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University of New Mexico
Civil Engineering Departent
Civil Engineering Materials !a"oratory# CE 305!
UN$% &E$'(% ) *+$D, $N -''.E'-%E
-,%M C29
%est et/od C29 covers t/e deterination of 0nit weig/t in a copacted or loose condition and calc0lated voids in
fine# coarse# or ixed aggregates "ased on t/e sae deterination. %/is test et/od is often 0sed to deterine
0nit weig/t val0es t/at are necessary for 0se for any et/ods of selecting proportions for concrete ixt0res.
-,%M C122 ,pecific 'ravity and -"sorption of Coarse -ggregate
-,%M C123 ,pecific 'ravity and -"sorption of 4ine -ggregate
-,%M C125 %erinology .elating to Concrete and Concrete -ggregates
--,(%+ %19 Unit &eig/t and *oids in -ggregates
Mass 5 t/e 60antity of atter in a "ody.
&eig/t 5 t/e force exerted on a "ody "y gravity.
Unit weig/t 5 t/e weig/t per 0nit vol0e.
*oids in 0nit vol0e of aggregate 5 t/e space "etween particles in an aggregate ass not occ0pied "y solid ineral
,cale 7or "alance# 0.1 l" 70.05 8g99
%aping .od 5 a ro0nd# straig/t steel rod# 5:3 in. in diaeter and approxiately 2; in. in lengt/# /aving one end
ro0nded to a /eisp/erical tip of t/e sae diaeter as t/e rod.
Meas0re 5 a cylindrical etal watertig/t eas0re 7noinal 1:3 ft
for coarse aggregate and 1:10 ft
for fine
Coarse -ggregate 5 +ven dried at 110 C# t/en cooled to roo teperat0re.
4ine -ggregate 5 +ven dried at 110 C# t/en cooled to roo teperat0re.
Note< ,aple si=e s/o0ld "e 125 to 200> of t/e 60antity re60ired to fill t/e eas0re.
Meas0re Cali"ration
19 Deterine weig/t of dry eas0re.
29 4ill t/e eas0re copletely f0ll wit/ water and deterine t/e weig/t of eas0re pl0s water.
39 Calc0late t/e weig/t of water "y ta8ing t/e difference "etween t/e eas0reents o"tained in 719 and 729 a"ove.
;9 Calc0late t/e vol0e of t/e container
* @ &w : w
w/ere &w is t/e weig/t of water 0sed to fill t/e container and w is t/e 0nit weig/t of water 7A2.3 l":ft
993 8g:
9. %/e cop0ted vol0e s/o0ld "e close to t/e noinal val0e state in t/e apparat0s section.
The following loose and compact unit weight procedures are to be performed on both the coarse and fine
Loose Unit Weight (shoveling procedure)
19 4ill t/e eas0re to overflowing "y eans of a scoop# disc/arging t/e aggregate fro a /eig/t not to exceed
2 in. 750 9 a"ove t/e top of t/e eas0re.
29 !evel t/e s0rface of t/e aggregate wit/ a straig/tedge.
39 Deterine t/e weig/t of t/e eas0re pl0s content# and t/e weig/t of t/e eas0re alone# recording val0es to t/e
nearest 0.1 l" 70.05 8g9.
Compact Unit Weight (rodding procedure)
19 4ill t/e eas0re one5t/ird f0ll and level t/e s0rface wit/ t/e fingers.
29 .od t/e layer of aggregate wit/ 25 stro8es of t/e taping rod evenly distri"0ted over t/e s0rface.
39 -dd additional aggregate to t/e eas0re to t/e two5t/irds f0ll level# level wit/ t/e fingers# and rod again wit/
25 stro8es of t/e taping rod.
;9 4inally# add additional aggregate to overflowing and rod again 0sing 25 stro8es of t/e taping rod.
59 !evel t/e s0rface of t/e aggregate wit/ a straig/tedge.
A9 Deterine t/e weig/t of t/e eas0re pl0s content# and t/e weig/t of t/e eas0re alone# recording val0es to t/e
nearest 0.1 l" 70.05 8g9.
Note< &/en rodding t/e first layer# do not allow t/e rod to stri8e t/e "otto of t/e eas0re. &/en rodding t/e
s0"se60ent layers# do not force t/e rod into t/e previo0s layer of aggregate.
Compact Unit Weights (rodding procedure) of sand and gravel mixtures (coarse & fine
aggregate mixtures)
19 Eac/ gro0p will deterine t/e copact 7dry rodded9 0nit weig/t of an assigned sand5gravel ixt0re.
29 Mix t/e fine and coarse aggregate in a large ixing pan.
39 Deterine t/e 0nit weig/t 0sing t/e Compact Unit Weight proced0re 7steps 15A9 a"ove.
19 Calc0late t/e 0nit weig/t in "ot/ t/e loose and copact 7dense9 conditions for "ot/ t/e fine and coarse
"0l8 @ 7' 5 %9 : *
"0l8 @ 0nit weig/t of t/e aggregate# l":ft
' @ ass of t/e aggregate pl0s t/e eas0re# l"
% @ ass of t/e eas0re# l"
* @ vol0e of t/e eas0re# ft
29 Calc0late t/e void content# n 7>9# in t/e aggregate 7for fine and coarse copact 0nit weig/ts only9
n 7>9 @ B7's w 5 "0l89: 's wC71009
"0l8 @ 0nit weig/t of t/e aggregate# l":ft
's @ "0l8 specific gravity# dry "asis 7fro -,%M C122 or C123# as applica"le9
w @ 0nit weig/t of water 7A2.3 l":ft
or 993 8g:
39 Calc0late t/e void content# n 7>9# for t/e copact fine5coarse aggregate co"inations as follows
a9 n 7>9 @ B7'co w 5 "0l89: 'co wC71009
"9 'co @ 100:B7C:'c9 D 74:'f9C
'co @ t/e specific gravity of t/e co"ined sand5gravel ixt0re
'c @ t/e "0l8 specific gravity of t/e coarse aggregate
'f @ t/e "0l8 specific gravity of t/e fine aggregate# and
C and 4 are t/e fractions 7>9 of t/e Coarse and 4ine aggregates coprising t/e sand5gravel ixt0re# respectively
7t/e s0 of C and 4 0st e60al 100>9.
19 .eport t/e loose and dense 0nit weig/ts for "ot/ t/e fine and coarse aggregates to t/e nearest 1 l":ft
29 .eport t/e res0lts of t/e void content to t/e nearest 1> for "ot/ t/e loose and dense 0nit weig/ts.
39 ?lot class c0rve of t/e 0nit weig/t vs. > sand.
;9 ?lot class c0rve of t/e void content vs. > sand.
19 &/at is t/e sand5gravel co"ination w/ic/ yields axi0 densityF Does t/is also yield lowest void contentF
29 &o0ld yo0 recoend eas0ring 60antities of aterial "y weig/t or vol0eF &/yF

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