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(Effective Alternative Secondary Education)


Module 2
Quadratic Functions

Department of Education
DepEd Complex, eralco A!enue,"a#i$ Cit%
Module 2
Quadratic Functions
What this module is about
This module is about Quadratic unctions! As you "o over the e#ercises$
you %ill develo& s'ills in s'etchin" the "ra&h and analy(in" the effects on its
"ra&h and ability to a&&ly this in solvin" &roblems! Treat the lesson %ith fun and
ta'e time to "o bac' if you thin' you are at a loss!
What you are expected to learn
This module is desi"ned for you to)
*! +ra% the "ra&h of a ,uadratic function usin" the
a#is of symmetry$
direction of the o&enin" of the "ra&h$ and
"iven &oints!
-! Analy(e the effects on the "ra&h of the chan"es in a$ h$ and ' in
f(#) . a(#/h)
0 '!
How much do you know
A! Tell the direction of the o&enin" of the "ra&h of the follo%in" functions!
*! y . /-#
0 1
-! y . #
2 3
3! y . 3#
2 4# 0 -
5! S'etch the "ra&h of the follo%in" functions!
6! y . /-#
0 6# 2 3
1! y . #
2 6# 0 -
C! 7sin" f(#) . #
as the reference "ra&h$ %hich "ra&h o&ens %ider8narro%er!
9! y . 3#
0 -
y . * #
2 1
:! y . /6#
y . /* #
0 -
+! ;hich "ra&hs translate to the ri"ht or to the left of the ori"in<
=! f(#) . (# 0 3)
4! f(#) . 3(# 26)
*>! f(#) . /(# 2-)
**! y . -(# 0 -)
E! ;hich "ra&hs translate u&%ard or do%n%ard considerin" f(#) . #
as the
reference "ra&h!
*-! f(#) . #
2 6
*3! f(#) . 3#
0 *
*6! f(#) . /-(# 23)
0 3
*1! y . (# 0 -)
/ -
What you will do
?esson *
@ra&h of Quadratic unction
The "ra&h of a ,uadratic function is a &arabola! Aou can "ra&h usin" your
&revious 'no%led"e about the characteristics of the "ra&h of a ,uadratic function
such as verte#$ a#is of symmetry and the direction of the o&enin"!
Ste&s in "ra&hin" ,uadratic functions)
*! find the coordinates of the verte#
-! determine the a#is of symmetry
3! determine the direction of the o&enin" of the "ra&h
() ma'e a table of values (choose symmetric values %ith res&ect to the
value of h)
Examples: Construct a table of values and "ra&h the follo%in" functions)
*! f(#) . (# 0 *)
2 -
Verte# . (/*$ /-)
A#is of symmetry) # . /*
+irection of o&enin") u&%ard

Table of values
# (# 0 *)
/ - f(#)
* (* 0 *)
/ - -
> (> 0 *)
/ - /*
/* (/* 0 *)
/ - /-
/- (/-0 *)
/ - /*
/3 (/3 0 *)
/ - -
- f(#) . /(# 2 -)
0 3
verte# . (-$ 3)
a#is of symmetry) # . -
direction of o&enin") +o%n%ard

Table of values
# /(# 2 -)
0 3 f(#)
6 /(6 2 -)
03 /*
3 /(3 2 -)
03 /-
- /(- 2 -)
03 3
* /(* 2 -)
03 -
> /(> / -)
03 /*
Try this out
+ra% the "ra&h of each of the follo%in" functions by follo%in" the ste&s
mentioned in the "iven e#am&les!

*! f(#) . (# 0 -)
2 3
A#is of symmetry) BBBBBBBBB
+irection of o&enin") BBBBBBBBB
Table of values
# (# 0 -)
/ 3 f(#)
-! f(#) . /(# 2-)
0 6
verte#) BBBBBBBB
A#is of symmetry) BBBBBBBB
+irection of o&enin") BBBBBBBB
Table of values
# /(# / -)
0 6 f(#)
3! f(#) . 3(# 0 *)
0 3
verte#)) BBBBBBBB
A#is of symmetry) BBBBBBBBB
+irection of the o&enin") BBBBBB
Table of values
# 3(# 0 *)
0 3 f(#)
6! f(#) . (# / *)
0 3
A#is of symmetry) BBBBBBBBB
+irection of o&enin") BBBBBBBBBB
Table of values
# (# / *)
0 3 f(#)
1! f(#) . *83(# 2 *)
0 -
verte# ) BBBBBBBB
A#is of symmetry) BBBBBBBBB
+irection of o&enin") BBBBBBBBB
Table of values
# *83(# / *)
0 - f(#)
?esson -
Analy(e the Effect of the Chan"es in a on the
@ra&h of the unction f(#) . a#

