Detran Manual

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User Manual
Version 1.00
July 2010
An OpenEarth Product
1 Introduction............................................................................................................3
1.1 Application and features.................................................................................3
1.2 Manual Guide.................................................................................................3
2 Coand line use..................................................................................................!
2.1 Gettin" started................................................................................................!
2.2 Usin" t#e tool$ox...........................................................................................!
3 Grap#ical user interface.........................................................................................%
3.1 Gettin" started................................................................................................%
3.2 Usin" t#e GUI................................................................................................%
1 Introduction
1.1 Application and features
DETRAN (DElft TRansport ANalyzer) is a MATLAB based computer program tat calculates
and so!s sediment transport rates troug arbitrary cosen transects on te basis of
Delft"D model output# DETRAN can be used from te MATLAB command line as a toolbo$
(a collection of routines%functions) or as a stand&alone e$ecutable program !it a
grapical user interface ('())#
Te program is capable of te follo!ing*
present map transport fields (magnitude by colour and direction by +ectors)
calculate and present transport rates troug transects,
load data from Delft"D map (trim) and istory (tri) output files,
load data from a single Delft"D simulation- from a simulation !it multiple
conditions or from a mormerge simulation,
present bed load- suspended load or total transport,
present transport on different time scales (from seconds to years and e+en a user
defined time !indo!),
if a Delft"D simulation !as carried out !it multiple sediment fractions- te user can
coose !ic fraction (or all fractions togeter) to present,
load transects from a polygon (pol) file or create tem by !itin te
grapical user interface of DETRAN,
sa+e your clic.ed transects to a file,
ad/ust plot settings- li.e colour scale- +ector scale- +ector tinning,
load and plot a landboundary,
e$port te results to a MATLAB figure- !ic can be customized and printed by te
sa+e te transport data to a MATLAB file (mat) for later use in DETRAN or MATLAB#
1.2 Manual Guide
0or command&line use reference is made to 1apter 2#
1apter " gi+es a description of te '()#
2 Command line use
2.1 Getting started
0or te use of te DETRAN toolbo$ routines in Matlab- it is re3uired to a+e 4penEart
tools added to your Matlab pat# Tis can be acie+ed by eiter do!nloading and
installing te 4penEart toolbo$ from te 4penEart products site or by using to te
4penEart Matlab repository !ic can be found ere#
0ollo! tis sort step&by&step guide to use te 4penEart repository in Matlab#
To cec. !eter te DETRAN toolbo$ routines are in te Matlab pat- type*
>> which(detran)
)f te 4penEart toolbo$ is installed correctly- tis command sould return te pat to
2.2 sing t!e tool"ox
Te toolbo$ consists of numerous Matlab functions- of !ic te most are te building
bloc.s# )n principle- te t!o main routines for te command&line use are*
& detran#m
& detran7plotTransportTrougTransect#m
8elp on using tese toolbo$ routines can be found by typing*
>> help detran
>> help detran_plotTransportThroughTransect
Te elp bloc. of all routines in te toolbo$ can be found on !!!#openeart#nl# Tis
information is constantly up to date (i#e# it is syncronized !it te actual elp bloc.s of
te routines in te repository)#
# Grap!ical user interface
#.1 Getting started
After installing DETRAN- start te program from te !indo!s start menu# By default- a
lin. is placed in te sub&menu 94pen Eart :oft!are;#
#.2 sing t!e GI
Te first step before using DETRAN is to a+e a+ailable sediment transport data# 1urrently
only results from Delf"D simulations is supported# Te resulting files (bot trim and tri
files) can be used as input for DETRAN# <arious types of Delft"D simulations are
supported# Tis can be a single simulation (one condition)- but also a simulation !it
multiple (parallel computed) conditions and e+en a mormerge simulation# )n te latter
case- te !eigt of eac conditions is loaded automatically from te mormerge mm&file-
oter!ise te use can specify te !eigts of multiple conditions by a )t is also
possible to load data from a mat&file in !ic DETRAN data !as stored earlier#
After loading te data- te map transport field can be plotted# )t is possible to plot bed
load- suspended load or total transport at different time scales# Te magnitude of te
transport field !ill be represented by colours- !ile te direction and magnitude of te
transport field is represented by +ectors# <arious options are a+ailable to customize te
plotted transport field# Besides a map transport field- it is possible to plot transport rates
troug user&defined transects# Tese transects may be loaded from a polygon file or
tey can be generated interacti+ely (by !itin DETRAN#
4n te basis of te figure belo!- so!ing a screen sot of te program- te a+ailable
buttons !ill be e$plained#
Figure 3.1 Screenshot of DETRAN
$utton %unctionalit&
Data input/output
)mport data )mport data from a Delft"D output (trim or tri) file
Load data Load a mat&file !it sa+ed DETRAN data
:a+e data :a+e data to a mat&file
E$port to lintfile E$port transport data to a lint file (e#g# for use in
Transport settings
popup menu :elect !ic transport type to plot (total- bed or
popup menu :elect time frame (e#g# per year or per second)# )n
case of user defined- specify time !indo! (in sec#) in
ad/acent input field
popup menu :elect !ic sediment fraction to use
Transect options
Load transects Load transects from a polygon file
Ad/ust transects Ad/ust a transects* first clic. an e$isting transect
point- ten clic. again to indicate te ne! position of
tat point
:a+e transects :a+e transects to a polygon file
Add transects Add a ne! transect by te start and end point
Map plot settings
>lot map transport field 1lic. to plot te map field (incl# +ectors)
>lot landboundary 1lic. to plot a landboundary
Load landboundary Load a landboundary file
1olour scale :pecify range scale of te map transport field
Map +ector spacing :pecify te +ector spacing of te map transport field
:pacing mode 0or a certain map +ector spacing n- tere are t!o
uniform* a +ector !ill be plotted at e+ery n
grid point
distance* te +ector locations are spaced at least n m
Map +ector scaling Tis +alue controls te scaling of te map +ectors
Transect vector plot settings
>lot transport troug transects 1lic. to plot te transport rates troug transects
>lot gross transports 1lic. to also plot te gross transport rates
Transport +ector scaling Tis +alue controls te scaling of te transect +ectors
Multiply transport labels Multiply te plotted labels (e#g# to present tousands
E$port2fig 1opy te plotted items to a MATLAB figure

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