VNX - VNX 5300 Procedures.s - 1

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EMC VNX Procedure Generator

Solution for Validating your engagement

7.1 Control Station replacement

VNX 5300 Procedures

VNX5300 Activity Type: Hardware Replacements
Hardware Replacements: File/Unified HW Replacements
VNX5300 File/Unified HW Replacements: 7.1 Control Station replacement

SolVe Generator Updated:

02/may/2014 06:39:21 p.m.

IMPORTANT: To be sure you have the latest SolVe generator application and content, always choose
Yes when asked if you want to update the application or repository.

If you find any errors in this procedure or have comments regarding this application, send email to

Copyright 2011 2014 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved.

Publication Date: May, 2014
EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to
change without notice.
Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software
For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to the Technical Documentation and Advisories
section on EMC Powerlink.
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All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners.



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Handling Field Replaceable Units (FRUs) ......................................................................... 3
FRUs and Power Issues ............................................................................................................................... 3
Avoiding Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) damage.......................................................................................... 3
Emergency procedures (without an ESD kit) ........................................................................................... 4
Removing, installing, or storing FRUs ..................................................................................................... 4

Replacing a Control Station (CS) in a 7.1 VNX system .................................................... 5

Task Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Task 1: Collect Control Station Information ............................................................................................ 5
Task 2: Disabling ConnectHome and Email Notifications ...................................................................... 6
Task 3: Preserve CS0 System Configuration ......................................................................................... 6
Control Station Replacement ........................................................................................................................ 8
Task 4: Power Down the Faulted Control Station .................................................................................. 8
Task 5: Remove the Control Station ...................................................................................................... 9
Task 6: Install the New Control Station ................................................................................................ 10
Task 7: Setup to Configure the New Control Station ........................................................................... 11
Task 8: Configure Control Station 0 ..................................................................................................... 12
After you finish Configuring CS0 ............................................................................................................ 17
Task 9: Configure Control Station 1 ..................................................................................................... 18
After you finish Configuring CS1 ............................................................................................................ 24
Task 10: Restore System Configuration on CS0 ................................................................................... 24
Task 11: Re-apply Local Control Station Values .................................................................................... 25
Task 12: Configure ESRS client ( Applies to 7.1.56.x or higher code ) ................................................ 27
Task 1: Power Up CS1 ......................................................................................................................... 27
Task 2: Enabling ConnectHome and Email Notifications ..................................................................... 27
Finish ........................................................................................................................................................... 28
Parts Return ................................................................................................................................... 30
Task 3: (Alternative Task) Determine NAS Version when CS is not Working ..................................... 30



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Handling Field Replaceable Units (FRUs)

This section describes precautions you must take and general procedures you must follow when
removing, installing, or storing field-replaceable units (FRUs). The procedures in this section apply to FRU
handling during hardware upgrades as well as during general replacement.

FRUs and Power Issues

FRUs are designed to be powered up at all times. This means you can replace FRUs and accomplish
most hardware upgrades while the cabinet is powered up. To maintain proper airflow for cooling and to
ensure EMI compliance, make sure all front bezels, filler panels, and filler modules are reinstalled after
the FRU replacement or hardware upgrade is completed. Do not remove a faulty FRU from the system
until you have a replacement available.

CAUTION: When you want to power down a storage processor enclosure (SPE), turn off the
power switch on the enclosures standby power supply (SPS). Never turn off the SPEs power
supply switches. Turning off the SPE power supply switches instead of the SPS power switch
shuts down the storage processors before they have enough time to save the write-cache data to
the vault drives. This causes data loss.
If write-cache data is not saved, the storage processor log displays an error message similar to the
Enclosure 0 Disk 5 0x90a (Cant Assign - Cache Dirty) 0 0xafb40 0x14362c.
If you see this error message, contact Customer Service immediately.

Avoiding Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) damage

When replacing or installing FRUs, you can inadvertently damage the sensitive electronic circuits in the
equipment by simply touching them. Electrostatic charge that has accumulated on your body discharges
through the circuits. If the air in the work area is very dry, running a humidifier in the work area helps
decrease the risk of ESD damage. You must use the following procedures to prevent damage to the
equipment, so read the following instructions carefully.
Provide enough room to work on the equipment. Clear the work site of any unnecessary materials or
materials that naturally build up electrostatic charge, such as foam packaging, foam cups, cellophane
wrappers, and similar items.
Do not remove replacement or upgrade FRUs from their antistatic packaging until you are ready to
install them.
Gather the ESD kit and all other materials you will need before you service a component. Once
servicing begins, you should avoid moving away from the work site; otherwise, you may build up an
electrostatic charge.
Use the ESD kit when handling any FRU.
If an emergency arises and the ESD kit is not available, follow the procedures in the section
Emergency procedures (without an ESD kit).
Use the ESD wristband that is supplied with your system.
To use it, attach the clip of the ESD wristband (strap) to any bare (unpainted) metal on the cabinet
enclosure; then secure the wristband around your wrist with the metal button against your skin.


