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1. Knowing the smell

The life. For many the most exquisite expression of God. Among all its
forms. Texture. Colors. Sounds. Flavors. And above all: odors.
Scientists from France, discovered that we store 10,000 scents in our
memory, which in our daily lives, we identified 2000. While the images,
sounds, flavors, and texture. They occupy a 20%. And the smells take a
large space of 75%.

The Marketing takes advantage of each sense, except the smell. His
defense is that it is not massive. It would not sell. But, this is the time of
the experience. Where the mark is remembered.

People enjoy buying and want to bring good memories of the place. But
that is will they carry? The beauty of the place? How was the place? Or
the memorable and relaxing scent of the place.

Biologically, we react to the aromas of a way more intense, very different
from the words, flavors, images and sounds. And in addition scientific
studies have shown that the sense of smell is getting to bring the
memories more clearly.

The word "Croissant" can attract my attention, but smell one will give me

There are ten primary odors, according to the scientific journal Plos One,
of which our sense of smell feel fascination, these are: camphor, musky,
Woody, floral, mentholated, Ethereal, Putrid, sweet, burnt and fruity.

On this basis, our sense of smell and memory, can recreate their
experiences with all the scents that have passed through our lives.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Or a Word produces
thousand images, but now, a smell is worth more than thousand words
and thousand images.

All aroma has three bases, to become a deep memory. The head, which
is the first impression lasts a few minutes. Then gives it happened to the
rope of the heart, which is the subject of scent that lasts several hours,
finally the rope core, traces of perfume. That lasts several days.

2. The odors in the history

From ancient civilizations, the aromas have been very much appreciated.
Kings and Pharaohs cultivated this fine, nice and delicious, art. They
were the privileged, because it was much associated with divinity.

The Egyptians worshiped their gods as the Sun called Orus with incense,
and the Moon called Isis with myrrh. They believed that this smells were
close to the fragrance of the perfect soul.

In those days women wore scented handkerchiefs to seduce men, but
also realized that this long illnesses that afflicted them.
Everyone's more obsessive Pharaoh Tutankhamun. He asked to be
buried with their treasures, slaves and, above all, with its aromas.

In 2012 they opened his grave and discovered three thousand packages
of aromas that had remained for thirty centuries. The combination of all

these had produced an aroma and those who were at that time felt to be
in heaven for one minute. So archaeologists described it.

In Greece, those who practiced the gymnastics not only were released by
their distinguished body shapes, if that did not use powders, oils and

In Greece the practicing gymnastics not only were known for its
distinguished bodily forms, was also the smells they used.

As they walked through the streets enveloped the whole place with its
aromatic presence, and in this way they managed a respect almost
divine by men and women. They believed that the smell was a gift and
distinction between the sons of the goddess Venus.

Hippocrates, the father of Greek medicine, used the aromas in their
medical practices, he believed that gave relief to the soul.

3. The marketing of the odors

From this conception is born the olfactory marketing. A modern science
that consists of using specific aromas in a business environment in order
to arouse emotions and influence consumer behaviours and the mood of

According to the Johns Hopkins magazine, the neurologist Randall Reed,
indicates that the sense of smell gives us information about a place,
people and where we are. But even if we don't realize. We are building
our reality, based on the sense of smell. For example into something
The olfactory marketing is a modern science that consists of using
specific aromas in a business to arouse emotions and influence
consumer behaviours and the mood of employees.

everyday, when you feel the smell of food, or gas. Our brain creates
sensations that are converted into images.

Unlike the music that can generate feelings of pain by listening to a few
minutes. All this you can generate with so much just a scent.
Randall Reed says that we are entering a new superior form of
processing fragrances more complex memories of communication.

Today marketing agencies have specialized as the Agency made, who
has risked creating an odotype to Sanitas La Moraleja Health Center.
Patients feel great comfort with this new form of treatment, because the
place smells like green tea. They have the feeling of being at home,
relaxed, as if they saw television.

The odotype is like the logo. It is designed to transmit sensations,
emotions, values, and above all memories. Good memories. Because, as
I said above, the sense of smell is more emotional than the sight and

4. Famous in the XX century

The first company that put fashion in the olfactory marketing was
Disney. They realized that the scent of the cookie, popcorn and
burgers, created a home atmosphere, or as they called it then. A homey
smell. Then it was the Rolls-Royce brand. The company began to
receive many complaints. Customers had the feeling that was missing
something. After a long two year investigation, discovered the problem:
the smell.


The company hired a team of marketing to rebuild the traditional scent
of the brand. More than eight hundred smells were combined. They
took about a year to compose it. But it was worth it. The brand regained
its identity. The clients increased.

In the company of aviation, Singapore Airlines created the aroma
Stefan Floridian Wate. It is the aroma that its stewardesses and the hot
towels for its aircraft use. Passengers much remember these
experiences and take the flight with all the confidence in the world.

Then follows the Corporation British Airways who uses the smell of
freshly cut grass with a touch of Breeze marina in the vip lounges of
Heathrow Airport, with the aim of creating a relaxed and refreshing
atmosphere. They give the public a good experience of the place.

A good memory. In this way they ensure their loyalty. These companies
took their big steps, applying this powerful tool. But they were not the
only ones. The following corporations to see the success of this form of
catch the customer applied the same. Like Apple, Coca Cola, Nike,
Sony and Starbucks.

