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The Book of Enoch

A Modern English Translation

of the Ethiopian Book of Enoch
with introduction and notes by
Andy McCracken
Special thanks to Bredren Jason Naphtali
who found this translation (by M !nibb" of the Ethiopian te#t in the
S$AS %ibrary at the &ni'ersity of %ondon
The Book of Enoch
)age No
*ntroduction +
,istory of the Book of Enoch -
Condition of the te#t .
The Book
(/" T,E B%ESS*N0 $1 EN$C, //
((" 0$23S %A4S /(
(+" 5EBE%S AM$N0ST T,E 4ATC,E5S /-
(6" T,E M$ST ,*0, $1 T,E 4ATC,E5S S)EA!S $&T /7
(-" EN$C, MEETS T,E ,$%8 4ATC,E5S (+
(9" T,E B$$! $1 5E)5$$1 (9
(." EN$C, STA8S 1$5 A 4,*%E 4*T, T,E 4ATC,E5S +/
(:" T,E AN0E%S 4,$ !EE) 4ATC, +-
(7" T,E 15A05ANT T5EES +7
(/;" T,E B$$! $1 MET,&SE%A, 69
(//" T,E B$$! $1 N$A, -;
(/(" T,E B$$! $1 )A5AB%ES --
1irst -9
Second 96
Third .-
(/+" T,E ST$5E,$&SES :.
(/6" T,E 5E<$%&T*$NS $1 T,E %*0,TS 7+
(/-" EN$C,3S %ETTE5 T$ MET,&SE%A, /;.
(/9" T,E %A4 $1 T,E STA5S //;
(/." EN$C,3S 1*5ST <*S*$N //6
(/:" )5$),EC8 $1 T,E AN*MA%S /(;
(/7" )5$),EC8 $1 T,E TEN 4EE!S /+.
((;" EN$C,3S MESSA0E $1 0&*2ANCE /6+
((/" EN$C,3S C$NC%&2*N0 4$52S /-.
5eferences and further reading /-7
The Book of Enoch
* ha'e based this book on Michael A !nibb3s scholarly translation of the
Ethiopian =anuscripts> (The Ethiopic Book of Enoch> $#ford &ni'ersity
)ress"> which * belie'e to be the best translation currently a'ailable
* first heard about the Book of Enoch a few years ago> while * was
researching into ?End of 2ays@ prophesies 4hen * finally =anaged to get
hold of a copy> * disco'ered that it was a 'ery strange and unusual book
The first ti=e * read it * was skeptical and so=ewhat puAAledB * wondered
who would ha'e written an odd book like this
* knew that Enoch> (,anokh in ,ebrew"> was 'ery fa'ourably =entioned in
0enesis> and * disco'ered that Enoch@s book describes the E#odus and
Moses 'ery fa'ourably (although not by na=e"
So =y first theory was that it =ight ha'e been written around the sa=e ti=e
as the Torah> perhaps around /6;; BC ,owe'er> after se'eral readings *
could find no plausible theories The prophecy of the ani=als is e#tre=ely
precisely written and ob'iously refers to e'ents well after Moses (see =y
notes on that chapter" AdditionallyB who would ha'e dared to produce a
book with people such as Moses described in ter=s of far= ani=alsC
Michael !nibb> whose translation * ha'e used to produce this book> studied
all a'ailable =anuscripts and sources> and it is clear that this book was well
known and studied in =any countries well before the ti=e of Jesus The
earliest known sur'i'ing frag=ents and Duotations in 'arious languages
show that this is the sa=e book> and that the Ethiopians ha'e preser'ed it
*n the end * was con'inced that the book is really Enoch@s true account of
otherwise forgotten e'ents that occurred in early ti=esB e'ents that we ha'e
no other sur'i'ing records of
Enoch left us a book that describes people of an ad'anced cultureB blondThe
Book of Enoch
haired people that Enoch@s people considered to be Angels of 0od> and it
was written on the angels@ instruction
The standard acade=ic 'iew see=s to be that so=e slightly de=ented
religious fanatic wrote the book E not long before the earliest pro'able
frag=ents> ((;; or +;;BC" * think it is i=possible to support this 'iew
Such an author would ha'e to be able to write the entire book fro= the
point of 'iew of a person who knows nothing of countries with na=es> or
religions with na=es Then he goes on to describe the Angels as blond
=en> who ran away fro= ,ea'en in order to be pro=iscuous with wo=en
* don@t belie'e this is the sort of world 'iew that would ha'e been well
recei'ed or widely accepted anywhere in (;; BC This plus the all too
accurate prophecies are probably the reasons why it was ?lost@ by the
religions that used to regard it as holy
* concluded that the book is probably what it appears to beB well preser'ed>
ancient and genuine Enoch was the greatEgrandfather of Noah> and father
of Methuselah> and his book gi'es a uniDue 'iew of the world before the
floodB which recent research suggests =ay ha'e occurred as long ago as
/.>;;; BC
The Book of Enoch
The ,istory of the Book of Enoch
The book was thought to ha'e been lost> for o'er (>;;; years> with =any
ancient sources referring to it> and e'en Duoting parts> but no co=plete
copies were known Then in /..+> Ja=es Bruce brought three copies back
fro= Ethiopia> ha'ing spent so=e years e#ploring the country
Enoch had two =ain reasons for writing his book The first was because
the 4atchers instructed hi= to do it> (see section /- at :/- and :/9" The
second reasonB was to sa'e his fa=ily fro= the flood
Enoch wrote his book> after his grandson %a=ech was born> but before
Noah was born Noah is only na=ed in the section that Methuselah wrote>
(see section /; at /;.+"> and of course in his own section (section //> The
Book of Noah" So> there =ay still ha'e been 6; E :; years left before the
flood> at the ti=e when Enoch wrote his book
There is a long gap between the ti=e of the flood and the ti=e when Moses
ga'e praise to Enoch in 0enesis 0enesis dates fro= around /6;; BC> and
for=s part of the Torah (the first fi'e books of the bible"
*n 0enesis> there is Enoch3s fa=ilyB as na=ed by hi= in this book> and a
Duick recap of so=e of Enoch3s story
*t see=s likely therefore> that copies of the Book of Enoch sur'i'ed into
Egyptian ti=es> +-;; BC> and was known to Moses around (>;;; years
Moses presu=ably took a copy of the book with hi= when they all left
Egypt> and he was no doubt pleased to see Enoch3s prophecy fulfilled
The book probably e#isted =ainly in ,ebrew during the thousand years
after the e#odus No ,ebrew copies e#ist today> howe'er> although there
are so=e ,ebrew passages Duoted in so=e of the Ara=aic frag=ents that
sur'i'e fro= a few centuries BC
The appearance of the book in Ethiopia> is probably due to e'ents in
The Book of Enoch
Jerusale= during the reign of !ing Manasseh of Judah> (97- E 96( BC">
which are docu=ented in the Bible> ((Chronicles ++F/ E (;> and at (!ings
(/F/ G /:"
!ing Manasseh was not of the Jewish faith> he erected alters to Baal and
Asherah in Solo=on3s Te=ple *n !ings at (/F/9> it says that so =uch
innocent blood was shed that it filled Jerusale= fro= end to end At this
ti=e> the religious establish=ent left the country> taking the Ark of the
Co'enant and all the i=portant religious te#ts with the=
After a nu=ber of years in Egypt> the refugees went further south> near to
the source of the Nile> at %ake Tana in Ethiopia The descendants of these
people are the 1alashas> who e'en today follow the for= of Judais= that
had been practiced in *srael only before 9(; BC The Ethiopians translated
The Book of ,anokh into 0e3eA> and had enough respect to look after it
Meanwhile> all ,ebrew 'ersions disappeared but a substantial part of the
book had sur'i'ed in 0reek> and so=e parts in Ara=aic> but until Scottish
tra'eler> and free=ason> Ja=es Bruce> returned fro= Ethiopia in /..+> with
three =anuscripts> no one in the west had e'er seen the whole book
The two co==only a'ailable translations were done soon after this and the
book was recei'ed with an e=barrassed silence> for the =ost part> and not
widely read
This book is based on a new translation published in /7.:> which was
produced as a result of research into a large nu=ber of the Ethiopian
=anuscripts and a re'iew of all other sur'i'ing frag=ents My hope is that
this present edition will be the best 'ersion of Enoch3s book a'ailable in
* think this is an i=portant book> and * ha'e done =y best to present it as
clearly as possible> and in a way that * hope ,anokh would ha'e appro'ed
The Book of Enoch
Condition of the Te#t
* belie'e the te#t to be in good condition generally *t see=s to be al=ost
co=plete> with a beginning and an end> and it is selfEconsistent E'en =ore
significant is the way that Enoch3s character and style of writing are still
apparent The only parts that * suspect were written by different authors *
ha'e separated out> as the Book of Methuselah> and the Book of Noah>
(chapters /; H //"
The translation by Michael !nibb> into English> is 'ery good> and * ha'e
had to do 'ery little to the te#t in order to change it fro= a good translation
into clear English * ha'e added Duite a lot of punctuation and i=pro'ed
the presentation> but * ha'e =ade only 'ery =inor changes to the te#t (such
as substituting ?before@ with ?in front of@ where appropriate *n a few
places * ha'e substituted IskyJ for ,ea'en where it =akes the =eaning
clearer 4here Enoch says Ithe face of ,ea'enJ he =eans the sky but *
ha'e left it unchanged * only changed ,ea'en to sky where * was sure that
was the intended =eaning Si=ilarly> * ha'e tried to use Earth with a
capital where * think the =eaning is the whole planet and earth> without a
capital> where the =eaning =ay Kust be the ground G which Enoch often
differentiates hi=self by referring to Ithe dry groundJ rather than Ithe
1ortunately> Enoch3s style was to use a si=ple 'ocabulary> and he assu=ed
no preEknowledge by the reader Anything co=plicated> he e#plains at
length> with Duite a lot of repetition
This has helped to preser'e the book through =any translations There are
a few places> e'en so> where there are proble=s * ha'e =arked these with
dots (" where so=e words see= to ha'e been lost 1ortunately> there are
not =any of these> and nothing i=portant appears to be =issing
The Book of Enoch
* did find a few translocations in the te#tF
L Methuselah3s book had been inserted near the back>
L Noah3s book and ?The Storehouses@ had been inserted into the Third
L )art of the )rophecy of the Ten weeks was in the wrong order
* ha'e kept the Ethiopian ?chapter and 'erse@ nu=bers> in all cases> so that
=y changes to the order of presentation can easily be seen
* ha'e split the book into sections E where there see=s to be a natural break>
and gi'en each one a title
* inserted Noah and Methuselah@s works into the =iddle E where there
see=s to be a =aKor break in Enoch@s book The first section of Enoch is
=ainly the story of what occurred whereas the second part is =ainly written
fro= the notes that Enoch took while he was with the 4atchers
Additionally> the end of Noah@s short book con'eniently ser'es as an
introduction to Enoch@s Book of )arables
Andy McCracken
(August (;;("
The Book of Enoch
The Book of
The Book of Enoch
(/" T,E B%ESS*N0 $1 EN$C, (page //"
This section is Enoch3s introduction to the book At /(> he e#plains how the angels
(4atchers" showed hi= a 'ision of the future At /-> the 4atchers are =entionedB here
Enoch =eans the runEaway rebel 4atchers who ca=e to li'e in his area (this is
described in section +"
*n the bible (0en 96"> the descendants of the 4atchers are described as giants or
Nephili=> they =ay ha'e been bigger than the local people> Enoch describes the= as
giants> .(> Andrew Collins3 in'estigations suggest that a race of unusually large people
did once e#ist (See his book From the Ashes of Angels"
The =ain the=e is that of destructionB 0od is going to clear away the sinners> so that
good people can ha'e peace This is the 1lood of Noah which was still so=e way off
when Enoch wrote the book> although there are details of a ?second end@ later in the
book (see the /; weeks"
The Book of Enoch
/" T,E B%ESS*N0 $1 EN$C,
// These are the words of the blessing of EnochB according to which he
blessed the chosen and righteous who =ust be present on the day of
distress> which is appointed> for the re=o'al of all the wicked and i=pious
/( And Enoch began his story and saidF E
There was a righteous =an whose eyes were opened by the %ord> and he
saw a ,oly 'ision in the ,ea'ens> which the Angels showed to =e And *
heard e'erything fro= the=> and * understood what * sawF but not for this
generation> but for a distant generation that will co=e
/+ Concerning the Chosen * spokeB and * uttered a parable concerning
the=F The ,oly and 0reat $ne will co=e out of his dwelling
/6 And the Eternal 0od will tread fro= there upon Mount Sinai> and he
will appear with his ,ost> and will appear in the strength of his power fro=
/- And all will be afraid> and the 4atchers will shake> and fear and great
tre=bling will seiAe the=> up to the ends of the earth
/9 And the high =ountains will be shakenB and the high hills will be laid
low and will =elt like wa# in a fla=e
/. And the earth will sink> and e'erything that is on the earth will be
destroyed> and there will be Kudg=ent upon all> and upon all the righteous
/: But for the righteousF ,e will =ake peace> and ,e will keep safe the
Chosen> and =ercy will be upon the= They will all belong to 0od> and
will prosper and be blessed> and the light of 0od will shine on the=
/7 And beholdM ,e co=es with ten thousand ,oly $nesB to e#ecute
Kudg=ent upon the= and to destroy the i=pious> and to contend with all
flesh concerning e'erything that the sinners and the i=pious ha'e done and
wrought against ,i=
The Book of Enoch
(" 0$23S %A4S
(/ Conte=plate all the e'ents in the skyB how the lights in the sky do not
change their courses> how each rises and sets in order> each at its proper
ti=e> and they do not transgress their law
(( Consider the earth and understand fro= the work that is done upon it>
fro= the beginning to the end> that no work of 0od changes as it beco=es
(+ Consider the su==er and the winterB how the whole earth is full of
water and the clouds and dew and rain rest upon it
+/ Conte=plate and see how all the trees appear withered and all their
lea'es are stripped E with the e#ception of the fourteen trees> which are not
stripped> which re=ain with the old lea'es until the new co=e after two or
three years
6/ And> again> conte=plate the days of su==erB how at its beginning the
Sun is abo'e it 8ou seek shelter and shade because of the heat of the Sun
and the earth burns with scorching heat> and you cannot tread upon the
earth or upon a rock> because of its heat
-/ Conte=plate how the trees are co'ered with green lea'es and bear fruit
And understand> in respect of e'erything> and percei'e how ,e 4ho %i'es
1ore'er =ade all these things for you
-( And how ,is works are before ,i= in each succeeding year> and all
,is works ser'e ,i= and do not changeB but as 0od has decreed E so
e'erything is done
-+ And consider how the seas and ri'ers together co=plete their tasks
-6 But you ha'e not perse'ered in> nor obser'ed> the %aw of the %ord But
you ha'e transgressed and ha'e spoken proud and hard words with your
unclean =outh against his =aKesty 8ou hard of heartM 8ou will not ha'e
The Book of Enoch
-- And because of this you will curse your days> and the years of your life
you will destroy And the eternal curse will increase and you will not
recei'e =ercy
-9 *n those days> you will transfor= your na=e into an eternal curse to all
the righteous And they will curse you sinners fore'er
-. 1or the chosenB there will be light> Koy> and peace> and they will inherit
the earth But for you> the i=pious> there will be a curse
-: 4hen wisdo= is gi'en to the chosen they will all li'e> and will not
again do wrong> either through forgetfulness> or through pride But those
who possess wisdo= will be hu=ble
-7 They will not again do wrong> and they will not be Kudged in all the
days of their life> and they will not die of wrath or anger But they will
co=plete the nu=ber of the days of their life And their life will grow in
peace> and the years of their Koy will increase in gladness and eternal peaceB
all the days of their life
The Book of Enoch
(+" 5EBE%S AM$N0 T,E 4ATC,E5S (pages /-E/."
This is the story of the fallen angels The beginning> 9/E(> is 'irtually identical
with 0enesis 9/E( *n Enoch3s book> we get their na=es and =any other details
At 99> Enoch e#plains the na=ing of Mount ,er=on E in ,ebrew it =eans
curses The =ountain that he was actually referring to is possibly so=ewhere near %ake
<an in Turkey *t is co==on for translators to update na=es rather than use phonetics>
so the few na=es that appear> =ainly =ountains and ri'ers> can@t be relied upon as
accurate identifications 4e don@t know whether there was another =ountain called
?curses@ or e'en what language the book was originally written in
At .(> he says they had giant sons * belie'e that this =eans> not that they were
physically big> but powerful and wealthy with pri'ate ar=ies Ne'ertheless> the
4atchers =ay ha'e been larger than the local people were Many years of ad'anced
healthcare and nutrition can lead to increasing a'erage siAe
They were probably Duite young> these runaway angels> but they had weapons
and knowledge (:/" that =eant they were able to do=inate Enoch3s people easily
Since they could ha'e children> by wo=en> * think it is safe to assu=e that they
are =en> and not angels (or any other nonEhu=an entity"> since breeding is species
specific by definition They were regarded as angels by Enoch and his people> (see
what %a=ech says at /;9-E9 in section /;"> but Enoch also says they could appear like
=en when they wished> (see /./"> but e'en so> he ne'er see=s to doubt their di'inity
At :6> the scene switchesF to the angels in hea'en E the 4atchers at their ho=e
base The acti'ities of the runaways cause the= to be noticed
This section ends with so=e of the 4atchers asking their ,ead=an what should
they do about the runaways Alternati'ely> it could be seen as 0od being infor=ed that
no souls wish to incarnate on the Earth because conditions are beco=ing so bad
The Book of Enoch
+" 5EBE%S AM$N0 T,E 4ATC,E5S
9/ And it ca=e to pass> when the sons of =en had increased> that in those
days there were born to the= fair and beautiful daughters
9( And the Angels> the sons of ,ea'en> saw the= and desired the= And
they said to one anotherF NCo=e> let us choose for oursel'es wi'es> fro=
the children of =en> and let us beget> for oursel'es> childrenN
9+ And Se=yaAa> who was their leader> said to the=F
N* fear that you =ay not wish this deed to be done and that * alone will pay
for this great sinN
96 And they all answered hi=> and saidF
N%et us all swear an oath> and bind oneEanother with curses> so not to alter
this plan> but to carry out this plan effecti'elyN
9- Then they all swore together and all bound one another with curses to
99 And they were> in all> two hundred and they ca=e down on Ardis>
which is the su==it of Mount ,er=on And they called the =ountain
,er=on because on it they swore and bound one another with curses
9. And these are the na=es of their leadersF
Se=yaAa> who was their leader> &rakiba> 5a=iel> !okabiel> Ta=iel>
5a=iel> 2aniel> EAeDiel> BaraDiel> Asael> Ar=aros> Ananel> OaDiel>
Sa=siel> Satael> Turiel> 8o=iel> AraAiel
9: These are the leaders of the two hundred Angels and of all the others
with the=
./ And they took wi'es for the=sel'es and e'eryone chose for hi=self
one each And they began to go into the= and were pro=iscuous with
the= And they taught the= char=s and spells> and they showed the= the
cutting of roots and trees
.( And they beca=e pregnant and bore large giants And their height was
The Book of Enoch
three thousand cubits
.+ These de'oured all the toil of =enB until =en were unable to sustain
.6 And the giants turned against the= in order to de'our =en
.- And they began to sin against birds> and against ani=als> and against
reptiles> and against fish> and they de'oured one another3s flesh> and drank
the blood fro= it
.9 Then the Earth co=plained about the lawless ones
:/ And AAaAel taught =en to =ake swords> and daggers> and shields> and
breastplates And he showed the= the things after these> and the art of
=aking the=B bracelets> and orna=ents> and the art of =aking up the eyes>
and of beautifying the eyelids> and the =ost precious stones> and all kinds
of coloured dyes And the world was changed
:( And there was great i=piety> and =uch fornication> and they went
astray> and all their ways beca=e corrupt
:+ A=eAarak taught all those who cast spells and cut roots> Ar=aros the
release of spells> and BaraDiel astrologers> and !okabiel portents> and
Ta=iel taught astrology> and Asradel taught the path of the Moon
:6 And at the destruction of =en they cried outB and their 'oices reached
7/ And then Michael> 0abriel> Suriel and &riel> looked down fro= ,ea'en
and saw the =ass of blood that was being shed on the earth and all the
iniDuity that was being done on the earth
7( And they said to one anotherF N%et the de'astated Earth cry out with
the sound of their cries> up to the 0ate of ,ea'en
7+ And now to you> $h ,oly $nes of ,ea'en> the souls of =en co=plain>
sayingF NBring our co=plaint before the Most ,ighN
76 And they said to their %ord> the !ingF N%ord of %ords> 0od of 0ods>
!ing of !ingsM 8our glorious throne endures for all the generations of the
The Book of Enoch
world> and blessed and praisedM
7- 8ou ha'e =ade e'erything> and power o'er e'erything is yours And
e'erything is unco'ered> and open> in front of you> and you see e'erything>
and there is nothing that can be hidden fro= you
79 See then what AAaAel has doneB how he has taught all iniDuity on the
earth and re'ealed the eternal secrets that are =ade in ,ea'en
7. And Se=yaAa has =ade known spells> he to who= you ga'e authority
to rule o'er those who are with hi=
7: And they went into the daughters of =en together> lay with those
wo=en> beca=e unclean> and re'ealed to the= these sins
77 And the wo=en bore giants> and thereby the whole Earth has been
filled with blood and iniDuity
7/; And now behold the souls which ha'e died cry out and co=plain unto
the 0ate of ,ea'en> and their la=ent has ascended> and they cannot go out
in the face of the iniDuity which is being co==itted on the earth
7// And you know e'erything> before it happens> and you know this> and
what concerns each of the= But you say nothing to us 4hat ought we to
do with the=> about thisCN
The Book of Enoch
(6" T,E M$ST ,*0, $1 T,E 4ATC,E5S S)EA!S $&T ()ages /7G(/"
Enoch presents us with a conde=nation of the runaways by the Most ,igh of the
4atchers This section shows how the runaways are regarded at ho=e
So=e background details do e=erge later in the book At /;9/+ (section /;">
we learn that the runaways ca=e to Enoch3s area in his father3s day Enoch is a scribe>
see /(6> and he says that it was the angels who introduced writing So> Enoch was
probably taught to write> and e=ployed> by the runaway angels
At /;/E+> the Most ,igh instructs an angel to sa'e the son of %a=ech (this will
be Noah" fro= the flood This is interesting> because besides prophesying details of the
flood> and its ti=ing> it re'eals that this was written at a ti=e when Enoch is a
grandfather> (of %a=ech"> but he does not yet know what %a=ech3s son will be called
*f the runaways were young in Enoch3s father@s day> then they are probably at
least /; years older than Enoch and =aybe =ore So> it is likely that the e'ents in this
book happen at a ti=e when the runaways are Duite old * ha'e wondered if they (the
angels" li'ed longer than we would think was nor=al but there isn@t enough detail to
draw a conclusion
The =aKority of this section consists of a prophecy of doo= for the runawaysF
They will see their fa=ilies destroyed by fighting a=ongst the=sel'es during their
lifeti=e They will suffer in the afterlife and the societies they founded will be wiped
away by a flood
,e says> at /;((> that there will ne'er again be another flood like the one to
The Book of Enoch
6" T,E M$ST ,*0, $1 T,E 4ATC,E5S S)EA!S $&T
/;/ And then the Most ,igh> the 0reat and ,oly $ne> spoke and sent
Arsyalalyur to the son of %a=ech> and said to hi=F
/;( NSay to hi= in =y na=eB hide yourselfM And re'eal to hi= the end>
which is co=ing> because the whole earth will be destroyed A deluge is
about to co=e on all the earthB and all that is in it will be destroyed
/;+ And now teach hi= so that he =ay escape and his offspring =ay
sur'i'e for the whole EarthN
/;6 And further the %ord said to 5aphaelF NBind AAaAel by his hands and
his feet and throw hi= into the darkness And split open the desert> which
is in 2udael> and throw hi= there
/;- And throw on hi= Kagged and sharp stones and co'er hi= with
darkness And let hi= stay there fore'er And co'er his face so that he
=ay not see the light
/;9 And so that> on the 0reat 2ay of Judg=ent> he =ay be hurled into the
/;. And restore the Earth which the Angels ha'e ruined And announce
the restoration of the Earth 1or * shall restore the Earth so that not all the
sons of =en shall be destroyed because of the knowledge which the
4atchers =ade known and taught to their sons
/;: And the whole Earth has been ruined by the teaching of the works of
AAaAelB and against hi= writeF A%% S*NN
/;7 And the %ord said to 0abrielF I)roceed against the bastards> and the
reprobates> and against the sons of the fornicators And destroy the sons of
the fornicators> and the sons of the 4atchers> fro= a=ongst =en And
send the= out> and send the= against one another> and let the= destroy
the=sel'es in battleB for they will not ha'e length of days
/;/; And they will petition you> but the petitioners will gain nothing in
The Book of Enoch
respect of the=> for they hope for eternal life> and that each of the= will
li'e life for fi'e hundred yearsN
/;// And the %ord said to MichaelF N0o> infor= Se=yaAa> and the others
with hi=> who ha'e associated with the wo=en to corrupt the=sel'es with
the= in all their uncleanness
/;/( 4hen all their sons kill each other> and when they see the destruction
of their lo'ed ones> bind the= for se'enty generations> under the hills of the
earth> until the day of their Kudg=ent and of their consu==ation> until the
Kudg=ent> which is for all eternity> is acco=plished
/;/+ And in those days> they will lead the= to the Abyss of 1ireB in
tor=ent> and in prison they will be shut up for all eternity
/;/6 And then Se=yaAa will be burnt> and fro= then on destroyed with
the=B together they will be bound until the end of all generations
/;/- And destroy all the souls of lust> and the sons of the 4atchers> for
they ha'e wronged =en
/;/9 2estroy all wrong fro= the face of the Earth and e'ery e'il work will
/;/. And now all the righteous will be hu=ble> and will li'e until they
beget thousands And all the days of their youth> and their sabbaths> they
will fulfill in peace
/;/: And in those days the whole earth will be tilled in righteousness and
all of it will be planted with treesB and it will be filled with blessing
/;/7 And all the pleasant trees they will plant on it and they will plant on
it 'ines And the 'ine that is planted on it will produce fruit in abundanceB
and e'ery seed that is sown on it> each =easure will produce a thousand>
and each =easure of oli'es will produce ten baths of oil
/;(; And you cleanse the Earth fro= all wrong> and fro= all iniDuity> and
fro= all sin> and fro= all i=piety> and fro= all the uncleanness which is
brought about on the earth
The Book of Enoch
/;(/ And all the sons of =en shall be righteous> and all the nations shall
ser'e and bless =e and all shall worship =e
/;(( And the Earth will be cleansed fro= all corruption> and fro= all sin>
and fro= all wrath> and fro= all tor=entB and * will not again send a flood
upon it> for all generations> fore'er
/// And in those days> * will open the Storehouses of Blessing> which are
in ,ea'en> so that * =ay send the= down upon the Earth> upon the work>
and upon the toil> of the sons of =en
//( )eace and truth will be united> for all the days of eternity> and for all
the generations of eternity
The Book of Enoch
(-" EN$C, MEETS T,E ,$%8 4ATC,E5S (pages (+E(6"
This section describes how Enoch beca=e in'ol'ed Enoch describes how
representati'es of the 4atchers approached hi=> while praying> (/(+" They ga'e hi=
a =essage to pass on to the runaways The =essage is outlined between /(6 and
Enoch describes the terror a=ong the runaways when they disco'er they ha'e been
Enoch e#plains how the runaways decided to send a letter> (/+6EG9"> begging
forgi'eness> and Enoch is gi'en the Kob of writing and deli'ering this letter
Enoch does not disclose the actual contents of their letter or =uch about how it
was deli'ered ,e says he went to the waters of 2an (%ake <anC" and read it out> and a
reply ca=e to hi= in a drea=> (/+.E:"> but he also says at /(/E( that he had
disappeared because he was with the 4atchers
The Book of Enoch
-" EN$C, MEETS T,E ,$%8 4ATC,E5S
/(/ And then Enoch disappeared and none of the sons of =en knew where
he was hidden> where he was> or what had happened
/(( And all his doings were with the ,oly $nes> and with the 4atchers> in
his days
/(+ And * Enoch> was blessing the 0reat %ord and the !ing of Eternity
And behold> the 4atchers called to =e E Enoch the scribe E and said to =eF
/(6 NEnoch> scribe of righteousness 0o and infor= the 4atchers of
,ea'en> who ha'e left the ,igh ,ea'en and the ,oly Eternal )lace> and
ha'e corrupted the=sel'es with wo=en> and ha'e done as the sons of =en
do and ha'e taken wi'es for the=sel'es> and ha'e beco=e co=pletely
corrupt on the earth
/(- They will ha'e on Earth> neither peace> nor forgi'eness of sin> for they
will not reKoice in their sons
/(9 The slaughter of their belo'ed ones they will seeB and o'er the
destruction of their sons they will la=ent and petition fore'er But they
will ha'e neither =ercy nor peaceJ
/+/ And Enoch went and said to AAaAelF N8ou will not ha'e peace A
se'ere sentence has co=e out against you that you should be bound
/+( And you will ha'e neither rest nor =ercy> nor the granting of any
petitions> because of the wrong which you ha'e taught> and because of all
the works of blasphe=y and wrong and sin which you ha'e shown to the
sons of =enN
/++ And then * went and spoke to the= all together> and they were all
afraidB fear and tre=bling seiAed the=
/+6 And they asked =e to write out for the= the record of a petition> so
that they =ight recei'e forgi'eness> and to take a record of their petition up
to the %ord in ,ea'en
The Book of Enoch
/+- 1or they were not able> fro= then on> to speak> and they did not raise
their eyes to ,ea'en> out of sha=e for the sins> for which they had been
/+9 And then * wrote out the record of their petition> and their supplication
in regard to their spirits> and the deeds of each one of the=> and in regard to
what they askedB that they should obtain absolution and forbearance
/+. And * went and sat down by the waters of 2an> in 2an> which is
southwest of ,er=onB and * read out the record of their petition> until * fell
/+: And behold a drea= ca=e to =e> and 'isions fell upon =e> and * saw a
'ision of wrathB that * should speak to the sons of ,ea'en and repro'e
/+7 And * woke up and went to the=> and they were all sitting gathered
together as they =ourned> in &belseyael> which is between %ebanon and
Senir> with their faces co'ered
/+/; And * spoke in front of the= allB the 'isions that * had seen in =y
sleep> and * began to speak these words to repro'e the 4atchers of ,ea'en
The Book of Enoch
(9" T,E B$$! $1 5E)5$$1 (pages (9E(7"
This is the reply to the runaways3 letter The Kudg=ent is outlined at /66E.
