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Chapter 16
1. Refect on the 12 principles clinical supervision discussed in this
chapter. In a school district where clinical supervision was being
- Which of the principles would be most appealing to teachers?
- Which principles would it be most dicult for supervisors to
appl! in the current era of accountabilit!?
- Which principles would be the most important ones to emphasi"e
during the phase-in of clinical supervision?
2. #an! summative evaluation programs use the same structure as
clinical supervision.
- What are the $e! di%erences between summative evaluation and
clinical supervision in &a' the preconference, &b' observation, and
&c' post-conference?
(. )onsider the compatibilit! of the interpersonal approaches in
chapters *-11 &directive control, directive informational,
collaborative, and nondirective' and developmental supervision
&chapter 12' with clinical supervision.
- Which of the supervisor! approaches do !ou consider compatible
with clinical supervision?
- )an developmental supervision and clinical supervision
+. ,ne concern about clinical supervision e-pressed b! some
supervisors is the e-tensive time re.uired to provide clinical
supervision to large numbers of teachers on a regular basis.
- Is peer coaching the solution to the supervisor/s time problem?
- Would it be bene0cial for supervisors to shift roles from providing
clinical supervision to coordinating peer coaching programs?
1. 2ome peer coaching programs are successful, but others e-perience
problems and are short lived. If, as a supervisor, !ou wish to
establish a successful peer coaching program,
- What actions would ta$e to increase the program/s chances of
Chapter 17
1. 3s !ou read about tas$, person, and d!sfunctional behaviors,
refect on a group that !ou have been part of or observed that
did not wor$ well together.
- Wh! do !ou believe the group did not function well?
- Was it because of missing tas$ roles?
- #issing person roles?
- 4he presence of d!sfunctional roles?
- Would adding either tas$ or person roles have helped the group
wor$ together?
- If so, what speci0c tas$ or person roles would have helped?
2. Refect on a d!sfunctional member of a group !ou have been part
of or observed.
- Wh! do !ou thin$ the group member assumed a d!sfunctional
- Was the d!sfunctional behavior due solel! to the group member/s
personalit!, or could there have been other factors, such as the
group/s mission, membership, leader, discussions, and so forth,
or factors present in the larger organi"ations?
- 5id the leader and group address the d!sfunctional behavior
- If so, how?
(. 4he authors state in this chapter that successful groups
fre.uentl! e-perience confict. Refect on a highl! successful
group that !ou were part of or observed that e-perienced
considerable confict.
- Was the nature of this confict di%erent from the confict !ou have
e-perienced or observed in less successful group?
- If so, how was it di%erent?
- 5id the group leader and other group members in the successful
group deal with the confict di%erentl! than leaders and members
of less successful groups? If so, how?
+. What elements from the meeting chec$list would !ou li$e to see
included in planning for future meetings that !ou lead or
participate in?

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