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Emergency procedures (without an ESD kit)

In an emergency, when an ESD kit is not available, use the following procedures to reduce the possibility
of an electrostatic discharge by ensuring that your body and the subassembly are at the same
electrostatic potential.
IMPORTANT: These procedures are not a substitute for the use of an ESD kit. You should follow them
only in the event of an emergency.
Before touching any FRU, touch a bare (unpainted) metal surface of the enclosure.
Before removing any FRU from its antistatic bag, place one hand firmly on a bare metal surface of the
enclosure, and at the same time, pick up the FRU while it is still sealed in the antistatic bag. Once you
have done this, do not move around the room or contact other furnishings, personnel, or surfaces
until you have installed the FRU.
When you remove a FRU from the antistatic bag, avoid touching any electronic components and
circuits on it.
If you must move around the room or touch other surfaces before installing a FRU, first place the
FRU back in the antistatic bag. When you are ready again to install the FRU, repeat these

Removing, installing, or storing FRUs

Use the following precautions when you remove, handle, or store FRUs:
Do not remove a FRU from the cabinet until you have the replacement available.
Handle a FRU only when wearing a properly attached ESD wristband:
Attach the clip of the ESD wristband to the ESD bracket or to a bare metal portion of the FRUs
Secure the wristband around your wrist with the metal button against your skin.
Handle a FRU gently. A sudden jar, drop, or vibration can permanently damage some FRUs.
The weight of some FRUs is not evenly distributed. To prevent personal injury or equipment damage
when removing, installing, or handling theses FRUs, use both hands and provide extra support at the
heavy end of the FRU.
Never use excessive force to remove or install a FRU.
Store a FRU in the antistatic bag and the specially designed shipping container in which you received
it. Use this special shipping container when you need to return the FRU.
If you need to store a FRU for a short time, make sure the temperature of the location where you
store FRU is within the limits specified by the FRUs Technical Specifications.
Disk modules are sensitive to the extreme temperatures sometimes encountered during shipping. We
recommend that you leave a new disk modules in its shipping container and allow it to acclimate to
the installation sites ambient temperature for at least four hours before operating the new module in
the system.
When removing a disk module, pull the module part way out of the slot, then wait 30 seconds for the
drive to spin down before removing it.
When installing multiple disks in a powered-up system, wait at least 6 seconds before sliding the
second and each subsequent disk into the system.



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Place a disk module on a soft, antistatic surface, such as an industry-standard antistatic foam pad or
the container used to ship the module. Never place a disk module directly on a hard surface.

WARNING: The weight of some FRU assemblies is not evenly distributed. To prevent personal
injury or equipment damage when handling FRU assemblies, make sure you provide extra support
at the heavy end of a FRU assembly.

Replacing a Control Station (CS) in a 7.1 VNX system

This procedure defines the tasks to replace a failed Control Station in a version 7.1 VNX OE for
File/Unified (integrated) system. The procedure only applies to VNX5300 through VNX7500 hardware
models, but describes tasks for both single and dual control station configurations. If this is 7.0 version
system, rerun the procedure generator, selecting the right version.
Note that replacing the Control Station reinstalls the Linux operating system. As a result, any resident
customer settings/configurations must be re-entered after this service activity completes.
CAUTION: Electrostatic discharge (ESD) can damage equipment and impair electrical circuitry.
Always follow ESD prevention procedures when removing and replacing Customer-Replaceable
Units (CRUs) and Field-Replaceable Units (FRUs).

Task Summary
So that you can understand what is involved, the table of Contents lists the high-level tasks required for
this procedure. Take a moment to become familiar with these tasks. If you have any questions, contact
Customer Support before you begin the procedure.

