The Elephant in The Room - Umngane Blog

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The Elephant in the Room

Well, not literally (even though its certainly a possibility here).
DURBAN Its difcult to discuss culture and
societal interaction in South Africa without talking or more
often, just thinking about race. Apartheid, the notorious
legislated racial segregation, is just 20 years in the past. Nelson
Mandela was elected president in 1994 as a result of South
Africas rst true democratic election and that is considered the
end of political apartheid in the country.
Now, for just a moment, let me draw a generalized parallel to the
United States. Our Civil Rights Movement ended in the late 60s,
early 70s. Fast-forward 20-some years and its 1992 the year, as
many of you probably remember, of the Rodney King Riots. My
point is that two decades after the U.S. put an end to segregation
laws, racial tension was still high.
Okay, back to ZA. Ive found that people dont like to talk about
it, but race can creep into almost every facet of everyday life.
Income inequality far outstrips the U.S. and, in fact, every other
country with a population of over a million. The wealthiest 10
percent of the population accounts for 52 percent of the income
(while, in the U.S., the top 10 holds 30 percent). Thirty-one
percent of South Africas population lives on $2 a day. (Note: all
stats come from the World Bank.)
A summer of service, exploration and friendship in South
Okay, enough of the numbers. When you walk around or drive
through some of the areas here, you dont need the statistics, just
two good eyes, to see that socio-economic disparity is
predominantly divided along racial lines. And, to back this up,
another statistic: 30 percent of black South Africans
are unemployed, while the unemployment for whites is 6
percent.The ramications of this, coupled with generations still
rooted in the apartheid, have created a palpable sort of
xenophobia in the country.
For example, we are repeatedly told to stay away from certain
streets, parks, or parts of town, not to walk alone there and never
at night. Another instance occurred this past weekend when we
walked into a Durban bar. I took two steps into the place and,
right away, felt dozens of eyes on me. Emily and I were the only
white people in there a fact that everyone else also seemed to
notice. Let me be clear, I did not feel threatened. Most people had
an amused look on their faces, an Oh god, these poor kids are so
lost kind of look. I realize now that no, I wasnt scared, but I was
embarrassed. In our naivet, had we crossed some invisible
boundary and intruded? Well, I cant speak for the bars entire
population, but, after our entry and the initial and mutual
shock, I felt welcomed.
The problem is, it doesnt seem like people get past that initial
shock very often. Admittedly, I was close to walking out of that
bar. It was something I had never before experienced. All over the
world even in the U.S., over 40 years removed from the Civil
Rights Movement people dont break down those walls or
cross those invisible, but existing, boundaries nearly often
enough. That abstinence only exacerbates the other inequalities.
Not to say that having a beer in a different part of town will solve
all problems, but it could very well be a start.
7 thoughts on The Elephant in
the Room
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1. Marybstrassel
JUNE 9, 2014 AT 9:46 PM
Now you know how kids o color must have felt at FGRHS.
2. Cathi Duchon
JUNE 9, 2014 AT 9:48 PM
Reis and Emily,
Your observations and experiences are one of the most
important reasons to experience other cultures through travel.
It gives you the opportunity to reect on your own life. Past
and even future experiences are reshaped. Your comments are
relevant and also very well stated. They are also giving us a
good avor of your days and evenings. Really enjoy reading
them over and over! Thank you!
3. myusername92
JUNE 9, 2014 AT 10:25 PM
Wow Those are some crazy stats! I feel like most of the
world (myself included) thinks of South Africa as the poster
child of abolishing racism, but clearly they have a long way to
go. Are there any activist groups (similar to the Occupy
Movement perhaps) that are working to combat some of the
income inequality me racial discrimination issues? Is there a
sense on the ground that this is a problem that needs to be
solved or is everyone pretty complacent?
4. Mary Gentry Roberts
JUNE 10, 2014 AT 1:15 AM
Great recounts of your experiences Reis and Emily. Sadly,
Apartheid will live in that culture for a very very long time.
Have either of you gotten into a heart to heart conversation
with a black African? What they are feeling and thinking? You
should interview a 20, 40 and 60 year old to get their true
Im sure they love you both. We found that people were
genuinely happy and interested in us.
Love you!!!
5. Campbell, Richard
JUNE 10, 2014 AT 1:19 PM
Reis, I really appreciate your perspective and the kind of
thinking you are doing about cultural differences and race.
What a transformative experience for you and Emily. Keep up
the good work and do be careful. RC
6. Keri Harrison
JUNE 10, 2014 AT 11:05 PM
Love reading of your experiences! Keep them coming. Stay
7. Mike Fitzsimmons
JUNE 16, 2014 AT 1:25 PM
Reis, your sharing this experience through your observations,
questions and insights gives all of your readers an
opportunity to reect that really would not normally be
possible or likely. Thank you!

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