About GM

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About GM: Our Company

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Our Company
At the new General Motors, we are passionate about designing, building and selling
the worlds best vehicles. This vision unites us as a team each and every day and is
the hallmar o! our customer"driven culture.
#n !act, there are a lot o! e$citing things to share about our company. Our story starts
on %ovember &', ()&), when we completed the worlds largest initial public
o!!ering, emerging with a solid !inancial !oundation that enables us to produce great
vehicles !or our customers and build a bright !uture !or employees, partners and
*eading the way is our seasoned leadership team who set high standards !or our
company so that we can give you the best cars and trucs. This means that we are
committed to delivering vehicles with compelling designs, !lawless +uality and
reliability, and leading sa!ety, !uel economy and in!otainment !eatures. All are
intended to create that special bond that can only happen between a driver and their
Maing the worlds best vehicles can only happen with the worlds greatest
employees. ,e tae great pride in our wor, and tae great care to deliver
e$ceptional cars and a positive ownership e$perience to our customers around the
At the new GM, we mae a strong commitment to our customers, employees,
partners and other important staeholders. ,e state proudly our !ive principles that
guide us in everything we do:
Safety and Quality First: -a!ety will always be a priority at GM. ,e continue to
emphasi.e our sa!ety"!irst culture in our !acilities, and as we grow our business in
new marets. Our sa!ety philosophy is at the heart o! the development o! each
vehicle. #n addition to sa!ety, delivering the highest +uality vehicles is a ma/or
cornerstone o! our promise to our customers. That is why our vehicles go through
e$treme testing procedures in the lab, on the road and in our production !acilities
prior to being o!!ered to customers.Learn More
Create Lifelong Customers: ,e tae nothing !or granted in our e!!orts to earn the
con!idence and loyalty o! our customers. ,e listen to customers to mae sure we are
meeting their needs, and are connecting with them on their terms. Through our
relationship with customers, we strive to create passionate brand advocates who love
their vehicle and !reely tell others about their e$perience.
Innovate: ,e challenge ourselves to be creative and lead in everything we do.
0rom implementing the smallest improvements to e$ecuting big ideas, we are
constantly increasing our competitive advantage to delight and e$cite our
customers. Learn More
Deliver Long-Term Investment Value: Our shareholders want to !eel con!ident
about their decision to invest in our company. 1y developing the worlds best
vehicles, building upon our strong !inancial !oundation, growing our business and
operating with the highest level o! integrity, we will continue to deliver positive
results. Learn More
Make a Positive Differene: ,e strive to mae a di!!erence in our world and in our
worplace. ,hether !inding new ways to improve our business operations,
achieving as part o! a team or volunteering in the community, we now that our
momentum is tied to positive change.
!"# T$%M
The GM team shares a passion !or customers and a competitive spirit that drives us
to e$cellence. Our culture "" one which represents diversity, inclusion, mutual
respect, responsibility and understanding "" welcomes !resh perspectives and varied
Our (&(,))) plus employees wor in 234 !acilities touching si$ continents, they
spea more than 5) languages and touch (2 time .ones. 0rom designing and
engineering state"o!"the"art plants and developing new vehicles and technologies to
creating new mareting programs, our team members are valued !or their uni+ue
-erving as the !ace o! the new GM in communities around the world, our (&,)))
dealers are also important members o! our team, and are integral to our success.
!"# &#%'DS
0rom electric and mini"cars to heavy"duty !ull"si.e trucs, monocabs and
convertibles, General Motors dynamic brands o!!er a comprehensive range o!
vehicles in more than &() countries around the world.
Along with our strategic partners, we produce cars and trucs, and sell and service
our vehicles, through the !ollowing
brands: Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Baojun,Holden, Isuzu, ie!an", Opel,
#au$hall and %ulin". ,e also have signi!icant e+uity staes in ma/or /oint ventures
in China including -A#C"GM, -A#C"GM",uling, 0A,"GM and GM 6orea.
,hether in 7etroit, 0ran!urt, -ao 8aulo or -hanghai, our brands mae an emotional
connection to our customers !rom the very !irst time they get behind the wheel in any
corner o! the world.
!"# T$C('!L!)*