Task 1: Collect Control Station Information

1. [ ] Obtain the following control station values (Table 1), where applicable, from the site
Table 1
Site parameter

Site parameter

Site value

Primary internal network

IP address:

Control Station primary

nameserver (IP):


Primary internal network

IP netmask:

Control Station domain name:

IPMI network IP address:

Control Station host name:

IPMI network IP netmask:

Control Station secondary

nameserver (IP):


Backup internal network

IP address:

Control Station tertiary

nameserver (IP):


Backup internal network

IP netmask:

Control Station IP Alias





Control Station network IP


Site value

Control Station/Array Parameters




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Control Station network IP




Control Station default

gateway IP address:


VNX/CLARiiON array
administrator login:

EMCNAS version on
Control Station:

VNX/CLARiiON administrator

EMCNAS version on

nasadmin password:

nas.exe patch in use?:

Yes ____ No _____


root password:

Remote shell (rsh):

On _____ Off _____

/home administrator

Network Time Protocol

daemon (ntpd):

Running _____ Not

running _____

System type shown by

(Please circle one):

Fibre Channel enabled

Task 2: Disabling ConnectHome and Email Notifications

For VNX OE for File 7.0 or later, use a HyperTerminal or PuTTY session to disable ConnectHome:
2. [ ] From the root directory, disable ConnectHome:
/nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -service stop

3. [ ] Disable the email notification service:

/nas/bin/nas_emailuser -modify -enabled no

4. [ ] Verify that the email notification service has stopped (is not enabled):
/nas/bin/nas_emailuser info

5. [ ] ConnectHome and email notifications are now disabled on your VNX OE File system. Skip over
the next Block task to begin the service activity.

Task 3: Preserve CS0 System Configuration

Skip this task, if you are replacing the secondary Control Station (CS1).
Note: If there is no communication with the Control Station, and you want to determine the NAS version,
go to Determine NAS version when CS is not working task at the end of this document and come back
to Power Down the Faulted Control Station in the next task.
This task captures the current system configuration on CS0:
1. [ ] If not already logged in, log in to CS0 as nasadmin. Change to the root user:
su root

2. [ ] Check that NAS services are running:




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Note: If slot 0 has a reason code of 10, then NAS services are running.
3. [ ] Run the upgrade-ck script to verify system status and back up files.
a. Download and install the latest EMC VNX Procedure Generator (using default settings) on your
b. Unzip the upgrd-ck file located in C:\ VNX Procedure Generator\Scripts
in the folder created by the VNX PG during installation.
c. Transfer the upgrd-ckv10-<xx>.tar.gz file to the Control Station /home/nasadmin directory
and untar it.
tar xvfz upgrd-ckv10-<xx>.tar.gz

d. From the /home/nasadmin directory, run the upgrade-ck script:

./upgrd-ckv<xx>.bin -vb 1

Where <xx> is the latest version of the script.

For example:
./upgrd-ckv10-38.bin -vb 1

e. Resolve errors displayed in the Error List section.

4. [ ] If possible, after successfully running the upgrade-ck script, back up the information in
/nbsnas/var/dump/recover_cs0 and the nasdb_backup.1.tar.gz file to the
/nas/var/backup directory:
tar cvf /nas/var/backup/recover_cs0_backup.tar /nbsnas/var/dump/recover_cs0

5. [ ] Back up the contents of the /home directory:

tar cvf /nas/var/backup/home_backup.tar /home

Note: If the backups are successful, administrator accounts that were created in the /home directory
are preserved; otherwise, these accounts must be recreated after the installation.
6. [ ] Determine the EMCNAS version on CS0 and the model name:

Note: The NAS software version on the install CD must match the EMCNAS version currently
installed on the Control Station.
7. [ ] Determine the EMCNAS version running on the Blades:
/nas/bin/server_version ALL

Example output:









Note: In this example, all the Blades (2, 3, 4, and 5) are running a NAS patch (



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8. [ ] Compare the NAS version running on CS0 (from 6. [ ]) with the NAS versions running on the
Blades (from 7. [ ]).
a. If the NAS versions do not match, go to 9. [ ].
b. If the NAS versions match, go to 11. [ ].
9. [ ] Determine the DART image filename contained in the boot.bat file:
grep gload /nas/dos/slot_*/boot.bat





10. [ ] Back up the nas.exe file (see 9. [ ]) to the /nas/var/backup directory:

tar cvf /nas/var/backup/<nas_patch_version>.tar /nas/dos/bin/nas.exe

tar cvf /nas/var/backup/ /nas/dos/bin/nas.exe

11. [ ] Copy the following tar backup files to another location on the network or to the service laptop:
/nas/var/backup/<nas_patch_version>.tar (if 10. [

] was necessary)

Control Station Replacement

CAUTION: Handle a Control Station assembly carefully, and use an ESD wristband. Do not
remove the assembly until you have a replacement available. You can remove a Control Station
assembly while the system is powered up.
As part of the Control Station replacement, the root password is changed to nasadmin. You are not
asked to enter the root passwords as part of the Linux reinstallation.