They are to be bound on earth> (/6-"> this could =ean endless reincarnationB
presu=ably they would know e#actly what it =eant At /69> the deaths of their sons> is
predicted again> and at /6.> they are further criticiAed for the for= of their petition
The section at /6: is interestingB here Enoch goes into =ore detail about how he
saw this 'ision *t sounds to =e> as though Enoch was taken in a 'ehicle that could flyM
(See also section /- at :/-> here three of the 4atchers take Enoch ho=e> and drop
off outside his front door"
1ro=E/67 E /-/> Enoch describes his Kourney> and the place where he was
taken ,e was ob'iously 'ery i=pressed and rather frightened The Nwall of
hailstonesN =ight be glass> and the Ntongue of fireN could be artificial lighting
At /-/> the Most ,igh speaks to Enoch> and he =ocks the runaways for sending
Enoch to carry their petition (/-("
,e goes on to e#plain the reasons for the harshness of the Kudg=ent At /9+> he
criticiAes the= for lea'ing before they had co=pleted their education ,e says that what
they knew was worthless> and that their lack of wisdo= will lead to bad conseDuences
The Book of Enoch
9" T,E B$$! $1 5E)5$$1
/6/ This book is the word of righteousness> and of reproof> for the
4atchers who are fro= EternityB as the ,oly and 0reat $ne co==anded in
that 'ision
/6( * saw in =y sleep what * will now tell> with the tongue of flesh> and
with =y breath> which the 0reat $ne has gi'en =en in the =outh> so that
they =ight speak with it> and understand with the heart
/6+ As ,e has created> and appointed> =en to understand the word of
knowledge> so ,e created and appointed =e to repro'e the 4atchers> the
sons of ,ea'en
/66 And * wrote out your petition> but in =y 'ision> thus it appeared> that
your petition would not be granted to you> for all the days of eternityB and
co=plete Kudg=ent has been decreed against you> and you will not ha'e
/6- And fro= now on> you will not ascend into ,ea'en> for all eternity>
and it has been decreed that you will be bound on Earth for all the days of
/69 And before this> you will ha'e seen the destruction of your belo'ed
sons> and you will not be able to enKoy the=> but they will fall before you
by the sword
/6. And your petition will not be granted in respect of the= or in respect
of yoursel'es And while you weep and supplicate you do not speak a
single word fro= the writings which * ha'e written
/6: And the 'ision appeared to =e> as followsF E BeholdB clouds called =e
in the 'ision> and =ist called =e And the path of the stars> and flashes of
lightning> hastened =e and dro'e =e And in the 'ision winds caused =e
to fly> and hastened =e> and lifted =e up into the sky
/67 And * proceeded until * ca=e near a wall which was =ade of
The Book of Enoch
hailstones> and a tongue of fire surrounded it> and it began to =ake =e
/6/; And * went into the tongue of fire and ca=e near to a large house>
which was built of hailstones> and the wall of that house was like a =osaic
of hailstones and its floor was snow
/6// *ts roof was like the path of the stars and flashes of lightning> and
a=ong the= was fiery cherubi=> and their sky was like water
/6/( And there was a fire burning around its wall and its door was ablaAe
with fire
/6/+ And * went into that house> and it was as hot as fire and as cold as
snow> and there was neither pleasure nor life in it 1ear co'ered =e and
tre=bling took hold of =e
/6/6 And as * was shaking and tre=bling> * fell on =y face
/6/- And * saw in the 'ision> and behold> another house which was larger
than the for=er and all its doors were open before =e> and it was built of a
tongue of fire
/6/9 And in e'erything> it so e#celled in glory and splendor and siAe> so
that * a= unable to describe to you its glory and its siAe
/6/. And its floor was fire> and abo'e lightning and the path of the stars>
and its roof also was a burning fire
/6/: And * looked> and * saw in it> a high throne> and its appearance was
like ice> and its surrounds like the shining Sun and the sound of cherubi=
/6/7 And fro= underneath the high throne there flowed out ri'ers of fire
so that it was i=possible to look at it
/6(; And ,e who is 0reat in 0lory sat upon it> and his rai=ent was
brighter than the Sun> and whiter than any snow
/6(/ And no Angel could enter> and at the appearance of the face of ,i=
who is ,onoured and )raised> no creature of flesh could look
/6(( A sea of fire burnt around ,i=> and a great fire stood in front of
The Book of Enoch
,i=> and none of those around ,i= ca=e near to ,i= Ten thousand ti=es
ten thousand stood before ,i= but ,e needed no ,oly Council
/6(+ And the ,oly $nes who were near to ,i= did not lea'e by night or
day and did not depart fro= ,i=
/6(6 And until then * had a co'ering on =y face> as * tre=bled And the
%ord called =e with his own =outh> and said to =eF NCo=e here> Enoch>
to =y ,oly 4ordN
/6(- And ,e lifted =e up and brought =e near to the door And * looked>
with =y face down
/-/ And ,e answered =e> and said to =e with ,is 'oiceF N,earM 2o not
be afraid> Enoch> you righteous =an> and scribe of righteousness Co=e
here and hear =y 'oice
/-( And go say to the 4atchers of ,ea'en> who sent you to petition on
their behalfF 8ou ought to petition on behalf of =en> not =en on behalf of
/-+ 4hy ha'e you left the ,igh> ,oly and Eternal ,ea'en> and lain with
wo=en> and beco=e unclean with the daughters of =en> and taken wi'es
for yoursel'es> and done as the sons of the earth> and begotten giant sonsC
/-6 And you were spiritual> ,oly> li'ing an eternal life> but you beca=e
unclean upon the wo=en> and begot children through the blood of flesh>
and lusted after the blood of =en> and produced flesh and blood> as they do>
who die and are destroyed
/-- And for this reason * gi'e =en wi'esB so that they =ight sow seed in
the=> and so that children =ight be born by the=> so that deeds =ight be
done on the Earth
/-9 But you> for=erly> were spiritual> li'ing an eternal> i==ortal life> for
all the generations of the world
/-. 1or this reason * did not arrange wi'es for youB because the dwelling
of the spiritual ones is in ,ea'en
The Book of Enoch
/-: And now> the giants who were born fro= body and flesh will be called
E'il Spirits on the Earth> and on the Earth will be their dwelling
/-7 And e'il spirits ca=e out fro= their flesh> because fro= abo'e they
were created> fro= the ,oly 4atchers was their origin and first foundation
E'il spirits they will be on Earth and ?Spirits of the E'il $nes@ they will be
/-/; And the dwelling of the Spirits of ,ea'en is ,ea'en> but the
dwelling of the spirits of the Earth> who were born on the Earth> is Earth
/-// And the spirits of the giants do wrong> are corrupt> attack> fight>
break on the Earth> and cause sorrow And they eat no food> do not thirst>
and are not obser'ed
/-/( And these spirits will rise against the sons of =en> and against the
wo=en> because they ca=e out of the= during the days of slaughter and
/9/ And the death of the giants> where'er the spirits ha'e gone out fro=
their bodies> their flesh will be destroyed> before the Judg=ent Thus they
will be destroyed until the 2ay of the 0reat Consu==ation is
acco=plished> upon the 0reat Age> upon the 4atchers and the i=pious
/9( And now to the 4atchers> who sent you to petition on their behalf>
who were for=erly in ,ea'enF
/9+ N8ou were in ,ea'en but its secrets had not yet been re'ealed to youB
and a worthless =ystery you knew This you =ade known to wo=en> in
the hardness of your hearts And through this =ystery the wo=en and the
=en cause e'il to increase on the EarthN
/96 Say to the= thereforeF N8ou will not ha'e peaceN
The Book of Enoch
(." EN$C, STA8S 1$5 A 4,*%E 4*T, T,E 4ATC,E5S (pages +/E++"
This section describes Enoch3s i=pressions on being shown around by the
At /./> he says he was at a place where the 4atchers were like burning fire> (*
do not know what this =eans> although it does re=ind =e of Moses and the burning
bush"> but he also says that they could look like men
The description at /.- re=inds =e of 'olcanic lar'a flows> such as in *celand
where new land is being created
The =ountains =entioned at /:9 are referred to again later in the book * ha'e
often wondered if it would be possible to identify this place fro= these descriptions
The best =atch * ha'e found so far is the South Sandwich island group The =ain
island has now been sub=erged but the =ountain tops now for= the chain of islands
1or =ore on this> read ?Thoth Architect of the &ni'erse@ by 5alph Ellis
This part ends with =ore details of the punish=ent for the runaways
The Book of Enoch
." EN$C, STA8S 1$5 A 4,*%E 4*T, T,E 4ATC,E5S
/./ And they took =e to a place where they were like burning fire> and>
when they wished> they =ade the=sel'es look like =en
/.( And they led =e to a place of stor=> and to a =ountain> the tip of
whose su==it reached to ,ea'en
/.+ And * saw lighted places> and thunder in the outer=ost ends> in its
depths a bow of fire> and arrows and their Dui'ers> and a sword of fire> and
all the flashes of lightning
/.6 And they took =e to the 4ater of %ife> as it is called> and to the 1ire
of the 4est> which recei'es e'ery setting of the Sun
/.- And * ca=e to a ri'er of fire> whose fire flows like water> and pours
out into the 0reat Sea> which is towards the west
/.9 And * saw all the great ri'ers> and * reached the 0reat 2arkness> and
went where all flesh walks
/.. And * saw the Mountains of the 2arkness of 4inter and the place
where the water of all the deeps pours out
/.: And * saw the =ouths of all the ri'ers of the Earth> and the =outh of
the deep
/:/ And * saw the storehouses of all the winds> and * saw how with the=
,e has adorned all creation> and * saw the foundations of the Earth
/:( And * saw the cornerstone of the Earth And * saw the four winds
which support the Earth and the sky
/:+ And * saw how the winds stretch out the height of ,ea'en> and how
they position the=sel'es between ,ea'en and EarthB they are the )illars of
/:6 And * saw the winds which turn the sky and cause the disc of the Sun
and all the stars to set
/:- And * saw the winds on the Earth which support the clouds and * saw
The Book of Enoch
the paths of the Angels * saw at the end of the EarthB the fir=a=ent of
,ea'en abo'e
/:9 And * went towards the south> and it was burning day and night> where
there were se'en =ountains of precious stones> three towards the east and
three towards the south
/:. And those towards the east were of coloured stone> and one was of
pearl> and one of healing stoneB and those towards the south> of red stone
/:: And the =iddle one reached to ,ea'en> like the throne of the %ord> of
stibiu=> and the top of the throne was of sapphire
/:7 And * saw a burning fire> and what was in all the =ountains
/:/; And * saw a place there> beyond the great earthB there the waters
gathered together
/:// And * saw a deep chas= of the earth> with pillars of hea'enly fire>
and * saw a=ong the= fiery pillars of ,ea'en> which were falling> and as
regards both height and depth> they were i==easurable
/:/( And beyond this chas=> * saw a place> and it had neither the sky
abo'e it> nor the foundation of earth below itB there was no water on it> and
no birds> but it was a desert place
/:/+ And a terrible thing * saw there> se'en stars> like great burning
/:/6 And like a spirit Duestioning =e> the Angel saidF IThis is the place
of the end of ,ea'en and EarthB this is the prison for the Stars of ,ea'en
and the ,ost of ,ea'en
/:/- And the stars which roll o'er the fire> these are the ones which
transgressed the co==and of the %ord> fro= the beginning of their rising>
because they did not co=e out at their proper ti=es
/:/9 And ,e was angry with the=> and bound the= until the ti=e of the
consu==ation of their sin> in the 8ear of MysteryJ
/7/ And &riel said to =eF IThe spirits of the Angels who were
The Book of Enoch
pro=iscuous with wo=en will stand hereB and they> assu=ing =any for=s>
=ade =en unclean and will lead =en astray so that they sacrifice to
de=ons as gods And they will stand there until the great Kudg=ent day> on
which they will be Kudged> so that an end will be =ade of the=
/7( And their wi'es> ha'ing led astray the Angels of ,ea'en> will beco=e
/7+ And *> Enoch> alone saw the sight> the ends of e'erythingB and no =an
has seen what * ha'e seen
The Book of Enoch
(:" T,E AN0E%S 4,$ !EE) 4ATC, (pages +-E+."
,ere we are introduced to so=e of the 4atchers and then Enoch has a
con'ersation with the= At first they discuss the punish=ent of the runaways then the
afterlife in general
The 4atchers =ay ha'e pro'ided so=e type of 'isual display since Enoch
describes what he sees The description at ((( is strange but co=pelling
The story of Cain and Abel is =entioned at ((. and in the ne#t section the story
of Ada= and E'e is =entioned> at +(9 So> these stories =ust ha'e e#isted> in so=e
for=> e'en in Enoch3s ti=e
The Book of Enoch
:" T,E AN0E%S 4,$ !EE) 4ATC,
(;/ And these are the na=es of the ,oly Angels who keep watch
(;( &riel> one of the ,oly AngelsB na=ely the ,oly Angel of the Spirits of
(;6 5aguel> one of the ,oly AngelsB who takes 'engeance on the world>
and on the lights
(;- Michael> one of the ,oly Angels> na=ely the one put in charge of the
best part of hu=ankind> in charge of the nation
(;9 SaraDael> one of the ,oly AngelsB who is in charge of the spirits of
=en who cause the spirits to sin
(;. 0abriel> one of the ,oly Angels> who is in charge of the Serpents> and
the 0arden> and the Cherubi=
(// And * went round to a place where nothing was =ade
(/( And * saw a terrible thing> neither the ,igh ,ea'en nor the fir=
ground> but a desert place> prepared and terrible
(/+ And there> * saw se'en Stars of ,ea'en> bound on it together> like
great =ountains> and burning like fire
(/6 Then * saidF I1or what sin ha'e they been bound> and why ha'e they
been thrown hereCJ
(/- And &riel> one of the ,oly Angels> who was with =e and led =e>
spoke to =e and saidF NEnoch> about who= do you askC About who= do
you inDuire> ask> and careC
(/9 These are so=e of the stars which transgressed the co==and of the
%ord Most ,igh> and they ha'e been bound here until ten thousand ages are
co=pletedB the nu=ber of days of their sinN
(/. And fro= there * went to another place> =ore terrible than this And *
saw a terrible thingF there was a great fire there> which burnt and blaAed
And the place had a cleft reaching into the abyss> full of great pillars of fire>
The Book of Enoch
which were =ade to fallB neither its e#tent nor its siAe could * see> nor could
* see its source
(/: Then * saidF N,ow terrible this place is> and how painful to look atMN
(/7 Then &riel> one of the ,oly Angels> who was with =e> answered =e
,e answered =e and said to =eF NEnoch> why do you ha'e such fear and
terror because of this terrible place> and before this painCN
(//; And he said to =eF NThis place is the prison of the Angels> and there
they will be held for e'erN
((/ And fro= there> * went to another place> and he showed =e in the west
a large and high =ountain> and a hard rock> and four beautiful places
((( And inside> it was deep> wide> and 'ery s=ooth ,ow s=ooth is that
which rolls> and deep and dark to look atM
((+ Then 5aphael> one of the ,oly Angels who was with =e> answered
=e> and said to =eF NThese beautiful places are there so that the spirits> the
souls of the dead> =ight be gathered into the= 1or the= they were
createdB so that here they =ight gather the souls of the sons of =en
((6 And these places they =ade> where they will keep the= until the 2ay
of Judg=ent> and until their appointed ti=e> and that appointed ti=e will be
long> until the great Kudg=ent co=es upon the=
((- And * saw the spirits of the sons of =en who were dead and their
'oices reached ,ea'en and co=plained
((9 Then * asked 5aphael> the Angel who was with =e> and said to hi=F
N4hose is this spirit> whose 'oice thus reaches ,ea'en and co=plainsCN
((. And he answered =e> and said to =e> sayingF NThis spirit is the one
that ca=e out of Abel> who= Cain> his brother> killed And he will
co=plain about hi= until his offspring are destroyed fro= the face of the
Earth> and fro= a=ongst the offspring of =en> his offspring perishN
((: Then * asked about hi=> and about Kudg=ent on all> and * saidF N4hy
is one separated fro= anotherCN
The Book of Enoch
((7 And he answered =e> and said to =eF NThese three places where
=ade> in order that they =ight separate the spirits of the dead And thus the
souls of the righteous ha'e been separatedB this is the spring of water> and
on it the light
((/; %ikewise> a place has been created for sinners> when they die> and are
buried in the earth> and Kudg=ent has not co=e upon the= during their life
((// And here their souls will be separated for this great tor=ent> until the
0reat 2ay of Judg=ent and )unish=ent and Tor=ent for those who curse>
fore'er> and of 'engeance on their souls And there he will bind the=
fore'er <erily> ,e is> fro= the beginning of the world
((/( And thus a place has been separated for the souls of those who
co=plain> and gi'e infor=ation about their destruction> about when they
were killed> in the days of the sinners
((/+ Thus a place has been created> for the souls of =en who are not
righteous> but sinners> acco=plished in wrongdoing> and with the
wrongdoers will be their lot But their souls will not be killed on the day of
Kudg=ent> nor will they rise fro= hereN
((/6 Then * blessed the %ord of 0lory> and saidF NBlessed be =y %ord>
the %ord of 0lory and 5ighteousness> who rules e'erything fore'erN
(+/ And fro= there * went to another place> towards the west> to the ends
of the Earth
(+( And * saw a fire that burnt and ran> without resting or ceasing fro=
running> by day or by night> but continued in e#actly the sa=e way
(++ And * asked sayingF N4hat is this which has no restCN
(+6 Then 5aguel> one of the ,oly Angels> who was with =e> answered
=e> and said to =eF IThis burning fire> whose course you saw towards the
west> is the fire of all the %ights of ,ea'enJ
The Book of Enoch
(7" T,E 15A05ANT T5EES (pages +7E66"
*n this section> Enoch is taken on another tour At the beginning> (6/> there is
perhaps a 'olcano Then the se'en =ountains again> (6(E+> this ti=e with =ore detail
1ro=E(6+ to (-9> there are the fragrant trees These sound like cannabis to =e
The description at (-9 of Ndrawing the fragrance into the bones@@> is Duite an apt
description of s=oking it The part where it says> at (-6> Nno one will ha'e authority to
touch it>J could represent the present prohibition
At +// Enoch =entions galbanu=> this is one of the ingredients of the incense
that was to be burned on the *ncense Altar in the Tent of Appoint=ent> E#odus +;F+6
Also> at +(+E9> the Tree of 4isdo= also sounds like cannabis ,ere we get a
new insight into the Ada= and E'e story
At +++E6> Enoch =entions how &riel ga'e hi= notes on astrono=y These
notes are in this book as sections /+> /6> and /9
The angel Ootiel is =entioned at +((> east of the 5ed Sea> there are suggestions
based on weathering data that The Sphin# is =uch older (pre /;>;;; BC" than the
pyra=ids> so this is a possible candidate for Ootiel
The Book of Enoch
7" T,E 15A05ANT T5EES
(6/ And fro= there * went to another place of the Earth and he showed =e
a =ountain of fire that blaAed day and night
(6( And * went towards it and saw se'en =agnificent =ountains And all
were different fro= one another> and precious and beautiful stones> and all
were precious> and their appearance glorious> and their for= was beautiful
Three towards the east one fi#ed fir=ly on another and three towards the
south one on another> and deep and rugged 'alleys> no one of which was
near another
(6+ And there was a se'enth =ountain> in the =iddle of these> and in their
height they were all like the seat of a throne and fragrant trees surrounded
(66 And there was a=ong the= a tree such as which * ha'e ne'er s=elt>
and none of the=> or any others> were like it *t s=ells =ore fragrant than
any fragrance> and its lea'es> and its flowers> and its wood ne'er wither *ts
fruit is good> and its fruit is like bunches of dates on a pal=
(6- And then * saidF NBehold> this beautiful treeM Beautiful to look at> and
pleasant are its lea'es> and its fruit 'ery delightful in appearanceN
(69 And then Michael> one of the ,oly and ,onoured Angels> who was
with =e> and was in charge of the=>
(-/ answered =e and said to =eF IEnoch> why do you ask =e about the
fragrance of this tree> and why do you inDuire to learnCJ
(-( Then *> Enoch> answered hi= sayingF I* wish to learn about
e'erything> but especially about this treeJ
(-+ And he answered =e> sayingF IThis high =ountain> which you saw>
whose su==it is like the Throne of the %ord> is the throne where the ,oly
and 0reat $ne> the %ord of 0lory> the Eternal !ing> will sit> when he
co=es down to 'isit the Earth for good
The Book of Enoch
(-6 And this beautiful and fragrant tree> and no creature of flesh has
authority to touch it until the great Kudg=ent> when he will take 'engeance
on all and bring e'erything to a consu==ation fore'er> this will be gi'en to
the righteous and the hu=ble
(-- 1ro= its fruit> life will be gi'en to the chosenB towards the north it will
be planted> in a ,oly place> by the house of the %ord> the Eternal !ing
(-9 Then they will reKoice with Koy and be glad in the ,oly place They
will each draw the fragrance of it into their bones> and they will li'e a long
life on earth> as your fathers li'ed And in their days sorrow and pain> and
toil and punish=ent> will not touch the=J
(-. Then * blessed the %ord of 0lory> the Eternal !ing> because he has
prepared such things for righteous =en> and has created such things> and
said that they are to be gi'en to the=
(9/ And fro= there> * went to the =iddle of the earth> and saw a blessed>
well watered place> which had branches which re=ained ali'e> and
sprouted fro= a tree which had been cut down
(9( And there * saw a holy =ountain> and under the =ountain> to the east
of it> there was water> and it flowed towards the south
(9+ And * saw towards the east> another =ountain> which was of the sa=e
height> and between the=> there was a deep and narrow 'alleyB and in it> a
strea= ran by the =ountain
(96 And to the west of this one> was another =ountain> which was lower
than it was and not highB and under it> there was a 'alley between the=
And there were other deep and dry 'alleys at the end of the three
(9- And all the 'alleys were deep and narrow> of hard rock> and trees were
planted on the=
(99 And * was a=aAed at the rock> and * was a=aAed at the 'alleyB * was
'ery =uch a=aAed
The Book of Enoch
(./ Then * saidF N4hat is the purpose of this blessed land> which is
co=pletely full of trees> and of this accursed 'alley in the =iddle of the=CN
(.( Then 5aphael> one of the ,oly Angels who was with =e> answered
=e> and said to =eF NThis accursed 'alley> is for those who are cursed for
e'er ,ere will be gathered together all who speak with their =ouths
against the %ord E words that are not fitting> and say hard things about ,is
0lory ,ere they will gather the= together> and here will be their place of
(.+ And in the last days there will be the spectacle of the righteous
Kudg=ent upon the=> in front of the righteous> fore'er 1or here> the
=erciful will bless the %ord of 0lory the Eternal !ing
(.6 And in the days of the Kudg=ent on the= they will bless ,i=> on
account of his =ercy> according as ,e has assigned to the= their lotN
(.- Then * =yself blessed the %ord of 0lory> * addressed ,i=> and *
re=e=bered ,is =aKesty> as was fitting
(:/ And fro= there> * went towards the east> to the =iddle of the =ountain
of the wilderness> and * saw only desert
(:( But it was full of trees fro= this seed and water gushed out o'er it
fro= abo'e
(:+ The torrent> which flowed towards the northwest> see=ed copious> and
fro= all sides> there went up spray and =ist
(7/ And * went to another place> away fro= the wildernessB * ca=e near to
the east of this =ountain
(7( And there * saw Trees of Judg=ent> especially 'essels of the fragrance
of incense and =yrrh> and the trees were not alike
+;/ And abo'e it> abo'e these> abo'e the =ountains of the east> and not far
away> * saw another place> 'alleys of water> like that which does not fail
+;( And * saw a beautiful tree> and its fragrance was like that of the
The Book of Enoch
+;+ And by the banks of these 'alleys * saw fragrant cinna=on And
beyond those 'alleys * ca=e towards the east
+// And * saw another =ountain on which there were trees> and there
flowed out water> and there flowed out fro= it> as it were> a nectar whose
na=e is styra# and galbanu=
+/( And beyond this =ountain * saw another =ountain> and on it there
were aloe trees> and those trees were full of a fruit> which is like an al=ond>
and is hard
+/+ And when they take this fruit it is better than any fragrance
+(/ And after these fragrances> to the north> as * looked o'er the
=ountains> * saw se'en =ountains full of fine nard> and fragrant trees of
cinna=on and pepper
+(( And fro= there> * went o'er the su==its of those =ountains> far away
to the east> and * went o'er the 5ed Sea> and * was far fro= it> and * went
o'er the Angel Ootiel
+(+ And * ca=e to the 0arden of 5ighteousness> and * saw beyond those
trees =any large trees growing there> sweet s=elling> large> 'ery beautiful
and glorious> the Trees of 4isdo=> fro= which they eat and know great
+(6 And it is like the carob tree> and its fruit is like bunches of grapes on a
'ine> 'ery beautiful> and the s=ell of this tree spreads and penetrates afar
+(- And * saidF NThis tree is beautifulM ,ow beautiful and pleasing is its
+(9 And the ,oly Angel 5aphael> who was with =e> answered =e and
said to =eF NThis is the Tree of 4isdo=> fro= which your ancient father
and ancient =other> who were before you> ate and learnt wisdo=B and their
eyes were opened> and they knew that they were naked And they were
dri'en fro= the gardenN
++/ And fro= there * went to the ends of the earth> and * saw there large
The Book of Enoch
ani=als> each different fro= the other> and also birds> which differed in
for=> beauty> and call E each different fro= the other
++( And to the east of these ani=als> * saw the ends of the Earth> on which
,ea'en rests> and the open 0ates of ,ea'en
+++ And * saw how the stars of ,ea'en co=e out> and counted the 0ates
out of which they co=e> and wrote down all their outlets> for each one>
indi'idually> according to their nu=ber And their na=es> according to
their constellations> their positions> their ti=es> and their =onths> as the
Angel &riel> who was with =e> showed =e
++6 And he showed =e e'erything> and wrote it down> and also their
na=es he wrote down for =e> and their laws and their functions
+6/ And fro= there * went towards the north> to the ends of the Earth> and
there * saw a great and glorious wonder at the ends of the whole Earth
+6( And there * saw three 0ates of ,ea'enB through each of the= north
winds go outB when they blow there is cold> hail> hoarfrost> snow> fog> and
+6+ And fro= one 0ate> it blows for goodB but when they blow through
the other two 0ates> it is with force> and it brings tor=ent o'er the earth>
and they blow with force
+-/ And fro= there * went towards the west> to the ends of the Earth> and *
saw there> as * saw in the east> three open 0ates E as =any 0ates and as
=any outlets
+9/ And fro= there * went towards the south> to the ends of the Earth> and
there * saw three 0ates of ,ea'en openB and the south wind> the =ist> and
the rain> and wind> co=e out fro= there
+9( And fro= there * went towards the east of the ends of ,ea'en> and
there * saw the three eastern 0ates of ,ea'en open> and abo'e the=> there
were s=aller 0ates
+9+ Through each of these s=aller 0ates> the stars of ,ea'en pass> and go
The Book of Enoch
towards the west> on the path that has been shown to the=
+96 And when * saw> * blessed> and * will always bless the %ord of 0lory>