General Motors continues to develop innovative technologies to shape the !uture o!
the automotive industry.
,e are e$panding our leadership in vehicle electri!ication with advancements in
batteries, electric motors and power controls. The GM team is also woring on a
range o! high"volume, !uel"saving technologies including direct in/ection, variable
valve timing, turbo"charging, si$"speed transmissions, diesel engines, and improved
aerodynamic designs. Learn More
,e continue to create and leverage strategic global partnerships to bring new
vehicles and technologies to customers !aster. ,e also established GM 9entures to
help the company identi!y and develop innovative technologies by e$ploring e+uity
investments in new auto"related technologies.
GM *eadership
-trong leadership and belie! in our corporate vision is crucial to our continued
growth. Meet the team weve assembled to help GM build a bold !uture.
7iversity at GM
7iversity is an integral part o! our culture and success. *earn how we drive diversity
!or the bene!it o! our customers, employees, communities, suppliers and dealers.
General Motors
General Motors Company, commonly known as GM, is an American
multinational corporation headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, that
designs, manufactures, markets and distributes vehicles and vehicle
parts and sells financial services. ikipedia
C!"# Mary $. %arra
&eadquarters# Detroit, M', (nited )tates of America
*ounded# +,-., *lint, Michigan, (nited )tates
*ounders# illiam C. Durant, Charles )tewart Mott
General Motors produces vehicles in 2: countries under thirteen
brands: Alpheon, Chevrolet, Buick, GMC,Cadillac, Holden, H&#, Opel, #au$ha
ll, %ulin", Baojun, ie 'an",(z)ae*oo
All/electric vehicles
General Motors was the !irst company ;in the modern era< to release an all"electric
#n &33), GM debuted the =#mpact= concept car at the *os Angeles
Auto -how. #t was the !irst car with .ero"emissions mareted in the >- in over three
decades. The #mpact was eventually produced as the /#0 !or the &334 model year. #t
was available through dealers located in only a !ew regions ;e.g., Cali!ornia, Ari.ona,
Georgia<. 9ehicles were leased, rather than sold, to individuals. #n &333 GM decided
to cease production o! the vehicles. ,hen the individual leases had e$pired, they
declined to renew the leases or allow the lessors to purchase them. All o! the ?9&s
were eventually returned to General Motors and, with the e$ception o! a !ew which
were donated to museums, all were destroyed. The documentary !ilm %ho 1illed
the /lectric Car2 covered the ?9& story.
General Motors has o!ten been plagued by controversy !or its labor practices
General Motors Corporation ;General Motors< designs, build and sell cars, trucs
and automobiles parts globally. The Company also provides automotive !inancing
services through General Motors 0inancial Company, #nc. ;GM 0inancial<. The
CompanyBs automotive operations meet the demands o! the CompanyBs customers
through its !our automotive segments: GM %orth America ;GM%A<, GM ?urope
;GM?<, GM #nternational Operations ;GM#O< and GM -outh America ;GM-A<.
About GM 0inancial
GM 0inancial ;=the Company=< is the captive !inance company and a wholly"owned
subsidiary o! General Motors Company ;=GM=< and is head+uartered in 0ort ,orth,
Corporate Governance
GM 0inancialBs success is largely dependent on building strong, lasting relationships
with our dealers and the consumer customers that we serve. This is why we are
committed to providing best"in"class customer service, while promoting open, honest
communication at all levels.
Our e$ecutive team and all employees must adhere to GM 0inancialBs Code o!
1usiness Conduct and ?thics. Our Code outlines the principles by which all team
members conduct business with customers, vendors and each other. These principles
apply to all GM 0inancial team members and a!!iliates and although it does not cover
every issue that may arise, the Code provides guidelines !or all employees in regard
to their business conduct.
0or a deeper understanding o! e$pectations and guidelines set !orth !or the entire GM
0inancial team, please review GM 0inancialBs Code o! 1usiness Conduct and ?thics
policies below.
GM *inancial Code of %usiness Conduct and !thics
GM *inancial Code of !thical Conduct for )enior *inancial "fficers
Our 1usiness C Our Distory
GM 0inancial is a global provider o! automobile !inance solutions, with operations in
the >.-., Canada, ?urope and *atin America. Through our long"standing
relationships with auto dealers, we o!!er attractive retail loan and lease programs to
meet the uni+ue needs o! each customer. ,e also o!!er commercial lending products
to dealers to help them !inance and grow their businesses.

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