Task 4: Power Down the Faulted Control Station

CAUTION: If the system is equipped with two Control Stations and you are replacing CS0, you
must completely power down both Control Stations using the procedure below. If CS1 is powered
up during CS0 replacement, the Control Station recovery will fail!
This task powers down a faulted Control Station, do the following:
1. [ ] If you are replacing:
CS0, perform 2. [ ] thru 5. [ ] to power down CS1 (if equipped); then perform 2. [ ] thru 5. [ ] to
power down CS0 (see note).
CS1, perform 2. [ ] thru 5. [ ] to power down only CS1 (in this case, CS0 remains powered up).
Note: Blade failover is disabled while both Control Stations are powered down.
2. [ ] Halt the Control Station by entering the following command:



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Note: This may take a few minutes to complete. Make sure it is finished before you continue.
3. [ ] Press and hold the power button to power down the Control Station (Figure 1). Remove the bezel
to access this button.

Figure 1

Control Station power button

4. [ ] Wait 30 seconds for the internal disk drive to stop spinning and safely park its heads before
5. [ ] Disconnect the Control Station power cable from the power distribution panel (PDP).
6. [ ] If two Control Stations are equipped, and you are replacing CS0, repeat 2. [ ] thru 5. [ ] to
power down Control Station 1.

Task 5: Remove the Control Station

This task removes the faulted Control Station:
1. [ ] Use masking tape or similar material to label each cable on the Control Station that you are
removing so that you can correctly reconnect the cables later.
Note: Do not bend, pull, or stress other rack cables when disconnecting cables from the Control
2. [ ] Disconnect all of the Ethernet, serial, and power cables from the rear of the Control Station.
3. [ ] At the front of the rack, remove the two small Phillips screws that hold the assembly in position
(Figure 2).
CAUTION: The Control Station has the majority of its weight in the rear of the assembly. Make
sure the back end of the Control Station is supported while installing or removing it. Dropping
a Control Station could result in personal injury or damage to equipment.
4. [ ] Carefully slide out the assembly from the front of the rack.



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Figure 2

Removing a Control Station

Task 6: Install the New Control Station

This task installs a replacement assembly:
1. [ ] Remove the replacement Control Station assembly from its static-free packaging.
CAUTION: The Control Station has the majority of its weight in the rear of the assembly. Make
sure the back end of the Control Station is supported while installing or removing it. Dropping
a Control Station could result in personal injury or damage to equipment
2. [ ] At the front of the rack, slide the assembly into the 1U rail opening (Figure 3).



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Figure 3

Installing a Control Station

3. [ ] Install the two Phillips-head screws to reattach the assembly. Make sure you use the two latch
brackets when inserting the two screws.
4. [ ] Reconnect and dress all cables on the replacement Control Station except for the power cable.
Do not reconnect the power cable at this time.

Task 7: Setup to Configure the New Control Station

The process to configure the replacement Control Station depends on the software version running on the
system. Follow this task to determine the correct process to use when configuring the replacement
Control Station.
Use the EMCNAS Express Install installation software iso (containing Linux and NAS software) to install
the replacement Control Station.
1. [ ] Connect the null modem cable from the serial port on the back of the Control Station to your
service laptop (Figure 4).

Figure 4

Control Station Serial Port

2. [ ] Open a HyperTerminal or PuTTY session using settings:



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Bits per second: 19200
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Emulation: Auto Detect
Telnet terminal ID: ANSI
CAUTION: If you disconnect the serial cable from your service laptop to the Control Station
during this procedure, the setup script may abort and return you to the command prompt.
Ensure that this does not occur during the configuration process.
3. [ ] Reconnect the Control Station power cable to the appropriate power distribution unit (PDU) and
insert the EMCNAS Express Install software into the Control Station.
Note: The NAS software version on the installation media must match the EMCNAS version installed
on the system. The system displays a message if a mismatch exists.
4. [ ] Configure the replacement Control Station by following the appropriate tasks:
To configure a replacement CS0, follow the Configure Control Station 0 task next.
To configure a replacement CS1, skip to the Configure Control Station 1 task.
Note: If at any point during this task you enter incorrect information into an installation prompt, reboot
the CS and restart the appropriate configuration task.