who has =ade 0reat and 0lorious 4onders so that he =ight show the
greatness of ,is 4ork> to ,is Angels> and to the souls of =en> so that they
=ight praise ,is 4ork And so that all his creatures =ight see the work of
,is )ower> and praise the great work of ,is ,ands> and bless ,i= fore'erM
The Book of Enoch
(/;" T,E B$$! $1 MET,&SE%A, (pages 69E6:"
This short section has =any interesting features The story is set so=e years
later Methuselah is now head of the fa=ily (since Enoch went off to li'e with the
Angels> (see :/9"> a year after he wrote the book" Methuselah3s son %a=ech is now
grown up> and his first son is born At /;9(> we get a description of the child who will
be na=ed Noah
*t see=s he had white or blonde hair> a red birth=ark> and perhaps blue eyes
E'en =ore surprising> at /;9-> we learn that this is what the 4atchers look like *f
so=e of the wi'es of Enoch3s fa=ily were descended fro= the runaways> then %a=ech
could easily ha'e had an une#pectedly blondeEhaired child
%a=ech is disturbed about his baby3s unusual appearance> and goes to see
Methuselah This section see=s to ha'e been written by Methuselah> to reassure his
about the birth> written as though a reply fro= Enoch hi=self
Methuselah clai=s he went and spoke to Enoch> but * suspect that this is Kust a
de'ice> in order to gi'e enough authority to the =essage> so that %a=ech can be
The na=ing of Noah at /;.+ is interesting> since it links the na=e to the word
co=fort Noah still sounds like the ,ebrew word for co=fort> and a si=ilar story is told
at 0enesis -F(7
The Book of Enoch
/;" T,E B$$! $1 MET,&SE%A,
/;9/ And after those days =y son Methuselah chose a wife for his son
%a=ech and she beca=e pregnant by hi= and bore a son
/;9( And his body was white like snow> and red like the flower of a rose>
and the hair of his head was white like wool And his eyes were beautiful
and when he opened his eyes he =ade the whole house bright> like the Sun>
so that the whole house was e#ceptionally bright
/;9+ And when he was taken fro= the hand of the =idwife he opened his
=outh and spoke to the %ord of 5ighteousness
/;96 And his father %a=ech was afraid of hi=> and fled> and went to his
father Methuselah
/;9- And he said to hi=F N* ha'e begotten a strange sonB he is not like a
=an but is like the children of the Angels of ,ea'en> of a different type and
not like us And his eyes are like the rays of the Sun and his face glorious
/;99 And it see=s to =e that he is not sprung fro= =e but fro= the
Angels and * a= afraid that so=ething e#traordinary =ay be done on the
earth in his days
/;9. And now> =y father> * a= entreating you and petitioning you> to go
to our father Enoch> and learn fro= hi= the truth> for his dwelling is with
the AngelsN
/;9: And when Methuselah heard the words of his son he ca=e to =e> at
the ends of the Earth> for he had heard that * was there And he cried out>
and * heard his 'oice and went to hi= And * said to hi=F NBehold * a=
here =y son> for you ha'e co=e to =eN
/;97 And he answered =e> and saidF NBecause of a great =atter * ha'e
co=e to you> and because of a disturbing 'ision> ha'e * co=e near
/;9/; And now hear =e> =y father> for a child has been born to =y son
%a=ech> whose for= and type are not like the type of a =an ,is colour is
The Book of Enoch
whiter than snow> and redder than the flower of the rose> and the hair of his
head is whiter than white wool And his eyes are like the rays of the SunB
and he opened his eyes and =ade the whole house bright
/;9// And he was taken fro= the hand of the =idwife> and he opened his
=outh> and blessed the %ord of ,ea'en
/;9/( And his father %a=ech was afraid and fled to =e And he does not
belie'e he is sprung fro= hi= but thinks hi= to be fro= the Angels of
,ea'en And behold> * ha'e co=e to you> so that you =ay =ake known to
=e the truthN
/;9/+ And *> Enoch> answered and said to hi=F NThe %ord will do new
things on Earth> and this * ha'e already seen in a 'ision> and =ade known
to you 1or in the generation of =y father> Jared> so=e fro= the height of
,ea'en transgressed the word of the %ord
/;9/6 And behold> they co==it sin and transgress the law> and ha'e been
pro=iscuous with wo=en> and co==it sin with the=> and ha'e =arried
so=e of the=> and ha'e begotten children by the=
/;9/- And there will be great destruction o'er the whole Earth> and there
will be a deluge> and there will be great destruction for one year
/;9/9 But this child> who has been born to you> will be left on the Earth>
and his three sons will be sa'ed with hi= 4hen all the =en who are on
the Earth die he and his sons will be sa'ed
/;9/. They will beget on the Earth giants> not of spirit> but of flesh> and
there will be great wrath on Earth> and the Earth will be cleansed of all
/;9/: And now =ake known to your son %a=ech that the one who has
been born is truly his son And call his na=e Noah> for he will be a
re=nant for you and he and his sons will be sa'ed fro= the destruction
which is co=ing on the earth because of all the sin and all the iniDuity>
which will be co==itted on the Earth in his days
The Book of Enoch
/;9/7 But after this> there will be yet greater iniDuity than that which was
co==itted on the earth before 1or * know the =ysteries of the ,oly $nes>
for the %ord showed the= to =e and =ade the= known to =e> and * read
the= in the Tablets of ,ea'en
/;./ And * saw written on the=> that generation upon generation will do
wrong> until a generation of righteousness shall arise> and wrongdoing shall
be destroyed> and sin shall depart fro= the earth> and e'erything good shall
co=e upon it
/;.( And now> =y son> go> =ake known to your son %a=ech> that this
child that has been born> is truly his son> and this is no lie
/;.+ And when Methuselah had heard the words of his father Enoch E for
he showed hi= e'erything which is secret E he returned> ha'ing seen hi=>
and called the na=e of that child NoahB for he will co=fort the Earth after
all the destruction
The Book of Enoch
(//" T,E B$$! $1 N$A, (pages -;E-+"
Noah3s book was probably written when he was the head of the fa=ily and like
Methuselah he clai=s to speak with Enoch ,e see=s to ha'e written this before the
floodB and once again there are so=e interesting details
The =ost i=portant passage is at 9.( This indicates that the boat is being
constructed at the ti=e of writing Noah =ay ha'e written this piece in order to
persuade his sons to co=e and li'e with hi=> inside Nthe wooden structureJ Noah =ay
not ha'e seen a boat like this before> and perhaps was not sure what to call it
There see=s to be a background of unusual geological e'ents At the beginning>
9-/> Noah says the earth has tilted> later> at 9.//> he says the ,ot Springs beca=e
cold This does fit with the theories of Charles ,apgood in his book ?The )ath of the
)ole@ where he suggests that the huge ice =elt (that probably caused the flood"
when the poles shifted G perhaps due to an i=pact fro= space The North )ole shifted
fro= ,udson@s Bay to its present position At 9-+ Noah says the earth is ?afflicted and
shaken@ and he does see= Duite alar=ed by it
There is also talk of =olten =etal and a s=ell of sulphur> 9.9> but this =ay be
pollution fro= the =etalworking described at 9-. )roduction of =etals> and weapons>
=ay ha'e beco=e Duite large scale by Noah3s ti=e
The Book of Enoch
//" T,E B$$! $1 N$A,
9-/ And in those days> Noah saw the Earth had tilted and that its
destruction was near
9-( And he set off fro= there and went to the ends of the Earth and cried
out to his greatEgrandfather EnochB and Noah said three ti=es in a bitter
'oiceF N,ear =e> hear =e> hear =eMN
9-+ And he said to hi=F NTell =e> what is it that is being done on the
Earth> that the Earth is so afflicted and shaken> lest * be destroyed with itMN
9-6 And i==ediately there was a great disturbance on the Earth and a
'oice was heard fro= ,ea'en and * fell upon =y face
9-- And =y greatEgrandfather Enoch ca=e> stood by =e> and said to =eF
N4hy did you cry out to =e> with such bitter crying and weepingC
9-9 And a co==and has gone out fro= the %ord against those who dwell
upon the dry ground that this =ust be their end 1or they ha'e learnt all the
secrets of the Angels> and all the wrongdoings of the satans> and all their
secret power> and all the power of those who practice =agic arts> and the
power of enchant=ents> and the power of those who cast =olten i=ages for
all the Earth
9-. And further> how sil'er is produced fro= the dust of the earth and how
soft =etal occurs on the earth
9-: 1or lead and tin are not produced fro= the earth> like the for=erB there
is a spring which produces the=> and an Angel who stands in it> and that
Angel distributes the=N
9-7 And after this> =y greatEgrandfather Enoch took hold of =e with his
hand> and raised =e> and said to =eF N0o> for * ha'e asked the %ord of
Spirits about this disturbance on the earthN
9-/; And he said to =eF IBecause of their iniDuity> their Kudg=ent has
been co=pleted> and they will no longer be counted before =eB because of
The Book of Enoch
the sorceries they ha'e searched out and learnt> the Earth and those who
dwell upon it will be destroyed
9-// And for these> there will be no place of refuge> for e'er> for they
showed to the= what is secret> and they ha'e been conde=nedB but not so
for you> =y sonB the %ord of Spirits knows that you are pure and innocent
of this reproach concerning the secrets
9-/( And he has established your na=e a=ong the ,oly> and will keep
you fro= a=ongst those who dwell upon the dry groundB and he has
destined your offspring in righteousness> to be kings> and for great honours
And fro= your offspring will flow out a spring of the 5ighteous and ,oly>
without nu=ber fore'erJ
99/ And after this> he showed =e the Angels of )unish=ent> who were
ready to co=e and release all the forces of the water> which is under the
earth> in order to bring Kudg=ent and destruction on all those who reside
and dwell upon the dry ground
99( And the %ord of Spirits co==anded the Angels who were co=ing out>
not to raise their hands> but to keep watchB for those Angels were in charge
of the forces of the waters
99+ And * ca=e out fro= before Enoch
9./ And in those days> the word of the %ord ca=e to =e> and he said to
=eF NNoah> beholdB your lot has co=e up before =e> a lot without
reproach> a lot of lo'e and uprightness
9.( And now the Angels are =aking a wooden structure> and when the
Angels co=e out fro= that task> * will put =y hand on it> and keep it safe
And a change shall take place so that the dry ground =ay not re=ain
9.+ And * will establish your offspring before =e> fore'er and e'er> and *
will scatter those who dwell with you> o'er the face of the dry ground *
will not again put the= to the test> on the face of the Earth> but they will be
The Book of Enoch
blessed and increase on the dry ground in the na=e of the %ordN
9.6 And they will shut up those Angels> who showed iniDuity> in that
burning 'alley> which =y greatEgrandfather Enoch had shown to =e
pre'iously> in the west> near the =ountains of gold and sil'er and iron and
soft =etal and tin
9.- And * saw that 'alley> in which there was a great disturbance> and a
hea'ing of the waters
9.9 And when all this happened> fro= the fiery =olten =etal> and the
disturbance> which disturbed the waters in that place> a s=ell of sulphur
was produced> and it was associated with those waters And that 'alley of
the Angels> who led =en astray> burns under the ground
9.. And through the 'alleys of that sa=e area> flow out ri'ers of fire
where those Angels will be punished> who led astray those on the dry
9.: And in those days> those waters will ser'e the kings> and the =ighty>
and the e#alted> and those who dwell upon dry ground> for the healing of
soul and body> but also for the punish=ent of the spirit And their spirits
are so full of lust that they will be punished in their bodies> for they denied
the %ord of Spirits And they see their punish=ent e'ery day yet they do
not belie'e in ,is Na=e
9.7 And the =ore their bodies are burnt> the =ore a change will co=e o'er
their spirits> for e'er and e'erB for no one can speak an idle word in front of
the %ord of Spirits
9./; 1or Kudg=ent will co=e upon the=> for they belie'e in the lust of
their bodies> but deny the spirit of the %ord
9.// And those sa=e waters will undergo a change in those daysB for
when those Angels are punished in those days> the te=perature of those
springs of water will change> and when the Angels co=e up> that water of
the springs will change> and beco=e cold
The Book of Enoch
9./( And * heard the ,oly Michael answering and sayingF NThis
Kudg=ent> with which the Angels are Kudged> is a testi=ony for the kings
and the =ighty who possess the dry ground
9./+ 1or these waters of Kudg=ent ser'e for the healing of the bodies of
the kings> and for the lust of their bodiesB but they do not see> and do not
belie'e> that these waters will change> and will beco=e a fire which burns
9:/ And after this> =y greatEgrandfather Enoch ga'e =e the e#planation of
all the secrets> in a book> and the parables that had been gi'en to hi=B and
he put the= together for =e> in the words of the Book of )arables
The Book of Enoch
(/(" T,E B$$! $1 )A5AB%ES (pages --E:-"
This part of Enoch3s book is introduced by a Duote fro= the N,oly $ne>J at +.+B
this is the head=an of the 4atchers> and what he says is al=ost an apology Enoch3s
parables are actually three essays> which outline the future path of spiritual
enlighten=ent> as e#plained to hi= by the ,oly $ne
The content of the second two parables is si=ilarB the =ain the=e is a Messiah> who
will bring guidance at the correct ti=e This e'entually brings about an age of
enlighten=ent> where the souls of the righteous can li'e in peace
The Book of Enoch
/(" T,E B$$! $1 )A5AB%ES
+./ The second 'ision that he saw> the 'ision of wisdo=> which Enoch>
the son of Jared> the son of Malalel> the son of Cainan> the son of Enosh>
the son of Seth> the son of Ada=> saw
+.( And this is the beginning of the words of wisdo=> which * raised =y
'oice to speak> and say ITo those who dwell on dry groundF E ,ear> you
=en of old> and see> those who co=e afterB the words of the ,oly $ne>
which * will speak> in front of the %ord of SpiritsJ
+.+ I*t would ha'e been better to ha'e said these things before> but fro=
those who co=e after> we will not withhold the beginning of wisdo=J
+.6 &ntil now> there has not been gi'en> by the %ord of Spirits> such
wisdo= as * ha'e recei'ed *n accordance with =y insight> in accordance
with the wish of the %ord of SpiritsF by who= the lot of eternal life has
been gi'en to =e
+.- And the three parables were i=parted to =e and * raised =y 'oice> and
said to those who dwell on the dry groundF E
The Book of Enoch
The 1irst )arable ()ages -9E9("
The first part of this parable is possibly a description of a holy place set in the
futureB Enoch see=s to consider it a description of the 4atchers ho=e also> since at
+7:> he re'eals that he is being allowed to li'e there> with the=
?Those who do not sleep@ (see +7/( and ./." are =entioned often These are
the seraphi=> cherubi=> and ophanni=> the nonEhu=an angels> who do not need to
sleep Enoch ne'er describes the=> so it is difficult to know what he had in =ind
Most of this parable is a description of how four of the 4atchers showed Enoch
The Book of Enoch
+:/ The 1irst )arable
4hen the co==unity of the righteous appears and the sinners are Kudged
for their sins and are dri'en fro= the face of the dry ground
+:( And when the 5ighteous $ne appears> in front of the chosen
righteous> whose works are weighed by the %ord of Spirits And when
light appears to the righteous and chosen who dwell on the dry ground
4here will be the dwelling of the sinnersC And where will be the restingplace
of those who denied the %ord of SpiritsC *t would ha'e been better
for the=> if they had not been born
+:+ And when the secrets of the righteous are re'ealed> the sinners will be
Kudged> and the i=pious dri'en fro= the presence of the righteous and the
+:6 And fro= then on> those who possess the earth will not be =ighty and
e#alted Nor will they be able to look at the face of the ,oly ones> for the
light of the %ord of the Spirits will ha'e appeared on the face of the ,oly>
the righteous> and the chosen
+:- And the =ighty kings will at that ti=e be destroyed and gi'en into the
hand of the righteous and the ,oly
+:9 And fro= then on no one will be able to seek the %ord of Spirits for
their life will be at an end
+7/ And it will co=e to pass in these days that the chosen and holy
children will co=e down fro= the high ,ea'ens and their offspring will
beco=e one with the sons of =en
+7( *n those days Enoch recei'ed books of indignation and anger and
books of tu=ult and confusion And there will be no =ercy for the=> says
the %ord of Spirits
+7+ And at that ti=e clouds and a stor= wind carried =e off fro= the face
of the earth and set =e down at the end of ,ea'en
+76 And there * saw another 'isionB the 2welling of the 5ighteous and the
The Book of Enoch
5estingE)laces of the ,oly
+7- There =y eyes saw their dwelling with the Angels> and their resting
places with the ,oly $nes> and they were petitioning and supplicating and
praying> on behalf of the sons of =enB and righteousness> like water> flowed
in front of the=> and =ercy like dew on the ground Thus it is a=ong the=
fore'er and e'er
+79 And in those days =y eyes saw the )lace of the Chosen $nes of
5ighteousness and 1aithB and there will be righteousness in their days> and
the righteous and chosen will be without nu=ber> in front of hi=> fore'er
and e'er
+7. And * saw their dwelling> under the 4ings of the %ord of Spirits> and
all the righteous and chosen shone in front of hi=> like the light of fire
And their =ouths were full of blessing> and their lips praised the na=e of
the %ord of Spirits And righteousness will not fail in front of hi=> and
truth will not fail in front of hi=
+7: There * wished to dwell> and =y soul longed for that dwellingB there
had =y lot been assigned before> for thus it was decided about =e> in front
of the %ord of Spirits
+77 And in those days * praised and e#alted the na=e of the %ord of
Spirits> with blessing and praise> for he has destined =e for blessing and
praise> in accordance with the %ord of Spirits
+7/; And for a long ti=e =y eyes looked at that place> and * blessed hi=
and praised hi=> sayingF NBlessed is ,e> and =ay ,e be blessed fro= the
beginning and for e'erMN
+7// And in his presence there is no end ,e knew before the world was
created what the world would be> e'en for all the generations that are to
+7/( Those who do not sleep bless you> and they stand before 8our 0lory>
and bless and praise and e#alt> sayingF N,oly> ,oly> ,oly> %ord of SpiritsB
The Book of Enoch
he fills the earth with spiritsN
+7/+ And there> =y eyes saw all those who do not sleepB standing in front
of ,i=> and blessing> and sayingF NBlessed are you> and blessed is the
na=e of the %ord> for e'er and e'erMN
+7/6 And =y face was transfor=ed until * was unable to see
6;/ And after this * saw a thousand thousands and ten thousand ti=es ten
thousandM A =ultitude beyond nu=ber> or reckoning> who stood in front of
the 0lory of the %ord of Spirits
6;( * looked> and on the four sides of the %ord of Spirits> * saw four
figures> different fro= those who were standingB and * learnt their na=es>
because the Angel who went with =e =ade known their na=es> and
showed =e all the secret things
6;+ And * heard the 'oices of those four figures as they sang praises in
front of the %ord of 0lory
6;6 The first 'oice blesses the %ord of Spirits fore'er and e'er
6;- And the second 'oice * heard blessing the Chosen $ne and the chosen
who depend on the %ord of Spirits
6;9 And the third 'oice * heard> petitioned> and prayed> on behalf of those
who dwell on dry ground and supplicate in the na=e of the %ord of Spirits
6;. And the fourth 'oice * heard dri'ing away the Satans and not allowing
the= to co=e in front of the %ord of Spirits to accuse those who dwell on
the high ground
6;: And after this * asked the Angel of )eace> who went with =e> and
showed =e e'erything which is secretF N4ho are those four figures> who=
* ha'e seen> and whose words * ha'e heard and written downCN
6;7 And he said to =eF NThis first one> is the ,oly Michael> the =erciful
and longEsuffering And the second> who is in charge of all the diseases>
and in charge of all the wounds of the sons of =en> is 5aphael And the
third> who is in charge of all the powers> is the ,oly 0abriel And the
The Book of Enoch
fourth> who is in charge of repentance and hope of those who will inherit
eternal life> is )hanuelJ
6;/; And these are the four Angels of the %ord Most ,ighB and the four
'oices that * heard in those days
6// And after this> * saw all the secrets of ,ea'en> and how the !ingdo=
is di'ided> and how the deeds of =en are weighed in the Balance
6/( There * saw the 2welling of the Chosen> and the 5esting )laces of the
,olyB and =y eyes saw there all the sinners who deny the na=e of the %ord
of Spirits being dri'en fro= there And they dragged the= off> and they
were not able to re=ain> because of the punish=ent that went out fro= the
%ord of Spirits
6/+ And there =y eyes saw the secrets of the flashes of lightning and of
the thunder And the secrets of the winds> how they are distributed in order
to blow o'er the earth> and the secrets of the clouds> and of the dewB and
there * saw fro= where they go out> in that place And how> fro= there> the
dust of the earth is saturated
6/6 And there * saw closed storehouses fro= which the winds are
distributed> and the storehouse of the hail> and the storehouse of the =ist>
and the storehouse of the cloudsB and its cloud re=ained o'er the earth>
fro= the beginning of the world
6/- And * saw the Cha=bers of the Sun and the Moon> where they go out>
and where they return And their glorious returnB and how one is =ore
honoured than the other is And their =agnificent course> and how they do
not lea'e their course> neither adding nor subtracting fro= their course
And how they keep faith in one another> obser'ing their oath
6/9 And the Sun goes out first> and co=pletes its Kourney at the co==and
of the %ord of Spirits E and his Na=e endures fore'er and e'er
6/. And after this is the hidden> and 'isible> path of the Moon> and it
tra'els the course of its Kourney> in that place> by day and by night $ne
The Book of Enoch
stands opposite the other> in front of the %ord of Spirits> and they gi'e
thanks> and sing praise> and do not rest> because their thanksgi'ing is like
rest to the=
6/: 1or the shining Sun =akes =any re'olutionsB for a blessing and for a
curse And the path of the Kourney of the Moon is for the righteous light
but for the sinnersB darkness *n the Na=e of the %ord> who has created a
di'ision between light and darkness> and has di'ided the spirits of =en> and
has established the spirits of the righteous> in the na=e of ,is
6/7 1or no Angel hinders> and no power is able to hinder> because the
Kudge sees the= all> and Kudges the= all ,i=self
6(/ 4isdo= found no place where she could dwell> and her dwelling was
in ,ea'en
6(( 4isdo= went out> in order to dwell a=ong the sons of =en> but did
not find a dwellingB wisdo= returned to her place> and took her seat in the
=idst of the Angels
6(+ And iniDuity ca=e out fro= her cha=bersB those who= she did not
seek she found> and dwelt a=ong the=> like rain in the desert> and like dew
on the parched ground
6+/ And again * saw flashes of lightning and the stars of ,ea'en> and *
saw how ,e called the= all by their na=es> and they obeyed ,i=
6+( And * saw the Balance of 5ighteousness> how they are weighed
according to their light> according to the width of their areas> and the day of
their appearing And how their re'olutions produce lightning> and * saw
their re'olutions> according to the nu=ber of the Angels> and how they
keep faith with one another
6++ And * asked the Angel> who went with =e and showed =e what is
secretF N4hat are theseCN
6+6 And he said to =eF NTheir likeness> the %ord of Spirits has shown to
The Book of Enoch
youB these are the na=es of the righteous who> dwell on the dry ground and
belie'e in the na=e of the %ord of Spirits for e'er and e'erN
66/ And other things * saw concerning lightning> how so=e of the stars
rise and beco=e lightning but cannot lose their for=
The Book of Enoch
The Second )arable ()ages 96E.+"
,ere we are introduced to so=e new characters> there is the Chosen $ne> or
Messiah> and The ,ead of 2ays or ?ancient of days@ (see also .//;" who appears in
2aniel .F7E/; and see=s to represent 0od
*t is a bit confusing that Enoch sees characters fro= the future *t =ay be that
the 4atchers presented this to Enoch as a theatrical dra=a so that he could see it and
ask Duestions at the sa=e ti=e *t was no doubt a deliberate policy not to gi'e actual
na=es so that different readers in different eras would assu=e they new the na=es
4hen * read this> * think it ob'iously refers to Jesus> but =any ages had a ?chosen one@
The nu=ber of righteousness (6.6"> that is reached> =ay refer to the twel'e
ti=es twel'e thousand predicted to sur'i'e in the biblical Book of 5e'elations
Sheol is =entioned at -//> it is the na=e for hell used in early ti=es and it is
also =entioned in the book of 0enesis and book of Job> it =eans ?the gra'e@ E but =ore
than Kust a hole in the ground
The =ountains leap like ra=s at -/6> this phrase also occurs in the bible
()sal=s //66 H 9"
There is a rare =entioning of place na=es at -9- E )arthia and Medes E these were
ancient kingdo=s in the *ranP*raD area This is the area where Enoch probably li'ed but
it is difficult to know whether he originally used these na=es in his book> or whether
later translators substituted in their own na=es for the areas that they thought were
being referred to
The Book of Enoch
6-/ And this is The Second )arable
About those who deny the Na=e of the 2welling of the ,oly $nes and of
the %ord of Spirits
6-( They will not ascend into ,ea'en nor will they co=e upon the earthB
such will be the lot of the sinners who deny the Na=e of the %ord of Spirits
who will thus be kept for the 2ay of Affliction and 2istress
6-+ I$n that day the Chosen $ne will sit on the Throne of 0lory and will
choose their works And their resting places will be without nu=ber and
their spirits within the= will grow strong when they see My Chosen $ne
and those who appeal to My ,oly and 0lorious Na=e
6-6 And on that day * will cause My Chosen $ne to dwell a=ong the=
and * will transfor= ,ea'en and =ake it an Eternal Blessing and %ight
6-- And * will transfor= the dry ground and =ake it a blessing> and * will
cause My Chosen $nes to dwell upon itB but those who co==it sin and e'il
will not tread upon it
6-9 1or * ha'e seen> and ha'e satisfied with peace> My 5ighteous $nes>
and ha'e placed the= in front of MeB but for the sinners My Judge=ent
draws near so that * =ay destroy the= fro= the face of the earthJ
69/ And there * saw one who had a ?,ead of 2ays@ and his head was white
like wool And with hi= there was another whose face had the appearance
of a =an and his face was full of grace like one of the ,oly Angels
69( And * asked one of the ,oly Angels> who went with =e and showed
=e all the secrets> about that Son of Man> who he was> and fro= where he
was> and why he went with the ,ead of 2ays
69+ And he answered =e> and said to =eF
NThis is the Son of Man who has righteousness and with who=
righteousness dwells ,e will re'eal all the treasures of that which is
secret> for the %ord of Spirits has chosen hi=> and through uprightness his
lot has surpassed all others> in front of the %ord of Spirits> fore'er
The Book of Enoch
696 And this Son of Man> who you ha'e seen> will rouse the kings and the
powerful fro= their resting places> and the strong fro= their thrones> and
will loose the reins of the strong> and will break the teeth of the sinners
