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Aidralai, Swords of Asur Commander


Aidralai is the Commander of the Swords of Asur Nightwing
squadron of the Gaelai Craftworld. The Swords of Asur are the
most dangerous squadron of the Craftworld, capable of beating
any foe they confront, without matter of how big, tough or
powerful it is. He is the most dangerous of all of them, fast,
quick-witted and with centuries of experience, he is for flight
what an exarch is for an aspect. Currently, Craftworld Gaelai
has developed a variant of a missile, which makes use of the
Distortion technology and the Warp jumps used by Warp-
spiders, carrying a distortion warhead; it is capable of causing
serious damage to even the mightiest of titans. Aidralai is
currently testing the missiles, carrying two Warp-Distortion
missiles or a twin linked Distortion missile battery. Aidralai
carries a powerful arsenal in a small and fast aircraft, allowing
him to be wherever he is needed and unleashing his mighty
payload on any enemy of his Craftworld. None can beat him in
the skies, and none are away from his sight, not in ground, not
in air.
UNIT: Aidralai
TYPE: Flyer
- Two Shuriken Cannons
- Two Bright Lances
- Two Warp-Distortion Missiles

Aidralai may change the two Warp-Distortion Missiles for a Twin-
Linked Distortion Missile Battery free.
Impossible maneuvers: Aidralai may move a minimum distance of
18 instead of the 36 of other flyers.
Interceptor: When shooting against other objectives, it is
considered that all the weapons of Aidralai are Anti-Air (They roll to
hit with his normal BS instead of hitting on 6s).
Chasing Shadows: Aidralais Nightwing is protected by a very
advanced defensive systems designed to camouflage him from
the enemy. Those, combined with its extreme agility, make it
impossible to detect him. Aidralais Nightwing is protected by an
energy field that works like a holoscreen of an eldar titan (Every
time a vehicle with eldar titan holoscreens that has moved in the
last turn receives a hit, the player throws D6. If the result is a 4+,
ignore that hit. If the vehicle has not moved last turn, then it does
not benefit from this save).
5 10 10 10
Weapon Range S AP Special
Shuriken Cannon 24 6 5 Heavy 3
Bright Lance 36" 8 2 Heavy 1,
72 10 1 Heavy 1, One
Shot, 7 Blast.
Distortion Missile
36 7 3 Heavy 2, Blast

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