and scholar writes in his article published in an English Daily,
Why did we take so long to launch this direly needed war in North Waziristan for peace in the
country despite the heavy price the nation kept paying all these 12 long years in terms of men,
money and the all- important ideological space? I doubt, if we do not clean our soil from the
traces of militancy, we would be writing the same and would keep on doubting haqqanis and
our policy makers too in this regard.
There should be no excuses or explanation of securing any militant group in Pakistan. If not now,
may be tomorrow the country will have to eliminating them, but the question is, should we wait
for tomorrow and let the international community believe that Pakistan is supporting terrorism? I
think its the time to make the world realize that Pakistan does not support and will never ever
support any militant on its soil.

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