69- And he will cast down the kings fro= their thrones> and fro= their
kingdo=s> for they do not e#alt hi=> and do not praise hi=> and do not
hu=bly acknowledge fro= where their kingdo= was gi'en to the=
699 And he will cast down the faces of the strong and sha=e will fill the=>
and darkness will be their dwelling> and wor=s will be their resting place
And they will ha'e no hope of rising fro= their restingEplaces> for they do
not e#alt the na=e of the %ord of Spirits
69. And these are they who Kudge the Stars of ,ea'en> and raise their
hands against the Most ,igh> and tra=ple upon the dry ground> and dwell
upon it And all their deeds show iniDuity> and their power rests on their
riches> and their faith is in their gods that they ha'e =ade with their hands>
and they deny the na=e of the %ord of Spirits
69: And they will be dri'en fro= the houses of his congregation> and of
the faithful> who depend on the Na=e of the %ord of Spirits
6./ And in those days> the prayer of the righteous> and the blood of the
righteous will ha'e ascended fro= the Earth in front of the %ord of Spirits
6.( *n these days the ,oly $nes who li'e in ,ea'en abo'e will unite with
one 'oice> and supplicate> and pray> and praise> and gi'e thanks> and bless>
in the na=e of the %ord of Spirits Because of the blood of the righteous
that has been poured out And because of the prayer of the righteous> so
that it =ay not cease in front of the %ord of Spirits> so that Kustice =ight be
done to the=> and that their patience =ay not ha'e to last fore'erN
6.+ And in those days> * saw the ,ead of 2ays sit down on the Throne of
his 0lory and the Books of the %i'ing were opened in front of hi= and all
,is ,ost> which dwell in the ,ea'ens abo'e> and his Council were
standing in front of ,i=
The Book of Enoch
6.6 And the hearts of the ,oly $nes were full of Koy that the nu=ber of
righteousness had been reached> and the prayer of the righteous had been
heard> and the blood of the righteous had not been reDuired in front of the
%ord of Spirits
6:/ And in that place * saw an ine#haustible spring of righteousness and
=any springs of wisdo= surrounded it> and all the thirsty drank fro= the=
and were filled with wisdo=> and their dwelling was with the 5ighteous
and the ,oly and the Chosen
6:( And at that hour that Son of Man was na=ed> in the presence of the
%ord of Spirits> and his na=e brought to the ,ead of 2ays
6:+ E'en before the Sun and the constellations were created> before the
Stars of ,ea'en were =ade> his na=e was na=ed in front of the %ord of
6:6 ,e will be a staff to the righteous and the ,oly> so that they =ay lean
on hi= and not fall> and he will be the %ight of the Nations> and he will be
the hope of those who grie'e in their hearts
6:- All those who dwell upon the dry ground will fall down and worship
in front of hi=> and they will bless> and praise> and celebrate with psal=s>
the na=e of the %ord of Spirits
6:9 And because of this he was chosen> and hidden in front of ,i=> before
the 4orld was created> and fore'er
6:. But the wisdo= of the %ord of Spirits has re'ealed hi= to the ,oly
and the righteous> for he has kept safe the lot of the righteous> for they ha'e
hated and reKected this world of iniDuity And all its works and its ways
they ha'e hated in the na=e of the %ord of Spirits 1or in ,is na=e they
are sa'ed and he is the one who will reDuire their li'es
6:: And in those days the kings of the Earth> and the strong who possess
the dry ground> will ha'e downcast faces because of the works of their
hands> for on the day of their distress and trouble they will not sa'e
The Book of Enoch
6:7 And * will gi'e the= into the hands of =y chosen onesB like straw in
the fire> and like lead in water> so they will burn in front of the righteous>
and sink in front of the ,oly> and no trace will be found of the=
6:/; And on the day of their trouble there will be rest on the earth and
they will fall down in front of hi= and will not rise And there will be no
one who will take the= with his hands and raise the= for they denied the
%ord of Spirits and his Messiah May the na=e of the %ord of Spirits be
67/ 1or wisdo= has been poured out like water and glory will not fail in
front of ,i= fore'er and e'er
67( 1or ,e is powerful in all the secrets of righteousness and iniDuity will
pass away like a shadow> and will ha'e no e#istenceB for the Chosen $ne
stands in front of the %ord of Spirits and ,is 0lory is for e'er and e'er> and
,is )ower for all generations
67+ And in ,i= dwell the spirit of wisdo=> and the spirit that gi'es
understanding> and the spirit of knowledge and of power> and the spirit of
those who sleep in righteousness
676 And he will Kudge the things that are secret> and no one will be able to
say an idle word in front of hi=> for he has been chosen in front of the %ord
of Spirits> in accordance with ,is wish
-;/ And in those days a change will occur for the ,oly and the chosenB the
%ight of 2ays will rest upon the=> and glory and honour will return to the
-;( And on the day of trouble> cala=ity will be heaped up o'er the
sinners> but the righteous will conDuer in the Na=e of the %ord of Spirits
and ,e will show this to others so that they =ight repent and abandon the
works of their hands
-;+ And they will ha'e no honour in front of the %ord of Spirits> but in ,is
The Book of Enoch
Na=e they will be sa'ed and the %ord of Spirits will ha'e =ercy on the=>
for his =ercy is great
-;6 And ,e is righteous in ,is Kudg=ent> and in front of ,is 0lory
iniDuity will not be able to stand against ,is Judg=entB he who does not
repent will be destroyed
-;- NAnd fro= then on * will not ha'e =ercy on the=>N says the %ord of
-// And in those days the Earth will return that which has been entrusted
to it> and Sheol will return that which has been entrusted to it and that
which it has recei'ed And destruction will return what it owes
-/( And ,e will choose the 5ighteous and the ,oly fro= a=ong the=B for
the day has co=e near when they =ust be sa'ed
-/+ And in those days> the Chosen $ne will sit on his throne> and all the
Secrets of 4isdo= will flow out fro= the council of his =outh> for the
%ord of Spirits has appointed hi= and glorified hi=
-/6 And in those days the =ountains will leap like ra=s> and the hills will
skip like la=bs satisfied with =ilk> and all will beco=e Angels in ,ea'en
-/- Their faces will shine with Koy> for in those days the Chosen $ne will
ha'e risen and the earth will reKoice And the righteous will dwell upon it
and the chosen will walk upon it
-(/ And after those days> in that place where * had seen all the 'isions of
that which is secret> for * had been carried off by a whirlwind> and they had
brought =e to the west
-(( There =y eyes saw the secrets of ,ea'enB e'erything that will occur
on EarthF a =ountain of iron> and a =ountain of copper> and a =ountain of
sil'er> and a =ountain of gold> and a =ountain of soft =etal> and a
=ountain of lead
-(+ And * asked the Angel who went with =e> sayingF
N4hat are these things which * ha'e seen in secretCN
The Book of Enoch
-(6 And he said to =eF NAll these things which you ha'e seen ser'e the
authority of ,is Messiah> so that he =ay be strong and powerful on the
-(- And that Angel of )eace answered =e> sayingF N4ait a little and you
will see> and e'erything which is secret> which the %ord of Spirits has
established> will be re'ealed to you
-(9 And these =ountains> that you ha'e seenB the =ountain of iron> and
the =ountain of copper> and the =ountain of sil'er> and the =ountain of
gold> and the =ountain of soft =etal> and the =ountain of lead All these in
front of the Chosen $ne will be like wa# before fire> and like the water that
co=es down fro= abo'e onto these =ountains they will be weak under his
-(. And it will co=e to pass in those days> that neither by gold> nor by
sil'er> will =en sa'e the=sel'esB they will be unable to sa'e the=sel'es> or
to flee
-(: And there will be neither iron for war nor =aterial for a breastplateB
bronAe will be no use> and tin will be of no use and will count for nothing>
and lead will not be wanted
-(7 All these will be wiped out and destroyed fro= the face of the earth
when the Chosen $ne appears in front of the %ord of SpiritsN
-+/ And there =y eyes saw a deep 'alley> and its =outh was openB and all
those who dwell upon dry ground and the sea and the islands will bring
gifts and presents and offerings to hi=> but that deep 'alley will not
beco=e full
-+( And their hands co==it e'il> and e'erything at which the righteous
toil the sinners e'illy de'ourB and so the sinners will be destroyed fro= in
front of the %ord of Spirits> and will be banished fro= the face of ,is Earth>
unceasingly for e'er and e'er
-++ 1or * saw the Angels of )unish=ent going and preparing all the
The Book of Enoch
instru=ents of Satan
-+6 And * asked the Angel of )eace> who went with =e> and * said to hi=F
NThese instru=ents E for who= are they preparing the=CN
-+- And he said to =eF NThey are preparing these for the kings and the
powerful of this Earth> so that by =eans of the= they =ay be destroyed
-+9 And after this the 5ighteous and Chosen $ne will cause the house of
his congregation to appearB fro= then on> in the na=e of the %ord of Spirits>
they will not be hindered
-+. And in front of hi= these =ountains will not be fir= like the earth>
and the hills will be like a spring of waterB and the righteous will ha'e rest
fro= the illEtreat=ent of the sinnersN
-6/ And * looked> and turned to another part of the Earth> and * saw there a
deep 'alley with burning fire
-6( And they brought the kings and powerful and threw the= into that
-6+ And there =y eyes saw how they =ade instru=ents for the= E iron
chains of i==easurable weight
-66 And * asked the Angel of )eace> who went with =e> sayingF NThese
chain instru=ents E for who= are they being preparedCN
-6- And he said to =eF NThese are being prepared for the hosts of AAaAel>
so that they =ay take the=> and throw the= into the lowest part of hellB and
they will co'er their Kaws with rough stones> as the %ord of Spirits
-69 And Michael and 0abriel> 5aphael and )hanuel E these will take hold
of the= on that great day And throw the=> on that day> into the furnace of
burning fire> so that the %ord of Spirits =ay take 'engeance on the= for
their iniDuity> in that they beca=e ser'ants of Satan> and led astray those
who dwell upon the dry ground
-6. And in those days> the punish=ent of the %ord of Spirits will go out>
The Book of Enoch
and all the storehouses of the waters which are abo'e the sky and under the
earth> will be opened
-6: And all the waters will be Koined with the waters that are abo'e the
sky The water that is abo'e the sky is =ale and the water that is under the
Earth is fe=ale
-67 And all those who dwell upon the dry ground> and those who dwell
under the ends of ,ea'en> will be wiped out
-6/; And because of this they will acknowledge their iniDuity which they
ha'e co==itted on the Earth and through this they will be destroyedN
--/ And after this> the ,ead of 2ays repented> and saidF
N* ha'e destroyed to no purpose all those who dwell upon the dry groundN
--( And he swore by ,is 0reat Na=eF N1ro= now on * will not act like
this towards all those who dwell upon the dry ground And * will put a sign
in ,ea'en> and it will be a pledge of faith between =e and the= fore'er> so
long as ,ea'en is abo'e the Earth
--+ And this will be in accordance with =y co==and 4hen * want to
take hold of the= with the hands of the Angels> on the day of distress and
pain> in the face of =y anger and =y wrath> =y wrath and anger will
re=ain upon the=N says the %ord> The %ord of Spirits
--6 N8ou powerful kings who dwell upon the dry ground will be obliged
to watch =y Chosen $ne sit down on the throne of My 0lory> and Kudge> in
the Na=e of the %ord of Spirits> AAaAel and all his associates and all his
-9/ And * saw there the hosts of the Angels of )unish=ent> as they went>
and they were holding chains of iron and bronAe
-9( And * asked the Angel of )eace> who went with =e> sayingF
NTo who= are those who are holding the chains goingCN
-9+ And he said to =eF NEach to his own chosen ones> and to their
belo'ed ones> so that they =ay be thrown into the chas=> in the depths of
The Book of Enoch
the 'alleyN
-96 And then> that 'alley will be filled with their chosen and belo'ed ones>
and the days of their life will be at an end> and the days of their leading
astray will no longer be counted
-9- And in those days> the Angels will gather together> and will throw
the=sel'es towards the east> upon the )arthians and Medes They will stir
up the kings so that a disturbing spirit will co=e upon the=> and they will
dri'e the= fro= their thronesB and they will co=e out like lions fro= their
lairs> and like hungry wol'es in the =iddle of their flocks
-99 And they will go up and tra=ple on the %and of My Chosen $nes> and
the land of =y chosen ones will beco=e before the= a tra=pingEground
and a beaten track
-9. But the City of My 5ighteous $nes will be a hindrance to their horses>
and they will stir up slaughter a=ongst the=sel'es> and their own right
hand will be strong against the= And a =an will not ad=it to knowing his
neighbour> or his brother> nor a son his father> or his =other> until> through
their death> there are corpses enoughB and their punish=ent E it will not be
in 'ain
-9: And in those days Sheol will open its =outh and they will sink into it
and their destructionB Sheol will swallow up the sinners in front of the faces
of the chosenN
-./ And it ca=e to pass> after this> that * saw another host of chariots with
=en riding on the=> and they ca=e upon the wind fro= the east and fro=
the west> to the south
-.( And the sound of the noise of their chariots was heard And when this
occurred the ,oly $nes obser'ed it fro= ,ea'en and the )illars of the
Earth were shaken fro= their foundations And the sound was heard fro=
the ends of the Earth to the ends of ,ea'en throughout one day
-.+ And all will fall down and worship the %ord of Spirits And this is the
The Book of Enoch
end of the second parable
The Book of Enoch
The Third )arable ()ages .-E:-"
The two =onsters =entioned at 9;. are also =entioned in the book of Job
possibly the oldest book in the Bible See Job 6;/- H 6// Behe=oth is Nthe beastN
and %e'iathan is Nthe =onster of chaos>J but what they represent> in Enoch3s book> is
not =ade clear At 9;/;> the 4atchers say it is a secret and then they soon change the
At 9;/ Enoch gi'es his ageB it is written as -;; and not -; in the Ethiopian copies *
feel this =ust be due to an ancient transcription error so * ha'e substituted -; as the
=ost likely alternati'e * suspect that Enoch had Kust had his e#act age calculated by the
4atchers> based on the story of his birth> which would be a rare thing to know in the
days before calendars were in e'eryday use
The Book of Enoch
-:/ And * began to speak The Third )arable
About The 5ighteous and about The Chosen
-:( Blessed are you> the righteous and the chosen> for your lot will be
-:+ And the righteous will be in the light of the Sun and the chosen in the
light of eternal life And there will be no end to the days of their life and
the days of the ,oly will be without nu=ber
-:6 And they will seek the light and will find righteousness with the %ord
of Spirits )eace be to the righteous with the %ord of the 4orldM
-:- And after this it will be said to the ,oly that they should seek in
,ea'en the secrets of righteousness> the lot of faithB for it has beco=e
bright as the Sun upon the dry ground> and darkness has passed away
-:9 And there will be ceaseless light> and to a li=it of days> they will not
co=e> for darkness will ha'e been destroyed pre'iously And the light will
endure in front of the %ord of Spirits> and the light of uprightness will
endure in front of the %ord of Spirits> fore'er
9;/ *n the fiftieth year> in the se'enth =onth> on the fourteenth day of the
=onth of the life of Enoch *n that parable> * saw how the ,ea'en of
,ea'ens was shaken 'iolently> and the ,ost of the Most ,igh and the
Angels> a thousand thousands and ten thousand ti=es ten thousand> were
e#tre=ely disturbed
9;( And then * saw the ,ead of 2ays sitting on the throne of his glory and
the Angels and righteous were sitting around hi=
9;+ And a great tre=bling seiAed =e> and fear took hold of =e> and =y
loins collapsed and ga'e way> and =y whole being =elted> and * fell upon
=y face
9;6 And the ,oly Michael sent another ,oly Angel> one of the ,oly
Angels> and he raised =eB and when he raised =e =y spirit returned> for *
had been unable to endure the sight of that host> and the disturbance> and
The Book of Enoch
the shaking of ,ea'en
9;- And the ,oly Michael said to =eF
I4hat sight has disturbed you like thisC &ntil today has the day of ,is
=ercy lasted and ,e has been =erciful and long suffering towards those
who dwell upon the dry ground
9;9 And when the 2ay> and the )ower> and the )unish=ent> and the
Judg=ent co=e that the %ord of Spirits has prepared for those who worship
the 5ighteous Judg=ent> and for those who deny the 5ighteous Judg=ent>
and for those who take ,is na=e in 'ain E and that 2ay has been prepared
1or the chosen a co'enant> but for the sinners a 'isitationJ
9;. And on that day two =onsters will be separated fro= one another> a
fe=ale =onster whose na=e is %e'iathan> to dwell in the depths of the sea>
abo'e the springs of the waters
9;: And the na=e of the =ale is Behe=oth who occupies with his breast
an i==ense desert na=ed 2endayn on the east of the 0arden where the
chosen and the righteous dwell 4here =y greatEgrandfather was recei'ed>
who was se'enth fro= Ada=> the first =an who= the %ord of Spirits =ade
9;7 And * asked that other Angel to show =e the power of those =onsters>
how they were separated on one day> and thrown> one into the depths of the
sea and the other on to the dry ground of the desert
9;/; And he said to =eF ISon of =an> you here wish to know what is
9;(6 And the Angel of )eace who was with =e> said to =eF IThese two
=onsters> prepared in accordance with the greatness of the %ord> will feed
the= that )unish=ent of the %ord And children will be killed with their
=others and sons with their fathers
9;(- 4hen the punish=ent of the %ord of Spirits rests upon the= it will
re=ain resting so that the punish=ent of the %ord of Spirits =ay not co=e
in 'ain upon these Afterwards> the Kudg=ent will be according to ,is
The Book of Enoch
=ercy and ,is patienceN
9// And in those days> * saw long cords gi'en to those Angels and they
acDuired wings for the=sel'es> and flew> and went towards the north
9/( And * asked the Angel> sayingF
I4hy did these take the long cords> and goCJ And he said to =eF IThey
went so that they =ay =easureJ
9/+ And the Angel who went with =e> said to =eF
IThese will bring the =easure=ents of the righteous> and the ropes of the
righteous> to the righteous> that they =ay rely on the na=e of the %ord of
Spirits for e'er and e'er
9/6 The chosen will begin to dwell with the chosen> and these
=easure=ents will be gi'en to faith> and will strengthen righteousness
9/- And these =easure=ents will re'eal all the secrets of the depths of the
Earth> and those who were destroyed by the desert> and those who were
de'oured by the fish of the sea> and by ani=als> that they =ay return and
rely on the 2ay of the Chosen $ne 1or no one will be destroyed in front
of the %ord of Spirits> and no one can be destroyedJ
9/9 And all those in the ,ea'ens abo'e recei'ed a co==and> and power>
and one 'oice> and one light like fire was gi'en to the=
9/. And ,i=> before e'erything> they blessed> and e#alted> and praised in
wisdo= And they showed the=sel'es wise in speech and in the spirit of
9/: And the %ord of Spirits set the Chosen $ne on the throne of his glory>
and he will Kudge all the works of the ,oly ones in ,ea'en abo'e> and in
the Balance he will weigh their deeds
9/7 And when he lifts his face to Kudge their secret ways according to the
word of the na=e of the %ord of Spirits> and their path according to the way
of the 5ighteous Judg=ent of the %ord Most ,igh> they will all speak with
one 'oice and bless> and praise> and e#alt> and glorify> the Na=e of the
The Book of Enoch
%ord of Spirits
9//; And he will call all the ,ost of the ,ea'ens and all the ,oly $nes
abo'e> and the ,ost of the %ord> the Cherubi=> and the Seraphi=> and the
$phanni=> and all the Angels of )ower> and all the Angels of the
)rincipalities> and the Chosen $ne> and the other host that is upon the dry
ground> and o'er the water> on that 2ay
9/// And they will raise one 'oice> and will bless> and praise> and glorify>
and e#alt> in the spirit of faith> and in the spirit of wisdo=> and of patience>
and in the spirit of =ercy> and in the spirit of Kustice> and of peace> and in
the spirit of goodness And they will all say with one 'oiceF IBlessed is
,e> and blessed be the na=e of the %ord of Spirits for e'er and e'erJ
9//( All Those 4ho 2o Not Sleep in ,ea'en abo'e will bless hi= All
,is ,oly $nes who are in ,ea'en> will bless ,i=> and all the chosen ones
who dwell in the 0arden of %ife> and e'ery spirit able to bless> and praise
and e#alt> and hallow your ,oly Na=e And all flesh which to the li=it of
its power> will praise> and bless> your Na=e fore'er and e'er
9//+ 1or great is the =ercy of the %ord of Spirits> and he is longEsufferingB
and all his works and all his forces> as =any as he has =ade> he has
re'ealed to the righteous and the chosen> in the Na=e of the %ord of Spirits
9(/ And thus the %ord co==anded the kings> and the =ighty and the
e#alted> and those who dwell upon the earth> and saidF I$pen your eyes
and raise your horns if you are able to acknowledge the Chosen $neJ
9(( And the %ord of Spirits sat on ,is Throne of 0lory> and the spirit of
righteousness was poured out on hi=> and the word of his =outh kills all
the sinners and all the lawless> and they are destroyed in front of hi=
9(+ And on that 2ay> all the kings and the =ighty and the e#alted> and
those who possess the earth> will stand up and they will see and recogniAe
how he sits on the Throne of ,is 0lory And the righteous are Kudged in
righteousness> in front of hi=> and no idle word is spoken in front of hi=
The Book of Enoch
9(6 And pain will co=e upon the= as upon a wo=an in labour> for who=
gi'ing birth is difficult when her child enters the =outh of the wo=b> and
she has difficulty gi'ing birth
9(- And one half of the= will look at the other> and they will be terrified>
and will cast down their faces> and pain will take hold of the= when they
see that son of a wo=an sitting on the throne of ,is 0lory
9(9 And the =ighty kings> and all those who possess the earth> will praise
and bless and e#alt ,i= who rules e'erything that is hidden
9(. 1or fro= the beginning that Son of Man was hidden> and the Most
,igh kept hi= in the presence of ,is power> and re'ealed hi= only to the
9(: And the co==unity of the ,oly and the chosen will be sown and all
the chosen will stand before hi= on that day
9(7 And all the =ighty kings> and the e#alted> and those who rule the dry
ground> will fall down before hi=> on their faces> and worshipB and they
will set their hopes on that Son of Man> and will entreat hi=> and will
petition for =ercy fro= hi=
9(/; But the %ord of Spirits will then so press the= that they will hasten
to go out fro= before ,i=> and their faces will be filled with sha=e> and
the darkness will grow deeper on their faces
9(// And the Angels of )unish=ent will take the= so that they =ay repay
the= for the wrong that they did to ,is children and to ,is chosen ones
9(/( And they will beco=e a spectacle to the righteous and to ,is chosen
onesB they will reKoice o'er the=> for the anger of the %ord of Spirits will
rest upon the=> and the sword of the %ord of Spirits will be drunk with
9(/+ And the righteous and the chosen will be sa'ed on that 2ay and they
will ne'er see the faces of the sinners and the lawless fro= then on
9(/6 And the %ord of Spirits will re=ain o'er the= and with that Son of
The Book of Enoch
Man they will dwell> and eat> and lie down> and rise up> fore'er and e'er
9(/- And the righteous and chosen will ha'e risen fro= the earth> and will
ha'e ceased to cast down their faces> and will ha'e put on the 0ar=ent of
9(/9 And this will be a 0ar=ent of %ife fro= the %ord of SpiritsB and your
gar=ents will not wear out> and your glory will not fail> in front of the %ord
of Spirits
9+/ *n those days> the =ighty kings who possess the dry ground will
entreat the Angels of ,is )unish=ent to who= they ha'e been handed o'er
so that they =ight gi'e the= a little respite And so that they =ight fall
down and worship in front of the %ord of Spirits> and confess their sins in
front of ,i=
9+( And they will bless and praise the %ord of Spirits> and sayF IBlessed
be the %ord of Spirits> and the %ord of !ings> the %ord of the Mighty> and
the %ord of the 5ich> and the %ord of 0lory> and the %ord of 4isdo=M
9++ And e'erything secret is clear> in front of 8ou> and your power is for
all generations> and your glory is fore'er and e'er 2eep and without
nu=ber are all your secrets and your righteousness is beyond reckoning
9+6 Now we realiAe that we ought to praise and bless the %ord of !ings
and the one who is !ing o'er all !ingsJ
9+- And they will sayF I4ould that we =ight be gi'en a respite> so that
we =ight praise and thank and bless hi=> and =ake our confession in front
of ,is 0lory
9+9 And now we long for a respite> but do not find itB we are dri'en off
and do not obtain itB and the light has passed away fro= before us> and
darkness will be our dwelling fore'er and e'er
9+. 1or we ha'e not =ade our confession before hi=> and we ha'e not
praised the na=e of the %ord of !ings> and we ha'e not praised the %ord
for all his works> but our hopes ha'e been on the sceptre of our kingdo=>
The Book of Enoch
and of our glory
9+: And on the day of our affliction and distress he does not sa'e us> and
we find no respite to =ake our confession that our %ord is faithful in all his
doings> and in all his Kudg=ents and his Kustice> and that his Kudg=ents
show no respect for persons
9+7 And we pass away fro= in front of hi= because of all our works and
all our sins ha'e been counted e#actlyJ
9+/; Then they will say to the=F I$ur souls are sated with possessions
gained through iniDuity> but they do not pre'ent our going down into the
fla=es of the tor=ent of SheolJ
9+// And after this their faces will be filled with darkness and sha=e> in
front of that Son of Man> and they will be dri'en away fro= hi= And the
sword will dwell a=ong the= E in front of ,i=
9+/( And thus says the %ord of SpiritsF IThis is the %aw and the
Judg=ent for the =ighty> and the kings> and the e#alted> and for those who
possess the dry ground> in front of the %ord of SpiritsJ
96/ And * saw other figures hidden in that place
96( * heard the 'oice of the Angel sayingF IThese are the Angels who
ca=e down fro= ,ea'en onto the Earth and re'ealed what is secret to the
sons of =en> and led astray the sons of =en> so that they co==itted sinJ
9:( And on that day the ,oly Michael answered 5aphael> sayingF IThe
power of the spirit seiAes =e and =akes =e tre=ble because of the
harshness of the Kudg=ent of the Angels 4ho can endure the harshness of
the Kudg=ent which has been e#ecuted and before which they =elt with
9:+ And the ,oly Michael answered 5aphael again> and said to hi=F
I4ho would not soften his heart o'er it> and whose =ind would not be
disturbed by this wordC Judg=ent has gone out against the=> upon those
who= they ha'e led out like thisJ
The Book of Enoch
9:6 But it ca=e to pass> when he stood before the %ord of Spirits> that the
,oly Michael spoke as follows to 5aphaelF I* will not take their part under
the eye of the %ord> for the %ord of Spirits is angry with the=> because they
act as if they were the %ord
9:- Because of this the hidden Kudg=ent will co=e upon the= for e'er and
