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An infrared sensor is an electronic instrument that is used to sense certain characteristics of its
surroundings by either emitting and/or detecting infrared radiation. It is also capable of
measuring heat of an object and detecting motion. Infrared waves are not visible to the human
In the electromagnetic spectrum, infrared radiation is the region having wavelengths longer than
visible light wavelengths, but shorter than microwaves. The infrared region is approximately
demarcated from 0.75 to 1000m. The wavelength region from 0.75 to 3m is termed as near
infrared, the region from 3 to 6m is termed mid-infrared, and the region higher than 6m is
termed as far infrared.
Infrared technology is found in many of our everyday products. For example, TV has an IR
detector for interpreting the signal from the remote control. Key benefits of infrared sensors
include low power requirements, simple circuitry, and their portable feature.
Types of Infra-Red Sensors
Infra-red sensors are broadly classified into two types:
Thermal infrared sensors These use infrared energy as heat. Their photo sensitivity is
independent of wavelength. Thermal detectors do not require cooling; however, they
have slow response times and low detection capability.
Quantum infrared sensors These provide higher detection performance and faster
response speed. Their photo sensitivity is dependent on wavelength. Quantum detectors
have to be cooled so as to obtain accurate measurements. The only exception is for
detectors that are used in the near infrared region.
Working Principle
A typical system for detecting infrared radiation using infrared sensors includes the infrared
source such as blackbody radiators, tungsten lamps, and silicon carbide. In case of active IR
sensors, the sources are infrared lasers and LEDs of specific IR wavelengths. Next is the
transmission medium used for infrared transmission, which includes vacuum, the atmosphere,
and optical fibers.
Thirdly, optical components such as optical lenses made from quartz, CaF
, Ge and Si,
polyethylene Fresnel lenses, and Al or Au mirrors, are used to converge or focus infrared
radiation. Likewise, to limit spectral response, band-pass filters are ideal.
Finally, the infrared detector completes the system for detecting infrared radiation. The output
from the detector is usually very small, and hence pre-amplifiers coupled with circuitry are
added to further process the received signals.
The following are the key application areas of infrared sensors:
Tracking and art history
Climatology, meteorology, and astronomy
Thermography, communications, and alcohol testing
Heating, hyperspectral imaging, and night vision
Biological systems, photobiomodulation, and plant health
Gas detectors/gas leak detection
Water and steel analysis, flame detection
Anesthesiology testing and spectroscopy
Petroleum exploration and underground solution
Rail safety.
Characteristics and use of infrared detectors - Sabanci University
What Is an Infrared Sensor? - Wise GEEK
Infrared Sensors or IR Sensors Engineers Garage
How Do IR Sensors Work? -eHow
IR Sensor Applications InfraTec
Sharp infrared detectors and rangers boast a small package, very low power consumption
and a variety of output options. In order to maximize each sensor's potential, it is
important to understand how these types of IR sensors work, their effective ranges, and
how to interface to them.
Theory of Operation
There are two major types of Sharp's infrared (IR) sensors based on their output: analog
rangers and digital detectors. Analog ranges provide information about the distance to an
object in the ranger's view. Digital detectors provide a digital (high or low) indication of
an object at or closer than a predefined distance.
These rangers all use triangulation and a small linear CCD array to compute the distance
and/or presence of objects in the field of view. In order to triangulare, a pulse of IR light
is emitted by the emitter. The light travels out into the field of view and either hits an
object or just keeps on going. In the case of no object, the light is never reflected, and the
reading shows no object. If the light reflects off an object, it returns to the detector and
creates a triangle between the point of reflection, the emitter and the detector.

Sharp IR detector angle of reflection arrival for near and far object
The incident angle of the reflected light varies based on the distance to the object. The
receiver portion of the IR rangers is a precision lens that transmits reflected light onto
various portions of the enclosed linear CCD array based on the incident angle of the
reflected light. The CCD array can then determine the incident angle, and thus calculate
the distance to the object. This method of ranging is very immune to interference from
ambient light and offers indifference to the color of the object being detected.
Which Detector to Use?
The table below characterizes each sensor by minimum and maximum ranges, as well as
whether the sensor returns a varying distance value or a digital detection signal:

