Plan of Examination: NOTE (I) Both The Question Papers Will Be of The Objective Type (Multiple Choice Questions)

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The competitive examination comprises two successive stages:

(i) Civil Services (Preliminary) Examinations (Objective Type) or the selection o can!i!ates or "ain Examination# an!
(ii) Civil Services ("ain) Examination ($ritten an! %nterview) or the selection o can!i!ates or the various services an!
'& The Preliminary Examination will consist o two papers o Objective type (multiple choice (uestions) an! carry a
maximum o )** mar+s in the subjects set out in subsection (,) o Section-%%& This examination is meant to serve as a
screening test only# the mar+s obtaine! in the Preliminary Examination by the can!i!ates who are !eclare! (ualiie! or
a!mission to the "ain Examination will not be counte! or !etermining their inal or!er o merit& The number o can!i!ates
to be a!mitte! to the "ain Examination will be about twelve to thirteen times the total approximate number o vacancies to
be ille! in the year in the various Services an! Posts& Only those can!i!ates who are !eclare! by the Commission to have
(ualiie! in the Preliminary Examination in the year will be eligible or a!mission to the "ain Examination o that year
provi!e! they are otherwise eligible or a!mission to the "ain Examination&
.& Can!i!ates who obtain such minimum (ualiying mar+s in the written part o the "ain Examination as may be ixe! by
the Commission at their !iscretion/ shall be summone! by them or interview or a Personality Test vi!e sub-section 0C1 o
Section-%%& "ar+s obtaine! in the papers will be counte! or ran+ing& The number o can!i!ates to be summone! or
interview will be about twice the number o vacancies to be ille!&
"ar+s thus obtaine! by the can!i!ates in the "ain Examination (written part as well as interview) woul! !etermine their
inal ran+ing& Can!i!ates will be allotte! to the various Services +eeping in view their ran+s in the examination an! the
preerences expresse! by them or the various Services an! Posts&
Scheme an! subjects or the Preliminary an! "ain Examinations
A. Preliminary Examination
The Examination shall comprise two compulsory papers o '** mar+s each&
NOTE (i) 2oth the (uestion papers will be o the objective type (multiple choice (uestions)&
(ii) The (uestion papers will be set both in 3in!i an! English& 3owever/ (uestions relating to English 4anguage
Comprehension s+ills o Class 5 level will be teste! through passages rom English 4anguage only without
provi!ing 3in!i translation thereo in the (uestion paper&
(iii) 6etails o the syllabi are in!icate! in Part , o Section %%%&
(iv) Each paper will be o two hours !uration& 2lin! can!i!ates will however# be allowe! an extra time o twenty
minutes at each paper&
B. Main Examination
The written examination will consist o the ollowing papers:
Section 1 Essay !! Mar"s
Section En#lis$ %ompre$ension
& En#lis$ Pr'cis 1!! Mar"s
(O) Matric*lation+ Xt$ stan,ar,
/eneral St*,ies0I 1!Mar"s
(%n!ian 3eritage an! Culture/
3istory an! 7eography o the $orl!
an! Society)
/eneral St*,ies 0II 1! Mar"s
(7overnance/ Constitution/
Polity/ Social 8ustice an!
%nternational relations)
9Can!i!ates may choose any optional subject rom amongst the list o subjects given in para ' below (7roup :)&
3owever/ a can!i!ate can opt or the literatures o a language/ in!icate! in 7roup-' below para '/ as an optional
subject/ only i the can!i!ate has gra!uate! in the literature o that particular language as the main subject;&
/eneral St*,ies 0III 1! Mar"s
(Technology/ Economic 6evelopment/
2io-!iversity/ Environment/ Security
an! 6isaster "anagement)
/eneral St*,ies 0I2 1! Mar"s
(Ethics/ %ntegrity an! ,ptitu!e)
Optional S*34ect 0 Paper 1 1! Mar"s
Optional S*34ect 0 Paper 1! Mar"s
S*3 Total (5ritten test. 16!! Mar"s
Personality Test 71 Mar"s.
/ran, Total !71 Mar"s
The Examination shall comprise two compulsory papers of 200 marks each.