e'erB for neither any other Angel> nor any =an> will recei'e their lot> but
they alone ha'e recei'ed their Kudg=ent for e'er and e'er
97/ And after this Kudg=ent * will terrify the=> and =ake the= tre=ble>
for they ha'e shown this to those who dwell upon the dry groundJ
97( And behold> the na=es of those AngelsF E The first of the= is
Se=yaAa> and the second ArtaDifa> and the third Ar=en> and the fourth
!okabiel> and the fifth Turiel> and the si#th 5a=iel> and the se'enth 2aniel>
and the eighth NuDael> and the ninth BaraDiel> and the tenth AAaAel> and the
ele'enth Ar=aros> the twelfth Batriel> the thirteenth Basasael> the
fourteenth Ananel> the fifteenth Turiel> the si#teenth Sa=siel> the
se'enteenth 8etarel> the eighteenth Tu=iel> the nineteenth Turiel> the
twentieth 5u=iel> the twentyEfirst AAaAel
97+ And these are the chiefs of their Angels> and the na=es of the leaders
of hundreds> and their leaders of fifties> and their leaders of tens
976 The na=e of the first is 8eDunB this is the one who led astray all the
children of the ,oly Angels> and he brought the= down onto the dry
ground> and led the= astray through the daughters of =en
97- And the na=e of the second is AsbeelB this one suggested an e'il plan
to the children of the ,oly Angels> and led the= astray> so that they
corrupted their bodies with the daughters of =en
979 And the na=e of the third is 0adreelB this is the one that showed all
the deadly blows to the sons of =en And he led astray E'e And he
showed the weapons of death to the children of =en> the shield and the
breastplate> and the sword for slaughter> and all the weapons of death to the
The Book of Enoch
sons of =en
97. And fro= his hand they ha'e gone out against those who dwell the dry
ground fro= that ti=e and fore'er and e'er
97: And the na=e of the fourth is )ene=ueB this one showed the sons of
=en the bitter and the sweet and showed the= all the secrets of their
977 ,e taught =en the art of writing with ink and paper> and through this
=any ha'e gone astray> fro= eternity to eternity> and to this day
97/; 1or =en were not created for this> that they should confir= their faith
like this> with pen and ink
97// 1or =en were created no differently fro= the Angels> so that they
=ight re=ain righteous and pure> and death> which destroys e'erything>
would not ha'e touched the=B but through this knowledge of theirs they are
being destroyed and through this power death consu=es the=
97/( And the na=e of the fifth is !asdeyaeB this one showed the sons of
=en all the e'il blows of the spirits and of the de=ons> and the blows that
attack the e=bryo in the wo=b so that it =iscarries And the blows that
attack the soulF the bite of the serpent And the blows that occur at =idday>
and the son of the serpent E who is strong
97/+ And this is the task of !esbeel> the chief of the oath> who showed the
oath to the ,oly ones when he dwelt on high in glory And his na=e is
97/6 And this one told the ,oly Michael that he should show hi= the
secret na=e so that they =ight =ention it in the oath> so that those> who
showed the sons of =en e'erything that is secret> tre=bled before that
na=e and oath
97/- And this is the power of this oath> for it is powerful and strong> and
he placed this oath> Akae> in the charge of the ,oly Michael
97/9 And these are the secrets of this oath> and they are strong through this
The Book of Enoch
oath> and ,ea'en was suspended> before the world was created> and
97/. And through it the earth was founded upon the water> and fro= the
hidden recesses of the =ountains co=e beautiful waters> fro= the creation
of the world and for e'er
97/: And through that oath the sea was created> and as its foundation> for
the ti=e of anger> he placed for it the sand> and it does not go beyond it>
fro= the creation of the world and for e'er
97/7 And through that oath the deeps were =ade fir=> and they stand and
do not =o'e fro= their place> fro= the creation of the world and for e'er
97(; And through that oath the Sun and the Moon co=plete their course
and do not transgress their co==and> fro= the creation of the world and for
97(/ And through that oath the stars co=plete their course> and he calls
their na=es> and they answer hi=> fro= the creation of the world and for
97(( And likewise the spirits of the water> of the winds> and of all the
breeAes> and their paths> according to all the groups of the spirits
97(+ And there are kept the storehouses of the sound of thunder> and of the
light of the lightningB and there are kept the storehouses of the hail> and the
hoarfrost> and the storehouses of the =ist> and the storehouses of the rain
and dew
97(6 And all these =ake their confession and gi'e thanks in front of the
%ord of Spirits and sing praises with all their power And their food
consists of all their thanksgi'ing and they gi'e thanks> praise> and e#alt> in
the na=e of the %ord of Spirits> fore'er and e'er
97(- And this oath is strong o'er the= and through it they are kept safe
and their courses are not disturbed
97(9 And they had great Koy and they blessed> praised> and e#alted>
The Book of Enoch
because the na=e of that Son of Man had been re'ealed to the=
97(. And he sat on the Throne of ,is 0lory and the whole Kudg=ent was
gi'en to the Son of Man and he will cause the sinners to pass away and be
destroyed fro= the face of the Earth
97(: And those who led astray the world will be bound in chains and will
be shut up in the asse=blyEplace of their destruction> and all their works
will pass away fro= the face of the earth
97(7 And fro= then on there will be nothing corruptible 1or that Son of
Man has appeared> and has sat on the Throne of ,is 0lory> and e'erything
e'il will pass away and go fro= in front of ,i=B and the word of that Son
of Man will be strong in front of the %ord of Spirits
This is the Third )arable of Enoch
The Book of Enoch
(/+" T,E ST$5E,$&SES (pages :.E7;"
Enoch often =entions storehouses throughout the book Storehouses were
probably first introduced to Enoch3s people by the runaways Since they were
considered as angels their storehouses were probably considered di'ine and =agical
Many people probably belie'ed that the storehouses created the goods that were stored
inside the=
Enoch probably knew better than that since he =ay ha'e been the keeper of
records and in'entories ,owe'er> he does see= to regard storehouses as basic to
way of distributing natural things such as the weather
At the beginning he again describes his Kourney (.;(E+" E he was lifted on a
chariot of the spirit and they went northwest * assu=e this is so=e kind of flying
=achine today we would probably call it a &1$ rather than a chariot of the spirit
Enoch goes on to describe the land of the angels and a =eeting with the ,ead of
2ays 1our of the 4atchers are na=ed at ./7B they =ay ha'e been assigned to look
after Enoch because they could speak his language well
Enoch see=s to ha'e asked Duestions and =ade so=e notes> and this section>
and the ne#t section> and Nthe %aw of the StarsN is the result My opinion is that the
4atchers knew the answers to Enoch3s Duestions but it was difficult for the= to e#plain
the answers to Enoch in ter=s that he could understand
This is shown clearly at 9;/6 and 9;/- where Enoch reports an e#planation of
thunder and lightning and why you see the flash before you hear the bang This is
co==on knowledge now E but not to Enoch * think that Enoch belie'ed> initially> that
the bangs and flashes occurred separately =ade by different processes ,e reports that
they are not separate although not the sa=e> 9;/6> because a spirit =akes the=
inseparable Since Enoch assu=es that you see and hear things at the instant they
happen he finds it hard to understand why the sound has to wait and so brings a
storehouse into the e#planation
The Book of Enoch
/+" T,E ST$5E,$&SES
.;/ And it ca=e to pass> after this> that while he was li'ing his na=e was
lifted fro= those who dwell upon the dry ground to the presence of that
Son of Man> and to the presence of the %ord of Spirits
.;( And he was lifted on the chariots of the spirit> and his na=e 'anished
fro= a=ong the=
.;+ And fro= that day * was not counted a=ong the=> and ,e placed =e
between two winds> between the north and the west> where the Angels took
the cords to =easure for =e the place for the chosen and the righteous
.;6 And there * saw the 1irst 1athers and the righteous who fro= the
beginning of the world dwelt in that place
.// And it ca=e to pass> after this> that =y spirit was carried off> and it
went up into the ,ea'ens * saw the sons of the ,oly Angels treading upon
fla=es of fire their gar=ents were white> and their clothing> and the light of
their face> was like snow
./( And * saw two ri'ers of fire> and the light of that fire shone like a
hyacinth> and * fell upon =y face in front of the %ord of Spirits
./+ And the Angel Michael> one of the Archangels> took hold of =e by =y
right hand> and raised =e and led =e out to all the secrets of =ercy> and the
secrets of righteousness
./6 And he showed =e all the secrets of the Ends of ,ea'en and all the
Storehouses of the Stars and the %ights fro= where they co=e out fro=
below the ,oly $nes
./- And the Spirit carried Enoch off to the ,ighest ,ea'en> and * saw
there> in the =iddle of that %ight> so=ething built of crystal stones> and in
the =iddle of those stones tongues of li'ing fire
./9 And =y spirit saw a circle of fire> which surrounded that houseB fro=
its four sides ca=e ri'ers> full of li'ing fire> and they surrounded that
The Book of Enoch
./. And round about were the Seraphi= and the Cherubi=> and the
$phanni=B these are They 4ho 2o Not Sleep but keep watch o'er the
Throne of ,is 0lory
./: And * saw Angels> who could not be counted> a thousand thousands
and ten thousand ti=es ten thousand> surrounding that house And
Michael> and 5aphael> and 0abriel> and )hanuel> and the ,oly Angels who
are in the ,ea'ens abo'e> went in and out of that house
./7 And Michael> and 5aphael> and 0abriel> and )hanuel> and =any ,oly
Angels without nu=ber> ca=e out fro= that house
.//; And with the= the ,ead of 2ays> his head white> and pure> like wool
and his gar=ents E indescribable
./// And * fell upon =y face> and =y whole body =elted> and =y spirit
was transfor=edB and * cried out in a loud 'oice> in the spirit of power> and
* blessed> praised> and e#alted
.//( And these blessings> which ca=e out fro= =y =outh> were pleasing
before that ,ead of 2ays
.//+ And that ,ead of 2ays ca=e with Michael> 0abriel> 5aphael and
)hanuel> and thousands and tens of thousands of Angels without nu=ber
.//6 And that Angel> ca=e to =e> and greeted =e with his 'oice> and said
to =eF I8ou are the son of =an who was born to righteousness and
righteousness re=ains o'er you and the righteousness of the ,ead of 2ays>
will not lea'e youJ
.//- And he said to =eF I,e proclai=s peace to you in the na=e of the
world which is to co=e> for fro= there peace has co=e out fro= the
creation of the world and so you will ha'e it for e'er and for e'er and e'er
.//9 And all will walk according to your way> inas=uch as righteousness
will ne'er lea'e you 4ith you will be their dwelling> and with you their
lot> and they will not be separated fro= you for e'er and for e'er and e'er
The Book of Enoch
.//. And so there will be length of days with that Son of Man> and the
righteous will ha'e peace> and the righteous will ha'e an upright way in the
na=e of the %ord of Spirits> for e'er and e'erJ
-7/ And in those days =y eyes saw the secrets of the flashes of lightning>
and the lights> and the regulations go'erning the=B and they flash for a
blessing or a curse> as the %ord of Spirits wishes
-7( And there * saw the secrets of the thunder and how when it crashes in
,ea'en abo'e the sound of it is heard And they showed =e the dwellings
of the dry ground> and the sound of the thunder> for peace> and for blessing>
or for a curse> according to the word of the %ord of Spirits
-7+ And after this all the secrets of the lights> and of the flashes of
lightning> were shown to =e They flash to bring blessing and satisfaction
9;// And the other Angel spoke to =e> the one who went with =e and
showed =e what is secretB what is first and last in ,ea'en> in the heights>
and under the dry ground> in the depths> and at the Ends of ,ea'en> and at
the 1oundations of ,ea'en> and in the Storehouses of the 4inds
9;/( And how the spirits are distributed> and how they are weighed And
how the springs> and the winds> are counted according to the power of their
spirit And the power of the light of the Moon And the di'isions of the
stars according to their na=es And how all the di'isions are =ade
9;/+ And the thunder E according to the places were it falls And all the
di'isions that are =ade in lightning E so that it =ay flash And its hosts E
how they Duickly obey
9;/6 1or the thunder ha'e fi#ed inter'als> which ha'e been gi'en to its
sound> for waiting And the thunder and the lightning are not separate
although not the sa=e Through a spirit the two of the= =o'e inseparably
9;/- 1or when the lightning flashes the thunder utters its 'oice> and the
spirit> at the proper ti=e> causes it to rest> and di'ides eDually between the=
because the storehouse of the ti=es for their occurrence is like that of the
The Book of Enoch
sand And each of the=> at the proper ti=e> is held by a rein> and turned
back by the power of the spirit> and likewise dri'en forward> according to
the nu=ber of the regions of the Earth
9;/9 And the spirit of the sea is =ale and strong> and according to the
power of its strength> the spirit turns it back with a rein> and likewise it is
dri'en forward> and scattered a=ongst all the =ountains of the Earth
9;/. And the spirit of the hoarfrost is its own AngelB and the spirit of the
hail> is a good Angel
9;/: And the spirit of the snow has withdrawn because of its power> and it
has a special spirit> and that which rises fro= it is like s=oke and its na=e
is frost
9;/7 And the spirit of the =ist is not associated with the= in their
storehouse but has a special storehouseB for its course is glorious both in
light and darkness> and in winter and in su==er> and its storehouse is an
9;(; The spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of ,ea'en and is
connected with the storehouses of the rain And its course is in winter and
in su==er and its clouds And the clouds of the =ist are associated and
one gi'es to the other
9;(/ And when the spirit of the rain =o'es fro= its storehouse the Angels
co=e and open the storehouse and bring it out And when it is scattered
o'er all the dry ground it Koins with all the water that is on the dry ground
And whene'er it Koins with the water that is on the dry ground(Q"
9;(( 1or the waters are for those who dwell upon the dry ground> for they
are nourish=ent for the dry ground> fro= the Most ,igh who is in ,ea'en
Therefore there is a fi#ed =easure for the rain and the Angels co=prehend
9;(+ All these things> * saw towards the 0arden of 5ighteousness
The Book of Enoch
(/6" T,E 5E<$%&T*$NS $1 T,E %*0,TS (pages 7+E/;-"
This chapter e#plains the path of the Sun in the sky> and how the length of the
day 'aries> and the different seasons The di'ision of the year into =onths and the
phases of the Moon are e#plained here
*t is interesting that the 'ariation of day length is described with the day di'ided
into /: parts The 4atchers =ay ha'e di'ided the day into /: NhoursN rather than our
(6Ehour syste=
The seasonal 'ariation in day length described> see .(/6 H .((9> is =ore
typical of northern latitudes The situation here in %ondon> in late 2ece=ber (close to
the =idEwinter solstice"> is 'ery si=ilar to the description at .((9 with a day of : hours>
and a night of /9 hours
The section on the Moon contains so=e accurate infor=ation such as that it
appears in the sky to be the sa=e siAe as the Sun> .(+.
At .-:E7 Enoch e#plains how the a#is of rotation passes through the =iddle of
the Earth E although * think Enoch was not sure what &riel =eans by this *t should be
re=e=bered that the fact that the Earth is spherical and rotating was only widely
accepted a few hundred years ago Before then it was belie'ed that the Sun went round
the Earth
There is a book called ?&riel@s Machine@ by C !night and 5obert %o=as that
=akes out a good case for this chapter containing the infor=ation needed to construct a
?henge@ E an obser'atory =ade fro= posts or standing stones They also suggest Enoch
=ay ha'e been taken to *reland E where there are a nu=ber of unusual and ancient
still sur'i'ing
4hen Enoch is talking about the north> at ..+> he =entions this is the location
of the 0arden of 5ighteousness E the ho=eland of the 4atchers
At .:6> the fact that the Moon obtains its light fro= the Sun is re'ealed At
.:/. he says the Moon has a face (Nlooks like a =anN" for (; days in the =onthB we
call hi= Nthe =an in the MoonN This is =ore e'idence against =y theory about the
South Sandwich islands being the ho=e of the 4atchers because the Moon@s face is
recogniAable in the southern he=isphere (because it is upside down" * suspect that this
section about the Moon should be elsewhere in the te#t> probably near to the pre'ious
section about the Moon a few pages before
The Book of Enoch
There is a description of a book written by the 4atchers that Enoch took notes
fro=> (see ://E("> Enoch calls it The Tablets of ,ea'en Enoch@s prophecy chapters
co=e fro= this book
The Book of Enoch
/6" T,E 5E<$%&T*$NS $1 T,E %*0,TS
.(/ The Book of the 5e'olutions of the %ights of ,ea'en
Each as it isB according to their classes> according to their period of rule and
their ti=es> according to their na=es and places of origin> and according to
their =onths That &riel> the ,oly Angel who was with =e> and is their
leader> showed to =e And he showed =e all their regulations> e#actly as
they are> for each year of the world and for e'er> until the new creation
shall be =ade which will last fore'er
.(( And this is the 1irst %aw of the %ights The light called the SunB its
rising is in the 0ates of ,ea'en that are towards the east> and its setting is
in the western 0ates of ,ea'en
.(+ And * saw si# 0ates fro= which the Sun rises> and si# 0ates in which
the Sun sets> and the Moon also rises and sets in those 0ates> and the
leaders of the stars together with those who= they lead There are si# in
the east and si# in the west> all e#actly in place> one ne#t to the otherB and
there are =any windows to the south and the north of those 0ates
.(6 And first there rises the greater light> na=ed the Sun> and its disc is
like the disc of ,ea'en> and the whole of it is full of a fire which gi'es light
and war=th
.(- The wind blows the chariots on which it ascends> and the Sun goes
down in the sky and returns through the north in order to reach the east> and
is led so that it co=es to the appropriate 0ate and shines in the sky
.(9 *n this way it rises in the first =onth> in the large 0ate> na=elyB it rises
through the fourth of those si# 0ates that are towards the east
.(. And in that fourth 0ate> through which the Sun rises in the first
=onth> there are twel'e windowEopenings fro= which> whene'er they are
opened> fla=es co=e out
.(: 4hen the Sun rises in ,ea'en it goes out through that fourth 0ate for
The Book of Enoch
thirty days> and e#actly in the fourth 0ate> in the west of ,ea'en> it goes
.(7 And in those days the day grows daily longer> and the night grows
nightly shorter> until the thirtieth =orning
.(/; And on that day the day beco=es longer than the night by a double
part> and the day a=ounts to e#actly ten parts> and the night a=ounts to
eight parts
.(// And the Sun rises fro= that fourth 0ate> and sets in the fourth 0ate>
and returns to the fifth 0ate in the east for thirty =orningsB and it rises fro=
it and sets in the fifth 0ate
.(/( And then the day beco=es longer by two parts> and the day a=ounts
to ele'en parts> and the night beco=es shorter and a=ounts to se'en parts
.(/+ And the Sun returns to the east and co=es to the si#th 0ate> and rises
and sets in the si#th 0ate for thirtyEone =ornings> because of its sign
.(/6 And on that day the day beco=es longer than the night> and the day
beco=es double the nightB and the day a=ounts to twel'e parts> and the
night beco=es shorter and a=ounts to si# parts
.(/- And the Sun rises up so that the day =ay grow shorter> and the night
longerB and the Sun returns to the east> and co=es to the si#th 0ate> and
rises fro= it> and sets> for thirty =ornings
.(/9 And when thirty =ornings ha'e been co=pleted the day beco=es
shorter> by e#actly one partB and the day a=ounts to ele'en parts> and the
night to se'en parts
.(/. And the Sun goes out fro= the west> through that si#th 0ate> and
goes to the east> and rises in the fifth 0ate for thirty =ornings and it sets in
the west again> in the fifth 0ate in the west
.(/: $n that day the day beco=es shorter by two parts> and the day
a=ounts to ten parts> and the night to eight parts
.(/7 And the Sun rises fro= that fifth 0ate> and sets in the fifth 0ate in
The Book of Enoch
the west> and rises in the fourth 0ate for thirtyEone =ornings because of its
sign> and sets in the west
.((; $n that day the day beco=es eDual with the night> and is of eDual
lengthB and the night a=ounts to nine parts> and the day to nine parts
.((/ And the Sun rises fro= that 0ate and sets in the west> and returns to
the east> and rises in the third 0ate for thirty =ornings> and sets in the west
in the third 0ate
.((( And the Sun rises fro= that third 0ate> and sets in the third 0ate in
the west> and returns to the eastB and the Sun rises in the second 0ate in the
east for thirty =ornings> and likewise> it sets in the second 0ate> in the west
of ,ea'en
.((6 And on that day the night a=ounts to ele'en parts and the day to
se'en parts
.((- And the Sun rises> on that day> fro= the second 0ate> and sets in the
west in the second 0ate> and returns to the east to the first 0ate for thirtyone
=ornings> then sets in the west in the first 0ate
.((9 And on that day the night beco=es longer> and beco=es double the
dayB and the night a=ounts to e#actly twel'e parts> and the day to si# parts
.((. And with this> the Sun has co=pleted the di'isions of its Kourney> and
it turns back again> along these di'isions of its KourneyB and it co=es
through that first 0ate for thirty =ornings> and sets in the west opposite it
.((: And on that day the night beco=es shorter in length by one part> and
a=ounts to ele'en parts> and the day to se'en parts
.((7 And the Sun returns> and co=es to the second 0ate in the east> and it
returns along those di'isions of its Kourney for thirty =ornings> rising and
.(+; And on that day the night beco=es shorter in length and the night
a=ounts to ten parts and the day to eight parts
.(+/ And on that day> the Sun rises fro= the second 0ate> and sets in the
The Book of Enoch
west> and returns to the east> and rises in the third 0ate for thirty one
=ornings> and sets in the west of the sky
.(+( And on that day the night beco=es shorter> and a=ounts to nine
parts> and the day a=ounts to nine parts> and the night beco=es eDual with
the day And the year a=ounts to e#actly +96 days
.(++ And the length of the day and the night> and the shortness of the day
and the night E they are different because of the Kourney of the Sun
.(+6 Because of it> its Kourney beco=es daily longer> and nightly shorter
.(+- And this is the law and the Kourney of the Sun and its return> as often
as it returnsB si#ty ti=es it returns and rises> that is the great eternal light>
which for e'er and e'er is na=ed the Sun
.(+9 And this that rises is the great light> which is na=ed after its
appearance> as the %ord co==anded
.(+. And thus it rises and setsB it neither decreases> nor rests> but runs day
and night in its chariot And its light is se'en ti=es brighter than that of the
Moon but in siAe the two are eDual
.+/ And after this law * saw another law> for the lesser light> na=ed the
.+( And its disc is like the disc of the Sun> and the wind blows its chariot
on which it rides> and in fi#ed =easure light is gi'en to it
.++ And e'ery =onth it@s rising and setting change> and its days are as the
days of the Sun> and when its light is unifor=ly full> it is a se'enth part the
light of the Sun
.+6 And thus it rises> and its first phase is towards the eastB it rises on the
thirtieth =orning And on that day it appears> and beco=es for you the first
phase of the Moon> on the thirtieth =orning> together with the Sun in the
0ate through which the Sun rises
.+- And a half(Q" with a se'enth part> and its entire disc is e=pty>
without light> e#cept for a se'enth part> a fourteenth part of it@s light
The Book of Enoch
.+9 And on the day that it recei'es a se'enth part and a half of its light> its
light a=ounts to a se'enth> and a se'enth part and a half
.+. *t sets with the Sun> and when the Sun rises> the Moon rises with it>
and recei'es a half of one part of light And on that night at the beginning
of its =orning> at the beginning of the Moon3s day> the Moon sets with the
Sun> and is dark on that night in si# and se'en parts and a half
.+: And it rises on that day> with e#actly a se'enth part> goes out> recedes
fro= the rising of the Sun> and beco=es bright on the re=ainder of its days>
in the other si# and se'en parts
.6/ And another Kourney> and law> * saw for it> in that according to this
law it =akes its =onthly Kourney
.6( And &riel> the ,oly Angel who is leader of the= all> showed =e
e'erything> and * wrote down their positions as he showed the= to =e
And * wrote down their =onths> as they are> and the appearance of their
light> until fifteen days ha'e been co=pleted
.6+ *n se'enth parts it =akes all its darkness full> and in se'enth parts it
=akes all its light full> in the east and in the west
.66 And in certain =onths> it changes its setting> and in certain =onths> it
follows its own indi'idual course
.6- *n two =onths it sets with the Sun> in those two 0ates that are in the
=iddle> in the third and in the fourth 0ate
.69 *t goes out for se'en days and turns back> and returns again to the 0ate
fro= which the Sun rises And in that 0ate it =akes all its light full> and it
recedes fro= the Sun> and co=es> in eight days> to the si#th 0ate fro=
which the Sun rises
.6. And when the Sun rises fro= the fourth 0ate> the Moon goes out for
se'en days> until it rises fro= the fifth 0ate And again it returns in se'en
days to the fourth 0ate> =akes all its light full> recedes> and co=es to the
first 0ate in eight days
The Book of Enoch
.6: And again it returns in se'en days to the fourth 0ate fro= which the
Sun rises
.67 Thus * saw their positionsB how the Moon rose and the Sun set in those
.6/; And if fi'e years are added together> the Sun has an e#cess of thirty
days 1or each year> of the fi'e years> there are three hundred and si#ty
four days
.6// And the e#cess> of the Sun and the stars> co=es to si# days *n fi'e
years> with si# days each> they ha'e an e#cess of thirty days> and the Moon
falls behind the Sun and the stars by thirty days
.6/( And the Moon conducts the years e#actly> all of the= according to
their eternal positionsB they are neither early nor late> e'en by one day> but
change the year in e#actly +96 days
.6/+ *n three years> there are />;7( days> and in fi'e years />:(; days> so
that in eight years there are (>7/( days
.6/6 1or the Moon alone> the days in three years co=e to />;9( days> and
in fi'e years it is fifty days behind
.6/- And there are />..; days in fi'e years so that for the Moon the days
in eight years a=ount to (>:+( days
.6/9 1or the difference in eight years is eighty days> and all the days that
the Moon is behind> in eight years> are eighty days
.6/. And the year is co=pleted e#actly> in accordance with their positions>
and the positions of the Sun> in that they rise fro= the 0ates fro= which
the Sun rises and sets for thirty days
.-/ And the leaders of the tens of thousands> who are in charge of the