Task 8: Configure Control Station 0

To configure CS0, do the following:
1. [ ] The Control Station displays its boot messages followed by the prompt shown in Figure 5. You
have one minute to type the installation command required for the Control Station being replaced. At
the boot prompt, enter:

Note: If you did not see the screen shown here or did not enter the installation command within the
allotted time, press and hold the Control Station power button for 5 seconds; then repeat this step.



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Figure 5

Install Software Prompt

2. [ ] Accept the default internal network configuration values:

a. The Primary Internal Network Setup dialog box appears (Figure 6), tab to OK and press Enter to
accept the default values.

Figure 6

Example -- Primary Internal Network Settings



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b. When the IPMI Network Setup dialog box appears (Figure 7). Tab to OK and press Enter to
accept the default values,

Figure 7

Example -- IPMI Private Network Settings

c. When the Backup Internal Network Setup dialog box appears (Figure 8), tab to OK and press

Figure 8

Example -- Backup Private Network Settings



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3. [ ] Enter the Control Station external networking configuration values. This is the network
connection to the Control Station for remotely administering the system.
a. The Network Configuration dialog box appears (Figure 9). Tab to Yes and then press Enter.

Figure 9

Network Configuration Type

b. The Boot Protocol dialog box appears (Figure 10). Select Static IP address, tab to OK, and
press Enter.

Figure 10 Boot Protocol

c. The Configure TCP/IP dialog box appears (Figure 11). To make a selection, tab to a check box
then tab to OK and press Enter. Valid selections include:
IPv4 and IPv6 (you must select both check boxes!)



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Figure 11 Select IP Version

d. The Configure TCP/IP dialog box appears (Figure 12). Enter the port IP address, netmask,
default gateway IP address, and primary nameserver IP address. Tab to OK and press Enter
when finished.

Figure 12 Example -- Configure TCP/IP

e. The Configure Network dialog box appears (Figure 13),. Enter the domain name and hostname for
the CS. You can optionally enter secondary and tertiary nameserver IP addresses. Tab to OK and
press Enter when finished.



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Figure 13 Example -- Configure Network

4. [ ] The Celerra Install/Upgrades dialog box appears (Figure 14). Select the Integrated option that
describes this File/Unified system.

Figure 14 System Configuration Integrated

5. [ ] If the system prompts with the remaining install schedule. To continue type Yes and press Enter.
After the nas_checkup completes, if any errors or warnings appear, fix these issues before
continuing the installation process.
6. [ ] If the EMCNAS software installation fails, the system should display one or more error messages
with resolution instructions. Start by correcting any problems indicated by error messages.
7. [ ] When the installation completes, the system displays a message that the installation succeeded.
Press Enter.

After you finish Configuring CS0

8. [ ] To reboot the Control Station, log in as user root and reboot:

Rebooting the Control Station verifies that it will start up normally.



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9. [ ] Wait 10 minutes for the CS to fully boot.
10. [ ] From the primary CS, log in as nasadmin and check the system status using the nas_checkup

11. [ ] If any issues arose during this replacement process, review the latest entries in the
/nas/log/recover.<rev>.<date>.log using the nas_logviewer command.
Here is an example of the log file name:

Skip this next task if you had just replaced and configured Control Station 0, go to Task 10:.

Task 9: Configure Control Station 1

This task configures the replacement secondary Control Station:
(Skip this task if you had just replaced CS0.)
Note: The NAS Express Install installation software iso will be on a single DVD (containing Linux and
NAS software).
1. [ ] The Control Station displays its boot messages followed by the prompt shown in Figure 15. Type
integrated and then press Enter.
Note: If you did not see the screen shown here or did not enter the installation command within the
allotted, press and hold the CS power button for 5 seconds; then repeat this step.



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Figure 15 CS1 Install Software Prompt

Note: You have one minute to type an installation command; otherwise the system will look for an
existing installation.
2. [ ] A confirmation dialog appears asking if you are ready to begin. To begin, select Yes. (twice)
3. [ ] Select OK and press Enter to confirm this is Control Station install.
4. [ ] Enter the Control Station internal networking configuration values.
a. In the Primary Internal Network Setup dialog box, enter the IP address and netmask for the
primary internal LAN connection (port eth0), as shown in Figure 16. To accept the default values,
tab to OK and press Enter.