Paper I - (200 mar!" #$ration % T&o 'o$r!
Current events of national and international importance.
History of India and Indian National ovement.
Indian and !orld "eo#raphy $ %hysical& 'ocial& Economic "eo#raphy of India and the !orld.
Indian %olity and "overnance $ Constitution& %olitical 'ystem& %anchayati (a)& %u*lic %olicy& (i#hts
Issues& etc.
Economic and 'ocial +evelopment 'ustaina*le +evelopment& %overty& Inclusion& +emo#raphics&
'ocial 'ector initiatives& etc.
"eneral issues on Environmental Ecolo#y& ,io$diversity and Climate Chan#e $ that do not re-uire
su*)ect speciali.ation.
"eneral 'cience.
Paper II- (200 mar!" #$ration% T&o 'o$r!
Interpersonal skills includin# communication skills/
0o#ical reasonin# and analytical a*ility
+ecision$makin# and pro*lem$solvin#
"eneral mental a*ility
,asic numeracy 1num*ers and their relations& orders of ma#nitude& etc.2 1Class 3 level2& +ata
interpretation 1charts& #raphs& ta*les& data sufficiency etc. $ Class 3 level2
En#lish 0an#ua#e Comprehension skills 1Class 3 level2.
Note ( % 4uestions relatin# to En#lish 0an#ua#e Comprehension skills of Class 3 level 1last item in the
of %aperII2 will *e tested throu#h passa#es from En#lish lan#ua#e only without providin# Hindi translation
thereof in the -uestion paper.
Note 2 % The -uestions will *e of multiple choice& o*)ective type.
The main Examination is inten!e! to assess the overall intellectual traits an! !epth o un!erstan!ing
o can!i!ates rather than merely the range o their inormation an! memory&
The nature an! stan!ar! o (uestions in the 7eneral Stu!ies papers (Paper %% to Paper <) will be
such that a well-e!ucate! person will be able to answer them without any speciali=e! stu!y& The (uestions
will be such as to test a can!i!ate1s general awareness o a variety o subjects/ which will have relevance or
a career in Civil Services& The (uestions are li+ely to test the can!i!ate1s basic un!erstan!ing o all relevant
issues/ an! ability to analy=e/ an! ta+e a view on conlicting socio- economic goals/ objectives an! !eman!s&
The can!i!ates must give relevant/ meaningul an! succinct answers&
The scope o the syllabus or optional subject papers (Paper <% an! Paper <%%) or the examination is
broa!ly o the honours !egree level i&e& a level higher than the bachelors1 !egree an! lower than the masters1
!egree& %n the case o Engineering/ "e!ical Science an! law/ the level correspon!s to the bachelors1
Syllabi o the papers inclu!e! in the scheme o Civil Services ("ain) Examination are given as ollows:-
Can!i!ates will be re(uire! to write an essay on a speciic topic& The choice o subjects will be given&
They will be expecte! to +eep closely to the subject o the essay to arrange their i!eas in or!erly ashion/ an! to
write concisely& Cre!it will be given or eective an! exact expression&
English Comprehension > English Precis will be to test the English language Comprehension an! English
pr?cis writing s+ills (at :*th stan!ar! level)&
/eneral St*,ies- I9 In,ian :erita#e an, %*lt*re; :istory an, /eo#rap$y o) t$e 5orl, an, Society.
%n!ian culture will cover the salient aspects o ,rt @orms/ 4iterature an! ,rchitecture rom ancient to
mo!ern times&
"o!ern %n!ian history rom about the mi!!le o the eighteenth century until the present- signiicant
events/ personalities/ issues
The @ree!om Struggle - its various stages an! important contributors Acontributions rom !ierent
parts o the country&
Post-in!epen!ence consoli!ation an! reorgani=ation within the country&
3istory o the worl! will inclu!e events rom :Bth century such as in!ustrial revolution/ worl! wars/
re!rawal o national boun!aries/ coloni=ation/ !ecoloni=ation/ political philosophies li+e communism/
capitalism/ socialism etc&- their orms an! eect on the society&
Salient eatures o %n!ian Society/ 6iversity o %n!ia&
Cole o women an! women1s organi=ation/ population an! associate! issues/ poverty an!