The value of a in f(#) . a#
has an effect on the "ra&h of a ,uadratic
function! It determines the %idth of the &arabola %ith res&ect to the a#is of
symmetry! If > C a C *$ the "ra&h is %ider and tends to flatten out! If a D *$ the
"ra&h is narro%er and stee&er!
Consider the follo%in" functions and f(#) . #
as reference function!
*! y . -#
Verte#) (>$>)
A#is of symmetry) # . >
E&enin" of "ra&h) 7&%ard
y . -#
y . #
y . F #
-! f(#) . *8-#

verte#) (>$>)
A#is of symmetry) # . >
E&enin" of the "ra&h)
Table of values
# F(#)
- F(-)
* F(*)
> F(>)
/* F(/*)
/- F(/-)
Aou %ill notice that the "ra&h of f(#) . -#
is narro%er com&ared to the
"ra&h of f(#) . #
! ;hile$ the "ra&h of f(#) . F#
is %ider com&ared to the "ra&h
of f(#) . #
Try this out
or each set of functions$ tell %hich "ra&h is narro%er or %ider!
*! f(#) . -#
f(#) . 3#
-! f(#) . /* #
f(#) . /-#
3! f(#) . 6#
Table of values
# -#
- -(-)
* -(*)
> -(>)
/* -(/*)
/- -(/-)
f(#) . * #
6! f(#) . 1#
f(#) . 6#
1! f(#) . /3#
f(#) . /* #
9! f(#) . /#
f(#) . /3#
:! f(#) . -#
f(#) . 6#
=! f(#) . /1#
f(# . /-#
4! f(#) . - #
f(#) . * #
*>! f(#) . / * #
f(#) . / * #
?esson 3
Analy(e the Effect of the Chan"es in h on the
@ra&h of the unction f(#) . a(#/h)

The "ra&h of the function f(#) . a(#/h)
is the same as the "ra&h of
f(#) . a#
$ e#ce&t that its verte# is translated hori(ontally to the ri"ht of the ori"in
%hen h D >!
The "ra&h of the function f(#) . a(# / h)
is the same as the "ra&h of f(#)
. a#
e#ce&t that itGs verte# is translated to the left of the ori"in %hen h C >!
*! y . (# 0 *)
y . (#0*)
verte# ) (/*$ >) y . #
A#is of symmetry) # . /*
E&enin") 7&%ard y . (# 2 *)
Table of values
# (# 0 *)
* (*0 *)
> (> 0 *)
/* (/* 0 *)
/- (/-0 *)
/3 (/30 *)

-! y . (# / *)

verte# ) (*$ >)
A#is of symmetry) # . *
E&enin" of the "ra&h) 7&%ard
The "ra&h of y . (# 0 *)
moves to the left of the ori"in %hile the "ra&h of
y . (# 2 *)
moves to the ri"ht of the ori"in!
Try this out
@iven are the follo%in" functions! Tell the directions of each "ra&h$ if it
translates to the ri"ht or to the left of the reference "ra&h f(#) . #
*! f(#) . (# 0 6)

-! f(#) . (# 2 6)

3! f(#) . ( # 2 -)

Table of values
# (# / *)
/* (/*/ *)
> (> / *)
* (* / *)
- (- / *)
3 (3 / *)
6! f(#) . (# 0 -)

1! f(#) . (# 0 1)
9! f(#) . -(# 2 1)

:! f(#) . 3(# 2 6)

=! y . (# / 9)

4! y . (# 0 *)

*>! y . (# / F)

