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Farseer Taldeer


Taldeer has long been haunted by nightmares of a return of the
Necrons that her people fought millennia ago. She follows her
visions to hunt worlds were the Necron menace is emerging and
leads the Ulthw forces at her disposal in destroying the
emerging Necron troops. Not trusting the Mon-Keigh to leave well
enough alone, she will also destroy any of their kind that get in
her way to ensure that the Necrons stay buried once she has left.
Taldeer's visions have led her to the recently captured Tau world
of Kronus. Although her initial intentions had been to simply halt
the rising Necrons at the source, once Taldeer learned that it had
been human archaeologists who awakened the Necrons in the
first place, she pledged to destroy all enemy forces on Kronus to
prevent their bumbling interference from disturbing the Necrons'
rest again.
UNIT: Farseer Taldeer
TYPE: Infantry
- Singing Spear
- Twin Shuriken Pistol
- Rune Wraithbone Armor
- Gauntlets of Isha
- Runes of Witnessing
- Runes of Protection
- Ghosthelm
Twin Shuriken Pistol
This pistol is the art of one of the
Craftworlds artisans and has been awarded
to Taldeer by Elrad Ulthran. It surpasses
the shuriken pistols in accuracy and
destructive power.
It is a Twin-Linked Shuriken Pistol.
Additionally it may also re-roll rolls to

Rune Wraithbone Armor
The armor worn by Farseer Taldeer is a
relic, a masterpiece of wraithbone and
runes. It is as strong as the armor of an
Exarch and has the protection of rune
armor. The runes that it casts demoralize
It provides Farseer Taldeer with a 3+ armor
save and a 4+ invulnerable save. Any
enemy within 6 will suffer a -1 penalty to

Gauntlets of Isha
These gauntlets are imbued with an
amazing power. They allow the user to
wield heavy weapons as if they were mere
It allows Taldeer to use the Singing Spear
with one hand, allowing her to gain the
extra attack for carrying two hand weapons.

- Eldritch Storm
- Fortune
- Guide
- Mind War
- Doom

Weapon Range S AP Special
Singing Spear 12 X 6 Assault 1
Twin Shuriken
12 4 5 Pistol
Taldeer 5 5 3 3 3 5 1 10 3+/4(i)
Seer Council Retinue: Farseer Taldeer
can be accompanied by a retinue of
warlocks. The retinue is chosen exactly as
a normal unit of warlocks.

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