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No re-enacted budget as House approves

on 2
reading P2.606 T budget for 2015
The House of Representatives, quashing fears of a re-enacted budget next year,
approved on second reading Thursday at 11:52 pm through viva voce voting House i!!
"#$% or the 2&15 'enera! (ppropriations i!!) (fter t*o *ee+s of grue!ing p!enary
de!iberations the bi!! provides for a ,2)$&$ tri!!ion nationa! budget for next year)
-pea+er .e!iciano e!monte, /r) !auded and than+ed the !eaders and members of the
chamber for their tremendous efforts and contributions to have the approva! of the
proposed 2&15 nationa! budget achieved on time)
e!monte said the House of Representatives, once again, proved that it can rise to
the cha!!enge of crafting a budget !a* and shepherding its approva! on second reading
*ithin the period !a*ma+ers co!!ective!y set to accomp!ish it)
0This brings us c!oser to ensuring the enactment of the 2&15 budget !a* before the
end of the current fisca! year so that the dangers of a re-enacted budget *i!! not deprive
our peop!e of the services they need,1 he said)
The -pea+er said House members have, as one body, suffered great!y in the bar of
pub!ic opinion in the past months) ut today, he said they have sho*n they are pub!ic
servants first and !ast)
0(nd that is *hat counts) 2n this spirit, 2 convey my deepest gratitude to a!! of you
for bringing this House to this hour of pride) To each and every member of this House, my
deepest appreciation,1 said the -pea+er in his speech mar+ing the ad3ournment of session)
He described the budget de!iberations, both in committee and in p!enary this year,
as 0exceeding!y spirited and incisive)1
02 *e!come the resurgence of the !egis!ative *i!! for budget oversight that *e have
seen in action these past months) 2t is a sign that *e are strengthening our institutiona!
musc!e to ma+e this government *or+ better, and to ensure that pub!ic resources are
a!!ocated more effective!y for the *e!fare of our peop!e,1 he said)
The -pea+er said House members may often disagree on issues that affect the
nation, but their co!!ective strength in the 1$
4ongress springs from their *i!!ingness to
set aside their differences, and find the avenues of cooperation, compromise and
consensus, to serve the peop!e the best they can at any particu!ar point in time)
02t is my singu!ar pride, as your -pea+er, to be part of this community of !a*ma+ers
NR # 3602
SEPT. 27, 2014
committed to the primacy of the peop!e5s *e!fare and the nation5s surviva!) There is so
much more *e are expected to do in the remaining years of this 4ongress, and 2 as+ that
*e continue *or+ing together,1 he said)
The -pea+er than+ed the 4ommittee on (ppropriations !ed by its chairman Rep)
2sidro 6ngab 78
9istrict, 9avao 4ity:, the pane! vice chairpersons and members for a 3ob
very *e!! done)
He a!so than+ed ;a3ority <eader and ;anda!uyong Rep) =epta!i 'on>a!es 22 0as
a!*ays, for once again steering p!enary de!iberations most admirab!y, together *ith his
very hard*or+ing and good !oo+ing deputies in the committee on ru!es)1
To the deputy spea+ers, the -pea+er ac+no*!edged their patience and fortitude in
steering the proceedings in p!enary as most commendab!e, and in many instances,
The 9eputy -pea+ers *ho too+ turns in patient!y presiding over the p!enary
sessions are: Hon) Henedina R) (bad? Hon) 'iorgidi ) (ggabao? Hon) -ergio ().)
(posto!? Hon) ,anga!ian ;) a!indong? Hon) 4ar!os ;) ,adi!!a? and Hon) Roberto ,uno)
<i+e*ise, he commended ;inority <eader and -an /uan Rep) Rona!do @amora and
the minority members, as *e!! as the independents, for their significant contributions to
the budget approva!)
0Aou have been most incisive and vigi!ant, enriching the de!iberations *ith insights
that can never be discovered by the timid and the tame) Than+ you for standing *ith us in
bui!ding and strengthening consensus among our members in various issues,1 the -pea+er
to!d the minority and the independents)
The -pea+er a!so than+ed the House -ecretariat, and a!! the hard*or+ing staff
members 0for not s!eeping, quite !itera!!y, on the 3ob) Aour dedication and efficiency to
this chamber and our members deserves our appreciation)1
6ngab said the approved budget is for inc!usive deve!opment) 0The 2&15 budget
*hen imp!emented can he!p acce!erate the gro*th and distribute more pro3ects to the
countryside,1 he said)
=o* that the second reading of the proposed 2&15 nationa! budget has been done,
the -pea+er said the House can focus on its other !egis!ative priorities in the coming
02 am confident that *ith the grit, fortitude and unity that *e have exhibited in the
past fe* days, many of us so!diering on ti!! morning to finish de!iberations on the budget
in p!enary, *e sha!! accomp!ish *hat *e have set out to do,1 said the -pea+er)
He said the House *i!! have a very fu!! !egis!ative p!ate in the coming months *ith
the fo!!o*ing priority measures:
The proposed angsamoro asic <a* *i!! demand our best efforts and attention, so
that *e can arrive at an informed consensus on the measure, guided by the
aspirations for enduring peace and ensuring sustainab!e deve!opment *ithin a
constitutiona! frame*or+)
The amendments to the economic provisions of the constitution, together *ith game
changing economic measures such as the ,hi!ippine 4ompetition (ct that see+s to
!eve! the p!aying fie!d for investments, and the rationa!i>ation of our income tax
system, among others) -ince /u!y *e have passed 5% bi!!s on third reading,
inc!uding the bi!! increasing the tax cei!ing of the 18
month pay and other bonuses
to ,B&,&&& from ,8&,&&&) These measures need to be addressed *ith dispatch
before the end of the second regu!ar session to a!!o* time for -enate action? and
Cther important reform measures targeting the e!ectora! system, the po*er industry,
and the regu!atory regimes on the deve!opment and uti!i>ation of our natura!