whole of creation> and in charge of all the stars> and also the four days
which are added> and are not separated fro= their position> according to the
whole reckoning of the year And these ser'e on the four days that are not
counted in the reckoning of the year
The Book of Enoch
.-( And because of the= =en go wrong in the= 1or these lights really
ser'e in the stations of the world> one in the first 0ate> and one in the third
0ate> and one in the fourth 0ate> and one in the si#th 0ate And the e#act
har=ony of the world is co=pleted in the separate +96 stations of the
.-+ 1or the signs> and the ti=es> and the years> and the days> were showed
to =e by the Angel &riel who= the %ord of Eternal 0lory has placed in
charge of all the %ights of ,ea'en *n ,ea'en and in the world> so that
they =ight rule on the 1ace of ,ea'en> and appear o'er the earth> and be
leaders of day and nightB the Sun> the Moon> the stars> and all the ser'ing
creatures who re'ol'e in all the Chariots of ,ea'en
.-6 %ikewise> &riel showed to =e twel'e 0ateEopenings in the disc of the
chariot of the Sun> in the sky> fro= which the rays of the Sun co=e out
And fro= the= heat co=es out o'er the Earth when they are opened at the
ti=es that are appointed for the=
.-- And there are openings for the winds> and for the spirit of the dew>
when they are opened at their ti=es> opened in ,ea'en> at the ends of the
.-9 * saw twel'e 0ates in ,ea'en> at the ends of the earth> fro= which the
Sun> and the Moon> and the stars> and all the works of ,ea'en> go out in
the east and in the west
.-. And there are =any windowEopenings to the north and to the south>
and each window> at its appointed ti=e> sends out heat corresponding to
those 0ates> fro= which the stars go out> in accordance with ,is co==and
to the=> and in which they set according to their nu=ber
.-: And * saw chariots in ,ea'en> running through the region abo'e those
0ates> in which the stars that ne'er set rotate
.-7 And one is bigger than all the others And it goes round through the
whole world
The Book of Enoch
.9/ And at the ends of the earth> * saw twel'e 0ates open to all the winds>
fro= which the winds co=e out and blow o'er the earth
.9( Three of the= open in the front of ,ea'en> and three in the back> and
three on the right of ,ea'en> and three on the left
.9+ And the three first are those towards the east> and then the three
towards the north> and the three after these towards the south> and the three
in the west
.96 Through four of the= co=e winds of blessing and peace And fro=
the other eight co=e winds of punish=entB when they are sent they bring
de'astation to the whole Earth> and to the water which is on it> and to all
those who dwell upon it> and to e'erything that is in the water and on dry
.9- And the first wind fro= those 0ates> called the east wind> co=es out
through the first 0ate> which is towards the east The one that co=es fro=
the south brings de'astation> drought> heat> and destruction
.99 And through the second 0ate> in the =iddle> co=es what is right And
fro= it co=e rain> and fruitfulness> and prosperity> and dew And through
the third 0ate> which is towards the north> co=es cold and drought
.9. And after these> the winds towards the south co=e out> through three
0ates 1irst> through the first of the 0ates> which inclines towards the east>
co=es a hot wind
.9: And through the =iddle 0ate> which is ne#t to it> co=e pleasant
fragrances> and dew> and rain> and prosperity> and life
.97 And through the third 0ate> which is towards the west> co=e dew> and
rain> and locusts> and de'astation
.9/; And after these> the winds towards the north(Q"fro= the se'enth
0ate> which is towards the east> co=e dew and rain> locusts and
.9// And through the 0ate e#actly in the =iddle> co=e rain> and dew> and
The Book of Enoch
life> and prosperity And through the third 0ate> which is towards the west
co=e =ist and hoarfrost> and snow> and rain> and dew> and locusts
.9/( And after these the winds towards the west Through the first 0ate>
which inclines towards the north> co=e dew> and rain> and hoarfrost> and
cold> and snow> and frost
.9/+ And fro= the =iddle 0ate> co=e dew and rain> prosperity and
blessing And through the last 0ate> which is towards the south> co=e
drought and de'astation> burning and destruction
.9/6 And thus the twel'e 0ates> of the four Duarters of ,ea'en are
co=plete And all their laws> and all their punish=ents> and all their
benefits> * ha'e shown to you> =y son Methuselah
../ They called the first Duarter eastern because it is the first> and they call
the second the south because there the Most ,igh descends> and there
especially the one who is blessed fore'er descends
..( And the western Duarter is called waning because there all the lights of
,ea'en wane and go down
..+ And the fourth Duarter> na=ed the north> is di'ided into three parts
And the first of the= is the dwelling place for =enB and the second contains
seas of water> and the deeps> and the forests> and ri'ers> and darkness and
=istB and the third part contains the 0arden of 5ighteousness
..6 * saw se'en high =ountains> which were higher than all other
=ountains on the earthB and fro= the= snow co=es And days and ti=es
and years> pass away and go by
..- * saw se'en ri'ers on the earth> larger than all the other ri'ersB one of
the= co=es fro= the east and pours out its waters into the 0reat Sea
..9 And two of the= co=e fro= the north to the sea and pour out their
water into the Erythraean Sea in the east
... And the re=aining four flow out on the side of the north> to their seas>
two to the Erythraean Sea> and two into the 0reat Sea> and they discharge
The Book of Enoch
the=sel'es there> and not into the wilderness> as so=e say
..: * saw se'en large islands> in the sea and on the land> two on the land>
and fi'e in the 0reat Sea
.:/ The na=es of the Sun are as followsF The first $ryares> and the
second To=ases
.:( The Moon has four na=esF The first na=e is Asonya> and the second
Ebla> and the third Benase> and the fourth Era3e
.:+ These are the two great lightsB their disc is like the disc of ,ea'en and
in siAe the two are eDual
.:6 *n the disc of the Sun> are se'en parts of light> which are added to it
=ore than to the Moon> and in fi#ed =easure light is transferred to the
Moon until a se'enth part of the Sun is e#hausted
.:- And they set> go into the 0ates of the west> go round through the
north> and rise through the 0ates of the east> on the face of ,ea'en
.:9 And when the Moon rises> it appears in the sky> and has a half of a
se'enth part of light> and on the fourteenth day it =akes all its light full
.:. And fifteen parts of light are transferred to it> until on the fifteenth day
its light is full> according to the sign of the year> and a=ounts to fifteen
parts And the Moon co=es into being by hal'es of a se'enth part
.:: And in its waning on the first day> it decreases to fourteen parts of its
light And on the second to thirteen parts> and on the third to twel'e parts>
on the fourth to ele'en parts> and on the fifth to ten parts> and on the si#th
to nine parts> and on the se'enth to eight parts> and on the eighth to se'en
parts> and on the ninth to si# parts> and on the tenth to fi'e parts> and on the
ele'enth to four parts> and on the twelfth to three> and on the thirteenth to
two> and on the fourteenth to half of a se'enth part And all the light that
re=ains fro= the total disappears on the fifteenth day
.:7 And in certain =onths the Moon has twentyEnine days and once
The Book of Enoch
.:/; And &riel showed =e another lawF E when light is transferred to the
Moon> and on which side it is transferred fro= the Sun
.:// All the ti=e that the Moon is increasing in its light> it transfers as it
beco=es opposite the Sun> until in fourteen days it@s light is full in the skyB
and when it is all ablaAe> it@s light is full in the sky
.:/( And on the first day it is called the New Moon> for on that> daylight
rises on it
.:/+ And its light beco=es full e#actly on the day that as the Sun goes
down in the west it rises fro= the east for the night And the Moon shines
for the whole night until the Sun rises opposite it> and the Moon is seen
opposite the Sun
.:/6 And on the side on which the light of the Moon appears> there again
it wanes> until all its light disappears> and the days of the Moon end and its
disc re=ains e=pty without light
.:/- And for three =onths> at its proper ti=e> it achie'es thirty days> and
for three =onths> it achie'es twentyEnine days> during which it co=pletes
its waning> in the first period> in the first 0ate> /(. days
.:/9 And in the ti=e of it@s rising> for three =onths> it appears in each
=onth with thirty days And for three =onths it appears in each =onth
with twentyEnine days
.:/. By night> for twenty days each ti=e> it looks like a =an> and by day
like ,ea'en> for there is nothing else in it e#cept it@s light
.7/ And now> =y son Methuselah> * ha'e shown you e'erything> and the
whole %aw of the Stars of ,ea'en is co=plete
.7( And he showed =e the whole law for these> for e'ery day> and for
e'ery ti=e> and for e'ery rule> and for e'ery year> and for the end thereof>
according to its co==and> for e'ery =onth and e'ery week
.7+ And the waning of the Moon> which occurs in the si#th 0ate> for in
that si#th 0ate it@s light beco=es full> and after that it is the beginning of
The Book of Enoch
the =onth
.76 And the waning> which occurs in the first 0ate> at its proper ti=e> until
/(. days are co=plete> or by weeksB twentyEfi'e weeks and two days
.7- And how it falls behind the Sun> according to the law of the stars> by
e#actly fi'e days in one period of ti=e> when it has co=pleted the pathway
you ha'e seen
.79 Such is the appearance> and likeness> of e'ery light> which &riel> the
great Angel who is their leader> showed to =e
:;/ And in those days &riel answered =e and said to =eF IBehold> * ha'e
shown you e'erything> $h Enoch And * ha'e re'ealed e'erything to you>
so that you =ay see this Sun> and this Moon> and those who lead the Stars
of ,ea'en> and all those who turn the=> their tasks and their ti=es and their
:;( But in the days of the sinners the years will beco=e shorter> and their
seed will be late on their land> and on their fields And all things on the
earth will change and will not appear at their proper ti=e And the rain will
be withheld and ,ea'en will retain it
:;+ And in those ti=es the fruits of the earth will be late> and will not
grow at their proper ti=e> and the fruits of the trees will be withheld at their
proper ti=e
:;6 And the Moon will change its custo=ary practice and will not appear
at its proper ti=e
:;- But in those days it will appear in ,ea'en> co=e on top of a large
chariot in the west> and shine with =ore than nor=al brightness
:;9 And =any heads of the stars> in co==and> will go astray And these
will change their courses and their acti'ities and will not appear at the
ti=es that ha'e been prescribed for the=
:;. And the entire law of the stars will be closed to the sinners> and the
thoughts of those who dwell upon the Earth will go astray o'er the=> and
The Book of Enoch
they will turn fro= all their ways and will go astray> and will think the=
:;: And =any e'ils will o'ertake the= and punish=ent will co=e upon
the= to destroy the= allJ
:// And he said to =eF I$h Enoch> look at the book of the Tablets of
,ea'en and read what is written upon the=> and note e'ery indi'idual
:/( And * looked at e'erything that was written and * noted e'erything
And * read the book and e'erything that was written in it> all the deeds of
=en> and all the children of flesh who will be upon the Earth> for all the
generations of eternity
:/+ And then * i==ediately blessed the %ord> the Eternal !ing of 0lory>
in that he has =ade all the works of the world> and * praised the %ord
because of his patience> and * blessed hi= on account of the sons of Ada=
:/6 And at that ti=e * saidF IBlessed is the =an who dies righteous and
good> concerning who= no book of iniDuity has been written> and against
who= no guilt has been foundJ
The Book of Enoch
(/-" EN$C,3S %ETTE5 T$ MET,&SE%A, (pages /;.E/;:"
This short section =ay be in the wrong location *t =ay ha'e been a letter that
Enoch ga'e to his son> with the book $r it =ay ha'e originally been at the end of the
book> as a conclusion *t stands satisfactorily on its own> so * ha'e kept to the order of
the Ethiopian =anuscripts
The Book of Enoch
/-" EN$C,3S %ETTE5 T$ MET,&SE%A,
:/- And these three ,oly ones brought =e and set =e on the earth in front
of the door of =y house> and said to =eF ITell e'erything to your son
Methuselah> and show all your children that no flesh is righteous> before
the %ord> for ,e created the=
:/9 1or one year we will lea'e you with your children> until you ha'e
regained your strength> so that you =ay teach your children and write these
things down for the=> and testify to all your children And in the second
year we will take you fro= a=ongst the=
:/. %et your heart be strong> for the good will proclai= righteousness to
the good> the righteous will reKoice with the righteous and they will wish
each other well
:/: But the sinner will die with the sinner and the apostate will sink with
the apostate
:/7 And those who practice righteousness will die because of the deeds of
=en> and will be gathered in because of the deeds of the i=piousJ
://; And in those days they finished speaking to =e and * went to =y
fa=ily as * blessed the %ord of Ages
:(/ And now> =y son Methuselah> all these things * recount to you> and
write down for you * ha'e re'ealed e'erything to you> and ha'e gi'en you
books about all these things !eep> =y son Methuselah> the books fro= the
hand of your father so that you =ay pass the= on to the generations of
:(( * ha'e gi'en wisdo= to you> and to your children> and to those who
will be your children> that they =ay gi'e it to their children> for all the
generations> fore'er> this wisdo= that is beyond their thoughts
:(+ And those who understand it will not sleep> but will incline their ears
that they =ay learn this wisdo=> and it will be better for those who eat
The Book of Enoch
fro= it than good food
The Book of Enoch
(/9" T,E %A4 $1 T,E STA5S (pages //;E//("
This chapter is the conclusion to the part of Enoch3s book about astrono=y and
the calendar
At :(:> Enoch reports that the planets (powers of hea'en" rotate in their orbitsM
The Book of Enoch
/9" T,E %A4 $1 T,E STA5S
:(6 Blessed are all the righteous> blessed are all those who walk in the way
of righteousness and do not sin like the sinners
*n the nu=bering of all their days in which the Sun Kourneys in ,ea'en>
co=ing in and out> through the 0ates of ,ea'en> for thirty days
4ith the leaders of the thousands> of this order of stars> and with the four
which are added> and di'ided between the four seasons of the year> which
lead the= and appear with the= on four days
:(- Because of the= =en go wrong> and they do not reckon the= in the
reckoning of the whole yearB for =en go wrong in respect of the= and do
not know the= e#actly
:(9 1or they belong in the reckoning of the year> and are truly recorded
fore'er> one in the first 0ate> and one in the third> and one in the fourth and
one in the si#th And the year is co=pleted in +96 days
:(. And the account of it is true> and the recorded reckoning of it is e#act>
for the lights> and the =onths> and the feasts> and the years> and the days
&riel showed =e> and inspired =eB he to who= the %ord of the whole
created world ga'e co==ands about the ,ost of ,ea'en for =e
:(: And he has power in ,ea'en> o'er night and day> to cause light to
shine on =enB the Sun> the Moon> and the stars> and all the )owers of
,ea'en> which rotate in their orbits
:(7 And this is the %aw of the Stars> which set in their places> at their
ti=es> and at their feasts> and in their =onths
:(/; And these are the na=es of those who lead the=> who keep watch> so
that they appear at their ti=es> and in their orders> and in their =onths> and
in their periods of rule> and in their positions
:(// Their four leaders> who di'ide the four parts of the year> appear firstB
and after the= the twel'e leaders of the orders> who di'ide the =onths and
The Book of Enoch
the years into +96 days> with the heads o'er thousands> who separate the
days And for the four days> that are added to the=> there are the leaders
who separate the four parts of the year
:(/( And as for these heads o'er thousands> one is added between the
leader and the led> but their leaders =ake the separation
:(/+ And these are the na=es of the leaders who separate the four
appointed parts of the yearF Melkiel> ,ele==elek> Meleyal> and Narel
:(/6 And the na=es of those who= they leadF Adnarel> *yasusael>
*ylu=ielB these three follow behind the leaders of the orders And all others
follow behind the three leaders of the orders> who follow behind those
leaders of positions> who separate the four parts of the year
:(/- *n the beginning of the year> Melkiel rises first and rules> who is
called the southern Sun E and all the days of his period> during which he
rules> are ninetyEone
:(/9 And these are the signs of the days that are to be seen on the earth> in
the days of his period of ruleB sweat> and heat> and cal= And all the trees
bear fruit> and lea'es appear on all the trees> and the wheat har'est> and
rose flowers And all the flowers bloo= in the field but the trees of winter
are withered
:(/. And these are the na=es of the leaders who are under the=F Berkeel>
Oelebsael> and another one who is added> a head o'er a thousand> na=ed
,eloyaseph And the days of the period of rule> of this one> are co=plete
:(/: The second leader> after hi=> is ,ele==elec> who= they call the
Shining SunB and all the days of his light are ninetyEone
:(/7 And these are the signs of the days on earthF heat> and drought And
the trees bring their fruit to ripeness and =aturity and =ake their fruit dry
And the sheep =ate and beco=e pregnant And =en gather all the fruits of
the earth> and e'erything that is in the fields> and the 'ats of wine And
these things occur in the days of his period of rule
The Book of Enoch
:((; And these are the na=es> and the orders> and the leaders of these
heads o'er thousandsF 0edaeyal> !eel> and ,eel And the na=e of the
headEo'erEaEthousand> who is added to the=> is Asfael And the days of his
period of rule are co=plete
The Book of Enoch
(/." EN$C,3S 1*5ST <*S*$N (pages //6E//9"
This chapter ser'es as a short introduction to the prophecy chapters Enoch
describes a disturbing drea= he had when he was young
The Book of Enoch
/." EN$C,3S 1*5ST <*S*$N
:+/ And now> =y son Methuselah> * will show you all the 'isions that *
saw> recounting the= before you
:+( Two 'isions * saw> before * took a wife> and neither one was like the
other 1or the first ti=e> when * learnt the art of writing> and for the second
ti=e> before * took your =other * saw a terrible 'ision and concerning this
* =ade supplication to the %ord
:++ * had lain down in the house of =y grandfather> Malalel> when * saw
in a 'ision how ,ea'en was thrown down> and re=o'ed> and it fell upon
the Earth
:+6 And when it fell upon the Earth> * saw how the earth was swallowed
up in a great abyss> and =ountains were suspended on =ountains> and hills
sank down upon hills> and tall trees were torn up by their roots> and were
thrown down> and sank into the abyss
:+- And then speech fell into =y =outh> and * raised =y 'oice to cry out>
and saidF IThe earth is destroyedMJ
:+9 And =y grandfather> Malalel> roused =e> since * lay near hi=> and
said to =eF I4hy did you cry out so> =y son> and why do you =oan soCJ
:+. And * recounted to hi= the whole 'ision> which * had seen> and he
said to =eF IA terrible thing you ha'e seen> =y sonM 8our drea= 'ision
concerns the secrets of all the sin of the EarthB it is about to sink into the
abyss and be utterly destroyed
:+: And now> =y son> rise and =ake supplication to the %ord of 0lory> for
you are faithful> that a re=nant =ay be left on the Earth and that he =ay
not wipe out the whole Earth
:+7 My son> fro= ,ea'en all this will co=e upon the Earth> and upon the
Earth there will be great destructionJ
:+/; And then * rose and prayed> and =ade supplication> and wrote =y
The Book of Enoch
prayer down for the generations of eternity> and * will show e'erything to
you =y son Methuselah
:+// And> when * went out below and saw the sky> and the Sun rising in
the east> and the Moon setting in the west> and so=e stars> and the whole
Earth> and e'erything as ,e knew it since the beginning Then * blessed
the %ord of Judg=ent and ascribed MaKesty to hi=> for he =akes the Sun
co=e out fro= the windows of the east> so that it ascends and rises on the
face of ,ea'en> and follows the path which has been shown to it
:6/ And * raised =y hands in righteousness and * blessed the ,oly and
0reat $ne And * spoke with the breath of =y =outh> and with the tongue
of flesh> which 0od has =ade for =en born of flesh so that they =ight
speak with itB and he has gi'en the= breath> and a tongue> and a =outh> so
that they =ight speak with the=
:6( IBlessed are you> $h %ord !ing> and great and powerful in your
=aKesty> %ord of the whole Creation of ,ea'en> !ing of !ings> and 0od of
the whole worldM And your kingly authority> and your So'ereignty and
your MaKesty will last fore'er> and fore'er and e'er> and your power> for all
generations And all the ,ea'ens are your throne> fore'er> and the whole
Earth your footstool fore'er> and e'er and e'er
:6+ 1or you =ade> and you rule> e'erything> and nothing is too hard for
you> and no wisdo= escapes youB it does not turn away fro= your throne
nor fro= your presence And you know> and see> and hear> e'erything> and
nothing is hidden fro= you> for you see e'erything
:66 And now the Angels of your ,ea'en are doing wrong and your anger
rests upon the flesh of =en until the day of the great Kudg=ent
:6- And now> $h 0od> %ord> and 0reat !ing> * entreat and ask that you
will fulfill =y prayer to lea'e =e a posterity on Earth and not to wipe out
all the flesh of =en and =ake the earth e=pty so that there is destruction
The Book of Enoch
:69 And now> =y %ord> wipe out fro= the earth the flesh that has
pro'oked your anger> but the flesh of righteousness and uprightness
establish as a seed bearing plant fore'er And do not hide your face fro=
the prayer of your ser'ant> $h %ordJ
The Book of Enoch
(/:" )5$),EC8 $1 T,E AN*MA%S (pages /(;E/+-"
Although Enoch says here that it was a drea= this is a long and detailed
prophecy The 4atchers =ay ha'e told hi= to say it was a drea= ,e has written it in
his own words> his style is easily recogniAable> particularly where the story is
Most of the contents of prophecy are now history and are recogniAable as bible
stories but the end stretches off into the future There are no na=es or datesB different
ani=als represent different nations or nationalities The ne#t chapter> The Ten 4eeks>
co'ers the sa=e story but fro= a different 'iewpoint
4e start at :-+ with Ada= and E'e> and Cain and Abel Cain and his
descendants are at :--
At :-: Seth is born to E'e Ne#t (:-7E/;" there is Enoch3s fa=ily line
described in 0enesis chapter -
The star at :9/ is the first of the 4atchers to appear They are represented in
this story by stars rather than as ani=als G another indication that they were the real
authors or> at least> the editors of this chapter This first one is the fall of Satan> perhaps
a senior =e=ber of the 4atchers> we don@t see= to ha'e any reliable infor=ation on
this story> the infor=ation here is that Satan caused people to be dissatisfied> they
=o'ed around and changed their wi'es
The period co'ered by Enoch3s book starts at :9+ and continues through to ::+
,ere the runaways are described as fallen stars This is also described at the start of
chapter 9 in 0enesis E Sons of 0od (0odlings in ,ebrew" desired the daughters of =en
These unions ga'e rise to giants (Nephili= E =eaning Ito fallJ> as in ?swoop down@"
At :.(E+ Enoch describes how beings fro= hea'en> and he actually says they
looked like white =en> raised hi= to their tower ::/E+ see=s to describe serious
warfare using ad'anced weapons *t is possible that this war and the e'ents
it are described in the Mahabharata an ancient ,indu te#t where the gods fight a war
with =any ad'anced weapons> nuclear =issiles included> Kudging fro= the detailed
descriptions in the te#t
The story of Noah (possibly /.>;;; BC" starts at :7/ and continues through to
:77 The flood starts at :7( Noah3s three sons> She=> ,a= and Japheth> gi'e rise to
The Book of Enoch
all the ani=als (nations" at :7/;
The white bull at the end of :7/; is Abraha= (possibly (/99 E /77/ BC" At
:7// there is Abraha=@s son *sh=ael ((;:; BC" the wild ass> and *saac ((;99 BC" the
white bull
*saac has a wild boar> Esau> and a white sheep that is Jacob ((;;9 BC" At the
end of :7/( Jacob has twel'e sons G the patriarchs of the /( tribes
At :7/+ Joseph is sold to the *sh=aelites or Midianites (asses" and then (/:7:
BC" to the Egyptians (wol'es"> see also 0enesis +.(- and +7/
0enesis 6( onwards is described at :7/6> the ti=e in Egypt At :7/-> we get to
e'ents co'ered in the book of E#odus
There is a long section describing the life of Moses (/-(9 E /6;9 BC"> at :7/9 G
+:B which is probably the reason why Moses belie'ed that Enoch walked with 0od> (as
stated in 0enesis -(("
:7/: introduces Aaron and the parting of the 5ed Sea is described by the te#t at
Crossing the ri'er Jordan (/6;9 BC"> :7+7> is chapter + in the book of Joshua
Also in this 'erse the Judges get a brief =ention
The ra= at :76/ is probably Sa=uel> followed by Saul> :76(> (chapter (( of
/Sa=uel in the bible"> and these are followed by 2a'id (/;/; E 7.; BC" at :76-
The dogs are the )hilistines
The ti=e of Solo=on (7.; E 7+; BC" is at :76: and the building of the Te=ple
at :7-; (the tower"
The period after Solo=on starts at :7-/ with the deaths of prophets The one
sa'ed> :7-(> is EliKah
At :7-9> Nhe left that house of theirsN probably refers to the ti=e of !ing
Manasseh when the %e'ites took the Ark of the Co'enant and left *srael (around 9.;
BC" They also took Enoch3s book> and e'entually settled in Ethiopia The lions in this
part are the Assyrians
There is a change of scene at :7-7> which probably coincides with the religious
refor=s under Josiah (9(; BC" see chapter +6 of (Chronicles Then there are the .;
shepherdsB these are 'arious religious leaders in Jerusale= since that ti=e
At :799 there is the destruction of the Te=ple in Jerusale= by the Babylonians
(-:. BC"
The return after the e#ile (-+: BC" is at :7.( The three who return are EAra>
The Book of Enoch
,aggai> and Oechariah> who all ha'e books in the Bible
The second te=ple period> is at :7.+> this is described in Malachi (6-; E 6;;
BC" his book is the last book of the $ld Testa=ent
The eagles first appear in the story at 7;( they are the 5o=ans
1iftyEeight of the shepherds ha'e ser'ed their ti=e by 'erse 7;-
The s=all la=bs with open eyes (7;9" =ay be the Essenes
At 7;: there is the death of John the Baptist E by the ra'ens
Jesus is the Nsheep with the big hornN at 7;7E/9 *nterestingly> it does not say
specifically that he is killed> only that his =inistry is stopped by a conspiracy
At 7;/.> the final twel'e shepherds ha'e their own book This =ust be the
Christian era
The prophecy then goes into the future At 7;/:> 0od strikes the earth in anger
This is the Nsecond endN in the ne#t section There are no recogniAable e'ents after this>
the story goes far off into the future and only ti=e will re'eal its =eaning
The Book of Enoch
/:" )5$),EC8 $1 T,E AN*MA%S
:-/ And after this * saw another drea=> and * will show it all to you> =y
:-( And Enoch raised his 'oice and said to his son MethuselahF ITo you *
speak> =y son ,ear =y words> and incline your ear to the drea= 'ision of
your father
:-+ Before * took your =other> Edna> * saw a 'ision on =y bedF E and