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Figure 16 CS1 Primary Internal Network Settings

The system displays the IPMI Network Setup dialog box (Figure 17).
b. Enter the IP address and netmask for the IPMI connection between the two Control Stations (port
eth1), as shown in Figure 17. To accept the default values, tab to OK and press Enter.

Figure 17 IPMI Private Network Settings

The system displays the Backup Internal Network Setup dialog box (Figure 18).


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c. Enter the IP address and netmask. To accept the default values, tab to OK and press Enter.

Figure 18 Backup Private Network Settings

5. [ ] Enter the Control Station external networking configuration values. This is the network
connection to the Control Station used to remotely administer the VNX system.
a. The system displays the Network Configuration dialog box (Figure 19). Tab to Yes and then
press Enter.

Figure 19 Network Configuration

The system displays the Boot Protocoldialog box (Figure 20).

b. Select Static IP address. Tab to OK and press Enter.



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Figure 20 CS1 Boot Protocol

The Configure TCP/IP dialog box appears (Figure 21).

c. To make a selection, tab to a check box then tab to OK and press Enter. Valid selections include:
IPv4 and IPv6 (you must select both check boxes!)
Note: If you select IPv4 and IPv6, you will be prompted to enter IP addresses in the IPv6 format.

Figure 21 Configure TCP/IP Protocol

d. Enter the port IP address, netmask, default gateway IP address, and primary nameserver IP
address (Figure 22). Tab to OK and press Enter.



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Figure 22 Configure TCP/IP Configuration

The system displays the Configure Network dialog box (Figure 23).
e. Enter the domain name and hostname for the Control Station. You can optionally enter secondary
and tertiary nameserver IP addresses. Tab to OK and press Enter.

Figure 23 Configure Network

6. [ ] If you receive the following error message, you must upgrade the software on the VNX, VNX for
File, or VNX for Block array:
Backend Storage Requirements Check Failed:

7. [ ] When the installation is complete, the system displays a message that the installation
succeeded. At the following prompt, press Enter to exit the install process.
Congratulations!! Install for NAS software to release 7.1.10-0 succeeded.



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Actual Time Spent:
20 minutes
Total Number of attempts: 1
Log File:

After you finish Configuring CS1

8. [ ] To reboot the Control Station 1, log in as root, type reboot, and press Enter.
Rebooting the Control Station verifies that it will start up normally.
9. [ ] Wait 10 minutes for the CS to fully boot.
10. [ ] From the primary CS, log in as nasadmin and check the system status using the nas_checkup

11. [ ] If any issues arose during this replacement process, review the latest entries in the
/nas/log/install.<rev>.<date>.log on the secondary CS:
nas_logviewer /nas/log/install.<rev>.<date>.log

Here is an example of the log file name:


12. [ ] Skip this next task, since you have replaced CS1.

Task 10: Restore System Configuration on CS0

If the system configuration files were not collected on CS0, or if you had replaced CS1, skip this
procedure. If system configuration files were collected on CS0, do the following steps to restore the
configuration files to the replacement Control Station.
Note: Analyze these potentially corrupt backup files to ensure that restoring them will not damage or
contaminate the replacement Control Station. If there is any concern about the safety of the files, do not
1. [ ] Log in to CS0 as nasadmin. Change to the root user:
su root

2. [ ] Verify that /nas, /nbsnas, /nas/dos, and /nas/var are mounted:


3. [ ] Verify that the following files are in the /nas/var/backup directory. If they are not present,
from your laptop or network location, copy the files back to the /nas/var/backup directory.
ls -l /nas/var/backup/*tar

Sample output:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 56985600 Aug 18 15:15
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10158080 Aug 18 15:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20879360 Aug 18 16:15



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4. [ ] Create a temporary directory to analyze the NASDB backup (nasdb_backup.1.tar.gz):

mkdir -p /tmp/recover_cs0

5. [ ] Change to this temporary directory:

cd /tmp/recover_cs0

6. [ ] Untar the backup files created by the Upgrade Script:

tar xpvf /nas/var/backup/recover_cs0_backup.tar

7. [ ] Change to the root directory:

cd /

8. [ ] Restore the etc files to CS0:

tar zxpvf /tmp/recover_cs0/nas/var/backup/nasdb_backup.1.tar.gz etc

9. [ ] Restore the contents of the /home directory:

tar xpvf /nas/var/backup/home_backup.tar home

10. [ ] If the Blades were running an EMCNAS patch (for example, 5643300.exe), restore the patch
from the /nas/var/backup directory and copy it to the /nas/dos/bin directory. For example:
cd /tmp/recover_cs0
tar xvpf /nas/var/backup/<NAS_version>.tar
cp /tmp/recover_cs0/nas/dos/bin/nas.exe /nas/dos/bin/nas.exe

