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A Peacemaking Offering
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

It seems hard to comprehend the directives given by Jesus to his disciples to be peacemakers. If we
look long and hard at the historical-critical view of the world that Jesus lived in, we see that most
people did not understand the concept of peacemaking as Jesus taught.

In looking at the Romans, the rulers that governed the lands during Jesus earthly ministry, we find
their sole interest in peacemaking was for profit. If the people they governed fell in line with the ruling
authorities priorities then there was a peaceful existence. The occupying force of the Romans that
controlled them were motivated by the money to be made in trade of goods and services. They really
did not care about religious affairs so long as it did not disrupt the economy.

The religious leaders themselves had become callous and viewed peacemaking as they attempted to
preserve the view of the law in a vacuum. They really did not view God as a living entity, but held a
view point that was extremely narrow and limiting of God. It is almost as if they had settled on the
past and could not view God in the present or future.

Even the disciples themselves have problems with the idea of peacemaking as time and time again
they questioned Jesus as to why they should do things a certain way or to help people in need. They
continue to suggest steps to prevent peacemaking to Jesus. Time and time again, Jesus corrects
them: allow the children to come to me; ye of little faith; feed my sheep. Jesus continues to direct
them to feed, clothe, and to welcome their neighbor. He instructs them to forgive not just seven times
but seventy times seven. And despite all this on the night of his arrest in the garden, Peter takes out
his sword and defends them by taking the ear of a servant of one who came to arrest Jesus. Jesus
instructed Peter, Put your sword back into its place; for all who take the sword will perish by the
Jesus then heals the injury to the servant.

For Jesus, peacemaking was not a conditional outcome. It did not come with options or choices that
once certain criteria were met one would consider peacemaking with another. No, Jesus called the
world to a place where peacemaking was to become a part of the way of life. Not for reasons of greed
or personal benefit, but for the benefit of everyone because God desires to receive us as one of His
children, unconditionally. Likewise, we are called to be peacemakers in our church, our community
and in the world. We really should not look to the world to understand what it means to be a
peacemaker. We only need to look to the Word incarnate to understand what God desires of his
children. If you want to be blessed by God, consider being a peacemaker.
See you at church! Pastor John

The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (Mt 5:9). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version. (1989). (Mt 26:52). Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers.
Trinity Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)
Jonesville, LA
October 2014

Trinity News
Tradition in the Four Rivers Region since 1856

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Presbyterian 101 Continues
Beginning September 7
, we began a study of
what we believe as Presbyterians.

Week 1 History of the Presbyterian Church
(Sept. 7)
Week 2 The Constitution and Foundational
Principles of Polity Part 1 (Sept. 21)
Week 3 The Constitution and Foundational
Principles of Polity Part 2 (Sept. 28)
Week 4 Form of Government(FOG): The
Church and its Membership (Oct. 5)
Week 5 FOG: The Session (Oct. 12)
Week 6 FOG: The Presbytery and Synod
(Oct. 19)
Week 7 FOG: The General Assembly (Oct. 26)

This study will continue through November 16
. If
you have missed any of these sessions contact
Pastor John who has copies of the handouts
Come join us as we take the journey together
Sundays at 9:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall.

Congregational Meeting, September 21
On Sunday, September 21, following worship we
held a congregational meeting to discuss the
actions of the 221
General Assembly this past

The meeting was ordered by the Session as a
follow-up to the Regional Presbytery Meeting
held August 17. The meeting was solely a forum
for sharing information and allowing the
congregation to discuss these actions and how
they might affect the local church. The meeting
used the 221
General Assembly In Brief
newsletter as a guide for the discussion.

Pastor John moderated the discussion session
with those members who were present. The
discussion was direct and respectful despite the
controversial nature of some the decisions.

Pastor John reported to the congregation that
changes to the Book of Order requiring
presbytery vote for consent will be made at the
February 2015 presbytery meeting; changes to
the Book of Confession are planned to be
considered at the May 2015 presbytery meeting.

A call came from a member to close the
discussion and meeting with a second; Pastor
John closed the meeting with prayer.

Special Worship Services in October
October 5 World Communion Sunday
October 12 Domestic Violence Awareness
October 19 Childrens Sabbath
October 26 Reformation Sunday

The Session is scheduled to meet Sunday, October 5
at 8:45 AM for its stated meeting.

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women met Tuesday, September 16
the church. Present were Judy Sanson, Catherine
Jones, Verda Mophett, Margaret Hill, Martha
Brallier, & Dot Lazarus. During the business
meeting, the Least Coin was collected and Dot
announced that a $32 check was sent to the
Presbytery for the Least Coin offerings. The members
authorized the paying of $55 to the Haiti Scholarship
Fund and $25 to the Vera Lloyd Home. Dues were
collected. Martha Brallier, with the aid of a video, led
the discussion of the new circle book, Sacred Secrets
by Beth Moore. The introduction included the
Theology of Secrets. - Dot Lazarus

Choir News
Choir Practice now meets on the first and third
Tuesdays of each month at 5:30 PM. Practices this
month are October 7
and 21
. We still have our
Sunday morning warm-ups at 10:30 AM.

Mens Fellowship Breakfast
Wake up men! Join us Tuesday, October 14
at 7 AM.
The hot food and fellowship will be ready to help you
start your day right.

World Communion Sunday, October 5
Please plan to join us for worship as we celebrate the
Lords Supper with the world. Our church dinner,
hosted by Catherine Jones, Gail Bean and Debra
Scott will follow worship. We look forward to tastes
from around the world and right here in our own
backyard. Dont forget to wear international clothing
to church on that day.