behold E a bull ca=e out of the earth> and that bull was white
And> after it> a heifer ca=e out> and with the heifer ca=e two bullocks> and
one of the= was black and the other red
:-6 And that black bullock struck the red one> and pursued it o'er the
earth> and fro= then on * could not see that red bullock
:-- But that black bullock grew> and a heifer went with itB and * saw that
=any bulls ca=e out fro= it> which were like it> and followed behind it
:-9 And that cow> that first one> ca=e fro= the presence of that first bull>
seeking that red bullock> but did not find it And then it =oaned bitterly
and continued to seek it
:-. And * looked until that first bull ca=e to it> and cal=ed it> and fro=
that ti=e it did not cry out
:-: And after this> she bore another white bull> and after this she bore
=any black bulls and cows
:-7 And * saw> in =y sleep> that white bull> how it likewise grew and
beca=e a large white bull And fro= it ca=e =any white bulls> and they
were like it
:-/; And they began to beget =any white bulls that were like the= E one
following another
:9/ And again> * looked with =y eyes as * was sleeping> and * saw ,ea'en
abo'e> and behold> a star fell fro= ,ea'en> and it arose and ate and
The Book of Enoch
pastured a=ongst those bulls
:9( And> after this> * saw the large and the black bulls> and behold> all of
the= changed their pens> and their pastures> and their heifers And they
began to =oan> one after another
:9+ And> again> * saw in the 'ision and looked up at ,ea'en> and behold> *
saw =any stars> how they ca=e down> and were thrown down fro= ,ea'en
to that first star> and fell a=ongst those heifers and bulls They were with
the= pasturing a=ongst the=
:96 And * looked at the= and saw> and behold> all of the= let out their
pri'ate parts> like horses> and began to =ount the cows of the bulls And
they all beca=e pregnant and bore elephants> ca=els> and asses
:9- And all the bulls were afraid of the=> and were terrified in front of
the= And they began to bite with their teeth> and to de'our> and to gore
with their horns
:99 And so they began to de'our those bulls> and behold> all the sons of
the Earth began to tre=ble and shake before the= and to flee
:./ And again * saw the=> how they began to gore one another> and to
de'our one another> and the Earth began to cry out
:.( And * raised =y eyes again to ,ea'en> and saw in the 'ision> and
behold> there ca=e fro= ,ea'en beings that were like white =en And
four ca=e fro= that place> and three others with the=
:.+ And those three> who ca=e out last> took hold of =e by =y hand and
raised =e fro= the generations of the Earth> and lifted =e up onto a high
place> and showed =e a tower high abo'e the earth> and all the hills were
:.6 And one said to =eF I5e=ain here until you ha'e seen e'erything
which is co=ing upon these elephants> and ca=els> and asses> and upon the
stars> and upon all the bullsJ
::/ And * saw one of those four who had co=e out first> how he took hold
The Book of Enoch
of that first star> which had fallen fro= ,ea'en> and bound it by its hands
and feet> and threw it into an abyss And that abyss was narrow> and deep>
and horrible> and dark
::( And one of the= drew his sword> and ga'e it to those elephants>
ca=els> and assesB and they began to strike one another> and the whole
Earth shook because of the=
::+ And as * looked in the 'ision> behold> one of those four who had co=e
out cast a line fro= ,ea'en and gathered and took all the large starsB those
whose pri'ate parts were like the pri'ate parts of horses> and bound the=
all by their hands and their feet> and threw the= into a chas= of the Earth
:7/ And one of those four> went to a white bull> and taught hi= a =ystery>
tre=bling as he was ,e was born a bull> but beca=e a =an> and built for
hi=self a large 'essel> and dwelt on it> and three bulls went with hi= in that
'essel> and they were co'ered o'er
:7( And> again> * raised =y eyes to ,ea'en and saw a high roof with
se'en water channels on it> and those channels discharged =uch water into
an enclosure
:7+ And * looked again> and behold> springs opened on the floor of that
large enclosure> and water began to bubble up> and to rise abo'e the floor
And * looked at that enclosure until its whole floor was co'ered by water
:76 And water> darkness> and =ist increased on it> and * looked at the
height of that water> and that water had risen abo'e that enclosure and was
pouring out o'er the enclosure> and it re=ained on the earth
:7- And all the bulls of that enclosure were gathered together> until * saw
how they sank> and were swallowed up> and destroyed> in that water
:79 And that 'essel floated on the water> but all the bulls> elephants>
ca=els> and asses sank to the botto=> together with all the ani=als> so that *
could not see the= And they were unable to get out> but were destroyed>
and sank into the depths
The Book of Enoch
:7. And> again> * looked at that 'ision until those water channels were
re=o'ed fro= that high roof> and the chas=s of the Earth were =ade le'el>
and other abysses were opened
:7: And the water began to run down into the=> until the earth beca=e
'isible> and that 'essel settled on the earth and the darkness departed> and
light appeared
:77 And that white bull> who beca=e a =an> went out fro= that 'essel>
and the three bulls with hi= And one of the three bulls was white> like
that bull> and one of the= was red as blood> and one was black And that
white bull passed away fro= the=
:7/; And they began to beget wild ani=als and birds> so that there arose
fro= the= e'ery kind of speciesF lions> tigers> wol'es> dogs> hyenas> wildboars>
fo#es> badgers> pigs> falcons> 'ultures> kites> eagles> and ra'ens But
a=ongst the= was born a white bull
:7// And they began to bite one another but that white bull> which was
born a=ongst the=> begat a wild ass and a white bull with it> and the wild
asses increased
:7/( But that bull> which was born fro= it> begat a black wild boar and a
white sheep> and that wildEboar begat =any boars and that sheep begat
twel'e sheep
:7/+ And when those twel'e sheep had grown> they handed one of their
nu=ber o'er to the asses> and those in turn> handed that sheep o'er to the
wol'esB and that sheep grew up a=ongst the wol'es
:7/6 And the %ord brought the ele'en sheep to dwell with it> and to
pasture with it a=ongst the wol'es> and they increased and beca=e =any
flocks of sheep
:7/- And the wol'es began to =ake the= afraid> and they oppressed the=
until they =ade away with their young> and then they threw their young
into a ri'er with =uch waterB but those sheep began to cry out because of
The Book of Enoch
their young> and to co=plain to their %ord
:7/9 But a sheep> which had been sa'ed fro= the wol'es> fled and escaped
to the wild asses And * saw the sheep =oaning and crying out> and
petitioning the %ord with all their power> until that %ord of the sheep ca=e
down at the call of the sheep> fro= a high roo=> and ca=e to the=> and
looked at the=
:7/. And he called that sheep> which had fled fro= the wol'es> and spoke
to it about the wol'es> that it should warn the= that they should not touch
the sheep
:7/: And the sheep went to the wol'es> in accordance with the 4ord of
the %ord> and another sheep =et that sheep and went with it And the two
of the= together> entered the asse=bly of those wol'es> spoke to the=> and
warned the= that fro= then on> they should not touch those sheep
:7/7 And after this> * saw the wol'es> how they acted e'en =ore harshly
towards the sheep> with all their power> and the sheep called out
:7(; And their %ord ca=e to the sheep and began to beat those wol'esB
and the wol'es began to =oan> but the sheep beca=e silent and fro= then
on they did not cry out
:7(/ And * looked at the sheep until they escaped fro= the wol'esB but the
eyes of the wol'es were blinded> and those wol'es went out in pursuit of
the sheep with all their forces
:7(( And the %ord of the sheep went with the=> as he led the=> and all his
sheep followed hi=B and his face was glorious> and his appearance terrible
and =agnificent
:7(+ But the wol'es began to pursue those sheep until they =et the= by a
stretch of water
:7(6 And that stretch of water was di'ided> and the water stood on one
side> and on the other> before the= And their %ord as he led the=> stood
between the= and the wol'es
The Book of Enoch
:7(- And while those wol'es had not yet seen the sheep> they went into
the =iddle of that stretch of waterB but the wol'es pursued the sheep> and
those wol'es ran after the= into that stretch of water
:7(9 But when they saw the %ord of the sheep they turned to flee in front
of hi=B but that stretch of water flowed together again> and suddenly
resu=ed its natural for=> and the water swelled up> and rose until it
co'ered those wol'es
:7(. And * looked until all the wol'es that had pursued those sheep were
destroyed and drowned
:7(: But the sheep escaped that water> and went to a desert> where there
was neither water> nor grass And they began to open their eyes and see>
and * saw the %ord of the sheep pasturing the=> and gi'ing the= water and
grass> and that sheep going and leading the=
:7(7 And that sheep went up to the su==it of a high rock and the %ord of
the sheep sent it to the=
:7+; And after this> * saw the %ord of the sheep standing before the=> and
his appearance was terrible and =aKestic> and all those sheep saw hi= and
were afraid of hi=
:7+/ And all of the= were afraid and tre=bled before hi=B and they cried
out to that sheep> with those who were in their =idstF I4e cannot stand
before our %ord nor look at hi=J
:7+( And that sheep> which led the=> again went up to the su==it of that
rockB and the sheep began to be blinded> and go astray fro= the path which
had been shown to the=> but that sheep did not know
:7++ And the %ord of the sheep was e#tre=ely angry with the=> and that
sheep knew> and went down fro= the su==it of the rock> and ca=e to the
sheep> and found the =aKority of the=> with their eyes blinded> and going
astray fro= his path
:7+6 And when they saw it they were afraid and tre=bled before it and
The Book of Enoch
wished that they could return to their enclosure And that sheep took so=e
other sheep with it> and went to those sheep that had gone astray> and then
began to kill the=B and the sheep were afraid of it And that sheep brought
back those sheep that had gone astray> and they returned to their enclosures
:7+9 And * looked there at the 'ision> until that sheep beca=e a =an> and
built a house for the %ord of the sheep> and =ade all the sheep stand in that
:7+. And * looked until that sheep> which had =et that sheep that led the
sheep> fell asleep And * looked until all the large sheep were destroyed
and s=all ones arose in their place> and they ca=e to a pasture> and drew
near a ri'er of water
:7+: And that sheep that led the=> which had beco=e a =an> separated
fro= the= and fell asleep> and all the sheep sought it> and cried out 'ery
bitterly o'er it
:7+7 And * looked until they left off crying for that sheep> and crossed that
ri'er of water And there arose all the sheep that led the=> in place of those
which had fallen asleepB and they led
:76; And * looked until the sheep ca=e to a good place and a pleasant and
glorious land> and * looked until those sheep were satisfied And that house
was in the =iddle of the= in that green and pleasant land
:76/ And so=eti=es their eyes were opened> and so=eti=es blinded> until
another sheep rose up> led the=> and brought the= all back And their eyes
were opened
:76( And the dogs> and the fo#es> and the wild boars> began to de'our
those sheep until the %ord of the sheep raised up a ra= fro= a=ong the=>
which led the=
:76+ And that ra= began to butt those dogs> fo#es> and wild boars> on one
side and on the other until it had destroyed the= all
:766 And the eyes of that sheep were opened> and it saw that ra= in the
The Book of Enoch
=iddle of the sheep> how it renounced its glory> and began to butt those
sheep> and how it tra=pled on the= and beha'ed unbeco=ingly
:76- And the %ord of the sheep sent the sheep to another sheep and raised
it up to be a ra= and to lead the sheep in place of that sheep which had
renounced its glory
:769 And it went to it> and spoke with it alone> and raised up that ra=> and
=ade it the prince and leader of the sheep And> during all this> those dogs
oppressed the sheep
:76. And the first ra= pursued that second ra= and that second ra= rose
and fled before it And * looked until those dogs =ade the first ra= fall
:76: And that second ra= rose up and led the s=all sheep> and that ra=
begat =any sheep> and fell asleep And a s=all sheep beca=e a ra=> in
place of it> and beca=e the prince and leader of those sheep
:767 And those sheep grew and increasedB but all the dogs> and fo#es> and
wild boars> were afraid and fled fro= it And that ra= butted and killed all
the ani=als> and those ani=als did not again pre'ail a=ongst the sheep> and
did not seiAe anything further fro= the=
:7-; And that house beca=e large and broad> and for those sheep a high
tower was built on that house for the %ord of the sheep And that house
was low but the tower was raised up and high And the %ord of the sheep
stood on that tower and they spread a full table before hi=
:7-/ And * saw those sheep again> how they went astray> and walked in
=any ways> and left that house of theirsB and the %ord of the sheep called
so=e of the sheep> and sent the= to the sheep> but the sheep began to kill
:7-( But one of the= was sa'ed> and was not killed> and it sprang away
and cried out against the sheep And they wished to kill it but the %ord of
the sheep sa'ed it fro= the hands of the sheep> brought it up to =e> and
=ade it stay
The Book of Enoch
:7-+ And he sent =any other sheep to those sheep> to testify to the= and
to la=ent o'er the=
:7-6 And after this> * saw how when they left the house of the %ord of the
sheep> and his tower> they went astray in e'erything> and their eyes were
blinded And * saw how the %ord of the sheep wrought =uch slaughter
a=ong the=> in their pastures> until those sheep in'ited that slaughter> and
betrayed his place
:7-- And he ga'e the= into the hands of the lions> and the tigers> and the
wol'es> and the hyenas> and into the hands of the fo#es> and to all the
ani=als And those wild ani=als began to tear those sheep in pieces
:7-9 And * saw how he left that house of theirs> and their tower> and ga'e
the= all into the hands of the lions so that they =ight tear the= in pieces
and de'our the=> and into the hands of all the ani=als
:7-. And * began to cry out with all =y power> to call the %ord of the
sheep> and to represent to hi= concerning the sheepB that all the wild
ani=als were de'ouring the=
:7-: But he re=ained still> although he saw> and he reKoiced that they were
de'oured> swallowed up and carried off And he ga'e the= into the hands
of all the ani=als for food
:7-7 And he called se'enty shepherds> and cast off those sheep> so that
they =ight pasture the= And he said to the shepherds and to their
co=panionsF IEach one of you> fro= now on> is to pasture the sheep and
do whate'er * co==and you
:79; And * will hand the= o'er to you> duly nu=bered> and * will tell you
which of the= are to be destroyed> and destroy the=J And he handed
those sheep o'er to the=
:79/ And he called another> and said to hi=F I$bser'e and see e'erything
that these shepherds do against these sheep for they will destroy fro=
a=ong the= =ore than * ha'e co==anded the=
The Book of Enoch
:79( And write down all the e#cess and destruction> which is wrought by
the shepherdsB how =any they destroy at =y co==and and how =any they
destroy of their own 'olition 4rite down against each shepherd>
indi'idually> all that he destroys
:79+ And read out in front of =e e#actly how =any they destroy of their
own 'olition and how =any are handed o'er for destruction so that this
=ay be a testi=ony for =e against the= So that * =ay know all the deeds
of the shepherds in order to hand the= o'er for Kudg=ent And * will see
what they do> whether they abide by =y co==and with which * ha'e
co==anded the=> or not
:796 But they =ust not know this> and you =ust not show this to the=> but
only write down against each indi'idual in his ti=e all that the shepherds
destroy> and bring it all up to =eJ
:79- And * looked until those shepherds pastured at their ti=es> and they
began to kill and destroy =ore than they were co==anded> and they ga'e
those sheep into the hands of the lions
:799 And the lions and the tigers de'oured and swallowed up the =aKority
of those sheep> and the wild boars de'oured with the=B and they burnt
down that tower and de=olished that house
:79. And * was e#tre=ely sad about that tower because that house of the
sheep had been de=olishedB and after that * was unable to see whether
those sheep went into that house
:79: And the shepherds and their co=panions handed those sheep o'er to
all the ani=als so that they =ight de'our the= Each one of the=> at his
ti=e> recei'ed an e#act nu=ber> and for each of the=> one after the other>
there was written in a book how =any of the= were destroyed
:797 And each one killed and destroyed =ore than was prescribed and *
began to weep and =oan 'ery =uch because of those sheep
:7.; And likewise> in the 'ision> * saw that one who wrote> how each day>
The Book of Enoch
he wrote down each one that was destroyed by those shepherds And he
brought up> and presented> the whole book to the %ord of the sheep>
e'erything they had done and all that each one of the= had =ade away
with> and all that they had handed to destruction
:7./ And the book was read out in front of the %ord of the sheep> and he
took the book in his hand> read it> sealed it> and put it down
:7.( And after this * saw how the shepherds pastured for twel'e hours>
and behold three of those sheep returned> and arri'ed> and ca=e and began
to build up all that had fallen down fro= that houseB but the wild boars
hindered the= so that they could not
:7.+ And they again began to build> as before> and they raised up that
tower> and it was called the high tower And they began again to place a
table before the tower but all the bread on it was unclean and was not pure
:7.6 And> besides all this> the eyes of these sheep were blinded so that
they could not see> and their shepherds likewise And they handed yet
=ore of the= o'er to destruction> and they tra=pled on the sheep with their
feet> and de'oured the=
:7.- But the %ord of the sheep re=ained still> until all the sheep were
scattered abroad> and had =i#ed with the=> and they did not sa'e the=
fro= the hands of the ani=als
:7.9 And that one who wrote the book brought it up> showed it> and read
it out in the dwelling of the %ord of the sheep And he entreated ,i= on
behalf of the=> and petitioned ,i=> as he showed ,i= all the deeds of their
shepherds and testified in front of ,i= against all the shepherds
:7.. And he took the book> put it down by ,i=> and went out
7;/ And * looked until the ti=e that thirtyEfi'e shepherds had pastured the
sheep the sa=e way> and> each indi'iduallyB they all co=pleted their ti=e
like the first ones And others recei'ed the= into their hands to pasture
the=> at their ti=e> each shepherd at his own ti=e
The Book of Enoch
7;( And after this> * saw in the 'ision> all the birds of the sky co=ingF E
The eagles> the 'ultures> and the kites> and the ra'ens But the eagles led
all the birds> and they began to de'our those sheep> to peck out their eyes>
and to de'our their flesh
7;+ And the sheep cried out because the birds de'oured their flesh And *
cried out and la=ented in =y sleep because of that shepherd who pastured
the sheep
7;6 And * looked until those sheep were de'oured by those dogs> and by
the eagles> and by the kites> and they left the= neither flesh nor skin> nor
sinew> until only their bones re=ained And their bones fell upon the
ground and the sheep beca=e few
7;- And * looked until the ti=e that twentyEthree shepherds had pastured>
and they co=pleted> each in his ti=e> fifty eight ti=es
7;9 And s=all la=bs were born fro= those white sheep> and they began to
open their eyes> to see> and to cry to the sheep
7;. But the sheep did not cry to the=> and did not listen to what they said
to the=> but were e#tre=ely deaf> and their eyes were e#tre=ely and
e#cessi'ely blinded
7;: And * saw in the 'ision> how the ra'ens flew upon those la=bs> and
took one of those la=bs> and dashed the sheep in pieces and de'oured
7;7 And * looked until horns ca=e up on those la=bs but the ra'ens cast
their horns down And * looked until a big horn grew on one of those
sheep> and their eyes were opened
7;/; And it looked at the= and their eyes were opened And it cried to the
sheep> and the ra=s saw it> and they all ran to it
7;// And> besides all this> those eagles> and 'ultures> and ra'ens> and
kites> were still continually tearing the sheep in pieces> and flying upon
the= and de'ouring the= And the sheep were silent but the ra=s
The Book of Enoch
la=ented and cried out
7;/( And those ra'ens battled and fought with it> and wished to =ake
away with its horn> but they did not pre'ail against it
7;/+ And * looked at the= until the shepherds and the eagles> and those
'ultures> and kites> ca=e and cried to the ra'ens that they should dash the
horn of that ra= in pieces And they fought and battled with it> and it
fought with the= and cried out so that its help =ight co=e to it
7;/6 And * looked until that =an> who wrote down the na=es of the
shepherds and brought the= up before the %ord of the sheep> ca=e> and he
helped that ra= and showed it e'erythingB its help was co=ing down
7;/- And * looked until that %ord of the sheep ca=e to the= in anger> all
those who saw hi= fled> and they all fell into the shadow in front of ,i=
7;/9 All the eagles and 'ultures and ra'ens and kites> gathered together
and brought with the= all the wild sheep> and they all ca=e together and
helped one another in order to dash that horn of the ra= in pieces
7;/. And * looked at that =an> who wrote the book at the co==and of the
%ord> until he opened that book of the destruction that those last twel'e
shepherds had wrought And he showed> in front of the %ord of the sheep>
that they had destroyed e'en =ore than those before the= had
7;/: And * looked until the %ord of the sheep ca=e to the= and took the
Staff of ,is Anger and struck the Earth And the Earth was split And all
the ani=als> and the birds of the sky> fell fro= those sheep and sank in the
earthB and it closed o'er the=
7;/7 And * looked until a big sword was gi'en to the sheep And the
sheep went out against all the wild ani=als to kill the= And all the
ani=als> and birds of the sky> fled before the=
7;(; And * looked until a throne was set up in a pleasant land and the %ord
of the sheep sat on it And they took all the sealed books and opened the
books in front of the %ord of the sheep
The Book of Enoch
7;(/ And the %ord called those =en> the se'en first white ones> and
co==anded the= to bring in front of ,i= the first star> which went before
those stars whose pri'ate parts were like horses> and they brought the= all
in front of ,i=
7;(( And ,e said to that =an who wrote in front of ,i=> who was one of
the se'en white ones> ,e said to hi=F ITake those se'enty shepherds> to
who= * handed o'er the sheep> and who> on their own authority> took and
killed =ore than * co==anded the=J
7;(+ And behold> * saw the= all bound> and they all stood in front of ,i=
7;(6 And the Kudg=ent was held> first on the stars> and they were Kudged
and found guilty> and they went to the place of da=nation> and were thrown
into a deep place full of fire burning> and full of pillars of fire
7;(- And those se'enty shepherds were Kudged> and found guilty> and they
also were thrown into that abyss of fire
7;(9 And * saw at that ti=e> how a si=ilar abyss was opened in the =iddle
of the Earth which was full of fire> and they brought those blind sheep and
they were all Kudged> and found guilty> and thrown into that abyss of fire
and they burned And that abyss was on the south of that house
7;(. And * saw those sheep burning and their bones were burning
7;(: And * stood up to look until he folded up that old house> and they
re=o'ed all the pillars> and all the bea=s and orna=ents of that house were
folded up with it And they re=o'ed it and put it in a place in the south of
the land
7;(7 And * looked until the %ord of the sheep brought a new house> larger
and higher than the first one> and he set it up on the site of the first one that
had been folded up And all its pillars were new> and its orna=ents were
new and larger than those of the first one E the old one that had been
re=o'ed And the %ord of the sheep was in the =iddle of it
7;+; And * saw all the sheep that were left> and all the ani=als of the
The Book of Enoch
earth> and all the birds of the sky> falling down and worshipping those
sheep> and entreating the= and obeying the= in e'ery co==and
7;+/ And after this> those three who were dressed in white and had taken
hold of =y hand> the ones who had brought =e up at first They> with the
hand of that ra= also holding =e> took =e up> and put =e down in the
=iddle of those sheep before the Kudg=ent was held
7;+( And those sheep were all white and their wool thick and pure
7;++ And all those which had been destroyed and scattered> and all the
wild ani=als> and all the birds of the sky> gathered together in that house>
and the %ord of the sheep reKoiced 'ery =uch because they were all good>
and had returned to ,is house
7;+6 And * looked until they had laid down that sword> which had been
gi'en to the sheep> and they brought it back into his house> and it was
sealed in front of the %ord And all the sheep were enclosed in that house
but it did not hold the=
7;+- And the eyes of all of the= were opened> and they saw well> and
there was not one a=ong the= that did not see
7;+9 And * saw that that house was large> broad> and e#ceptionally full
7;+. And * saw how a white bull was born> and its horns were big> and all
the wild ani=als> and all the birds of the sky> were afraid of it> and
entreated it continually
7;+: And * looked until all their species were transfor=ed and they all
beca=e white bulls And the first a=ong the= was a wildEo# And that
wildEo# was a large ani=al and had big black horns on its head And the
%ord of the sheep reKoiced o'er the=> and o'er all the bulls
7;+7 And * was asleep in the =iddle of the= and * woke up and saw
7;6; And this is the 'ision which * saw while * was asleep> and * woke up>
blessed the %ord of 5ighteousness> and ascribed glory to hi=
The Book of Enoch
7;6/ But after this * wept bitterly and =y tears did not stop until * could
not endure it 4hen * looked> they ran down> because of what * saw> for
e'erything will co=e to pass and be fulfilled> and all the deeds of =en> in
their order> were shown to =e
7;6( That night * re=e=bered =y first drea=> and because of it * wept>
and was disturbed> because * had seen that 'ision
The Book of Enoch
(/7" )5$),EC8 $1 T,E TEN 4EE!S (pages /+.E/6/"
,ere (7+(" Enoch states that the source of the prophecy is the 4atchers and the
Tablets of ,ea'en The dates * ha'e gi'en are ob'iously 'ery appro#i=ate up until
Moses but it does see= reasonable that there would be a 'ery long ti=e between Noah
and Abraha=
1*5ST 4EE! Justice H 5ighteousness 7++
(iceEage G o'er /9>;;; BC" Enoch3s ti=e
SEC$N2 4EE! 0reat *nKustice 7+6
(/9>;;; G /;>;;; BC" Noah3s ti=e 1*5ST EN2
T,*52 4EE! )lant of 5ighteousness 7+-
(/;>;;; E (;;; BC" Abraha=3s ti=e
1$&5T, 4EE! %aw for all generations 7+9
((;;; E /6;; BC " Moses ER$2&S
1*1T, 4EE! ,ouse of 0lory 7+.
(/6;; E 7;; BC" Solo=on *srael
S*RT, 4EE! Na =an ascendsN 7+:
(7;; BC E /;; A2" Jesus ,ouse (te=ple" Burnt
Chosen )eople Scattered
SE<ENT, 4EE! Apostate 0eneration 7+7 E 7///
(/;; A2 E C" Many 2eeds SEC$N2 EN2
Judge=ent of 1ire
E*0,T, 4EE! A sword 7//( E /+
(future" 5ighteousness New ,ouse
N*NT, 4EE!