!evelopmental issues/ urbani=ation/ their problems an! their reme!ies&
Eects o globali=ation on %n!ian society
Social empowerment/ communalism/ regionalism > secularism&
Salient eatures o worl!1s physical geography&
6istribution o +ey natural resources across the worl! (inclu!ing South ,sia an! the %n!ian subcontinent)#
actors responsible or the location o primary/ secon!ary/ an! tertiary sector in!ustries in
various parts o the worl! (inclu!ing %n!ia)
%mportant 7eophysical phenomena such as earth(ua+es/ Tsunami/ <olcanic activity/ cyclone etc&/
geographical eatures an! their location- changes in critical geographical eatures (inclu!ing waterbo!ies
an! ice-caps) an! in lora an! auna an! the eects o such changes&
/eneral St*,ies- II9 /o-ernance; %onstit*tion; Polity; Social <*stice an, International relations.
%n!ian Constitution- historical un!erpinnings/ evolution/ eatures/ amen!ments/ signiicant provisions
an! basic structure&
@unctions an! responsibilities o the Dnion an! the States/ issues an! challenges pertaining to the
e!eral structure/ !evolution o powers an! inances up to local levels an! challenges therein&
Separation o powers between various organs !ispute re!ressal mechanisms an! institutions&
Comparison o the %n!ian constitutional scheme with that o other countries
Parliament an! State 4egislatures - structure/ unctioning/ con!uct o business/ powers > privileges
an! issues arising out o these&
Structure/ organi=ation an! unctioning o the Executive an! the 8u!iciary "inistries an! 6epartments
o the 7overnment# pressure groups an! ormalAinormal associations an! their role in the Polity&
Salient eatures o the Cepresentation o People1s ,ct&
,ppointment to various Constitutional posts/ powers/ unctions an! responsibilities o various
Constitutional 2o!ies&
Statutory/ regulatory an! various (uasi-ju!icial bo!ies
7overnment policies an! interventions or !evelopment in various sectors an! issues arising out o
their !esign an! implementation&
6evelopment processes an! the !evelopment in!ustry- the role o E7Os/ S37s/ various groups an!
associations/ !onors/ charities/ institutional an! other sta+ehol!ers
$elare schemes or vulnerable sections o the population by the Centre an! States an! the
perormance o these schemes# mechanisms/ laws/ institutions an! 2o!ies constitute! or the
protection an! betterment o these vulnerable sections&
%ssues relating to !evelopment an! management o Social SectorAServices relating to 3ealth/
E!ucation/ 3uman Cesources&
%ssues relating to poverty an! hunger&
%mportant aspects o governance/ transparency an! accountability/ e-governance- applications/
mo!els/ successes/ limitations/ an! potential# citi=ens charters/ transparency > accountability an!
institutional an! other measures&
Cole o civil services in a !emocracy&
%n!ia an! its neighborhoo!- relations&
2ilateral/ regional an! global groupings an! agreements involving %n!ia an!Aor aecting %n!ia1s
Eect o policies an! politics o !evelope! an! !eveloping countries on %n!ia1s interests/ %n!ian
%mportant %nternational institutions/ agencies an! ora- their structure/ man!ate&
/eneral St*,ies-III9 Tec$nolo#y; Economic =e-elopment; Bio ,i-ersity; En-ironment; Sec*rity an,
=isaster Mana#ement.
%n!ian Economy an! issues relating to planning/ mobili=ation o resources/ growth/ !evelopment an!
%nclusive growth an! issues arising rom it&
7overnment 2u!geting&
"ajor crops cropping patterns in various parts o the country/ !ierent types o irrigation an!
irrigation systems storage/ transport an! mar+eting o agricultural pro!uce an! issues an! relate!
constraints# e-technology in the ai! o armers
%ssues relate! to !irect an! in!irect arm subsi!ies an! minimum support prices# Public 6istribution
System- objectives/ unctioning/ limitations/ revamping# issues o buer stoc+s an! oo! security#
Technology missions# economics o animal-rearing&
@oo! processing an! relate! in!ustries in %n!ia- scope an! signiicance/ location/ upstream an!
