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Name : Seftyan Hardjanto S.Kom

Address :# Jl. Gunung Rejo No.8 RT 11
Kel.Gunung Sari lu
!ali"#a#an $%1&&
'(one No : )81&*+%,11)
-.mail : seftyan.(ardjanto/ya(
'la0e 2 !irt( of date : !ali"#a#an3 August 1$
5arital status : 5arried
Se6 : 5ale
Religion : 5oslem
ST57K ST7K85 !ali"#a#an 9 S1. Te"ni" 7nformati"a:3 &)), ; &))4
Senior Hig( S0(ool 3 S5 Negeri + !ali"#a#an3 &))1 . &)),
Junior Hig( S0(ool3 S<T' Negeri + !ali"#a#an33 1448 ; &))1
-lementary S0(ool3 S= Negeri + !ali"#a#an3 144& . 1448
>om#uter Hard?are and Soft?are :
@amiliar ?it( A7N=8AS -nBironment3
5S.8ffi0e A##li0ation
Sun 5i0rosystem 9 -ri0sson deBi0es for monitoring and
trouCles(ooting 0ontrol !TS Tele0ommuni0ations :
5inos NetNumen DT- 9 DT- deBi0es for monitoring and
trouCles(ooting 0ontrol !TS Tele0ommuni0ations :
'age 1 of +
&G NSN 9 ENo"ia Siemens Net?or"F =eBi0es for 5onitoring and
trouCles(ooting >ontrol !TS Tele0ommuni0ations :
7nternet !ro?sing.
Good in -nglis( 3 Aritten and S#o"en.
PT. Kisel January &)1) ; 'resent
As. 8#eration and 5aintenan0e >entre 985>:
98utsour0(ing Tel"omsel Regional 8 Kalimantan:
Ait( joCs des0ri#tion Celo? :
. 5onitoring and TrouCles(ooting Site Tele0omuni0ation
9 =eBi0e &G -ri0sson3 &G G +G DT- 2 &G NSN :
. Admin ABailaCility =aily3 Aee"ly and 5ont(ly3 Ne? Site 2
K'7 Tel"omsel Regional 8 Kalimantan
. Admin #date AeC ABailaCility
. >oordinator 85> Tel"omsel Regional 8 Kalimantan
<o0ation : !ali"#a#an.
PT. Ceria Utama Abadi 5ar0( &))4 ; July &))4
9 8utsour0(ing T8TA< -2' 7N=8N-S7- :
-NTRH =ATA 'R8>-SS7NG3 -le0tri0al -ngineering =e#artment
'roje0t =one : 'roBision of -ntry =ata SerBi0e
T8TA< -2' 7N=8N-S7-
- >onBerter =ata suCtitle from Auto0ad to -60el
T(e finis(ed a numCer of 33.000 sheet
Aor" finis(ed during + mont(s3 from A#ril until June.
PT. Indosat. Tbk, JuIy &))4 ; 80toCer &))4
Ait( joCs des0ri#tion Celo? :
5ARK-T7NG3 Sales 2 5ar"eting =e#artment3
Kartu 'as0a !ayar 5atri63 'T. 7N=8SAT. TC"3. !ali"#a#an
&))& ; &))*
A5!ASSA=8R TRAJ-< !ali"#a#an3 !ali"#a#an >ity GoBernment3
A5!ASSA=8R -NJ7R8N5-NT3 !ali"#a#an >ity GoBernment3 &))$
PT. Telkom !i"re VI NoBemCer &))$ ; January &))8
'age & of +
8n T(e JoC Training3 System 7nformation =e#artemen
'T. T-<K85 =7JR- J7 ; !ali"#a#an.
Training &G NSN and &G -ri0sson3 &8 NoBemCer ; )1 =e0emCer &)11
/ Tel"omsel >enter3 Aisma 5ulia Ja"arta
A0tiBe in t(e memCer 9a 0olle0tion of <inu6 users 7ndonesia:!ali"#a#an
A0tiBe in t(e memCer K!7T>85L 9 !A<7K'A'AN 7N@8R5AT78N
T->HN8<8GH >855N7TH )
ST57K ST7K85 !-5 as 5inister for Te0(nology 2 7nformation
ST57K ST7K85 !-5 as a memCer of t(e de#artment of >ulture
ST57K ST7K85 !-5 as 5inister of Religious Affairs

Sin0erely yours

Seftyan Hardjanto3 S.Kom
'age + of +

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