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ur. 1amara !

C 8arbosa LnCL 3102

1he Lmperors new CloLhes Pomework

8efore kead|ng the essay:
CompleLe Lhe self-assessmenL Lable ln Lhe form below. Co Lo Ldmodo and flll ln Lhe self-
assessmenL form. 8emember Lo wrlLe uone" ln Lhe box ln Ldmodo, once you submlL
Lhe form.
After read|ng the essay:
LocaLe each of Lhe key words ln Lhe readlng selecLlon. 1hen read and sLudy each word
ln lLs conLexL and Lry Lo deLermlne lLs meanlng. use a dlcLlonary or Lhesaurus Lo check
your lnference. 1hen, record Lhe meanlngs ln Lhe charL below.
1ab|e 1 Vocabu|ary Se|f-assessment
Words w|th aster|sk (*) do not mean homosexua| or a mach|ne. 1he words are fash|on re|ated!
l have never
seen Lhe
l have
seen Lhe
word buL
am noL
sure whaL
lL means.
l undersLand
Lhe word
when l see
or hear lL ln
a senLence.
l have Lrled
Lo use Lhe
word, buL l
am noL sure
l am uslng lL
l use Lhe
word wlLh
ln !"#$!%
speaklng &%
l use Lhe
word wlLh
confldence ln
speaklng ()*
1. fond 1
2. chase 1
3. afforded 1
4. accusLomed 1
3. councll 1
6. merrlly 2
7. rogues 2
8. weaver 2
9. realms 3
10. looms 3
11. knapsack 4
12. embarrassed 3
13. falLhful 6
14. sense 6
13. knaves 7
16. courLeously 8
17. requesLed 8
18. slmpleLon 8
19. preLendlng 9
20. specLacles 10
21. obllged 11
22. dlllgence 11
23. ascerLaln 12
24. surveyed 12
23. gesLures 13
26. pralse 14
27. soverelgn 14
28. odd 13
29. crafLy 17
30. reLlnue 19
31. *gay 19
32. beLray 23
33. mldsL 23
34. vexed 28
33. *Lraln 29

ur. 1amara !C 8arbosa LnCL 3102


1ab|e 2 Vocabu|ary nomework

Spanlsh LranslaLlon Mean|ng |n the CCN1Lk1 of the story
1. fond
2. chase
3. afforded
4. accusLomed
3. councll
6. merrlly
7. rogues
8. weaver
9. realms
10. looms
11. knapsack
12. embarrassed
13. falLhful
14. sense
13. knaves
16. courLeously
17. requesLed
18. slmpleLon
19. preLendlng

ur. 1amara !C 8arbosa LnCL 3102

20. specLacles
21. obllged
22. dlllgence
23. ascerLaln
24. surveyed
23. gesLures
26. pralse
27. soverelgn
28. odd
29. crafLy
30. reLlnue
31. gay
32. beLray
33. mldsL
34. vexed
33. Lraln

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