Gregory Scott will host our first ever World Market
table stocked full of treasures from distant lands.
Sales from the table will be used to fund our
Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes this year.

Gideons Jonesville Camp
On September 28
, Walter Myers from the
Jonesville Gideon Camp joined us in worship and
shared a special Moment for Mission. He provided an
update regarding the activities of the Gideons here in
our local community. Walter extended an invitation to
our church on the ways in which we can aid, support
and get involved in the work of the Gideons.
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Operation Christmas Child Come and Go Event
On Saturday October 4
, First Baptist Church in
Jonesville is hosting a regional gathering of
churches participating in the OCC Shoebox
projects this year. The event is being held from
9 AM to 12 PM in the Church Gym.

Refreshments will be served as visitors pick up
resources and get additional information
regarding the Operation Christmas Child
schedule this year.

Operation Christmas Child is right
around the corner!

Now is a great time to help out by purchasing
those supplies we will need during our
shoebox collection!

Along with the school supply items that we
have been collecting, can you help us by
picking up quantities of the following items
and place them in the bin in the
Fellowship Hall:

Bags of Hard Candy
Tooth Paste
Tooth Brushes
Wash Cloth
Soap Bars
Hair Combs
Hair Brushes
Individual Packs of Tissues
Thank You!

October Birthdays
3 Ronnie Hill 8 Scott Bean
11 Gregory Scott 12 Jim Brallier
25 Katlyn Cotton 27 Debra Scott
Prayer List:
William Atkins; Charlie Bean; Nell Blevins; Jim
Brallier; Mickie Brown; Connie Collins; Betty
Doyle; Craig Edwards; Betty Farmer; Jimmy
Farmer; Alton Griffin; Mark Hamilton; Susan
Hammett; Cullen Harris; Judy Hewitt; Willie
Lazarus; Knox Little; Melvin & Georgia Marx;
Joyce McDonald; Trenton Miller; Harvey
Mitchell; Amy Rowland; Myrtle Rushing; Joe
Sheeler; Eula Smith; Emma Tarver; Edd &
Ann Taylor; Buddy Tyler; Kristen Upchurch;
Jimmy Wade; Chasity Watson; Kyle Watson;
Cheryl Keeth White; Rodney Williams; Lucy
Wilson; Nan Wood; Betty Yarborough & Roger
Young; and Anne Womack.

In Sympathy:

Prayers for the families of James
Bird and Rev. Mack Walker.

We pray for these families and all whose loved ones
passed from this life during the past month.

We pray for our country and our leaders.
We pray for peace in the Ukraine
We pray for peace in Gaza, the West Bank,
Israel and Palestine. We pray for an end to the
violence and for families to be reunited.
We pray for continued peace in Syria, Iraq,
Iran, and Afghanistan.
We pray for our men & women in harms way.
We pray for Trinity Presbyterian Church and
all churches.
Matthew Bean, Rusty Bean, Scott Bean,
Matt Begnaud, Kacie King Dunn, Joe Hamilton,
Justin Lacroix, Eric Little, Nicholas Parish, Ray
Santillano, Crystal Smith.

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Extra News at Trinity
Delta Charter School in Ferriday
has welcomed Gregory Scott
into their ninth grade class. He
enjoys his studies so far and
looks forward to participating in
several athletic opportunities
offered at the school. The first of which will be
basketball in the coming months.

Thank you to all who
purchased a DC flag
or made a donation
towards the cost of
his sports uniform for

We pray that Gregory
has a successful year
in his studies, in his
friendships, and in
the activities the he
participates in during this school year.

The Jim Bowie BBQ State Championship was
this weekend and Rodney Williams entered the
competition. This is the shirt that he had made
up for his team this year. While the Williams
family was in Memphis receiving treatment for
Payton Williams, they literally ate at every BBQ
restaurant. Payton
told everyone that
their BBQ was not
as good as her dads.
My ribs were her
favorite so that was
my focus for this
championship, said
Rodney Williams. With the help of Scott Bean
and Jeffrey Odom he hopes to report that they
made it to the Winners Circle.

Paul Parish is doing well in the Youth Challenge
Program of the Louisiana National Guard. He
gets one phone call a week to talk to his family.
He has given us his contact information for cards
or letters only. Please address them to:

Cadet Paul Parish
Platoon #1 LAARNG Youth Challenge Program
201 Louisiana Blvd.
Minden, LA

Kyle Watson Back Home
Kyle Watson finished his
last round of radiation on
August 3
and was able
to move back home on
August 5
. Since that time
he has returned to school
for a few hours a day. It
will be several months
before the effects of the
radiation subside.

Kyle will return to St. Jude
for follow-up evaluations
to the radiation treatments
that he has received in early December.

Recently Kyle was baptized in his church
surrounded by his family and friends. The
Watson family would like to thank everyone for
their prayers, love, and support. However,
Kyles journey is far from over. Please continue
to keep him and his family in your prayers.

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Trinity Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)
401 Third Street, Jonesville, LA 71343
Distribution: Dot Lazarus, Catherine Jones
Editing: Adrian White, Dot Lazarus, Rev. John Scott

Tradition in the Four Rivers Region since 1856

For more information related to articles and submissions in the church newsletter please contact:
Mrs. Dot Lazarus 318-339-9842 Email:
Pastor John Scott 318-403-9512 Email:
Trinity Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)
Jonesville, LA
October 2014

Trinity News
Tradition in the Four Rivers Region since 1856

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