Comparison Chart for Sharp IR Rangers
Sharp IR Range Comparison
Model Output Min. Range Max Range
GP2D120 Analog 1.5" 11.8"
GP2Y0A02 Analog 8" 59"
GP2Y0A21 Analog 4" 30"
GP2Y0A710 Analog 36" 216"
GP2D15 Digital 9.5"
The GP2Y0A710 ('0A710'), GP2D120, GP2Y0A21 ('0A21'), and GP2Y0A02 ('0A02') sensors offer true
ranging information in the form of an analog output. The GP2D15, by contrast, provide a single digital
value based on whether an object is present in it's range or not. None of the detectors require an
external clock or signal. Instead, they fire continuously, requiring around 25mA of continuous current.
Mechanical Dimensions
All of the Sharp IR rangers are approximately the same size except
the 0A710. The 0A710 is larger in order to accommodate larger lenses and circuitry
required for its superior range of 5.5 meters. The table below summaries the overall
mechanical dimensions of each sensor. Be sure to review the data sheets for detailed
dimensional drawings.
Sharp IR Dimensions
Model Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm)
GP2D120 40.75 18.9 15.5
GP2Y0A02 40.75 18.9 21.6
GP2Y0A21 40.75 18.9 15.5
GP2Y0A710 58 17.6 22.5
GP2D15 40.75 18.9 15.5

Size comparison of GP2Y0A710 (left), GP2Y0A02 (right) and GP2D15/120 (bottom)
Non-Linear Output
Due to the trigonometry involved in computing the distance to an object based on the
reflected light incident angle, the output of these detectors is non-linear with respect to
the distance being measured. The graph below shows an example of the analog output
voltage vs distance to an object.

Example graph of Sharp IR Output Voltage vs Distance
Some interesting things to notice in this graph: first, the output of the detectors within the
stated range (10cm - 80cm) is not linear but rather somewhat logarithmic. This curve will
vary slightly from detector to detector so it is a good idea to "normalize" the output with
a lookup table or parameterized function. This way, each detector can be calibrated to be
consistent and result in data which varies nearly linearly relative to the distance to the
Second, notice that the output drops rapidly once the object is closer than the minimum
distance (less than 10cm). As such, the output could be confused with a longer range
reading. Such readings can be disastrous if your robot is slowing down as it approaches a
solid object, gets below the minimum range and then misinterprets the apparently long
range reading. If this errant reading is not handled correctly, the robot may drive full-
speed into the object. The easiest way to avoid this is to cross-fire the detectors across the
width or length of the robot as shown below.

Example of cross-firing detectors to avoid range errors.
Beam Pattern
The beam pattern for these rangers is rather consistent between types. The beam is
roughly football shaped with the widest portion in the middle being about 16cm wide.
This is a reasonably narrow beam pattern which makes for great ranging data when
coupled with a servo to "sweep" the detector while taking readings.
When using Sharp sensors as a virtual bumper, it is advantageous to have the widest
beam pattern possible in order to provide coverage for a large area such as the entire front
of the robot. This can easily be accomplished using two sensors whose beams cross over
one another in front of the robot (see below). The most common detector to use in this
arrangement is the GP2D15.

Configuration of two sensors for effectively wider beam width
Interfacing the Sensors
Except for the GP2Y0A710, the Sharp IR sensors all use a connector called the Japan
Solderless Terminal (JST) connector. These connectors have three wires: ground, Vcc,
and the output. Since the sensors fire continuously and don't need any clocking to initiate
a reading, interfacing to them is simple, but they continuously use power and can
potentially interfere with one another when multiple detectors are used on a single robot.
Interference can be avoided by keeping in mind the theory of operation of the sensors,
when placing them on the robot.
The larger GP2Y0A710 is uses a 5-pin JST connector with two ground and two power
lines. However, these lines can be soldered together provided the attached power supply
is capable of delivering roughly 350mA of peak current (roughly 33-50mA continuous
current). Like the other sensors, the GP2Y0A710 fires continuously. Be sure the review
the data sheet for each sensor to ensure it is appropriate and compatible for the intended
use case.
The Sharp IR rangers and detectors are a great addition to the suite of sensors available
for robotics. They are inexpensive, are low power, fit in small spaces and have a unique
range that is ideally suited to small robots in human spaces such as hallways, rooms and
the mazes.
While these don't give absolute range accuracy, they offer very good information for a
robot that typically deals with noisy information in the first place. Often, knowing
whether a robot is close to a wall or far away is enough to make choices about what to do
Check out all of the Sharp IR sensor products or take it to the next level with laser
rangers and imaging products.
Active infrared sensors
The principle behind infrared automatic door sensors is the transmission and receiving of
infrared light. An element known as a light emitting diode (LED) transmits active infrared light,
which is reflected on the floor and received by an optical receiver known as a photo diode (PD).
As long as there is no movement or object in the path of the light beam, the light pattern is static
and the sensor remains in stand-by.