?esson 6
Analy(e the Effect of the Chan"es in ' on the
@ra&h of the unction f(#) . a#
0 '
7sin" the "ra&h of f(#) . #
as the reference$ the value of ' translates the
"ra&h vertically$ u&%ard if ' D > or do%n%ard if ' C >!
Examples: y . #
0 3
*! f(#) . #
0 -
verte# ) ( >$ - ) y . #
0 -
a#is of symmetry) #. >
E&enin" of the "ra&h) 7&%ards y . #

Table of values
# #
0 - f(#)
- (-)
0 - 9
* (*)
0 - 3
> (>)
0 - -
/* (/*)
0 - 3
/- (/-)
0 - 9
-! f(#) . #
0 3
verte# ) ( >$ 3)
a#is of symmetry) # . >
o&enin" of the "ra&h) u&%ards
Table of values
# #
0 3 f(#)
- (-)
0 3 :
* (*)
0 3 6
> (>)
0 3 3
/* (/*)
0 3 6
/- (/-)
0 3 :
Try this out
Tell the direction of each "ra&h$ if it translates u&%ards or do%n%ards !
Consider the "ra&h of f(#) . #
as your reference "ra&h!
*! y . #
0 9
-! y . #
2 6
3! y . #
2 3
6! y . #
0 -
1! y . #
2 -
9! y . #
/ *
:! y . #
0 1
=! y . #
0 =
4! y . #
*>! y . #
2 *
?esson 1
Analy(e the Effects of the Chan"es in a on the
@ra&h of the unction f(#) . a(#/h)
0 '!
7sin" your &revious 'no%led"e re"ardin" the characteristics and different
forms of ,uadratic functions lets you analy(e ho% the "ra&h of f(#) . a#
affected by both h and '! This %ould re,uire translation of the "ra&h from both
the # and y a#is!
Example 1
If a . /-$ h . /* and ' . /- the ,uadratic function becomes

y . /-(# 0 *)
2 -!
Verte#) (/*$ /-)
A#is of symmetry) # . /*
E&enin" of the "ra&h) +o%n%ard
Table of values
H /-(# 0 *)
/- f(#)
* /-(* 0 *)
/- /*>
> /-(> 0 *)
/- /6
/* /-(/* 0 *)
/- /-
/- /-(/- 0 *)
/- /6
/3 /-(/3 0 *)
/- /*>
Example 2:
;rite the e,uation of &arabola if the "ra&h of y . -#
is shifted 6 units to
the left and * unit do%n%ard!
Ans%er ) The e,uation is y . -(# 0 6)
Try this out
A! S'etch the "ra&h of the follo%in" ,uadratic functions! Com&lete the table
of values (choose &oints symmetric to the value of h) and other
characteristics such as verte#$ a#is of symmetry and direction of the
*! y . /(# 2-)
0 *
-! y . -(# 0 -)
3! y . (# 2 *)
0 -
6! y . (# 0 *)
1! y . ( # 0 *)
2 6
5! ;rite the e,uation for each &arabola described!
*! The "ra&h of y . #
shifted 1 units u&%ard!
-! The "ra&h of y . #
shifted 3 units do%n%ard!
3! The "ra&h of y . -#
shifted - units above the ori"in!
6! The "ra&h of y . #
shifted 6 units to the ri"ht of the ori"in!
1! The "ra&h of y . 3#
shifted - units to the left of the ori"in!
9! The "ra&h of y . -#
shifted 3 units to the left and 1 units u&%ard!
:! The "ra&h of y . 3#
shifted 3 units to the ri"ht and - units
=! The "ra&h of y . #
shifted 3 units to the left and 6 units do%n%ard!
4! The "ra&h of y . /-#
shifted 1 units to the ri"ht and 3 units u&%ard!
*>! The "ra&h of y . /3#
shifted - units to the left and 6 units u&%ard!
Lets summarize
*! The "ra&h of a ,uadratic function is called &arabola!
-! @ra&hin" ,uadratic functions there are ste&s to be follo%ed)
a) ind the coordinates of the verte#!
1) +etermine the a#is of symmetry!
c) +etermine the direction of the o&enin" of the "ra&h!
d) Ire&are the table of values (choose the values of # symmetric to
the value of h)!
3! The "ra&h of the function of the form f(#) . a#
$ as a increases the "ra&h
6! The "ra&h of f(#) . a(# 2h)
has the same sha&e and direction of o&enin"
as the "ra&h of f(#) . a#
! 5ut its &osition is translated h units to the ri"ht
or left!
1! As the value of ' chan"es$ the "ra&h of f(#) . a(# 2h)
0 ' is translated '
units u& or do%n!
What have you learned
A! Tell the direction of the o&enin" of the "ra&h of the follo%in" functions!
*! y . -#
2 6
-! y . #
0 3
3! y . /#
0 -# 2 1
5! S'etch the "ra&h of the follo%in" functions!
6! y . 3 (# 2 *)
/ 6
1! y . /#
0 -# 2 *
C! 7sin" f(#) . #
as the reference "ra&h $ %hich "ra&h is %ider or narro%er<
9! y . -#
2 -
y . #
0 6
:! y . /3#
0 3
y . /* #
/ -
+! ;hich "ra&hs translates to the ri"ht or to the left of the ori"in<
=! f(#) . (# 2 3)
4! f(#) . 6(# 0 -)

