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Document1 .

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Brendan Oracle



Author: Brendan Furey
Creation Date: 20 September 2014

Version: 1.0
Last Updated:
Document1 . Page 2 of 5

Table of Contents
Document Control .................................................................................................................. 3
Foreword .......................................................................................................................... 3
Change Record ................................................................................................................ 3
Installation Instructions ......................................................................................................... 4
Installation Environment ............................................................................................... 4
Installation Source Files .................................................................................................. 4
Pre-Installation Steps ...................................................................................................... 4
Installation Steps ............................................................................................................. 4
References ......................................................................................................................... 5

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Document Control

This document provides the instructions for installing the XX Example XML CP (Email) program.

Change Record
Date Author Version Change Reference
20-Sep-2014 BP Furey 1.0 Initial

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Installation Instructions

Installation Environment
The installation was tested on instance VISR1213 and is designed to work on any environment by the
use of parameters obtained in pre-installation steps.

Installation Source Files
Name Description Location
Release tar
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM.tar Unix tar file for the release $XXCUS_TOP/rel

Note all code is in the tar file above, the listing below is for reference only, assuming the generic installer is already present

FNDLOAD Auxiliary Files
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_RG.lis List of request groups $XXCUS_TOP/import
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_VS.ldt LDT file for value sets for XX_ERPXMLCP_EM $XXCUS_TOP/import
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_MS.ldt LDT file for messages for XX_ERPXMLCP_EM $XXCUS_TOP/import
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_CP.ldt LDT file for concurrent program
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_DD.ldt LDT file for data definition XX_ERPXMLCP_EM $XXCUS_TOP/import
XML Publisher XML
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM.xml Data template for XX Example XML CP (Email)
XML Publisher Bursting XML
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM_BUR.xml Bursting file for XX Example XML CP (Email)
XML Publisher RTF
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM.rtf Layout template for XX Example XML CP (Email)
PL/SQL Packages
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM.pks Specification for package XX_ERPXMLCP_EM $XXCUS_TOP/install/sql
XX_ERPXMLCP_EM.pkb Body for package XX_ERPXMLCP_EM $XXCUS_TOP/install/sql

Pre-Installation Steps
Pre-Installation Area 1 Instance details
# Execution Step Unix command/Further details
Verification/Expected Output (if applicable)
1 Obtain the apps password Substitute this for the placeholders below: <apps password>
2 Log on to Unix box [User = visr12 on instance VISR121]
3 Set environment for the installation
If necessary
4 Obtain the JDBC connection string
for the database instance
Substitute this for the placeholders below: <JDBC>
Example for VISR121 (test):

Installation Steps
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Installation Area 1 installation of concurrent program and related entities
# Execution Step Unix command/Further details
Verification/Expected Output
1 Place the release file in new
custom rel directory
2 Untar the release file
cd $XXCUS_TOP/rel
tar -xvf XX_ERPXMLCP_EM.tar
3 Install concurrent program:
XX_Install_XMLCP.ksh <apps password> XX_ERPXMLCP_EM XXCUS <JDBC>

4 Check log file

REF Document Location
REF-1 MD070 - XX Example XML CP (Email).doc $XXCUS_TOP/rel/XX_ERPXMLCP_EM

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