Venue and Itinerary: First Sunday

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Venue and itinerary

The examinations are held during the four Sundays of

September of every year in the campus of De La Salle
University-Manila in Taft Avenue,Manila
!xaminations for the eight bar sub"ects follo# a $xed
First Sunday%
)olitical and *nternational La# +morning session,
Labor and Social Legislation +afternoon session,
Second Sunday%
-ivil La# +morning session,
Taxation +afternoon session,
Third Sunday%
Mercantile La# +morning session,
-riminal La# +afternoon session,
Fourth Sunday%
.emedial La# +morning session,
Legal !thics and )ractical !xercises +afternoon
The examination covers the follo#ing topics, popularly
/no#n as the bar sub"ects%
Political and Public International Law (15%)
-onstitutional La#
)olitical La#
Administrative La# +only the basic doctrines,
excluding implementing rules and regulations of
government agencies,
La# on )ublic 12cers
)ublic -orporations
)ublic *nternational La#
Labor and Social Legislation (15%)
Labor La# +Labor -ode of the )hilippines,
excluding the implementing rules and regulations,
Social Legislation
Social Security La#
.evised 4overnment Service *nsurance Act of
'566 +including !mployees -ompensation Act of
-omprehensive Agrarian .eform La#
Civil Law (15%)
-ivil -ode of the )hilippines +excluding the -ode of
Muslim )ersonal La#s, 7ater -ode, .ental La#, La# on
Sale of Subdivision of Lots and -ondominiums,
8amily -ode of the )hilippines +including the -hild
and 9outh 7elfare -ode,
)roperty .egistration Decree +excluding the )ublic
Land La#,
-on:ict of La#s +)rivate *nternational La#,
Taxation (15%)
4eneral principles of Taxation
.epublic Act ;o ''0<, creating the -ourt of Tax
;ational *nternal .evenue -ode +including the
!xpanded =alue Added Tax or !=AT,
Tari3 and -ustoms -ode +excluding Arrastre and
-lassi$cation of -ommodities,
ercantile Law (15%)
;egotiable *nstruments La# and 1ther Allied La#s
;egotiable *nstruments La# +#ith the
Uniform -urrency Act,
Merchants and -ommercial Transactions
+including Articles ' to >? of the -ode of -ommerce,
.etail Trade La#, @ul/ Sales La#,
Letters of -redit under the -ode of
*nsurance -ode
Transportation La#s
-ommon -arriers +Articles '6?0 to '6>> of
the ;e# -ivil -ode,
-ommercial -ontracts for Transportation 1ver
Land +Articles ?A5 to ?65 of the -ode of -ommerce,
Maritime -ommerce
)ublic Service Act
-orporation La#
-orporation -ode
Securities Act
@an/ing La#s
La#s on Secrecy of @an/ Deposits
Deposit *nsurance -orporation
Trust .eceipts La# +excluding the
4eneral @an/ing Act,
1ther Special La#s
-hattel Mortgage La#
7arehouse .eceipts La#
La#s on *ntellectual -reations
-opyright La#
)atent La#
Trademar/ La#
*nsolvency La#
Truth in Lending Act
Cri!inal Law (15%)
.evised )enal -ode +@oo/s * B ** excluding
penalties for speci$c felonies,
*ndeterminate Sentence La#
)robation La#
Anti-4raft and -orrupt )ractices Act
Anti-8encing La#
@ouncing -hec/s La#
Dangerous Drugs Act of '560
Ceinous -rimes La# +excluding penalties,
"e!edial Law (#$%)
.evised .ules of -ourt
'55' .evised .ule on Summary )rocedure
Local 4overnment -ode on -onciliation )rocedures
+-hapter =**,
Dudiciary .eorganiEation Act of '5FG +excluding
purely administrative provisions, Military Dustice La#,
Dudiciary Act of '5AF, and the La# .eorganiEing the
-ourt of Agrarian .elations,
Legal %t&ics and Practical %xercises (5%)
Legal !thics
Dudicial !thics
-ode of )rofessional .esponsibility
4rievance )rocedures +.ules '?5-@, .evised .ules
of -ourt,
'rading syste!
The eight bar sub"ects are separately graded !ach sub"ect
contributes to the general average in the follo#ing
.emedial La# - 0GH
-ivil La# - '<H
Mercantile La# - '<H
)olitical and *nternational La# I '<H
Labor and Social Legislation - 'GH
-riminal La# - 'GH
Taxation - 'GH
Legal !thics and )ractical !xercises - <H
The passing average $xed by la# is 6<H, #ith no grade
falling belo# <GH in any bar sub"ect

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