*>! f(#) . / -(# 2 6)
**! f(#) . 3(# 0 3)
E! ;hich "ra&h translates u&%ards or do%n%ards from f(#) . #
*-! f(#) . 3#
*3! f(#) . /-#
0 3
*6! fH) . /3(# 2 3)
0 1
*1! f(#) . (# 0 6)
/ 3
nswer key
Ho% much do you 'no%
A! *! +o%n%ard
-! 7&%ard
3! 7&%ard
5! 6! y . /-#
0 6# / 3
1! y . #
2 6# 0 -
9! narro%er

:! narro%er

=! to the left

4! to the ri"ht
*>! to the ri"ht

**! to the left
*-! do%n%ard
*3! u&%ard
*6! u&%ard
*1! do%n%ard
Try this out
?esson *
*! f(#) . (# 0 -)
2 3
Verte#) (/-$ /3)
A#is of symmetry) # . /-
+irection of o&enin") u&%ard
-! f(#) . /(# 2 -)
0 6
verte#) (-$ 6)
A#is of symmetry) # . -
+irection of o&enin") do%n%ard

Table of values
# (# 0 -)
/ 3 f(#)
> (> 0 -)
/ 3 *
/* (/* 0 -)
/ 3 /-
/- (/- 0 - )
/ 3 /3
/3 (/3 0 -)
/ 3 /-
/6 (/6 0 -)
/ 3 *
Table of values
# /(# / -)
06 f(#)
6 /(6 2 -)
0 6 >
3 /(3 2 -)
0 6 3
- /(- / -)
0 6 6
* /(* 2 -)
0 6 3
> /(> 2 -)
0 6 >
3! f(#) . /(# 0 *)
0 3
verte#) (/*$ 3)
A#is of symmetry) #. /*
+irection of the o&enin") do%n%ard

6! f(#) . (# / *)
0 3
verte#) (*$ 3)
A#is of symmetry) # . *
+irection of o&enin") 7&%ard
1! f(#) . *83(# 2 *)
0 -
Table of values
# /(# 0 *)
03 f(#)
* /(* 0 *)
0 3 /*
> /(> 0 *)
0 3 -
/* /(/* 0 *)
0 3 3
/- /(/- 0 *)
0 3 -
/3 /(/3 0 *)
0 3 /*
Table of values
# (# / *)
0 3 f(#)
3 (3 2 *)
0 3 :
- (- 2 * )
0 3 6
* (* 2 *)
0 3 3
> ( > 2 *)
0 3 6
/* (/* 2 *)
0 3 :
verte# ) (*$ -)
A#is of symmetry) # . *
+irection of o&enin") 7&%ard

