Test 131245678911234

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1) The purpose of Article A3 is to identify the contract documents

referred to in article A-1 of the agreement. These include the agreement
between owner and contractor,
4) 4.1) The specifications would overrule as stated in section 1.1.
!) a) b) The consultant will review and ta"e appropriate action
upon shop drawings, samples and other contractor submittals,
c) The consultant will prepare change orders and change directives
e) The consultant will receive and review written warranties and
related documents re#uired by the contract and provided by the
$) The contractor shall have total control of the wor" and shall
effectively direct and supervise the wor" so as to ensure conformity
with the contract documents.
.%) a) The contractor shall afford the owner and other contractors
reasonable opportunity to store their products and e&ecute
their wor"
c) 'eport to the consultant in writing any apparent deficiencies
in the wor" of other contractors or of the owner(s own forces ,
where such wor" affects the proper e&ecution of any portion of
the wor" , prior to proceeding with that portion of the wor".
))a)*repare and submit to the owner and the consultant prior to the
first application for payment , a construction schedule that
indicates the timing of the ma+or activities of the wor" and provides
sufficient detail of the critical events and their inter
relationships to demonstrate the wor" will be performed in conformity
with the contract time.
b) the contractor shall monitor the progress of the wor" relative to the
construction schedule and update the schedule on a monthly basis or
as stipulated by the contract documents.
c) The contractor shall advise the consultant of any revisions
re#uired to the schedule as a result of e&tensions of the contract.
,)-lause 3..3 states the owner may, for any reasonable cause, at any
time before the owner has signed the contract , ob+ect to the use of
a subcontractor or supplier and re#uire the contractor to employ one
of the other subcontract bidders.
1.)The materials used on the pro+ect must be new unless specified.
11)/hop drawings are drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules,
performance charts, brochures, product data, and other data which
the contractor provides to illustrate details of portions of the
1%)The cash allowance is monetary sum specified by the Architect or
0ngineer and included in the price of the pro+ect to pay for wor"
that is unspecified at the time of pricing. The scope of wor" or
cost included in a cash allowance shall be described in the
contract documents eg , product cost, installation labour, delivery
13.1) The contractor may apply for payment monthly as the wor"
13.%) The contractor must submit a schedule of costs 1! calender
days before the first application of payment.
13.3) 1es the contractor can be paid for materials, but must
provide evidence of the value and delivery.
14) The owner may stop the wor" if 2
a) The contractor is ad+udged ban"rupt, or ma"es general assignment
for the benefit of creditors because of the contractors
insolvency, or if a receiver if a receiver is appointed because
of the contractors insolvency.
b) The contractor fails to correct a default in the time specified
or in such a time period as may be subse#uently agreed upon in
writing by the parties.
a) Ta"e all reasonable steps to determine whether any to&ic and
ha3ardous substance are present at the place of wor".
b) *rovide the consultant and the contractor with a written list
of any such substances that are "nown to e&ist and their

c) Ta"e reasonable steps to ensure that no persons e&posure to any
To&ic or ha3ardous substance e&ceeds the time weighted levels
prescribed by applicable legislation.
d) 4ispose of, store or otherwise render harmless to&ic or
5a3ardous substances which were present which were present at
the place of wor" prior to the contractor commencing wor".

1$) The owner pays for the building permit.
1) The contractor pays for the bonds
1)) The warranty period is one year from the date of substantial
performance of the wor".

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