!ownstream re(uirements/ supply chain management&
4an! reorms in %n!ia&
Eects o liberali=ation on the economy/ changes in in!ustrial policy an! their eects on in!ustrial
%nrastructure: Energy/ Ports/ Coa!s/ ,irports/ Cailways etc&
%nvestment mo!els&
Science an! Technology- !evelopments an! their applications an! eects in every!ay lie
,chievements o %n!ians in science > technology# in!igeni=ation o technology an! !eveloping new
,wareness in the iel!s o %T/ Space/ Computers/ robotics/ nano-technology/ bio-technology an!
issues relating to intellectual property rights&
Conservation/ environmental pollution an! !egra!ation/ environmental impact assessment
6isaster an! !isaster management&
4in+ages between !evelopment an! sprea! o extremism&
Cole o external state an! non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security&
Challenges to internal security through communication networ+s/ role o me!ia an! social networ+ing
sites in internal security challenges/ basics o cyber security# money-laun!ering an! its prevention
Security challenges an! their management in bor!er areas# lin+ages o organi=e! crime with
<arious Security orces an! agencies an! their man!ate
/eneral St*,ies- I29 Et$ics; Inte#rity; an, Aptit*,e
This paper will include questions to test the candidates attitude and approach to issues relating to
probity in public life and his problem solving approach to various issues and conflicts faced by him in
with society. Questions may utilise the case study approach to determine these aspects. The following
areas will be covered.
Ethics an! 3uman %nterace: Essence/ !eterminants an! conse(uences o Ethics in human actions#
!imensions o ethics# ethics in private an! public relationships& 3uman <alues F lessons rom the
lives an! teachings o great lea!ers/ reormers an! a!ministrators# role o amily/ society an!
e!ucational institutions in inculcating values&
,ttitu!e: content/ structure/ unction# its inluence an! relation with thought an! behaviour# moral an!
political attitu!es# social inluence an! persuasion&
,ptitu!e an! oun!ational values or Civil Service / integrity/ impartiality an! non-partisanship/
objectivity/ !e!ication to public service/ empathy/ tolerance an! compassion towar!s the wea+ersections&
Emotional intelligence-concepts/ an! their utilities an! application in a!ministration an! governance&
Contributions o moral thin+ers an! philosophers rom %n!ia an! worl!&
PublicACivil service values an! Ethics in Public a!ministration: Status an! problems# ethical concerns
an! !ilemmas in government an! private institutions# laws/ rules/ regulations an! conscience as
sources o ethical gui!ance# accountability an! ethical governance# strengthening o ethical an! moral
values in governance# ethical issues in international relations an! un!ing# corporate governance&
Probity in 7overnance: Concept o public service# Philosophical basis o governance an! probity#
%normation sharing an! transparency in government/ Cight to %normation/ Co!es o Ethics/ Co!es o
Con!uct/ Citi=en1s Charters/ $or+ culture/ Guality o service !elivery/ Dtili=ation o public un!s/
challenges o corruption&
Fo*n,ations o) Psyc$olo#y
1. Intro,*ction9
6einition o Psychology# 3istorical antece!ents o Psychology an! tren!s in the ':st century# Psychology an!
scientiic metho!s# Psychology in relation to other social sciences an! natural sciences# ,pplication o
Psychology to societal problems&
. Met$o,s o) Psyc$olo#y9
Types o research: 6escriptive/ evaluative/ !iagnostic an! prognostic# "etho!s o Cesearch: Survey/
observation/ case-stu!y an! experiments# Characteristics o experimental !esign an! non-experimental !esign/
Guasi-experimental !esigns# @ocusse! group !iscussions/ brain storming/ groun!e! theory approach&
?. 8esearc$ Met$o,s9
"ajor steps in Psychological research (problem statement/ hypothesis ormulation/ research !esigns/ sampling/
tools o !ata collection/ analysis an! interpretation an! report writing) @un!amental versus applie! research#
"etho!s o !ata collection (interview/ observation/ (uestionnaire)# Cesearch !esigns (ex-post acto an!