11. [ ] Remove the tar files and temporary directories from the system.
cd /
rm -rf /tmp/recover_cs0

12. [ ] Reboot CS0 to ensure that the Control Station works with the new configuration:

Task 11: Re-apply Local Control Station Values

Certain CS properties may need to be manually reset following the replacement of a faulted Control
Station, such as:
Setting the timezone
Setting up NTP on the CS
Verifying Replication
This task configures these Control Station properties:
1. [ ] Setting up the timezone on the replacement CS:
a. View the time zone names:
ls /usr/share/zoneinfo

b. Determine the time zone by name like Chicago?

ls /usr/share/zoneinfo/America

c. Create a backup of the localtime file:



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cp /etc/localtime /etc/localtime.old

d. Delete the file localtime:

rm -f /etc/localtime

e. Create a localtime file for your time zone. American, Chicago is used in this example:
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Chicago /etc/localtime

f. Verify that the correct time zone file was created:

ls -l /etc/localtime lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 35 Jan 29 14:04 /etc/localtime ->

g. Set the current date using the form:

date <mmddhhmmyy>

h. Verify that the date was correctly set:


i. Display the hardware clock time and date:


j. Set the hardware clock to the current time and date:

/usr/sbin/hwclock systohc

k. Verify the hardware clocks:



The two times displayed should match within a second or two.

2. [ ] Setting up NTP on the replacement CS:
a. Restart the NTP service if in use before the upgrade:
/sbin/service ntpd start

b. Set up a drift value if required:

cat /var/lib/ntp/drift

c. Edit /var/lib/ntp/drift and enter 27.391 or another drift value.

d. Verify the /var/lib/ntp/drift edit.
cat /var/lib/ntp/drift

e. Restart the ntpd service:

/sbin/service ntpd restart

3. [ ] If the Control Station was replaced on destination side of replication pair. The Control Stations
may not see each other, even when they are listed in the /etc/hostsfile and
/nas/site/cshosts file.
a. Pair the replacement CS to the replacement CS:
nas_cel -name<cel_name_of_remote_CS>-modify -passphrase<passphrase>



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b. Verify that the contents of /nas/site/cshosts on the source and destination are identical.
Note: The system is case sensitive for these entries.

Task 12: Configure ESRS client ( Applies to 7.1.56.x or higher code )

1. [ ] Use the following command to see if the ESRS IP client, is provisioned and running, the output
indicates that ESRS is not running.
# /celerra/esrs2/Configurators/esrs_client_configurator --show-esrs-configuration

Agent not running. Can not process the request!

2. [ ] If the output is not as expected then run the following command to provision the ESRS IP client :
# /celerra/esrs2/Configurators/esrs_client_configurator --configure-esrs

Note: Check Primus emc319455 if re-provisioning fails.

Task 1: Power Up CS1

If you have a single Control Station configuration, skip this task.
If you have a dual Control Station configuration and have completed replacing CS0, you must power up
CS1 as described in this task.
First view the usage notification settings for a file system:
1. [ ] If you have completed replacement of:
a. CS1, go to 4. [ ] (because CS1 is already powered up in this case).
b. CS0, you must power up CS1 before continuing; go to 2. [ ]
2. [ ] Verify that CS0 has completed rebooting (see )
3. [ ] Power up CS1 by reconnecting the CS1 power cable to the power distribution panel. Wait for
CS1 to initialize.
4. [ ] From CS0, as root, fail over to CS1 to verify that the failover function is working.
/nasmcd/sbin/cs_standby failover

5. [ ] From CS0, as root, fail back to CS0 to make CS0 the primary Control Station.
/nasmcd/sbin/cs_standby takeover

Task 2: Enabling ConnectHome and Email Notifications

For VNX OE for File 7.0 or later, use a HyperTerminal session with the primary CS to enable
ConnectHome and email notification:
6. [ ] From the root directory, clear any existing ConnectHome files and enable ConnectHome:
/nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -service start clear

7. [ ] From the ConnectHome configuration, determine the connections that are enabled:
/nas/sbin/nas_connecthome i

8. [ ] For each enabled connection, verify that ConnectHome works:

/nas/sbin/nas_connecthome test connection_name



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For example:
/nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -t -email_1

/nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -t -email_2

/nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -t https

/nas/sbin/nas_connecthome -t -modem_1

9. [ ] 4. Verify email notifications is configured:

/nas/bin/nas_emailuser info

10. [ ] If the Recipient Address(es) field is empty, email notifications has not been configured and
does not need to be enabled. If you want to configure email notifications, use the
/nas/bin/nas_emailuser command or Unisphere to configure it.
11. [ ] If the Recipient Address(es) field is populated, email notifications was enabled. Re-enable
email notifications:
a. Enable email notifications:
/nas/bin/nas_emailuser -modify -enabled yes

b. Verify that email notification works:

/nas/bin/nas_emailuser info

c. Test the configuration and verify that the configured Recipient Address(es) received the test
/nas/bin/nas_emailuser test

The array will now call home or responded to any other template applied to the VNX OE File array.
Skip over the next Block task to conclude the service activity.

12. [ ] Upon completion of this service activity, update the CSI database with the new VNX system
information for this site. Standard Global Services discipline requests you to register this service
activity in CSI, particularly for an Install or an Upgrade. You can use CRM or MS Outlook IB Database
email form in accordance with your team's reporting policy. Verify that all the customer site
information is correct (Table 2).



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Information for Updating IB Database

1. General Information (always required)
CE / Requestor Name:
CE / Requestor Badge Number:
CE / Requestor Phone Number (when applicable):
Task or Service Request (SR) Number:
Sales Order Number:
Procedure Performed at Party ID Number:
Installation or Completion Date:
Integrated or Gateway System?

Check One:

Integrated [

Gateway [

From (original):

To (final):

2. VNX System Installation (when applicable)

VNX Serial Number:
VNX OE Software Version:
Remote Connection Phone Number:
AUX Array (when applicable)
TLA Serial Number:
TLA Part Number:
FLARE Software Version:
3. VNX Hardware Upgrade Conversion (when applicable)
VNX Model Number Change:
Added Data Mover or Blade (when applicable)
TLA Serial Number:
TLA Part Number:
Added or Changed Data Mover Enclosure (when applicable)
TLA Serial Number:
TLA Part Number:
Added or Changed Storage Processor Enclosure (when applicable)
TLA Serial Number:
TLA Part Number:
4. VNX Software Upgrade (when applicable)
NAS Software Upgrade Version:
FLARE Code Upgrade Version:
5. VNX FRUs Replaced, Added, or Removed (when applicable)
Serial Numbers or Instance Numbers of FRUs:
Table 2

Site Information for CSI



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Parts Return
13. [ ] Locate the Parts Return Label package and fill out the shipping label and apply to box for return
to EMC.
14. [ ] Apply other labels for the box appropriate to this returning part. Check for any Engineering
bulletin and with the Customer to determine if it is FA bound.
IMPORTANT: If Engineering has requested the part to be shipped back for an FA, ensure the proper
ship to information has been entered and Attention to and/or Contact Name is provided in the shipping
15. [ ] Securely tape the box and Ship the failed part back to EMC.

Task 3:

(Alternative Task) Determine NAS Version when CS is not Working

When performing Task 3: and if there is only one Control Station, and it is not working, you cannot
determine the NAS version by the usual method. However, if the Control Station is down, you can
determine the NAS version that is running on any Blade.
CAUTION: Remember that the NAS version on a particular Blade might be a patch version.
Determining the NAS version on more than one Blade may help to determine the NAS version that
is installed on the Control Station. If possible, perform this procedure on standby Blades instead
of primary Blades.
1. [ ] Connect a serial cable (mini-DB9) from the service laptop (COM1 or COM2) to the serial
maintenance port [

] on the management module that is associated with the Blade.

Note: When viewed from the rear, the serial maintenance port on the right (A) side management
module connects to the even-numbered Blade in the Blade enclosure (for example, Blade 2). The
serial port on the left (B) side management module connects to the odd-numbered Blade (for
example, Blade 3).
2. [ ] Open and configure a HyperTerminal session using the following settings:
Bits per second: 9600
Data bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Emulation: Auto Detect
Telnet terminal ID: ANSI
3. [ ] Click the Call icon to connect to the Blade console. The CONSOLE prompt appears:

4. [ ] Redirect the output to the console:

logsys add output console



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5. [ ] Run the version command on the Blade:


6. [ ] Reset the console output to log:

logsys delete output console

7. [ ] Go back to the Task 4: to power down the Control Station.



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