resources, particu!ar!y the ;ining (ct that has been pending for so !ong)
The proposed ,2)$&$ tri!!ion proposed budget is in fu!fi!!ment of the (quino
administration5s commitment to further faci!itate rapid, inc!usive, and sustainab!e gro*th
in the country) 2t is 15)1 percent higher from the current year5s ,2)2$5-tri!!ion budget,
representing 1%)" percent of the country5s 'ross 9omestic ,roduct 7'9,: and ref!ecting
the 3ump in the (dministration5s gro*th assumption of B)& to %)& percent for 2&15)
,er sectora! a!!ocation, socia! services continue to ta+e the !ion5s share of the
proposed 2&15 budget, attesting to the (dministration5s continuing pursuit of its
antipoverty goa!s) -ocia! protection and *e!fare servicesD*hich inc!ude the provision of
basic education and universa! hea!th careDaccount for 8B)1 percent of the proposed
expenditure program, *ith ,#$B)# bi!!ion no* devoted to the sector)
The socia! services budget is 15 percent higher than the ,%"1)% bi!!ion that
current!y supports socia! services under the 2&1" =ationa! udget, and *i!! a!!o* the
(dministration to strengthen its E-12 program, as *e!! as the 6niversa! Hea!th and
4onditiona! 4ash Transfer programs)
;ean*hi!e, economic services are sti!! a ma3or mover in the ,resident5s inc!usive
gro*th campaign, *ith the 2&15 proposed budget directing ,B&&)2 bi!!ion to*ards this
sector) This comprises ")# percent of the country5s '9, and accounts for 2B percent of the
expenditure program for the next fisca! year) (t !east ,88#)" bi!!ion in funds *i!! go
to*ards various infrastructure programs, inc!uding the construction of nationa! roads and
integrated transport systems nation*ide,1 according to the 9epartment of udget and
;anagement 79;:)
The Top 1& departments in terms of budget are : 9epartment of Fducation 79epFd:,
,8$")#5% bi!!ion? 9epartment of ,ub!ic Gor+s and High*ays 79,GH:, ,8&&)51# bi!!ion?
9epartment of =ationa! 9efense 79=9, ,1"")&8$ bi!!ion? 9epartment of 2nterior and
<oca! 'overnment 792<':, ,1"1)"28 bi!!ion? 9epartment of -ocia! Ge!fare and
9eve!opment 79-G9:, ,1&%)#B& bi!!ion? 9epartment of Hea!th, ,1&2)1B% bi!!ion?
9epartment of (gricu!ture 79(:, ,%%)%1% bi!!ion? 9epartment of Transportation and
4ommunications 79CT4:, ,5#)"$8 bi!!ion? 9epartment of Fnvironment and =atura!
Resources 79F=R:, ,21)2#& bi!!ion? and /udiciary ,2&)2%5 bi!!ion)
04omparing, next year5s revenue target of 15)% percent or ,81# bi!!ion is higher
than this year5s revenue target of ,2)&1%-tri!!ion, equiva!ent to 1$)5 percent of '9,,1
6ngab pointed out)
ased on his pane!5s committee report on H "#$%, tax revenues of ,2)1#"-tri!!ion
*i!! account for #8)# percent of the tota! revenue inf!o* and $ percent or ,1"1 bi!!ion *i!!
come from non-tax sources, *hi!e &)1 percent or ,2-bi!!ion is expected from privati>ation
ased on submitted 9o. figures, ureau of 2nterna! Revenue co!!ections are
pro3ected to increase by 1%)2 percent) He exp!ained that the increase in co!!ections to
,1)B21 tri!!ion or 12)1 percent of '9, *i!! be rea!i>ed as government aggressive!y p!ug
tax co!!ection !oopho!es and bring evaders to 3ustice)
2t is noted that the continued pursuit of reforms at the ureau of 4ustoms *i!!
enab!e the agency to raise its co!!ection to ,"5$)" bi!!ion, *hich is equiva!ent to 8)2
percent of '9,)
.urthermore, other revenues *i!! come from the co!!ections remitted to the ureau
of the Treasury 7Tr: such as Tr5s o*n income of ,8B)8 bi!!ion, fees and charges of
,8")" bi!!ion, nationa! government shares and dividends of ,2&)$ bi!!ion, sa!e of
government assets of ,2)&-bi!!ion, and other revenues of about ,$5)$-bi!!ion) 78&: rbb / dpt

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