?esson -
or each set of functions$ tell %hich "ra&h is narro%er or %ider!
*! f(#) . -#
$ %ider

f(#) . 3#
$ narro%er
-! f(#) . /* #
$ %ider
f(#) . /-#
$ narro%er
3! f(#) . 6#
$ narro%er
f(#) . * #
$ %ider
6! f(#) . 1#
$ narro%er
f(#) . 6#
$ %ider
1! f(#) . /3#
$ narro%er
f(#) . /* #
$ %ider
9! f(#) . /#
$ %ider
f(#) . /3#
$ narro%er
:! f(#) . -#
$ %ider
f(#) . 6#
$ narro%er
Table of values
# *83(#2*)
0 - f(#)
3 *83(32*)
0 - 3!3
- *83(-2*)
0 - -!3
* *83(*2*)
0 - -
> *83(> /*)
0 - -!3
/* *83(/*2*)
0 - 3!3
=! f(#) . /1#
$ narro%er
f(# . / -#
$ %ider
4! f(#) . - #
$ narro%er
f(#) . * #
$ %ider
*>! f(#) . / * #
$ %ider
f(#) . /
$ narro%er
?esson 3)

*! moves to the left
-! moves to the ri"ht
3! moves to the ri"ht
6! moves to the left
1! moves to the left
9! moves to the ri"ht
:! moves to the ri"ht
=! moves to the ri"ht
4! moves to the left
*>! moves to the ri"ht

?esson 6
*! u&%ards
-! do%n%ards
3! do%n%ards
6! u&%ards
1! do%n%ards
9! do%n%ards
:! u&%ards
=! u&%ards
4! u&%ards
*>! do%n%ards
?esson 1
*! y . /(# 2-)
0 *
verte#) (-$*)
A#is of symmetry) # . -
+irection of the "ra&h) +o%n%ard

-! y . -(# 0 -)
verte#) (/- 2 3)
A#is of symmetry) # . /-
+irection of the "ra&h) 7&%ards
3! y . (# 2 *)
0 -
Verte#) (*$ -)
A#is of symmetry) # . *
Table of values
# /(# 2 -)
0 * f(#)
6 /(6 2 -)
0 * /3
3 /(3 2 -)
0 * >
- /(- 2 -)
0 * *
* /(* 2 -)
0 * >
> /(> 2 -)
0 * /3
Table of values
# -(# 0 -)
/ 3 f(#)
> -(> 0 -)
/ 3 1
/* -( /* 0 -)
/3 /*
/- -( /- 0- )
/3 /3
/3 -( /3 0 -)
/ 3 /*
/6 -( /6 0 -)
/ 3 1
+irection of the "ra&h) 7&%ards
6! y . (# 0 *)
Verte#) (/*$ /-)
A#is of symmetry) # . /*
+irection of the "ra&h) 7&%ards
1! y . (# 0 *)
2 6
Verte#) (/*$ /6)
A#is of symmetry) # . /*
+irection of the "ra&h) 7&%ards
*! y . #
0 1
Table of values
# (# 2 *)
0 - #
3 (3 2*)
0 - 9
- (- 2 *)
0 - 3
* (* 2 *)
0 - -
> (> 2 *)
0 - 3
/* (/* 2 *)
0 - 9
Table of values
# (# 0 *)
2- f(#)
* (* 0 *)
/ - -
> (> 0 *)
/ - /*
/* (/* 0 *)
/ - /-
/- (/- 0 *)
/ - /*
/3 (/3 0 *)
/ - -
Table of values
# (# 0 *)
2 6 f(#)
* (* 0 *)
/ 6 >
> (> 0 *)
/ 6 /3
/* (/* 0 *)
/ 6 /6
/- (/- 0 *)
/ 6 /3
/3 (/3 0 *)
/ 6 >
-! y . #
3! y . -#
0 -
6! y . (# / 6)
1! y . 3(# 0 -)
9! y . -(# 0 3)
0 1
:! y . 3(# 2 3)
2 -
=! y . (# 0 3)
2 6
4! y . /-(# 2 1)
0 3
*>! y . /3(# 0 -)
0 6
;hat have you learned
*! 7&%ard
-! 7&%ard
3! +o%n%ard
6! y . 3(# 2 *)
/ 6
1! y . /#
0 -# 2 *
9! narro%er
:! narro%er

+! E!
=! to the ri"ht *-! do%n%ard
4! to the left *3! u&%ard
*>! to the ri"ht *6! u&%ard
**!to the left *1! do%n%ard

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