experimental)# ,pplication o statistical techni(ue (t - test/ two way ,EO<, correlation/ regression an! actor
analysis)# %tem response theory&
@. =e-elopment o) :*man Be$a-io*r9
7rowth an! !evelopment# Principles o !evelopment/ Cole o genetic an! environmental actors in !etermining
human behaviour# %nluence o cultural actors in sociali=ation# 4ie span !evelopment Characteristics/
!evelopment tas+s/ promoting psychological well-being across major stages o the lie span&
1. Sensation; Attention an, Perception9
Sensation: concepts o threshol!/ absolute an! !ierence threshol!s/ signal-!etection an! vigilance# @actors
inluencing attention inclu!ing set an! characteristics o stimulus# 6einition an! concept o perception/
biological actors in perception# Perceptual organi=ation-inluence o past experiences/ perceptual !eenceactors
inluencing space an! !epth perception/ si=e estimation an! perceptual rea!iness# The plasticity o
perception# Extrasensory perception# Culture an! perception/ Subliminal perception&
A. Learnin#9
Concept an! theories o learning (2ehaviourists/ 7estaltalist an! %normation processing mo!els)# The
Processes o extinction/ !iscrimination an! generali=ation# Programme! learning/ probability learning/
learning/ concepts# Types an! the sche!ules o reinorcement/ escape/ avoi!ance an! punishment/
mo!eling an! social learning&
7. Memory9
Enco!ing an! remembering# Short term memory/ 4ong term memory/ Sensory memory/ %conic memory/
Echoic memory: The "ultistore mo!el/ levels o processing# Organi=ation an! "nemonic techni(ues to
improve memory# Theories o orgetting: !ecay/ intererence an! retrieval ailure: "etamemory# ,mnesia:
,nterogra!e an! retrogra!e&
6. T$in"in# an, Pro3lem Sol-in#9
Piaget1s theory o cognitive !evelopment# Concept ormation processes# %normation processing/ Ceasoning
an! problem solving/ @acilitating an! hin!ering actors in problem solving/ "etho!s o problem solving:
Creative thin+ing an! ostering creativity# @actors inluencing !ecision ma+ing an! ju!gment# Cecent tren!s&
B. Moti-ation an, Emotion9
Psychological an! physiological basis o motivation an! emotion# "easurement o motivation an! emotion#
Eects o motivation an! emotion on behaviour# Extrinsic an! intrinsic motivation# @actors inluencing
intrinsic motivation# Emotional competence an! the relate! issues&
1!. Intelli#ence an, Aptit*,e9
Concept o intelligence an! aptitu!e/ Eature an! theories o intelligence Spearman/ Thurstone/ 7ullor!
Sternberg an! 8&P# 6as# Emotional %ntelligence/ Social intelligence/ measurement o intelligence an! aptitu!es/
concept o %G/ !eviation %G/ constancy o %G# "easurement o multiple intelligence# @lui! intelligence an!
crystalli=e! intelligence&
11. Personality9
6einition an! concept o personality# Theories o personality (psychoanalytical/ sociocultural/ interpersonal/
!evelopmental/ humanistic/ behaviouristic/ trait an! type approaches)# "easurement o personality (projective
tests/ pencil-paper test)# The %n!ian approach to personality# Training or personality !evelopment# 4atest
approaches li+e big H actor theory# The notion o sel in !ierent tra!itions&
1. Attit*,es; 2al*es an, Interests9
6einition o attitu!es/ values an! interests# Components o attitu!es# @ormation an! maintenance o attitu!es#
"easurement o attitu!es/ values an! interests# Theories o attitu!e change# Strategies or ostering values#
@ormation o stereotypes an! preju!ices# Changing others behaviour# Theories o attribution# Cecent tren!s&
1?. Lan#*a#e an, %omm*nication9
3uman language - Properties/ structure an! linguistic hierarchy/ 4anguage ac(uisition-pre!isposition/ critical
perio! hypothesis# Theories o language !evelopment S+inner an! Choms+y# Process an! types o
communication - eective communication training&
1@. Iss*es an, Perspecti-es in Mo,ern %ontemporary Psyc$olo#y9
Computer application in the psychological laboratory an! psychological testing# ,rtiicial intelligence#
