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Green Revolution
- 1940-1960s part of the USAIDS agency, an initiative designed to aid Latin American
and African countries from starvation
- Increased usage of herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers
- Norman Borlaug
- 1961, India on verge of the biggest famine in modern history, Borlaug invited to
Ministry of Agriculture of India, had biggest success by designing a new strain of
productive rice, the IR8,
- IR8 called miracle rice increased output from two ton/hectare to eight
- Herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers cause a lot of problems like the algal boom (block
sewage, destroy balance in nature), indigenous species death(biologic diversity
lowered) = DDT 1972 banned
Norman Borlaug
- Graduating out of University of Minnesota with a degree in biology
- Early induction in Delaware to help American war effort by dealing with acts such
as designing glues that can resist seawater corrosion or pesticides to counter the
spread of malaria to aid the US Marines in war
- Post-war, he moved to Lijuana Agricultural Center to research disease-resistant
wheat types
- Developed a synthetic cross wheat type that combine strong stalks,
diseases-resistance, temperature tolerance, and also incredibly high productivity,
which allows this wheat to be the miracle for places under famine
- 1970, Nobel Prize Award winner for Peace, known as the father of the Green
Revolution and also the Man who saved a billion lives
Andrew Carnegie
- Moved from Scotland into the United States with parents at 7 to find a better living
- Worked in the Pennsylvanian Railway Company during much of his childhood,
1860s, America was experiencing rapid economic growth
- 1850, for his hard work, he was awarded by Thomas A. Scott, the owner of the
company, with stocks of the company
- Using his new gained wealth, he went back to his hometown in Scotland for
- Discovered the Bessemer Process, the first inexpensive way to produce quality steel,
which involved the keeping of consistent temperature and oxidation via ducting air
through the molten metal to remove impurity, producing solid quality steel
- Carnegie Steel formed at 1883, Pittsburgh, and by 1900, he was known as the
richest man of the United States
- Vitalized American industrialization, especially in the steel industry, to combat
European dominance, spurred the rise of United States by the 1900s
- Donated 90% of his wealth, founding the famous Carnegie Mellon University,
Carnegie Foundation for Sciences..etc

Rwandan Genocide
- Interhamwe
- 1994
- Hutu kill Tutsi, who ruled since 1919s as Belgians preferred administration
- Habyarimanas plane being shot down detonated the cultural tension between the
Hutus and Tutsi
- Interahamwe bad, armed with AK-47 and Machete, killed up to 1 million people
- General Bizimungu, Hutu, trained the Interahamwe and lead attack
- Paul Rusesabagina, Hutu manager of the Hotel des Mille-Collines, 1268 refugees
kept safe from the genocide, used political connections, friendliness, and
disciplined attitude in terms of hospitality work to save people

Nelson Mandela
- Anti-apartheid revolutionary and first black South African president
- Through his early life struggle and endurance of racism, he started ANC Youth
League to mobilize Africans against the apartheid laws on Easter Sunday, 1944
- Starting by 1952, Nelson Mandela rose as Transvaal ANC President, and actively led
the Defiance Campaign against the Afrikaner oppressors
- Following many punishment and false trials, by 1961 Mandela founded the Spear
of the Nation and became chairman of the militant group
- Starting then, he traveled Africa and Europe in secret to plead for aid and to learn
of guerilla warfare, and raising international awareness
- June 12, 1964, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by de Wet, after ignoring all
calls for clemency, for inciting unrest in the nation by, the trial raised global
attention on the injustice in South Africa
- Following his suspension in house, he was released where in December 1989 he
was repeatedly asked to have genial talks with F.W de Klark
- F.W. de Klark, although an Afrikaner, supported Nelson Mandelas anti-apartheid
movement and freed all ANC members imprisoned
- By April 27, 1994, Mandela became the first African President of South Africa
- Along with de Klerk, they won the Nobel Peace Prize of 1993

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