The 5ighteous Judge=ent is
All the )owers of ,ea'en
shine fore'er
7//- G /9
The Book of Enoch
/7" )5$),EC8 $1 T,E TEN 4EE!S
7// And now =y son Methuselah> call to =e all your brothers> and gather
to =e all the children of your =other 1or a 'oice calls =e> and a spirit has
been poured o'er =e> so that * =ay show you e'erything that will co=e
upon you fore'er
7/( And after this Methuselah went and called his brothers to hi= and
gathered his relations
7/+ And he spoke about righteousness to all his sons> and saidF
I,ear> =y children> all the words of your father> and listen properly to the
'oice of =y =outh> for * will testify and speak to you E =y belo'ed %o'e
uprightness and walk in itM
7/6 And do not draw near to uprightness with a double heart> and do not
associate with those of a double heart> but walk in righteousness =y
children and it will lead you in good paths> and righteousness will be your
7/- 1or * know that the state of wrongdoing will continue on Earth> and a
great punish=ent will be carried out on the Earth> and an end will be =ade
of all iniDuity And it will be cut off at its roots and its whole edifice will
pass away
7/9 And iniDuity will again be co=plete on the Earth> and all the deeds of
iniDuity> and the deeds of wrong> and of wickedness> will pre'ail for a
second ti=eJ
7(/ 4ritten by EnochEtheEScribe> this co=plete wisdo= and teaching>
praised by all =en and a Kudge of the whole Earth
1or all =y sons who dwell on Earth And for the last generations who will
practice Kustice and peace
The Book of Enoch
7(( %et not your spirit be saddened by the ti=es for the ,oly and 0reat
$ne has appointed days for all things
7(+ And the righteous =an will rise fro= sleep> will rise and will walk in
the path of righteousness> and all his paths> and his Kourneys> will be in
eternal goodness and =ercy
7(6 ,e will show =ercy to the righteous =an and to hi= gi'e eternal
uprightness> and to hi= gi'e power And he will li'e in goodness> and
righteousness> and will walk in eternal light
7(- And sin will be destroyed in darkness> fore'er> and fro= that day will
ne'er again be seen
7+/ And> after this> Enoch began to speak fro= the booksF
7+( And Enoch saidF IConcerning the sons of righteousness> and
concerning the chosen of the world> and concerning the plant of
righteousness and uprightness> * will speak these things to you> and =ake
the= known to you> =y children
*> Enoch> according to that which appeared to =e in the ,ea'enly 'ision>
and that which * know fro= the words of the ,oly Angels> and
understanding fro= the Tablets of ,ea'enJ
7++ And Enoch then began to speak fro= the books> and saidF I* was born
the se'enth> in the first week> while Kustice and righteousness still lasted
7+6 And> after =e> in the second week> great inKustice will arise> and
deceit will ha'e sprung up And in it there will be the 1irst End> and in it> a
=an will be sa'ed And after it has ended> iniDuity will grow> and ,e will
=ake a law for the sinners
7+- And after this in the third week> at its end> a =an will be chosen as
the )lant of 5ighteous Judg=ent> and after hi= will co=e the )lant of
5ighteousness> fore'er
7+9 And after this> in the fourth week> at its end> 'isions of the righteous
The Book of Enoch
and ,oly will be seen> and a %aw for All 0enerations> and an enclosure
will be =ade for the=
7+. And after this> in the fifth week> at its end> a ,ouse of 0lory and
So'ereignty will be built fore'er
7+: And after this> in the si#th week> all those who li'e in it will be
blinded And the hearts of the= all> lacking wisdo=> will sink into i=piety
And in it> a =an will ascend> and at its end the ,ouse of So'ereignty will
be burnt with fire And in it the whole race of the chosen root will be
7+7 And after this> in the se'enth week> an apostate generation will arise
And =any will be its deeds E but all its deeds will be apostasy
7+/; And at its end> the Chosen 5ighteous> fro= the Eternal )lant of
5ighteousness> will be chosen> to who= will be gi'en se'enfold teaching>
concerning his whole creation
7/. And when iniDuity> and sin> and blasphe=y> and wrong> and all kinds
of e'il deeds increase> and when apostasy> wickedness> and uncleanness
increase> a great punish=ent will co=e fro= ,ea'en upon all these And
the ,oly %ord will co=e in anger> and in wrath> to e#ecute Kudg=ent on the
7/: *n those days wrongdoing will be cut off at its roots> and the roots of
iniDuity> together with deceit> will be destroyed fro= under ,ea'en
7/7 And all the idols of the nations will be gi'en up> their towers will be
burnt in fire> and they will re=o'e the= fro= the whole Earth And they
will be thrown down into the Judg=ent of 1ire> and will be destroyed in
anger> and in the se'ere Kudg=ent that is fore'er
7//; And the righteous will rise fro= sleep> and wisdo= will rise> and will
be gi'en to the=
7/// And after this the roots of iniDuity will be cut off and the sword will
destroy the sinners The blasphe=ers will be cut offB in e'ery place
The Book of Enoch
blasphe=y will be destroyed by the sword
7//( And after this there will be another weekB the eighth> that of
righteousness> and a sword will be gi'en to it so that the 5ighteous
Judg=ent =ay be e#ecuted on those who do wrong> and the sinners will be
handed o'er into the hands of the righteous
7//+ And> at its end> they will acDuire ,ouses because of their
righteousness> and a ,ouse will be built for the 0reat !ing in 0lory>
7//6 And after this> in the ninth week> the 5ighteous Judg=ent will be
re'ealed to the whole world And all the deeds of the i=pious will 'anish
fro= the whole Earth And the world will be written down for destruction
and all =en will look to the )ath of &prightness
7//- And> after this> in the tenth week> in the se'enth part> there will be
an Eternal Judg=ent that will be e#ecuted on the 4atchers and the 0reat
Eternal ,ea'en that will spring fro= the =idst of the Angels
7//9 And the 1irst ,ea'en will 'anish and pass away and a New ,ea'en
will appear> and all the )owers of ,ea'en will shine fore'er> with
se'enfold light
7//. And after this> there will be =any weeks without nu=ber> fore'er> in
goodness and in righteousness And fro= then on sin will ne'er again be
7//: And now * tell you> =y children> and show you the paths of
righteousness> and the paths of wrongdoing And * will show you again so
that you =ay know what is to co=e
7//7 And now listen> =y children> walk in the paths of righteousness and
do not walk in the paths of wrongdoing> for all those who walk in the path
of iniDuity will be destroyed fore'er
7+// 1or is there any =an who can hear the 'oice of the ,oly $ne and not
be disturbedC And who is there who can think his thoughtsC And who is
The Book of Enoch
there who can look at all the works of ,ea'enC
7+/( And how should there be anyone who could understand the works of
,ea'en> and see a soul> or a spirit> and tell about it> or ascend and see all
their ends and co=prehend the=> or =ake anything like the=C
7+/+ And is there any =an who could know the length and breadth of the
EarthC And to who has all its =easure=ents been shownC
7+/6 $r is there any =an who could know the length of ,ea'en> and what
is its height> and on what is it fi#ed> and how large is the nu=ber of stars>
and where do all the lights restC
The Book of Enoch
((;" EN$C,3S MESSA0E $1 0&*2ANCE (pages /6+E/--"
This is spiritual guidance fro= Enoch based on the teachings of the 4atchers
The =essage is directed towards his fa=ily> and towards later generations> and
the i=portance of a'oiding sin during your lifeti=e
The =essage is also directed towards strengthening the spirits of people
suffering hard ti=es> and Enoch stresses that 0od will deal with e'eryone Kustly> at the
appointed ti=e
Near to the end of this section (/;6//" Enoch encourages people such as =e>
who will co=e later and copy his book into other languages> to do it carefully and
e#actly G which * ha'e tried =y best to do
The Book of Enoch
(;" EN$C,3S MESSA0E $1 0&*2ANCE
76/ And now * say to you> =y children> lo'e righteousness and walk in itB
for the paths of righteousness are worthy of acceptance> but the paths of
iniDuity will Duickly be destroyed and 'anish
76( And to certain =en> fro= a future generation> the paths of wrongdoing
and of death will be re'ealedB and they will keep away fro= the= and will
not follow the=
76+ And now * say to you> the righteousF do not walk in the wicked path>
or in wrongdoing> or in the paths of death> and do not draw near to the= or
you =ay be destroyed
766 But seek> and choose for yourself> righteousness> and a life that is
pleasing and walk in the paths of peace so that you =ay li'e and prosper
76- And hold =y words fir=ly in the thoughts of your heart> and do not let
the= be erased fro= your heart> for * know that sinners will te=pt =en to
debase wisdo=> and no place will be found for it> and te=ptation will in no
way decrease
769 4oe to those who build iniDuity and found deceit for they will Duickly
be thrown down and will not ha'e peace
76. 4oe to those who build their houses with sin> for fro= their whole
foundation they will be thrown down> and by the sword they shall fall> and
those who acDuire gold and sil'er will Duickly be destroyed in the
76: 4oe to you> you rich> for you ha'e trusted in your riches> but fro=
your riches you will depart for you did not re=e=ber the Most ,igh in the
days of your riches
767 8ou ha'e co==itted blasphe=y> and iniDuity> and are ready for the
days of the outpouring of blood> and for the day of darkness> and for the
day of the 0reat Judg=ent
The Book of Enoch
76/; Thus * say> and =ake known to you> that ,e who created you will
throw you down> and o'er your fall there will be no =ercy> but your creator
will reKoice at your destruction
76// And your righteousness in those days will be a reproach to the
sinners and to the i=pious
7-/ 4ould that =y eyes were a rainEcloud> so that * =ight weep o'er you>
and pour out =y tears like rain> so that * =ight ha'e rest fro= the sorrow of
=y heartM
7-( 4ho per=itted you to practice hatred and wickednessC May Kudg=ent
co=e upon you> the sinnersM
7-+ 2o not be afraid of the sinners> you righteous> for the %ord will again
deli'er the= into your hands> so that you =ay e#ecute Kudg=ent on the= as
you desire
7-6 4oe to you who pronounce anathe=a that you cannot re=o'e
,ealing will be far fro= you because of your sin
7-- 4oe to you who repay your neighbours with e'il for you will be
repaid according to your deeds
7-9 4oe to you> you lying witnesses> and to those who weigh out iniDuity>
for you will Duickly be destroyed
7-. 4oe to you> you sinners> because you persecute the righteous> for you
yoursel'es will be handed o'er and persecuted> you =en of iniDuity> and
their yoke will be hea'y on you
79/ Be hopeful> you righteous> for the sinners will Duickly be destroyed
before you> and you will ha'e power o'er the=> as you desire
79( And in the day of the distress of the sinners> your young will rise up>
like eagles> and your nest will be higher than that of 'ultures And you will
go up> and like badgers> enter the cre'ices of the earth> and the clefts of the
rock> fore'er> before the lawless> but they will groan and weep because of
you> like satyrs
The Book of Enoch
79+ And do not be afraid you who ha'e suffered> for you will recei'e
healing> and a bright light will shine upon you> and the <oice of 5est you
will hear fro= ,ea'en
796 4oes to you> you sinners> for your riches =ake you appear righteous>
but your hearts pro'e you to be sinners And this word will be a testi=ony
against you as a re=inder of your e'il deeds
79- 4oe to you who de'our the finest of the wheat> and drink the best of
the water> and tra=ple upon the hu=ble through your power
799 4oe to you who drink water all the ti=e> for you will Duickly be
repaid> and will beco=e e#hausted and dry for you ha'e left the spring of
79. 4oe to you who co==it iniDuity> and deceit> and blasphe=y> it will
be a re=inder of e'il against you
79: 4oe to you> you powerful> who through power oppress the righteousB
for the day of your destruction will co=e
*n those days =any good days will co=e for the righteous in the day of
your Kudg=ent
7./ Belie'e> you righteous> that the sinners will beco=e an obKect of
sha=e and will be destroyed on the 2ay of Judg=ent
7.( Be it known to you> sinners> that the Most ,igh re=e=bers your
destruction and that the Angels reKoice o'er your destruction
7.+ 4hat will you do> you sinners> and where will you flee on that day of
Kudg=ent when you hear the sound of prayer of the righteousC
7.6 But you will not be like the= against who= this word will be a
I8ou ha'e been associated with the sinnersJ
7.- And in those days> the prayer of the ,oly will be in front of the %ord>
and for you will co=e the days of your Kudg=ent
7.9 And the words of your iniDuity will be read out before the 0reat and
The Book of Enoch
,oly $ne> and your faces will blush with sha=e> and e'ery deed which is
founded upon iniDuity will be reKected
7.. 4oe to you> you sinners> who are in the =iddle of the sea> or on dry
ground> their =e=ory will be har=ful to you
7.: 4oe to you who acDuire sil'er and gold> but not in righteousness> and
sayF I4e ha'e beco=e 'ery rich and ha'e possessions> and ha'e acDuired
e'erything that we desired
7.7 And now let us do what we planned> for we ha'e gathered sil'er and
filled our storehouses> and as =any as water are the ser'ants of our
7./; And like the water your life will flow away> for your riches will not
stay with you> but will Duickly go up fro= you> for you acDuired e'erything
in iniDuity and you will be gi'en o'er to a great curse
7:/ Now * swear to you> the wise> and the foolish> that you will see =any
things on the earth
7:( 1or you =en will put on yoursel'es =ore adorn=ents than a wo=an>
and =ore coloured gar=ents than a girl> clothed in so'ereignty> and in
=aKesty> and in power> and sil'er> and gold> and purple> and honours> E and
food will be poured out like water
7:+ Because of this they will ha'e neither knowledge nor wisdo= And
through this> they will be destroyed> together with their possessions> and
with all their glory and their honour And in sha=e> and in slaughter> and
in great destitution> their spirits will be thrown into the fiery furnace
7:6 * swear to you> you sinners> that as a =ountain has not> and will not>
beco=e a sla'e> nor a hill a wo=an3s =aid> so sin was not sent on the Earth
but =an> of hi=self> created it And those who co==it it will be subKect to
a great curse
7:- And barrenness has not been gi'en to a wo=an but because of the
deeds of her hand she dies without children
The Book of Enoch
7:9 * swear to you> you sinners> by the ,oly and 0reat $ne> that all your
e'il deeds are re'ealed in ,ea'en and that your wrongdoing is not co'ered
or hidden
7:. And do not think in your spirit nor say in your heart> that you do not
know> or do not see> e'ery sin is written down e'ery day in ,ea'en in front
of the Most ,igh
7:: 1ro= now on> you know that all your wrongdoing that you do will be
written down e'ery day> until the day of your Kudg=ent
7:7 4oe to you> you fools> for you will be destroyed through your folly
And you do not listen to the wise and good will not co=e upon you
7:/; And now know that you are ready for the day of destruction And do
not hope that you will li'e> you sinnersB rather you will go and die> for you
know no ranso= 8ou are ready for the 2ay of the 0reat Judg=ent and for
the day of distress and great sha=e for your spirits
7:// 4oe to you> you stubborn of heart who do e'il and eat blood> fro=
where do you ha'e good things to eat and drink and to be satisfiedC 1ro=
all the good things which our %ord the Most ,igh has placed in abundance
on the earth Therefore you will not ha'e peace
7:/( 4oe to you who lo'e deeds of iniDuity 4hy do you hope for good
for yoursel'esC !now that you will be gi'en into the hands of the
righteous> and they will cut your throats and kill you> and will not ha'e
=ercy on you
7:/+ 4oe to you who reKoice in the distress of the righteous for gra'es
will not be dug for you
7:/6 4oe to you who declare the words of the righteous e=pty for you
will ha'e no hope of life
7:/- 4oe to you who write lying words> and the words of the i=pious> for
they write their lies so that =en =ay hear and continue their folly And
they will not ha'e peace but will die a sudden death
The Book of Enoch
77/ 4oe to you who do i=pious deeds and praise and honour lying wordsB
you will be destroyed and will not ha'e a good life
77( 4oe to you who alter the words of truth> and they distort the eternal
law and count the=sel'es as being without sinB they will be tra=pled
underfoot on the ground
77+ *n those days =ake ready> you righteous> to raise your prayers as a
re=inder and lay the= as a testi=ony before the Angels> that they =ay lay
the sin of the sinners before the Most ,igh as a re=inder
776 *n those days the nations will be thrown into confusion and the races
of the nations will rise on the 2ay of 2estruction
77- And in those days> those who are in need will go out> seiAe their
children> and cast out their children And their offspring will slip fro=
the=> and they will cast out their children while they are still sucklings> and
will not return to the=> and will not ha'e =ercy on their belo'ed ones
779 And again * swear to you> the sinners> that sin is ready for the 2ay of
&nceasing Bloodshed
77. And they worship stone> and so=e car'e i=ages of gold and of sil'er>
and of wood and of clay And so=e> with no knowledge> worship unclean
spirits and de=ons> and e'ery kind of error But no help will be obtained
fro= the=
77: And they will sink into i=piety because of the folly of their hearts>
and their eyes will be blinded through the fear of their hearts> and through
the 'ision of their a=bitions
777 Through these they will beco=e i=pious and fearful> for they do all
their deeds with lies> and worship stones> and they will be destroyed at the
sa=e =o=ent
77/; And in those days> blessed are those who accept the words of
wisdo=> and understand the=> and follow the paths of the Most ,igh> and
walk in the path of righteousness> and do not act i=piously with the
The Book of Enoch
i=pious> for they will be sa'ed
77// 4oe to you who e#tend e'il to your neighboursB for you will be
killed in Sheol
77/( 4oe to you who lay foundations of sin and deceit> and who cause
bitterness on the Earth> for because of this an end will be =ade of the=
77/+ 4oe to you who build your houses with the toil of others> and all
their building =aterials are the sticks and stones of sinB * say to youF I8ou
will not ha'e peaceJ
77/6 4oe to those who reKect the =easure> and the eternal inheritance of
their fathers> and cause their souls to follow error> for they will not ha'e
77/- 4oe to those who co==it iniDuity> and help wrong> and kill their
neighbours> until the 2ay of the 0reat Judg=entB for he will throw down
your glory
77/9 And you put e'il into your hearts> and rouse the spirit of his anger> so
that he =ay destroy you all with the sword And all the righteous and the
,oly will re=e=ber your sin
/;;/ And in those days> and in one place> fathers and sons will strike one
another> and brothers will together fall in death> until their blood flows as if
it were a strea=
/;;( 1or a =an will not> in =ercy> withhold his hand fro= his sons> nor
fro= his son3s sons> in order to kill the= And the sinner will not withhold
his hand fro= his honoured brother fro= dawn until the Sun sets they will
kill one another
/;;+ And the horse will walk up to its chest in the blood of sinners and the
chariot will sink up to its height
/;;6 And in those days the Angels will co=e down into the hidden places>
and gather together in one place all those who ha'e helped sin> and the
Most ,igh will rise on that day to e#ecute the 0reat Judg=ent on all the
The Book of Enoch
/;;- And he will set guards> fro= the ,oly Angels> o'er all the righteous
and ,oly> and they will guard the= like the apple of an eye> until an end is
=ade of all e'il and all sin And e'en if the righteous sleep a long sleep
they ha'e nothing to fear
/;;9 And the wise =en will see the truth> and the sons of the Earth will
understand all the words of this book> and they will know that their riches
will not be able to sa'e the= or o'erthrow their sin
/;;. 4oe to you> you sinners> when you afflict the righteous on the day of
se'ere trouble> and burn the= with fire> you will be repaid according to
your deeds
/;;: 4oe to you> you per'erse of heart who watch to de'ise e'ilB fear will
co=e upon you and there is no one who will help you
/;;7 4oe to you> you sinners> for an account of the words of your =outh>
and for an account of the deeds of your hands that you ha'e i=piously
doneB you will burn in blaAing fla=es of fire
/;;/; And now know that the Angels will inDuire in ,ea'en into your
deeds> fro= the Sun and the Moon and the Stars> into your sins> for on earth
you e#ecute Kudg=ent on the righteous
/;;// And all the clouds and =ist and dew and rain will testify against
you> for they will be withheld fro= you so that they do not fall on you> and
they will think about your sins
/;;/( And now gi'e gifts to the rain> so that it =ay not be withheld fro=
falling on you> and so that the dew> if it has accepted gold and sil'er fro=
you> =ay fall
/;;/+ 4hen the hoarfrost and snow> with their cold> and all the snowwinds
with their tor=ents fall on you *n those days> you will not be able to
stand before the=
/;// Conte=plate ,ea'en> all you sons of ,ea'en> and all the works of
The Book of Enoch
the Most ,igh> and fear hi=> and do not do e'il in front of ,i=
/;/( *f ,e closes the 4indows of ,ea'en> and withholds the rain and the
dew> so that it does not fall on the earth because of you> what will you doC
/;/+ And if he sends his anger upon you> and upon all your deeds> will
you not entreat hi=C 1or you speak proud and hard against his
righteousness And you will not ha'e peace
/;/6 And do you not see the captains of the shipsB how their ships are
tossed by the wa'es and rocked by the winds and are in distressC
/;/- And because of this they are afraid> for all their good possessions that
go out on the sea with the=> and they think nothing good in their hearts>
only that the sea will swallow the= up> and that they will be destroyed in it
/;/9 *s not all the sea> and all its waters> and all its =o'e=ent> the work of
the Most ,igh> and did he not seal all it@s doings and bind it all with sandC
/;/. And at his rebuke it dries up and beco=es afraid> and all its fish die>
and e'erything in itB but you sinners who are on Earth do not fear hi=
/;/: 2id he not =ake ,ea'en> Earth> and e'erything that is in the=C And
who ga'e knowledge> and wisdo=> to all things that =o'e on the ground
and in the seaC
/;/7 And do not those captains of the ships fear the seaC
8et> sinners do not fear the Most ,igh
/;(/ And in those days> if he brings a fierce fire upon you> where will you
flee> and where will you be safeC And when he utters his 'oice against you
will you not be terrified and afraidC
/;(( And all the %ights will shake with great fear> and the whole Earth
will be terrified> and will tre=ble and Duail
/;(+ And all the Angels will carry out their co==ands> and will seek to
hide fro= the $ne who is 0reat in 0lory> and the children of the Earth will
tre=ble and shakeB and you sinners will be cursed fore'er and will not ha'e
The Book of Enoch
/;(6 2o not be afraid you souls of the righteous> and be hopeful> you who
ha'e died in righteousness
/;(- And do not be sad that your souls ha'e gone down into Sheol in
sadness and that your bodies did not obtain during your life a reward in
accordance with your goodness
/;(9 But when you die the sinners will say about youF IAs we die> the
righteous ha'e also died> and of what use to the= were their deedsCJ
/;(. IBehold> like us they ha'e died in sadness and in darkness> and what
ad'antage do they ha'e o'er usC 1ro= now on we are eDualJ
/;(: IAnd what will they recei'e and what will they see fore'erC 1or
behold> they too ha'e died> and fro= now on they will ne'er again see the
/;(7 And * say to you> you sinnersF I8ou are content to eat and drink> and
strip =en naked> and steal> and sin> and acDuire possessions> and see good
/;(/; But you saw the righteous> how their end was peace> for no wrong
was found in the= until the day of their deathJ
/;(// IBut they were destroyed and beca=e as though they had not been
and their souls went down to Sheol in distressJ
/;+/ And now * swear to you> the righteous> by ,is 0reat 0lory and ,is
,onour> and by ,is Magnificent So'ereignty> and by ,is MaKestyF E *
swear to you that * understand this =ystery
/;+( And * ha'e read the Tablets of ,ea'en and seen the writing of the
,oly $nes And * found written and engra'ed in it> concerning the=> that
all good> and Koy> and honour> ha'e been =ade ready> and written down> for
the spirits of those who died in righteousness
/;++ And =uch good will be gi'en to you in reco=pense for your toil and
that your lot will be =ore e#cellent than the lot of the li'ing
/;+6 And the spirits of you who ha'e died in righteousness will li'e> and
The Book of Enoch
your spirits will reKoice and be glad> and the =e=ory of the= will re=ain in
front of the 0reat $ne for all the generations of eternity Therefore do not
fear their abuse
/;+- 4oe to you> you sinners> when you die in your sin> and those who
are like you say about youF IBlessed were the sinners they saw their days
/;+9 And now they ha'e died in prosperity and wealth> distress and
slaughter they did not see during their life> but they ha'e died in glory> and
Kudg=ent was not e#ecuted on the= in their lifeJ
/;+. !now that their souls will be =ade to go down into Sheol> they will
be wretched> and their distress will be great
/;+: And in darkness> and in chains> and in burning fla=es> your spirits
will co=e to the 0reat Judg=ent And the 0reat Judg=ent will last for all
generations> fore'er 4oe to you for you will not ha'e peace
/;+7 2o not say> the righteous and the good who were ali'eB I*n the days
of our affliction we toiled laboriously> and saw e'ery affliction> and =et
=any e'ils 4e were spent and beca=e few and our spirit s=all
/;+/; 4e were destroyed and there was no one who helped us with words
or with deeds 4e were powerless and found nothing 4e were tortured
and destroyed and did not e#pect to see life fro= one day to the ne#t
/;+ // 4e hoped to beco=e the head but beca=e the tail 4e toiled and
laboured> but were not =asters of the fruits of our toilB we beca=e food for
the sinners> and the lawless =ade their yoke hea'y upon us
/;+/( Those who hated us> those who goaded us> were =asters of us And
to those who hated us we bowed our necks but they did not ha'e =ercy on
/;+/+ 4e sought to escape fro= the= so that we =ight flee and be at rest
But we found no place where we =ight flee and be safe fro= the=
/;+/6 4e co=plained about the= to the rulers> in our distress> and cried
out against those who de'oured us> but they took no notice of our cries> and
The Book of Enoch
did not wish to listen to our 'oice
/;+/- And they helped those who plundered us and de'oured us> and
those who =ade us few> and they concealed their wrongdoing> and did not
re=o'e fro= us the yoke of those who de'oured us> and scattered us> and
killed us And they concealed our slaughter and did not re=e=ber that they
had raised their hands against usJ
/;6/ * swear to you> you righteous> that in ,ea'en the Angels re=e=ber
you for good in front of the 0lory of the 0reat $ne> and that your na=es
are written down in front of the 0lory of the 0reat $ne
/;6( Be hopefulM 1or you were for=erly put to sha=e through e'ils and
afflictions> but now you will shine like the %ights of ,ea'en> and will be
seen> and the 0ate of ,ea'en will be opened to you
/;6+ And perse'ere in your cry for Kudg=ent and it will appear to you> for
Kustice will be e#acted fro= the rulers for all your distress> and fro= all
those who helped those who plundered you
/;66 Be hopeful> and do not abandon your hope> for you will ha'e great
Koy like the Angels of ,ea'en
/;6- 4hat will you ha'e to doC 8ou will not ha'e to hide on the day of
the 0reat Judg=ent> nor will you be found to be sinners The Eternal
Judg=ent will be upon you for all the generations of eternity
/;69 And now do not be afraid> you righteous> when you see the sinners
growing strong and prospering in their desires> and do not be associated
with the= but keep far away fro= their wrongdoing> for you will be
associates of the ,ost of ,ea'en
/;6. 1or you sinners sayF INone of our sins will be inDuired into and
written downMJ But they will write down your sins e'ery day
/;6: And now * show you that light and darkness> day and night> see all
your sins
/;67 2o not be i=pious in your hearts> and do not lie> and do not alter the
The Book of Enoch
words of truth> nor say that the words of the ,oly and 0reat $ne are lies>
and do not praise your idols 1or all your lies> and all your i=piety> lead
not to righteousness but to great sin
/;6/; And now * know this =ysteryB that =any sinners will alter and
distort the words of truth> and speak e'il words> and lie> and concoct great
fabrications> and write books in their own words
/;6// But when they write =y words e#actly in their languages> and do
not alter or o=it anything fro= =y words> but write e'erything e#actly>
e'erything that * testified about beforeB then * know another =ysteryF
/;6/( That books will be gi'en to the righteous and wise and will be a
source of Koy and truth and =uch wisdo=
/;6/+ And books will be gi'en to the=> and they will belie'e in the= and
reKoice o'er the=B and all the righteous who ha'e learnt fro= the= all the
ways of truth will be glad
/;-/ And in those days> says the %ord> they shall call and testify to the
sons of the Earth about the wisdo= in the= Show it to the= for you are
their leaders and the rewards will be o'er all the Earth
/;-( 1or =y son and * will Koin oursel'es with the=> fore'er> in the paths
of uprightness during their li'es
And you will ha'e peace
5eKoice E you sons of uprightnessM
The Book of Enoch
((/" EN$C,3S C$NC%&2*N0 4$52S (pages /-.E/-:"
The conclusion to the book co'ers si=ilar ground to the pre'ious section but in a
shorter for= 1uture glory is predicted for the righteous and darkness for the sinners
The Book of Enoch
(/" EN$C,3S C$NC%&2*N0 4$52S
/;:/ Another book which Enoch wrote for his son Methuselah and for
those who should co=e after hi= and keep the law in the last days
/;:( 8ou who ha'e obser'ed> and are waiting in these days> until an end
shall be =ade of those who do e'il> and an end shall be =ade of the power
of the wrongdoers
/;:+ 2o indeed wait until sin shall pass away> for their na=es shall be
erased fro= the Books of the ,oly $nes> and their offspring will be
destroyed fore'er And their spirits will be killed> and they will cry out and
=oan in a chaotic desert place> and will burn in fire> for there is no Earth
/;:6 And there * saw so=ething like a cloud> which could not be
discerned> for because of its depth * was not able to look into it And the
fla=es of a fire * saw> burning brightly> and things like bright =ountains
re'ol'ed and shook fro= side to side
/;:- And * asked one of the ,oly Angels> who were with =e> and * said to
hi=F I4hat is this bright placeC 1or there is no sky> but only the fla=es of
a burning fire> and the sounds of crying> and weeping> and =oaning> and
se'ere painJ
/;:9 And he said to =eF IThis place which you seeB here will be thrown
the spirits of the sinners> and of the blasphe=ers> and of those who do e'il
And of those who alter e'erything that the %ord has spoken through the
=ouths of the prophets about the things that shall be done
/;:. 1or there are books> and records> about the= in ,ea'en abo'e so that
the Angels =ay read the= and know what is about to co=e upon the
sinners And upon the spirits of the hu=ble> and of those who afflicted
their bodies and were reco=pensed by 0od> and of those who were abused
by e'il =en
The Book of Enoch
/;:: Those who lo'ed 0od and did not lo'e gold> or sil'er> or any
possessions> but ga'e up their bodies to tor=ent
/;:7 Those who> fro= the =o=ent they e#isted> did not desire earthly
food> but counted the=sel'es as a breath which passes away> and kept to
this And the %ord tested the= =uch> and their spirits were found pure> so
that they =ight bless ,is Na=eJ
/;:/; And all their blessings * ha'e recounted in the books> and he has
assigned the= their reward> for they were found to be such that they lo'ed
,ea'en =ore than their life in the world And although they were tra=pled
underfoot by e'il =en> and had to listen to re'iling and reproach fro=
the=> and were abused> yet they blessed their %ord
/;:// And the %ord saidF IAnd now * will call the spirits of the good>
who are of the 0eneration of %ight> and * will transfor= those who were
born in darkness> who in the flesh were not reco=pensed with honour as
was fitting to their faith
/;:/( And * will bring out into the shining light those who lo'e =y ,oly
Na=e and * will set each one on the throne of his honourJ
/;:/+ And they will shine for ti=es without nu=ber> for righteous is the
Judg=ent of 0od> for with the faithful ,e will keep faith in the dwelling of
upright paths
/;:/6 And they will see those who were born in darkness thrown into the
darkness while the righteous shine
/;:/- And the sinners will cry out as they see the= shining but they
the=sel'es will go where days and ti=es ha'e been written down for the=
The Book of Enoch
5E1E5ENCES AN2 1&5T,E5 5EA2*N0
The Ethiopic Book of Enoch>
M. A. Knibb> $#ford &ni'ersity )ress
My book is based on this /7.6 $#ford &ni'ersity translation There are
=any footnotes on the details of the translation and detailed co=parisons of
the 'arious known =anuscripts and frag=ents of the book
The Book of Enoch>
R H Charles> S)C! %ondon
)ublished in /7/. and the =ost co==on English translation E but not the
The Book of Enoch the )rophet
Richard a!rence> 4iAards Bookshelf
)ublished /:(/ but possibly a better 'ersion than the Charles 'ersion
1allen Angels and the $rigins of E'il
Eli"abeth Clare #rophet> Su==it &ni'ersity press
This is a good and well researched book about Enoch *t also includes the
te#t of the the /7th century %aurence translation of the Book of Enoch
Also there is an e#tensi'e section co'ering biblical references relating to
Enoch and the book This book also has the te#t of other old works where
Enoch appears in the title> such as the secrets of Enoch> and also the Book
of Jubilees (written at the ti=e of the E#odus"
&riel@s Machine
Christopher Knight $ Robert omas> Arrow Books
This is a good book and worth reading *t connects Enoch to the ancient
The Book of Enoch
stone circles and religions and is packed with interesting detail
1ro= the Ashes of Angels
Andre% Collins& Michael Joseph
This is an interesting book about the possible background of the 4atchers
Thoth G Architect of the &ni'erse
Ralph Ellis> Edfu Books
Mainly a book about the =athe=atics of stone circles and pyra=ids but
related to Enoch@s ti=e period in places This is the book that =entions the
South Sandwich islands
The Sign and the Seal
'raham Hancock> Mandarin
This is about Ethiopia and the Ark of the Co'enant *t was this book that
led =e to Enoch@s book
Krishna (harma> Torchlight )ublishing
An *ndian religious epic> that is 'ery old> and that =ay be based on the
story of the fa=ilies of so=e of the rebel 4atchers during the ti=es
between Enoch and Noah There are so=e 'ery interesting descriptions of
warfare in'ol'ing ad'anced weaponry

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