Psychocybernetics# Stu!y o consciousness-sleep-wa+e sche!ules# !reams/ stimulus !eprivation/ me!itation/
hypnoticA!rug in!uce! states# Extrasensory perception# %ntersensory perceptionSimulation stu!ies&
Psyc$olo#y9 Iss*es an, Applications
1. Psyc$olo#ical Meas*rement o) In,i-i,*al =i))erences9
The nature o in!ivi!ual !ierences# Characteristics an! construction o stan!ar!i=e! psychological tests#
Types o psychological tests# Dse/ misuse an! limitation o psychological tests# hical issues in the use o
psychological tests&
. Psyc$olo#ical Cell 3ein# an, Mental =isor,ers9
Concept o health-ill health# Positive health/ well being# Causal actors in mental !isor!ers (,nxiety !isor!ers/
moo! !isor!ers/ schi=ophrenia an! !elusional !isor!ers# personality !isor!ers/ substance abuse !isor!ers)#
@actors inluencing positive health/ well being/ lie style an! (uality o lie# 3appiness !isposition&
?. T$erape*tic Approac$es9
Psycho!ynamic therapies# 2ehaviour therapies# Client centere! therapy# Cognitive therapies# %n!igenous
therapies (Ioga/ "e!itation)# 2io-ee!bac+ therapy# Prevention an! rehabilitation o the mentally ill# @ostering
mental health&
@. 5or" Psyc$olo#y an, Or#anisational Be$a-io*r9
Personnel selection an! training# Dse o psychological tests in the in!ustry# Training an! human resource
!evelopment# Theories o wor+ motivation F 3er=berg/ "aslow/ ,!am E(uity theory/ Porter an! 4awler/
<room# 4ea!ership an! participatory management# ,!vertising an! mar+eting# Stress an! its management#
Ergonomics# consumer psychology# "anagerial eectiveness# Transormational lea!ership# Sensitivity
training# Power an! politics in organi=ations&
1. Application o) Psyc$olo#y to E,*cational Fiel,9
Psychological principles un!erlying eective teaching-learning process# 4earning styles# 7ite!/ retar!e!/
learning !isable! an! their training# Training or improving memory an! better aca!emic achievement#
Personality !evelopment an! value e!ucation/ E!ucational/ vocational gui!ance an! career counseling# Dse o
psychological tests in e!ucational institutions# Eective strategies in gui!ance programmes&
A. %omm*nity Psyc$olo#y9
6einition an! concept o community psychology# Dse o small groups in social action# ,rousing community
consciousness an! action or han!ling social problems# 7roup !ecision ma+ing an! lea!ership or social
change# Eective strategies or social change&
7. 8e$a3ilitation Psyc$olo#y9
Primary/ secon!ary an! tertiary prevention programmes-role o psychologists# Organising o services or
rehabilitation o physically/ mentally an! socially challenge! persons inclu!ing ol! persons/ Cehabilitation o
persons suering rom substance abuse/ juvenile !elin(uency/ criminal behaviour# Cehabilitation o victims o
violence/ Cehabilitation o 3%<A,%6S victims/ the role o social agencies&
6. Application o) Psyc$olo#y to ,isa,-anta#e, #ro*ps9
The concepts o !isa!vantage!/ !eprivation# Social/ physical/ cultural an! economic conse(uences o
!isa!vantage! an! !eprive! groups# E!ucating an! motivating the !isa!vantage! towar!s !evelopment#
Celative an! prolonge! !eprivation&
B. Psyc$olo#ical pro3lems o) social inte#ration9
The concept o social integration# The problem o caste/ class/ religion an! language conlicts an! preju!ice#
Eature an! maniestation o preju!ice between the in-group an! out-group# Causal actors o social conlicts
an! preju!ices# Psychological strategies or han!ling the conlicts an! preju!ices# "easures to achieve social
1!. Application o) Psyc$olo#y in In)ormation Tec$nolo#y an, Mass Me,ia9
The present scenario o inormation technology an! the mass me!ia boom an! the role o psychologists#
Selection an! training o psychology proessionals to wor+ in the iel! o %T an! mass me!ia# 6istance learning
through %T an! mass me!ia# Entrepreneurship through e-commerce# "ultilevel mar+eting# %mpact o T< an!