When a person or object crosses the beam, the reflection of the light is distorted. This is
registered by the PD, which gives off an impulse for opening the door.

Sensors differ in the number of rows of active infrared spots. These spots are collectively
referred to as the detection area.

Because objects cause a distortion in the reflected light pattern, active infrared sensors also react
to shopping carts and other moving objects.

Initially, the sensor is set according to the situation at the location. Any time there is a change in
this standard state, it is recognized. The sensor is also able to continue to recognize this situation.

Active infrared sensors are excellent as a safeguard at the door opening because of their ability to
continue recognizing changes that occur in the detection area. Some sensors may incorporate a
second row of detection areas to create a safety area in addition to the standard first row. The
safety area prevents the door from closing prematurely.

As long as there is a person or object in the detection area, the sensor remains active, preventing
the door from closing. This ensures an additional layer of safety over other types of sensors as
the door does not close while someone is in the detection area. There is no theoretical limit to the
maximum time that can be set for a sensor, though this does depend on the type of sensor. A
safety area is sometimes employed for when the door is open for a long period of time.

Active infrared door sensors are generally immune to the effects of external factors such as rain,
snow and falling leaves. Although the sensor registers this type of movement, intelligent
software is employed to screen such factors out.

Passive infrared sensors
A passive infrared door sensor works on the basis of ambient temperature. It measures the
temperature and emits a pulse as soon as there is a change, recognized as 1 C or about 1.8 F
when a person is walking at 1.2 meters (4 feet) per second. A passive infrared sensor therefore
reacts only to objects that radiate a particular temperature, such as humans or animals. Baby
carriages, shopping carts and wheelchairs are not detected, though the person behind or in them
are. In practice, a passive infrared sensor is mainly intended for use in a conditioned
environment, such as inside buildings.

Microwave sensors
A door sensor using a microwave technique works according to a completely different principle
than one based on infrared rays. With microwaves, an antenna constantly emits a "balloon" at a
specific frequency (24.125 GHz). As soon as there is a change in the volume of the balloon, the
sensor reacts. This may be triggered by either an object or a person. A microwave sensor thus
reacts to baby carriages, shopping carts and wheelchairs as well as people.

A major difference from other sensor types is that the microwave sensor becomes accustomed to
anything in its detection area if it remains. The microwave sensor therefore stops emitting the
pulse for opening the door if a person or object stays in the area.

Most microwave sensors are available in two types, unidirectional or bi-directional. If a faster
closing door is required, a unidirectional microwave type is recommended. Such sensors react
only to exiting traffic.

Some microwave sensors also incorporate both functionalities. The desired function can be
switched according to need.

Safety beams
Safety beams also use an active infrared technique. Safety beams are fitted in the door opening,
serving to prevent the doors from closing prematurely. The transmitter and receiver are installed
opposite each other. As long as the beam is interrupted between the transmitter and receiver, the
door is prevented from closing.

A miniature safety beam guarantees stable and dependable operation, even in bad circumstances.
The innovative design makes installation very simple and fits all door profiles.

Insensitive to sunlight
The safety beam is insensitive to horizontal, incident light, even sunlight. The infrared beam is
emitted by a light emitting diode (LED) installed in the transmitter head and detected by a photo
diode (PD) in the receiver head. The wavelength of the infrared beam is about 0.9 mm (near

Pulsating code
The beam type used in the safety beam photo-electric detector is sensitive to a variety of light
such as sunlight, car headlights and lightning flashes. A pulsating code is therefore used in the
infrared beam to filter out these light sources from the emitted safety beam. The safety beam
receiver is constructed so that it reacts only to interruptions in this pulsating infrared beam. Other
light sources therefore do not affect the receiver.

Strong light filter system
Conventionally, safety beams are affected by directly incident sunlight in the receiver, resulting
in non-activation. OPTEX has incorporated a light filter in the safety beam to ensure faultless
operation even in strong sunlight.

*The information on this page is available in PDF format from the download page.

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