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: I have met a small number of North Africans(excluding Egyptians, since they are

already covered). he dad of one of my brother!s closest friend, is from "orocco. #ne time in our door to door preaching $or%, $hile $or%ing apartments in
Alexandria, $e met a guy visiting from either unisia or Algeria, can!t remember $hich. I met a guy from "orocco at &hoppers in '((). *e $as a dar%+
s%inned "oroccan, he loo%ed mostly blac% but maybe $ith some Arab in him. here!s a young "oroccan guy that attends the ,usiness &chool at -./. I!ve
met a lot of North African people $ithin the last year. At the end of 0uly, I met a $oman from "orocco at 1ohic% 2ibrary as I invited her to the district
convention. 3hen I $ent to Epcot in 4isney$orld, there is a "orocco section, that is designed li%e an actual "oroccan city. It $as beautiful in there. I got
so caught up that my family actually accidentally left me, since I obviously have a bigger interest in "orocco than any of them so understandably too% a
longer time chec%ing things out. *ere is a glimpse of this place here http:55$$$.allears.net5tp5ep5e6morc.htm. here $ere a lot of young "oroccan men and
$omen there. Aladdin and 0asmine, and 7enie visit "orocco regularly. #n our $ay bac% from 8lorida, as $e stopped to eat, $e met a man from Algeria and
his $ife($hite American). 2ater that month, $hile out in our preaching $or%, I met a man from "orocco $ho $as very nice, and interested in our message.
*e $as at the door $ith his little son, about 9 years old. In April, $hile going door to door, $e ran into a unisian family at an apartment. In the last t$o
$ee%s I met t$o ladies from "orocco. #ne $oman named Alymah(:), at the "c4onalds on 2orton ;oad and ;ichmond *igh$ay, and then another $oman
this $ee% at the <+== on #ld >eene "ill near *anover and .ommerce streets. Nov. '(=' update: I!ve met some "oroccan fol% at the 3almart $here I $or%.
I recently met this one man, $ho started spea%ing to me in 8rench. *e actually sounded a lot li%e /ncle ;onnie. &adly, the "oroccan lady $ho $or%ed at
the <+== off of #ld >eene "ill, got very sic% in the summer of '(==. I as%ed about her for a $hile, and then I $as li%e ?I!ll see her again, hopefully $hen she
is recuperated@. I decided to as% about her $hen I $ent by there to buy some food this past 8riday or &aturday(Nov.' or 9), and I $as told she had died.

Young Moroccan women

Aoung "oroccan girl
Aoung "oroccan $oman
I his is obviously a north African scene.
I!m pretty sure this is "orocco.

"oroccan girl "an in "orocco: Is this a play or something:

2ittle "oroccan girl "oroccan $oman

Adorable young lady, laughing for the camera.
"an in #uarBaBate, "orocco. *e almost loo%s Cust li%e a light+s%inned African American, not even li%e a 3est African.
3oman in "orocco
Aoung ,erber $oman

Tunisian man, doing his thing. Tunisian man.
Tunisian woman Man looking reflective in Kairouen, Tunisia

'(+year old Algerian $oman A more traditional young Algerian $oman
"an in his date shop in oBeur, unisia. I!ll have to find $here they sell dates and try one sometime.
Algerian $oman crying over something happening to her brother(that!s $hat I read in the caption). hey almost loo% li%e ancient Israelite $omen in that
picture. &imilar garb.

Algerian policewomen! Hmmmmm. Very interesting picture. Shows you Arab/muslim countries differ. In Saudi Arabia, women cant een leae the house without the permission of her husband. And if she doesnt, then she has to
be accompanied by a man.
&ome guy named >urt(the $hite guy) $ith an extra+tanned unisian guy. Are they $restling or dancing: 3ho %no$s: 4ang, that guy has a better tan than
even the guys that actually live in the desert and ride camels and stuff.
Algerian guy, that can eat anything. And I mean anything, nails, candles, glass, stuff li%e that.
And now, a long moment of silence for the following individuals (Im being very serious here).
I Cust read about these t$o $omen here, Yasmine and Sabrina Larbi!herif,
$ho $ere of Algerian bac%ground. .
hey $ere both murdered in '((D in 2ondon,
$here they had been living $ith their families. hey $ere %no$n to be extremely intelligent, capable, generous and helpful young $omen. Aasmine had been
stabbed 9) times. ,oth their bodies $ere found in their bloodied apartment.

his is the man that %illed those t$o lovely $omen above. "ohammed Ali, 'E years old. *e $as Aasmine!s on+off Fboyfriend!. here had been a lot of
intense, loud arguing bet$een the t$o, the days preceding the murder. *e stabbed Aasmine 9) times, and did some head damage to &abrina

Hamouda Bessaad Abdinasir Hassan
Another terrible, sad sory. A unisian man named *amouda ,essaad, $ho $as living in England, $as stabbed to death, as a result of mista%en identity. he
%iller, Abdinasir *assan, $ho happens to be &omalian, had earlier gotten into an altercation($hich he apparently started for no reason) $ith some Algerian
men at an internet cafG. *e lost miserably, ending up $ith a bloody face and inCured pride. *assan thought that "r. *amouda $as the guy that had forced
him to leave the cafG, and so, sought to get revenge. *e ran up behind *amouda, li%e a little co$ard, and stabbed him in the bac% $ith enough force that the
%nife snapped in t$o, $ith the blade still stuc% inside *amouda!s body. *amouda $andered into a post+office for help, but then fell and died right there.
Abdinasir *assan $as sentenced, Cust as he deserved. "r. *amouda $as said to have been a hard+$or%er, and $ell+li%ed and respected by pretty much
everyone $ho %ne$ him. *e had been married five years before this happened. If you $ant to read the original story, all you have to do is go on the internet
and type in their names.
And now".bac# to our regular $rogram

,eautiful bro$n+s%inned "oroccan children(above and belo$).

unisian man smo%ing $hat is %no$n as a .hicha, at &aint .afG.

Men chilling at the Caf!ar Marcius in Tunis.
Tunisian "olicewomen stand guard at the building where the Arab #nterior minister$s meeting was gonna be held, on March %&'&

Young woman casting her vote in, at a "olling station on May (, %&'&. )oman leaving what # think is the same voting booth.
An elderly woman, and a beautiful young woman in the background, both leaving the "olling station
Young women, chilling at an outside caf in Tunis. # really like these colors. This was very eyecatching to me.

Aoung unisian fencing medalist, Ines ,ouba%ri *abiba 7hribi, medalist, in running

1retty, light+caramel s%inned ,erber girl in "orocco ,erber girls
"en at play in ripoli, at chess+li%e board game
2ina arhuni, $onderful, talented young $oman from 2ibya
Since were tal#ing about Libya% there is a civil war raging in Libya at this time, that has
been going on since &ebruary '(, )*''. +he fighting is mainly between forces loyal to
leader ,uamar -addafi, and rebel forces that want to de$ose him. You can loo# this u$
on wi#i$edia under .)*'' Libyan !ivil /ar0. +he conflict began as a series of
nonviolent $rotests, which were then violently attac#ed by -addafis forces, and 123/4,
is now a fullblown war

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