ostering value through %T an! mass me!ia# Psychological conse(uences o recent !evelopments in
%normation Technology&
11. Psyc$olo#y an, Economic ,e-elopment9
,chievement motivation an! economic !evelopment# Characteristics o entrepreneurial behaviour# "otivating
an! training people or entrepreneurship an! economic !evelopment# Consumer rights an! consumer
awareness/ 7overnment policies or promotion o entrepreneurship among youth inclu!ing women
1. Application o) psyc$olo#y to en-ironment an, relate, )iel,s9
Environmental psychology-eects o noise/ pollution an! crow!ing# Population psychology: psychological
conse(uences o population explosion an! high population !ensity# "otivating or small amily norm# %mpact
o rapi! scientiic an! technological growth on !egra!ation o environment&
1?. Application o) psyc$olo#y in ot$er )iel,s9
(a. Military Psyc$olo#y
6evising psychological tests or !eence personnel or use in selection/ Training/ counseling# training
psychologists to wor+ with !eence personnel in promoting positive health# 3uman engineering in !eence&
(3. Sports Psyc$olo#y
Psychological interventions in improving perormance o athletes an! sports& Persons participating in
%n!ivi!ual an! Team 7ames&
(c) "e!ia inluences on pro an! antisocial behaviour&
(!) Psychology o terrorism&
1@. Psyc$olo#y o) /en,er9
%ssues o !iscrimination/ "anagement o !iversity# 7lass ceiling eect/ Sel ulilling prophesy/ $omen an!
%n!ian society&
(AnsCers m*st 3e Critten in :in,i.
1. :istory o) :in,i Lan#*a#e an, Na#ari Lipi.
%& 7rammatical an! applie! orms o ,pbhransh/ ,wahatta > ,rambhi+ 3in!i&
%%& 6evelopment o 2raj an! ,wa!hi as literary language !uring me!ieval perio!&
%%%& Early orm o Jhari-boli in Si!!ha-Eath Sahitya/ Jhusero/ Sant Sahitaya/ Cahim etc& an! 6a+hni 3in!i&
%<& 6evelopment o Jhari-boli an! Eagari 4ipi !uring :Kth Century&
<& Stan!ar!isation o 3in!i 2hasha > Eagari 4ipi&
<%& 6evelopment o 3in!i as national 4anguage !uring ree!om movement&
<%%& The !evelopment o 3in!i as a Eational 4anguage o Dnion o %n!ia&
<%%%& Scientiic > Technical !evelopment o 3in!i 4anguage&
%5& Prominent !ialects o 3in!i an! their inter- relationship&
5& Salient eatures o Eagari 4ipi an! the eorts or its reorm > Stan!ar! orm o 3in!i&
5%& 7rammatical structure o Stan!ar! 3in!i&
. :istory o) :in,i Literat*re.
I. The relevance an! importance o 3in!i literature an! tra!ition o writing 3istory o 3in!i 4iterature&
II& 4iterary tren!s o the ollowing our perio!s o history o 3in!i 4iterature&
A. ,!i+al-Si!h/ Eath an! Caso Sahitya&
Prominent poets - Chan!var!ai/ Jhusaro/ 3emchan!ra/ <i!yapati&
B. 2ha+ti+al - Sant Javya!hara/ Sui Javya!hara/ Jrishna 2ha+ti!hara an! Cam 2ha+ti!hara&
Prominent Poets - Jabir/ 8ayasi/ Sur > Tulsi&
%. Citi+al-Citi+avya/ Citiba!!ha+avya > Citi "u+ta Javya&
Prominent Poets-Jeshav/ 2ihari/ Pa!ma+ar an! 7hananan!&
=. ,!huni+ Jal
a& Cenaissance/ the !evelopment o Prose/ 2haraten!u "an!al&
b& Prominent $riters : 2haraten!u/ 2al Jrishna 2hatt > Pratap Earain "ishra&
c& Prominent tren!s o mo!ern 3in!i Poetry : Chhayava!/ Pragativa!/ Proyogva!/ Eai Javita/ Eavgeet an!