There is an odotype, e.g. for banks or financial services for every
business organization, the aroma of cinnamon is recommended to you.
This results in customers, trust and satisfaction. In colleges and
universities the olfactory marketing emphasizes the aroma of the grass
and cola. According to them, they produce a relaxed and pleasant study

In some hospitals in Spain the trend is the aroma of Spa, lawn, and the
odor of talc in the corridor to the attention of babies. The patients show
a great relief when they feel these aromatic memories.

5. Technology to communicate odors

Science technology that captures the aromas is named, Aromagrafa. The
famous Emilio valeros, was unveiled to the media after concocting a
camera with the ability to preserve and keep odors. He named his work

He said his inspiration was in the loss of the visual value originating in
the social network Facebook. Then it was when the question was raised,
do not tell our memories with smells? He said to the BBC in London. But
she says his invention is based on established technology and by NASA
in the early 1980s, it was called "Headspace" which sought to capture
odors from certain environments and transfer them to controlled places,
where you could study it. The astronauts used this tool to feel the smell
of the Moon and now are intended to capture the scents of each planet.

And finally Le Laboratoire laboratory, centro de arte y Diseo
contemporneo of Paris. Founded by David Edwards Professor of
biomedical engineering at Harvard University. He advised his students in
the creation of an ambitious project: Ophone. A device that allows us to
send and receive smells coupled with photographs. They worked for a
year. Perfecting the artificial reproduction of the smell of coffee in the

This product would be something more than a new form of
communication. In the future we will have our personal story from odors.
As David Edwards mentioned it "he would not reproduce a form of
communication, it would be a new language." Now. With these
appearances, companies have taken much interest, looking for new ways

to attract customers. They hoped that their agencies had invented it or at
least proposed, but not.

From the results obtained, they continue investigating and the new
desired project underway is to optimize and more sophisticated these
devices that transmit scents. So come already built into computers and
interaction in social networks is with odors. Magnificent. Science

In Peru, we know that these technologies will arrive in many years. But
the trade covered the news of the arrival of the olfactory marketing, as
one of the most innovative marketing tools.

In the year 2013 the Peru became one of the most innovative countries
to acquire the augmented reality glasses: 3D and the olfactory Marketing.
According to the director general of champions, the combination of these
two occur on the client a visual olfactory experience. Thus attracting
more customers.

6. A simple question

Despite all these encounters with the new science of smells. Marketing
agencies do not consider it necessary. Record error.

Nowadays people want to enjoy the purchase. But these so-called
innovative agencies believe that everything is visual and auditory. They
believe that colors have a greater influence in the purchase. They are
very far from knowing the benefits of sensory experiences that can
produce the aromas.


The University of Girona applied this novel olfactory marketing strategy.
In his University School of sport and health of Salt. With the aim of
promoting the learning of their students. All the corridors began to have
an a mixture of bamboo and Peppermint fragrance. Thus creating an
atmosphere of wellness and relaxation.

At the same time providing a feeling of freshness, fresh air and
cleanliness, facilitating breathing. But they also won more than that.
These sensations produced in students a desire for cleaning. Leaving the
garbage in its place.

Each Hall smelled of bamboo and libraries were full of students reading a
silence craved by conservatives. The place exuded the aroma of
peppermint. The results were very favorable. Kiosks aroma was a lemon
and Apple, stimulating a healthy appetite. They achieved the objective.
Student scholars and stress-free.

7. A more complex question

Knowing the exquisite benefits of this great tool of the olfactory
marketing, agencies do not bet on this new way to reach the customer.
Considering this to be a very profitable investment.
The amazing thing is that, this matter should not be disseminated in the
universities. Only concentrated in handing down a traditional marketing.
Not saying that this evil. If not, that should be supplemented with this
great tool that is the olfactory marketing. Many believe that this tool
belongs to the Neuromarketig, but does not. This tool was since antiquity,
as explained in the top.

The sensory marketing. Has worked the senses more "strong". The
visual, auditory, tactile and taste. Leaving to one side and little applied
our essential part: The smell.
Because of this lack of knowledge that you need to be disseminated in
the universities and in particular in the careers of Communication and
Marketing. We are losing the opportunity it offers us, in order to achieve
loyal customers and satisfied with the brand.
Consumers when they are in interaction with the odotypes of the shops.
Will have pleasant memories of the place and will be converted into
It is not simply "sell". It is recall. Is to ensure that the customer feel that
you're not placing in situations of pressure to buy something. Is that you
enjoy the experience of a purchase. Because, if you remember the smell
of it, in your mind will explode a thousand images that will make you say
a thousand words for Logar describe the aroma of the place where he
got his product and by the wonderful logic, will recommend the site to
your friends and cherished: Other.



L. Max. (2011). Experiential Marketing: The revolution marks.
Printed in Madrid - Spain. ISBN 978-84-7356-545-5

Carmen L.. (2013) Olfactory Marketing: University of Len.
Printed in Madrid - Spain. ISBN 978-84-7356-801-2

M. Jaime. (2011) New trends in communication. Printed in Spain.
ISBN 978-84-7356-670-4

V. Sara. (2014) Marketingdencias: Curiosities and anecdotes
about the marketing and advertising of your day. Printed in Spain.
ISBN 978-81-437-345-8

B. Mark. (2013) The meaning of the brand: how and why we put
meaning to products and services. Printed in Buenos Aires -
Argentina. ISBN 978-950-641-757-4.

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