Contemporary poetry an! 8anva!i Javita&
Prominent Poets : "aithili Sharan 7upta/ Prasa!/ Eirala/ "aha!evi/ 6in+ar/ ,gyeya/ "u+tibo!h/ Eagarjun&
III. Dat$a Sa$itya
A. Dpanyas > Cealism
B. The origin an! !evelopment o 3in!i Eovels&
%. Prominent Eovelists : Premchan!/ 8ainen!ra/ Iashpal/ Cenu an! 2hism Sahani&
=. The origin an! !evelopment o 3in!i short story&
E. Prominent short Story $riters : Premchan!/ Prasa!/ ,gyeya/ "ohan Ca+esh > Jrishna Shobti&
I2. =rama & T$eatre
A. The origin > 6evelopment o 3in!i 6rama&
B. Prominent 6ramatists : 2haraten!u/ Prasa!/ 8ag!ish Chan!ra "athur/ Cam Jumar <erma/ "ohan Ca+esh&
%. The !evelopment o 3in!i Theatre&
2. %riticism
A. The origin an! !evelopment o 3in!i criticism : Sai!!hanti+/ <yavhari+/ Pragativa!i/ "anovishleshanva!i
> Eai ,lochana&
B. Prominent critics : Camchan!ra Shu+la/ 3ajari Prasa! 6wive!i/ Cam <ilas Sharma > Eagen!ra&
2I. The other orms o 3in!i prose-4alit Eiban!h/ Ce+hachitra/ Sansmaran/ Iatravrittant&
(AnsCers m*st 3e Critten in :in,i.
This paper will re(uire irst han! rea!ing o prescribe! texts an! will test the critical ability o the can!i!ates&
:& Jabir : Jabir 7ranthawali/ E!/ Shyam Sun!ar 6as (@irst hun!re! Sa+his&)
'& Sur!as : 2hramar 7itsar/ E!& Camchan!ra Shu+la (@irst hun!re! Pa!as)
.& Tulsi!as : Camchrit "anas (Sun!ar Jan!) Javitawali (Dttar Jan!)&
)& 8ayasi : Pa!mawat E!& Shyam Sun!ar 6as (Sinhal 6wip Jhan! > Eagmativiyog Jhan!)
H& 2ihari : 2ihari Catna+ar E!& 8agnnath Prasa! Catna+ar (@irst :** 6ohas)
L& "aithili : 2harat 2harati Sharan 7upta
M& Prasa! : Jamayani (Chinta an! Shar!!ha Sarg)
B& Eirala : Cag-<irag/ E!& Cam <ilas Sharma (Cam Ji Sha+ti Puja > Ju+urmutta)&
K& 6in+ar : Jurushetra :*& ,gyeya : ,ngan Je Par 6war (,sa!hya <ina)
::& "u+tiboth: 2rahma Ca+shas
:'& Eagarjun: 2a!al Jo 7hirte 6e+ha 3ai/ ,+al Je 2a!/ 3arijan 7atha&
:& 2haraten!u : 2harat 6ur!asha
'& "ohan Ca+esh : ,sha! Ja E+ 6in
.& Camchan!ra Shu+la : Chintamani (Part %)
(Javita Jya 3aiN Shra!!ha ,ur 2ha+ti)
)& 6r& Satyen!ra : Eiban!h Eilaya-2al Jrishna 2hatt/ Premchan!/ 7ulab Cai/ 3ajari Prasa! 6wive!i/ Cam
<ilas Sharma/ ,gyeya/ Juber Eath Cai&
H& Premchan! : 7o!an/ Premchan! +i Sarvashreshtha Jahaniyan/ E!& ,mrit CaiA"anjusha - Prem Chan! +i
Sarvashreshtha Jahaniyan/ E!& ,mrit Cai&
L& Prasa! : S+an!gupta
M& Iashpal : 6ivya
B& Phaniswar Eath Cenu : "aila ,nchal
K& "annu 2han!ari : "ahabhoj
:*& Cajen!ra Ia!av : E+ 6unia Samanantar (,ll Stories)

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